#hope this is a'ight
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wingedknightrose · 1 year ago
WIP Weekend
Tagged by @lucien-lachance
Not tagging since the weekend is almost over, whoops!
Have a bit of the end of Apocalypse, because I cannot write things in order to save my life:
In the background there was more shouting for order and directions for the frightened refugees to follow. He thought he heard Stef among them, faintly, and filed the thought away in case he needed backup soon. What he focused on was the sight in the distance before him - a familiar figure on the ground with a boot on his chest, a glowing blade held to his throat. Teeth clenching, Ludis forced himself to run faster, doing some quick mental calculations to try and figure out where the furthest point he could warp in from was. The figure menacing his friend - large and imposing in a long red coat, but otherwise human shaped and sized - turned at the sound of the chaos, almost as if the sudden wailing of a nearby infant had physically grabbed their face and turned it towards the people around it. Bright crimson eyes swept past Ludis for a moment, and he nearly stumbled under the force of that gaze. It had almost felt like a physical blow - but only a glancing one, and Ludis refused to let Victor get hurt just because something happened to be good at intimidation. The creature - it couldn’t be a mortal man, not with a gaze like that, not to be able to beat Victor - abruptly stepped away, the sword fading from existence. Victor rose swiftly, half-stumbling to his feet - he was standing in such a way to favor his left leg, the EMT part of Ludis’ mind noted. Victor was a Belmont and would be able to compensate for anything that didn’t outright cripple him, but Ludis still adjusted his course so he would come up on Victor’s left, to cover his weak side.
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shrimpybbq · 2 months ago
how would rafe deal with charlies tantrums? cause i feel like he’s at an age where thats common 😭 and reader taking care of emmy cant really do both at the same time
"Hey, c'mon bud,"
"You're ok, I'll give it back in a sec, a'ight?"
"It's ok, just stop crying please Charlie, please buddy,"
As high school gf!reader walked into the kitchen, those were the words echoing off the walls, intermingled with the shrill screams of Charlie. She had been out for lunch with Sarah, only to come home and hear Rafe's exclamations. Charlie's piercing cries made her cringe as the little boy wailed so hard his face begun to redden. He had been playing with Rafe's phone and watching his favourite cartoon, only for Rafe to need to make a call quickly. Alas, he had not been able to make that call as his son began to cry as soon as the phone left his chubby little hands.
Rafe looked up as he heard his wife enter the room, seeing her holding Emmy in her arms. His eyes rolled at the sight of the smile breaking across her face, unable to hide the humour she found in watching Rafe be on the receiving end of the boy's tantrums for once. Charlie was a daddy's boy - never crying or throwing tantrums, always seeking to spend time with his father. It didn't help that he was a carbon copy of his Rafe as a toddler either. She found some joy in her husband finally understanding what it was like to deal with a crying toddler.
"Hey! Stop laughing at me, m'kay. Can't you just make him stop crying or something?" Rafe pleaded as Charlie began to cry louder, his panic seeping over. High school gf!reader sighed, taking pity on her husband.
"You need to give him something else to distract him. That or put him in front of the tv," she stated. Rafe watched as she moved towards him, coming to his side, "Go pick him up and sit with him for a bit. He'll calm down pretty quick."
She watched as Rafe and Charlie made their way over to the couch, the boy's favourite cartoon filling the screen once more. Rafe was mumbling lowly to Charlie as he buried his face into his father's chest, and high school gf!reader could only smile at the sound of his squeals once more, though this time they were clearly happy and joyous. Rafe had resorted to tickling the boy when he wouldn't look at him.
"Are you gonna be good for me now buddy? No more tantrums?" Rafe queried, a pleased smile spreading across his face as Charlie nodded. Of course he was going to be good, he was a daddy's boy.
"Ugh, you make it look so easy. I hate you," she whined at the sight.
Again, Rafe rolled his eyes. "Hey, c'mere. Come sit with us," he commanded. "Should mommy come sit with us?" he directed at Charlie this time.
High school gf!reader felt herself nodding in agreement and slowly ambled over to the couch. As she settled into the plush fabric Charlie turned to face her, eagerly reaching out to his sister.
"She's still tired, baby. Why don't we watch your show and then after you can play?" she suggested, bringing her son under her arm. Wrapped up in her warm embrace he agreed, a small "ok mama" leaving him.
Rafe just grinned at his little family, sighing and tossing his head back as he slumped further into the couch. Charlie had tired him out, and he had only been watching him for a few hours. He needed to get his wife a gift soon as something to say thank you, he thought determinedly. To show her how much he appreciated her and how much she had invested into their family.
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i've been missing high school gf so i managed to answer one of the asks in my inbox finally! hope you enjoy this cute family moment anon!
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optimist-pine · 1 year ago
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: people are naked, but it's barely even borderline suggestive
Summary: You need a bath, but there's no way you're going alone
Era: Season 1, the Quarry
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Your skin practically crawls from the buildup of dirt, sweat, and who knows what else that's managed to accumulate over the past three days. You still haven't quite adjusted to the reality of not having on-demand access to a hot shower and your scalp is all oily, and itchy, and eugh - gross. A little shiver runs down your spine at the thought - well, maybe that's just more sweat...
The bold shades of the sunset are beginning to fade as you make your way to the Dixon brothers' camp. Currently they're the closest thing you have to neighbors, your tent being between theirs and the rest of the group. You're dying for a quick dip and rinse in the pond, but you don't actually want to die for a bath, and you know it's a dumb idea to go alone. Everyone else seems busy though and you've come to the conclusion that Daryl seems to be your only option.
Most of the others actively avoid the brothers, and you can't say you blame them. Merle's constantly stirring up trouble and being a general annoyance, and Daryl's quick to jump to his defense. But, on the rare occasion when Daryl isn't being held under Merle's thumb, you catch glimpses of a very different person than what he usually puts out.
He's sitting in an old lawn chair by the side of a fire when you approach, poking a stick around in the coals. Little sparks shoot off where the fresh evening air hits them, and the smell of woodsmoke fills your lungs.
"Hey." You greet. A spot of doubt begins to arise within you, but you quickly stamp it out. With recent events you were beginning to discover that there wasn't much room left for second guessing or overthinking anymore.
"Need somethin'?" He asks, eyes flicking up to you for a moment before returning to the flames.
You hang your thumbs in your belt loops, fingers tapping against your hips. "If you're not busy, I was hoping maybe you could go down to the water with me? I'd ask someone else but they all seem rather occupied at the moment... and I don't think Shane'd let me go alone." You say.
He looks up, jaw set awfully close to a scowl. "I ain't gonna be yer damn bodyguard." He huffs.
"No- I don't want you to watch me or anything like that- I guess I'm just asking for companionship?" You reply. "You could do whatever you're gonna do here, but just do it down there?" You hike your thumb over your shoulder in the direction of the pond.
He stays silent, but a sudden chorus of laughter flows out from the direction of the rest of the group. You study the way the firelight smooths out his rough edges, and you can't help but wonder if the look in his eyes is just boredom or if it's really loneliness.
"Unless you prefer Merle's company, then by all means I'll leave ya to it." You continue, trying your best to ignore Merle sawing logs in the tent, and erase the image of his hand too close to his crotch from your mind.
He jams the stick into the dirt hard enough that it remains standing when he lets go. "A'ight. Lemme get 'mah stuff."
