#hoping for a healthy middle ground
xx-vergil-xx · 2 years
hi i still come back to chapter 15 of hounds every once in a while just to feel something and the feeling is being clinically insane over dream’s absolute wrecking guilt 🥲 thank you keep writing and i’m dreading the upcoming chapters but bet i will read them all …
aghh thank you so much!!! <3 there is no greater honor as an author than to know that something I wrote is a thing to which you return <3 if even to experience lunacy and/or pain (actually that it caused Agony yeah that's also extremely high praise thank you)
I can promise an ending that is not downright tragic –– I love these boys too much to make em suffer all the way they deserve peace and joy as much as the next immortal couple <3
I am writing away! wanted to have ch 32 up tn but I don't think that is gonna b happening unfortunately (sorting out some translation things. maybe went a little too hard. but I'll let y'all be the judge of that), so posting New And Temporarily Painful Content probably tomorrow night <3
thanks for ur kind words and thanks for the ask in general, I love talking to y'all!!! <3 <3 <3
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notafunkiller · 9 months
tying you to me
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Summary: When your boss, Bucky, apologizes for being rude to you once again, things take an unexpected turn.
Pairing: boss!Bucky Barnes x marketing director!female reader
Warnings: 18+, teasing, dirty talk, pet names, sir kìnk, breasts insecurity, protected séx, bøndage, a little degrading, praising kìnk, language, implied aftercare, no mention of y/n
Word Count: 5.2K
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: I really hope you'll enjoy it!
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
He’s well aware he went too far. He noticed right when he finished talking and took a look at you, but what is said is said. And the last thing he wants is Steve annoying him about the meeting.
“I don’t question the way you deal with employees, do I?” Bucky snaps, tired and really wanting this day to be over.
“What has gotten into you? What bothers you so much about her? I just don’t get it.”
Bucky sighs deeply, rubbing his hand across his face in frustration. “It’s not just one thing,” he mutters, his tone weighed down by a mix of tiredness and anger. “It’s a culmination... She’s fucking impossible.”
“Bucky, I get you’re upset, but taking it out on her isn’t fair. She did an incredible job, but you didn’t even listen to her. What’s really going on here?”
“I feel like she’s not seeing the bigger picture. We disagree constantly, and it’s making things difficult. Maybe I overreacted, but it’s been building up for a while.” Bucky leans in as he speaks, with his shoulders slightly hunched forward. His voice carries an edge that Steve notices immediately. He knows there is something about you that affects Bucky, but he can’t quite put the finger on it. Ever since he hired you, Bucky’s been angry with him too, which has happened only two or three times over twenty years of friendship.
“I can see this is really affecting you, Buck. If there’s something personal or if my decision to bring her on board has caused you any discomfort, talk to me. I just wanna make sure everything’s okay between us.”
He leans back a bit, surprised. “Personal? No, it’s not… it’s not about that,” he stammers, searching for the right words. There’s a subtle shake of his head, almost as if he’s trying to dismiss his own thoughts. He wishes there was a personal connection so badly that it messes with his head…
“Then what is it? I didn’t mean to jump to conclusions. I know you hate when things are not under your control, but I made the right call to hire her. And you were really unfair to her, look,” Steve waves around as he speaks, and Bucky turns to look at you through the glass door. You’re still there… working. “She’s not just smart and creative, but also ambitious and hard working. I know how much you value this as well.”
“I didn’t mean to come off unfairly. It’s just…” Bucky sighs, moving to shift his gaze back to Steve. “Our ways clash, and it’s hard to manage it. I value her skills, but finding a middle ground seems impossible sometimes.”
“Look, Buck, I understand it’s tough, but it’s important to listen to her ideas too,” Steve responds, his voice carrying a firm yet empathetic tone. “Today? You didn’t even look over the outlines. Try giving her ideas a chance or just suggest new things without trashing all of her work. You’d be offended too.” He pauses, and Bucky’s focus is back on you. His eyes narrow slightly, studying your determined expression as you delve into whatever you are working on that he dismissed today. And for a few seconds a pang of guilt flickers across Bucky’s expression, which Steve immediately catches. He clears his throat and continues. “I understand it’s not easy to step back and apologize, but it’s not about who’s right or wrong. And, to be honest, you were wrong anyway. It’s about ensuring a healthy workplace.”
“I appreciate your perspective, Steve,” he begins with a calm voice. “But I don’t think it would make a difference.” His gaze briefly flickers towards you before returning to Steve.
“Trust me, it’ll make a difference, not just for her but also for the team. Give it a shot.” Steve smiles, patting him on the chest before standing up. “I’ll leave you to it. It’s so late.”
“Alright, lovebird, off to your nest?” Bucky teases. “Natasha’s waiting for her captain. Better not keep her waiting too long.”
Steve chuckles. “Well, someone’s got to keep the romance alive around here. Good night.”
The audacity of this man is unbelievable. After all that shit he pulled on you today, he has the nerve to order your food! He’s the reason why you’re still working at eight pm instead of lying on your couch.
You are so close to crying out of exhaustion and anger, but you won’t give him this satisfaction. And you won’t eat his food.
“Are you seriously gonna starve yourself?”
“I’m not hungry,” you retort, your voice sharper than intended as you give him an annoyed look.
Bucky’s expression softens instantly, a hint of concern flickering across his face. “Come on, you’ve been working the whole day” he insists, trying to reason with you. “You need to eat something. Did you even drink water?”
You shake your head weakly.
“Look, I-”
“If you don’t like Pizza, I can grab you something else.”
You raise your hand, waving around. “I appreciate it, but I’m fine. I’ll eat something when I get home.”
The idea of accepting anything from him like this feels wrong. You don’t want his pity.
“Stubborn as ever,” he sighs, muttering under his breath, and you look up to meet his gaze. For a moment, there’s a silent understanding between you, an unspoken acknowledgment of the tension lingering from earlier.
What did Steve tell him to make him actually try to have a decent conversation?
“Look, sir,” you say through your teeth. “I don’t want your pity. I appreciate your concern, but I’ll manage. I just need to finish this.”
“This isn’t about pity.” His tone is firm. “You’re exhausted, and I’m just trying to help.”
“I said I’m fine. I’ll be done with these.” You lift your papers to emphasize. “And get home.”
“You’re not fine!” he shoots, surprising you. “And you’re too stubborn to see it!”
You’ve never seen him screaming before. Even when he is angry, he’s always the silent type.
“Don’t you dare!” you fire back all of a sudden, unable to hold back. If you’ll get fired, at least you should speak your mind properly. You can’t take more of this. He can’t step on you without consequences. “You are the reason why I am here anyway. Don’t play the concerned hero, just take your food and eat it...” You pause for a second before sarcastically adding. “Sir.”
“This isn’t just about the food, is it?” Bucky’s voice softens slightly despite his impulse to raise his voice again. “It’s about the meeting.” You keep looking him in the eyes, not denying the obvious. Of course it’s about the meeting. “Look, I am sorry, I know I should have handled things differently, but I’m trying to make it right.”
“You think a wannabe apology and food make everything okay?” You ask bitterly, standing up. “You humiliated me, Mr. Barnes. You didn’t even hear me out, you didn’t even listen to my ideas, what the team and I managed to do in the last few months. You disrespected them too! And I don’t get it...” You hate how tall he is. How perfectly his suit is ironed. How nice his hair is. Fuck him! “Ever since Steve hired me, you refused to communicate with me. It’s like you have decided who I am and what I’m worth without even giving me a chance, without acknowledging my efforts and results!”
“That’s not true,” he begins, trying to defend himself even though you both know you are right. “I made a mistake, I admit it, but I want to fix it.”
“A mistake?” You laugh humorlessly. “For months you’ve been treating me like shit, excuse my language.” You shake your head. “Actually I don’t. You should be the one apologizing! You look at me as if I am a scum, as if my presence bothers you. I come to you only when I have to, and you act as if I want to waste your time. Well, I wasted mine for months in this company. With you!”
Bucky snaps, feeling the frustration taking over him. “My decisions are based on what’s best for the company. It’s nothing pers-”
“That’s just a bullshit excuse to maintain the status quo!” you interrupt him, the tension escalating. You don’t care about this job anymore. Whatever will happen, let it happen. “You’re a stuck-up asshole, resistant to change and blind to new perspectives! My perspectives only, to be clear.” You see him clenching his jaw before his left hand covers his jaw. Oh, he’s angry. Good! “And it’s not even out of misogyny since you get along just fine with Shuri. So what is it? What is it, Mr. Barnes, that makes you hate me?”
“It’s not about you,” he insists, his voice strained with the effort to keep calm. “It’s about maintaining stability. It’s about-”
“Bullshit! You’re threatened by anything that challenges your authority! You’re just frustrated and insecure. You’re scared that someone else can do better things in their own way. You’re just a tyrant! I don’t know how Steve is friends with you. He’s such a great man, and you’re a dick.” You laugh. “God, I wanted to tell you this for so long. And if it’s not clear, I fucking quit!”
You’d smile widely if it wasn’t for his snort.
“You’re not quitting,” Bucky’s voice is low, but you still hear it.
He doesn’t believe you, clearly. But he will because you’re not joking or backing off. You can’t take another humiliation session, especially when you did nothing to deserve it. As much as you admire Bucky’s intelligence and company policies, he’s a fucking douchebag. To you.
“Watch me,” you retort instantly. Your heart starts racing as he takes another step toward you. He’s so close that you only need to get on your tiptoes to kiss him.
“No, you’re not quitting. And you’re not walking out that door until we settle this.”
“Settle what, Barnes? Your ego?” You try to maintain your composure, but the closeness makes it hard for you to focus.
He sighs, and your eyes find his lips again. They are pink and wet from his tongue. If only he was less of an asshole and not your boss, maybe you would...
“This isn’t just about me and my authority.”
“Then what is it?” You're confused.
“It’s about you challenging everything I’ve built here,” he admits, looking straight into your eyes.
“And you can’t handle that?” Your voice is filled with sarcasm, but for once he doesn’t focus on that.
“It’s not that simple.”
“Then make it simple, Mr. Barnes.”
“I... I don’t know how to do this.”
“Do what?”
“Deal with this... with you.”
“Deal with me?” You puff. “You’re insufferable, I am the one who has to deal with you and your constant checkups. With your: that’s not good enough, that needs to be changed, do this, do that over and over again.” You mimic his patronizing tone. “You don’t give me real suggestions-”
“I just... struggle with change.”
“And I’m the change you can’t handle?” The question hangs heavy between you, and his eyes drop to your lips this time.
“You challenge me,” he admits, his voice barely above the whisper. “You and your crazy ambition, your undying dedication, and your incredible ideas...” He pauses just to take a deep breath. “I feel like I’m suffocating every time I look at you.”
“Suffocating?” You roll your eyes. “How am I suffocating you? Just because I have an opinion and give you arguments-”
“I am fucking attracted to you, woman!”
You shake your head. He cannot just pull this lie and expect you to fall for it as if you are dumb. “Yeah, sure. Can you be a man for once and fucking take responsibility for your real thoughts and feelings? Just admit that you hate me!”
“Jesus Christ, are you that blind? For a woman so perceptive, you surely don’t see what’s right in front of you.”
You feel the anger take over your whole body. “Fuck you!”
“I wish! This is the whole point, the whole fucking point...”
“You want to fuck me for real?” You gasp, surprised and take a step back so you can look at him properly. He doesn’t seem to be joking.
“Deadly serious. And no matter how many times I tried to push this desire away, it just doesn’t work. You suffocate me. I imagine taking you all over my desk and couch. I imagine so many things, and I cannot focus.”
Before you can stop yourself, you slap him on the face lightly. Your palm is itching and gets red instantly, but you don’t care. As much as the info makes you happy, the context makes you super angry.
“So my team and I had to be humiliated just because you’re mad you want to get laid?”
“W-what? No!”
“No. I deserved that,” he says referring to the slap. “But I meant what I said earlier. These are separate things.”
You cover your face with both your hands, not knowing what to say. What can you say? What should you think?
“I am sorry,” he sighs, and you hear him slowly walking away from you. “I should have said nothing. I am sorry. Please, don’t quit. You won’t have to work with me or even see me after this. Steve can take over, and you like him. I apologize not only for this, but also for my lack of… skills. I should have been more open to your ideas. And about tonight, I will wait for the HR email. I am sorry once again.”
Your head is spinning with all the things he’s just said. He wants you, but he’s also a bitch who cannot handle other opinions.
But you also want him. And you’ve wanted him despite how annoying he was. And he’s genuinely apologizing.
“Fuck it,” you whisper before going straight to him, pulling him by his tie toward you to kiss him.
He doesn’t hesitate at all, bringing his hands to your ass so you can feel each other better as he deepens the kiss instantly.
You shamelessly try to thrust your hips up a little as you let go of his tie, and his tongue feels like heaven in your mouth. His moan is low and hot, but you don’t let him breathe more than a second before you kiss him again, making sure to grab his hair and pull with force.
“Fuck me, Barnes. Fuck me right fucking now.”
He groans in your mouth once again, and you shiver.
“Jesus Christ, I’m gonna fuck you so well you won’t remember or think about anything else but my cock for days.” You instantly drop your hands so you can reach for his pants. Unbuckling them isn’t hard, but the zipper gets a little stuck, so Bucky has to finish the job for you.
“God, James,” you moan at the sight. “You’re leaking.”
He’s not embarrassed by this at all. On the opposite, he grabs his briefs too and pulls them down, letting them fall along with his pants.
You’re staring, but you can’t help it. His cock is so hard, and it even twitches as he grabs it to show it to you. It’s so thick.
“For you. This is all for you.”
Without waiting for a response, he suddenly grabs your shirt by the front placket and rips it in two. The buttons fly everywhere, one almost hits him in the face, but you don’t care. You’ve never been more turned on in your life. He’s so hot!
“Oh god, James,” you whisper, unclasping your bra before he can destroy it. It’s your best one, and you still need it.
“Yes,” he groans at the sight of your breasts, but you cannot ignore the wave of self-doubt that takes over you. They’re a little bigger than they should be for your height, so the sight is not the prettiest, in your opinion. This has always been an insecurity of yours, and even more after your last boyfriend made sure to emphasize this before you broke up. But Bucky seems fascinated. With his eyes glued to them and his mouth semi-open, he leans in, bringing his hands to both of your breasts before cupping them. You get goosebumps as he folds them eagerly, and you hear him groan when they spill over as soon as  he tries to pull them together.
But it’s like he can’t hear you, too engrossed in watching your nipples hardening even more, and before you tell him what you wanted to, you feel his wet mouth sucking in one of your nipples.
You’re taken aback, so he uses his gloved hand to make you stop moving by placing it on your waist firmly.
He’s suckling at this point, making low whimpers as he’s looking at you.
You swear you never saw a more beautiful man in your whole life. His blue eyes are hypnotic.
“F-fuck,” you curse, bringing your fingers to his hair. You need to grab something before you fall.
He switches to the other nipple, and you feel yourself throbbing. You need his cock so much. You need his mouth... you need him to make you come. And you want to do the same to him. He’s driving you crazy.
“F-fuck me! RIGHT NOW.” You’re screaming, but he’s not surprised, rather amused as he takes his mouth off your breasts with a pop.
“Easy there, you sound quite desperate,” he giggles as if he’s just made the funniest joke ever. You are desperate.
“Fuck me or I’ll finish myself off, and you won’t be able to touch me as I do. Your choice.”
You know he doesn’t like or do ultimata, but you have no alternative. You crave to be taken on his desk as hard as he can go.
“How can I fuck you if you still have your pants on?” He asks you extremely calmly, and you’re shocked. You expected a more... intense reaction. “Earth to you?” He waves his hand when he sees you zoning out.
“You didn’t take them off.”
“I don’t take your clothes off, love.” He smirks. “I rip them, so if you want them intact, you better do it yourself.”
You nod, enjoying how raspy his voice is, and take them off without looking away from his cock. Not that he could stop staring at your breasts. His eyes are glued to your nipples. Your underwear falls, and only when you step out of the pool of clothes and finally free your legs from the high heels, he brings his hand to your pussy.
“Oh God, look at this… drenched!”
You moan, moving a little into his palm as if you’re trying to ride it. You need him so badly.
“I know.” He smiles, spreading your lips more. “I know. So needy, my poor baby needs her cock so she can relax.”
You whimper loudly as you close your eyes. “Take me, sir. Make me your little fuck toy. Take out your frustrations. You can... you can show me how I was wrong for quitting by fucking me until I feel your cock every time I walk. I need to,” you moan again as you keep grinding onto his hand. “Come on! Show me!”
Bucky’s eyes get so grey as he suddenly pulls his hand away, making you whine. You’re about to curse him, but what he does makes you stop. He starts to take off his tie quickly, and you smile.
“Good boy.”
That remark makes his snort, and he cryptically replies:
“Ah, ah, we’ll see about that later.”
“Take off that shirt faster, and your glove, too.”
That surprises him, his eyes immediately widening, so you decide to do it yourself since he’s not fast enough.
He freezes as soon as you pull off his glove, revealing a black with golden accents  prosthetic hand.
“This is so fucking pretty, oh my God! Why do you keep this hidden?” You turn his hand around, and you gasp, realizing what you’ve just said. “I am sorry if I seem insensitive, it’s just that...”
Bucky snorts, amused, not hurt, which makes you feel like you can breathe again. The last thing you wanted was to bother him.
“You got a kink for my arm now?”
“You talk too much,” you murmur at the same time you start to unbutton his shirt as quickly as you can. Your hands are trembling.
When he’s finally naked, you let out a whimper, instantly reaching to touch his chest with both of your hands.
“You shave,” you say, surprised.
“Come on, love.” He smiles. “Touch my arm while you still can.”
You don’t question what he means by that, not wanting to worry too much. You expected this to be a one-time thing anyway, so you better enjoy every second of it. The arm is seamlessly integrated into his shoulder, and it's colder than the rest of his skin.
You trace a gold pattern all the way from his shoulder to his hand.
“I have a kink now,” you giggle when you see the sides of his neck getting pink.
“Well, I hope you have this kink, too, because…” He doesn’t finish his sentence. Instead, he reaches for the tie he had on today and smiles. “Turn around and put your hands behind your back.”
“Hands behind your back.”
“You want to tie my hands?” You ask, taken aback by his demand.
“Did you try it before? Do you hate it?”
No, you didn’t try, but it doesn’t sound bad, surprisingly.
You usually hate not being in control, but it’s Bucky, and as annoying as he might be as your boss, you trust him. Plus, you quit after all, you should enjoy this as much as possible. The thought of him tying you up is really sexy for some reason, so you simply turn around and bring your hands together above your ass.
He doesn’t hesitate and quickly makes a knot.
“Too tight?”
“No,” you whisper. It’s not tight at all.
“You can tell me to stop any time, okay?” He wraps his hands around your waist and turns you toward him. “I’ll stop immediately.”
You nod, trying to get used to not being able to raise your hands.
“Words, please.”
“Yes, James.”
“Good girl.”
You’d lie if you said it doesn’t turn you on like crazy. You’ve been indirectly fighting with him for so long without getting any kind of approval or praise for your work. He made you angry and stressed more times than you could count, but you still respected him. You wanted his approval and you craved him...
You got yourself off thinking about him, you imagined choking him out of anger, but then it turning into a completely different thing. And it feels surreal this is actually happening, and he finally calls you a good girl.
“Are you clean? Anything-”
“I always used a condom, and I do checkups every six months. I assume the same about you.”
You nod, not bothering to tell him you don’t remember the last time you had sex, all thanks to him and his impossible to please ass.
“Do you have a condom?” You ask, moving closer to him again.
“In the car,” he curses, but before you can tell him that you can try without one since you are on the pill, he speaks again. “Wait!”
You giggle as you watch him run out of the office with his ass wiggling. No way he goes to his car naked, right?
You jump on top of his desk, pushing a few docs on the floor with your knee. It’s quite difficult because your hands are tied, but you don’t mind. You wait excitedly for his return just to tease him, but you’re speechless as soon as you see him unwrapping the condom package with his teeth before he quickly rolls it on.
“Won’t the neighbor mind?”
“What he doesn’t know,” he grabs your legs as he speaks. “Won’t hurt him. You’re not gonna run your mouth now, are you?” There is something about his patronizing tone that makes you hornier. Maybe because you know you’ve been on his mind so much he couldn’t focus on anything else.
“Why? You want to keep my mouth occupied with your cock?”
You don’t expect to be turned around on the table instead, with your ass in the air. Holy fuck!
“How about I keep this pretty wet pussy of yours occupied, hmm?”
You close your eyes when you feel his cock at your entrance before he finally pushes in.
He’s crazy, he must be crazy if he thinks you can take all of his cock like this.
“B-Bucky!” You arch your back without realizing, fighting against the material of his tie so you can get free. The impulse to touch his back is absolutely overwhelming, and the coldness of his left hand drives you crazy.
“What happened?” His other hand goes up until it’s in your hair. “You got nothing else to say? Are you already cock drunk?”
“More!” you whimper. “I can take more of you, please.”
“Ah? So greedy for my cock.”
“Need it deeper, James. Need you to move faster.”
You don’t care how desperate your voice is or if you’re pathetic. “I just wanna be stretched open until I cry. P-please.”
You don’t realize he is holding his breath until you hear him exhaling loudly against your back before kissing the same spot.
“You wanna be fucked like you’re my good little toy, baby? You want-”
He stops speaking when you moan, trying to move your hands so you can touch him and push him deeper inside you by grabbing his ass.
That hot ass…
“Want you, sir. Please, make me a mess.”
And he does. He fucks you harder, making your eyes roll back, and you can’t help but try again to touch him.
“Just like that,” you cry out when your face hits the desk more forcefully than before. You can sense Bucky’s hesitation so you shake your head. “I’m fine, I’m... k-keep going.”
He doesn’t stop, he even goes faster yet somehow deeper than before, a combination you’re not used to, that makes you feel like he’s splitting you in half. Neither of you can properly talk anymore. You can hear him cursing and saying your name along with: your pussy’s drowning me, so wet, think you can t-take it harder, but there is a long break after every word so he can thrust back inside you. You can’t even call him James, your voice is so hoarse, and he’s so deep you cannot even breathe.
You don’t need anything more the second he pulls your hair harder than you’d ever expect. Before you know what’s happening, the pleasure explodes inside you, making you scream. You don’t even realize that’s your voice at first, too focused on trying to prolong this feeling as you push your ass back frustrated you cannot grab his thighs, while he keeps thrusting inside you. His balls hit your clit, and you moan, a little sensitive.
“Sir, please, c-come,” you whisper, turning your head to the side on the desk. “Come for your little fuck toy. U-use me.”
You flinch, shocked, when you feel a light slap on your ass all of a sudden, but it doesn’t hurt at all. Quite the opposite. You don’t have time to say something about it, though, because Bucky’s already burying himself inside you again as deep as he can, and you moan at the same time he does.
He pulls your hair even harder while he comes, groaning your name and a low fuck, that almost makes you giggle.
“Jesus...” It’s the only warning you get before you feel his chest on your back.
“Barnes, you’re heavy!”
His laugh is adorable, but he’s indeed heavy, plus you also have your hands tied. When he finally moves, you hop off the desk, almost falling since your knees are weak. Now you can feel your thighs aching too. But it was all worth it.
Quickly, Bucky unties you, without saying a word, which only makes you more nervous.
“Thanks,” you whisper as you turn around to face him. Then, you watch him take off the condom and place it on top of one of the papers you knocked over with your knee earlier.
After wiping his hands on his thighs, he grabs your wrists gently, making you almost moan at the feel of his cold hand. You’re not hurt, but they’re quite red, probably from the times you tried to get free.
“Gonna buy some cream.”
You shake your head. “No need, I am sure I have something for this.” You try to sound as casual as you can, not wanting to be clingy in his eyes even after you quit. Even after this. “Can you hand me my underwear and pants, please?”
Bucky freezes for a second, but he still gives them to you. “Are you back to hating me?”
“What?” You ask as you start to get dressed. You don’t have the blouse, but your coat is warm. You won’t freeze.
“Why are you so cold now? Did I hurt you? Did I do anything wrong?” His concerned voice and look surprise you. You know he is nice, but you didn’t expect him to be attentive after.
“No, you didn’t. I assumed this is,” you wave around when you finish zipping up your pants. “Just wham, bam, thank you ma’am.”
He doesn’t laugh.
“I told you, you’ve been on my mind for so long. Why would I... and even if it was just a one-time thing, why would I treat you like trash? Especially since we work together.”
“Worked,” you correct him before he hands you his shirt. You raise your eyebrow surprised.
“I’m not gonna help you get dressed, Barnes. You’re a big boy.”
“Put it on, it’s freezing.”
“I have my coat,” you protest, but he won’t take no for an answer, and you know it.
He helps you with it since your hands are, for some reason, still shaking. “Look, I was gonna invite you over to my place, but if I make you feel uncomfortable, or if you don’t want to see me...”
You can’t help but raise your eyebrows.
“We have some things to discuss, and I have a bath to run for you.”
You roll your eyes, fighting the urge to smile as he finishes buttoning the shirt. “You want me to sign a contract to fuck you again?”
“Ha, ha. No.” He leans in a bit to kiss your forehead. “We have many things to talk about that don’t involve a contract.”
���Yeah? Like what?” You start to collect the documents from the floor. “The process of writing my resignation letter?”
You hear Bucky puff behind you. “You’re not quitting.”
“No?” You bite your lip as you look at him. “Who’s gonna stop me?”
“Hmm,” you whisper playfully before placing his papers on the desk. “How?”
“Let’s get home and we’ll see about that.”
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poppy-s-rampage · 29 days
Once a Hero.
Danny Phantom fought with the knowledge that at any given time he could be stricken dead. With the knowledge that his own parents, the people who brought him into this world, could be the ones to take him out permanently. The Job was already half done after all.
But no matter what, no matter his adversaries, Danny held strong. Despite the constant threat of the GIW and his parents, despites his rogues’ shenanigans and Vlad’s scheming, despite the citizen’s ungratefulness, he held his ground. Always staying true to his beliefs.
Yes, he made mistakes ,terrible ones. Yes, he has done things he would forever be ashamed of. But he never let others take responsibility for his actions. The very proof being his existence as Phantom.
There is no denying it, Danny Phantom/Fenton is a hero.
An existence to whom every victory comes hand to hand with tragedy.
An existence favored by fate.
And fate is known to be a cruel mistress.
He should have known something was up. It was too good to be true. He should have trusted his instinct. But he ignored it, choosing hope instead of the very thing that kept him alive all these years. All it took was one mistake for everything to domino into a nuclear warhead that quite literally took his everything.
And now, there he is on all four in the middle of a crater of what once was Amity Park and its surroundings. His ears ringing only able to hear the sounds of his own screams.
The once menace, once protector of a city too soon departed wailed in agony. Clutching at his wounds with a strength that reopened his sloppily made stitches. His devastated wails, only interrupted by his sobbed breath and hiccups. His throat was ripped to shreds, tainted ectoplasm pooling into his mouth and lungs while some got projected out with each wail.
Rivers of tears cascaded down his face burning his already bloodshot eyes. His unstable form glitching from ghost to human to something in between.
His once healthy balanced core was now struggling to remain whole. Cracks appearing all over, life and death fighting to preserve their precious Halfa’s existence. Danny felt his body and core beginning to give out. His consciousness finally fading. His body slowly being engulfed into the cold familiar embrace of death.
He fell on his back. His wails dying to choked wet sobs and coughs. Through his tears, Danny could only vaguely see the smoke covered nightsky. Ash falling slowly around him like snowflakes.
He could feel the cold creeping up his limbs then gripping his chest. His already dying heart being embraced by a type of cold even his core couldn’t dream to reproduce. Phantom finally fell silent, his unseeing eyes staring at the starless sky above.
Danny in his last few coherent thoughts felt the pain of his core shattering and reforming itself. It felt like his entire being was set on fire before being melded back together. He felt familiar arms cradling him close to their unbeating heart. The familiar ticking of a clock luring him into a dreamless rest.
Chapter 1!
Author notes:
My brain vomiting this at 3 am. I am sorry for any catastrophic grammar and english, that would be my brain short circuiting from lack of sleep. I intend to hopefully continue this story wherever it may go. You’re welcome to suggest anything or add yourself something to it.
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g-hughes · 4 months
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Small Fry - L. Hughes
hockey masterlist || g's graduation celebration
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synopsis: it's the middle of the night and you can't sleep, the only thing that can soothe it, is a late night run for chicken nuggets
word count: 709
warnings: pregnancy, cravings, fluff
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It was almost 2AM, and you were wide awake, staring at the ceiling. The windows were open, letting in the soft breeze that was rolling off the lake. Surprisingly, all the boys in the house had gone to bed somewhat early, tired and exhausted after a full day of boating and wake surfing. You had called it a night around 10PM, fully preparing to sleep like the dead after having a long day, however, the growing child in your stomach had other plans. 
You couldn’t sleep, your back ached and you were starving. You were at the point in your pregnancy where no matter what you did, your body ached and no matter how much you ate, you were still hungry. Whoever told you that the last trimester was full of bliss and wonder had lied to you. You had already ventured down stairs once to see if there was anything in the house that would satisfy your cravings, and you were sadly disappointed that amongst the very full fridge and pantry, not a single thing would suffice. 
You considered waking Luke, but you were hoping that the baby in your belly would stop kicking and you would just go back to sleep. He hadn’t moved a single inch despite your huffing, puffing and moving. But the curl haired boy next to you remained sprawled out, his lips parted as soft snores left his mouth. He looked peaceful with the slightest bit of a sunburn across his cheeks. 
You hated how he could just sleep so peacefully while you were being used as a personal punching bag. 
You huffed again, adjusting and sitting up higher in bed, crossing your arms over your growing belly. 
Luke must’ve sensed your unease, as he rolled over, slinging his arm over your belly, “Sleep,” he mumbled. 
"Can't," You sighed, and ran your hands through his curls.
"What's wrong?" Luke was now waking up, and looked up at you with his big blue eyes, "Baby okay?"
"No. I'm hungry, and fat," You said, and Luke sat up, looking at you, "I want nuggets."
"How did I guess," He smiled, and leaned up to kiss you. He pushed back the covers, and rolled out of bed. His pajama pants were slung low on his hips, and he grabbed a sweatshirt from the ground. He walked over to you, helping you out of bed and pulled you up, "Come on, mama. Let's go find you nuggets."
You were thankful that the McDonalds by the lake house was open 24-hours, and so was Luke. Mood swings hadn't been easy on you or him, and he was worried that if he got there and they were closed, it could be a long ride back home. Luke ended up ordering himself something too, and drove back to the lake house. He grabbed the bag of food as you waddled your way down to the dock, the moon high in the sky lighting the way.
The warm Michigan air felt good, as you happily ate away at your nuggets. You and Luke talked about names again, throwing around both girls and boys names since you had decided against knowing the gender.
"Luke," You asked your boyfriend, and he looked at you, "Can I have your fries? Don’t judge me, the baby’s hungry."
"The baby, huh?" Luke smirked, and handed you his fries, "What about. . . Arthur for a boy?"
"Like that bald rabbit from the kids show?"
"Okay guess that's a no. . . Thomas?"
"I like Thomas. For a girl, I still like Eleanor."
Luke smiled softly to himself, he liked the name too. In the back of his mind, he always wanted to name his child after his parents. They had given him everything, they had taught him the game of hockey, drove him all over for the sport and stood by his side during the good times and bad. His only fear was not being half the parent that they were. But as you told him over and over, as long as their child was happy, healthy and taken care of, they were doing their job correctly. 
And a couple months later when their baby girl, Luke knew right away that there was no better name than Caroline Eleanor Hughes.
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note: hi, yes, welcome to my hockey blog :) requests are open! and I hope to have a masterlist outline posted soon!
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flowerwrites06 · 11 months
forest bride — myg
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FOREST BRIDE | Min Yoongi | Oneshot | Requested by Anon
Original Request: hii i would like to request an arranged marriage au that turned out as a healthy relationship, unlike where oc came from y'know family full of mistreatment and favoritism. any member is fine! thank u! Plot: The business transaction of a marriage between two previous warring clans takes an unexpected turn. Pairing: Yoongi x OC (Name: Kiku) Genre: Historical Inspired | Arranged Marriage Rating: 18+ Word Count: 8.9k Warnings: emotionally distanced family dynamics, emotional abuse and bullying from family members, minor character death (mentioned), angst, explicit sexual content (unprotected, gentle). Author's Note: This was soo much fun to do! I hope you like reading it as much as I loved writing it! Thank you to the anon who requested this <3
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Kiku was a quiet daughter amongst children of four in the Moon Clan. She was in the middle of the line of birth, often keeping to herself while her father doted on her brothers and her mother babied Hanaka, her sister. Kaito, the oldest son of their family, was the only person who ever paid attention Kiku.
