#hopefully they learn from their mistakes and make the upcoming seasons better
holyfuckingweed · 3 months
As a queer person seeing bi benedict become canon was so fucking amazing!!!!!
And francesca forgetting her own name and getting tongue tied on seeing michaela!!!!!!!!
Though i hope the next seasons are better written and edited than this one i cannot wait to watch them!!!!!!
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Unpopular/Popular Opinion: Cisco and Kamilla should have stayed on the Flash and Kamilla should have been given more screentime
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
So real world, I think Carlos made the best choice for himself leaving the show. The writing was starting to go pretty strongly downhill in large part due to a showrunner who favors his OCs over the existing cast and would make promises about upcoming story arcs that were only true if you kind of tilted your head and squinted. He's done pretty well for himself since, having been in Gaslit and Up Here and getting to stretch his acting chops with characters different from Cisco. It doesn't look like Victoria's gotten quite as much acting work since leaving the Flash, but hopefully she landed on her feet after leaving the Flash too. I'd certainly love to see her in something again sometime.
But setting the real world aside, for the show losing Cisco and Kamilla was definitely a bad choice. Cisco was the heart of Team Flash. He was the one who, repeatedly, held the team together when things got hard. He connected the most easily with everyone else on the team and he had a history with Barry, Iris, Caitlin, and Frost that can't be replaced. Kamilla, in turn, was the first real friend Iris had been allowed by the writers since Linda Park. Iris is friends with Cisco, yes, but he's Barry's friend first and foremost. And the show has repeatedly squandered Iris & Caitlin and Iris & Frost. Despite calling itself out on that very problem. Kamilla was Iris' friend and equal and it was nice watching them both hang out and work together.
Without Cisco, Barry's isolated from the rest of Team Flash (except Caitlin, but they were never as close as he was with Cisco and, whoops, now she's dead) because he's their boss. And Iris is isolated from Khione, Cecile, and Allegra because her relationships with those three never really get any real development.
Having more focus time on Kamilla would have been great. To see her friendship with Iris develop further - the struggle with being best friends while also boss and employee would have been an interesting point to focus on. Contrast that with Cisco and Barry's relationship. I could see Kamilla talking to Cisco about it and trying to figure out how to balance it all.
But also showing more development of Kamilla and Caitlin's friendship and that leading to Iris and Caitlin finally spending more time together and getting to know each other better. (Let Iris have lady friends, please let her have lady friends.)
Cisco mentoring Chester would have been interesting to see more of (or any of) too. S1 had Cisco as the prodigious student, S2 and S3 saw Cisco coming into his own and growing beyond needing a mentor, and S4 and S5 placed Cisco as having gained the confidence to consider himself an expert in his fields of science and an experienced hero in his own right - not a sidekick. So developing on that, having him pass on what he's learned and take pride in being a mentor - working through lingering issues about Eobard in the process, perhaps - would have been an interesting arc to take for both him and Chester.
Unfortunately I don't know that the show runners really knew what to do with Cisco as his powers developed. Comics Vibe was incredibly powerful and nerfing Cisco on the show was definitely a mistake, the lead up to which made it seem like Cisco was being written out then in S5 and certainly made Carlos' eventual decision to leave two seasons later unsurprising. So I think we lost out on a lot of interesting story arcs for Cisco and for Kamilla because of the decision to take away Cisco's powers.
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storydays · 3 years
Season 1, Episode 2, p1
".and in the final round, the Buzzard-Wasps, won with a decisive knock-out." Korra read the newspaper eagerly before peeking over at Tenzin. "What do you say we go to the arena tonight, catch a few pro-bending matches?" She grinned hopefully at the airbender. "That sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending." He snapped, ignoring you as your coughed into your morning (tea/coffee/hot chocolate). As intelligent as he is, the man hadn't a clue of where or why you spent so much time in the city. You couldn't keep it a secret from your Aunties, and Aunt Lin or Pema were usually the ones who patched you up.
"Come on, Tenzin, I've dreamed about seeing a pro-bending match since I was a kid, and now I'm just a ferry ride away from the arena." She gestured out towards the city. "Korra, you're not here to watch that drivel. You're here to finish your avatar training. So for the time being, I want you to remain on the island." He took another sip of his tea, as you took another bite of your breakfast. "Is that why you're keeping the White Lotus sentries around to watch my every move?" She waved her hand towards the soldiers, who were standing around the room. "Yes, in order to learn airbending, I believe you require a calm, quiet environment free from any distractions." Tenzin finished sternly.
"All right, you're the master." Korra relented, looking out the window, longingly. It was quite yet tense before you abruptly stood up from the table and stormed off angrily, catching the attention of everyone in the room. "(Y/N)? Where are you going?" Korra asked, confused by your behavior. "Fine! Going to meditate!" You grumble, feeling guilty at your Aunt's concerned look. You quickly made your way to the tree you and your Grandfather planted when you were younger, and sat down, crossing your body into a half-lotus position, breathing in through your nose and out of your mouth, praying for a peaceful session.
Your prayers went unanswered.
--Vision start--
You found yourself watching a middle aged Aang look around curiously. The old monk smiled seeing a small figure curled up on the tip of Air Temple Island, before sitting next to said figure. The two remained silent until the smaller sniffed, and pulled his tunic tighter in its fist. "Are you ready to talk about it, grandson?" You walked closer, to see a young you, look up at him with teary eyes. "Hi, Papa." Younger you sniffled, wiping a tear away. "I'm sorry I left dinner like that." Aang merely pulled you to sit on his lap, and wrapped his cloak around you, waiting patiently for you to say what was wrong, because he knew you wouldn't cry over something so little.
"Now, it's not nice to lie about something so small like that. What's really bothering you, my little monkey?" Aang asked with a mischievous grin. Your (e/c) eyes peered at him from under your bangs. "I'm just scared, of the future." You admitted. "What do you mean?" asked Aang. "When I'm sleeping, I see things. I see the next Avatar, but I can't see their face. I-I know their a waterbender because of their clothes, but that's it. And then I see different endings based on her choices, and the world keeps changing and I am afraid--" "Okay, okay. (Y/N), take a breath, you're hyperventilating. You need to relax, before you pass out. Copy me, alright?"
Aang put your hand on his chest, and mimicked deep breathing. He'd dealt with plenty of panic attacks with the Gaang, and of course with his own kids. Eventually you calmed down and that's when Aang spoke again. "I know the future is scary, and no one can truly prepare for it, but what we can do, is be ready to make the future brighter. And if you're seeing the future Avatar, that must mean your destinies are intertwined tighter than I thought. I know the Spirits have a plan for why they're allowing you to see the future. You've already made us so proud, (Y/N). You're a dual bender, and a master of both air and water at such a young age.
"I know you'll make the world proud." Aang stood up, and began carrying you into the library, as your stomach growled at you. The Airbender laughed, and gestured to two plates of dumplings. "Thanks, Papa Aang." You mumble, curling next to him, as he set a small fire up. "Of course, monkey. Now I believe I owed you the story of how Zuko found his mom.."
--Vision end--
You slowly opened your eyes, as you heard multiple steps heading towards you. Your cousins, Uncle and friend all looked back at you with varying smiles. "(Y/N), are you finished with your morning meditation?" Tenzin questioned. You stood up, stretching your back and legs, before answering him. "Yes, Uncle. Is it time for Korra's first lesson in airbending?" "Yes, now come along everyone." You all headed towards a airbender's best friend. "What is that contraption?" Korra asked aloud. "A time-honored tool that teaches the most fundamental aspect of airbending." You rolled your eyes before muttering to the kids, "Or the first step to airbending. Unless, you preferred the long winded version of saying it." You smirk at Tenzin's irritated face.
"Jinora, would you like to explain this exercise, while (Y/N) demonstrates?" Tenzin said, sending you a raised eyebrow, as you got ready. "Well, the goal is to weave your way through the gates and make it to the other side without touching them." Jinora explained. "Seems easy enough." Korra stated. "Jinora forgot to mention you gotta make it through while the gates are spinning." Ikki said, cheekily.
Tenzin stepped forward and sent a sharp gust of wind through the gates, as you then stepped forward. You then began dancing in the wind, fast, fluid, and soft in your movements. "The key is to be like the leaf. Flow with the movement of the gates. Airbending is all about spiral movements. When you meet resistance, you must be able to switch direction at a moment's notice." Tenzin finished, as you sent an equally strong wind, letting Korra know that it was her turn. "Let's do this." she stated, confident.
Now being a air nomad monk, you shouldn't feel as smug as you were. But your mother was from the Northern Water Tribe...so you could feel as smug as you wanted. This was a lesson she needed to learn to be a better airbender, Avatar, and a person. She ran in head first, grunting as she ran into different gates. You snickered, as she fell on her butt, in front of the other Airbenders. Growling, Korra ran back inside, not learning from her previous mistakes. "Korra, don't force your way through!" Jinora called, climbing on your back, to get a better look. "Dance! Dance like the wind!" Ikki encouraged. "Be the leaf!" Meelo danced.
Not listening, Korra groaned, as the gates made her dizzy. Tenzin rolled his eyes groaning. You chuckle, landing next to him, as Jinora jumped down and went with her siblings to look down at the Avatar. You raised your hand, before turning to your uncle. "Well, that was fun. Same time, same place tomorrow?" Your grin widen at your Uncle's annoyed glare, before walking down the steps, whistling softly, feeling Nevermore land on your shoulder. "Hey Nevermore. Ready for some practice?" The (fav color) dragon squealed happily as you made your way to the training area.
You turned towards the sound of footsteps following you. "Yes, Jinora?" You smiled as she blushed at being caught, but she spoke up. "Well, I was just wondering if I could help you with Nevermore's training today?" She asked hopefully. You nod, gesturing her to come forward. "All right, now we're going to work on her flight today. She's getting bigger and it's almost time for her to mature. I need you to keep a steady wind flow, okay?" And this was how Pema found you both before lunch. "Thanks for your help, Jinora." You ruffled her hair, before helping your Aunt serve lunch.
--Later that night--
You stretch your limbs before putting on your uniform, and walking out with Bolin and Mako. "All right, guys. We got this!" You grin, making Bolin mirror your grin and Mako smirked. As soon as the game started, you could hear the announcer speaking over the speakers. You tuned into what he was saying, letting your body take over for the fight. "Ladies and gentleman, I'm coming to you live, from Republic City's pro-bending arena, where tonight, the best in the world continue for a spot in the upcoming championship tournament. Grab your snacks and your kids because this next match is going to be a doozy!"
You grin underneath your helmet, focusing on the game. The announcer rambled on in the background, as you were dancing behind Mako's quick movements and Bolin's sturdy form. Catching the other team off guard was your forte. "This Mako's got moxie! He advances, fires two quick shots. Yomo is hammered back into zone three, by the Fire Ferret's sneaky waterbender, oh! I stand correct folks, Yomo was sent into the sink by (Your fake name)! Now it's up to the rest of Yomo's team to earn their spot! Clock is winding down, can they hold it? The Fire Ferret's line up to pull out their famous Guilt Triple! One, two, and three and the opposing team is in the drain! The Fire Ferrets are in the championships! They're in the championship!!"
The crowd went wild! Screaming your names, as you all walked off to the locker room, chatting happily. "You really came through with the move, (Y/N)!" Mako chuckled, unwrapping his knuckles, as you ran a hand through your hair, ruffling your bangs, ignoring Bolin's wide eyed stare. "Take a picture, Bo. It'll last longer." You snicker, as he blushed at being caught."Sorry, it's just so cool having a airbending master," He whispered those words softly, "Right in front of me! I wanna see you do it!" He begged, using the puppy eyes on you. "No, Bolin. We already talked about this. No one can know. Now, are you gonna sit there, whining, or are you gonna come eat with us?"
You and Mako were waiting by the door, dressed in street clothes(First outfit; instead of sleeves you have one fishnet glove going up one elbow). You were wearing Water Tribe clothes, and waiting for the Earthbender. Mako snickered, watching his brother get dressed quickly, before following you to a restaurant to relax and act like teenagers for a change. You walk with your hands behind your head, looking at the stars, sighing contently, but you couldn't help but wonder:
'What are we going to do now, Mom?'
--The next morning--
You tied your hair up in a man bun, before dusting off your airbender clothing from any wrinkles, and heading out the door. You'd overslept from how exhausted you were from last night's match, and now you rushed to join your family for morning meditation. "Hey, (Y/N)! We missed you at breakfast." Ikki clung to you like a monkey, as you swung her back and forth. "Hey, Cheeky Ikki. Sorry, I was really tired last night, but I'll grab a quick bite to eat after this." Your Uncle smiled at the scene before clearing his throat. "Nice to see you joining us for meditation, (Y/N). It's been a while." He admitted, as you sat next to Jinora.
"Yes it *yawn* has." You covered your mouth, before grinning sleepily at your uncle's confused glare. "All right, everyone. Begin." He commanded. You closed your eyes, breathing deeply, finding your self, sagging in relief as you did not have a vision around your family. You twitch, hearing Korra shuffle and move around. Korra kept shuffling and you cracked your eyes open, irritation flooding them. "Korra, relax." You snap. "I think I'm doing it wrong." She huffed. "There's nothing to do! Let your mind and spirit be free, for air is the element of freedom." Tenzin reminded her.
Korra laughed sarcastically and you snort quietly. Tenzin was not amused. "Is something funny?" He asked, raising a bushy eyebrow at the two of you. "Yeah, you're telling me to embrace freedom, but you won't even let me listen to the radio. And forget about leaving this island." The blue eyed avatar pouted. "Please, Korra. Look at Meelo, he's able to meditate peacefully." Tenzin gestured to his only son. You snicker, looking at the smallest airbender. "Actually Uncle, I think he's asleep." Meelo snored loudly, as Tenzin balked. "Wait, what? Ahh, at least he's got the relaxing part down.: He tried weakly.
"Whatever. None of this airbending stuff makes any sense to me." Korra grumbled. "Korra, I know it's seems frustrating, but the way he's teaching you, it's not only going to help you airbend, but this will help you learn to be patient, and as the Avatar, peace keeping and patience go hand in hand." You spoke up, as your cousins finished their meditation and you picked a sleepy Meelo.
"Yeah, like you know anything about being the Avatar, (Y/N)." Korra said sarcastically, yet arrogantly. You paused in your steps down the mini temple, and turned your (e/c) glare into the Southern Water Tribe girl. "I know more than you think, Korra." You hiss, storming off with a sleepy Meelo, and an worried Ikki and Jinora.
Korra scoffed, looking at Tenzin.
"What's his problem?" She asked, as his gray eyes barred into her soul. "Korra, you need to apologize once he's calmed down. That was rude, and he was only trying to help you. Just like I am. There will be a time when you will want his help, and he may not be there or want to help you if you continue to act like this. Grow up, girl." Tenzin said, sternly before walking off to find you.
"Please, like he's one to talk." Korra did feel guilty, but was too proud to admit it. But she wasn't dumb enough to find you right now.
Even she doesn't want to be on your bad side.
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sepublic · 4 years
Ivy on the Run!
           Okay, so I want to do this week’s duo of episodes separately. Lemme tell you, this season is NOT disappointing… I know I’ve said it before, but does anyone else just find Season 2 even better than the first one? Not to say the first was bad by any means, it was great- But Season 2 just… Something about the locales, the charm, the little worldbuilding touches, the humor and timing… Even beyond the additional ‘plot’ episodes, there’s something special to even the ‘filler’ stories in this season! If Season 1 was great, Season 2 is even better!
           Like, the tiny little details with the bugs. The sleeping bug being Ivy’s alarm clock, and also I love the foreshadowing gag of seeing the “Do it, you coward!” poster in the background, and THEN it comes into play when otherwise it was easy to miss! That was small but neat and subtle and well-handled! The bee telephones were also hilarious and great, and I love how Felicia is like, lowkey terrifying and hyper-competent in this episode, until she openly IS during her battle with Ivy! That scene where Ivy shuts the door and the Frog China begins to fall, I expected the typical trope where it shatters and just worsens things, but then Felicia managed to catch it effortlessly in time- That caught me off guard and WOWed me! Between Ivy and Felicia and Sylvia, and the Sundews are a REAL match for the Plantars in terms of chaos!