"Awesome, I'll be over at my tent when you're ready." You smile, pleased and a little surprised that you'd managed to get him to say yes. Admittedly, Merle wasn't so bad when he was passed out, but it was reassuring to know that you were at least preferred company over an unconscious jerk.
Dirt and gravel crunch under your boots as the two of you walk, your knapsack bouncing steadily against your back with each step. "Thanks for coming with me. I'm not necessarily afraid of the dark or anything, but there's a lot worse things in the woods now than just coyotes." You explain. "And it's just nice not to be alone."
He simply grunts in response.
Good thing you didn't ask him along for his conversational skills.
When you reach the edge of the water you find a rock close to the shore to set out clean clothes and a towel. You see Daryl settle down, back propped against a boulder as he starts rummaging around in his own bag. "Whatcha gonna work on?" You ask.
He pulls out a whetstone and a couple large hunting knives. "Cleanin' mah tools." He replies.
You begin to undress, but a feeling of uncertainty causes you to pause. "Man, I wish I didn't feel like he's sitting up there right now with those binoculars..."
"Who? Shane?" He asks sounding surprised.
"Yeah." You shudder. "Guy gives me the creeps."
You hear scrape of the knife grinding against the sharpener. "Well, hurry up an'ere won' be anythin' ta see." He says.
"Yeah..." You keep your eye on Daryl while you finish, but he doesn't lift his gaze even once beyond sharpening his knife. "I won't be long." You assure him as the cool water rises around you.
As soon as you're far enough in you dive forward, the rush of water instantly reviving and refreshing your whole body as it flows past. You rise upwards as giddiness fills you and you break the surface with a laugh. "This is heavenly!" You gasp. You continue diving and twirling, every sore muscle and painful bruise easing away.
You pause to catch your breath and a small splash has you immediately alert. You left your knife up on the shore with Daryl, but you hadn't heard any sounds of alarm from him so surely it's not a walker. But when you look to the shore the sight has you almost equally as shocked. Daryl is chest deep in the water - bare chested that is - ripples being sent out across the still expanse as he sinks further in.
"Hey!" You yell. "I asked you out here because I thought you weren't some sorta pervert!" You hope it's dark enough that nothing in the water is visible because he's only getting closer.
The moon is full and bright, and the way it reflects off the water makes him look almost ethereal. "Can't protect ya if I'm up'ere an' yer alla'way out 'ere." He reasons.
"I don't need protecting." You roll your eyes. "And all the weapons are up there, Dixon!" You send a splash of water directly into his face.
He returns the splash. "Looked like I was missin' out on alla fun." He shrugs. "'Sides, ya never know when somethin' might jus'-" he disappears under the surface of the water and barely a second later something wraps around your ankle, tugging you under the surface.
When you're released you bob back up to the top wanting to be stern, but you're too busy giggling and swallowing mouthfuls of water to do so. When he surfaces behind you, you turn and splash him again sputtering, "Daryl you- that's not- I can't-" and end up full on belly laughing while trying to stay afloat.
You think you catch the shadow of a smile on his lips before he turns and floats away, like he's done nothing worthy of retaliation. 'Oho boy is he gonna get it.' As quietly as possible you lower yourself in the water, and using shadows from the moonlight, you swim under his head. Reaching up with both hands you use all your strength to grab his shoulders and pull yourself above the surface while pushing him down as hard as you can. Then you make a break for it.
You hear him gasp for air, coughing and sputtering as you swim as fast as you can in the opposite direction.
"Get back 'ere, woman!" He shouts, his tone highly amused. "Yer gonna hafta pay 'fer that!"
You don't realize how loudly you're laughing until the beam of a flashlight is suddenly shining directly in your face.
"Everything alright here?" Shane questions, standing on the shore not far from your and Daryl's discarded clothes. A few of the others are with him; Dale, Andrea, T-Dog, and Morales.
Even in the chilly water you can feel your skin begin to flush all the way down your neck. "Yes! All good!" You squeak out, squinting in the harsh brightness.
"We heard yelling." Andrea chimes in.
You're confident that in all your life you've never been more embarrassed. "That was laughing, guys. I wanted a bath and I asked Daryl to be my bodyguard. We were just, uh, blowing off some steam and I guess we got a little loud... Sorry if we worried anyone." You glance at Daryl who appears to be doing his best impression of the invisible man.
You can make out Dale's hat exceptionally well even in the darkness. "Are you sure you're okay?"
Their hesitation to leave sparks frustration within you - do they really think so lowly of Daryl? Is that what this is all about? Sure, nobody really knows him all that well, but you're all practically strangers and he's done alright by you. The desire to defend him takes over and you snap at the group, "Ah, what're y'all, the fun police? Go ruin somebody else's night and leave us be."
You don't take a good breath until they're all headed back to camp, and it's once again quiet and dark. You sigh, tilting your head back to watch the stars so high above as you float. "Dead people walking around eatin' living people - ya think they'd have bigger problems to deal with than a couple'a skinny dippers." You remark.
A quick exhale of a laugh, not quite a snort, echoes across the pond. "People're always jealous of'a good time if they ain't havin' one." He says quietly.
You pull your fingers through the water, feeling the tension push against them. "So... are ya feeling jealous, or did ya have a good time?" You ask.
"S'pose it wasn't too bad." He says. "But I ain't yer damn bodyguard."
And you grin.
Yeah, maybe it's a little awkward getting dried off, getting dressed, and walking back to camp but you sleep more soundly than you have since you arrived. And maybe you're a little annoyed with the way everyone seems to have nothing better to do than gossip, but that new gleam in Daryl's eye when he looks at you wipes it all from your mind. And maybe a lot of things suck, but at the end of the day there's someone who actually likes you, and maybe that's enough.
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sturnioz · 7 months ago
"don't feel nothin' towards the kid" huh. well maybe shy!reader overheard him say that n gets rlly sad bc she's falling for him :(( n when fratboy!chris tries to talk to her she shuts down because she thinks he doesn't like her :/ idk i'm hungry for some angst
note. kinda went long n angsty on this one. i am sorry (im not actually im really not)
you shouldn't be upset. truthfully, a part of you knows you have no right to feel this way. your friend had warned you from the start that chris wasn't the relationship type — that he prefers meaningless hook-ups over commitments and feelings.
but hearing him say it blatantly out loud, it stung, tearing through you like a jagged knife. the weight of his words settled on you heavily, each syllable echoing in your mind, and you felt your sensitive heart shatter into pieces., leaving a hallow ache in your chest and a lump in your throat, tight and suffocating.
your tears were already spilling over and dripping down your cheeks as you solemnly turn around make your way back up to his room, the dim light of the hallway making you feel even more suffocated. you wanted to go leave, to go home to the comfort of your own room, but your car wasn't here and the darkness outside was too frightening for you to walk alone.
you sank down onto the bed, pulling at a loose thread on your sweater, each tug a desperate attempt to distract yourself from your emotions, but quiet sniffles followed by deeper sobs only reminded you of what just happened.
in that moment, you felt stupid, pathetic, like a complete loser for ever hoping for something more — for hoping you could change him. but of course, that only ever happens in the movie, and unfortunately your life is anything but. how could you be so naïve?
you are alone with your thoughts for a little while longer, drowning in your own pitifulness, when the bedroom door creaks opens. chris saunters in so casually, a simple white shirt loose on his frame and sweatpants that hang low on his hips, his hair tousled, and his eyes are clouded and faded from the joint he sparked up earlier.
you can't bear to look at him for too long — you refuse to. instead, you fixate on the wall, your gaze drifting over his posters in hopes to distract yourself as chris moves lazily around the room, rummaging through his desk drawer, the sound of coins clinking and crisp dollar bills rustling sounding like nails on a chalkboard.
