#hope ya like it churchy
simpalert · 1 year
making stimboards for my muts-lilac
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lilac belongs to @churchydragon/@churchydraws
hope ya like it :D
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
College Headcanons: Modern!Peaky Blinders Edition
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: This came to me in a dream. Enjoy. 
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Thomas Shelby:
Double Major: Political Science and Business Management (bc he likes to work himself to death) Minor: Military Sciences/ROTC
Likes debating and trying to outsmart the professor.
Often seen on campus with bloody knuckles from rocking someone’s jaw.
Would 100% punch a motherfucker for being mean to someone he cares about.
Doesn’t need to be in a fraternity to be known around campus, just don’t mess with him and you’ll be fine.
All the girls whisper as he walks by but he don’t give a fuck cuz he has to go to his lectures.
He’s on time for every class and pulls out his pocket watch if the professor is more than 5 minutes late. If the professor can’t bother showing up then he dips out.
Almost got suspended for one too many fist fights.
Has a “thing” for the barista at the campus Starbucks. He learned after frequent visits, that her name was Grace and that she liked black coffee just like him.
Mysterious and moody af. No one knows if they’ve ever seen him smile, except when chatting up Grace.
Tries his best to study, but ends up getting dragged into his siblings shenanigans or into his head about the family business.
Keeps to himself for the most part, except for having a few close friends.
Hates technology so he uses a typewriter and prefers receiving letters/mail over emails.
Can’t figure out how to use Grace the baristas phone when typing in his number and tells her to write it down instead.
Often tells her to meet him after her shift. 😏
Professors hate him because of his reliance on paper. Totes not eco-friendly but he doesn’t care. Tommy always gets his way.
Grace always gives him a cookie for free cuz she knows he forgets to eat.
Always seen smoking or sneaking drinks of whiskey in a flask, even at 7am lectures.
Binge drinks on weekends with his bros, and drunk calls barista Grace when he has maybe 3 working brain cells left for the night. On other weekends when he’s coherent, he meets with Polly and tries to discuss business plans since their dad dipped out like a bitch.
To make matters worse, after dating for a while, Grace just leaves him. He thinks his aunt Polly may have been too hard on her, but he didn’t know until later that she lied when she said she didn’t know about the business. But barista bitch knew everything, and was gonna expose them to her higher-ups in the criminal justice department before long.
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Arthur Shelby:
Major: Agriculture Minor: Military Science/ROTC
Graduated just barely.
Ended up in some trouble with his peeps in the military science department, probs for cussing someone out.
Angry, loud, and emotional af.
Loved drinking with John and his frat boy friends.
No one messed with him if they valued their life.
Started one too many fights and got suspended for reals. Almost beat a man to death but we don’t talk about that.
He gets stressed really easily so in his free time he draws horses.
When he gets real mad he takes it to the campus boxing ring and punches to his hearts content.
On his way back to his dorm one night he saw a girl who was in his agriculture class. She was cute and also in a “Christian” ministry group on campus. He decided to chat her up when she was preaching, just to see what it was about.
They later dated but then she cheated around with a fellow churchy man and just went off the rails. When he found out it wasn’t pretty.
Her friends and pastor most likely shamed her cuz she be ✨sinning✨. Therefore not helping her mental state.
Her name was Linda. Never trust a Linda.
Everyone tried to console Arthur but only boxing and drinking at Johns frat house did the trick.
Tommy often had to run to his dorm in the middle of the night to talk him out his mental breakdowns. College is hard.
In the end, he was glad he did agriculture even if his crazy ex would constantly stare at him during lectures, probably plotting his demise.
Some days he’d take out his frustrations by chopping wood and helping out on the farm where he worked and studied most days.
But you bet your ass fuckin’ Linda showed up to his dorm one time though with a gun and tried to shoot him, but she didn’t know his brothers and aunt were there too. Polly may have shot her in the arm tho. But when the campus PD showed up shit really went down.
We don’t know where Linda is now, but that’s probs for the best.
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John Shelby:
Major: Music (idk I felt like he’s a musical boi) Minor: Military Science/ROTC
He’s a frat boy through and through. He drops it low on the dance floor and is known to dive onto beer pong tables.
Constantly going to parties and hooking up with sorority girls, that is until he meets a girl named Esme who’d been dragged to the party by her friends.
Suddenly he ain’t no hoe no more, he’s head over boots in love with her and she loves him too.
They be sneaking around in various buildings, often having to make a run for it to escape security.
He’d play her songs after hard training days with his military buds cuz it helps him calm down.
He’s not as violent as his older brothers, but he’ll fuck a person up if needed.
His fraternity is the second most important thing to him besides his girl. He loves the energy of the fraternity, the partying, and acting a whole fool with his friends, but Esme has him whipped.