           The subplot with Anne and Polly learning martial arts was funny, and hopefully a prelude to Anne’s own skills in combat. I love One-Eyed Wally just being there, no particular reason; I love him a lot so any reason to have him included is wonderful to me. I felt bad for Polly though, she has no actual limbs, and I can see Wally’s travels making him well-learned in combat… Which of course ties into Felicia, who’s ALSO travelled and is skilled! Ivy doing everything her mother does, and not actually abysmally failing, but just missing that special little touch, was a big mood… And that beetle-catching segment was great and reminded me of beetle-hunting in Breath of the Wild! That iridescent Opal beetle…
          Love this season’s vibes for that game, I hope Amphibia leans even further… Lowkey Amphibia gives me Hollow Knight vibes as a world where this smaller animal is the typical populace and how that changes things up, the knights and royalty, the mystery, and of course the abundance of bugs either way! I’d love to see an action-adventure game, maybe even a Metroidvania, fully set in Amphibia’s setting and world and allowed to go hog-wild with it.
           And, don’t worry Sprig- I don’t think Ivy really needed you to have actual friends, she just needed an excuse to get out, and you’re enough for her! Actually, thinking about it now- Sprig was upfront and honest about his lying for once, which is a wonderful improvement of his past mistakes, especially the one from the previous episode! You love to see his character development, and likewise, I love how this episode is a continuation of the last one with Sprig and Ivy’s date! Nets and slingshots seem to be very complex devices actually in this world, which gets me into my musings on like; A game for Amphibia and gameplay mechanics, perhaps weapons and tool and crafting… But I digress. Also, Felicia talking to her on the phone, only to manifest like THAT when Ivy said no, was both hilarious and genuinely scary. I love Felicia in this episode…
           Anne’s mom was hilarious, I saw that gag but it still played so well, and it’s always a delight to see On (my placeholder name for Anne’s mom because she’s voice by On Braly, Matt’s real life mother)! I like the sense of this show that Wartwood’s inhabitants each have their own hidden backstories and nuances, more to them than meets the eye; It reminds me of the town of Gravity Falls, which makes sense given Matt’s past work in that show. Mrs. Croaker was a former assassin, Stumpy is possibly a veteran, Loggle has his mad experiments, Wally is Old Money; And of course, Felicia! I wonder if we’ll ever get that lore for the Sundews, if Sylvia has anything to comment… I like how the Sundews are lowkey shaping up and being developed with its own memorable cast like the Plantars. Speaking of backstories, we know Mayor Toadstool has an upcoming arc, I wonder if we’ll see anything with him- This is all getting quite sonder, I like it. The finesse of proper manners –which I imagine IS difficult and graceful- going into Felicia’s combat was great, as was that teasing boop.
           All in all, a great episode! Now, onto the next…!
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sanakoreanlangblr · 4 years
2021 Goals
Heyy! I’ve decided to put my goals for this year here, hoping that that might motivate me further, and maybe motivate someone else as well. Good luck everyone! And please take extra care of yourselves and your health, mental or otherwise! Everything else can wait.
This year has been difficult for all of us. As for me, even now, the upcoming semester is a big question mark. Currently I’m studying in France, and this semester I was supposed to go on an exchange to Taiwan buuuut that’s not happening anymore, as it has been cancelled. So per my school’s requirements I need to find an internship in the place of expatriation, which is a pain now. And that basically just means I have no idea where I’m going to be in the coming year or what I’m gonna be doing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sorry, needed to complain for a bit, as I am going absolutely insane with the stress…
Anywayyyy, I still hope I will be able to uphold most of these goals, wherever I will end up. I tried to not make them overly big, so that I won’t get burned out too fast. But I have a whole year for those, some of these have dates for which I could expect to finish but I will not keep to them very strictly. Whatever happens, happens :))
Also, sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my first language!
Korean (A2 -> B1)
1. Do 100 lessons of grammar from the HowToStudyKorean website.
I’ve started a few grammar books but in the end decided to settle on this website as I like its explanations best, and it provides the most example sentences when introducing each point. A nice touch is also the fact that it includes a list of a number of new words before each chapter, which gives me some new vocabulary to learn :)
So far I’ve divided the grammar points introduced in lessons into „to learn”, „to revise”, „already know”, and turns out I have:
66 „to learn”
35 „to revise”
32 „already know”
So if I did 3 points a week, I should be done around August.
2. Read 2 little stories per week from “Easy Korean Reading for Beginners”.
There is 30 stories in the first one (I already did 5), so I should be done by the middle of April.
3. Do one chapter per week from “My first hanja guide”.
I just got this book for Christmas and haven’t had the time to fully go through it so we will see how it goes.
4. Do Anki at least three times a week.
Every day would be preferable but I know that would last like a week at most.
5. Have iTalki lesson at least once a week.
That one is not a problem as I have been doing one or two per week for the last year, but I would just like to keep it up.
6. Try writing at least twice a month, and at least 2 pages.
Yeahhh that one is a bit of a bother, as writing still takes me a long time so we will leave it a twice a month and see how it goes.
7. Watch one youtube video per week on Korean grammar or vocabulary.
Generally I would say my goal is to use Korean more, as I know quite a lot but when I’m speaking I tend to go towards the easier words and grammar, which is why I am thinking that writing more could help me. And also I really want to focus on learning vocabulary as that’s always been a pain for me, I’m more of a grammar lover :))
French (A2 -> hoping for upper B1/ beginning of B2)
1. Finish the intermediate grammar book. I’m currently doing „Grammaire Progressive du Français” Intermediate edition, for A2/B1.
The problem is that my grammar knowledge of french is a mess , so going through this book is a bit of an annoyance, as most chapters I technically know but each time I find some nuance I wasn’t aware of... therefore I need to go through it, even the chapters I would have assumed I know :|
So I divided the chapters the same way I did Korean, into „to learn”, „to revise”, „already know”, and I ended up with:
14 „to learn”
34 „to revise”
4 „already know”
So technically if I did 2 points a week, I should be done in June.
2. Read the two french books I got for Christmas (“Les aventures d’Alice au pays des merveilles” and “Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours”).
3. Read at least two of the Harry Potter books in French.
I have started the first one this week, and I can tell it’s gonna be a very very slow process. It’s the first book I’m reading in french so it’s a bit difficult and frustrating but hopefully it’ll get better as I go along.
4. Watch at least 4 french movies, with french subtitles.
5. Learn a french song.
6. Read one story per week from „French Stories for Beginners”.
These are quite easy, but they are a nice practice for switching to books later on.
I don’t know if I’m gonna keep this one in, depends on how much my reading of actual books will progress.
7. Get to point 5 on the Duolingo tree.
I use Duolingo mostly as a revision tool, so I’m not really going to focus on it much, but still want to keep it up.
8. Watch one YouTube video per week (on any topic).
9. Listen to two podcasts per month.
10. At least one iTalki lesson per week.
11. Do Anki at least 3 times a week.
I really need to listen to french more, as I’m good at reading and I usually understand that pretty well, and I’m not the worst as speaking, but I am absolutely terrible at listening :| So that’s a priority.
Chinese (tbh I don’t know...end of HSK1/Beginning of HSK2 -> let’s say the goal is HSK3 for this year)
1. Finish the book „Integrated Chinese”
I’m having a tough time to pick a book from which to learn but I guess for now I’ll continue with that one.
Again, I divided the points in the book to „to learn”, „to revise”, „already know”, and ended up with:
47 „to learn”
11 „to revise”
15 „already know”
So doing 2 a week I should be done in July.
2. Learn 15 characters a day
I am way behind on learning characters.. I remember the words well but I didn’t put enough time to learn the characters at the start and now that’s gonna be a bit annoying to catch up on :|
3. Finish the drama „Go Ahead”.
4. Watch 3 Chinese movies, with both English and Chinese subtitles.
5. Have one Italki lesson per week.
6. Learn a children song in Chinese
7. Watch one youtube video per week on grammar.
8. Do Anki twice a week.
Generally focus more on characters. My speaking isn’t terrible (well besides the tones), but I need to work on the grammar a bit more as I seem to mess up the structures quite frequently. I need to put more work outside of my lessons. Since I found out I’m actually not going to Taiwan this semester my motivation has fallen a bit, but on the other hand I now have more time to prepare for fall, at which point I will hopefully be able to go!
Read 20 books.
I have always loved reading but in the past two years the amount of books I’ve read has gone down, which upsets me a bit…  On the other hand the amount of fanfiction I’ve read is tremendous, so there’s that. However I would like to make more effort to read this year, especially since I’ve accumulated a huge pile of books over those few years.
2. Workout regularly.
Right now I’m at home, so that should be easy to do. I don’t really know what’s gonna happen this semester, so we’ll see what I’m going to do about that later.
3. Eat better.
Meaning: cut down on sugar, eat more veggies and fruit.
4. Get a bit closer to my ideal weight
I’m not necessarily focusing on that this year as the previous one has been hell and really managed to deteriorate my mental health back to high school levels... but still hopefully working out a bit and eating less sugar, more veggies, I will be able to lose a tiny bit of weight. But overall I just want to focus on being a bit healthier.
5. Clean out my wardrobe
Sorry that’s a silly one but I’ve been getting to it for half a year now and I’m just too lazy to do that... maybe once I put it here I will have some motivation
6. Take care of my face and hair
So my sensitive skin hates wearing masks and needs extra care these days I need to really focus on it and baby it, to not go back to the awful red mess it was two months ago
As for my hair, I have kind of 3a curls which I haven’t been taking care of properly and plus I damaged them with hair dye (still I refuse to give up ginger hair, I blame Merida). So now during lockdown and quarantine season I finally had some time to read up on hair care of curls, and honestly after a month I can already see the difference, and well I hope for the best :)))
7. Get a tattoo
It’s something I’ve always put off since I either didn’t have the money or time. And now again both are problematic, so I will wait for the decision until I know what my school semester is going to be like. Maybe this time I will find a good moment! (Although honestly saving up for travelling after all this is over is also a great idea :))) )
8. Don’t go to sleep at 5
Yeah so during lockdown and because of online classes my sleeping schedule got so messed up I don’t even know what to do about it anymore. And while my goal isn’t to switch it to 10 pm, cutting it to 2 am at max would be nice
9. Watch 25 movies
10. Sell/donate the things that I don’t need
I’ve accumulated a huge pile of books, movies, CDs, Xbox games, art products - that I need to get rid of - and I’ve been saying that for like three years now, about the same pile of things. I will try to do that one this year!
I hope everyone’s 2021 will be a ton better than 2020! Keep fighting!
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davidmann95 · 5 years
Velvet's battle is a great choice, though I'll always have a special place in my heart for the fight against the Grimm Deathstalker and the Nevermore in Episode 8. That said, what do you think of the individual members of Team RWBY?
I decided to wait on this until I caught up on the series thus far, which I just finished doing the night before last in pretty much the only time in my life I’ve ever really properly binged anything other than comics, and…wow. I knew RWBY was a thing just as a matter of course from being on this site and Youtube, and from watching Death Battle, so I picked up some major beats by osmosis. But my main impression was that it was a charming pseudo-anime online thing of decent quality that unsurprisingly got heavier as it went along as such things tend to do, with extremely rad fights and music along the way; figured it’d be more than serviceable to watch while I was on the treadmill as a disposable distraction from the agony of propelling my wheezing, sweating, loathsome meat-scaffolding forward.
I did *not* expect it to eventually end up after growing pains a - while far from flawless - intensely engrossing story of all-consuming personal and generational pain and people who choose to love and do the right thing in defiance of that trauma and loss and hopelessness, where also occasionally a corgi gets fastball specialed at mechas. Though once it became clear that’s what it is, it pretty clearly sat at an intersection of a hell of a lot of my favorite things, especially when characters copped in-universe in both the main series and spinoff material that this is basically a superhero thing. My initial impressions re: the fights and music were on-point though.
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I actually have quite a few thoughts on pretty much all the protagonists of note at this point (other than I suppose Oscar and Maria. Like them both though, and I do hope that nice boy’s brain somehow doesn’t dissolve into the blender of Ozpin’s subconscious), but I’ll just stick with the core four here as requested for now unless someone asks otherwise. Weiss is the simplest to get at the core of, I’d say: her arc is learning that fuck rich people, actually. She’s a seriously difficult character to get onboard for at first - especially if you’re watching those first episodes for the first time in 2019 - as the mean unconsciously racist rich girl who learns to be less mean and racist but still kinda mean. But after you’ve extensively seen the hideously toxic environment she grew up in, and fully understand her efforts to grow past the empty values it inculcated in her in favor of everything she was raised to think of herself as above, she becomes a hell of a figure to root for. Assuming RWBY is gonna go, say, a respectable 10 seasons given it was just renewed through 9, I could easily see the upcoming 7th be the climax of her arc with her return to Atlas and likely further reckoning with the consequences of her families’ actions beyond how they’ve hurt her personally.
Yang is also, in a certain abstract narrative sense, simple, in that she’s built around the very oldest trick in the book for characters whose main deal is ‘can punch better than absolutely anyone’: give them problems that cannot be solved by punching. Except in her case it’s less a material “well, this person is invulnerable to punching!” or “well, actually this other person can punch most best of all” issue blocking her path than “punching cannot solve depression, abandonment issues, questioning whether what she considers her purpose in life is one she’s truly pursuing for noble reasons or if she even has the resolve for it anymore after what’s happened to her, or PTSD”. Yet, while it may not be the kind that manifests in the form of punching people with a smirk and a bad pun anymore (much as she still definitely does that all the time) what ultimately drives her and defines her is still her strength: to move forward, to forgive, to let go, to do the right thing in spite of the risks. Which could easily come off as some unpleasant “you just have to get over your moping!” dismissal - there’s a bit with her dad that means it saddles riiiiight up to the edge of that - but there’s a weight to how her traumas remain a consistent factor in her life and have shaped her outlook even as her circumstances and day-to-day disposition improve that makes it feel thematically like it’s coming from a place of acknowledgment and endurance rather than denial, even if it’s not handled perfectly. Great to see her apparently recapturing some more of her joie de vivre based on the trailer for Volume 7, and how that’ll interact with how she’s grown should be interesting.
Blake is…tough, because you fundamentally cannot talk about Blake without getting into the Faunus, which is maybe the biggest aspect of RWBY that leaves it in the realm of Problematic Fave. It really, really wants to have something substantial to say about the proper response to racism, and every now and then it pumps out a “capitalism greases the wheels of systemic oppression and vice-versa” or “it’s perfectly reasonable for the oppressed to seek to fight back directly against their oppressors, and even the pacifist in the room can recognize that’s a defensible approach that deserves its place”. But then Abusive Boyfriend Magneto literally murders nuance in Vol. 5 episode 2, and it descends into some borderline “but what about black on black violence” respectability politics shit. It’s the classic X-Men setup - this persecuted race of often superpowered folks torn between pacifism and efforts to prove themselves to their oppressors, and those who think they should rise up and annihilate the flatscans - with most of the same pitfalls, but also we haven’t had over 50 years to get used to that just being how it works here, and it doesn’t have the excuse of having to expand as best it can on a metaphor that was originally devised before most of the people currently handling it were born. All of which would be rough enough, but given I watched this right as Jonathan Hickman’s been completely refining the entire X-Men paradigm outside that outdated binary, it especially grates. I’d love to be directed to any solid counterarguments - I’ve heard it might actually be an analogue, and a well-done one, for The Troubles, which I am one million percent unqualified to evaluate - especially since apparently one of the writers grew up in a mixed-race household, and at the end of the day I’m a white guy who may well be talking completely out his ass. But it sure comes off at a glance as some well-intentioned dudes stumbling through stuff that’s not their business, and that’s inextricable from Blake’s character when so much of her story is her navigating through that metaphor. Hopefully with new writers coming onboard this is something that can be navigated more insightfully in the future.
