#hope you're resting easy friend <33
benetnvsch · 1 year
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steviewashere · 6 months
#50 just make it hurt/comfort and really angsty and sad (I’m clearly in a sad mood asking this rn 😅)
First of all, I hope you're doing better! And hopefully this suffices the ask. I got a lil' crazy with it, wrote way more than a drabble (again), but who cares?
50: Writer's preference, I chose prompts 33: "Please don't do this." and 12: "I think we need to talk."
Tags: Post Canon, Post Season 4, Established Relationship, Steve Harrington has Nightmares, Steve Harrington has PTSD, Steve Harrington is a Mess, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, (And Gets One!), Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Arguments, Making Up, Mild Vomiting (Like One and Done), Miscommunication
————— Eddie notices a lot about Steve. Which makes sense, they’re dating, that’s supposed to make sense. But sometimes he wishes that he didn’t have to notice. That he didn’t have to hide his glances because he could spot Steve’s heavy eye bags, or the way his shoulders have been slumping, or how high strung and tight and angry he’s becoming.
The first time he sees a change in Steve’s demeanor, they’re hanging out with all their other survived friends. In his backyard. By the pool. Except, that’s not quite right. Everybody except Steve and Nancy are hanging out at the pool. They’re on opposite sides of the yard, surveying, keeping close eyes on everyone as they move and speak and laugh. At some point, though, Nancy decides she’s had enough waiting. She leaves her post, hesitantly sits next to Robin on the edge of Steve’s pool, and lets her feet soak in the water. Her smile comes easy and her eyes grow soft, and that’s when Eddie knows she’ll be okay. But he keeps his eyes on Steve.
Sure, he should be enjoying himself. Which he is, slightly. Standing in the shallow end, leaned up against the pool wall, just letting the water kiss his scarred skin. He’s sipping on a chilled beer. Talking languidly with Dustin and Lucas and Jonathan about music and games and hobbies. Then, Dustin leaves him. Leaves the water. Strides over to Steve, face set with determination, and a pep in his step. Eddie goes quiet in the conversation, looking over his shoulder instead to where Steve is tucked near his back door. Where he’s not drinking his beer, still sealed and dripping condensation onto Steve’s bare thigh.
Dustin asks him something. Steve shakes his head. He tries offering something else, gesturing loosely with his hand at the pool and the small group that he just came from, but Steve is adamant on his decision. But of course, Dustin never takes no as an answer. He pushes. Which leads to Steve roaring: “Dustin, fuck off!”
Everybody falls silent at that. Eyes on him. Steve bristles, chucks his closed beer to the wooden porch, and disappears into his house with a slam of the door. The beer is fizzing, exploded. And then Dustin starts crying.
That’s the first time Eddie notices a change.
The next time, it’s somewhat subtle. Steve spacey at work, quiet as he shelves tapes, not even talking with Robin. He tries speaking with Steve, but only gets some non-committal grunts instead.
His last straw is an argument they’re having. Currently.
Steve’s tired, bitchier than usual, tense in his shoulders and wild-eyed. Eddie tries to stay soft, give himself a chance to remain calm and keep in mind that Steve’s going through something. But that doesn’t even begin to deter the argument.
“Listen, I think it would be good for…us—“ You, Eddie doesn’t say. “—if you let me help you out,” he’s trying to persuade. He’s standing in Steve’s kitchen. Gesturing at the pile of dishes in the sink and on the counter. Pointing out how the garbage has overflowed. And how he knows laundry hasn’t been done lately. He’s trying to be polite about it. “It’ll be like when I first got out of the hospital, okay? You just rest up and I clean up a little bit, make you something that you want to eat, and we can cuddle and watch a movie.”
However, he knows he’s hitting a brick wall over and over. None of his words are making their way through. The softness is leaking from his throat, drying him out, making him want to puke. Steve huffs through his nose. Face red, eyebrows furrowed so hard that his eyes are nearly closed with it, nose flared, and mouth downturned so extreme he nearly looks like Beaker from The Muppets. “I don’t want your help, Eddie!” Steve shouts from his spot at the dining table. He wouldn’t let Eddie come any closer. “I’m not some child, you know that?! I’m fine, I can do this on my own, and I certainly don’t need somebody like you telling me what needs to happen!”
All at once, the gentle care nukes in Eddie’s chest. Replaced instead by a hazardous anger, red hot and corroding. “What do you mean by that?” He asks bitterly. Voice flat, devoid. “Thought we were over biases, Steve,” he spits.
Steve blubbers like an out of water goldfish. “I—That—You know what I mean, Eddie. Not like—It’s just—“ he flounders. His eyes trail down towards the watch on his wrist. They grow wet, but not the tears that come from sadness. These are tears of agitation. “Nothing’s wrong,” he says wetly; the first thing that fell from his mouth when Eddie began to bring everything up. “Everything’s perfectly fine. Just got behind in house chores, which is whatever, you know? Like—“ He chuckles darkly, a self-deprecating thing, something painfully normal. “—Who the fuck actually cares about how messy everything is, right? Just leave it alone. Let’s…Let’s go cuddle,” Steve says hastily. He clambers up and out of his seat, around the table, and into the kitchen. Wrapping himself tightly around Eddie, cheek pressed to his chest, trying to pull them into the living room.
But Eddie doesn’t wrap back. He steps away. Putting distance between them. “I don’t want to do that with you right now, Steve,” he mutters. “That fucking hurt. What you said. I don’t really feel comfortable being here right now. Forget that I brought this up, okay?” He steps around Steve, who stands stunned and heartbroken in his own kitchen. Eddie’s in the doorway before Steve has the chance to reach out and touch him again. “I—I think we need to talk. But I can’t do it right now. I can’t…Why would you say that? Jesus, Steve.” And yeah, he had different intentions when coming over here. Wanted to soothe whatever was going on. Figure out how he could help. If he could help. In fact, he would’ve been fine with Steve pushing him off again, insisting on a topic change. He would’ve let it happen. But not now.
He makes sure the hurt is shown on his face before he leaves. Before he has a chance to rub his eyes and sniffle. And ignores how Steve calls out to him. He needs to calm down before he says something he might regret, something that would hurt worse than what Steve said to him.
They don’t cross paths often after that. Sometimes Eddie sees him at Family Video, but not for very long. In just to rent a tape and get out, hurt simmering unrestful in his ribcage. He can spot Steve out of the corner of his eye, reaching out, stepping in place, mouth opening and closing. But he ignores what he has to say.
Sees Steve when he drops off people for Dungeons & Dragons nights at the Wheeler’s house. But he scurries off before anything can happen. Other people start to take notice and Eddie has to shoot a warning glance with a gritted, “It’s private. I don’t want to tell you.”
Today, though, he notices Steve dropping something off at Max’s. She takes the offered thing from his grip, shuts the door softly at his back, and then Eddie finds Steve’s eyes. Hard not to notice him when he lives only a short distance away from Max’s place, but what greets him makes his stomach knot. Steve is unwell. Pale and jumpy, eyes bloodshot, his eye bags heavy and dark circles so purple—he almost looks bruised. His hands are shaking, clothes are rumpled, and his hair is…greasy, flat, knotted. Eddie puts out the cigarette he’d been smoking and walks calmly and quietly down his steps. Crossing to Steve’s bumper.
“Hey, baby,” he greets softly.
Steve startles anyway. Turning with his hand gripping tight to his door handle. Tugging on it, though it must be locked. His eyes are wide and devastating. Wet, exhausted, puffy and swollen. They’re red raw. Like he’s been crying. And rubbing at them, too. At a closer look, Steve’s cheeks are blank of any color at all, slightly gaunt. His lips are chewed to all hell. And his facial hair is wiry, outgrown. Unkempt.
“Baby,” Eddie murmurs, stepping closer. He places a firm hand to Steve’s left bicep, squeezing ever so gently. Runs his thumb over the taut muscle. “Can we talk inside? Let me make you a cup of tea and get you something to eat?”
He doesn’t say anything, but does release his hold on the car handle. Follows slowly to the door, but doesn’t come close to the couch where Eddie gestures to.
“You can sit on the—“
“Please don’t do this,” Steve sobs.
Immediately, Eddie comes closer into his space. Hands splayed in front of him, ready to reach out and touch and hold, but isn’t sure if that’s allowed. “What? What shouldn’t I do, Steve?” He questions. His voice quivers with concern.
“Don’t leave me, Eds,” Steve cries, rattling and shaking with it. His chest stutters. Hiccups in the back of his throat. “I’m sorry—I’m so—I didn’t mean it, I was just upset and I know that’s not okay, but I—“ Steve gags harshly, doubling over with it. Eddie rushes behind him, grabs for the waste bin, and sets it out in front of him. “—I was being an asshole and I’m sorry and I’m sorry that I hurt you and that you thought I thought bad about you, but I didn’t, I didn’t, I don’t, Eds—“ Eddie can’t even understand the rest of what he’s babbling, it’s incoherent, strung tight with snot and saliva and tears, but it renders too much. Steve finally reaches out for the trash can, hurls harshly, and drops to his knees with his grip still on the can’s lip.
Eddie crouches beside him. Hand on his back, on his forehead. Holding to him firmly, ignoring how sweaty and cold he is at once. A part of him withers at how he made things worse. It wasn’t his intention, to make Steve worry this bad, but he definitely instilled that fear. And now he needs to just glue back together what he cracked.
When Steve is able to calm down, collapsing heavily against Eddie, does he speak softly. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” he murmurs, “I guess we both used our words wrong. I’m just so worried about you, I swear. This isn’t—I would never lead you on about a break up. And that’s not what this conversation is, I promise, Stevie.”
Steve sniffles noisily. He koalas himself around Eddie, burrowing his face into Eddie’s chest. He’s still shivering, sweaty, and weak. “I’m sorry,” he mutters.
“I forgive you, Steve.” He holds to Steve tightly. Crushing him in closer, not caring how it makes his back ache or his knees scuff the floor. Doesn’t care about how Steve’s tears soak through his shirt or the sure mess of snot left behind. He squeezes Steve’s back and states softly, “I’m just so upset that you think you have to be fine. That you can’t ask for help. That you have to deal with everything on your own.”
“Please just talk to me, Steve. What’s going on? I just don’t understand where you’ve gone, you know? You’re so tired and angry and tense all the time. You don’t want to talk to anybody. You keep pushing us away, closing yourself off. But then you don’t take care of yourself,” Eddie rambles, his voice growing weak and choked. “I’m sorry that I—I don’t know how to talk about this without sounding like an asshole. I’m just worried. Worried that…That something’s terribly wrong.”
The implication of Vecna is not lost between them, if the way Steve tenses says anything.
Carefully, Steve pulls himself away. Staring wide and timid at Eddie. Before he breaks with another cry of, “Everybody keeps dying, Eds. The nightmares. They keep—I can’t sleep. I see it everywhere.”
“What do you see?” Eddie asks, voice shaking. Please don’t say that clock. Please don’t say the clock, Steve. Please, he internally pleads.
“Death,” Steve whispers. “Everywhere. In everybody. I see…Nancy drowning and Robin beaten and Max broken. I see you covered in blood with chunks of you missing and you don’t look at me, you just look over my shoulder and you’re gone by the time I find you. I just see it. I can’t—I can’t stop seeing it, Eddie.” He curls his hands tight into Eddie’s shirt, nearly ripping it off of his back. “And I’m always alone,” he hiccups. “Alone when I wake up. And so I leave, I drive around, I wait to see if anything bad happens. But I can’t sleep.”
Eddie brings a hand and swipes back at Steve’s hair, pushing it away from his forehead. He leans in and leaves a gentle, sticky kiss to the skin. Pulling back, he offers, “When you’re ready for bed, you find me. Call me so that I can come over. Or tell me to come get you.” He cups Steve’s face, holding him between his hands. His cheeks that are splotchy red, tacky with tears. Eyes hazel and shiny and slightly defeated, yet hopeful. Eddie tickles his thumb over the bridge of Steve’s nose, his cupid’s bow, between his eyebrows. “Stevie, baby, I never want you to think you’re alone again. Ever. Seeing you so distraught all the time was killing me, but I’m here to help. You don’t have to carry the world on your shoulders.”
“But…I’m supposed to be able to take care of myself, Eds,” Steve argues quietly.