His studies are struggling though cuz he loves to get turnt. He hates the studying aspect of college.
Always getting his brothers into trouble.
Snorts coke off Esme’s tits on occasion at the frat parties. It’s a wild time.
Has the mouth of a sailor but a heart of gold.
Talks of kids with Esme after dating for a year. Can’t afford a ring yet tho, but their bud Jeremiah marries them anyway on a whim.
After Arthur and the Grace fiasco ensues, he drops out of college because Esme falls pregnant. In the end, she ends up getting the chickens and wild cottage!core house she’d always wanted. They both decide to raise their kids there, living their best lives until Tommy drags them into more family matters later on.
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Ada Shelby:
Major: English Minor: Gender & Women’s Studies
Always seen in the most stylish clothes.
She’s quiet most times but can be very knowledgeable on various subjects.
She’s constantly going off on her older brothers and trying to smack some sense into them.
Feels like something is off with the barista Tommy’s been seeing, but it’s not her problem.
Can 100% find her chilling in the back of Starbucks reading old novels or writing literature reviews.
When she’s not there, she’s holed up in the library where she works part time, studying and practicing for debates.
10/10 would fuck in the library cuz she knows all the best secret places to go to. 😏
Organizes meetings with different campus associations and demands equality for students.
Spends her free time surfing the net for clothes or keeping an eye out for a potential new bae.
Is probably the best at studying. She earns the best grades let’s be honest.
Will not hesitate to call a bitch out. She may not throw hands but she’ll throw words that can cut you like a knife.
Works for the campus paper, spilling all the tea on campus life. Her brothers often reluctantly agree to be her mock interview subjects for a range of assignments.
She breaks necks when walking around campus, everyone moves out of their way for her.
She’s a bad bitch.
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Finn Shelby:
Major: Photography Minor: English
He hates how violent his brothers are but would 10/10 back them up if needed.
Often asks Ada for advice on studying and girls.
Doesn’t like the frat boy scene like John, but goes to the parties anyways with his best friends Isiah and Bonnie.
He’s a freshman and you can tell. He still has a glimmer of life in his eyes and a pep in his step as he walks around campus.
When he’s not taking pictures for class, he’s taking pictures of his girlfriend.
She’s his muse even when doing the simplest of things like sitting in a chair or reading one of his English books.
Each week he’d surprise her with a picture he took when she wasn’t looking, telling her how beautiful she is.
He may not look strong, but after many nights at the boxing ring with Arthur, he knew how to throw a punch.
He almost flunked his studies a couple times, getting too caught up in partying or being with his girl, but Ada and his Aunt Polly set him straight.
Voted by his family as most likely to not get arrested or suspended from college.
He’d have deep conversations with his friends, often confusing them because it was just that deep.
In his spare time he’d go boxing with Arthur or would try to help Tommy with his essays, but Tommy would get frustrated and tell him to fuck off within the first 10 minutes.
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Polly Gray:
Profession: Business Management Professor Side Job: Managing the blinder business with Tommy
When she’s not teaching class, she’s managing the blinder business that was left to her and Tommy to tackle. This also means covering up any suspicions that arise on campus. She has her hands full.
She’s Tommy’s only shred of common sense some days when he gets too stressed out from his 10,000 majors and minors, or wants to plan to overthrow the university.
Will not hesitate to slap someone, preferably her unruly nephews.
Anyone can lie to her but the truth always falls through the cracks, and when she finds out, you’d pray you faced the devil instead.
In her spare time she reads tea leaves and prays for the corrupt souls of her son and his cousins. She really just begs to god that they can come together for once to get the business in line, but even that may be asking too much.
Knows a snake when she sees one. *cough* *cough* Grace the barista.
She’s the first one to tell someone I told ya so, especially her students when they flunk her tests because they decided to get drunk the night before.
When she’s not yelling at her nephews or grading papers, she can be seen at the local bar chatting up coworkers and old flames, hoping to find “the one” eventually. She ends up having a “thing” for the quirky Philosophy professor though. He’s kind of shady cuz she finds out he’s in a similar business on the side, but it only makes her like him more. She craves the danger.
They later end up in a whirlwind romance similar to John and Esme, and everyone loves that for them.
She can also be seen with her head in her hands when trying to persuade Tommy to use technology.
“What is copy and paste Pol? Can’t I just write it down? What’s up with all these gadgets aye?”
“If you want your hand to fall off and to make me lose my mind, then yes, write it down. Grading is bloody hard enough as it is, let alone grading your papers. You’re just like your father ya know, always doing things the hard way.”
Tells Gina off when she gets the chance just like she did Grace. She didn’t shoot her like Linda though, she just hurt some feelings.
