#hoping this is Lucerys he goes to look for him
littlemarse · 7 months
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The Black won AU
Jacaerys misses his brother, who was killed at the beginning of the war 👇
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hisfavegiri · 2 months
Little dragon - Aegon Targaryen x Niece Valeryon(Targaryen)!Reader
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Warning : typical inscet Targaryen, Aegon being soft(?), angst, mention of blood, labor.
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Two years after the marriage between Rhaenyra and Leanor and also after repeated failures in trying to get pregnant, Rhaenyra today gave birth to her first daughter. You were born healthy, have Targaryen beauty with a silver hair on your head.
You were fast asleep in your mother's arms who was smiling at you, then the door of her chambers opened to reveal Leanor entering in a hurry “I heard it, a girl. oh this is great news”
Leanor comes closer and strokes your cheek gently, you open your eyes and look at him. "She has your eyes, she is very beautiful" Leanor smiles at Rhaenyra and he nodded his head.
Soon enough news of your birth reached King and Queen ears. The two of them immediately went to your mother's chambers to see how you two were doing.
“oh my daughter, I am proud of you. I hope the birth goes smoothly." Viserys approached his daughter and gave her a warm hug which Rhaenyra immediately returned.
"She was born without any fuss father" Rhaenyra smiled and looked at Alicent who was holding her daughter.
"She’s so beautiful, what a lovely babe you have bought to this world my love."
Rhaenyra laughed softly at her father's demands, she held her father's hand tightly. “she has her father eyes” Alicent spoke quietly while looking at you carefully.
“indeed your grace, she's the perfect mix of me and Rhaenyra” The king smiled hearing Leanor say that
"Have you given her a name?" Rhaenyra looked at her stepmother and nodded, she had thought of a suitable name for you long before you were born.
"Her name is, y/n" Viserys smiled and gently stroked his daughter's arm. "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful princess"
“y/n, I'm sure you will grow up to be a very beautiful princess in the future.”
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into years. You're now already ten and fifteen name days old, what Alicent said is true. You grew up to be a beautiful princess and was highly respected at court, You are a very innocent , shy and cheerful girl.
Two years after your birth, your mother gave birth to your younger brother, Jacaerys. A few years later your mother again gave birth to a son, Lucerys and now, a few days before your name day celebration. Your mother gave birth to a son again who was named Joffrey.
You are very happy knowing you have many siblings, but the physical differences between you and your other siblings make you not very uncomfortable with all the whispers that speak ill of your mother and siblings.
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"Father, I want you to crown Aegon as the next heir to the throne."
Everyone at the council table fell silent and looked at Rhaenyra in surprise, including Otto and Alicent. Viserys choked on his wine, he looked at his daughter in disbelief. Rhaenyra took a deep breath before she looked at her father's face.
"I realize that the realm will not agree if a queen sits on the iron throne"
She knew very well that if one day she ascended the throne, many would oppose her and there would be war. because the situation had changed when Aegon was born, the son the king had longed for.
"However, before that I want to give you one condition."
Otto and Alicent looked at Rhaenyra carefully, feeling happy and anxious at the same time. Viserys was just silent and listened to every word his daughter said.
"I attended to marry my daughter, my heir. y/n to Aegon, let them rule the kingdom together”
While on the other side in the keep, you are reading your book in the garden, sometimes you just want to be alone and away from the hustle and bustle of the court. While you are enjoying the book you are reading, your attention is distracted by someone standing in front of you.
"Princess, I'm sorry to interrupt your time. but the King and Queen is waiting for your presence in council chamber." you turned your gaze and looked at Ser Criston Cole. you smiled and nodded slowly “thank you Ser Criston”
You stood up and straightened your dress a little, you walked confidently towards the council chamber. You smile and greet everyone you meet in the hallway.
When you walk in, you can see the presence of your mother, the Kinb, Queen and also the king's hand. You bowed your body slightly before finally walking closer to your mother.
"I’m sorry for the disturbance, princess. but there is something important we have to discuss with you, please have a seat” you looked at Alicent and nodded slowly.
“Oh not at all your Grace, you don't disturb my time at all.”
“Your mother just spoke about something” You listened carefully and nodded slowly, you could see your mother was very nervous but she still smiled in front of you.
Your grandsire sigh before he speak “She wants Aegon to be the next heir to the throne” this is when you looked at your mother in surprise, you didn't understand what she was thinking. Alicent, who realized how surprised you were, cleared her throat softly and continued her husband's words. "We were just as surprised as you, princess."
“you’re the princess of the realm and you have duties to full field. you have to marry and bring an heir of yourself, i attend to marry you with Aegon” As the king continues speaking you’re silent for a moment, the decision you must accept for the peace of the realm or maybe the peace for this family.
“my love? what do you think about this?” Your mother's voice brought you out of your thoughts, you looked at everyone carefully before you finally gave your answer
“I can't possibly refuse this grandsire, if this is the best decision then I accept it” you smiled.
Hearing this made Viserys smile, he then looked at his wife and daughter. “then it’s settled then, you will be married to Aegon in several months”
After the conversation in the council chambers, you and your mother are now in her chambers. You looked at your mother in astonishment, “What are you thinking? What does all this mean? I have no problem marrying Aegon. but why do you ask to change the order of the throne?”
you can see your mother sigh and massage her temples slowly, she looks at you and you can see the worry and tiredness on her face . "I just want to prevent war, my dear, if later when I ascend the throne, the entire realm will definitely not accept it well. no queen has ever sit the iron throne before”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, you heard your mother's bedroom door being forced open and revealed your father, Leanor, who looked in a hurry. “What the fuck did I just hear? is it true that you asked Aegon to be heir to the throne?”
You looked at your father in shock, it seemed like your father didn't realize you were there. your mother looked at your father and then looked at you, “dove, I will talk to your father. You can go back to your quarters."
Your father, who just realized your presence, flinched, he smiled awkwardly. "My love, sorry I didn't see you. I'll see you after this." You just nodded and walked out of your mother's chambers , you decided to go back to the garden.
You just nodded and walked out of your mother's room, you decided to go back to the garden. Now in the same place you go back to reading your book, to divert the thoughts that are running around in your head.
“well hello beautiful, what are you doing here?”
You looked away from the book and saw Aegon standing in front of you with his signature smile, you smiled and then closed your book.
“Uncle, I was just reading my book” you smiled then shifted a little so he could sit next to you.
“Sorry dove, I can't bring you flowers today” you could hear the disappointment in his voice and you laughed softly.
"It's okay, just having you here makes me happy"
Aegon lay his head on your lap, you smiled and continued your reading. "Do you know? "This book, it really disturbs my view right now" Aegon took the book in your hand and put it aside, you laughed softly and looked at his face.
"Hey, I'm telling the truth, I'm looking at the most beautiful woman's but the book is blocking my view."
You smiled and gently ruffled his hair, Aegon just laughed softly when he saw you were embarrassed. he likes to see you blush and also laugh out loud when you're around him.
"I was very happy when I found out I would marry you"
You looked at him in shock, you didn't expect that he already knew about it. "I heard the conversation with my grandfather when I was called to his room, are you happy with this dove?"
You shook your head slowly, “of course i’m happy Aegon.” You gently combed his hair and said "I can't think of a more suitable husband for me."
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The great sept was decorated with a symphony of colors and opulence greeted the eyes of all who entered. Flowers of every hue adorned the edges, their fragrance mingling with the air.
As you made your way down the aisle, the guests turned their heads, their eyes widening in awe. The radiant bride, accompanied by your father, glided with grace and elegance. you look breathtaking, with white gown that hug your curve perfectly, and your neat braided hair.
At the end of the aisle stood Aegon, the new heir to the throne and your betrothed. His presence was strong and radiating, his eye locked on you with unwavering adoration. You can see his smiles reflected a shared joy, celebrating the union that was about to take place.
On your side of the aisle, your mother, Rhaenyra stood as your pillar of support. Clutching the bouquet of white roses, her eyes glistened with tears of happiness. you two shared a glance, their bond unbreakable, a silent reassurance of love.
The septon, adorned in his ceremonial robes, stood before the altar, ready to officiate the union. The guests held their breath, their eyes fixed on the couple before them, as the sacred vows of love and loyalty would be exchanged.
As you took your place beside Aegon at the altar, "You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." the septon's voice voice resonated through the sept, his words carrying the weight of tradition and sacredness.
Aegon then removes your 'Maidens cloak' bearing the sigil of your birth house, Velaryon and replaced it by cloak' of Targaryen house signifying that Aegon taking over the protection of you.
"We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever.” The septon's powerful proclamation reverberated through the grand sept, reaching the ears of all the guest. As the septon continued with his sermon.
The septon's voice carried the weight of tradition and solemnity as he guided you and Aegon through the final steps of their union. With gentle yet purposeful movements, he began to tie their hands together with a ribbon, symbolizing the binding of their souls as one for eternity.
"In the sight of the Seven," the septon declared, his words resonating through the hallowed space of the grand sept, "I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity." The ribbon encircled their joined hands.
Turning towards each other, your eyes locked once again, you and Aegon spoke in unison, your voices blending harmoniously as they uttered the sacred words. The presence of the gods seemed to permeate the air, lending an air of sanctity to the moment.
"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger..." their voices carried the weight of conviction and devotion.
"I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," Aegon vowed, his voice filled with unwavering commitment.
"I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," you echoed. Their voices intertwined, their souls merging in that sacred space.
Aegon’s eye shimmering with unwavering love, gently cradled your face in his hands. His touch was tender, filled with a reverence befitting the solemnity of the moment.
With a soft, lingering touch, Aegon's lips met yours, your first kiss as husband and wife. And their first kiss ever. It was a gentle meeting of souls. In that intimate embrace, time seemed to stand still, the world fading away, leaving only the warmth of their connection.
The guests watched in awe and reverence as the couple sealed their vows with this symbolic gesture. The room was filled with a palpable energy, a collective recognition of the sacredness of the union unfolding before them.
As their lips parted, Aegon whispered, "With this kiss, I pledge my love to you, y/n Targaryen." His words echoed through the hall.
your eyes sparkled with joy as you met Aegon gaze. your voice whispered, "And with this kiss, I pledge my love to you, Aegon Targaryen.”
The septon, catching the low exchange, cleared his throat and raised his voice even louder, ensuring that all present heard his proclamation. "Let it be known that Aegon Targaryen of House Targaryen and y/n Velaryon of House Velaryon are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder.” The room erupted into thunderous applause and cheers, the joyous sound echoing throughout the grand hall of the Great Sept.
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You couldn't believe that it had been almost a year since you and Aegon had been married, and in a matter of days the two of you would be holding your first child.
love what are you doing? you should been resting in our chambers” You turned your head and saw your husband walking over with Aemond beside him. You smiled and tried to stand up from your chair but Aegon quickly held you back.
“just please stay seated, i know this pregnancy had make you suffer” you smile and kiss his lips that makes Aemond groan. “she’s here at the request of both of us, Aegon” Alicent's voice made the three of you turn around, you saw the queen walking along with your mom, Rhaenyra. Their relationship only got better after the day you and Aegon got married, and honestly that made you happy.
They want to discuss several important matters with the kingdom. Since your grandsire health became increasingly worse, Aegon began to learn to manage the kingdom, of course accompanied by the queen and your mother.
“but mother, will y/n be okay? we don't know when the babe will be born” you could hear the worry and worry in his voice, you smiled and took his hand giving his hand reassuring squeeze. "I'll be fine, especially if the babe is born today. everyone is ready”
The meeting went smoothly, Aemond informed that the security of Kings Landing had improved with the addition of Gold Cloak troops in the city. Rhaenyra also said that the war taking place in the narrow sea was under control, you listen to everything that is said. Aegon of course also sometimes gives advice.
You felt pain in your stomach which made you shift uncomfortably in your chair, no one noticed it apart from your husband. Aegon looked at you worriedly and stroked your hand from under the table, “I'm fine, just a little tired” you said quietly with a smile.
Aegon nodded and focused himself again on the meetings, but he knew that something was wrong with you. you tried your best to hold back the pain which was getting worse, you whimpered softly making everyone look at you worriedly. "My love? What’s wrong?" you can hear your mother's voice. you couldn't answer and could only whimper softly, you could feel something running down your leg and you knew very well that something was wrong now.
“Is it the babe? shit, Aemond, call the Maester and the midwives to my chambers now!" Aegon shouted at Aemond and immediately carried you towards your chambers. you groaned and hugged your husband's neck tightly, ‘what happened?’ You are very scared now, You are afraid that something will happen to the babe, many women in your family have died or their babies have not survived the birthing process.
Aegon laid you down on the bed and looked towards the door, “where are the fucking midwives! hurry fucking up!” he screamed like crazy, he didn't want anything to happen to his babe, something to happen to you.
Your mother and also Alicent tried to help you to stay calm, they wiped the sweat that appeared on your forehead, give words of encouragement and also hold your hand. Your breathing are becoming hard and your vision starts to blur because of the pain and tears that accumulate on your eyelids.
“it hurts mothers, this hurts so much” you cried softly as you squeezed both of their hands, Aegon looked back at you and immediately knelt beside your bed. “Dove, look at me.” You looked at him, his gaze radiating worry and fear.
“I'm here, I'll be by your side. please hang in there” he whispered and kissed your forehead.
Not long after you are now surrounded by many midwives and also the Maester. Scream after scream could be heard clearly throughout the Red Keep making everyone who heard it shudder in horror, they knew that their princess was fighting between life and death to give birth to her first child with the prince.
"If you feel any contractions, I want you to start to push, princess.”
The voice of the midwife was faint, you gripped Aegon’s forearm until your nails turned white. Aegon kept his word to be by your side, he ignored your mother and Alicent's words. said that the birthing room was not he right to attend. Another scream was heard indicating that another contraction hit your body, with all the strength, you began to push.
"I feel the head! a few more pushes and he'll be here."
you pushed with all your might and after a few moments you threw your head back on the pillow and took a deep breath, you could heard a very loud cry which made your heart feel relieved. You looked at the midwife who was smiling broadly while holding a red bundle in her hands.
"congratulations princess, you have a son. a healthy one, he’s kicking like a goat"
you smiled weakly and with the remaining strength you had you reached out your hand to take your son, you looked at your son face with a small smile adorning your tired and sweaty face. you could feel Aegon kiss your forehead, “you did it, you gave birth to our child.”
You smiled at your husband and slowly gave your son into his arms. You smiled seeing him cradling your son. after a moment you closed your eyes as you felt the pain wash over your body once again, a small groan escaped your lips which made Aegon look at you worriedly.
"What is this? Is this the afterbirth?” you, with panicked eyes looked at the midwife. The midwife then looked under the blanket, in a worried tone she directed the other midwife to get ready.
"my apologize princess, but it looks like you are pregnant with twins. for that I hope if possible you should come to push as you felt another contraction”
you looked Aegon in shocked and prepared again to give birth to your second babe. With the remaining strength you had, you started to push ad you feel another painful contraction. You twitched in pain and that makes Aegon worried. “it’s hurt! i can’t do this please make it stop”
You cried which made Aegon walk towards the Maester “what happened? why is she in pain?!” Maester came closer and felt your stomach to check what was wrong with the babe, you saw his face change and became afraid.
“I'm sorry prince, but I think this baby is breech” breech? oh my gosh you're even more scared now, your cries are mixed with very scary screams.
“For this, we can do a procedure where we rotate the babe so that it is in the correct position or we can cut the mother's womb so that we can take the babe out”
Aegon looked at the Maester in horror, angrily Aegon pointed the dagger at his neck. "Don't ever think I will allow you to cut open my wife!"
you cried and called his name, Aegon looked at the Maester sharply and immediately walked closer to you. "my love it’s okey, i’m here you’re safe. I won't let anyone cut open your womb, there’s no fucking way," he suppressed all his words.
Your fear grew bigger when the maester approached and started to feel your stomach, "Sorry princess, but this might hurt a little" you just nodded and squeezed Aegon's hand when the Maester did his job, the pain was all you felt. You screamed in pain and told him to stop, after a while the Maester looked back at the midwives and nodded.
“alright princess, if you feel one more contraction I want you to push, okay?” You nodded weakly, you were very tired now. Your nightgown is wet because of your sweat, there is also a lot of blood on it. You took a deep breath as you felt the pain and contractions slowly creep through your body, with the remaining strength you had you tried to give birth your child.
You shook your head and leaned back against the pillow, crying and looking at your husband. he looked very messy, his hair was messy and his eyes were bloodshot. Aegon's heart ached, it hurt when he saw his soulmate looked like this.
“my love, you have to do this. I know it hurts a lot, but I won't be able to live without you. I'm begging for my sake, for the sake of our child” Aegon kissed your forehead several times while continuing to say those words, you realized that your husband and children needed you.
You took a deep breath before you finally pushed with the remaining strength you had. After a few moments the sound of the baby crying was heard, which was not too loud but clear. you turned your head to look for your babe and you can felt your heart hurt, you was afraid something had happened to your little babe.
“Aegon? what happened? please tell me that the babe is okey? right?” You turned to Aegon and looked at him sadly, Aegon was also feeling very worried. he didn't know what happened because after your baby came out, the midwives immediately took him away.
"Congratulations my prince, you have a daughter” the maester's voice sounded, making your heart feel relieved, you took a deep breath and lay back down.
Aegon smiled and kissed you several times while whispering words of thanks. You smiled and stroked his cheek gently, "This is my duty, husband. If you don’t mind I want to sleep now” he chuckled softly and kissed your forehead once more before walking out with his daughter in his arms to let you get some rest.
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tag list - @danytar @looneytun3s @hangmanscoming @yazzzmints @julessworldd @eratosmusings (italic means that i can’t tag you)
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lilibethwrites · 2 years
Hello! you would write to aemond x reader. Where she goes to Storm's End, trading instead of her brother, and instead of asking for Lucerys' eye, Aemond claims her as his wife.
To Have and to Hold
Aemond Targaryen x F!Velaryon (Strong)!Reader
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Warnings: violence, NSFW, incest
Word count: 3583
A.N: Reader is the middle sister of Lucerys and Jacaerys. This is a good old enemies-to-lovers story with a happy ending.
The family was gathered around the painted table. Plans were made and changed and remade altogether in mere seconds, the lords loyal to your mother scrambling to do everything all at once to secure her rightful claim to the throne.
“Send us, mother. Dragons are faster than ravens,” Jacaerys insisted when the matter of reaffirming old oaths came up.
On your mother’s command, he was to fly south and Lucerys was to fly north, to Storm’s End. Luke agreed to the task, yet you could tell his hesitance from the way he tried to conceal his fidgeting. The rattled nerves made him seem smaller than he was as he hunched over, nodding to the duty given to him.
So you stepped up, though only after the meeting was adjourned. Lucerys was too proud to allow what you have intended otherwise, but you were too fond of your baby brother to let him fly through the treacherous weather of the North alone.
“Mother. A word, please?”
Rhaenyra intended Lucerys to familiarize himself with diplomatic duties which were sure to come in waves following her own coronation. Your proposal was compelling nevertheless. Storm’s End was a flight too difficult for your younger brother to make alone, and you as his companion might soothe his nerves and might even compel Lord Borros Baratheon to be kinder to the message you were to deliver.
“Very well, then,” Rhaenyra reluctantly agreed to your proposal but only on the condition that you would go in peace: as envoys and not as warriors.
The flight to Storm’s End was uneventful. With jokes and friendly teasing, it almost felt like your regular flights above the Dragonstone on beautiful mornings and starry nights. Except there was strong wind and downpour all at once, and Lucerys became quieter as you approached your destination.
“Come on, Luke. I will race you to the courtyard!”
Your dragon was older, not big enough on her own to be considered mature yet, but bigger in comparison to Arrax, which made Arrax faster in contrast.
So Luke landed first, and you were mere minutes behind him.
“Well done, brother. You beat me. You shall have my slice of the pie this supper.”
But Lucerys didn’t seem excited about what would make him jump up and down if it were any other time. He didn’t even smile. He was facing his sister with a hand gripping the saddle on Arrax and the other clutching the hilt of his sword, but his young face was contorted in concern as he looked through her. If you hadn’t known him better, you’d almost misread it for fear.
“What is it?” You asked, but Luke only remained motionless, looking beyond to the walls of the keep.
It was then that you saw it in the flash of lightning that lit up the sky for a moment. Vhagar. She was big enough to make the outer walls of the keep seem like miniatures. You gulped, though remained stoic on the outside for the sake of your younger brother. You accompanied him to support him, not to plummet him down into the endless pit of fear. Vhagar meant, however, the Prince you’d rather see the least had beaten you to Lord Borros. You only hoped he was given a chamber of his own, and you’d deliver your message and slip out without ever facing him.
“Come on, Luke. Let us haste. Mother’s expecting us back for supper.”
The dark and empty hall was as hostile as its Lord. And in the corner stood Aemond Targaryen with one of Lord Borros’ daughters. She seemed tense. You could tell, because so were you.
“Come on, Luke.” You nudged your brother, and he held the sealed message out for the guards.
As the Maester to Lord Borros slowly dragged his feet to his master’s seat and relayed the message to him in hushed whispers, your eyes were trained on Aemond’s. He stood tall and proud, looking at you and your brother with disdain in his eyes and disgust in the way his lips curled up.
Luke clutched his sword once again, and you squeezed his shoulder. “Let go of it, brother. Remember your oath to mother.”
With Luke unable to marry, Lord Borros without a son to offer you, and most importantly, with sweet promises laced with poison seeping into his ear all the way from King’s Landing, Borros Baratheon broke his oath. On any other day, you’d remain and quarrel, threaten the Baratheon forces to bend the knee to the true Queen and not to the Usurper King, but on that day, you wished nothing more than to escort your brother out to safety.
“We thank you for your consideration, Lord Borros,” you spoke without reverence. A turncloak deserved only the traitor’s death. But you’d return for it another day.
Meanwhile, Aemond’s gaze burned into the back of your head as you put a hand on Luke’s back to signal him it was way past your time for departure.
“Wait, my Lord and Lady Strong!” Aemond’s humiliating tone echoed off the walls.
Fiery as ever, Luke shrugged your hand off and turned on his heels to face Aemond.
“Mind your tongue! Apologize to my dear sister right now!”
“Hm. How about you apologize to me for trying to steal my brother’s crown, traitor?”
“I will do no such thing!”
“Then you are a coward as well as a traitor and I will have your eye, bastard.”
Aemond ripped the dagger from its sheath and threw it flying towards Y/N and her older brother.
With each lightning that struck, the sapphire eye in place of the one Luke once slashed out glimmered. It seemed as if it had a mind of its own, no doubt just as vile and dangerous as its owner.
“As payment for mine.”
“No,” Lucerys stood his ground.
Aemond all but jumped forward then, spurred on by the courage of a boy he saw inferior to him in all regards. Lucerys to stand against him, tall and proud, was a massive hit to his pride.
As Aemond picked up his dagger and moved for Lucerys, you stepped in between your brother and uncle.
“NO! No!”
Your intervention caught Aemond by surprise. He was intrigued, amused, even. What a fine, fiery woman his nephew has turned out to be. Shame she was a bastard all the same.
“Please— Aemond. My Prince. Please—”
“What? Do you plead to pitch in?” he stared into Y/N’s eyes then. He was unyielding, unflinching.
“Luke, go. I command you. As your sister, I command you to leave!” You pleaded with Lucerys, but he stood unmoving behind you.
“No…” Aemond was amused. “No, your eyes are of no value to me. I want his eye!”
Luke would have escaped had it not been for his older sister. He would have turned around and made it to his dragon as you demanded. Yet, only a few acts were more loathsome than leaving kin to the wolves. Besides, Rhaenyra would’ve shredded him to bits and fed him to Arrax for all to see.
So Luke kneeled to take the dagger. Aemond’s request was fair after all.
“Perhaps not my eyes,” You spoke hastily with your hand wrapped around Luke’s wrist in an effort to stop him.
“But demand what you deem worthy of me and you shall have it. I beg of you, Aemond. Let my baby brother return to our mother. He came only as an envoy. He means no harm to you.”
“Hm.” He seemed to consider the offer genuinely that time. “As if you could harm me if you tried. Well, it seems the girl has bigger balls than you, bastard. You’re strong only in name, Lord Strong.”
Then he turned his attention back to you with a cruel smirk that pressed his lips into a thin line.
“You would trade your life, no matter how worthless, for your bastard brother?”
“If it is my life you demand, you shall have it. But allow my brother safe passage first.”
It was Lucerys’ turn to protest then, but you took a step forward, hoping that Aemond would be merciful enough to at least spare your brother the grim sight of the execution of his sister.
“I won’t kill you, dear Nephew. Oh, no. That would be entertainment for what? an hour? No, I will marry you,” His eye widened and he grinned as if a child got a platter of cakes and pies all to himself.
“Go on, then, pup,” He nodded to Lucerys pulling at the sleeves of your damp travelling coat, begging you to stop.
