#hope you like this claudia <33 i am SO proud of you !!
samswinchesters · 3 years
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@spnseason1 in WALKER 1.14 | “MEHAR’S JACKET”
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la-sorciere-fleur · 7 years
REQUEST: Hey there, can you make an Ezio x reader one-shot, where they've known(and loved) each other since childhood, but they never made a move until Borgias' attack on Montereggioni. (Both became assassins, and let's pretend Ezio's age is at least 33 in AC: Brotherhood). Thanx!!!
A/N: It didn’t feel natural to mention Ezio’s age anywhere, so I haven’t mentioned it at all. So feel free to imagine him as whatever age you like :) I apologise if it seems like Caterina is being bashed a bit here - that wasn’t my intention. But canonically, she is trying to get something from Ezio, so she kind of gets in the way a little bit. I wanted to show how the reader would change the interaction between Ezio and Caterina. The title is the name used to refer to more than one eagle. Did you know that eagles mate for life? 
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The streets of Monteriggioni were buzzing with excitement. The news had spread quickly that Ezio Auditore was returning with his uncle Mario. Yet, it felt to you personally that no one could be quite as excited as you were. You hadn’t seen each other for years - and even when you did, it was only briefly. You were both Assassins and your duties led you to different places.
You’d grown up together, with your family being close allies to the Auditore. Though the other boys would tease you as a child, Ezio had always protected and looked out for you. It would have been easy to see him only as a brother, yet your deep connection with him had formed into love instead. You weren’t sure of his feelings and it had been such a long time since you’d seen each other. However, you knew that your own feelings hadn’t changed even with so many years apart. If anything, they’d only grown stronger.
You and Claudia were there to greet him and Mario as they approached the steps leading to the Villa on horseback. Ezio looked just as handsome as ever and your heart fluttered at the sight of him, though you tried your best to hide it. His eyes immediately settled on you, his gaze warm and affectionate, yet also understandably surprised by your presence. He opened his mouth to speak to you, but Claudia cut in with a greeting of her own. The two siblings conversed for a few moments and you simply watched Ezio, feeling overcome with happiness at the fact you were both together again.
You tuned back into the conversation when Claudia mentioned the Countess of Forli to her brother. You’d been staying in Monteriggioni for a few weeks, using the vast resources Mario had, in order to gather information about your next target, with some help from Claudia. There was another guest in the Villa Auditore, a beautiful and powerful woman named Caterina Sforza. You’d heard of her, of course, as the Sforza were a very influential family within the Italian states. You hadn’t failed to notice Caterina’s own interest at the news of Ezio’s return.
Ezio himself seemed interested at the mention of her, until his eyes found you again and he allowed a soft smile to appear on his lips.
“Gather the others in Mario’s study tonight,” Ezio told Claudia. “I’ll explain everything there.”
Claudia nodded and moved to walk back to the Villa, with Mario following behind her. Ezio turned to you and it felt like you were the only two in the world for that small moment.
“Y/N,” Ezio said softly. “I did not know you would be here, but I am glad for it.”
“As am I, Ezio,” you told him with a smile. “It’s been a long time.”
“Too long,” he agreed with a faint chuckle. “I want to spend some time with you later, but first I have some things to do. Will you talk with me tonight?”
He looked at you earnestly, clearly wanting to catch up on everything you’d both been through since you’d last properly been together.
“I’d love that,” you nodded. “I’m sure we both have many stories to share.”
He grinned, showing that he agreed. Your breath hitched when he leant forward, taking one of your hands gently in his and pressing a lingering kiss to each of your cheeks.
“A dopo, Y/N!” He said in his deep, smooth voice before walking away.
Later that night, you waited with the others for Ezio to arrive and explain what had happened between him and the Spaniard in Rome. He entered the room with Caterina, telling her they would finish their discussion the next day. He explained what had happened in Rome, and although you could understand Machiavelli’s frustration, you trusted that Ezio had made the best decision under the circumstances. None of you had been there and Ezio had faced that powerful enemy on his own.
When the others left, you lingered in the room with Ezio. Caterina was the last to leave and she seemed to be observing the two of you carefully before she departed. Ezio caught your gaze and it felt as though there was a magnetic connection. His golden eyes burned with something unfamiliar to you and he slowly stepped forwards, closing the distance between your bodies. You had the type of relationship where time didn’t matter. No matter how long you were apart, it never felt like more than a day once you reunited. You both just fit one another and nothing was complicated. Not even the feelings you had for him.
“Y/N,” he said lowly. “I missed you, mia bella. Come, we can talk together.”
