symbolicliving · 6 months
Easter Astrology - March 31, 2024
Did you know that the movable date of Easter is based on astrology? Easter is always on the first Sunday after the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox. This year we have:
The Sun in Aries Spring Equinox March 19, 2024
The Full Moon in Libra March 25, 2024
Easter Sunday March 31, 2024
See your April 2024 Monthly Astrology Calendar Key Dates and Times.
We have Mercury Retrograde in Aries and the Solar Eclipse in Aries coming up...
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jeevanjali · 5 months
Mithun Masik Love Rashifal May 2024: मासिक लव राशिफल से जानिए कैसी रहेगी मिथुन राशि के जातकों की लवलाइफMithun Masik Love Rashifal May 2024: प्रेम संबंधों के लिए यह समय अनुकूल रहेगा। आपके रिश्ते बहुत अच्छे रहेंगे. दांपत्य जीवन जी रहे लोगों को भी दांपत्य जीवन में खुशियां मिलेंगी। आइए आपको विस्तार से बताते हैं कि इस महीने आपकी लव लाइफ कैसी रहेगी
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astronadish · 2 years
Astrologer Nadish is the most famous best Indian Palm Reader in USA, Canada. Offer best Palm Reading services in united states, Canada, UNDERSTAND YOURSELF AND YOUR LIFE BETTER WITH PALM READING SERVICES Palm reading has come a long way since it is only regarded as a myth from old Indian legends. However, today palm reading has become a powerful science that is helping people know the dynamics of their past, present and future by having a single look at their palm lines. Palm reading can tell you more than just your future; just get in touch with the top palm reader to know more.
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astrovishnuguruji · 2 years
Astrologer Master Vishnu Guruji is the Best Evil spirit removal in Sunnyvale California, USA. His An Evil Spirits Removal Astrology Service in Sunnyvale, California, USA.
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today-astronline · 2 years
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cierraonline · 3 months
“I have to burp.” 
“So burp, dummy.”
“Are we ordering food?” 
“Didn’t you just have a sandwich?” 
“And?...Your point?”
“Have you ever thought about killing yourself?” 
“Yeah…all the time when I was younger, you remember?” 
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Whatever the Fuck This Is Podcast 
Season 1 | Episode 1 
“Welcome to the first episode of ‘Whatever The Fuck This Is Podcast’ where we have no idea what the fuck we are doing...but it's entertaining so keep watching,” Plotted on the couch in whatever position made them comfortable on their Nickelodeon orange 87.8-inch modern velvet upholstered luxury sofa, presented the host of this new podcast, Siren Vixen and Billie Eilish.
“You already know who we are unless you...know...you’re slow,” Billie laughs. “Not that we have anything against slow people.”
“Yeah, I mean, I am married to a slow person so no discrimination over here,” Siren chimes in, causing Billie to quickly turn her head to the right to face her co-host.
“Nothing,” Siren shook her head, turning back to the camera.
“Did you just call me slow!?” Billie’s ocean eyes widen, releasing a scoff from her mouth in disrespect.
“It’s not your fault,” Siren turns to her wife. “You were homeschooled.”
“Bitch! So were you!” The twenty-two-year-old exclaims with a humorous smile on her face. “In fact, you were homeschooled...with me...by my mother!” Billie quickly turns back to the front camera. “Don’t let this whore manipulate you to think she’s smart, because she is as slow as me.”
“So you admit you're slow?”
“But you just said, quote on quote, ‘she is as slow as me,’ meaning you admit that you’re slow,” Siren points, using physical evidence against her partner.
“What’s ten times ten, Siren?” Billie raised an eyebrow, bringing up a time that clearly wasn’t her wife’s brightest moment.
“What’s a grape, Billie?” The brown-skinned girl fought back.
“Anyways,” Billie sighs, turning back to the camera, repositioning the microphone in her hand. “If you’re hearing a hyena scream in the background, don’t worry it’s just Finneas and Claudia laughing. For some reason, it was like our whole family wanted to watch us.”
“It’s because without us, they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves, bunch of losers,” Siren jokingly rolls her eyes.
“We are not a bunch of losers,” Maggie chimes in from her position behind the camera. “And we just like to be around you guys.”
“All I’m hearing are just excuses,” Billie smiles at her mother.
“Alright let’s start this motherfucker!” Siren yelled out randomly, causing everyone to look at her in confusion.
“Personality #2, sweetie...let’s use our inside voices, okay,” Billie pets her as if she was a cat that needed to be coaxed.
“Eww, don’t do that,” Personality #2 brushed her wife's hand off of her. “Let’s read our horoscopes.”
“Eww,” Billie gives a stank look.
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Be nice,” Maggie warns. The girls’ relationship had a love-hate dynamic, meaning they were obsessed with each other (one more than the other, Billie) but they were also each other’s bullies. Everyone who knows them really just shrugs it off, but those aka fake fans and blogs who don’t, just think they are abusive to each other. This leaves Maggie worrying about the girls being portrayed a certain way and trying to censor their dynamic a little.
“Babe, your horoscope says, ‘Some vivid, intense dreams might reveal a lot about you and your motivations, which could increase your self-awareness and make everything easier for you,’” Siren reads off the daily horoscope for Sagittarius.