May have aided in Grace’s “sudden” departure…maybe…just a little bit.
Secretly ships Tommy with a woman named Lizzie who had been her assistant at her office. She knew she could trust her more, at least.
Despite her harshness, she’s just trying to keep her family from completely fucking up their lives.
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Michael Gray:
Major: Accounting Minor: Business Management
Like Tommy, he doesn’t get the hype of fraternities so he just hangs out with his cousins or his small circle of friends, they aren’t saints though.
His mom, Polly is his business management professor. She always calls on him and gives him a hard time when he spaces out in class.
Is often seen around campus with a few friends or his girlfriend Gina who he met in business class. They’re sickening and it was like a whirlwind romance tbh.
He usually finds himself cleaning up his cousin’s messes when it comes to fighting, but if he has to throw some punches he will.
He’s not as impulsive when it comes to matters of business, but where matters of the heart are concerned that’s another story.
When the blinders and Polly were all at her house for dinner one night he announced he was going to marry Gina. Arthur and John laughed and Tommy smirked slightly, still butt-hurt after his Grace left him for little-to-no reason. Ada grinned and bared the news whilst Polly nearly smacked him on the head.
People didn’t dare mess with him, and that went for all his cousins as well.
He spent a majority of his days in class crunching numbers, and most his nights out with the boys getting drunk or fuckin’ with Gina.
Because his mom held him accountable, his grades rivaled Ada’s causing them to get into some friendly competition at times.
He’s cunning like Tommy though. He got into many a screaming match with the older blinder after trying to take over his position in the family business. It ended in some black eyes and Polly smacking both of them with her newspaper. He knew better than to mess with the devil himself.
Despite the tensions between the cousins at times, he’s always the one they go to when they can’t figure out their math homework, and he’d always have to meet one of them in the library at 3 am to smuggle in some cocaine and a drink to keep them studying.
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slashersthings · 4 years
A Match Made In Hell / Leatherface x Reader
An old rusty pickup truck, which looked like it'd seen some better days, cruises down a desolate country backroad, the kind that only locals would be probably know where they led to and most tourists would steer clear of.
...But that didn't stop or deter you. You intended to make the most out of this impromptu road trip and, even though the town was a little... strange to say the least, you weren't gonna let it change your mind.
So you lean forward and reach for the radio, hoping and praying to find anything good to come in. But when nothing but static and churchy music tune in, you huff and turn the radio back off.
The sun was beating down and it made the inside of the truck unbearably hot. The only relief was the opened windows because the piece of shit truck didn't have air conditioning and you gave up trying to fix it.
You really should have, in retrospect, because it was only a matter of time before the old thing broke down entirely. And as if on cue, a cloud of smoke starts puffing from the truck's hood and a loud sputtering soon follows.
"No no no!" You exclaim angrily and manage to pull off onto the side of the road before the truck takes it's last breath. "Son of a bitch." You grumble and hit the steering wheel before hopping out to examine the situation.
You lift the hood and a big puff of smoke emerges, receiving a coughing fit from you in return. You had no clue what could be wrong and had no way to call someone, seeing as you chose to drive out into bumfuck nowhere and had no cell service.
And the chances of someone driving by and coming to your rescue? Not very likely. So the only option you reluctantly had was to continue down the road and hopefully find someone that knew anything about vehicles to help you out.
So you sigh, lock up your truck, (though you doubt anyone would come along and steal it), and continue on your way, wiping a bead of sweat from your forehead as you go.
Thirty minutes later and you were ready to collapse. Your legs ached, your lungs screamed for water, and your clothes grew uncomfortably sweaty and sticky.
You wipe off another round of sweat from your hot face and stop in the middle of the road. Your heart was beating so fast that you worried it was gonna give out from heat exhaustion. You stumble forward a little and take a deep breath.
Like a sudden miracle from God, you happen to glance upwards and your eyes lock onto a rusty old windmill just a few more feet down the road. And if you had any energy, you'd of jumped for joy.
That windmill was like a saving grace. You just really hoped that the windmill actually led to a farm and that someone was at that said farm.
You take another deep breath before mustering up some form of energy and push forward, hurrying to the area. Once you finally make it, your rewarded with the sight of a long driveway leading up to a big white house with a truck parked outside.
You sigh in relief and race to the farmhouse with renewed hope that you were saved. You head up onto the porch and peer inside since the front door was opened with just the screen door shut.
"Hello? Is anyone home?" You ask and look around at your surroundings. "I don't mean to bother you, but I need help."
Your hope is quickly dashed and you head off of the porch with slumped shoulders. Your mentally chiding yourself for being so stupid about coming on this roadtrip, when a sudden 'hey!' and the sound of someone's footsteps catches your attention.