He led you upstairs to his bedroom. You settled down on a window seat and rather than sitting across from you, he sat down by your side.
“I missed you too, Ezio,” you told him with a small, heartfelt smile.
He smirked in response, those golden eyes gazing at you heatedly.
“The last time I saw you was in Venezia,” he said. “What have you been doing since then?”
You began to tell him about your own targets and how you were helping the Brotherhood in your own way. He listened attentively, occasionally taking a moment to commend you on a certain achievement or ask for more information.
“Well, you’ve certainly been busy, dolcezza,” he acknowledged.
“What about you?” You enquired. “Your own travels seem to have been far more interesting.”
“So you’ve heard about my own endeavours?” He asked, his eyes warm and affectionate as he looked at you. “Tell me what you have heard.”
You laughed at his words, a content feeling washing over you.
“I heard lots of things,” you revealed. “Many people admire you, while some are scared of you.”
He looked pleased with this and leant closer to you.
“And what do you think, Y/N?” He asked.
“I’m always proud of you, Ezio. You know that.”
A few moments of silence washed over the room as he continued to stare at you heatedly. He moved slightly closer to you, his hands taking hold of yours. You felt your cheeks grow warm as his eyes slowly moved down to look at your lips.
“It’s been a long, long time,” he murmured softly. “But nothing has changed between us, has it?”
“No…” you whispered in return, your senses suddenly hyper-aware.
“There’s something I wanted to tell you for a long time, Y/N,” he admitted. “I should have told you years ago, but I was young and afraid.”
“Afraid of what?” You asked him gently.
“Ruining our friendship,” he said, looking away from you.
“That could never happen, Ezio,” you assured him. “What is it? You can tell me.”
He looked back up at you and although he didn’t outwardly betray any nervousness, his tight grip on your hands told you that he wasn’t as calm as he wanted you to believe. He moved closer still, one hand leaving yours and moving to grasp onto your waist. You let out a quiet gasp at his action, but didn’t pull away. Your emotions were going haywire - you’d loved him and only him for the majority of your life. The possibility that he might feel the same left you not knowing how to react. After so many years, you’d given up hope of anything happening between the two of you.
“Y/N, I -“
He was cut off when his bedroom door opened. You startled at the sudden intrusion, but Ezio’s grip on your waist tightened, preventing you from moving away. Caterina stood in the doorway, a knowing smirk on her face.
“Forgive me,” she said, her eyes never leaving you. “I thought you would be alone, Ezio.”
“Caterina!” He groaned, clearly annoyed by the interruption.
You pulled yourself from Ezio’s grip and stood up.
“I really should leave now,” you said to him. “It’s late.”
“It’s fine, Y/N,” he pressed. “Stay.”
“No, no,” you began to walk out of the room. “I hope you both enjoy your evening.”
Ezio watched you leave and let out a sigh of defeat, as Caterina only watched on in amusement.
“You have feelings for her?” She asked, moving closer to him.
“It’s none of your business,” he replied, looking out the window.
She moved right over to him, reaching out to run her hands over his tired shoulders. Yet, instead of relaxing, Ezio stiffened under her touch.
“Not tonight, Caterina,” he sighed. “You should go to bed as well.”
“Ahh,” she said in understanding. “So you love her?”
He didn’t respond and Caterina got the hint, shrugging her shoulders. She would just have to find another way to get Ezio to support her. The last thing he heard was her amused laughter as she left him alone in the room.
You couldn’t sleep. It shouldn’t have hurt so much, since Ezio wasn’t yours to claim, but it did hurt. It hurt more than anything. From the time when he was a teenager, Ezio had been a flirt and had enjoyed seducing women. You knew that about him and so, Caterina’s appearance shouldn’t have surprised you. But you’d allowed yourself to hope - even for just a moment - that Ezio might have felt the same way for you as you did for him. That was apparently not the case though and you knew you needed to accept it - just as you always had.
You became alert when you heard what sounded like cannons being fired nearby. It was dawn by that point and you sat up quickly, moving towards your clothing. You knew that it was far too early for the men to be practicing with the new cannons. Something was off.
Your suspicions were confirmed when you heard another blast that actually hit the Villa. You quickly got dressed and emerged out into the hallway. You spotted Caterina leaving her own quarters and even amongst the chaos you realised that she and Ezio hadn’t spent the night together. A few moments later, Ezio emerged from his own room, dressed only in his jerkin and breeches. He immediately moved over to you.
“Are you hurt?” He asked, the worry evident in his gaze as he checked you over.