“Go with your worthless life and carry the heavy news to your false Queen—that her daughter is to be defiled by Prince Aemond. Perhaps she will be overjoyed to see what true Targaryen offspring looks like.”
You were trembling then. From standing in a stone hall, dripping head to toe from the downpour you have just escaped from, or from the cruel design Aemond has traded you for your brother’s eye, you didn’t know.
Your brother was looking at you incredulously, clutching Aemond’s dagger with his shaking hand.
“Go—go, Lucerys,” you mumbled between shaky breaths that threatened to explode into a sobbing fit. “You’ve heard Prince Aemond. Relay the news to the Queen.”
“Sister—I won’t leave you—”
“How sad,” Aemond spoke joylessly, mocking Luke with his lips downturned in an exaggerated fashion. “Will you cry, pup?”
“Sister, I shall return. I promise—”
“You will do no such thing, Lucerys,” your back was turned to him, your tears concealed from his vision. “Now go.”
“Oh, and I will have this back,” Aemond reached behind Lucerys, tearing the dagger from his hand and sheating it back to its place on his belt.
Aemond took his leave after Lucerys’, all but dragging you to Vhagar. You grappled to reach for your own dragon but to no avail. Aemond’s vice grip would sooner rip your arm from your shoulder before he let you loose.
“Did you think I would let you fly on your own? What do you take me for, a fool?”
“No. You are no fool. But you are a cruel monster.”
It seemed to please him, and he snorted.
 “A monster who is nought but a bully had it not been for his dragon!”
That, however, seemed to have gotten to him. He stopped in his track under the downpour abruptly and struck you across the face. It was your time to grin. For all his quiet mystery, his underbelly was clear as day.
“My Prince forgets who was there on the night he usurped Vhagar from her rightful successors. You were but a scared child who stole what you did not deserve.”
His fingers wrapped around your neck, squeezing so tight that your vision soon turned blurry and you gasped desperately, clawing at his on your throat. There was nothing but fury in his eye, wide with surprise that a woman would speak so plainly to him, and red with rage and the rain.
“Speak but another word and I shall send your skull to your whore of a mother!”
He let go and you collapsed to your knees, coughing and gasping for air. Then came waves of hiccups and sobs, not out of fear or misery but out of utter wrath.
“Save your tears. If it is sympathy you hope for, you shall get none from me. You are a foul bastard just like the rest of your brood and you shall be treated as one.”
Deep down, however, the deal he had just struck excited Aemond. His mouth watered at the thought of his reluctant but fiery bride in their marital bed, as they consummated the marriage and repeated the act over and over again until her belly was swollen and ran around the Red Keep children of Aemond’s own.
She was still a filthy bastard in his eye, yet if he had to choose one of his nieces to tolerate, he’d gladly choose Y/N over the others. Back when they all grew up on King’s Landing, he did have a crush on her, after all. Though it was silly, and he ripped the roots of it long ago. At least he thought so.
Something about her dark hair, livelier complexion, and eyes… her eyes. The defiance and pride in them. And she was brave; braver than most, braver than even his drunk, sorry excuse of a brother and father.
Back at King’s Landing, Alicent was rightfully outraged by the turn of events. Of course, you didn’t expect a warm welcome from your mother-in-law, and you didn’t get one.
Most of your days leading up to the wedding were spent in a chamber of your own with your door locked and latched on you and with a Kingsguard standing watch at all times. It was lonely, except for when Aemond came to visit, which he did almost every night.
He sat by the fireplace and you sat on the bed. Though at first not a lot of words were spoken, soon you realized just how much his conversation entertained you, and that you looked forward to his visits.
It was one of those nights that he stopped by with a heavy book under his arm.
“I had the Maester copy this for you,” he spoke dryly, but he had a hint of a self-satisfied smile on his lips.
He set the book down on the table and flipped through the pages.
“If you put your nose to it, you can still smell the ink.”
Aemond didn’t expect you to indulge him the way you did. You walked up to him, and with your cheek to his, joined him in inhaling the scent of ink on parchment pages.
“What is it about? The book?” You asked with genuine interest, flipping through the pages as Aemond pulled away to look at you incredulously. You weren’t resisting him, dismissing him, or threatening him with a slit throat in his sleep as you usually did.
“It’s—it’s on the history of Valyria. This is the first volume of many.”
“Oh, I remember this book.”
“You do?”
“Yes!” You pulled away with a proud smile of your own. For a moment, you looked like two ordinary lovers conversing by the fire, not enemies who supposed to hate each other and about to be united only as torture for one another.
“Remember Aunt Leana’s funeral?”
Of course he did. That was when you mocked Aemond for not being a dragon rider still, and told him the Gods were cruel not to give him the handsome face Aegon was blessed with. How silly were you back then. But how could you know that Aemond would grow up to be the Prince you’d fall for day after day?
“Yes?” he responded warily.
“Well, you were reading this then. I tore a page out, and you were so cross you told on me to my mother,” you giggled, giving him a playful slap on the shoulder before seating yourself by the fireplace.
Aemond smiled as well, approaching his usual seat cautiously as if not to spook a skittish prey. When you nursed your cup of wine without a flinch, he sat by you. Though his face was turned to the fire, he stole quick glances at your face, your neckline revealed by your evening robe, and your delicate, ringed fingers wrapped around the cup.
“Regretfully, you were fluent in High Valyrian back then and I knew very little, and nothing much has changed ever since.”
“Oh,” Aemond caught your eyes, searching for the dark, burning dislike you had for him that he came to expect. Instead your face was relaxed, and your eyes were almost that of a lover’s. Then, you reached for his hand. It must be the wine, Aemond thought. What else?
“You shall have to teach me.”
“I shall arrange the Maester—”
“I asked you, Aemond, not the Maester.”
From then on, Aemond visited you every night without fail. He came earlier and left later into the night. Though he always brought books, parchment and ink, very little High Valyrian was actually studied. His days were eventful and you loved to listen, and he loved the way you reminisced their days of youth.
So, on a night like that, with your hand on his over the table, you spoke the words that almost stopped his heart.
“I wish you would stay the night, Aemond. It gets awfully lonely some nights.”
He blinked a few times, unsure if his ears heard what you spoke, or what he so desperately wished you would.
“It—it would be improper before the wedding.”
“You took me hostage, Aemond. Traditions are obeyed very little in our marriage.”
That night was the first time you called what was slowly blossoming between him and you a marriage. The words you spoke took him by surprise, just as the way you said them—playfully, with no hatred or resentment.
“You offered yourself up. I was content enough having your brother’s eye.” That was Aemond’s attempt at humour in response, a macabre and perhaps a twisted one that would have gotten raise out of any other woman. Yet you only looked at him for a second, then laughed.
“Yet you did not have to lock me up. I would not have run.”
“No, but my brother would have stolen you from me.”
“Oh, surely. Aegon did promise to demonstrate to me… what was it? Real manhood in case you ever failed to do so.”
“He did?” Aemond frowned. Was that what jealousy felt like?
“Mmhm. I told him I was confident you would make a good husband.”
Though the ceremony was mere days away, Aemond was still not used to being called your husband, especially by you, and he barely got used to wearing a band of gold around his ring finger.
“This would be a good time to say that I would make a good wife, as well,” you joked, hoping to pull Aemond out of his moment of silence.
Instead, Aemond stared at you. He was unblinking and impossible to read. Indeed because his face was impossible to read, it came to you as a surprise when he closed the distance between you and himself and locked his lips with yours.
It was gentle, way gentler than you assumed Aemond was capable of. When he pulled back just enough to study your face, you only whispered “Do it again.”
The caution and restraint went out the window then. His tongue danced across yours and you gripped each other desperately, pulling at your clothes and moaning your names.
Aemond ended up not only staying the night as you asked but consummating your marriage even before the ceremony itself.
It was gentle and cautious at first, but only briefly, before baser and more primal urges overtook you both. You woke up in Aemond’s arms with a dull but sweet ache between your legs and marks in the shape of his mouth and fingers all over your body. Likewise, Aemond woke up with raw lines of skin where your nails had dug into his flesh.
You took your bath together, and Aemond postponed his sword practice for a private noon at the library with you. Though it came as a surprise to neither of you that there was more kissing and touching than reading.
Then, things changed rapidly. Your door was no longer locked, though that might very well be because you all but moved into Aemond’s quarters. You became inseparable. You were there with a book or your embroidery when Aemond trained, you flew together, broke fast and had supper together in his bedchamber.
The only time you regretfully parted was when Alicent—who also surprisingly became like a mother to you, and you a daughter to her— insisted that your fitting for the wedding gown must be kept private and away from the prying eye of the groom. It was bad luck, she insisted, if Aemond saw you in your gown before the ceremony.
“And have you asked mother and the Septa if it is good luck or bad if I have you in your gown?” Aemond teased you, making you blush whenever his words came back to you as the tailors worked ceaselessly to finish the dress before the ceremony.
Neither of you could say if it was indeed bad luck or not, but you found out that it was delightful when Aemond lifted your heavy skirt up and snuck between your legs on your wedding night. He had you in it, just as he promised. Though it was a shame that he grew too impatient to undo the ribbons and laces, so he instead tore and ripped the dress apart, leaving it as a cut of tattered, expensive silk on the floor as the night went on.
You saw the sorry state of the dress in the morning. Well, as much of it as you could see from Aemond’s arms around you, keeping you flush on his body.
“Aemond! You shall never see me wear a lovely dress as this once was for you again!” 
“My sweet wife, you should not wear anything for me,” Aemond whispered groggily, still in the sweet clutches of slumber, and he pulled you for a kiss that promised you would not be leaving his bedchamber for the day.
Aemond Tag (let me know if you'd like to be added to it):
@cherishedauthor @schniiipsel @verycollectivecreator @dangerousbluebirdpoetry @aemcndtargaryen @m1ndbrand @iorveth-scoiatael @let-love-bleeds-red @imakeangelscry @midnightindiewolf @queereddie @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @nighttwingg @mllemarianne @lomllino @tinykryptonitewerewolf @mirandastuckinthe80s @loverandqueenofdragons @fultimefangirl @lenasvoid
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jacaerysgf · 3 months
Through it all, its still you
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r.q: hellooo lovlieee omg i am so inlove with your newest fic with jacaerys, my jaw was on the ground. could I request a fic with jacaerys were it's during the war between blacks and greens and your his betrothed. He goes north and you stay in dragonstone, but then you get taken by the greens. Everyone thinks your dead but you manage to escape and bond with a dragon. then when jacaerys is fighting against the greens, you Show up with your dragon and fight this epic battle. omg I got so carried away sorryyy. maybe with some fluff at the end ?? anyways take care <3
w.c: 4.2k (god i love writing for jace)
c.w: tyrell!reader, written with f!reader in mind but i dont believe theres any mention of gender of reader if so barely, angst, FLUFF! happy ending though it takes awhile to get there, poorly written battle scene, blue fire breathing dragon :3, not proofread
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You had not known how long you were sitting in the silence of your room. Usually dragonstone, though you had not been there for very long, was booming with life, jacaerys and lucerys arguing with one another and joffrey laughing, the babies crying or laughing at nothing, baela and rhaena chatting together. But today there was nothing but somber silence. Lucerys was dead. Though you did not know him as well as everyone here did, your heart ached at the thought of the young boy being gone. 
Daemon and rhaenyra had basically locked themselves in the council room after informing you of the news. You worried for them especially after seeing how angry and heartbroken they looked but the person you worried for most was jacaerys. He was off in the north oblivious to what had been happening here. You felt sick to your stomach as you imagined his face finding out the news. He had confided in you before he left. He worried for lucerys and how he would fare on his trip to storm's end and you helped assure him lucerys would be alright. 
You sit in your nightgown clutching hard onto the necklace jacaerys had given you early on into your courtship. 
You had been promised to jacaerys when you were very young much to the dismay of alicent and her father. You were your fathers only daughter and due to the fact he had no uncles, no cousins, no nephews and no direct other male family members you were to inherit everything in highgarden once he passed. You were immediately very fond of jacaerys as soon as the two of you met in the keep. Though the two of you did not get to spend as much time together as you were soon taken back to the highgarden after a couple moon cycles. Before you had left the keep however he had given you this necklace. It was a metal carving of a dragon painted in the colors of his dragon vermax. He had told you he hoped while you were apart you could feel protected by him with his dragon and you cried into his shoulder before you were soon dragged off and did not get to see him for many years. 
Soon enough your name day came and you turned eight and ten and were granted the ability to go to Dragonstone to meet with jacaerys and begin wedding preparations with rhaenyra. What you nor your father had known is that soon war would strike. You knew tensions were high between the family especially after attending the families final dinner where you help jacaerys place ointment on his cheek after aemond had punched him but you did not think things would turn out so horrid for the family. 
So deeply lost in your thoughts you do not notice the quiet footsteps entering your room through an opened window in your room until something a stab punctures your arm and a hand covers your scream before a heavy object slams into your head knocking you out cold. He allows you to sit out cold for a bit, letting your blood pool on the ground soaking your gown and your necklace. While you're passed out the mysterious man scoops you up into his arms, ripping the necklace from your neck and tosses it into the pool of blood before he carefully manages to carry you out through the window and down to an awaiting boat with a couple other masked men who help him chain you down and soon sail away, the image of dragonstone fading farther and farther away. 
Only hours later does jacaerys land back on dragonstone hoping to be greeted by you. Happy that he had been able to secure all the alliances for his mother and felt full of pride when he imagined how happy you would be. What he did not expect when he entered the main room was a somber atmosphere, he notices rhaena has fresh tears sliding off her face and baela attempting to comfort her. Joffrey clung to his rhaenyra side also seeming to be crying. He quickly looks over at daemon who is staring right back at him. “What has happened? Where is lucerys? Where is my betrothed? Tell me at once.” rhaenyra makes her way over to him and clings to him, shoving her face in his neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” he refuses to be true, it can't be true. But when daemon walks over to the pair and opens up his hand to show the necklace jacaerys had given you all those years ago, covered in your blood.
When you open your eyes the first thing you notice is how much your arm hurts, you groan and grab your arm. The sound of a screeching chair and the quick fleeing of the room meets your ears as you sit up and notice your sitting in a very familiar room. This is the room that you had stayed in during your time in the keep, looking exactly how you left it. A part of you is telling you this is a dream, you reach your hand up to wrap around your necklace your grow frantic as you realize it is not there. You feel around the bed and look upon the dresser next to you but there is nothing. In your haste the door opens and your head shoots up. “You are finally awake.” 
“Where is my necklace?” alicent looks at criston next to her who shakes his head, “you did not come wearing a necklace miss.” you groan and immediately try to stand out from bed but immediately feel so dizzy you have to sit back down, your arm throbbing heavily. “What did you do to me?”
Alicent takes a hesitant step closer to you, her arms out as if to comfort you, “you should relax.” “asking me to relax after you kidnap me, are you insane?” you are unable to control your temper as you spit your words at her. Criston immediately clutches his sword and takes a step forward, “that is no way to-” alicent gives him a pointed look and he immediately deflates taking a step back. She hesitantly makes her way to the end of the bed and sits on it looking at you. “I simply wish to speak with you. “So you decide to kidnap me, that makes perfect sense.” you can tell she's irritated at you but does not let it show on her face as she takes a deep breath, a somber look on her face though you cannot tell if it is serious. 
“With your fathers passing everything in highgarden has been left to you, we believe it is in your best interest to declare house tyrell for aegon-” “my father is dead?” you cannot handle the influx of emotions you feel as your hand clenches around the space where your hanging dragon should be craving the feeling of the cold metal and sharp edges on your skin. She nods, placing her hand on your knee and for some reason you let her, the look in her eyes tells you she feels sorry having to break this news to you herself. “Yesterday night in his sleep, his final wish was for you to have highgarden. He stated it to be so.” all you can do is look down, your eyes clouding and you begin to crave the presence of jacaerys. Taking you silence as an opportunity to continue alicent begins to speak, “I care, not only about you, but about the future of your house which is why you should declare for aegon-” “you are asking me to declare for him? I knew you were crazy but this is just insanity.”
Though your face is covered in tears it does not hide the furious look you have on your face as you push her hand away from you and hug your knees to your chest. “It is the best path for you and your house my dear you must believe me i only wish the best for you. And should you do this you will be a lovely addition to our family. I am looking for a wife for my son daeron.” 
“I am already betrothed. You know this.” she shakes her head and stretches out further on the bed attempting to touch you once again, “you must understand-” “i would rather you kill me than marry your stupid hightower son and declare for that pig wearing a false crown on his head.” 
The room goes silent and she sighs and stands, fixing her dress before moving to leave the room. As she stands by the door she turns back to you, “I hope you will one day change your mind.” “I will not.” you quickly spit at her before she and criston leave the room leaving you trapped in there. All you can do is sit and cry in your bed, you miss jacaerys, you miss your father, you even miss dragonstone. You spend that whole day and night in your room praying that jacaerys was alright, you knew it is foolish to wish he could climb though the window to save you but the childish part of you dreamed he would come to your rescue. 
His foot taps on the floor in rapid succession. Jacaerys finds he can barely sit still these days. He cannot believe you were ripped from his hands so quickly. Though many expected him to lock himself in his room and cry for days mourning the loss of the love of his life and his younger brother he did not even shed a tear. Even at the funeral for the two of you the worst he got was glassy eyed as he clung onto his brother's robe and your necklace which he has begun wearing. It was as if he became a shell of himself, only speaking when spoken to and only truly wished to speak time planning out the moves of the war with daemon. Rhaenyra grew more and more concerned and distressed over her son as the days passed. Whenever she would go and try to talk to him she would only be greeted by his dead eyes and his emotionless words and she felt as though she lost two of her sons not just the one. 
Due to his erratic emotions, Jacaerys could not decipher how he felt. Grief? Anger? Sadness? Spite? All of the above? He had no clue. But in his mind he had no time to feel anything. He had a duty to make sure his mother won this war and he could deal with his feelings later. He tried to ignore that heart clenching feeling everytime he wrapped his hand around the dragon necklace. The selfish part of him believes you are still alive, in his defense there was no body, just a large pool of blood soaking the floor, the room had been bare and mostly untouched which led daemon to conclude it happened without and fight and quickly. If you were truly dead it gave him a bit of piece you had not been put through any sort of torture or torment as daemon seemingly had put halenas kid through when he sent out blood and cheese. 
He has many regrets and will hate himself for the rest of his life, he let his mother down, he was a bad brother and worst of all he failed to protect you, the one he had sworn to protect forever. He wont allow himself to mourn you, or mourn anyone for that matter. The only thing that mattered was the war and when daemon once again called him in the council room he soundlessly followed. He would at least avenge you in any way he would. He wanted them to feel the pain they had put him through, they put his mother through, he wanted to hurt them so badly he could barely contain himself but he must be rational despite how hard it is. Whenever he looked at the dragon on his neck he could only think of you and he grew angrier with himself. He had to avenge you. No matter what. 
The days in the keep are boring. For the first few days all you do is sit on your bed crying. Whenever a guard entered your room to bring you food you never ate any of it. The only time anything happened all you could hear was screams and cries but they were so distant you did not know what was happening. You only found out when aemond had come to integrate you about the incident. Asking if you had somehow let this ‘blood and cheese’ into the keep so they could kill one of halenas kids. You were mortified and said you had no clue. After a bit of pushing and reports from the guards who were stationed outside your room there was no way you could have done anything and they promptly left. The rest of your days continued the same with you not if so barely eating until it became too much and alicent showed up to your room. “You must eat.” you scoff, you had finally gained your strength back and were sitting at one of the tables in the room with a book in your hands. “I don't need to do anything.” She sighs and looks around the room. You take notice of the box she holds in her hands along with a bowl of what looks like fruits in it. “What is that?” 
She looks down at her hands and lets out an oh before looking back at you hopefully. “I.. was hoping you would play cyvasse with me..” she trails off and for a moment you notice how young she truly is. Much closer in age to not only yourself but her oldest son and all of her children forced into a role she is not fit for. A wave of sympathy falls upon you and she continues, “i have no one to play with, aemond is far too busy haelena cannot bring herself to get out bed and obviously aegon does not know how to play-” “ill play.”
She looks at you shocked as if she had been expecting you to turn her away and tell her no. “Though I should warn you that I have not lost a game in a very long time, I am a fierce competitor.” a smile graces her face and she nods quickly moving to sit down across from you and sets up the board. “I have not lost in forever either dear. I'm sure I will not lose to you.” you close your book and toss it towards the bed and shake your head at her. “I would like to see you try.” 
A comfortable silence falls over the two of you as you two begin to play. So lost in the game you occasionally pop a piece of fruit in your mouth. She was right, she is very tough competition but you can hold your own against her causing her to sit and think for long periods at a time. “It's a bit stuffy in here don't you think?” you lift your gaze from the board and up at her as you shrug, “if it is i do not notice it.” as you look back down at the board she hums and stands to open up one of the windows before moving to sit back down. “I hope you have thought about what I told you.” you sit still for a moment before moving on of your pieces and leaning back to look at her. “I have.” a hopeful look crosses her face, “and i will continue to tell you no.” she sighs and stares down at the board. Many more silent moments pass before the door slams open and the two of you look at it alarmed. 
“Ser Cole, what's wrong?” “You must come quickly with me, my queen, the prince has found something.” she stands alarmed and rushes towards him before looking back at you for a moment, “we will continue this later.” All you can do is nod at her and watch as the two of them rush out the room. You lean back on the chair and close your eyes and sigh. You wonder how long she planned to keep you here. You felt as though you made it rather obvious you never planned to submit to Aegon or marry her son but it seemed she still held on hope you would. In the midst of your thoughts a breeze brushes you and you jump out of your seat and look over to the window. It was still open. You walk over to the window and look out, this was your chance. You could escape, surely it could not be so hard to scale down the castle. You could die but so what? The longer you resist them the closer you get to one day just being executed and they put someone who would listen to their every whim in the high gardens. You look around the room and throw a spare cloak which had been in the room and look for anything valuable to sell before you say a small prayer to yourself before climbing out of the room and beginning to descend the castle. 
It is not easy, if anything you would think this is impossible by the way your hands, knees and feet begin to bleed the way you continue to scrape along the harsh walls of the castle. You don't dare look down out of fear someone will notice you or you’ll realize you've made no progress and get so frustrated you cry. After what felt like hours you stumble and fall to the ground and struggle to pick yourself up. Looking around you, noticing you are in an empty alley. You had really escaped. You stand frozen for a moment unsure of what to do. You had not thought this far. Maybe you could try to make it to high garden but they would surely notice your absence before then and high garden would be the first place they look for you. You decide you’ll sell the stuff you had managed to take first and figure out the rest later. When you had made it to one of the stands the seller was shocked to see all the real gold items you had with you and was more than eager to offer you a large chunk of change for it. Now that you had the money you had no clue what to do but as you were walking you hear a group of people discuss that they planned to travel out of the city and decide you could try and hitch a ride with them.
“And why would we let you ride with us little girl?” you show him the large amount of gold you can just acquired and his eyes widen as he looks at it. “How much?” “I would give you all of it,” he looks alarmed, “you desperate to get out of the city?” “more than you know.” later that same day you were sitting in the back of their large carriage. One of the girls in the group offered you a change of clothes and fixed up your wounds for you question free. You watch the city fade away from you and let out a breath of relief as you finally pull down your hood allowing the group to see your face. “Hey aren't you that hightower girl?” you look over to your right at the man from earlier and shrug, “maybe.” If he wants to ask more questions he does and goes back to fiddling with his blade and you begin to pray once more for jacaerys and that the gods will be kind enough to allow the two of you to reunite. 
You travel with them for a couple days. You find out they are actually a traveling circus who is struggling to make business right now due to the war. They are kind people who don't ask you unwanted questions and provide you with a ride and some food and that's all you can ask for. One day it's the middle of the night and you have all taken camp near a mountain. You grow more and more restless to get as close to dragonstone as possible to try and see jacaerys but you know these people are being more than kind to you so you must not push them. “I heard a rumor about this place,” jim, the guy you had talked to the first day he seemed to be the leader of this little group, says to jane, the woman who helped you fix your wounds takes a sip from her flasks and gives jim an unamused look. “Jim if this is one of your fairytales again,,,” “no no no seriously, apparently there's a dragon around these parts.'' This immediately catches your attention and you gaze at jim. “Seriously?” Jim nods confidently and Jane shakes her head tapping you on the shoulder, “don't believe him pumpkin he's always talking shit.” “i am being serious-”
A loud roar off in the distance causes the three of you and the rest of the camp to grow completely silent. Jim mouths a ‘told you’ in your direction and you watch as a dragon flies over your head and out to a field not too far away from where you all were camped. “We're gonna die.” you hear one of the other guys say and all you can do is admire the dragon. It's pure white with piercing blue eyes that seem to be looking directly at you. You feel completed to go towards it, its gaze luring you in as you stand at the alarm of Jane and Jim and begin to walk off. “Where the hell are you going?” you reach in your pocket and toss and large bag of coins you had at jim, “im going to claim a fucking dragon! Or die trying!” 