“I haven’t had any dreams lately,” Billie denies.
“You literally told me you had a dream about eating a burrito before the cameras came on.”
“Yeah but that’s not like a dream, dream.”
Siren had two choices: argue or leave it alone. Because what the fuck is a dream, dream that’s not an actual dream?
“My horoscope,” Siren sighs, rolling her eyes, urging the want to debate to dissolve. “Heightened intuition and ESP could lead to some interesting conversations with others who are blown away by your insights into their thoughts, feelings, and desires. ’”
“Why is yours so much better than mine,” A playful groan comes out of Billie’s mouth.
“Because I’m better than you.”
“Stop talking to me.”
“I literally have to talk to you...we’re doing a podcast.”
“Anyways, today we will be doing a storytime on how Siren started music, which you guys would’ve known but Amazon cut her scenes out of the documentary.”
“They said I was destructive...like what the fuck does that mean?”
“Bro, you literally were cursing every 3 seconds, raged out multiple times, and punched that son of a bitch,” Travis, Siren’s older brother and manager, spoke up from behind the camera.
“And they made the right decision.”
“Absolutely,” Billie nods her head.
“I was a wild child who just needed to sit the fuck down somewhere. But I’ll tell the story...well, what I could remember.....”
S I R E N.....
I get those goosebumps every time
Yeah, you come around, yeah
"Real 92.3, It's Siren Vixen and her 'Goosebumps' requested to play for the hundredth time today," Big Boy's Neighborhood host Big Boy introduces the song that's been playing all day on every hip hop station.
You ease my mind, you make everything feel fine
"Dude, 'Goosebumps' playing on every station ," Travis, my older brother, turns the dial of the radio in his car in a smooth motion, revealing that in fact, my song was actually currently playing on every hip hop music station.
"I wish something else would play," I groan, slightly banging my head against the passenger side window, watching the scenery warp from a clear image to a blur. "I'm tired of hearing my voice."
"Well, get used to it," Travis tells me from his self-appointed position as my manager.
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"Why?" I move my eyes to my phone that vibrates in my hand. "I thought this was a one-time thing. It was supposed to be a joke, releasing that song on SoundCloud."
"Siren, the second you hit top artist on SoundCloud in a week over X and Ski's release is when this stopped being a joke. Your dope-ass song is playing on every radio station a month later."
"What's the difference from when basically everyone had my pictures on their phones and this?" Back when everyone was on Tumblr, I had a page called mydadisapornstar that went viral because of my looks and then my reveal of my diagnosis for Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), aka multiple personality disorder, aka like the movie SPLIT...but you know, less...creepy?
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"This music shit is going to go somewhere," Travis shakes his head, making a right turn into our neighborhood, Highland Park.
Worried 'bout those comments, I'm way too numb, yeah
"Yeah, and how do you know?" I smirk at the ridiculous thought that doing music was just going to change my life. Like, come on! I only did the song because Billie was complaining that songwriting, recording, and mastering were hard. Now, if it was regular me (Personality #1), I wouldn't have said shit, but Personality #2 is a cocky son of a bitch who just had to open her mouth. And that turned into a challenge where Finneas made a random instrumental, and I had to write and do vocals. The song was done, and it was absolute trash, but everybody in the O'Connell and Vixen households thought otherwise. So, to prove to them it was a trash song, I posted it on my Tumblr page which someone reposted on SoundCloud and tagged me in. And now, a month later, people have taken this a little too far.
"Bro!! Don't make me beat your ass," Travis glares at me, causing me to laugh. "You have a music deal literally sitting on your desk from ACID & Interscope Music that you using as a fucking coaster for your Arizona. We are packing to go on tour with your girlfriend all over the fucking world. Do I also need to mention, that there's literally a fucking cameraman in my backseat recording for y'all two's documentary?!" With furrowed eyebrows, I quickly turn to the back and see a man with a medium-sized camera in his hand recording me and my brother.
"When the fuck did he get in the car?" I turn back to Travis in confusion.
"Personality #3 was here and kept weirdly flirting with him," Travis answers my question nonchalantly. This was a frequent thing in my life with having a fucked-up brain. I live my life being a host for two other personalities, Personality #2, aka Daddy, is this badass cocky son of a bitch vampire anime girl with severe anger issues, aka diagnosed with IED. Personality #3, aka Mommy, is the lesbian hentai addict and hypersexual who craves influential power to make others do what she wants...with consent. And then you have me, Personality #1, aka the daughter, the sixteen-year-old lab experiment who has no sense of reality, aka derealization disorder, born without a mother...I'm a surrogate baby. Permanent ink and piercings all over my body...because I'm a pussy who's too scared to actually bring a blade to my body.
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"Sorry," I apologize to the cameraman, who waves me off in understanding? I don't know. All I know is he waved it off.
It's way too dumb, yeah
"Welcome to our crib," Travis pulls his blood rich-red Dodge Charger into the driveway of our home next to our dad's parked dark gray Dodge Charger.
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"We don't really live here because we would never tell random people where we live and how to get to our home as if people don't know how to find landmarks," I sarcastically smile into the camera. "Also, did I mention I am not PG-friendly? Like, I swear like a sailor, I smoke weed pens almost everywhere, and I got my fashion sense from this one grunge hentai series character...meaning my clothes aren't appropriate for my age. So, to the editors of this documentary, I'm sorry for all the censoring you are about to be doing."