He taught her how to play the Koto when they were younger. The soft plucking of strings were the only sounds she made in her household. Her mother, Keiko complimented the sound with the assumption that it was Hanaka. When Kaito explained that it was Kiku, their mother pointed the lack of precision at the ends of each verse.
Kiku felt safe and comforted under the wing of Kaito.
But fate had other plans.
Kaito grew sick after a hunting wound turned gangrenous and the winter only worsened his condition. When he passed, Kiku felt the searing and back-breaking weight of her family's scrutiny.
Suddenly she was no longer Kaito's companion. She was a mouth they didn't want to feed.
On the fresh cusp of spring, her parents unceremoniously announced her arrangement to marry the chief of the Onyx clan. Their rival.
"Kaito said they were dangerous," Kiku said as she knelt on the ground of their main living area. Her parents stared down at her while Hanaka and their younger brother Haruki sat on the cushioned mat.
"Kaito isn't here. Don't name him when we haven't finished mourning, stupid girl," Keiko spoke through gritted teeth.
"You will marry Chief Min Yoongi and give this family an important alliance," Daiki said with a finality to his tone.
The Onyx Clan was notorious for raiding other clans, enslaving their high-born families and treating any foreign spouses like dirt. Preventing them from causing any problems in the Moon Clan was to keep them at bay with something that they didn't think was a risk.
Keiko would never send Hanaka to a place like that. Perhaps Kiku was prepared specifically for this very alliance, forcing themselves not to love her so they could make a difficult decision. Perhaps that was just her own heart trying to find a glimpse of love in a place that had none for her since the beginning.
Kiku lowered her head in a solemn acceptance, her dress still black and her heart still raw from mourning the only family member who loved her. "I will do as you wish."
The wedding flourished during a misty, cold morning just at the skirts of dawn where purple kissed the edges of the mountains. Kiku wore a white dress of pretty silk, embroidered in both ivory and crimson thread as if the cloth bled. A white veil laid over her head giving the world around her more of a misty vision.
They held the wedding in the central border between the Moon and Onyx Clan. There was a gentle plain where it was decorated with flowers, divided with wood and a tea set prepared on a small wooden table. Her father walked her over to the table.
Kiku forced herself not to look at her groom just yet. Instead staring at the teapot in front of them, spouting a plume of steam with the faint hint of jasmine and honey in her nose. Tea ceremonies during weddings were a common tradition amongst both clans. Thankfully, it was a tea that Kiku enjoyed but the symbol of it dawned on her like a heavy weight on her back.
Sharing tea with a man outside her family was a sign that she was now connected to him. Bonded to him. A man that Kiku hadn't even looked at yet. So she gained some bravery within herself and stared up.
Min Yoongi wasn't a large man but he was taller than her. In this vulnerable state, he looked like a looming statue. It wasn't necessarily his stature but his presence that created weight. His black eyes pierced deeply into her as if peeling off layers of every protective sense she had of herself.
A deep scar ran down his eye, making it a little greyer than the left eye. His lips were pursed and a little pink while his pitch black hair was long to the nape. Short hair was often a sign of a deadly warrior. Someone who killed many without mercy and had little honour. At least that was what her parents told her.
The esteemed monk stepped to the front of the altar and began to recite ancient chants of a bonding ritual. Kiku tried to focus on the words but she couldn't stop keeping Yoongi's gaze. His eyes softened just then when she wasn't loosening her gaze either. As if he was waiting for her to look at him.
For a brief moment, Kiku noticed something gentle behind that demeanour. Or perhaps it was yet again her mind tricking her into feeling something positive when her world was turning upside down and she couldn't do anything about it. Yoongi glanced briefly over to the monk as they stepped to the table.
He waved his hands as he spoke his chants before gesturing to a young boy.
It was the father's duty to pour the tea. So Daiki poured it with a solemn face, almost bored. The waft of jasmine and honey coated her nose, giving her some comfort.
The groom shared his tea with the bride first. Yoongi's hands were veined heavily as if he were training in the dark hours of the morning before coming here. He reached out carefully, slow enough so Kiku didn't feel shocked. He pulled at the fabric and revealed her face, the cold morning breeze kissing her heated up skin.
Yoongi picked the tea cup, softly placing the brim of the cup to her lips.
Kiku kept her eyes on him right until she felt the warm honey touch of the tea on her tongue. She slowly pressed her lips together as he pulled the cup away. Just as Yoongi's cup clinked down, she picked up her own cup.
Yoongi lowered his head a little, making it easy to her to gently tip the cup. He took a sip, his throat bobbed up and down before she placed it back on the table.
The ceremony had been sealed. Even as Kiku foolishly tried to look back and say goodbye to her family, her mother was already fixing Hanaka's hair and her father continued speaking to Haruki. Niether of them gave any indication that they wished for a goodbye so Kiku turned back without a word.
Yoongi held her hand, just barely brushing at first to ensure Kiku would respond.
Kiku curled her fingers around his, allowing him to fully intertwine together before making way to the horses.
Yoongi clasped her waist, pushing her up to sit on the horse. Then he sat behind her, grabbing the reins as the scent of rain wafted in Kiku's nose.
The air turned wet to the touch and she noticed the darkened splotches on the tree bark of a soft drizzle slowly turning to gentle rain.
"Are you sure you don't want to speak to them?" Yoongi uttered his first question as her husband and Kiku wasn't sure how to respond or feel.
Kiku glanced briefly at her family, seeing Haruki rubbing his brow in boredom while her mother was still having a conversation with Hanaka, touching her chin. Still none of them tried to look her away. "It's alright."
Yoongi didn't order the horse to move for a few minutes before a small hum vibrated through his chest, tingling her back. "Very well," he said. He made a clicking noise and the horse began to gallop at a steady pace.
The forest that was considered Moon Clan's territory was an identical stream of teal leaved trees and small wildflowers, clustered amongst light brown mushrooms and wet lands. Kiku enjoyed walking through them purely because it was peace outside of her household.
However, Onyx Clan's territory harboured something so different that it almost felt magical. There were still those collections of teal leaved trees that wafted a sweet scent. Other than that, she saw patches of yellow and pink flowers, flat mushrooms that blushed at the edges and pretty deep green vines that wrapped around dark tree bark.
The sun began peeking a sharp light at the edge of the mountains, making the distant rivers look like melted gold.
The Onyx Clan itself was a beautiful village, with calmly sleeping cows and horses in their stables. Night food stalls open for business as families were out to eat chilli noodles and honeycomb candy. Moon Clan was so used to clean diets and fresh fish that the deep, spiced notes of the stalls overwhelmed Kiku, reminding her even more than she wasn't in her old household anymore.
People of the Onyx Clan gave way when they noticed Yoongi riding into the village. Their faces filled with smiles and excited whispers as they noticed her white dress. A little girl waved shyly at her.
Kiku hesitated but waved back with a faint smile.
As they arrived to the main cluster of houses for the high-born Min family, Kiku saw a group of people waiting for them.
Yoongi jumped off the house with a thud before gently holding onto Kiku again and helping her onto the ground as well. A small set of stairs led up to the cluster of houses.
When they reached, the older woman in centre gave a kind smile. By the way she was dressed in a beautiful silk kimono and the way Yoongi bowed low when seeing her, Kiku knew she was the matriarch of the family. Seeing so much kindness after her grief was something Kiku hadn't prepared herself to expect. So for a moment, she felt lost and unable to respond. She managed to give a wide enough smile.
"Bloody hell, Yoongi, you scared the shit out of her," a young woman from the side chuckled. Not in mockery but just jovial nature.
"Yun," the older woman reprimanded with a serious expression. "Manners." She turned back to Kiku with a smile. "Sorry, my dear, I understand you're in a new place. And our clans haven't had the best relationship but you are family now." She reached out and touched her hand.
Kiku could've been moved to tears at a warm mother's touch but she kept herself strong.
"My name is Hwayoung," she said. "These are my daughters Nari and Yun. I have a son named Yeong but he's away on a trip and will return tomorrow."
Kiku nodded. "It's lovely to meet you."
Hwayoung's flickered to Yoongi. "Let's have dinner and then you both can go rest."
After their dinner concluded and Kiku's belly was warm, they convened back to their bed chambers.
Kiku was given night dresses and also new clothes for the next few days. Especially since her family didn't give her any dress to take except for one.
For a while, the room was left empty with just Kiku watching the fire flicker before skimming through the books laid upon the mantle. It was mostly war and history stories along with some manuals on mastering the sword. Kiku wished she had some books on the Koto to play and fill her days that didn't have to do with having Yoongi's children. But she wasn't sure.
Hwayoung and Yoongi's sisters seemed nice enough but there was no way of telling whether it was a momentary ruse. After all, they couldn't be rude to her in front of everyone. Although a part of Kiku wanted to believe that their kind faces were genuine.
The door then clicked open. Yoongi walked through, wearing a relaxed black silk shirt and his hair tousled as if he had just taken a bath. He closed the door behind him, expression taken aback for a moment as if he hadn't expected someone in his bed chambers before softening.
"Do you have everything you need?" Yoongi asked.
"Yes, thank you." Kiku walked forward to him as he sat at the edge of the bed. She didn't say anything yet but Yoongi's throat bobbed up and down.
Stammering, he said. "We can just sleep."
Kiku blinked curiously. Of all the things she expected, this wasn't one of them. It was relieving that he was kind but to completely let her adjust to the new place was not on the list of expectation. "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure," Yoongi said, keeping his eyes on her. "It's been a long day. We should both rest."
Kiku intertwined her fingers together and nodded, feeling a strange warmth in her chest. "Alright. Good night."
In the morning, Kiku awoke to an empty space in her bed. When one of the maidservants entered to serve her, she explained that Yoongi went out to train early in the morning just before breakfast to keep him awake.
Kiku hoped she didn't look scared to deter him into performing any marital duties. Perhaps throughout the day, she could try to comfort him. She knew what she was getting into.
After taking a warm bath with the maidservant being surprisingly gentle and kind, Kiku was called into breakfast by Hwayoung.
The Min family gathered under a gazebo structure made from black wood. It was round and the food laid out smelled like home in a place that hadn't been her home for a full day yet. Baked fish, soups, rice, fruits for sweetness. It was a spread for something that usually rushed in her family. Or at least Kiku would have to eat quickly.
Kiku sat down next to Yoongi while Yun and Nari continued on their conversation. Yoongi's brother, Yeong came in from his trip and he looked a softer compared to his older brother and smiled often. Usually making jokes with his mother.
Yoongi ate fish and seemed to prefer the soups over rice.
While the others were deep in their conversation, Kiku leaned in slightly. "How was training?" she asked.
Yoongi looked up, again a little shocked but quickly softened. "It was good."
"Yoongi gets quite sore after his training, Kiku," Yun said with a small smirk. "Maybe later in the afternoon, you should give him a massage. Lord knows he needs a good one."
Yoongi glared for a moment but Kiku found it endearing.
"Yun," Hwayoung reprimanded but with a playful air this time rather than the disciplinary one of last night. "Kiku should not be forced to do anything she doesn't want to."
Kiku stammered. "I'm alright with it. I used to give shoulder massages to my brother all the time."
Yoongi cleared his throat. "It's really alright." He nodded.
Kiku smiled politely, lowering her head.
"Perhaps Kiku should come spend the day with us since brother insists on being boring," Yun said.
"I am new here," Kiku said.
"A tour then," Nari said.
Hwayoung perked up. "You can take her down to the markets and get some silks or jewellery. There's lots of music playing there too."
Kiku blinked curiously. "Would there be any Koto players?"
"You like the Koto?" Hwayoung asked.
"My brother taught me how to play." Kiku's heart clenched at the mention of him again. It had been so lovely to be in a place like this. How nice would it have been if their family all spoke so easily to one another.
"That's sweet. How is your brother now?"
"He's passed away," Kiku said.
"I'm sorry, my dear." Hwayoung's eyes turned sad. Both of empathy for her but something else. "I lost my husband a while ago as well. I understand it can feel empty." The table turned quiet for a few moments to remember their father
"Thank you." Kiku's words were simple but Hwayoung didn't fully realise just how much comforting words directed at her. Like a warm, tight hug that she could cry into.
Kiku spent her time walking around with Yun and Nari as they explained all the ins and outs of the clan's main village. They had three smaller towns that used the same supplies and answered to Yoongi as Chief but this was the clan that Yoongi's ancestors had built and it was beautiful.
Nari took her to the bookshop and silk store. Kiku bought herself a pretty purple silk dress while also getting books on poetry that she used to enjoy listening to. A poetess would visit their clan when they were younger and Kaito would work in the shadow puppet shows to re-enact them.
It was one of the few things Kiku was allowed to watch with the family while helping Kaito work with the puppets.
Then they went to the food stalls. Kiku ate spicy dumpling noodles with mushrooms foraged from the forest. Apparently they helped with childbearing as the old woman stated, clearly knowing that it was going to be her who bears the next Chief. Kiku hadn't quite let that sink in but even when she did think about it, it wasn't a horrible thought.
Kiku, Yun and Nari then made their way to the training grounds once their bellies were full and their cheeks hurt from laughing. Kiku hadn't laughed or smiled like this since Kaito made jokes to cheer her up. While they did bicker, Yun and Nari seemed like they were close and loving to one another.
Kiku wondered if Hanaka and her would have ever been like that if their mother didn't get involved so much.
At the centre of the training grounds, Kiku saw Yoongi training with his younger brother Yeong. He spoke instructions for Yeong to follow, keeping one hand behind his back as if to hinder himself from making any strong moves. Yeong kept his hands tight on the hilt of the sword, swinging right against Yoongi's parries as the clang of steel whistled in the air.
Kiku found herself seeing the concentrated scrunch of his dark brows, sharp jawline a little clenched as he parried another attack. His black hair was tied back with chunks of it falling over the frame of his face. "He does this every morning."
Yun hummed. "You like what you see?"
Kiku cleared her throat. "It's nice he's teaching his brother."
"Yeong should focus on his studies too but he keeps running to brother for more training," Nari said. "Yoongi never refuses. He likes training for no reason."
"Ever since father died, brother trains constantly. There's no war but he always says there might be danger," Yun said. "Even with your alliance, he's still weary." Nari quickly nudged her arm and for the first time, Yun felt a little uncomfortable.
Kiku pursed her lips together. She wondered if Yoongi was suspicious that her father would run an attack on them regardless of their alliance. While Kiku was a small risk to lose in the family, her father still may break the deal. She had little trust in her father and wouldn't be surprised if he wishes to prove some kind of point.
As she shifted in and out of her thoughts, Kiku saw Yoongi turn to notice them watching. Notice her watching. Kiku tried to look down at the wrapped silk dress in her arms, hoping it wouldn't look too suspicious. Yoongi turned to tell Yeong to take a break before making his way over to Kiku.
"Looks like your husband wishes to speak to you." Yun smirked, returning to her demeanour as if nothing happened. She pushed Nari towards Yeong to speak to him instead.
Yoongi raised his brow as his sisters rushed away. Beads of sweat had formed on his hairline as he met Kiku's gaze. "They didn't bother you too much?"
Kiku was shocked by what sounded like a genuine question. "No. They were lovely. They showed me around the main town."
"I can see that," Yoongi said before giving his sword away to a servant. "Come with me."
Kiku nodded and followed him out of the training grounds.
They moved from the training grounds back into the cluster of houses where the Min family resided. Yoongi escorted her to their personal house and Kiku wondered whether Yoongi wanted to pursue their marital duties now that he was given time.
It was strange but Kiku's heart pounded not quite out of fear or worry. It was simply curiosity and perhaps even a little excitement. Everything Yoongi had done so far was give her comfort.
As they entered the main house, a beautiful polished Koto stood in the living area.
Kiku's breath caught in her throat as she looked at the Koto which had beautiful ivory finishes and a soft chair to sit on while playing. "Is this for me?" she asked in a low tone.
"You said you used to play Koto. I figured you'd like to play in your free time," Yoongi said. "Your parents didn't pack much for your trip." He shrugged.
Kiku's lips parted as she reached out and touched the Koto. Memories of playing with her brother and learning every note with him burst in her like sweetness. Tears formed a thin gloss on her eyes, as she took a deep breath.
"Is it alright?" Yoongi asked.
"It's perfect," Kiku said. She turned and smiled. "Thank you. You didn't need to do that."
"It was nothing," Yoongi said. "It's your home now too."
Kiku nodded as her heart swelled.
"Also if my mother starts giving you too many lessons, I can get you a secret room."
Kiku let out a small chuckle. "It's okay. I'd like a lesson."
Yoongi pressed his lips together, a hint of a soft smile forming on his features which only made Kiku's heart warm.
Kiku's time in the Onyx Clan was far more pleasant and loving than she ever expected. Before she even realised, four months had passed. Kiku spent days with Yun and Nari, had meals with Hwayoung and then spent a quiet night with Yoongi. It was still innocent between the two of them but she enjoyed those quiet moments sharing things about their day. Yoongi still didn't speak on any personal things and Kiku didn't want to pry on how he got the scar on his eye or about his father's death. But it was still nice.
Kiku nearly forgot that she had another life prior to these few months. It was only when her younger brother, Haruki came to visit the clan. Discomfort returned to her chest, aching and making her twitch. She barely spoke to Haruki and every time they had a conversation, it was malicious. Haruki found joy in insulting her and demanding her to do things as a way to mimic their father.
Kiku reminded herself that she wasn't in that place anymore. This was her home too. She wore her new purple silk dress and pinned her hair up while the servants prepared a tea set on the floor table.
Haruki entered the private house as escorted by the servants. A childish grimace on his face as always but his chest puffed to look like father.
Kiku kept sited at the table.
Haruki stood over her for a few moments as if waiting for her to stand. "You wouldn't bother to see your brother at the border."
"You've come at a busy hour," Kiku said. Truthfully, she wanted to be in the warm comfort of her home to breathe easy and hide her shaking fingers. "What did you need?"
Haruki scoffed and sat down, tapping the side of the teacup. "Father's dead."
Kiku had little love for her father but she still sit in a moment of silence, unable to know what do with the news. "What happened?"
"We need more supplies," Haruki said, ignoring her question.
It was courtesy anyway so she didn't ask again. "The Moon clan has spare granaries for those occasions."
"We have an alliance." Haruki eyed her up and down. "I'd expect you to tend to it since you're clearly not tending to any children."
"What happened to the granaries, Haruki?" Kiku asked, emphasising his name.
Haruki pursed her lips, keeping his eyes on her gaze and waiting for her to look down. When she didn't, Haruki's face twitched. "We'd been using it."
"For what?"
"That's none of your concern," Haruki said.
"So not emergencies then," Kiku said.
"You can't speak to me that way." Haruki chuckled bitterly.
"I'm the Lady of this territory and your older sister, I can speak to you in whatever tone is necessary." Kiku narrowed her gaze. "What happened?"
Haruki tightened his jaw like a stubborn child. "We'd been taking from it for the banquets. Father and mother celebrated a lot because you were gone."
"And after brother's death," Kiku said.
"Don't talk about brother."
"He was my brother too. More a brother than you ever were."
Poison laced in his voice. "Kaito spent time with you because he felt bad for you. You were this pathetic thing crouching around everywhere. The only time people said anything nice about you was in order to fuck you. Don't pretend you were someone special to him or Yoongi." Haruki gestured to the door. "He's not even willing to put a baby in you." He chuckled.
"I don't appreciate being spoken for, Chief Min," Yoongi's deep voice shook through the room.
Haruki turned his head, expression turning sour.
Yoongi walked into the house, shadows forming harsh lines on his face as something dark flashes across his expression. For a moment, he looked like the exact nightmarish image of what the Moon clan thought of the Min family. Even barefooted steps added a heavy echo in the air that it sent chills down her own spine despite the fact she knew this demeanour wasn't for her intimidation. "You can have your supplies at the border."
Haruki deflated as if letting out a sigh of relief. "I should've gone to you first then, Chief. It seems I expected too much of my silly sister." He gave a triumphant smile to her.
"Of course, she made the mistake of thinking you were far too competent." Yoongi intertwined his fingers together, veined and hardened from training.
Haruki's expression turned again, cheeks reddening. "Excuse me?"
"Don't worry, I won't make that mistake." The corner of his mouth quirked up. "Perhaps we'll have a charity basket at the border."
Haruki stood to his feet quickly, shaking and trembling like a little boy. "You go too far."
"Do I? Because it seems as if you've come here asking for more than the agreed alliance and proceeding to disrespect my wife," Yoongi said. "The way I see it, giving you a charity basket is more mercy than you deserve currently. I suggest you take it quietly."
Haruki had all the inflated confidence their parents bloated into him from childhood. If he was even the slightest bit stupider, he would speak and in a brief second of that stupidity, he almost did. But then he glared at Kiku. "You'd let him talk to your family like that?"
Anger spread through her chest. Now he wanted to be family, when it benefited him. "If only you were true family then perhaps not."
Haruki grimaced, giving a softer glare to Yoongi before turning on his heel and stomping out of the house.
Kiku let out a deep, shaky breath as her spine began to ache from the tension. She closed her eyes and tried to catch her calm again, taking the scent of wood and warmth in her comfortable home. She heard Yoongi moving until she heard his hum right at her ear.
"Quite the unpleasant family you have," Yoongi mused.
Kiku couldn't help but let out a small, saddened chuckle. "Kaito was the only good one."
Yoongi turned and sat down next to her, shoulders pressed.
The heaviness gave Kiku a wave of comfort like the way his breath hit the back of his neck when they slept.
"If he comes again, I'll ask the guards to delegate him to me or my mother," Yoongi said. "There's no need for you to speak to them if you don't want to."
"You won't be burdened by them?" Kiku asked, turning her head and finding his face incredibly close.
"No one should speak like that to you especially not in our own house." Yoongi waved his hand.
Kiku smiled as her heart burst into little butterflies, creating a lump in her throat. She leaned in and pressed a small kiss on his cheek.
Yoongi turned his head just as Kiku was pulling away, their noses brushed against each other. Dark eyes pierced into her, keeping her still in her position even though her body ached for how close they were. Yoongi kissed her lips, shyly at first to help her adjust to the action.
The tantalizing warmth that passed through Kiku pushed her to lean into the kiss, cupping his cheek. Yoongi's hands held onto her lower back pulling her close until she was pressed flush against his chest.
His lips were hot against hers, keeping his grip on her firm but so soft and gentle. Yoongi only broke the kiss for a moment as Kiku caught a deep breath before pressing her lips again. She gripped onto the fabric of his shirt until Yoongi pulled her enough for her to straddle him completely.
Yoongi held her face in his hand, pausing their kiss again to move his lips down to her neck and jawline. Every ache that she felt from her encounter with Haruki melted away at his touch. He pulled at the pins of her hair, letting it fall down the trail of her back. His fingers traced the length of her spine, making her shiver. Tongue grazed over the soft spot on her neck as her hips began to sway against his own.
Yoongi let out a small groan, lifting his head up. His chest heaved in desperation, gripping onto her hair and keeping their foreheads pressed together.
Kiku reached in again but Yoongi kept her in place.
"Are you sure?" Yoongi asked in a rasped voice that made her tremble.
Kiku nodded. "I'm sure." She reached in and kissed him again, deeper and pleading to ensure he knew this was what she wanted.
But a knock on the door startled them.
Yoongi let out a small, frustrated sigh. "What is it?" he asked.
Kiku got off his lap slowly with a clear of her throat, trying to fix her hair as the door opened to a servant.
"Sorry, sire. Your mother needs your audience for something." The servant kept their head bowed as if already knowing the position he could've caught them in.
Yoongi turned and gave Kiku a soft look.
Kiku gave a reassuring smile, patting his arm before he got to his feet and walked away. Leaving her heart pounding manically.
Another week passed since their kiss. Yoongi wasn't distant necessarily but it did feel like nothing changed. Kiku wondered perhaps he didn't enjoy it. He was the Chief and had many choices of his own. Kiku was an alliance marriage. Any affection that they developed may have just been a spur of the moment as they lived under the same roof. Despite all the explanations she's made in her head, it still twinged something in Kiku. With the kindness received from Yoongis family, she imagined that something would be wrong. She traded a kinder family for a husband that didn't quite enjoy her affection. She'd take it though.
This morning, the family sat around the table for breakfast. Yoongi gave her a glance here and there but it was still distant. Kiku tried to smile back but he immediately looked away.
"So Kiku has been immensely calm these past few days," Yun said, a smirk playing on her lips. "Ma says it's often a sign of...something on the way." Her eyes flickered down to gesture to her stomach.
Kiku's cheeks burned, stammering. "No, it's not that." She shook her head. "I had my bleeding." She couldn't quite hide the slight disappointment in her tone. Kiku never thought about children especially with the experiences she had with her own family. But something about the silence from Yoongi made grasp at unnecessary desires of children or anything to melt off the ice between them.
Yun hummed, pouting. "That's a shame, I wanted nieces and nephews." She poked at her food, the light breeze making strands of her dark hair dance.
"Don't pressure them," Nari said, her tone serious. "They need to be relaxed when they do it."
"Girls, quiet." Hwayoung narrowed her gaze, letting out a defeated sigh. "Don't listen to them." She smiled. "These things take time."
Yoongi stayed silent and Kiku herself couldn't find anything to say but give a reassuring smile. Even though she worried Yoongi won't come near her a second time.
Kiku played her Koto in the afternoon while Yoongi was out supervising the patrol. Usually it would take him till evening to come back. But today he came in early, stomping and breathing out with frustration. A strange sight from someone who was so calm. Raven black hair glistened from sweat, patches of dust latched onto his skin and his jaw terribly tightened as if it might make break his teeth.
Strangely enough, it was relieving to see some emotion in Yoongi after all the distance. Kiku stood from the Koto. "What's wrong?" She asked gently.
"Your damn brother," he seethed. "His men attacked one of my scouts." Yoongi poured water into a goblet and chugged it.
Kiku's heart dropped. "What?"
"Apparently they'd been disturbing the peace. But they didn't plan for me to come." His scar looked deeper and darker when he was angry. "Mother was weary about them for a while but I didn't think they'd stoop to petty little violence."
Kiku lowered her head, almost in shame. Even though she felt more connected to Yoongi's family, her name and identity was still attached to the people she grew up with. It was embarrassing seeing others witness the pettiness that she endured her whole life. The same pettiness that Kaito hated. "I'm sorry," she said.
Yoongi stilled for a moment, dark brows furrowed as he turned to Kiku. "Why're you apologizing?"
Kiku stammered. "It's my family. They're like this, our parents made you all seem like monsters and Haruki would do anything to make himself feel like father would be proud." She shook her head.
"Well, that's their mistake, not yours." Yoongi spoke under her breath but Kiku clung to every word and kept it close to her chest.
She reached out and touched his arm. "Is there anything I can do?"
Yoongi stared at her deeply and so long that Kiku felt like layers of her soul were being peeled. Then he broke the gaze and tried to walk back to their bedroom. "No, it's okay."
Kiku's stomach clenched as once again, the ice began to form. But this time she wasn't going relent quietly. "Yoongi, you don't have to protect my feelings. If this is too much of a burden to you then I can leave."
Yoongi stopped, looking over his shoulder to her. The expression on his face, harsh. "What?"
Kiku dug her nails into her palms to give herself some form of strength. "I can handle my family, I've lived with them my whole life. But...I don't want you to be married to someone you don't truly want."
Yoongi's throat bobbed up and down. "Is that what you think?"
"I don't know," she spoke honestly. "I just know that you became distant after what happened and I—I'm unsure."
Yoongi fully turned his body around, stepping closer. "If you're unsure, then you talk to me."
"I can't speak my wishes so easily." Kiku's voice lowered as he moved closer until she could catch wafts of the forest from him. "It's not something I'm used to."
Yoongi's expression softened. He rubbed in between his brows. "I'm a little too used to my family just saying what they think." He looked up to her. "I'm sorry. I should've checked on you."
Kiki's stomach felt warm. staying silent for a moment just to ensure what she heard was right. Then she spoke in a small voice. "It's okay."
Yoongi took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers together turning her world into a burst of stars. "I will not make you go back to that place again." He muttered. "I want you here."
"You want me here?" She asked again, just to hear him say it so it could echo inside her whenever darker voices grew too loud.
"Right here. With me." Yoongi tightened his hold. "Will you do that?"
Kiku nodded, a burning behind her eyes. "I will, I promise." She smiled, touching his chest to make herself feel grounded again.
"We still need to deal with your stupid brother," Yoongi said. "He's quickly turning into a pest than an ally."
Kiku could spend years imagining Haruki as this invincible monster, similar to when they were children. But this was real now. Haruki wasn't Kaito. He was stupid and petty even when he tried to hurt her. There were a million ways to get rid of people like that. "I might have an idea."
As Kiku requested, Yoongi organized a meeting at the border between Onyx and Moon territory. A canopy was erected with a floor table where they all sat together. The edge of dawn painted the mountains and tree in a burnished gold and the scent of morning dew was the only comfort in Kiku's pool of anxiety.
She was prepared for this meeting and the decisions entailed but rarely had she spoken up to Haruki before. When Kiku tried, her mother or father would reprimand and punish her.
Even as Haruki walked to the canopy, she felt a prickle of being scolded in a few minutes. But she had push it down. She wasn't Haruki's sister here, she was a Lady of the Onyx Clan. The Chief's wife.
"This pompous meeting surely isn't about the little scuffle between scouts," Haruki said. "It's a bit of harmless fun."
Yoongi stayed silent.
"You brought your wife here too," Haruki looked Kiku up and down, making sure that he used a moniker disconnected to him.
"In regards to your previous demands, we're suggesting some changes in the alliance." Yoongi kept a calm tone even though Kiku saw the tightened grip of his hands.
Haruki chuckled. "If you don't want her anymore, just kick her out." He waved his hand. "One of your servants can have her."
Yoongi narrowed his gaze but kept his neutral expression. "As you commented on our child before, we had an idea on how to strength the bond between clans."
"And how is that?" he asked.
"Since you require our food supplies which we give to you out of kindness, we have a compromise," Yoongi said. "In exchange for our food, any child born from my wife will take the Chiefs title of the Moon clan."
Haruki's brows furrowed as his chest heaved. His glare turned to Kiku. "You put him up to this, didn't you, you bitch?"
"It was a joint decision," Kiku said, maintaining her calm demeanour. She was used to his insults. She wouldn't let it hurt her again.
"I won't agree to this, it's stupid." Haruki winced.
"Very well," Yoongi said. "Then I suggest you get your defences ready."
"Your father must've told you how the Onyx Clan works." Yoongi began to muse and there was something... oddly satisfying about the tone. "My wolves haven't been out for a feed in a while."
"You'd attack your ally?" Haruki asked.
"Attacking my scout and disrespecting the Chiefs wife constitutes that you are breaking every rule in the alliance," Yoongi said and Haruki stayed quiet. "Giving you an alternate compromise is a mercy. I suggest you consider it. My soldiers won't care if you're a spoiled Chief who can't carry a sword properly."
Haruki grimaced, chin quivering in frustration. He looked over at Kiku, as if trying to get ready for another insult but he knew it was too late. Kiku was no longer the target to point insults at. One wrong move and Haruki loses his head along with the Moon Clan. This way they can keep their lives. Haruki was stupid but he was still too scared to die. "Fine. I accept your terms."
Yoongi hummed. "Thank you." He stood up and held onto Kiku's hand, helping her to her feet.
"What would've Kaito said about you turning your back on family?" Haruki asked, cutting into her in a place that ached like a thousand knives.
Kiku paused in place, gripping onto Yoongi's hand like her life depended on it as her heart panged in pain. Haruki knew nothing about what Kaito was like. It took her every strength and hope in her body not to throw scalding tea in his face for even insinuating that Kiku would do something to disappoint Kaito. Because Kaito wasn't like that. Kaito understood and listened. Haruki was a fool. Kiku straightened her posture, turned and looked Haruki straight in the eye. "Kaito wouldn't have caused a food shortage in the clan."
Haruki scoffed, pursing his lips together.
"Kaito did his duty, as I am. From where I'm looking, I'm not the one who made father die from disappointment." Kiku felt like a dam burst inside her as she let the words flow but seeing the Haruki's sour and pouty expression made it all worth it.
Kiku was able to breathe easy when they returned to their tent for the night. She walked over to her vanity and her maid immediately began taking pins out of her hair. She watched from the mirror as Yoongi unlatched his sword sheathe of his waist and began to pour himself a drink. The dark furrow of his brows prominent. Kiku raised a hand and smiled at the maid. "A moment, please."