The morning came and the blacks had finally managed to put a pin on where one of the large green camps were and we're currently stationed to ambush them. Jacaerys sat wordlessly on his dragon as baela sat on her next to him and called his name causing him to look over at her. “I hope you know she would not resent you. When you were gone you were all she could talk about. She couldn't hate you, it is not possible.'' He just stares at her and opens his mouth as if he wished to speak but he couldn't and all he could do was turn away so as to not get choked up. He hoped she was right, that you could not hate him because he fears if you did it would kill him. He clutches the necklace once more before the call is made to charge and he flys up with his dragon to fight. Despite the fact it had been an ambush the greens seemed way more prepared to fight than they had been expecting and the situation grew more and more dire as the fight went on. 
As if it was a grace from the gods he heard a roar off in the distance and prayed it had not been aegon or aemond heading there way but when he turned his head and saw a white dragon? When close enough a wave of blue fire came out of its mouth to douse the greens. He could not see if the dragon had a rider due to its erratic movements but soon enough the dragon flew by him and he felt himself freeze. His betrothed. The one he feared he had lost. You. Y/n Tyrell. On a fucking dragon. Soon after your arrival the greens begin to retreat, unable to over power your dragon and its blue fire. Once the tides had settled and people began to cheer he quickly began to move towards where you were and you also rushed off your dragon and ran towards him, “jacaerys!” He grabs your face and kisses you with all his heart. He hopes you can feel the force of his love pouring into you with every move his lips make and with the grip he holds your face on, so gentle yet strong as if he knew he was holding the whole universe in his hands. It was not just any universe it was his universe and as you two pull away he can barely breathe. “You're alive?” you nod and peck him on the lips, “i will never leave you my love.” he finally feels all the emotions he's held back crash into him and he hugs you so tightly as if he fears you'll slip from his grasp should he let go. You feel him begin to cry and stroke his hair as you close your eyes and find yourself crying too. “I was so scared you had,,” “shh do not even speak it. I am here, I promise and I am not going anywhere.”
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sunnytarg · 2 years
A aemond Targaryen x velaryon reader smut ( daughter of laenor and rhaenrya ) where instead of lucerys going to storm ends she goes and he hears that she is betrothed to Cregan Stark, so he basically demands that she gives her self to him or he will kill her brothers👀. So she runs and he chases her and kidnaps her on a island where they yk and she gets pregnant… towards the end rhaenrya gets wind of her only daughter getting kidnapped and impregnated causing the war because she thinks she was assaulted by aemond.
This turned out to be so much longer than I meant for it to be so I hope you enjoy it. You can also read it on Ao3
The Song of Asteria || Aemond Targaryen x Niece!reader
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Aemond had always trodden the fine line between love and hate when it came to the eldest Velaryon sibling. He admired and hated her. He lusted after her and wanted to wrap his hands around her neck at the same time for the way she made him feel.
When they were children it was simply envy he felt toward her. While his brother ran away from his Targaryen heritage, Aemond dove in head first. He learned everything he could about Old Valyria and their ancestors. Why they could ride dragons and sometimes have prophetic dreams. Despite all of this, he was still only half Targaryen by blood and his father never talked to him about what it meant. This made it easy to hate his nephews, as they were so clearly bastards. They walked around with the name Velaryon, claiming to be the blood of the dragon when they were nothing more than a product of an affair with no one special.
His niece was different, though. She outmatched them all with her Valyrian blood. She was a Targaryen and a Valyrian and had both her parents around to tell her what it meant to be the blood of the dragon. When they left for Dragonstone he tried not to think of her much but his thoughts always returned to her. At the funeral for Leana Valeryon, he had seen her once again. In the short time that she and the rest of her family had been gone he had learned that envy could border into desire. As they stood around outside chatting after the funeral rites he could only watch his niece. Watch her silver hair catch rays of the sun that were beating down on them. Watch as her lilac eyes trailed after the dragons that flew overhead.
He had every intention of going over and talking to her but was stopped when he saw the glare that her brother Jacerys was giving him. He must have seen how he looked at his niece. It was just another thing that the Strong bastard couldn’t understand. Targaryen's blood sang out to each other like a siren luring in prey. She was calling to him but he turned the other way when her brother went to her side.
It was that night that he had claimed Vaghar. He had proven that he didn’t need a dragon to hatch. Not when he could get the oldest living dragon to head his commands and his alone. When he had climbed off of Vaghar he only had one thing in mind and that was to talk to his niece. To prove to her that despite also having Hightower blood he was just as much of Old Valyria as she was as he had claimed a dragon finally. With this news perhaps he could persuade her to accept a betrothal with him despite their mother’s hatred towards each other. They were too young to be married now but as royals, they should have been betrothed to someone already, in fact, he was surprised it took so long for Aegon and Helaena to become betrothed.
He was not met with his niece when he returned inside, though. He was met by his nephews and cousins who were angry about what he had done. He hadn’t meant for things to go as far as they did but when his young nephew, Lucerys took his eye there was no going back. Not for anyone.
The girl he sought after would never want him now, not with an eye missing and a hideous scar marring his face. He turned to look at the Velaryon siblings two of who were bloodied and one who was awake but still blinking herself awake. He saw that she avoided looking at him. He saw how she took her brother’s side despite being the one who had caused permanent damage to him. When he looked at her an intense feeling washed over him, making blood rush in his ears and his eyes narrow in on her. He had no way of describing this feeling but before he could think to give it a name he was being yelled at by his father.
It had been years since that fateful day and he hadn’t seen his niece or nephews since. Well, he saw them in court the day his father died and at that last meal but it didn’t feel as though it mattered because he didn’t get to say anything to her. That was all he wanted and yet, he knew if given the chance, he wouldn’t know what to say.
That’s why when she arrived in Storm’s End with a message from her mother for Borros Baratheon he knew this was his chance. He knew Borros wouldn’t agree to honor his oath to his half-sister. He was not only a stupid man but he got a marriage pact out of pledging his allegiance to Aegon.
“The King has at least offered me something, girl,” Borros said to his niece whose lips curled in distaste at his words. “A marriage pact is most helpful in sealing houses together, tell me, which of your brothers will marry one of my daughters?”
Her chin lifted and her voice was strong, even over the roaring storm outside. “My brothers, Jacerys and Lucerys are already betrothed. My younger brothers are much too young to marry your daughters.”
“So, you can offer nothing.” The Baratheon said with fake pity in his voice and Aemond smirked. Despite the fact that he coveted his niece, he could help the joyous monster that rose up in him when he realized that with his father dead, there was no protection for Rhaenerya and her children. “Unless, of course, you have an offer you’d like to make? I have no sons but I have a brother.”
Aemond’s blood felt as though it has turned to ice. Not because the Baratheon lord was openly suggesting going against his agreement in front of him but because the woman in front of him could be betrothed in seconds. Torn from him before he had a chance to have her. He didn’t realize he was squeezing the hilt of his dagger as hard as he was until he heard a gentle cough from beside him. His own betrothed. Although, none of that mattered when he saw the proud smirk on his niece’s face.
“I, myself am already betrothed to the warden of the North, Cregan Stark.” When she spoke those words he could have sworn she glimpsed his way. “I would not rid myself of such a strong betrothal for a match with a Baratheon.”
She spat the name like it was rotten food in her mouth. Aemond would have been impressed with her attitude in the face of the large and proud man if he hadn’t stopped listening to her when she announced her betrothal.
“You may be a proud man but you have no honor. Not having your house's allegiance is probably for the best.” She spoke up again and then bowed her head to Borros Baratheon, “I shall take my leave, now.”
She had only turned around and taken two steps before Aemond called out, “wait!”
She froze and turned slowly. He couldn’t blame her for the hesitancy in the look she gave him but he didn’t care about that right now.
"You will not wed Cregan Stark."
There was a pause before she threw her head back and laughed. “Who, my uncle, are you to declare such a thing? The rightful ruler arranged the match and it will help my family greatly. Plus, no one else worthy enough has stepped up to try and take my hand.”
Aemond couldn’t help but feel like those last words were directed at him. They felt like a dig at him and yet he couldn’t be sure. Instead of responding to that he only pulled out his dagger and smirked at her.
“I will have you and that northern bastard won’t stand in my way.” He growled and pulled off his eyepatch to showcase his missing eye and the sapphire in its place at the same time. “Think of it as a payment for what your bastard brother took from me.”
“You tried to kill him that night.” Her mouth was in a thin line. Oh, she was angry at him for mentioning her little brother. He could have fun with this he decided.
“Would it really matter if one little bastard died?” He questioned rhetorically. He held the dagger up and looked at it before twirling it easily in his hand. “If you don’t come with me tonight then I will fly to Dragonstone tonight and not only pluck out that little shit's eyes but stab my dagger through his heart.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” The certainty that was previously in her voice had disappeared and he saw her eye up the exit.
Borros Baratheon attempted to speak but with a look from Aemond and a hand on the hilt of his sword, the lord rightly closed his mouth.
“Wouldn’t I, dear niece?”
She didn’t respond as she sprinted towards the doorway and outside. He had predicted she would do such a thing so he made after her. He didn’t run to Vaghar, he knew he would make no trip to Dragonstone tonight. His niece was fast but not faster than he was and before she could reach her dragon he wrapped his arm around her midsection tightly and knocked her unconscious. He threw her over his shoulder and walked to Vaghar.
Neither of them would be going to Dragonstone or King’s Landing tonight or for many nights to come.
The sun shining on her face woke her. She brought a hand up to shield her eyes as she looked around. She was on what appeared to be a large island. One she didn’t recognize and one that didn’t seem to have any other inhabitants. She saw that vegetation was growing on the far corner and she saw Vaghar’s large form behind the only cave on the island.
“You have no clue where we are do you?” A voice questioned behind her and she saw her uncle standing behind her. He was without his jacket but still had his sword and dagger hanging on his hips. Before she could respond he answered for her. “Of course, you don’t, I doubt many people know of this place. I found it one day when I was flying Vaghar and when I returned to the Red Keep to study the maps, hoping to learn of the place I had just found, it wasn’t on any map.”
“Why am I here uncle?” She asked, ignoring his little speech. She didn’t know how to feel. On one hand, she was trapped on an island that apparently wasn’t on any map, meaning no one would know where to look for her and she was without her beloved dragon. On the other, she didn’t feel as though Aemond wished to harm her. She wasn’t sure why she was brought here but it wasn’t for him to kill her. If he wanted to do that he would have already of done it.
He held out his waterskin for her to drink without responding to her. He only looked off at the horizon and she hesitantly grabbed it from him. When the first drops of water touch her tongue she gulped down what little was rest, not realizing how thirsty she was. She handed it back to him and stood there quietly waiting for him to speak again.
It only took a few minutes for his eyes to leave the horizon and look at her. “Are you truly betrothed to Cregan Stark?”
She wasn’t surprised by his question but by the way he asked it. He sounded almost… sad.
“Of course,” she replied automatically. She took a deep breath before reciting what she had been told over and over again after the match had been made, “I couldn’t ask for a better man to have as a husband. Not only will the Starks keep their word to my mother but Lord Stark will make a fine husband.”
Aemond chuckled without any humor, “It’s a funny thing you do. You speak and all I hear is your mother’s voice.”
She frowned at that. She didn’t want to dignify it with an answer so instead, she asked again, “what am I doing here, Uncle?”
He sighed and brushed away a piece of her hair that had tangled from the storm and said, “I told you I would have you as a repayment for what your brother did to my eye.”
When she didn’t say anything he continued. “It gets awfully cold here at night. I plan to make a fire in the cave and sleep there. You may join me but know this, if you do not come to me tonight, you will eventually.”
After he told her this he turned and walked away. She didn’t look after him but turned to the horizon as he had done.
When she was younger she liked Aemond. They were forced to live together in the Red Keep as children and she had even enjoyed his company occasionally. Before her mother had moved them to Dragonstone she had truly thought that perhaps she would be betrothed to Aemond but that thought had permanently turned to ash when he had stolen his cousin’s right to claim Vaghar and her younger brother had stolen his eye. She knew that Lucerys had never meant to permanently harm Aemond. From the retellings of that night, he was only trying to protect their brother and he panicked and pulled a knife to stop their uncle from further harming Jacerys.
It didn’t matter, though. They had not talked after that night. Neither even attempted a conversation at that last meal.
She sat down on the soft grass and looked into the ocean. Her family would eventually find her, perhaps even before nightfall. When she was returned to Dragonstone she would be reunited with not only her family but her dragon that had been left behind in Storm’s End. She smiled at the thought but couldn’t shake the feeling of what to do with her time whilst stuck on this Island. Aemond didn’t seem to want to force her to spend time with him but rather to let her have her peace.
Aemond, she thought with a sigh. She had thought about him almost every day and she would only truly be lying to herself if she said she didn’t find him attractive as he has grown and she had to admit, the sapphire in place of where his eye once was only made him more alluring.
She groaned as her thoughts strayed. How could she think of him like that after the harm he caused her family? She shook her head to rid herself of her thoughts and decided to spend her time counting all of the fish that swam by in the clear waters before her.
He hadn’t been lying when he told his niece that wave a of chill came over this Island at night. He had made sure to find some goats to leave for Vaghar for the night and then proceeded to build a fire in the cave. He knew she would come in and join him eventually, especially when she heard the crackling of the fire.
The entire day he thought over and over what he would do with his niece. He could kill her. After all, a war was coming even if so many wanted to pretend otherwise. He couldn’t bring himself to even truly consider that possibility, though. She may be killed one day in battle or she may die of old age, either way, he would have no hand in it. He could carve out her eye and send it to her family on Dragonstone but that thought was quickly tossed away as well because as much as he told himself and her that he had taken her as payment for his stolen eye, it wasn’t true. He couldn’t mutilate her. He soon realized that he couldn’t bring harm to her in any way at all. He never wanted to. All his violent thoughts were reserved for her brothers and his sister.
When he curled his jacket into a ball and laid down on the blanket that he had stored in a pack on Vaghar’s back, his niece finally entered the cave. Her arms wrapped around herself and she shook silently. She looked at the fire and then at him.
“I won’t harm you, come here so you don’t freeze to death.” His whisper carried through the cave to her ears. She eyed him wearily and in return, he only patted the spot on the blanket beside himself. She moved slowly but once she felt the heat from the fire and the warmth from his body she quickly curled into him while facing the flames.
They lay there quietly. Both waiting for the other to say something first. In their silence, he couldn’t help but let his hand wander up to her silver hair that was facing him. It was curly unlike his, probably as a result of Leanor being her father, and his sister also had straight hair. His niece stiffened when he wrapped a long strand around his finger. When he let go he moved the rest of her hair off of her neck so that it pooled between her back and his chest.
Finally, he spoke, “I was going to ask if you wanted to be my betrothed that night.”
“What are you talking about?” She asked quietly but he could hear it in the way she said it, she already knew what he was talking about.
“The night I claimed Vaghar. I finally thought myself worthy of you. Before I was stopped I was headed to find you, to ask if you would ever consider being my betrothed.” He wasn’t sure what made him finally say it out loud. Maybe it was the fact that he had held it in for so long or perhaps it was the knowledge that she was to wed Cregan Stark and his childhood fantasies were soon to truly be snuffed out.
An awkward silence enveloped them and for a moment he thought she wasn’t going to say anything in return. When she did he thought his heart might have stopped at the words she spoke. “When we were children I thought we would one day be wed. Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part or maybe it truly could have happened.”
She was quiet for a moment and maybe it was because it was only the two of them on the island that she felt she could actually speak the truth. “I don’t want to marry Cregan Stark.”
He almost didn’t catch her whispered truth but when he did he asked quietly against her back, “what about what you told Borros Baratheon? Cregan Stark is an honorable man.”
“He is a perfect match for an ally, but I have never met him.” She replied. She then chuckled and said, “plus, I doubt I would like Winterfell very much. I’m sure it’s much colder there than it is here and I already feel as though I have turned to ice.”
He smiled despite the fact that she couldn’t see him.
She turned over so she was staring at him. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting to see in her lilac eyes. Maybe anger or hatred for stealing her away but instead her eyes held a softness as she looked at him. Without saying a word she brought her hand up to his cheek, to the bottom of the scar. When he flinched, she stopped her hand and didn’t continue her movements until he finally met her eyes and nodded. She pulled his eyepatch off of his head and he watched as she took him in.
He wasn’t sure what she was doing or planning but when she leaned in to kiss him gently on the lips he made sure to meet her halfway. When she pulled back a fraction of an inch she breathed against his lips and whispered something that made his cock harden in his breeches, “just for tonight we could pretend that things went right that night. We could pretend to be husband and wife, no one would know other than us and the stars.”
He was too stunned to speak and decided to not even try when his niece took a hold of his hand a brought it to her hip. She leaned in to kiss him again and this time it was far from chaste. Aemond grabbed her by the nape of her neck and held her closer to him and when she squealed in response he licked into her mouth to taste her. Just the taste of her mouth was addicting and Aemond doubted he could leave this to just this one night.
He moved away from her now swollen lips and kissed her jaw and down her neck. He made sure to squeeze her hip harshly before rolling her onto her back. He pulled away for a moment to look down at her and with the way her eyes were blown with lust, her cheeks tinted pink and her silver hair fanned out around her on the ground, he was sure that he had a goddess of Old Valyria underneath him.
She reached to untie his breaches at the same time he pushed her dress up her thighs. She was not wearing a corset, shedding herself of it before entering the cave. It only made pulling her dress off all that much easier. Aemond brushed her hand away from his breeches and dove down to suck at one of her hard nipples. He brought one hand up to cup her breast and play with her other nipple as he sucked on the other. Her skin was so soft and despite the cold, she was warm. His other hand ghosted down her body until it reached the apex of her thighs. When he brought his middle finger down to run through her slit that was soaked she arched up into the air as she choked out a moan.
He watched her face closely as he delved his finger into her. She had her eyes closed and her mouth shaped into a perfect ‘O’. Aemond let go of her breast and moved to kiss her again. He pulled away slightly, his lips brushing hers as he said, “you’re so fucking wet. So ready to take my cock, just like you were always meant to.”
She nodded her head vigorously and whined, “Aemond, please.”
“Please what, My princess?” He teased with a smirked ask as he slid another finger into her warm cunt. He growled lowly at the way she gripped his fingers and could only imagine how her cunt would feel around his cock.
“Fuck me,” she said breathlessly as she wiggled against his fingers. “Please.”
He smiled and pulled his fingers from her. He brought them to her mouth for her to taste herself and she didn’t waste time in sucking them.
“In all due time, my dear niece,” Aemond said as he slid down her body. “First I plan on learning what you taste like.”
Aemond gave her no time to respond before he grabbed both of her thighs and held them open and brought his tongue to her soaking wet cunt and dove his tongue into her folds. He listened to the sounds she made and when she grasped onto his hair, he latched onto her clit and sucked. She was a babbling mess as she ground her cunt onto Aemond’s face. Aemond only sat still with mouth open and let her take her pleasure. He listened and her moans filled the cave and when she came with his name on her lips he hesitantly detached her hands from his hair and moved his mouth back up to her lips. She was still panting when she leaned down to kiss her.
She still had her eyes closed and was panting as he quickly finished untying his breeches. He pulled them far enough down to free his cock and no further. When she opened her eyes she looked at her uncle and saw him fisting his cock while looking at her. Since they started this, it was the first time she felt hesitant. She was still a maiden and looking at the size of her uncle she couldn’t help but wonder how the stretch of his thick cock would feel inside of her.
He leaned over her, holding himself up with one of his arms beside her head and he used his other hand to guide his cock in between her folds. Her whole body tightened at the intrusion and Aemond kissed her gently on her cheek and whispered reassuring words until he was buried into her to the hilt. He fought everything in him not to move and to let her adjust to him before he fucked her. He brought his other hand down to massage her thigh as she breathed deeply. As soon as she nodded Aemond pulled out slowly and thrust back in at the same speed, watching her the entire time. When the pinched look melted off of her face Aemond began to thrust harder into her. Whatever he had imagined she might feel like around his cock was nothing compared to how it really felt. He buried his face into her sweaty neck and groaned and he started to truly fuck her. He felt her breast bounce against his chest and the sounds of her moans and their skin slapping together filled the cave.
When he started to feel a coil in his stomach, letting him know he was close to cumming he brought his fingers down to her clit and rubbed at the same pace as his thrusts. His niece clenched hard around his cock as she came with a squeal.
He pulled back from her and continued to thrust, his arms caging her in. He lowered his mouth to hers and whispered hoarsely, “I’m going to fill you up. Just like I’ve been dreaming of doing for years. I’m going to fill you with my seed and I’m going to keep fucking you until my seed takes.”
The surprised look on her face made him groan and spill inside of her. He laid down on top of her, not removing himself from inside of her as they both caught their breath.
After a few minutes, Aemond pulled away and pulled off his breeches which only made his niece whine. His smile was similar to that of a dragon looking down at its prey when she whine at the loss of his body on hers.
“Don’t worry dear niece,” He said and he turned her around to lay on her stomach. She turned her head to look back at him with confusion when she saw his cock was hard again, “I’m going to fuck you several more times before the sun comes up.”
The two of them had stayed on the island longer than either of them planned. When his niece suggested that they stay for a few more days just so they don’t have to deal with the immediate headache of the succession of the throne and the problems it has caused Aemond agrees without thought. Because as much as he has always done his duty to his family, he now he’s to spend every night with his cock buried deep inside his niece and he’s almost certain there is no better feeling.
Eventually, they find themselves staying on the island, watching as the moon makes its way across the sky. They find peace with each other and not having to be in the middle of courtly politics all day every day. It isn’t until the moon passes for its third rotation. That his niece begins to act strange. When he asks her what’s wrong she tells him she has yet to bleed since Aemond has taken them to this island. It isn’t hard to guess what she’s saying. Aemond has spilled his seed into her every night and she has stopped bleeding. There really is no other explanation other than she must be carrying his child.
When a large smile spreads across his face, she lets out a sigh of relief. He suggests that they mount Vaghar and go to King’s Landing where she will receive care from the maesters for the remanding months. He rambles on about how they can be wed and have a family all while his niece thinks back to her own family on Dragonstone. They must believe her to be dead. Her dragon must have returned without her and they could have only assumed the worst, especially if the Baratheons tell anyone of how Aemond had stolen her away. Her hand finds its way to her stomach which has yet to swell. What would her mother think about her carrying Aemond’s child? She knows that her mother wouldn’t be happy but she wouldn’t turn her back on her. Would she?
When Aemond notices quickly that she has checked out of the conversation and is holding her stomach protectively. He whispers reassurances into her hair that when they get to King’s Landing that she can write to her mother about what has happened. That when the maesters are done checking over her she can even go back to Dragonstone and have their child there because as much as he loves her and would love to be a father to their child, he understands if when they leave this island she might not want to be his bride.
He only smiles softly and tells him that of course, she’ll marry him and when they mount Vaghar and finally leave the island behind, the first thing they do when they arrive in King’s Landing (after Aemond explains everything to his mother and grandsire) is marry.
His new wife writes a letter to her mother and explains what happened. They wait for a response only for a moon later to have her dragon arrive in King’s Landing with a note tied to its saddle. When she pulls the letter off and looks at it she freezes as she reads the words.
Her mother has declared war. Believing her daughter to have been kidnapped and assaulted by the brother of the usurper to have been a plan of the greens, she won’t let it slide. Not after her daughter has been impregnated and forced to carry the child of their enemy.
When she hands the letter to Aemond, he places a protective hand on her stomach which has begun to slowly grow. When he flew to Storm’s End many moons ago, he knew a war was on the horizon but he had not expected that he would have a child that would not only need protection but would most likely be brought into it.
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starogeorgina · 7 months
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Paring: Aemond Targaryen × Targaryen reader, minor Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen reader
Warnings: Swearing, smut, kidnapping, sexual blackmail, self harm (overall dark themes)
Chapter: 1.01
Blood and cheese.
Fucking blood and cheese.
The destruction that blood and cheese caused would haunt Aemond until the day he died. He never meant for Lucerys to die; he thought at most his nephew would piss his pants and fly off home crying to his mother; instead, he indirectly set off a chain of events that couldn’t be stopped and was responsible for tearing his own family apart.
If Arrax hadn't breathed fire on Vhagar, then Vhagar never would have...
It was his fault.
Deep down, he knew that.
And now Aemond had paid the ultimate price. He took his half sister’s son away from her, and now the blacks have taken his sweet wife and unborn child from him.
Not only was the prince demented with fear of not knowing what had become of his beloved wife, but his poor sister Helaena was forced to make the worst choice a parent could make and lost her firstborn son, Jaehaerys. He could never bring his nephews back, but perhaps he could still save his wife, if he ever found her. His wife’s dragon Stardust has been circling the keep, squealing loudly while looking for her rider since the day she was taken, and whenever the dragon went silent, a fleeting feeling of hope would cross Aemond's mind that perhaps she had returned, but that was never the case.
