#horse website
cero-sleep · 8 months
Made a website about horse coat color genetics as my final project if anyone wants to check it out!
Its in English and Spanish!
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falltide · 1 year
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bellasara.com loading screens
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taitavva · 6 months
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how difficult is it to get rid of one guy ......
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honeynclove · 5 months
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boothill hc edit 🤠
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blamemma · 5 months
we're all thinking the same thing 🫠
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canonkiller · 6 months
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some owed work (@linsaangs and @sharkboypussy), some doodling with friends (@oleandy and @combatcrocs), some fuckin around for practice. drew some cool ttrpg stuff that I can't share yet but I prommy it's good
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commandercello · 3 months
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Dungeon Meshi What If Comic 9: If Chilchuck was a member of Shuro's party...
I came across this post and wanted to translate it myself. I then noticed someone's already done that... but I figure there's no harm in sharing my own translation, since there's nothing wrong with there being multiple translations out in the world (heck, I'm planning an independent study focusing on this exact thing).
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purgetrooperfox · 1 year
okay I keep seeing people talking about how bi-han slander takes the form of "he is evil beyond redemption, his actions can never be justified no matter what, he is a villain" but most of the gross misinterpretation I see on this site is more "he did absolutely nothing wrong and could never be mean to kuai liang and canon is wrong actually and if you disagree then you just don't Get Him like I do 💅". which I thought was a joke at first??? why are y'all trying to take away his teeth??? enough character analysis posts that are just bending him into the shape you want him to be. please. he's misguided, yes, he's also a bitch. sure he wants what's best for the clan but he's also so selfish that he thinks Everyone Else is wrong and refuses counsel. he's ambitious to a fault and made a stupid ass decision. OWN IT
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ireallyamabear · 1 year
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nobody hates sw fans more than sw fans
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jessicas-pi · 5 months
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She did not shrink back, though the pupils of her eyes dilated. Was it the wildest thing in the world which happened to her—or was it not? Without warning—the sudden rush of a thought, immense and strange, swept over her body and soul and possessed her—so possessed her that it changed her pallor to white flame. It was actually Anstruthers who shrank back a shade because, for the moment, she looked so near unearthly.
“I am not afraid of you,” she said, in a clear, unshaken voice. “I am not afraid. Something is near me which will stand between us—something which DIED to-day.”
behold: my artistic contribution to the small but enthusiastic You Should Totally Read The Shuttle (1907) By Frances Hodgson Burnett campaign
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Ace jumping double clear in his 1m class on Sunday 🥰
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tam--lin · 2 months
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it's because I'm on a strict news diet, on purpose, but (for better or for worse) I am not on a strict Tumblr diet. the fact that the NPR daily newsletter reaches me in a slow and controlled method is a feature, not a bug.
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the-badger-mole · 8 months
OMG you talked about Haley and Andy in your last post and I feel so vindicated now. I thought I must be the only one who had a problem with that one silly romance from that million season comedy show not being canon, so now I'm just happy there are others like me out there lol. Do you have any HCs for them?
It wasn't just a silly little romance. They were mutually supportive! Andy encouraged Haley to go after her dreams. He saw that she was smart and driven, and he didn't make fun of her that her ambitions were fashion centered! She inspired him to aim higher, too! Even if it meant pursuing his dreams in a different state. They were the best couple on the show (which is probably why the writers couldn't let them be endgame. Can't have a couple that actually functions as a team🙄).
So, I've been kicking around an idea for a fix it fic for Haley. She's having trouble finding her footing at NERP. After the skin patch incident, she isn't sure if it's the right job for her, but since she doesn't have anything else lined up, she's hanging in there until she figures out her next steps. She's dating Dylan again- but she does not get pregnant. He's making not-so-subtle subtle comments about how since he's starting his nursing career and making decent money, it might be time to think about settling down. Haley is dodging the hints, frustrated at herself because Dylan is nice. He loves her. He supports her pursuing her career, even though he's also down for her following Claire's footsteps to become a SAHM. She's also freaking out because she's pushing 30 (she's about to turn 25, but it is still Haley). Why not think about getting married?
But whenever she thinks about marrying Dylan, she breaks out in hives. She thinks it's some lingering effect from the NERP patch, but her dermatologist can't figure out why it's happening. After a particularly rough day at work, she needs someone to talk to. Her mom is the obvious choice, but she's out of town for work, so she goes to her grandparents house instead, thinking maybe a dip in the pool will help. Jay is out with Joe, Mitch and Manny for a father/son trip, and Gloria is home when Haley swings by. They talk and Dylan comes up. Haley ends up telling Gloria about his increasingly frequent hints, and that she and Dylan have been dancing around this for a decade, and they keep coming back to each other so maybe it's time to just take the plunge. Then Gloria asks if Haley and Dylan are really drawn to each other, or if it's just that their relationship is comfortable- like the ratty old college football jersey Jay refuses to get rid of. A nice reminder of the past, but something that needs to stay in the back of the closet and never see the light of day again.
It's a lot to think about. So Haley goes home only to find that her father has a guest. Andy's back in town, and looking to start his own real estate firm.
A lot happens after that. Andy going after starting his own business inspires Haley to revisit her old ventures, and she restarts her blog. Then she launches her own lifestyle website. She gets fired from NERP for opening a competing site, but she doesn't give up on it. Andy sees her working hard and is thrilled for her. They even start co-working in the Dunphy's kitchen as they try to get their respective businesses off the ground.
Dylan stops asking her to move their relationship forward, but Haley doesn't notice until he asks her to speak one night. He's taking a position as a traveling nurse, and he's going to be living out of a trailer he and his friends are fixing up. He tells her he thinks they're holding each other back. He came to the same conclusion as Gloria, only his analogy is an old lumpy mattress he'd slept on since he was a kid until recently. It disintegrated and he had to buy a new one. He thought he'd never find another mattress as comfortable, but the very first one he tried, he fell asleep immediately for a solid three hours until the salesman woke him up and told him the store was closing. He realized that his old mattress wasn't actually comfortable, it was just all he knew. And he thinks that his relationship with Haley is that mattress- not that she's an old lumpy mattress. She's still hot, just not the girl for him. So he wants to give them both a chance to find their mattress.
Haley's website takes off. It becomes part fashion, part travel, part lifestyle hub. She spins it off onto YouTube and TikTok (she's an early adopter). Alex helps her make sure that her body products are at least safe, if not effective, so no more skin patch incidents. Soon she's getting sponsorship deals and collab offers. As she gets even more popular, she's hired as a celebrity stylist. Her first big gig is styling Zendaya for a red carpet event. She makes plans to move to LA. She tells Andy about all of it, and he is rooting her on at least as hard as her family. At the end of the story, when Haley is preparing her move to Hollywood, Andy gives her some exciting news. With Phil's help, he's sold his first property in Santa Monica, and he has enough listings lined up to start a little boutique business, backed by Phil's company. They joke about being neighbors, then roommates. Then they finally realize that the feelings between them never actually died. The story ends on them getting back together with STRONG And they lived happily ever after vibes.
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whosname · 17 days
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[Id. Hijikata in his salarymen au persona. He looks very tired and has mayo hairpins on his hair; he is fidgeting with a pencil and has some nicotine patches on his chest and arm. Some messages from Kintoki on his right read "wait, the pdf looks blurry... (...) I attach the branding (it's just a logo)" End Id.]
Venting again.
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twinvictim · 8 months
Vegans on this website are something else man
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