"Your parts of the documentary are uncensored and unfiltered," the cameraman speaks up for the first time.
"You can talk?" I look at him with wide eyes in shock. "Like deadass, since you've been in the car, you have not spoken. Are you allowed to?"
"No," he shakes his head.
"Jeff Bezos, don't fire him, he's wonderful at his job," I look into the camera until I remember something. "So what? y'all are just taking raw cuts from me...?" A smirk appears on my lips. "I feel so bad for y'all. Y'all are going to regret this."
"Get the fuck out of my car," Travis unprovokingly pushes me, causing me to almost hit my head on the window.
"Only pussies push little girls," I shove him back, turning around to get out of the car.
"Go cry to your mom, bitch."
"Why would you say that to me?" My tone lowers, with a pout on my lip. "You know I don't have a mom. Why are you being momist to me?"
"I don't have a mother either," Travis stops walking to look at me. Just imagine two people standing outside, just staring at each other, making no movement or blinking whatsoever. Then imagine from a distance of five steps is a man in all black recording while he's probably wondering what the fuck is wrong with us.
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"Damn, so you never had titty milk?"
"Nah, I have. I got hoes for that," Travis bursts out in laughter, causing me to laugh too until I realize what he said.
"You fucking pregnant bitches?" I tilt my head. Let me tell you, Mr. Cameraman could not keep his composure and choked on his laughter. I should really get his name, but Mr. Cameraman sounds cool, lowkey.
"Yoo, what the fuck are y'all doing outside?!" A loud, belligerent voice enters the air, causing us to look at the source.
"That's my father, he was a pornstar!" I smile at the camera. "He's retired though...sorry ladies or guys if you're a cuckold. I don't discriminate. "Dad, tell them about your couch audition experience!"
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"Shut the fuck up, Siren, and get next door!" The Italian ex-pornstar now porn film writer shouts at me, pointing to the next house over, the O'Connells' home. Aka my boo's house.
"He loves me, I promise," I turn back to the camera. "Dad, you have to be nice to me or they're going to think you don't love me." I walk over to my father and give him a hug, like I always do when I see him. I'm a daddy's girl. And a mommy's girl if you know what I mean...wink wink.
"Because I don't," He retorts in a serious tone. In his defense, his joking tone is serious; you just gotta know the vibe to know he's joking. "You're a pain in the ass sometimes," He brushes down my straight hair with his left hand.
"You love it." I smiled. Sometimes I just like being embraced by my Dad. It's comforting, especially after an episode.
"Okay, come on, the reps and management are next door," my dad turns us in the direction of my second family home with Mr. Cameraman following. See, my father and brother would knock and just wait for someone to answer...Me? I just walk in and make my presence known so I don't walk in on Mama Maggie and Papa Patrick doing the "tango" again.
"I'm home!" I take off my outside shoes and slip on my Pokémon slippers. Outside shoes inside the house are just one of my pet peeves, which is weird since outside clothes on the bed aren't, unless you were fucking active outside and now you're dirty, sweaty, and smell like expired milk. Or if you were sitting on a bus or train.
"They're in Finneas's room waiting for you," Maggie walks out of the kitchen, giving me a hug. I might've not had a traditional mom, but I always had a mom and her name is Maggie Baird, or Casting Director #2 if you're nasty...cause you know...she was on F.R.I.E.N.D.S....as casting director #2.
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"First, sign the deal," my father holds out a short stack of papers towards me along with a pen. "You're done being difficult. Negotiation is done, and everything you unrealistically wanted you got. All you have to do is sign."
"100% creative control over music?"
"And your image."
"Will I get to be with Billie?"
"We're prepared to work in a duo formation," Maggie chimes in, still having her arms around me. "You guys will do individual and group interviews, performances and tour together.."
"Travis gets to be my manager?" From what I was told, if you don't have a manager then the label will give you one, but like why the fuck would I trust them to get me a manager, aka a stranger I don't even know? Like, do you even love your mama? But this was a separate deal I had with my dad. I wanted my brother so I can have someone I trust and know will look after me. Plus, besides my dad, Travis is the only one who really knows how to deal with my disorders to the full extent, and that means from feeling low to feeling explosive. But just between you and me, it's also because Travis is my smoking buddy ... .Because he buys...Free weed pens just hits better.
"Trial run..." My dad signs from previous conversations. It's just him being paranoid that there will be a time where Travis won't know what to do if Personality #2's IED episodes are to happen. For my dad, I'm guessing it's like raising four kids and having three daughters, so he had to learn how to approach and parent each of my personalities since we all have equal time being at the surface. So with me, Personality #1, my dad is laid back and chill. With Personality #2, he's more militant, which was kind of easy for him since he used to be a brat tamer. Personality #3 brings out more of his protective side. "But you need to know this isn't a baseball game; there's no missing until strike out. This is serious and can turn dangerous quickly."
"We know," me and Travis say in sync.
"Signing bonus?" I went back to my list of demands I was jokingly asking for, but they in fact took it seriously...but they don't need to know that.
"3.5 million."
"I thought I asked for 5?" I pouted.