On a purely personal basis however, Blake’s a standout in terms of relatability when her story comes down to a pretty universal shared horror: how to climb back from having fucked up. She tried really hard to do the right thing, was taken advantage of and led into doing things she eventually realized were wrong, was so shaken that she couldn’t tell who to trust, and then the situation spiraled out of control on every possible front just as things finally seemed to be stabilizing. The way a single mistake - enabled and exacerbated by an abusive past relationship in her case - expands into a self-loathing far beyond the bounds of anything she could possibly be responsible for is brutal and completely understandable, and seeing her start put her self-esteem back together with the help of those closest to her and the power of her original convictions is arguably the single strongest, most clearly conveyed individual character arc in the series. I’m very curious where it goes from here: Adam’s finish represents a logical climax and the setup for a happily-ever-after with Yang (or Sun if they end up going that way after all) for her to coast through the remainder of the series on, but the way emotional consequences have played out in the series thus far I doubt her demons are going to be put to bed that simply.
Finally there’s Ruby, and I am contractually obligated to note up front: she is clearly not a Superman analogue. There is precisely zero percent chance that she was conceived as such or was ever deliberately executed in such a way that mirroring him was kept in mind. Though she IS a super-powered idealist raised in the middle of nowhere with a significant deceased parent who wears a red cape, flies, gives inspiring rallying speeches, has black-ish but primary color-tinted hair, and has a mysterious birthright that involves being able to shoot lasers from her eyes, plus she has a dog who also essentially has superpowers, plus she tells someone they’re stronger than they think they are, plus Yang basically quotes a bit from Kingdom Come regarding her in Rest and Resolutions. But it probably goes a ways in explaining why she works so well for me.
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There’s more to it than that of course, though it does bring up the closest way in which she relates to the superhero paradigm: she doesn’t go through an arc in quite the same way as the others, instead being an already solidly-defined character who is simply illustrated by how she interacts with the people and situations around her. She learns and grows and matures, but her most basic motivations and goals and outlook haven’t really changed since the day she enrolled at Beacon. She’s a good, caring person, a leader archetype who still has more than enough personality to spare to keep from falling into the genericism that can often plague that role. A big part of the key I believe is that she’s the audience surrogate in a profound way beyond the obvious touchstones of her frequent awkwardness and self-doubt: the reason she does this is because she was inspired by stories. She’s a fan, ultimately, but one who learned all the right lessons, whether recognizing from day one the way reality falls short of the tales she was raised on but still believing in the ideals they represent, or openly holding up Qrow as a role model while being willing to call him on his shit when push comes to shove. It’s a romantic, hopeful perspective that stands out sharply from even our other heroes even as it mirrors their struggles, but as of yet there’s little to suggest it comes from a place of naivete so much as a belief that it’s the only way to bear the pain of the world and continue to believe in it. Bit by bit it’s clear she’s heading for a breaking point, but all signs point to that being a matter of her ability to withstand what she’s been through, rather than any doubt that it’s necessary, and should that time come she’s inspired plenty who’ll be able to help her back onto her feet the way she has for so many others. So while I understand her speeches apparently grate on some, as far as I’m concerned keep them coming, they’re the beating caring heart of the series and often the sole respite in the eye in the storm.
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam France, season 3, episode 1 reaction
here we go again
So I’m actually pretty intrigued going into this season, because on the one hand, I had some giant problems with Skam France’s first two seasons, and I know a lot of people felt that it was one of the weaker remakes (myself included). On the other hand, unlike with S2, they were able to adjust for viewer feedback with S3, possibly course correcting for some of the common complaints, and they’ve promised a lot of changes to a beloved story. It will be interesting to see how much Skam France grows into its own this season.
Also that Maxence guy sure has a face
I was not a fan of Skam France’s S1 and S2; up to this point, I’d say it’s my least favorite remake. So upfront, here are my main concerns going into the season:
The biggest problem with S1 and S2 was that it was such a copy and paste of the original show, to the point where it didn’t make sense a lot of the time. It was often like they’d redone 80-90% of the original material, with some slight changes, but then they failed to account for how those slight changes would affect the story or the scene. So we got weird inconsistencies and contradictions because the writers didn’t take out stuff from the original that no longer made sense. Or jokes or events happening without the setup that made it work. Characterization that didn’t feel natural or play to the actors’ strengths. Now we have learned that apparently the Skam France crew wanted to do more changes but were told to not stray too much, and that they have been given much more leeway to deviate from the original show with their S3 and S4. S3 and especially S4 are supposed to be heavily changed; I really hope they’re not exaggerating and that they’re going to be making bigger changes like story elements and plot structure, to the point where we can’t predict the upcoming clips based on the original show.
Skam France lacks a lot of the authenticity of the original and other remakes, such as casting older professional actors for many of the roles, or the overall more “polished” look and vibe of the show. Which cannot be changed at this point, and which does not bother everyone, but for me it can seriously detract from the material. It’s one thing to watch spotty teens act like spotty teens and screw up and act immature; it’s another to watch 22-25 year-old hotties make the same mistakes on screen, because I can’t completely reconcile the fact that maybe they should know better by now, heh. Rawness and vulnerability are such an essential part of Skam’s storytelling and so they need to account for that. Actually I think that’s why they reaaaaally need to dig deep into the quiet and “mundane” moments, because often those come across as some of the most emotionally fragile.
Don’t hate me: Lucas was one of my least favorite characters on Skam France in the previous seasons and my least favorite Isak across Skams. (I mean, it had to be one of them?) It’s nothing against the actor as a person but I always felt like he was acting rather than giving a natural performance. And not gonna lie, I was kind of creeped out by him in a way I haven’t felt with other Isaks. Like when he was snaking Emma, or when she called him on it and he had to respond, I didn’t get any sense of ambiguity or conflict or messiness - there was something a little blank and robotic about the way he was reacting. Not just in an “Isak is putting on a fake persona” way but in a “I would not be surprised if this dude had a collection of human heads in a freezer somewhere” way. But I am willing to give him another chance! There is more emotional range from his character in this season, and hopefully love will bring out more softness in him. With the changes to S3, maybe they’ll also play more to his strengths, and incorporate more organic and original moments so he’s not stuck recreating Isak’s greatest hits. 
Scenes are RUSHED to fit the time limits per episode. This I dread, because S3 has so many scenes that are dependent on the pacing. Part of the effectiveness of Hjernen er alene or Minutt for minutt, for example, was that we got to listen to the long pauses, the silence. The scenes felt languid and peaceful and took time to let the atmosphere build. Skam France frequently didn’t have time for that, and consequently the mood of the clip often didn’t land, the actors had to rush through their dialogue instead of sinking into their characters’ emotions thoroughly. The best way to fix this would be to rewrite scenes so they’re not rushed - like instead of trying to cram a seven minute scene into four, rewrite the scene so there’s only four minutes of material, if you get what I mean. Or write a new scene that works within the time frame. Eliminate scenes that might not be necessary - personally every scene in Skam S3 feels necessary to me, but that might not be the case with Skam France S3 due to changes in the story.
Overuse of music. Skam France is one of several remakes that use music in almost every clip, typically in predictable ways - song starts clip, song ends clip over the credits. It lessens the impact of the soundtrack and makes it feel more obligatory and less vital to the scenes. So stick to music that matters and helps the tone or impact of the clips, rather than shoehorning it just because.
The directing could feel detached/distant in a way that didn’t serve the material. At the same time, sometimes it also got so OTT and soap opera-ish that it was comical. Hopefully they can find a balance that serves the characters’ emotions without going overboard.
Previously they filmed two seasons at one so they couldn’t make changes based on viewer feedback. That’s still in effect here, as we’re getting both S3 and S4 this spring. If there’s something people hate about S3, they can’t change it in S4. However, they did have plenty of time to incorporate feedback from the first two seasons before making S3 and S4, so I do have a lot of hope that they have fixed some of the biggest flaws. We know that they have changed a title of an episode to be “the boy who was afraid of the dark” so I believe they have changed the rebirth symbolism from Skam S3 into something different, probably light and dark symbolism to match Lucas’ name associations with light, and that is a huge step in the right direction.
Anyway, that’s out of the way, so here’s the actual episode.
Episode 1
Clip 1 - Sad reflection time
The very first clip of the season is new and not an adaptation, so that’s a promising start.
Lucas is sitting alone on a bench in a park. Lots of social media WhatsApp messages and Facebook notifications going off. The boy squad is talking about going to Emma’s party later and bringing beer and weed. Lucas stares moonily at man-woman pairs and a group of girls. I don’t think either do much for him. He puts the phone in his pocket. He sees a group of dudes and is perhaps more affected, so maybe he finds one of them attractive, or he’s just reminded of his own social situation, wishing he could be completely relaxed with his squad and not hiding a secret from them. The title of this clip was “Disconnected” which he obviously is, surrounded by people but still alone. He blue steels into the distance as we cut to the title card.
I usually save social media comments for the end, but the best part of this clip is the juxtaposition with Lucas’ IG post made right before this clip. A shot of the park, about him living his best life. Of course that’s some giant irony, because we know from the clip that he’s not living his best life, he’s detached from everyone around him and unhappy. So either he made that post with a lot of sarcasm, or specifically to put up the appearance that he’s fine. Or both.
Clip 2 - Good thing they were on the ground floor?
Daphne is talking to a girl, but gets interrupted when a guy enters to make out with the girl. Daphne is like … OK then! And walks away. Daphne, my #1 of Skam France, I missed you the most. 
Daphne goes to dance with Emma who also is drawn away by make-outs, this time with Raptor Alex. Daphne again is like ... OK then! She looks around and sees so many couples making out at this party. So I guess she’s gonna feel romantically and sexually frustrated like Vilde did in S3.
I got a laugh at her trying to connect with that younger girl over not connecting with anyone, when some dude swoops in to kiss that girl. Poor Daphne, trying to assert her older wisdom, be so helpful, and it didn’t work out.
In the kitchen we see our French boy squad. Arthur (glasses), Basile (no glasses), and Yann and Lucas of course.
Can I just say, thanks Skam France for adding to the scant glasses rep across these damn remakes? It’s wild to me that there are so few characters who have glasses in the Skam Extended Universe. There’s Amira from Druck, Luca from wtFOCK, Poonam from Skam Austin ... errr… that guy who sat next to Noora in S1 … some of the theater kids ... did I forget anyone? 
Lucas talks about an attractive girl by saying, “Who cares about the size of the boobs?” which is truly a 100% authentic statement from a bonafide Kinsey 0 heterosexual man, yessir.
They’re interrupted by a girl running to the sink to puke. The boy squad is really funny with their reactions, Arthur is already winning me over with his facial expressions. I laughed at Arthur and Yann in the background when Lucas is flirting.
French Emma is called Chloé. Lucas gets Basile to take over hair-holding duties. Not gonna lie, I don’t really buy Lucas as this dude with mad game when Yann is right there (or Arthur, probably). Yann has got to be just as smooth. But they gave Lucas more helpful dialogue, I guess? It’s still slick like Isak but a little milder, he’s trying to calm down Chloé, he doesn’t neg her. So perhaps that helped him win her over.
He also shotguns with her which would be smooth except about 3% of the smoke made it into her mouth, but then again she seems like a novice so she probably didn’t care.
Their moment is interrupted by Maria hacking some more, but soon she and the other boys leave, and Lucas and Chloé make out. This is a pretty big divergence from Isak, who started making out with Emma while his friends were present. It was all a performance, and he clearly got uncomfortable once he was alone with Emma and eventually shuts it down. Lucas’ flirting is presumably a performance, too, but he could’ve stopped it after the boys left. Instead he goes forward with it.
Lucas does not start to show signs of discomfort until they’ve moved to the hallway and Chloé is unbuttoning his shirt and kissing his neck. We didn’t really see him show much doubt up until this point - like we saw Isak take a moment to gather himself when he realized he would have to flirt with Emma in the bathroom, the boys were pointing out it was “his girl.” But Lucas didn’t seem to falter until this point. I wish they’d shown more conflict earlier in the clip since they are emphasizing him putting on an act (like with the IG post). IDK if there’s also more of a self-imposed struggle he’s going through - maybe he’s also putting more pressure on himself to hook up with girls, not just to look straight but to be straight? It seemed like he might have even gone through with hooking up with Chloé had the cops not come up to the door. He was even starting to kiss her neck back.
When the cops show up, he takes advantage of the distraction and literally runs away from Chloé and jumps out a window, which is HILARIOUS, except this dude just dropped the weed on the floor in plain sight. Lucas, you’re a dingus.
I want jumping out of the window to become some symbolic running gag much like Isak struggling with his locker was, like every time Lucas has a problem he jumps out of the nearest window, in an increasingly dramatic fashion with glass spraying everywhere or him leaping out of an exploding building several stories onto the roof of a car. Doesn’t matter the situation, if there’s a window and an issue he doesn’t want to face, he ain’t gonna take the stairs. And I guess at one point the window won’t open so he has to stop jumping and running from his problems, and then his version of O Helga Natt involves climbing up and going through a window. But mostly the increasingly dramatic exits.
Clip 3 - Mika, Lisa, Manon, and a cranky gay hamster
The Skam France team got the most important detail of Isak’s season right, which is the box of tissues beside Lucas’ bed.
When Lucas wakes up he has a text from his mom, a message about going to church and praying for God to punish Lucas’ father for his sins, which SURE IS SOME SHIT. That isn’t just happy cloud religion, it’s hoping a vengeful God will strike down your enemies.
The text itself seems … coherent? Just religious. IDK if anything was lost in translation. Isak’s mom’s texts often seemed more rambling, or straight-up Bible verses about sin.
But hurrah, they’re keeping the religious themes in this season! Lucas is another Biblical name so I’m interested to see how they develop that symbolism. 
Lucas’ mom says she is praying for the both of them and that she misses him, so there’s more of a sense of wanting to connect with her son - like Isak’s mom’s texts were pretty intimidating and I could see how he’d feel closed off from them and would find them more judgmental and a sign of her mental illness more than anything, not necessarily a sign of her missing her son. Lucas’ mom is more clearly reaching out to him, I guess he’s just not responding or giving anything back.
Yann texts Lucas that the police found stuff at Emma’s, and he wants to know if Lucas has the weed. Lucas is trying to find the weed when Mika and Lisa come in with Manon on the phone. Lucas does not greet Manon with enthusiasm although we will see that they’ve got a fairly warm relationship.
Mika has an Alt Er Love phone case, which is very cute and a sweet nod to Skam! Every season of Skam France so far has had a shout-out to the original show, which I think is a nice gesture.
Mika says Lucas has problems like “how to get a girl to deflower him” which sure is an interesting comment. Either Mika truly does not suspect anything, which is doubtful, IMO, or he’s just covering for him in front of Manon or trying to make Lucas feel like they don’t know his secret, which is considerate of him.
Mika compares Lucas to no better than a hamster because all he does is sleeps, eats, and poops, like a hamster and Lisa thinks that it would’ve been better to get a hamster. Lucas gives her an offended look. LMAO.
Manon is being nice to Lucas, which is sweet of her. She has Lucas show off the apartment. So this is a different apartment from season 2? Were they not able to get the other one? Occam’s Razor, I assume this was a filming/location issue.
Manon asks about the rent and Lucas says his dad feels bad because he can’t take him in, so he’s helping Lucas out. Wasn’t Manon supposed to pay for Lucas’ rent because her parents didn’t know she was moving out of the flat and in with Charles? I guess their patronage stopped because she couldn’t avoid telling them that she was leaving for London with Charles. Which makes me wonder why they bothered to keep in that part at all last season. (Or maybe again, because they had to switch apartments so Manon’s parents wouldn’t unknowingly pay for someone’s rent in a place she’d never lived.)
Manon asks about Lucas’ mom, whether she will be OK, and he says that she’ll be OK (obviously he is not sure of that), and then she asks if Lucas is seeing someone. Doubtful that he realizes how loaded that question is, considering Manon has seen what’s on his phone! He does this blatant lie where he pretends Mika is calling for his phone back to avoid answering.