"you hungry or what, kid?" he asks, scratching his cheek as he continues to dig through the mess.
it pains you how nonchalant and casual he sounds. it feels like a punch to the gut. how can he be so unfazed to the pain that he has just caused you? you shouldn't be surprised. this is who he is.
"hey. m'talkin' to you." he adds, his voice breaking through your haze.
you swallow hard, the lump in your throat refusing to budge as you still keep your eyes averted, not allowing him to see the hurt on your face. but a small sniffle escapes, and the sound immediately catches his attention. you feel the bed dip as he moves closer, fingers gripping your chin and turning your head to meet his gaze.
his eyes flick over your face, a huff leaving his lips. "what.. what's the matter with you? huh? you — you been watchin' those dumb videos again? told you not to do that, a'ight? fix your face."
chris goes to rub his thumb across your cheeks, trying to wipe away the tears, but you flinch away, opting to use your sleeve instead. his hand drops to the bed, a moment of silence hanging between you two. he shifts, tonguing at his cheek as he watches you with faded eyes that blink slowly, but studies every detail.
"what, uh.. what happened?" his concern sounds so strange to you, and it's clear it's hard for him too, judging by the way his face twitches slightly, his jaw tense. "somethin' happened to you, or what?"
you don't answer him once again, the silence stretching uncomfortably between you.
chris lets out a sigh of frustration, pinching the bridge of his nose as if trying to hold back his own irritation. "look. this — this silent treatment you got goin' on right now isn't workin', yeah? it's... it's bullshit, and i can't help you if you don't talk to me, alright? so — so talk, because this silence is really startin' to piss me off—"
"i want to go home." the words escape you like a whisper, and chris' head jerks back, surprise flickering across his features.
"you.. you wanna go home — like, right now? you wanna go home right now?" chris asks you, his voice laced with disbelief. you nod slowly, hearing him scoff, his disbelief turning into frustration. "the fuck you talkin' about? you don't wanna go home, bun, you — you're stayin' here tonight, remember? with me."
"i just want to go home..."
"did you take anythin'? huh?" chris suddenly asks, grabbing your cheeks again to lift your face, his eyes probing as he examines your bloodshot gaze. "did you go through my stash while i was downstairs? is — is that why your brain is all foggy n' shit? take somethin' on the sly?"
"no! i didn't!" you whine pathetically, pushing his hand away from your face. the tears swell in your eyes again, each drop a reminder of his callous words repeating in your mind. "i want to leave, chris."
"ha..." chris breathes out, his tongue rolling across his teeth as he stares at you for a moment, the disbelief still evident on his features. then he nods, smacking his lips together. "okay, alright. then — then go. you wanna leave s'bad? go."
a flicker of relief washes over you at the thought of finally escaping and going home to be comforted by your own room, to cry as much as you please, but the idea of walking home alone in the fark fills you with dread, an unsettling knot forming in your stomach.
"get that look off your face," chris grumbles as he climbs off the bed, snatching his phone off of his bedside table. he strides over to his desk to keep a distance from you, the tension still thick in the air. "i'm callin' you an uber, then you can fuckin' go."
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rafes-baby · 8 months ago
Playing golf with Rafe
warnings: a bit suggestive, rafe slaps reader's ass once, pretty much just fluff tho
Rafe loved playing golf. He was really good at it and it was also one way he could take out his anger. Rafe usually either played golf with his friends, Topper and Kelce, or with his dad and some business partners- Rafe, however, didn't expect to ever find himself playing golf with his girlfriend.
You had suggested it the evening before. You were sitting on Rafe's bed, whilst he was rummaging through his closet, when you spoke up. "Rafe," you said, pausing for a moment and waiting for him to turn around before you continued. Rafe simply hummed in response, indicating that he was listening to you. "Can we go out and play golf tomorrow?" you asked, causing him to look away from his closet and look towards you instead, a small amused smile tugging at his lips. "You want to play golf? With me?" he inquired as he walked towards you, causing you to nod your head in response. Rafe was now standing in front of you at the edge of the bed and he chuckled softly before speaking again, "Baby, you've never played golf before in your life. Why do you want to now?" You shrug your shoulders slightly and look up at him with innocent eyes, hoping he agrees, "You always go with your friends but you never take me. I think it would be fun. You could teach me how to play." Rafe smirks and reaches out to gently hold your chin between his fingers before speaking teasingly, "So, you want me to take you out to play golf and teach you?"
You roll your eyes slightly before matching his teasing tone, "Well, I guess I could just ask Topper or Kelce to take me if you don't want to." This makes Rafe's smirk falter and he lets go of your chin, only to bring his hand up to your face to squeeze both of your cheeks together in his hand. "You're not funny." he states, speaking in a more serious tone than before which makes you giggle. Rafe can't help the way the corners of his lips upturn at the sound of your giggles and he leans closer to you before pressing his lips against yours. After a few moments, he pulls away and speaks in a softer tone than before, "I'll take you tomorrow, a'ight?" You nod your head happily in response, excited about spending the morning with Rafe.
The next morning, Rafe drove you two to the golf course on Figure 8. You decided to wear a tight white polo shirt that is slightly cropped, a white pleated mini skirt and white trainers, whilst Rafe wore one of his light blue polo shirts, white shorts and white trainers. To be completely honest, the main reason why you wanted to go out and play golf with Rafe was because you got to parade around in a cute outfit. Once you two arrived at the golf course, Rafe took his first swing, wanting to demonstrate how you should hit the ball, but you weren't really paying attention. In your defence, it was his fault. The way he stood, the way way he gripped the golf club, the way lifted his arms up and involuntarily flexed his muscles before he hit the golf ball- it all distracted you.
Once Rafe turned back around, he noticed the way you were ogling his biceps which he can't deny boosted his ego slightly. "You alright there, baby?" he asked with a small smirk on his lips as he approached you. You get snapped out of your daze once Rafe starts walking towards you and you nod your head quickly before responding, "Yeah, I'm good." Rafe's smirk widens before he reaches his hand out and gently holds your hand in his, guiding you towards the tee. "Come on," he prompts, "I'll help you." He hands you the golf club and makes you stand sideways before moving his hands down to your thighs and spreading your legs apart for you, causing your cheeks to warm up slightly from the contact. He places a golf ball on the tee before standing directly behind you so that your back is now pressed against his chest. He gently taps the side of your thigh with his right hand before speaking softly, "Bend your knees a bit." You comply instantly, bending your knees slightly which causes your ass to press against Rafe's crotch. "Good girl." Rafe mumbles before bringing his hands in front of you and placing them on top of yours to adjust your grip on the golf club. You almost melt at Rafe's touch and the way he calls you a 'good girl'. You smirk slightly once you feel his crotch pressing against you and you push your ass into him, practically grinding on him and not caring about being subtle. Rafe lets out a low grunt before taking one of his hands off of the club to smack your ass, although not hard enough to actually hurt you. "Focus," he mutters next to your ear before placing his hand back over yours. You bite your bottom lip slightly to hold back a giggle and stop pressing your rear against Rafe.
