#horizon mackenzie
lucybonessquirrel · 1 year
Now for something different...
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I did a outfit based on Mackenzie from Touch Detective. It took me a bit of time to do, and some things may look a bit off. But I did the best I could with the clothes and such that's available in the game.
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The second outfit is inspired by Peppermint Patty from the Peanuts comics. I think it looks pretty close, if I'd say so myself...
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lynnettys-world · 4 months
{Chapter Twelve – Wounds Can Heal Too}
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Kim Namjoon: Black Mackenzie Valley Alpha wolf
Kim Soekjin: White Alpha Lion
Min Yoongi: White Alpha Jaguar
Jung Hosoek: Alpha Snow Leopard
Park Jimin : Alpha Albino Cobra
Kim Taehyung: Alpha White/ Bleached Tiger
Jeon Jungkook: Alpha Black Panther
Reader: Heaven Valentino Human
Status: Ongoing
words: 4.8K!
CHAPTER WARNING: This chapter includes mentions of self-hatred, negative intrusive thoughts, blood, violence, and revenge. (Mild/non-triggering)
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Heaven's POV
It had been a challenging two weeks since I rescued the boys, and the tension in the house had certainly increased dramatically.
The boys, for the most part, continued to ignore my presence, with the exception of Namjoon, who would offer a casual greeting in the mornings and a welcoming smile when I returned from work.
With a significant investor meeting on the horizon for our upcoming project, I had thrown myself back into work full-force. 
This project was not only a crucial milestone for my business empire but also a platform to raise awareness for the often-overlooked hybrid community.
The concept of a clothing line designed specifically for hybrids had blossomed the moment I brought the boys into my home. I knew it was a risky venture, given the prevailing prejudice against hybrids, but I was determined to make a difference.
I had a secret weapon up my sleeve that I believed could tip the scales in our favor, and failure was simply not an option.
My days had blurred into a relentless cycle of work and little rest, fueled by a drive to see this project through to success.
As I trudged wearily towards the front door, exhausted from another grueling day at the office, the prospect of finally being able to rest my heavy eyelids felt like a distant luxury.
As I was about to take the home elevator up to my room, the exhaustion of the day had me craving a shortcut instead of taking the stairs. However, a movement caught my attention in the corner of my eye, momentarily bringing me out of my daze.
With a few blinks, I focused on the source of the movement and a chill ran down my spine.
A large white snake, easily measuring twenty to thirty inches in length, was slithering slowly across the gray marble tiles, weaving an eerie path before me.
Before panic could fully grip me, another presence entered my field of vision, causing my knees to waver involuntarily from the jolt of fear.
A majestic black panther sat before me, its intense gaze locking with mine, deep green eyes piercing through my senses as though challenging me to react.
In a state of shock, I attempted to retreat, forgetting about the snake, when a low, menacing growl resounded from behind, sending shivers down my spine and causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end.
Frozen in place, too petrified to even dare a movement, the weight of impending danger hung heavy in the air. Each breath felt like a struggle, heavy and strained, as a surge of primal fear coursed through me.
Summoning the last shred of courage within, I mustered the strength to turn around, only to find myself face to face with a large snow leopard, its wild eyes capturing the essence of untamed wilderness in a chilling stare.
In that moment of peril, surrounded by formidable predators, a profound sense of vulnerability enveloped me, rendering me dizzy with fear. 
Each heartbeat seemed to echo like a drum of impending doom, a symphony of dread reverberating through the confines of the space.
Amidst the surreal encounter with these dangerous creatures, a desperate prayer escaped my lips, imploring any divine entity listening to heed my call for salvation. The juxtaposition of seeking a moment of respite and finding myself encircled by perilous beasts painted an unsettling tableau of inexplicable events.
Why had fate chosen this moment, turning a simple journey to seek rest into a harrowing trial of survival?
All I yearned for was peaceful sleep.
As I found myself lost in the intensity of the situation, my senses were heightened by the heavy sounds echoing from the stairs.
It was as if time slowed down as a large, fur-covered figure appeared before me.
A black wolf -- Namjoon.
The realization hit me like a ton of bricks as I processed the fact that my beloved hybrids, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook, had also shifted into their hybrid forms.
Namjoon stood as a protective barrier in front of me, his growls reverberating in the air as he faced off against the three hybrids who had transformed into a snake, leopard, and panther.
Each of them exuded a raw power that sent chills down my spine.
In his wolf form, Namjoon's imposing figure loomed over me, reaching an impressive height of 6 feet and boasting a 9-inch length. His lustrous black fur glistened in the ambient light, casting an eerie yet alluring aura around him.
The sight of his large paws firmly planted on the ground and his sharp canines gleaming sent a shiver down my spine.
Lost in the mesmerizing presence of Namjoon, I was abruptly brought back to reality by a cold sensation snaking up my leg, winding its way around me with a deliberate slowness that made my skin crawl.
The snake, who I recognized as Jimin, coiled around me, his grip tightening gradually, encircling my body with a suffocating hold that left me paralyzed by fear.
Just as the tension peaked, a deafening roar pierced the air, drawing my attention to a majestic sight in the living room. 
There, standing regally, was Jin in his magnificent white lion form, a sight to behold with his pristine fur and a mane that added to his already imposing stature.
My gaze shifted back and forth between Jin and Jimin, the conflicting emotions of awe and terror battling within me.
Jimin's tightening grip served as a stark reminder of the danger that loomed around me, my sharp inhales reverberating through the room as the situation spiraled into a surreal nightmare.
In the midst of chaos, I found myself standing frozen, my heart pounding in my chest as I witnessed the violent clash between Namjoon and Jungkook.
The room was filled with tension as their large bodies collided with a deafening thud, sending shivers down my spine.
I realized the gravity of the situation, I had never felt so helpless before, my mind racing to come up with a solution to defuse the escalating confrontation between the two hybrids.
Panic surged through me as I scanned the room for any sign of assistance, only to remember that I had sent all my staff home for the weekend, leaving me alone with the seven hybrids.
A sense of dread washed over me as Hoseok entered the fray, the sight of blood painting a grim picture of the danger that loomed in front of me. 
Desperation clawed at my insides as I knew I had to intervene before things spiraled out of control.
"Jimin, please, if you can hear me," I implored, my voice trembling with fear as I addressed the snake hybrid coiled around me. "I beg of you, we need to stop this fight before it descends into a bloody massacre."
The urgency in my plea was palpable, each word carrying the weight of the dire consequences that awaited if I failed to bring an end to the violent clash unfolding before me.
My mind raced with thoughts of possible strategies to diffuse the tension and restore peace among my hybrids before irreversible harm was done.
Despite the chaos reigning in the room, a sense of determination welled up within me, propelling me to take action and prevent further bloodshed.
With each passing moment, the stakes grew higher, and I knew that time was of the essence in resolving the conflict that threatened to tear apart the fragile peace that held our unique household together.
I knew it would be risky to remove the nano chips from their bodies, especially when their animal aspects started merging with their human psyches, battling for dominance.
The suppressed desire to be wild and shift had been boiling beneath the surface for so long that now, they were letting their animalistic sides run rampant.
I had a strong feeling that Jimin was somewhere in the midst of it all. All I needed to do was to locate him and help him regain control, to synchronize his psyche with his animal form. It was crucial for him to find that balance.
Thankfully, when Taehyung shifted a couple of weeks ago, he appeared to be in tune with his animal side. However, I could sense that the animal part of him was struggling to assert itself, and he was fighting to keep it in check.
Hybrids like them needed to establish a deep connection with their animal counterparts to form a strong bond. This mutual understanding was vital for co-existence - to find a balance of power.
Regular shifting was a key component in maintaining this delicate harmony. Without it, hybrids risked losing control, becoming feral, and possibly losing their human sides forever.
It was a delicate dance between their human selves and animal instincts, a dance that required finesse and mastery.
If we didn't act swiftly and wisely, the consequences could be disastrous for all of us.
"I know you're in there, Jimin. I know you can hear me," I began, my voice tinged with a mixture of sorrow and desperation.
"I'm sorry I let you down. I'm sorry I broke my promise. I was so stubborn, so willful, thinking no one would ever dare challenge me in my own home. But I was wrong, and my arrogance led to your abduction."
The memory of the day the boys were taken played out in my mind, each detail a painful reminder of my shortcomings.
"I allowed you to suffer, despite vowing to shield you from harm. I understand that forgiveness may not come easily, but please, for the sake of your pack, find the strength to break free and help me stop this. Please," I pleaded, my voice faltering as tears welled up in my eyes and streamed down my face.
Silently, I beseeched Jimin to acknowledge my plea, hoping against hope for a sign that he had heard me.
The tension that had gripped my body began to dissipate, replaced by a glimmer of hope as Jimin unwound himself from around me, his serpentine form moving away before disappearing and reappearing in front of me.
His gaze, so striking with its eerie silver hue, met mine, revealing a tumult of emotions beneath his composed exterior. 
There was a brief moment of connection, a silent exchange of understanding, as his eyes scanned the room and settled on Jin in his majestic lion form, who stood poised to intervene and help get things under control.
As I stood there, my heart sinking with despair, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling inside me.
The chaotic scene before me, with my hybrids engaging in a heated confrontation, left me feeling helpless and overwhelmed. Jin and Jimin's attempts to diffuse the situation were in vain, as Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook remained stubborn and unyielding.
Trying to maintain my composure, I felt a wave of exhaustion crashing over me, the adrenaline that had fueled me earlier now dissipating.
The room seemed to warp and blur before my eyes, making it difficult to focus on anything tangible. My head throbbed with a dull ache, and I struggled to keep my thoughts clear amidst the chaos unfolding before me.
In that moment of disorientation, I found myself struggling to even form coherent words. My voice came out as a mere whisper, barely audible amidst the clashing of my hybrids.
"J-jimin," I managed to mutter, hoping to reach out to someone, anyone, who could bring some semblance of peace to the turmoil surrounding us.
Just as I felt myself teetering on the edge of consciousness, a sudden command cut through the tumultuous noise.
A deep, authoritative voice resonated with power, its tone laced with a steely resolve that demanded obedience.
"Enough!" the voice boomed, startling me with its forcefulness.
As the weight of that single word hung in the air, a sense of finality washed over me.
My body, weary from the strain of the confrontation, finally gave in to the darkness that threatened to consume me. 
Sounds became muffled and distant, like echoes from a far-off realm, yet amidst the fading clamor, I could discern a faint call of my name.
The voice sounded fragile and desperate, as if reaching out to me from a place of deep vulnerability. It carried an undertone of fear and longing, as though afraid that I would slip away into the void, never to return to the light of consciousness.
In that fleeting moment, as darkness encroached upon my senses, I clung to that haunting plea, a poignant reminder of the fragile threads that bound us together in our shared turmoil.
3rd Person's POV 
Two days had passed since Heaven fell unconscious, leaving the hybrids on edge with fear and uncertainty.
The air was thick with worry for Heaven's well-being, but also tinged with anger towards themselves for not heeding earlier warnings.
Despite their dismissive behavior and sharp tongue, Heaven had never once held a grudge against the hybrids. Even when faced with insults or harsh treatment,
Heaven always responded with a smile, offering reassurance and understanding.
The hybrids couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for their past actions. They regretted not listening to Heaven, not showing more care and compassion when it was needed.
The realization that Heaven remained forgiving and kind in the face of their indifference only fueled their sense of remorse.
They questioned themselves, wondering why Heaven had to be so forgiving, so gentle. Why couldn't she have been more like the other humans the hybrids had encountered - cold and unforgiving?
Perhaps then, the hybrids wouldn't be grappling with this overwhelming guilt.
But Heaven's inherent kindness and understanding demeanor stood in stark contrast to the harshness the hybrids had grown accustomed to.
It was a reminder of their own shortcomings, highlighting the stark difference between Heaven and the rest of the world.
As time passed and Heaven remained unconscious, the hybrids found themselves wrestling with their emotions. 
They were torn between their anger towards themselves and their deep-rooted appreciation for Heaven's unwavering kindness.
The internal conflict waged on, leaving them to grapple with their own sense of morality and empathy.
Faced with their own flaws and the stark contrast presented by Heaven's forgiving nature, the hybrids couldn't help but feel a growing sense of vulnerability and unease.
The guilt weighed heavily on their hearts, a reminder of the missed opportunities to show compassion and understanding.
Despite their misgivings and internal struggles, one thing remained clear - Heaven's impact on the hybrids was undeniable.
Her kindness and forgiveness had touched something deep within the hybrids, stirring emotions and prompting reflection on their own actions and behaviors.
The days passed slowly, each moment filled with a mix of fear, uncertainty, and a burgeoning sense of regret for the missed chances to be better.
As she lay unconscious in her bed, her breathing steady, they watched over her with heavy hearts.
"When is she going to wake up?" Jungkook asked, his eyes bloodshot from crying and restless nights spent worrying about her.
"The doctors said she might wake up tomorrow or in the late hours of the night," Namjoon replied, his voice calm but the other hybrids could sense the worry hidden beneath his composed facade.
~Three Days Ago~
As Yoongi and Taehyung thundered down the corridor, the echoes of their hurried footsteps reverberated through the tense atmosphere.
The commotion had drawn them irresistibly, Yoongi's brow furrowed in concern while Taehyung's eyes widened with apprehension.
Upon reaching the chaotic scene, they beheld a sight that made their hearts clench with worry. Your body leaned against the wall weakly trying to stop the fight.
Your slight figure swaying unsteadily as you struggled to maintain your balance amidst the escalating conflict. Yoongi's alpha instincts surged to the forefront, his protective instincts dictating his next move.
With a voice that brooked no argument, Yoongi's commanding roar sliced through the air, halting the fight in its tracks.
The hybrids turned as one to face the source of that authoritative command, their expressions a mix of surprise and deference. In that charged moment, all eyes were on Yoongi, his alpha side in full control of the situation.
But even as the conflict dissipated, your strength gave out, your body finally succumbing to the strain. With a gasp, you began to crumple to the ground, your eyes fluttering shut as darkness threatened to engulf you.
In a swift and fluid motion, Yoongi's strong arms encircled you, catching you securely before you could hit the unforgiving ground.
As Taehyung moved closer, his features etched with concern, Yoongi cradled you gently, his touch surprisingly tender despite the urgency of the situation.
The gravity of the moment hung heavy in the air, the tension palpable as your unconscious form was held in the protective embrace of the alpha, a silent promise of safety and security in the midst of turmoil.
Yoongi had not left her side for the past two days, refusing to budge, growling at the nurses who constantly tried to reassure him that they were only there to help.
That night, the hybrids were on edge, unsure of what to do next. In a panic, they decided to call her brothers, who arrived in a rush at the news of their sister's condition.
Not wanting to worry her family further, the hybrids held back some details of how she ended up in this state, fearing her brothers might react rashly and take them away.
And so she lay there, connected to the drip and monitor, looking unnaturally pale and frail, causing the hybrids to ache with worry.
"You go ahead and rest, I'll keep an eye on her," Yoongi declared firmly, his gaze unwavering as he took on the responsibility of watching over her.
Reluctantly, the others filed out of the room, closing the door behind them, leaving Yoongi alone to stand guard by her side.
Yoongi's POV
As I stood by her bedside, the weight of regret and guilt bore down on me heavily. I couldn't shake off the immense sense of responsibility for the current state she was in.
The room was quiet, save for the soft rhythmic sounds of her breaths, a painful reminder of her fragile state.
Her peaceful face, lying there so vulnerably, stirred a whirlwind of emotions within me. The remorse in my heart couldn't be contained any longer, and the words I had held back for so long finally found their way out of my lips.
"Please, can you hear me?" I implored softly, the rawness in my voice revealing the depth of my regret.
"I want to express how truly sorry I am for everything. I understand that my apologies may sound inadequate, mere words in the face of the pain I've caused you. I know that no amount of remorse can undo the hurt I've inflicted."
The memory of that fateful day when we were taken flashed vividly in my mind. In the chaos and fear that gripped us, I let my distrust and prejudice taint my judgment.
Blinded by my past experiences with humans I failed to see the truth, to see beyond my own fears.
"When we were separated, I let my prejudices cloud my perception. I blamed you without evidence, succumbing to my own insecurities and biases."
The weight of my admission hung heavy in the room, mingling with the palpable air of regret.
Tears welled up in my eyes, a silent testament to the pain and regret that gnawed at my insides. I bared my soul, laying bare my vulnerabilities as I continued to pour my heart out.
"I cannot excuse my actions, nor do I deserve your forgiveness, but I need you to know that I never intended to cause you harm. I was consumed by anger and hurt, my judgment clouded by my own pain."
Beneath the facade of strength that I had upheld for so long, a sea of emotions surged, threatening to engulf me.
The walls I had meticulously built around my heart began to crumble, leaving me exposed and vulnerable. A bitter, broken laugh escaped my lips, echoing the shards of regret that pierced my heart.