You spin around quickly and see an older man standing about twenty feet away from you. "Uh, hi, I was just knocking on your door, but no one answered."
The old man gives a toothy grin and nods to an upstairs window, "Damn, Bubba, probably too busy putting his makeup on."
You look up to where he was staring and find an empty window, "I'm sorry?"
"You will be." The old man mutters with a sinister smile, though you didn't hear him, "Whaddya need exactly?"
"My truck broke down about thirty minutes from here and I-"
"You've been walkin' in this heat that long?" The old man interrupts you with grave excitement and takes a step closer, "Well, you must be dying of thirst! C'mon inside, I'll get ya some water."
While water sounded amazing, you weren't so sure about this. You shake your head and stay put, "Oh, no, really I'm fine."
"Nonsense, it's really no trouble. Just come on in and get some water." He says with a little more attitude and motions to the house.
He seemed pretty persistent on getting you inside that house, and with the mention of someone named 'Bubba', you were suddenly starting to get a bad feeling.
"I'm being nice here and your turning down my hospitality?"
Your eyes widen slightly, "I don't mean to offend you, sir, it's just I need to get back to my truck."
"What's someone like you doing out here all by yourself anyway?" He asks and glances over your body with great interest.
You take a step back and become uncomfortable by his gaze, "I really need help with fixing my truck." You reply, avoiding his question, "Can you help me?"
The old man's sinister smile returns, "Oh yeah, yeah, I can help you. Why don't you wait inside the house and I'll go get some tools out in the shed."
Again with trying to get you inside the house. You shake your head again, "I'll just stay here."
"In the hot heat? Nah, you'll come with me right now." He says, well more like commands, and motions you to follow him to this 'shed'.
You reluctantly do, figuring that it was better than going inside that increasingly worrisome house. "Names Drayton." The old man huffs out as a greeting.
"Y/N." You give him your name and he looks back at you over his shoulder with another creepy grin.
You try to brush it off as backwoods weirdos and keep your pace behind him, making sure to leave a few feet between you two.
Drayton brings you to a rickety, well beyond repair, dirty shed and nods to it, "Tools are inside."
You sigh before following him halfway inside, pausing right outside the entrance, "Are you good with vehicles?"
"I know how to fix 'em." Drayton grunts out and bends down to a rusty toolbox, "Course, I'm more of a cook. Bubba's the one who's good with tools and such."
You quirk a brow at the second mention of this 'Bubba', "Who's Bubba?"
Looking back at this moment, you really wished you never asked. Drayton looks at you for a second before his sinister smile returns, "My brother. Oh, he'd love to meet you."
You swallow hard and look around, "Did you get the tools you need?" You wanted to sound calm and collected, but your voice shook and you looked visibly tensed.
Drayton stands, fists clenching at his side, "Really, come inside, and we'll make it easy on you."
Your eyes widen and you take a few steps back, "What is wrong with you? I already told you no."
Drayton just laughs, "Alright. Don't say I didn't warn ya."
You shake your head and start walking back to the driveway. You had no clue what to do. But there was no way you were staying there. But the distant sound of a chainsaw makes you stop dead in your tracks and whip around.
In front of you, Drayton stood, same damn smile on his face, and points to the side of the shed. You nervously look and see another man, this one holding a chainsaw.
The new man, who you were gonna go out on a limb here and guess was Bubba, wasn't only holding a running chainsaw, he wore a strange mask that you certainly didn't wanna get close up to and had on a bloody apron over his clothes.
Whether the blood was old or new, you didn't know and really didn't want to. Bubba turns the chainsaw off and stares blankly at you. "I'm leaving." You stupidly state to the two creepy men and turn back, gasping when you hear loud footsteps behind you.
"I don't think so." Drayton grunts and roughly grabs your arm, spinning you around, "Your staying for dinner." He tries pulling you back to the shed with a huff while you resist, "Bubba, I got a good one for ya!"
"No!" You scream in horror and flail around, and with all your might, manage to break free from Drayton's bruising grip. You watch as he just laughs and looks at Bubba.
"What're you waiting for? Get your ass moving and go get 'em!"
You scream bloody murder and take off down the driveway, ears tuning in to the sound of a chainsaw and loud thuds behind you. Bubba was right there and while you try picking up your pace, it was futile.
Strong arms wrap around your waist and he picks you up with surprising finesse, juggling you and the chainsaw, which he thankfully turned off. You flail and kick, hoping he'd drop you, but no, his grip just tightens.
"No no no! Stop! Just let me go!" Bubba brings you back to the farmhouse where Drayton waited by the door, eyes glaring at you.