“I’m fine,” you assured him. “We’re under attack. We need to get outside before any of the citizens are harmed.”
“My men are in the courtyard,” Caterina told you both. “I aim to lead them out back and flank our attackers.”
“Y/N, go with her,” Ezio said.
You were reluctant, wanting to stay and help him. However, there was no time to argue, so you only nodded and moved to leave with Caterina. However, his hand shot out, taking hold of your wrist and stopping you.
“Be careful,” he said quietly, reaching up to cup your cheek. “And stay out of sight.”
You frowned in confusion, but nodded anyway, showing that you understood. You left with Caterina, to meet up with her men and assist in besting your attackers.
Ezio had recovered from his shock at the attack quickly and was fending off some Borgia guards. He cut down the last of them in his path when something else drew his attention. The gates to Monteriggioni opened, revealing his uncle Mario. However, there was no chance for relief to flood through him, as Mario collapsed onto the ground, badly wounded. From behind him, Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia appeared, along with some of their allies. Ezio was in shock not only at the situation his uncle was in, but also at the fact that Caterina was being held captive by the enemy.
Ezio’s gaze searched frantically for you and he felt his heart constrict when you were nowhere to be seen. Panic began to rise within him, but he pushed it down for the time being, knowing that he had to stay focused. He would find you as soon as he could.
You were in a lot of pain and kept your eyes closed, wanting to save your strength. The foul stench of death sat heavily in the air, surrounding you, but you studiously ignored it. You stiffened when you heard the unmistakable sound of someone approaching. You opened your heavy eyelids slowly and surveyed the area as best you could with how wounded you were. When the approaching figure appeared, you let out an audible sigh of relief.
“Y/N!” Ezio called out, coming over to you as quickly as he could.
His eyes searched your body frantically, quickly finding the two gunshot wounds you had in your abdomen. You were losing a lot of blood and he pressed down onto your stomach, applying pressure.
“You’ll be okay,” he assured you. “I promise.”
“I… I’m sorry, Ezio…” you said weakly.
“Shh, mia bella,” his voice was broken as he was clearly panicked by the state you were in. “Save your strength.”
“I tried to protect her…” you pressed on. “There were… too many…”
“It doesn’t matter,” he murmured, pressing his lips to your forehead in a lingering kiss. “Your safety is more important to me.”
“Ezio…” you whispered.
He repositioned himself and pressed his lips softly against your own. His kiss was as light as a feather, not applying too much pressure. His free hand gently cradled your cheek, shaking from his own fear.
“I won’t lose you,” he promised. “You will be fine, mia bella.”
He gained control of his emotions and moved to pick you up into his arms.
“Where are the others?” You asked quietly, resting your head on his shoulder. “Claudia… your mother… Mario…”
“They’re safe,” he assured you, omitting the fate of his uncle. “And so are you.”
You allowed your body to rest, quickly losing consciousness as Ezio brought you to safety.
You woke up with your head feeling heavy and your mouth incredibly dry. It took your eyes a few moments to adjust, but when they did, you saw Ezio sitting beside your bed.
“You’re awake,” he sighed with obvious relief. “How do you feel?”
He leaned forward, taking hold of one of your hands.
“I…” you trailed off, your voice weak and your throat dry. “Exhausted…”
His thumb gently stroked your hand and his eyes never left you.
“You’re both lucky to be alive,” a woman said as she entered the room. “With this one putting stress on his wounds and carrying you like that.”
She tutted, shaking her head in disapproval. You looked to Ezio in confusion, silently asking for an explanation.
“We’re in Roma,” he explained. “Machiavelli brought us here.”
“You were injured?” You asked softly, frowning in concern.
“It’s nothing to worry about, dolcezza,” he told you. “Your safety is more important.”
The woman left the room, leaving you both in privacy once again. Ezio moved closer to your bed, reaching out to stroke your cheek.
“Ezio… what about Caterina? You have to rescue her!”
“I will,” he vowed. “But I want you to get better first.”
“No,” you argued. “The Borgia need to be stopped. That’s what’s most important.”
He leant down closer to you, stopping you from any further protests. You got lost in his golden gaze, as it quickly overpowered you.
“Stop talking,” he commanded.
You opened your mouth to argue, but Ezio took it as an advantage for his own agenda. He captured your lips in a passionate kiss, showing you exactly how he felt. He cradled your head lovingly, his mouth gentle and loving against your own. You were tired, so your own lips moved weakly against his, but still you felt your heart flutter at the intimacy of the moment. His thumbs stroked your cheeks gently as his lips coaxed yours into a slow, deep rhythm. He smelt strongly of herbal medicine, but he tasted like sweet wine.