In that moment of raw honesty and vulnerability, I allowed myself to confront the depth of my remorse and the magnitude of my mistakes.
The silence that followed my confession was deafening, amplifying the weight of my words and the gravity of the situation. Through the haze of tears and regret, I found myself grappling with the harsh reality of my actions and the irreversible consequences they had wrought.
As I sat there, a mere silhouette of the creature I once thought myself to be, I knew that this moment of reckoning was both painful and necessary.
And so, with a heavy heart and a trembling voice, I whispered a final plea into the silent void,
"For whatever it's worth, I am truly sorry. I can only hope that someday, somehow, you can find it in your heart to forgive me."
And with that, I stood there, enveloped in the suffocating embrace of regret and remorse, knowing that the road to redemption, if it existed at all, began with this moment of truth and vulnerability.
The weight of guilt and self-blame seemed suffocating as I sat amidst the ruins of what was once a peaceful haven. The wreckage around me mirrored the turmoil within me, a manifestation of the chaos I had caused.
Thoughts of unworthiness and regret swirled incessantly in my mind, each whispering a harsh truth that cut deeper than the last.
"You are worthless," one voice sneered, echoing the self-condemnation that had taken root within me.
"Just leave," another urged, an enticing escape from the pain and devastation I had wrought.
The echoes of my own self-criticism reverberated like a ceaseless barrage, each word a sharp blade slicing through my already battered soul.
"Nobody loves a selfish bastard," they taunted, a cruel reminder of the isolation that seemed inevitable in the wake of my actions.
The most insidious of all was the internal voice that demanded the ultimate penance, the final act of self-punishment. "Kill yourself already," it hissed, a chilling suggestion that I struggled to push away.
In that moment of darkness, when despair threatened to consume me whole, a single word shattered the suffocating silence.
Her voice, filled with an inexplicable tenderness, called to me like a lifeline thrown in the midst of a stormy sea.
My eyes, clouded with tears and self-recrimination, widened as I beheld her gaze, a mix of confusion and something else—something that felt like love.
"H-Heaven?" I choked out, my voice a broken whisper tinged with disbelief.
She looked at me, a smile playing on her lips despite the weariness that lingered in her eyes. With a softness that belied her strength, she spoke words that pierced through the darkness surrounding me.
"Why are you hurting yourself, huh? My love, none of this is your fault. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I swore to give it to you."
Her voice, though weakened by her own ordeal, carried a conviction that resonated deep within me. In that moment, her unwavering faith in me was a beacon of light in the shadowed landscape of my self-doubt.
As her words wrapped around my wounded heart, a glimmer of hope flickered to life, banishing the darkness that had threatened to consume me.
In her eyes, I saw a reflection of a love unconditional and steadfast, a love that dared to defy the darkness that threatened to engulf me.
In the poignant moment when the floodgates of emotions finally gave way, I found myself dropping to my knees beside her bed, overwhelmed with sorrow and regret.
Tears streamed down my face as I reached out for her hand, my heart heavy with apologies that spilled out in stammered phrases.
"I'm so sorry... I-I-I shouldn't have pushed you away, I-I-I— " My words were cut off as she gently placed her delicate hand on my trembling lips.
"Shhh, my love, there's no need for apologies. You have nothing to blame yourself for," she reassured me, her voice filled with warmth and understanding.
"You are the most precious person in my life, along with the boys. I would never trade the moments we've shared for anything in this world."
As she wiped away my tears and urged me to smile, I felt a glimmer of light in the midst of my overwhelming emotions.
Her words, filled with love and sincerity, gave me a sense of reassurance and comfort in that tumultuous moment.
With a wide, gummy smile breaking through my tears, I leaned into her embrace without hesitation. The thought of protecting her at all costs, of shielding her from any harm or pain, resonated deeply within me.
I vowed silently to myself that I would stand guard over her for the rest of my days, a fierce protector ready to shield her from any threat, even if it came from within myself.
In that tender moment, as I purred softly and felt my tail coil around her waist, a sense of peace settled over me. The connection between us, the depth of our bond, wrapped around us like a comforting blanket.
Suddenly, the tranquility of the room was shattered by the sudden entrance of the six idots, their presence jolting me back to the reality of our surroundings.
Way to ruin the moment. Sigh.
Heaven's POV
My dear Yoongi doesn't seem to understand just how special he truly is, and I've taken it upon myself to remind him each and every day until he finally embraces and loves himself the way he deserves to. His enigmatic nature only adds to his charm, and I am determined to show him his worth.
As the rest of the boys burst into the room, their faces lit up with relief and joy. Jungkook immediately made a beeline for my bed, playfully nudging Yoongi who was already holding me tightly in his arms.
"C'mon, hyung, it's my turn now. Stop hogging her," Jungkook whined, provoking a low growl from Yoongi, which only made me chuckle at their playful banter.
"Jungkook, sweetheart, come over here," I beckoned, and he eagerly made his way to my side. Yoongi reluctantly released his hold on me, grumbling as he moved aside to let Jungkook envelop me in a big hug.
Jungkook's large frame completely engulfed me, his chest providing a warm and comforting refuge. The sound of his content purring filled the room as he held me close, unwilling to let go despite the protests from the other boys.
"Yah! Jeon Jungkook, you've had your turn for ages now. Let us have a chance too," Hoseok exclaimed, joined by the chorus of agreements from the rest of the group.
"No," Jungkook stubbornly declared, reminiscent of a child unwilling to part with their favorite toy.
His determination to keep me in his embrace only elicited laughter and playful protests from the others, a heartwarming display of their bond and affection for one another.
Oh man, I can't even begin to express how much I've missed being with them. It seriously felt like forever since we all hung out together, cracking jokes, laughing until our sides hurt, and just being our goofy, carefree selves. 
My heart was overflowing with joy and love as I watched their silly antics, the way they bantered and teased each other like no time had passed at all. It was like the universe aligned just for us to be together again, and it felt so right.
I knew deep down that we all needed a fresh start, a chance to truly accept and love one another without any hesitation or doubt.
It wasn't going to be a smooth ride, that's for sure, but I had this unwavering faith that this time, we would stick together no matter what life threw our way.
I promised myself in that moment to shower them with all the love and protection in the world.
I wasn't going to let anything or anyone come between us again. This time, we were going to stay united, unbreakable.
And then there was Jeong-sin. 
Oh, Jeong-sin. The one who dared to disrupt the peace, the delicate balance of our bonding. 
He thought he could just waltz in and wreck everything we had worked so hard to build.
Jeong-sin. You've messed with the wrong Valentino. You've awakened a side of me that you never want to see.
A side filled with determination, vengeance, and a thirst for revenge that burns like a raging fire.
I swear on every star in the sky that I will make you pay for what you've done. Your days of causing chaos and mayhem are numbered, and when the time comes.
Revenge will be a sweet dish served on a silver platter with your head on it. You'll wish you never crossed paths with Heaven Valentino.
So, watch your back, Jeong-sin. Because I'm coming for you, and when I do, you'll finally understand the true meaning of hell. 
Mark. My. Words.
Hey wonderful readers!
I just wanted to drop by and say a big thank you for taking the time to read this chapter. I hope it brought a smile to your face and maybe even made your day a bit brighter.
And hey, no worries about the angst in the previous chapter - we all need a little drama in our lives sometimes, right? But I promise this chapter is all about redeeming our boy Yoongi and giving him the chance to make things right.
I have to admit, it was tough writing about Yoongi hating himself. It's never easy to see our favorite characters in pain, but hey, it's all part of their journey towards growth and redemption. And let's be real, a good cry now and then is good for the soul, right?
Thank you all for your continuous support, whether it's through notes, comments, or just by simply being here and reading along. Your love and encouragement mean the world to me, and I truly appreciate every single one of you. You're the best readers a writer could ask for, and I'm grateful to have you on this crazy journey with me.
Don't forget to leave a comment or a note if you're enjoying the story - it truly helps me know what you like and what you want to see more of. Your feedback is invaluable, and I cherish every word you share with me.
Until next time, my lovely readers! Stay awesome, stay kind, and keep spreading those good vibes wherever you go. And remember, your eccentric Author-nim is always here, ready to bring you more adventures and emotions in the next chapter. 😉
Sending you all the virtual hugs and high-fives until we meet again in the next installment of our story. Take care, and keep shining bright like the stars you are!
With love and gratitude,
Your eccentric Author-nim 🌟
TAGLIST: @strxwbloody, @strawblueberrys, @taetaeheart22, @canarystwin, @drenix004, @ghostlyworld, @loumin908, @rinkud, @nikkiordonez12, @taekritimin123, \\@mnguyeeen7, @danielle143, @welcometomyworld13, @avadakadabra93, @kiaralynn3838, @sugathy
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
The US and Europe can no longer compete with China after the cost of producing solar modules there dropped by 42% in 2023 to $0.15 (€0.14) per watt. That gives Chinese manufacturers an enormous cost advantage over international rivals, according to a new Horizons report from consultancy Wood Mackenzie. In 2023, China's domestic solar additions were double those of the US and the EU combined. China, the world's solar module powerhouse, now holds 80% of global manufacturing capacity. By 2050, it will account for over 50% of the global power supply, according to Wood Mackenzie. "China is the lowest-cost solar module manufacturer in the world. Solar module prices in dollar per watt tallied in December show China's cost of $0.15 well below Indian ($0.22), European ($0.30) and US ($0.40) manufacturing rates," said Steven Knell, vice president and head of Power & Renewables Consulting, EMEA, at Wood Mackenzie. "The enormous cost advantage China holds imply international rivals' efforts to displace incumbent Chinese suppliers in renewable value chains may well be futile. The outlook for available component supply in the market is bullish given the capacity race that's underway, but China's rivals are unlikely to win on cost. China's already won the green technology capacity race," Knell told DW.[...]
The EU and US have made huge strides in renewable energy policy in the past two years. But reaching critical mass in the solar module production sector, like in China, requires commensurate commercial application, the experts agree. And this is where centralized state capitalism [sic] seems to offer certain advantages.
1 Jan 24
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bellamer · 10 months
Opening up Mackenzie Shepard’s game and making him absolutely miserable because all he’s surrounded by is straight men, women and there’s no Kaidan to even ogle at. He’s going through a dry spell and he’s taking it out on everyone because BioWare said “No gay men !”
He’s gonna be absolutely cold hearted after Horizon happens.
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jj-nhlgirly · 1 year
Summer Of Love:- Warm Summer Nights
AN:- not proof read
TW:- swearing but what’s new with me 🤣, nothing else i can think of, mentions of sex??
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(not my gif, credits to who made this)
Jack and Mackenzie were lost in their own world, staring out at the horizon. Kaylee, Skylar and the boys were still playing in the ocean, Mackenzie swore their laughter could be heard for miles.
“You sure you don’t wanna swim? I don’t mind standing here” Mackenzie said softly. “I’m sure baby, we’ll probably have to call them out soon anyways” Jack mumbled back, leaning down and placing his head in the crook of Kenzie’s neck.
“Hmm you make it sound like they’re our kids” Mackenzie laughed. “We might as well be honorary mom and dad” Jack laughed back. “Nah that’s Quinn and Kaylee’s job” Mackenzie giggled, turning in Jack's arms pouting her lips out for a kiss. Jack leaned down to fulfil her request, kissing her gently and slowly, a kiss full of love, however it was cut short as the couple felt water splashing them. Jack glanced over Mackenzie’s shoulder, “LUKE WARREN HUGHES, WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT SPLASHING?” Kaylee shouted.
“See told you she was mom” Mackenzie laughed. “HEY GUYS WE SHOULD HEAD IN NOW, THE SUNS ABOUT TO START SETTING” Jack shouted, Mackenzie wincing due to the volume. “Sorry baby” Jack kissed her cheek, before grabbing her hand and leading her back to their stuff. Jack reached to grab his shirt, pulling it over his head, Mackenzie went to grab her shirt and shorts.
“Here babe, I’ll help” Jack said, leaning down so she had somewhere to balance, Mackenzie placed her casted arm on his shoulder, using the other to pull her shorts up. Jack grabbed her waist as she wobbled, “you ok?” Jack whispered.
“Mmm” Mackenzie hummed, after zipping them up. Jack helped her put her shirt on before turning around to start packing stuff away. Quinn’s phone was still connected to the speaker and whilst some songs it played were questionable in Mackenzie’s mind, it was a good playlist.
Cheerleader by OMI started playing and Mackenzie couldn’t help but dance along as she held out towels for everyone as they passed her, Kaylee stopping next to her and began dancing as well, Skylar joining in shortly afterwards.
“Is there anything they don’t dance to?” Ethan asked no one in particular, “nope, not really. They were dancing to Adele the other morning” Luke laughed. Jack and Trevor shook their heads at them, before heading to the car to load it up.
The girls hadn’t even realised the boys had gone as the song changed to toxic pony mashup. Kaylee twirling Mackenzie as Skylar swayed by herself, Mackenzie reaching her arm out inviting Skylar to a twirl as well.
Jack and Trevor walked back down the beach to collect the last few bags and the girls. Trevor pulled his phone out to record them as Mackenzie twirled her hips up against Kaylee, rotating them, both girls laughing at each other.
“Well that took a turn I wasn’t expecting” Trevor laughed, “nothing surprises me with these two anymore” Jack laughed as he began to approach them. “Come on troublemaker it’s time to go” Jack switched off the speaker, hearing whines of protest from the girls. “You can dance back at the house” Trevor promised, which seemed to satisfy them as they began following Jack and Trevor, each grabbing a bag although Jack insisted on carrying Mackenzie’s.
Treading steadily up the sandbank, they finally made it to the cars. Quinn was already sitting in the driver's seat, “I’m coming, I’m coming Quinny be patient” Kaylee huffed out before stumbling into Trevor who was quick to steady her with an arm around her waist, “careful there pumpkin” he smirked.
“Oh bite me” Kaylee joked before carrying on toward the car. “I mean if you insist, I’m sure we can arrange something” Trevor spoke back as he followed her.
Mackenzie giggled, “Jacky why don’t you bite me?” she pouted. Skylar faked a gag, “okayyy on that note i’m gonna go find Eth.” The couple watched as Skylar walked away, “hmm didn’t know you were into biting, baby” Jack smirked. “I'm into a lot of things pretty boy” Mackenzie smirked, leaning up to give him a quick peck on the lips before walking toward the car.
Jack striding to open her door for her before climbing into the driver's seat. “Everyone buckled?” Jack asked before starting the car, “yes dad” Ethan replied. Jack reversed out of the parking space heading for the road home, Quinn’s car following behind.
After pulling up to the house, the boys all climbed out and began unloading again, as the girls walked into the kitchen to start on dinner. “what are we thinking?” Kaylee asked as she scanned the cupboards for ingredients, Mackenzie opened the refrigerator, “hmm I’m thinking something light since we had lunch so late, we could make caesar salad and chicken pesto pasta?” Mackenzie suggested.
“Sounds good to me, I'll start on the salad,” Kaylee replied, “and I'll start on the pasta” Mackenzie added. “What do you need me to do?” Skylar asked, Kenzie looked over her shoulder, “nothing for now pickle, why don’t you sit down and tell us the tea with you and Ethan” she spoke.
Skylar rolled her eyes as her cheeks flushed pink, “oooo someone’s blushinggggg, reminds me of you kenz” Kaylee teased. “Me? no no no, i remember you blushing constantly about bitchy barbie” Mackenzie shot back, Skylar furrowed her eyebrows, “bitchy barbie?”
Mackenzie gave Kaylee a look, silently asking her if she could tell Skylar, when Kaylee nodded Mackenzie started to reply. “Kaylee met a girl called Mae last year at a party—“ Mackenzie started before being interrupted by Kaylee, “We’d seen each other in passing a few times before then, but we hit it off at the party, I kissed her and we exchanged numbers. Although the next day on campus people were saying that I’d forced myself on her, which wasn’t the case. It was then that I'd learnt people had seen us together and Mae wasn’t exactly open about her sexuality which is okay, I’m not one to judge about it, she blew me off and acted like i was some creep” Kaylee finished as she placed the lettuce in a bowl.
“Not only that, but she had the audacity to come to you for help in coming out, AND to ask you out “properly” after everything she had done” Kenzie added as she started frying the chicken.
“Wow, that’s rough, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. What did you do?” Skylar inquired. “Honestly not much, there wasn’t really anything i could do aside from ignore it, a few people who saw us at the party stuck up for me and explained what happened, not that anyone really believed them but i’m thankful they tried. you’re sister however is a different story” Kaylee laughed.
“What did you do?” Skylar sighed, Mackenzie smirked “oh not much.” “not much? you drenched her in kool aid in front of everyone, and switched her lactose pills for tic tacs” Kaylee laughed. “hey i made sure she wasn’t deathly allergic to dairy before i did that, i'm not a monster.” Mackenzie defended.