"Go inside." He orders and Bubba nods obediently.
"Please don't do this!" You plead one last time, but they ignore it and continue with their plan for you.
"Why are you doing this?" You ask Bubba while he pushes you into a dingy smelly room, "What do you want?"
Bubba ignores you and points to the bed silently. You furrow your brows, "I'm not staying here."
Bubba glares at you and without warning, pushes you onto the bed. You gasp at the sudden movement, "Please, Bubba, let me go! I won't tell anyone."
He shakes his head and you sigh. "I swear I won't tell anyone about this. You and your brother won't get into trouble."
He shakes his head again before heading for the door, but before he can leave, you stand up and reach for his hand, "Bubba, I'd really appreciate it if you could get me some water." You say with a sweet smile.
For the first time with you, Bubba nods then points back to the bed, silently telling you to stay. You sigh as he leaves and reluctantly sit down on the dirty bed.
What were you gonna do?
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gemslittlelibrary · 2 years
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What was your sex education like? Abstinence only? Did you hear that gay sex is sinful and/or doesn't exist? Did your school even have sex ed?
If you're confused about the details, worried if your body is "normal", or just want to read a fun coming-of-age story, this book is for you.
Confessions of an Alleged Good Girl by Joya Goffney is a delightful romp through a coming-of-age tale that’s relatable and educational without feeling preachy.
Monique is a preacher’s daughter living in Texas. She’s in a relationship with Dom, the popular jock at school. Luckily, her dad adores Dom, and they grew up together. Unluckily, their relationship isn’t picture perfect (or staying within the bounds dictated by  Monique’s purity ring). They want to have sex, and have tried 29 times. However, there’s a problem involving penetration, and Dom, ever the good guy, breaks up with Monique until she “fixes her problem”.
But…Monique doesn’t know what’s wrong. She’s ready and willing, but the act causes her extreme pain. With no sex-ed and a promise to do nothing more than hold hands until marriage. Desperate, Monique eventually visits a sexual health clinic, and that’s where the story really begins.
You see, Monique isn’t alone in her journey for sexual knowledge. There’s Sasha, someone whom Monique had always perceived as churchy and prudish, who works part-time at the clinic and wants to be a gynecologist. (She also likes girls, so yay for queer representation!) Surprisingly, Monique has another ally to back her up: Reggie. The preacher takes in “bad boys” to help straighten them out, and Reggie’s his latest project, meaning he’s usually at her house. Although initially suspicious, due to fortuitous events, Monique lets Reggie in on her secret, and he keeps the girls from being too serious by turning something as simple as a trip to Target into a madcap adventure. 
Along the way, Monique’s ideas about the world are changed. Not in a way that feels jarring, rather, a slow understanding that “sex”, “vagina”, and “masturbation” are not bad words, nor are they anything to be ashamed of. She also gains the ability to take a closer look at the people around her, and questions her feelings about them. Is Dom really such a great guy, if he kicks her to the curb because she’s unable to have penetrative sex? Is her dad really the more reasonable of her parents?
Sexual health is not a topic often talked about in YA fiction. If characters do have sex, it’s usually talked about with euphemisms such as “doing it”. Furthermore, those books tend to follow tired gender roles where the boy is horny and wants sex, and the girl doesn’t want sex for her own pleasure. Not to mention the fact that these are usually heterosexual couples, as shown above. 
Confessions of an Alleged Good Girl flips these stereotypes on their heads. Monique, as previously mentioned, wants to have sex for herself, not just to please Dom. Readers are shown that she actually has a sex drive. Although she is straight, Sasha, as well as her sister Myracle both have female partners, and, although it’s generally kept understated, there’s no outright homophobia shown. 
The book also does a great job explaining Monique’s condition. Monique is diagnosed with vaginismus, something that she, and therefore readers, learns isn’t a reflection of her in any way. She didn’t do anything wrong, and it’s not something she can control. In fact, the condition often develops due to deeply internalized fear of sex causing damnation, even if it’s unconscious. It’s treatable, and can be treated at the patient’s own pace.
Goffney has crafted a story that will keep readers engaged while giving them crucial knowledge. Too many young people know very little about sex and their bodies. I hope that by reading this book, their worlds are expanded and curiosity is piqued. We need more stories like this.
Final Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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shhhselah · 4 years
A Walk With the Lord
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Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Did you know Dr. Seuss was anointed? No? 
Good. Cause me neither. 
As the Lord placed this word on my heart, I went searching through my “Tumblr” album (cause Tumblr got the best pictures lol) for what would be the cover photo for this entry. Suddenly, I came upon this poem saved in there- a poem that exactly articulated and encompassed the material of this walk with Christ we are called to- Sacrifice and Surrender.