"Alright, you gotta lift your arms up like this and twist your body a bit," Rafe explains as he keeps his hands over yours and lifts your arms up in the air with his, the club clutched in your hands, whilst he also makes you turn your body slightly, "and then you just bring them back down and swing." Rafe helps you swing your arms back in front of you before he lets go at the last moment, allowing you to hit the ball by yourself. You gasp softly once you see how far the ball goes and jump excitedly on the spot, resulting in Rafe's eyes flickering down to the hem of your skirt. You turn around after a moment and grin up at Rafe, speaking in an enthusiastic tone, "Oh my gosh, that went so far! That was good, right?" Rafe chuckles softly and nods his head, wrapping his arms around your waist and tugging you closer to him. "It was really good, baby. Good job." You rest your hands on Rafe's chest once he pulls you closer to him, beaming as you look up at him. Rafe presses a gentle kiss to your temple before speaking, "Wanna go again?" You nod your head excitedly, a small grin still on your lips. Maybe golf wasn't so bad… as long as you were with your boyfriend.
(A/N: i had to rewrite this bc my first draft got deleted so i'm sorry if this isn't good)
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tinylilacbun · 4 months ago
Little Maybank
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requested by anon
Pairing: brother!jj maybank x sister!reader
Warnings: suggestive comments/actions, brief mention of fighting, cursing, reader is a few years younger than JJ, protective!jj
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You and JJ walk side by side towards the entrance of the Pelican Yacht Club, the rest of the pogues waiting by the Twinkie for you both to get some valuable information that one of the waiters there has for a current little mission they're all on right now.
JJ has is hands stuffed into his pockets while you swing your arms back and forth, looking at all the luxurious yachts lined up by the docks.
"You think we'll have a yacht one day, Jay?" You ask sweetly.
"Sure, a big ass one for all of us." He answers with a smile, ruffling your hair a little to which you whine, batting his hand away and trying to fix it again while he chuckles.
JJ can't believe that even with how your guys life situation is he still manages to keep you far away from the harsh reality, always making sure you're not anywhere near Luke whenever he has one of his outbursts or beats him, telling you the bruises are from a fight with a kook.
All the pogues treat you like you're their little sister and protect you like one, never letting you go on their more dangerous missions and shielding you from any harm.
JJ will always see you as his baby sister, you're his responsibility and the only thing he takes seriously in his life, well of course he teases you like every normal brother does but only him, the pogues sometimes too but they know to not go too far.
Your bubbly and overall nice personality is both a blessing and a curse, your want to spread positivity everywhere you go is as admirable as it's frustrating because many people, especially kooks, don't deserve to witness your sweet nature.
Protecting you is JJ's top priority, he wants you to grow up better than he did and offer you a carefree life full of love and fun. He'll be damned if something ever happens to you.
After you both sneaked inside the club, looking for the guy that has information.
JJ finally locks eyes with him and nods his head towards the restrooms, the guy quickly getting the hint and you both walk over to them when JJ turns to face you.
"Stay right here. I'll be back in a minute." He instructs and you nod with a smile, watching him go inside the men's restroom, swaying a bit back and forth on your feet.
While you look around you hope that no one notices that you shouldn't be here, too sensitive for any confrontation no matter the reason.
A group of boys who are standing a few feet away nursing their drinks spot you. "Dude, isn't that little Maybank?
"Shit yeah. Means her dumbass of a brother can't be far. Not to mention they sure as hell aren't supposed to be here." One of them observes, a smirk forming on his face.
Your head snaps back to the restrooms as you see JJ come out again and make his way back to you. "A'ight, mission accomplished. Let's head back to the others."
You nod and you both went on when suddenly someone blocks your path.
"Whoa, not so fast, pogues. Here to steal your next meal huh?" A brunette with a smug expression teases you both.
JJ clenches his jaw, moving you behind him protectively, his hands balling at his sides. "Man, we don't want any trouble."
"Who are you trying to fool here, Maybank? Your poor asses shouldn't even be here."
JJ glares at him but unclenches his fists again when he feels your hands grab onto his bicep, trying to keep himself in check, not wanting you to see him lash out.
He took a deep breath, about to just walk past that douchebag when he hears you yelp suddenly as the guy's friend slapped your ass.
"That little beauty can stay tho." The black haired boy chuckles.
Before you could comprehend what just happened JJ swiftly turns and swings his fist, his knuckles connecting with the guy's jaw who had dared to touch you.
You gasp at that, stumbling back and against the brunette, quickly turning around to face him and without thinking twice you push him over the railing and watch him fall into the water.
Hearing several gasps from the club members and employees around you has you freezing, grappling the fact what you just did when JJ grabs your hand.
"C'mon! We gotta go!" He stresses, pulling you out of your shocked state and you instantly start running, hearing the way JJ laughs. "Oh my god that was crazy!"
Pope slides open the Twinkie's door from inside when he sees you both running and you jump in, your back hitting the wall.
"Bro drive!" JJ shouts at John B and he quickly starts the van as you and your brother keep panting.
"What the hell happened?" Kie asks, looking you both over concerned.
"You guys will never believe it..." JJ breathes heavily, glancing at you with a grin and you blush, a small smile forming on your face. "Our little angel here just pushed a kook into the water."
You're surprised when your friends start to cheer and ask questions excitedly, wanting to know what happened.
You giggle as Kie and Cleo wrap their arms around your neck from each side, their hurried questions overlapping each other.
Pope ruffles your hair just like JJ always does, and you can hear John B laughing behind the wheel, smacking it a few times while Sarah claps her hands.
Your smile stays rooted on your face, feeling happy and safe in your family's presence.
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For everything:
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @lovelyy-moonlight @yoruse
@mythixmagic @iris-xoxo-juhu
For JJ:
@chiaraanatra @chimindity @flora-eva
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prof-peach · 3 months ago
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A'ight folks, next trio of pages are up, we are OFFICIALLY at 50? Crazy, but I hope this year ahead I can do way more for you all!
A reminder, this comic has depictions of injury, swearing, and many other adult themes, read at your own discretion.
Pages 48-50 are here!
Or start at the begining here if you're new to the story!
I hope you all have a good new year, stay safe out there.
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scriv3lloirl · 6 months ago
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@scriv3lloirl guess who got his ipad back!!
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Closeups n individuals under the cut
Ik the colors are different in literally every picture my ipad is just weird
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thisisxli · 9 months ago
𝐓𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲-𝐓𝐨𝐞𝐬. - 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐓.(𝐃𝐚𝐛𝐢)
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Rs: Touya Todoroki(Dabi) x GN!Reader(amab/afab)
Warnings: angst
Tags: Reader is Hawk's sidekick, reader and Touya are childhood friends, Touya is shitty at feelings, Dabi persona, Touya has a cute feet tapping habit, platonic or romantic however reader wants to take it
Summary: Dabi is confused when you easily figure out his real name and identity. Why? Because of the habit he has, tapping his foot on the ground.
Recommended song:
wc: 0.4k
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"Just send me a quick text of your location if anything goes wrong, a'ight?"
"Okay, okay. Bye, Hawks," you softly smile, ending the phone call with the number three hero. You weren't a pro but you were a sidekick. Not one that was constantly by his side but one Hawks was fond of. "You done calling with bird brain?" A raspy voice calls out. Touya? Your breathing starts to quicken a little bit in anticipation.