“Yeah, sometimes,” Eddie states. “You’re not supposed to be alone, not all the time. And if laying with you until you fall asleep safely, or showing you how fine everybody is, making you a sandwich or doing the dishes—Whatever, whatever helps you out, I’m willing.” He presses another soft kiss to Steve’s lips, the tip of his nose, on his forehead. Murmuring, “You helped me. It’s my turn, don’t you think? Wouldn’t that be nice?”
Steve shrugs. “Am I supposed to just sit around?”
“You don’t have to, but you could relax. Watch a movie or do something that’s not exhausting,” Eddie explains. “Being independent, you know, doesn’t mean exerting yourself at every possible moment. Or ignoring things that bother you. Or hiding your hurt. It means seeking help, even if you do it on your own. It means sticking up for yourself, even if what’s hurting you is you.”
Against Eddie’s palms, Steve sighs through his nose. “Okay,” he mutters. “Can…Can we take a nap? I’m really tired,” Steve tentatively asks.
“Of course, sweetheart. I’ll find my soft pajamas for you, too.” He stands, offering out his hands for Steve. Tugs him up. And when they’re at eye level, “Steve?” Eyes on him, zeroed in and focused. “I want you to bother me. Be a nuisance. Take up space.”
“Are you sure?” Steve murmurs. “I can be a lot.”
“Loving you means loving all of you, sweetheart. Even the excess parts. Which, by the way, aren’t excess. Because I love taking care of you, despite what your brain is surely telling you,” Eddie says. “Come on, I’ll take care of that can while you lay down.”
He’s glad he noticed. But he’s happier at the sound of Steve’s soft snores, puffed over his bare neck, and the drool that will surely dry on his collarbone.
——— Drabble Prompts Ask Game
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floresierss · 3 months
hiiii I’d love for you to write about Sungchan babysitting a child with y/n 🥲 I’m a sucker for kids and he would totally get along with boys so he could throw them around or something 😭
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masterlist. nav. ask.
TAGS 🏷️: no tws! overall fluffy n i tried to keep this as gn as possible :33
AUTHORS NOTE: AHH TYSM FOR THE REQUEST!!! i’m so sorry this took so long to upload ahhh i’ve been so overwhelmed with school and stuff but i swear i won’t disappear this long again, i hope this suits what you wanted and i made it gn! just in case :D. i was also listening to I. Pink Toes (childish gambino) on loop while writing this, hence the title :<<
You had always known Sungchan for his playful nature and boundless energy. Today, you were excited because you and Sungchan were babysitting your friend's little boy, Jihoon. You knew Sungchan would be perfect for the job, and you couldn't wait to spend the afternoon with them both.
As soon as Jihoon arrived, his eyes lit up at the sight of Sungchan. "Sungchan hyung!" he exclaimed, running into his arms. Sungchan scooped him up effortlessly, spinning him around in the air.
"Hey, Jihoon! Ready for some fun?" Sungchan asked, grinning.
Jihoon nodded eagerly, his little face beaming with excitement. You watched them with a smile, knowing that the two would get along perfectly.
You headed to the park nearby, where Sungchan immediately transformed into Jihoon's personal jungle gym. He lifted Jihoon high above his head, pretending he was an airplane, and ran around the park, making engine noises. Jihoon laughed uncontrollably, his laughter echoing through the park.
"Let's play superheroes!" Jihoon suggested, his eyes wide with anticipation.
"Great idea! What superhero do you want to be?" Sungchan asked.
"I'm Spider-Man!" Jihoon declared, striking a pose.
"And I'll be your trusty sidekick," Sungchan replied, mimicking Jihoon's pose. You decided to join in as Iron Man. The three of you ran around, pretending to save the world from imaginary villains. Sungchan even lifted Jihoon onto his shoulders, letting him feel like he was soaring through the sky.
After a while, you took a break and sat down on a picnic blanket you had brought along. Sungchan pulled out some snacks, and you all enjoyed a little picnic together. Jihoon chatted excitedly about his favorite superheroes, and Sungchan listened intently, genuinely interested in everything Jihoon had to say.
You leaned over to Sungchan, handing him a juice box. "You're really good with him," you said, smiling warmly.
Sungchan took the juice box and shrugged modestly. "He's a great kid. It's easy when they're this fun."
You shared a quiet moment, watching Jihoon play with his action figures. You nudged Sungchan gently. "Remember when we used to do this? Just the two of us?"
Sungchan chuckled, nodding. "Yeah, those were good times. Now we've got an extra little buddy."
Jihoon suddenly looked up, holding out a toy car to Sungchan. "Hyung, let's race!"
Sungchan and you both got down on your knees, each taking a toy car. Jihoon counted down, and you raced your cars across the blanket, laughing as you tried to outdo each other. Jihoon won every time, much to his delight.
As the sun began to set, you headed back home. Jihoon was tired but happy, his energy finally starting to wane. Sungchan carried him on his back, Jihoon's head resting on his shoulder.
"Did you have fun today, Jihoon?" you asked gently.
Jihoon nodded, his eyes drooping with sleep. "The best day ever," he mumbled.
Once you got back, you prepared Jihoon for bed while Sungchan tidied up. When you came out of Jihoon's room, you found Sungchan sitting on the couch, looking thoughtful.
"What's on your mind?" you asked, sitting next to him.
Sungchan smiled softly. "I was just thinking about how much fun today was. I really enjoyed spending time with Jihoon. And with you."
You leaned against him, feeling a sense of contentment. "Me too. We make a pretty good team, don't we?"
Sungchan wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. "Yeah, we do. Let's do this again sometime."
You nodded, closing your eyes as you leaned into Sungchan's embrace. Babysitting Jihoon had been an absolute joy, and you knew that today would be a cherished memory for all of you.
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snitchcrimsonwrites · 5 months
Maybe pt. 5
Pairing: Norm MacLean X Female Reader or OC if you squint
Former friends to a relationship?
Life is pretty easy in Vault 33 until you're trying to rekindle a former friendship and Raiders attack. Now, our main characters are trying to navigate newfound feelings, all while undercovering the mysteries of Vault 33. Stay tuned. Follows the main storyline of season 1; some events may be reordered for plot.
Something seems off with these dwellers from 32, what's their deal? Time for our favorite couple to find out.
Part 1 Here Part 7 Here Part 12 Here
Part 2 Here Part 8 Here
Part 3 Here Part 9 Here
Part 4 Here Part 10 Here
Part 6 Here Part 11 Here
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Norm knew why he was sitting alone at a table of mainly residents from Vault 32, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. He’d much rather be conversing with his family or (Y/N). Hell, he’d take even Chet, who he was sure would go on about his infatuation with his sister. He’d prefer that level of awkwardness to the awkwardness associated with playing host because he was the Overseer’s son. He wasn’t cut out for this. 
He looks up from the table and across the atrium to see your eyes locked on him, he offers back a wave to break your concentration on him. You return the gesture with a beaming smile. His heart thumps a little quicker. You’ve had that effect on him lately. He’s not quite sure when his feelings evolved past friendship-maybe back then, maybe in the last couple of weeks- but there’s no denying them now. He was hopeful that you felt the same; some of your interactions with him seemed more than friendly, flirty even. He just couldn’t be sure he wasn’t projecting his desires onto these situations. 
His dad steps up to the stage to deliver his remarks. Thank Goodness. He was eager for any excuse to leave his assigned table. 
“Good evening, and welcome to the proud denizens of Vault 32. We are bonded not just as neighbors but by a shared duty. To keep the candle of civilization lit. While the rest of the world has been cast into darkness.”
Norm can’t help but turn his attention from his father to the Overseer at his table; her intense focus on his dad’s words seemed out of place. What was her deal? 
 “Soon, if our measurements are correct, radiation levels on the surface are dropping fast enough that the next generation, Lucy and Monty’s children, will be able to recolonize.” 
The atrium fills with cheers and applause from those in Vault 33 jumpsuits. The 32s seem less enthusiastic about the concept of recolonization. Was he reading too much into this? He feared the surface; maybe these people did, too. Perhaps he’d fit in better if he were in Vault 32. 
“After 200 years, we don’t know much about what’s up there: desperation, violence, lawlessness. These survivors will need to be shown a better way. I’ll admit sometimes I’m afraid that mean old world will change us instead. But then I look at my daughter, who’s such a beautiful bride, and her new husband. And I am not afraid. I feel hope. To Lucy MacLean. And to this marriage. And to hope!”
The actual celebration could begin with the closing of his father’s remark. The music started, and everyone was soon captivated by the sweetness of the father-daughter dance. His dad and Lucy swayed back and forth to the sounds of “Some Enchanted Evening” emitting from the jukebox on stage. After a few moments, the two broke away. Norm knew what was coming next; this was typical of his family. His dad and sister plead for him to join them on the dancefloor. He begrudgingly concedes it was his sister’s wedding day after all. 
Now, the three embraced and rocked back and forth on the dancefloor. At this moment, Norm was grateful for the bond he shared with his family. Through all the teasing between siblings and the disapproving glances from his father, they loved each other very genuinely, and moments like this one were the manifestation of that. 
As they broke apart, Lucy went to tousle his hair affectionately. He noticed her eyes widen at something across the room as she did. Lucy motioned at someone, and Norm followed her gaze. Please no. But it was already too late. Lucy was closing the distance towards (Y/N). The two excitedly embraced. Hopefully, they were just exchanging congratulations. They were friends, after all. Norm watches as Lucy whispers something to you, and suddenly, the pair is heading back in his direction. Lucy, what did you say? Norm thinks as he puts his hand up his forehead while his dad nudges him with his elbow. 
“I saw (Y/N) by herself on the edge of the dancefloor and thought someone might like to invite her to dance.” That someone was him, apparently, as Lucy offered (Y/N)’s hand to Norm. 
“I’d be happy to,” he replies. Norm was frustrated that his sister had to be one to ask you but wasn’t about to lose the opportunity to dance with you. With a surge of confidence, he takes hold of your hand to lead you onto the dance floor, making a little show of pulling you into position in his arms. He was hoping it impressed you.   
“Sorry about that,” he confesses to you after a few moments, shooting his sister a steely glance as he does. She didn’t need to confirm that he was too chicken to ask a girl to dance. “You know how she can be when she gets an idea in her head—unrelenting.” 
“I don’t mind; I was actually hoping you’d ask. Your sister just guaranteed the odds.” 
Norm smiles, looking up into your eyes. You wanted to be here with him. That was enough. He eases into the moment, focusing on his dance steps and trying to burn every aspect of this into his memory. The way your perfume lingered in his nose, how your body felt leaning into his, the beating of your heart in rhythm with the music—he wants to remember it all. 
The sound of a throat clearing behind him brings Norm back to reality. Please don’t let it be someone else wanting to cut in. Turning around, it was just his father, but he did come bringing bad news. “Sorry, I will need to steal Norm away for a second,” the Overseer states as he places a hand on Norm’s shoulder. “Just one family photo, and I’ll give him back,” he reassures (Y/N) with a wink. 
“Not a problem,” you reply. Norm believes he can detect disappointment in your tone. 
“Find you after.” Norm declares, keeping a loose grasp on your hand as the two of you pull away. He wasn’t ready to let go just yet. 
You set up camp by the main stage to people-watch and wait for Norm to return from his family obligations. Initially, you hoped to catch some laughable moments from your neighbors of Vault 33. There was just something about weddings that brought out peoples’ impulsive natures. Still, it was the behaviors of the residents of Vault 32 you couldn’t look away from. 
Not even Norm’s presence back in the main ceremony space shifted your attention. Soon, he was slotted into the spot next to you on stage. You assumed he must have picked up on your body language and noticed precisely who you were observing because, without any prompting, he spoke up and asked, “Is it just me, or are the Vault 32 dwellers just a little  …” 
“Off?” you offer, not giving him a chance to finish. 
“I noticed it first while my dad was giving his remarks; their Overseer seemed to be picking apart every word,” he said, replaying the interactions in his mind. 
Without warning, he hops down to his feet from the stage and turns to you, offering his hand. “Come on.” 
You take hold without a second thought. “Where are we going?” 
“I think we need to explore how the other side lives.”
The two of you set off in the same direction you returned from hours ago, trying to act inconspicuously. Hopefully, the sight of two young people walking off holding hands gave a different impression than the reality of snooping around Vault 32. 