“I still don’t know how you managed to do that” Kaylee giggled, “I’m cute, plus Spencer owed me a favour after I caught him trying to sleep with Miss Ramsay to get his grades up” Mackenzie laughed at the look on Kaylee’s face. “no— Miss Ramsay? seriously?” Kaylee deadpanned.
“Anyways that’s pretty tame for you Kenz, remember when she hid shrimp in this girl's car and locker because she was bullying me?” Skylar cackled “now that, that was genius” Kaylee laughed back, “like i said i'm cute, boys can never say no to this face” Mackenzie giggled, “it’s true, you could drop a pen and half the football team would be there to offer you theirs or pick it up for you, you wouldn’t even need to say anything” Kaylee laughed harder.
“So tell us about you and Ethan then sunshine” Kaylee teased. “There's not much to tell at the moment, we go for these late night walks around the lake, sometimes we sit at the docks and talk about anything and everything but that’s about it” Skylar summarised.
Suddenly Mackenzie’s phone started ringing from one of the beach bags in the hallway. “JAAAACKKKK!” Mackenzie shouted, “yeah babe?” Jack’s faint voice could be heard, “can you get that for me?” Kenzie shouted back, “yeah babe, one sec” Jack jogged into the hallway, digging around in the bag for her phone, “ITS OLIVIA” he shouted back before answering.
“Hey gorgeous” Olivia’s voice spoke through the phone, “Liv please i’m a happily taken man” Jack joked back, “oh— hey Jack” Olivia laughed, “hey Liv, Kenz is in the kitchen, i’ll pass her the phone and leave you be” Jack spoke back as he made his way to the kitchen himself. “Oh no worries I actually wanted to talk to you both, is Kaylee there as well?” Olivia replied.
“yeah she’s here, one sec lemme put you on speaker. Skylar’s here as well” Jack warned, “Sky? Would you mind clearing out for me please?” Olivia asked. “yeah of course, i’ll go see if they need any more help outside” Skylar stood up and began walking away, hearing Olivia call out a thank you.
“Liv what’s up? Is everyone ok?” Kaylee asked as she walked to the refrigerator. “Everyone is okay, although Cody has been pouting and looking a little lost without his “favourite children” but I was calling to update y’all on our situation” Olivia paused, “and i gotta say it’s not looking good.”
Jack furrowed his brows whilst Mackenzie and Kaylee sighed, “what happened, sweets?” Kaylee asked as Mackenzie poured the pasta into the boiling water adding salt. “He came back from the boys' weekend, and went straight to bed, the next day I tried being dominant like you suggested but it lasted about 2 minutes before he flipped us round” Olivia spoke to the group.
“Liv, I’m gonna ask you something and in no way am I trying to be insulting or disrespectful” Jack spoke thoughtfully as he sat at the breakfast bar, “okay” Olivia mumbled out. “Are you happy with everything else in the relationship? Is this the only issue?” Jack asked.
“yeah everything else is going great! Aside from the bedroom issues, he’s the perfect guy” Olivia spoke out, “but?” Kenzie asked. “But like I told you guys it’s like the passion is gone, and I'm not sure how to fix it” Olivia sighed, “why don’t you talk to him? Or maybe I can talk to him?” Jack suggested.
“It's ok Jack, I'll talk to him. I’m not exactly sure what to say but I'll figure it out. If i need any help i’ll let you guys know, oh shoot Maddy’s here I gotta go pack. I'll see y’all in a few days. I love you all” Olivia rushed out and then hung up.
Jack looked at the girls, “that was strange right?” he asked them. “yeah, she usually doesn’t hang up until Kenz and I have said our own goodbyes”
Kaylee furrowed her brows as she added cucumber to the salad. “You know what, Mads texted me this morning saying she was going to visit her sister in Manhattan today and she’d be staying the night” Kenzie frowned, “so why would she be at Olivia’s?” Kaylee questioned. “Maybe she’s going later?” Jack suggested.
Kaylee shrugged, “yeah, maybe.” “Jack, can you drain the pasta for me?” Kenzie asked. “yeah sure, LUKE!!” Jack shouted as he stood up. “WHAT?!” Luke shouted back. “CAN YOU GATHER THE BOYS, DINNER IS READY?” Jack replied. “YEAH OKAY” Luke’s muffled voice carried through the kitchen.
“I forgot how much you two shout” Kaylee laughed. “my poor eardrums” Kenzie sighed dramatically. “mhm what about my poor eardrums listening to you two singing” Jack laughed. “I am highly offended right now” Kaylee gasped dramatically.
Kaylee walked away with the salad bowl, Kenzie following behind with the pasta, leaving Jack alone, he turned to grab two drinks. A gatorade for himself and a cherry cola for Kenzie, before joining everyone at the dining table.
Jack pulled a chair with Kenzie on his right and Trevor on his left. “Thank you for dinner girls, it looks delicious” Quinn thanked, a few mumbles of agreement and other thank yous carried around the room. “Your welcome boys, tuck in” Kaylee gestured to the bowls.
“Kenzie, where did you learn to cook like this?” Trevor groaned out with a mouthful of pasta. “Well our mom is a nurse and growing up she’d have to leave a lot for night shifts leaving Sky and I alone. A few nights we’d have dinner at Kaylee’s but for the most part I'd cook dinner for us. It started out with just boxed mac and cheese but I watched and followed the food network until I could actually make edible food” Mackenzie laughed as she sipped her cola.
“I used to ask Kaylee’s mom to make extras in case it was bad.” Skylar laughed. “I’ve even taught Jack how to cook a few meals.” Kenzie added, glancing at Jack. “Yeah, I can successfully cook chicken alfredo now” Jack smiled smugly, “he cooked a very nice lasagna for our anniversary last month” Kenzie smiled back.
Dinner continued on as usual, full of stories and laughter. Quinn, Jack and Trevor offered to clean up the dishes, whilst the Umich boys and Skylar headed outside. Kaylee turned to Kenzie smiling, “you do realise Jack facetimed me when he made that lasagna.” “I figured he’d had help, but it was still sweet he tried, it could have been the worst lasagna in the world and I'd still eat it with a smile on my face” Mackenzie smiled.
Kaylee and Mackenzie continued chatting amongst themselves as the boys finished up in the kitchen, Jack was the first to appear. “Q and Trev are just finishing up, do you wanna head upstairs? maybe watch a movie?” Jack asked. Mackenzie nodded as Kaylee wiggled her eyebrows, “behave yourself” Mackenzie laughed before leaving. “I always behave myself, it’s you who doesn’t” Kaylee shouted back, “You’re not wrong” Kenzie shouted back as she laughed.
Jack shook his head, as they headed upstairs. Approaching Jack's room, the pair saw Ethan sitting in the doorway of his bedroom, looking a little lost. “Ethan? you ok?” Kenzie asked as she sat next to him. Ethan sighed, shaking his head, “yeah… kinda? I'm not sure.” Mackenzie frowned, “what’s up?” “Skylar” Ethan replied.
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Liked by Kay.Johnson, trevorzegras, _quinnhughes and 127,349 others
Kenzie.Havener I’ve loved you three summers now honey☀️❤️
tagged:- jackhughes
Kay.Johnson but I want them all 😙
Kenzie.Havener you weren’t supposed to finish it 😒😩
trevorzegras In her defence Jack doesn’t know Tay Tay😩😭
jackhughes I know taylor swift I just don’t know what the songs are 😐
Kenzie.Havener can we cancel him? 🙄
_quinnhughes yes
jackhughes I love you baby ❤️
trevorzegras I love you too babe 😙❤️
Kenzie.Havener ermmm shall I leave? 🤣😒
Kenzie.Havener I love you ❤️
Fan180 where can i find my own Jack 😩
Kenzie.Havener you can have my one 😒
Kenzie.Havener lysm bestie 🫶🏼, you’ll find your Jack Hughes one day, I promise
lhughes_06 why is this a thing? 🤣
Kay.Johnson because your brother is hot af and everyone knows it 🙄
Kenzie.Havener he’s just setting a standard, don’t settle for less ladies 😌
lhughes_06 I hate it here 😩
Skylar.Grace stop being a hater 💅🏼
46 notes · View notes
randomestfandoms-ocs · 10 months
Harry Potter OC Masterlist ( A-K )
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Name: Adhara Black
Story: Blackbird
Series: Lament
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Alyvia Alyn Lind & Emily Alyn Lind
Love Interest: Theodore Nott
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Name: Adrasteia Avery
Story: Love Thorns
Series: Garden Song
House: tbd
Era: Marauder's Era
Face Claim: Madelaine Petsch & Amy Adams
Love Interest: Gideon Prewett
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Name: Adriana Flores
Story: Is There Somewhere?
House: Slytherin
Era: Marauders Era
Face Claim:  Ester Exposito
Love Interest: James Potter
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Name: Alora Scamander
Story: Chasing Hurricans
Series: Chasing Storms
House: Ravenclaw
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Milly Alcock & Saorise Ronan
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Name: Amalthea Black
Story: Alchemical
Series: Family Jewels
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Avi Lake & Natalia Dyer
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Name: Anastasia Campbell
Story: A Whole New World
House: Ilvermorny
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Sofia Carson
Love Interest: George Weasley
With a war brewing on the horizon, everyone was desperate for a bit of hope.  And Kingsley Shacklebolt had the answer. And he had the pitch.It’s our only hope of stopping Potter from spreading more lies, he told Cornelius Fudge.  It’s our only hope of getting Potter away from Umbridge, he told Dumbledore.  It’s our only hope of protecting these children, he told the Order.  It’s our only hope of uniting our countries, he told Headmistress Averill.  It’s the only hope for saving your daughter, he told President Campbell.But, what is it?  It’s the first contact between the British and American magical worlds since Newt Scamander and Gellert Grindelwald fought on American soil.  It’s an exchange program, of sorts.  It’s sending a select group of students from Hogwarts to Ilvermorny for a year, introducing them to their American counterparts.Kingsley knew that it was the only chance to win the war, but even he didn’t anticipate just how much a few Americans could change things in a single year.
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Name: Annette Diggory
Story: Hounds Of Love
House: Hufflepuff
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Willow Shields & Kristine Froseth
Love Interest: George Weasley
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Name: Aquila Black
Story: Do You Believe In Magic?
House: N/A
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Victoria Pedretti
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Name: Ara Black
Story: Blood Calls To Blood
House: Gryffindor
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Mackenzie Foy & Kaya Scodelario
Love Interest: Harry Potter
When Ara Black was a year old, her father was arrested and thrown into Azkaban without a trial, and she was adopted by her Aunt Andromeda.  For the next twelve years, Ara was perfectly fine with being Ara Tonks; with being normal; with being unnoticed.  But when her father breaks out of Azkaban, on her thirteenth birthday no less, she knows that it’s only a matter of time before all her secrets are revealed.
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Name: Bobbie Fortescue
Story: Reverie
House: Hufflepuff
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: McKenna Grace & Ginny Gardner
Love Interest: Ernie MacMillan
Being a child of the first Wizarding War was far from easy.  Like so many, Bobbie’s parents had been killed during the war, and she’d been raised by her grandfather.  A fiercely protective man, having lost both his son and daughter — Bobbie’s Aunt Alice — to death eaters, Bobbie’s little world had been mostly limited to the ice cream parlour and their apartment above it.  Small, safe, lonely. But there were bright spots in her life too.  There was her cousin, Neville, whom she was allowed to visit once a week.  There was Madam Villanelle from Flourish and Blotts, who would always let Bobbie sit and read safely within her grandfather’s view from the parlour.   There was Ernie MacMillan, the sweet boy who always stopped by to say hi when he was in the Alley — to whom Bobbie always snuck a free ice cream.  And there was Hogwarts.  The dream of a future, of a world beyond the small section of Diagon Alley that could easily be seen from her grandfather’s shop.  The dream of friends, of excitement, knowledge, adventure. But when Bobbie gets to Hogwarts, it’s nothing like she expected.  Sorted into Hufflepuff and separated from Neville, she finds herself floundering.  The world outside of the parlour is bigger, louder, more dangerous than Bobbie had ever dreamed, and the only person who seems to notice how badly she’s handling it is none other than Ernie MacMillan himself.
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Name: Carina Goldberg
Story: Do You Believe In Magic
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Raffey Cassidy & Danielle Campbell
Love Interest: Harry Potter
Carina Goldberg knew magic was real. She’d known it was real sinceher first brush with accidental magic, when she was only five years old.  Her mum had sat her down to tell her all about the Wizarding World—that she, herself, was a squib, a magic-less child from a magical family, who never expected to have a magical daughter herself.  So, she knew of magic.  But when her owl comes from Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry, she finds that there’s still a lot that she doesn’t know.  She knew nothing about her own family’s dark history, or that her best friend, Harry, was famous in the Wizarding World, and she definitely didn’t know about the evil lurking in the shadows, threatening to destroy the world once more.
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Name: Cassia Potter
Story: The Captain Of My Fate
Series: Invictus
House: Gryffindor
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Dimitri Aleksander Volkov
Read it on AO3 HERE | FFnet HERE | Wattpad HERE
December 1981, two months after Voldemort’s defeat, Severus Snape introduced his daughter to the world.  Cassia Lily Snape, his daughter with Lily Evans who’d been kept a secret to protect her from both Voldemort and Lily’s husband, now a year old and living at Hogwarts with her father.Despite her father’s emotional absence, Cassia had never lacked in love, building a family of her own within the castle she called home.  The older she got, the more questions she had about her life and her mother, but she had long since accepted that they would remain unanswered.  But when she turned eleven and finally, finally, becomes a student herself, it’s not Cassia Lily Snape who’s called to be sorted.  It’s Cassia Alice Potter, a girl said to have disappeared ten years earlier.
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Name: Catherine Flamel
Story: Clair De Lune
Series: What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
House: Gryffindor or Beauxbatons
Era: Flamel Era
Face Claim: Emily Carey & Lily Collins
Love Interest: Sébastien Gautier
The only child of Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel, Catherine was just as much of a magical prodigy as her parents.  She had graduated at the top of her class at Beauxbatons, then proceeded to dedicate her passions alchemy and spellcraft to helping her people survive the ever increasing persecution that they were facing all across the continent.  But as time goes on and the struggle gets closer to home, she can’t help but wonder: had she been doing the right thing, or had she only been contributing to the endless death and destruction?
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Name: Celia Longbottom
Story: Wildflower
Series: Garden Song
House: tbd
Era: Marauder's Era
Face Claim: Ella Purnell
Love Interest: Fabian Prewett
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Name: Clio Lupin
Story: Blood Moon
House: Hufflepuff
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Sophie Nélisse & Grace Van Dien
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Name: Corvina Karkaroff
Story: So It Goes
House: Durmstrang
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Stella Maeve
Love Interest: Viktor Krum
Corvina Karkaroff knew the life that was planned out for her.  She knew that her father had arranged her betrothal years earlier, and that within a month of her graduation she would be married.  Her future husband was fond of the dark arts and viewed marriage as a necessity for heirs, wives as nothing more than property – in short, he failed to pass the only request that Corvina might have had.  Still, with barely nine months left of her free life, she was determined to make the most of the time she had.  It was fortunate, really, that this would be the year of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, the year that she could disappear to England and leave her future far behind.  One year.  One glorious year of international relations, thrilling competition, and clandestine meetings with Viktor, before she would have to return home and face reality.  But a lot can happen in one year, and by the time the ship docks back at Durmstrang, who knows what life may have in store.
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Name: Danica Lestrange
Story: Serpentine
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Brenna D'Amico & Margaret Qualley
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Name: Dawn Connolly
Story: Stairway To Heaven
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Sabrina Carpenter & Lily James
Love Interest: Sirius Black
When the wizarding world first went to war against Voldemort, seventeen year old Dawn Connolly was right there in the middle of it all. The muggleborn was still in her final year at Hogwarts, but she found herself stepping up within the Order of the Phoenix, alongside the infamous Marauders and her long time best friend and idol, Lily Potter. But one fateful Halloween, only months after finishing school tragedy shook Dawn’s world. Within hours, her closest confidant had died, as had two of her best friends, the third arrested and sent to jail, and the fourth locking himself away from the world. So Dawn packed up her life and returned to the muggle world. She kept her head down until most of her former colleagues had assumed her dead or forgotten about her entirely, working odd jobs in the town of Little Whinging, where she knew Lily’s sister lived. She waitressed, she sang, she wrote, she babysat Harry Potter. It wasn’t perfect, and she continued to grieve for her loved ones, but it was more than she could have hoped for; it was good. And then Sirius Black turns up on her doorstep.