"You're a flight risk," Travis speaks up, remembering what was talked about at the last negotiation meeting. "They want to know if your existence in the music industry is a wave or if you're a permanent figure. Which means you have to be consistent."
"Ugh, I hate consistency," I rolled my eyes.
“I wish everyone could have watched your part of the documentary,” Billie comments. “When the documentary came out and everyone watched it as a viewer, it was like this heartfelt ‘get to know Billie Eilish the teenager and singer’ movie. But I just hate how they cut your part out, so it made it seem like I was going through this new stage of my life and depression by myself with no help. And that’s not how it was. With the person who shall not be named, depression, feeling like I have no friends, you were there for it all and did things to make me feel better. I love the film, but I just hate that you don’t get enough credit because during our last years of being teenagers, you were dealing with making your own music even though you didn’t want to make music, touring, and dealing with my problems.”
“Filming and doing the documentary was weird, but I felt like that could’ve been the place where everyone got to know me and my other personalities. But watching the documentary and seeing not even one of my scenes was mind-blowing because it’s like, what the fuck have I been doing for the past two to three years then? Why force me to film some dark shit but not show it or at least tell me when it wasn’t making the final cut and this was now a Billie Eilish film.”
“Yeah, that was weird,” Billie agrees.
“She didn’t even get paid for it,” Travis spoke up.
“Wait! What?” Billie sat up from her position, looking back and forth between Siren and Travis with eyes that read shock. “You didn’t get paid for doing the film?”
“Nope!” She pops the ‘p.’ “They were like, since it didn’t make the final cut, there’s no need to pay me.”
“That’s so not okay.”
“It’s whatever,” Siren shrugged. “But I have the film, so I might upload it one day.”
“You should,” Billie nods her head in strong agreement.
“Well, that’s all we have for today’s video,” Siren turns to the camera.
“Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe,” Billie smiles.
“And we’ll see you next week.”
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| welcome to the book I write & edit when high | 
July 10, 1998 - July 31, 2023 
𝑒𝓊𝓅𝒽𝑜𝓇𝒾𝒶 𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒 𝒾𝒹𝑒𝒶: 𝓌𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓈𝒶𝓌 𝒜𝓈𝒽𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓎 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝓉 𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉. 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒾𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓈 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒶 𝒹𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓏𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓈𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝑜 𝑔𝑜𝓉 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝐹𝑒𝓏. 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓃𝑜 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒿𝓊𝓂𝓅, 𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉, 𝑜𝓇 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓉𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓉 𝒹���𝒹𝓃'𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓃.
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astroera987 · 8 months
Understand Zodiac Signs Compatibility: Leo And Scorpio
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Embarking on the exploration of zodiac signs compatibility, the dynamic connection between Leo and Scorpio unfolds. In this celestial dance, the passionate fire of Leo collides with the deep waters of Scorpio, creating a mesmerizing and intense cosmic tapestry. Let's unravel the nuances of Leo and Scorpio compatibility, where fire meets water in a union that is both captivating and profound.
Decoding Zodiac Signs Compatibility
Zodiac signs compatibility is like deciphering the language of the stars, and Leo and Scorpio bring their distinct energies to this cosmic tableau. Governed by the Sun, Leo radiates warmth and enthusiasm, while Scorpio, ruled by Pluto and associated with water, exudes mystery, intensity, and emotional depth. Together, they navigate the intricate terrain of their unique connection.
Compatibility of Leo and Scorpio: Merging Fire and Water
Scorpio and Leo compatibility is a fusion of fire and water elements, creating an intriguing and passionate relationship. Leo's bold and expressive nature is met with Scorpio's deep emotional currents. It's a cosmic collision where the intensity of Scorpio's water tempers the flames of Leo's fire, resulting in a connection that is both invigorating and transformative.
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astropragyan · 1 year
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Aries: Moon will remain in your zodiac sign till 7:45 am in transit horoscope, after that it will transit from your zodiac sign to the second house and from the constellation of the planet Sun, just control your speech, do not use bitter words, because of this your relationship will deteriorate. Favorable yoga is being created in economic situations, due to your speech in close relationships, there may be differences, the rest of the day will be very good at the work place, the day is going to be good for the businessmen, it will be a day of success, if you control your speech, then money will also be made. . You will get good success from your rivals, just don't get your senses done by getting enthusiastic. Today horoscope is going to be a good day regarding love life as well. If there was any misunderstanding in married life too, then it is a good day to remove it and make married life happy, that is, you can make married life good. Students have to take care of only one thing, negative thinking, keep the negative environment as far away from it as possible. There is no special problem visible from the rest of the health point of view. Keep control on food and drink and keep distance from alcohol and non-vegetarian as much as possible. As for the rest, there will not be any such special problem. You can invest.
Remedy: Today after bath, mix some sugar in the flour and feed it to the cow.
Today's lucky number is 5 and morning color is pink
And the most important thing is to definitely worship Bholenath.