The maid bowed and did as she asked, stepping out of the tent to give them privacy. Kiku took out the rest of the pins so her hair was fully open and relaxed. A dull throb formed on her scalp. She stood and made her way to Yoongi as he leaned forward on the table.
"He can be a lot to tolerate," Kiku said.
Yoongi took in a deep breath to calm himself down. "The way he talks to you, it's like you're complete strangers. Enemies, even."
Kiku swallowed the small lump in her throat. It was always normal to her, seeing the way family treated the one they didn't want with the exception of Kaito. But Yoongi valued family with his life. She could only imagine the kind of shock thrumming through him. "You have a good family. Some don't." She touched his arm. "But sometimes you find a better one."
Yoongi turned his head, his once sharp eyes now softened and sad. "If I've ever made you feel—"
"Not once." Kiku knew it like the breath she took. Yoongi and his family had been nothing but comforting and kind. She reached and pressed her forehead against his. It was almost involuntary but feeling him lean into it was the only answer she needed to keep still.
Yoongi turned his body slowly, letting their chest flush against one another before he leaned and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. His warm hand cupped her cheek softly like she was precious. He pulled away only to press kisses on her cheek and jawline, taking her into an embrace. He buried his face into the crook of her neck where the scent of jasmines wafted in his nose.
Kiku could fall asleep in this embrace. Her body and mind and every bruise in her heart soothed from the loving touch. She traced her fingers across the strands of his hair as if lulling the both of them to dreams. It was difficult to admit it in the past few months with the new changes and confusion. But today for the first time, she could surely say it.
Kiku felt loved.
The meeting had left Kiku and Yoongi tired for the evening. They rested their heads, nestled close as they tried to sleep. Tried was an effort Kiku persisted on as the hours went by. It wasn't quite a terrible night of troubling thoughts but an eagerness. She opened her eyes to see Yoongi with his eyes calmly closed, his lips a little puckered.
Kiku took a moment to watch him, reaching out a little to touch his cheek. He stirred slightly at her touch, but his eyes remained closed, his breathing steady and rhythmic. She pulled away with a defeated sigh, not wanting to wake him up. So she turned around and tried to drift off to sleep again.
It was only a few minutes later then she felt Yoongi shift, moving closer until his chest was pressed right against her back. His arm laid over her body, embracing her from behind. Kiku felt a wave of warmth and comfort wash over her as Yoongi tightened his hold.
"Can't sleep?" Yoongi asked.
Kiku hummed. "A little. It's okay, go back to sleep."
"I can be awake," Yoongis voice rasped as his face buried into the crook of her neck again. He began pressing kissing down the length of her shoulder. "Do you want me to be awake?"
Kiku smiled to herself, swaying her hips against him. "A little."
Yoongi chuckled lightly, the vibrations made her quiver in delight. He made Kiku lay on her back, climbing on top of her and sneaking between her legs. "Are you sure?" He whispered.
Kiku nodded. "I'm sure." She smiled against his lips before pressing a kiss on his bottom lip.
Yoongi kissed down the length of her neck, unravelling his night clothes and pushing up Kikus soft dress. He entered her gently, her snug walls hugging his tip before he kept pushing.
Kiku gripped onto his clothing as the sensation made her tremble under him. She swayed her hips with his movements, encouraging him to move faster. The ache was slight but the tingle of pleasure sent her into a slight dizziness. She wrapped her legs around his waist.
Yoongi brushed his fingers across her hairline, full of affection as he moved deeper inside her. He pressed sweet kisses at the corner of her lips.
Kiku smiled feverishly as the pleasure sent heat through her body, radiating like steam and intoxication.
Yoongi made sure he was slow, not just to be careful but to draw out this intimacy for as long as he could. The feeling of embrace brought back every slight desire he had in the past few months to hold or touch her. "Feel good?"
Kiku nodded, letting out a slight whimper as he continued to move at that tantalizing pace. "Good." She traced her thumb across his cheek. Strands of his hair falling over his face, curtaining over hers. Her core became slick with arousal, creating light squelch sounds as he thrusted into her with a new desperation.
His release clouded him, flooding him with an unbearable warmth until he grind himself into her. He muffled his moan against her neck.
Kiku felt his lower belly press on her sensitive spot, making her clench around him, pushing him further into his climax.
Yoongi lifted himself up, foreheads layered with sweat as they pressed against each other.
Kiku took his lips into a kiss, surging him to thrust into a steady pattern that made her lose breath. She gripped onto the side of his neck as moans broke through any form of whisper.
Yoongi quickened his pace following the pattern of her moans and the rolling of his own release. Then the sweet burst into a ricochet of pleasure and heat.
Kiku smiled, breathless as she relished in the warmth filling her. As Yoongi kept moving, he snuck his head in between her legs, targeting her sensitive spot and pushing her to the edge. Kiku's brows furrowed, aching to reach her own climax as she was full of him. Her breathing turned to quickened whimpers as she squirmed under his touch. Her back arched, head thrown back giving Yoongi the chance to kiss her neck and jawline.
Her climax bloomed, the heat of it shaking her limbs and forcing her legs to shut around him. Yoongi kissed her forehead, still rubbing on that spot until she twitched against it.
Kiku whimpered, pushing his hand away. A small laugh left his lips fuelling her with more delight. It was the most wonderful feeling she had to be embraced like this so warmly and the bliss of pleasure melting her body until she was meshed with the bed itself.
"You feel sleepier now?" Yoongi watched her with his own half-lidded, blissed eyes.
Kiku smiled as her breathing turned slow and calm. "Mhm." She traced her fingers down his cheek. "I think I've officially become your wife."
"Oh?" Yoongi's brow raised. "You weren't before?"
Kiku chuckled, slapping his chest playfully. "I mean we don't have anything to hide anymore."
Yoongi caged her in with his arms, making her feel safe and secure. "No, we don't."
Kiku blinked slowly, her finger moved gently to his scar. "Like this?"
Yoongi's expression softened into a mix of ruminating vulnerability and an old sadness that had been repeatedly reminisced. He lay down next to her, shoulders pressed flush. "My father and I go on small trips every now and then. He used to do it with every child, just to. . .talk, connect with nature and spend time." He waved his hand. "It was strange for Chiefs to do it but he said it was because he never got to speak to his own father. So, he wanted to make sure we weren't. . .without one." He let out a long breath.
"He sounds like a good father," Kiku said.
"He was." Yoongi's dark eyes melted and glossed from emotion. "One day though, bandits were prowling in the place my father and I camped. They attacked us. I got this from one of the bandits." He pointed to the scar. "Before my father told me to run while he fended them off. I called my mother and some guards to help but we were too late."
Kiku shifted and rubbed his chest. "Is that why you train so much?"
Yoongi nodded. "I want to make sure Yeong and the girls know how to defend themselves or others should the need arise." He took a deep breath, playing with Kiku's hair. "But I had a good family. We took care of each other, just like we'll take care of you."
Kiku smiled, resting her chin on his chest. "I'll take care of you all too. I still owe you a massage."
"You gave me a pretty good one a minute ago." Yoongi smirked.
Kiku chuckled. "A proper massage."
Kiku and Yoongi returned to the main houses early in the morning as the soft gold of dawn painted the forest. Hwayoung had lunch prepared with the rest of the family to welcome them home. Fresh steamed fish with tofu, rice porridge and some fresh fruits newly picked from the farms. Kiku ate happily, her appetite had grown in the months she was with this family but it made her all the more energetic and vibrant along with her excitement from the past night's events.
Something the family noticed more than Kiku realised.
Yun, in particular, stared the two of them a little too closely with a smirk. "So how was the trip, brother?" She asked in a sing-song voice.
Yoongi's eyes flickered up as he paused mid-bite. "As most political talks go with a spoiled brat of a Chief. He gave into the deal quickly," he spoke in a slightly formal tone.
Kiku quietly sipped on the last drops of her tea before he gently poured her another cup. She gave him a shy smile.
"I haven't heard much about the prospects of the Chiefs of the Moon clan but the younger son is usually unprepared," Hwayoung said thankfully to distract from what Yun actually wanted to ask.
Yeong stammered just as he took a bite of his food, looking at Hwayoung with a pout. "What'd I do?"
Hwayoung raised her hand. "I mean, generally. Not you."
Yoongi let out a small chuckle under his breath. "She means you."
Yeong sighed, pointing at him with his chopsticks. "I've beaten you in sword training before, I'll do it again."
"Did you do anything else in the trip?" Yun asked, with a wide grin, leaning forward in excitement. "You were both alone for the night. And Kiku's been. . .glowing."
Kiku's cheeks burned, clearing her throat. "I—I don't—"
"You need to stop obsessing over your brother's marriage, sweetheart, it's getting strange." Hwayoung patted the back of Yun's hand.
"It's only because you don't let me get married." Yun leaned back on her chair, folding her arms over her chest.
"Mother's protecting the men of the clan," Nari said, raising a brow.
Yun slapped Nari's arm as Yeong snorted.
"See how they bully me?" Yun asked Kiku.
Kiku chuckled, biting down her bottom lip and glancing at Yoongi. Often when she had terrible encounters with Haruki, she would get scolded by her family and live with the suffocating feeling of frustration in her chest.
Today was the first time, Kiku could cling to the happy moments and forget about Haruki or any of this harsh words. Her family threw her to the Onyx clan like a bait at the end of a fishing line but in their hatred for her, Kiku found love for her own. 
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belowheavenrpg · 3 months
Good morning, students!
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Welcome to your first day at Paradiso Boarding School! I'm Ms. Adler, here to make sure all of you new arrivals can have a smooth transition into what will become your new home for - hopefully! - the next 8 years of your life.
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As you are no doubt aware, Paradiso is the premier institution of middle and high level education in the Kingdom of Heaven. You, dear students, are privileged among the privileged. Here you will learn all you need in order to perform your role during adulthood.
Now, most of you were probably homeschooled all your life, and the idea of getting out from under your parents' wings seems very scary! But rest assured - it's an important part in the development of any elf. Your life away from home and your contact with other students and the faculty will teach you self-discipline and how to live harmoniously in society.
In addition to learning about history and the natural sciences, you will be taught a variety of subjects like art and music, as well as combat-oriented skills. Among these is the manipulation of our world's most important resource: Aether.
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Aether is the very life force of the world. As descendants of the divine, we elves are attuned to it, and thus are able to manipulate it with training. Aether lingers in the air but cannot be propagated through it, so each student will be tasked with developing their own Aether Focus in order to better make use of it. Your focus is personal and speaks a lot about you as a person - so choose your design carefully.
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You have certainly taken notice of the armband on your uniforms. These are personalized and must be worn at all times. The color on the armband identifies your grade, with the ones you all have right now - red - representing grade 1. Further grades will move along the spectrum of visible light - orange for grade 2, yellow for grade 3, and so on. Grade 8, your final year here, is represented by white.
As a safety measure, you must wear your uniforms both inside and outside the school grounds. While you have access to the entire colony, your uniforms will serve as a means of identifying you as students of Paradiso even in other Sectors, and the barcode inside the armband will help others identify you should there be any issue.
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That is all for now! Please head back to your dorms and familiarize yourselves with your new dorm-mates. Good relations to those around you are paramount to a healthy life. Classes start later today, so please refer to your personal schedules and don't be late! If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to consult one of the many BN-UU7 units roaming the school grounds. They exist to serve.
We hope this is the start of a fruitful period in your lives. I'll see you all soon. Have a nice day!
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burst-of-iridescent · 8 months
You constantly portray Katara (in your posts and in your "dissertation") like some damsel in distress who is in a codependent relationship and does not defend her opinion in front of her partner, to the point that she allows him to mistreat her children. But the basis of her character is that she will never tolerate any shit from anyone. She always defends her opinion, and she does not oppose Aang precisely because their values are basically the same with Aang. You cannot agree with this, because then you would either have to admit that Aang is not the terrible person you paint him, or that Katara is not the perfect girl you want her to be. That is why you are forced to humiliate her and completely rewrite her character, just not to admit that she is in an equal relationship with Aang and their values coincide.
In addition, such a "katara" makes even less sense for zutara, because if her character has a tendency to codependence on her partner and a willingness to tolerate shit from him, then their relationship with Zuko would not be healthy, since Zuko is prone to self-pity, selfishness and outbursts of anger even after his redemption and he does not show even a tenth of the maturity that Aang has by the end of the show (and even if you do not agree with this, I hope you understand that if there is a tendency to codependent relationships in a person's character, then this tendency is realized in any relationship, regardless of the partner. And any such relationship will be unhealthy).
well i lost braincells reading this so i expect reparations for that, but i'm in a nice, salty mood today so... sure anon, i'll bite.
She always defends her opinion, and she does not oppose Aang precisely because their values are basically the same with Aang.
you must really dislike katara, because saying that the only reason she never challenged aang is because she never disagreed with him, rather than that her idealization of him blinded her to his flaws is... so much worse. are you telling me she thought it was right for him to recklessly burn her? or yell at her in the desert and abandon her to take care of sokka and toph alone? or kiss her without her consent? or give their airbending child preferential treatment over their other two children?
because katara doesn't hold aang to account for any of the things on that (non-exhaustive) list, and if your explanation for that is that she agreed with him, then we both know who here is really bastardizing katara's character.
do katara and aang share certain core values? sure. they're both kind, compassionate and hopeful people. but saying that katara's morals are "basically the same" as aang's is objectively untrue when they clash in both the southern raiders and sozin's comet over their personal moral codes on the sanctity of life and whether taking one can ever be justified.
neither of these conflicts are ever truly resolved, even by the end of the show. katara and aang never come to any sort of understanding or middle ground, or even raise the subject ever again, despite it being clear that they don't share the same perspective. katara even explicitly rejects aang's creed of blanket forgiveness by stating that she did not forgive yon rha and never will. i don't know about you, but that feels like a pretty major difference of opinion to me.
additionally, the fact that these are the only two times in the entire show that katara actually pushes back against aang's beliefs and decisions - and stands firm on it - proves my point, because she's only able to do so when she has absolutely no other choice. it's only the trauma of her mother's murder and the literal fate of the entire world that forces katara to challenge aang rather than excuse and coddle him. and that is unhealthy both for aang and katara, because an equal partner should be able to call you out on your flaws and mistakes without first having to be backed into a corner to do it.
That is why you are forced to humiliate her and completely rewrite her character, just not to admit that she is in an equal relationship with Aang and their values coincide.
i really adore this recent trend in atla fandom of insisting that it's zutara shippers who are responsible for adultifying katara or humiliating katara or any and all problems that exist within katara's narrative as if we personally wrote the show instead of just... pointing out what already exists in canon.
i'm not the one who robbed katara of all agency in her relationship, or refused to give her arc equal narrative space with aang's, or turned her into a subservient trophy wife with no legacy or voice. you can go take that up with the creators.
believe me anon, i wish i could manipulate canon for my nasty zutara agenda, but alas you can't have everything in life.
Zuko is prone to self-pity, selfishness and outbursts of anger even after his redemption and he does not show even a tenth of the maturity that Aang has by the end of the show
zuko didn't throw a hissy fit because the girl he liked didn't like him back, pressure her for an answer, force a kiss on her, or be preachy and judgemental towards her during one of the most difficult times of her life - but hey, whatever floats your boat.
(thank you for providing no evidence, by the way. saved me a ton of time reading more batshit insane misinterpretations of canon, or lies, or both.)
In addition, such a "katara" makes even less sense for zutara, because if her character has a tendency to codependence on her partner and a willingness to tolerate shit from him, then their relationship with Zuko would not be healthy I hope you understand that if there is a tendency to codependent relationships in a person's character, then this tendency is realized in any relationship, regardless of the partner.
i'm genuinely bamboozled as to why you seem to think that i called katara codependent, because i didn't. i don't think katara and aang are codependent, and i have never once said that. but i understand that sending anonymous, bad-faith arguments is a difficult, underappreciated job, so let's take the hypothetical and assume i did to help you out.
fictional characters are not real people, and so it is possible for them to have different dynamics with different characters. that's why i can ship taang or zutara or mailee but not kat.aang or mai.ko. because each of these relationships are written to fulfil different narrative purposes, the characters involved are not doomed to repeat the same patterns of behaviour in each relationship as real people might be - and the difference between the zutara and kat.aang interactions in canon proves it.
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miguelhugger2099 · 8 months
Day One
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It's February! I'll try to make a small drabble each day until the 14th so please enjoy! (─‿‿─)♡ Miguel x Reader, Fluffy, Drabble
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Miguel was the kind of guy people strayed from or that he made them stray from him. Not on purpose of course. He doesn’t mean to come off stone cold and mean when someone speaks to him, he’s just a little awkward. He’s not stupid either. He knows he takes care of himself, going to the gym, shaving, doing skincare and taking really good care of his hair to appear attractive and healthy. It’s his personality that…needs work. Or at least that’s what others tell him. Miguel would often be stopped in the middle of shopping, a pretty lady asking him questions out of the blue, usually starting off with queries about what he’s buying. He’d respond as politely as possible but when the questions became more invasive and she became more touchy, now that’s when the problem starts. His awkward social skills harden into a more guarded persona. His grunts and deep scowl would form and make the women squeak off with a quick apology and run away. Miguel felt bad for scaring them but he just wasn’t used to the idea of people wanting him. So how is it that you seemed so easy to be with? He gazes next to you, in your own world reading your book. You and Miguel had gone to the park for a small date since it was a beautiful sunny day. Your hair framed your face perfectly, the sun giving you an angelic glow while you had a soft pout on your lips as you flipped through the pages. Miguel liked it like this: you two together while doing different things at the same time. In this case, you were reading and Miguel was admiring you.
He feels himself blush at his thoughts. You were just so pretty. Miguel never thought someone like you could ever like someone like him. You were–well you were just too cute. It was typical how you two met. You were leaving your shift at a family owned cafe in the middle of the day. He was just coming in for a quick tour around the town to stretch his legs when he bumped into you on the way inside. He made you yelp and drop your lunch straight onto the ground. You groaned in frustration at yourself and for the lost food when you looked up at him. He did the same, tsking at how blind he was and was going to apologize when he was taken aback how pretty you were. It was a strange feeling to have his heart speed up at the sight of someone. You spoke up, apologizing for not seeing him and scanning his outfit to see if you dropped anything on him. Miguel simply gawks at you and you worry if you might’ve had some leftover crumbs on your face. You blush and try to hide yourself out of embarrassment but Miguel quickly speaks up again, blurting his own apology and wanting to see your eyes again. He noticed you holding onto your apron and immediately connected the dots that you worked here.
He went by the next day. He nervously sat at a table by the wall and placed his laptop on top of the table to make it appear like he was working. What was he doing? Is he stupid? There’s no way this would work. You came into the place to start your shift, a smile on your face as you greeted the coworkers you were close with. Miguel feels his face burn up and he tries hiding behind his laptop which is amusing because of his large shoulders. You glanced at him throughout the day wondering if that man had always come in. You walked over to his table with a notepad in hand. “Did someone take your order yet?” You smiled down at him. Miguel stiffens in his chair and he peeks up at you. He hopes to god he isn’t blushing hard enough for you to see it on his cheeks. “No…no. I, uh, haven’t decided.” He grumbles. His eyebrows knit down and his lips frown–a sign he’s saving himself from the social awkwardness that he is. You don’t take it to heart, finding it endearing the way he appeared nervous. You noticed. “Well, if you’re down for a recommendation, I usually like the white mocha.” You tap your pen on the side of your notepad. Miguel doesn’t look up into your eyes.
“That’s…Okay. Okay, I’ll have that.” Even though he’s not really a fan of white mocha. “Can I have a name?” you ask, clicking your pen. “Miguel.” He taps slowly on his keyboard and you smile, writing it down.
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He wasn’t sure how it happened. He thinks it was all you that had helped him make it this far. First it was one date, then a second, soon enough he bashfully asked you if you wanted him to be yours. And now you two were here, alone together at the park. He flips through the pages of his own book mindlessly. You helped him get into reading and the two of you have little meetings about the books you’re reading. He bites his bottom lip, ripping the loose skin off in a nervous habit. He found it insane how he found you, how easily you came into his life when everyone around him, including himself, had believed he’d probably be alone for the rest of his life. He glances over at you again and blushing again. How lucky is he to call you his? How is he so lucky for him to be yours? He shakes himself back to reality. He can’t believe how much he has changed and it’s all because of you. He became worried. Is this the right choice? The two of you were so young, what if this became marriage? Would he want that? Of course he does but do you want that? He hoped you did. Oh, shock, if you didn’t he’d be heartbroken. He doesn’t think there would ever be another person for him other than you. His mind spirals, his heart beating rapidly.
“Miggy.” You call out to him and he feels his heart stop for a minute. He feels goosebumps on his skin as he turns to face you. There you are with your perfect smile, your perfect face–oh, you get cuter every time he looks at you– were you always this ethereal? You tilt your head towards him with a tiny grin. “You’re very pretty,” You say softly. “The sunlight makes you extra pretty.” You giggle. Miguel’s brain goes into overdrive–he’s shutting down. How does he respond? How can he respond? What does someone even say to that? He gulps down a dry lump in his throat and hesitates to speak; he wasn’t sure how this relationship thing was supposed to go. “You’re…pretty…too.” He chokes out. Did he sound stupid? You burst out laughing and cover your mouth with your hand. Oh,he definitely sounded stupid. He burns even more, his cheeks and tips of his ears becoming a dark crimson. In between laughs, you look at him adoringly. “Oh, I love you.” He looks completely embarrassed, sighing deeply and reaching out to grip your hand tightly in his. He squeezes it three times. I love you.
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A/N: oh to be loved ♡( ◡‿◡ )
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writing-fanics · 8 months
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our future
Kaneki Ken x Fueguchi!Reader
[warning: pregnancy: est relationship: mentions of parents death (past): implied sexual intercourse (past)
beginning / middle / end / epilogue
Her foot tapped against the bathroom floor, as she sat impatiently on the toilet. Time seemed to move slowly as she waited for the test results. Her stomach turning with uncertainty as she bit her lower lip nervously.
She never took into account what could possibly happen after, they consummated their feelings for each other. After they escaped the ambush. She didn’t expect to end up with symptoms so fast.
Her heart stopped and the pregnancy test fell onto the ground. She stared off into space for what felt like hours but was only mere seconds. Before shaking her head, and looking down at the pregnancy test on the floor.
‘Positive +’
Tears brimmed her eyes as she hugged her knees to her chest. Her suspicions confirmed. She was pregnant with Kaneki’s child. She was scared and didn’t know if the child would be born healthy. If her body would mistake it for food. Kaneki was half-ghoul, he was once a human then turned into a ghoul.
She always wanted to be a mother that dream, coming from her passion of wanting to be a teacher. She loved kids their curious minds and how adorable they were, and how smart they could be. She wanted, to help shape the future. To teach the future kids of Japan.
She sniffled as she reached towards the pregnancy test, “How am I going to tell him?” she whispered, looking at the positive pregnancy test. Biting her lip nervously; placing her hand on her stomach she leaned back against the wall.
Hinami was only thirteen when their parents died and [Y/n] sixteen. They still needed their mother and father but the CCG made sure that never happened.
She banged her fist against the wall, as tears welled up in her eyes again. “Mom…Dad.. I wish you were still here.” she cried, hugging her knees as she cried on the bathroom floor.
There was a knock at the door, She quickly, shoved the pregnancy tests into her shirt. She wiped away her tears with her sleeve, as Kaneki entered the bathroom closing the door behind him.
“You okay?” He asked, sitting down on the bathroom floor next to her. She sniffled a little bit, “Yeah, just missing my parents that’s all.” She said, as her stomach turned she was lying to her own boyfriend. Father of their child.
She breathed in and opened her mouth, “I’m pregnant.” She hugged her knees to her chest, waiting for a response from Kaneki. The air was thick and the silence was deafening, “I dont know if it will be born healthy.” She said, looking down at the ground.
“When…When will it be born?” He asked, and she turned to look at him. “The child?” He added, she could’ve sworn she saw a few tears running down his cheek. “In December” She says, looking away from him for a moment.
“I’m happy.” He said, looking at the ground. “Really?” She asked, lifting up her head as her heart swelled with joy. “Yes really.” He said, and she leaned her head against his shoulder. He placed his head over hers and she smiled in response.
It was then the couple left a permanent mark on each other, one that wouldn’t fade away even long after they’re gone. A bite mark. Proof that they’re one. He loved her and he wanted to protect her no matter what. She loved him and wanted the same, giving him her mother’s engagement as a sign of her love for him.
Their love knew no bounds. She hoped they had a bright future ahead, and wanted this child in her womb to live. She was going to do everything in her power to make sure that happens. She leaned her forehead against Kaneki’s and smiled warmly, intertwining her fingers with his.
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Keep Moving Forwards, Part 40
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Azriel x Reader Fic
Summary: After finally deciding to leave your abusive and manipulative mate for good, you find unexpected companionship with Azriel, the Shadowsinger of the Night Court. As you navigate the aftermath of your traumatic relationship, you struggle to understand where the mating bond went wrong and contemplate your path forward, vowing never to return to the past.
Find other parts here: Master List
To follow this fic, follow tag "Keep Moving Forwards Fic" or comment to be tagged in future parts.
Content Warning: This story contains depictions of extreme emotional manipulation and abuse, detailed descriptions of direct physical abuse, and scenes of men hunting women with implied sexual assault. Please read at your own risk.
Word Count: 5.3K
Author's Note: This is a multi-part series. Unlike my previous works, this fanfiction delves deeper than just fluff, exploring complex emotional landscapes. As I navigate this new writing journey, I kindly ask for gentle feedback. The topics addressed are profoundly impactful, touching many lives with diverse experiences. Please be gentle with yourselves and others. Healing is a journey, and everyone processes it differently. Be kind to yourself. Take what resonates, and leave what doesn’t.
Please continue reading, being aware of the above content warnings, ensuring you are in a healthy headspace. Give yourself time to process and be gentle with yourself.
The nightmare that plagued you every night was just one of many torments your mind conjured up to punish you. Despite the comforting presence of Azriel's arms wrapped tightly around you, his protection wasn’t enough to ward off the relentless attacks from your own subconscious. Each time you woke up drenched in sweat, eyes wide and screaming, Azriel would do his best to hold onto you, to ground you in reality and remind you of who and where you were. But even as he tried to anchor you, your mind would still be lost in the grips of the dream, where Azriel was not himself but a monster wearing his skin. As much as he worried about you, you worried right back for him. Though your own eyes were now perpetually bruised and blue-tinged, Azriel's lack of rest was also beginning to take its toll on him. You would often find him falling asleep at his desk, struggling to stay focused during conversations, or napping on the couch in the Town House in the middle of the day, desperate for some respite. But he never complained, never mentioned being tired, no matter how much you pressed him to admit it.
No one spoke of what happened that night. Not even Azriel. There were no more discussions about your newfound bloodline and its potential consequences, no whispered conversations about how it might impact your work as a member of the court. It seemed like business as usual for everyone else, but deep down, you couldn't help but wonder if there were secret meetings happening without your knowledge. Perhaps they were trying to protect you from any further trauma or pain. You held your breath every time Azriel returned home from meeting with Rhys, hoping for any sign or clue, but all he ever did was smile and kiss you before going about his day as if nothing had changed. And so you tried to do the same - put on a brave face, return the smiles and kind gestures, maintain a sense of normalcy like everyone else seemed to be doing. But in moments when no one was looking, whether it was in the shower or alone in the Town House or hidden away in a quiet alley of Velaris, you would break down into sobs that wracked your body and left your head throbbing with pain. After all the time and effort the members of the Night Court had put into helping you heal and get better, you couldn't bear to burden them with your struggles again. Especially since there didn't seem to be any immediate threat looming over you.
Philip hadn't attempted to contact you again, and perhaps his only intention was to throw another jab at you and hope to destabilize you or the court. And unfortunately, it worked - on the inside, at least.
A niggling feeling persisted in the back of your mind, a conversation that took place just a few months ago. You were standing outside the door of the House of Wind in Velaris, straining to hear what the three males inside were saying before Rhys escorted you to the city gates. It was something that had slipped from your memory until that night when Philip approached you. Azriel had posed the question, his voice laced with doubt, "Do you think he could be her father?" And Rhysand's response had been filled with certainty, “I would recognize that voice anywhere.” At the time, it hadn't struck you as important, but now as questions and unexpected answers arise, you realize the gravity of that moment and how it has come full circle. As you stood once again in Velaris, a place you never thought you'd return to after you first left, everything falls into place like puzzle pieces finally connecting. —
You rap your knuckles on the heavy oak door of Azriel’s study, the aged wood creaking slightly in response. The door is already cracked open, and you can hear the sound of pages being turned from within. “Come in,” his deep voice calls out. You push the door open, the hinges squeaking slightly as you enter the room. As your eyes adjust to the dim light, they immediately lock onto Azriel's beautiful hazel gaze. It shines like a beacon in the shadows, drawing you towards him. He smiles at you, and your heart flutters in your chest. “Hi,” he greets you softly.
You walk towards him, your steps hesitant and slow, each one feeling like a weight dragging you down. You return his smile with a small one of your own. “Hey.”
Azriel leans back in his chair, his wings unfolding gracefully behind him as he runs his hand through his already tousled hair. “What’s up?” he asks.
You make your way over to his desk, leaning against it with your hips as you wrap your arms around yourself. Azriel's gaze never leaves yours, that smile still firmly planted on his lips. Your hands rub up and down your arms instinctively, as if trying to ward off the cold even though you know the only chill is inside you. You look down at him, chewing on your bottom lip nervously. He notices your discomfort and furrows his brow slightly. “Everything okay?” he asks, leaning forward slightly.
You nod, glancing away from him briefly before shrugging lightly. Everything isn’t okay, or it may not be after you ask this question.
At your shrug, Azriel tilts his head curiously. “What’s up?”
Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you let your hands fall to your sides and brace yourself on the desk as you focus on the wall behind him. One leg bounces lightly, tapping against the wooden floor. “I wanted to ask you about something,” you start, your teeth finding a loose piece of skin on your lip and latching onto it, chewing lightly.
“Yeah?” Azriel responds, still maintaining a casual tone but there is a hint of trepidation in his voice.
You already begin talking yourself out of the conversation. “I may be remembering this wrong,” you shake your head slightly as if trying to dislodge the memory, “But back when I first came here-"
Azriel leans forward even more, resting his forearms on his thighs as he listens intently.
"When I was leaving, I overheard the end of a conversation you were having with Rhys and Cassian." Azriel's eyes harden slightly, and you can't tell if he's searching through his own memories or trying to come up with a plan to respond to where you're leading.
"It was after that night that Rhys had to go into my mind to pull me out of that dream, and he saw my mother with a male." Azriel nods in understanding.
"He said he recognized that male's voice," the small piece of skin finally comes free between your teeth, causing your lip to throb slightly. "And you asked if that could be my father."
Azriel's intense gaze never leaves yours as you turn your head to face him. You search his eyes, desperately trying to find any indication that he might deny it. But all you see is silence. It speaks louder than any words he could have said.
"Azriel, did you know?" Your voice trembles with emotion.
An oppressive silence hangs in the air, stretching out for what feels like an eternity before Azriel finally breaks it. His voice is hesitant and filled with a heavy weight. "I had suspicions," he admits.
You remain silent, your eyes focused on a point on the bookshelf across from you. In this moment, both of you are shrouded in stillness, but Azriel's eyes never leave you as he speaks. Your mind struggles to make sense of the situation, to form some coherent thought. Finally, you settle on one question. "Why didn't you say anything?"
Azriel leans back in his chair, his hand finding its way into his hair as his leg begins to bounce nervously. He may try to appear brooding and enigmatic, but you know him all too well. You can read his tells, and right now, he's fighting to keep his composure. "Rhys didn't want us to," he explains.
"Why not?" You turn your gaze to him, hardening.
Azriel's eyes search yours before he responds carefully, "He didn't think it mattered at the time."
"Did any of you consider it mattering anytime after that? Like when I got back? Or when I met him at the party?" You ask harshly, more than you intended. But your blood is boiling under your skin and you can't help the sharpness in your tone.
Azriel nods lightly, "It didn't cross my mind until I saw him."
"And you didn't think it might be helpful to pull me aside and clue me in on that little detail?" You hiss, your anger flaring.
"Y/N-" Azriel starts to defend himself, running a hand over his face in frustration.
You cut him off sharply. Your gaze hardens, your nose scrunching up in disgust as you continue,
"It's my life, Azriel."
"I know," he whispers, his face turning pale.
You shake your head, your knee bouncing harder with agitation. "Azriel, why would you keep this from me? How could you?"
"You have to believe me when I say it wasn't intentional. Y/N, I only wanted to keep you safe," Azriel pleads, his palms facing towards you.