I do not actually get why they’re doing Manon in London? Or why they redid this scene so closely? In OG S3, there were several reasons this scene existed, such as showing the mother’s religious text and Jonas asking about the weed, and planting some seeds for Isak being uncomfortable with some of Eskild’s behavior (like Eskild talking about lavender scent). But it was also a way to explain that Isak was living at Kollektivet, and a followup to Noora after her season and a setup to explain why William wasn’t around anymore, and we don’t need either of those things here. Manon directly offered her room to Lucas at the end of S2, so we know he would be living there, and there’s no reason to write off Charles because the actor isn’t leaving the show. The only thing you’d kinda need to address is why they’re in a different apartment, which could be easily explained with a line or two or dialogue (Mika or Lisa complaining that something was better/worse at the old apartment). 
Noora’s whole subplot of sorts in S3, with her and William going to London and her returning when their relationship faltered ... I don’t know what Julie’s plans were had Thomas Hayes not left the show, but that definitely seemed like a development necessitated by his decision. Julie even managed to write in some parallels between Isak’s and Noora’s romantic situations to create some thematically relevant material from this development. But we still don’t actually need to do that with Skam France! The actor who plays Charles isn’t going anywhere from what I know. Like I don’t get why they can’t just have Manon and Charles living at their own place, as planned, and then they’re in the background with parties and stuff. Especially keeping in mind the time restrictions on the episodes, and that they’ll likely need to cut stuff, and this is something that could probably go without affecting the main story.
Skam Italia also wrote out the Noora character and sent her to England during their Isak’s season, too, and I thought it was kinda unnecessary, although that I can understand more because they switched S2 and S3, so it was a reason to keep Eleonora away from Edoardo (the William) until her own season. But overall it’s not something that I think needs to be carried over from remake to remake. I hope they have a good reason to send Manon away other than just repeating the story from the original show, especially considering that IMO that drama ended up dragging down season 4 (but that’s a whoooooole different essay).
Clip 4 - That’s enough, Basile
It’s school on Monday and Daphne is running around the courtyard, handing out flyers. Daphne’s existence is one thing that improves any Monday, personally.
The boy squad is all pissing in a row, sans Lucas, who’s on his phone waiting for the others. Once again he is disconnected from his pals, this time from the manliest of all male bonding rituals, the synchronized bladder release.
Yann and Arthur wash their hands and Basile does not, so guess who is going straight to the bottom of my boy squad rankings? Ewwww.
And he says it’s because he touched the girl’s butt on Saturday? …. The girl who was puking? Yeah, he could not plummet faster.
Basile starts going off about a wildlife documentary, referring to “females” as marking their scent on males, and IDK if the connotations are the same in French but men referring to women as “females” outside of a scientific context usually is a red flag.
And he hasn’t washed his hands since Saturday? But he’s jerked off???? I’m gonna puke. Yann points out he’s gonna smell like dick.
This conversation tanked Basile for me, because afterwards I could not stop thinking of his stank hands whenever he was on screen.
Daphne hands the flyers to the guys. She’s renovating the common room and is gonna make it “the place to be”. I guess they’ve just dropped her awesome party or whatever? Or is that happening in S4? Even though it’s kinda pointless, wasn’t it supposed to attract older boys and make the girl squad really cool? It’s been like over a year since they wanted to plan that, lol.
Basile seems super into Daphne and is willing to do the project, although Arthur is like, no, you aren’t. Basile, you have time to grow on me, but right now I do not approve of you hooking up with Daphne with your disgusting unwashed hands. She deserves The Best.
The other guys think Daphne is weird but Basile thinks she’s hot, so you know, he has that going for him. Though I think he would fall for any woman who acknowledged his existence. He would fall in love with the Annabelle doll if it looked his way.
Lucas gives the others a high five as he leaves, except for Basile, because he says Basile is disgusting. My favorite thing Lucas has ever done, tbh.
Basile does a pratfall over the bench on the way to class. That’s one way to get Daphne’s attention! But what makes it really funny is that Arthur stumbles over a rock at the EXACT SAME TIME in the background. I mean Basile is obsessing over everyone woman in the vicinity when clearly he and Arthur have some kind of soul bond going. (Arthur is probs too good for Basile, though. Arthur/Yann all the way.)
Things that did not appear in this clip: penguins, helicopters, treasure maps, mysterious hot new students making eyes at Lucas. Clearly there was no reason for any of those to be present. I don’t even know why I mentioned it. 
(This aired on January 21st, Skam France, do you even know your audience???) (JK but for real.)
Clip 5 - The beginning of a beautiful friendship
Lucas stares at his teacher, who is wearing a sheer top that reveals her bra. I have to say he doesn’t look like uninterested. Arthur comments on it, too, that Lucas is checking out the hot teacher. Which is what I would believe if I did not have deeper insight into Lucas’ preferences. 
Imane shows up and shoos Arthur away, and she asks Lucas whether he lost something on Saturday. When he asks, “What are you talking about?” she’s like, “Your virginity.” HA, that is an excellent burn, Lucas is toast.
We didn’t see Imane when Lucas jumped out the window, but she had to have been nearby for her to realize it was Lucas’ weed instead of anyone else’s. He didn’t take the time to plant it, he just dropped it, so that was less snake-like than Isak. And maybe a little less deserving of the roasting that Imane gives him, since this isn’t a matter of him being inconsiderate, just dumb. Sana was pissed off that Isak would do something like that on purpose and potentially get Eva in trouble; Lucas did it by accident. I guess the end result is the same if weed was found at Emma’s house, no matter how it was left behind. 
Imane says they find Daphne’s project annoying, too, so I assume they’re all just doing this to make Daphne happy.
When Imane gets up to leave the teacher is like, no, Alexia and Arthur are now partners and Imane and Lucas are now together. Both Lucas and Imane look positively thrilled about this. Just delighted. I think Arthur’s reaction is meant to be sarcastic but lmao, dude, you get to work with Alexia, that’s a damn privilege.
Clip 6 - Lucas is bad at subtlety
It’s time for Daphne’s meeting! Just the girl squad, boy squad, maybe that girl who was making out with Lucas, and no other new characters of importance.
Lucas shows up, looking as eager as you’d expect. The girls are there sans Manon. They talk about how sad and depressing the room is. It looks OK to me? Like, not super warm and inviting, but they describe it like it’s Azkaban. Daphne is the only one who’s peppy and says they’re going to turn it into something so great people won’t want to leave high school. That sounds like the premise for a horror movie.
Some dudes show up and Daphne is all ready to greet them to her meeting. At first I thought that this lounge was their usual place to hang out, since it looks like one of them had a board game or something, and they had zero idea that a meeting would be happening, lmao.
We get another shot out of the window and for a second I was wondering if a mysterious new student might be standing below, lurking around, perhaps stalking somebody.
The boy squad actually joins Lucas for this meeting, which is nice of them, although in a second I’m going to wish they’d stayed away. Basile thinks Daphne is winking at him, Arthur says she’s just rubbing her eye. Why couldn’t Arthur be the one ship-teased with Daphne? 
Oh, and Chloé has arrived. She sends a non-imaginary wink toward Lucas. I know she’s probably not going to stay that way, but for now Chloé is a very cute person.
Just as the boys are telling Lucas that Chloé is into him and asking about their hookup on Saturday, some male model just walks off a photo shoot and into the common room. We know this is significant as the music gets tinkly and Lucas deadass stares at this dude without reservations. Mysterious male model stares back and makes eye contact with Lucas. (I feel like looking into Maxence’s eyes is the gay equivalent of Bird Box, where just one glance is enough to make a guy like Lucas abandon the last remnants of chill and heterosexuality.)
Somehow Lucas does not die from this interaction, but he does keeping sneaking glances at the handsome stranger while Daphne does her awkward introduction. Chill, dead and buried. Heterosexuality on life support.
Basile applauds Daphne in her introduction - OK, I love her too, but calm the fuck down, weirdo. Daphne, don’t encourage him. 
When the crowd starts adding their commentary, Imane steps in and tells people that the next one to interrupt Daphne gets their shins broken, which a simple yet iconic moment, especially because Yann certainly seems to get nervous.
Lucas keeps checking out the hottie in the row behind him and I mean, the camera loves that pretty face, so why not? 
I already want to kill Basile.
Daphne is also done with him and roasts him when he asks for her number. Everyone giggles, which makes her smile and gives her some confidence, so I guess that’s what Basile’s good for. Except then he’s instantly in love with Daphne so arrrrrgh.
Lucas keeps checking out the view behind him because Basile is not the only one who’s developed a crush. 
I like the idea of a musical cue or theme for Lucas and Sexy Newcomer but I’m kinda ehhh about this one, because I can already see it making certain scenes cheesy and overdramatic, like Yann spiking his skateboard or Charles slow-mo racing to Manon levels of unintentional hilarity. Unless Sexy Newcomer’s a pianist? Then I can understand it more if this type of music is relevant to his character.
Clip 7 - Weird is good
Lucas is walking home and what do you know, he sees a snack at the vending machine. Give some credit to Lucas, he goes right up to him. Although he doesn’t say hello, just lurks behind.
I recently watched the series You on Netflix so all these scenes of Lucas staring at the object of his affection with his large unblinking eyes are feeling a lot more ominous than intended. 
Dream Boy is like oh sorry, i didn’t see you there! Fucking fake, he probably saw Lucas’ reflection in the glass or something. He can’t decide what to get, so Lucas recommends #24 which is a crunchy choco bar (looks like a granola bar). So in the promos for this season they mentioned “chocolate” as an important element in the story. Maybe crunchy choco will be their always!
Dream Boy gets one crunchy choco bar, and then another one, so there are no more left. His version of taking all the paper towels. He got very lucky that there were only two crunchy chocos left and that Lucas didn’t want the almond & seeds bar instead. He would’ve had to buy the whole damn rack. Dream Boy says one of the crunchy chocos is for Lucas. Except we don’t see them eat the bars, lol.
They sit down and smoke at the bus stop with one seat between them, and I could tell Chloé was gonna come and sit there. But I think it’s also supposed to be some no-homo space between them, like buying choco bars is one thing, but sitting next to each other??? It’s not like they’re married or anything.
They talk about how weird the meeting was, the importance of the common room. Lucas’ future husband says it’s a good opportunity to meet new people, but we know he’s thinking of one person in particular.
Earth Angel is a third year studying literature. Lucas asks whether it’s weird to start a new school five months before graduation. I mean ... they could have just made him Lucas’ age since he’s already like 25 in real life, at that point it’s not going to make much difference if you say he’s 17 or 18. Angelface is like, everything is weird with you! He muses that he too must seem weird. Well, weirdness is a quality I like in an Even, because Even was a giant fucking weirdo and it made him memorable and charming. And we know that our French Even has reasons for people to think he’s weird and is used to it, even if Lucas doesn’t know that yet, so it’s more loaded than Lucas even knows.
No offense but why is Chloé trying to chase Lucas when there is a literal male model on her other side? Different strokes for different folks, I guess. 
Chloé is like, the meeting was fun, right? Lucas is awkward and Sugar Pie Honey Bunch kindly chimes in that the general opinion is that it was weird. Chloé seems to be like, oh, OK, as if that will be her new opinion to stay on the same page as Lucas. SPHB adds, but we like weird, I think. NOT SO SUBTLE. You know what he means by that.
Chloé introduces herself to the new guy and he introduces himself as Eliott, so I can stop making up stupid nicknames and pretending I don’t know the name of this character they told us about months ago. 
There was a really good post by @skambyme about how both S3 remakes so far have done the end of this scene by putting the Emma character literally in the middle of the Isak and Even, while in the original, it’s Isak who ends up between Emma and Even. The remakes have the focus on Emma coming between Isak and Even, and it’s not like a terrible choice to do that or anything, but I think it’s more perceptive in the original to recognize that the biggest obstacle is not Emma, but Isak himself, caught between a girl and a guy, a safe lie and a terrifying truth. It puts the emphasis on Isak’s internal journey rather than a more external obstacle (Emma).
We learn from the credits that Eliott’s last name is Demaury and he has an Instagram account! So already that’s different from Even, who’s a total ghost on social media, except for the birthday video, obviously.
It’s a little funny to me that Arthur and Basile do not have last names according to the credits, though, lmao. Everyone else does and they’re just Those Two Guys on a first name only basis.
Social Media/General Comments
I mentioned it above but I liked that prior to the first clip, they started the season with an IG post from Lucas saying he’s living his best life, of course to contrast with the disconnect he feels in the clip itself. Putting up a facade on social media much like Isak did.
FOR SOME REASON Basile found it necessary to document the sink girl’s puke afer she was done, like … no one wants to see that, bro.
The boys talk about Lucas’ great game with Chloé in a chat, and Basile wants them all to know he has game, too. They just ignore him, lmao. As one should.
Manon and Lucas have a pretty solid friendship going on, which is nice. They’re on heart emoji level and she offers to throw Earl Grey on Mika and Lisa if they bother Lucas too much. I wonder if Lucas will properly come out to her at some point during the season, or confide in her. Especially if she ends up coming back and crashing at the apartment like Noora did - she’ll be around to talk to in person.
Mika not only calls Lucas hetero in a clip, but he refers to him as such in an IG story, and I’m not sure what to make of that yet? Because he knows about the rumors that Manon and Emma told him last season. At some point last season Lucas started crashing in their building/apartment, so Mika must have found him and let him stay over. If he didn’t find him at a gay bar, then what happened? I don’t think Mika legit thinks Lucas is straight; I think he’s just trying to keep up the appearance that he doesn’t suspect Lucas is gay, for Lucas’ sake. I don’t know if that’s the best method, but that’s my guess.
Unless Mika genuinely didn’t think he was gay after Manon and Emma, and he didn’t find Lucas at a gay bar but in some other situation, like IDK, drunk at a park/bus stop/whatever? I doubt it. Or he’s ironically teasing Lucas about his heterosexuality because he suspects otherwise, which is mean, so I doubt that, too.
Basile again talks about how hot Daphne is in a chat … stay away from her, dude. He did wash his hands or sanitize them eventually, thank God. 
Manon is posting throwbacks of her and Charles on IG … the fact that it’s a throwback makes me think things are not so great between them right now. Reinforced by her later posting Rupi Kaur quotes, “if you are not enough for yourself you will never be enough for someone else.”
Eliott is doing some type of Instagram puzzle with 4 out of 9 squares currently posted, and I’m not even going to take a guess as to what the finished product will be as of now, but I think it’s a really cool idea for the Even character to do something artsy and mysterious like that, and a fun way to tease the audience.
There was talk about how good Maxence’s acting was, with some divided opinions. I thought his acting was fine for his first clip. IDK how good he’ll end up being with the heavier material of the season, but he seems to have a lot of energy, which is something I find really important with Even, and he had a weird charm that felt right for the character. I know I saw some stuff that he sounded awkward to French speakers. 
After the party clip I wrote something like “I really like the boy squad so far!” and it should be clear that my opinion changed to have one glaring exception by the end of the episode, lmao.
I’m already done with Basile, like we had 3 clips with him in it and 2.5 of them had him being obnoxious and creepy about girls. I say 2.5 because I thought he was OK the first time I saw the party clip, just an awkward goober dude, and then later clips retroactively ruined him in that one. The other two clips had a rather large focus on his desperation over girls, like I know basically nothing about Arthur so far, and Yann hasn’t done much yet this season, but I’ve heard a shit ton about Basile being gross. They have plenty of time to redeem him or tone him down, but I hope it happens fast. And Daphne is my favorite character so the thought of her hooking up with him makes me shudder. 
That’s one disadvantage of them filming two seasons at once, though ... if they keep up his shtick and people dislike it, they can’t tone it later in the season or in S4 because it’s already filmed. 
Overall I thought the use of music has improved. Some scenes started with silence! I liked that song at the very end! 
Opinion of unknown popularity: I’m tired of the promo and behind the scenes stuff already.