The prince’s fingers grip the leather arm rest of the chair tightly, and his knuckles turn white as his mind takes him to a dark place. Was someone mistreating his wife? Was she dead? He had been tracking the dates and had determined that his unborn babe should have been born two moons ago.
“Prince Aemond.”
He stands when the king's hand approaches him holding an opened scroll in his hand, “grandsire.”
“I believe we know where the Princess is.”
“You’ve said that before,” he spits harshly. “And all it did was cause my mother more heartache.”
As soon as the words leave Aemond’s mouth, he regrets them; his comment wasn’t fair. His grandsire cared for them all but had a particular soft spot for his granddaughters. Aemond often had to remind himself that his wife being taken affected the rest of his family as well. His grandsire had used every connection he had to try and find his wife, while his mother had sent ravens to Rhaenyra, begging for her daughter's return.
“I’m sorry,” Aemond says. “Where is she?”
Otto nods, giving him a look of understanding. “Dragonstone.”
“Dragonstone,” he repeats. Could it be that she was so close to home all this time? The last time Aemond thought he had found his wife, he ended up burning Harrenhal to the ground. “How do we know this isn’t a trap?”
Otto holds up the scroll: “A raven arrived from Prince Jacaerys.”
Believing he’s heard everything he needs to, Aemond goes to leave but is stopped at the door by Ser Criston, who gives him a sympathetic look and pats his shoulder. “There are still things you need to know, my prince.”
You stare up at the ceiling, waiting for your uncle to appear. He always comes when the sun disappears and the sky turns black. On cue, the door to the room is unlocked, and your uncle walks in with a strut in his step. One of his hands had a tight grip on the head of his Valyrian steel sword, while the other dangled the key.
Knowing what his intentions were, you pull up your gown, spread your legs wide open, lick two of your fingers before bringing them to your clitoral area, and begin rubbing in a circular motion. This wasn’t about putting a show on for your abductor; you just wanted it to be over quickly. “Your cunt of a brother stole my wife’s crown, sending her into early labor, and your husband killed our Lucerys in cold blood. You are going to rectify those things by replacing what was taken from us.” Since the day the maester cleared you for sex again, your uncle has visited you nightly.
Daemon smirks, “Such an eggar girl, I’m starting to think you enjoy our nightly activities.”
You wondered if Daemon convinced himself that he doesn’t mistreat you so he could sleep better at night and find a way to forgive himself because he knew the gods wouldn’t forgive him for what he was doing to his own kin.
“Don’t stop touching yourself until I say so,” he orders.
You do as he says, thinking of Aemond as you touch yourself.
Aemond looks up at you with a smile on his face. You’d been searching for him for hours, and you now feel silly for not searching the castle's library first. He often reads late at night before joining you in bed, but because of the stormy weather, you thought your husband might have gone dragon riding.
“You’ve kept me waiting.”
“Oh, I must have lost track of time; my apologies,” he says sincerely. He puts a bookmark in place, then sits the book on the small table beside him.
You walk towards him with a smirk on your lips. “It’s quite alright, my love, but I don’t think I can wait much longer.”
By unfolding your robe and pulling up your sheer nightgown, you grant Aemond complete entry to your glistening cunt. He slides his finger along your folds gently, “so wet already.”
“I warmed myself up while waiting,” you tease.
Aemond kisses over your clothed body while sliding a finger into you, a smile pulling on his lips. “Well, I better not keep you waiting any longer, my dear wife.”
Daemon smacks your hand away, replacing your hand with his, and rubs at your clit until a moan slips from your mouth. He kneeled down and buried his head between your legs, bringing you pleasure with his skilled tongue. You hated yourself for enjoying the feeling of his mouth on you. When your walls start to clench, Daemon abruptly stops and unties his breeches low enough for his cock to spring out. He spits into his hand and strokes himself to complete hardness before sliding into you.
You wince at the stretch. Daemon wasn’t much smaller than your husband, but it always seemed to hurt when he thrust into you.
Perhaps that was deliberate on his part.
It didn’t matter how rough Aemond was with you; he never hurt you. Not once.
It doesn’t take Daemon long to reach his peak inside you, filling you with seed. Once he’s caught his breath, he begins to quickly fix his breeches. “You had tears in your eyes.”
“I’m surprised you noticed.”
He scoffs, “If it’s causing you so much pain, I can have the maesters bring tea; that will help.”
“I don’t want a tea to dry my milk up, uncle; I want to see my babe, Daenys, and feed her myself.”
He shoots you a cold glare and says, “No.”
You practically leap from the bed and press your back against the door, just as he reaches to open it. “Please, Daemon, please. You said I could see my daughter. All I want to know is that she’s safe. Please, please!”
“I said you could see her once you held up your end of the deal.”
When he forcefully pulls the door open, you are forced to move forward to let him by, and your body shakes with anger. “I’ve held up my—”
Daemon grips your face harshly. “The deal was that I would return the Kinslayers babe to you once you're pregnant!”
The single door to the room is slammed shut and locked, and you're all on your own again. Tears fall from your eyes as you move to the bed and curl up in the thin bed sheets. You felt like a fool when Daemon first took you as his prisoner. You sobbed and begged at his feet, promising to do anything it took to stay alive so that your unborn child could survive. And out of all the horrific thoughts that crossed your mind, you did not consider that he would force you into becoming a vessel, with the sole purpose of giving him another heir.
The only person who was kind to you was your nephew, Jacaerys. Sometimes he’d manage to sneak you extra food during the day, but mostly he’d sneak in to see you during the hour of the owl and would bring Daenys with him.
The few hours a night you got to spend with her made everything you suffered seem worth it, but it was never enough. The visits had become less and less, as Jacaerys was terrified of Daemon finding out. Your nephew promised he’d find a way to free you, but day by day, your hope of ever making it off Dragonstone was fading.
Aemond squeezes the sapphire necklace that he had made from his wife moons ago. It was his intention to give it to her on her nameday, but he never got the chance. Her eyes would light up whenever she got excited, and he imagined how they would look when she received her gift. He knew his wife would appreciate the sapphire carved into the shape of a heart. The sharp point of the bottom of the heart digs into his palm; the sting of it is the only thing that reminds the prince he is alive as he listens to his grandsire talk about his beloved.
“It seems Rhaenyra has slowly descended into madness, leaving the island under the charge of prince Daemon, who has deemed the princess his new— whore.” The pain and disgust in Otto’s voice was clear as he spoke of his granddaughter's fate. “Jacaerys states she has given birth to a healthy babe not long after she was taken, a girl.”
Aemond struggles to breathe as all the air is sucked from his lungs again. He had a daughter, a baby girl. Tears threatened to spill from his eye, but he squeezed the necklace harder to stop that from happening. It’s not until Aemond feels a warm liquid falling from his hand that he realizes he had held onto too tightly, and now he is bleeding.
Ser Criston notices but doesn’t draw attention to it; the knight clears his throat. “What does the bastard want in return?”
“For his mother's life to be spared,” Otto replies. “He even says he’d bend the knee if it meant saving her.”
“It could be a trick.”
“No,” Alicent says. “I don’t believe he would gamble on his mother's life. Rhaenyra’s sons love her; this we cannot deny.”
“Mother, I didn’t hear you come in.” Aemond's chest tightens with guilt when he spots the tears in his mother's eyes. “You shouldn’t listen to the details; it will only upset you.”
“Oh, my boy,” Alicent strokes his cheek, “we will get her back, the both of them. This I promise.”
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asumofwords · 9 months
The Sublet - Roommate!AU
Warnings: She/her pronouns, slow burn, angst. Tags will be added as the fic goes along. Angst, self worth issues, angst angst angst, fighting, yelling, tension, gods the fucking tension, smut, creampie, big feels, drinking, drug use (weed).
Pairings: Modern!Aemond x Reader
Summary: Living with Helaena Targaryen was one of the best decisions you had ever made. Meeting at university, the two of you became thick as thieves and quickly best friends, moving into a flat together. But what will happen when Helaena has to leave, and her quiet, brooding, brother moves in?
Notes: Is this chapter 11.4k because I didn't want to split it up into two parts and I'm determined to keep this series at 15 chapters? Yes. Is it smart? No. Am I stubborn? Yes. Look it's a long ass chapter, but I hope that means it makes up for the late post, however I will say this, I have finished writing sublet, so the final chapter will come in a few days! And then, THEN, I shall get to your naughty little requests hehe. If you see any spelling or grammar mistakes, no you didn't. Enjoy ! <3
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Chapter 14: Over the Edge
Warm rays of the suns light beat down on your body as you lay by the pool, a cool breeze rolling through the estate causing the drops of water on your skin to cool you down. There were few clouds in the sky, and the air around you was filled with the laughter and splashing of the boys in the pool.
Daeron sat astride Aegon’s shoulders as he wrestled with Lucerys; who sat atop Jacaerys’. Their fingers were interlocked as they tried to push each other off their brothers shoulders, shouts, grunts and encouragement being yelled by Baela and Rhaena who watched on beside you and Helaena in the sun. 
The day had breezed by, and as a group, you had made rounds to the kitchen to fix yourselves cocktails and snacks.
Reaching beside you for the gin and juice drink you had made, you found only the remnants of melted ice at the bottom. You surveyed everyone else’s glasses, the boys beer bottles empty beside their chairs.
Standing, you asked if the girls wanted anything to drink. Rhaena looked up at you lazily, eyes squinting in the bright sunlight as Baela did the same, though the elder stood and came to your side, eyes skimming the empty glasses. 
“I’ll help.” She offered.
You gave her a wide smile, “Thanks Bae.”
Helaena however, did not look up at you to answer your question, her drink beside her half drunk and half melted, most likely warmed by the sun. Slim pale fingers held her phone, speedily shooting off texts to someone, too engrossed in looking at her phone to have noticed you asked her a question.
“Hel.” You tried to garner her attention, watching as her eyebrows lightly lifted, eyes still on the screen. 
“Huh?” She murmured, thumbs flying across the keyboard.
Helaena was wearing a daffodil yellow one piece that had small brown flowers printed onto it, her large floppy hat atop her head again to protect her face and shoulders from the sun, with large round glasses that had slid halfway down her nose, eyes peering over the top of them as she furiously text someone back, bottom lip pulled into her mouth by her teeth.
You clicked your fingers in her face, “Hello? I said do you want anything to drink?”
Helaena finally tore her eyes away from her phone, and you watched as she swallowed thickly when she met your eyes. 
Worry struck inside of you.
Had something happened?
Rhaena and Baela sensed her change in demeanour, though neither said anything, and turned to face the boys, asking what they wanted to drink instead. Aegon, half tilted in the water as Daeron slapped away Lucerys' hand that grabbed at his shoulder, asked through gritted teeth for a Pina Colada, the weight of his brother taking a toll on him. The others settled for beer.
“I’ll have what Aegon is having.” You told the girls, watching as they went inside, casting a curious glance back at you and their cousin.
Shifting, you stepped closer to Helaena, watching as her eyes flitted to her phone as it vibrated in her palm twice before back up at you. She looked guilty, nervous, and perhaps even a bit worried.
“Hel? What's going on?” You probed, sitting down beside her on the bed, “Don’t tell me you and Sara are fighting?”
You hoped that they weren’t, and instead wished that they would get back together again. Helaena evened Sara out, and Sara did the same for Hel. They really were a good match, and you had never seen Helaena so happy until she was with her ex lover.
Violet eyes met yours, then away to the lit screen, then back up to yours.
Her avoidance was making you nervous.
Lips parted, and then came your answer.
“Aemond’s coming.” Helaena confessed sheepishly, and you felt your heart immediately begin to race. 
Your mouth felt dry, and a knot began to form in your stomach. 
Aemond was coming. 
To the Red Keep.
“What?” Disbelief in your voice. 
Helaena said he would never come here.
Your best friend looked suddenly guilty, eyes looking anywhere but you, “Yeah.” She said quietly, “He’s on a flight here.”
And then it made sense.
“You told him I was here.”
It wasn’t a question.
She locked her phone with a press of her thumb, turning it face down beside her on the tanning bed, “I did.”
The words put a sour taste in your mouth.
“What? Helaena, I can’t see him.” You shook your head, fluttering feeling in both your chest and your gut.
The Targaryen woman frowned at you sadly, watching you as you stood, wringing your fingers together.
“I think you should hear him out.” She whispered, but you were too anxious and annoyed to reason with her in that moment. 
She had told him you were here.
Stepping away from her, you frowned, “There’s nothing to talk about.”
The rest of the day was filled with heightened anxiety after Helaena confessed that her brother would be arriving to the Red Keep. You had left her by the pool, feeling all eyes on you as you stormed back inside. 
You knew it was likely childish, but you felt sick to your stomach knowing that he would turn up, and that you would have to pretend to everyone around that nothing had happened between the two of you. That you couldn’t even tell them what had happened. That you would have to pretend to be little more than strangers who simply shared a space, and that was it. 
The only person there who knew the truth of it was Helaena. 
And despite the small piece inside of you that missed him, that yearned to see him again, it was quickly squashed with the way your stomach turned in on itself, mind reeling with an array of ‘what if’s’ about what the silver haired man had gotten up to in your absence. 
Had Alys come back?
Did she stay the night?
Had she been there ever since?
Did he do the things he did to you to her in your own home? On your couch? 
But then a more unsettling thought popped into your mind. 
Had she hurt him?
Had she made him feel weak? Like he couldn’t escape?
Had she taken away the smiles that you craved to see?
It was all too much, and you had to take deep and calming breaths to try and beat the tears that began to prickle in the corner of your eyes.
Why was this so difficult? Why were you so hurt by this? Why did you care so much?
You had made it to her bathroom, and that was where Helaena found you, hunched over the double sinked basin in her ensuite, eyes shut as you breathed deeply through your nose.
“Hey.” You heard her approach. You straightened, blinking the tears away, your reflection joined by hers blurry in front of you, “I’m sorry.” She whispered.
You shook your head, turning to face her. 
Why was she sorry?
This was their home, not yours. 
“You don’t need to say sorry to me.”
Her light brows furrowed as she came towards you, “He was worried about you. Didn’t know where you were.” She explained, making you feel guilty for your reaction to not only his messages, but her telling him where you were, “I only told him because he wouldn’t stop asking. He knew you weren’t at Cregan’s. I didn’t think that he would come.”
Aemond was worried about you. 
But how did he know you weren’t with Cregan?
“Look,” Helaena sighed, stepping closer to you, “He wouldn’t come here if it wasn’t important.”
“Your father dying seems pretty important to me.”
You regretted the words immediately as they came out of your mouth. You didn’t say it to be mean, or to hurt her, it was just a statement of fact.
Helaena simply sighed again, “Yeah, and has he been here? No. He’s coming for you. And you’re going to hear him out.”
“-No. You will. He’s coming all this way, to a place he didn’t want to come to. It’s…triggering for him. At least do him this one act of kindness and listen to what he has to say when he arrives.”
Listen to him when he arrives. 
That was easier said than done.
Every fibre in your being told you to tuck tail and run.
He will probably tell you that whatever you had wasn’t real, and that he was in fact back with Alys. That he was moving back to Harrenhal with her, and that you would never see him again, bar an occasional gathering with the rest of his siblings where he would probably ask you to keep whatever little tryst you had secret from the others in order to keep the peace. 
And you would agree to it, for him. 
But hearing those things from him was something you didn’t want to hear. You didn’t want to feel lesser than you already did. You didn’t want to have to lay in bed each night when he leaves, picking yourself apart in comparison with her. You didn’t want to know that you would never be enough for him, and she would.
You blinked at Helaena. You didn’t want to cause her anymore grief. But by staying here, and having to talk to him, to hear his rejection face to face, you didn’t know if you could do it without breaking down.
You breathed in deeply before exhaling.
“There’s nothing to say.” You shook your head, “Alys was on our couch, judging our home, Hel. Judging me. And he let her. There is nothing between us besides something physical.”
Those eyes you adored stared at you, narrowing slightly. 
Time stretched uncomfortably between the two of you as she didn’t respond to your terrible lie.
She knew you were lying. 
You knew you were lying. 
There was no denying it, the feelings you had for him. Not to her at least. Not with her spooky intuition that she had. Nor the way you reacted when you thought of him, or how you had fled to her family home in a moment of crisis because his ex had been on your couch, hand on his thigh.
The image made your chest light with jealousy and hurt.
You walked past Helaena and into the bedroom, eager to get away from her all seeing eyes, plopping down onto her bed heavily, stomach feeling as though it was full of stones. Had the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood come into the room in the dark of night and fill you with rocks? Or was it just the more rational, and far more nerve-racking reality that you would have to come face to face with someone who you liked, more than a friend, and deal with the impending rejection and subsequent end. 
That’s why he was coming. 
To end whatever the two of you had. 
That was it. 
You picked up your phone from the side table, forgotten once again, to see another 4 messages from Aemond, asking where you were and if you were safe. The last of the messages stating that you weren’t at Cregan’s, and he that he was calling Helaena.
His sister stood in front of you again, this time, with her arms crossed.
“You’re going to hear him out.” She stated, voice stern and steady.
Here was the rarer side of Helaena, a side that Sara had taught to her. A side in which you knew meant business. You searched her face for any sort of wriggle room. 
There was none. 
She continued, “And if you don’t like what you hear, then you can go home.”
You breathed deeply once more, in through your nose, out through your mouth, resigned to your fate.
Helaena smiled at you gratefully, “Good.” Her tone was lighter, arms uncrossing in front of her chest. You could see a wave of relief flit over her body, and you felt some sort of calm knowing that she was happy with your, though forced, answer. “I think he deserves a chance to have a voice after so long without it.”
Helaena dragged you back down to the pool, Aegon eyeing you warily before handing you your half melted Pina Colada. You took it gratefully, plonking down on the bed beside him, sipping at it deeply. 
If you were going to get through his arrival, you would need something to soothe your nerves.
And some liquid courage.
If Aegon knew anything about his brothers soon to be arrival, he didn’t say anything, but you could tell by the way his lilac eyes surveyed your face and posture, that either Helaena had told him of her plans before hand, or perhaps he had been told by Aemond himself. 
You didn’t want to know either way. 
You were not about to draw attention to it.
You complimented the twins on their cocktail making skills, and spent the rest of the afternoon by the poolside with everyone. You had smiled and giggled and joined in on the fun, the drinks helping somewhat to calm your nerves, however as the sun began to set, and Helaena escorted you back to her room to get ready for dinner that evening, anxiety reared its ugly head inside of you once more. 
Helaena gave you another dress to wear, less done up than the one before, which made you think that the job proposal was perhaps far more orchestrated than you had realised. Tonight’s dress was a warm black, with short sleeves that sat off the shoulders with a Bateau neck. It was floor length, light rippling layers of differing lengths towards the bottom that were sheer and moved like waves.
Why these families always had to dress up for dinner in their own homes, you had no idea, but it felt as though there was some sort of silent ‘holier than thou’ competition between them all.
You had pulled your hair away from your face, and eventually made your way down to have dinner with the family again. You moved to go outside to the dining table in the back, but Helaena steered you differently, taking you to a small (if you could call it that despite it being larger than your flat), ‘intimate’, Helaena’s words, not yours, dining room. 
Rhaenyra and Daemon sat beside an empty, larger, much older chair. One you assumed would have been Viserys’ usual spot it he was well enough to join. Jacaerys and Baela sat up the end with Rhaena and Baela, and Daeron was looking at his on the other end phone in his lap. 
Aegon and Alicent were nowhere to be seen. 
Aemond, also absent.
You sat beside Jacaerys, Helaena beside you, and greeted all with a small smile. It felt easy, being in their presence, and with the majority of the Hightower kin being missing, the tension in the room was almost nonexistent. 
“Have you thought more on our offer?” Rhaenyra asked sweetly, sipping at her wine as Daemon held her hand on the table. 
You tucked yourself into the dining table, “I have, I-“
Footsteps and a hissing whisper came from behind, and all seated at the table turned to watch as Alicent guided her sons into the room. 
Both of her eldest sons.
His eye immediately found yours, and your heart skipped a beat in your chest, breath stilling in your throat. He was dressed in all black as usual, but more formal, likely for his mother and for the meal with family. He wore black slacks with a black dress shirt, three buttons undone at the top so that you could see the sliver of the silver chain he always wore. Aemond’s hair was up in a low bun at the back of his head, small wisps falling around his face with some tucked behind his ears. 
His violet gaze pierced yours, and you turned away sharply, shifting your attention to the centre of the table, looking at the flickering of one of the many candles in the room.
Oh yes, very interesting.
What a lovely candle.
Definitely attention grabbing. 
Aemond seated himself at one end of the table, Lucerys shifting at the other end as he too avoided his uncles gaze. Daeron seat was a seat away from his mother, who sat in the chair at the head of the table, the one that was usually reserved for Viserys.
Aegon, beside Helaena. 
And there it was. The tension again. 
But it was riper than usual.
And you couldn’t help but notice that perhaps it had something to with the fact that there was a certain member who had returned, that all others had not expected to see.
The heat of his gaze warmed the side of your face, and you couldn’t help but feel anxiety pull sharply at your gut. 
Do you say hello?
Do you ignore him?
What do you do?
If you didn’t do something, they would know something had happened. All knew you were living together, the least you could so was give him a smile. 
So biting your cheek, you turned to land your gaze upon the man you had fled from, watching as his chest rose sharply when you locked eyes. 
“Aemond.” You greeted him, though your voice sounded slightly strained, and the smile that pulled at your lips looked more like a grimace. 
His eye softened at the sound of your voice, his head tipping towards you in acknowledgment. 
A pressure moved to your thigh, and you pulled your eyes away from the man at the end of the table to the woman beside you. Helaena had her hand gripping your thigh, a soft reassurance and act of comfort. 
“Rhaenyra.” Alicent greeted her step daughter, tone warmer than the last time.
Rhaenyra turned the top half of her body towards the woman. Open, responsive, listening. 
“Ali.” Her violet gaze moved further along the table, settling on her half-brother, “Aemond, I didn’t know you would be coming. How is Harrenhal?” 
You sucked air sharply through your mouth, feeling uncomfortable for both Aemond and yourself. 
You looked back at the candle, watching the flame flicker. 
Do not look at him.
Do not look at him.
Do not-
“I left.”
Straight to the point with no room for her to continue the conversation. 
All at the table felt the air crackle as an uncomfortable energy shifted around the room.
“Your talents were wasted there.” Rhaenyra spoke again, voice calm and un-probing in the way they were delivered, “Will you be resuming your studies?”
The orange flame flickered gently, and there was a pregnant pause that filled the dining room before Aemond answered.
Although he was speaking with Rhaenyra, you knew just by the goosebumps that erupted on your skin that he had not once taken his eye off you. If Rhaenyra was annoyed by her brothers lack of response, she didn’t show it, and instead took it in stride, giving him a soft smile before turning her attention to the auburn haired woman beside her.
The dinner felt as though it went for hours, when in reality, shortly after Alicent and her sons were seated, food began to be placed upon the table. Entrees, sides, mains, and then finally dessert, and yet not once, did he take his full attention from you. And not only that, the tension between him and his nephews made for a more uncomfortable dinner than it already was.
You could now see why Helaena avoided visiting her family. 
Lucerys would occasionally sneak glances at his uncle, but Aemond would only meet his gaze for a moment before returning it back to you. But his watching didn't go unnoticed.
More than once, Daemon and Rhaenyra would give you and then Aemond shared looks, and Daemon on one occasion, flat out laughed, clearly enjoying the train wreck of tension that was the evening. 
When dessert was placed in front of you, a fluffy pavlova with passion fruit and differing berries, you found you didn’t have the appetite for it. You dabbed your lips gently with your napkin before pushing your chair backwards to stand, all eyes lifted to you.
“Thank you for dinner, it was beautiful.” You smiled at Alicent, her bright eyes creasing in the corners as she gave you one back, “Please excuse me, I'd like to go to bed. I’m quite tired.”
You knew he was watching you. You could feel it. You could feel the heat of his eye on your face, on your neck and shoulders, on the way your hands wiped nervously against the sides of your dress.
Alicent nodded her head at you, “Of course.” And being the well mannered host that she was, bid you a good night and went back to entertaining her “guests”, immediately turning her face towards Rhaenyra who gave you a sweet grin.
A pressure at your hand caused you to cast your eyes downward, meeting Helaena’s concerned gaze. You gave her a reassuring squeeze and a subtle shake of your head.
I am fine.
I am totally okay.
Not at all struggling to breathe with my heart in my throat because your brother, who I’ve been fucking by the way in case you forgot, had his abusive ex over at our place which resulted in a fight and me coming here, has been staring at me this entire dinner and I don’t know what to do.
Without another word, you turned and walked away, briskly leaving the intimate dining room to go to Helaena’s bedroom, feeling that same heat on the back of your head as you left. Your footsteps echoed on the stone floors as you tried to take deep and steadying breaths, stomach tying itself in knots. 
You felt on the verge of tears. 
You were halfway up the stairs when you heard footsteps coming swiftly towards you. 
“Wait.” Came the smooth and deep timbre of the man you were so desperately trying to avoid. 