During our time on this earth, we are called to be a different people. Which is good, right? Because we all seek to be different and have our unique novelty acknowledge, witnessed, understood and beheld. The beauty of this sort of difference, is that it shines a light on more than the edgy way you dress, risky hairstyles you rock, and bold, out loud way you live. It points to Christ- to a higher purpose and higher Being. This difference shows off the fact that you are a one of a kind creation, fashioned by an intentional, loving Creator who has a plan of love for you and those you encounter as well.
Now, let me not get too ahead of myself. I wanna touch on an important thing here, a thought train that legit keeps so many of my brothers and sisters stumbling-
“Kelah, I gotta get my life together first. I don’t want to come to God a mess. I ain’t ready to stop sinning and live like you yet. I need some time. God wouldn’t even want me how I am now...”
First off, lol. Yes, lol. I’m laughing, not to be crass or dismissive, but because- lemme tell you sumn, honey. The devil is a lie. Okay? A liiiieeeee.
Let’s take a moment and acknowledge every reason or excuse we have for side eyeing God but not really coming to Him, for putting off a relationship with Him, from answering the call we know He’s been ringing in our hearts for some years now. Look, God chose you before He created this world. That’s Bible.Note Ephesians 1: 4-5  “ For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will.” 
What does all that mean? It means that before those seven days of creation we read about in Genesis 1 (and part of 2 also), God already knew you! He already had each one of your days written, understood, etc! Lemme ask you as question, who knew Harry Potter’s path better- Harry or JK Rowling? The second one, right? Right. Why? Because she wrote it! So do you think annyyyy part of Harry’s journey took her by surprise? No! Because she’s the one who authored it! 
The beauty of creating- for those of you who write, make clothes, produce, act, cook, etc- you can start something and it take this beautiful path you hadn’t even originally anticipated, and it becomes so much better than you intended. And there’s a joy in witnessing this thing become something completely new and embark on a journey you hadn’t thought for it. As though its very existence within the circumstances of the plot, pot, etc calls and creates a story you didn’t originally know could exist. I personally love writing and getting to a point where I see my story or poem take a turn I hadn’t intended or anticipated! It’s so whimsical in how unexpected it was! 
The thing is though, God ain’t like that lol. He gets sooooooo much joy from watching our journeys unfold, but nothing takes Him by surprise. Nothing is outside of His control. He has given us free will and yet He still knows every decision we’ll make and every way the devil will try us, and He has worked all things together for good because He has called us according to His purpose and we love Him. Do you think JK Rowling was ever disappointed in the bad decisions Harry made? Not exactly. You know why? Because she created him. She fashioned him. She wrote him and all his characteristics. She knew and understood the world and circumstances he was going to be in. She knew what his pitfalls would be. But guess what? She wrote him a plan for victory despite it all. She knew what needed to be overcome in his world and in himself, so she strategically placed people, opportunities and lessons around him that worked for his good, the good of his world and towards the expected end/plan she already had for them all. 
News Flash, saints: God already has an expected end of victory and that victory was sealed on the Cross. He isn’t leaving your life up to chance, but there are things we must walk with Him to receive. He isn’t surprised or taken aback by where you are, what you’re doing and what you still like. He has a plan for you. Will you answer the call to allow Him to begin walking with you to unveil it?
Like when you were in school. If you wanted to learn Spanish, you had to take Spanish courses. In order to receive the things of the Lord, your life must be surrendered to Him. He must be the Lord of your life. Ask yourself now, “Who or what is the lord of my life right now?” Is it money, love, lust, ambition/greed, food? Are you the lord of your life? Do you only make decisions and discipline yourself on things you feel led to/want/understand, or are you being moved by the will and heart of Jesus Christ?
Okay, so, “surrendered.” What’s that about? Sounds super “churchy,” right? Lol. Not exactly. People often say they don’t agree with or like religion. And they shun the church because they associate it with such. I get it. I agree with the whole, “down with religion,” movement. So was Jesus, in fact. Bet ya didn’t know that, huh? In fact, Jesus spent most of His ministry outside of the synagogue (church) walls. Because He wasn’t so much concerned with the building and all its associated religious constructs, as He was with the building of the Body. The Body of Christ is the Church He was concerned with. When you think of a body, what comes to mind? Arms, legs, fingers, back, private areas, head, etc. Great. Those are functioning parts of a greater whole, combined and working together in a beautiful, complex way to achieve several goals that work towards the greater good/whole of keeping the body in full, healthy, smooth operation.
Jesus cared about the people of God working together like the bodies they maneuver everyday in. He was concerned with harmony, love, relationship.