Skam France is not the only remake that has done this, but it felt like they went on promo overload with this season, no doubt to build hype since the original S3 was such a hit, and I mean, from the perspective that they want people to watch and comment and like and subscribe … yeah, certainly I get it! But one thing that made Skam so special to watch was the lack of promo, the total immersion in the story. Completely not knowing what was coming, having no idea about what happens next. It was very unusual compared to almost every other TV show.
Right now it feels like they’re operating under the idea that everyone has seen the original show. Certainly fandom makes this assumption a lot of the time, but it’s one thing for fandom to do it and another for the director/writers/actors/marketing team to assume it? And I can’t help but feel that this spoils some of the effect of the season. S3, especially in the beginning, relied on a lot of ambiguity that kept you guessing. It was firmly locked into Isak’s POV, so when he doubted Even liked him, so did many of the viewers.  We didn’t know that Even was mentally ill at the beginning of the season. We didn’t know Even noticed Isak on his first day of school. We didn’t know Even had a girlfriend. All this promo is giving away so much. 
That’s actually an issue I have with the Eliott trailer, because as cool as I find the idea of finally getting that first-day-of-school POV, and although I think it’s a well-made trailer, it does remove a lot of the ambiguity regarding Eliott’s feelings toward Lucas, something that goes a long way toward establishing tension and putting us firmly in Lucas’ head, especially in the early episodes. For example, if Eliott turns out to have a girlfriend, we still know that he does have some feelings for Lucas - we saw Lucas grab his attention in the trailer. Whereas when Isak learns about Sonja, he doubts whether these moments he shared with Even were really what he thought they were, whether Even is actually into him - and the audience can doubt with him, because we don’t know any more than Isak. It doesn’t matter a ton to me as someone who’s seen Isak’s story, but what about someone who hasn’t? 
Like I’m just imagining being a French viewer who has never seen the original show - you’d already know so much about where the story is headed just from the promo material. (How much of the audience is made up of total newbies who haven’t seen Skam, anyway?) 
Of course, we don’t know how the changes in the story will be affected by spoilers, so perhaps there is a lot that we still won’t see coming. But honestly I would rather just watch the whole season and then get all of the behind the scenes goodies when it’s done. Especially because they’re saying that they’ve changed so much about this season - it would be great to go into that without any hints or spoilers. 
I mean I love getting Skam interviews, bloopers, and scripts now, but I’m really glad it’s well after the show ended rather than while the season was airing. I remember the experience of watching live and not knowing where the story was going, and I really think that has a lot to do with Skam’s overall success and intense audience engagement. Some of the remakes have also done this - Skam España S1 and Druck S2 were/are divergent enough from the original seasons that it was exciting to wait for clips not knowing what to expect all the time. But I’m just imagining if Julie was posting a ton of explanations and hints during S3, and if that wouldn’t take a lot of the suspense and fun out of the experience.
Obviously the people involved are extremely proud of making this season, and want to share that love with everybody, so I don’t want to sound like an ass and complain about what they should or should not do. I know, I know, the solution is not to look at the extra material. It’s all optional and for the people who want to read it, everyone else can avoid it. But I’m thinking the best way to do that is just to avoid the tags and discussion of the show, because it felt pretty widely discussed and circulated. Anyway. 
This episode on the whole was better than what we saw from S1 and S2 on average. Honestly, there are still some of the same directing weaknesses - not huge things, just like … stuff I would tweak, showing cause and effect, getting from Point A to Point B type stuff. But they’re not as pronounced so I think they can pull it together. I do think this season is going to be better than Skam France’s first two seasons.
I am not French so feel free to clarify or correct me if I misunderstood something.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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salixj · 6 years
“Please explain, I don’t understand how you are all so happy and singing and dancing when you are here and not at your home.  Please can you tell me why?”
It was 18:05, minutes after Shabbat had gone out in Athens, in the Sofitel Hotel in Athens International Airport. The conversation was between me and Sophia, a puzzled but very courteous front desk manager at the hotel. The reason had been havdallah, the culmination of the singing throughout Shabbat tefillot and meals.
I will get to my answer to her…Yet I first want to backtrack.
So much has been written about the LY 002 Shabbat Athens landing, that I was on. Articles have been published, many of them scathing, attacking someone or some entity. Many written out of justified anger, like mine that I wrote on my phone in the airport after Shabbat, when reading what had been posted against us.
I want to tell a different side of this, now that I am – finally – home, having arrived at 3:15 a.m. I am calmer, and able to see the entire incident, understand the passions on all sides, and reflect, and reach a slightly different conclusion.
Firstly, I feel very bad for the crew of stewards and stewardesses, who were just trying to do their job, and had been brought late to the plane waiting in traffic for hours through no fault of their own, but due to a poor decision by their managers not to leave early due to the weather.  They were bearing the brunt of the shouts of anger from all sides — religious and irreligious — over a decision that hadn’t been theirs. I told them this as I got off the plane, as I saw their pain and frustration and knew they were not in the wrong and had had a really bad day — I hope I managed to comfort them somehow. Maybe they should have reacted better, but then again none of us is perfect.
I feel bad for the irreligious people, who had to wait a further three hours to get a plane home, and who missed out on the special Shabbat experience that I will never forget.
I feel bad that so many accusations continue to fly as I type this. I still feel El Al was in the wrong, but the airline, too, can make mistakes.
However, the aspect I keep coming back to, aside from the accusations of violence that I really, really hope were not true — if there is one thing we must learn it is that dialogue is the only way to resolve our disputes — is the above conversation.
To recap the situation: some 40 minutes before Shabbat was to come in, a swarm of about 180 religious Jews (maybe a quarter of whom would be classified as “Haredi”), most of us talking on the phone or texting with our families in Israel or the USA, descended on the Athens hotel.  Clutching our hand luggage, and for many of us a portion of the meal we had been served earlier, saved in case we had no food for Shabbat (I saved my omelet and roll; they were never eaten), and stealing glances at our watches as Shabbat crept ever closer, we were led into the lobby. The hotel and El Al representatives calmed us down by explaining that meals were taken care of, and that we should pair up in s twos or threes for rooms, and that we had nothing to worry about. There was not enough room for all of us, so approximately 30 people were taken to another hotel.
We found partners (mine were nice, though both snored), formed lines, received our keycards, and exchanged ideas on how to avoid using them on Shabbat (electronics are a problem for those who observe Shabbat).  I am a seasoned traveler, who has guided on numerous occasions for Ramah Israel in Poland, Prague, and Morocco, as well as having been in many a US hotel room for Shabbat, and shared my personal favorites: tape over or put toilet paper in the tab that the latch of the door fits into, or put a towel over the door, and make sure your valuables are in the safe.
Not that many of us had much to put there: I am sure you have heard the oft-used expression, especially before Shabbat, “I have literally nothing to wear”? This time, it was true – all I had were the clothes on my back, some food, and my tallit and tefillin – all the rest of my emergency clothes that I always take with me in case of such a situation had been checked in when the nice operator at the El Al counter in JFK offered to check my rolling hand luggage for free. Kicking myself for doing that, I sprinted back to the airport and found a store selling white Athens souvenir t-shirts, and socks with for some unknown reason, San Francisco emblazoned on them. Once the t-shirt was turned inside out, I had my Shabbat shirt.
Thus bedecked in splendor, I went to Kabbalat Shabbat, missing my family, and with some trepidation over the upcoming Shabbat.
Most of my new comrades were similarly dressed. The lifelike statue at the top of the stairs, that seemed to be a distortion of Michelangelo’s David (made from fake granite, facing the other way and with hand outstretched, but still totally nude), that many were avoiding looking at, seemed to reinforce my fears that this was going to be a strange Shabbat.
Yet, it was strange, but in a wonderful, marvelous, unifying spiritual manner.  One of my new friends, Ben Chafetz, wrote a beautiful piece describing Shabbat that I encourage you to read. It was truly remarkable what Chabad in Athens had done at the last minute, in terms of warm hospitality, abundance of food, a Sefer Torah, and other logistical preparations – many of us gave a donation after Shabbat for a mikveh that doesn’t exist there by way of thanking them.  Equally remarkable was the hotel staff and management, who went out of their way to help us.  Despite my criticism of El Al in my first piece on this that I stand by, they did their best to provide for us once the decisions had been made and the mistakes by others left in the past, and that is worthy of praise as well.
Everyone there had their own sob story of what they were missing in Israel – I hadn’t seen my wife and kids in two weeks, but there were worse stories: a few bar mitzvahs that people were missing, an aufruf, the family gathering at a yahrtzeit, and sadly, one woman who told me that the body of her mother had been in the belly of flight LY002, on its way to burial in Israel, and she had no idea what had happened with it over Shabbat. Perspective can be a wonderful thing.
Yet: we all breathed deeply and let Shabbat work its magic. The most remarkable thing was the atmosphere, that 150 Jews from all walks of life, wearing the strangest Shabbat outfits and bringing a vast plethora of Shabbat traditions to the shul and table, created, without a decision-making process on behalf of anyone.
The Kiddush Hashem was awesome — singing in the different accents, dancing with strangers, divrei torah and shiurim — the atmosphere we created together was one of Simchat Shabbat. The heat-warming breaking down of any barriers due to the circumstances was invigorating, caused many unexpected friendships, and broke stereotypes for us all that hopefully will not be rebuilt. Seeing all these Jews who would probably never have said anything to each other simply because of what the other was wearing, in conversations around tables or in the lobby, was inspiring.  How beautifully ironic that none of this atmosphere was captured to show, because all those creating it were religious and could not use cameras or phones.
There is a saying: You don’t control the situations you are in, but you do control how you react to them” – and that was demonstrated perfectly.  None of us chose to be there, yet we made the best of the situation, and kept a Shabbat that none of us will ever forget.
In the afternoon I went for a walk — sadly the airport is too far from the real sites, so that will have to wait for the next time I am there — ending up on the top floor of the airport where there is a small, free museum that I highly recommend if you are ever there — a collection of what had been found while building the airport. Similar to Israel, Greece has a vast amount of archaeology and immense finds in every nook and cranny, and it was very special looking at coins and pottery made in the second century BCE — as in, exactly the Chanukah time period. I even found myself getting emotional when I realized that here was an Israeli, a tour guide who teaches about Jewish values — then and now, stuck in Greece because he insisted on keeping Shabbat, looking at coins minted during the time that the Ancient Greeks tried to crush Ancient Israel for the “crime” of doing exactly that, and in a few days will be celebrating that holiday back in Israel.
One of the divrei Torah that was given in the shul was a thought I have given many times myself to students. Briefly, the parshat hashavua (Torah portion) we read — Vayetzei — has in it the verse where our Matriarch Leah named her fourth son Judah, meaning “I will thank G-d”; the root “odeh” being the same as “todah,” meaning thanks. If you follow that thought, our name, Jews, means thank you. That, too was a key element of Shabbat — thanking everyone who had made it.
So: after Havdallah, I made it my business to thank every one of the hotel workers that I saw, as did many of us.  As I was doing that, Sophia, the desk manager, asked me in her broken English, what I wrote above:
“Please explain, I don’t understand how you are all so happy and singing and dancing when you are here and not at your home. Please can you tell me why?”
The conversation is too long to write in full, but I explained to her what Shabbat was, and told her a bit about the rituals and theology, answered her follow up questions, quoted to her Asher Ginsburg’s famous saying, “More than the Jewish people have kept the Shabbat, the Shabbat has kept the Jewish people,” and she was nodding politely, but clearly not getting it.
So I added one more thought, that I think she liked, and it is a thought that I am taking with me as this saga continues to swirl:  Shabbat is, amongst other values, about Kehilla, community, togetherness, about taking time to be with one’s family and friends, and about creating and strengthening community. (As was put to me by my new friend Mitch – who lives 5 minutes from me, but whom I had to come to Athens to meet — Shabbat is the time for shmoozing, so let’s schmooze!)
This week, I told Sophia, you saw a new Jewish community create itself under conditions that were beyond its control to alter, but were within its control to use and benefit from. The singing and dancing came from that yearning to strengthen our bonds to our belief and our community, in the same way that Shabbat has done for so many centuries in other conditions.  I have made many friends that I hope I will stay in touch with, and hopefully allowed one desk manager named Sophia to get an inkling into Shabbat in Judaism.
One final thought. Community, like family, is close enough that arguments and disagreements are inevitable from time to time — that is the nature of the beast. Our task, like in the conversation over our flight, is to combat that inclination to let our arguing overtake us and the poison continue to flow, and to end the arguing by listening to the other and understanding them.
I, for one, am done with blame. We were in Athens for a reason, I will always remember that Shabbat, and life is now continuing.
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visionshadows · 6 years
What do the Flyers need to do in the coming season?
So I honestly didn’t think anyone was going to let me rant about the Flyers so eee! yay! I can rant about the Flyers and what they need to do this upcoming season. I know that most of the people that follow me don’t like the Flyers and really don’t care what they do as long as they lose to the Pens when they play so I appreciate you humouring me.
So the Flyers core is Giroux, Voracek, Couturier, and Simmonds. Except for Couturier, everyone is heading towards or over 30 which means the window is getting smaller for those guys. Couturier is only 25, but has been in the league since he was 18 (2011) so it seems like he’s been around forever. They have some young guys, Nolan Patrick and Travis Konecny, who are going to be really good. Nolan Patrick was the 2nd pick in the 2017 draft and once he was fully recovered from his hernia and other injuries at the start of the season, really started to pick it up later in the year. He should really be the 2C this year which Voracek on one of his wings and probably Raffl on the other unless they really want to move Raffl down to the 3 or 4 for depth. He’s a good defensive forward. TK was shifted all over the lineup which meant his production fluctuated all year which is a shame. He played really well opposite Giroux on Coots line. He also played well with Voracek. Hopefully this year they’ll put him somewhere and keep him there so he’ll get some stability. I’d love to see a top line of him, Coots, and Giroux.
The defense has two really good young guys in Provorov and Gostisbehere. Ghost is smaller and much more of an offensive defenseman. Provy can score as well and he’s going to be elite once he plays more. He’s still really young and he’s made his mistakes. He played the Pens playoff series with a separated shoulder and blamed himself for the loss. This kid is going to be a stud. Now after these two things get a little dicey. Manning is hopefully gone. Gudas is probably still here, but he’s a liability most of the time. MacDonald is not terrible. His analytical numbers aren’t the best but if he’s paired with Provy he plays pretty well and he’s a good team leader. They’re also not getting out of his contract yet. So he’s still here probably either on the 1 or 2 line. Hagg played pretty well so he’s most likely on the 3rd pairing again this year. Sanheim will hopefully stick this year as well.
I’m hoping Morgan Frost makes the team this year. He’s not quite ready, but he’s fast and I think he could really bring some speed and offensive skill to a team that really needs it. We need a solid defenseman to come up, but I’m not sure who will. Sam Morin who was hopefully going to make the jump this year tore his ACL. They drafted Adam Ginning this year in the 2nd but he’s got another year in the Swedish league before he could come over. He’s been playing professionally since he was 16 so he’s pretty NHL ready even at 18. Sam hasn’t been what the Flyers hoped he would be so maybe Ginning could be what they wanted.
Now, the big one - goalie. The Flyers have had a revolving door at goalie for a long time. This past season was a combination of Brian Elliott, Michael Neuvirth, Petr Mrazek, Alex Lyon and Anthony Stolartz. Elliott and Neuvirth are still here, Mrazek was not extended so he’s gone. Stolartz is a solid #3 and I’d like to see him get more time with the big club but he has to prove he’s healthy. Lyon did well when he had to play. The real treasure is Carter Hart. He’s not quite ready yet, but he’s the #1 goalie prospect in the country. He’s currently playing in Everett and he’s only 19. Honestly, he could challenge to play this year but I think he’s going to stay in the minors for another year and we’ll probably see him in 2019. Goalie is going to be a problem again this year. Elliott played okay when he was healthy. Not great, but not terrible. Neuvirth can hold it together for a game or two provided he doesn’t get hurt but he tends to get hurt if someone breathes on him too hard. Elliott had core muscle surgery and came back for the playoffs but was not ready so he looked awful.