Your mouth opened, and you increased your pace up the stairs, almost lurching yourself up them two at a time. Not ready to hear his rejection. Not ready to speak to him. Not ready to feel the pangs of pain in your chest again.
A deep sigh came from behind, footsteps closer now.
“Would you wait a second?” Aemond called to you again. 
No I will not.
I am going to take myself straight to bed so that I can cry in the shower and pretend that I’m not crying. 
You finally came to the top of the stairs, taking a sharp left turn to speed walk down the hallway towards Helaena’s room. 
Goddamn them and their stupid, giant estate.
“I said wait.” Aemond jogged in front of you, stopping abruptly in your path so that you would have to stop. 
You almost ran straight into him. 
His chest was heaving and his brow was pulled down as he looked at you. There was a blush to his cheeks and you watched as he swallowed thickly as he took you in.
Your chest fluttered. 
“What?” You breathed, lump forming in the back of your throat. 
All you could think of was your last interaction. 
I don’t know.
I don’t know.
“I was worried about you.” Aemond muttered, eye roaming your face. 
There was that dastardly pain in your chest. You tried to swallow the lump, but it stayed thick and heavy in your throat, sadness seeping into your bones.
You shook your head, “I’m fine.”
The man frowned, “You’re clearly not. I texted you.”
“I know.”
The way he was standing in front of you was so unsure, so closed in, like he didn’t know what he was doing, or how to speak to you in that moment. It reminded you of how small he made himself look with Alys.
I don’t know.
You moved to step around him, trying to get to the room which was further down the hall. 
Get to the room and then you can cry. 
Get to the room and then you can let it out. Don’t let him see you like this.
Aemond blocked your path again.
You huffed, breezing past him, your shoulder lightly brushing against his arm as you made your way forward.
Almost there.
Almost there.
“Can we please talk about this?” His voice came from behind.
Keeping your eye trained on Helaena’s door you responded, “There’s nothing to talk about.”
Keep lying to yourself girl.
Cause that will make it all better.
“Y/n, please.”
Your steps slowed, door right before you. If you leant forward enough and reach out, your fingers would graze one of the door handles and you could simply press down and slip through the door.
But even then, would it be enough to keep him out?
He had flown all the way here.
It was time to face the music. 
You spun around, gnawing gently at your bottom lip as you looked at him. He looked almost relieved to see you turn to him, and his hands twitched at his sides. He stepped closer but kept his distance, watching as you shifted on your feet, counting your breaths. 
Don’t cry. 
Don’t cry.
Don’t cry.
“I’m sorry.”
Oh shit. 
Your brows furrowed as you looked at him. 
Aemond breathed deeply. 
It was quiet for a moment, but you let it hold. 
It was his turn to speak, and once he had told you that these things didn’t come easy to him.
So you would give him time.
You would give him five minutes to say his peace, you reasoned with yourself. Five minutes to let you down gently, to tell you that he was back with Alys, and then you could spend ten minutes wallowing in self pity and cry in the shower, and then, after all that, you would make Helaena let you go home. 
She did say you had to hear him out first. 
Well, now was his chance. 
“I’m sorry about what happened,” He continued, eye boring into your own, “I was just as surprised as you were.”
Surprised as you were?
He let her in.
Irritation stirred in your chest.
Not just at his words, but his inaction during what had happened. 
Inaction for his own autonomy and self respect. 
“Surprised.” You said tonelessly. 
Aemond cast his eye to his shoes, watching as they shifted on the hundred years old stone.
“I don’t expect you to understand-“ He began.
“-Then help me to.”
His sharp jaw ticked, “I wasn’t thinking straight. I just- I saw her and-“
“-Let her into my home without asking. And to top it all off,” Here came the anger and hurt, “You shrugged me off in front of her and allowed her to insult me.”
“She didn’t insult you.”
You scoffed, looking away, eyes focusing on an old portrait of some Targaryen ancestor with a silver crown atop his head, “You still defend her. Even when you’re trying to apologise to me. You said I was just ‘Helaena's roommate’, as if we hadn’t spent multiple nights together in my bed. How did you expect me to take that? It was humiliating!”
There goes your plan to let him to do the talking.
Regret flashed across his pale features, eye casting away from you, “I’m sorry.” He shook his head at himself, “You didn’t deserve that. I didn’t mean to dismiss you, or make you feel as if you didn’t mean anything to me.”
Mean something to him?
“But you did.” You stated bitterly. 
Aemond took another step towards you, and you had to fight the urge to not take one back.
You pressed your tongue into your cheek as you waited for him to respond, waited for him to finally tell you that he was back with her. That whatever you had together was over. You just wished he would get on with it.
The waiting was worse than the knowing. 
Tears began to prick at your eyes. 
“Please just get it over and done with.” You blurted, and watched as confusion washed over his face, “Just-“ You wet your lips with your tongue, “Just tell me what you came here to do.”
Aemond shifted on his feet, brows lightly furrowed as he looked at you sadly. His mouth opened and shut twice before words came forth, “I know my actions have hurt you, but I’m lost. I know that isn’t an excuse, and I shouldn’t try and use it as one, but I don’t know what to do.”
You picked at the skin of your finger, “I don’t know what you want from me, Aemond.”
“I want you.”
You blinked.
“I need you. I came here because- Because I- I needed to see you. I needed to make it right. I’m sorry.” His face grew sullen, and you wished that he wouldn’t look at you that way. It made you want to step forward and pull him into your arms,  “I shouldn’t have let her talk to you like that. I shouldn’t have let you leave like that. I should have done many things, but I didn’t. I’m lost. I don’t know what I’m doing.” He breathed, eye roaming your face. Aemond took another step forward, face suddenly becoming harder with conviction, “But I know that I want you.”
I don’t know, replayed in your mind over and over again.
“I just don’t know what to do.” He breathed, and your heart sank.
He didn’t know what to do. 
And that meant, you would be strung along for the ride until he made his decision. 
A traitorous tear escaped the corner of your eye, sliding wetly down your cheek. Aemond’s lip twitched as he saw it, and his hand moved towards you. You stepped back, hand pressed against the handle of the door.
“That’s not good enough for me, Aemond.” You choked, pressing the handle of the door down to open it, stepping inside without another glance back.
Tears fell down your cheeks as you shut the door behind you, back leant again the wood as you stifled a sob with the back of your hand. 
He wanted you. 
But he didn’t know how. 
He didn’t know what to do.
He was lost. 
But only he could make those decisions. 
You couldn’t do that for him. 
He had to do it himself. 
And it hurt. 
It hurt so much, that your shower was a blur of tears, and you hadn’t even noticed when Helaena snuck into bed beside you after, brushing your hair away from your face as she cooed sadly at you. You let your best friend hold you as you sniffled against her, turning Aemond’s words in your head over and over again. 
You wanted him.
He wanted you.
But neither of you knew what to do.
The next morning you woke with swollen eyes and anxiety in your gut. Another day, and you would once again have to face him. There was no escaping the man who came here to talk to you, and although you had heard him out last night, you knew that it wouldn’t be the last time he would try. 
Helaena, being the sweet and wonderful friend that she was, trying to cheer you up, ran down to the kitchen and brought up a cool gel eye mask for you to put on. She made you sit up and put it on you with a small giggle, the frosty gel making your eyes tear involuntarily. 
You sat there for a moment with the makeshift gel goggles on, watching as Helaena’s violet eyes probed yours. She knew Aemond had spoken to you. You were sure everyone knew something was going on, what with him running out after you once you left dinner and his constant vigilant gaze upon you.
You knew what she was going to ask, and yet you couldn’t help but sigh, “Ask whatever it is you’re busting to ask, Hel.”
The silver haired woman flopped down into bed, wavy hair fanned out on the pillow as she looked up at you, “Did you hear him out?”
“I did.”
She frowned at the lack of elaboration, “What did he say?”
You inhaled deeply through your nose as you scratched at the back of your head, lightly tugging your hair, “Apologised.” Helaena’s eyes lit up, “Said he wants me, but doesn’t know what to do.” You flopped down beside her, eyes staring up at the ceiling. 
You were sure you looked as ridiculous as you felt.
“And what did you say?”
“That it wasn’t good enough for me.”
Helaena didn’t hum, or speak up again, and you could feel her encouraging gaze upon you, knowing she wanted you to elaborate, and so you did.
“I can’t just go into something with him if he doesn’t even know what he wants. You should have been there, Hel. He called me your roommate and nothing else to her, and now he turns up and decides he wants me but doesn’t know how?” You felt your gut twist in feeling inadequate, never enough, “I’m not going to be his rebound for him to figure out what he wants. If he wants me, he needs to do better than that. He needs to show me that he does. No more secrets, no more whispers in the dark of a room. He’s either all in, or I’m out.”
It felt good to get that off your chest, to let it out, to breathe the words that settled inside of you like a stone. If he wanted you, truly wanted you, he needed to show it. He needed to build that bridge. He needed to take the first steps, because you couldn’t hold his hand and guide him through that.
But in some ways, him coming all the way to the Keep to see you was a first step, but even then, you needed more.
“I need assurance that he isn’t just going to run off to her and leave me in the dirt. I need assurance that this isn’t just some game to him. I’m happy being single, don’t get me wrong, Hel. Cregan is really all I need to get shit out of my system, but there’s something more with Aemond. Something more than just sex.”
You cringed, turning to face her, expecting to see a grimace as you spoke about having sex with her brother. But there was no cringe in her features, only a look of understanding an empathy.
“Sorry, Hel. I know he’s your brother, and this is already weird.”
“My family is weirder.”
You chuckled softly, “I think I just need to go home. I want to go home and just pretend none of this happened.”
Helaena hummed, “You and me both.” Then as if realising her words, “I didn’t mean about you and Aem, I just mean in general. Mum is driving me up the wall.”
“Come back with me.”
“I can’t. I have to be here for them.” She rolled out of bed, moving to her wardrobe as she fished out some clothes for the day, “Only consolation is mum is gone, won’t be back until tomorrow, but that means Cole is with her. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow when they get back.”
You sat up, pulling the eye mask from your face, feeling far more refreshed than you wold have liked to admit. The puffiness from your eyes was gone, and you felt fresher, more alert and awake. Or perhaps that was from your conversation.
“That’s fine. This place is huge, I’m sure I won’t see him at all.”
Your previous statement proved to be false. Despite the sheer size of the Red Keep estate, Aemond seemed to pop up no matter where you were. 
At the pool.
In the Library.
The Billiard Room were you played a game of pool with the boys.
No matter where you were, he always seemed to find you, eye searching you out immediately as he would slowly, and awkwardly, make his way toward you. You had dodged him thus far, leaving with an excuse to go to the bathroom, all but racing up to Helaena’s room, or saying that you were hungry, running to the large kitchen to sip at a glass of water.
It got to the point where it was simply ridiculous, and even the others seemed to notice his sudden appearance, and then your very sudden absence thereafter. It was like a game of tag, he would arrive and you would leave just before he could reach you, keeping that sweet distance safely between the two of you. Because if he were to say anything like he had the night before, you didn’t know if you would be able to keep yourself cool, calm and collected.
It was late in the afternoon, the sun beginning to roll down from the sky, where you found yourself in the gazebo at the end of the garden. It was large and open, chairs, lounges and tables all within, and Aegon had brought another bag of joints down with him.
You suspected that he most likely had a plant growing somewhere on the property. And the twins, with the help of their step-brothers, brought down a large esky.
With the presence of the two brunette haired boys, you likened that Aemond wouldn’t venture down to the Gazebo with the rest of you, thus your false sense of protection from he man.
Tomorrow you would leave, and then you would be safe to wallow in self pity as much as your heart desired.
There was a cool breeze that rolled through, but you were all relaxed for the most part, enjoying each others company with the music that played steadily out of Daeron’s portable speaker, drinking and smoking, and enjoying the warmth of the sun. 
You had been rolling a cigarette, offering one to Aegon as he eyed your pouch greedily when Lucerys shifted in front of you, large brown eyes looking past your head. The younger man’s face changed, brows pulling and posture straightening. He was nervous. Dread settled in your gut. The only time that you had seen Luc react like this was when his uncle was around.
You turned in your seat, filter for your cigarette hanging from your lips, to see Aemond slowly making his way across the grass towards you.
“Aemond!” Aegon called out, lifting his half drunk beer, joint pinched between two fingers that held the bottle towards his younger brother, who made his way up the steps to the rest of you.
Your mouth felt dry, and you looked away just as his eye found you, scurrying to roll your cigarette and Aegon’s, using it as an excuse to look down into your lap and not up at the man who sat himself beside Aegon on the opposite side of you.
Movement caught your eye, and you lifted your gaze through your lashes, watching as Aemond plucked the joint from his brothers fingers, bringing it towards his plump lips, inhaling a long draw of the blunt. The ember lit and moved down the paper as he drew in, and you were annoyingly impressed that he had the lungs to hold it.
You looked back down at the tobacco in your lap, slowly filling the centre of the paper as you rolled it together between your pointers and thumbs, making a long, and neat cigarette. 
You didn’t want to look up, but as soon as your tongue darted out to lick the paper to get it to stick, you could feel heat rising into your face as Aemond, unashamedly, watched. You reached out blindly, handing the cigarette to Aegon who thank you with a chirpy ‘Ta’, diverting your eyes back down to your lap to repeat the process.
Jacaerys, picking up on the tension, opted to speak to you, and only you, trying to keep your attention on him as he passed you over another can of some sweet drink Baela had brought with her. The whole time, you felt Aemond watching you. 
Irritation boiled inside of you as you licked the cigarette closed, bringing it to hold between your lips as your hands patted down your lap and then sides for the lighter. 
“Here.” Aegon caught your attention, leaning forward with his white lighter for you. You leant in, eyes on the flame as you inhaled to light the end of the smoke. 
“Thanks.” You mumbled back, exhaling deeply, watching the smoke, trying to focus on the lyrics of the song instead of focusing on the way your skin prickled as you were being observed. 
“In my imagination, you’re waiting lying on your side, with your hands between your thighs.” 
You turned to Daeron, “Really, Daer? Arctic Monkeys?”
The youngest son of Alicent turned to you and snorted, “It’s not my phone that’s connected.”
“What's wrong with the Arctic Monkeys?” Aegon huffed, joint back in his hands as he watched you with glassy, half-lidded eyes.
“Didn’t take you for a Tumblr girl, Eggy.” You teased, inhaling your smoke, ignoring the way his brother beside him stared at you pointedly.
“It’s what gets the girls hot and heavy, babe.” Aegon winked, and you could have sworn you saw Aemond’s body shift beside him. 
Helaena gagged, “Such a slut, Egg.”
“Hey! No slut shaming in my house.”
Baela, being quick witted, jumped in, “But I thought you liked a little bit of shame?”
If you had thought Aegon’s flirty glances towards you were intense, the one he cheekily threw at Baela stilled your breath, “I love it all, Bae. Why are you interested?”
“You’re foul.”
“You love it.”
The tension somewhat diffused after that, but Aemond didn't join in on anyone else’s conversations, merely listened, and kept his eye on you. It was driving you, as Helaena would say, up the wall. You didn’t know if you wanted to kiss him or scream at him. 
Maybe a bit of both to be honest.
You had gotten down to your third or fourth drink, sun right behind the horizon, a deep orange glow spreading across the estate, when Aemond finally came to do what he had clearly intended to all day.
He stood, and you stiffened, seeing in your periphery as he came to sit beside you on the other side, Helaena having gotten up to get another drink out of the esky, lost in giggles with Luc and Rhaena.
“Can we talk?” Aemond sat beside you, voice soft and quiet.
You hated that he was trying. You hated that he was trying because it meant that there was a chance that you could get hurt again. You just wished, in some sick part of you, that he would be horrible to you so you could just move on. 
The cigarette moved in your lips as you murmured to him, the same words you had repeated over, and over despite their lack of integrity, keeping your eyes ahead, “There’s nothing to talk about.”
“Y/n, please. Don’t shut me out.”
Jace, being the ever perceptive man that he was, had noticed throughout the day your tension, and finally snapped, “Dude, back off. She clearly doesn’t want to talk to you.”
Aemond’s gaze snapped to his nephew across the gazebo, and all around you, the giggles of Rhaena and Helaena halted, and that inexplicable tension exploded into the space. It was like everyone held their breath, watching as Aemond’s lips pulled down into a sneer, “Mind your business, Jacaerys.”
The brunette sneered back, “No.” Hand extended towards you, “Look at her. She’s uncomfortable as hell-”
“-Jace, I-“ You tried to defuse the ticking time bomb that was building between uncle and nephew, but Jacaerys wasn’t having it.
“-Don’t pretend you’re not. You’ve been avoiding him all day.”
You swallow.
“This doesn’t concern you.” Aemond snapped, and even though he was irritated, you could tell he was trying his best to keep his body language calm and cold beside you.
To show you he wasn’t a threat.
Jacaerys shook his head, fingers strumming against the neck of his beer. Helaena’s eyes darted back and forth between brother and nephew, uncertain of what to do, mind running a million miles an hour as she evaluated the situation.
“It does if you’re making my friend uncomfortable.” The brunette scoffed, “I don’t know what you did to warrant her not wanting to speak to you, but you should take the hint.”
Oh fuck.
A sharp breath was blown through Aemond’s nose, “And you should take the ‘hint’ that this doesn’t concern you.”
Jacaerys shifted his eyes to you, warmth and concern bleeding into his features. In any other circumstance, you would have appreciated his defence of you, and even come to his side, but right now, you didn’t know what to do.
“Y/n, do you want to talk to him?”
Did you?
Oh Gods.
You stayed quiet, not sure what you wanted. Talking would mean you would be let down again. Talking would mean you would have to have the same roundabout argument, your silly heart too stubborn and too sensitive to be hurt again.
Everyone watched as they waited for your answer, but Jacaerys, taking your momentary bout of silence, chimed in once again.
“See? she doesn’t-“
Aemond stood from his seat beside you, irritation rolling off of him in waves, “-Fuck off, Jacaerys. Learn whats good for you and mind your own.”
Jace shot up from his spot across the Gazebo, poor little Lucerys beside him standing with wide eyes, unsure of what to do. 
“Say that again.”
“I said, fuck off.” Aemond hissed.
“Woah. Okay! Maybe we should just-“ Aegon starts, but was quickly interrupted by Jacaerys.
“-Get your brother in line.” He barked at Aegon, whose glassy eyes widened, and pale brows rose up his forehead, “He’s been harassing her ever since he arrived.”
“Harassing?” Aemond fumed.
Oh for fucks sake.
This was exactly what you didn’t want to happen.
The son of Rhaenyra Targaryen narrowed his eyes on his uncle, and stepped towards him, “She doesn’t want to talk to you. Whatever you have to say to her, she clearly doesn’t want to hear it. Leave her alone.”
Aemond shifted, but didn’t step towards his younger nephew, staying firmly by your seated side, “What would you know about what I want to say to her? She can speak for herself.”
Oh, Aemond.
The brunette let out a humourless laugh, “Well she hasn’t spoken once yet.”
“Because you haven’t given me the chance!” You exploded, feeling all too overwhelmed with it all. 
You didn’t want them to fight because of you.
You knew that this would happen. That their previous familial tension would be the underlying root of whatever this was.
But you didn’t want this.
You didn’t want everyone against Aemond.
Your brown haired friend, someone you adored immensely looked at you with impatience, “Do you want to speak with him?”
“I don’t know what I want.”
“See? She doesn't even know. It's no secret you hate her-“
“-I love her!”
The air in the gazebo stilled.
The sound of blood rushing into your ears was loud, and you felt your heart beating against your ribs, desperate to escape as you felt it lurch into your throat. Your mouth opened, and a sharp inhale moved through you. You couldn’t think.
All eyes were on you again, and the silence was back, the previous song slowly rolling out, to give way to the next.
Helaena watched knowingly, as did Aegon, who relaxed beside you. 
And what was more surprising, was that you could see the tension in Jacaerys’ shoulders slowly bleed from him, a blush blooming on his high cheeks.
Oh shit.
“I mean- I-“ Aemond breathed, gathering what was left of his composure, voice coming out less irritated than before, “Please, I just- I need to talk to her.”
Your mouth felt dry, and your palms sweaty. You couldn’t even look up at the man who stood beside you. 
What the-
Helaena moved quickly towards her nephew, linking her arm in his as she began to lead him out of the gazebo, “Let's let these two talk, hm?”
Aegon stood and clapped his hands, “Let's go play some pool and let these two love birds sort out their little lovers spat.”
Your eyes widened at him. 
Love birds?
Lovers spat?
You were completely, and utterly gobsmacked.
Loves you?
Slowly but surely, all left you and Aemond at the gazebo, and you desperately swallowed dryly, wishing you could run again. Jacaerys’ eyes gave you one last lingering gaze to see if you needed help, and it reminded you of the way you had been with Aemond not too long ago. 
Pain strummed in your chest.
Then finally, you were alone.
Aemond jerked away from you pacing, brushing a nervous hand through his hair as you stay seated. 
You didn’t even know if you could move.
Didn’t know if you could stand.
Didn’t even know if you could lift yourself even if you wanted. You had grown to the chair, and at the mercy of the silver haired man who walked briskly in front of you.
“Are you going to let me speak to you?”
“You’re already speaking.” You quipped back, nerves taking a hold of you just the same as it did to him.
Aemond’s gaze flicked to you, then back down to his hands which he clenched and unclenched, wiping them against his black slacks, clearly irritated and unsure.
“You’ve been avoiding me all day.” He stated.
You don't respond. 
“Why?” You scoffed, “What do you mean 'why?'”
“Why won’t you talk to me?”
Gods, why was this the only fucking question he had?
Didn’t he have the wherewithal to figure the rest out?
It was as if his irritation bounced onto you, heat rising into your cheeks.
You snapped, “Because there is nothing to talk about!” 
His violet eye narrowed on you as he turned to face you completely, hands at his sides, “Yes, there is.”
You shook your head, feeling that irritating little pull in your chest, and the even more irritating prickle in the back of your eyes, “No, there’s not. You made that abundantly clear. You don’t know what you want, Aemond.” You sighed sadly, looking away from him momentarily, anything to escape his piercing gaze, “You don’t even know if you really want me. This isn’t healthy. I’m not going to be your stepping stone from Alys.”
The man’s brows pulled down into a frown, “You’re not a stepping stone.”
“That's how I feel!” You felt like you were going to burst into tears, you didn’t want to show him this, you didn’t want him to feel your insecurities, but the words just kept coming, “I don’t feel wanted. I feel like an option. I don’t want to be an option to you.”
Aemond took a step towards you, hand out in front of him, palm up, “How can I make you feel that when you won’t talk to me? When you won’t let me show you. You’re not an option for me. It’s only you. If you would just let me speak to you-”
You stood up, moving away from him as you felt tears gather in your eyes, “You haven’t shown me that I can trust you. How do I know you won’t hurt me again? That she won’t just show up here? This isn’t the first time you’ve done this. Remember the first time we got involved? I can’t keep doing this and getting myself hurt, Aemond. I won’t.” You cast your eyes out to the horizon, the blanket of night falling across the realm, stars above beginning to twinkle in the darkness.
You heard Aemond come up from behind, “I’m done with her. For good. As it should have been. I haven’t seen her since that night.”
That night when he dismissed you.
That night when you ran here.
It sounded as though he was speaking about something that had happened, months, years ago, but in reality, was not that long ago. Mere days.
“And did she come back?” Your voice was small, and you felt embarrassment for impulsively asking one of your burning questions, something that had been eating away at you almost every night since you left.
“What?” There was disbelief in his tone, “No. I didn’t want her to come back. And then when I saw you were gone, I thought you went to Cregan’s or Sara’s. But then, you didn’t come back. And you wouldn’t respond.”
“Why was she there for so long?” You turned to face him, watching as his eye softened, before looking down sadly. You knew she was a hard topic, but so was this.
“Because we talked about everything. The abuse. The…grooming. All of it. I wanted her to know I didn’t want that anymore. I needed to prove to myself I didn’t. She just wouldn't stop.”
“Then why did you say you didn’t know? Why did you say that to me, Aemond? But suddenly now you know? Can you you see why I’m so lost?”
Aemond lip was pulled into his mouth as he bit at it nervously, “Because I didn’t. It was an intense conversation to have right after her, Y/n. And you deserved my full capacity, deserve my full capacity, which I didn’t have in that moment. I needed to grieve, and I felt like I was being pushed into talking.” His voice became, softer, and you watched as his hands flexed beside him, itching to do something with them as a distraction, “I didn’t know what way was up, or what to think. It felt like my mind was put into a blender. I felt everything and nothing all at once.”
Gods damn him.
Why was this so hard.
An ache spread in your chest for him, for everything that he had been through.
“I wasn’t pushing you," You shook your head softly, "I would never do that to you.” You sympathised, feeling slightly guilty, “I just wanted to know where we stood.”
Of course he would pick up on that. 
Past tense.