And there it is. Jesus didn’t care for Religion. He cared about Relationship. He came, He taught, He lived perfectly, He died and He rose again to give us relationship with the Author and Creator of our lives- God. The Heavenly Father. And in that, He wanted us to understand that we are all brothers and sisters, friends, co-workers, co-heirs, body parts moving and functioning in/for the same goal.
What is that goal? The will of the Father, The advancement and growth of His Kingdom. Our being conformed to the image of Christ. And this is where surrender comes in. In confessing Jesus Christ as Lord at salvation and believing in your heart that He is the Son of God, come to give His life as the payment of all our sins that we may have relationship with our Heavenly Father, we are also confessing that He is the Head of our lives. He is described in Ephesians 4:15-16 as the Head of the body. He now becomes the CEO of our lives, and just as an employee who is obedient to the rules and role of their position under their company, supervisor and employer, so we are now answering the call to a life of obedience and adherence to the role as a child, believer and follower of God.
There are multiple verses, including Ephesians 4:17 that speak on how life will look different for us than it did before and also from those who have not yet heard or answered the call yet. Let me speak on this, because I know for many of us, we misconstrue relationship with God to mean religion and thereby categorize it all as “behavior modification.” This is not the case, darlings! Give me a moment to try and explain, please. I hope this makes sense to you and is fruitful. 
​It's not just that a commitment to the Lord requires a change in action- which, in fact, it kinda does- but in the way that it comes with it. If you decide to start working out, that naturally comes with adjustments to your lifestyle. It's not that beforehand, you began changing things about yourself to fit the role of a gym goer. No. Once it was in your heart that this was something you wanted for yourself and would commit to, naturally those changes and adjustments came. You had to add a new destination to your daily schedule. New clothes. Your day to day agenda was rearranged to accommodate this new action. You began stretching. Eating new foods to keep up and replenish nutrients. You maybe started counting calories to reach your weight goals. You began lifting weights, and you even began researching online videos and Facebook communities so you could surround yourself with like minded people. It's not that you read a book and watched other gym goers to figure out exactly how you had to change who you are/what you do. You made this commitment, and naturally, a necessary shift began to occur in the process and pursuit of this lifestyle. Because there are certain characteristics, disciplines, etc that develop and are practiced in a successful carrying out of this lifestyle, you naturally encountered and came into them along the path. And it's the same for Christianity. The Lord impresses His word on our hearts and beckons us to walk with Him and embark on a journey of being just like Him. And in that journey, trust me, saints- some things are going to change. It’s inevitable. And it's all counted good and joyous. Amen. What's else, is that many come into the faith under the impression and hope of what they can receive, not fully understanding that the life of Christ is what is given away. A life of giving oneself and their possessions, time, convenience, comfort, etc. up. Jesus told His apostles in Matthew 20:28 "For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many." (Click for additional cross reference xo) 
Jesus exemplified what the Christian (Christ-like) walk is- a life of offering, surrender and sacrifice. He told the multitudes that we must be ready to pick up our crosses, lose our lives and follow Him. (Matthew 16:24-27) In following our Savior's example, it is not just the question of what He can do for us- though He sets a precedent of being the only god that actually serves His creation as we see in Scripture and the life of Jesus Christ- but it’s also a matter of what we can do for Him- for His will, His people, His Kingdom. This life of Christianity (or we could even deem it “The life of Christ” or “The walk with Christ”) is not just one of being blessed with gifts, healing, renewed perspectives and immunity to life's battles as some think. It's so much more. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 tells us that our lives are not our own, that they were bought with a price- the precious blood of Jesus Christ. That payment- the blood (which literally refers to His crucifixion and resurrection)- is a prime and ripe example of this lifestyle God set of giving yourself away. He told the apostles in John 10:18 "Nobody takes My life, but I give it (lay it down) freely (of My own accord)." In reading the Gospels (the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John but you can definitely start with John because his is a great foundation of Jesus’ life) you can see that Jesus lived a life of sacrificing convenience, comfort, desire, spitefulness, envy, road rage, violence, lying, lust, drunkenness, and so much more to surrender to the mission God assigned to Him that it may be successfully accomplished. And likewise, we are called to sacrifice things in life as a result of our surrendering (releasing self will to comply with the current standing authority) to the mission and call of the Lord on our lives. So in our pursuit of intimacy with Christ, let us seek opportunities to ask Him, "Lord, in what ways can I give myself away freely to You?" Not at a bargained price of "When You give me my man," or "When I make my first mill," or "When You do it, I'll fully believe then." But, in pureness of heart that only comes through the work of the Holy Spirit as we request His help in continually seeking to lay down all areas of our lives for the Lord to live in and control. May we ask Him in love, just as He chose us, planned for us, created us, and called us in love. And in that order too. He didn’t plan for you after your creation and birth. He planned for you the same time He chose you to be His. And He chose You to be His before He even created you and called you. He’s ahead of the game. Trust me. Let's endeavor to allow God to beautifully set us up to serve Him in a way that blesses our faith as it creates opportunities to see Him faithfully work. In ways that allow us to witness Him always come through/work all things for the good. Because He called us and we love Him. The beauty of our Savior, is that He enables us to love Him back through the love He dispenses in us - despite our human nature of a need for the physical and a need to fully understand/label things. 1 John 4:19, “We love Him because He first loved us.” He helps us to love beyond our humanity. Because we are certainly more than flesh and blood. We are spirit, made in His likeness. We have a beautiful Savior where "The goodness (kindness) of God leads you to repentance." Romans 2:4 He is not this hateful, angry God that is conspiring against you and raging whenever you mess up. No. He’s a loving Savior that came down from Eutopia to be despised, misunderstood, ridiculed, mobbed, arrested, beaten, bludgeoned, hated, spat on, nailed, whipped, hung, and tortured. All so that we could have a relationship with our Heavenly Father. Trust me, He understands more than what we’re going through and He wants to walk with us in all of it. He wants to and is going through all of it with us. Let Him in. Let Him serve you. And allow that service to make a servant out of you. His love is transforming. I promise. “Jesus, Name above all names, beautiful Savior, glorious Lord. Immanuel God is with us...”