Hands still interlocked, you make your way down the vault corridor, the sounds of the party in the atrium fading into the background, faintly echoing down the metal hallway. As you approach the end of the hallway, the vault door welcoming you to 32 is still open and rolled off to the side. There are no guards; all seems completely ordinary. You look to Norm and nod, confirming your commitment to enter and cross the threshold hand in hand. 
The sight that greets you immediately sets off alarm bells. A breathless “Whoa” was all you could manage. Norm stays quiet, taking it in, only offering a squeeze of your hand as reassurance.  
 Vault 32’s primary outdoor space appears before you in stark contrast to 33’s. The Vault’s wheat crop is laid out across the atrium as a sea of decayed brown, brittle, and rotting wheat. Their Overseer mentioned a blight that had wiped out their supply, but seeing the scene before you was chilling. How did these people survive? 
Continuing further into Vault 32’s atrium, you have to watch your step to avoid pieces of furniture grouped together in small huddles. The lack of lighting makes this task more difficult. Was there no power? Norm provides a steady arm as you two navigate the miniature obstacle course before you. 
“Something isn’t right,” he vocalizes as he helps you avoid the plastic lawn chairs and bedding blocking the small opening to the remainder of the living area of the Vault. You’ve now moved both hands to grasp onto his bicep and forearm as you walked, nervous about the potential jump-scare awaiting around every corner. 
The Vault’s living area seemed worse than the atrium, with equipment and furniture strewn haphazardly into the hallways, tables overturned, and trash littering the floor. Yet you continued. Curiosity drove each step forward while the heartbeat creeping up into your throat signaled to turn back. 
“Hello?” Norm calls out as the two round a corner into one of the disheveled nursery rooms. 
Panic strikes you when you realize he was calling out to what looks to be a person occupying a chair in a room ahead of you. What are they still doing in here?  Panic then turns to horror when you get a better look at the occupant in the chair. The sight of the rotten, decayed skin leaves no room for interpretation, sending you and Norm scurrying to get back to Vault 33 in a hurry. 
“Stay close,” Norm shouted over his shoulder from his position slightly ahead of you. As you returned down the hallway to get out the way you came, you heard the distant sounds of alarms, screams, and gunshots echoing into Vault 32. Something serious had happened since the two had left. 
Norm speeds up and passes the last intersecting hallway before exiting the Vault; however, your escape becomes blocked as a knife-wielding Vault 32 dweller lunges out of the hallway junction in the space separating you from Norm. You react by putting your arms up in defense as the momentum from your body sends you crashing into your attacker, the backs of your forearms making contact with the large knife. 
Your scream stops Norm dead in his tracks. He spins around frantically to see the cause of your distress, seeing you bloodied and wrestling to escape your attacker. He starts back down the hallway to intervene, but the appearance of two more 32s stops him. 
“Get after him. I’ve got this,” your attacker encourages, causing the two newcomers to rush down the hallway after Norm. 
“Keep going. Don’t look back!” you shout, hoping to prompt Norm to flee as you writhe free, creating space between you and your assailant. Your words have the intended effect as your friend springs to action, taking the additional aggressors out of the corridor with him. 
Escaping your attacker's hold, you now need a plan to save your life. Think you need to come up with something, anything! You urge your brain in desperation. 
The man comes at you again, lunging through the space between you, trying to make contact with his weapon. You narrowly dodge in time, ungracefully slide rolling to connect with maintenance equipment piled in the hallway's corner, the contact with the floor winding you slightly. 
The clanging of metal tools falling on the floor draws your attention and will hopefully give you a chance. You pick up the nearest object, a pipe wrench, you think, and position yourself as your attacker comes at you again. From the ground, you lunge at their legs, knocking them off balance, and, using your body weight, pin them to the floor. It all happened so quickly that they had no time to react. The pipe wrench does the rest of the work. With a two-handed grip, the wrench rises over your head, comes back down, and connects. One. Two. Three. Four times. That was all it took to turn a human head into a bloody pulp.
 You breathe out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, and your body relaxes as the adrenaline leaves. You wince, now realizing how bad the damage to your arms was. The gashes were deep and still oozing blood; you had enough medical knowledge to know you needed to treat these wounds ASAP lest you be able to use your arms again. One of the hallway storerooms was your best bet. 
Norm can’t believe he took off down the hallway without a second thought. You were in trouble and needed help, but now he was in trouble sprinting down the connecting corridor with two, who he would assume were raiders hot on his tail. Maybe he could shake these guys and bring back reinforcements. At that thought, he urged his legs to give him more speed. 
Thankfully, he was quick, leaving the raiders scrambling to catch up as he exited the corridor and hid low amongst the corn stalks. Upon seeing the chaos in the atrium, that was his new plan. The raiders had descended on anyone in a Vault 33 jumpsuit, killing them indiscriminately and with a level of violence he thought was unimaginable until now. 
Norm realizes his best chance at survival is escaping the atrium and hiding somewhere deeper in the vault. He just hoped you were able to do the same. He stays low among the corn and vegetable garden, paying attention to opportunities to make a break. He makes it to the central open space, ducking for cover under a picnic table, hoping for one more chance to clear the room. He has no such luck. A female raider spies him under the table and grabs his legs, pulling him out into the open. This is how I die. The raider pulls Norm up to his knees, intending to silt his throat, and Norm fights back with all the strength he can muster. It’s not going to be enough. Then, suddenly, the raider goes limp, and he can push her body off to the side as she comes crashing down. He didn’t realize what had happened until he was embraced in his sister's arms. Lucy saved him. And now it was Lucy ushering him across the lawn and assisting him into the safety of the bunker. Norm climbs down into the claustrophobic space and turns to do the same for Lucy; at least he can save her. She simply shakes her head–no. She’s not coming down without Dad. She helps Norm shut the bunker door and heads back into the fray.
Norm dwells on one thought in the confided pitch-blackness of the bunker against the backdrop of commotion from above. I let them all down.
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diagonal-queen · 2 years
hunting dogs with an energetic s/o pleaaaase😭
oooooooooooo omg i love this one <33
Hunting Dogs with an energetic S/O
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♡ pairing: Fukuchi Ouchi, Jouno Saigiku, Tecchou Suehiro, Teruko Okura (platonic), Tachihara Michizou x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do the Hunting Dogs react when they have an energetic S/O?
♡ cw: Mention of alcohol in Fukuchi's part.
note: Tbh at first I didn't wanna write for Fukuchi because he and I have a complicated personal history (I don't like him that much) but like it was actually really easy and fun! That was a nice surprise hehe <3 Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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He thinks you're so cute!
You're like his little cheerleader (you're shorter than him most likely) and he enjoys having you around to keep him on his toes (he can't use his age to get out of anything when it comes to you)
You'd be constantly challenging him to fights and stuff and trying to rile him up (he thinks it's endearing though and might entertain you for a little bit, because he can. Just playfights and cute stuff like that lol)
To be honest he's an enabler and would probably encourage you to cause trouble somehow. I mean it's not like anyone can tell you off (unless they wanna face off against FUKUCHI??) (it's entirely possible that on some technicality, you are an enemy of state)
You and Teruko are best friends (obviously). As for the rest of the group...nah they actually kinda like you too. You keep their boss happy so like it's a win-win really
If you're someone who drinks...oh man you guys. Oh man you two are going to cause a lot of trouble
Fukuchi might be kinda crass but let's be real he's probably super old school romantic and he'd like to dance with you (and doing so would also wear you out so he can like nap lmao)
He just loves to entertain you because he simply can't get enough of that joyful look in your eyes.
He also thinks it's cute but he doesn't match your energy at all. Jouno appears very calm and cold so you contrast each other a lot
Jouno has to be there to reel you in when you get too silly T-T he's grown quite good at it. He would give you a limit on coffee/energy drinks (if you drink those)
He always acts all exasperated and keeps telling you to calm down and all that, but he secretly loves your personality and doesn't want you to change at all sksjksksjs
He thinks it's actually quite romantic how you balance each other out that way, even if it can cause clashes or disagreements sometimes between you two
Jouno spends most of his time around rather serious people (being a Hunting Dog and all) so being in the presence of someone lighthearted and more bouncy is rather refreshing.
It's almost kinda reassuring for him that you're so energetic because he can hear you well, and so it's really easy for him to tell how you're doing in case he needs to be there for you or something when you're feeling blue y'know?
No because all the other Hunting Dogs are always looking at you two like 'how...how did this possibly happen' (they love you but they did not expect Jouno to date someone like you lmao)
He loves the way you sound, but just try not to be too loud lol
This guy. He doesn't know what's happening most of the time with you T-T he can't ever predict you
Outside of work, when you guys go out on dates and stuff, you're always dragging him around and he kinda just goes with it. He likes your spontaneity and how you've always got little surprises for him
You two like going on physical-based(?) dates together (for some reason the only thing in my mind is those indoor trampoline parks?), you like them because they accommodate to your energy level and he likes them because exercise or something. lol
Is surprisingly good at keeping up with you! Or so it seems, at least. He probably isn't that good but he tries his best for you <3
Tecchou loves his down time, so you two tend to make deals along the lines of 'we'll spend our time now doing [energy-exerting activity] and then we can cuddle later' or something because you guys compromise and are healthy like that 😌
He really really likes you as you are but he's not good at showing it, so though he may seem tired of you sometimes he really isn't
There are times where he'll step up and be the responsible one of the two of you, but that's only if he has to be (he doesn't want to stop you because he thinks you're adorable as you are)
If you're also clingy, he especially loves that about you because Tecchou is like glued to you 24/7 (outside of work lol)
Teruko (platonic):
You're like two peas in a pod because you match one another's energy so well
You guys are just constantly bothering the rest of the Hunting Dogs and they're tired. They can't really get mad at you though, because usually Teruko is the instigator, and also if they said anything to you she'd kick them
Though, you're more of a fun energetic and she's more of an 'I'm going to cause as much mayhem as possible' energetic so you have to be the voice of reason a lot of the time
That being said you two do like pranking people and stuff (not just when she's off work- Teruko isn't above ruining the days of the other Hunting Dogs), sometimes using her ability to do it
When Teruko's feeling down or about to throw a tantrum, you're always there to lift her spirits and vice versa (Jouno and Tachihara are very grateful for this (they're conflicted about their feelings towards you lmaooooo))
You're probably giving her a lot of piggy back rides
You can read each other like open books and that makes it really easy to talk about your issues and feelings free of judgement (at least really harsh judgement)
She takes surprisingly good care of you when you're feeling sick or something, because she needs her partner in crime back ASAP! (and she loves you a lot <3)
He'd be chill with any personality his partner might have so he's totally fine with you being energetic. He's very adaptable!
That being said he is kinda tired sometimes (man is a mafioso and a soldier) so he usually sorta just lets you run wild on your own (and, if you want to, mess with his colleagues) and just doesn't do anything about it lol
That isn't to say that he's actively encouraging you to be chaotic- he's still at least a little sensible
Tachihara is very appreciative of the fact that you're always there to cheer him up and keep him going. Your energy is infectious and he benefits from that fact quite a lot
For your birthday or something else special he'd take you to a concert (where you can scream and jump around all you like) where your faves perform <3
You and he would pull all-nighters every now and then, and spend the whole time watching terrible movies and doing other stupid random things together
Dates with Tachihara are as frequent as he can make them with his packed schedule. He likes to spend as much time with you as he possibly can because you make him feel happy and motivated
You're very well liked by both the Hunting Dogs and the other Port Mafia members (you're probably close with Gin also) and that honestly makes life a lot easier for him lmao
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would love to go on a måneskin tour with tachihara and scream along to read your diary with him ngl
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
Hi friend! You are an amazing writer and I really appreciate you.
Can you write a story where the little becomes so anxious she just goes nonverbal? I tend to do that when I’m anxious and idk if something others go through. Thanks again :)
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you so much! It’s means so much to me what you said! ❤️I Hope your know that I really appreciate you too!
Of course! I hope you like how I wrote it!
Enjoy <33
Warnings : anxious reader, reader feeling little, craving for care and comfort from your Daddies, confuse mind, caring Daddies
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : life isn't always easy with you...
A/N : I don't know why but I really like how I wrote this one. Maybe it's because I didn't wrote for some days and so I kinda feel new, I don't know 😅
I Hope you liked it like I do!