You scoff and let out a bitter laugh as your gaze falls to the floor. Your foot kicks at an imaginary speck of dust as you seethe, "Certainly seems intentional. Was safety more important than my right to know the truth about my own family? Or is it because of Rhysand’s orders?"
Azriel looks down hesitantly, “It wasn’t just about Rhys. I couldn’t risk…”
You interrupt him, your voice breaking. “Risk what? My feelings? My trust in you?”
“I… I didn’t want to lose you. And I didn’t want you to get hurt in the process. That's why I had Cassian go get you that night," Azriel admits, looking remorseful.
You turn your hardened gaze back to him, your mouth filled with spite as you ask, "So who else knew?"
Azriel pauses for a moment before considering his answer. "Don't lie to me, Azriel," you warn.
"Only Cassian, Rhys, and myself," he confesses.
"That's it?" You confirm.
Azriel nods solemnly. "That's it.”
You nervously bite your lip again, trying to control the overwhelming emotions bubbling within you. Your tear-filled eyes glance back at the bookshelf, unable to meet Azriel's gaze as you struggle to find words. "Azriel," you begin, your voice quivering with emotion, "Why would you keep this from me?"
Azriel lets out a heavy sigh and leans forward, his intense eyes scanning your face. "I just wanted to keep you safe," he says softly.
Your eyes flicker up to meet his, filled with pain and betrayal. "What were you so afraid of? Me leaving? Or Rhysand, or whoever else decided it was best to keep this dirty little secret?" Your voice grows angry and accusatory.
Azriel swallows hard, looking pained. "Maybe we should talk to Rhysand-" he starts, but you quickly cut him off with a shake of your head.
"No," you say firmly, holding up one finger to stop him. "This isn't about Rhysand. I'll deal with him later." Your gaze hardens on Azriel's hazel stare, which looks empty and lost. "This is about you and me. And the fact that I've spent the last few months getting falling in fucking love with you while you've been keeping such a huge secret from me, someone who you claim to care so much about, because Rhysand told you not to share it with me. So tell me, Azriel, what the hell is wrong with that picture?"
Azriel stands up, taking a hesitant step towards you with his arms outstretched as if wanting to comfort you. But you take a step back, your throat catching in a sob as you hold out your hand to stop him. "Don't touch me," you hiss through gritted teeth.
"Y/N," Azriel pleads desperately, saying your name like a prayer. "You have to understand that I only did it to protect you."
"Well that clearly didn't work," you retort, your voice laced with bitterness. "In fact, it backfired spectacularly." You feel the hot tears welling up in your eyes as you shake your head in disbelief.
"I know," Azriel continues, trying to close the distance between you. "And I'm so sorry."
You let out a bitter laugh. "Everyone's always so damn sorry. It’s like the background of my life." You shake your head again, feeling the sting of betrayal and heartache. "You're all the same, aren't you?" You hiss out, anger seeping through your words.
Azriel's eyes widen in shock and pleading, begging you not to finish that thought.
"You just manipulate us and string us along," you continue, the words tumbling out faster than you can process them. "You tell us what we want to hear and keep anything that might disrupt your perfect little world hidden from us." You pause for a moment before adding, "So I guess I'm sorry too. Sorry that you wasted your time trying to fix something that was never meant to be fixed."
Azriel's face contorts with pain and desperation as you hold back the sobs that threaten to escape your throat. You stand across from him, feeling the tether between you fray and snap with each passing second.
"Please," Azriel insists, taking a step closer, but you shake your head resolutely. His eyes fix on yours, pleading. "Just let me get Rhysand here so he can explain."
You meet his gaze with steely determination. "Even if he explains it, it doesn't change what you did."
Azriel nods in understanding. "I know that." Your stare is unwavering, but inside your heart is breaking. "Can I please bring him here?" he begs.
You wipe away tears with trembling hands and nod reluctantly. Azriel's relief is palpable, but you can't bring yourself to comfort him. He speaks to Rhysand through their bond before refocusing on you. "He’s on his way."
Your gaze pierces through the High Lord of the Night Court, sharp enough to cut through metal. Rhysand sits across from you at the coffee table, Azriel standing stiffly by the mantle watching the two of you square off.
"You knew." You hiss at Rhysand, your voice filled with frustration and accusation.
"I wasn't sure," he responds calmly, calculating every word.
"You were sure enough.”
"What if we were wrong?" He challenges. "What if we told you our suspicions and it turned out to be a mistake?"
"Then I would still be grateful that you trusted me enough to share and we wouldn't be having this conversation." You reply sharply.
“It would have put you in more danger" Rhysand counters.
"Then tell me not to go. Tell me your suspicions and give me all the details. Don't hide it from me," you retort, frustration boiling over.
"At the time, you were leaving," Rhysand continues.
"Then what harm would have come from telling me? I was already out of your hair, just tell me," you argue, feeling your emotions getting the better of you.
"We were trying to protect you, to keep you safe," Rhysand insists.
"By keeping me in the dark?" You scoff incredulously. "That's not protection, Rhysand. That's control."
"Control?" Rhysand repeats, his voice dangerously low. "Is that what you think I'm doing? I care about you; I would never put you in harm's way intentionally."
"You care about me?" You snap, disbelief coloring your tone. "If you truly cared, you would have trusted me enough to handle the truth, instead of treating me like some fragile porcelain doll that needs to be shielded from every harsh reality."
"I have spent centuries protecting those I care for, making difficult choices to ensure their safety," Rhysand counters, his expression darkening.
"But that doesn't give you the right to decide what I can handle, Rhysand," you retort. "I've spent my entire life being controlled by others, being manipulated and thrown around like I'm nothing. And this is just another example of that."
Silence settles heavily between the two of you as you both glare at each other, the tension crackling in the air.
Finally, you break the silence. "I am not a pawn in your game, Rhysand. I am not your possession to be guarded and controlled at your whim."
Rhysand's expression darkens even further, wounded pride flashing in his eyes. "I have always only wanted to keep you safe," he says, his voice strained with emotion.
"Safe from what? The truth?" You scoff, unable to mask the hurt in your voice.
"You may not understand the weight of those responsibilities," Rhysand says quietly.
"I may not understand them," you admit, "but that still doesn't give you the right to take away my agency and treat me like a child."
For a moment, it looks like Rhysand might explode with anger. But then his expression softens and he looks at you with genuine regret. "I never meant to make you feel that way," he says sincerely.
You let out a bitter laugh. "Well, you did. If you had told me, I would have been prepared," you say, frustration still lacing your words.
"But what if it had turned out to be a false alarm? We didn't want to cause unnecessary panic," Rhysand counters.
"I would rather have been prepared and panicked than caught off guard and vulnerable," you argue, feeling your anger flare up again.
Azriel shifts uncomfortably behind Rhysand, sensing the tension crackling in the air. He opens his mouth to speak but closes it again, wisely choosing to stay out of the escalation.
"Do you really think I'm capable of handling anything that comes my way?" You ask him seriously. "I've fought for myself my entire life. I can handle the truth."
"I know you can," Rhysand says with a hint of regret in his voice. "But I still wanted to protect you from the burden." Rhysand’s gaze drops to the floor. “You already have so much riding against you.”
"I don't need your protection, Rhysand," you say firmly. "I need your trust."
The intensity in Rhysand's eyes gives you goosebumps as he speaks. "Y/N, I can't undo the past. I can't erase the pain that still lingers inside of you," he says, his voice heavy with regret.
You scoff, crossing your arms tighter around yourself. "Excuses won't change anything, Rhysand."
He takes a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. "But what I can promise you is that there will be no more secrets. No more lies or manipulations. You have my word on that."
Your gaze shifts to Azriel as you stand up, determined to hold him accountable as well. Rhysand watches with a hint of unease as you make your way to the shadowsinger, who remains perched silently in the corner of the room.
"Swear it," you demand, your voice dripping with venom.
Azriel's eyes search yours, a flicker of pain crossing his features before he nods. "I swear," he whispers.
In that moment, a burst of tingling energy spreads across your arm, leaving behind intricate black spirals that coil and dance like living creatures. Simultaneously, a matching tattoo appears on Azriel's skin, a symbol of the unbreakable vow.
You turn back towards Rhysand, who watches in a mix of awe and concern at the bond forged between you and Azriel.
"Are we done here?" you ask sharply.
Rhysand nods slowly, understanding dawning on his face. "Yes," he replies softly.
Without another glance back at either of them, you stalk out of the room, your hand trailing down the newly marked ink on your arm.
As you slip out of the house, the heavy wooden door slams shut behind you. Your feet carry you with a sense of urgency, desperate for some kind of refuge amongst the fae who have no ties to your life. Each step feels heavier than the last, as if trying to outrun the anger that has taken root in your heart. The bustling streets are alive with activity, colorful storefronts and vibrant market stands lining the cobblestone path. Families laugh and play, while others seek pleasure in the lively city. But you hardly acknowledge them, lost in your own thoughts and troubles as you trudge without direction.
Time seems to pass by in a blur as you weave through the throngs of people. It's long after dark when you find yourself back at the Town House, its warm lights flickering invitingly inside. You exhale deeply as you stand at the base of the steps, before finally making your way up and slipping inside.
You kick off your shoes and toss them into the closet before removing your jacket. As you do, Azriel pops his head out from the sitting room entrance with a look of surprise and relief in his eyes.
"Hey," he says softly. "I didn't know if you were coming back." He steps closer as you hang up your coat.
You brush past him without a word, heading straight for the kitchen. Azriel follows behind, only a few steps behind. You open the cabinets, pulling down a bowl and a batch of granola that Elain had made and left for you. The crunchy mix falls into the bowl with a satisfying tinkling sound as you fill it with milk. Perching yourself on the counter, your feet dangle above the floor as you begin eating.
"I can make something for you," Azriel offers, lingering in the doorway.
You don't bother looking up from your bowl as you continue to spoon in mouthfuls of the sweet mixture. "I'm already eating.”
Azriel watches you for a moment, shifting his weight from side to side as he debates whether or not to say anything else. "I just wanted to say again how sorry I am.”
Your eyes flick up to meet his gaze for a moment before returning back to your food. "It's done now," you shrug indifferently.
Azriel hesitates for a moment before approaching you, perching himself on the opposite end of the counter. He searches your face for any sign of forgiveness, his shadows flickering restlessly around him.
"I know sorry isn't enough," he starts, his voice laced with regret. "But I truly am. I should have been more transparent with you from the beginning."
You swallow another spoonful of granola before meeting his gaze. "Transparency would have been a good start," you reply coolly.
Azriel nods, his silver eyes reflecting a mixture of guilt and determination. "I understand if you can't trust me right now. But I want to make things right.”
You gently place your bowl down, turning to meet his gaze. His eyes, once vivid, now appear faded with a haunting hue of remorse and anguish etched across his face. It's as if the weight of your disappointment is physically unbearable for him to bear. "How do we move forwards?" Your inquiry is heartfelt, a plea born from uncertainty. Every fiber of your being yearns to seek solace in his embrace, those strong arms that have held you through countless nights, relinquishing control. Yet, a persistent ache at the back of your mind warns you; it reminds you that Azriel may not be different from those males who have caused you so much pain.
Azriel bites his lip, his voice tinged with earnestness. "It’s about rebuilding trust," he proposes.
"So, it all rests on me making a change?" Your words carry a hint of accusation.
"No," his tone deepens as he reaches out, clasping your arms, positioning himself directly in front of you. "No, I need to also prove to you that trust can be restored."
Tears well up in your eyes as you shake your head in turmoil. "I want to believe in us, Azriel. Truly, I do."
A flicker of hope lights up his features, uncertainty melting away as he realizes your genuine desire to bridge the gap between you both.
Tears welled in your eyes, "I wish I could stop all of this." Your confession falls from your lips in a soft pained whisper. The weight of the world presses down harder on you, and you wish for nothing more than to make it all stop.
Azriel’s hand moves hesitantly, cupping your chin and lifting your gaze to meet his. In his eyes, there is hope, light, and certainty that feels intoxicating, but you can’t help but worry if you can ever feel the same.
"If I could take it all away for you, I would," he whispered, his voice laced with determination. "I would drain oceans for you, fight dragons and demons, even slay the Mother herself if it meant making things better for you."
You smile lightly at his declaration, a small laugh escaping your lips. Azriel’s own smile grows wider as he leans closer to you. "I would tear mountains from the ground and burn the deserts," he continued.
"Oh, would you?" You question, a single tear slipping down your face.
"The things I would do for you would land me in a dank dark dungeon somewhere," he admits, a hint of humor in his voice. "But for you, it would be worth it."
"To suffer me?" You ask with a shaky voice.
"I will suffer you day after day," he responds without hesitation. His forehead presses against yours as you giggle lightly. Azriel’s lips tug into a smile revealing his teeth before it falters, his eyes shutting. "I'm so sorry, Y/N."
You hesitate for a moment before wrapping your arms around his neck. "I know," you say softly
Azriel's hands moved down to your hips, gently grasping them as his fingers brushed against your exposed skin.
The kitchen was dimly lit, but the warmth radiating from Azriel's embrace made you feel safe and calm. Though a nagging feeling of distrust lingered in the back of your mind, it was drowned out by the sound of his steady heartbeat and his intoxicating scent. You found yourself leaning into him, savoring this moment of peace together.
Azriel opened his eyes and smiled at you, causing your heart to skip a beat. His hands remained on your hips as you leaned back against the cabinet, your legs swinging off the edge next to him.
But then Azriel spoke up, breaking the silence. "I do have one thing to ask," he said, his voice laced with humor.
You raised an eyebrow in response. "You really think you're in any position to make requests?" you teased.
Azriel shook his head and chuckled. "No, not like that. Just a clarification," he clarified.
Curiosity piqued, you turned to fully face him, waiting for him to continue.
His hazel eyes met yours as he spoke the words that made your heart stop. "You said you were falling in love with me."
Your eyes widened in surprise, but quickly masked your reaction. "No I didn't," you denied, shaking your head even though deep down you knew it was true. You remembered that moment when you had accidentally let slip that small secret of yours.
Azriel only looked at you with a knowing expression. "Pretty sure you did. When you were yelling at me...you said it."
Biting down on your lip with trepidation, you carefully weighed his words. "Can we just pretend it was a heated mistake?" you asked, trying to shrug off the gravity of his implications.
But Azriel's tone turned serious as he spoke again. "Listen, Y/N," he said, his voice grave. "If you didn't mean it, if it was just a slip of the tongue, then I'll understand." His intense gaze locked onto yours, his expression unreadable. "But I need to know...do you truly mean it?"
Your heart pounded in your chest as you searched for any hint of deceit in his captivating hazel eyes. But all you found was a deep desire and longing that threatened to consume you whole. He seemed to be begging for an answer, but which one did he want?
Summoning your courage, you made a decision. "No more hiding," you whispered, leaning closer to him.
He nodded in understanding.
With adrenaline coursing through your veins, you spoke the words that had been weighing heavily on your heart.
"Azriel," you paused, feeling his heart stop beating at the sound of his name, "I am falling deeply in love with you."
Azriel's breath hitched at your confession. For a moment, time seemed to stand still around both of you as the only sound was the pounding of his heart in his chest. His eyes widened in disbelief, a glimmer of hope sparking within them as he studied your face for any signs of falsity.
"I..." Azriel struggled to find the words, overcome with emotion. He reached out and gently cupped your face in his hands, his touch featherlight. "I never dared to dream that you could feel the same way."
His words hung in the air, a fragile moment suspended in time as you both stood on the brink of something new and uncharted. The weight of your shared confessions resonated off the walls of the kitchen, entwining your fates in ways you never thought possible. Azriel's touch was both tender and intense, threatening to consume you with its passion.
As you looked into his eyes, you saw a reflection of your own vulnerabilities staring back at you. The walls around your heart trembled under his penetrating gaze, daring you to open up completely. In that moment, you made a choice - to trust not only him but also yourself.
Taking a deep breath, you steadied your nerves before meeting his unwavering gaze head-on. "I do," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "I mean it, Azriel. I love you."
Azriel's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, his grip on your face tightening ever so slightly as he processed your words. The weight of the moment hung heavy in the air, the tension crackling between you both like electricity. Emotions swirled around you in a tumultuous storm, threatening to drown you in their intensity.
A moment passed in silence before a slow, disbelieving smile spread across Azriel's lips, illuminating his features with a radiant joy that took your breath away. Without a word, he pulled you into a tight embrace, holding you as if he never wanted to let go. The world around you faded into insignificance, leaving only the two of you wrapped up in each other's arms.
"I love you too," Azriel whispered against your hair, his voice raw with emotion. "More than anything in this world and the next.”
Sitting in the warm, cozy kitchen you shared, wrapped in each other's arms, you were enveloped in a sweet and intoxicating scent that seemed to emanate from the intertwining of your bodies. As you breathed in sync with each other, it felt as if the pieces of yourself that had been scattered were slowly coming back together, drawn by a magnetic force. You could hear his steady heartbeat, but also feel the rapid beat against your chest as his hands adjusted and gripped onto you, as if trying to hold onto your very soul. In response, you found yourself clinging onto him even tighter, your legs wrapping around him for a more intimate embrace. Gazing up at him through misty eyes, you noticed tears staining his tanned cheeks. "I'm still pissed at you, you know that right?" You said with a hint of playfulness in your voice.
Azriel let out a soft laugh, sniffing lightly as tears still clung to his lashes. "As long as you say you love me, you can be pissed at me until you're red in the face."
"Well," you teased, trailing a finger up his back towards his wings, "I think perhaps it's time you started making things up to me."
He shuddered slightly as your finger traced around the base of his wing, his eyes rolling back in pleasure as he let out a soft moan from his pink lips. "Anything," he whispered breathlessly, "for you, anything."
Readers: Raise your hand if you are interested in the smut scene that comes after this as a bonus scene for tomorrow? If you're interested I can post it along with the next chapter as a lil bonus treat for you. If not then we'll just move forwards! Okay love you byeee
@thatacotargirl @mcuamerica @lilah-asteria @florabelll @fightmedraco @marvelbros-oneshots @mariahoedt @quinzzelx @minnieoo @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @annabethgranger123 @krowiathemythologynerd @scatteredstardustt @caroline-books @slytherintaco @sevikas-whore @sidthedollface2 @sleepylunarwolf @acourtofbatboydreams @quiettuba @julesofvolterra @skylarkalchemist @darling006 @loglady00 @caninnes @weepingwerewolf @that-one-bibliphole
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midnight-glasses · 6 months
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This headcanon clearly inspired by @/dialovers-lover-xoxo check out her post!
Technically this is a part two of something I've done before, this is one of the characters I love the most! So I hope you guys can have fun with it.
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Some things that I imagine he might have:
🍵🍃— He has a charming smile, often accompanied by a playful glint in his eyes.
💚 🌿 — He often expresses himself through physical gestures, such as running his hands through his hair or tapping his fingers rhythmically when he is deep in thought.
🍵🍃— Laito's skin is pale, typical of a vampire, but with a slightly warmer undertone that contrasts his clothing.
💚 🌿 — His posture is confident and relaxed, with a tendency to lean casually against surfaces.
🍵🍃— Laito's shoulders are broad.
💚 🌿 — He keeps his nails short and well-groomed, a practical choice for his active lifestyle.
🍵🍃— Laito's lips are naturally pink and often curved into a smirk or playful grin.
💚 🌿 — He has a habit of running his fingers through his hair when deep in thought or planning mischief.
🍵🍃— Laito has a robust build, not overly muscular but with a sturdy frame, this is natural when you are a vampire, he never bothered to develop his physique however.
💚 🌿 — Laito's hands are large and capable, with long fingers that are nimble and skilled in various tasks.
🍵🍃 — His fingers are nimble and adept, capable of delicate tasks like playing musical instruments or handling objects with ease.
💚 🌿 — He has a distinctive laugh that is often accompanied by a bright smile.
🍵🍃— Whenever Laito smiles, dimples form on his cheeks.
💚 🌿 — His skin has a smooth texture, often maintaining a pale complexion typical of vampires but with a healthy glow that suggests vitality.
🍵🍃 — When he walks, Laito's gait is purposeful yet fluid. He moves with a natural grace just for draws attention.
💚 🌿 — Laito's voice is velvety and smooth.
🍵🍃 — Laito has a well-defined collarbone, as well as shoulder blades.
💚 🌿 — Laito doesn't have a lot of hair, whether facially or bodily, the only places that hair can be seen without much searching are on his eyebrows and hair, however when you look at him more closely it's possible see small ginger hairs that adorn his skin, it's like the skin of a peach.
🍵🍃 — When it comes to body hair, it can be said that he is the middle ground between the triplets, with Kanato and Ayato being two polar opposites in this aspect.
💚🌿 — I like to imagine Laito having freckles too, considering he is a redhead. In my opinion, both Ayato and Laito could share these characteristics. There is no canon basis to support this, but I like to think so.
🍵🍃 — Laito definitely has some moles scattered across his body besides the one he has on his cheek; I suppose he has some on his shoulder and forearm, and another set of them on his abdomen.
💚🌿 — His hair is soft and very well taken care of, this is probably one of the parts he is most proud of.
🍵🍃— Long legs.
💚🌿 — Wide torso.
🍵🍃 — Laito's skin is surprisingly sensitive to touch, reacting subtly to different textures and temperatures.
💚🌿 — His eyes are lighter in tone than Ayato's eyes; however, unlike his brother, Laito's eyes are brighter, although hazier. It is often difficult to read his true emotions through his eyes.
🍵🍃 — Still commenting on his eyes, Laito has sharp eyes like those of a feline; their curvature is pointed, as if he had natural eyeliner.
💚🌿 — Laito has slightly calloused fingers due to many years of practicing with the piano; however, they are very smooth, almost imperceptible in a quick interaction with him.
🍵🍃 — He has a slender neck.
💚🌿 — Laito's hands are particularly expressive, often gesturing or playing with objects.
🍵🍃 — He usually smells of sweet-smelling cologne and soap, which varies depending on the type he chose that day.
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I could write more; however, at present, I do not have much time for that. I also intend to explore if I can do the same for his other siblings. Thank you for reading!
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All my written content is original, however, I do not claim ownership of the characters depicted. ©2024-Present.
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supernaturalscribe67 · 5 months
Hidden Bruises
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Words: 7,546
POV: 3rd Person
Pairing: Sam/Dean Winchester x Male!Winchester!Reader [Platonic]
Warning(s): Language, PTSD, Mention of past Rape, Trauma, Sexual Assault, Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping, Mention of Character Death, Azazel
Summary: After the death of their father, Sam and Dean's older brother went missing for a couple of weeks. Eventually, he returned, and everything seemed to go back to normal. When the brothers follow a lead that takes them to an abandoned schoolhouse, Sam and Dean come face to face with the reality of what happened to their brother when he went missing.
Hello, hope you're having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request the Winchester's (John/Dean/Sam) x Older brother finding out the Azaseal (yellow eye demon) s/a him and he's been keeping it secret intill they run into Azaseal and he gloats about what he did. (If you don't feel comfortable using yellow eyes that just some strong random demon is fine)
Maybe reader is someone who has always took care of all of them including when John was drunk or injured, took care of both his brothers doing whatever he could
A/N: I'm not dead! Just stressed! These past several months have been horrible, but I'm happy to say I'm back in the groove of writing! This request has been long overdue and I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to get it out, I did not forget everyone who sent in a request! I hope you enjoy the story! Do NOT read if any of the warnings are triggering to you. Keep yourself healthy, keep yourself safe. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
~ Much Love
“Dude, are you sure you’re taking me down the right road?” Dean asked, brows furrowed as he looked in the rear-view mirror occasionally. 
“I’m sure.” (Y/N) confirmed, gaze focused on Google Maps, which he had cued up for the last thirty minutes of their drive. 
“We’ve been driving the backroads for ages. Never thought an old schoolhouse could be this deep in the countryside.” 
“A lot of people settled here at some point, Dean,” Sam said with a brief shrug of his broad shoulders. 
“Sam’s right. According to local history, the first group of settlers that arrived built make-shift houses deeper in the woodland areas for better hunting and fishing grounds. To accommodate, they built a schoolhouse in the middle of the settlements so all the kids would be able to make it to school a little easier. Once the years passed and all the people started moving away to start the nearby town, the schoolhouse was practically abandoned. There wasn’t any need for it anymore.” 
“Look at you doing your research,” Dean teased with a smirk. 
(Y/N) rolled his eyes. “More than you, asshole,” he mumbled. “Oh! There should be a small clearing up here to your left. Go ahead and turn in there, but we’re going to need to walk the rest of the way,” 
“Are you serious?” 
“Oh, grow up, Dean.” 
“Says the one sitting in the middle of the backseat.” 
“You’re so lucky I love this car as much as you do, otherwise I’d make you drive her into a tree.” 
“You wouldn’t.” 
“Try me, baby brother,” 
“Alright, that’s enough,” Sam waved his hands, cutting them off. “As much as I like seeing you two go at it, now’s not the time.” 
Both Dean and (Y/N) opened their mouths to object but stopped themselves. They each grumbled something incoherent under their breath. Dean returned to the road and (Y/N) looked down at his phone. 
“Are you going to turn here?” He asked. 
“Yeah,” Dean mumbled. 
Dean slowly turned the wheel and edged the Impala onto the beginning of a dirt path. A couple of feet ahead of the car, the path narrowed and was overgrown by trees. Even if the Impala would have been smaller, there was no possible way it would be able to fit down the path. It appeared to be more the size of a hiking or bike trail. Once the car was settled, Dean turned the engine off, the heavy purr dying to a low hum as the heat dissipated. The headlights stayed on for a couple of seconds before going out. 
“Let’s rock ‘n roll,” Dean grunted as he stepped out of the car. 
Sam and (Y/N) soon followed after, the three of them heading to the back of the car. Dean popped the trunk and lifted the cover, revealing their large array of weapons. Each of them took their respective weapons and sheathed them before the trunk was closed with a heavy bang that echoed throughout the trees. 
“Could you be any louder? We don’t know how close the schoolhouse is from here.” (Y/N) grumbled. 
“Bite me,” Dean mumbled. 
“Guys,” Sam sighed. 
(Y/N) held up his hand in surrender. “Fine, fine,” he turned away from his brothers and began to make his way towards the dirt path. 
“You sure it’s down this way?” Sam asked, following after him.
“Yeah, that is, if we assume the coordinates are accurate.”  
“And you’re sure you can trust Google with that?” Dean asked. 
“Same as we trust any other research material. All I know is that it should be in some type of field.” 
Dean nodded, satisfied with the answer. 
They began to make their way down the dark, dirt path, towards the canopy of trees, bent after years of surviving thunderstorm after thunderstorm. As they approached the trees, they pulled their flashlights out, illuminating the path ahead. The treetops were thick and heavy, the moonlight disappearing when they passed the entrance to the woods. 
Thirty minutes filled with dodging bulging tree roots and low tree branches, accompanied by some complaints from Dean about how far they had walked, moonbeams became visible through the upcoming branches. (Y/N) held up his hand, and turned off his light, before he walked towards the clearing. Sam and Dean followed suit, killing the light. 
Past the wall of tree branches, a field became visible. Sat in the middle, about twenty feet away from the group, was an old, dilapidated building. The building sat in front of them, tall and menacing, as if a dark aura circled the decaying brick exterior. It stood three stories tall, some windows broken, and glass surrounding the foundation. The steps out front were cracked with some concrete pieces scattered about near the bottom. The bold lettering that rested right above the front doors was faded, some letters almost invisible, but it was clear that it was supposed to read out the name of the school. (Y/N) couldn’t help but wonder how the interior of the building looked compared to the outside. 
One thing that struck the group as odd, however, was the fact that some of the windows were filled with warm lights, indicating power had been added to the ancient building. It wasn’t until they got closer that they realized a small hum was disrupting the evening crickets in their peaceful song. (Y/N) raised his hand, halting their movements. They got down low, the only cover they had being the overgrown grass that engulfed their bodies. 
“They’re using a generator.” (Y/N)’s voice was low and deep. 
Sam sighed. “And it looks like there’s only one entrance. I wouldn’t trust those windows either. No one knows how long it’s been since they’ve been opened.” 
Dean shook his head. “That’s gotta be against fire code to have one doorway.” He mumbled. 
“The fire code came around in the 1600s, but I highly doubt these settlers cared about it.” (Y/N) muttered. “I’m going to sneak towards the generator and turn it off. You two keep an eye out to see if there’s any movement inside. We can go in then,”
“Got it,” they said in unison. 
(Y/N) gave a brief nod before he headed towards the building, keeping low in case of peering eyes from the windows. Rounding the side of the building, the humming became almost deafening. A dull light illuminated a small patch of grass on the other side of the school. With his eyes glued to the light, (Y/N) swiftly made his way around and to the back. The generator sat against the foundation, rumbling loudly and shaking the earth around it. He grabbed his flashlight from his waistband and shone it on the generator, furrowing his brows as he looked for a way to stop it. Finally, he saw the power switch, took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the task ahead, and switched it off. 
The power died immediately, the once bright school house going dark in an instant. (Y/N) knew he had to be quick. He made his way back towards the front. Sam and Dean stood at the base of the steps, their weapons drawn. (Y/N) drew his before he joined his brothers. 
“Alright, let’s gank these sons of bitches,” he mumbled, taking the lead as they entered the school. 
It was a lot darker inside than they originally thought it would be. Despite the massive windows in each room, the decades' worth of dust covered the natural moonlight, engulfing them in darkness. They brought out their flashlights, illuminating the entranceway. Their dim lights skimmed over the walls and floors, taking it in as they took careful steps deeper into the school. 
The interior of the school was just as damaged as the exterior. No longer was it a place of learning, but a place filled with debris and graffiti. Artwork and random words riddled the walls in different colored spray paints and many wooden panels lined the floor that were covered in a ripped-up, faded green carpet. The three of them took their time navigating through the mess that was near the front door to get to the main hall. A room was located to the left, which would appear to be the location of the office and the home of the principal when the school was in operation.
A couple of feet away from the front door, there was an archway that led down a narrow hallway as well as a staircase to the right. The halls were a little more clean compared to the entrance. All of the debris was pushed to one side or the other, making it a little easier to navigate through. (Y/N) turned to his brothers and gestured down the hall. 
“You two take this hall and I’ll check upstairs,” he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, yet booming in the dead silence that surrounded them. 
Dean furrowed his brows. “What? No.” Dean protested, his voice at the same level as (Y/N)’s had been. “We stick together.” 
“There shouldn’t be too many in here. I’ll be fine on my own. You two stick together, and shout if you need help.” 
“Dean,” (Y/N)’s tone was low. “I’m not arguing about this.” 
Dean shared a glance with Sam before he shook his head in disapproval and began to make his way down the hallway. (Y/N) watched them for a couple of seconds before he turned. He stalked towards the narrow staircase, caged in by cracked and deteriorating walls. Other than the small amount of concrete or wood that was scattered around on the stairs that he had to avoid, they were rather clear compared to the entrance. Gingerly, he placed his hand on top of the railing, an old wooden rod that had paint and wood chipped away at it. He used it as a guide as he made his way up and to the second floor. The stairs creaked under his weight, despite his careful steps. 
While he walked, he concentrated heavily on his sense of hearing. With his sight limited, he was relying exclusively on his ears to tell him if anyone, or anything, was near. When he reached the landing, he shone his flashlight down a hall that looked identical to the one Sam and Dean had wandered down. 
The second floor was in the same state as the first floor with scattered debris on either one side or the other of the walkway. Doors lined the walls, some fully opened, and some cracked ever so slightly. One by one, he took a step into every room, shining his light around all four corners. He whispered a quiet ‘clear’ following each empty room he examined. 
All of the rooms were dimly lit with the mixture of (Y/N)’s flashlight and the faded moonbeams begging to go through the dusty windows. Chairs and desks were strewed about, some toppled over, while others rested in, presumably, the same spot they did all those years ago. Those tables and chairs were unknowingly preserving the history of the once-active school. 
It was quiet. Too quiet. A part of (Y/N) wanted to believe that the intel they received might have been wrong, that no demons were haunting the very halls he walked, but the generator out back told no lies. Squatters wouldn’t waste what little money they had on luxuries such as that, nor would they put forth the time and the effort to wire the entire building. The other part of him, the logical side, told him that the demons were good. Sneaky. They knew how to hide and they did it well. He had to be even more focused than he already had been. 
He hoped Sam and Dean were doing okay. 
Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to split up. 