You sighed, threading a hand through your hair, “I’m not going to be your experiment, Aemond.” The man’s head reared back in disbelief at your words, “I’m not going to be your fixer upper. Or your new start. I’m not putting my all into something when the other person doesn’t even know what they want from me.”
“I do know.” Aemond corrected you, head cocked to the side, eye imploring you to understand. 
In any other circumstance you would be a puddle on the floor.
“But you said-”
“-I know what I said.” He interrupted you, “And I thought on it. I know what I want. I want you. But I just don’t know how.”
“This is the issue!” You threw your hands up in frustration.
Gods strike me down. 
It was the same thing, over and over. He wants you but doesn’t know how.
As a friend?
As a roommate?
As a lover?
What did he want from you?
Not even he fucking knew. 
You stormed away, a lone tear falling down your cheek as you brushed it away angrily, jogging down the steps of the gazebo as you made your way back inside of the Keep. You passed Helaena and Jacaerys who stood in the kitchen, eyes wide as they watched you speed right past them, Aemond trailing behind you, hot on your tail.
Jacaerys moved to come towards you, to ask if you were okay, but you snapped at him, hand up, “Don’t.” 
You kept on, desperate to get to some privacy where you could actually let it all out. Cry and scream, and kick and shout, and then fix your makeup and head back downstairs, and if Aemond came again, you would let Jacaerys give it to him out of spite.
Aemond jogged after you, coming around the corner of the entrance that had a large staircase that wound up to the higher levels. “Let me finish.” He puffed, “I don’t know how to assure you that I want you, or how to promise you that I won’t hurt you.”
You spun back and sneered at him, “And that's not good enough for me, Aemond.” 
You watched as he flinched back slightly, and your face softened. 
Goddamn it. 
You hoped the regretful look on your face soothed his anxiety momentarily before you kept on, pace getting faster once more.
“What if I got on my knees and begged.”
You blinked.
The memory of the joke that had been uttered in your apartment floated to the front of your mind. The sides of your lips twitched, but that short lived happiness and fondness was squashed at the reminder of why you were having this conversation in the first place.
You turned, finding Aemond dangerously close at the top of the stairs, his eye narrowed on you as both of your chests heaved, “No. I’m tired of being used by you.”
“I’m not using you.” He took a step froward.
You took a step back.
“Oh no? So I’m suddenly not ‘Helaena’s roommate’.”
You knew you were being childish, but you couldn’t stop it.
“I said I’m sorry.” His voice sounded strained, almost coming out as a growl.
You shook your head at him, “Just stay away from me.” You turned away heading down the hall to her room, “You can get your things from th-“
A large palm wrapped around your elbow and spun you. 
Soft lips crashed into yours and you gasped, hands flying to his shoulders as he pushed you backwards into a wall, all teeth and tongue. A warmth spread through you, and as your mind caught up with you finally, you kissed him back, biting at his lip roughly in anger. 
Your hands wove into his hair and pulled at it meanly, hearing a grunt fall into your lips as he pressed into your body with all his weight, smothering you, covering you, claiming you.
Aemond’s hands held the side of your neck before skating down your body, grabbing at your waist and hips, before sliding behind to pinch at your bum.
A moan flittered from your chest as heat settled in your gut, a wetness beginning to seep into your underwear.
With stumbling steps, Aemond guided you backwards, the two of you clawing and nipping at each other breathlessly, pent up anger and frustration pouring into your bones.
The wall behind you fell through, having been a door Aemond opened, and you parted momentarily as you stepped backwards, his large boot kicking the door shut as he grasped your cheeks, pulling you back to him. He continued to walk you backwards, your feet stumbling on the edge of a rug. 
The world spun as Aemond shoved you backwards, eyes popping open as you landed onto his bed with a squeak. Your eyes took him in, and then the room. It was similar to Helaena’s, but only dark greens and black.
A room which looked like hadn’t had someone in it for a very long time. 
Aemond had taken you to his old room.
He stood in front of you, chest heaving, eye narrowed on your form as his hands moved to his belt, roughly unclasping it, sliding the long length through his belt loops with a snap. Your legs clenched together as you watched him unbutton his shirt, his pupil having swallowed his iris whole, leaving an inky black look of desire as he devoured you with his eye. 
Once his shirt was off, he kicked of his shoes and socks, and then he was on you again, lips and body pressing you down into the soft duvet that covered his sheets, a long groan peeling from his chest as he gripped your hair tightly, grinding his hardened length against your covered core.
You whined, hands flying down to the button and zipper of his pants as he ripped at your clothes, tearing them off of you until you were laid bare beneath him.
He looked down at you hungrily, tongue peeking out of his lips to wet them as he murmured at you, “So beautiful.”
Your hands found his zip and yanked it down, fingers diving under the elastic of his pants to grasp at his girth. You gave him a rough squeeze, arching up to nip at his bottom lip. A hiss came from between his clenched teeth before he gently batted your hand away, sliding off of the bed as he tugged you roughly towards him with a squeak.
He parted your legs hastily, eye immediately locked on your slick folds. You tried to close your legs, feeling heat bloom in your chest, but his hands prevented you, that and his hardened stare as he leant down and licked a broad swipe up through your folds.
Your back arched off of the bed as you whined, pleasure sparking through you. Your hands flew down and grasped his hair, tugging him towards your centre as he began to lick and suckle at your clit. He hummed into it, placing nips into your inner thighs and kisses against the sensitive nub. 
It was too much. 
All that pent up emotion. 
The waiting.
The wanting.
The hurting. 
The yearning.
And now he was back between your thighs, rubbing a long digit through your folds until he pushed it inside of your entrance, curling it upwards to rub against the spongey patch within. You jerked as warmth shot up through you, your core clenching around his digit, before he added another. 
“So fucking tight and wet.” He moaned, head dipping back down to suckle at your clit whilst he fucked you on his fingers, “Such a perfect pussy.”
The room was filled with the slick sound of your heat and your moans as you writhed atop his bed, the coil within you winding increasingly tighter with each flick of his tongue and curl of his fingers.
It was raw. It was primal. And it was a flurry of desperation. 
He came away from your core, crawling up your body as he kicked off his pants and briefs, “Want to feel you cum around me.” He breathed against your lips, settling himself between your thighs as you lifted your hip up to meet his tip, which he fisted in one hand. 
He didn’t spare a second to check in, to see if you were ready, before slamming himself inside, his pace immediately fast and hard as he rutted against you desperately. You cried out, hands gripping his shoulders for purchase as each snap of his hips drove you up the bed, your walls clamping down on him. 
“Fuck.” He hissed, feeling the way you tightened around him as he changed the angle to drive his hips deeper, lifting one of your thighs to wrap around his hip, fingers digging into your flesh in a way you knew there would be bruises come morning.
“Please.” You whined beneath him, chest arching up to brush against him, nipples pebbled in arousal. 
“Please, what?” He smirked, purposely slowing his thrusts.
You tilted your hips upwards to try and increase the pace before you huffed, “Please, need to cum.”
Aemond dipped his head, kissing your cheek softly, the first sign of affection, “You’ll cum, baby, be patient for daddy.”
He fucked into you harder, his forehead pressed against yours as he looked down to where you were connected, watching as his length disappeared into your slick folds over and over, your arousal coating his shaft and your thighs in a way that glimmered in the low light of the room.
You chased his lips, bringing him back into a passionate kiss, feeling his tongue slide over yours, chasing you desperately as you deepened for him, feeling your chest flutter, and your cunt pulse.
His hand found its way to the side of your cheek as he fucked you, breaking the embrace to look down at you. 
There was a light sheen of sweat on his forehead, silver stands sticking to the side of his face as the rest dangled over his shoulders messily. His eye bore into your own, and you watched as his pupil dilated further, a blush creeping on his cheeks as his thrusts faltered.
“I want you.” He whispered, “Only you.”
You whined, shutting your eyes as you turned your face into his palm feeling overwhelmed by his gaze, his words, and the way his cock drilled so perfectly into your cunt.
“‘M close.” You panted, fingernails digging into the skin of his shoulders as you pulled him down closer to you, wanting him to be closer, needing him to be pressed against you entirely. 
His scent surrounded you, and you felt safer, calmer, and ready to burst.
You were so close.
So close.
“’S perfect, baby. Cum for me.” He groaned, his pace beginning to falter, hand still against your cheek and neck, holding you in place as he watched you come undone beneath him.
You came with a cry, eyes scrunched shut as he grunted, warmth immediately flooding you as he came with you. Pleasure erupted through your body, your walls fluttering around his length as he fucked himself through the both of your highs, prolonging it.
His weight pressed down onto you from above as you both breathed heavily, his hips finally stilling as you felt his length throbbing inside of you. Aemond's thumb brushed against your cheek, gently, back and forth, back and forth, soothing you as you refused to look back at him, keeping your eyes shut.
You didn’t dare open your eyes, you didn’t even know if you could, but if you did, you would have been met with the loving and gentle gaze of Aemond, a warm glow on his cheeks. 
Pulling back, Aemond slid himself from your warmth and you both hissed quietly in the sudden stillness of the room. But you were too tired to talk, too tired to argue, too tired to even think about what this meant.
He wrapped you up in his arms, pulling the sheets over the both of you as he tucked your head beneath his chin.
You curled up against him, enjoying the familiarity of his warmth and the safety that he gave you. 
Fingertips brushed up and down your arm, raising goosebumps in their wake, until slowly but surely, the moment slowed, and his breathing evened out. Your eyes adjusted to the low lit room, as you took it all in, breathing in time with the man beside you. 
Your throat felt tight.
The lump you wished you could remove with your own hands, growing in the back of your throat. 
Your chest grew tight, and there it was once again, the prickling in your eyes as tears threatened to rise.
As carefully as you could, you slid out of the bed, halting each time his breath would change, or he would move, careful to not wake him. When you stood beside the bed, you looked down at him as you put your clothes back on. 
He looked at peace.
And so, gods be damned, beautiful. 
Silver hair that had a slight wave to it now was nestled around his head on the pillow, small strands falling down his face over his seeing eye. Those plump lips you loved to kiss were slightly parted as he slept, breathing in through them and the sharp nose above.
Your heart ached as you watched him.
You didn’t know what to do.
You both clearly wanted each other, but you were scared of getting hurt. 
Aemond said he had made up his mind, but had you?
You snuck out of his room and into Helaena’s, crawling into bed beside her. She blinked at you sleepily before rolling over to go back to her dreams.
You found you could barely sleep, mind occupied with only one thing;
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
@mrstargayen09 @iamavailablesstuff @malfoytargaryen @hogwarts1207 @diannnnsss @seni039 @qyburnsghost @anehkael @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @watercolorskyy @skikikikiikhhjuuh @toodlesxcuddles @kaelatargaryen @aemonds-fire @anitazut @melsunshine @persephonerinyes @wintrr13@arcielee @coffedraven @happinessinthebeing @zairishmya @hanula18 @lovejustlovelythings-blog @harryssunflxwer @spinachtz @bellaisasleep @aemshaircare @heavenly1927 @yentroucnagol @snh96 @thedamewithabook @hanula18 @sweethoneyblossom1 @siriusblackrunmeover17 @yentroucnagol @urmomsgirlfriend1 @carriellie @ipostwhtifeel@queenofshinigamis @toodlesxcuddles @the-common-cowgirl@ladymarg0t @deadgirlwalkingtaylorsversion @diiickbrainn @rawrxbexjealous @virtualsweetsqueen @adeliciouslysaltybitch @tsujifreya @boofy1998 @docmartinis @rabbit-reveries @bel-bottoms @padfooteyes @cryingforlife
Bold is who I cannot tag
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 6 months
Tom Blyth x Actress!Reader
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i try to avoid descriptors but i do use she/her! click [HERE] for my tom blyth masterlist :)
you post a meme, but of course the internet takes it too far. set a few days after the vogue interviews, so tbosas has been out just over a month. we’ll just say december 22 since it came out november 17. also i changed the ending for the film because eventually you’ll be working on the sequel hehshsdb
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tagged; ewanmitchell
liked by houseofthedragonhbo and others…
yourname me trying to sneak into theaters so i can see people’s reactions to tbosas but i don’t want them to know it’s me. alternatively; coriolanus walking around knowing damn well what he did to sejanus and lucy gray 🤬
username excuse me i’m wheezing 😭
↳ username she really tagged ewan snsjdhxjsushxa
rachelzegler 😂😂😂😂
yourname has liked this comment
username she better avenge her boyfriend in the sequel!!!!
↳ username has a sequel been confirmed already???
↳ username not officially but with how things ended there better be one. talk about a cliffhanger!
↳ username can anyone spoil it for me how does it end??
↳ justiceforsejanus well since you asked!! after the cabin fight scene with nova may and coryo, he does manage to knock the gun out of her hand and attempt to choke her to death BUT my gworl makes an escape and goes who knows where. cut to coriolanus with his 3rd hairstyle of the movie and he looks out before it cuts to black and then the quote from future him “it’s the things we love most that destroy us”. you think it’s over right but NO MID CREDIT SCENE!!!! he knocks on a door and nova may answers. she’s obviously shocked and all he does is that stupid grin (🥵) and say “we’re gonna make a deal”. THEN the screen cuts to black and… that’s all we get. definitely potential for a sequel
↳ username waaaait that means yourname and tomblyth will work together again! and this time their characters might interact more!
username why does she always post ewan when she’s dating tom?
↳ yournamefan relax becky it’s a meme.
↳ username just saying i wouldn’t appreciate that.
↳ yourname good thing i’m dating tom and not you then isn’t it 🤭 also i love you yournamefan 💕
ewanmitchell if i had a dollar for every time you used this screenshot 😩
↳ yourname omg it’s lucerys killer aaaahhhh!!!!
↳ ewanmitchell i hate you 😩😩
enews uh-oh! yourname posting about her on screen boyfriend and not tomblyth? 👀
↳ yourname please take several seats
yourname has blocked enews
username poor tomblyth
↳ username right. yourname isn’t even that pretty he could do so much better!
↳ username 👏👏👏👏
↳ username i hope he leaves her soon.
yourname has disabled the comment section
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Tom Blyth x Actress!Reader taglist — if you requested to be tagged and don’t see your user, I wasn’t able to tag you! if you’d like to be added, let me know!
@daenerysqueenofhearts | @coconut-dreamz | @spencerstits | @callsignwidow | @inf4ntdeath | @upsidedownjill | @toeoffrog | @bada-lee-ily | @sassyangel16 | @or-was-it-just-a-dream | @jolleluvsyou | @ennycutie | @ashcosmo
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thedeathlysallows · 2 months
Is It Over Now? (11)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon
Summary: And maybe it was ego's swinging
Warnings: canon typical Targaryen incest. Developing Stockholm Syndrome, Aemma is becoming an unreliable narrator. Simp!Aemond appears again (not that he really ever leaves lol). Smut, fingering, religion kink, not sub!Aemond but he does beg a bit, oral (f!receiving)
(We've reached the Alys Rivers arc and it'll probably take a few chapters to settle. Also, we've shifted to this song for the second half of the story.)
Tag list: @callsignwidow
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"You know how much I love you," Aemond whispers in your ear as the candles flicker out, plunging your bedchamber into darkness. His arms wrap around your waist and hold you in a vice grip against the hard edges of his body. "Enough with the punishment."
You can't help but scoff. "Punishment? Tell me, my dear husband, how are you the one being punished when I'm the one expected to sit back and watch my family be hunted into extinction?"
"I've apologized countless times for Lucerys."
"Yes, of course you have. All of you have, save for Aegon and that scheming snake of a man you call grandfather. All everyone does is apologize to me."
"What more do you need? What will end this?"
"Give me your other eye."
Aemond looks at you, disbelief coloring his sharp features. You stare back, unblinking. Moments pass by in silence as the two of you take each other in. You aren't sure what exactly triggers it, but your lower lip quivers and tears spring to your eyes.
"I don't mean it. Not really. I don't know why I said it..." You choke out a sob and bury your face in his chest. Aemond's hand immediately goes to your hair as he comforts you.
He knew you didn't mean- you would never be so vicious- but the comment was still jarring nonetheless. Aemond knew you would never mean such a thing, but there's still a slight tremor in his hand as he pets you gently. He's worked so hard to get to this point, to have you in his arms, and he feels like he can see the end of it all before it's barely even begun.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me." The tears won't stop no matter how hard you try.
A small flicker of hope flickers in Aemond's chest. "Could you be pregnant?"
"It hasn't been long enough."
"It's been two months at this point. We've both been performing our duties-"
"How clinical." You look up at him wryly, feeling uncertain of his reaction to your outburst. You really hadn't meant to say that to him. You were just so angry and then so desperately sad when you realized how hurtful you'd been.
Aemond smiles down at you indulgently, tilting your chin to press your lips to his. "Shall I be more romantic then?"
Your stomach churns violently in direct competition with the heat growing between your thighs. You love Aemond- at least you think you do- but you also love your mother and brothers. There's a part of you still lost to mourning. You've heard nothing from anyone, locked away inside your ivory tower in the Keep, only allowed news from Aemond's mouth directly. (Or Aegon's when he sends Aemond off some place or another, but even that's becoming less frequent as Aegon becomes more and more obsessed with being King.)
"You? Romantic? Maybe if the Conqueror himself returned." The joke comes easily. Joking with Aemond has always been easy. You can do that. You can tell jokes and make him smile because you like his smile, and because it's safer to distract him than fuck him.
You still keep your master plan in the back of your mind: let all of them think they've tamed you until you can find a way back to your mother's side. When you came up with your plan you didn't anticipate it would become harder and harder to pretend with each passing day. You didn't anticipate actually loving Aemond, nor did you anticipate Aemond's love for you being real.
It's terrifying to feel your grip slowly loosening.
Aemond's voice calls you back from your thoughts while he gently rolls you under him. "I can be romantic if that's what you need. I'll be anything you need. Just let me in."
"Please, don't fight me anymore. Stop pushing me away. I adore you, why can't you see that?" His fingers dig in to the fabric of your nightgown, pulling and tugging until it's over your head, discarded on the floor by the unlit fire place. Your skin feels like it's on fire as his gaze travels over your body, hands following each curve and dip.
"So pretty," he whispers adoringly.
"Don't. Please."
Aemond's eye flickers up to yours. He still keeps the patch on, neither one of you fully ready to embrace the consequences of the past when the present is so precarious. You swallow thickly, unable to look away as his hand creeps up to your breast. His fingers toy with the soft buds there, teasing your nipples until you're almost sore. A soft whine escapes you and you see Aemond's face darken.
"Don't what?" He finally says. "Don't worship you as the goddess you are?"
Aemond bends his head to kiss just under your breasts, reveling in the feel of your soft stomach as he drags his lips lower. If you were burning before, you're positively on fire now, desperate for whatever Aemond will do next. He reaches your thighs with a moan, nipping at the delicate skin there.
"Let me die on your altar," he says. "I'll do it happily, over and over."
Your fingertips thread through his silky hair and you pull his face to your cunt. Aemond breathes out a small laugh that sends a puff of warm air over your sensitive pussy. He wastes no time, diving between your folds like a starving man. His tongue is absolutely sinful as he licks you, working a magic you never would've expected from him.
"Aemond, yes, right there." You moan out the words, knowing how much he loves the praise. And you're more than happy to give it as his long fingers enter you, pumping in time with each lick he gives your clit.
"Tell me you love me," Aemond demands while he keeps thrusting and curling his fingers inside your cunt. "Tell me you're mine."
You nod, his words not fully registering, but you repeat them anyway. "I'm y-yours... l-love you... so much."
"Mmm, such a good girl. You've always been so, so good, haven't you?" Aemond's fingers brush against that most sensitive spot inside you and you arch your back off the bed, screaming his name like a litany of prayers over and over.
"Look at you. Haven't even put my cock in you and your already coming." He pulls you into a lazy kiss, all tongue and teeth and you don't mind at all. "I've always believed you're the Maiden come to save me."
Aemond buries his face in your neck, nipping and biting, leaving marks you know the whole court will see. "Will you save me? Absolve my sins?"
You sigh, fingernails digging into his back as you hook your legs over his waist. "Aemond...please, please, please."
"Forgive me, Maiden." Aemond pants the words into your ear, his hips jerking when your warm cunt drags across his cock. "Forgive me so I can worship you properly, please."
You nod, desperate to feel him inside you. "I forgive you."
With a heady sigh he sinks into you, his cock stretching you out in the most exquisite way. You see stars behind your eye lids as he begins fucking you, pounding his cock deep inside your cunt. He's ruthless and desperate in his movements as he watches you come undone beneath him, the very image of Heaven.
"I love you," Aemond moans. "Ah, fuck, I love you..."
You whine desperately, completely at his mercy as he cums inside you and fills your cunt. You have the brief thought that maybe this time you are pregnant, but Aemond is there before you can pursue the thought further. He brushes the hair from your face and kisses your nose before laying down beside you and pulling you close.
"Aegon is sending me to Harrenhal in the morning. I asked to take you with me, but the Council convinced him it would be a mistake. I promise I'll return as soon as I'm able."
"Harrenhal..." You can see Harwin Strong's face in your mind's eye, so similar to that of your brothers'...
Aemond strokes your face worriedly. "Please don't lock yourself in this room while I'm gone."
But you can't promise anything.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
I’m in need of some cute siblings things! What about yan!Team black. Mostly jace and lucerys with their adorable sister, her being born after jace and before luke. I just want her to be a bit like helaena but a bit different, like she’s innocent and doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. She doesn’t really know anything that is going on in the world. She has been shelter her whole life. Like she’s nice to team green no matter how much her mother had said.
Hello, I hope you like it.
The most beautiful, innocent and pure human is Princess in the realm. The Princess is the twin sister of Jaecaerys. Unlike her brothers, she has the full Targaryen look. The princess is very kind, understanding and has a pure heart. Rhaenyra loves her daughter very much and does not want the Princess to approach the green team. Brothers think the same as their mother. Princess and Helaena are very close friend. Among the children of Alicent and Otto Rhaenyra, they love and accept the only Princess. Aegon loves the Princess, the only person who gives him affection and attention. In fact, he dreams of marrying her. Aemond is devoted to the Princess, who is the only person who doesn't make fun of him because she doesn't have a dragon and protects him from bullying. He always follows the princess with his heart eyes. Grandfather Viserys adores his granddaughter. Wherever the princess goes, her uncles, aunts and siblings do not stop following her. Rhaenyra is more furious as Alicent's Princess wants to make her his bride. She will not lose his precious daughter to them.
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cambion-companion · 2 years
Thank you for answering me and for accepting my request ❤️ as far as the scenerio goes I'd like to see reader (aemond secret lover who's also the eldest strong) finding out about her brother's passing and confronting aemond about it
Hi my love! Yes, we can get some angst up in here! I hope you like!
Aemond x Strong!Reader | haha they're also pretty strong | No content warnings | Pre-established romance between the two
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Your hair streamed behind you, cloak flapping in the wind as you strode across the beach at Dragonstone.  It was late, the moon already hung high in the sky, reflecting its light off the crashing waves.  No one knew of your departure, least of all your mother the queen and heir to the Iron Throne. Rhaenyra would never have let you leave for King’s Landing during such a perilous time, but the anger rushing in your ears would not allow you to sit idle. Your young dragon, Nirsiphes, waited for you by the high black rocks.  Her inky black scales the perfect camouflage for a nighttime flight.  You climbed up to the leather dragon saddle, shouted “Sōvegon” to Nirsiphes, urging the dragon to launch herself into the night sky.
The flight to King’s Landing was a short one on dragon back, you had made it many times before.  You did not know exactly what you would do once there, you planned on landing a discreet distance from the city walls and sneaking in through one of the many covert entrances you knew about.  But once at your final destination, you shook your head, you would deal with Aemond when that time came.
The beauty of having a small dragon is you can land them relatively near a large city and go unnoticed, the downside of having a small dragon…well…your little brother Lucerys had had a small dragon.  “Umbagon, Nirsiphes.”  You urged your dragon to stay in the place you had chosen to land, raising your dark hood over your head you hurried toward the Red Keep.
It was the earliest hours of the morning and the stars still shone brightly above you as you winded your way through the empty streets.  Your boots made soft sound on the stone floor as you snuck past the guards nodding off at the doors and into the fortress.  From there it was short work, your movements quick and decisive, making your way to where you knew Aemond’s chambers to be.  His rooms were nearest to the library, as that was one of his favorite haunts, your feet knew the path well.
With gentle care, you tried the handle and found his door unlocked.  The fool.  You quietly eased the door open on polished hinges, just wide enough for you to slip through and close it again behind you.  Moonlight spilled in through the windows and balcony doors, illuminating the room enough for you to see the sleeping form on the four-poster bed.
You approached him, flexing your hands nervously at your sides, coming to a stop directly over Aemond.  His eyepatch was off, as you had seen him before countless times, the sapphire glowing from the light of the setting moon.  His hair was splayed on the pillow, surrounding his face in a web of silver.  You hadn’t seen him look this peaceful before, his angular face slack in sleep.  He didn’t deserve to be at peace, not when your brother’s corpse floated somewhere in Shipbreaker Bay.