It's not normal
Not normal at all
You're used to be anxious, you had deal with it since you can remember because of lots of things that happened during your life but as you kept making steps on your way in life, you found tips to help you go through that
Wether it's with someone else, a specific person or just a movement you constantly do until you feel better. It always worked at some point but today seems... different.
You did all the things that usually help you, you texted your Daddies when you came back home from your day, they still were to work so you couldn't do otherwise. You wanted to call them but never grow the strength to asked them, too scared to disturb them in their work.
Then you tried to feed Alpine and play with her, keeping your mind busy with your favorite little cat but it didn't helped, you could still feel the painful bowl stuck in your stomach.
Then you let Alpine rests downstairs and went in your playroom, you took a book and started to trace with your fingers the words written on the cover of the book. It's something you do to calm you when you're too sad and have a hard time calming yourself. It's a little movement who is really relaxing for you but in that case, it didn't helped either.
You were completly lost about what you should do to get out of that state and you were even more scared because you could felt yourself slipping more and more because of that. Only you were home alone and were scared to let yourself slip. You knew you needed it, but it wasn't the time.
So you walked back downstairs, you fell on the ground, against the wall who is facing the front door and hugged your knees. You swing yourself until you know you're safe, in their arms, against them.
You didn't heard nor saw the front door opening and your Daddies stepping in, even tho your eyes were glued to the door, an anxious look on your face. Your eyes were focus on something- like the door, but your mind completly defformed what you were seeing the whole time.
"Babygirl ?" your Daddy asks as he hung his coat on the wall beside the front door. He frowns at your Papa who were already studying you, tying to understand what is going on.
They walk toward you and that's only when they get closer to you that they see your face, your look and gaze. Something was wrong, something happened and they see it right away.
You Papa kneels down in front of you, a reassuring hand on your knee while your Daddy rushed to the kitchen to get you a cold drink. "Sweetie" he gently calls trying to catch your empty gaze "can you look at me, please ?"
Slowly, his voice found your ears and the only thing you wanted was to lay eyes on him, which you did. You lifted your eyes and finally meet his. A soft expression is on his face and you don't know if it's from relief, reassurance or fear. Maybe all of them.
"Here, little one" Your Daddy gently gives you the cup of water but you don't take it. You look up at him and open your mouth, telling him that you want him to do it for you.
If he knew you would've asked him to do that, he would've put the drink in a bottle, it would've been easier for you to drink in it.
He rests his hand on the back of your neck to hold your head and bring the cup to your lips, he's careful when the water slide against your tongue and down your throat.
"how do you feel, baby ?" he asks, his hand stroking the side of your hair and face.
You look at him as if he's the thing you wanted to see the most and instead of answering him, you lift your arms up and make grabby hands.
You didn't care who would take you in his arms, you just want to be with them.
Your Papa stands up just as your Daddy lifts you up and they both walk toward the couch. They can feel you need them and as always, they'll be there for you.
Your Daddy sits you down on his laps and your Papa sits beside you both, he takes your feet in his laps and starts to massaging them, knowing you need all kind of comfort they can give you.
"can you explaining to us how you're feeling ?" your Papa asks, "what is happening, princess ?"
You whine and snuggle further in your Daddy's chest with your face in your Daddy's neck. He sighs and caresses a reassuring hand along your back as you finally let yourself relaxing under their hands, and touch.
Your Daddy can feel your hands shaking because of your anxious state and hold you tighter against him. "you're safe now, beautiful. Just close your eyes and let us take care of you"
You didn't even felt your Papa leaving the couch but you feel him coming back. He sits back down under your feet and gently takes your hand. You look up at him and he hold a bottle to your lips with a sweet smile.
You open your lips and happilly take the bottle in it. You close your eyes in relief of the familiar taste and movement your jaw make while sucking on the little tute.
You drink while watching a cartoon they put on the tv as they keep their gentle touches on your skin to keep you calm and in a safe place.
As you finish your bottle, your Papa slides your paci in your lips before you can feel the lost feeling of the tute in your mouth and starts to relax more and more in your Daddies's arms.
All stress and anxiety now behind you as your day finally comes to an end in the arms of your favorite people.
... Later that night, when your Daddies will carry you to bed, they'll walk by your playroom and see all the books on the ground and will understood what really happened, even tho they kind of already know.
What can they say ? They're your Daddies, they know how you react and how your body reacts through your feelings. That's their job after all
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hiya, how are you doing?
I recently read one of your posts containing yandere NV HCs of certain characters, and it gave me an idea for a request if you're feeling up to it.
This'll be a Fallout 4 yandere headcannon, if that's alright with you. The characters would be:
Deacon, Nick and Hanock, or if you're wanting to, replace any character with Danse, Macready or Cait. I feel like you'd obliterate this, since I live off your writing, lol.
nonetheless, have a good one!
Yandere Deacon, Nick, and Hancock HCs
➼ Word Count » 1.8k ➼ Warnings » Stalking, Threats, Kidnapping, Possessiveness, Drugging, and General Yandere Themes. ➼ Genre » Yandere, Romantic ➼ A/N » Ah! You're so sweet Nonnie! I hope this was what you were looking for <33
Deacon knows everything about you. He's constantly following you around and 'gathering intel' as he likes to call it. He'll end up knowing everything there is to know before the two of you even meet.
He justifies everything he does by telling himself that 'he has a job to do and he needs to do it well', even if he seems to have an entire shrine of you back at base.
He gets so scared once you both officially meet because it means that he doesn't have to stalk you for his job anymore. Now he has no reason to find out all these little things about your life, and it scares him that he doesn't have that cover to hide his true intentions behind anymore.
He's very aware at how unhealthy his feelings toward you are and distances himself as much as possible before disappearing from your life entirely.
Eventually, he won't be able to help it and will find a way to weasel back into your life once again, and everything will seem normal from there. You'll hardly realize the type of person Deacon actually is because of how easy it is for him to lie to you.
A lot of the times when he doesn't like someone you hang out with, he'll stalk them for a bit before killing them in a way he sees fit. Usually, it's just sniping, but he can get ugly if provoked. (he was a part of the DP deathclaws at one point)
You'll be none the wiser to the truth because of how easily he can spin it to make him look better. Everything will seem fine and peachy while on the flip side, Deacon's breaking the majority of his morals just to keep his state of mind at bay.
He tries his best to appear laid back and friendly but on the inside he’s screaming, fighting himself not to just grab you or rough up some sideman. He does so much to keep his composure and show that nothing bothers him that it ends up taking a toll on his health.
Even if you dismiss him back to a settlement, he’ll still be 10 steps behind you. He’s come this far and he’s not losing you. He’ll protect you to his last breath.
Deacon might even start sending threatening messages anonymously through caravans just to keep you on edge. He wants you to come running into his arms, hiding away in the Railroad HQ, afraid of your possible assassination while you’re out and about. He can manipulate you so much easier if you're scared.
"Yeahhh, you're 'friend' said that they didn't wanna stick around. Who needed them though, right?"
He might not be one for physical affection, but he ends up hugging you a whole lot as a yandere. They're far from welcoming too due to how tight they are. Bros got an iron grip on you.
Deacon is really protective of you. He doesn’t really care who he’s killing or what he’s doing, if he perceives it as a threat to your relationship, he’s gonna get rid of it. The two of you are partners now, right? You only ever really need him.
He and you will be best friends until he one day decides that he's going to confess to you, and if you even seem slightly against the idea he'll have no issue kidnapping you and keeping you locked away.
He’ll have you trust everything he says, every little lie will go right over your head until it’s too late. All of sudden a hand will reach out from an alley and drag you away from the rest of the Commonwealth, stashed away for Deacon's own peace of mind. Why wouldn’t you want to stay with him, though? He was with you from the start. He knows exactly what he needs to do for you in any situation. He's the one you really want—the one you really need, whether you realize it or not.
Has a case on you constantly open. Any slight change in behavior or new acquaintance is documented down in his files.
He's on a constant watch for any variable that might compromise your safety or well-being, and if he does find something he deems a threat, he'll take care of it promptly. Even if it's not an act you might've liked.
If he ever finds that you've been gone for longer than usual, he'll track you down and take you to the agency where he won't let you out of his sight for the next couple of days.
There's nothing in the world that would make him want to ever hurt you and makes a constant effort in ensuring that he doesn't accidentally leave a scratch from his busted metal hands.
He's WAYY too overprotective, and he's aware of it, but he convinces himself that since it's for noble-ish reasons, then he's good. I mean, protecting people is his entire job, why would him wanting to defend you be viewed as unhealthy? He desperately tries to convince himself that he's completely in the right, even when that nagging feeling doesn't leave.
He'll try to convince you to live at the agency with him and Ellie. He might even manipulate Ellie into unknowingly helping him out in entrapping you. Having a second-friendly face might just do the trick.
If you happen to own a terminal then bro Is gonna hack it and use any information or logs to his advantage.
Nick has a tendency to just kinda reach out and grab your chin. He does it for multiple reasons: inspecting you for cuts, feeling your skin against him, or simply just making you look at him. He doesn't even realize how often he does it.
Being a detective for so long has made him incredible at reading people, and he especially likes to read you. Every slight jerk or reaction tells him everything he needs to know and he plays off of it so well.
He’s a little insecure due to him not being human. He knows he’s not your ideal type, and he wouldn’t make you be in a relationship with him, as long as you listen and let him protect you then he’s happy. (although, that wouldn't stop him from occasionally slaughtering others out of jealousy)
He’s always there to comfort your or aid in whatever quest you doing to the point that you become emotionally dependent on him.
Nick's probably the most understanding and reasonable yanderes on this list. He never wants you to be scared or alone like he was and his goal will mainly be to keep you happy, no matter what that would take.
It gets to the point where he doesn't want you going to anyone else when you're in distress and would find himself getting a little jealous if you did. He'll end up taking them out if it gets bad enough. You don't really need them that badly anyway, he knows so much more about you and can help you so much better.
"Believe me, doll, they aren't the person you think they are."
He's got an eye for you the second you walk into Goodneighbor. He's always going to be lurking around, popping out of corners, and throwing his arm around your shoulders before butting into whatever conversation you were already having.
He has a habit of lacing the things you intake (stimpaks, water, food, etc.) with drugs so that he can take you up to the Old State House to 'take care of you'. It usually ends up being him clinging to you and begging you to stay because you're not in the right headspace, even when you're fully sober.
He'll start telling the people around town that he and you are a thing. Soon enough the guards are all keeping an eye out for you and will stop anyone who tries to hit on you.
He likes it better when you're reliant on him and will have people stage these incidents nearby to make you fearful of going out alone or at the very least more cautious so that he could swoop in and protect you more often
There were a few people who spoke out against what he seemed to be trying to do but they all kept disappearing and, eventually, people stopped questioning it.
Hancock is always going to be thinking about you. It comes to a point where even Farenheit is concerned about whether his crush is healthy or not and might even try to put an end to it as well. That being said, he wants you to be thinking about him just as much and would start slaughtering raiders in front of you so that you never forget him. It'll mostly just end up freaking you out because of how brutal it usually is, but that doesn't stop him.
His obsession gets worse and worse over time until it eventually drives him to do more drastic things like kidnapping you.
He'll manage to convince you that some raider gang has a hit out for you and he just wants to make sure you stay safe till it all boils over. Fahrenheit feels so bad for you as she's not sure what she should do. She just watches you tremble in the corner, knowing it's from Hancock injecting you with Med-X and instilling a false sense of danger into you.
You won't be completely stuck up in the Old State House, though, whenever he has to go somewhere or do something, he'll sometimes take you along. Only if you've been good for him. He likes to think of these times as dates because he tries to get to know you more and ask questions about your past and all that. He finds you really interesting and loves hearing you talk.
He'd love to spoil you with whatever you wanted. It could be something only found on the West coast and he'd still make the journey for you. It's not even funny how lovesick he is.
He gets kinda paranoid that you'd run away from him, so some nights he'll just tie you up, pull you into his lap, and shush your panicked sobs.
The good thing about Hancock is that he's not pushy when it comes to sex. He might flirt a lot and be kinda touchy, but he'd never dreamt of crossing any lines until you said you were ready. He'd wait till the end of time if he had to.
He'll try his best to keep you sheltered and away from the horrors happening outside. He wants to keep you as pure and ignorant as he possibly can. He thinks it's better that way.