(Y/N) got to the last room, on the left side of the hallway. He noted that it was the only door that had been shut, making sure to be extra cautious as he reached a hand forward, grasping the splintered doorknob. As he opened the door, the aged hinges creaked, the sound echoing down the hallway, breaking the uneasy silence. The room was noticeably darker than the rest, not an ounce of moonlight visible. (Y/N) raised his light and shone it around the room. He took a couple of steps inside, broken glass crackling underneath his boots. When he shined his light on the window, he noticed that it had been completely boarded up, the remnants of a black trash bag that had once covered it hanging from nails lazily placed along the window sill. 
Just as he got to the center of the room, the door hinges creaked again, loud and eerie. (Y/N) was quick to turn around, but he was only able to catch the final seconds before the door closed. His breathing stopped, heart racing inside of his chest. He listened, closely, but he heard nothing. No footsteps. No breathing. Nothing. 
“Guess who,” A deep, scratchy, all too familiar voice spoke. 
The same voice that plagued his mind and haunted his dreams. 
He froze. 
Like a deer in headlights. 
Then, his world went black. 
The harsh light wasn’t good for his pounding head. A throaty moan slipped past (Y/N)’s lips as he awoke, vision blurry and eyes watery. He slowly lifted his head, groaning at the noticeable crick in his neck. He could feel that he was slouched in a chair, his back was aching from the posture, but he felt too nauseous and weak to fix it. When his vision cleared, he was able to take in some of the details of the room he was in. It was obvious that the room used to be one of the many classrooms, desks and chairs were pushed to one side of the room, stacked up to the point where they could topple at any moment. A single window stood across the way, the bottom half completely shattered with a puddle of broken shards resting beneath. The chill night air whistled and caressed his face. To his right were two massive floodlights, shining down on him. To his left, were Sam and Dean, bound to chairs the same as he was. 
Sam and Dean. 
(Y/N) quickly sat up, despite the throbbing in his head. In an attempt to move his arms, he could feel how tight the ropes were around his wrists and forearms. The demons were skilled, it seemed. 
“Well, look who finally decided to wake up,” Dean grumbled, his speech coming out slurred. 
He has a concussion. 
“What the Hell happened?” (Y/N) hissed. 
“They came out of nowhere,” Sam mumbled. His eyes were half-lidded, looking as if he was experiencing the same pain as (Y/N). 
“There were too many of them.” Dean finished.
(Y/N) cursed under his breath as he tried to wiggle his arms out of the binds, but it was all to no avail. He was used to being held captive by people who didn’t know how to tie a knot, but the way he was tied up was rather intricate. He wasn’t too sure he would be able to break out of it. 
“How many did you guys run into?” 
“I don’t know, man,” Dean answered. “A dozen, maybe more. You?” 
(Y/N) stopped moving, his eyes cast down to the floor. “Just one,” 
“One? You got taken out by a single demon?” 
“It was dark,” (Y/N) defended himself with a growl. “I couldn’t see anything, I couldn’t hear anything. It was silent.”
Don’t think about his voice. Don’t think about his voice.
“Still, to be taken out by one demon, geez,” Dean mumbled. 
“Look, I don’t have time to argue with you! I’m trying to get us out of here!” 
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about that,” a sweet, sultry, female voice echoed in the room. “You won’t be going anywhere anytime soon,” a demon came from behind them, a wide smile on her lips. 
She walked behind (Y/N), grabbed the knots connected to his wrists and arms, and tugged at them. 
“Did these myself,” she spoke proudly. “Wasn’t too difficult, really. Just seems as if people aren’t willing to teach themselves anything useful anymore,” she pursed her lips, crossing her arms underneath her breasts. 
(Y/N) snarled as the frayed ropes rubbed against his skin, scratching the surface. “If you’re done boosting your ego for five minutes, I’d really appreciate it if you let us go.” He spoke between clenched teeth.
The demon let out a boisterous laugh as she walked around the chair to stand in front of him. “Are you kidding?” She scoffed. “The Winchesters practically fall into our lap, and you think we’re going to let you go? Just like that?” She snapped her fingers. “Now, what would my boss think of me if I did that?” 
“And who, exactly, is your boss?” Dean asked. 
“Oh, you know him. Quite well, actually. He’s so excited to see you all again.” She walked over to (Y/N), the back of her hand brushing against his cheek gingerly. “Especially you.” Her voice was low, menacing. 
With that, the demon left, the click of the doorknob filling the silence. (Y/N) was tense. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest. Gooseflesh littered his arms, the hairs standing up. The panic began to set in. 
Have to get out. Have to get out. Have to get out. HAVE TO GET OUT.
“We have to go.” (Y/N) said, his voice barely above a whisper and shaky. 
(Y/N) began to frantically pull at the ropes, only resulting in them tightening around his arms. His muscles strained, shoulders shifting. Sam and Dean both tried to wiggle out of their confinements. Sam’s movements were slower and more thoughtful than his brothers’. 
“Do you know who she’s talking about?” Sam leaned his head close to (Y/N), voice hushed. 
“Doesn’t matter. What matters is that we get the fuck out of here.” (Y/N)’s voice was louder than it normally would have been, the anxiety flooding his words. 
Sam and Dean shared a look of concern but decided to say nothing. They had never seen their brother so frazzled. Dare they say, scared? If there was one thing that (Y/N) never experienced when he was on hunts, it was fear. (Y/N) was always the one who kept a calm and collected attitude, barked orders, kept victims quiet during stressful situations, and he was the one Sam and Dean always fell back on. It was as if the brother they were bound next to wasn’t the same person. 
They all worked on getting the ropes off of them. Sam and Dean weren’t struggling as much as (Y/N) seemed to, who, at first glance, one would assume had never gotten out of binds before. That was far from the truth. He was, normally, the first one to get out of the ropes, as if he was an escape artist in a previous life. It was rather evident that something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Sam and Dean, however, didn’t have the slightest clue. 
Have to get out. Have to get out. 
The door opened, and (Y/N) froze. He was sure his heart stopped as well. Every muscle felt as if they were tying themselves together in intricate knots. The creaking hinges seemed louder than before, almost as if they were teasing him. Laughing at his pain. Mocking him. Or, perhaps, they were warning him. 
Please don’t be him. Please don’t be him.
“Well, well, well…” The voice spoke, amusement evident.
(Y/N)’s blood ran cold. In situations like that, when faced with immediate danger, our brain turns to one of three options; fight, flight, or freeze. You can defend yourself, run away, or accept your fate. Being tied to the chair didn’t give (Y/N) the chance for flight, and there wasn’t an ounce of fight left in his body. So, he sat there, frozen, eyes wide with fear. The last time he was filled with that much fear was when he last encountered the demon. Unfortunately, it hadn’t been that long ago. 
A hand on his shoulder caused him to jump. He knew that touch all too well. It felt as if fire was spreading from the hand, down his torso, and through the rest of his body. 
Azazel turned to stand in front of the three Winchesters, his deep, yellow eyes lingering over (Y/N)’s body. Sam and Dean tensed, their jaws clenched, noses scrunched as they stared down the demon. 
“Yellow eyes,” Dean said between clenched teeth. 
“Oh, come on, Dean, you know I’m much more than just my eyes,” Azazel smirked. “You know, me and my demons were having a fairly good night. Got a lot planned for you, Sammy. Of course, the plan has some kinks to work through, but what plan doesn’t? A peaceful night, nonetheless. Imagine my surprise when the lights turned off. Not only that, but imagine my surprise when I hear who turned it off.” 
Azazel’s eyes scanned over the brothers, but they always wandered back to (Y/N). Each time they did, it felt like he was getting stabbed in the gut. 
“You know,” Azazel continued. “I can’t thank you enough for showing up unannounced. I mean, that’s one less child I need to find,” he gestured to Sam. “Not only that,” Azazel turned to (Y/N), stalking over toward him at an agonizing pace. “But you brought my favorite little plaything.” 
This isn’t real. This can’t be real. Please don’t let this be real.
When Azazel placed his calloused hand on (Y/N)’s jaw, fingers trailing down to his chin, (Y/N) was faced with the brutal reality that everything was real. (Y/N) hadn’t realized how much he had been shaking until Azazel let out a deep laugh. 
“Still scared?” He teased, his tongue poking through his eerie grin. 
“Leave him alone,” Sam growled. “It’s me you want.” 
“Correction, Sam, I want both of you.” 
“Why? What is he to you!?” 
Azazel looked at Sam, then Dean, then back at Sam. His brows raised as a look of realization crossed his face. “Oh,” he cooed, tilting his head to the side as he bent down in front of (Y/N), their noses almost touching. “You never told them, did you.” 
“Told us what?” Dean questioned. “(Y/N), what the Hell is he talking about!?” 
(Y/N) couldn’t speak. He felt as if there were cobwebs in his throat, his lips and mouth dry, and no part of his body wanted to function. Azazel stared into his eyes. Correction: Azazel stared into his soul. The soul that he had left was damaged. Oh, did that fact fill the demon with pride. Azazel’s lips curled up at the corner of his mouth as he stood up straight. He sauntered over so he was standing in front of Sam and Dean.
“Months ago…” Azazel began. “After your dear old Daddy passed, your brother decided to go on a little manhunt, all on his own.” 
Sam and Dean turned their gaze to (Y/N). Sam’s eyes were wide with shock and betrayal, while Dean’s expression could only be described as pure anger. Their minds immediately drifted to the worst possible outcome from that hunt. Their first thought drifted to him selling his soul. Making a deal with Azazel. While that seemed like a possibility, it didn’t make sense, as Azazel still spoke as if he had plans for Sam. What could (Y/N) have done? 
Azazel began to make his way back over to (Y/N), his back straight, his posture intimidating. “After a couple of pathetic weeks of trying to find me, he was finally able to catch up to me.” Azazel stood in front of him. Slowly, he leaned down, his breath fanning over (Y/N)’s face. “Do you want to tell them all of the gory details? Or should I?” 
(Y/N)’s breath quickened, chest noticeably rising and falling at a rapid pace. The panic became evident on his face. Azazel reached a hand up and let it rest on (Y/N)’s knee. 
“Do you want to tell them how you quivered under my touch? How you were shaking and sobbing? How you were crying for them to save you?” 
As he talked, his hand trailed further and further up his thigh, getting dangerously close to his crotch. (Y/N)’s body began to convulse, eyes bulging from their sockets. Whimpers escaped his parted lips as he tried desperately to wiggle away from his touch. 
Have to get away. Have to get away. Get away. GET AWAY.
“Hey!” Sam shouted. 
“Get away from him!” Dean exclaimed. 
“Tell me,” Azazel continued, ignoring Sam and Dean’s loud protests, his attention solely focused on (Y/N). “Do you still hear my voice as you drift off to sleep at night? Do you still feel my fingers digging into your hips? Do you still feel my cock inside that tight little hole of yours?” He grunted as he gripped (Y/N)’s penis through his jeans tightly. 
“No! Please!” (Y/N) screamed louder than he had ever screamed before. Tears rolled down his cheeks freely, painting his face with their wetness. He desperately attempted to get away, not caring that the ropes dug into his flesh, rubbing it raw. His sobs echoed off the walls. 
“That’s right,” Azazel grinned wickedly, teeth and jaw clenched. Somehow, his quiet voice was the only thing (Y/N) could hear. Not the hum of the floodlights, not his brothers’ angry shouts, just Azazel. “Cry, my little pet.” 
“You son of a bitch! I’ll kill you! Do you hear me? I will fucking kill you!” Dean screamed to the point of almost instantly becoming hoarse. 
“Oh, I hear you boys loud and clear.” Azazel pulled his hand away from (Y/N). “And I must say, it’s getting rather irritating. I might just have to take my pet somewhere else to play.” 
“Don’t you dare,” Sam snarled. 
“Well, not now. I’ve worked him up a little too much for me to have a good time playing with him.” He glanced at (Y/N), licking his lips predatorily. “It won’t be any fun making him scream now. Don’t want him to lose his voice too soon. Besides, you two made a mess of one of our rooms, and I need to make sure that everything necessary is accounted for.” 
Azazel continued to stare at (Y/N), obvious amusement etched on his face. The tears continued to fall, but he was silent. His bottom lip wobbled. By the way his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, it was evident he was holding back cries he desperately wanted to let out. Azazel grabbed him tightly by the jaw, tilted his head up, and planted a rough, bruising kiss on his lips. Before Sam and Dean could resume their shouting, he pulled away. 
“I’ll see you soon, little pet.” He purred, fingers trailing over his wet cheeks before he stalked out of the room, not even giving Sam and Dean a second glance. 
The three of them sat there and said nothing. (Y/N) stared off towards the window, head moving from side to side ever so slightly. His brain was foggy and dizzy from the overstimulation. Dean’s jaw was clenched, nostrils flared. His eyes glimmered with a murderous rage. He stared at his older brother - his broken older brother - before turning his attention over to Sam. Sam shared the same look of anger as he did. 
What no one had been aware of was that, while the chaos with Azazel unfolded, Sam had been working on the ropes around his arms. A couple of silent seconds after they were left alone in the room, Sam let out a grunt and pulled his arms apart. The ropes fell onto the floor with a light thud. With determination in his eyes, Sam turned and untied (Y/N) first before going over to Dean. Once Dean was free, he stood, stretched his neck muscles, and then turned for the door, eyes flooded with blind rage. Sam was quick to grab him by the upper arm, stopping him in his tracks. 
“What’re you doing?” He whispered. 
“I’m going after that son of a bitch, Sam, what do you think I’m doing?” Dean retorted. 
“We can’t. There are too many of them, and we don’t have our weapons anymore.” 
“I’ll take my chances,” Dean pulled his arm from Sam’s grasp and turned to leave, but was quickly grabbed by Sam once more. “Let go, Sam.” 
“Dean, I want the bastard dead just as much as you do, even more now, but we’re outnumbered. Plus, (Y/N) needs us.” 
Hearing his brother’s name snapped him out of the trance he was in. Dean snapped his head around towards (Y/N), who was still sitting in the chair. 
“(Y/N),” he breathed, quickly making his way over to him. Sam followed. 
Once they were in front of (Y/N), they could see just how much he was affected. His arms hung at his side lamely, his gaze still set towards the window. They were empty, devoid of any emotion. His cheeks were still stained, and his lips were slightly parted. They had started to swell. 
“Hey, hey, (Y/N),” Dean reached up and cupped his face, turning his head so he would look at him. “Hey, buddy, you’re okay. You’re safe. He’s not here anymore, but we have to get out of here. Can you stand up?” 
Dean slowly nodded. “Alright, Sam, you get that window open and we’ll get out of here. I’ll grab him.” 
Sam moved over to the window, scraping some of the broken glass away from it. He glanced out the window and let out a breath of relief when he saw they were on the first floor. He grabbed the top of the window, lifting it, but it didn’t budge. He cursed under his breath and took a deep breath as he hoisted the window open with all of his strength. The bottom half of the window slammed upwards, causing the wall to shake. He raised his brows and turned to Dean, gesturing him over quickly. 
Dean reached under (Y/N)’s legs and picked him up bridal style. He held him tight and close to his chest as he swiftly made his way over to the window. Sam was the first one to climb out, hissing as the splinters from the window sill embedded themselves into his hands. Once his feet were on the ground, he turned back to the window. 
“Pass him through,” he held his arms out. 
Dean glanced behind him at the door before he helped Sam get (Y/N) through the window. Once (Y/N) was through, Sam cradled him in his arms just as Dean had. Dean moved even faster to get out of the window. When they were outside, they could see, in the distance, the familiar sight of the sun peeking out past the horizon. They shared a glance, examined their surroundings, and then rushed back towards the tall trees at the edge of the field. 
They ran at Mach speed through the forest, hopping over roots and dodging protruding branches. Now and then, Sam would look down at his brother, still held tight to his chest, but the same, vacant expression was always present on his face. Sam was, admittedly, worried for him. He had never seen (Y/N) in such a vulnerable state. He was always the level-headed one, so put together. He was the one that Sam and Dean leaned on in times of trouble, the one that picked them up when they were down, the one to jump to their aid when they needed him the most without any hesitation. 
And here he was, carrying him in his arms, the broken shell of his oldest brother. Never, in a million years, would he have imagined this scenario. To him, it was always supposed to be the other way around, as it had been on multiple occasions. He felt so heavy, but, at the same time, light as a feather, as if Sam could carry him for hundreds of miles if he had to. He would in a heartbeat. 
By the time they reached the edge of the wood, the sky had turned a brilliant pinkish-orange, and mourning doves began to sing their elegant tune. Dean broke out into a wide grin as Baby came into view. 
“Oh, Baby, I am never leaving you again,” he mumbled as he ran his hand over her hood. 
“Dean? Keys?” Sam raised his brows. 
Dean slowly frowned. He patted his jean pockets, then his coat pockets. He grumbled, unzipped his coat, and reached inside. After seconds of searching, he let out a heavy sigh of relief as he pulled the keys out of an inner pocket. 
“Thank God for inside pockets.” 
Sam rolled his eyes. “Just get the door opened.” 
“Right, right…” 
Dean unlocked the car before he rounded the corner to the back passenger’s side. He opened the door.
“How is he?” He asked. 
Sam took a moment to look down at (Y/N). He was so focused on getting them as far away from the school as possible, that he didn’t even notice that he had fallen asleep. Sam felt relief wash over him, glad that his brother didn’t have to experience any more of those negative thoughts he must’ve had. At least, not at that moment. Carefully, Sam navigated his way to the backseat, laying (Y/N) on his side. He made sure not to wake him. With everything he had gone through and all the emotions that had seemingly piled onto him all at once, he wasn’t sure how easy (Y/N) would be to wake up. He must have been exhausted. 
“He’s fine, at least, for now,” Sam mumbled. 
Once (Y/N) was situated in the backseat, Sam stretched, not having realized the strain he had received from carrying him for so long. He closed the door as quietly as he could and took his spot in the passenger’s seat. Dean walked around the car and got into the driver’s side. He was quick to start the car, the rumble of the engine sending vibrations through the seats. Dean pulled off the dirt road and did a U-Turn, heading back into town. 
The first five minutes of the ride were silent. Not even the radio dared speak up. Sam and Dean’s eyes were glued to the road, both of them taking turns to occasionally look back at (Y/N). 
Dean was the first one to speak. 
“We need to get the Hell out of Dodge.” He said. 
Sam nodded. “You’re right. If Yellow Eyes is this close, he’ll waste no time trying to find us. I can go in, pack all of our stuff, and check us out. Then, I say we drive as far away as possible.” 
“I couldn’t agree more.”
Another deep silence. Dean was the first one to speak again. 
“How come he never told us?” 
Sam hesitated for a moment, considering the question himself. He tried to look at it from a personal standpoint. Why didn’t he tell them? They’re family. They tell each other everything. But do they? He tried to look at it from a logical standpoint. 
It was one thing the Winchesters were notorious for; their lack of communication when it comes to their emotions. It was preached to them when they were younger, that emotions were the reason hunters got killed. You had to go in, get the job done, and don’t let it get to you. Then again, a vast majority of hunters are alcoholics, so what does that say about them? They are human, after all. 
What happens when something serious occurs? Something so traumatic that they lose themselves at the first sight of the enemy? That was something neither the hunting life nor their father had prepared them for. At that point, they were lost. 
Sam shook his head. “I don’t know. I mean, you saw the way he acted when Yellow Eyes walked in.” 
Dean’s jaw clenched. “Yeah.” 
“I couldn’t imagine what he was going through, nor what he went through. I mean, if something like that happened to you, would you tell us?” 
Dean opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself. He clenched onto the steering wheel. “No,” he mumbled. 
“Exactly, I mean…” he trailed. “This is fucked up.” 
“Yeah, extremely fucked up. You have no idea how hard it is for me to drive away. I wanna go back there and kill him so bad.” Dean spoke between clenched teeth, his grip on the wheel so tight his knuckles turned white. 
“Trust me, Dean, I get it.” Sam nodded. “But right now, we should focus on (Y/N). He needs us right now, more than anything.” 
Dean looked over at Sam for a second before glancing in the rearview mirror at his older brother’s sleeping form. On that day, he vowed that he would kill Azazel with his own two hands. 
His vision was fading, black spots decorating his peripherals. Any sound had been replaced with a low buzz. His breathing was staggered and labored. Every inch of his body was on fire as if he was being burned from the inside out. The only relief he felt was the cool concrete that was pressed against his cheek. It felt as if his body weighed a thousand pounds. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn’t move. 
Suddenly, the pain shot through his body like a bullet, his muscles and nerves tensing. He opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out. 
“Aw, isn’t that cute,” Azazel growled from above him. 
(Y/N)’s fear-filled eyes shot towards the sound of his voice. Azazel’s deep, yellow eyes stared into him intently, filled with rage, lust, and desire. (Y/N) tried to scream louder, but, still, no sound came out. 
“Sam! Dean! Help me, please!” He mouthed, hot tears streaming down his face. 
“Look at you trying to call out for your brothers. Well, I hate to break it to you, little pet, but they aren’t here, and they’ll never find you if I can help it.” 
Azazel caressed his cheek before grabbing his hair roughly, yanking his head back. In a flash, a cool, sharp black was pressed against his neck. 
“Now, be a good boy and take it.” 
The pain intensified, lightning shooting through his veins.
Take it. 
Take it.
Take it!
Help me.
(Y/N) gasped as he jolted upright, eyes wide and alert. His chest rose and fell with the rhythm of his pants. In an instant, Sam and Dean were by his side. Dean stood next to the bed while Sam sat next to him. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Sam spoke in a soothing voice, hesitantly reaching toward him. “You’re safe, (Y/N).” 
(Y/N) jerked away from his touch, and Sam was quick to pull back. As (Y/N) attempted to gather himself, he looked around the room. They were in a motel room, although it was different than the one (Y/N) remembered being in. What did he remember? The last thing he could recall was the look on Azazel’s face as he smirked down at him, the look in those deep, demonic eyes. Those damned eyes. He didn’t remember leaving the school, nor did he remember their journey to another motel room. 
“Where are we?” he asked quietly, his voice hoarse and broken.
“Chattanooga,” Dean replied. “A couple hours south of where we were.” 
(Y/N) nodded in acknowledgment. Then it was silent. No one said anything, the only sound filling the room was the electricity coursing through the air from the outdated box TV sat on the dresser. (Y/N)’s gaze was cast down towards the discolored comforter while Sam and Dean shared a glance as if silently urging one another to say something. Finally, it was Sam who spoke up. 
“Look, if you don’t wanna talk about it, we-” 
“He was right,” (Y/N) interrupted. 
Sam and Dean looked at each other before they turned their attention back to their older brother. Dean sat down on the bed opposite (Y/N), and leaned forward, hands folded. 
“Everything he said was true.” (Y/N) swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. 
“So, after dad died…” Sam trailed. 
“When I went AWOL? Yeah. I, uh, I had found where he was. Didn’t take that long, at least, not as long as I thought it was going to take. I was so set on killing him that I didn’t take into account the fact that there might be other demons with him. It was like I was…blind by rage…” (Y/N) lowered his head and twiddled his thumbs. “I was captured pretty easily, I hate to admit. Then, he came in…you know the rest.” 
(Y/N) was unaware of the tears that had begun to form in the corner of his eyes. He refused to look at his brothers. What would they say? What would they think? Would they be disappointed? Disgusted? Betrayed? He didn’t think he could handle what they thought about him at that moment. 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Dean asked softly. 
(Y/N) glanced up at them, brows furrowed with a look of confusion. Sam and Dean’s expressions conveyed a feeling of sadness. Of hurt. (Y/N) clenched his hands into weak fists and looked down. 
“I’m your big brother. I’m supposed to be the one to protect you guys, not the other way around. I’m supposed to be the strong one. How would you think of me knowing your big brother couldn’t even stop himself from getting raped?” (Y/N)’s voice broke, tears flowing more freely. 
Sam and Dean watched (Y/N) hug himself tightly. Slowly, they began to make their way onto the bed, not wanting to startle him in such a fragile state. With Sam on one side and Dean on the other, they wrapped their arms loosely and gently around his shaking frame. 
“(Y/N), I hope you know that we don’t think any less of you because of this,” Sam said. 
“Yeah, this isn’t your fault,” Dean agreed.
(Y/N) shook his head. “If I wouldn’t have gone after him…” he sobbed. 
Dean shushed him, reaching a hand up to gently caress his head. (Y/N) stopped what he was saying and just leaned against his brothers. The Winchesters were never good with comfort. Get over it, they were always told. Stop being so sensitive. Real men don’t cry, type of narrative. They all just sat there in silence, sobs continuing to fall from (Y/N)’s lips. 
He was always so scared about the way his brothers would react. He decided to take a page out of John Winchester’s book of dealing with his emotions. Bottle it up and everything would be okay, which was completely false. That much was evident back at the schoolhouse. (Y/N) wasn’t okay. Hell, that had been the first moment he had verbally admitted that he had been raped, and it hurt. 
Even though he felt a small sense of security in the arms of his brothers, he still didn’t feel safe. Knowing Azazel, his rapist, was still roaming the world in search of them always kept him on edge. He wasn’t sure he would ever feel peace unless he witnessed, firsthand, the life drain from those yellow eyes of his. After that, he wasn’t certain how he would feel.
“Hey,” Dean’s voice broke the dead silence. 
(Y/N) looked up at him, eyes red, but slowly drying. Dean gazed down at him with a look of determination on his face. 
“We got this, okay? As long as you’re with us, we won’t let anything else happen to you. You’ve been our big brother and protected us our whole lives. Now it’s our turn to protect you.” 
(Y/N) took a moment to look at Dean, then looked over at Sam. He gave a small, brief nod as he pulled them closer for a tighter embrace. 
“Thank you,” he spoke in a hushed tone. 
“Don’t even worry about it,” Sam shook his head. “You would do the same for us.” 
(Y/N) nodded.
“And if there’s one thing I can promise you, (Y/N), it’s that the next time I see that slimy bastard, I won’t hesitate to put a bullet between his eyes,” Dean growled, holding his brother close.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but give a small smile, because, while the Winchesters weren’t good at comfort or expressing their griefs with one another, there was one thing that made them stand out amongst everyone else;
When they promised to kill something, nothing on God’s green Earth could get in their way.
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Bad day snuggle fic with Primo? He deserves to be spoiled so so so badly
Primo x reader (platonic) fluff
Word count: 1395
A/N: I hope this is kind of what you were looking for? I am so sorry it took so long to get to! Enjoy!!
Fic requests are OPEN ✅
Today was not going his way. From the moment he woke up, Primo had been facing anything and everything going wrong. He went to brush his teeth? No toothpaste left. Went to take a shower? The ghouls had used up all the hot water. 
He woke up late for the first time in 100 years and he was beginning to wish he never woke up at all.
With a grumble he walked out to the gardens, hoping to find some peace amongst his flowery friends. He hadn’t finished up the work he wanted to get done yesterday. Thinking the sunshine would fix everything, he took a deep breath as he put one foot in front of the other and stepped out into the fresh air. 
Peering out across the yard, it looked like he would be left to his own devices for the most part. It wasn’t that he was a grumpy fellow, but today was trying his unholy amount of patience. He didn’t want to make any of the Siblings upset with his grumpy attitude, and almost tripping over his robes as he went down the steps was not helping.
“Saint Lucifer…”
He walked slowly over to his flower patch, and began tending to his leafy companions. The beautiful hues of blue, purple, pink and white shining brightly under the midday sun as he worked. Some would say that the plants and flowers perked up at his presence. Bending their stems all right ways to help him prune easier, glowing as he gave them soft words of encouragement to grow strong and healthy.
Primo loved working in the garden, it was warm and comforting. It brought him immense joy and happiness. However today it seemed a lot more like work than usual. The arthritis in his hands and fingers making it quite painful to close the scissors and pluck weeds around the stems and hold the watering can.
With a pained groan, the scissors fell out of his hands and onto the ground. The Rhododendron he was working on almost resting its leaves over his arm in comfort.
“You’re right little ‘dendron, maybe that’s enough for today.”
You were walking through the garden when you heard Primo’s frustrated sigh, quickly making your way over to find him sitting on the ground.
“Papa! What are you doing on the ground?”
He looked up at you and tried to give a small smile, but you could tell it was quite pained. “I’m fine my dear. Just… resting.”
You noticed how he clutched and rubbed at his knuckles and hands with a look of discomfort. With a small roll of your eyes you bent down to help the ancient one to his feet. He wobbled and grasped your arm for stability as his vision faded and quickly returned, an unfortunate side effect of standing too quickly.
“Thank you, amore. I do think I need some rest, would you care to help me to the gazebo?”
“Of course, Papa.”
The two of you slowly walked arm in arm. Headed towards a large gothic gazebo that stood in the middle of the elegant garden, you made a point to hold up Primo’s robes to avoid another tripping hazard. The gazebo had 2 steps up to a round platform, two plush chairs sat on either side with a comfy couch with pillows decorating the centre.
“You need to take better care of yourself, Primo. What’s happened today, you aren’t yourself.”
Helping him up the couple steps, you two plopped down onto the very comfortable couch sharing a tired huff and a chuckle.
“The dark one is testing me today, Cuore mio. I wake up unfashionably late and look what happens.” He holds out his shaking hands, attempting to bend his fingers. They only get so far before he hisses in discomfort. “I barely got to tend to 4 of my flowers this afternoon.”
With a sad smile you take his hands in yours, massaging his pained joints in hope to bring him some comfort.
“The world will not end if you take a day off, you know. You probably needed the rest, you work yourself too hard, Papa.”
Primo let out a small chuckle, gently patting your head. “I would not care to find out if that’s true, but perhaps today you are right.”
You leaned in closer, resting your head on his shoulder while Primo wrapped his arms around you. He was genuinely enjoying the company as he brushed the last of the garden dirt and grass off of his robes. Since you picked him up off the ground, things have started going right. In your embrace his mind finally went quiet. All the bad things that happened today faded away and his frustrations ceased.
He laid back against the back of the couch, grabbing a pillow as he guided you to lay in his lap. You both sat together in silence, taking in the sound of birds chirping in the trees and the wind whistling through the branches. It was exactly what he needed, but would never admit.
“Are you comfortable? Do you need anything? Excuse my manners, I never asked about your day.”
“You don’t need to ask about my day, today is about you,” you tutted.
“Oh I am fine. I am always fine.”
“Yes but sometimes it's nice to have people look after you, yes?” You looked up at his softened expression.
“Of course.” He said, running a hand through your hair gently, leaving a small tender kiss on your forehead. “Thank you for taking such good care of me. My bad mood has been lifted, and my day brightened. Grazie mille.”
“Oh, Primo! I almost forgot!” You carefully jumped up from his lap to kneel next to the basket you brought out to the gardens. Rummaging through the goods inside, you pulled out some freshly baked muffins and scones, some cream and a bottle of pressed juice from the kitchens.
“I was coming out here for a little picnic, but I found you instead and you’re not allowed to let me enjoy these goodies alone!”
You pulled the glass coffee table closer and laid out the food and glasses on it. Pouring a glass for Primo and then yourself. You delighted in the opportunity to spoil him since he often got forgotten within the Ministry. 
Primo mainly got friendly “Hello’s!” as he passed Siblings and Clergymen in the hallways, but nothing more. In his retirement he no longer had much of a role to play, but you loved all the conversations you had with the older Papa. He was full of interesting fun facts and stories, you made it your life's mission to hear everything he was willing to share.
Spreading the cream on a scone, you placed it on a plate with a muffin and some grapes and handed it to him with a smile.
“I can get my own plate, amore. I am fine.” He returned the same smile.
“I know,” You shrugged. “I was putting one together for me anyway.” 
Returning to your place beside him on the couch and trying the muffin, you noticed him struggling to grab a grape off the stem.
“Oh Papa, Mi dispiace. I forgot.” You grabbed the entire thing off his plate and picked off each grape, discarding the stem. You even put them into a separate small bowl so they wouldn’t run away.
“Thank you very much, Amore. My arthritis is quite bad today, si? We must be getting some rain.”
“At least the plants and flowers will be happy! It’s been a bit dry lately.”
Primo nods as he takes a bite of the scone and hums in delight.
“Did you bring my favourite buttermilk raspberry scones just because you like me, or were you hoping for another story?” 
Your face flushed slightly embarrassed and looked at him with hopeful eyes. “If you had another story I wouldn’t be opposed to hearing it.”
“For you, I will tell all my stories… so one day you can tell them when I am gone.”
It was mid afternoon when he began. The sun began to set as the story came to an end, the juice now empty and the plates carrying the crumbly remains of muffins and scones. Your mind once again alive as you followed along in another of Primo’s many exciting adventures.
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lavenderbang · 1 year
 Vampire! Park Sunghoon x reader
genre(s): vampire au!, non-idol au!, Sunghoon is also your tutor, mystery (not really cause dramatic irony), fluff, horror, Jake is your best friend cause I’m a simp, also feat. the rest of enhypen, mainly Heesung and Jungwon tho
Warning(s): blood/gore, swearing (obviously), biting (OBVIOUSLY), and probably crime (if you consider killing a classmate and drinking their blood a crime)
W.C: 17.2k (Sheesh this is long...)
