#hope u enjoyed this glimpse into my life dontthinkaboutzimbits
moistvonlipwig · 8 years
Thank you for tagging me @dontthinkaboutzimbits! I don’t want to clog up the main discworld99 blog with personal stuff but I’m happy to answer the questions!
Name: [expletive deleted] Nicknames: Duck, among others Zodiac sign: Cancer sun, Leo moon, Scorpio rising, Year of the Ox Orientation: Askew (not orthogonal) Ethnicity: Do You Really Want The Full List Favorite Fruit: MANGO Favorite Season: Fall for weather, summer for not having to go to school Favorite Book: I never know how to answer this lol, let’s say The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents by Terry Pratchett bc honestly that book is iconic and weird as fuck and I love it Favorite flower: I genuinely never think about flowers Favorite Scent: This really depends on the day? Umm maybe fresh chocolate chip cookies or something, idk Favorite color: Black Favorite animal: I would have to say cats but honestly most animals are good and pure Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate Average Sleep Hours: 6-8 Cat or dog person?: Cat but also I love dogs Favorite Fictional Character: Tie between Scott McCall from Teen Wolf and Cordelia Chase from BtVS/Angel Number of blankets you sleep with: Usually three, can be just one if it’s hot Dream trip: If space travel were safer I’d say Mars, but it isn’t so I’ll say the Galapagos Blog created: Main blog was May 19, 2012, discworld99 was October 10, 2016 I guess since that’s when the first post was lol Number of followers: Main blog has 128, discworld99 has 415
I’ll just tag anyone who wants to do it bc I’m too lazy to tag anyone specific, whoops
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