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Name: Deianira Carrow
Story: Melodrama
Series: What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
House: Slytherin
Era: Riddle Era
Face Claim: Emily Carey & Lily Collins
Love Interest: Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle was, in a word, enchanting.  Deianira Carrow was two classes below him, but from her very first day of school, she had never been able to take her eyes off of him.  And somehow, in her third year and his fifth, he set his eyes on her as well.  From that day onwards, Deianira was always by his side.  She was in his innermost circle, his closest confidante, his right hand.  She was his.  And as the years pass by, as her graduation approaches, as schoolboy visions become a reality, Deianira knows one thing for certain.  She will always be his; even if it kills her.
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Name: Dimitri Aleksander Volkov
Story: The Captain Of My Fate
Series: Invictus
House: Durmstrang; Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Aidan Gallagher & Thomas Doherty
Love Interest: Cassia Potter
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Name: Dulcinea Ollivander
Story: Moonlight Sonata
House: Ravenclaw
Era: Marauder's Era
Face Claim: Abby Ross & Hannah Murray
Love Interest: Remus Lupin
Dulcinea Ollivander had always believed that Hogwarts would be the best years of her life.  Raised on stories of lifelong friends and adventures that she would remember forever, she couldn’t wait to board the train and experience all of the wonder for herself.  And for the first few years, it had been true.  She’d found a home and a family within Ravenclaw tower, a passion for almost all of her classes, an unexpected love of quidditch, and even a crush in the form of Remus Lupin – it was everything she could have dreamed of and more.  But as Voldemort’s war lands on their doorstep, adventure and wonder must come to an end, and everyone has to decide just how far they’re willing to go to survive.
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Name: Elvira Lestrange
Story: Alchemical
Series: Family Jewels
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Dove Cameron
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Name: Emerald Evans
Story: Lightning Strikes
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Sophia Lillis & Abigail Cowen
Love Interest: Theodore Nott
Emerald Evans would have once called herself perfectly normal, thank you very much.  Raised by her Aunt Mary in Little Whinging, happy if a little bit lonely, her life was entirely average.  Or so she thought, until a scrawny boy named Harry, with a funny scar and the same eyes as hers, walked into her classroom on the first day of primary school, and everything changed.  More and more often she was noticing things that were decidedly not normal — Aunt Mary holding something that had been across the room only moments before, ending up on a roof with no memory of moving, snakes that sounded more like whispers than hissing.  Little things and no so little things all piling up into one overwhelming, unsolvable puzzle, building and building right up to her eleventh birthday, when an owl flew into her window holding an envelope, of all things.
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Name: Eurydice Crouch
Story: If I Die Young
Series: What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
House: Slytherin
Era: Marauders Era
Face Claim: Emily Carey & Lily Collins
Love Interest: James Potter & Lily Evans
As the only daughter of House Crouch, Eurydice entered Hogwarts knowing that her only job was to secure herself a proper, respectable, political marriage.  It was all that she had been trained for, and she had already prepared a list of suitable suitors to acquaint herself with.  However that list didn’t account for her being sorted into Slytherin – she was supposed to be a Ravenclaw, thank you – and surrounded by families too dark to bolster her father’s political career.  It also didn’t account for a fledging friendship with either James Potter or Lily Evans, let alone for her growing feelings towards not one, but both of them.  And it most certainly didn’t account for Lord Voldemort’s growing obsession with her.
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Name: Gemini Black
Story: Once Bitten, Twice Shy
House: Slytherin
Era: Marauders’ Era
Face Claim: Bailee Madison & Nina Dobrev
Love Interest: Remus Lupin
Six years of inter-house rivalry could never come close to destroying the Black twins’ bond.  Even though most people only saw them as the Gryffindor rebel and the Slytherin princess, Sirius and Gemini were still as close as the day they were born.  After all, they were very much the same.  The only real differences were that Sirius had best friends and that his rebellion was much louder than hers - and that was no accident: the more obvious Sirius was in his opinions, the less anyone noticed Gemini’s.  But, as close as they were, they still had secrets.  Gemini still didn’t know the truth about Remus Lupin and his furry little problem, and Sirius… Sirius still didn’t know that she’d been in love with Remus since they were eleven.  Until one fateful full moon when Gemini goes to the Shrieking Shack to talk Sirius out of pranking Snape, and suddenly, for the first time in sixteen years, something might come between them.
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Name: Gwendolyn Pendragon
Story: Faultlines
Series: What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
House: Ravenclaw
Era: Fantastic Beasts
Face Claim: Emily Carey & Lily Collins
Love Interest: Newt Scamander
Moving to America hadn’t been an easy decision, no matter what Gwendolyn Pendragon’s friends might claim.  Leaving behind her loved ones was hard enough, but abandoning the war effort was even worse.  But with Grinlewald fixated on her family name, the best way for her to protect anyone was to be far away.  It was a good plan, for a time.  But when she runs into her dearest friend for the first time in a decade, she has to face the truth.  Her time is running short, and her past is close on her heels.
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Name: Holly Evans
Story: Toil And Trouble
House: TBD
Era: Marauders’ Era
Face Claim: Sadie Stanley & Sophie Turner & Karen Gillan
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Name: Iliana Prewett
Story: Rose Thorns
Series: Garden Song
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Ellie Bamber
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Name: Jessica Stevens
Story: Love and War
House: Gryffindor
Face Claim: Olivia Holt & Emily Vancamp
Era: Marauder's Era / Golden Era
Love Interest: Sirius Black
Everyone talked about the Marauders, close as brothers and all that, but no one ever talked about their female counterparts, close as sisters.  Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Alice Fortescue, Mary Macdonald, and Jessica Stevens.  Best friends since the day they started at Hogwarts, it would always be the six of them.  But, as much as Lily hated James Potter, Jess loved Sirius Black.  And he loved her too.  But with their best friends hating each other, it seemed unlikely that they would ever have a chance to act on those feelings.  Even if they could have, they were a bit busy with a war, blood feuds, secret organizations, and trying to pass their OWLs.  Oh, and let’s not forget, a sickness that seemed to only be affecting muggle-borns like Jess and Lily.
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 202.brb x oc
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a/n: the horizon smells like fluff and i love it(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: n o n e
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989
Nicole was a great little baby, he knew that, but she was also…a baby. Which meant her focus moved a lot and she was surrounded by colorful furniture and other baby things. All of them went to Mackenzie’s - the baby section- and they had to separate to get everything. Since Rooster had Nicole, they all decided he shouldn’t have anything too big or heavy on his cart.
So what was he going to get?
Decoration,of course.
He smiles at Nicole who was just pointing at things, “Jojo!” she says while pointing to a stuffed dog toy on the top shelf. He turns his eyes to it and blinks…it does look a lot like Jolene, even the pink nose.
“It looks like her,huh?” Nicole was a good baby, but he noticed she’d get excited a lot by whatever was surrounding her. The seat was good to keep her still,but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to move her torso to look around even more. He doesn’t want to freak out, because he’s a good father who knows that babies’ bodies can be a bit flexible.
But he was freaking out. A little.
“Nikki,Nikki,God,” he cups her shoulder and moves her back,so she’s still on the seat. Those huge blinking eyes look up at him and she grins, kicking her little legs back and forth, “Oh you,you.” he shakes his finger in front of her face, then boops her nose, “You are just like your mother, making me lose my mind and making me worry.” he kisses the top of her head as he rolls forward on the aisle.
He has a few things inside, honestly Beatrice had more willpower than he had because everything was so tempting he had to hold himself for a few seconds and remember the budget. But that was a pretty fish lamp…he got the fish lamp, “And it fits the colors and everything.” he gives himself an excuse, then clears his throat, “Anyway, we need uh…let’s see. Pillows, blankets,” he mumbles the rest to himself as he checks the phone, while Nicole is busy looking around again.
Nikki is actually looking at something else, something far. “AAA!” the sudden squeal makes him jump on the spot, then look down at Nikki, who was pointing her little hand to the left, “Dada!” she moves more, “Woosh!”
“Woosh?” that he didn’t know, “...what is woosh?”
Bradley purses his lips, leaning on the cart a bit to get on her eye level and hopefully check what she was pointing at. There were a lot of boxes in his vision so he squinted his eyes in hopes to see it better, “Nikki,dada doesn’t know what you mean.” she repeats the ‘woosh’ sound and he tries to wrack his brain for any moments she said that sound. He taps his finger on the handle as he recollects his memories.
Then it lands on him. Beatrice was showing Nicole his own fighter jet toy and she made the ‘woosh’ while moving it above Nikki’s head, “Oh,oh! Oh you saw a jet,did you?’ again,one more woosh, “Where is it? I kinda wanna see it too, what do the kids nowadays get?” 
He thinks that changing course might not be useful, but he’s curious and this is a great time to spend with Nikki, so he just turns the cart towards the ‘grown kids’ toys area. There were a lot of boys there, a lot of them, too many and he had to wait until a few of them stopped playing with their still latched NERF guns to move forward.
“Oh, getting warmer?” from the way she was wriggling on the seat,yes, “Alright,” he looked around a bit, checking Nicole's reaction in hopes he found what she was talking about…until it happened. His daughter squealed happily, pointing up the shelf, right above his head, “Oh, is this is?” she giggles as Rooster stretches his arm to grab a huge box.
He has to let go of the cart to hold it close, whistling low when he sees the cover, “...damn this is big.” it was a fighter jet toy, the ones that you can build and keep it safe in your office so no one touches and he had to admit, it looked very realistic. He turns the box for Nicole to see, “Is this the woosh?’
“I take that as a yes.” he smiles, his eyes turning down to the box as he stares at it, everything was very very,very similar. Hell it even had nicks and bits to the outside, like it was old. He blinks while paying more attention…why did Nikki want this? It’s not that colorful, there was no way she’d be so interested in it…right? But his daughter reached for it and he had to pause, “Baby girl,this is too big and clearly not for babies.”
“Nikki…maybe when you are older,” he pauses, that sentence made him feel cold inside and he was immediately reminded of Maverick’s words.
What if she wants to,one day?
He didn’t need that right now. She’ll turn one year old in a couple months, there’s nothing more going on and he’s going to shove that thing way up there, “I’ll get you something else,” he says when she whines in disappointment, looking back at the fighter jet with her lower lip jutted out in a pout, “Something…baby friendly,besides we are buying stuff for your siblings, so… let’s continue with the list,yea?”
He takes a deep breath, pushing away the thoughts about the future and focusing on the present. "Alright, let's find something else," he says to Nicole, giving her a reassuring smile. "There are plenty of fun toys for you here."
Rooster carefully navigates the cart to the toys more suitable for babies and toddlers. He lets Nicole explore the options, while still in the seat,and she seems to be enjoying herself as she points and reaches for various items. He picks out some soft plush toys and rattles, making sure they are safe for her to play with.
"Look, Nikki," he says, showing her a cute plush giraffe. "How about this one? It's soft and safe for you."
Nicole's eyes light up, and she reaches for the giraffe, making happy cooing sounds. "Giraffe!" she says, trying to grab it.
"That's right, it's a giraffe," Rooster says, handing her the plush toy. "You can play with it all you want."
She happily clutches the giraffe in her little hands, and Rooster can't help but smile at how adorable she looks. He continues to pick out a few more things for the twins, and he’s glad he’s doing it as easily as he hoped, there were less distractions but his brain kept going back to the fighter jet Nicole saw.
She was too young when she was at the base to remember, she doesn’t know and the toy that once belonged to him wasn’t like that. He furrows his brows, chewing his lower lip, ‘...Nikki,” she looks up at him once she’s done playing with the giraffe, “Did you like the uh…woosh?”
“Yes, you liked it?” she just babbles a bit, kicking her legs as she looks up at him, “...okay baby girl,listen,” he crouches down to her eye level, “...dada doesn’t want to think about what you might work in.Alright? Especially not that…it’s…dangerous and it’s stressful and,” those light green eyes just stared at him, ‘...and you are a baby…I’m assuming things, that doesn’t mean anything!” he’s talking to himself now and some people are giving him weird looks.
He was still bothered by the thought that Nicole might follow his footsteps.
Rooster takes a deep breath, realizing that he's probably overthinking things. Nicole is just a baby, and it's far too early to be worrying about what she may or may not want to do in the future. He reminds himself that his daughter is an individual with her own interests and passions, and it's essential to support and encourage her in whatever she chooses.
"You know what, Nikki?" Rooster says, his voice softening as he smiles at her. "You can be anything you want to be when you grow up. It doesn't have to be anything like what dada does. You can be a doctor, a teacher, an artist, or anything else that makes you happy."
Nicole babbles happily in response,  she has no idea what he’s talking about but she’s happy! Rooster feels a sense of relief wash over him as he realizes that he doesn't need to project his own fears and concerns onto his daughter. Instead, he needs to focus on being the best father he can be and supporting her in all her endeavors.
"Let's find some more toys for you and your siblings, huh?" he says, changing the subject and getting back to their shopping. He picks out some more age-appropriate toys for Nicole and adds a few items to the cart for the twins as well.
Once he’s done for the day, he messages the group chat to ask them where they were before looking up, seeing that the Daggers weren’t that far from him. He blinked, speeding his step when he sees the amount of things they got, “Guys, that’s…so much stuff.”
Phoenix holds up a hand, “Okay, so,” she gestures to the other guys, “We all decided to give the twins something else besides the furniture and I know,you’ll pay for it, but these,” she taps a gift wrapped box, ‘These are from us.
“You guys didn’t have to–”
“I also won the bet!” Payback announces, holding his finger and earning a collective groan from everyone else, “I knew you’d say that, so thanks for making me win 100 bucks,Rooster.”
Rooster’s eyebrow lowered and his face turned to unimpressed, “Are you ever going to stop betting on me and Bea?”
Rooster shakes his head with a sigh, but he’s glad those dumbasses are his friends. He takes a look at the gift-wrapped boxes and smiles gratefully. "Well, thank you all. It means a lot to us that you went above and beyond to help with the nursery and get gifts for the twins."
"Yeah, we wanted to do something special for them," Coyote says, a warm smile on his face. "They're going to have the coolest nursery ever."
Rooster glances at the boxes, "I can't wait to see what's inside," he says. "I'm sure the twins will love whatever you got for them." Nicole babbles a bit “...and for Nikki.”
Bob gives Rooster a playful pat on the back. "Nikki is next on the list.”
“I think that’s a yes.”
Bea was glad her aunt brought a book she could distract herself with, it was called "Whispers of the Skies." It was a beautifully bound novel, its cover adorned with intricate designs that seemed to dance and shimmer in the light. The title was written in elegant, swirling letters, and as Bea opened the book, the scent of fresh ink and paper wafted up to greet her.
She had never heard about it, but was very intrigued by the very first pages. Her aunt Martha sat by her, reading a book herself but it wasn’t the same type of book that she was enjoying, it seemed like almost a grimorium with a black cover?No,right? Beatrice flicked her gaze from her own book to her aunt, then lowered it to her chest, “What’s that,zia?”
Martha smiles, still looking down, “An old book of mine.”
“It’s old people stuff,tesoro, don’t worry.”
She didn’t elaborate and Beatrice didn’t either. She just returned to her book and adjusted herself on the bed. She saw the twins again today, nothing really…changed, but it was nice to see those little beans in there. Aurora was a bit more active than Gavin, that’s for sure, but that didn’t mean Gavin was sick…he was just more chill than his sister. “Zia Martha,” her aunt hums, flipping a page, ‘How many twins and triplets are in our family?”
Martha glances up from her book, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "Oh, quite a few, my dear," she replies, tapping her finger on her chin as she recalls the family history. "Let me see if I can remember them all. There were the triplets on your nonna's side, your grand-uncles, your great-aunt Lucia had triplets, and I had the twins and then the triplets from…my little sister.."
“What’s the problem?”
She wrings her hands together,dropping the book to her lap, “How…how many of them were preemies? Do you know?”
Martha's face softens with understanding as she looks at Beatrice. "Several of them were born prematurely, tesoro," she says gently. "Your grand-uncles and your great-aunt Lucia were all born prematurely, not to mention some I can’t even recall."
Beatrice's heart sinks a little at the revelation, and she can't help but worry about the possibility of her own twins being born prematurely. "Is it common in our family?" she asks, her voice tinged with concern.
Martha nods, "It seems to be a pattern, yes. But you know, each pregnancy is unique, and there's no way to predict exactly how things will go."
Beatrice takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She knows Martha is right, but the thought of her babies arriving earlier than expected fills her with anxiety. "I just want them to be healthy and safe," she says softly, her hand instinctively resting on her belly, it was still…looking pregnant, even if they were no longer there.
"They will be, cara mia," Martha reassures her, reaching over to give her niece's hand a reassuring squeeze. "They’ll be fine…you don’t think this is your fault do you?” yes she did, “Oh,tesoro.” her aunt laughs, cupping her face in her hand, “My little cherub, you and your head,hm? When will it stop giving you those thoughts?”
“I-I…I don’t know.”