Summary: When a fellow classmate was found dead on the soccer field with all the blood drained from them and two pierce marks in their neck, you took it upon yourself as president of the paranormal club to find the vampire. 
A/N: Y’all, when I say I am OBSESSED with Drunk-Dazed! That song literally made me an Engene overnight and honestly I can’t stop thinking about writing this fic. I don’t usually like monster stuff, but watching the MV (which is here) really inspired me. Also I love Park Sunghoon with my whole heart... anyways, Enjoy!
A/N 2: If you couldn’t tell from the previous author note and the title, this has been sitting in my drafts since the Drunk-Dazed MV dropped. It’s clearly been a long time since then, but I’m now finally posting this fic under a random spurt of inspo. I hope you enjoy it cause I love this fic (its my baby) and its been two and a half years in the making!
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he’s so ethereal
“uhhh, you’re late dude,” You scoff at Jake, “Slept through your alarm?” Your best friend doesn’t respond, and only then you realize how serious he looked; Jake’s face was pale, and he seemed to fumble with his bag as he sat down beside you in his usual seat for biology. His eyes were darting all over the place before finally landing on you; you grabbed onto his hands to stop it from shaking.
“Hey, you okay?” You ask, frowning at your usually cheerful friend, “what happened?”
“I went out to the field this morning to get a bit of early practice...” He starts off, licking his lips nervously before continuing, “When I got there, there was someone laying out in the middle of the field....”
“who?” You ask but are soon interrupted by the chairman of your school and the chief of police coming into the classroom. Jake immediately looks at his shoes, not wanting to look at the two men at the front.
“Good morning everyone,” The chairman greets in a serious tone, “I have some grim news to share with you all. Now I’m deciding to share this with you because you are all young adults and deserve transparency on the situation.”
“Whats going on Jake?” You whispered to your friend, who was trembling in his seat.
“This morning at 7:32 am, were were alerted by a student that there was a body found at the soccer field.” The chairman stated solemnly. The amount of tension in your classroom was suffocating, “by 7:46, we had identified that the victim was a student by the name of Lee Geonu.”
The mood quickly turned from tense to absolute shock; You couldn’t believe that Geonu, the guy that asked you to borrow a pencil just last Tuesday was now dead. It didn’t make any sense whatsoever; its not like you were friends, but Geonu was a good guy, healthy too. 
“I know this is frightening and disturbing news, but we will only take a few more moments of your time.” The chairman turned to the chief of police and continued, “I will now turn it over to police chief Kim to bring up what’s important.”
“Thank you sir,” The police chief nodded before looking down at the document in his hands, “Now upon inspection, it seems that your classmate was found with two distinct holes in the middle of his neck on the left side, as well as a very low blood volume. As of now, we are unaware of where his blood went, but we suspect it sank into the ground.”
You feel Jake’s hand tighten in yours, eyes brimming with tears from the traumatic experience. You squeeze his hand to comfort your friend, feeling sorry that he had see something so horrific.
“Now, we think time of death occurred at around 10:00-12:00 last night,” The police chief continued, before looking up at your class, “If any of you have any information as to what happened or anything you might know about the victim that is relevant to our investigation, please don’t hesitate to come to us.”
The room was silent for a moment, aside from a few sniffles in the back along with the anxious tapping of someones shoes on the floor.
“Lastly, I’m sorry to all of you for your loss.” Chief Kim smiled sympathetically, “I want you all to know you are safe and any information you can give us can help us find whoever did this to Geonu and give him justice.”
And with that being said, the two men exited the room, leaving a atmosphere of despair and melancholy over all of your classmates. You turned to Jake, patting his shoulder gently. He sniffled, blinking back tears. As hard as it was, your teacher put you all to work on a simple worksheet, hoping that it could take your guy’s mind off the current news.
“It was weird... The holes were small, no bigger than half a centimeter.” Jake explained quietly, whispering to you as you sat down at your lunch table, only to be followed by your friends Jungwon and Heesung.
“How far apart?” You asked cautiously. You still felt worried talking about this topic with Jake, as he seemed pretty shaken up yesterday morning. Since then he seemed okay, as it was a pretty big school and he didn’t know Geonu that well, having no classes with the guy.
“Maybe an inch, inch and a half?” Jake explained, opening his bottle of ice tea to take a sip.
“Strange...” Jungwon responded before teasing shoving your shoulder with a smile, “Maybe it was a vampire, right (Y/N)?” This made the boys chuckle, obviously amused to poke fun at you and your paranormal beliefs.
“That’s what I was thinking...” You responded staring at your sandwich, deep in thought. The laughter died and the boys all looked at you confused.
“Are you serious (Y/N)..?” Heesung asked, furrowing his eyebrows at you.
“Of course,” You replied, looking up at the oldest with a frown, “What else could it be?”
“Something real? Like a human maybe..?” Jake suggested, clearly concerned with your thought process.
“That doesn’t make any sense! Who kills a guy with two small holes in the neck and drains almost all of his blood from his body?” You leaned forward, picking at your food before sighing, “Besides, you guys are in the Paranormal Activities Club too, so why don’t you believe it could be a vampire?”
“Honestly, talking about ghosts and monsters and stuff during our PAC meetings is fun,” Jungwon started off before brushing his hand through his hair and sighing, “But it was never that serious. Not like ‘I think a vampire murdered our classmate’ type of club.”
“But don’t you believe in the paranormal? isn’t that the whole point of PAC?” You asked, seriousness dripping from your tone, “I just think it’s our duty to discover if this was actually a vampire-related incident or not.”
The boys looked at you like you had three heads, letting the silence be word enough that they thought you were insane.
“I mean, if its not, then no harm no foul...” You sighed, crossing your arms across your chest passively, “But it if it, that means we have a vampire on the loose and we need to find out who it is, as the closest thing to experts this school has.”
“I mean, it could be kinda fun to look for clues and stuff...” Jungwon smiled softly.
“We’d be like the Mystery Gang from Scooby-doo!” Jake beamed, suddenly interested in the idea of investigation.
“I guess we technically have to have other club activities besides chatting to count for credit..” Heesung agreed, shaking his head at the thought of actually agreeing to a vampire hunt.
“So PAC investigation to find the vampire?” You smirked, feeling excited to maybe see a real live monster.
“Yeah it’ll be fun!” Jake finalized, taking a bite of the apple he had pulled out of his bag sometime while having this conversation, “Lets meet back at the school tonight to look for evidence.”
“No can do actually...” You interrupted, shocking your friends at the odd change in attitude of inspiring them to do this and then suddenly bailing.
“What the heck (Y/N)!?” Jungwon huffed, throwing his hands up dramatically, “Why can’t you come?”
“I’ve got Calculus tutoring tonight.” You stated simply, “but you guys can go look for clues without me tonight and you can report back at tomorrow’s PAC meeting.”
“You have a tutor?” Heesung asked, “who?” You turn in your chair and point across the lunch room to a pretty boy sitting at one of the corner tables, headphones in and doing homework.
“Park Sunghoon.” You answered simply, “We go to the campus library every Tuesday and Thursday. One day he helps me with Calc and the other day I help him with Bio.”
“He’s in our biology class?” Jake asked shocked, scratching his head sheepishly, “I didn’t even notice him...”
‘Yeah he’s pretty shy, but nice enough.” You nodded and stuffed sandwich in your face before continuing with a mouth full of bread, “I don’t think he likes me very much though.”
“I wonder why...” Heesung cringes, watching bits of sandwich squish in your mouth as you talk with it full. Before you look away, Sunghoon looks up and around the room, only to catch your gaze. He blinks a couple of times before politely nodding at you. Feeling embarrassed you got caught looking, you whipped around and faced your friends again, feeling the burning sensation crawl up your neck. Of course, this appeared as the perfect opportunity for the boys to make fun of you; but you didn’t mind, as it was nice to see some cheer from the gloomy atmosphere that was hanging around recently.
You looked down at your phone to see that you had gotten a message.
Sunghoon: hey, do you mind meeting me at the front of the school for our session?
You tilt you head in confusion, but nonetheless type out a response before packing up your things you had set up for your session.
(Y/N): sure, I’ll be right there :)
Quickly making your way to the front, you see Sunghoon standing there, expression blank and scrolling through his phone. Once he sees you, He puts it away and approaches where you stand.
“Hey (Y/N) I’m sorry about this, but do you mind if I teach you somewhere else today?” He asked, worry and urgency evident in the shakiness of his voice.
“I mean, I guess,” You respond jokingly, smiling to hopefully put the boy at ease, “I would have loved it you let me know BEFORE I set all my stuff out though.”
“I know and I’m sorry about that,” Sunghoon apologized, walking out of the building with you following, “My coach changed my practice to earlier so I had to make adjustments...”
“So where are we going?” You asked, walking beside your tutor fumbling with the zipper on your binder.
“My apartment, if that’s okay.” He replied, not looking away from where his eyes focused ahead, “since my practice is earlier, I’l be saving time by not having to travel home to grab my things before going to the rink.”
“Sounds good to me...” You agreed before falling silent. You felt a weird sensation bubble up in your stomach that you had never seemed to feel before. Maybe nervousness because you’ve never been to Sunghoon’s home, but why would you be nervous about something like that?
Silence filled the air as you walked onward. The sun was starting to set, setting a warm orange glow over the environment as you walked; Even in this light, Sunghoon looked pale; his eyes looking down at his feet as his dark hair swept across his forehead with ever step. Somehow you had never noticed until now, but Sunghoon had a mole right on the edge of the bridge of his nose. You though it suited him, even though you rarely talked about things other then your respective subjects.
“So” You cleared your throat, wanting to break the silence and overall your sudden appreciation for your tutor, “You play a sport? you said your coach moved practice...”
“Ah, yeah!” Sunghoon responded with a smile, turning to look at you for the first time since leaving the school, “I do figure skating” (A/N: I had to, I love ice prince Sunghoon). You nodded, finding it surprising that out of all the sports, he picked something elegant and precise as figure skating.
“Really? That’s cool!” You praised, excited to get to know more about him, “how often do you practice?”
“every weekday,” He answered, “usually after we have our session I go home and grab all my gear and head to the rink, but for some reason my coach moved practice ahead by an hour.”
“Damn coaches, Huh?” You joked, “Always ruining a perfectly good schedule. Not that I would know, as I don’t do a sport...”
“Oh yeah, you have your own club, right?” Sunghoon recalled, making a right turn as you continued to his house, “What’s it called again..?”
“Paranormal Activities Club.” You explained, “We usually shorten it to PAC because it’s a bit wordy...”
“Catch any ghosts?” Sunghoon asked smiling cheekily.
“We don’t catch ghosts, we talk about them.” You said before cracking a smile, “Behind their back of course, like we’re in middle school” Sunghoon laughed at your silly joke, warmth radiating from deep in his chest. For some reason, it felt good to make the boy laugh; maybe it was because he was so reserved that you were happy to see him ease up a bit with you.
You arrived at Sunghoon’s apartment within about ten minutes. As you stepped in, you noticed the simplicity of it; white walls, a glass coffee table, and a bookshelf off to the right. To the left, there was a small corner kitchen and a hallway that you assumed lead to the bathroom and Sunghoon’s bedroom. The only thing to note was the furniture; a expensive looking maroon love-seat that was perpendicular with the coffee table and a deep red, velvety sofa pushed up under the window. 
“You can set your things down here and we can get started.” Sunghoon motioned to the coffee table before going into the kitchen, “want anything?”
“a glass of water would be nice,” You respond politely before setting your binder on the table. You looked at the sofa, before ultimately deciding to sit on the floor in front of it, feeling the furniture looked to expensive to touch. Sunghoon returns, placing the glass on a coaster and then on the table.
“Thank you.” You accepted the glass shyly, feeling a sense of awkwardness being in the private of his home.
“Why are you on the floor..?” Sunghoon chuckled lightly before sitting on the sofa, “there’s a sofa right behind you... I mean if your more comfortable on the floor we can sit there-”
“No I’ll move!” You exclaimed, getting up and sitting beside Sunghoon on the velvet cushions, “It just that your furniture looks so expensive...”
“Really?” He scrunched up his nose before opening his textbook and flipping through it to find the assignment, “I found these at a garage sale for like $100. Some little old Victorian lady was selling them. They’re really nice, but it’s really hard to get stains out of them...”
“Oh, I see.” You nodded, feeling the fabric under your fingertips before grabbing your pencil, “So should we get started?” Sunghoon hummed in response and you began the homework you were supposed to finish for tomorrow. 
After a bit, things went back to normal and you didn’t feel as weird or awkward; it was like every other Tuesday in the library. It wasn’t long before the sun set, and you were packing up your things to go home.
“Thank you so much for accommodating my schedule today.” Sunghoon thanked, holding his door open for you.
“No problem! It was a nice change of scenery.” You said brightly, trying to be polite about the abrupt change of plans, “Have a nice night Sunghoon; see you Thursday!” You went down to the lobby and messaged Jake, hoping that the boys actually went to the soccer field to look for evidence while you were busy.
(Y/N): [dropped 1 location]
(Y/N): hey, pick me up cause its dark and there is a vampire on the loose?
Butt-head~: Of course, your highness. It’s not like I was just about to get into the shower or anything after being out in a field for an hour...
Attached to that message was a GIF of a dirty servant from that one medieval show doing a full bow. you rolled your eyes at Jake’s sarcasm.
(Y/N): if you’re busy, I’ll just walk home alone
Butt-head~: Don’t you dare
Butt-head~: I’m literally already in my car omw
Chuckling to yourself you sit down in the lobby and do what any person would do to pass the time; scroll through memes. It isn’t long before you get another text from Jake saying he’s outside. You hurry out and hop in the passenger side of his old red car.
“Hello your highness, I hope this chariot is to your standards.” He teased in a fake posh British accent, which wasn’t far from his usual accent.
“Well, there could have been a harp or trumpets playing when I entered, but this’ll have to do,” you sighed before smiling at your silly friend. 
He suddenly turned on a loud, heavy bass song and drove in the direction of your house. You both jammed out for a bit, rolling down the windows and screaming out the lyrics at the top of your lungs. Eventually Jake turned down the music in exchange to chat with you.
“So me and Jungwon went out to the field and-” Jake started before you screeched out and stopped him.
“Don’t tell me!” You hushed, almost reaching out to put your hands over Jake’s mouth, “Wait until the meeting tomorrow!”
“I just thought you’d want to know about-” Jake started again but you shouted out to avoid hearing about what the boys found. Jake sighed and shut his mouth, clearly not going to be able to tell you about the investigation.
“Wait, where was Heesung?” You asked, quirking your eyebrows becasue you were cofused on why he wouldn’t show.
“He said he had something important to do instead.” Jake responded flatly.
“What’s more important than vampires?” You huffed.
“I know, this is the most important thing in our lives right now.”
“Exactly! This is serious stuff he was missing.”
The two of you were silent for a moment, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Though, you soon broke the silence.
“i’m sorry I wasn’t there...” You apologized, fiddling with your things and feeling a bit bad, “I failed as a president today...”
“Dude, don’t worry about it! Your trustworthy vice-prez worked very hard in your place.” Jake complimented himself and jabbed a thumb at his chest; you giggled at his antics, glad he wasn’t upset with you.
“So how was tutor session with pretty boy? I’m sure you got lots of calculus done.” Jake teased, poking your shoulder.
“As a matter of fact, we did get a lot of calculus done,” You rolled your eyes and pushed his hand away before continuing, “Besides the awkwardness of me being in his house for the first time...”
“Finally seeing pretty boy’s house? Or were you too busy kissing him to see?” Jake teased yet again, followed by gross, wet kissing sounds. You give the boy a hardy slap to the shoulder before chuckling at his antics.
“That’s the second time you called Sunghoon pretty.” You joked before cracking a big smile, “You know, if you’re so jealous of me, I could introduce you two so maybe you could kiss him.” You then copy the kissing sounds Jake made moments before only to earn a laugh and a shove. 
“Thank you for the offer, but I’ll pass.” Jake finally said and pulled up in front of your house, “Anyways, here’s your castle Your Highness.” You jumped out of Jake’s old car, collecting your things. You said a sincere thank you and waved goodbye before scurrying inside to eat and then sleep. Besides, you had a big day tomorrow filled with excitement from vampire hunting.
“Alright as all of the members of The Paranormal Activities Club have arrived, as president I officially begin this meeting.” You sat down after saying your opening speech and look at the three boys in front of you. PAC always met in room 300, so you pushed four desks together to make a meeting table. The lights were usually off as well, with only a couple of flashlights and a single candle lighting your meetings; but since there was more serious stuff to discuss this meeting, you opted to keeping the lights on.
“Now, to start off this very formal PAC Meeting, I have something to go over before we talk about the findings from last night.” You said before turning to Heesung and pouting, “Where were you? I though you were all good for the soccer field last night...”
“I thought these two knuckleheads could handle it without me,” Heesung points at Jungwon and Jake before continuing, “So I went to the public library to see if I could dig up any similar instances of killings in the same manner. I just wanted to see if there was a history of a murderer or serial killer that murdered in this way, but no luck..”
“That’s because it was a vampire, not a serial killer but whatever...” You responded passive-aggressively before smiling, “But thank you for double checking, I appreciate the work you’re putting into this.” Heesung simply gives a thumbs up and looks to the other two boys.
“Alright, so now that that’s settled,” You sated, turning to the other boys as well, “Lets go over what our investigation brought to light.”
Jake stood up and walked to the white board where there were a couple of magnets. He pulled them all off the white board and turned to you all.
“Jungwon, You have the evidence right?” He asked. Jungwon dug around in his backpack before pulling out a file-folder and scurrying up to where Jake was standing. They first began by placing random photos of the scene on the white-board, including a blurry selfie of the two of them and a picture of the sun reflected on the school windows. Jake cleared his throat, trying to appear as professional as possible.
“I will now account what happened when we arrived.”
“Ow, I think that’s the seventh mosquito bite!” Jungwon groaned and slapped his arm. 
The boys trudged through the surrounding trees by the field. The area where Geonu’s body was found was roped off with police tape so Jake had opted to start looking in the surrounding area instead. 
“Quit complaining, we are supposed to look for evidence of a vampire.” Jake scolded before shuffling around in the bushes.
“This is stupid.There’s no way it was a vampire.” Jungwon huffed before sifting through a pile of dead leaves, “(Y/N)’s bonkers. I can’t believe I agreed to this...”
“Maybe, but it would mean a lot to her if we just looked anyways.” Jake reasoned, pushing through-
“Do you really need to be telling me all this? Especially the part where you guys basically say I’m nuts?” You frown before being shushed by Jake, who continues on.
“Hey there’s a footprint here in the mud!” Jake pointed out before turning to Jungwon, “It could be our vampire.”
“Or a random person going through the bushes.” Jungwon huffed.
“Just give me the camera Jungwon.”
Jake places the photo of the footprint on the white board, securing it with a magnet.
“From my deduction skills, it is around a size 7 males shoe.” Jake confirms, “I’ll be studying the tread to see what kind of shoe it is.”
“Okay sounds good.” You praised, nodding to Jungwon, “Continue on with what happened.”
“What exactly are we looking for that the police wouldn’t have already found?” Jungwon sighed, climbing out of the treeline onto the red gravel track that separated the woods from the field.
“Paranormal stuff.” Jake answered vaguely, walking down the path closer to where the body laid just yesterday.
 He felt a strange sense of dread looking at the police tape, remembering the graphic scene all to well. It had etched itself into his head, not letting him get a wink of sleep the night before.
“Like... this?” Jungwon asked nervously. He held up a single silver ring, holding it up to the sky to get a better look at it.
Jungwon pulled the ring out of the folder; he had it in a zip-lock bag, almost afraid to touch it. Jake gave him a magnet, to which he hung the bag on whiteboard beside the footprint photo.
“What is that on it..?” You asked, leaning closer to get a better look at the ring. you could see that almost three-quarters of the outside of the ring was stained with some sort of black liquid.
“It looks burned in...” Heesung suggested, squinting to see the small piece of jewelry.
“Hey, I’m not done with the evidence yet!” Jake interrupted, trying to keep your attention, “Can we please stay focused?”
“Do you think we should go in there?” Jungwon asked, standing right on the edge of the police tape, “I feel like at that point, we would be tampering with actual police evidence...” 
Jake fiddled with the bright yellow tape, allowing it to slide in between his fingers, assessing the option of what they should do. He looked to the spot where Geonu had been, trying his best to recall every detail he could when he discovered him. Blanking on what happened, he turned away from the tape and went back onto the path.
“I think it’s best if we go home. The photos are good and the there’s that ring you found too.” Jake decided, turning to walk to the direction of the front gate. In all honesty, he just couldn’t bring himself to got to that spot in the grass; but he couldn’t just say that to Jungwon.
“Sounds good to me, I wanna take a shower, the bush was gross.” Jungwon said, jogging to catch up to Jake. the boys walked to the entrance of the school.
“Wait! I want to get a picture!” Jungwon insisted, pulling out his camera to get a photo of the reflected sunset on the windows. Jake waited, leaning against the gate of the school and gazing at the building.
“This doesn’t seem very relevant to our investigation...” You chimed in before Jake groaned and rolled his eyes.
“Oh my God! Can you just listen? I was literally getting to the relevant part...” He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest, “Don’t interrupt, Stink-ass.”
“Sorry.” you responded, promising yourself not to interrupt again until the boys were finished.
The school was big and made of brick and glass; but something else was catching Jake’s attention.
“Hey, that flock of crows is trying to get into the dumpster over there!” He chuckled, before jogging over to the dumpster that was on the edge of the parking lot left of the building.
“dude, its actually called a murder of crows.” Jungwon corrected, earning a ‘whatever’ from Jake, who seemed much more interested in what was attracting the crows to the dumpster. After getting a nice photo, Jungwon came over too, curiosity getting the better of him.
“It’s whatever’s in this drug store bag...” Jake deduced, pointing at the thin, white, plastic bag tied tightly on the top of the trash.
“What do you think is in there..?” Jungwon asked, voice barely above a whisper. He seemed concerned, mostly due to the big, dark spot covering the bottom of the bag.
“I guess there is only one way to find out.” Jake gulped before grabbing the bag by the handles with one finger and dropping it to the cement, “I mean, if we really want to open it...”
“What would the Mystery Gang do?” Jungwon asked, half-joking/half-seriously.
“I think they would open it.”
“Okay so lets open it then”
“You open it. I don’t want to touch it...”
“Me neither! Besides, you already touched it!”
“Yeah, so it’s your turn.”
“How about we rock paper scissors for who has to open it?”
“That sounds fair.”
“This is what we found in the bag, and in all honesty, I don’t feel like I should even have it because its like... actual evidence...” Jake grimaced and opened his backpack to reveal a brown paper bag.
 He rustled in it before bringing out what was inside and pinning it to the white board. The room was silent as you stared at the item, feeling a sickness bubble up into your stomach.
Pinned to the whiteboard was an over-sized, white, male’s dress shirt; all around the neckline and dripping down, soaking into the chest area was dried, brown blood that had obviously been applied wet. The cuffs of the sleeves going up the arms was also covered in the dried liquid, tainting the pure white fabric.
“What...” You begin, not really knowing what you were going to say. What you even could say.
“We have to give that to the police.” Heesung stated frantically, like it was obvious, “That’s serious piece of evidence for their investigation and we shouldn’t have that.” The rest of you didn’t respond, earning a scoff from the eldest.
“You don’t think we should keep it, right?” He asked, clearing accentuating his tone to signify how stupid he thought that idea was.
“No, I don’t think we should keep it!” You exclaimed matter-of-factly, approaching the shirt and gently touching the hem of it, “But we could get as much information we need from it...”
“You’re joking right?!” Jungwon cried, clearly disturbed.
“Look at where the... blood is.” You pointed out, having a hard time actually say the word, “If it wasn’t a vampire and was just some guy, there wouldn’t be a focus of blood on the highest part of the shirt. We need all the clues we can to find out who our secret vampire is and this shirt has some.”
“I mean, we would only have it for a little longer and then after we get all the information we can from it, we give it in, right?” Jake supported, sitting down at the makeshift table to get away from the shirt. Heesung turned to you, worry and sincerity flooding his eyes.
“(Y/N), I don’t know how comfortable I am with this...” He warned, grabbing hold of your arm, “I really think we should give this in as soon as possible, along with everything else the boys found...”
“We will.” You answered firmly, holding Heesung’s grip on your arm with the opposite hand, “Just after we get the clues we need from everything.”
“How about a vote?” Jake suggested, “All in favor of keeping the evidence for a little longer and then giving it to the police after we are done?” Jake raised his hand, followed by you raising yours. 
“All in favor of giving it to the police right after this vote?” Heesung countered and raised his hand. The three of you then looked to the youngest boy who had not voted for either.
“Jungwon?” You asked, and he looked at you and you could see the inner conflict he was going through in his head.
“We give it back as soon as we are done..?” Jungwon asked hesitantly, playing with the cuffs of his jacket nervously.
“As soon as we finish documenting all the information we need.” You reassured, “Not a minute longer than needed.” Jungwon nodded along to your words, hummed and bit his bottom lip out of habit. He tapped his foot, deep in thought before finally nodding again.
“Okay, but only if we don’t touch it without gloves or something so we don’t wreck the police evidence...” Jungwon finally decided, to which you quickly agreed to his terms.
“I guess it can’t be helped,” Heesung sighed, brushing his hair back to release his stress, “but just for the record, I’m not touching any of that and this is a bad idea...”
“Noted.” Jake finalized before standing and making his way to the door, “I’m going to sneak to the biology lab to get some gloves and tweezers to start looking for clues, you guys should start photographing the things we are giving to the police.”
With tasks assigned you all got to work in documenting any clues you felt could lead you to the identity of the vampire.
(figure) skater boy: Hey, do you mind if we are at my house again today for our session? Coach switched practice for the next two weeks...
You immediately switch directions, walking towards the front as opposed to the library where you were planning on meeting Sunghoon until he messaged you. you typed out a quick reply that consisted of the absolute poetry of ‘k’.
As you approached the lobby, you saw Sunghoon standing by the door, except he was taking to someone today. It was a guy that you had occasionally seen your tutor with, but you had never actually spoken to him before. The stranger met your gaze and smiled as you walked up to the duo.
“I hope I’m not interrupting.” You said politely, turning your attention to Sunghoon with a smile.
“Not at all, (Y/N).” He reassured, before motioning to the stranger, “ Have you met my friend Jay?” 
“I have not.” You confirm, reaching your hand out to shake the other man’s hand, “I’m (Y/N), I tutor your friend.”
“Jay. I’m friends with your tutor.” Jay joked, taking your hand and shaking it. Feeling nervous, you look at the floor before finding the perfect thing to say to be less awkward.
“Woah! I love your boots! They look really cool.” You gushed, not taking your gaze off Jay’s feet. He was wearing a pair of combat boots that went up to his mid calf, and they looked to be made of an expensive material with shiny silver buckles on them.
“Hey thanks!” He chuckled in response, tilting his foot to model them, “I ordered them custom made because I thought they’d look cooler with my own personal touch, y’know?” You hummed in response, before feeling a tug at your sleeve, gaining your attention.
“We should get going if we are going to finish the biology assignment.” Sunghoon urged then turning to his friend and smiling, “See you! I’ll message you after practice.” Jay nodded in agreement before sending you off with a ‘nice to meet you’.
You begin the walk to Sunghoon’s place in silence before you decide to break it like you did yesterday.
“Jay seems nice.” You stated simply, hoping talking about his friend would help Sunghoon open up more, “How long have you been friends?”
“A couple of years now.” Sunghoon responded before smirking to himself, “You like him?”
“Sure, he seems pretty chill.” You said, given that you only had about a minute to interact with the guy.
“He’s a good guy.” Sunghoon finalized, looking out into the distance seemingly in thought, “He’s the kind of guy to have your back no matter what.” You hummed in response, falling silent as you walked towards Sunghoon’s apartment. 
Maybe it was the fact that you were going to his house, but you felt that maybe you’d become a bit closer with the introverted boy. Maybe he at least didn’t dislike you, but you were certain he didn’t like you. But maybe that could change, just given a bit more time.
You were pulled out of your thoughts due to Sunghoon roughly grabbing your arm and pulling you to the left, just narrowly avoiding walking into the busy street. You stumbled a bit, catching your balance on Sunghoon’s shoulder.
“Watch where you’re going!” He huffed, clearly anxious, “Gosh, I thought maybe you didn’t know we had to turn here, but I didn’t expect you to try to walk into traffic.”
“Sorry, I was totally zoned out,” You apologized, letting your grip loosen from his shoulder. You both continued to walk, but he didn’t let go of your arm. For some reason you felt a warm feeling bubble up in your chest from the contact, “Thanks for yanking me to safety though.”
“Did I pull you too hard? Sorry about that, I was just worried.”
“Don’t worry about it, you were just helping me not get hit by a car.”
“Pay more attention next time. You must have been thinking about something important to zone out that badly...”
You blushed, realizing that you were in fact, thinking about Sunghoon and if he was your friend or not.
“Oh? You’re blushing. You must have been thinking about something embarrassing.” Sunghoon teased, finally letting go of you. You surprisingly felt disappointed in this action, “Maybe it was your boyfriend..?” You turned to him, confusion and embarrassment flooding your features.
“Boyfriend? I know you’re not talking about me...” You joked, looking at the sidewalk beneath your feet as you trudged along. It was Sunghoon’s turn to be confused and he tilted his head and stared at you.
“Aren’t you dating someone?” He asked to which you shook your head no; you could feel the shame of this conversation burn up from the base of your neck.
“What about the guy that picked you up on Tuesday that you always hang out with?” Sunghoon questioned you, to which you burst out laughing from the misunderstanding.
“Jake?” You spat between a fit of laughter, “No way! He’s a really good friend that’s all.” It was Sunghoon’s turn to be mortified, his ears turning red as his eyes darted anywhere but you.
“Ahhhh! I’m sorry for jumping to conclusion, you guys just seemed really close at school and the he picked you up and I just assumed and-” He rambled before you cut him off.
“It’s okay. I understand why people might think that,” You assured before smiling to yourself, “He’s my Jay.”
“Your Jay?” Sunghoon asked, finally able to turn and look at you. You catch his gaze and give him a soft smile.
“The best kind of friend that would do anything for you.” You explained simply, “My Jay.” Sunghoon seemed to understand your comparison, smirking to himself because of the cute analogy.
Soon, you make it to Sunghoon’s apartment and begin your biology work. You immediately sat on the sofa this time, not fumbling with the floor; this time, you were conscious of how close he sat beside you, the warmth of his body radiating on your side. It made you anxious suddenly, having him this close to you. You were self-conscious of everything, like how your breath smelled or the way your hair laid. This feeling was one that you couldn’t seem to shake, no matter how hard you tried to focus on teaching Sunghoon about DNA; it was driving you bonkers
“Can I use your bathroom?” You asked, bouncing your knee nervously. He nodded and motioned to the door on the left before continuing working on the question you were on. You quickly shuffled into the bathroom and locked the door behind you, taking a deep breath. You washed your hands and looked up to fix you hair in the mirror.
Only, there wasn’t a mirror there. It was just a blank wall in front of the sink.
You frowned, blinking a couple of times to make sure you weren’t just seeing things. When you finally reached out and touched the wall you finally confirmed you weren’t crazy and there really was just no bathroom mirror.
Drying your hands and heading back to the living room, you debated bringing up the bathroom mirror. Maybe he just broke it and hadn’t bought a replacement yet?
Thinking that it was no big deal, you dropped it and decided to focus on the task at hand. Sunghoon had finished the problem you were on before you left and had moved on to the next one. The whole mirror situation had shaken you from whatever you felt earlier and you were finally able to focus on biology; so much in fact that you finished the assignment early.
“You can stay a bit longer... If you want.” Sunghoon offered, biting his bottom lip and leaning forward on the sofa, “If you’ve got stuff to do, I understand too.”
“I can stay for a bit.” You agreed, putting all of your things in a neat pile by the door before taking a seat on the opposite end of the sofa as Sunghoon, “Besides, I was supposed to be here teaching anyways. And it’s not like I have a ‘boyfriend’ dying to see me.” Sunghoon buried his head in his hands and groaned, making you giggle from the successful teasing.
“I’m so sorry about that, honestly.” He apologized again before cracking an shy grin, “I just though since you spent time with him and you’re...” He trailed off shaking his head from the thought, ears turning a nice shade of pink.
“Oh wow, was Sunghoon going to say something nice to me?” You gasped, placing your hand on your chest dramatically, “Could it be that, THE Park Sunghoon doesn’t hate his biology tutor?”