You reached toward Aemond’s face, whether to slap him or smother him, you knew not which.  His eye snapped open, glaring at your face, his hand shot up gripping your wrist.  He pulled and brought you tumbling onto the mattress as Aemond maneuvered himself above you, pinning you to the bed.  “I wondered when you would show up in my rooms, Y/N.”  You struggled against him, but Aemond used both his hands and legs to hold you fast. “However, you don’t strike me as an overly competent assassin.”
“I didn’t come here to kill you.”  You said, not sure if it was the truth.  You stilled against him, a curtain of silver hair framing his handsome face.
His hands moved quickly, searching your body for weapons.  Upon finding none Aemond sat back, still sitting on your legs to prevent you moving.  “Then why are you here, if not to exact revenge for Lucerys.”
“Don’t you dare say his name.” You hissed, propping yourself up on your elbows.  “You murdered him, Aemond.  He was a fourteen year old boy!”
“Keep your voice down or I will gag and bind you like a trussed turkey.”  Aemond growled down at you, his face twisted with anger and…something you couldn’t place.  “I am well aware how old he was.”  He looked away from you briefly. “Will you allow me to speak, or have you decided my guilt already?”  
The sudden weariness in Aemond’s took you by surprise. As he got up off you, standing and moving to light a few sconces in the room, you sat up and pulled your feet under yourself. “I wish to know the truth.”
“And if the truth is I killed him?”  Aemond crossed the room to a table and poured water into two pewter goblets, glancing over at you.
“Then I will kill you.”  You said simply, earning a rueful smile from the prince as he looked you over.
“I appreciate your anger and I regret your grief.” Aemond returned to you and offered you the goblet.  “I did not want your brother dead.  I tried to stop it.”
You gazed at his face a moment, his expression was grave, earnest.  You at last took the drink from his proffered hand.  Aemond did not move to sit with you, instead he remained standing beside the bed.  A silence fell as both you and Aemond took a pensive sip of water.
“‘Tried to stop it’?”  You prompted after a moment.
Aemond’s eye, which had been looking out the window, flicked back to your face. “We lost control of our dragons.  Arrax blew fire into Vhagar’s face, and she pursued him.  I was…powerless to stop what happened next.”  A fleeting wince crossed his face at the admission.  
“Have you told anyone else this?”  Your knuckles were white as you clutched the goblet.
“No one.  Not that they would believe me.”  Aemond looked to the ceiling as if searching for a reprieve there.  
“What…exactly…were the circumstances leading to you losing control of the largest dragon in Westeros?”  You voice dripped venom.
Aemond heard it and downed the last of his drink. “Lucerys arrived at Storm’s End to parlay with Borros Baratheon, trying to get him on the Black’s…your family’s side.  I had arrived long before and already offered an engagement to one of his daughters.”  Your heart constricted at his words, but you fought off the feeling. “I demanded Luke give me one of his eyes as payment for mine. He fled. I pursued.”
You closed your eyes, willing yourself to not lose control of your temper. “You pursued.”  You echoed. “Not thinking of the possible consequences?  Forever entrenched in your own desire for revenge?”
With a sudden movement, Aemond’s face was very close to yours, his violet eye wild. “I did not know it was possible to lose control of my dragon, Y/N.  I wanted to scare the boy, not kill him.”  Aemond withdrew, quick as a snake, turning his back to you and running shaky hands through his tousled hair.
You stood. “And how did that work out for you, Aemond?”  
He did not answer, nor did he turn to look at you.  Instead walking to one of the window’s gazing listlessly out across King’s Landing, his long fingers tapping the windowsill.
You made your way to the table, pouring yourself more water.
“I would not do that to you.”  Aemond’s voice was soft, you almost didn’t catch his words.
“What?”  Glancing up you saw he now faced you, his expression had lost all pretense of anger, instead falling into utter sadness.
It pulled at your heart and, almost against your will, you found yourself setting down your drink and crossing the room to take his face in your hands.  Your thumb traced his jaw, the vertical scar on his cheek, along the lips you knew so well.  
Aemond pulled you closer to him, his hands at your waist. “I am named ‘Kinslayer’, viewed as a degenerate and monster.”  He raised a hand, brushing the back of his fingers down your face. “The pieces are falling, Y/N, what happened to your brother set in motion irrevocable damage.  Your family is soon to be at war with mine, one I don’t see many surviving.”
His purple eye glistened with suppressed grief.  Conflicting emotions flitted across his features as he looked down at you.  Guilt, anger, sadness, affection.  Several tears dropped from your eyes, running down your cheeks as you gazed at him. Aemond brushed them away with his fingers, leaning down to place a kiss below each of your damp eyes.
“You should leave, dawn is soon to break, you will need to be out of the city before daylight comes.”
His grip on you did not loosen and you snaked your hands around his torso, leaning your head on his chest.  You felt his sigh ruffle your hair as Aemond rested his chin on your crown.
“Am I likely to see you again?”  You knew the answer as you asked it.
Aemond paused a moment, his heartbeat thrumming in your ear.
“I hope not, Y/N.”
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jacaerysgf · 4 months
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Flowers | The Series | Chapter Twelve | The Question
Summary | The prince has shown up at your doorstep! what could he possibly want?
Pairing | Jacaerys Velaryon × Fem!Reader
Warnings | switches between jacaerys and reader pov, fluff!, hotheaded jace, not proofread
Word Count | 1.7k
a/n | things are finally moving along in this chapter!! i hope you guys enjoy it <3
series masterlist
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Jacaerys stares after you as you walk away. The smile on his face is not faulting, he can feel his heart pounding against his chest. A hand grips his shoulders and shakes it. 
“I told you, you are a love sick fool.”
“Shut up.” jace smacks his hand off his shoulder and begins to walk away towards one of the staircases. “Youre still smiling i can see it.” 
He sighs having no reply for him. Hes never felt like this before. Did you cast some sort of spell on him? How can you have this grasp on him where you can dictate his mood by something as simple as a greeting or your smile? He barely knows you but he feels like hes known you a lifetime.
“Are you even listening to me?” he looks at lucerys with a blank look who sighs, “jace-”
“I need to go speak to the queen.” jace says before he sharply turns away from luce and walks through the corridors, his neck cramps from the amount of time he bows as he passes people. He will ask his mother about properly courting you joffrey be damned. As he is almost near his mothers chambers a voice calls out his name and he holds back his sigh. Of course someone had to come bother him now of all times. He quickly takes a deep breath and puts a gracieuse look on his face as he turns. “Lady cassandra.” 
“You fought well today my prince.” he rolls his shoulders back with a smile on her face. He knows she is just saying that to say something good to him as much as wants to say something he just shakes his head. “There is no need to praise a loss my lady.” 
“Dont be so modest not many a man would be able to fight against ser joffrey,” did joffrey even have a reputation for being good at fights? He would have to look into that later. “To celebrate you should join me and the other ladies for tea in the garden.” 
He attempts to hide the grimace that tries to fight its way onto his face. The last thing he wishes to do is gallivant around the gardens with the women of the court. “I am sorry my lady but i must speak with the queen-”
“She happens to be meeting with some of the court now so you are free to come, my prince.” and how does she know his mother is in a meeting now? And why does he speak of her so casually? Before he can question her heleana comes up behind them. “She's right, the queen is meeting some of the lord's right about now.” 
The two greet heleana as she waved them off and walks past them having said what she wanted to and jacaerys faces cassandra once more ignoring that winning look she has on her face. He clenches his jaw before offering her his arm. “Then I would be more than happy to join you, my lady.” 
Her smile grows as she grabs his arm and the two begin to walk towards the gardens. She makes a simple conversation with him asking what his plans are for the rest of the day? How did he feel about the tourney tomorrow? He grew more and more annoyed at her mundane conversation. She was quite frankly not doing anything wrong and he had no reason to get annoyed with her so why was he? 
A part of him tried to convince himself he was just still annoyed that he lost and when cassandra even noticed he was not in the best mood that is the reason he told her but when she was attempting to cheer him up there was a small part of him telling him he was so upset because she was not the girl he wanted to be talking to. She was not you.
You feel yourself sit up, alarmed. The prince? He was here? Right now?
“Good day ser. I am sorry I had no clue you were all busy. I shall take my leave.”
“Nonsense my prince please whatever could you need?” your mother goes to stand by your father's side at the door blocking your view of jacaerys. Your mother turns to you and makes an alarmed face before you realize you must look like a mess. You quickly hope out of the bed and attempt to fix your hair as your heart pounds. 
“I simply wish to speak with your daughter.”
All of you freeze, your parents turn to look at you and you continue to slowly play with your hair.
“It is late my prince-”
“I apologize for showing up like this but I fear this matter is rather urgent.” 
You make your way towards the doorway and your parents move out of the way. 
“We’ll just… be back here…”
You can hear them feverishly whisper to each other as you step closer to jacaerys. You bow and avoid his eyes, “my prince, is there something you needed?” one of your hands moves up to your chest to grasp at where your heart is as you feel like it is about to burst out of your chest. 
He's quiet for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face as his hands trail down to where your hand is and he freezes before looking back at your face and turning his head. A blush forming on his face as he composes himself. 
“Could we step out into the hallway for a moment?”
Your jaw drops slightly and you turn back to your parents who look alarmed and shrug. “If you wish, my prince.” He offers his hand to you and you grasp it. He smiles warmly as he laces his fingers with yours and pulls you out into the hallway.
You don't go too far, your room only being a few feet away from you. He does not let go oof your hand. You enjoy the feeling of his hand laced with yours until the rational part of you remembers it is improper for you to be holding hands so you attempt to slip out of your grip but he grabs your hand once more and looks you dead in the eyes. 
“I find this hard to admit even to myself but ever since i saw you that first day you have plagued my thoughts,” you feel your breath run away from you as he takes a step closer to you, “my prince-” “please my lady i must speak now or i will not be able to speak again.”
You hold you tongue and he takes a deep breath, when did he get so close? You can feel his breath wisping on your face as he closes his eyes. “I have never felt like this before, you have consumed me fully and hold me in your grasp. I must know this, my lady. If I were to ask to enter courtship with you would you allow it?”
Your heart was banging so loudly you would be shocked if he could not hear it. The grip he has on your hand tightens as he eagerly awaits an answer from you. Your mind runs a mile a minute as you attempt to find some words to say.
“It is not a good idea, I am from a minor house.”
“That is of no matter to me.”
“But it should matter, you have every lady from every house vying for your attention-”
“Yet yours is the only one I wish to have. I wish for your eyes to only look at me. I wish for only your hands to grip mine. That is all that matters to me. So you must tell me.”
He freezes before a smile consumes his face and his free hand laces with your free hand and he laughs. “This makes me happier than you know my lady.” 
You can't help but grin as well at his overwhelming excitement. A part of you thinks hes about to ask if he could court your but he doesnt. Instead stepping away from, dropping one of your hands before leading you back to the rooms door where you see your parents waiting anxiously on the bed and shoot up upon seeing the two of you. Your mothers eyes drift down to your joined hands and a smile grows on her face. 
“I’d like to speak with you ser.” 
Your father clears his throat and puffs out his chest slightly, “of course my prince.”
You find yourself unable to stop the laughter that builds up in your throat as you see your father attempt to make himself look more intimidated and hide behind the wall as you laugh. 
“What is so funny? You dare laugh at your father?” This only causes you to laugh harder as you finally get out of jacaerys hand to cover your face as you lean against the wall.
You miss the smile on your fathers face as your mother smacks his shoulder and smiles at the prince. You manage to compose yourself as your mother straightens out her dress, “allow me to stay my prince, if you could.”
“Of course.”
Your mother waves her hand and ushers you to walk away and you look between all of them and you walk away, further down the hall until you cannot hear them. You lean against the wall and cover your face with your hands as the reality of the situation creeps in. 
He is most likely asking permission to court you.
Your smile against your hands as heat spreads all over your face. His words play over and over in your head and you find yourself shocked you actually managed to not faint during the conversation.
It was like something out of those fairytale books you read as a child. The prince finding the maiden girl and falls in love and they live happily ever after. The greedy part of you begins to imagine your life here in the keep. Getting to wake up and roam the rose gardens. 
You hear your name being called and you walk back towards the room and run into jacaerys who's just stepping out.
“I'm so sorry, my prince.”
He just shakes his head and smiles, lifting up your hand to place a kiss on the back of your hand before saying goodnight and walking off.
You turn and watch him walk away, the smile on your face only growing as he turns back to look at you once more.
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giorno-plays-piano · 10 months
House of Chains
Part V
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x mage!reader
Warnings: noncon, yandere, obsession, threats, canon-typical violence, chase scenes, death of minor characters.
Words: 1.5k
Summary: In return for help to come back to your home world, you have been faithfully supporting the Greens to put Aegon on the throne. But when your promise is fulfilled, neither Otto nor Aemond are keen on letting you go.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
The end of your dagger touches the boy’s throat before he takes a breath.
“Don’t move, and I won’t kill you.”
He nearly jumps, and you have to restrain him further, making Lucerys put his head up to glance at you, the dagger so close he can feel the sharp cold steel on his skin. You don’t want to hurt him, but you are not playing games.
“You!” He gasps, blinking rapidly when he recognizes your face, having to say nothing but, “you are the Queen’s niece!”
You huff out a little laugh at the statement, but don’t correct him. It doesn’t matter. The only thing he needs to know is that you will kill him if he doesn’t do what you say. Although, considering you had just appeared out of thin air for all he knows, you have already attained your goal as Luce just stares at you dumbly, open-mouthed.
“Where did you- The room was empty!” He squeaks, frozen in place, and you do your best not to roll your eyes at his reaction. Everything points out to the boy being extremely unprepared for the war that is to come. The fact that Rhaenyra leaves her son unguarded in these volatile times is unbelievable to you, but it’s only to your advantage.
“It was,” you agree, snorting. “Take a note, Luce. Now stop asking me stupid questions and take me to Daemon.”
The boy starts to visibly tremble, finally recognizing how deep in shit he is with you ready to cut his head off, “Wha- what? Why?”
Your grip on him is firm, but it seems you don’t need to resort to violence: Lucerys already got scared out of his wits, his breathing growing elaborate, heart pounding violently against your arm as you hold him close. It seems he is the best target you could have chosen. Hopefully, everything goes as planned. You can’t have any intervention - it’ll result in your death, no doubt. But it’s easier like this, with plain violence and threats than going the long way and hoping for Rhaenyra’s understanding. You are more than convinced she will treat you similarly as Otto has done. Despite her image in Viserys’ eyes, she isn’t much different from the Greens, and with war arriving swiftly, she won’t let you go.
Dealing with monsters is easier. Hence, you go to Daemon the Rouge Prince who hates the threats with all his being, retorting to violence for even smaller offenses. You can predict what he’ll say when he sees you and Luce.
“The guards will catch you!” The boy cries in hysterics as you move to the door along with him, your sharp dagger gleaming dangerously in the daylight.
“They won’t,” you murmur against his ear before you chant an invisibility spell again, and Luce stills against you, listening to the strange words of a language he has never heard before. Thankfully, he stops resisting, and you feel the need to calm him down. “I don’t want to hurt you. Just be a good boy and take me to Daemon.”
Luce hiccups, “So you could kill him?”
“I would have if I wanted to. Don’t be silly, I just need a favor from him.”
“What sort of favor?”
You grow tired of the rows of questions he keeps shooting at you, so you growl, pressing the blade until the boy whimpers against you. “Bring me to your stepfather, Lucerys Velarion, before you force my hand.”
He mumbles something incomprehensible but then shows you the right corridor with a trembling hand, seeing the guards looking right through the both of you as if you simply don’t exist. He doesn’t understand what’s happening, but you have no time to explain when Luce tells you Daemon is in the catacombs below the Dragonstone’s castle.
Funny, it seems you will have to examine all of Westeros’ dungeons before you get a chance to leave.
You feel your blood pressure rising with each step you take closer to the catacombs despite the inconvenience of dragging the boy with you, your heartbeat growing irratic. You can’t fuck this up. If there’s not enough dragon breath, you’re as good as dead: either Daemon makes Caraxes eat your alive for your offense or keeps you hostage for your magic. You don’t even know which is worse.
Lucerys shakes even harder once you move past the guards who don’t pay him any attention, but he keeps his promise and doesn’t ask any more stupid questions. He feels something is very, very wrong. Maybe it’s for the best, though, that he is compliant. You don’t plan on hurting him unless he does something silly: you aren’t in the business of killing children, even if they are dumb and privileged. Luce is Aemond’s problem, not yours.
“Down to the left,” the boy whispers, horrified when his own brother walks by without giving him a single look, and you turn, taking the stairs, walking carefully not to let the kid or yourself slip. Your hand, holding a dagger to his throat, doesn’t waver.
After many minutes of painful wandering in the catacombes that reek of dragons - in a good and a bad way - you can almost see the tall figure with a torch in his hand.
Calm down, you tell yourself, biting your tongue, metallic taste immediately filling your mouth. Daemon is clearly insane but not stupid. He wouldn’t risk the death of Rhaenyra’s child over something so inconsequential. Hell, if anything, he’d probably be extatic if he had a possibility to burn Otto’s supporter just like this, quietly, with no fuss. What are the chances someone would even know? Besides, he’d get to see someone he hates screaming inside the fire of his own dragon, and you’re pretty sure it’ll be the highlight of his week.
“Please don’t kill me,” the kid whispers, and you raise your brows at him, finally remembering you’re not alone on your way to the mad prince consort. You didn’t expect Lucerys to plead.
With a sigh, you stalk closer to Daemon until there are but fifty meters between you. “I won’t, kid. A word of a mage.”
You don’t realize it was a slip of the tongue, but Luce is quiet against your dagger. You don’t see his expression changing to pure horror at your words.
The cave you end up in is a large one - big enough to fit a couple of dragons. Considering how many bones and sheep leftovers you see around, it seems Caraxes made it his lair: you can see a huge, lean, red beast with its nasty horns, baring its teeth at you, an abomination as all dragons are. It is a pity killing a dragon is a feast for heroes, not mages, you think with disgust. You surely wouldn’t mind pearcing a skull of this one with a spear.
The creature grows restless: born with an ancient magic running its veins, they are granted protection against most spells, and Caraxes can feel a stranger approaching. So does Daemon when he turns to you, taking the veil of the spell off. His eyes fixate on your dagger as you keep it close to the boy’s pale neck.
“You chose a peculiar way to threaten Rhaenyra,” he says in a too-calm voice, eyes narrowed. “She’s upstairs, not here.”
Although there is no threat in his words, you feel his desire to hurt you with your skin. Daemon is no paper soldier, and, unlike with Aemond, you don’t humor yourself, thinking there is much human left in him. He’s like his dragon, a vile, heartless creature that wants to burn and bring death to anyone he can. Were Viserys to abandon his throne, Daemon would drown Westeros in the blood of its own people.
You have to swallow before you speak, remembering to put on a brave face in front of the Rouge Prince. Daemon is the same sort of predator as Aemond, only older: when he feels someone’s weakness, he capitalizes on it overly quickly.
“I’m not here for her,” you smile, showing all your teeth in the same fashion as Caraxes just behind the prince. “I’m here to ask you for a favor.”
Judging by the sniffling you hear, Luce is crying.
Daemon cocks his head to the side, not even looking at the boy. “My favor? Surely, you aren’t trying to convince me to give up on this war?”
“No.” Your smile grows wider as you see Caraxes takes one step towards you, and press the blade into boy’s skin so much he starts to bleed a little. “I won’t be fighting a battle that wasn’t mine to begin with.”
Daemon doesn’t divert his attention to anything, regardless if Lucerys is whimpering in your hands, absolutely defenseless, but the eyes of the Rouge Prince gleam dangerously when he stares you in the face. “What do you want, Hightower girl?”
Well, finally, you think, your smile unnaturally wide. You hope this time it would go better because your enemy wants you die the most painful way possible.
“I want Caraxes to burn me.”
Part VI
Tags: @heavenly1927 @yazzzmints @devils-blackrose @lost-and-founds @kennafild
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starogeorgina · 10 months
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Violent delights
Warnings: Swearing, character death
Pairings: Jacaerys Velaryon x oc
You push and slap at Daemon’s chest as he tries to hold you close. He says nothing as you take your anger and grief out on him. It’s not until your screams wake the children sleeping in the bedchamber next to your own that you finally snap out of the state you find yourself in. Daemon holds onto your hands as you crumble to your knees.
Lucerys was gone.
You look up at him through blurry eyes and ask, “Where’s my mother?”
“Being consoled by your grandmother and grandsire.”
Your lip begins to tremble. It didn’t seem real; Luke couldn’t be gone. Although you knew Daemon would never lie about something like this, you desperately wanted to believe it was a mistake. Lies being spread to cause the breakdown of the blacks—you didn’t want to believe Aemond had actually killed him. Your mouth is extremely dry as you ask, “What is to be done about this?”
“As of yet, nothing?”
“Nothing?” His answer enrages you. “My brother is gone. Murdered! The greens need to pay for what they have done.”
“Indeed, they will, my girl, but we need to think strategically. The one-eyed cunt will be well guarded, as will the rest of the greens, including the usurper. They will be waiting for us to attack.”
“Cat and mouse,” you mumble.
Daemon looks worried while helping you stand again. “I don’t quite understand.”
“A mouse hopes to make a break for freedom but doesn't for fear of being eaten by a cat. It’s something Alicent once told me.”
Unsure what to say, Daemon stares at you blankly, waiting for you to continue.
“They will think we are too afraid to leave Dragonstone. I’d place my bets on them coming here to surround us, then attacking.”
You straighten the crinkled material of your dress, and you think of all the times you watched Alicent do it. Whenever Aegon did something that could embarrass her, she would try her best to keep up appearances. Your mind goes to all the ways the greens could twist Aemond into being a kinslayer, but there is none. He will be damned by the gods for the remainder of his days, but now that the first death has happened, there is nothing preventing a full-blown war.
Daemon recognises the look on your face. “Lyarra, what is it?”
“They aren’t afraid of us.”
Even after Aegon usurped your own mother, you didn’t want to believe a war of such violence was going to happen between House Targaryen.
“Two wars are going to happen. The one for your mother's throne, and another for your granddaughter.”
You stand in front of a small part of the black council. Your mother had been weeping in her bedchamber for hours; she was inconsolable. Daemon was busy putting things in place for part of his plan to protect his family, which required him to leave Dragonstone, and with Jacaerys in Winterfell, it fell upon you to try and hold the fort. A burden you wished not to bear.
“Where are the queen and prince, Consort?” Your grandsire asks.
“Prince Daemon is currently attending to other matters, and her grace is still suffering from her recent losses,” your grandmother answers. “With Prince Jacaerys securing the support of the north, the burden of war falls upon our granddaughter.”
You gulp down. Ser Erryk, Baela, Rhaena, and your grandparents wait for you to continue. “Admittedly, I know little about war strategies, but I was married to the usurper, and I believe that might give me some insight.”
Your grandsire raises his brows. “Insight?”
“Alicent will do whatever she can to try and salvage the green’s reputation, which will be even more difficult after last night.” Whispers had reached the island, and Aegon threw a feast to celebrate his brother Aemond killing Lucerys. “I have sent a raven to OldTown addressed to Prince Daeron, expressing my concern for the safety of his sister and her children. And I’ve sent a raven to Otto Hightower, telling him the same thing.”
Rhaena steps forward and asks, “Why? The greens usurped the rightful heir to the throne—”
“As guilty as Aegon is, his children didn’t steal my mother's throne or kill my brother.” Daemon’s words of eye for eye echo in your mind, and although you wanted revenge, you disagreed. “If we do anything to harm the innocent,” you take a deep breath and push back tears, causing your voice to shake. “Lucerys was just a boy and deserved so much better, and his death shall be avenged, but if any of us do harm to Princess Helaena’s children, they will come for mine and my siblings. It will just turn into a vicious cycle until all the Targaryen children are gone.”
“And what of Princess Aemma? Otto has already made it clear that the usurper wants her back at the king's landing.”
Gritting your teeth, you say, “The Prince consort and I discussed this at length, and it’s been decided that the safest thing for my children is for us to leave. I will be traveling to Winterfell tonight to join my husband, who is still unaware of what’s happened to Lucerys. Once we are sure of our children’s safety, we will return to help fight for our mother's throne.”
“What of the queen’s other children?”
“My mother wishes for my siblings to remain by her side.”
Your grandsire takes over as the conversation turns to battle strategies, and not long after, Daemon joins you by the painted table. He gives you a curt nod, letting you know that part of the plan is done.
Elinda Massey, your mother's most loyal lady in waiting, was a saint; she somehow managed to cut your son's hair and dye it darker with mixed herbs and crushed roots from plants that grew on the island, along with your daughter, while Clara dyed yours. Clara had offered to travel along with you and your children, which you greatly appreciated since you would have felt guilty asking.
“Oh, my girl,” your mother says teary-eyed. “I wish it never came to this. I wish you and my grandchildren didn’t need to leave.”