Taurus: The day is not very special for the people of Taurus. Socially today you have to be very careful, do not do any work that tarnishes your image. Your behavior will be positive and cooperative as much as possible and help them all. Even if you are trying for a new job, you have to be very careful. You can get a new job offer today, but do not accept it in haste, understand it well. Be careful if you can become a victim of overconfidence. And if we talk about businessmen then it is good, if you are thinking of starting some new work then you can do it. And if there is any existing problem, then it is a very good day to rectify it, try today. Avoid lying, lying will spoil your work. If the mood of the life partner is not good, then by talking to the life partner, try techniques to correct their mood. It is going to be good for the students. And from the point of view of health, there is a possibility of phlegm disease, especially you should take care of the eyes.”Taurus zodiac sign”
 And at the same time recite Hanuman Chalisa 3 times. Lucky number one, lucky color is green for you today. And you don't have to invest. Must worship Bholenath.
Gemini: Today is going to be a day full of confidence for the people of Gemini. If there was any family problem, then you are going to get its solution today. You are going to have a great day at work. Overall, a situation of profit is being created. All your work will be done, do not spend your time in useless work. There can be a situation of conflict with higher officials at the work place, so be careful. If luck is with you, no one will be able to harm you, but still caution is necessary. If there is any issue related to the court, today your side is being seen strong there. Don't lend money to anyone. If you look at it from the point of view of love life, I will not do very well, there are some negative yogas. Show failure in the field of love, don't even want to express love to anyone. If we talk about students, then they will work hard as much as possible, only then they will get success, and if you look at health from the point of view of health, then there is some problem in health, there can be a problem related to sleep, so you have to take care of it. And chant the Mahamrityunjaya mantra 21 times today, if possible, Shiva will go to the temple and visit Bholenath. Your lucky number three lucky color is purple for you today. And you must invest today. “Gemini zodiac sign”
Cancer: Today is seen to be a very good day for the people of Cancer. All your important work is being seen being completed one by one. The day is good, take advantage of it. There you will get a chance to progress in your career. You have a wonderful day at the work place, people will be of great help to you. Luck is with you. Today you will also take blessings of others, do not use Abhadrabad for anyone, do not insult anyone, do not try to humiliate anyone. If any work related to real estate was stopped by you, then that work is being seen being completed. The day is also good for businessmen, if you are thinking of traveling in connection with business, then you can travel. Stay away from controversy as much as possible. The day is fine from the point of view of taking a loan. You will get the support of your life partner. Strong profit position remains. Students will get relief from stress, your confidence will increase. And if you look at it from the point of view of health, then there is no special problem in health, if you were in a state of fatigue and laziness, then you will get relief from it, if you were troubled by mental stress, then you will get relief. “Cancer zodiac sign”
  Today, go to the Shiva temple and offer billpatra on the Shivling, it will benefit you. Lucky number two lucky color is white for you today. Must invest.
Leo zodiac sign: People of Leo zodiac sign are getting very good luck. If you were struggling with any kind of stress, anxiety, trouble, then you will get relief. Understand that today you are going to cross every kind of incident on the strength of self-confidence and self-confidence. Time is with you, you also be with time. Understand that today all your work will be done one by one. The sum of profit is being made. If you are connected with politics, then the day is very good. It is going to be good for travel, be it domestic travel or foreign travel. If you are thinking of making any big change in the field of work then do it. Today is a very good day for employed people. Wherever you live, you will make anyone agree with your point of view. Today is also very good for the people associated with the field of marketing, you are going to get some good news today. Today there is no need to take excessive tension. All work can be done easily, sweetness is being seen in married life. There will be a happy situation. There will be relief from stress for the students, health is very good. “Leo zodiac sign”
 Recite or listen to Aditya Hridaya Stotra. Today your lucky number is no and today your lucky color is Sanduri. And all the people of Leo zodiac should worship Bholenath, and must invest today.
Virgo: The day is also very good for the native of Virgo. Small problems will continue to come in the work area, but still luck will be with you. You will get opportunities to earn special money. No need to worry, don't take tension, it can affect your health. If you are unemployed, you will get a job offer, if you are a businessman, reduce it by planning. Do not interfere in the work of others. It is going to be a good day in love relationship, you will get the support of your lover. If needed, you will also get help in matters of wealth and prosperity. The married life is also being seen to be happy. Students should not lag behind in their hard work, if they work hard, then whatever the results may be, they will be good for you. From the point of view of health, there can be a condition of headache and mental discomfort. Take care of your health. “Virgo zodiac sign”
 read or listen to Siddha Kunjika Strotra. Your lucky number is four and your lucky color is grey. Invest with the advice of information. And worship of Bholenath is very important, definitely do it.
Libra zodiac: The day is not good for the people of Libra zodiac, it is necessary to maintain self-confidence. Do not take any decision in haste, there is a possibility of loss of money. Even at the work place, a small workload can become a lot. Along with this, the people's cooperation which should be received is not visible. Today is not a very good day for businessmen either, today you should avoid any kind of big investment. A little carelessness can cause a big loss. Don't rely on luck, if you rely on luck then things will get worse. You will get the support of your life partner, if you are thinking of going somewhere with your life partner then you can go. If we talk about the students, then today you can feel a little stressed and tired. And be a little careful from the point of view of health. “Libra zodiac sign”
Feed the pigeons early in the morning. Lucky Number: Another lucky color for you today is white. You have to save yourself from investing today. And it is necessary to worship Bholenath so that today your day passes peacefully.