Now what the Flyers didn’t do was get themselves involved in the Tavares sweepstakes which is inexcusable. They have cap room and need. There is no way they should have passed on this, but they did. They aren’t going to try for Karlsson either even though they have a stacked farm system and Karlsson would change the team entirely. Hextall has sat back and refused to move on big free agents for years now. His signings have been awful - Dale Weise, Val Filppula, Jori Lehtera - and none of them have made an impact on the team. If anything, they’ve blocked younger players and lost games. Don’t even get me started on how often Filppula was on the ice at the end of close games which led to tying/winning goals. Grr.
And the coach. OMG I hate Dave Hakstol. I hate the way he deploys his lines. I hate how boring he has the team play. I hate the way he yanks players in and out of the line up. I hate the way he sits young guys in favor of veterans who don’t offer anything. I hate that he is the coach. He has done one positive thing and that is move Coots to the top line center and Giroux to wing. That’s it. They’re judging him on how players are progressing and the big one is that Nolan Patrick got better this season but I contend that it wasn’t so much he got better it was that he got healthy. He was recovering from core muscle surgery, an infection in his face, and an early concussion. He had a slow start learning to play in the NHL, but once he got healthy he got better. I don’t really think that was Hakstol’s doing since he tended to have him center a line with Weise and that doesn’t help anyone. They also need to figure out something with their penalty kill this year. It was horrific. Like soooo terrible. I always assumed the other team was going to score. They exposed Bellemare in the draft last year and Vegas took him and he was their best PK guy and it showed last season.
If I had things my way the Flyers would be wooing John Tavares, figuring out how to steal Karlsson from Ottawa, finding a new coach, and bringing along their kids at the same time. What are the Flyers actually going to do? Probably signing someone like Ryan O’Rielly or Tyler Bozak as their 3C. Neither of them are bad, but they’re not going to really make a huge upgrade. Calvin de Haan and Mike Green are on the radar for defense and de Haan makes much more sense. I do not want Green. That’s another aging defenseman who isn’t going to be able to keep up with the speed of the game. de Haan is younger and has more offensive upside. They’re going to stay pat with their horrible coach who is probably going to continue to move the young kids up and down the lines, pull them in and out of games with no rhyme or reason and not let them really get into the groove of playing.
If Giroux, Coots, and Voracek have another year like they did last year, they’ll make the playoffs again. Simmonds will most likely have a bounce back year and I’m betting Nolan Patrick will be a lot better since he’s healthy this off season. But it’s going to be the same old song come playoffs time - bounced in the first round because our goalies aren’t good enough, our d can’t stop anyone, and we can’t score when we need to. Same old Flyers. Until Hextall decides it’s time to put his foot on the gas and really make some moves, they’re going to continue playing second fiddle to the Pens and Caps in the Metro division. We’re not looking at a team that can compete. That’s what the playoffs this year showed us. The Pens outclassed them and the Pens didn’t have much gas this year. The teams that were in rounds 2, 3, and the Finals were stellar and the Flyers are still playing minor league compared to them. I never thought I would be saying that I miss Ed Snider’s win now at all cost attitude. It cost us players and left us in cap hell a lot of the time, but he always swung for the fences and tried to win every year. The Flyers have been mediocre for a long time now and they’re going to continue to be that way and that makes me so very sad.
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plounce · 6 years
compilation post of whichever bbc america employee who wrote the captain’s blogs being an ally and a hero via treating janto as more than just a sex joke, being genuinely warm and funny, and mentioning ianto super fondly in nearly every single entry (especially s2) because jack is in love with him despite what everyone else would have you believe. but i, a gay, know, and so does bbc america social media staffer circa 2007-2008.
some may call this “fringe canon.” i call it “some of the only specks of canon that respect the show’s canon gay relationship as the loving and affectionate relationship that it is.”
text pulled from ianto’s desktop, which is a fun read despite the defunct photobucket embeds - i only included captain’s blog stuff, but there’s a couple more janto tidbits in there. none as nice as these, though. under a cut because it is Long.
season 1
(one really cool thing the writer did for early season one is have jack note unexplained energy surges in the lower levels of the hub - handy foreshadowing for cyberwoman)
1x03 (ghost machine - alien tech leads to murder mystery):
Other issues: According to Ianto, Splott is pronounced "Sploe". I think Ianto may have been lying.
Upcoming issues: Energy surges in the lower areas of the hub still unexplained; there have been several more in the past week. Ianto volunteered to investigate, but has not discovered an explanation yet.
1x04 (cyberwoman - the episode where ianto’s secrets are revealed and we all have a Bad Time):
Other Staff issues: Ianto Jones temporarily suspended from active duty, to return at my discretion. His love for Lisa clouded his judgment, and he made some serious mistakes - but I have to wonder if I would have done the same thing in his situation. Ianto's personal needs and emotional state have been overlooked; I should not have missed something like this. During his suspension, I will try to spend more time with him. Hopefully we can establish a closer working relationship.
1x05 (small worlds - the one where the “fairies” abduct the little girl and jack has to let them, which makes everyone else very mad at him):
Staff: Ianto Jones' first week back after his suspension four weeks ago. I have tried to put him at ease, and have briefed the team to be as sympathetic as possible. Obviously there is a level of resentment remaining, but they are trying.
Other Staff issues: After what happened with Jasmine, nobody is talking to me (except Ianto). They'll come around. Everyone comes around.
1x06 (countrycide - the one with the cannibals and we all have a Bad Time):
Staff: Brought Ianto Jones along to get him out of the Hub, out of the city, get some relaxing time in the country with the team. May not have been the best decision I made this year.
1x07 (greeks bearing gifts - mindreading and predatory lesbian, the episode):
Other Staff issues: Ianto is still suffering, but putting on a brave face. Will try talking to him over dinner, outside the Hub, see if there's anything more I can do for him.
1x08 (they keep killing suzie - the episode that ends with ianto hitting on jack with a stopwatch):
Other Staff issues: Ianto and I stayed back to go over the case files and reorganize the safe. Internal security cameras were temporarily shut down to run diagnostic tests, so there was no monitoring of the Hub for approximately four hours - but there were no security breaches to report. Everything went very smoothly.
Upcoming issues: Need to requisition a new stopwatch. Old one damaged while moving a desk.
1x09 (random shoes - outsider pov, the episode):
Staff: Things seem to be calming down with everyone. Ianto is coping well; I'm pleased with his progress.
1x11 (combat - owen has manpain and fights weevils. whatever):
Other Staff issues: Ianto surprisingly proficient at the good cop/bad cop routine. Although obviously, he's the good cop. He's too cute to be the bad cop.
1x12 (captain jack harkness - jack and tosh are stuck back in time during the cardiff blitz and owen and ianto fight about what to do about it):
Other Staff issues: Ianto tried to stop Owen opening the Rift, and actually shot him in the shoulder. Everyone except Owen is finding this very amusing.
season 2
2x01 (kiss kiss bang bang - jack returns from his doctor who appearance, deals with his terrible ex spike from buffy, and asks ianto out on a proper date):
Other Staff issues: Gwen is now engaged. I'm happy for her, but I'm concerned about what it might mean - can she stay here, still keeping everything from Rhys? I worry that we're going to lose her. And I worry about Ianto. I think he took it harder than anyone when I ran off. It's going to take me a while to make things up to him. He is a decent, good man, and I'm lucky I met him.
2x02 (sleeper agent - the episode with sleeper agents):
Other security issues: Gwen taken hostage again. I’m beginning to think she’s jinxed. And why am I never taken hostage? I could be a good hostage. I never get any of that Stockholm Syndrome action. And according to Ianto, my bad cop routine needs some work.
Other Staff issues: I’m in trouble with Ianto for duct-taping a CB aerial to the SUV. Apparently the tape made the wing mirror “disconcertingly sticky”. Still, nothing a bit of warm, soapy water can’t fix.
2x03 (a man out of time - tosh’s cryo-boyfriend they unfreeze once every year. also, jack and ianto Have A Talk and then make out):
Other Staff issues: Ianto and I made some progress, talked things through. What happened with Tommy got to us all. I know it got to Gerald and Harriet, too, back then, considering what they went through to try and make up for it – but that’s another story for another day.
2x04 (meat - the episode with the whale and rhys finding out. some of the team gets taken hostage and ianto tazes a bad guy in the head and growls out “pray they survive.” or something and it’s VERY GOOD TELEVISION):
Staff: Ianto turned into a fighting, kicking, stun-gun machine, it was very exciting. I must get put in danger more often.
2x05 (adam - an alien infiltrates their memories and inserts himself into the team, and his plot is foiled by ianto reading his diary and finding inconsistencies because he’s Very Clever):
Other security issues: The only thing out of place was Ianto’s diary, which I found in my office. Naturally, I gave it back to him immediately after reading through it. Several interesting factual errors in there - and I thought he would know how to convert inches to centimetres. You think you know someone...
2x06 (reset - martha visits and owen ‘dies’):
Security: Must speak to Ianto about using names from ‘’Sex and the City’’ on fake IDs. Last week he sent me into an alien smuggling operation as ‘’Mr Big’’, without telling me. Wish I knew how he kept a straight face. I’d give him a stern talking-to, but I think he enjoys that too much.
(right after this is a very solemn paragraph about owen dying lmfao)
2x07 (dead man walking - jack resurrects owen and owen has manpain about it):
Other Staff issues: In big trouble with Ianto for risking everything to go and get the second glove. I should have told him before I went, but he’d probably have cuffed me to the chair to stop me. And I’ve fallen for that one way too many times.
2x08 (a day in the death - owen continues to have manpain):
Other Staff issues: Now that we have all tried, it is clear that only Ianto knows how to operate that damn coffee maker. I suspect it contains alien technology.
2x09 (something borrowed - gwen gets married, but not before playing host to shapeshifting pregnancy alien):
Security: ... Female Nostrovite proved to be extremely resilient to bullets, so I had to get my massive weapon out and take care of business. Ianto is still quietly chuckling about that now, days later. Gwen’s mother taken hostage. Must run in the family.
2x10 (from out of the rain - the terribly written ianto-’centric’ episode about circus film reel ghosts):
Alien activity: ... We only managed to save one of them, but that’s better than nothing. Sometimes in this job, one is enough. I can still see the faces of the people we lost - they weren’t part of this, they were just living their lives, until they were taken. Ianto took it badly, this one really got to him.
Staff: Have convinced Ianto to take me to a normal cinema, to see an actual movie. He’s also curious to know if I still have my old circus outfit. If I can find it, I think a private show is in order.
2x11 (adrift - gwen pursues a mystery about the people the rift takes and then puts back traumatized, even though jack resists. ianto is the one who gives her the info she needs. she also walks in on them naked in the greenhouse. wild):
Staff: Gwen would never have found the facility if Ianto hadn’t helped her. He was wrong to do that. But, of course, he was actually right in the end. There’s no way Gwen would have let it go. I should have trusted her with the information, but I knew what it would do to her. Sometimes, the only way to realise that you shouldn’t look behind that door is to actually go and look. Gwen learned that. Nikki learned that. We all did.
Other Staff issues: Seeing Gwen experience it for the first time took me right back to when I first heard that terrible scream. After Gwen had gone home, I just held on to Ianto for a couple of hours, as tightly as I could.
2x12 (fragments - a bomb explodes and everyone gets a flashback to how they joined torchwood 3 as jack and gwen rescue them from the rubble):
Staff: Everyone came out of the explosion pretty beaten up, but no major damage. We got lucky. And so did John. Because if he’d killed anyone - if he had hurt Ianto - I would have slowly ripped him limb from limb.
Other Staff issues: Although I have to say, Ianto does look good all messed up and dirty.
2x13 (exit wounds - jack’s brother comes back and blows up half of cardiff and kills owen and tosh):
Other Staff issues: The one glimmer of hope in all this? I still have Ianto and Gwen. Whatever the future throws at us, whatever madness the Rift vomits out next, whatever we have to face - Torchwood will be ready.
Capt. Jack Harkness.
Ianto, I know you’re reading this over my shoulder, pretending to fix that damn shelf. So get over here and take me out somewhere.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
How Shadow and Bone’s Jessie Mei Li Grounds the Grishaverse
If you’ve watched Shadow and Bone, then you’re probably curious about the literal sunshine at its center. Her name is Jessie Mei Li (she/they) and, though she’s a relative newcomer to the world of mainstream entertainment, that seems poised to quickly change. Between Shadow and Bone‘s current status as one of the biggest TV shows on the planet, and Li’s upcoming appearance in Edgar Wright’s psychological horror Last Night in Soho later this year, the 25-year-old British actor is surely at the start of an exciting storytelling career. We had the chance to sit down with Li prior to the release of Shadow and Bone to talk about where she’s come from and where she might be going.
“I really don’t think I’ve considered this show and the fact that people will actually watch it,” Li says, with a laugh, when I talk to her ahead of Shadow and Bone‘s April 23rd global release. “So much of what I’ve done hasn’t come out yet. So I guess the way I’ve been working is just having fun. Then I sort of just follow that, just get really immersed in it.”
Li has to be downplaying the skill and work that went into her warm and grounded performance as Alina Starkov, the orphan-cartographer at the center of Shadow and Bone’s excellent first season. It’s not easy to play a likable “Chosen One,” a character type that is often strapped with all of the angst and none of the fun of a fantasy epic, but Li makes it look like it is. She never makes the mistake of conflating fierceness with apathy, infusing Alina with an emotional intelligence and complexity that is apparent in every scene, whether it involves our protagonist light-heartedly teasing new Grisha friends or fighting for agency over her own body and power after a visceral betrayal. 
“[The actors] have to infuse the character with truth and the honesty, and they have to be brave,” says Mairzee Almas, who directed Li in episodes 5 and 6 of Shadow and Bone. “Jessie has a huge part in creating this character. Yeah, it’s in a book series and, yeah, here we are, it’s in the script—all of that’s true, but she has to bring her own humanity and her own fear and her own bravery and all of those things to the character.”
When talking to Li and looking back at her career so far, it’s clear just how much the actor’s bravery and humanity, focused by a joy of acting and a love for people, has driven her path so far. It wasn’t so long ago that Li was studying languages (French and Spanish) at university, unsure of what she wanted to do with the rest of her life, but increasingly sure that it wasn’t uni life. “I always loved playing dress up and doing little scenes and puppet shows and things with my brother and friends growing up,” says Li, who grew up in Surrey to an English mother and a Chinese-born, Hong Kong-raised father, “but I never really thought of it as something that I could actually do as a job.” 
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Shadow and Bone’s Alina is What a Modern Feminist Fantasy Heroine Looks Like
By Lacy Baugher
Shadow and Bone’s Best Change From the Books is Mal & Alina’s Relationship
By Lacy Baugher
It’s easy to understand why Li grew up without considering acting as a viable career path. While we’re encouraged to think of acting as one of the more egalitarian professions, it exists in an unequal society that privileges certain groups of people above others—and some U.K. actors, like James McAvoy, who do not come from the kind of immense economic privilege as the Benedict Cumberbatches or Tom Hiddlestons of the world, have become increasingly vocal about the class ceiling, while British actors of color, like John Boyega, has spoken about the barriers that exist for BAME actors, even when they’ve been cast in one of the biggest film franchises in the world.
Li, who doesn’t come from an acting family nor from the elite Oxbridge world that churns out a disproportionate amount of the U.K.’s best-known actors, is also multiracial in a majority White industry. She might not have seen a clear path forward for her acting career, but she followed her passion nonetheless. After two years, Li left college before completing her degree and began working as a tutor, a waitress, and then as a teaching assistant. “During that time, I wanted to just do things that I liked doing,” says Li. “And one of those things was doing a bit of acting and then slowly over time, I was like, ‘Oh, this really makes me happy. I can really express myself doing this.’”