“Of course I don’t hate you, I assumed we were friends!” He exclaimed.
“Friends? If we were friends, I would have known more about you.” You countered.
“Like what?”
“How about the fact that I just learned you live in an apartment, have old antique couches, and that you figure skate less than a week ago, yet I’ve tutored you all year.”
“Okay that’s fair.”
“And how about the fact that we don’t hang out other than tutoring? Not very friend-like...”
“Okay I get your point. But maybe we should.”
“Should what?”
“Hang out.”
Sunghoon shifted his weight, turning to you before saying something you never expected in a million years.
“I have a competition this weekend, do you maybe want to come watch?” Sunghoon asked, smiling sweetly at you. You taken-aback for a moment, thinking you misheard the boy in front of you. He really wanted to see you outside of tutoring?
“I.. uhh.” You stammered, blinking a couple of times before grinning up at him, “Sure. I’d love to come and cheer you on.”
“Cool. And don’t worry, Jay’ll be there too!” Sunghoon reassured you, “So that way, you wont be all alone when I’m on the ice.” 
You replied with a small ‘cool’, feeling like your soul left your body. All this time, you were worried the guy didn’t like you when it turns out that he thought you guys were friends the whole time. It made you feel good that he actually wanted to see you, a sense of pride burning in your chest.
“Well, I better get ready for practice...” Sunghoon said, subtly hinting in it being your time to leave. You caught his drift and stood, making your way to the door and picking up all your gathered things.
“I better text Jake to come get me.” You responded from the door, slipping your bag over your shoulder.
“Does he usually drive you home from our sessions?” Sunghoon asked, leaning his back against the kitchen counter, seemingly like he was about to prepare food right after you left.
“He didn’t,” You replied, shifting from foot to foot, “but since you live far from me and.... well... there was that guy Geonu a couple days ago so you can never be too careful.”
You see Sunghoon visibly stiffen at the mention of Geonu. His smile falters for a fraction of a second before he approaches you at the door. He helps you with your things and opens it for you.
“It was a terrible thing that happened to him.” Sunghoon said weakly, voice barely above a whisper as he holds the door for you, “I hope whatever monster did that to him pays for what they did.” 
You walk out into the hallway before turning back to face Sunghoon, Feeling a strange sense of dread leaving the apartment. He was smiling, but you could tell it was fake. Why...
“Stay safe (Y/N).” Sunghoon warned before waving, “Have a good night. I’ll text you about my competition later tonight!” You waved back, turning away from his door and walking down the hall to the elevator. Once in the small, confined box, you shook away that sense of dread.
“Get in loser.” Jake called to you from the red hunk of trash he called is car. Hopping in, you quickly did up your seat-belt and Jake was off.
“So, how was tutoring with pretty boy?” Jake asked in a sing-song voice. Ever since he found out about your tutor, he teased you relentlessly, calling him ‘pretty boy’ and saying some obscene remarks about how much “””work””” you guys do.
“Good.” You stated simply before grinning to yourself, “He invited me to watch his figure skating competition this weekend.”
“What! That’s totally a date!” Jake exclaimed, pushing your shoulder over and over, “(Y/N)’s got a date, (Y/N)’s got a date~”
“Shut up! It’s not a date, dumb-ass.” You pushed Jake back, shaking your head, “His friend Jay is going too, so it’s just a friend thing because we are friends.”
“Pretty boy has a friend?” Jake asked, seemingly confused, “I thought he was a loner; Shy boy style...”
“Of course he has a friend,” You scoffed, rolling your eyes a Jake, “For your information, I met him today and complimented his really cool custom boots.” Jake seemed interested in that comment, perking up at the mention of shoes.
“That reminds me! I went searching online for the treads of our vampire’s shoes.” Jake informed you, quickly catching your attention, “But I couldn’t find anything that looked remotely close to the footprint.”
“Really?” You asked before humming in response, thinking about what to do, “Maybe you haven’t looked for the right brand?”
“There doesn’t seem to be any brand like our vampire’s shoes, but I’ll keep searching.” Jake sighed, “So far, all of the major brands were busts because they have their own distinct styles.” You tried to remember back to the photo of the footprint, thinking about if there were any distinct marking on the tread. But to no avail, your brain couldn’t produce an image of value.
“That’s really odd...” You said flatly, deep in thought, but turn to your friend with a sympathetic look in your eyes, “But I appreciate all the work you’re doing to find the evidence.”
Jake let out a small, defeated ‘thanks’ before slowing to a stop. You get out of his car (not without an awkward, sitting down car hug) and scurry inside your house, waving frantically to your friend as he pulled away.
“Did you hear the news? Apparently there was another attack down by 42 St.” Jungwon exclaimed, catching your attention from the sudden news, “They didn’t die, but the victim was hospitalized and is in serious condition...”
You had gathered in the lunch room at your usual table; it was just you and Jungwon for the moment as Heesung was busy doing a make-up exam in History.
“Hey, pretty boy lives pretty close to there!” Jake revealed, returning from a bathroom break with a bag of chips and an ice tea. He sits beside you and fiddles with the plastic bag.
“Who?” Jungwon asked, tilting his head like a puppy out of confusion.
“Sunghoon.” You replied before chewing your cuticle anxiously.
“Yes?” a voice from behind you asked, causing you and Jake to whip around to reveal the man himself. He was standing with Jay and another boy you hadn’t met before.
“Oh, we were just talking about the attack that was on the news.” Jungwon explained, glancing between you and your friend tutor. Jay stiffened, looking like he’d just seen a ghost while Sunghoon glanced between his friends.
“I heard about that,” The other boy said; he had a cute face and raven black hair that gave him a mature aura despite his adorable features, “It was only a block from your house, right Hoonie?” The group was silent, but you watched as Jay shifted his weight from foot to foot. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty close...” Sunghoon confirmed. He seemed slightly awkward, but you guessed it was because he probably wasn’t used to all the attention being on him. Jay seemed much more uncomfortable though, looking anywhere but your table. He chewed on his bottom lip before swinging his arm around Sunghoon’s shoulder.
“We should get going.” He urged, before smiling politely to you, “See you at the competition tomorrow (Y/N).” You nodded and grinned at Jay, noticing his strange behavior.
“Stay safe, Sunghoon.” You warned, earning you a soft smile from your tutor.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” He replied before the boys were off, going to sit in the corner table where Sunghoon usually was found. You turned back to your friends and they looked at you expectantly.
“Please tell me I’m not the only one who thought they looked uncomfortable...” Jungwon said, eyes darting back and forth between you and Jake.
“No, they were definitely uncomfortable.” Jake said and turned to you, “What was with that Jay guy? He looked like he wanted to sprint out of here as soon as we brought the vampire subject up...”
“I don’t know.” You frowned, glancing over to their table where they seemed to be back to normal, joking and laughing, “When I first met him he seemed pretty chill but he was super on edge the whole time he was here...” Your table fell silent, cogs turning in your brain that you weren’t sure you wanted turning. Your thought process was interrupted by Heesung sliding into the chair next to Jungwon.
“Hey nerds, I just failed that History test.” Heesung said nonchalantly before switching his demeanor upon noticing your serious moods, “What’s up? You all look like you saw a ghost!”
“Hey (Y/N), you said Jay had custom boots,” Jake asked slowly, hinting at exactly what you were thinking. You nodded looking between the boys, “do you think the treads would be custom too..?”
“We think we just met our suspect for the vampire incident.” Jungwon revealed, causing the lingering tension to suffocate your group and fill your stomach with worry.
“You know the plan right?” Heesung asked, leaning forward from the backseat of Jake’s car.
 It was 2:00 on a Saturday and you were just outside the rink in Jake’s car with the boys; you were supposed to be going to the rink to support Sunghoon but because of the groups suspicions, you take it upon yourself as president of the PAC to do some spy work on the suspected vampire Jay. 
“Of course I know the plan.” You rolled you eyes, going to open the door to get out before a flurry of ‘aye’s came from the three boys in the red car with you.
“We should go over it again once more to be sure.” Jungwon suggested, agreement coming from the other two boys. You sighed, but retraced your hand from the door handle
“Okay so you need to get his shoe size and look for burn marks from the silver ring.” Jake re-iterated for what seemed like the tenth time.
“A confession would also be useful,” Heesung stated, “But those first two things would be most important.”
“Also, check the tread to see if the shoe is actually the one we’re looking for.” Jungwon added.
“And make sure you bring up the attacks and see how he reacts.” Jake pipped in.
“Guys,” You interrupted, clearly annoyed at how they don’t think you already know all that, “I’ve got it.”
“This is really important (Y/N), don’t let the club down.” Heesung said and grabbed your shoulder reassuringly. You nodded to your group, trying your hardest to exude confidence before opening the door and stepping out.
“Oh yeah, one last thing,” Jake called out to you before you shut the door, grinning from ear to ear, “Have fun cheering on pretty boy.” You shouted that you would before hurrying into the rink, wanting to see Sunghoon before his turn.
Ever since he said he’d text you about the competition, you had began to text back and forth nonstop. You were really starting to enjoy his company and for some reason, you couldn’t help but smile whenever you’d get a notification from him. That’s why the whole thing with Jay was so hard...
You didn’t want to jeopardize the relationship you had with Sunghoon because his best friend was allegedly a vampire. As much as you hated to admit, you really were starting to like Sunghoon and you wanted to become even closer friends with him; and you were pretty sure straight up accusing Jay of murder would not bode well for your relationship with Sunghoon....
As you entered the skating rink, you first felt a blast of coolness from the low temperatures. The second thing you felt was excitement because you could see Sunghoon tying up his skates on one of the benches across the arena. Even from across the room, you noted how beautiful he looked and you finally understood why Jake’s nickname for him was ‘pretty boy’. He wore tight fitted black pants that accentuated his long legs and a rich, red coloured shirt that made him look like a prince. 
Tearing your eyes from Sunghoon, you scanned the crowd to find Jay; you see him sitting with the boy from yesterday and yet another unknown guy in one of the very front rows. How many other friends did Sunghoon have?
You scurry over to them, before poking Jay in the shoulder.
“Is this seat taken?” You asked with a smile, causing all the boys to turn and look at you. Jay smiled and scooted over, making room for you between him and the cute boy from yesterday.
“Hey (Y/N).” He greeted as you sat down, “Glad you could make it.”
“He’s on the ice now!” The newest boy pointed out, watching as his friend got onto the ice to warm up.
“Oh yeah, you must not know these two knuckleheads,” Jay said casually, getting the attention of the two boys he was accompanying, “Don’t be shy, fellas.” 
“I’m Ni-ki.” The newest boy greeted shyly. If it was possible, he seemed even more shy than Sunghoon, eyes meeting yours for a moment before looking back out at the ice.
“My name’s Sunoo!” The cute boy from yesterday sing-songed, grabbing your hand and shaking it excitedly, “So you’re the (Y/N) Sunghoon won’t shut up about?” Jay shoved his overly excited friend for revealing that Sunghoon talked about you. You felt your cheeks heat up at the thought of Sunghoon gushing about you to his friends like a schoolgirl, but tried your best to act cool about it and like you definitely didn’t care.
Speaking of Sunghoon, there was a knock on the plexi-glass that got your attention; He stood on the ice, adorning the biggest smile you think you’ve ever seen on him. You got up and walked towards him, followed by the three other boys.
“You made it!” Sunghoon cheered, although his voice was muffled through the layer of glass between you two.
“Well, I was pretty busy, but I managed to squeeze this into my schedule.” You teased, checking your nails for the dramatic effect. The boy on the ice just chuckled at your teasing, the sound causing you to smile.
“Thanks for coming, I really appreciate it.” He thanked you sincerely.
“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it.” You said sweetly before cracking a goofy grin, “It’ll be nice to see you do something besides fail at biology.”
“Good luck out there buddy!” Jay encouraged, giving his friend a fist-bump through the glass.
“I’m sure you’ll be great.” Ni-ki assured, nodding at the boy on the ice before retreating to his seat.
“We’ll be cheering you on Hoonie!” Sunoo exclaimed, making a fist before returning to his seat as well. Sunghoon waved as he skated back to the bench to prepare for his turn, which would be happening in less that five minutes.
“After you.” You gesture for Jay to go first, swaying your hands dramatically towards the isle.
“Thank you.” He bowed, before going to his seat. You are then reminded of the task at hand, and you make a mental note to ask Jay some of the questions you prepared, trying your best to come off as natural. You sat back down in your spot between him and Sunoo.
“So, how have you been?” you asked nonchalantly, “Busy week?”
“Not really.” Jay answered simply, “Mostly schoolwork and then hanging with these dudes. You?”
“Well, just tutoring and managing my club.” You said, grinning sweetly at the boy.
“You have a club?” Sunoo gasped, before pouting, “I wish I had my own club...”
“What kind of club is it?” Jay asked, seemingly interested in what you had to say.
“It’s called the Paranormal Activities Club. PAC for short. We meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at around 4:00” You explained, glancing at Jay as you continues, “We talk about all sorts of paranormal stuff like ghosts, werewolves, demons... vampires...” Jay shifts in his seat at the mention of monsters, and you of course take notice of this.
“That’s really cool.” Ni-ki admitted, smirking at you before looking away.
“Yeah... cool.” Jay agreed, a hesitance slightly present in his tone.
“Do you believe in anything like that, Jay?” You asked, relaxing your demeanor and trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible.
“Me?” He said and cleared his throat, “Not really. It’s possible, but super unlikely...” You hummed in response, taking note of how he copied your stance by relaxing his back and opening his legs a bit more to seem comfortable. He wouldn’t meet your gaze though.
Just as you were about to say something else, The announcer came over the loud speaker and announced that it was time for the next skater to go and Sunghoon skated out to the center of the rink and stood in front of the judges. He bowed before doing a half a lap and gliding the other half with his arms spread, greeting the crowd. You clapped along with everyone else, making a mental note to put the whole vampire situation on pause and focus on Sunghoon.
He returned to the center where he waited; the music began. It was a a soft piano track and it filled the rink with the sweet melody. Sunghoon then began to skate and you could swear you felt all the air leave your lungs. 
As he glided, Sunghoon twisted and turn on his blades, spreading his arms like a delicate swan. As the song grew to a peak, He dug one of his blades into the ice and used it seemingly as a launchpad, jumping and spinning in the air like gravity didn’t effect him. As the song continued, he swiveled on one of his feet before jumping and spinning again; your eyes followed him, in awe at how beautiful and graceful he moved around on the ice. He then spun in one spot, long leg outstretched at a perfect 90 degree angle before transitioning into holding  his blade and creating a ring with his body, all while continuing his turns. You watched, almost in a trance as he moved along with the symphony, skating right by the crowd and right past the judges before launching into another jump. As the song came to a close, Sunghoon got into his finishing stance, which was his arms outstretched forward and sliding on one knee towards the judges, a 5-star smile on his face. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest from his performance, taking a moment to calm down before applauding your tutor friend. (Did I watch a ton of vids on Sunghoon skating today? Yes.)
“He did fantastic.” You whisper breathlessly to Jay, who stands and starts to holler at his friend.
“He did.” Jay responded, showing a sense of pride for his best friend. The boys yell words of encouragement to Sunghoon as he bows to the judges and then to the crowd. You catch his gaze and feel a certain swell in your chest when he smiles just a bit brighter at you.
“You were gliding across the ice like ‘swooooshh’ and then you jumped up and spun like ‘trrrrt’!” Ni-ki gushed, rotating his finger as you were standing by the dressing room to congratulate Sunghoon. He looked even more beautiful up close, handsome features glowing in the place he’s most comfortable.
“You were awesome Hoonie!” Sunoo agreed, smiling so bright his eyes basically disappeared in his eye smiles.
“Thank you guys, really.” Sunghoon said out of breath, brushing his sweaty locks off his forehead, “I’m glad you all came to cheer for me.”
“Of course,” Jay scoffed, “What kind of friends don’t support their friend?”
“You should have seen (Y/N) watch you,” Sunoo exposed, moving aside to make room for you to talk to Sunghoon comfortably, “She couldn’t take her eyes off of you, and stared like this.” He then did an over-dramatized of you, eyes sparkling and jaw open so wide you thought he was trying to eat an invisible cheeseburger. You felt your face heat up out of embarrassment before Jay shoves Sunoo to get him to quit.
“For the record, I did not watch you like that.” You corrected, before grinning and holding out your hand for a high-five, “But you were really cool.” Sunghoon’s already flush cheeks reddened at your comment before letting out a small ‘thank you’ and lightly high-fiving you. When your hand touched Sunghoon’s, you felt a jolt of electricity and it made you giddy.
“Should we go out for pizza or something? To celebrate?” Ni-ki suggested, earning a murmur of agreements from the group. Sunghoon mentioned he had to go change and you were secretly upset by this. Just because you were friends didn’t mean you couldn’t think he was attractive right? He looked so good in that costume, the tight-fitting pants and loose shirt that left only a little to the imagination. You ogled his exposed collarbones for a moment more as he was talking to Jay about if he’d place; Although you had just now notice something that was there.
Right above his right collarbone, there seemed to be a small burn-mark that was previously covered with makeup but now was visible due to Sunghoon’s sweat. It wasn’t very big, but it looked like it was in a starburst shape and you wondered what could have caused it. Maybe a cooking accident with oil?
The ice price disappeared in the change room and you and the rest of the boys waited out front in the lobby. When Sunghoon did emerge from the change room, you all wasted no time and began to make your way to the closest pizza joint. You walked beside Jay, watching the other two boys tease Sunghoon in-front of you.
“So...” You said, trying to fill the silence; You didn’t know how to transition in to vampire talk so effortlessly. It was a weird topic to bring up out of the blue and you didn’t know how to ask Jay about his shoes without seeming like you had a foot fetish.
“Yeah..?” Jay asked before chuckling, “You okay? You look a little on edge; something on your mind perhaps?” Perfect.
“Well, its a little late and there have been a few attacks recently...” You said wearily, stealing glaces at the boy beside you.
“Oh yeah, there have been.” Jay gulped, brushing his hair out of his eyes, “But you’ll be okay if you stay close to us.”
“Me and my club suspect its a vampire.” You stated bluntly, wanting to see how Jay would react; he stiffens, but overall keeps a good composure.
“Really?” He chuckled dryly, “That’s interesting.”
“I know you don’t believe in that kind of stuff though.”
“But we are pretty serious about it. We are just trying to find out who the vampire is.”
“Do you have a suspect?”
“yeah.” You answered and turned to him, pausing before speaking slowly, “We actually do have one...”
Jay stared at you, panic concealed in his glossed over eyes. Before he could speak, the boys lead you into the restaurant.You drop the conversation as you enter the building. You all squish into a corner booth and Ni-ki orders a pizza for all of you to share.
“what’s wrong Jay? you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Sunoo asked concerned, placing his hand on his friends shoulder.
“Nothing’s wrong.” Jay said flatly, glancing at you before smiling, “I just can’t wait to eat.”
“Dude, I’m so hungry!” Ni-ki sighed, patting his stomach for emphasis.
“I’m not actually, so I think I’ll just hang out.” Sunghoon revealed, grinning softly. You were pressed next to him in the booth and for some reason you felt nervous.
 It must have been the vampire thing. 
Why else would you be nervous?
“What?” Sunoo exclaimed, “How could you not be hungry? You’ve exercised all day!”
“Not sure, but I’m good on the food.” Sunghoon explained, “I think I’ll just get an ice tea.”
Just then the pizza arrived and you all (besides Sunghoon) began eating. Lots of fun was had and you swear you felt like you were with your own friend group. The boys made you laugh and you felt pretty comfortable around them, even though you had just met Ni-ki and Sunoo today.
Not long after, it was dark and you and the boys had finished the pizza and it was time for you to go home; You still hadn’t gotten any information about Jay’s shoes or a confession about vampire activities. But you had an idea to maybe reveal some information, though you didn’t really want to do it...
As you guys stood up from the table, you “accidentally” knocked over Sunghoon’s half-drunken ice tea all over your shoes, drenching your feet and the surrounding carpet with the sticky drink.
“Ahhh!” You whined, feeling the coldness of the drink seeping into your socks. The boys reacted as quick as possible, picking up the glass and informing a waitress about the accident. You guys left the restaurant, embarrassed; You sat outside on the pavement, wringing your socks out, giggling about how silly the situation was. Now was the time to really get the information you need.
“What am I gonna do about walking home?” You sighed before looking at Jay playfully, “Maybe Jay will let me borrow his super cool boots! What size are they anyways?” 
Jay chuckled and looked down at his shoes before shaking his head at you.
“No way man! I don’t trust you with my babies.” Jay joked, “besides, they are a men’s size 7, so I doubt you would be able to fit into them.” That was the same size as the print at the scene...
“I know, I’m just kidding.” You chuckled, trying to hide the thought process going on in your head, “I’ll just wear these gross sneakers home!” As you began to put your shoes on, your vision is suddenly covered by a figure crouching down in front of you. 
“Hop on.” Sunghoon urged, looking over his shoulder with a smile, “You can’t live that far from here right?” You replied with a small ‘are you sure?’, to which Sunghoon nodded yes. You picked up your shoes with one hand before wrapping your arms and legs around the ice-prince. He stood up and adjusted you on his back, placing his hands around your thighs to support your body. You felt yourself become nervous, yet excited from the close contact, bringing heat to your face from these feelings. 
“See you boys tomorrow!” Sunghoon called out to the boys as you and Sunghoon prepared to leave. Ni-ki and Sunoo waved before starting their trek in the opposite direction, bickering back and forth. Jay lingered for a moment longer, feeling a sense of anxiety bubble up in his chest. Were you close to finding out about...? He didn’t like the idea of you and Sunghoon being alone, but he trusted his friend.
“You two be careful okay?” Jay said very carefully, eyes glued to his friend, “I’ll see you tomorrow Sunghoon.” And with that, he turned to leave and quickly followed after the other two boys. You tried to get a look at the bottom of his shoes, but you couldn’t see them very well in the dark and in the distance. 
You had let Sunghoon know where you lived and the two of you were off. For a bit, the only thing that could be heard was Sunghoon’s feet against the pavement and the beating of your heart in your ears. You found comfort in the smell of his cologne and the occasional street light as Sunghoon held you close.
“Hey, you didn’t have to carry me home...” You hummed, feeling slightly guilty about making Sunghoon carry you.
“Oh, my bad. I’ll just leave you here then.” He teased, loosening his grip on you. You squealed and clung onto his shoulders and let out a flurry of “no”s. He chuckled at your reaction before shifting his grip on you to hold you closer to him. You wrapped your arms around the boy tighter, burying your face in his shoulder. It was silent again, but only for a moment before you mumbled a quiet thank you; Sunghoon hummed in response, focusing on the warmth of you against his back and the thousand thoughts stirring in his head.
“Hey (Y/N), I have to ask you something.” He finally said; You had almost fell asleep on his back, focusing only on the sounds of his breathing. His statement intrigued you, causing you to perk up off of his shoulder.
“What’s up?” You said gently, tightening your grip.
“Say you had a really good friend...” He started out, voice low and serious, “and you found out they did something really bad, but it was an accident” You frowned, getting a sudden sense of dread. You suddenly felt how cold it was outside in the dark.
“What would you do?” He finally asked, “Would you stay friends with them?”
You were quiet for a minute, thinking of how to respond to this question. You had just passed the last streetlamp on the road you were walking so it was almost pitch black except for a few stars. The night atmosphere brought in a thick tension that made you feel nervous about the subject matter of Sunghoon’s question.
“I mean, I guess it really depends on what the bad thing is.” You stated, before continuing on, “But it was an accident and if I knew they were a good person, I guess I might stay friends.” Sunghoon nodded, thinking about your answer and breathing out weakly.
“Why? Did your friend do something really bad?” You asked suddenly, Jay popping into your mind. Sunghoon’s pace quickened a bit and you could feel his heart in his chest going crazy. He seemed anxious and you though about what that could mean. He adjusted his grip on you before clearing his throat.
“Nope. I was just wondering what you’d say.” He said flatly, seemingly more confident than before. You blinked a couple times, surprised by his sudden change of tone.
“Oh okay...” You replied nonchalantly, looking up to the sky and sighing, “I mean, if you did something bad on accident, I’d still be your friend because you’re a really great guy.” You didn’t even realize what you said until it came out of your mouth. You felt you face heat up and Sunghoon let out a hearty chuckle that made you even more flustered.
“Thanks I guess.” He said through giggles, Before chewing the skin on his bottom lip and responding back, “I think you’re a really great girl too.”
“Thanks” you can’t help but squeak, making you mentally want to punch yourself. There’s suddenly tension again, but for a different reason this time. Sunghoon’s grip on your legs is softer now and you notice his thumb beginning to mindlessly draw shape on your thighs. You held his broad shoulders tighter and you could feel him take a shaky breath as yours tickled the side of his neck.
But before the tension got too thick, you had arrived at your place. Sunghoon took you to the front door and let you down off of him before turning around to face you. His cheeks were red, but you were sure it wasn’t from the cold. 
“Thanks again for taking me home.” You said, feeling like your stomach was going to explode.
“Its no problem.” Sunghoon assured you, rubbing the back on his neck to get the goosebumps to go away.
“It’s pretty late, do you want me to call you a cab?”
“No I’m alright, but thanks for the offer.”
“Are you sure? I’d hate for something to happen.”
“I’m sure.”
Sunghoon bowed his head to you, bidding you a farewell. You felt your body move towards him and before you could even think to stop yourself, you did the unthinkable.
You leaned in and placed a kiss on his cheek, right on the corner of his mouth and you swore you must have looked just as surprised as Sunghoon did; His eyes were wide and he looked as if he was frozen in time.
“I- uhmmmm....” You stammered before saying the stupidest thing in the universe, “Good job skating today. Goodnight!”
 Sunghoon blinked a couple of times, finally seeming to wake up.
“Uh- Thanks!” He exclaimed, clearly flustered, before turning to leave you door. He had his hand on his face where you kissed as he waved back at you with the other when he realized he needed to say goodbye, “I- uhh, Goodnight (Y/N)!” 
It was official, you wanted to die.
“Jake, did you even listen to the rest of the story?” You huffed, embarrassed at your friends relentless teasing.
“If you didn’t want me to make fun of you,” Jake explained through fits of laughter, “You should have left the part where you awkwardly kissed pretty boy out of the story!”
You shoved Jake into room 300 because he was about to miss the turn into the classroom (and for your own personal gratification). Heesung and Jungwon were already there, putting the desks together to create your meeting table. Upon noticing your entrance they both greeted you and Jake before gazing at the cackling vice-president of PAC.
“What’s so funny?” Jungwon asked, pulling out all of the evidence photos from his backpack. Jake sighed, wiping a tear away and finally able to catch his breath.
“I mean, you should ask (Y/N).” He chuckled, “I’m sure she’s dying to explain.” You rolled your eyes, trying to fight your body from heating up.
“Nothing new, Jake just bullying me.” You shook your head and took your seat at the head of the table. After setting up the rest of the evidence, the boys sat down too and you officially started the meeting.
“Alright, so here’s what I got to find out about our suspect.” You said and went up to the whiteboard. You picked up a black dry erase marker and wrote Jay’s name before underlining it.
“First, when we were at the rink, I mentioned our club and asked if he believed in paranormal things and he said no, but with hesitation.” You said and wrote down a summary of what you said, “Then, when I mentioned the attacks, he got really antsy, especially after I mentioned that we were investigating for a vampire.”
“So no confession I presume?” Heesung asked, jotting notes down as you went along to keep your encounter documented after club was over and you had to erase the board.
“No, but he was very defensive any time I brought the vampire stuff up.” You explained and the boys nodded.
“And the other boys, you said they were named Sunoo and Ni-ki..?” Jungwon asked and you hummed in response, “Did they do anything suspicious?”
“Not a thing.” You said simply, “Sunoo seemed more worried about the attacks than I did. And Ni-ki was a bit more focused on pizza and figure skating than engaging in conversation.”
“However,” You continued before writing your thoughts on the board, “I have reason to believe Sunghoon knows about Jay being a vampire.”
“You do?” Heesung said, shocked at your accusation, “Why?”
“Well, I wanted to get more information about Jay’s boots, but I couldn’t bring up shoes without seeming weird so long story short, I dumped ice tea on my sneakers and Sunghoon took me home.” You said before writing a side note, “Oh and for your information, Jay’s shoe size is a 7 in men’s,  but I couldn’t get a good look at the treads.”
“Okay, that useful information.” Jungwon said and jotted that down, “But continue.”
“Anyways, He had asked me if I would stay friends with someone if they did something really bad, but I knew it was on accident.” You explained, writing the point form of that conversation on the board, “So I suspect he knows about Jay and doesn’t know what to do, stay friends or turn him in.”
“I mean, that is an oddly specific question.” Jungwon agreed, furrowing his eyebrows in thought, “Why would you ask someone that unless you specifically have an experience to go by.”
“Anything else happen?” Heesung asked, looking at you expectantly.
“Yeah (Y/N), anything else happen?” Jake, who had been quiet this whole time asked, eyes fluttering and a grin on his face. You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Relevant to the investigation, no.” You said before sighing, “But I also gave Sunghoon a really awkward kiss on the cheek, but that’s irreverent.”
The room went up in a flurry, and you could have swore you wouldn’t have gotten a bigger reaction if you said you had found Jay to be the vampire. All the boys were talking at once and it was so loud, you almost didn’t hear a knock at the door. You shushed them before going to the door and opening it to reveal the man you were just talking about.
“Uh, hi...” Sunghoon greeted shyly. The rest of the boys peered over your shoulder to eavesdrop on the conversation until Sunghoon met their gaze, to which they looked anywhere but the doorway. You’re gaze dropped, not being able to his face, feeling the heat of nervousness and embarrassment creep up your neck.
“Hey, what’s up?” You asked, suddenly aware of all of the writing you had on  the whiteboard; You pulled the door a bit closer, blocking most of the room.
“I just wanted to uhh.... I wanted to talk to you about something.” Sunghoon mumbled, clearly nervous. The boys let out a loud ‘oooOooOoOOoO’ from behind you and you reminded yourself to hit them later. You rolled your eyes feeling bad for how your friends were being.
“Sure, let’s just go out into the hallway.” You said and closed the door behind you. It was quite out there and you finally had the courage to bring your gaze back up to his face. Your eyes settled on the spot where you had kissed him a couple nights ago and you couldn’t help the butterflies from fluttering around in your stomach.
“Before you say anything,” You sighed, trying your best to hide your embarrassment, “I’m sorry about Saturday night. I totally don’t even know what I was thinking doing that and-”
“Oh please don’t apologize!” Sunghoon interrupted frantically, before clearing this throat and fiddling with an envelope; You hadn’t even noticed he was holding it until now.
“I mean, I don’t mind you kissing me like that...” He said timidly, smirking to himself before holding the envelope out for you to take. You do take it, feeling the red wax seal on the front, “I wanted to give you that. But please don’t read it yet!”
“Alright, I’ll wait to read it.” You agreed and gripped the paper tightly, “Is that all..?”
“Well, I was also wondering if you want to come over later today?” He asked, biting his bottom lip; your eyes were trained to his mouth, but instead of his lips, you were focused on his pointed canine teeth; how cute that he had little “fangs”!
“Yeah, I’d love to, but as a date..?” You asked timidly, rocking back and forth on your feet. Sunghoon blinked and gazed at the ground, ears red.
“If you want it to be, I’d like that too...” He said and you nodded, feeling like your heart was about to explode, “So I guess just be in the lobby of my apartment by 8 and bring the letter. Please don’t read it until then.”
“I promise.” You agreed again, smiling like an idiot, “I guess I’ll see you later.”
Sunghoon said goodbye and gave you a kiss, much like you did to him a few nights ago; Only this time, his lips attached to your mouth for a moment and you felt like you could die happy. Except he tasted oddly metallic, but you were too excited to care. He waved goodbye and scurried down the hallway and disappeared from your sight.
You go back into the classroom and are met with three pairs of eyes on you. You stared at the boys and they stared back in silence.
“So are we gonna talk about pretty boy asking you out or..?” Jake finally said and you scoffed, approaching them.
“Let’s just get back to work on things that matter!” You huffed, but couldn’t stop the grin from gracing your features.
Ice Prince: you’re almost here?
You text back a reply and quickly close your phone. Jake glanced at you before patting your shoulder reassuringly while keeping is focus on the road.
“Hey, everything will be fine.” He said and smiled, “I mean, I think you’ll probably spill water all over his floor and probably trip in the elevator, but I guess he’s into girls like that.”