Martha smiles, kissing her forehead, “You are fine, neither you nor Bradley did anything to make this birth happen sooner. The twins were just eager to be born…may I remind you that you were also a preemie?”
Beatrice blushes slightly, "I know, zia," she says softly, "but it's just... different when it's your own children. I can't help but worry about them."
"I understand, preziosa," Martha says soothingly, her hand gently stroking Beatrice's hair. "It's only natural to worry, especially when it comes to your children. But you and Bradley are doing everything you can to take care of them. They’ll be just fine.”
"I just want them to be okay," she says, her voice filled with emotion.
"And they will be," Martha assures her, her voice firm and confident. "You are a strong, loving mother, and your children are lucky to have you. “ she pauses, holding her index finger and smiling cryptically at Beatrice, “Rooster is on his way.’
“He is? But how–” and as if on cue, there were three knocks at the door. Beatrice and Martha both turn towards it, soon seeing Rooster’s face appear from behind it, body still partially hidden by the door, “Roos!”
“Hi,gorgeous. Hi Martha.”
He walks in, Nicole on his arm and the other one was hidden behind his back, “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.” 
Beatrice smiles warmly at Rooster, shaking her head. "No, not at all," she says,”We were just chatting a bit."
“And I was on my way home,just waiting for you.” Martha smiles, kissing Beatrice’s cheek before she could prevent it, then doing the same to Bradley and Nicole, “Au revoir mon amours!” and she blew them a kiss, disappearing from their view immediately.
Both of them blink, “Witch stuff?” he asks.
“Witch stuff,” Bea replies while laughing, “What do you have there?” she asks while tilting her head hoping to sneak a peek from what he was hiding, all the while Nicole happily babbles at her.
"I got something for you," he says,  showing the small bouquet to Beatrice - lavender and daisies- and smiling at her, “Felt like giving you some.”
“Oh…Brad.” she smiles, “It’s so pretty.”
“And I know those are your favorites,so…”
“Thank you,” she grins, “Do you mind um,” she pointed to a vase that her aunt had apparently forgotten there. Martha knew too much, “Putting it there?”
Rooster smiles and nods, taking the vase that was conveniently left behind by Martha. He carefully arranges the lavender and daisies into the vase, making sure they look perfect.
"There we go," he says, placing the vase with the bouquet on the bedside table where Beatrice can easily see and smell them. "Now you have a bit of nature's beauty right here."
"It's lovely," she says, reaching out to give his hand a gentle squeeze. "Thank you for brightening up my day."
Rooster leans in and kisses her forehead. "Anything for you," he says, his voice filled with love. "You deserve all the beauty and happiness in the world, especially during this time."
Beatrice blushes, feeling touched by his words “Cheesy. By the way, how was your day with Nicole?" she asks, glancing over at their daughter who is now playing with her toys on the couch, clearly humored by everything around her.
"It was great," Rooster says, his face lighting up. "We had a little adventure at the store, and she was so curious about everything. We almost ended up with a big fighter jet toy, but I managed to convince her that it wasn't the best choice for a baby."
“A fighter jet?”
Beatrice tries to hold back her smile, “Really?” he hums in agreement, kissing her fingers before holding her hand with both of his, “...and you didn’t get it.”
“No,it’s for 12+, no way I was going to get it for her-” Beatrice gives him a look, then shakes his hand a bit, ‘...maybe when she’s older. Then I’ll give it to her, if she wants. Anyway…how are you? Are you okay?” she gives him a gentle shrug and her smile doesn’t reach her face, “You in any pain?”
Beatrice sighs softly, "I'm okay," she says, giving him a reassuring smile, "just a little tired, that's all."
Rooster frowns slightly, seeing through her attempt to downplay her feelings. He knows her well enough to sense when something is bothering her. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asks gently, "You don't have to pretend with me, you know. I'm here for you."
Beatrice hesitates for a moment, then decides to open up to him. "I guess...I'm just a little anxious about the twins, still" she admits, her voice soft. "I saw them and they look fine but...I wish we could just take them home." and she drops her head on the pillow, “And i was here, thinking about…things and how a lot of the twins in my family are preemies and…I gave myself a headache.”
He hums, kissing her knuckles and giving Nicole a quick look to check on her, “I know,gorgeous…but,it’ll be okay.” he says softly, then looks down at her hand, “We have to be a little patient.”
“Yeah…I guess.” she huffs through her nose, “...anyway, what else did you do today?”
“Oh…well,about that.” he laughs softly, “Um…we might have a new nursery ready by the time you get home.” She blinks at him twice, digesting his words, then widens her eyes before going, “What?”
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the-clawtake · 5 months
(This is the first time Jehan tried commanding anything larger than a single Star. Takes place the 4th or 5th of May, 3052, somewhere in Holth Forest.)
“Stravag!” Star Commander Jehan MacKenzie swore as he dropped his gaze from the plumes of smoke filling the horizon to his Dragonfly’s tactical display. The wire-mesh topography glowing green in the small round screen did nothing to improve his mood, nor did the cluster of icons surrounding his own in the small flat patch they occupied.
The withdrawal from Luk, although it had started in good order despite the surprise of the orders, had begun to disintegrate during the first evening. It was hard, maneouvering significant numbers of battlemechs in good order through hard terrain at the best of times; Dense forest, cover of darkness, and continuous barrage did not qualify as the best of times. Now he, a Star Commander with supposed responsibility for a single Star of Beta Galaxy, found himself the ranking officer for what appeared to be a Trinary.
And to make matters worse, they had heard snippets of comm chatter suggesting ComGuard was in the process of overruning the Seventh Bear Guards behind them and had flankers out trying to engage the rest of the Ghost Bears withdrawing through Holth forest, and from the looks of the smoke, half of Tukayyid was on fire. Of course that was before the smoke had started playing havoc with their comms. Now they were unable to manage anything beyond short-range squawks, and straightened in his pilots chair, he toggled his short-range comms to the channel they were currently using.
“Attend, Warriors.” He transmitted, then waited a moment while the various pilots sounded off. Once they had, he toggled the comm again.
“ComGuard has fired the forest and their flankers will be harrying our withdrawal. The situation is dire and the only way out is through. Zellbrigen is hereby suspended, upon my authority.” he paused, considering. His own star was entirely composed of Spheroid Abtahka, and could set the example. From the accents, there were another couple of warriors amongst those with him who had not been raised in a Clan Sibko. He issued a final set of orders.
“All Warriors. Dump any remaining munitions. Match pace to the slowest unit. Focus fire and engage in melee when possible. Confirm orders, quiaff.” He might suffer for that final one later, but it would surprise any ComGuard pilots, who would be used to Clan Warriors eschewing close quarters fighting. A chorus of affirmatives came through, some slower than others, and he turned his machine in the direction of Spanac, and toggled the comm a final time.
“All units. Form on me.” and he eased the throttle forward, starting into the pines.
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Hiiii my beautiful, angelic baby dino 💓💫🥰💘
I know I've pestered you with plenty of messages today already, but what's one more, right? So for that fic ask game you reblogged, I am thinking I remember you saying you probably would never write a kid fic, or a cowboy AU, and I think you probably also wouldn't write lactation kink 😂 (I am so sorry, I just had to think of sometbing extreme lmao)
Any of those you wanna give a whirl? 😉 I love you, my sweets!! 💕💕💕
Baby giraffe! 🥰💕💕💕
Look, I know you know I know what you were doing, giving me these particular tropes, so I'm just... gonna give you exactly what you wanted, okay? 🥺💗 Okay.
So pls enjoy some soft™ vibes from this Stucky kidfic cowboy AU I dreamed up for our beloved @otp-holic 💘
Steve followed Bucky into the stables, where Mackenzie was sitting on a folding chair in front of Sunflower’s stall. 
“He was beginning to be afraid he had come to the wrong planet, when a coil of gold, the color of the moonlight, flashed across the sand.” She looked up from her book, blinking slowly. “Oh. hi.” 
“There’s someone I want you to meet,” Steve said, walking over to Mackenzie and tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “You up for a little chat?” 
She nodded, closing the book and pressing it against her chest, her eyes now fixed on Bucky. 
Bucky took a few careful, measured steps towards her, scooting down on his haunches. “Hey there. I’m Bucky. Your dad told me your name is Mackenzie?” 
Mackenzie nodded again, glancing sideways at Steve. He smiled at her, reaching over the door of Sunflower’s stall and scratching him behind the ears. 
“Yeah,” she eventually said, picking at the tattered corner of the book. 
“That’s a nice name.” 
“Yours is funny.” 
“Mac, come on,” Steve chided, very gently, his fingers slowly unraveling a knot in the horse’s mane. 
Bucky huffed a soft laugh, tilting his head to the side. “Bucky? Yeah, it is. My name is actually James, but my sister started calling me that before I could even walk, and it stuck.” 
Steve let out a breath he didn’t realize he'd been holding, something tugging at his heart. Mackenzie looked like she was trying her best not to smile.
“What were you reading to him?” Bucky went on, nodding towards Sunflower. 
“The Little Prince.” She showed Bucky the cover, well-loved and worn. “He likes it when I read to him.” 
“I’m sure he does. Do you mind telling me what else he likes?”
“Apples,” Mackenzie said after some deliberation. “Especially red ones.” 
Bucky nodded solemnly, his eyes so kind Steve forgot what he was doing. Sunflower flicked his ears, leaning demandingly into his touch. 
“Yeah, they’re my favorite, too.” 
“She’s a really great kid.” 
The sun had dropped low, hanging lazily over the orange-washed horizon. 
“Yeah, she is.” Steve looked at the beer in his hand, the edge of the label peeling away with condensation. “I just hope I’m doing a good enough job with her.” 
“From where I’m standing, it looks like you’re doing an amazing job.” Bucky took a long pull from his bottle, his throat bobbing as he swallowed. 
Steve tried, and failed, not to stare.
“Uh, thanks.” He felt a flush creeping up his cheeks, and he busied himself with fidgeting with the cuff of his flannel. “It’s just been tough, y’know, since her mom passed. My nephew Peter is helping me homeschool her, and I honestly don’t know what I’d do without him.” 
“You’d do just fine, Steve,” Bucky said, his voice soft and low. “But I’m glad you’ve got people helping you. You don’t have to do everything by yourself.” 
Steve looked up at him, frowning. 
Bucky rubbed his knuckles across his mouth, the look on his face turning inwards. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean it like— just, forget it. I was out of line.” 
“No, c’mon.” Steve finished his beer, lowering the bottle on the porch by his chair. “I think I need someone reminding me of that.” He hummed under his breath, looking out across the paddocks. “I mean, I can be a bit stubborn, sometimes.” 
“You don’t say,” Bucky deadpanned, his voice light with poorly hidden laughter. 
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rxin3akamallory · 11 months
Mal’s Self-Insert OC Guide 2
☆彡 Guide 1
☆彡 Guide 3
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Media: Regular Show
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 22
Species: Rabbit
F/O: None
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Media: Green Eggs & Ham
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 22
Species: Who
F/O: None
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Media: Super Mario Bros. (The 2023 movie specifically)
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 24
Species: Human
F/O: Luigi Mario
Maci Anderson
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Media: Detroit: Become Human
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 24
Species: Human
F/O: Connor
Mackenzie Hicks
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Media: The Florida Project
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 27
Species: Human
F/O: None
Madeline Willow
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Media: Wreck-It Ralph
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 28
Species: Humanoid Video Game Character
F/O: Fix-It Felix Jr.
Mabelle (Hudson) McMissile
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Media: Cars
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 29
Species: Human (Car in og movie universe)
F/O: Finn McMissile
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Media: The Muppets (2011-2015 era specifically)
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 30
Species: Humanoid Muppet
F/O: Walter
Magril Opossum
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Media: Guardians of the Galaxy
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 32 (Human Years), 6 (Opossum Years)
Species: Opossum
F/O: Rocket Raccoon
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Media: Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: Ageless Adult
Species: Rabbit
F/O: Wilbur
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lynnettys-world · 2 months
{Chapter Thirteen – Feelings, Feelings And More Feelings}
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Kim Namjoon: Black Mackenzie Valley Alpha wolf
Kim Soekjin: White Alpha Lion
Min Yoongi: White Alpha Jaguar
Jung Hosoek: Alpha Snow Leopard
Park Jimin : Alpha Albino Cobra
Kim Taehyung: Alpha White/ Bleached Tiger
Jeon Jungkook: Alpha Black Panther
Reader: Heaven Valentino Human
Status: Ongoing
Words: 5.8K!
CHAPTER WARNING: None just enjoy the moment 😉
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Heaven's POV 
Things have been looking up and I am beyond grateful for how things have been progressing. The boys have displayed a newfound protective streak towards me. It's quite amusing because, as their protector, it's my role to shield them. However, witnessing their eagerness to safeguard me is endearing. It's a different feeling to have others watching out for you apart from your own family; there's a sense of comfort in that.
Fortunately, my recovery has been successful, and I am eager to dive back into work. There's an exciting new project with investors on the horizon that demands my full attention. Meanwhile, the boys are diligently continuing their training. With the assistance of my brothers, Uncle's men, and other trusted individuals, the boys are making remarkable progress. 
Though I try to join in their training sessions whenever possible, balancing work commitments can be quite challenging.
As I was preparing for the day ahead, a familiar knock echoed through the door. "Come in," I called out, welcoming the visitor into my space.
"Morning, Jagi," Yoongi greeted me warmly as he stepped into the room.
"Morning, sweetie," I reciprocated the greeting with a smile, appreciating the familiar presence in my surroundings.
Ever since I fell ill, Yoongi has been incredibly attentive and caring towards me. It's like he's made it his mission to always be by my side, ensuring I'm comfortable and taken care of. At times, his protectiveness is a bit overwhelming, like when he insisted on accompanying me even to the bathroom. Though I had to draw a line there, I couldn't deny the warmth I felt from his constant presence.
It was reassuring to know that he was there for me during my time of need.
One peculiar thing that Yoongi started doing was showering me with pet names, with "kitten" and "Jagi" being his favorite ones.
Whenever he affectionately referred to me by those names, I couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions, like a high school girl with a crush. There was something about the sweet and endearing nature of those pet names that never failed to make me blush and feel special.
Interestingly, I noticed that Yoongi seemed to take pleasure in seeing my reactions whenever he used those pet names. His subtle smirks and mischievous glances whenever I squirmed or blushed indicated that he found joy in teasing me, adding a playful dynamic to our interactions that I found both amusing and endearing.
As I was delicately putting on my earrings, Yoongi approached me from behind and enveloped me in a tight embrace, his arms encircling my waist. I could feel my heart rate quicken as his warm breath gently caressed the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
With a deep inhale, he leaned in closer, whispering, "You smell so good," his words laden with a hint of desire.
Lately, I've noticed a peculiar behavior from the boys - they've been sniffing me every chance they get. Initially, I found it a bit strange, but I chalked it up to their hybrid instincts kicking in. Now, it's become a regular occurrence, they scent me whenever I step out alone or even inside the house.
According to them, it helps them stay calm and also acts as a warning to other hybrids that I'm already claimed by them. I already knew that, but seeing them pout every time I playfully reject their advances and hearing their repetitive explanation just adds to the amusement factor.
It's insanely adorable.
"Kitty, as much as I'd love to stay, you know I have to head to work," I explained while putting on the final touch of lip gloss.
He let out a whine near my ear, and I had to stifle a laugh to keep from giving in to his antics. It's moments like these that make me appreciate their unique ways of expressing affection. Even though their gestures might seem unusual to others, to me, it's endearing and a reminder of the special bond we share.
The boys have definitely grown much clingier, especially Yoongi. Surprisingly, I thought Yoongi wasn't too fond of physical contact, but Jungkook spilled the beans that Yoongi actually adores cuddles.
As I turn to Yoongi, our faces so close that I can feel his breath on my skin, my cheeks burn with embarrassment. There's a different kind of tension between us, a tension that I can't quite explain. It's new and exciting, but also scary.
My feelings towards the boys have shifted. Initially, I saw them purely as my family, my closest friends, my protectors. It was a bond built on trust and camaraderie. But now, things seem to be taking a turn, and I'm not sure how to navigate these uncharted waters.
What if my feelings aren't reciprocated? What if they see me as just another human trying to take advantage of them, like so many others have done in the past? I can't bear the thought of them thinking that I'm only interested in them because of their hybrid nature.
I don't want to be painted with the same brush as those who have mistreated them in the past. I genuinely care for them, not just because of what they are, but because of who they are as individuals. It's a delicate balance, trying to show them my true intentions without scaring them away.
Maybe it's time to have an honest conversation with them, to lay my cards on the table and hope that they understand where I'm coming from. I need to make it clear that my feelings towards them are genuine and pure, untainted by the prejudices that others may have towards hybrids.
I can only hope that they see me for who I am, someone who values and respects them for the incredible beings that they are. And if they feel the same way towards me, then maybe, just maybe, we can navigate this new chapter in our relationship together.