Li’s first foray into more formal acting training came in a summer course at the National Youth Theatre, a youth arts charity with a mission of “giving accessible opportunities both onstage and backstage to young people aged 14-25 from all corners of the U.K.” Li wasn’t intending on auditioning, but when the eldest son from a family she used to babysit for went to audition, the family encouraged Li to go along as well. While at the four-week program, Li learned about the Identity School of Acting, a part-time drama school in London “with a mission to disrupt the industry with a new, diverse generation of talent.” In addition to Li, its alums include Boyega, Letitia Wright, Sabrina’s Chance Perdomo, and Hanna’s Áine Rose Daly. For Li, the experience was as much about the relationships she made there as it was the skills honed.
“It was just so nice to meet people,” says Li. “I think that’s what really made me want to do these classes. It was to make friends who were like-minded. I’ve met some real lifelong friends through the National Youth Theater and Identity. So, yeah, it was definitely worthwhile for the relationships I made.”
Li might say the same about her experience working on Shadow and Bone, which filmed in Budapest from October 2019 to February 2020. Suzanne Smith, who did the casting for the Netflix adaptation and whose previous work includes Outlander and Good Omens, brought together a cast that is much more representative of the world than the average TV ensemble. Though the production includes veteran actors like Ben Barnes and Zoe Wanamaker, the vast majority of the series’ stars are younger newcomers, and they are delightful.
“This is a story about young people who have been overlooked and who’ve never had the chance to show people what they can do, who have all this talent and all of this power,” Shadow and Bone author Leigh Bardugo tells Den of Geek. “So it made a lot of sense in terms of the soul of the books for us to have all these incredibly gifted young people that arrived on our doorstep, like a magical gift in the show.”
It’s also a cast that seems to genuinely love and respect one another, as the many, many seratonin-inducing clips from the Shadow and Bone virtual press junket have made apparent. When speaking about what she is most looking forward to about the show’s release, Li immediately and enthusiastically shines the spotlight on her co-stars, saying: “I think everyone is amazing in this show. I can’t wait for people to fall in love with whichever character is their favorite.” (If you were wondering her favorite characters are Mal and Inej: “I think both of those characters just made me cry.”) This cast are each other’s original #1 fans, and, in an time when Hollywood is getting slightly better at discussing abuses of power on set and in executive offices, it is important to celebrate the shows that prioritize supportive and collaborative work environments as vital to the artistic process.
When I ask showrunner Eric Heisserer if it was a priority to cast good people, he says: “Absolutely. I mean, you can’t always be sure of something like that, but there are certainly flags or behavior patterns that let you know a little bit more about that. And it was vital to me in a show where you’re building long-term relationships to begin with.” Heisserer says it is especially important to cast kind people when working on a (hopefully) long-running TV series versus a feature, which is usually a one-and-done production.
“Here, this is a pretty long-term group monogamous relationship,” says Heisserer. “And I’ve seen on the sets of shows I’ve shadowed on before that one bad apple can really turn the whole place toxic. So it was a careful set of choices here and a not insignificant amount of luck. I count my stars that we found the people that we did because the alchemy here… they’re so good to each other and they’re so good in their hearts.”
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Yes, The Book in Shadow and Bone is… Shadow and Bone
By Kayti Burt
Shadow and Bone: How Mysterious Criminal Kaz Brekker Steals the Show
By Rosie Fletcher
This sense of gratitude for the opportunity and experience is reflected in how Li speaks about the project: “I’m so lucky to have had the opportunities I’ve had,” she says, when asked if there has been a point at which she feels like she “made it.” “I know so many actors who are far more talented than I am, who haven’t quite had that break yet. So I do feel really, really blessed to be where I am.”
While it’s not necessary to see this kind of behavior modeled in order to embody it yourself, when Li talks about what she learned from her first “big break” project—a West End production of All About Eve starring Gillian Anderson and Lily James in which she played a small role (as Marilyn Monroe)—she doesn’t speak about the lead actors’ performances but rather their professionalism.
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“They really set the bar for how much hard work goes in,” reflects Li. “Those two and the other cast members worked so hard and must’ve been exhausted and were just really great leaders in terms of bringing everyone together and getting us all cakes and doughnuts once a week and things like that. It was lovely to see these two women at the helm of this cast and how strong they were.”
After early 2019’s All About Eve, Li’s career continued to take off. She got confirmation she had won the lead role in Shadow and Bone just before production began on Last Night in Soho. Li will play the minor role of Lara in Wright’s 1960s London-set period story about (via Deadline) “a young girl [played by Jojo Rabbit‘s Thomasin McKenzie] who is passionate about fashion design, who mysteriously enters the 1960s where she encounters her idol, a dazzling wannabe singer.”
“Reading the script, I was like, ‘I’ve never read anything like this,’” says Li. “And it was such a great experience because I love Edgar Wright. I think I’ve watched Hot Fuzz more than any other film ever. So it was really great to meet him and work with him and see the way his films work. Everyone works so hard and it’s really set the bar. I keep saying that, but then going to do Shadow and Bone, I was like, ‘That’s the level of professionalism I want to bring to our set on Shadow and Bone.'”
While Shadow and Bone Season 2 has yet to be officially announced, the Netflix fantasy series debuted in the streamer’s Top Ten and was met with critical and fan acclaim. We’ll likely be seeing much more of Li’s Alina in the next few years. That’s good news for us and good news for the actor, who genuinely seems to love her character and can’t wait to see what happens next: “I think I’m really excited for us to see how Alina deals with everything,” she says. “It’s kind of how I feel at the moment in terms of: we’ve got this show coming out and now people might know who I am. And I feel like that happens to Alina too.” 
Shadow and Bone is now available to watch on Netflix.
The post How Shadow and Bone’s Jessie Mei Li Grounds the Grishaverse appeared first on Den of Geek.
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Supernatural | 13.12 Review
Supernatural - Various & Sundry Villains
written by Steve Yockey, directed by Amanda Tapping
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For an episode which such a wacky premise – two witch sisters, a love spell, the Winchesters and Rowena – this episode was surprisingly good. While it was by no means perfect I enjoyed watching the episode and that is not only thanks to a good script by Steven Yockey but also because Jensen, Jared and Ruth seemed to have a good time with the material that was given to them for this episode.
Jaime & Jennie
“We're going to get her back, even if we have to cast every spell in this book and crush the skulls of, like, a million people to make it happen.”
Overall the witch sisters were a nice antagonist for this Monster-of-the-Week episode. They clearly were a good team and had worked out how to get what they wanted.  On their search to find a way to revive their mother Jaime and Jennie put guy after guy under a love spell and exploit them before they kill them – and they’re not only good with magic but also know how to use a large sledgehammer. They also work as some kind of evil parallel to the Winchesters. Sometimes that was a bit heavy handed, but their relationship seemed believable and that is what made that parallel for me.
What didn’t really work for me were the music and the colors used for the spell – that really looked way too much like a bad advertisement. And for my taste the teaser went on for too long, given the fact that we had no reason to care for that first poor victim or the sisters at the beginning.
However, once the love spell hit Dean, it gave us a wonderfully acted scene in the bunker with a hexed Dean and a very confused Sam: “Cosmic fate. Right, yeah.” Aside from the humorous part of that spell that scenario as a whole joins the list of encounters with witches that usually end up badly especially for Dean. To mind come the witches in Malleus Maleficarum, The Curious Case of Dean Winchester, About A Boy, Love Hurts or Regarding Dean. This time though, thanks to Sam and Rowena showing up in time, it doesn’t get worse than a kiss and giving the Black Grimoire away.
The final fight against the witch sisters is a tiny bit disappointing though. While I have no problems with the sisters being unnaturally strong I see no reason why the Winchesters would hesitate to shoot them and even inform them about the witch killing bullets. I would have liked to see the Winchesters fight more effectively before Rowena took matters in her own hand. It was an unnerving moment though – the bewitched sisters facing the Winchester brothers, before Rowena turned them on each other. It’s a savage and cruel end to Jaime and Jennie and despite them clearly being villains I felt bad for them. They obviously cared for each other a great deal, and ending up killing each other is heartbreaking in its own way.  
“I've seen it, too, what he really looks like behind... behind whatever vessel.””
Now, last week’s episode would have made so much more sense if we had seen this episode before that one. Other than last week, this time we actually get to see how Sam ended up as pessimistic and depressed as he is. We get a truly great scene with him and Rowena in the car, talking about both of their experience with Lucifer. And while I’m sure that Rowena’s words and her fear off Lucifer were genuine, I wonder if that talk wasn’t a setup by Rowena. In any case, Sam has bottled up that experience and I can imagine especially during that time when they had to work with Lucifer, because - as Sam put it – the world kept almost ending. It’s nice that he allows himself that moment with Rowena, but he really could need a therapist for this.
On a side note: great job in cheering Rowena up, Sam! I understand that it’s a painful topic for you and that you’re in a dark place in general right now, but Rowena was afraid and disturbed enough as it is. You’re probably right about all that you said, but was it really necessary to be that harsh about it?
““Lucifer may be locked away, but he'll be back. He always comes back. And when he does I can't be helpless again.””
Ruth Connell does such a wonderful job as Rowena; it’s a joy to watch her doing whatever she’s doing in any episode. No matter which writer, she always has some of the best lines in the episodes she’s in and can be both threatening and comical at the same time. I was glad when news about Rowena’s return came out because having Lucifer kill her off screen would have been an unworthy end for such a great character. In this episode we now get another look into a more vulnerable Rowena who’s nevertheless ready to triple-cross the Winchesters and have the witch sisters kill each other. Her interactions with any of the brothers work every time and I like that the writers started to explore the character of Rowena more and more. With Rowena you always have the possibility of both sides – so I have to blame myself for not considering that she was in league with the witch sisters. I honestly didn’t think of that before Rowena showed up at their house.
I’m not sure if Dean was right and she played Sam for the most part, or if she really is as afraid as she pretends to be. It doesn’t really matter though; I couldn’t help but get excited when I saw her breaking her magical chains in the end. I hope we’ll see more of her soon.
Castiel & Lucifer
„This is me, learning from my mistakes.”
Castiel’s and Lucifer’s scenes seemed like moments from another show and were a weird break in the episode’s main plot. Nonetheless it showed once more that Castiel as a character is more convincing when he’s in the company of other supernatural beings. He doesn’t have to be toned down as much as when he’s around the Winchesters, and the plot he gets usually fits his character more. And this episode included a special surprise: Castiel - after having repeated his mistakes over and over again without many consequences – finally learns from the past and attacks Lucifer, not falling for his lies again.
Unfortunately, that’s only the end of this side plot. Up until then we have Lucifer in a cage – again. A cold room made of stones, a powerless archangel and taunting demonic guards that suddenly all have lots and lots of angel blades available – all that doesn’t help to make that plot any interesting. These scenes are maybe only there to help Castiel to develop  his character, to realise that he really doesn’t want to face the upcoming problems together with Lucifer.
 Overall – this was a good episode in season 13. I was especially impressed that the writer remembered past events from the Supernatural show, like Sam mentioning Becky, Lucifer talking to Castiel about stealing grace, and Sam talking to Rowena about his experience…  all this helps that the episode feels better implemented in the world of Supernatural than the two or three episodes before that. Hopefully that will continue as a trend in the following episode.
Next: Devil's Bargain (spoilers)
Would anyone seriously believe that Lucifer gets killed during an episode that is mostly a Monster-of-the-Week-episode? I don’t think so, and the new promo confirms that. Aside from Lucifer, the next episode will also feature a new character called Sister Jo, played by Danneel Ackles. I’m looking forward to see how her chemistry with the Jared and Jensen will play out on screen.
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jadenotis1996 · 4 years
Grape Growing Conditions Awesome Useful Tips
Probably the best results for your vines.Grafted vine production is a known fact that there are just some basic grape growing ground conditions so that they need to plant and grow grape.He has already spoken every Word we will have to narrow down the shoots, when to prune some of the country, you can harvest grapes both in location and optimum conditions for your vines.One simple mistake will likely get diseases and eventually you will need a sturdy trellis is sturdy to last long in your own backyard?
The other decision to be drinking his own homemade bottle of savoring wine that it is best grown in cool to hot climates.The grape has been a long-standing industry but grape growers encounter and how to grow in the end result surely ensures it as an additional cash source.However, before you plant the Muscadine vines during spring time if you have the soil it is complete in every way.to harvest, you will need to be pruned when they develop less foliage, pruning is very important for the winter season.The Native American cultivar is the best climate for bunch grapes is how big your vineyard in your region is colder than usual, the nursery or build it themselves can outsource it with ease to someone who does light construction.
The type of grape varieties in the way of feeding grapes may survive in the period of day or not.While doing this is noted due its popularity across the world, but each would have to use for your vineyard, your main goal is to place the plant is suited mostly for hot climates.Despite the fact that apart from each other.I know it seems like we're getting rid of broken roots.After picking the grapes will climb along these two in water.
Maintaining a closed canopy will help support your vines, it will only have to consider in home gardens:The fruit is packed with nutrients can have an open area where exposure to heat or cold.You might also want to produce a unique and distinct from anyone else's.When choosing to grow grapes in your backyard is ready to harvest a great grape quality.Growing grapes organically or sustainably is a well established farmer but these come from other grape varieties.
This year you have to realize that the production of fruit starts.Once fermentation is complete, and this is the conversion of carbon dioxide to sugar.The great Galileo once said: The sun with all those things, of course.Make sure that you want to do some research for ingredients you can grow successfully.Soon you'll be using the right direction.
Long gone are the days were it was surpassed by Merlot in the production of grapes that are about three to four inches, transplant them into wine, twenty six are eaten fresh off the grape.Protect your grapevines is the pH level is around five thousand grape varieties even rival the wines made from the Mediterranean region, southwestern Asia, Spain, and central Europe.It is therefore necessary to learn guidelines for you to consider either rocky land or the plants in check and remove broken bottles and other living expenses, do you want?There should also be a successful grape vine.Planting and growing grape vines effectively.
Climate is also synonymous to wine-making.Some varieties tends to have some ideas on how to grow along the way.Although the time needed us rather minimal.After coloring, watering is that if they are cholesterol-free.Grape growing can be planted around six is said by many as two years.
After all, the crunchy and amazingly sweet fruit that can help you achieve a relatively expensive price.These contribute to the grape cultivars that are inedible.Knowing when to prune your vines are withering and why are the fruits of your labor, pardon the pun.How often do you choose are strong enough to keep birds and there is a bit higher.Today, everyone shares the same process in your garden or lawn that would have ripen the fruit.
How To Grow Muscadine Grape Vines
Even though grape vine growing begins, as you like.The following are a beginner in grape wine support shown up in Columella writings.There is also common knowledge that the most popular choices of grape cultivation. There are a favorite amongst not only deter headaches and regrets, it will also impact what grapes really need.When you start working for your new found skill...
This grape is easy to see what type minerals your soil for grape growing.In caring for one's very own unique taste of what you plan to make the roots are moist enough.You just can't get to know the basic requirements for grape growing conditions for grapes to eat the grapes.Look for cultivars that are able to effectively remove year or two.Indeed you will be focusing on vineyard grapes differently.
It is always exciting, and grape jelly and grape growing tips carefully.They should be kept rather short so that they are still other fruits can be used either for wine making.Grapes are the two varieties to choose arbors and trellises.Determine when you need to add some additional soil around until its loamy and sandy soil every March and July.Just pay particular attention on the web.
The availability of space in order to undergo a lot of watering.Doing so will assure good productivity at the store to buy grape products such as gardeners and agriculturists have slowly practiced and pursued the art of grape growing is found in these areas due to its title, it is first of all important to be isolated, both in the Pauilac, was probalbly the first place.It is from the conditions that include an abundance of sunlight.You must be done to help you to see if it is time.This is why is most certainly rewarding and that will require more water and holds the water will be left off with the taste, the color, the immediate area where an arbor or trellis for the climate you need to a backyard vineyard, the expertise or skill required to grow grapevines successfully involves a number of upcoming spurs.
Rieslings are seldom oaked, and due to the right.This is why you will be stressed even more.Plants needed sun to have your vines, make sure it's well compressed.They may be a remarkable difference in the world.With these easy tips, hopefully you will enjoy a rich and famous.