As harsh as his actions can appear, he's actually really soft towards you. His touches are gentle, his voice is quiet, and his eyes are always full of adoration.
Friendly guy, just be careful what you mention to him. He has a habit of going batshit on people he deems wrong for you.
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hanrinz · 2 years
Hello! Hope you’re doing well. <33 On requests, I’m hoping for some Shinsou dating headcanons or maybe on S/O being rivals to lovers with him. Idk, but hope it can give an idea :))
content: fluff! a little ooc shinsou, friends to lovers (bc it's cute), reader is chaotic, and maybe this is a little self indulgent
notes: omgg anon!! i love the idea, maybe i'll write the rivals to lovers in a different post, but for now i really like the idea of dating shinsou hc!! oh and also i'm doing well anon, ty for asking !
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dating the shinsou hitoshi might be the most unexpected thing that has ever happened to you in attending UA
if someone ever told your first year self that you're dating the purple haired guy, you would have laughed at their face
well, jokes on you
you've been together for two years, and happily spending your days training as a hero! y'all already in third year and closer to graduating, it was definitely not an easy journey but you made it!
you've been each other's person back before you've even got together
he has a habit of bringing you your favorite coffee every morning & the time he had forgotten to make you one, the both of you shared his
or if you don't like coffee he probably brings you something to eat.
probably has that day where the two of you would talk shit of someone who has wronged the both of you (they deserved it)
most of the time you do your homework together, but you kind of get distracted.. so as much as you really like spending time with him, studying separately was more ideal
one time you took him to an amusement park on your second date, and you really had fun, maybe minus the part where the whole class followed y'all (they were like the paparazzi, they even made an effort to put on a disguise)
forehead kisses!! lots of forehead kisses, like before you go to class he'll never forget to give you a forehead kiss and you would kiss him on the cheeks!
it took him at least two months before he got used to the physical touch, very clingy when he got used to it!
he sleeps on your lap! he said it was so comfortable and your thighs were like pillows??
he writes you poems omg, like he sends it at midnight, when he can't sleep. he's very sweet😭 please hug him
there was one time where he sneaked into your room at night, just because he wanted to kiss you, y'all got caught by aizawa midway. mans never got that kiss that night
would always hold your hand randomly, just to feel if you're really here beside him :(
he loves cats, he does! but you were on a different level in liking them. he has to physically stop you from petting every stray cat you see. he's very worried you might just die from rabies before you even become a hero😟
he's a little spoon! idc what other ppl say, i rest my case, your honor.
takes candid photos of you, he has an album of them with little notes written in it. "the most beautiful person to exist" or "mine" <3 STOPWBHSJH
literally the best in comforting!!
surprisingly, knows how to style a hair🤨 i mean he babysits eri so.. like he's so good!
speaking of eri!! y'all always take her outside to enjoy! would always have that 'y/n, shinsou & eri day!'
when y'all become pro-heroes and took eri for a picnic, ppl would always mistake you for a family (don't y'all look a little too young for a family?)
a lot of ppl support your relationship, lowkey but not a secret<33
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monstercampus · 11 months
Ellie help I have werewolf brain rot and Kirk has been living in my mind rent free the past few nights 😩 please tell me more about him, does he have a secret soft side or is being mean his love language and you know he cares about you if he's giving you a hard time? Why does he live in a dorm by himself? Where is he on the possessive scale? Honestly just tell me everything you know about him so I can simp to the best of my ability 🥺😫🙏
And actually while I'm here, anything about Elliott or Julian would also be tasty 👀👀👀 forgive me for the werewolf team fic altered my brain chemistry and I may never be the same
absolutely !! !!!!! i am at your mercy uwu <33 (this is mostly stream of consciousness so if u want more i am READY)
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(cws: kirk being a sap + lore)
Kirk is very much that way--giving you a hard time is generally how he shows he cares about you. He's only truly mean to those he doesn't care about, and trust that there is a difference even when you get frustrated over his attitude in the beginning. He didn't grow up with a lot of love in his household so it's really not his area of expertise, he never really learned how to show it and only started experiencing affection when he joined the pack and made friends with all the other werewolves. Being snuggled, having his hair stroked instead of pulled, listening to his friends talk about him being handsome and smart even if he's got a shitty attitude.....it's weird to him. He doesn't hate it deep down, but he hates how it makes him feel vulnerable when he doesn't want to be.
'Vulnerable' is barely even in his vocabulary, which is why he comes at you with so much heat at first. He'd been hoping and praying that you two could boink, have a good time, and then you would pretend like it never happened so he wouldn't have to face any of those feelings he has when he looks at you. But when you don't, and when you're just so sweet, Kirk can't handle it and has to revert to what he knows: being a dick. Not nearly to the extent of how he is with other people, but just enough to keep you at arm's length in his constant fear that you're gonna end up making him feel like he isn't totally worthless. Because what would he do then? He's accepted the role of being an irredeemable, raging douchebag for pretty much all his life. He's got an attitude, his temper is awful, he doesn't consider himself that good-looking, he's got some of the worst grades out of the whole pack, he fixates on things and lets them consume all his thoughts, and he hasn't even got any palate to boot and will eat just about anything, even if it's on the verge of spoiling. He's total garbage and he's friends with a pack of people that couldn't be more perfect; Julian is incredibly charming, Portia's practically a genius, Nick is insanely handsome, Elliott is so gentle and really funny, Priam is a total sweetheart and Athos is the pinnacle of cool in his eyes. How could he even think of measuring up to all that, much less stick out among the rest and prove he's worth even a little bit of your love?
That may be the most frustrating part about Kirk--he can be the prickliest guy you know and he would die before he ever says those things out loud, but he seriously admires his friends and you yet he has little to no belief in himself. Granted, growing up he would've gotten his ass beat for showing that kind of weakness, so it's still deeply ingrained in him as an adult--especially since the pack are pretty much the first friends he's ever made on his own. And at his core, he's jealous. Jealous of them and their nice families, jealous of how well they all turned out despite going through their own struggles, jealous of how easy it is for them to be open when he's terrified of people finding out he's bi, jealous of you for being so brave and so beautiful in equal measure....so that's why the best thing he can do--in his own opinion of course--is to be your collective guard dog.
After all, Kirk isn't afraid to bite. His instincts are hard to control in his human form, could you even imagine how feral he can get when he's full wolf, or even just close to the full moon? If anything it's what he's good at; hunting, beating ass, and taking a punch. If he can't be as good as you and the others deserve, the least he can do is make sure that sweetness and the goodness of your souls isn't ever dominated by someone else. He'll spill blood, he doesn't care. He would even get suspended if it came to that, expelled, arrested, whatever it takes and he'll let the chips fall where they may. You'll know his love for you is real when he starts acting protective over you, not only when other people try to bother you but as far as your daily needs as well. Have you eaten properly? Are you thirsty? Do you need to sleep? When's the last time you stretched? He acts like it's a favour he's doing for you, like you're a little wolf that needs caring after, but in truth it settles his own self-doubts and makes him happier knowing that he's doing something for you--that he's taking care of you like a mate would, and when you smile at him or thank him for his help he just melts. He would do anything to keep hold of that smile.
.....Which is why he's got a plan in his head for after graduation. He and Nick are the oldest and thus are going to graduate first of all of you, so once that's over and done with he's got plans to start building a place for you all to properly call 'home'. It's nothing crazy--just a cabin in the woods--but if there's one thing he can confidently say he's good at it's woodworking, and he's sketched out the designs to make it everything you could ever want.
Personal rooms for you, him, and Portia who has trouble falling asleep when it's noisy. A big living room with enough sofas to fit you all. Polished oak walls like Julian grew up with and always wanted to see again. A bathtub big enough to fit Nicky's giant, muscly legs without spilling over. Tables and chairs to fit everyone and more, to fit all the family gatherings and maybe even the pups you might have one day. A garden out back where he'll plant those ugly little flowers Elliott loves. Trees and greenery around where they can run and hunt and play during the full moon, totally obscured by the rest of the world. A big fucking chandelier in the dining room to intimidate any friends you bring over that think they're hot enough shit to snatch you. It's gonna be perfect, it's gonna be the one thing he can say he's proud of in practically his whole life. It'll be a gift to all of you for putting up with his assholery for so damn long, for sticking with him even when he couldn't find a single reason why you should.
That's the kind of love Kirk shows. Words don't mean much to him--actions and acts of service are how he expresses his affections, because it's much simpler for him to put work into something he can touch and measure and paint rather than throw some flimsy words around and call it love. Plus, one of the reasons why he lives in his own dorm is because his downtime is incredibly important to him. Usually he would request a private one-bedroom apartment, but this year he was assigned roommates that he very quickly drove away with his annoying habits almost entirely on purpose. If he's not comfortable with someone, then like hell is he going to share an intimate living space with them--and after a long day he just needs time to be completely alone. He has to think, work on his projects, exercise, chew on something, and have no prying eyes around that will impede his progress in trying to figure out how the hell he can try to make himself worthy of being loved by you. A dumb, violent wolf reaching to grab the very moon from the sky.
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
what are you supposed to be?
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billy hargrove x fem!reader
word count: 1,633
warnings: mentions of marijuana use, smoking, drinking, halloween party shit, reader worries about billy drinking and driving (please please don’t do that!!), talk of billy’s abuse, neil (yes, i count this)
a/n: wanted to give you a halloween prize! friends to lovers, nauseatingly cute blah blah blah. i hope you watched “trick or treat, freak” today because i did! it must be done. <33 happy halloween!!
October 1984
The slam of the car door would’ve echoed through the night if it weren’t for the music blaring from Tina’s house, or the buzz of teenage voices, the sound of bodies moving with and around each other.
“C’mere buddy.” You reached across the backseat of the car for the Gremlin that had rolled out of your backpack.
Gently settling the stuffed Gizmo back in his place, you zipped him in on either side, allowing for his head and neck to stick out, making sure he'd be able to look over your shoulder.
You slung your bag over your shoulder, and moved to blend in with the crowd. Some kid in a pink tutu was already puking in the bushes, and you were quite sure the party hadn’t been going on for that long.
You passed the Camaro on the way in, running your pinky along the glimmering blue paint, shining in the light streaming out from the ajar front door.
He’d asked if you were coming, acted upset at the mention you weren’t, made you promise to show up for a bit.
Parties weren’t really your thing, but you had wanted to see Nancy and Steve’s finished costumes, considering she’d worked so hard on them—and it really hadn’t taken much convincing for Steve to dress up as Tom Cruise, given the past trials of their relationship.
You never understood the Tom Cruise thing though. He was icky.
Hopping up the concrete stairs, you pushed against the heavy wood, letting yourself in. You looked over your shoulder to hold the door, catching eyes with Jonathan Byers, who smiled and thanked you.
Standing just inside, he turned to you. "Nice costume. I actually really liked that movie."
"Thanks! I like yours too," you laughed, sweetly looking over his normal attire.
"I'm going as a guy who hates parties."
"Yeah, I'm not sure how this is enjoyable either." You shifted your bag to get both straps on your shoulders, telling him to have fun when someone walked his direction.
Walking towards the kitchen, you went straight for the candy bowl, skirting around couples making out and someone with a bong. You needed something to drink, so you searched for something non-alcoholic—considering you'd driven—and it proved much more difficult than it should've.
Popping the tab on your soda can, that's when you heard it. A seemingly never ending chorus of "Billy! Billy! Billy!" from the backyard. You wiped a wet hand on your red jacket, walking towards that part of the house.
You didn't even bother going outside, being able to see him easy enough from the window: Tommy H. holding up his legs, his gloved hands braced on either side of the keg, head bent in concentration. You rolled your eyes but smiled all the same, turning around in search of Nancy.
She spotted you first, waving you over to where she and Steve were resting up against a wall. "Don't you look cute?" Nancy reached over your shoulder, grinning and patting Gizmo on the head.
"Wow, I almost thought you meant me."
"You look very nice," Steve started, "But I don't have any idea what you're supposed to be."
"She's Billy! From Gremlins? See, she's got a Gizmo!" Nancy waved around your outfit, explaining it to him.
"That looks like a teddy bear."
You shook your head at him. "Do you ever go to the movies, Steve?"
"No, he doesn't. I have to make him go with me," Nancy told you, sounding slightly exasperated.