But not right now, things have to settle down before I can think of possibly going further.
I clear my throat awkwardly, feeling a mix of shyness and affection as I slightly pull away from his embrace, my hands touching his soft cheeks. I try to reassure him with a warm smile, "I'll be back soon, okay? And then we can cuddle as much as you want."
His response is a mixture of playfulness and possessiveness, with a hint of seductiveness in his voice as he hugs me tight and says, 
"Okay, but when you get back. You're mine for the rest of the night." The way he utters the word "mine" sends a shiver down my spine, it sounds so possessive and dark, awakening a fire within me. However, I quickly rationalize that he's just being protective, not wanting to share me with others and simply wanting my company for cuddles.
I push away those intense thoughts, not wanting to overanalyze his words, and respond with a smile before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"Okay, I promise. I better get going, kiss the boys good morning for me," I say as I hastily grab my bag, preparing to leave.
His expression twists in slight disgust at the mention of kissing the boys. His reaction brings a chuckle to my lips before I turn and head towards the door, leaving him behind.
As I walk away, a mix of emotions swirl within me. The possessiveness in his tone lingers in my mind, making me feel both desired and slightly apprehensive.
I can't help but wonder if there's a deeper meaning behind his words, if there's a hidden passion waiting to be unleashed between us. Yet, I push aside those thoughts, focusing on the simple sweetness of our bond, the comfort of our cuddles, and the trust we share.
3rd Person POV
As the clock strikes 12:00, all the boys groggily wake up and make their way to the kitchen. Jin stretches his arms widely, Jungkook yawns loudly, and Taehyung rubs his eyes sleepily. The first thing on their minds is the absence of Heaven.
"Hey, where's Heaven today?" Jimin asks, looking around the room for any signs of her.
Yoongi clears his throat and speaks up, "She left early for work.”
Namjoon sets his tea down and announces, "Today we'll be training with Heaven's uncle, the head of the Italian Mafia." The room falls silent, the gravity of the situation sinking in.
Jimin speaks up, "Wow, that's intense. Heaven never told us much about her family. We've only been around her and her brothers and we are yet to meet her parents. I hope we don't mess this up."
Yoongi senses the tension in the air and offers some advice, "Heaven mentioned her uncle doesn't like submissive behavior. We need to show him respect, but without bowing down to him. We have to stand our ground, maintain eye contact, and show confidence."
Jin nods thoughtfully, "Got it. We'll treat him like any other person, with respect and dignity."
As they finish their late breakfast, the boys share light-hearted banter to ease their nerves. Jungkook jokes about their upcoming training session, making everyone laugh. Taehyung adds in his own witty remarks, lightening the mood.
"Today's going to be interesting," Namjoon remarks silently.
As they all gathered around the living room the Valentino Brothers walked in conversation in light banter.
Curious about the situation, Hobi decided to join the conversation and ask about the teasing. "Hey guys, what's up? What's with Dante calling Andre an old geezer?" he asked, a grin playing on his lips as he observed the dynamic between the brothers.
Dante, ever the instigator, didn't hesitate to spill the beans. "Oh, that? Well, you see, our dear older brother here is going on a date with his long-time secretary, whom he's had a crush on for ages," he revealed, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he glanced at Andre, who looked a mixture of embarrassed and pleased.
"Wow, Andre, congrats!" Namjoon exclaimed, genuinely happy for his friend. "But why the name-calling, Dante?" he prodded, eager to uncover the full story.
With a dramatic flourish, Dante leaned in and shared the juicy details. "That's because, on their first date, Andre here wants to bring her home. And not just any home—his parents' home, the meet-the-family kind of home!" he exclaimed, his laughter infectious as the gravity of Andre's bold move sank in.
The group erupted into laughter, imagining poor Andre nervously introducing his date to his family on their very first outing. The camaraderie of their friendship shining through in moments like this.
Andre felt his face turning hot with embarrassment as Dante and the rest of the guys began to tease him. He couldn't help but feel defensive as Dante mocked his outdated sense of dating. 
"What's wrong with that?!" he piped in, trying to defend his preference for traditional dating. 
Dante's teasing only intensified as he painted a humorous picture of Andre as a relic from the 1800s, choosing a wife to bear children and manage the household. The other guys joined in with laughter, clearly finding the situation amusing.
“It would be okay if you were in the 1800s and you've chosen a wife to take home, a wife who's going to bear your children and make sure the household is running smoothly like come on Andre this is the 21st century you don't do that kind of stuff we go on dates at a restaurant with candlelights if you know what that is — oh wait I forgot you're a grandpa in a soon to be 30-year-old's body," Dante taunted, relishing in his brother's discomfort. 
Andre couldn't help but chuckle at Dante's exaggerated comparisons. While he appreciated the traditional values he held dear, he also understood the need to adapt to modern dating norms. Deep down, he knew his friends were just teasing him in good fun, but it still stung a little to be the butt of their jokes.
As the banter continued, Andre realized that maybe it was time to step out of his comfort zone and embrace a more contemporary approach to dating. Perhaps he could suggest planning a group outing to a nice restaurant with candlelights, as Dante had suggested, to show that he could adapt to the times while still holding onto his beliefs.
In the end, Andre knew that his friends were just looking out for him and trying to help him loosen up a bit. Despite the initial embarrassment, he was grateful to have such a tight-knit group of guys who always had his back, even if it meant teasing him every now and then.
The group of boys burst into laughter as Namjoon manages to regain his composure first. He wipes a tear from his eye and lets out a chuckle before placing a comforting hand on his bestfriend's shoulder.
"Hey man, don't sweat it. It's not a bad idea at all, but maybe ease into it a bit. I don't think she'd be super keen on meeting your parents right off the bat, especially if it's a date and not, you know, as your secretary," Namjoon says with a grin, trying to lighten the mood.
He suggests, "How about going on the first and second date first, see how things click, and then maybe on the third date you can think about introducing her to the folks."
The boys continue to share a good laugh, with Yoongi interjecting and asking about Marcus' whereabouts. Turns out, Marcus is tied up with some business at the moment but promises to join them shortly. The group settles back into their banter, enjoying each other's company.
~Two Hours Later~
Benjamin Valentino stood in the backyard observing the boys as they got ready. His expression could only be described as sheer delight. It was clear that he was impressed by the boys' demeanor and how they held themselves with confidence in his presence.
As he watched the boys closely, a realization dawned upon him. He understood why Heaven had taken in these hybrids. There was an air of something primal and untamed about them, a wildness that seemed to exude from their very beings.
It sent a chill down his spine, a feeling that bordered on both fear and fascination.
Anticipation thrummed through him as he imagined the upcoming training session. He could already envision these boys transforming into formidable forces to be reckoned with.
They had the potential to become unstoppable, lethal warriors who commanded respect wherever they went. People would cower in their presence, not just because they were backed by Heaven, but because of the innate ability they possessed to instill fear in others.
Hybrids, often relegated to the role of mere servants or toys for humans, were looked down upon and considered inferior. But in that moment, as he observed the boys in the backyard, he saw beyond that prejudice.
These hybrids were not just creatures to be used and discarded at whim. They were powerful beings with a strength and presence that demanded attention.
Benjamin's arrival had set a chain of events in motion, leading to a potential transformation in these boys. They were on the cusp of becoming something greater, something primal and formidable. And as the man looked on, a sense of both excitement and trepidation settled within him.
What would these boys become after their training? How would they navigate a world that often looked down upon their kind?
Only time would tell, but one thing was certain – the boys were no longer just hybrids. They were on the path to becoming something extraordinary, something that would redefine how they were perceived in a world that had long underestimated their strength and potential.
When the boys finally gave him their undivided attention, Benjamin wasted no time getting down to business.
"Alright, listen up," he began, his voice carrying a gruff and rough edge that demanded respect.
"I don't need to run through the basics with you. You'll learn as you fight. In this life, especially the one you're living, with the kind of people you're interacting with, you've got to be confident, headstrong, and calculative. Fighting doesn't always involve fists and kicks; you can fight with your mind too.
So, as you train, I'll teach you how to mentally battle someone, how to manipulate them with just simple words. That's the life of being a part of the Valentino family. Understood?" The boys shouted a ‘yes Sir’ in agreement, absorbing every word with intensity.
Benjamin's eyes, though neutral in expression, maintained a sharpness that hinted at his cautious and calculating nature. As the head of the Italian Mafia, he knew trust was a luxury he couldn't afford.
His eyes remained on high alert, constantly scanning their surroundings for any potential threats. In his world, one wrong move could lead to dire consequences, and he made sure to always stay one step ahead.
Despite the intimidation that naturally emanated from him, there was an unspoken understanding among the boys that his guidance was crucial for their survival in the dangerous world they inhabited. The Valentino family was not one to be underestimated, and under Benjamin's leadership, they had thrived against all odds.
Benjamin Valentino, the formidable leader of one of the most notorious gangs in the 21st century, commanded a presence that demanded respect and instilled fear. Despite his hardened exterior and ruthless reputation, there was one thing that softened his heart - his unwavering love and protection for his nephews and nieces, particularly his niece, Heaven.
Benjamin's devotion to Heaven was unwavering, and he would move mountains for her without a second thought. This fierce loyalty was the reason he had flown all the way from Italy to train her hybrids, a testament to the lengths he would go to ensure her safety and success.
As Benjamin stood before the group, his intense gaze fell upon them as they stood in formation, ready to absorb his teachings. The boys faced off against Benjamin's men, each awaiting his wisdom on combat tactics and strategies.
"The first rule of combat goes beyond the basics you may have learned from the boys and Heaven," Benjamin's voice boomed with authority, capturing the attention of all who stood before him.
"While the three Bs - as I presume you have been taught - are crucial, remember that true mastery of combat extends beyond physical prowess. Understanding your opponent on a deeper level, predicting their moves before they make them, can be the key to victory. Observation, intuition, and psychology are your greatest allies in combat"
His words hung heavy in the air, punctuated by the gravity of his reputation and experience in the underworld. Benjamin's insight transcended mere fighting techniques; it delved into the realm of strategic thinking and psychological warfare. As he shared his wisdom with the young fighters, a sense of reverence and awe filled the training ground.
Benjamin's eyes gleamed with determination as he continued to impart his knowledge to the attentive group of boys. His voice carried authority and wisdom as he emphasized the importance of analyzing opponents before engaging in combat. He believed that this meticulous scrutiny could make one virtually unbeatable in any fight.
As he delved into the finer details of observation, Benjamin urged the boys to pay attention to every subtle movement and gesture their opponents made.
From the way they stood to the rhythm of their breathing, every detail held a clue to their strategy and weaknesses. It was a lesson in reading body language and decoding the unspoken cues that could give them the upper hand in a confrontation.
The boys listened intently, absorbing the information like sponges. They were eager to put Benjamin's teachings into practice, eager to test their newfound skills. The concept of psychology in combat was a new and intriguing one for them, and they were quick to grasp its potential impact on their fighting techniques.
To Benjamin's surprise, the boys showed remarkable progress in a short amount of time. They applied his lessons with a keen eye and a sharp focus, demonstrating an understanding beyond their years. Benjamin couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their quick development, knowing that not everyone could grasp the intricacies of opponent analysis so swiftly.
As he watched the boys practice what they had learned, Benjamin reflected on his own journey to mastering the technique.
He remembered the hours of practice, the frustration of trial and error, and the satisfaction of finally achieving a level of skill that set him apart from others. It had taken him days of relentless effort to reach that point, and he was impressed by how effortlessly the boys seemed to pick it up.
As the training session continued, Benjamin offered guidance and feedback to help the boys refine their techniques further. He pointed out subtle nuances they might have missed, encouraged them to trust their instincts, and reminded them to always stay one step ahead of their opponents. It was a lesson in strategy, adaptability, and mental fortitude, all crucial elements in the art of combat.
As he observed the intense determination in their eyes, it became clear that there was more at play than just honing their combat skills. The way they pushed themselves beyond their limits, fueled by a fiery passion, hinted at a deeper motivation behind their relentless pursuit of improvement.
It wasn't merely a matter of learning how to fight for the sake of it; there was a fervor driving them, a burning desire that seemed to come from a place of profound significance. And as he considered the source of this unwavering dedication, one name resonated in his mind with undeniable clarity,
Heaven Valentino.
And as he locked eyes with them, he saw in each of them a reflection of his own feelings - a profound respect, admiration, and above all, a deep-seated loyalty to the woman who had ignited the spark within them all. In that moment, he knew without a doubt that their training would never be in vain.
Heaven's POV 
The project had been a massive success, and I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride as the investors congratulated me. However, it was pretty clear that their happiness stemmed from the promising financial returns that the project would bring.
On the other hand, my satisfaction lay in the impact my clothing line/hybrid awareness project would have on society.
Honestly, the stark difference in our reasons for celebrating didn't bother me in the least. As long as the cash kept flowing and my project continued to thrive, I was more than willing to navigate the murky waters of dealing with a bunch of old, miserly men.
This milestone definitely warranted a celebration, and I was itching to get back home to kick back and revel in this achievement.
With a sense of urgency, I dialed Jay's number and instructed him to have my car ready and waiting as I wrapped up things in the office.
It only felt right to let the team head home early that day and unwind after putting in tireless efforts that led to securing this deal. They had truly gone above and beyond to make this success possible, and I was immensely grateful for their hard work.
Stepping out of the company building, I breathed in the cool evening air before climbing into my waiting car. As we drove towards the city lights, I, with a sense of contentment, made a reservation at a swanky restaurant for a party of eleven.
The thought of bringing together my boys and brothers to raise a toast to this achievement filled me with joy.
Anticipation bubbled inside me as I pictured the night ahead – laughter, shared memories, and perhaps a little indulgence in fine dining and celebratory drinks. It was moments like these that made all the challenges and late nights worth it.
Tonight was not just about the success of the project, it was about acknowledging the collective effort, unwavering love and support from the peoplethat matter, and the unbreakable bond we had or are still building that had brought us to this point.
As I sat back in the comfortable leather seat of my car, watching the cityscape whiz by, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for where my journey had taken me. Despite the ups and downs, the setbacks and triumphs, this moment was proof that perseverance, passion, and a dedicated team could turn dreams into reality. 
I unlocked the front door and stepped inside, calling out for the boys as I usually did. But this time, there was no response. The silence that greeted me made my heart rate quicken with worry.
As I walked further into the house, I noticed that the familiar sounds of their laughter and banter were missing. The living room, usually littered with game controllers and snack wrappers, was surprisingly neat and empty. Panic started to creep in as I realized something was definitely wrong.
My mind raced with all sorts of scenarios. Were they kidnapped? Did they run away? I shook my head, trying to push away the worst-case possibilities. I had to stay calm and think logically before jumping to conclusions.
Moving into the kitchen, I half-expected to see Jin with his sleeves rolled up, whipping up one of his famous dishes while scolding Jungkook for being too eager to taste-test. But the kitchen was eerily quiet, with no trace of either of them.
I retraced my steps, checking the common rooms next but no sounds leaked out from the spaces. 
As I stood there, a million thoughts raced through my mind. Should I call the police? Should I start searching the neighborhood? Or maybe they were just out for a walk and would be back any minute now. I tried to hold on to that hope, clinging to the belief that they were safe and would return home soon.
As I rushed down the hallway towards the elevator, I spotted Mrs. Song, the cornerstone of our family's household. She had been there for me and my brothers since we were little, taking care of us when our parents were swamped with work. Her warm smile always brought a sense of comfort, and today was no exception. 
"Hey, Heaven, welcome back!" she greeted me affectionately as I slowed down to exchange pleasantries. It warmed my heart to see her, and I couldn't help but return the smile. 
"Thanks, Nana," I responded, using the familiar nickname I had bestowed upon her in my childhood days. 
Noticing the slight worry in my expression, Mrs. Song's kind eyes narrowed in concern. "You look a bit troubled, dear. What's on your mind?" she inquired gently, her maternal instincts kicking in. 
It was then that I suddenly remembered my initial mission to locate the boys. "Nana, have you seen the boys around? I didn't get my usual welcome scenting when I got here, and the house seems oddly quiet. Are they alright?" I asked, a twinge of anxiety creeping into my voice as I hoped for a reassuring answer. 
Her smile widened before erupting into a contagious bout of laughter, taking me by surprise.
"Oh, sweetheart, they've been in the backyard all day. They've been engrossed in their training since this morning. The only time they popped in was for lunch, and it's nearly evening now. Don't worry, they're safe and sound. You should go before you turn into a puddle of worry," she reassured me between chuckles. 
Relief washed over me as I realized that they were perfectly fine, albeit engrossed in their training regime. I chuckled along with Mrs. Song, feeling a bit embarrassed at my unnecessary concern. 