You quickly turn around to see a familiar pair of turquoise eyes, one you knew years ago and knew now. His hands was deep in the pockets of his black coat and his black hair framed his burnt face. You almost didn't recognize him. "You..." You breathe, halting and avert your eyes to his feet, one of them tapping on the ground. You chuckle.
"Why did you call me Touya?" His question slightly catches you off-guard, his expression unmoving. "Well, I called you Touya because.. it's you. I know it's you, Touya, you don't have to deny it," you smile bitterly when you watch a muscle in his face twitch, a little blood leaking from his metallic stitches. "Well.. I'll be damned. How'd ya know,
(Y/N)?" He emphasizes your name in his sentence, nearly shaking you to your core. Your name felt so familiar yet so foreign rolling out of his mouth. You on the other hand was surprised to say the least, you didn't think he remembered you. When you think of your reasoning, you snort before letting out a laugh. He raises a brow at you.
"You still," your laugh dies down, staring at him with fondness and old grief you experienced for the old young him, "you still do tappy-toes. You tap your feet whenever you're excited or nervous." He stiffens at your words. Seriously? You noticed that it was him from that? Not even his own family recognized him. But you were a whole different type of weird. Funny, he thinks. "Wasn't expecting that," he raspily chuckles before his face drops into his usual stoic look. "But I'm letting you know now.. That I'm not that Touya anymore. Call me Dabi-" "not a chance," you smirk, walking closer to him. Why were you doing that? He's dangerous and you know it. It starts to irk him when you were only a few feet away. "I'm serious. It's Dabi," he lowers his voice, staring down at you. That's also when you realize. He was right, Touya was gone. The Touya you knew was gone.
He wasn't that little boy anymore. Suddenly your vision becomes blurry but you could tell he turned his back to you. "We'll meet again," he turns his head at you, murmuring.
As a tear fell, your vision became clear again. But he was already gone. Again.
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a/n: i enjoyed writing this! Thank you @scardey-cat for the idea! I'm really sorry for taking so long to post this but here it is! I hope you like it and I hope others enjoy it also! Thank you for reading.
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teen6ge · 1 year ago
Seoul Drift ☆ 1
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☆ summary: Ever since your mom tied the knot with Seungcheol's dad, you've been drawn to the electrifying world of drift racing. Watching Seungcheol—aka S.COUPS—tear up the streets, cementing his place as one of Seoul's top drifters, filled you with pride. From the moment you witnessed your first race, you've been itching to join in, begging Seungcheol to teach you the ropes. But he's always been dead set against it, wary of the dangers lurking in the shadows of the racing scene. However, everything changes when Wonwoo, a member of a rival crew, enters the picture. Suddenly, the lines between personal and professional blur, and seismic shifts rock both your personal life and Seungcheol's drifting career.
☆ pairing: fem!reader x racer!wonwoo
☆ genre: action. angst. eventual smut. strangers to lovers.
☆ word count: 3,6k
☆ a/n: IT'S HERE EARLY THAN I EXPECTED!!!!!!!! y'all, i have absolutely nothing to add. this is only the beginning and, soon enough, i'll evolve my writing, promise. i just hope you like it just as much as i did! i also would like to thank for the support and interest. next chapter i'll work harder. soon i'll post two important links to get you in the mood (playlist + aesthetic boards). that's it! thank youuuuuuuuuuu
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“This is so exciting, isn’t it?” Yeeun's high-pitched voice chirps, breaking through the veil of your anxious thoughts about tonight's race. You turn to face her, mustering a somewhat forced smile as you nod in agreement before looking at Seungcheol again. It's unusual for you to feel this anxious about one of his races, but tonight, there's an unshakeable feeling that something is going to be different. The anticipation hangs in the air, thick with the promise of an electrifying night ahead.
Your stepbrother is already in his car, a white Acura NSX with striking red, gray, and black accents, poised at the starting line while awaiting the final racer to arrive. He exudes confidence, as always, unfazed by the tension of the moment. One hand firmly grips the wheel while the other casually supports his chin, his gaze scanning the crowd before meeting yours. A reassuring smile graces his lips, conveying silent encouragement. You couldn’t help but relax as you smile back, feeling way less nervous than before. 
A short, black-haired man strides confidently toward the first car, an all-black BMW M5, leaning casually over the driver's window to engage in conversation. "Hey, who's that?" Yeeun inquires, pointing in his direction. Your eyes instinctively roll at the sight of him.
"That's Hoshi. His real name is Soonyoung, but everyone knows him as Hoshi. He's part of this massive drift team called Supra NFZ. They're rivals with Cheol's team. Well, basically, they're the only rivals they have," you explain, crossing your arms. Yeeun listens intently, her gaze shifting to Hoshi for a moment before she scoffs. 
"Pigs," Yeeun mutters, and you can't help but giggle at your best friend's words. Honestly, you couldn't agree more.
"Yeah, they are. Plus, I don't know why Seungcheol keeps coming to their events. It's not like they're the only ones around..." you mutter, scanning the area as you observe people placing their bets with another member of the Supra NFZ.
"Maybe because they're our only rivals, as you said before, Y/N," Mingyu's voice chimes in, causing you to turn around. You're met with the flash of his professional camera as he captures a picture of you and Yeeun. Blinking rapidly, you close your eyes immediately after, the brightness burning into your retinas as you whine, slapping your hand against Mingyu's strong arm. He giggles in response. "I'm sorry, I just had to." 
"A'ight, listen up, racers," Hoshi's loud voice cuts through the chatter, instantly quieting down the crowd as all eyes turn to him. "Race starts in 2 minutes, with or without my guest, so get yourselves ready."
Not a minute after Hoshi's announcement, a loud roar of a car getting closer and closer fills the air, causing the crowd to scatter. A black, simple 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse emerges, positioning itself beside Seungcheol's car. When the driver rolls his window down, Hoshi smiles as he opens his arms. “Wonwoo, you made it! A’ight, y’all. This is my guest, Jeon Wonwoo, a.k.a GAM3 BO1. It’s his first time, so let’s make him feel at home, a’ight?”
"Shit… We got a newbie." Mingyu exclaims in excitement, standing right behind you. His eyes scan the crowd, searching for his own team.
The crowd starts to buzz talking about the new competitor, your group included. Seungcheol glares at the dark haired man, smirking cocky as his engine roars impatiently, now turning to the other opponents, Bobby and Zico, who are adorning the same smile as him.
“Racers… Ready?” Hoshi asks, the drivers only speeding up in response, engines roaring loud and repeatedly. Wonwoo's eyes meet your stepbrother's, and for a moment, it seems like Wonwoo looks scared. Seungcheol is a serious man to those who don't know him; it's not uncommon for people to find him intimidating. However, once you get to know him, you understand that he's actually a very patient and caring person. That's why it's common to see the look of despair on his face as Cheol glares at him. You're beginning to feel nervous again as Hoshi stands in front of the now four cars, his arms lifting as the race is about to start. 
Engines purr impatiently as Hoshi begins to count down from 3 to 1, yelling "GO!" As expected, the first car to start moving is Seungcheol's, the last being from the newbie, but not too far behind. People cheer as they rush to the start line, now free of cars, to watch the vehicles until they disappear from view, yourself included. Yeeun cheers as loud as she can for Seungcheol, Mingyu joining her afterwards as soon as he drags Vernon, the newest member of Cheol’s crew, along with him. Your eyes are fixed on your stepbrother's car, the white Acura drifting beautifully as it turns right, almost side by side with Zico’s car, a purple Nissan 180SX S13, closing in on Seungcheol’s lead, which makes you bite your nail due to nervousness. 