Scorpio: Overall, today is a normal day for the people of Scorpio zodiac. If you are a businessman, then the day is very good, if you want to make this day better, then you meet everyone with a smile and respect everyone, whether the person in front is big or small, keep such feelings in your mind that no one is insulted. If you are a businessman, then take decisions very carefully, otherwise you can get into trouble. You should make continuous efforts at the workplace as well, especially if you do any important work or if any important work is given to you, then you should take steps forward after thinking carefully. Traders are going to get profit in business, but invest very carefully. Be very careful while driving. If you are unmarried, then you will get a marriage proposal, but accept it after thinking very carefully, in this case the day is not very good. Students should work hard as much as possible, only then they will get success. Will not feel like studying. Will get a normal checkup done from the point of view of health, there is a problem related to sore throat or pain. “Scorpio zodiac sign”
Go to Ganesh ji's temple and light a ghee lamp. Your lucky number is 1 and your lucky color is cream. Invest with the advice of experts. Must worship Bholenath.
Sagittarius: The person of Sagittarius will have to be careful, control his anger and anger. As far as possible, try to move forward together with everyone. Today, we will move forward with caution, if we move forward with the feeling of helping everyone, then we will see very good success and most importantly, do not back down from hard work. There can be a situation of dispute in the workplace, but there the victory will be yours. If you are thinking of starting a new work, then do not do it, but fix the work you are doing in a better way. Today is a good time for businessmen from a business point of view and if you have any idea of traveling, then you should avoid unnecessary expenditure and show off unnecessarily. Life partner is going to get support, respect life partner. Management field students are going to get success easily, work as hard as possible. And from the point of view of health, the condition of mental peace and tension can remain and there will also be a condition of fatigue and laziness. “Sagittarius zodiac sign”
Recite or listen to Ganesh Atharvashirsha. Lucky for you is three and lucky color is orange for you. If you invest, do it with the advice of information and do worship Bholenath.
Capricorn: The day is not very good for Capricorns. Take a step forward after thinking a lot, your mind is going to remain unstable. There will be frequent changes in thoughts, mind will not be engaged in any work. Even at the workplace today, your time is not going to be good. The attraction towards the opposite will be more, but it is possible that you will be given acceptance by the opposite. Traders do independent business, so do it very carefully, the day is not good. Even if you do business in partnership, it is necessary to be very careful. Overall, today is not going to be very beneficial. Minor problems can arise. You should not take any major decision and the most important thing is to respect your life partner. If you are thinking of going somewhere with your life partner, then you can go. If any competitive examination is yours, then the result is not being seen in your favor there and there will be health problems, take care. “Capricorn zodiac sign”
Read or listen to Panchakshari Stotra
Your lucky number is four and your lucky color is purple and you don't have to invest. Do pray to Bholenath.
Aquarius: The people of Aquarius are seeing more expenditure than their income. There are worries and problems in family life. Very careful advises you to be careful, there is a possibility of getting cheated today. First of all, keep good relations with whoever you meet. Minor problems can remain in the work area. Don't run away from your responsibility. If you want achievements, do not hold back from working, work honestly. Take precautions in love relationship, upset. Do not show love. Time is not so good for the students. Overall, you may get upset due to lack of interest in studies or due to disorientation. There can also be problems in health. Any chronic disease or joint pain can trouble you. “Aquarius zodiac sign”
Recite or listen to Batuk Bhairav Stotra. Lucky Number Another lucky color for you today is Red. You don't have to invest. Bholenath must be worshipped.
Pisces: The day is very good for Pisces. Work with patience and keep moving forward in your life, you will get success. Luck is going to be with you today. Avoid lying. The most important thing is to stay away from moderate consumption and non-vegetarian food. If you are thinking of taking a big decision, then definitely do it.Today people will do their work after taking your advice. Mind respect will increase. There are opportunities for tremendous profit in the work area, you will get success. Overall the day is going to be very good. There was no problem of any kind in the relationship with the father, if there was any confusion, then one should try to solve it. Must respect father, he is going to get very good support, father's support will definitely be available in money related matters. And if you are thinking of investing or buying something, then you can think about it well. Greed did not take any wrong step. You will get very good support of your life partner, you can give him a gift, he can also get a gift. It will be a very good day in love relation too. Today is a very good day for the students too, there is no hatred behind hard work. Be it students of any field, if they are associated with the field of sports, army, police, army etc., then today is a very good day. Stomach related problems may persist in health. “Pisces zodiac sign”
 Recite or listen to Rudra Sukta today. Lucky and today four more lucky color for you is navy blue. You can invest.
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calypsoconjure · 17 days
#Virgo Monthly Tarotscope for September 2024#tarotscope #tarot #horosco...
