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imaznowflake · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @arminvestigations URGENT PETITION🐎 link 🔗 in bio 👆 Too many off-the-track thoroughbreds continue to fall into the wrong hands and ill fates after their racing careers end. Whether it is being trafficked over borders to slaughterhouses or traded into the seedy underground black market horse meat trade, thousands of racehorses are being slaughtered for their meat every year. We must Take IMMEDIATE ACTION to come together to expand and create further protection for these majestic animals. JOIN US TODAY: Demand Protection for America’s Racehorses. Your signature could be the very thing that saves their lives!   #protectracehorses #signpetition #protect#horseslaughter #animalrecoverymission https://www.instagram.com/p/CXuz4K2gses/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rivercove04 · 4 years ago
Our Percheron gelding we rescued from a kill lot has stringhault and thin, so we will need all the help we can get for sweet guy. The Percherons will be here Sunday. We are having the vet out and hoping to start him with a good diet and chiropractor to start. Dollie aka Nova also is in really bad shape. https://gofund.me/19eed46e #horse #horses #horsesofinstagram #horselove #percheron #percheronsofinstagram #percheroncross #percheronrescue #killlot #horseslaughter #horserescue #horsetherapy #therapy #therapyfarm (at Lincoln County, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK2nye5gSC5/?igshid=10iv4eemhgq3x
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jimabernethy · 5 years ago
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#Repost from our conservation friends at @oneprotest @download.ins --- Urgent Action Needed From Our Friends At Animal Recovery Mission @arminvestigations • • • • • • #Repost @arminvestigations • • • • • • URGENT ACTION NEEDED‼️ . Demand Justice: Stop the Kingpin Once and for All . Manuel Coto-Martinez, aka 'Horse Slaughter Kingpin,' was arrested again for abusing horses and charged with nine counts of animal cruelty and one count of causing cruel death with pain and suffering. . But he is now back on the streets! Once again, he was immediately released -- and nothing is stopping him from torturing more animals . JOIN US: tell the Florida Attorney General that the Kingpin needs to be stopped once and for all. . Take Action Go To Our BIO and SIGN NOW 👆 @arminvestigations . #horses #horseslaughter #animalrecoverymission #investigations #ARM #undercover #demandjustice #animalneglectisabuse #animalabuser #manuelcoto #kingpin https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQAVDHgRuv/?igshid=1jlg966877i80
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catmigliano7 · 6 years ago
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Today's @Kentucky Derby is all about animal cruelty, doping, & abuse. It has become irrelavent & cruel. Once these abused horses have served their usefulness & are no longer money making machines 4 their narcissistic psychopathic owners, they are rounded up 4 Horse slaughter, often of the illegal sort An undercover operative even found a @budweiser_clydesdales in #horseslaughter @budweiserusa has refused to comment. For @packers fans out there, our self-loathing narcissistic borderline qb @aaronrodgers12 , will be there, front & centre, walking the walk 4 the press. It's an endorsement 4 animal cruelty & abuse. I am not impressed. Remember, he did an @iditarodsleddograce another cruel & abusive sport where dogs die during the race. #AaronRodgersIsNoAnimalLover DNA/DNR/DNF:. AARON RODGERS https://www.instagram.com/packerbackercat7/p/BxBmj9WneVo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1etwfhemiwdt8
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thegreenhorseman · 6 years ago
Animal Protection Day
If you’re here chances are you love animals.  You are not the type of person to get a horse and cast it away leaving it to die or to suffer in a kill-pen.  You’re hopefully not the person to drop your pets into the shelter because you are moving, lost interest, or the pet got old.
Since you likely fall into this category I don’t need to lecture you, so let’s have a conversation instead.  Feel…
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angel2flyagain-blog · 7 years ago
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We have won maybe time bipartisan unanimously #nohorsestoslaughter American people will not ever except horses are friends for human consumption ever#passgr113 Fda no #horsemeat #vegans#vegetarian #norxportationmexico#noecportscanada still we must cont to stop deregulation do not fund #horseslaughter #pferdeschlachten nein#keinpferdeschlachten defund #congress listened to our voices
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pilram16-blog · 8 years ago
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Repost from @educate_dont_hate_ using @RepostRegramApp - This is the reality of horse racing. Over 10,000 US racehorses are shipped over the border to be slaughtered in Mexico or Canada every year. If they are injured, lose too many races, aren't successful, or grow old (which for horse racing is anywhere from age 5 to 7), then the slaughterhouse is often their final destination. And this is not exclusive to the US—once racehorses become unprofitable in any country, they are simply "disposed of". This industry is only about profit, and doesn't care in the least about the wellbeing of the animals so long as it makes them a quick buck. It is nothing but profit driven cruelty, pushing horses to their physical limits before discarding them when they can no longer cope. Please, if you care about horses, stop attending or betting on horse races and boycott this abuse. . #racehorse #racehorses #racehorsesofinstagram #horseracing #ottb #offthetrackthoroughbred #horseracingphotography #horseracingkills #horseracingtips #horseracingcruelty #thesportofkings #thesportofcowards #horseslaughter #stophorseabuse #stophorseslaughter #govegan #boycottcruelty #vegan #veganism #educatedonthate. #picoftheday #photooftheday
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dykemd · 5 years ago
please open your eyes taylor swift and harry styles commited horseslaughter together
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jacquelinemoleski · 6 years ago
Horse Slaughter has to stop!!#horsemeat#horseslaughter pic.twitter.com/arrlLEle6b
— Caprice Leavitt (@57Caprice) March 14, 2019
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jvdbooks · 7 years ago
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DO NOT send your #Horse to AUCTION! It will end up in the hands of a #KillBuyer & next stop #HorseSlaughter! Congress MUST pass #HR113 #S1706 https://secure.aspca.org/action/SAFE-Act-2017 …
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wildzintkalalover · 7 years ago
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Please call to keep horseslaughter illegal. Wild Horses are being rounded up and racehorsemeat is toxic to humans because they're given medications while racing. Horse slaughter houses are cruel and inhumane. #Nohorseslaughter #animalcruelty #foodsafety Thank you
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alwaysspringers · 8 years ago
Please sign and share our petition. You can make a difference.
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angel2flyagain-blog · 8 years ago
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🙌 Protective legislation for estray equines in #NewMexico passes first committee! apvnm.org/protect-abused… #horses #horseslaughter#stophorseslaughter. Stop #Mexico exporting #horses and #horsemeat from USA into #Mexico #stop export into #Canada as well maybe a wall may help stop this evil of #wildhorses#save americanhorses
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acgcwilliams · 8 years ago
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Another atrocity that this Government is trying to carry out behind our backs: http://returntonow.net/2016/09/11/blm-votes-to-slaughter-44000-wild-horses/ #horses #slaughter #horseslaughter
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jacquelinemoleski · 6 years ago
#AnimalWelfare Groups Applaud Federal Legislation to Ban #HorseSlaughter - The Safeguard American Food Exports (#SAFE) Act would permanently ban #Horse slaughter in the #USA and end the export of #Horses🐎 for slaughter abroad 🐎https://t.co/ljpLfYVlq1🐎 pic.twitter.com/aHIFi09DN3
— Warriors4Wildlife 🌐Ⓥ🐾 (@W4W_Global) February 1, 2019
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yearofmywiredflying-blog · 9 years ago
Yesterday I gave a speech in Ag against horse slaughter and my anti-equine teacher came up to me after school and said after being for horse slaughter all his life, I made him think. That made me 😊
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