His kisses were like a drug and you felt like you never wanted the moment to end, yet it did. He pulled away slightly, resting his forehead against yours and you felt his warm breath on your lips. He leant back slightly to look into your eyes, his gaze intense and conveying so many different emotions.
“The Brotherhood is important, I’m not denying that,” he said softly. “But I love you Y/N. You’re just as important.”
Those words were all it took for you to no longer feel any doubt. He’d just confirmed that your feelings were not one-sided and an overwhelming amount of happiness washed over you.
“I love you too, Ezio,” you replied sweetly, reaching up to the back of his head and pulling him down for another kiss.
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This is my personal ranking of all the entries of the competition. Mind that this is just my opinion, based on my personal music taste and the fun level of the song, because I think that at Eurovision having fun is important, so all the boring ballads won’t be in my top ten, sorry.
It’s not even a ranking about “who I think will win the competition”, but rather of my favourite songs (Clearly, I don’t think that Cyprus has chances to win, but I like the song).
Where available, I put a link to the live version of the song as, you know, they’ll sing live in Kiev, and this is quite different from the recorded version of the song. Some singers are good on record, but haven’t a voice powerful enough to impress on stage.
Under a cut, ‘cause this post is very long and I don’t think you want my musical rant on your dash.
I wanted to be fair, so I didn’t included my Country, Italy, in the ranking, but honestly I think we have a good chance this year, even if the cut version is worst than the original one (Francesco’ song is 3’38’’ long, and the limit for Eurovision is 3’). Besides, I’m really proud that Francesco will sing in Italian in a sea of English songs… C’mon people, shouldn’t it be a festival to celebrate diversity? So why are y’all singing in English?
42) Lithuania - Fusedmarc, Rain Of Revolution Ugh. I tried to listen to this song. I swear I tried, but to me it’s the biggest nope of the year. Her voice is quite weak, too.
41) Malta - Claudia Faniello, Breathlessly I don’t listen to this often, ‘cause I risk to fall asleep on the desk.
40) Spain - Manel Navarro, Do it for your lover I tried to count how many times he says “do it for your lover”, but I lost my mind after ten: it’s so repetitive that it becomes obsessive. Besides, it sounds “old” to me and not in a nice way: it would have been good if heard from a juke box on the beach in 1986.
39) Slovenia - Omar Naber, On My Way Ugh, ballads. Ballads are boring.
38) Armenia - Artsvik, Fly with me I’ve listened to this song several times, but I can’t keep it in mind and memorize the melody or the lyrics. Nothing special.
37) Russia - Julia Samoilova, Flame is burning I suspect that Russia aims to self-boycott, because this song is similar to other 1k ones and leaves you the impression you’ve already listened it somewhere. Even if she has a beautiful voice, here it’s totally wasted.
36) Ireland - Brendan Murray, Dying to try I’m dying to not hear any more ballads.
35) Georgia - Tamara Gachechiladze, Keep The Faith Another great voice wasted on a plaintive ballad. Pity.
34) Australia - Isaiah, Don't Come Easy Another romantic ballad. Dull.
33) Germany - Levina, Perfect Life The first time I pressed play, I thought that I’ve selected by mistake Titanium by SIA. To me half of this song is a plagiarism (but feel free to disagree), and I don’t like the half that isn’t.
32) Serbia - Tijana Bogićević, In Too Deep Forgettable. Not bad, but not good either.
31) Austria - Nathan Trent, Running On Air It seems the song of a boy band from the ‘90s. Not a bad song, but I’ve never loved too much boy bands.
30) Bulgaria - Kristian Kostov, Beautiful Mess Did I mention that I don’t like ballads?
29) The Netherlands - OG3NE, Lights and Shadows Average pop song. Nice, but not my cup of tea, sorry.
28) Czech Republic - Martina Bárta, My Turn When I saw that she’s a jazz singer, I was excited: she has a terrific voice and jazz is wonderful, I was dying for a touch of jazz at Eurovision… instead she chose a ballad. Not a bad song, but why? Disappointing.
27) Iceland - Svala, Paper Indifferent, nothing special.
26) Denmark - Anja, Where I Am Generally it’s an appreciated song, but it doesn’t speak to me.
25) United Kingdom - Lucie Jones, Never Give Up On You When I first heard the song, I thought she was singing a cappella, as the musical accompaniment was non existent. The new version revamped the song a bit, but I still think that music is weak. Nope.