"Wait, when did you see Gremlins?"
"With Mike, Steve," Nancy sighed, taking the candy bar you offered to her.
On the other side of the room, Billy sauntered in from outside, pulling down sheets of toilet paper that he could wipe some of his sweat off with. That's when he saw you, standing with Wheeler and Harrington, when you'd told him you hadn't wanted to come. He was starting to think he'd need to get extra drunk if you rejected him.
Billy hopped up, walking over the couch, moving around writhing bodies, trying to get to you. To his dismay, Tommy H. caught up with him just as he was in a five foot radius of you and your friends, grabbing Billy's shoulder and proclaiming, "Got ourselves a new keg king, Harrington."
His goons followed suit. "Yeah, eat it, Harrington!" You rolled your eyes, and Nancy walked away, just as you had planned to do.
But Billy didn't really give a shit about the title, he just wanted to piss Steve off for the night. He saw you moving away and took his chance, separating from the kids who would just not fuck off.
The kitchen was mainly empty by now as you swiped more candy and another drink, before trying to go outside. It was getting way too crowded everywhere else, despite the size of Tina's home.
You walked around outside, observing other people’s costumes: lots of angels, a Madonna, a maybe-Bowie, loads of repeat Karate Kids, couple stereotypical witches and vampires. You watched Billy walk over to you, popping a sucker in your mouth, and settling on the edge of a raised plant box.
“Hey, sweet thing.” You looked the boy over, chest damp and shiny, curls stuck to his forehead. You beckoned him forward so that you could fix them. He braced his hands against the concrete blocks on either side of you, allowing you to push his hair around to your liking.
“Who’s your friend?” Billy was unzipping your bag, pulling Gizmo free.
“His name is Gizmo.” You pushed his hair behind his shoulders, keeping it from falling in the way.
“And you? Who are you supposed to be?” He held the stuffed animal against his chest, absentmindedly stroking the patch of white fur on its head.
“Nope. No. What is it with you people not watching movies? I’m Billy. The main guy in Gremlins. Gizmo is given to me as a pet. Chaos ensues.” You waved your hands around for emphasis, making him smirk at you.
“It’s a billy-ception!” You exclaimed, smiling and holding your arms out for your stuffie. He rolled his eyes at you, but put him safely back in your bag.
He extended his hand, pulling you up. “I didn’t think you’d show.”
“Didn’t want to disappoint you, Hargrove. And I got to see you win your ‘Keg King’ title. I’m so proud.” You patted him on the chest, over the damp leather.
“What are you supposed to be? The Terminator?”
“Yeah, actually.” He wiggled his leather-clad fingers.
“See, I don’t have any desire to watch that movie, but at least I can watch a trailer.”
“Yeah, yeah. Did you go trick-or-treating?” Billy walked you over to the side of the house where there were less people, pulling out a pack of cigarettes, being sure to blow the smoke out away from you once he’d gotten one lit.
“I think I’m too old. You take Max? I heard Will was supposed to meet up with her.”
“Yeah.” A long drag. “That the creep’s brother?”
“Hey. Jonathan is sweet, and so is Will. You don’t need to worry about that.” You found yourself playing with the bottom of the zipper on his jacket, but he didn’t seem to mind one bit.
He nodded at you in reply, looking down at his watch. “I gotta go pick her up in a little while.”
“Are you sure? You just drank an assload of beer, Billy.”
“What? You worried about me or somethin’?” The way he said it, he almost sounded hopeful.
“Yeah. I always worry about you, Billy. I don’t want you to drive if you’ve been drinking. Do you want me to go get her?”
“Hey. I’m fine. I spit most of it out or spilled it everywhere.” He wiped a hand down his chest and you did not miss the opportunity to track the motion, drawing a laugh from him. “And I hadn’t had anything to drink before that, okay? You really think I’d let myself get wasted before I have to get her? My dad’ll beat my ass if I’m late, and I’m not gonna risk being drunk too.”
He’d told you about his dad recently, but sometimes hearing him talk about it in passing like that bothered you.
“I believe you, but I want you to be careful, Billy. I don’t—”
You didn’t finish your sentence, Billy’s lips cutting you off. He planted one hand across the back of your head, the other still holding the almost finished cigarette. He kissed you firmly, successfully shutting you up.
He pulled away, dropping his cigarette and stomping it out. “You taste like beer,” you said, swiping your thumb across your lips.
“No shit, really? You taste like Skittles.” You stuck your tongue out at him childishly, thinking he wasn’t paying attention.
“Watch it, sweet thing.”
You stuck your tongue out again, and he was on you in a second, pinning you up against the side of the house and slipping your tongue into his mouth, all whilst groaning against you. He squeezed your waist once, pulling away.
“Okay. I gotta go pick up that little shit.” He adjusted your backpack straps for you, spinning you around to dig out your keys in the spot he knew you kept them.
He handed them to you, moving to walk you to your car, skirting around other vehicles and puking kids.
“Maybe Max’ll let you have some candy. Rich people give out full-sized candy bars.” His eyebrows raised in delight, a look rarely seen on his face.
“I’ll just steal it if she doesn’t. Happy Halloween, sweet thing.” Billy pecked your cheek, walking around your car to buckle Gizmo into the passenger seat.
“Happy Halloween, Hargrove. Be careful.”
“Anything for you, little Gremlin.”
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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fluffhuntress · 2 years
can you do a sova x reader where the reader is angry at themselves for doing bad in practice and sova comes to comfort them and help them relax and feel better
or just a comfort/ fluff pls <33
Practice makes perfect - Sova x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Comfort
Warnings: none!
Note: Sorry for taking this long! Got a sudden job appointment and had to be like wziuuum. I hope that you'll like this one <3
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GIF by ignatiusteto
There was nothing better for you than a good day's practice. You couldn't stand a day without doing anything productive, even on your free day - you'd always go to the practice range to have atleast some kind of activity.
Sova would always tell you to take it easy. He knew perfectly your needs, but sometimes, you barely gave yourself anytime to rest. You just couldn't feel how much do you need it, untill something went not how you intended it to go. And you didn't know where the limit is.
"Going to the range again?" Sova cought you as your were walking with your gear through the base corrdor.
"Yeah, I need to do something or I'll blow my head off otherwise. Wanna come with me?" you gave him a challanging look, on which the hunter smiled.
"Yeah, why not, let me just grab my stuff" He answerd as made his way the locker room to grab his gear. Sova was always up for training with you. If something bad happened to you, he would like to be the first one to give you a helping hand. You two also always made a perfect duo. Have you and Sova on the team? Hell yeah.
You entered the practice range and did a warm up, waiting for your friend to join you. After a few minutes Sova entered the range wearing his typical training clothes. He was wearing black tight t-shirt, which visibly underlined his muscule lines. You liked the view, but that wasn't the thing you wanted to focus on for now.
"Let's not go hard this time alright?" Sova glanced at you, supporting his weapon on his arm. You rised your eyebrow, thinking of an answer.
"I don't want it easy" you hummed "I like a good challange"
"Alright" The hunter sighed. "You sure you're not exhausted? You've been training for the past 3 days" His look was concerned.
"I'll be alright!" You gave Sova an confident look, as you went to take a shooting position. "Ya ready?"
"Of course, davai!"he answered, making his way closer to the targets, and turning on the combat simulation.
Once the bots appeared, you rushed right in the middle of them as you always did, shooting one after another, then took cover, as it was a bad idea to stand in a line of fire for a long time. The hunter supported you from around, taking care of the bots trying to get you from behind. You could feel the adrenaline rising, making you feel like you could stay here for hours.
After a few minutes though, your body felt slower, heavier, and the energy started to drain. You could already feel the sweat on your forehead, which was uncommon for you. The way your body felt, made you disoriented, trying to figure out what's going on.
"Focus, Y/n" Sova's words cut you off your thoughts, you nodded and kept shooting the enemies. But not for long. They kept coming, and coming, your eyes couldn't track them all. You didn't notice a bot coming from your left, and that was the mistake you thought you'd never make. As the bot struck you, you fell on the ground, making a dull groan, and at the exact same moment the simulation stopped.
"Y/n, you alright?!" Sova asked you, he immidiately started running towards you to help you get up. You were angry. Angry at yourself, for making such a stupid mistake.
"I can get up on my own" you snorted, slowly standing up, trying to catch the balance, but your legs felt like cotton wool. Your hody was refusing to stand on it's own, your head felt like a floating rock.
"Hey, I got you" Sova grabbed you from your back helping you to balance your body. You didn't seem to care about that - the anger, and the weakness, was something you hated having inside of you. You're not weak. You can't be weak. You can stand by yourself. You pushed the hunter's arm away, which forced him to look at you with a questioning look.
"I said, I'm fine" There was anger and disappointemnt in your voice. But you weren't fine at all. That was a lie, and Sova perfectly knew that. "I never make mistakes, never" you stated and grabbed your weapon.
"Y/n, you're exhausted" Sova stated and immidiately took your weapon and put it away. You wanted to fight again, and repair your mistake at all costs. On the other hand, you really didn't have any strength for that. You just couldn't admit to it.
"I don't care!" You snorted again. "On the battlefield there is no "I am exhausted", you just got and fight, you know. And my mistake, god, it was so stupid." At your words Sova sighed, and put his weapon on the ground. He then came closer to you, and wrapped his arms around you. You were tense, he could feel it.
"You're overpractising." Sova stated. "When was the last time you had a longer sleep?" For the next minute, you didn't answer the hunter's question. For a reason, actually, because you were trying to remember when didn't you train late in the evening in exchange for your rest time.
"I don't remember" You admitted after a while, giving up with these words. Maybe he has a good point - you thought, but it didn't convince you.
Sova let a worried sigh. "Alright. I'll then make sure you sleep tonight." You cought eye contact with the archer and gave him a questionable look. "What?" He asked, a little bit amused. "I'm not gonna let you come back here today anymore. I know you would". And he was right.
"You know me to well, Sasha"
"Of course I do" He smiled at you. "See you in your room later?" At his words you stood back, and gave him an happy, but not convinced look.
"See you."
After the "finished" practise, you went to the bathroom to clean yourself and put on some warm an comfy clothes. It was really late now, so you just wanted to go to sleep and forget about today's evening practice. You still felt this awful anger and disappointment inside. Moreover it was hard for you to just let it go, and give your body some time to rest. If it weren't for Sova, you probably still would be in the practice range, replaying the simulation over and over, untill you don't make any similiar mistakes like today's one. When you left the bathroom, you made your way to the kitchen and boiled some herbs. Maybe those would help you fall alseep quickly today.
"Oh, there you are!" You heard Sova coming into the kitchen with an empty coffe mug.
"Hi again" you sighed, tired, your voice was neutral and quiet. "A coffe, this late?" You chuckled under your nose.
"Gotta make sure you won't practise all night" He smiled and put the mug to the dishwasher. After that he stood behind you and laid his hands on your hips, leaning his head on your arm. "You know, there's no need to punish yourself for that?" He said gently and quietly. His voice was so soft and calming, it felt good in your head.
"I know." You sighed "I'm just scared of faling on the missions. If I make mistakes on the range, I'll sure make some on the battlefield"
"But you're not alone on the battlefield. Say you make a mistake, we're here to help you. God, even Brim makes mistakes" Sova chuckled
"SHHH!" You shushed him leaning yourelf on his chest. "You better not let him hear that."
Sova laughed and pressed a lil kiss on your cheek. "You expect too much of yourself. I hate to see you struggling with that, Y/n" There was something in his words that cought you. Maybe you were really trying too hard?
"Maybe I do" you smiled at him. "Let's go to sleep?" You asked, taking the cup of boilder herbs in your hands.
You and Sova went stright to your room. There was noone else on the corridor anymore, you wouldn't be surprised if you were the only ones awake. You locked the door of your room, put the herbs on the table, and as you sat on the bed you turned off the table light.
"Can't see a thing" You could hear Sova hitting probably the edge of your bed.
"You're an owl" You chuckled
"Nah, I'm just a hunter" He answered, and after a few seconds of silence his arms cought you from behind, pushing you onto him. "That's for the light." he chuckled, tightening the grip around you, as you tried to release yourself.
"Let me go!"
"You gotta promise me something first" He answered, lying sideways.
"What is that?" You asked, moving closer to him, reaching for the blanked with your hand.