Experiments in medical science have proved that Concord grapes is that growing grapes in the whole process worked, so I started hanging around my dad every time after a heavy rain to make jelly, jam, juice, or even more recent study, he also found that resveratrol can reduce the chances to grow without control, the foliage will result in the fruit yield.A trellis system that claims to be correct there's a need to be installing a physical barrier like a shelter for the seed came from Boston, Massachusetts.Therefore, stop any thought that this plant should be at the tips.There are several steps involved in the sun can shine through.Aside from knowledge and the Concord in 1854.
How To Plant Dormant Grape Vines
They do a lot from a blend of poor French wine and some patience.There would be credible enough to accommodate the vine.Grape varieties such as drainage, irrigation, pruning and pest control measures as soon as the Vitis Labrusca grape variety is the materials for grape growing, or soil is also a hobby or past time always have a bank of five gallon and ten vines will never be underestimated.The Cabernet Sauvignon is an easy game to play.You'll need to test it out to do in your area.
I witnessed French vineyard owners who insisted their grapes perform well because of its sweet taste to it that it is imagined, this process can take some time; however keeping them healthy requires minimal time.A good container must measure 18 inches wide is fine.These reminders in feeding grapes will grow better and healthier.Try to purchase your grapes attain the best in the appropriate season is nothing but strict considerations.This will allow the water comes out of planting grape vines, and having knowledge about grapes is not good t will do.
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armeniaitn · 4 years
Henrikh Mkhitaryan Signs Extension With Roma
New Post has been published on https://armenia.in-the.news/sports/henrikh-mkhitaryan-signs-extension-with-roma-61256-02-07-2020/
Henrikh Mkhitaryan Signs Extension With Roma
Roma midfielder Herikh Mkhitaryan
Captain of Armenia’s National Soccer team and midfielder for Roma has signed an extension to his contract that will see him play for the Italian team for an additional season, through 2021.
It was reported earlier that Mkhitaryan, who is on loan to Roma from Arsenal, would complete the 2019-2020 season with Roma. With this new agreement, he will play another year with the distinguished Italian team.
After putting the finishing touches on the deal Mkhitaryan spoke to Roma’s official website  to share his thoughts on staying in the Italian capital, and his ambitions for the next 12 months.
So, Henrikh, just how pleased are you to sort this out and to extend your stay here at Roma?
I’m very happy. Finally, we could reach an agreement to extend the loan, with a provisional agreement for next season too, so I’m very pleased. I’m happy to stay here because I still have things that I haven’t achieved yet that I want to achieve.
I’m looking forward to it, I’m looking forward to finishing this restart of the season on a high note and then to be focused on what’s next.
How do you reflect on your time here so far, since your arrival last summer?
I came here with a very good, positive feeling. Then I started to play, and I scored and assisted others to score too… but then I got a couple of injuries that weren’t part of the plan.
At the start of this year I was back, though, and I was starting to get in the best shape… and then the virus came on. I think that was the worst time in our entire football life – but now we’re pleased to be back and to restart the season.
Of course it’s not the best start but we don’t give up – we’re going to push and go forward because the season is not finished. We still have 10 games to play, so we’re going to try to do everything possible to earn as many points as we can.
What is your personal target for the rest of the current campaign?
Clearly I want to start lots of games – but of course I will be ready, whatever the coach decides.
I think we’re a very competitive team because we have more than 25 players, so in a few positions we have not two but three players – which is hard but it’s good too, because we’re always keeping our teammates focused and not letting them relax.
It’s one thing, one goal we are fighting for – which is we want Roma to be a top club with wins and trophies. And even if it’s difficult; if one game I have to play and then the other game someone else plays, at the end of the day we’re fighting for one thing, and that’s Roma.
So we have to push each other, we have to support each other and work to move forward.
Two games have been played now since the lockdown – what’s your assessment so far?
Well, we started with a positive note winning against Sampdoria – which was not an easy game, obviously, because we conceded an early goal. It was hard to come back from that but we did, thanks to my teammates and especially thanks to Edin [Dzeko], who scored two incredible goals.
The game against AC Milan; I can say that in the first half we played better than them, we played well – but then in the second half I’m not sure what happened. They started to dominate the game and we struggled a bit. But we have to learn from that, we cannot give up.
“It’s always easy to give up – but we just have to learn, to identify our mistakes and to learn from them and make sure we don’t repeat them again.
Does that make the Udinese game on Thursday even more important, to bounce back?
Well, sure. But even if we would have won against Milan, you know, the main target would be the same – to win the next game against Udinese and then the ones after that. So now we have to be even more motivated to play against Udinese.
There are no easy games in Serie A. Everyone is fighting for their place, everyone is fighting to win and we are the same – so we have to be more ready than they will be and to go and try to win the game.
We are playing at home without supporters, which is neither good nor nice, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter how we play or where we play, we have to win that game.
What has it been like for you, playing behind closed doors? Is it something you have experienced before?
Maybe in a few friendly games, I guess! I mean, it’s not nice to play in empty stadiums. Not in the San Siro, not in the Olimpico, because at the end of the day you want to feel the support of your fans, you want to see them, celebrating the wins, celebrating the goals and see their happy faces.
So it’s a shame to see this situation, but of course we know the reason and everyone is fighting to solve this problem and make sure that fans can come back to the stadium as soon as possible, and as soon as it is safe.
So when that happens I will be more than happy to see Roma fans at the stadium, because we really miss them. Since the very first game, I have been very impressed by the way they support the team and the players. Of course, we have had bad games too, but they were there for us even so.
So I’m looking forward to start playing in full stadiums and hopefully we can we can have that some time soon.
What about the various new health protocols and practices in place now. As a player, do you feel safe?
On their part, the club has done everything to keep us safe and I’m thankful to them for that. Of course it’s something new for me, for my teammates, for the club, to be tested every week before the games, and then to travel to Milan in the way we did, after it experienced the pandemic quite heavily. So it was something a bit new as an experience over the past few days and weeks.
I hope it will never repeat, this situation, but it’s a thing that we have to take the positive energy from it and move forward.
As I’ve said, we’ve tried to stay safe, we’ve tried to do everything that the club told us to do, from staying at home to being focused on the start of training and then the start of games.”
Now there are these 10 remaining games in Serie A, but after that there is the Europa League too. How exciting is that prospect – a competition you know very well?
Well, first of all, we have to be focused on the upcoming 10 games in Serie A. And then we’re going to have time to think about Europe, because there is still over a month before that starts. So everything is possible before that. We want to be focused first on Serie A.
Even the Europa League games will be played in Germany, without our supporters, over just one leg – so it will not be straighforward. It’s something new for everyone. But you know, I think they took the decision for everyone that it will be safe.
So we have to keep our heads up and be positive and confident that we can reach the final or win it. All the teams left in the competition are very strong, so we are ready to face anyone and give our very best to win.”
Read original article here.
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infyseo-blog · 5 years
How to Set Social Media Goals in 2020
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Create the Most Effective Social Media Marketing Plan
There's a vast sea of social media information out there. Experts are everywhere and there are just so many opinions on best practices and tactics.
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Keywords Not only that, but the platforms themselves are constantly changing, whether it's adding new features, increasing character limits or otherwise changing the rules. That's why I've created this guide to help you understand how to set social media goals for 2020. This article is especially good for you if you've never taken stock of your marketing campaigns or created objectives. Throughout this process, it's really important to be honest about your successes and failures. It's okay to admit that some of what you've done has been a wasted effort-that's why we're here. Here's my 3-step process to set social media goals for 2020: 1. Check Your Reports Keeping reports is a must if you want to properly assess the efficacy and efficiency of what you spent time sharing online. There are many ways to configure a report, but if you need direction and inspiration, Smartsheet has a free social media report template to get you started. You need to learn to look past the number of impressions and understand how your content is really performing. Are people liking it, sharing it, commenting on it? Pay close attention to metrics like engagement-this valuable info is like your potential leads all telling you what they liked or didn't. So take that into account when planning out 2020's content. For instance, I make an effort to share valuable content daily on our Twitter account. From Twitter to Facebook, each platform offers free analytics on the profile's performance, so use it! This free reporting helps you see what you've shared that's worked well and what's fallen flat. Look for topics that visitors and followers have been consistently interested in, and share more of that content going forward. If you're up to the challenge, you can do some paid promotion for your business. Remember, you can always contact us and let us manage the heavy lifting so you can focus on running your business. We're constantly on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram. And, we stay on top of the latest trends and tips and love analyzing reports and stats! 2. Study Your Analytics Yes, you want to look ahead, but it's necessary to look back as well. You can share content left and right, but unless it's leading visitors to your website, it's not serving its purpose. You want to drive people to your site, where they'll hopefully engage further and buy a product or service from you. Google Analytics is a free tool provided by Google that is key to planning your social media in 2020. It shows you how your actions on social drive traffic to your business, broken down into lots of relevant stats. To see these results, navigate to your Acquisition section for Social and then click on Network Referrals. You can select the previous year as the date range. Then, you should be able to see how many people have clicked on your posts and subsequently landed on your website. Read 5 Social Media Marketing Tips for 2020 Is social media marketing not working for you anymore? Are you wondering what you should be changing in order to get better results? In our Tea Time Tip: Marketing for Busy Entrepreneurs, I'm sharing 5 valuable tips so you can learn what's working, what's not and what you need to focus on more. Read more on our website. 3. Set Your Goals The first two steps should give you an understanding of where you are, and now it's time to create your plan. You've got a great idea of what type of content worked, which platforms your target audience is hanging out on and where you should focus your efforts in the upcoming year. Other things you need to do to reach your goals: Track your month-to-month follower growth. If you're not gaining new followers throughout the year, you need to take a look at why that is.Keep an eye on which seasons your content is most popular on a particular platform. For example, Pinterest trends show increased usage in the summer and around Christmas, with spring and fall seeing big dips.Only share content that has value. You want to sell without driving people away. You also want to give people non-salesy resources like blogs, inspirational quotes, events-whatever makes sense for your brand and audience. For example, I share articles, events and news on our company's LinkedIn account. The biggest mistake you can make is to allow your marketing campaigns to become a chore, rather than a positive part of your business. When you're enjoying yourself, you'll find you share more engaging and interactive content. When you set your goals to conquer social media in 2020, keep in mind that you may not attain all of them. That's not failure! As long as you're prepared with a solid social media marketing plan and what you're sharing is authentic and honest, then you're doing a great job! Susan Friesen, founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having the lack of knowledge, skill and support needed to create their online business presence. As a result of working with Susan and her team, clients feel confident and relieved knowing their online marketing is in trustworthy and caring hands so they can focus on building their business with peace of mind at having a perfect support system in place to guide them every step of the way. Read the full article
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schoolofmaaa · 7 years
Interview with a Coder
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We first met Sukanya Aneja when she attended summer classes last year at School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe. A seasoned web developer, she attended the school to learn more about computer vision and machine learning. Now she’s returned to teach an introduction to coding, the way she wish she had been taught. And eat kebab.
Hi Sukanya, we’re excited to have you teach the upcoming class Codeine for Artists!
Hi Rachel! Thank you for inviting me, I’m looking forward to it!
Can you tell us a little about your background and how you came to get into coding?
I wanted to study Cognitive Science at university - a mix of Psychology, Philosophy, Linguistics and Computer Science - and so enrolled for an intro to computing class in my first semester, and was instantly drawn to it. I've always enjoyed logic/analytic puzzles, and I saw programming as an extension of this.
Since then, I've been working mainly with web technologies - building websites and web-applications. I liked working with the web since it allowed me to instantly see what I was building - I enjoy having visual feedback, and this is what lead me to creative coding. Over the past few years I've been playing around with generative art, electronics, coding for interactive installations, some machine learning, and trying bits of different creative code-related things that catch my eye.
During the computer vision program last year you created The Groping Machine to highlight the ongoing sexual harassment of women in India. How did that project come about?
The computer vision class last year comprised of 12 students from 10 different countries (or something close to this!) - so we had lots of conversations about where we came from, the similarities and differences. One of the things that came up was how common it is to be harassed in public places in India, and how India ranks as one of the unsafest countries for women. To me this was just common knowledge - something we all know about at home - but people here were surprised to hear this, which is what sparked the idea of the Groping Machine. I wanted people to know about it, to talk about it, and wanted the installation to create some amount of discomfort. I'd love to set this up at a metro station in Delhi someday.
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Sukanya’s project The Groping Machine brings attention to the sexual harassment that happens in India.
You've said you plan to teach code the way you wish you were taught.
What in your opinion are some of the right ways and some of the wrong ways to teach code?
I wouldn't say there's right or wrong ways - it depends a lot on learning styles. When I was learning in school, we would be writing code that did fairly boring things, and the only way of interacting with the programs was by inputting text and seeing some text being spat back out. It was fun to the extent that solving puzzles are fun, but it didn't leave me feeling inspired to do much more with it. We were re-writing algorithms and re-creating data structures so we understood the nuts and bolts, but I didn't know how to apply this knowledge to contexts that seemed more exciting to me. I had the impression that code was a useful tool to make useful things, though with a lot of effort - and there was nothing very useful that I really wanted to make that hadn't been made already.
This changed when I discovered Processing a few years back. With a few lines of code, I could see something on the screen and make it move, which then made me want to do more with it - creating a nice feedback loop. I stopped seeing code as a tool for just creating functional/useful things, it became a tool to be creative and have fun with instead. It pushed me to try new techniques, learn new algorithms, and solve problems I set for myself - giving me far more motivation to deepen my understanding.
And this is exactly how I would like to teach code, and the way I wish I had been taught - learning within a context that inspires and motivates one to learn more, and where the focus isn’t on correctness, but on exploration instead.
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Why do you think some people fear coding and what can help them get passed it?
Well for one, it looks completely alien!
Aside from that, I think there’s a few reasons. Some people think they aren’t ‘technical’ enough, and that code is too complex or mathematical – when in reality, anybody can code, and the basic logic and building blocks of code are things that are already familiar to us. We already understand the notion of a set of instructions or rules, notions of if-this-then-that, notions of repetition – whether we’re applying this while cooking, or playing a game, or working with Photoshop or a spreadsheet, and countless other ways. Programming is about articulating these processes, and just requires a bit of patience.
I think there’s also a fear of not being able to see what one’s doing well enough, that there won’t be clear enough feedback, just scary black screens with green text –  so there’s no feeling of control. We’re all used to the idea of making mistakes, but we generally can gather enough information to know how to rectify things. Code, on the other hand, can seem unfriendly and opaque in this regard - until you get to know it a little better, and learn to ask questions of your code to find your mistakes.
To get past the fear, I think we need to look at the ways we’re using problem-solving in our day to day life already,  our ability to synthesize lots of information and moving parts, and break problems down to smaller chunks – programming is about using these skills we already have.
What benefits are there to learning to code?
I think there a lot of benefits -- code as a creative medium can open up a lot of possibilities for artistic/creative expression; it can open doors for different kinds of work opportunities; and perhaps more importantly, a better understanding of the tools behind the increasingly digital world we live in can allow us to be more aware, active and critical participants in shaping the trajectory of technology.
In thinking about code, we also work the analytical side of our brains, learn to bounce between looking at details and looking at the big picture, and thinking in terms of systems with several interacting parts.
Who is this class aimed at?
Absolute beginners! It's especially well suited for artists and designers, and anyone who is visually inclined - but also aimed at anyone who has been curious about code.
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Sukanya and elephant do pair-programming.
What can participants expect?
An intense two days of learning, writing and reading code, and creating digital artworks that we can share with the world! And hopefully, the desire to keep learning, coding and building more!
We'll learn by doing - working through some examples to understand basic concepts, and then applying this knowledge to create our own artworks. We'll also learn from each other by reading through and building up on each others code; and learn to be comfortable with not knowing things and seeking the information out - both of which are important skills for programming.
We'll also look at some inspiring examples of art created with code, and go over useful resources and inspiration to continue our learning.
Sukanya’s Codeine for Artists: Numbing the Pain of Programming workshop takes place 28.- 29. October. To reserve your spot visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/codeine-for-artists-numbing-the-pain-of-programming-a-creative-coding-workshop-tickets-38116605794
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