“This isn’t forever. I will return soon with Jacaerys by my side, and then as soon as you’re sitting upon the iron throne, your grandchildren will return.”
“I’m proud of you, my sweetling.”
Before you can reply, Ser Erryk enters the room and says, “My queen, princess. The boat leaving Dragonstone is ready.”
“Thank you, Ser Erryke; the princess will be down shortly,” your mother says.
He bows his head and leaves.
Clara, Elinda, and yourself manage to carry your sleeping children to the boat while your mother holds Aemma in her arms while holding back tears. “Soon as they are safe, I will return, and I promise we will make things right.” You kiss your mother on the cheek before taking your daughter from her. “I love you, muña.”
“Take care, my girl.”
When the boat leaves Dragonstone, you take one last look at your home, watching it disappear into the distance quickly due to the darkness of the night sky. The last conversation with your stepfather replays in your head.
“It will never work. Firstly, Jace would never allow me to go through with it, and Alicent would see right through my act.” The plan Daemon had proposed was risky, but you understood his reasoning behind it. What concerned you was keeping it a secret; you couldn’t look your mother or husband in the eye and be dishonest.
“She would believe you are a mother doing anything you could to protect your child. As for Prince Jac—”
“He’d never forgive me.”
“Rhaenyra and Jacaerys will be furious with us at first, but trust me, they will in time come to agree that this is the only way.”
Muña - Mother
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asumofwords · 10 months
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Hello my babies, this has certainly been a build up, say 98 chapters long? Thank you all so much for your love, and messages, and support, I really hope you enjoy the way I eventually end SF&A. This was originally two shorter chapters, but I decided to combine them together instead. Bold italics are inner thoughts and flash backs as per usual. I have so much more I want to say but won't because you want to read it, and obviously we will talk after!!! Enjoy <3
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Chapter 98: Hand Turns Loom, Hen Kasta naejot Zōbrie
When your mother had been crowned, you remember the day clearly.
How all the Lords and Ladies around you, knights, Maesters, maids; all those in her presence bent the knee.
All but Rhaenys.
How the sound of their rustling robes, their shifting pommels of armour, or clanking of their swords filled the air around you. 
How your heart had swelled with pride, how deep and pure it had been. How you had felt adoration, devotion, and had no second thought about digging your knee into the ground below, bowing your head to your Queen. 
But now, your knees would not budge, not even if you had wanted them to. 
They did not bend, or creak, or crack.
They locked. 
Refusing to drop down to the stone floor below. Refusing to meet the cold, hard surface, which would no doubt send crawling ice up your knees and body, but not only that, it would be to give in. 
To give up.
To bend the knee to a monster.
And you had endured far too much to do that.
Too far to turn back now.
You would not bend the knee to Aegon, and so there you stood, in the throne room, before the Iron Throne, and the Small Council, refusing to kneel.
Refusing to swear him as your King.
Refusing to back down. 
Gods be good.
Be on my side.
You could feel the heated gaze of your husband, and yet you did not tear your own away from the man before you, who took slow and calculated steps, each one echoing into the sparse hall as his boots thumped against the stones.
You did not try to move, nor would you have had the chance with the guards behind you, their presence coming closer. The warmth of their bodies behind you made the hair on the back of your neck to stand on end.
His violet eyes bore into your own.
His own flesh and blood.
His niece.
Your uncle.
Someone you had grown up beside. Someone who you had played with, and laughed with, and fought with. Someone who had grown into the monster he was today. And so he stalked towards you, and still you did not kneel.
Aegon, watching your refusal, looked to the guards on either side of you, and nodded. 
Dracarys, Lucerys whispered in your mind.
Your knees hit the ground with a resounding crack, pain shooting up the both of them as the guards had grabbed you by each shoulder and forced you to the stone floor. Aemond shifted in your periphery, and you saw Alicent go to him quickly, grabbing his arm to keep him back, and yet you could not take your eyes away from the man who stood before you, hand resting atop the hilt of his sword, Conquerors Crown atop his silver waves. 
This was it.
Today the Stranger comes for me.
Aegon smiled down at you as he watched you come to the realisation. And yet still, you made no move to swear yourself to him. No move to call him King. No move to save yourself. And although you had been forced to your knees before him, you had not bent them of your own accord.
“The punishment for a crime like this is death.” Aegon boomed to the chambers, voice echoing off the stone walls, his steps becoming slower as he came closer towards you, "I could have you hanged on the wall, or send you to the butchers block. Perhaps I could even feed you to Sunfyre.”
“Aegon.” Aemond's voice came from behind, clipped and short, held back by the last threads of his resolve.
You let yourself look at your husband, and saw that he had made his way closer, though Alicent still stood in front of him, hand on his chest as an act of a human barricade between her two sons. 
Holding him back.
“Silence.” Aegon boomed, “Ser Otto, if Aemond speaks again, have him arrested and taken down to the cells where he can stay until the sentence has been served.”
You had thought to look to Aemond with your eyes for help, to beg for him to come to you, but all you had seen was the same man who had left you the last time you were here.
There was no saving you this time.
The Small Council remained silent, not even Otto Hightower seemed to think he could talk reason into the King, and so he stood, eyes looking over the top of you at the opposite side of the throne Aemond was. 
The King hummed, looking down his nose at you as a wide smile cracked across his pink lips, “Or…" He breathed, "You could take your place at my side as my wife.”
Ice ran down your back as you looked at him, your heart beating rapidly in your chest, fingers tingling from the grip the guards had on your shoulders and arms.
It was in that moment, that you knew there was no going back from this.
“Annul your marriage to my brother in the eyes of the Seven, and I shall take you as my second wife.” He purred, the proposition sounding as though it was a benevolent offering, when all those who were present truly knew the more sinister reasoning behind it, “You may atone for your sins and crimes by birthing me heirs, as is your purpose, whilst also upholding the terms of the treaty. An honour given to you which you don’t deserve.”
You jolted forward, grunting, trying to rip the arms of the guards from you so that you could launch yourself forward. Muscles in your arms burning from the struggle.
You were going to die.
And you would not go down without ripping his throat out with your teeth. 
The guards hands tightened further, seams of your gown ripping as you struggled from below. Your eyes flicked momentarily to Aemond again, who looked as though he was fighting a battle of his own, but you knew, deep down you knew, he would do nothing.
As he always had.
And so you kept your eyes on the brother in front of you.
“My Husband-“ You began, venom dripping from your tongue.
“-Is my brother.” Aegon snipped, “And swore himself to me as King. He is bound by duty to the realm, and duty to the Crown. Aemond should be honoured that I would take his wife as my own. You would be wed to a King, not a second son.”
You sneered, trying to throw yourself forward at him, but Aegon did not flinch, and the guards pulled you backwards hastily, knees grazed by the stones below.
“Fuck you.” You hissed, teeth grinding against each other, heat in your cheeks, and blood thumping in your veins.
The King laughed, head thrown back and violet eyes shut before he locked them back onto you. He smiled appreciatively, eyes roaming down your face, to the tight bodice of your dress and the way your skirts clung to your waist, all the way down to your knees on the stone.
“You are ready to serve me, as you are.” Your eldest uncle turned his head to look back at Aemond, “I will make her a good wife, one that can be tamed. One who will obey and follow orders, and all the while the treaty will be held. I am far more capable of tending to her needs, and a marriage to me is far better than death.”
You swirled your tongue in your mouth before spitting upon Aegon’s leather boots, “I will kill myself before I ever let you touch me again. I will throw myself from the window Helaena did rather than have your monster grow inside of me. And then my family will come you. Fire and blood, they will come. And you will die.” 
The pain came before you registered what had happened, the sting spreading across your cheek as your head snapped to the side of the room, eyes trained tearily on the floor.
Alicent was heard in the background, hissing to her younger son, "Stop!"
Your ears rang, and you tasted the coppery tang of blood in your mouth.
You slowly turned your head back to the King, hair having fallen over your face from where it had come loose from your braids. You spat a bloody glob of spit at him again, attempting to aim higher, but the blood merely sprayed towards him and landed at his feet.
His eyes narrowed, and his lips pulled back into a sneer.
“The Princess must have a weapon on hand. Strip her.” Aegon commanded, eyes jerking towards Ser Cole, who shuffled awkwardly on his feet.
Your head snapped towards the knight, “Touch me, and I will kill you. I’ll fucking kill you, Cole.”
Ser Criston Cole, a man sworn to his King, known as King Maker, stood dumbly as he looked to you and then to the man who commanded him. His tan skin was flushed at his neck, a pinkish purple spreading up from beneath the breastplate he wore, and his piercing eyes darting back and forth in decision. 
This was not the first time that Ser Cole had been commanded to act in way that was not in protection of who he was sworn to. 
Once before with Alicent.
And now with her son.
The Dowager Queen made quick steps towards you both, “Aegon.” She growled, leaving her younger son behind as her feet echoed on the stone floor, "Stop this madness."
You desperately tried to wriggle out of the guards grip, hissing and grunting, knees digging painfully into the stones as your dress ripped beneath.
A knight came towards Alicent, hand held outwards towards her in preventing her from coming any further, “The treaty, Aegon. Think of how Rhaenyra will react when she hears about this!”
Aegon snapped his head towards his mother, “Fuck the treaty.” He sneered, looking back at Ser Cole, “I command you to strip this traitor, and reveal the weapon she no doubt hides on her person.”
Ser Cole swayed, his long, white cloak grazing against the cold stone floors as he started to slowly approach you, eyes on you with a look of regret. A look of apprehension.
One of pity. One of guilt. One of disgust.
They were going to strip you.
Before all the eyes of the Council.
“You’re a monster.” You hissed, ripping a hand from one of the guards, reaching out to grasp at the King’s robes who stood in front of you, fingertips grazing his breeches. 
For the first time, Aegon flinched backwards, and the guards rushed forward again, yanking you backwards and holding your arms behind you as you cussed, and cursed at them all, pain rippling through your arms.
“Kostagon se Jaes' ossēnagon jeme! Kostagon pōnta ivestragī nyke urnēbagon jeme zālagon. Kostagon pōnta tepagon nyke se kustikāne naejot gaomagon ziry nykēla. Jaelan naejot urnēbagon se ōños fade hen aōha qogralbar laesi skori gaoman ziry.”
May the Gods kill you all! May they let me watch you all burn. May they give me the strength to do it myself. I want to watch the light fade from your fucking eyes when I do it.
Aegon leant forward, looking down at you as you struggled, voice quieter now, tutting, “I still remember how wet your cunt had been. How much you bled, and cried. How you called out for my brother. For your father. Kepa!" He mocked you, your stomach roiled and rage nipped at you hotly.
"I wish it had been me,” He smiled cruelly, “I wish I had taken your maidenhead, like I should have taken it years ago. I should have fucked a bastard into you before you left the Keep.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you looked at him, lips curling back in disgust.
Baring your teeth back at him, you pulled at the guards grip, “You are nothing but a worthless, drunken, whoring King, who took naught but a moment until you spilled yourself inside of me. You are the most pathetic excuse for a man."
The King's face rippled with anger, brows drawn as his chest began to heave.
Ser Cole stood to the side, uncertain of what to do, unwilling to move again until commanded, Ser Otto watching with a stoney face, the Small Council shifting on their feet, all the while Alicent stood behind, guard preventing her from moving forward. 
The chambers fell still, and Aegon sucked in his cheeks, gathering the spit inside of his mouth, pursing his lips to spit upon you. 
A wet warmth landed upon your cheek.
It had been a warm day in Kings Landing.
The small folk had flocked to the beaches, dipping their toes and their clothes into the cold waves, desperate to cool off.
The Red Keep was no different.
Men and women gathered in the shade, or sat in their chambers, fans in hand, whilst servants served them cool cups of ale and wine.
Aegon, being the eldest, had devised a plan to keep cool that day. You were all to hide amongst the secret passageways, the cold stone walls protecting you all from the heat outside, but being the kids that you were, it would not stop you from playing. 
“Let the girl get the treats.” Aegon smiled, light leaking into the passageway from the room beside it.
“Why do I have to go to the Kitchens?” You argued, annoyance rolling through you.
Aegon looked to your brothers, and then shortly to Aemond, who all stood in front of you in a line, “Because you’re a girl. One day you’ll be someone’s wife and have to fetch things for your husband. I’m giving you practice.” 
Luc and Jace looked at each other, and snickered, though their laughter fell when you gazed at them angrily, “If you want the treats so badly, why don’t you get them. I’m not a maid.” You huffed, folding your arms across your chest. 
Aemond shuffled beside his brother, looking down at the dusty floor, scuffing the tip of his shoe into the surface.
Aegon smirked, “You’d be a pretty maid. Mine are all so dull and plain.”
“I’m not going.”
Aegon looked at the three boys beside him, “All in favour for Y/n going to get us treats?” His hand shot up as he loudly proclaimed ‘Aye.’
Jace and Lucerys followed suit, hands lower and voices even lower, their brown eyes refusing to meet yours. 
All turned to Aemond, who did not speak, and had raised his violet eyes towards you. 
“Come on brother, don’t be a twat.” Aegon chided.
“He’s not a twat, you cunt.” You snipped back.
Aegon laughed, “Come on, niece, play nicely. I’ll even give you a kiss.” Aegon puckered his lips towards you, making kissing noises whilst Jace and Luc scrunched their face in disgust and laughed.
“Leave her alone.” Aemond growled, finally speaking up.
The eldest Prince looked at your two brothers before bursting into laughter, “Sticking up for your love, Aem?”
“Shut up, Aegon.” You snapped.
“Make me.” He grinned, stepping towards you as he pushed you to the ground, you landed on your back with an grunt, staring daggers at Aegon as you jumped up, moving to punch him. 
Your eldest uncle was jolted from the side, falling into the narrow walls of the pathway, a cry falling from his lips. His pale hands scrambling to catch himself as he fell into the stone.
Aemond stood, chest heaving as he watched his brother come to the realisation that he had pushed him.
“You little-“
Aegon jumped at Aemond, grabbing him by the scruff of his collar, jerking the younger boy around. 
Jace and Luc watched on with wide eyes as you raced forward, "Let go of him!” You screamed.
Aegon’s arm cast out to the side and pushed you to the floor again, your head hitting the stone wall behind you. 
You blinked, eyes filling with tears. 
Aegon immediately let go of his brother and looked down at you. A tear rolled down your cheek as the back of your head throbbed, a hand coming to rub against the spot of impact. 
Aemond raced over to you, kneeling down to check your head. 
He turned to his brother, “I’m telling mother.”
Aegon sensing that there was no more fun to be had, spun around and left the secret passage, your brothers following closely behind, casting short glances to you to see if you were okay. 
You sniffed, trying to blink away the tears in the shadows, but Aemond didn’t point them out. He came to sit beside you, back against the bricks, and you let your head drop onto his shoulder. 
“Your brother is such a dick.”
Aemond sighed in agreement.
The floor of the throne room was cold.
Icy even.
Despite the beams of sun that landed colourfully onto the floor, streaming in through the stained glass windows, the stone would never warm. They would stay the same, icy, coldness that they always had been. 
And they were just that, unforgiving.
Laid down beneath a tower of melted and twisted metal, made from an unforgiving King. A throne that lacked a soft edge, a show of compassion or kindness, even to those who were seated upon it.
The Iron Throne, for all intents and purposes, was just that. 
Sharp and cold, made entirely of blades from those who had been conquered, those who had been slain, those who had fallen. And now your family sat atop it. A show of your ancestor, Aegon the First and all of his triumph. All of his power.
All of his mercilessness.
The skin of your cheek felt wet, Lucerys had stopped his whispering, and the world around you was oddly quiet. As though your ears had been stuffed with cotton, the muffled sound of the room around you making it hard to discern what was happening. And yet still, there was this odd feeling that spread around your chest.
Like the stone floors of the Iron Throne chambers, it was cold.
They had always been a brilliant violet colour.
Your families legacy paired with the silver locks. And Aegon’s eyes had always been so telling of his moods, just like his brother. Telling of his thoughts, like a window to his inner workings and mechanisms.
It was always so. 
They would dance when he was mischievous as a child, and as he got older, they would deepen with unspoken grief and paranoia. 
But when Aegon was angry, they would become alight. Seemingly brightened by the flames that would lick him hotly at his cheeks, the colour lightening and eyes having more movement.
It’s how it always was.
And as you looked into Aegon’s eyes, you realised how much they had changed already. 
The rage that had been dancing and swaying behind his eyes not a moment before, was now gone. Like a fire that had been snuffed out, a light that had been trampled upon, a lamp that had been extinguished. And now they looked up at you blankly, as you blinked down at them from below.
The noises around you became louder as you continued to stare.
A woman was screaming.
Why was she screaming?
Guards were crying out, men were cursing, and all you could do, was look at the head on the floor in front of your knees, and the blood that slowly leaked from its neck and mouth, seeping into the material of your skirts. 
You wished she would stop screaming. 
Someone kept saying your name, but you could not tear your eyes from the man below you. His silver waves were tinged with red as the blood spread into his silky strands, his mouth agape, but silent.
Finally silent.
His eyes were what really changed.
They were dull.
Lifeless, and almost grey looking. 
Aegon’s body was slumped beside it, arms and legs bent at unnatural angles, and blood leaking out onto the cold stones below. The thinner sections of blood had already begun to coagulate, the coldness sucking out any warmth from it and seeping into the porous surface beneath. 
Life that spread and was soaked up greedily.
Like so many times before, the stones were fed with the essence of another. 
How many more would face the same fate?
The coldness in your chest melted away, and a warmth spread through it, travelling up your throat, until it left your lips in a breathy laugh. 
And then it kept coming. 
And it did not stop.
You stared at Aegon’s head and laughed. 
It was not something that you could have stopped if you had wanted it to, it did not even feel like you were in your own body, looking down from somewhere else in the room, perhaps even over your own shoulder. But the more you laughed, the louder the woman’s screams became, until someone spoke your name again, but louder. 
You blinked, finally tearing your eyes away from the corpse of your uncle, the man who had raped you. The man who had driven your aunt to death. The man who had usurped the throne from your mother.
The man who had dealt so much cruelty. 
And your eyes were met with, not the dull, lifeless violet that you had once been staring at, but instead a vision of violet and sapphire. 
The Prince stood in front of you, looking down with a hard and stony face, jaw clenched and lips pressed into a line. Like his brother, his eye was the window to his soul, and flickering in the background was rage.
His shoulders were stiff, his body was tensed, and yet a hand was held out, steady towards you, palm up, scar revealed. The other was holding his sword tightly, body in a fighting stance, the blade dripping with thick viscous blood.
The blood of his brother.
Movement was all around you, and the woman still would not stop screaming.
Aemond barked at the room, “Hold!”
And the room fell still again.
All but the woman who screamed, and the men who cursed quietly beneath their breath.
You stared at Aemond's hand, the scar on his palm looking soft and pink, travelling up the length of pale skin. And with your own, you lifted and placed it in his, the strength of his arm pulling you to stand.
You knees popped and stung as you stood, the skin rubbed raw by the stone floors, dress ripped in some places. Guards stood dumbly on the side of the room unsure of what to do, all in shock.
Your husband flicked his blade to the side, blood spraying off of it onto the stones.
More food to feed them.
Aemond sheathed it back into its holder on his hip with one hand, the other holding yours firmly. 
God you wished she would stop screaming. 
Aemond bent down to the corpse of his brother, no regret, or grief on his face, instead a steady blanket of disgust and hatred instead. With his long fingers, he scooped the Conquerors Crown from the stone floor, looking down at it as he turned it slowly in his hand above Aegon.
The metal glinted, and the ruby in its centre glowed when the light shone over of it.
“What have you done?!” The woman screamed again, your head turning to see Alicent being held back by her father and guards, “What have you done?!”
Ser Otto Hightower, stood with nothing but shock in his eyes as he looked between his two grandsons, the one on the floor, and the one standing above him. His arms were wrapped around Alicent’s chest, keeping her pressed against him as she thrashed.
“He was to be our undoing.” Aemond stated bluntly, voice loud within the chambers.
Ser Cole did not move. 
The Small Council did not move. 
And all that could be heard was the screams of a grieving mother.
“Ser Cole.” Aemond gave the man what appeared to be a silent order.
Cole was a man who had been a father figure to him. A man who had trained him in swordsmanship and battle. A man who he had grown beside and watched support his mother.
And Ser Criston Cole obeyed, staying where he was, and all other guards and knights followed. 
Your eyes roamed down his body, to where the white cloak, pinned to the pommels of his armour, soaked the blood of the King on the floor below. It tinged the white a deep red, and bled up the material, as though it had been thirsting for blood this whole time, much like the stones.
Aegon was dead.
And Aemond had killed him.
“What have you done, Aemond?! Your brother! The King!” Alicent cried, voice distressed as she screamed at her only surviving child.
Aemond ignored his mother, turning to you, a singular word falling from his lips.
The throne room was filled with your footfall as Aemond led you towards the Iron throne, Alicent’s cries which had turned to soft sobs, and the whispers of the Small Council.
No-one brave enough to speak up, or out against the Prince.
Aemond walked up the throne steps, as though he was born for it, as though he had practised each step with perfection. Each step taken was with purpose, as though he knew it was his true duty and right.
And you followed after, hand still in his, mind still in a daze.
You stared at the Iron Throne as he turned softly to sit himself upon it. 
He looked comfortable.
At home.
Perfectly fitted for it, as though he was made for it. 
With a look of determination, he handed you the crown, the heavy metal resting in both of your hands as you look down at it.
Alicent cried louder.
The room was still.
You locked eyes with Aemond’s violet and sapphire gaze.
And lifted the crown to place it atop his head.
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
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sleeplessdreamer123 · 2 years
Fanfic idea! Blind and Sick Lucerys (Lucemond)
Rhaenyra gets poisoned while heavily pregnant with Lucerys, causing an early birth and a blind baby to be born. The maesters told her that he would never be able to see in his lifetime, and that he would never fully heal from the poison, forever needing medicine to live in a dying body. This makes Rhaenyra incredibly protective of him, never letting him leave her side, and once he got a little older, she rarely let's him leave his room without a maester and two trusted kingsguards following his every move.
Jace is protective of him as well, and tries his best to make Lucerys happy, but often leaves him alone in favor of playing with Aegon. Aemond didn't really enjoy being around Aegon and Jace, they often made him the butt of their jokes, a Targaryen without a dragon, so he simply walks around, and stumbles on a lonely Lucerys, who was allowed to leave his room to bask under the sun, petting a small dragon that croons under his hands.
Aemond feels jealous when he saw that a blind, sickly child that looked nothing like a true Targaryen got to have a dragon while his never hatched. He feels even more annoyed when he realized that this child wouldn't even be able to ride said dragon without dying of a cold or a heart attack. What's the use of being able to hatch a dragon if you won't even be able to fly?
Then his thoughts got even darker. After all, he heard the whispers of the maesters whenever they leave the child's room. How weak he was, how he might not survive the next winter, how another cold might end his life. If little Luke was to die soon, wouldn't his dragon be free to take? The dragon was still young, wouldn't it be easier to bond with it once his first person dies?
So young Aemond plots, he began to get closer to little Lucerys, sometimes he plays games that didn't require much movement, sometimes he tells him stories of Old Valyria, often he tries to play with the dragon when Lucerys needed to rest. Little Lucerys enjoys his company, a fresh change to his otherwise monotone life. Rhaenyra allows this to continue, though still wary, her son seems happier, and that's what matters to her. Aemond tries to connect with Lucerys' dragon Arrax, and though wary at first, soon said dragon was used to his presence, though, of course, Lucerys was still his person, and would mostly ignore him in favor of his blind person. That was fine. Arrax will be Aemond's soon. He can wait.
Except Lucerys doesn't die that winter. Or the next one. Or the next one after that. Sure, there were times where Aemond wasn't allowed in his room because Lucerys caught a cold deadly only to Lucerys, and there was a time Lucerys started coughing up blood, much to the horror of Aemond's half-sister, but other than that, he still lives and breathes, as if determined to spite the expectations of many.
Slowly, Aemond loses hope of ever having Arrax as a dragon, and strangely enough, the thought of losing his chance of gaining a dragon doesn't sting as much as it had before. He still goes to Lucerys, little Lucy, he would sometimes call him, just for Lucerys to whine at how girly that nickname was. He still calls him that, of course.
Soon the thought of Lucerys dying worries him rather than delights him, the fear of his death overshadowing his want of a dragon. Soon, the mere thought of Lucerys being taken by the Stranger scares him enough to almost always stay by his side, even when he rests, he just stares at Lucerys' rising and falling chest, assuring himself that the little boy still lives.
He still wants a dragon, of course he does, but the thought of losing Lucerys to get one felt wrong. He suppose he can claim a different dragon. Let the blind sickly Lucy keep Arrax, Aemond has Lucerys, after all.
I'm not much of a good writer, but I do have a ton of ideas, this being one of them. You can see this as an extremely long writing prompt, if anyone happens to want to write a fanfic with this premise, please tell me!
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