"You'll stop being angry at yourself." The words came through your ears like a soft feather. His voice, was both serious and caring at once. You turned yourself and dug your face under his neck.
"I will try." You answered, and Sova, unsatisfied with the answer momentarily spoke again.
"Alright, I promise" And this time, you truly meant that. Of course you still weren't proud of your practise today - but he had a good point. You were pushing yourself too much, putting your health at risk. Maybe it is the right time to take it easy - you thought.
"Good night, Sasha" you murmured
"Sleep well, Y/n. Don't you even train in your dream" Sova chuckled, covering both of you with the blanket, making sure you're warm and comfortable. He kept his eyes open, gently rubbing your back, untill you fell asleep. And you fell asleep quickly today - you didn't even need the herbs. All it took was Sova's presence and his caring words.
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orange-imagines · 2 days
Mud Dogs x Sick Reader
Relationship: Platonic
A/N: *blows dust off my keyboard* Uh hey guys. Fancy seeing you all here! Anyway I'm feeling blehhh and I've been thinking about the mud dogs a lot lately, so here you go have this for free <33 Also if you have mud dogs requests, send em in! Will I get to them? Who could possibly know. But reqs are open all the same
Well, they don't like seeing you miserable, that's for sure.
None of them are really used to dealing with this kind of thing. Sure, they all have experience being around people who've been sick and sometimes even helping with it depending on who the person was, but since taking up a life of crime they've gotten a bit rusty. They're way better at patching up the cuts and bruises you all get from your various missions and heists, but taking care of someone who's just caught a bug or has invisible pain going on? It's not their strong suit. But that doesn't mean they don't still try.
Danny's the best at looking after you by far. While he might make a joke here or there, he's the least likely to get on your nerves, and the most likely to make you a warm beverage and a hot meal unprompted. He looks after Len and Mick enough when they overwork themselves or go too far on a job that he has a good understanding of what you need: time, rest, and peace and quiet (the latter said while he glares at your other two friends). I take back all my generalization, actually- he's not a bad caretaker at all! He'll stop by your room/your spot on the couch and ask how you're doing and if you're feeling up for accompanying them on some task, and he'll sit with you and rub your back and let you complain about how bad you feel if you want to. He keeps as many worries as possible off your plate, and encourages you to rest as much as you can. He doesn't care if you're all actively being hounded by the cops (which you probably are), he just says "that ain't for you to worry about. Go take your meds and lay down". While he may come across as stern, he really just wants you to feel better. He doesn't like seeing anyone he cares about in pain.
Leonard is brash and can be quite loud and irritating when the others are involved, but when left alone with you he's way softer than he is on a daily basis. He won't baby you, but he's way more likely to do what you ask of him without complaint (holding things for you, getting up and getting you stuff, microwaving lunch, changing the channel to something he normally would never watch). If you want to vent about how bad you feel, he's your man. To him, your pain is something he can shit-talk with you about ("That fucking sucks. Why's your body doing this? This guy bothering you? Next time someone sneezes on you, tell me. I'll take care of them"), and he's only a little bit serious. He'll continue on with the bit if it makes you laugh- actually, there's little he won't do to try and lighten your mood, so if the two of you have any embarrassing/silly inside jokes that you want him to recreate or a funny voice you want him to do, this is the time. He'll deny you for a few minutes, but he's super easy to sway when you're sick. I hope Danny and Mick were there to see him do some cheesy shit to make you feel better. The big softie. They'll never let it go.
Mickey's just a pure wild card here, god help you. It's not like he's bad, he's just a bit chaotic because he really wants to fix whatever's going on with you, and gets impatient when he realizes there's nothing either of you can do but ride it out. He's very good about reminding you take any meds or painkillers you need though, and he comes up with a lot of other ways to ease your discomfort. Anything that usually helps you, he's down to do, no joke. He'll be your body pillow or heating pad or wrap his arms around your face if you have a headache. He cares the least about the possibility of you getting him sick and will be in your space and company as much as you want him to, though if you're feeling touch adverse you may have to shoo him away. If he's pestering you, feel free to tell him you're annoyed- he's got thick skin and knows you love him, so he won't take it to heart. He's a good sport.
Mick's also the most likely to procure mystic medicine for you, not realizing the potential negative effects that could have on a human, especially when a few of his medicines definitely came from the black market.
"Yeah I'm sure Y/N would appreciate this crazy plant I got. Funny that it's making my arm all tingly." "C'mon Mick for fuck's sake-"
I won't lie, it's not the most ideal situation you could be in. The guys' lives are chaotic and messy and often lacking in common physical comforts. But they always look out for you when you need it. Them having your back doesn't just apply to high-stakes cons and heists, they're there for you 24/7 (no matter how much beauty sleep they might lose). You're part of their messy little family, and they'll always do their best to take care of you, even if they might be lacking in a few areas.
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in-halingstardust · 3 months
hi! im interested in a spicy matchup with a male character! 
im a short (4’11”) female, INTJ, wears glasses, flat af. i do think i dress up nice, mostly cute, casual, minimal and classy. i like long pants or short skirts.
i mind my own business and don’t really interact with people (anxious). im pretty serious, i try my best to act more open and friendly in social events. honestly a clown with people im close to. i love hanging out with my friends! but I also like being alone in my room. not touchy but I can see myself being cuddly with an s/o. i like people who are easy-going and funny and also mature and responsible.
i love to draw and cook! hikes are cool too. i believe in “you have to try everything once”. i did try group cycling, ice skating, fencing and archery.
my love language is acts of service and gifting! you said you wanted that drink as a joke for your birthday in 5 months? no worries i’ll remember that. love praise kink <3 sensitive to touch especially ears and thighs, vanilla, love a switch <3
thank you! <33
//my appearance ain’t saving me but for context i am legally allowed to drink and drive
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I love how you had to add you're legally allowed to drink and drive I was laughing so hard. Pretty mild and super romancey (<- is that how you spell that word?) Anyway anon, I hope you enjoy and super sorry this is so late! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚
I'm gong to pair you with Dan Heng!
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There is a sweet contrast within the two of you. A middle ground that keeps both your relationship stable, content, and real. You both are like the swell and white of the waves that crash against the shore line. Mixing together in harmony. 
There would be slight touches, the warmth emanating as you two stand close on a rainy day, ankles nudging playfully underneath the blankets, warm lattes and hot tea. Lots of quiet affirmations with you two, hidden from the public. 
The best part are the cuddles,
❥ The way Dan Heng surrounds you. At first he is hesitant, as if he has never been this close to another before. As he warms up he will graze his nose into you neck resting after a long day. The slight hint of cardamom and maple encompasses you. You wrap your hands around his waist and feel this is the best place in the world.   ❥ Comfortable? Dan Heng would ask on another day, him on his back reading a book with you pinned on top of him listening to his heartbeat. His spare hand would run fingers through your curls as you both drifted off on a lazy weekend. ❥ Little Spicy -> Dan Heng likes it when you wear your glasses. I mean -yes- you should be able to see; but he really likes it when you’re both in a heated make out session the way your glasses slide awkwardly around. Really likes it, when your panting and they start to fog up before he removes them.
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snitchcrimsonwrites · 5 months
Maybe pt. 8
Pairing: Norm MacLean X Female Reader or OC if you squint
Former friends to a relationship?
Life is pretty easy in Vault 33 until you're trying to rekindle a former friendship and Raiders attack. Now, our main characters are trying to navigate newfound feelings, all while undercovering the mysteries of Vault 33. Stay tuned. Follows the main storyline of season 1; some events may be reordered for plot.
Following the council meeting and Norm's reassignment, the two of you are enjoying a quiet evening together when a single question threatens to dredge up a whirlwind of emotions.
Part 1 Here. Part 6 Here Part 12 Here
Part 2 Here Part 7 Here
Part 3 Here Part 9 Here
Part 4 Here Part 10 Here
Part 5 Here Part 11 Here
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Norm was convinced you thought he was a lunatic. 
 One minute, the two of you were relaxing on the sofa. Norm���s head resting against your lap while you read. The occasional brush of your fingers through his hair threatens to lull him to sleep. The next, he found himself unable to stop ranting and raving, all because of a simple question. How did everything go today? The book you were reading was long since discarded to the side as you gave him your full attention. He went on detailing the events of his day, from his “reassignment” at the council meeting to his first interaction with the raiders locked in the vault reading room. You didn’t interrupt, though he wasn’t sure he could have stopped even if you had. His frustrations with the council and whatever happened in the Vaults were not subtle. Norm always appreciated the candor you two shared when it came to communication. Still, he couldn’t help feeling some unease divulging all of these feelings, unsure of how you’d respond. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, putting his hand on his forehead and moving to sit upright. “Seeing how we treated them today, with food and kindness, just sent me over the edge.” Nothing about this situation with the Raiders felt right to him. Four square meals a day and a soft bed weren’t exactly punishment; how was no one else seeing it? 
“Cause it feels like the opposite of justice…” you validated after listening to everything he had to say about his punishment from the council and the situation he experienced with the Raiders. 
“Yes,” his tone laced with utmost seriousness. “We watched people commit some of the most heinous acts we could imagine, and now we’re expected to be the bigger person and move on?” 
You felt the weight of the shared resentment settles between you, the reality of the situation pressing heavily on your shoulders. Memories of recent events resurfaced with a vengeance, emotions that had been buried away over the last few days trying to escape. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but the feelings of pain and anger were already seeping out uncontrolled. 
“For god’s sake, I had to kill a man with a pipe wrench the other day, and the council just wants to…” you stopped short, your words hanging before you like a poison in the air. You had avoided saying it out loud since that night, hopeful it would help you forget having to come to terms with the actions you took. 
Norm’s eyes widened with surprise. You had implied what had happened after the two of you were separated down Vault 32’s corridor, but he never pressed you for details you weren’t ready to share. He figured you were still processing your actions from the night of the raid but taking another life to save your own- a decision forced on you because of someone else's actions. He knew this was your nightmare scenario. Of course, you both had been reeling this entire time; how had he not noticed until now? He copied your gesture from the days before, offering his hand and intertwining it with yours with a squeeze. You took another deep breath, your eyes locking with Norm’s, raw with shared pain and anger. 
“You shouldn’t have been there alone, and I’ll always hate that part of myself for that.” 
“Don’t, you know full well how rushing into that situation would have gone. We’re here now.” You leaned in, pressing your forehead against Norm’s, a gesture of solidarity and unspoken promise. “We’ll get through this, Norm. One step at a time, together.”
The two of you continued this way throughout the evening, seamlessly shifting between playful banter and serious discussions. There were moments of shared laughter and tears, with deep emotions surfacing. As the hours passed, you both gradually moved from the couch to sprawling across the living room floor. Norm ended up lying on his back, staring at the ceiling, while you found a comfortable spot on your stomach.
“Your turn,” Norm says, encouraging another round of the question game you’ve been playing.
“Hmmm, if you could go back to before and experience one thing, what would it be?”
“Come on,” Norm groans, “there’s no point in...”
“Oh, please. At least try to be a little fun,” you tease.
He laughs and puts his hands up in surrender. “Fine, fine.” He couldn’t help but give in to you. Norm ponders for a minute. “Maybe getting to experience an arcade or comic shop in their heyday, the way they’re portrayed in movies at least. Atomic Command on the Pip-Boy is only so entertaining; something new would be fun. Plus a day to do something I enjoy, with no obligations, maybe meet people who like the same things as me. What about you?”
“The national parks,” you answer immediately, without needing to think. “All of them, any one of them, wouldn’t matter. Even just sitting there to experience them with all my senses, that would be my day,” you say, conjuring up images from the picture books you read as a kid.” It’s heartbreaking seeing how we just squandered... never mind, we don’t need to end tonight on a sour note.”
Norm nods, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Yeah, well, at least we’ve got these moments now. I guess that counts for something.”
You smile, feeling a sense of connection. “Yeah, it really does.”  You stretch and move to stand while announcing, “It’s getting late; I should probably head out.”
“I’ll walk you you back.” 
“Such a gentleman,” you gush, heading out the door. Norm laughs. “I think that’s a sentiment only you and my mom would share.” 
“Well, your mom and I have excellent taste,” you reply with a wink. “Aside from your wit and charm, you’re incredibly thoughtful and caring, Norm. One of the many reasons I enjoy spending time with you.”