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Today's Horoscope-
मेष दैनिक राशिफल (Aries Daily Horoscope) आज का दिन आपके लिए सकारात्मक परिणाम लेकर आएगा। परिवार में किसी सदस्य के विवाह में आ रही समस्या को दूर करने के लिए आप वरिष्ठ सदस्यों से बातचीत कर सकते हैं। विद्यार्थियों की शिक्षा में कुछ समस्याएं आ रही है, तो आप घर से दूर रहकर पढ़ाई कर सकते हैं। प्रेम जीवन जी रहे लोग इस समय अपने जीवनसाथी को लेकर कहीं ट्रैवलिंग पर जा सकते हैं। आपको कार्यक्षेत्र में कोई जरूरी जानकारी शेयर करने से बचना होगा। धन को लेकर आपको सावधान रहने की आवश्यकता है।
वृषभ दैनिक राशिफल (Taurus Daily Horoscope) आज का दिन बिजनेस कर रहे लोगों के लिए उतार-चढ़ाव लेकर आएगा, इसलिए आपको अपने कामों को लेकर रणनीति बनाकर आगे बढ़ना होगा। आप अपने माता-पिता के साथ किसी मांगलिक उत्सव में सम्मिलित हो सकते हैं। आपको किसी की कही सुनी बातों पर भरोसा करने से बचना होगा, नहीं तो कार्यक्षेत्र में आपका बेवजह का लड़ाई झगड़ा हो सकता है, इसलिए आपको इस समय में सावधान रहकर आगे बढ़ना होगा। यदि आपको कोई लेनदेन करना पड़े, तो आप बहुत ही सोच विचार कर करें।
मिथुन दैनिक राशिफल (Gemini Daily Horoscope) आज का दिन आपके लिए सेहत के लिहाज से कमजोर रहने वाला है। आपके बेफिजूल के खर्चों से आपकी आर्थिक स्थिति डगमगा सकती है। आपको अपने कामों में यदि कोई समस्या चल रही है, तो आप उन्हें दूर करने की कोशिश करें। माता-पिता का कामों मे आपका पूरा साथ मिलेगा। आपको किसी काम को लेकर सोच समझ कर आगे बढ़ना होगा। विद्यार्थियों को अपने ज्ञान को बढ़ाने का मौका मिलेगा, इसलिए वह अपनी मेहनत से पीछे न हटें।
कर्क दैनिक राशिफल (Cancer Daily Horoscope) आज का दिन आपके लिए सुख सुविधाओं को बढ़ाने वाला रहेगा। आप को अपनी मेहनत का पूरा फल मिलेगा। दोस्तों के साथ आप कुछ समय मौज मस्ती करने में व्यतीत करेंगे। आप यदि कहीं घूमने फिरने जाए, तो उसमें आपको वाहनों का प्रयोग बहुत ही सावधान रहकर करना होगा। पारिवारिक समस्याएं फिर से उठ सकती हैं, इसलिए आपको दोनों पक्षों को सुनकर कोई निर्णय लेना बेहतर रहेगा। आप अपने खर्चों को लेकर परेशान रहेंगे। आपके कुछ नए शत्रु उत्पन्न हो सकते हैं।
सिंह दैनिक राशिफल (Leo Daily Horoscope) आज का दिन आपके लिए सामान्य रहने वाला है। आपको किसी से धन का लेनदेन करने से बचना होगा। आपके कामों में वृद्धि होने से आप परेशान रहेंगे। ससुराल पक्ष के किसी व्यक्ति से यदि कोई धन संबंधित मदद मांगेंगे, तो वह भी आपको आसानी से मिल जाएगी। यदि आपको कोई धन संबंधित समस्या चल रही है, तो आपको उसमें ढील देने से बचना होगा। इस समय में आप अपने बॉस की किसी बात को नजरअंदाज ना करें।
कन्या दैनिक राशिफल (Virgo Daily Horoscope) आज का दिन आपके लिए व्यस्तता भरा रहने वाला है। माता-पिता का आपको पूरा सहयोग मिलेगा। आपको यदि कोई शारीरिक समस्या लंबे समय से परेशान कर रही थी, तो वह भी आज दूर होगी। आपको किसी जोखिम को लेने से बचना होगा। आप अपनी पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियां को समय रहते पूरा करेंगे। आपकी किसी पुरानी गलती से पर्दा उठ सकता है।
तुला दैनिक राशिफल (Libra Daily Horoscope) आज का दिन आपके लिए लाभदायक रहने वाला है। आपका लंबे समय से रुका हुआ काम पूरा हो सकता है। नौकरी में कार्यरत लोगों को महिला मित्रों से सावधान रहने की आवश्यकता है। नौकरी में कार्यरत लोगों को अपने बॉस से प्रमोशन को लेकर बातचीत करनी होगी। संतान को तरक्की करते देख आपका मन प्रसन्न रहेगा। आप किसी काम को दूसरों के भरोसे न छोड़े, नहीं तो उसमें कोई गड़बड़ी हो सकती है।
वृश्चिक दैनिक राशिफल (Scorpio Daily Horoscope) आज का दिन आपके लिए मिश्रित रूप से फलदायक रहने वाला है। आपको किसी वाद विवाद में पड़ने से बचना होगा, नहीं तो वह कानूनी हो सकता है। यदि आपको कोई गुप्त जानकारी सुनने को मिले, तो आप उसे अपने तक रखें। आपकी किसी नए काम के प्रति रुचि जागृत हो सकती है। आप अपने जीवन साथी के लिए समय निकालेंगे, जिससे दोनों के बीच यदि कुछ दूरियां आ गई थी, तो वह भी कम होंगी। विद्यार्थी यदि किसी विषय को लेकर परेशान चल रहे थे, तो वह उसमें बदलाव कर सकते हैं। आपको किसी बात को लेकर बहस बाजी में पड़ने से बचना होगा।
