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tsadashi · 5 years ago
I never thought my baby would leave; never thought any of my babies would ever leave. That was ignorant of me. Now I only want answers. What could've happened just what
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ivis-00 · 7 years ago
There are reports...about Shinee’s Jonghyun...
So I hopped on Twitter this morning (as I’ve been doing for the past month or so) and see my timeline flooded with reports of Jonghyun. There seems to be many of them saying that he’s been confirmed dead (either found dead at home or taken to the hospital and died there), while others say he’s been taken to the hospital in critical condition. I can’t say which is certain or not. Many say that it was a suicide attempt (through carbon monoxide poisoning). I went to the trending lists and Jonghyun (trending at #3), Shinee (trending at #6), and "샤이니 종현" (trending at #15) are all on the list.
I can’t say for certain if any of the things said in the news articles or by translators are true. For that we would have to wait for an official statement by SM or Jonghyun’s family. All I can say is that we should hope for his wellbeing and send our love and support to his family and friends. Until further information and a real confirmation is given, don’t reblog, retweet, repost any articles that aren’t confirmed to be absolutely, 100% true. Don’t believe everything you read. Check your sources.
Now is the time for all of us, no matter what group you stan, to come together and support one another. This is a difficult time for everyone, so let’s be good to one another and hope for the best.
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laxusthelightning · 6 years ago
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life-of-lisa-mejias · 8 years ago
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For real tho....... #shouldwebeworried #hopehesokay #latenightponderings #bigfoot #needslovetoo (at Casa De Amor)
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farmersmarkethawaii · 8 years ago
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TIMING. After going back and forth a couple times on what we were gonna do after fishing with no applaudable catches the last couple of nights we decided to give South point one last try and also because it's on the way back to Puna, and while we were setting up my dad told me I think I saw a guy fall into the hole and asked me if there's water in there like the other one, I said yeah but you can't jump in that one and he said someone might have possibly fell backwards into it then. I quickly ran over there and looked inside and almost didn't see him at first but then there he was laying unconscious and non responsive to our calls to him. @pana_kala rushed down to keep him from being swept into the water while I called for medical assistance and the police, more good braddahs helped out till the fire department came and we hoisted him out and not a minute after we moved him off the ledge did a wave come up and wash away all traces of what had just happened and if he was still there he woulda been sucked into the ocean as well. Been kinda thinking about this the last hour and how it feels like we were meant to be here. #lifesatrip #mahalotoeveryomethathelpedout #southpoint #hopehesokay #medivac #farmersmarkethawaii (at End of the World - The most Southern point of the USA)
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rlmoore87-blog · 8 years ago
#ForallyouSamsungusers #runmedat #hopehesokay #
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nidchatt · 9 years ago
Dylan o'brien injured while filming TDC!!! OMG I CANT BREATHE!!!!
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kales96 · 10 years ago
Just a letter or a text would make me so happy right now 😪✉️💕
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lushitbull · 10 years ago
I guess I’m really happy that Luhan is back to his group again, performing and singing together with his band. :)) AND HIS NEW BLACK HAIR, GOD. IT KILLED ME. *CHOKES ON EVERYTHING* IS HE EVEN HUMAN?NO? FINE. BYE!
*anyway, I hope that Luhan will take care of himself…. I don’t want to see him being all pale and sickly.
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dlonohoe · 12 years ago
Scratch that a guy on a motorcycle got hit by a truck and flew off his bike and fell off the bridge #reversingskills #wrongsideoftheroad #hopehesokay #manteca
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