As soon as the four cars disappear, the crowd darts to an alley, eager to reach the other side of the block where the finish line awaits. Mingyu is the one to bring you back to reality by grabbing your hand and forcing you to walk with the rest of the group to where the crowd is going.
"Gyu... I don't... I don't think Cheol is winning this one," you manage to mutter, your eyes filled with worry as Mingyu stops in his tracks to face you, his smile disappearing when he notices your serious expression.
"Hey! No, no, no. Don't you dare think he can't win this. Zico might be scary, but he's definitely not better than Coups, okay? Bobby and the other one are not even a competition anymore," he says, grabbing your chin and smiling fondly as he tries to soothe you. "He's got this, okay? And he needs us to be there when he wins yet another race. Let's go, love."
As soon as you reach the finish line, you spot Hoshi watching the race from a TV surrounded by a crowd of people trying to catch a glimpse of the screen as well. A drone camera hovers overhead, controlled by a long black-haired, skinny boy who sits by Hoshi's side. It's the same boy who was collecting people's bets before the race started.
From where you stand, you can see Cheol's car in the lead, with Zico following closely behind while Bobby and Wonwoo are locked in a fierce battle for third place. A wave of relief washes over you at the sight of your brother leading the race, and you notice Vernon, Mingyu, and Yeeun already opening a beer to celebrate the foreseen victory. You smile in relief, grabbing a beer yourself. 
"Ain't no way!" someone yells from the crowd, and your smile drops as you turn to face the screen, disbelief washing over you as you see what seems to be the unbelievable: Wonwoo closing in on Seungcheol. Over the buzz of the crowd, you can hear Hoshi's laugh, and your eyes remain fixed on the TV screen as both cars take a turn to enter the street where you are now.
Everyone moves to the sides of the finish line, their eyes glued to the two cars closing in on each other. Both drivers have already activated their Nitro gas, accelerating with every ounce of power they have in an intense final push to try to win.
Just when everything seems to be shrouded in uncertainty, Wonwoo's car starts to slow down a bit, a clear indication that his Nitro has run out, while Cheol keeps moving faster and faster, crossing the finish line. Drifting his car to mark a circle on the ground before coming to a stop, Seungcheol jumps out of the car, a victorious smile on his face as people rush up to congratulate him.
Yeeun jumps into his arms, showering him with kisses as he embraces her waist, murmuring words of love before letting her go to greet Mingyu and Vernon, both of them gushing about how incredible the race was. You watch him with a proud smile before wrapping him in a tight hug, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. 
"I'm so proud of you, Cheollie. That was scary, but also pretty amazing!" you say in a low voice, knowing how much he would hate it if everybody listened to your nickname for him. He winks at you before turning to the rest of the competitors, who are now talking to their own crew. Seungcheol walks up to them to congratulate them about the race. You eye the competitors you’re familiar with before your eyes land on Wonwoo, who has a satisfied smile on his face. His car has fog coming out of the hood, and he clearly lost a bunch of money. You couldn't understand how and why he's happy, but you couldn’t help but smile along with him, finding it adorable. 
"S.COUPS… Here's your prize. Congrats, man," Hoshi approaches your brother, his voice carrying a tone of somewhat fake admiration as he hands over the money they've collected before the race. It’s a BUNCH of money, and your brother's smile widens with pride and satisfaction as he accepts the winnings. "A'ight, let's party, people! The night is just beginning," Hoshi announces to the jubilant crowd, igniting a wave of excitement and anticipation for the festivities ahead.
After securely stashing away the prize money, Seungcheol strides confidently toward the new boy, whose skill nearly cost him first place, and crosses his arms, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. GAM3 BO1 turns to face him, his smile unwavering even as he lifts the hood of the car, releasing a billow of smoke. Seungcheol positions himself beside the boy, casting a critical eye over the engine as he inspects the interior, shaking his head in mock disapproval. His gaze returns to the boy. "Whatcha smiling about?" 
"Dude, I almost had you," Wonwoo declares, his tone filled with a mixture of determination and playful challenge, before pointing a finger squarely at your brother, and earning him a round of cheers and applause from the onlookers. Now you’re definitely laughing. Seungcheol grins at his words, looking over his shoulder at his teammates before looking at the boy again. 
“You almost had me? You never had me. You never had your car.” Cheol's words ring out, cutting through the air with a mix of humor and challenge that sends the surrounding crowd into fits of laughter. The infectious sound fills the air, causing your lips to press together to contain your own amusement. Despite the laughter, a sense of sympathy washes over you for the boy. Wonwoo’s eyes shift between the crowd and your brother, his smile unwavering.
Your brother strides confidently around the car as he continues, his voice carrying a playful edge. “Granny-shifting. Not double-clutching, like you should. You’re lucky that 100-shot of NOS didn’t blow the welds on the intake.” His words are met with a chorus of cheers in agreement, the crowd clearly enjoying the banter between the two racers. “Almost had me?” Seungcheol turns to the people behind him, their expressions a mix of disbelief and awe at the exchange that just unfolded. Without a word, they gesture for Wonwoo to leave, their reactions a testament to the intensity of the moment. The boy is still unaffected by any words or actions. 
“Ask any racer. Any real racer.” Cheol's voice booms with confidence as he returns to stand in front of Wonwoo, his demeanor commanding the attention of everyone around him. Mingyu and Vernon move closer to support their friend, their presence adding to the sense of camaraderie and unity among them. You watch the scene unfold with a grin on your lips, observing how your brother exudes an undeniable sense of cockiness when it comes to racing.
“It doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning’s winning.” His words resonate deeply, echoing through the crowd and eliciting cheers and applause from all around. Some people even join in, yelling "yeah" to express their agreement with your brother's sentiment. 
And it was true. 
Although Wonwoo came close to overtaking Cheol's lead, he ultimately didn't win, and that's what matters in the world of street racing. Your brother turns around to embrace his girlfriend before making his way through the jubilant crowd, joining in the festivities as someone's car blasts music at full volume.
Meanwhile, you remain in the same spot, a sympathetic smile on your lips as you observe Wonwoo, who appears to be crestfallen as his car continues to emit smoke.
"You really didn't prepare for the race as you needed to, did you?" you remark, your tone a mixture of empathy and curiosity as you address the disappointed racer. He turns around as soon as he hears your voice, and sighs as he shakes his head.
“Apparently, I did not…” he chuckles, his expression a mix of resignation and amusement as he acknowledges his oversight. You find yourself smiling in response, drawn to his easygoing demeanor as you approach him, taking a closer look at his car.
“But he’s right. S.COUPS knows more about this than I do, clearly,” he continues, his tone tinged with admiration as he acknowledges your brother's expertise. “I thought only having Nitro gas was enough.”
You smile sympathetically, nodding in understanding as you lean against his car, your eyes scanning the crowd in search of your brother, who is now engrossed in the festivities with his teammates and Yeeun. 
“He’s not a bad guy, you know? He’s been in this game for a long time, so he knows and loves what he’s doing now. But he was just like you at first,” you remark, your gaze returning to Wonwoo, who mirrors your posture as he leans against his car beside you. “NOS isn’t enough, and whether you like it or not, drifting is also an important skill to master.” 