Love you, saints, and so does Jesus. So, so much more He does.
Take a moment and Selah with this moment of worship. I hope you sweet intimacy with our wondrous Savior who calls us His dear, Beloved.
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newt-grundy · 7 years
Closet 15-1
Hollar at the lassies and asex choas for nice girls. New milk order! Cut them like christmas ribbons, balloons for jesus, build them up. Rape is subjective but don’t tell em it’s inappropriate. Why do you always have to bring up the worlds horrors? Relevance isn’t evil, money is the root of bad dads. Bad men learn spankings from churchies and they are always on the development, of new books. Fiction novels never did ya never good.
Quick thinking isn’t deep thinking! Quick thinking rids of proof reading. Hurry to the next! school! Work! Coffee gulp gulp spank your kids (not your wife who needs it) tee hee. Quick thinking is all error and following big men’s directions. Big white hope will eat you up and shit you out of his ugly cock! And fuck you again until you finish paying your bills for wormy water.  
What is there to love? And what is there to think about. A drone of a shine on a box and drink your green Juice. Solomon on the ground, pretending that he’s poisoned. Watching propaganda films of not so super heroes. Holland says Daniel is goof trooper music. I didn’t tell him that I cried to this goofy tunes and cracking. Horse hairs are breaking, she’s thinking of the mountains. Jaden joined the army, because money is cure to problems.
Sleeping in a dark closet and sailing through eskimo. I pushed her legs besides mine (let me in please). Tripping in the dark and dandy cherries on my ovaries. The cut cuties will take this country alive! Take a few days newt, where you don’t hit the bottle. Take a few steps to ask the government “can I make you food” I just can’t see how killing myself is worth seven dollars. Seven dollars for insults an hour. A lady at work said, “once a cutter always cutting”. I’m sure she was just being mean since she’s overweight. A lady at work said, “if you need to talk I’m listening” Well I bet you wouldn’t listen if my hands weren’t so busy. Which is why I can’t talk to you now i’m busy!
Falling in love, hurts too badly. I’m sick of dreaming of child porn (not upon request). Falling in love, hurts my wrist too badly, a drunk man fell off the deck and and broke his neck.
The toys came alive, and picked up gritty chain saws. Opened my chest, like kyles cancer ridden mother. I remember her sister arms were wrapped around me, as little drunken ghost, were burped out her mother’s mouth. I always lose my girls to men of arms and stilly, I eat the products of suffering and suicide. Piggy oinky bombs, to the clear the room full of bad guys. Milk said she didn’t want to visit my parents yet. I know hun.
hey man! that’s just sadomasochism to a little too far man! Enjoy the coffee, smell the breeze! look at her fucking brain for tease and meat and splicer! good all ways and forever in dept to your mother! brown hair mom and and now stinky stuck student! Brown hair jelly sister and ok cruising for the moment! Should cute be dropped or kept progressed forgotten. And by the way, I’m a fucking lying hypocrite because i”m not being honest with. I’m not being and screaming to the extend of how much I’m interested in you. I’m just snuffing early and at my shoes so you’ll keep taking walks with and slipping on ice with me. PASSIVE PERSUASIVE NOT THAT CRYPTIC!
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simpalert · 1 year
making stimboards for my muts- solar
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solar is by @artoutoftheblue
hope ya like it blue :D
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