धनु दैनिक राशिफल (Sagittarius Daily Horoscope) आज का दिन आपके लिए परोपकार के कार्यों से जुड़कर नाम कमाने के लिए रहेगा। कहीं से धन लाभ मिलने से आपकी खुशी का ठिकाना नहीं रहेगा। आपने यदि किसी से कुछ कर्ज लिया था, तो वह भी आपसे वापस मांग सकते हैं। माता-पिता के आशीर्वाद से आपको कोई बड़ी उपलब्धि मिल सकती है। आपको कार्यक्षेत्र में कोई पुरस्कार मिलने से प्रसन्नता का ठिकाना नहीं रहेगा। संतान की संगत की ओर आपको विशेष ध्यान देना होगा।
मकर दैनिक राशिफल (Capricorn Daily Horoscope) आज का दिन आपके लिए सामान्य रहने वाला है। ननिहाल पक्ष से आपको धन लाभ मिलता दिख रहा है। आपके मन में परस्पर सहयोग की भावना बनी रहेगी। आपको अपनी तरक्की की राह में आ रही बाधाओं को दूर करने से बचना होगा। विद्यार्थियों को बौद्धिक व मानसिक बोझ से छुटकारा मिलेगा। आपने यदि भविष्य को लेकर कोई निवेश किया था, तो वह पूरा हो सकता है। आपको अपने किसी निर्णय के लिए पछतावा हो सकता है। जीवनसाथी आपका पारिवारिक बिजनेस में आपका पूरा साथ देंगे।
कुंभ दैनिक राशिफल (Aquarius Daily Horoscope) आज का दिन आपकी पद व प्रतिष्ठा को बढ़ाने वाला रहेगा। आप कुछ नए लोगों से मेलजोल बढ़ाने में कामयाब रहेंगे। आप जीवनसाथी को लेकर कहीं बाहर जाने की प्लानिंग कर सकते हैं। आपको किसी शुभ व मांगलिक कार्यक्रम में आयोजन होने का मौका मिलेगा। परिवार के सदस्यों में यदि कोई अनबन चल रही थी, तो वह दूर होगी और आपसी प्रेम बना रहेगा। राजनीति में कार्यरत लोगों को किसी नए काम में ज्यादा नहीं पड़ना है, नहीं तो इससे उनकी छवि खराब हो सकती है। आप अपने माता-पिता की सेवा करने के लिए भी कुछ समय निकालेंगे।
मीन दैनिक राशिफल (Pisces Daily Horoscope) आज का दिन आपके लिए सुख सुविधाओं में वृद्धि लेकर आने वाला है। आप अपनी इनकम के सोर्स पर पूरा ध्यान देंगे, जिसमें वृद्धि होने से आपको खुशी होगी। कारोबार में आप कोई महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय लेकर सबको हैरान कर सकते हैं। आप ऊर्जा से भरपूर रहेंगे। आप अपनी ऊर्जा को सही कामों में लगाये, तो आपके लिए बेहतर रहेगा। यदि आपके ऊपर पर कुछ कर्जा था, तो उसे भी आज आप काफी हद तक उतारने में सफल रहेंगे। भाई व बहनों का आपको पूरा साथ मिलेगा। नौकरी की तलाश कर रहे लोगों को कहीं से ऑफर आ सकता है ।
आपका दिन शुभ व मंगलमय हो। समस्या चाहे कैसी भी हो 100% समाधान प्राप्त करे:- स्पेशलिस्ट- मनचाही लव मैरिज करवाना, पति या प्रेमी को मनाना, कारोबार का न चलना, धन की प्राप्ति, पति पत्नी में अनबन और गुप्त प्रेम आदि समस्याओ का समाधान। एक फोन बदल सकता है आपकी जिन्दगी। Call Now: - +91 78888 78978/+1(778)7663945 फीस संबंधी जानकारी के लिए #Facebook page के message box में #message करें। आप Whatsapp भी कर सकते हैं। Get to Know More About Astrologer Gopal Shastri: - www.ptgopalshastri.com #famousastrologer #astronews #astroworld #Astrology #Horoscope #Kundli #Jyotish #yearly #monthly #weekly #numerology #gemstone #real #onlinepuja #remedies #lovemarraigespecilist #prediction #motivation #happinessisachoice
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astroclasses · 3 months
कुंडली में श्री योग।। Shri Yog. #astrology #balajijyotishkendra #horosco...
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astrovastukosh · 4 months
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jeevanjali · 5 months
Kark Masik Love Rashifal April 2024: मासिक लव राशिफल से जानें मई के महीने कैसी रहेगी कर्क राशि वालों कीKark Masik Love Rashifal April 2024: प्यार के मामले में यह महीना आपके लिए बहुत अच्छा रहने वाला है। आपको बता दें कि दांपत्य जीवन में प्यार के साथ-साथ ससुराल वालों का मार्गदर्शन भी शामिल रहेगा
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astrovishnuguruji · 2 years
Astrologer Master Vishnu Guruji is the Best evil eye protection in Sunnyvale California, USA. His An evil eye remedies in Sunnyvale, California, USA
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narayanasastry56 · 6 months
శ్రీ క్రోధి నామ సంవత్సరం 2024 - 25 సింహ రాశి ఫలితాలు | Leo Ugadi Horosco...
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