"Yeah... Do you race too?" His curiosity is genuine, evident in the way he speaks, as if he's genuinely interested in your involvement in the racing scene. You chuckle softly and shake your head, a hint of amusement dancing in your eyes.
"No! No, I... He would never let me," you sigh, your gaze drifting towards your brother once again. The familiar tension between you two surfaces once more in your mind. It's a recurring cycle - you ask him to teach you, he refuses, and before you know it, you're locked in another argument. "He hardly changes his mind."
Wonwoo hums in understanding, his gaze following yours to your brother, and a chuckle escapes him, prompting you to look at him with a slight frown, though a smile plays at the corners of your lips. "What?"
He shakes his head before returning his gaze to you, a playful glint in his eyes. "I was going to ask if he's your boyfriend or something, but he clearly isn't. He's almost swallowing the blonde girl he's with," he remarks, his observation laced with humor. You laugh in response, shaking your head at the amusing misconception.
"Oh, God, no! No, he's my brother. Well... Stepbrother," you clarify, offering a small smile as you dispel any misconceptions about your relationship with Seungcheol. Wonwoo hums again, looking at his own hands while toying with his fingers before speaking.
“So… It’s okay to ask for your number then, right?” he smiles at you, his ears slightly pink, a sign of his nervousness. You feel your cheeks burning as you smile shyly and nod in response to his question. “Yeah? What about a date?”
“Yes, Wonwoo! I’ll go out with you,” you say, unable to hide your excitement. His gaze is endearing as he looks at you, his eyes moving between your lips and eyes, a gesture that doesn't go unnoticed by you.
"Good. I promise it won’t be as embarrassing as today… At least not for me," he adds with a chuckle, and you both share a laugh, the tension easing between you.
After exchanging phone numbers, Seungcheol calls out for you, indicating it's time to go. Reluctantly, you begin to make your way toward him, though part of you wishes you could stay longer with Wonwoo. You're unsure if he'll actually ask you on a date, but the possibility leaves you feeling anxious and excited.
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After a few moments, Wonwoo makes his way back to Hoshi’s garage, where the rest of the Supra NFZ crew has gathered, minus DK himself. Despite being a part of the team for two years now, Wonwoo has never actually met DK in person; he only knows of him through reputation. Stepping out of his car once it's parked, Wonwoo strides toward the table where the other members are gathered, their attention absorbed by a lively card game as they await his arrival. The first to acknowledge Wonwoo’s presence is Dino, the youngest member of the team.
“Oh, hyung! You’re back!” Dino exclaims, his cards dropping onto the table as the rest of the crew swivel around to greet Wonwoo. Rising from his seat, Hoshi gestures for Wonwoo to join them at the table.
“A’ight… Now that all of us are here, at least the Seoul division, let’s first congratulate Wonwoo for his performance tonight,” Hoshi announces, his applause prompting the other members to follow suit with cheers of approval. Wonwoo accepts the praise with a smug smile before settling into his seat at the table.
“I told you I could do it… Choi Seungcheol really thinks he won because poor Wonwoo didn’t know his way around,” he jests, his eyes rolling playfully as laughter ripples through the group. Rising to his feet, Dino takes it upon himself to retrieve beers for everyone before resuming his place at the table. After taking a sip of his drink, Wonwoo sinks back into his chair, the tension in his muscles easing slightly. “So… What’s next?” he inquires, his tone laced with curiosity.
“Hm… Right.” Hoshi sets down his beer, reaching for his notebook and flipping it around to display the screen to the assembled members. The file on the screen contains scant details about Seungcheol’s crew. “Here’s the plan. We need you to gather intel. Gain their trust, blend in, and become one of them. DK’s orders.” Hoshi outlines, his gaze locking with Wonwoo’s as he emphasizes the importance of discretion. Wonwoo nods in solemn understanding, taking another sip of his beer as he absorbs the gravity of the task ahead. “You still need to maintain your cover by using that beat-up car as your alibi to coax S.COUPS into helping and teaching you a thing or two. You cannot afford to be discovered. Understood?”
“Got it.” Wonwoo’s response is resolute and brimming with confidence, his determination evident in his tone. Hoshi shifts his attention to the rest of the group, clicking a button to transition to the next slide on his presentation.
“Great… Now, we know Seungcheol has a stepsister… I believe the best person to try to use her would be-”
“I can do it.” Wonwoo’s assertive voice slices through Hoshi’s sentence, prompting the short-haired man to give him a thorough once-over. “I actually spoke to her today and even got her number. She thinks I’m taking her out on a date later, so… Let me handle the Chois.”
“She isn’t a Choi. Not like Seungcheol,” Hoshi murmurs, his voice carrying a note of skepticism as he closes the notebook and straightens his posture. “I’m not entirely convinced you can handle her…” His arms cross over his chest as he subjects Wonwoo to another round of scrutiny, his gaze flickering to the other members of the team, gauging their reactions before finally shrugging. “But fine. If she gave you her number, there’s potential. But no romantic feelings, Jeon. Don’t make me regret it.”
As he checks his watch and rises to his feet, Hoshi lets out a muttered curse, hastily finishing the remnants of his beer and scrambling to gather his belongings. “Now scram. It’s late and y’all still need to work tomorrow. Dino, tomorrow you’re training Jun. I need him ready by the end of the month; Metaworld is happening, and we need him since Wonwoo will likely be racing for Seungcheol’s team.”
Dino and Jun exchange nods of understanding, echoing a simultaneous “yes, sir.” “Great! Hao, you’re in charge of DK’s new car’s design. He wants something along the lines of green neon fire. Don’t ask me what or how; just get it done and send it to me when it's ready.” Snatching up his car keys, Hoshi beckons to Seungkwan, and the two of them stride purposefully toward Hoshi’s car, an eye-catching orange 2020 Dodge Charger Hellcat Redeye. “Wonwoo, you’re heading to S.COUPS’s restaurant tomorrow. I’ll text you the address. Don’t forget about it.”
And with that, the rest of the crew departed the garage, their engines roaring to life as they dispersed into the night. Wonwoo offers a casual wave goodbye to his teammates as they peel out in their respective vehicles, leaving him alone in the empty space. Retrieving his cellphone from his pocket, he quickly shoots you a text, a simple confirmation that he indeed had your number.
"No romantic feelings," he mutters to himself with a scoff, dismissing the notion as he locks his phone. But deep down, a seed of doubt lingers. Maybe he didn’t realize it yet, but the wheels of fate had already been set in motion.
He would find himself drawn to you, just as you would to him.
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☆ taglist: @kwonshiho - @aaa-sia - @tootheiass - @vlbi - @soonyoonswoo - @bekah931215 - @i-lovegojo
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anakinca · 3 months ago
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aj x reader
tw ; nothing, just pure fluff
a/n ; hello my lovely, lovely angels !! this is my first ever write on here, so i hope u all enjoy this <3 this may or may not be a little sneakpeak to one of my fics that i'll be posting on ao3 or wattpad..
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CITY VIEWS HAVE ALWAYS CALMED YOU. It mainly comes from the fact you were always sheltered as a child. Being able to look out the large windows of the flat you and AJ share and see the gorgeous, vast city of LA is comforting to you. It makes you feel as if you're not bound to a place—that you're free and not tied down or restricted from anything like in your childhood.
The view was the very first thing you always looked for when you and AJ were picking out your place. It's one of the many things you love about living here. 