“Oh god, don’t jinx me.” You groaned, pulling down the flip-up mirror in Jake’s car to check your makeup one last time. You take a tube of lip-chap out of your bag and apply another layer, worried about your lips being crusty. Jake chuckled and parked in front of Sunghoon’s building, flipping the mirror up and startling you in the process.
“You look great, dude.” He said simply and gives you a lopsided grin, “Just breathe and be yourself and everything will go great.” You take a deep breath in and thank Jake before giving him a hug.
“Hey, when you tell me all about it later, make sure to leave out all the kissing parts.” He teased, grimacing as you got out of the car, “I don’t need to hear about you and pretty boy swapping spit.”
“If I knew you’d be so jealous of me, I would have set you two up instead.” You grinned and walked towards the front door, thanking Jake for the ride before entering the lobby.
(Y/N): I’m here!
Ice Prince: Be right there to see you :)
Ice Prince: Did you bring the letter?
After reading the last message, you texted back a quick ‘yes’. Just then, the elevator doors opened to reveal Sunghoon, who beamed when he saw you. He looked almost as ethereal as when he was on the ice (almost).
He had his hair parted in the middle and a simple, over-sized white dress shirt tucked into his black jeans. The shirt felt somewhat familiar, but you couldn’t place where you’d seen one like that...
“Hey.” He said, shakiness evident in his voice, “You look so beautiful...”
“Oh thanks.” You replied, trying to hide your nervousness, “I think you look beautiful- I! Uhhhh mean handsome! You look really handsome...”
You mentally facepalmed yourself, but it must have been showing in your features because Sunghoon laughed, releasing all the tension in the room. After all, this was your calculus tutor and a friend you were with. He lead you into the elevator. Sunghoon lived on one of the top floors on his apartment complex, so you'd be in there for a minute; Sunghoon took the time to try and ease his nerves, staring at the doors and humming a soft tune.
You glanced in the mirror in the elevator, wanting to make sure your hair was perfect. And that’s when you saw it; more accurately, didn’t see it...
You were alone in the reflection.
Feeling like your eyes were deceiving you, you turned back to see Sunghoon standing there, humming away without a care in the world. You turned back to the mirror and saw that he wasn’t in the mirror. You felt your stomach drop as everything clicked together.
No mirrors in his house, the burn on his collarbone, not eating after the competition, his question that night, the metallic taste of his lips, and that stupid shirt...
“Come on (Y/N),” Sunghoon beckoned from the hallway; you hadn’t realized the doors opened and he was waiting for you. Sunghoon smiled and your eyes snapped to his sharp canines you had noticed earlier today, “Sorry, was I interrupting your daydream?”
“Not at all.” You said nervously, leaving the elevator and following Sunghoon to his place. You had to fight the urge to run away from him and not let him be alone with you in his apartment; he could be trapping you and every instinct was screaming run.
But you were curious about him. If he really was... then as the president of PAC, you needed to know. 
“Hey (Y/N), you don’t have to be afraid.” He whispered, facing his door and opening it. He held his door open to you and softly grinned, which filled you with comfort, “Its just me.”
You entered his apartment and everything looked like it had the last time you were here. It had felt like ages ago now.
You sat on the couch, feeling surprisingly calm; But you always had felt pretty calm around Sunghoon (up until recently when you started getting butterflies because of your feelings), so it made sense.
“Do you want anything?” He called from the kitchen casually, like he does when you study here. He was looking in the fridge, as if he didn’t notice the change in your behavior.
“No, I’m alright.” You hummed, sitting with your hands in you lap; the atmosphere was thick, and you watched as Sunghoon closed the fridge and approached the couch and sat beside you, “So, what do you have planned?”
“First things first, I want to address that letter I gave you,” He said and looked at your bag that was still around your shoulder; You moved it and went to take the letter out of it, shuffling around in the bag, “And then maybe we can go out somewhere or watch a movie or whatever you want.”
“Sounds good, I have it right here.” You said, still looking for it in your bag. You ducked your head to look in your bag for it, surprised you hadn’t felt it yet, but you couldn’t see it in there, “It should be in here... somewhere...”
Sunghoon watched as you start taking things out of your bag until it was empty; no letter.
“I could have sworn I brought it!” You huffed, frustrated and embarrassed you forgot the one thing you needed, “I’m so sorry. but maybe you can just tell me what it said..?”
“ahhh of course this would happen...” Sunghoon sighed, chuckling to himself, looking at the velvet cushion of the couch, “I can’t believe I have to grow the courage to actually say it, but you needed to know.”
“Maybe you don’t have to say it.” you grabbed his hands, causing him to look you in the eyes. There was a suddenly tension, and you could feel yourself growing meeker by the second, “Maybe I already know...”
Sunghoon was so close you could feel the heat radiating from his body. His eyes hid something you couldn’t read, but his expression laid stone cold. He licked his lips before responding to you, eyes not leaving yours.
“What do you know?” His voice was low, barely above a whisper.
“What you are.” You said breathlessly with your last ounce of courage. Sunghoon’s eyes flickered, leaning away from you and looking out the window. He pulls his hands from yours, placing them in his own lap.
“It was the elevator right?” He asked, continuing before you could answer, “I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if you figured out my little secret sooner, you being the president of the vampire hunting club and all.” 
It was silent for a moment; Sunghoon still couldn’t meet your gaze, looking out the window into the lit city streets while you couldn’t stop looking at him. He was still beautiful as ever, and your eyes wandered to the mole on the bridge of his nose. You remember walking home with him that day an finally noticing it; You thought it made him look so much prettier.
He was still the same man as he was that day.
“What happened with Geonu?” You asked tentatively, leaning closer to Sunghoon to look out the window too.
“I had it all written down in the letter, but I can tell you about it because I owe you at least that much.” He said, his voice sounding weak and tired.
God he was so hungry. 
He was off to buy some beef to curb the cravings (Sunghoon eats it raw), but the market he went to was closed until the next morning.
But it didn’t help that he was hungry now and as time went on, his willpower was dwindling. As Sunghoon walked down the streets, hoping some fresh air would help with the intense burning in his stomach, before a familiar voice called out to him.
“Hey Sunghoon, Why are you out so late?” Jay called, jogging to catch up with Sunghoon. Jay was known to enjoy late night shenanigans, so it was no surprise to Sunghoon why he was out at night. But the smell of Jay’s sweat was killing him in ways he couldn’t explain to his friend.
“Wanted to go for a walk.” He answered flatly, trying to control his rampant desires. He kept walking, trying to get away from Jay, but his friend wouldn’t leave him alone.
“Hey dude, wait up! You don’t look so good...” Jay said, concern laced in his voice, “I’m gonna take you home okay, you need to rest up.”
As Jay reached out to touch Sunghoon, it was the last straw. Sunghoon grabbed his friend by the arm and yanked him, causing Jay to stumble to the ground in the adjacent alleyway, trying to process what was happening. Sunghoon lunged onto Jay, holding him down.
“Sunghoon get off of me!” Jay shouted, struggling to get out of the vice like grip Sunghoon had placed on his wrists. He saw the pure predatory look in his friend’s eyes and the growing of his teeth; The sight was something that would never leave Jay’s head.
“Sunghoon snap out of it!” Jay yelled, finally being able to throw Sunghoon off of his body. Sunghoon immediately made some distance between the two and burst into tears, laying on the pavement clutching his stomach.
“I’m sorry Jay...” Sunghoon cried, regaining the littlest bit of composure, “I’m.. It... It hurts so bad, Jay.”
“Hey it’s okay...” Jay said through heavy breaths, still trying to process what was going on and that this was real, “You should just go home and try to feel better okay?”
But just then, another figure appeared in mouth of the alleyway; Geonu.
He was studying late that night, stopping at the convenient store for some late night snacks. He was on his way back to the library when he hears shouting and fighting in the alleyway. And like any other person, he went to see what was going on and if he was able to help.
“Hey what’s going on? I heard shouting and fighting...” He explained, gazing at the two boys on the ground before approaching them. He stuck his hand out to Sunghoon, who was closer of the two to help him to his feet when the boy lashed out Geonu, digging his fingernails into his forearm and wailing.
Geonu pulled his arm away, crying out in pain and shuffling away from Sunghoon, holding onto the deep gash on his arm that was oozing blood. Once Sunghoon caught scent of it, his last bit of control was gone.
He lunged at Geonu, but he was quicker, stumbling to his feet and running in the direction of the school with Sunghoon in pursuit.
“Sunghoon! Wait!” Jay shouted, running after his friend to get him away from Geonu. He watched as they were heading through the front gate in the direction of the soccer feild.
Jay ran to the woods, hoping to cut off the duo; Suddenly there was a scream of anguish, sounding like Jay’s dear friend. He ran faster, emerging from the bush to see the two boys lying on the field.
Sunghoon had Geonu on his back, holding Sunghoon with his palms firmly on his chest. However, Geonu was wearing a silver ring that was burning into Sunghoon’s flesh near Sunghoon’s collarbone, which made the boy cry out. He ripped the hand from his shoulder before twisting the silver ring off Geonu’s finger and throwing it out at the track.
Sunghoon then fiercely lunged towards his neck, sinking his fangs into the center of his throat. Geonu’s screeched out in agony but it was already done. He weakly pushed on the boy above him, trying to get him off as he grew weaker.
Sunghoon sucked and chewed at the open wounds on Geonu, feeling the burning pain in his stomach subside. He held Geonu firmly until he ceased to move.
Jay watched in horror, his head spinning. He felt like he was in a dream as he watched his closest friend turn into a vampire and kill someone. Sunghoon unlatched from Geonu, realizing what he had done. He scurried away from Geonu’s body as fast as he could before wiping the copious amounts of blood from his mouth and chin area. He gazed at the red on his hands, feeling sick.
Sunghoon let out a pained scream, sitting on his knees as he let out sobs. Jay, shaken by his friends reaction, tried to approach the boy. Sunghoon looked at him,tears in his eyes.
“I-” Sunghoon choked, “God what have I done?”
Jay stared at his friend with wide eyes, kneeling on the grass.
“I’m a monster Jay.” Sunghoon wailed, shaking and crying, “I didn’t mean for this to happen... I was just so hungry and- and I killed him Jay. I couldn’t-” He broke into heavy sobs, pulling at his hair with red spit dropping onto his knees.
“Its... It’s okay.” Jay reassured, not exactly knowing what to do, went to his friend and wrapped his arm around him to sooth him, “You’re okay...”
“I’m a Vampire Jay, but I try my best to not hurt humans.” Sunghoon sniffled, wiping his face with the back of his hand before trembling, “But I did... I killed him and I don’t know what to do... There so much red.”
Without a word, Jay took off his jacket, before reaching for the buttons on Sunghoon’s dress shirt. He didn’t know what he just saw, but Sunghoon is his best friend and whatever killed Geonu wasn’t the Sunghoon who was in front of him now. So he helped his friend rid himself of the red on his shirt before tying it up in the bag Geonu had gotten from the convenient store and wrapping his jacket around Sunghoon.
He walked his friend to his house, where he cleaned him up and put him to sleep on his bed, watching over him as he slept, trying to get the nightmarish images from this night out of his head.
“What I did...” Sunghoon sighed finally turning to look at you with a serious face. Tears were brimming the edges of his eyes before he swallowed, “It’s unforgivable. I’m gonna have to live with the fact that I’m a monster forever.”
You stared back blankly, not sure of what you felt. Nothing felt real at this moment; you should be horrified, angry, or even a bit stressed, however you felt surprisingly calm. You resisted the urge to reach out and touch him, not knowing how he would react.
Sunghoon sight and looked back out the window, a weak smile.
“Y’know, I don’t blame you if you want to run away,” He said nodding slowly before swallowing, “I just wanted you to know the truth and I felt that it was the only good thing to do. I totally understand if you-”
“Stop.” You interrupted, causing Sunghoon to turn to you. Before your brain registered what you were doing, you leaned in and kissed Sunghoon, hands coming up to wrap around his neck. He was shocked, but quickly kissed you back cupping your face with his hands. You broke free and he blinked expectantly a couple of times.
“Listen, I don’t know what I think, cause this is a lot to process,” You started to explain, playing nervously with the hair on his nape. You looked at Sunghoon’s face; His soft lips, his pretty eyes and his pretty features, reminding you of who was in front of you. And with that, you made up your mind
“But, I don’t hate you, and I don’t want to leave.”  You said firmly, “You aren’t a monster; you’re Sunghoon, the dork who figure skates, who studies with me every Tuesday and Thursday. You’re the guy who carried me home when my shoes were gross and the guy who my friends tease me about liking. This doesn’t change anything. You’re still you and I love you the way you are. So I’m not going anywhere.”
Sunghoon held your face, thumbs caressing your cheeks before he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on you lips. It was quick but sweet. He whispered a ‘thank you’, finally able to relax a bit. 
You wanted nothing more than to kiss him again, so you did, leaning in and kissing him deeply. You felt dizzy, but the only thing you knew was you never wanted to stop kissing Sunghoon.
“As president of the PAC, I officially begin this meeting. We have a few things on the agenda today.” You said simply, sitting down in your spot, breathing out a heavy sigh, “To start, I have an update for all of you about our vampire.”
You thought all night about what you were to do with the information that Sunghoon is a vampire. You had explained everything to him; about how you were looking for a vampire and how you had suspected his friend was the perp and not Sunghoon himself. and after much deliberation (and Sunghoon’s permission), you thought the best course of action would be to tell your friends the truth. it would be impossible to lie to them when you were so invested in-
“Is it that your boyfriend is a vampire?” Jake asked, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. You looked at him in shock, flabbergasted on how Jake came to the conclusion. Before you had the chance to speak, he nonchalantly tossed an envelope- the one Sunghoon had given to you - on the desks.
“You left this in my car when I dropped you off for your date.” Jake explained.
“So, you opened it and read it..?” you asked; Jake silently shrugged and you shook your head at him in disappointment.
“Anyways, the point is, he admits it in the letter.” Jake said simply, glancing to Heeseung and Jungwon, who looked between you and the letter, “I texted the boys about it while you were on your date.”
“And?” You asked, looking between all the boys, “What do you want to do with that information..?”
“What do you want to do, (Y/N)?” Jungwon asked, “I’m sure you have your feelings invested on what happens next?”
You took a deep breath and slumped back in your chair, “I mean, I think Sunghoon a good guy. I’ve known him for a while and obviously now that were dating, I believe it even more. I know the most logical thing is to turn him into the authorities... but truthfully I’m not sure if I can. But if you all want to, that’s your choice.”
The boys were silent before Heeseung cleared his throat.
“well, we have already talked about the next course of action.” Heeseung began, speaking gently as if you’d spook. Jake hummed, gaze soft as he watched your uneasiness rise. He swallowed before speaking, “I don’t know Sunghoon as well, but he seems nice. and he makes you happy. And I think everything will be okay if we just leave it at that.”
You felt a wave of relief wash over you as you watch Jake’s expression relax; it was as if he was just as nervous about the decision as you were.
“There was a lot of logic talk with it,” Jungwon explained, lacing his fingers together and placing his hands on the desk, “realistically, the police probably wouldn’t even believe us if we did explain everything to them, so there would be no point.”
“And we also thought it would be a cool opportunity to talk to someone who is paranormal.” Heeseung added, with a shrug and a smirk, “y’know, for more club activities.”
“Yeah! (Y/N), do you think you could get Sunghoon to come and we could interview him for our records?” Jake asked, almost jumping out of his seat because he was so excited. you chuckled at your friends, who not only seemed to be making the best out of this situation, but also who just genuienly seemed interested in supporting you and Sunghoon.
“Funny you ask,” You laughed, standing from your chair. You made your way to the door, “Because the second order of business is that we have a few new members joining out club today and I was waiting to introduce them.”
You open the door to reveal Sunghoon and Jay, who awkwardly wave at your friends.
“Sorry for the wait, you guys can go sit down at our makeshift meeting table.” You explained, watching as Sunghoon smiled at you before he leaned in a placed a kiss onto your cheek.
“Hey, uhm..” Jay began awkwardly, walking over to and pointing at the whiteboard, “Why does it say “Evidence Jay is a Vampire” on your board..?”
“Oh uhm, don’t mind that.” Jungwon squeaks sheepishly, going over to the board and quickly erasing it.
“Hey, what’s so wrong with that?” Sunghoon teased, wrapping his arm around you and nudging his friend with his other. The group let out a flurries of chuckles.
“Hey Sunghoon, come sit over here.” Jake gestures to the seat beside him, grinning wildly at your boyfriend, “I have so many questions to ask you!”
You watched as the boys settled in nicely; Jungwon was showing some of the ‘research’ of vampire Jay to human Jay, while Jake and Heeseung brought out notepads and began to ask Sunghoon about some of his habits. You couldn’t help the undeniable feeling your heart swell at the thoughts of what the future might hold. 
A/N: ITS FINALLY DONE!!! I know this writing quality probably isn’t good (it is from years ago), but I loved this concept too much and put too much work into this fic just to scrap it. I hope you enjoyed it and if not, stayed tuned for something better !!!
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devondespresso · 8 months
I Can Only Hope Now (STWG Daily Prompt: Claudia)
G | 1269 words | ao3 link | cw: absent father, brief references to Steve’s absent parents
Thank you @saradika-graphics for the dividers! 💛
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Claudia Edine Henderson never wanted to get married. Not really.
But she wanted kids, so that meant either getting married or seeing if the daycare was hiring.
Anthony Laurence Goldman wanted a family. She thought that meant the same thing, so they married.
And it was good. They had a beautiful baby boy, Dustin Clarence Goldman, healthy save for a defect with his bones. No collarbones, and the high chance he’d need a little extra medical attention down the line, but he’d still be living long and happy, and she couldn’t ask for more. 
Eventually, their baby's cries stopped waking both of them up in the middle of the night. It was just her, because mothers had a sixth sense for it. 
No sleep, no time, no awareness of what she let it do to her until her mother called, apologizing for the odd hour, and she realized she couldn’t tell the difference between four in the morning or six at night. After that, her mother stayed a while, helped with the baby when Anthony was at work.
Anthony helped when he could, but his real specialty was money. He knew how mortgages and insurance worked, knew how banks and credit card companies stayed in business, knew how to get the lowest bill from the hospital, so having to pay out of pocket for Dusty's somehow only ‘cosmetic surgeries’ wouldn't leave their wallets dry.
He knew how to juggle all that convoluted adult shit that scared the living daylights out of her. It was like it came so easy to him.
Maybe it didn't. She'd never really know.
It was his domain, and he preferred it that way, for years and years until it started looking like family was more like the backdrop for his dreams, instead of the subject of them.
She talked to him, lord knows she talked to him about it, but each new month of trying faded back into three of forgetting.
Dustin grew old enough to ask. Just enough words to get the question across. Where did Daddy go?
They separated a few months, hoping he’d miss his son enough to work with her on this. 
She gave him the ultimatum that turned into a divorce.
He agreed happily, saying that it would prove how much weight he was really pulling. That he didn’t need custody.
Claudia Edine Henderson and Dustin Clarence Henderson moved back in with her mother, and for three more years she figured the rest of it out. She found a job at a bank, learned the ins and outs of the business while balancing her own funds separate from both her ex-husband and her mother.
When Dusty was old enough to bike to and from school on his own, they finally moved out to a quiet small town, far away from Anthony. Dustin found friends so fast, faster than she ever could have hoped, and she was able to tell him everything.
She had no idea if she made the right choice for him. It was the right choice for her, and in a way that probably made her a better mother for him, but she could never be sure if that distance made any of it easier on him. Sometimes she wishes she did more to bring him into their family, offered to help with any of those things that scared her too much to do herself.
Sometimes she wondered if Dustin would ever resent her for it. If he didn’t already.
But then one night, Dustin was out way past curfew, without calling. Karen and Sue couldn’t find their boys either, so the three of them ran up to the station. Ms. Flo, the angel, called the chief himself immediately and gave them a spot in the waiting room.
An hour or so later, the chief showed up with all three boys in tow.
They were all grounded, no question, but before she and Dusty started heading home, he begged her for five minutes to talk with his friend in the chief's car. She relented, and Dustin ran to the passenger seat of the car, where a teen boy was leaning on the door and resting his eyes.
Dusty opened the door and the boy nearly fell out of the car, followed by a very loud “Henderson!” that made her chuckle.
Hopper said it was the Harrington’s son, and his next stop would be taking the kid to Hawkins General Hospital for ‘a concussion and a half’.
They both had to get going, and despite his anger earlier, Harrington Jr. said goodbye with a smile and a ruffle of Dustin’s cap. And when Dusty hopped into the front seat with stars in his eyes and the energy of a successful campaign, he talked about Steve Harrington.
Steve was awesome. Steve was like the tank their party needed. Steve was a badass until he got his ass kicked, which apparently wasn’t even fair anyway, because Steve would have totally won if Bobby? Billy? Was playing fair. Steve was strong, Steve was cool, Steve told him how to do his hair, of all things, which was also apparently a secret. Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve.
She had to be wary, just a little, because that was her job. But even more than that, she wanted to be hopeful.
So the next day, when Dustin asked if he could bike to the hospital to check on Steve, even though he was grounded, she decided to make an exception, and they both took the car.
Hopper’s car was still camped out in the parking lot, but before she could look for the right cars around, Dustin dashed again to Steve’s room, almost slamming the door open.
Dustin jumped on the bed before Steve could get a word in, let alone sit up to greet them, but the wide, if a bit confused, smile said it all.
Hopper offered the chair next to him for her to take a seat, and he filled her in properly on everything that happened. Most of the story was a better rehash of Dustin’s accounts with those in-betweens better filled, but the one thing that stayed perfectly consistent was Steve.
A new girl’s step brother got too rough with Sue's boy, Steve stepped in and started a regular fight, then step-brother grabbed a dinner plate and ended it. Step brother apparently fled after Steve wouldn’t get up, and the kids looked after him until Hop could get there. All four of them were worried, but Dustin by far the most.
She looked back to her boy, trying to get his hat back from Steve who held it high above their heads. Dustin stood to grab it, and Steve clearly planned on throwing it before Dustin managed to snatch it and punch him in the arm with a victorious yell.
She couldn’t help but smile. Couldn’t help but let them stay until Steve was discharged with a stack of paper and a call home to make sure he wouldn’t be alone. Couldn’t help but leave an open invite to their home, though ideally after Dustin’s grounding was over.
After a few weeks, he joined them for dinner, and never asked why they had to hunt for a third chair to the table.
And another few weeks after that, Steve stopped by to drive Dusty to the Snowball, coming inside because Dustin can’t get his hair just right.
And a month later, when he joined them for Christmas, Claudia could be comfortable in her hope. She could think that, at least going forward, Dusty would have everything he needed.
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@kazenomegaminowanpisu I'm sorry this took so long, but I hope you like it! Thank you so much for this request. As someone who loves Sanji and is also very passionate about cooking/baking, this was suuuuper self indulgent and I loved writing it!
Sweet Tastes and Gentle Touches
Sanji x Fem!Reader
2.3k words
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The sweet embrace of a good night’s rest is something that often evaded Sanji for one reason or another. Whether it be nightmares or the simple fact that sleeping in the same room as a bunch of other men was hardly peaceful, he knew he didn’t get anywhere near enough sleep to be healthy.
Zeff and the other cooks on the Baratie got on his ass regularly when he was caught having late night smoke breaks when he should have been sleeping. Here though, he usually didn’t have to worry about being lectured by anyone. Everyone else was either sleeping or was also up when they shouldn’t be so they had no room to judge. 
Currently, he was having another one of those sleepless nights. It was too early to be getting a head start on breakfast, so his only plan for the time being was to smoke outside until it was closer to that time.
At least that was the plan, but then he saw light coming from the kitchen. His teeth ground together in frustration. That damned bottomless pit of a captain is at it again! He could’ve sworn Luffy was still asleep when he left the room, when did he get into the kitchen?! He stuffed his pack of cigarettes back into his pocket and stormed into the invaded kitchen to save the crew from Luffy inhaling a week’s worth of food in two minutes. 
He busts open the door, “How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of here outside of mealtimes?!” Sanji’s voice became louder with each word, punctuated by the door slamming into the wall from the force that he kicked it with.
What he had expected to see was Luffy attempting to break the locks on the fridge and pantry. 
What he actually saw was his dear, sweet, beloved (y/n) looking back at him with a startled expression. One of the cabinets was open and you were in the middle of pulling down the kettle.
Sanji’s heart stopped and horror from his actions clawed at his throat. He had just yelled at the love of his life like an actual monster. 
You appeared to be as confused as you were surprised and began putting the kettle back where it came from, “I-I’m sorry, I guess I must have forgotten.”
“No, no, no, no, no, no! I didn’t mean that! I mean- I did but I thought you were Luffy! NOT that I think you look like him, you don’t, but he’s usually the one sneaking into the kitchen at night!” Sanji all but ran at you and snatched the kettle from your hands as he spoke a mile a minute. “Sit down! I’ll make some tea for you! Just relax!”
Sanji wanted to throw himself overboard for his transgression against you, and the only thing keeping him from doing so was the stronger urge to pamper you after having the audacity to raise his voice like that.
The situation seemed to have clicked in your mind, and like the angel you were, you simply giggled at the misunderstanding. In his humble opinion, he felt like he deserved to be punted into the sea and screamed at, but you just laughed it off. 
He didn’t deserve you. Which is why he’s kept his feelings close to the chest. As close to his chest as someone like him could, at least. Naturally, he was powerless to the need to fawn over you as much as every other lady that crossed paths with him, but he did nothing to let you know that it was more than the kind of fawning everyone else received. 
“You don’t need to do all that, Sanji, I can do it,” your hand rested on his shoulder, making his breath catch in his throat. You smiled warmly at him, “Did I wake you up? I’m awfully sorry if I did, I thought I was being quiet.”
“No! I was already awake, you didn’t do anything wrong,” you could never do anything wrong in his book. Using the hand not holding the kettle, he placed it on the small of your back and guided you to the table, “Please allow me do this for you, I insist.”
Much to his delight, you did take a seat. You positioned the chair so that you could watch him as he zipped around the kitchen to gather everything he needed to make your tea. There was no need to ask what you wanted, he already had it memorized. 
Glancing over his shoulder, he caught you staring at him in what he believed to be amusement. You made eye contact briefly before he snapped back to what he was doing with his face feeling hot. He cleared his throat, “What are you doing awake at this hour, (y/n)-chan? Is there something bothering you?”
“Oh no, nothing’s wrong, I just woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep. Usually I do some late night baking when this happens, but since everything else was locked up I settled for tea,” you explained casually, chin resting on your fist.
Sanji froze and a giddy feeling bubbled up from within him. Who was he to pass up the golden opportunity that he was currently being presented with. After doing what he could to school his expression so he didn’t look completely desperate, he turned to face you, “Do you still want to bake something? I would love to join you if you’d be so gracious.” 
“Are you sure? Don’t you want to at least try to get some sleep before breakfast?”
Ever the sweetheart, you were kind enough to be concerned for his well being. Everything was fine though, just being able to spend time with you would energize him more than a full night's rest. Sanji grinned, “Of course I’m sure, there’s nothing else I’d rather be doing right now.” He fully meant that.
“Alright, who am I to deny the help of such a talented cook?” You stood up from the chair and breezed past him to wash your hands at the kitchen sink. 
Sanji is pretty sure his heart just burst from the compliment, that was the only explanation for how hot his chest felt. It’s not like what you were doing here was anything new, you two work together in the kitchen all the time.
The first time you’d offered your help, he’d assumed it was just to be polite and nothing more. He tried to tell you that you didn’t need to put yourself out like that, but when you insisted that you actually really enjoyed cooking he caved.
He tried to tell himself that the butterflies in his stomach were nothing unusual. This was just because he was happy to be around someone else who had a passion for culinary arts again. That was it. Definitely. 
Oh, who was he kidding? Sanji was head over heels for you by the end of your first cooking session together. How could he not be? You two worked so well together, it was like he’d found his other half. His soulmate, if such a thing existed.
Not that he was doing anything about it. He felt like you deserved better than him, and he wasn’t going to give you a chance to make that decision for yourself. 
Sanji was torn from his thoughts by your hand waving in front of his face. He reeled back in surprise and you giggled, “Are you sure you aren’t too tired?” Shit, had you been calling his name and he hadn’t heard you?
“Positive!” His voice cracked, and he wanted to throw himself out the window because of it. Mercifully, you didn’t comment on the embarrassment and only quirked a brow at him. Sanji cleared his throat, “I’m wide awake, I promise. What did you want to bake?”
“We bought some strawberries at the island yesterday, right? Could we make a strawberry shortcake?” You looked at him hopefully, waiting for his answer.
“Of course, anything for you, (y/n)-chan!” Sanji slipped around you and fished the keys for the fridge and pantry out of his pocket. Behind him, he could hear you digging out the required utensils for the cake.
Not even that marimo could wipe the smile off Sanji’s face right now, he’s sure of it. He couldn’t help but notice that both of you were still clad in your sleepwear. His consisted of sweatpants and a tank top. You were wearing a beautiful nightgown in your favorite color with a silk robe over it, both of which were gifted to you by himself. He knew it would flatter your form and was thanking the gods for being able to bear witness to this sight to confirm it.
His imagination was running wild from this imagery, though. It’s almost like you’re married and this is a late night baking session in your own private home.
Sanji violently shook his head. This train of thought was going places that it absolutely shouldn’t be!
The necessary ingredients were placed on the counter and he risked a glance in your direction. You were currently pulling on an apron over your head and tying it behind your back with a practiced ease. 
Considering how flustered he was from his earlier thoughts, he kept his words to you concise and to the point. He didn’t trust himself not to say something stupid if he started rambling, so once you two decided who was doing what, you fell into a comfortable silence.
Sanji had taken it upon himself to beat the egg whites and sugar into a meringue while you mixed together the rest of the wet ingredients. Quiet humming fills the kitchen, an endearing trait of yours that he felt blessed to have become so familiar with. Tonight’s tune was a melody he didn’t recognize. Whether it was a song from your past or something you made up on the spot was beyond him, but he didn’t care, he simply enjoyed it.
After finishing the meringue, he divided it up. Half into your mixture, while the other half remained in his bowl to be combined with the dry ingredients and oil. Sanji let you take care of bringing the batter together while he prepped the cake pan.
The cake was in the oven not long after that, leaving the two of you to prep the whipped cream frosting and strawberries while you wait. In the time it took Sanji to whip the frosting into shape, you had finished cutting the strawberries that go in between layers. You eyed the remaining ones, debating what to do with them.
“Do you know how to cut them into roses?” Sanji crept behind you, eagerly awaiting your answer.
“Nope, can’t say I do.” You looked at him over your shoulder with a smile, “I don’t suppose you’d want to show me, would you?”
Ah, so you knew where he was going with that. If he had a bit more shame, he’d be embarrassed at how predictable he was. Luckily for him in this moment, he didn’t. He swallowed an imaginary lump in his throat and went for it.
“I would love to,” he answered quickly. Closing the already small gap between you, he was pressed up against your back. His arms went around you, with his hands resting over your own to guide you.
This was a bold move, he’d admit it (to himself only), but it was worth the risk. It wasn’t every day that he got to be so close to you, so he was taking in and treasuring every aspect of it. From being able to feel your softness first hand to his senses being flooded with the smell of your shampoo, all of it was intoxicating. If not a little nose-bleed inducing, but that was neither here nor there.
Oh wait, the strawberries.
He positioned your hand to lightly cut at the sides of the fruit, “It’s simple, really, I know you’ll pick it up quickly. All you do is make a thin slice and gently peel it back. Then you rotate and repeat this until you’ve run out of room and go up.” Sanji kept guiding your hand for the entire strawberry, even though he knew you were skilled enough to have picked it up after the first or second example.
Fortunately, you indulged him and patiently waited for his hands to retreat on their own before trying it for yourself. As expected, the next one came out perfectly. You admired your handiwork before holding it up to Sanji, “What do you think, did I do this right?” 
You really didn’t need to ask. It was clear for anyone to see that you had nailed it, and he was sure that you knew that. Yet you’d asked for his opinion anyways. He was going to wax poetic about how this was the most expertly crafted strawberry rose he’d ever seen, but was distracted when he picked up on how hard you were staring at him. Suddenly feeling self conscious, he asked you what was wrong.
Rather than answer, you reach out to him with your empty hand and use your thumb to wipe some frosting off his chin. Then, nonchalantly, you brought the same thumb to your mouth to sample the errant bit of frosting. You hummed and nodded, “This frosting is great, though it looks like you may have been stirring a little too vigorously over there.” You lightly elbowed his side as you teased him.
Sanji hit the ground like a sack of potatoes, blood gushing out of his nose like a faucet on full blast. You were going to be the death of him, and he meant that in the best way possible. 
If he died by your sweet touch, then he would go out a happy man.
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