hopelesshawks · 1 year
How are you doing? That's what I'm curious about.
Moni!! Hello!! I’m doing well 🩵 there was a brief and intense bout of (somewhat self-inflicted) anxiety but we’re back to chillin now. I hope you’ve been good too!!
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hopelesshawks · 1 year
All of them (hope you're doing well!)
Pffff guess I’m ✨multifaceted✨
(I’m good, hope you’re doing well too!)
What type of fanfic writer am I?
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
No, I love YOU more. Take it or leave it, smh
You're getting 10x the kithes >:(
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I love you most >:( 1000x the kithes
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
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I am what some people would call ✨a menace✨
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Not my fault you're an Amazon. I'm short because my dad was short and I happened to get that gene, smh. *sobs*
LMAO I would hardly call 5’ 8” Amazonian. But I do have a pair of 4” heels now and few things make me feel more powerful than when I’m 6 ft tall
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
No, you just hate free time, you're so organized and it's freaky.
But you're sexy <3
I was gonna say I’m not organized and then I looked at all my tab groupings on my web browser but then I also looked at the state of my apartment so who knows
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
hsdbvljsn shush, I'm not, I literally pulled all of that out of my sleep-deprived head
I love you <3
Stop invalidating your work, it was a brilliant way of expressing something a lot of people struggle with 😤
Ily2 😘
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
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me thinking about you <3
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Moniii 😘
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
💖 💟 🌟🌼
I was literally just about to send you the same?? 🥺love you Moni ❤️
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Mmmmm heyyyy. Congrats on 400 followers 🥺.
I'm sliding in here because I'd love to see who you would match me up with in BNHA, based on what you know of me (and I think you know a lot about me).
Love yooouu!! 💗
Thanks Moni 🥺❤️
I thought about this one quite a bit and I match you with Sero Hanta!
Some of this is purely based on Vibes(tm) like I mentally tried out a few different people and Sero just Clicked(tm). He’s such a chill guy I feel like you guys would mesh well together and he’ll let you pretend like you’re totally not soft even when you’re being the softest ever. He’d worship you but would display that in a low key way so his affection wouldn’t be overwhelming and he’d know exactly how to hype you up when you’re not giving yourself enough credit.
You sigh a little as you tweak the model currently displayed on your computer for what feels like the millionth time. Your boss hadn’t been enthusiastic about the first version you’d brought in, so you’d spent the last few days furiously making edits in an attempt to get it right this time. You’re not even sure how long you’ve been staring at your computer screen at this point, a headache just starting to build at your temples.
You feel a pair of warm arms circle around you, a chin resting on your head as your boyfriend comes to join you and watch your screen. “Still working on that model thing for work?” he asks and you nod. “Been going at it for awhile haven’t you?” he presses. Another nod. “Maybe you should take a break.” You shake your head this time and immediately begin explaining the lengthy laundry list you’ve created of reasons your current model isn’t good enough. He nods along thoughtfully for a few moments and then the next thing you know he’s pulling out of your space and then tugging your rolling desk chair with him. “Hanta wait!” you protest but he’s having none of it, dragging your chair further away from your desk until he’s managed to get it all the way to your shared bedroom.
“Seriously I have to work on my model, it’s due soon,” you whine. Sero spins you around to face him, caging you against the seat by putting his hands on the arm rests and leaning down into your space, face tantalizingly close. “Love, it’s Friday, you’ve been working hard all week, and you told me this isn’t due until Tuesday. It’s break time,” he insists. “But I-” you start but are swiftly cut off. “Nope. No more work ok pretty girl?” he insists with a toothy grin and you finally relent with a sigh. He leans forward to press a kiss to your lips, a reward for your compliance. “Good. Now go get changed into something cute, I’m taking you out tonight!”
“Babe I-”
“No excuses young lady, I’m treating you to dinner and everything,” he insists, walking backwards towards the bathroom to get ready.
“Why are you so insistent on this?” you ask and it makes his grin soften into something a little more private as he pauses in the doorway.
“Because I love you and you deserve it. Got it?”
“Yea…. Yea I got it.”
“Good,” he declares, tapping the top of the door frame before spinning around to enter the bathroom.
“Hey Hanta!” you belatedly call out, causing him to turn and give you a curious look, “I love you too.”
A blush rises on his cheeks, the tips of his ears going red, but he still manages to send you a wink and reply with a cheeky “I know. Now hurry up and get dressed before the night gets away from us.”
You roll your eyes at the response but the look on your face is fond as you move to go get dressed for your impromptu date.
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
I L word you a lot. You're like... My babe.
Anyway, mwah mwah.
I L word you too babes 🥰
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
😗 😀 😃
Send me an emoji to tell me how intimidating I am
MONIIIIII ❤️ love you bb
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
🌷🌼 Send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going! (no pressure <3)🌼🌷
Moniiiiiiii thanks bby, love you ❤️
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
❤️❣️❤️ send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💖✨💖✨
Kithes for Moni
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
*rolls in a carpet downhill*
...mmmMM I'M NOT HOooot...
*rolls away*
And that is a dramatic reenactment of me continuing you
*chasing after you, slowly but surely gaining* hey hey he y h e y h E Y H E Y YOU'RE SO HOTTTT
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