24) San Marino - Valentina Monetta & Jimmie Wilson, Spirit Of The Night A song that leaves me indifferent even if many people are loving it. I don’t wanna say it’s a plagiarism, but sure it remembers me of some other similar dance songs of the past.
23) Albania - Lindita, Botë I quite like the Albanian version, the song has something epic in it, but she will sing in English, so she lost many point in my ranking.
22) Croatia - Jacques Houdek, My Friend Another song that leaves me puzzled. I love a lot the part where he sings opera (god, what a voice), but I don’t think it blends perfectly with the other vocals. I still hope to see him in the final.
21) Israel - Imri Ziv, I Feel Alive I was expecting something better from him, but the refrain has a good beat.
20) Sweden - Robin Bengtsson, I Can't Go I don’t understand why people go crazy on this song. Nice, but it has nothing special to me.
19) Finland - Norma John, Blackbird This song would be good in the soundtrack of a fantasy movie. But is it Eurovision winning material? I fear it isn’t. Perfect to listen if you want to relax, tho.
18) Poland - Kasia Moś, Flashlight The only ballad I really like, it has a dark touch (especially in the verses, less in the refrain) and she has beautiful voice. Good luck Poland!
17) Norway - JOWST, Grab The Moment Interesting. Not in my top ten, but surely a nice, good song with a personal touch. Better than Sweden, to me.
16) Greece - Demy, This is Love This song is clearly a clever points catcher, with a tad of ‘90s eurodance touch. Smart move, but after some listening, it loses appeal.
15) Latvia - Triana Park, Line Talking about dance/pop/electropop/whatever-you-call-it songs, I think that there are better competitors this year, but I love their psychedelic, energetic staging.
14) Hungary - Joci Pápai, Origo I hope he will sing in Hungarian, because I fear that an English version would be a disaster, as melody and words are closely linked, here. If you’re searching for something different, listen to this song: it’s captivating, with almost a Middle East touch.
13) Belarus - Naviband, Historyja majho zyccia This is one of the first song I heard this year and I still find it great, it makes me smile and the tune is original. I really hope they’ll keep it in their native language.
12) Estonia - Koit Toome and Laura, Verona A ‘90-ish and classic song. It has a catchy tune, they’re a well-matched pair on stage, so I’m sure it will do great.
11) F.Y.R. Macedonia - Jana Burčeska, Dance Alone Not bad, not bad, a good dance song with a pretty cool refrain, a song that grows on you.
10) Ukraine - O.Torvald, Time Another very underrated song from my point of view: okay, they aren’t Muse or something, but this is the only rock entry of the competition, ffs! And their staging and makeup is cool, I want to see it again.
9) Romania - Ilinca ft. Alex Florea, Yodel It! A rap yodel. No, seriously, it is. And it’s funny af. Plus, her shrill vocals are impressive.
8) Portugal - Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois Aw, my little snowflake! This song generally received bad comments and a low position in many rankings, and I can’t understand why: it has a retro touch that distinguishes it from all other entries. Plus, he’s singing in his native language. If Finland song would be great in the OST of a fantasy movie, this one should be the main track of a nice romantic movie.
7) Azerbaijan - DiHaj, Skeletons Talking about dance music, to me this is the best entry of Eurovision, with a cool mystery/dark atmosphere. It has a great beat.
6) Moldova - Sunstroke Project, Hey Mamma I effin love this song: it’s bright, happy, makes your body move. And, hey, Epic Sax Guy is back!
5) Montenegro - Slavko Kalezić, Space At first, it didn’t seem too good to me, but it gradually grew on me. I love the lyrics, I love that it’s gay af, and I believe that Slavko will surprise Europe with a sumptuous staging. As I said, to me Eurovision means also having fun, so of course he’s one of my favourite.
4) Belgium - Blanche, City Lights At first I would say that this kind of song is not in my comfort zone, but the tune is mesmerizing and she has a particular voice that catches attention. I’m sure it will do very well in the grand final, but it need a great staging, too.
3) Switzerland - Timebelle, Apollo One of the first songs that I have heard and which has remained in my heart all the time. The lyrics don’t make much sense to me, but the melody is beautiful and she has a great voice.
2) France - Alma, Requiem I don’t agree with her choice to sing the refrain in English, to me she ruined a perfect song. It’s still winning material because the song is very beautiful, but the all French version is better.
1) Cyprus - Hovig, Gravity This song had me from the first hearing: fresh, catchy, with a good rhythm, and Hovig has a powerful voice. Absolutely my favourite, even if I don’t think it’ll win. I hope he’ll valorize it with a good staging.
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