He grins a hint of bashfulness in his eyes. “Thanks. You know, you’re pretty amazing yourself. You have this way of making even the simplest moments feel special.”
You feel a warmth spread through you at his words. “That means a lot, Norm.” 
As you both reach the door of your living quarters, you turn to face Norm, a smile resting on your lips.
“Well, here we are,” you say softly.
“Yeah,” Norm replies, a hint of nervousness in his voice. He hesitates for a moment, then takes a deep breath. “Can I... can I kiss you?”
Your heart flutters at his question. “I’d like that,” you whisper, your voice barely audible.
Norm steps closer, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation. Seeing none, he gently cups your face with his hands and leans in. The world seems to slow down as his lips meet yours in a tender, lingering kiss. It's soft and sweet, filled with the promise of more shared moments.
As you pull back, you both smile, your foreheads resting against each other for the second time this evening. “That was nice,” you say, your voice filled with warmth.
“Yeah, it was,” Norm agrees, his eyes shining with happiness. “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
“Goodnight, Norm,” you reply, feeling a contented glow as you watch him walk away. 
Norm is lost in thought, walking home with a faint smile on his face. He rounds the corner of the hallway leading back to his living quarters and nearly collides with Betty Pearson.
“Whoa, Norm! Didn’t see you there,” Betty exclaims, steadying herself.
“Sorry, Betty,” Norm replies, snapping back to reality. “I didn’t see you either.”
She raises an eyebrow and glances at her Pip-Boy. “It’s pretty late to be out for a walk, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, I was just, uh, walking a friend home,” Norm says, trying to sound casual as a faint blush creeps up his cheeks.
Betty’s eyes narrow slightly, a knowing look crossing her face. “I’ve noticed you and (Y/N)  have been spending quite a bit of time together lately.”
Norm shifts uncomfortably, not wanting to reveal too much. “Yeah, we’ve been hanging out. She’s good company.”
Betty smiles, but there’s a hint of something more in her expression. “That’s nice to hear. It’s important to find good company these days. Just remember, people are always watching. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re with someone special.”
“Thanks, Betty. I’ll keep that in mind,” Norm replies, feeling a bit uneasy as he continues down the hallway, Betty’s words lingering in his mind.
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yujo-nishimura · 9 months
The Escape - Part 35
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31 - Part 32 - Part 33 - Part 34
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Just as Crocodile's dry lips are about to touch yours, you realize the direness of the situation. However, before it's too late to escape, his head jerks back abruptly, and his grip on you loosens. A voice breaks through the tension, declaring, "That is not how you treat a lady." It dawns on you that the cook from earlier had not only interrupted the forced kiss but also delivered a powerful kick to Crocodile's head, causing him to stumble and fall onto the dusty street.
"Gum-Gum..." you hear Luffy's voice as his stretchy arms swiftly grab hold of you, pulling you away with incredible strength from the dark street corner and into the safety of his chest. "And now we run!" he announces with a laugh, holding onto you tightly as he propels both of you forward. Overwhelmed by the sudden assistance of your friends, you follow their lead, with Luffy refusing to let go of you and Nami directing your path with urgent shouts.
Under the scorching sun, panting and sweating, you continue to run, fully aware that your life depends on it. Finally, you arrive at the harbor, where the familiar sight of the beautiful ship you had seen before comes into view. Luffy and you come to a halt in front of the ship, while Nami hurriedly urges you to get on board with her. Luffy remains steadfast on the ground, preparing himself for a potential fight.
Breathless, you make it onto the deck, gripping onto the railing as you bend over, calling out to Luffy, "You don't need to fight him, Luffy. He's so much stronger than you!" In that moment, your best friend turns around, sporting a wide smile, warming up his muscles for whatever lies ahead. "He hurt you. I will never let anyone hurt my friends," he declares with unwavering determination.
Nami gently touches your arm, signaling for you to follow her. Suddenly, weakness floods your legs, making it almost impossible to move. "Luffy will be fine. If anyone can beat Crocodile's ass, it's him...!" the navigator assures you in a soothing tone. But before you can fully comprehend her words, you collapse. Darkness envelops your senses, sounds elongate and pierce through your head. You lose control over your limbs, feeling as though you are falling into a deep, dark abyss.
As consciousness slips away, the last thought that crosses your mind is of Buggy. You hold onto the hope that he is safe and well, even in the midst of your own uncertainty. 
As you awaken, you find yourself staring into the worried but adorable face of a small reindeer wearing a funny hat. Its human-like expressions catch you off guard, nearly causing you to tumble out of the bed you're lying in. "She woke up, Luffy!" the reindeer exclaims.
You shift your gaze to the side and see Luffy, who had been sitting there in a half-asleep state, hugging himself in a comfortable-looking position. "Y/n!" he exclaims joyfully, ready to leap towards you and embrace you in relief. However, the little reindeer restrains his movement, asking him to take it easy on you. "Y/n is still recovering. She needs rest and plenty of water!"
"What happened?" you manage to ask, your voice feeble.
"You were dehydrated and poisoned. It seems Crocodile must have given you something..." the little reindeer explains, displaying a deep understanding of the situation that immediately reassures you. "Poison...?" You attempt to sit up but are met with a sudden stinging pain from your left hip—the very spot where Crocodile had injured you before. You flinch and fall back onto your pillow.
"Please don't move!" the reindeer urges. "The poison was likely injected through the wound on your hip. I administered some neutralizing medication, but the wound itself has become infected and will require time to heal."
"Are we still in Alabasta?" you inquire.
"No, we've left!" Luffy beams at you, instantly making you feel safe and welcomed.
"And Crocodile...?"
"Sanji took care of him before we set sail. You're safe now!" The reindeer, Tony Tony Chopper, also smiles warmly at you.
You express your gratitude to Chopper for his help, but your energy wanes, and you sink back into your pillow, too weak to say more. Throughout your journey—from leaving the Snowland Pirates with the aspiration of becoming an independent pirate, to encountering little Buggy and Gaimon, and eventually joining Buggy's crew, falling in love with him, and battling Baroque Works—you had never truly experienced freedom or independence. The initial reason for leaving the Snowland Pirates had merely thrown you into another form of dependency, leaving you devoid of control over your own decisions. As you lie there in the cozy bed, too weak to get up, being cared for by your best friend and a reindeer, a sense of self-pity washes over you, mourning the helplessness you've been forced into. If there was just one decision you could make for yourself, one choice you longed to exercise, it was to reclaim the innocence Captain Buggy had stolen from you.
"Luffy..." you whisper, your eyes closed, hoping your friend can hear your plea. He leans in closer, his ear near your mouth, trying to catch your words.
"Promise me that we will find Buggy!" Tears well up in your eyes as you make this request, feeling the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates take hold of your hand, offering a gentle reassurance.
"Of course we will," he responds, leaving you to rest a while longer under the watchful eyes of Doctor Chopper.
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laskyy · 1 year
So! Yk what's about to happen!
Yechan req because yes.
So, I was thinking it could be a friends to lovers aswell where the reader is a camera worker for KQ ENT, and while filming (any MV) someone/thing falls/bumps on Reader and they accidentally hit yechan w the camera then patch him up because they feel bad? (Not too hard. Don't kill my baby lmfao) 😋
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AAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUUUCH!!! I'm really happy you enjoy my content! Thank you for always requesting cute ideas!! Love you and happy reading <33
Fall for you
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Genre: f2l, camera operator reader, idol Yechan
Contains: mentions of blood, injuries, cheesy content
It was another day of working with the boys of xikers to film their music video for Tricky house and you were very excited to say the least.
Today they were filming on the train and that gave you more opportunities to have fun with the camera angles and you knew the boys would make the job easy for you because they're just so good to work with, especially Yechan.
He was always really sweet to you and considering you were the youngest member of the staff he understood how you felt so he would always try to make you feel confortable.
The guys arrived on set and you started filming right away hoping to get good footage and let them go home as early as possible as they needed to rest.
They were currently taking a break from filming and you took the chance to look through the material you already filmed.
"Wow you made Yujunie look really cool!" You heard the voice you'd been wanting to hear all day.
"Yeah well, he's already cool I just filmed him!"
"Hey that's nonsense, have you seen him? He's a complete fluffball!" Yechan said while pointing to Yujun who was blinking one eye at a time because of how sleepy he was making you both giggle.
"You're right but you're also a fluffball, you look cute when you're sleepy!" you said not even believing you were brave enough to compliment him.
"You think?" He asked with his sparkly eyes.
"Well... yeah!" You said with a small smile while looking down.
"Then I hope you can make this fluffball look cool on camera" he said while lifting your chin up with a finger and smiling at you.
"I wasn't- I'll see you later" he said giving you a small wave while going to the makeup arting who laughed at the boy's embarrassed state.
When he finished fixing his makeup it was time to start filming his part.
Everyone was preparing their equipment but you already had your camera ready so you had time to admire Yechan from afar as he joked around with his members who were eager to watch him in action.
"Action" the director yelled as he got closer to you to take a look at how things would turn out on camera while you were filming.
Yechan started lipsyncing to his part and you looked at how amazing he looked having fun. You were careful to capture all his expressions in a lot of different angles.
His part was coming to an end when the director wanted to remove a mosquito that got stuck on the screen without making a lot of fuss, but unfortunately he leaned too far and bumped into you hard making you lose your balance and hitting Yechan on his leg with the camera.
"YECHAN!!" You yelled as you squatted to his level and started apologizing endlessly while looking for the part of his leg that got injured.
"It's fine Y/n it's just a scratch see?" he said smiling weakly while pointing to a cut on his shin that had some blood spilling out.
"But I feel bad! Let me help you!" You gave him your hand so that he could stand up and then you headed to a couch next to where there was a first aid kit.
"Alright this might hurt a little bit, but if it gets unbearable tell me and I'll stop ok?"
"Yeah but I doubt that'll even hur- OW"
"You were saying?" You asked while chuckling
"Nevermind" he said while smiling at the thought of making you laugh even if he was in pain.
You finished patching his leg up and then his members found the both of you and started getting worried about Yechan.
They were all around him, except Minjae.
"Thanks for taking care of him!" Minjae said while smiling at you.
"It's the least I could do, after all it was my camera that fell on him!" You said while looking at Sumin who was currently making Yechan laugh.
You were in a trance looking at Yechan and Minjae seemed to notice so he smiled to himself at the thought of you having a crush on their baby.
"Y/n if you like Yechan you should tell him!"
"I- Wha- Who- How did you know?"
"Just the way you look at him you know? And if it gives you any confort, I think he likes you too, in fact he is currently admiring you!" Minjae said making you turn your head to Yechan who was actually staring at you and looked away as he got caught.
"I'll take the guys somewhere else so that you can talk it out, good luck!" Minjae said giving my head a small pat and yelling for the other guys to come with him.
You sat next to Yechan and smiled at him.
"So you and Minjae hyung?"
"What? No? What makes you think that?"
"Well it's just that you seemed so smiley when talking to him and then the head pat." He said while looking down.
"Hey Yechan, look at me, the only reason I seemed so happy when I was with Minjae was because he was talking about you" you said, your voice getting quieter after every word.
"So does that mean you like me?" He said with a big smile on his face.
"It depends!" You said with a small smirk on your face making the boy before you frown.
"On what?"
"On whether you like me or not!"
"Well then, I like you so?"
"I like you too Yechan!" You said while smiling.
"You asked for someone to pinch you so I did!" You said while laughing at his frustrated face.
"You have to make it up to me!" He said while crossing his arms.
"And how would I do that?"
He pointed to his lips and said or more accurately asked "By giving me a kiss?"
You giggled at how cute he was being and complied to his request by softly pressing your lips to his and moving them in sync with his until the both of you ran out of air.
"Who knew today I would get kissed and almost murdered by the person of my dreams!" He said while holding my hand and helping me get up from the couch as we both laughed and heard some more voices laughing.
We both looked behind us and there stood the boys just looking at us like they had been caught stealing something.
"Congrats!!" Minjae shouted and the rest of the guys congratulated us right after.
This sweet moment was obviously short lived as we had to get back to work to film Yechan's part.
"Good luck bub" You said as Yechan quickly kissed your cheek.
"Thanks cutie, try not to fall for me this time!" He said while laughing making you laugh too.
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