"Thanks, Nana. I'll go check on them now. Guess I got a bit overeager there," I admitted sheepishly, thankful for her calming presence at that moment. 
She bids me goodbye and I make my way to the backyard. 
The sliding door creaks behind me as I observe from the doorway, unable to tear my eyes away from the scene before me. It feels surreal to see them all here, working hard and determined to improve themselves.
The boys, now shirtless or wearing snug muscle vests, display a newfound strength and confidence that was absent when I first rescued them from that dark, desolate place. I can't help but admire the definition of their bodies, the way their muscles flex with each movement, and the dedication they are putting into their training.
As I watch them spar and practice their techniques, a flush of warmth spreads through me, and I have to remind myself to keep my thoughts in check. It's not just the physical transformation that catches my attention, but the resilience and spirit they exhibit in every move.
I take a deep breath, trying to dispel the distracting thoughts swirling in my mind. I can't deny the attraction I feel, but it's important to maintain a platonic boundary and not let my personal desires cloud my judgment.
With a self-deprecating chuckle, I acknowledge that maybe I do need to put myself out there more, explore new opportunities, and meet someone who can offer me the companionship I crave. It's easy to get caught up in caring for others and forget about my own needs and desires.
But for now, I'll continue to support the boys in their journey to self-improvement and growth. They have come so far, and I have a feeling that their future holds even greater potential.
As I make my way toward the group, I notice Hobi is the first to spot me. He abruptly stops what he's doing and rushes over to give me a big hug, wrapping his arms tightly around me.
"Heaven, hey! I missed you so much," he says with excitement, burying his face into the crook of my neck.
I can't help but be hyper-aware of how his body feels pressed against mine, warm and firm. The scent of his deodorant mixed with a hint of sweat creates an intoxicatingly musky aroma that pulls me in.
Trying to shake off my wandering thoughts, I mentally scold myself, "Hey sweetie, I missed you too," I reply cheerfully as he leans back slightly, beaming at me.
The other guys notice our reunion and quickly join in, surrounding us. Suddenly, I find myself in the midst of a group of incredibly attractive, partially clothed, muscular men.
My heart races at the sight, but I quickly snap myself out of any inappropriate fantasies. I remind myself that I'm just happy to be with my boys today, enjoying their company without letting my mind wander too far.
Though the temptation to get lost in the moment with these gorgeous men is strong, I focus on appreciating the bond we share as friends and what feels like family. The camaraderie, the laughter, and the support we have for each other is what truly matters to me. These moments of friendship and connection are priceless, and I'm grateful for each one.
Despite the overwhelming attractiveness I feel for them, I choose to cherish the platonic love and camaraderie we have cultivated over time. I glance around at each familiar face, feeling a surge of affection and warmth in my heart. These guys may be stunningly good-looking, but it's their personalities, their quirks, and the memories we've shared that make them truly special to me. 
The boys pull away when my uncle approaches me, his piercing gaze softening as he gets closer me. 
"Ah, my favorite niece, you're back. How was work?" His voice is warm, a stark contrast to the fearsome reputation he commands in the mafia world. I feel a rush of affection as he enfolds me in a tight embrace, his strong arms enveloping me in a sense of security.
"Work was okay, Uncle," I reply, returning his hug. I know that beneath his tough facade lies a man who adores his family and would do anything to protect them. "I hope the boys were good and have learned something from you."
His eyes gleam with pride as he speaks of them. "They are fine men, my dear. They understand the importance of respect and fear in our world. I have no doubt they will become gentlemen who will command respect and strike fear into the hearts of those who dare to oppose them."
I can't help but smile at his words, knowing that he sees the potential they carry. I look at them and spot the slight blushes gracing their cheeks, the obvious bashfulness from being complimented.
How cute. 
Despite my uncle's involvement in the criminal underworld, my uncle is a man of honor and principles, instilling values in those who look up to him.
I am reminded of the dichotomy that exists within my uncle - a hardened mob boss in the eyes of the world, but a loving and devoted family man in the privacy of his home. It is a testament to his complexity as a person, able to navigate the dangerous waters of organized crime while maintaining a sense of loyalty and compassion towards his loved ones.
And for the boys, I always knew they had potential, they just needed a little push in the right direction. And that's where I come in, guiding them and helping them reach their full potential.
"Thanks, uncle, for taking the time to train them. I know you're always so busy with work," I express my gratitude once again.
He shrugs off my thanks with a smile, "It's no trouble at all. You're like a daughter to me, I'll always make time for you."
I feel a warm sense of gratitude for having such caring and loving people in my life. Family truly is everything.
"Alright, as much as I hate to interrupt your training session, we've got somewhere to be. And I need to steal these boys and my idiot brothers too," I joke with a playful grin.
We all share a laugh as Dante protests, insisting that he's not an idiot but the smartest Valentino sibling.
My uncle gives us the go-ahead to leave, and he gathers his men to head out as well. I round up the boys, instructing them to get ready and dressed before we all head to my room to do the same.
It's moments like these, surrounded by family and friends, that make me truly appreciate the bonds we share. Working together, laughing together, and supporting each other through it all. And as we all prepare for whatever lies ahead, I can't help but feel grateful for the love and strength that surrounds me.
Hey there, you wonderful souls! 🌟
I hope each and every one of you is doing splendidly, no matter whether it's day or night in your part of the world.
I know, I've been a bit MIA lately, but please forgive me! I've been caught up in a whirlwind of activities, not to mention diving into the world of other book projects. Sometimes, I wish there were more hours in a day!
But fear not, I haven't forgotten about our beloved characters. In fact, I felt they needed a little breather, so I decided to sprinkle in a fluffy chapter to give them some much-needed TLC. They've been through the ringer, poor dears. *cue dramatic tears and emotional music* 😅
I do hope you find this chapter as comforting and heartwarming as I intended it to be. It's all about spreading a bit of love and joy, right?
And please, don't be shy about sharing your thoughts on the story so far! Your feedback means the world to me—it's like fuel for my creative fire. Each comment, each vote, is a little spark that ignites my imagination and pushes me to weave an even more captivating tale.
Thank you, from the bottom of my quirk-filled heart, for taking the time to read and engage with the story. Your support is the wind beneath my writer's wings, carrying me to new heights of inspiration.
Sending all of you heaps of love and good vibes, whether you're starting your day with a steaming cup of coffee or winding down under a star-studded sky.
Stay awesome, stay quirky, and above all, stay you.
With all my writerly affection,
Your quirky Author-nim 📚💖
TAGLIST: @strxwbloody, @strawblueberrys, @taetaeheart22, @canarystwin, @drenix004, @ghostlyworld, @loumin908, @rinkud, @nikkiordonez12, @taekritimin123, \\@mnguyeeen7, @danielle143, @welcometomyworld13, @avadakadabra93, @kiaralynn3838, @sugathy, @anaspectoflife
51 notes · View notes
bellamer · 10 months
And then Mackenzie Shepard spent an hour crying in his quarters after Horizon. Because even though Kaidan walked away from him, he still got to see his ass one last time. Probably told Edi to take a picture.
15 notes · View notes
scapegrace74-blog · 2 years
The Man from Black Water, Chapter 4
A/N  As promised, here in a pre-Christmas installment of my crossover fic.  In it, we see Jamie find a place for himself at Netherton, despite hostilities on all sides.  He and Claire are finally formally introduced, and we learn a bit more about Claire’s plans for her future.
Previous chapters and a character mapping to the Man from Snowy River universe can be found on my AO3 page.
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and a safe and happy holiday to all!
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From his imposing stature to his iceberg gaze, Dougal Mackenzie would have been the epitome of a Highland warrior, had he been born two hundred years earlier.  As it was, he’d grown up in the industrial slums on the south banks of the Clyde, going to work in the textile mills at the age of twelve. Being on the winning side of a knife fight several years later saw him fleeing the city in search of less hostile horizons.  Brawn made him a desirable labourer.  An ability to keep difficult men in line with his ominous reputation made him an adept foreman.  He’d risen through the ranks to become the chief overseer of Netherton’s agricultural holdings over the past twenty years.
“He’s a hard worker, that one,” the estate’s chief cook remarked to Dougal as they crossed paths in the kailyard one afternoon.  She gestured towards Jamie, who toiled nearby, splitting firewood for the kitchen stoves with admirable economy.  The August sun stared down from an azure sky, and he occasionally paused to wipe sweat from his eyes and take a swig of water from a tin canteen sitting in the shade of an ornamental rosebush.  Rollo lay nearby, his pink tongue afurl in the hot air.
“Aye, seems willing enough,” Dougal said a bit begrudgingly. He hadn’t been consulted about the hiring of this latest labourer, which rankled him.  There was a long list of cronies he would sooner have assisted.
“I canna understand why the master hired him,” the stout woman continued in a lower tone.  “He comes from the Highlands.”  This last word was pronounced as though it was a communicable disease.  Despite being in the shadow of the Grampian mountains, Netherton had always been staffed by Lowland Scots, even if, like Dougal himself, they were only a couple generations removed from their Gaelic roots.
Dougal had entertained similar thoughts himself, but he wasn’t about to stand about and gossip with the house staff about them.
“Twas a long time ago,” he said instead.  “Good day, Mrs. Crook.”
Walking past the woodpile, he called out.
“Fraser, when ye’re done here, ye can muck out the stables.”
“Yes, sir.”
Despite a dark blue smear of sweat across the back of his cambric shirt, the young man seemed cheerfully willing to work without pause.  He wasn’t even breathing hard.  Dougal stalked back to his quarters in a foul mood.
Netherton’s stables were more luxurious than any croft Jamie had ever set foot in, with two long rows of stalls bisected by a stone alleyway that funneled the mountain breeze in summer and absorbed the anemic sunlight in winter.  Still, horse shite was horse shite, no matter how pampered the beast that produced it.
Most of the animals were away from their stalls, either grazing in the paddock near the river where the grass was the sweetest or serving as mounts to Netherton’s large workforce.  This made Jamie’s job easier, but he missed the opportunity to gaze into their limpid brown eyes and admire their glossy coats.  He was on his sixth stall when two familiar pests stopped to watch him.
“Lookit than, Rupe.  The teuchter’s shovellin’ shite.  Pretty canny fer a teuchter, usin’ the flat end o’ the shovel an’ everything.”
This was Angus, a dark wiry stockhand who was perpetually spoiling for a fight.  His companion, Rupert, was a soft-bellied lout who followed Angus around like a sheepdog, laughing obligingly at his jokes.  Jamie had met men like them before and did his best to ignore them.
“They eat a lot of neeps an’ tatties in the Highlands, Rupe.   Are ye diggin’ fer yer supper, laddie boy?”
Jamie unbent to his full height, well over a head taller than Angus.  The smaller man stepped back but made a show of lighting a cigarette with casual indifference.
“Have they given ye the day off, Angus?” Jamie asked.  
“I’m studyin’ tae be supervisor,” Angus declared with no little arrogance.  
Staring Jamie directly in the eye, he let the still-burning match drop into the dry straw at his feet.  A tiny curl of smoke immediately rose.  Jamie casually hefted a shovelful of moist excrement onto the growing flame. It was an advertent error that saw some of the load land on Angus’ well-polished leather boots.  The bully’s fists went up.  Rollo let out a low growl of warning.  Jamie tossed his shovel to the side in preparation for the altercation.
“What have you been up to, Kip?”
Claire Beauchamp’s precise elocution acted like a bucket of cold water and all three men scrambled to appear innocuous.  Angus was quick to offer his assistance saddling her usual mount. When she refused, he and Rupert left the stables on the pretense of having work to accomplish elsewhere, which was doubtful.  
For his part, Jamie went back to mucking stalls while still surreptitiously observing his employer’s daughter.  She was carrying on a one-sided conversation with her horse as he was wont to do himself when he was alone.  Her luxurious curls were tied back behind her ears but cascaded over her shoulders.  She was at least wearing a riding frock today, although she appeared to be preparing to ride without supervision.
“Can I help ye?” he asked, when he noticed she was struggling with the gray mare’s halter.
“No, I’m fine,” she replied without so much as glancing his way.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jamie watched her stubbornly endeavour to repair the halter for another few minutes.  Rather than offer his assistance again, he merely fashioned a halter and lead from a nearby coil of rope using a knot his father had taught him as a lad.
“Oh,” the young lady remarked as he slipped the harness over the docile mare’s ears.  “How did you do that?”
Eager to show off his competency at something other than mucking stalls or chopping firewood, Jamie demonstrated the technique behind the Tom Fool’s knot, enjoying the way the lass’ golden eyes narrowed in concentration as she followed each movement of his hands.  No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t duplicate his efforts, and they both ended up chuckling at her ineptitude.
“You’re the boy from the train station,” she realized after they had finished tacking up her horse together.  Jamie wasn’t certain whether to be pleased she remembered him or not. Certainly, the use of the word ‘boy’ wasn’t flattering.
“Aye,” he acknowledged.  “James Fraser, mistress,” he introduced himself while politely removing his cap.
“I’m afraid I wasn’t very courteous that day,” she half-apologized with a subtle grimace.  “A constitutional failing, I’m told.”
Sticking out her gloved hand, she introduced herself, as though he wasn’t aware to whom he’d been speaking all along.  “Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp.”
He’d never shook a woman’s hand before and was uncertain as to the appropriate response.  He wasn’t some titled suitor who might kiss her knuckles, even if they weren’t encased in leather.  A firm shake such as he’d been taught seemed equally unsuitable.  He was saved from having to hold her dainty grip indefinitely by her father riding into the stables.  They both dropped the other’s hand as though the contact suddenly burned.
“Fraser, cool off this horse and stable him,” the cattle baron commanded.
“Aye, sir.”
Jamie was walking away when he heard the man release an exasperated sigh.
“Why aren’t you at your lessons?”
It was always a tender balance, deciding how much leeway to give his headstrong daughter, and when to rein her in.  Lately, his attempts to argue that more feminine propriety was required if she was to secure a husband were met with greater and greater resistance.
“One of the broodmares is about to foal,” Claire replied.  “I want to be there to help her.”
“The men are quite capable of handling it,” he argued, drawing his unwilling daughter back towards the manor house with a firm arm around her shoulder.
“I can do it better.  If I’m to be a veterinarian, I shall need as much firsthand experience as I can obtain.”
This fixation with attending the Royal Veterinary College in Edinburgh was one matter in which he’d indulged his daughter for too long.  He’d been certain she’d outgrow the notion as she emerged into womanhood.
“You should be concerning yourself with marriage, child rearing,” he explained for the hundredth time.
“The gentleman cattle breeder has a breeding program for his daughter as well,” Claire retorted, demonstrating the independent spirit and sharp wit that made him despair of ever finding her a husband.
“You’ll spend the afternoon at the manor with your Aunt Rosemary,” he decreed, feeling his face grow hot in frustration.  “And Mister Randall will come to call on you this Saturday. I don’t,” he forestalled her protest with a raised hand, “want to hear another word about it.  You are my daughter, and you will obey me.”
Watching her skirts swish angrily across the courtyard as she hastened away, Henry Beauchamp wondered how his only child could so resemble a mother she’d never met.
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ash-and-books · 8 months
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Rating: 2.5/5
Book Blurb:
Genderbent Little Mermaid retelling meets Brave in this debut NA Fantasy Romance about a fat human princess who dreams of a life of adventure on the ocean. Perfect for fans of Kerri Maniscalco and Legends & Lattes.
Kenna has never wanted the life ahead of her; trapped in her castle and married to someone she does not love. She dreams of a life of adventure, exploring the ocean, searching for mermaids. Except mermaids don’t exist. At least, that’s what she has always been told. 
Unfortunately, her plans for exploration are thwarted. Every heir must wed, and with war on the horizon, her time is up. Five suitors are vying for her hand, but Kenna vowed never to marry someone only after her crown. Only, one of them doesn’t seem to care about her title, refusing to even use it. Just as she begins to consider opening up to him, he disappears.
Kenna chases after him and learns his secret, before a storm wrecks her boat. Finding herself stranded on an island with him, Kenna has no choice but to trust him to nurse her back to health. With the tension growing, and sparks she doesn’t trust flying between them, Kenna has to decide how to balance the desires of her heart and her duty to her people. And how far she’s willing to go to learn the whole truth.
A genderbent Little Mermaid meets Brave retelling featuring a demisexual plus size princess who falls for a merman. Kenna is the princess and it's her duty as the first born to marry... even if it's the last thing she wants. Kenna is demisexual so it takes an emotional connection for her to be attracted to someone, and after being burned by the last guy she was in love with she's determined to close her heart off. Yet when her parents tell her it's time to get married she has to choose between the suitors that have come... and the mysterious man who calls to her is hiding something big. Cameron Mackenzie might seem like a charming and handsome suitor... but something about him draws Kenna in... and it just might be the fact that he is actually a mermaid. All her life Kenna has believed in mermaids despite no one else believing in them. So when Cam finally proves her suspicions... she chases after him only to end up stranded on an island with him. Kenna has a duty to marry... but her heart calls for the ocean, can she find the right path for her? Let's start off with the good, I loved that this book had a lot of representation from having a plus sized demisexual protagonist to having lgbtq characters, ADHD, and depression representation. I think it's definitely a fun unique take on the classics and I enjoyed that it was set in Scotland and had a strong protagonist. Now onto the other... while I liked that it was a take on the classic stories, it just felt kind of lackluster and meh to me. It wasn't exactly captivating or exciting, it just was. I really wanted to like it but it just didn't really work for me unfortunately. The story itself didn't feel as if it flowed well and I did find myself getting bored at certain points despite this being a fairly short book. I didn't really feel the chemistry between Kenna and Calder, and for Kenna being a 22 year old princess meant to take the throne she came off as juvenile and so much younger. Calder didn't really feel like he had a personality all that much and the insta-love/attraction felt off because the protagonist constantly tells us she is demisexual. Overall, if you enjoy fairytale retellings, definitely give this one a go, maybe you'll have a better time with it than I did.
*Thanks Netgalley and Pug Press Publishing for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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starstruckrps · 1 year
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OMG! Acabei de encontrar nas ruas de Los Angeles a LAURA HAILEY, a DUBLADORA DA LILIAN CLAWTHORNE EM THE RAVEN HOUSE! Nem acreditei quando vi! Sabiam que pessoalmente ela é muito parecida com a KAREN GILLAN? AAAAA #garotasgamers #nerdlife #dubladores #jogadoresderpgtambémsãogente
OMG! Acabei de encontrar nas ruas de Los Angeles a MACKENZIE "MACK" EAGLE, a ROBERTA BUCKLEY DE PECULIAR THINGS! Nem acreditei quando vi! Sabiam que pessoalmente ela é muito parecida com a ODESSA A'ZION? AAAAA #pisaemmim #gayawakening #spinoffdarobertasim #soufã
OMG! Acabei de encontrar nas ruas de Los Angeles a ASHLEY THOMPSON, a PRODUTORA DA FRANQUIA BEFORE! Nem acreditei quando vi! Sabiam que pessoalmente ela é muito parecida com a SAMARA WEAVING? AAAAA #stalkerlife #s/n #onedimension #policiafederal #passopano
OMG! Acabei de encontrar nas ruas de Los Angeles a TALIA DE LEÓN, aquela cantora que lembra um pouco a LANA DEL REY! Nem acreditei quando vi! Sabiam que pessoalmente ela é muito parecida com a ANA DE ARMAS? AAAAA #cantamuito #sadgirls #nascemosparamorrer #soufã #taliazetes
OMG! Acabei de encontrar nas ruas de Los Angeles a AYLIN HAKYEMEZ, a VIÚVA NEGRA DA MARVEL! Nem acreditei quando vi! Sabiam que pessoalmente ela é muito parecida com a ELÇIN SANGU? AAAAA #linda #pisaemmim #mamãe #mereciamais #melhorqueoclint
OMG! Acabei de encontrar nas ruas de Los Angeles o ADAM "MARS" MARSDEN, que tem uma banda parecida com o BRING ME THE HORIZON! Nem acreditei quando vi! Sabiam que pessoalmente ele é muito parecido com o FELIX MALLARD? AAAAA #emostambémsãogente #morenosensual #lindo #melhorqueparaplus
OMG! Acabei de encontrar nas ruas de Los Angeles o MASON DYER do ONE DIMENSION! Nem acreditei quando vi! Sabiam que pessoalmente ele é muito parecido com o RUDY PANKOW? AAAAA #loirosnotopo #quasedesmaiei #hasonisreal #🏳️‍🌈?
OMG! Acabei de encontrar nas ruas de Los Angeles o FINN LANCASTER, aquele ATOR! Nem acreditei quando vi! Sabiam que pessoalmente ele é muito parecido com o SHAWN MENDES? AAAAA #desempregado #sumido #saudadesdele #voltapramim
OMG! Acabei de encontrar nas ruas de Los Angeles o MATEO SANTIESTEBAN, o TONY STARK DA MARVEL e o JOSEPH MILLER DE THE BEST OF US! Nem acreditei quando vi! Sabiam que pessoalmente ele é muito parecido com o OSCAR ISAAC? AAAAA #vounemfalar #vocêssabem #d #daddy #faleitoleve
OMG! Acabei de encontrar nas ruas de Los Angeles o ERICK WELLS, o LUCAS CRAIN E O PEDRO DE THE TORMENT! Nem acreditei quando vi! Sabiam que pessoalmente ele é muito parecido com o ROBERT PATTINSON? AAAAA #tesão #tomabanhosim #mereciamaisumatemporada #emosnotopo
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agrippinaes · 2 years
books i read in 2022
so, last year i read 290 books, a statistic i put down to the fact i spent much of 2021 unemployed. this year i was employed all year round and managed to increase that total to 300, admittedly in part due to a concerted effort over christmas to read more.
i set myself three goals this year to read more non-romance, non-fiction, and more physical books. as with 2021, i tracked my reading habits over the year, tracking things such as genre, tropes/plot points, months read, etc.. so with that in mind, i'll go into some statistics:
of the 300 books i read, 275 of them were romance books. I did not read as many non-romance books as i intended - my next most-read genre was mystery/crime/thriller. 12 of the non-romance books i read had romance as a major subgenre. i also only read 3 non-fiction books all year, way, way behind the goal i set myself at the start of the year.
281 books i read were ebooks. i read 18 physical books and 1 audiobook. again, this fell behind the goal i set myself at the start of this year. i owned most of the books i read this year - 146 in total - and i leaned a lot more into reading KU books, having read 88. i also read a lot of ARCs this year - 57 in total. i'm going to be more careful about how many ARCs i take on in 2023 because i found it quite hard to keep up with it, but i did read some interesting things.
my most productive months of reading were april and may - i read 36 books in both months. most of the books were novel-length - 263 - and i read 37 novellas.
as in 2021, i continued to track cover types, based on ongoing debates about illustrated covers on romance novels. as with last year, the vast majority of books i read featured a lone man on the cover (54), closely followed by more traditional - and variations of - a clinch cover, of which i read 52. i read 24 books with the type of "cute" illustrated covers, which was higher than last year.
tracking tropes and content, my most read trope was forced proximity - i read 71 books featuring this trope - followed by hate-to-love (which includes enemies-to-lovers, rivals-to-lovers, etc.), having read 64 books with that trope; this is the reverse of the previous year, where hate-to-love was my most-read genre. These were followed by boss/employee, opposites attract, and age gap tropes.
outside of numbers, i'm quite happy with what i read this year and i definitely read more indulgently. my highlights were no one is talking about this by patricia lockwood (a book that broke my heart!), thirsty by mia hopkins, release by suzanne clay, rules of arrangement by maren mackenzie, and things we never got over by lucy score.
next year i'm going to set myself goals, again, to read more widely - both in terms of genre, type, and format - but i'm going to make them slightly smaller and more realistic. it's hard to deny my reading habits have shifted so much over the last couple of years; i'm a romance reader through and through and generally i'm very happy and comfortable with that. still - it would be nice to broaden my horizons a little!
so, below is a full list of the books i read in 2022. rereads are italicised, and 5-star reads are bolded.
the risk by s.t. abby sidetracked by s.t. abby second best by noelle adams the cheat sheet by sarah adams buck up, buttercup by anna alkire a duke at the door by susanna allen revealing her nine-month secret by natalie anderson her bossy billionaire by natalie anderson nothing but trouble by amy andrews athica lane by brynne asher the fine print by lauren asher terms and conditions by lauren asher the madness of lord ian mackenzie by jennifer ashley lady isabella's scandalous marriage by jennifer ashley the many sins of lord cameron by jennifer ashley the duke's perfect wife by jennifer ashley the untamed mackenzie by jennifer ashley good girl by jana aston good time by jana aston sure thing by jana aston plan b by jana aston wrong by jana aston right by jana aston if you give a jerk a gingerbread by jana aston the one night stand before christmas by jana aston
hook, line, and sinker by tessa bailey protecting what's his by tessa bailey x 2 my killer vacation by tessa bailey in bed with a highlander by maya banks the dark between the trees by fiona barnett hottie on her shelf by christi barth imperfect angel by christi barth a letter to three witches by elizabeth bass mr. bloomsbury by louise bay dr. off limits by louise bay playing dirty in alaska by samanthe beck compromising her position by samanthe beck lover undercover by samanthe beck wicked games by samanthe beck violins and vampires by cee bee wilder with you by serena bell up all night with a good duke by amy rose bennett winning nia by morgana bevan enticing mel by morgana bevan the widow of rose house by diana biller boss(hole) by penelope bloom next of kin by hannah bonam-young catching quinn by jennifer bonds miss understanding by audrey bondurant lovelight farms by b.k. borison the truth about cads and dukes by elisa braden the rigid duke by darcy burke impossible by darcy burke how to catch a viscount by annie burrows married to my boss by laura burton crying wolfe by kerrigan byrne
far cry by kate canterbary out of love by ruth cardello duke gone wrong by christy carlyle praise by sara cate come here often? by ellie center playing for love by jeevani charika sustained by emma chase to kill a kingdom by alexandra christo the billionaire's last minute marriage by amanda cinelli accidentally perfect by marissa clarke release by suzanne clay passionate persuasion by rosemary clement-moore a contracted spouse for the prizefighter by alice coldbreath the warlord wants forever by kresley cole a hunger like no other by kresley cole bold fortune by m.m. crane
do you want to start a scandal? by tessa dare mad for a mate by maryjanice davidson the co-op by tara dewitt when life gives you vampires by gloria duke
the bachelor and the bride by sarah m. eden mistakes not to make when avoiding a rake by fenna edgewood bittersweet by morgan elizabeth strictly business by carrie elks the rake by suzanne enoch stolen kisses by suzanne enoch
fake empire by c.w. farnsworth my mechanical romance by alexene farol follmuth mafia mistress by mila finelli mafia darling by mila finelli gorgeous monster by charity ferrell games in a ballroom by jentry flint mansplainer by avery flynn warm up by cathryn fox boss up by macy fox shattered altar by nicole fox shattered cradle by nicole fox the scoundrel seeks a wife by jemma frost
the wedding by julie garwood crush in the cascades by lisa s. gayle the woman in the library by sulari gentill the forever night stand by katie golding relentless by katie golding side hustle by emily goodwin icebreaker by hannah grace the one who loves you by pippa grant into the storm by rachel grant blood moon by jillian graves proof of their one hot night by emmy grayson the prince's pregnant secretary by emmy grayson screwing mr. scrooge by nichole greene hotshot doc by r.s. grey
before i ever met you by karina halle the appeal by janice hallett ignite by melanie harlow tempt by melanie harlow irresistible by melanie harlow insatiable by melanie harlow a relentless rake by anna harrington a remarkable rogue by anna harrington rule bender by b.j. harvey the shadow in the glass by j.j.a. harwood a ticking time boss by olivia hayle look but don't touch by olivia hayle red hot rebel by olivia hayle oxford heat by hannah haze the duchess hunt by lorraine heath the duke and the lady in red by lorraine heath the earl takes all by lorraine heath falling into bed with a duke by lorraine heath between the devil and desire by lorraine heath lord of wicked intentions by lorraine heath the alias by lena hendrix pie and punishment by jo henny wolf ghosts of the forbidden by leanna renee hieber thirsty by mia hopkins dearest rogue by elizabeth hoyt duke of sin by elizabeth hoyt duke of pleasure by elizabeth hoyt duke of desire by elizabeth hoyt twisted love by ana huang twisted games by ana huang twisted hate by ana huang twisted love by ana huang king of wrath by ana huang stern brunch cinnamon roll by katherine e. hunt ink by elizabeth hunter sin bin by teagan hunter
a lady's guide to fortune-hunting by sophie irwin secrets we hunt by dana isaly dipped in holly by dana isaly claimed by cupid by dana isaly
her dark reflection by hailey jade my american duchess by eloisa james meet me halfway by lilian t. james love me dirty by lilian t. james merry me darling by lilian t. james hex appeal by kate johnson
hate notes by vi keeland and penelope douglas what the fang? by stacey kennedy a botanist's guide to parties and potions by kate khavari it happened one autumn by lisa kleypas the devil in winter by lisa kleypas scandal in spring by lisa kleypas mine till midnight by lisa kleypas tempt me at twilight by lisa kleypas married by morning by lisa kleypas marrying winterborne by lisa kleypas devil in spring by lisa kleypas the werewolf tycoon's baby by celia kyle
ensnared by the werewolf by lillian lark stolen hair by sophie lark set on you by amy lea somebody's mother, somebody's daughter: true stories from victims and survivors of the yorkshire ripper by carol ann lee a debt paid in marriage by georgie lee that time i got drunk and yeeted a love potion at a werewolf by kimberly lemming no one is talking about this by patricia lockwood after hours on milagro street by angelina m. lopez untamed by elizabeth lowell taming mr. walker by rosa lucas resisting mr. kane by rosa lucas
sas: rogue heroes by ben macintyre rules of arrangement by maren mackenzie nine rules to break when romancing a rake by sarah maclean tempt the boss by natasha madison a wife for christmas by chloe maine the hardest fall by ella maise purity by skyler mason her best friend by sarah mayberry the stranger times by c.k. mcdonnell buried deception by amanda mckinney midnight, repeated by dani mclean ten rules for marrying a duke by michelle mclean a scandalous deception by lynn messina an infamous betrayal by lynn messina an ominous explosion by lynn messina a lark's tale by lynn messina miss fellingham's rebellion by lynn messina the fellingham minx by lynn messina little bird by tiffany meuret to kiss a king by jess michaels beautiful distraction by lydia michaels knocked up by the ceo by lilian monroe the newspaper nanny by maren moore not betting on forever by natasha moore and away by bob mortimer a million kisses in your lifetime by monica murphy the wrong brother by monica murphy fair game by monica murphy playing hard to get by monica murphy
moon blooded breeding clinic by c.m. nacosta the bribe by willa nash the naughty, the nice and the nanny by willa nash given to the ghoul by desiree m. niccoli
all our hidden gifts by caroline o'donoghue a deal with the devil by elizabeth o'roark the rebel heiress and the knight by melissa oliver kiss me, catalina by priscilla oliveras scotsman in the stacks by alana oxford
mr wrong number by lynn painter hot girl summer by sonia palermo at the bride hunt ball by olivia parker in love and war by kyra parsi juniper hill by devney perry runaway road by devney perry meet me at the anvil by kate prior the orc from the office by kate prior
mistress by amanda quick affair by amanda quick slightly shady by amanda quick don't look back by amanda quick late for the wedding by amanda quick seduction by amanda quick the paid companion by amanda quick ravished by amanda quick i thee wed by amanda quick surrender by amanda quick the viscount who loved me by julia quinn a not so meet cute by meghan quinn
from fake to forever by laila rafi trouble with the guy next door by holly renee trouble with the hotshot boss by holly renee trouble with the fake boyfriend by holly renee electric idol by katee robert gemini divided by lauren kristen roberts the vow by d. rose shy girls can't date billionaires by milly rose
down comes the night by alison saft the replacements by shae sanders hawk by kat savage things we never got over by lucy score heart of hope by lucy score famous in a small town by kylie scott house for sale navy seal included by cora seton archer's voice by mia sheridan passion and ink by naima simone heated by naima simone ravaged by naima simone scoring off the field by naima simone sinners anonymous by somme sketcher sinners condemned by somme sketcher sinners consumed by somme sketcher the devil's keepsake by somme sketcher auld acquaintance by sofia slater one bossy proposal by nicole snow internship with the devil by jaqueline snowe the weekend deal by jaqueline snowe evening the score by jaqueline snowe from the top by jaqueline snowe off the ice by jaqueline snowe phoebe by minerva spencer a haunted love by dakota star grump of cole by sabrina stark her vengeful king by a.n. stauber accidental secret daddy by callie stevens highlander's captive by mariah stone
maid for advertising by susie tate sleet kitten by s.j. tilly man hunt by vanessa vale the baby maker by lili valente the troublemaker by lili valente the heartbreaker by lili valente in which margo halifax earns her shocking reputation by alexandra vasti handle with care by a.n. verebes
tessa ever after by brighton walsh peanut by lucy watson dizzy by cate c. wells nickel's story by cate c. wells roosevelt by cate c. wells forty by cate c. wells heavy by cate c. wells hitting the wall by cate c. wells against the wall by cate c. wells the heir apparent's rejected mate by cate c. wells the lone wolf's rejected mate by cate c. wells nicky the driver by cate c. wells going nowhere fast by kati wilde secret santa by kati wilde
the wall street titan by anna zaires x2 the titan's obession by anna zaires under locke by mariana zapata
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