So, when today was rather hectic at your job, and you just needed some time to wind down, what better place to relax?
You let a small sigh escape from your lips as you lean back on the sofa you're lounging on. Your legs are propped up onto the couch while your arms are hugging them, staring out of the large, floor-to-ceiling windows that fill the walls of the living room. 
Your eyes are gazing out the windows at the city lights. The living room is illuminated by them, the moonlight, and the dim lighting of the ceiling bulbs. While your eyes are focused outside the windows, you're more-so focused on the constant clattering happening in the kitchen. 
"Shit!" You hear after a large clatter of noises. 
You raise an eyebrow and lift your head off your knees, turning your head to the direction the kitchen is. "Everything okay in there?" You call out. 
"Yeah! Yep! All a'ight, no need to come in here!" AJ calls back, a slightly rushed tone in his voice which makes you just want to go over there and see what's happening all the more. 
Your brows furrow in slight confusion as you blink a few times, then shrugging it off. If he's burning the kitchen down, you'd rather be unaware of it than know. 
After a couple seconds, you hear another loud crash coming from the kitchen, making you open one eye. 
"Are you sure you don't want me to come in there?" You sigh, opening both your eyes now and letting your legs fall off the sofa. Right after your response, you hear another damn crash. Is he fucking rebuilding the kitchen?
"Nope! Just.. gettin' some things done!" 
You roll your eyes and decide to leave it alone again. If there's one thing you've learned in all the years you've been dating him, it's that you honestly should always expect the unexpected from him. It's like you're reaching your hand into a surprise box every time you're with him—and not always in a good way, per se. 
A few moments later, you hear his footsteps from behind you, walking into the living room. You turn your head over your shoulder to look at him and see the two glasses he's holding in his hands, your lips quirking up at the corners into a smile. 
"I was tryin' to make some mojitos, but it.. didn't really work out in my favour." He says with a slightly sheepish smile, making you laugh as he sits down and hands you one of the glasses. 
You've always loved his mojitos, or really any kind of drink he makes. They always turn out tasting amazing, even though the process he goes through to make them results in almost wrecking down the flat. 
You take the glass from his hand and take a small sip, your eyes closing in content as your lips curve up more—making a hum of approval. 
AJ chuckles softly at your reaction and takes a sip himself, then places his on the glass coffee table. He leans back and throws his arm around your shoulder, tugging you closer to his side. "Alright. Are you gonna talk now?" He asks you. 
You turn your head to the side to face him, raising an eyebrow questionably. "About what?" You respond, slightly widening your eyes in an attempt to try and play dumb. Yet that plan goes straight to hell when he narrows his eyes at you knowingly. 
"I think we both know what I'm talking about, dollface." He retorts, making you press your lips into a line and sigh. He pats your shoulder encouragingly with his arm that's slung around them, while pulling you closer to him so you're nicely tucked underneath his arm and against his side. "You've been cranky since you stepped foot through the door. What's goin' on?" 
You frown a bit, looking away from him while you lean your head on his shoulder. He moves his hand from your shoulder and into your hair, lightly massaging your scalp while he plays with your hair. The action makes your features relax a bit, your lids fluttering shut and leaning into him more. 
After a bit more pestering from his end, and a couple more huffs from yours, you told him about what had been bothering you today. As you talked, he continued massaging your scalp, quietly listening to you and giving you assuring nods to keep going.
You nuzzle yourself more into his side when you finish talking, keeping your head on his shoulder and your eyes gazing out the windows. 
A small exhale slips past your lips and you relax as he runs his fingers through your hair, kissing the top of your head softly. "At least we have this view to keep us sane, hm?" You joke, tilting your head up to look at him. 
He tilted his own head down to look at you, his lips settling into a small, yet warm smile. He didn't say anything for a few moments as he looked into your eyes, his hand leaving your hair to cup the back of your neck. 
You could feel your cheeks start to heat up slightly from his gaze—the way he was so utterly focused on you, and how there was such an intensity and passion to it. 
His hand moves to your cheek and his thumb starts to gently caress the soft skin, his eyes never once leaving yours. "You're what keeps me sane, sweetheart." He murmurs softly, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear with his other hand. 
Your heartbeat picked up a bit, and your cheeks definitely heating up now. He laughs a little at your flustered appearance and places his hand on the back of your head, capturing your lips in a small yet passionate kiss, before guiding your head to rest back on his shoulder. 
"Now, enough of the sappy talk. How 'bout we just watch some shitty comedy movies to get your pretty little head out of all that chaos, hm?" He grins, looking down at you. The idea makes you smile again and nod your head, definitely not letting his offer pass by. 
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lmaowhatt · 2 months ago
it takes time - five
summary: actress y/n I/n has recently skyrocketed into stardom after her breakout film 'castaways' alongside sarah cameron, kevin hart, chris evans and chris hemsworth. weeks after the movies premiere, she drops her debut single, further cementing her place in the spotlight. as millions of people around the world begin to notice and idolize her, struggling with her own demons, she catches the attention of rafe cameron, among others. however, not everything goes as smooth as they both would've hoped. and they soon figure out.. it takes time.
main masterlist | series masterlist
four - five - six
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liked by youruser, rafecameron, jbr and 827k others
hellraisermovie out now! thank you to everyone who contributed on this project including our amazing directors @/davidbruckner and @/jbr. and a big thank you to the amazing actors who brought our vision to life.
youruser YAY!
rafecameron im so hot.
➯ user hes so self aware
➯ user some would call it cocky
brandonflynn BOW BOW BOW
user they fadiddled?!?!
➯ user using common sense isnt a thing apparently
adamfaison WHOO.
user shes so 😍😍😍
➯ user RIGHT? like fuck rafe shes so 🤤
msjamieclayton thanks for this opportunity!
user that entire scene had me like 😧🫣🫨
➯ user real
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liked by youruser, sarahcam and 1.0 million others
rafecameron hellraiser out now!
sarahcam ur so gross ew.
➯ rafecameron puhlease im obviously the better sibling🙄
➯ jbr i beg to differ
user seriously somebody sedate me
user i js know its rough
jbr why are you always bald
➯ rafecameron thats it, where are my clippers
popeh you're getting it tn
➯ cleopatty im right here.
➯ rafecameron so?
user raw, next question.
user guys.. i fear that 'i love you' maybe didnt sound scripted
➯ user she had a line after.. it was scripted 💀
user body so tea, both of them
➯ user seriously unfair 😔
user some ppl need to be put down😧
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liked by rafecameron, sarahcam, jjmay and 928k others
youruser hellraiser, out now! hope you guys enjoy!
sarahcam YES HAWT MAMA marry me
➯ jbr i object.
➯ youruser overruled.
jjmay WOOHOO.
*liked by creator*
user dont sedate me just put me down.
kiekie yo.. forget my man i want YOU
➯ jjmay something tells me he would not approve nor be ok with this.. a hunch
➯ user hmm...
jbr love you!
cleopatty someone check my vitals
user the rafe likes are getting too frequent and i fw it.
popeh no cs this ate i fear.
➯ youruser you fear it ate? im appalled.
➯ popeh you can spell appalled? IM appalled.
your phone
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almost two weeks into the new year and you were already navigating through the bustling airport in los angeles. you'd just returned from a brief trip to england, and while part of you was relieved to be back in your city, surrounded by your friends and the familiar chaos, another part of you couldn’t shake the feeling of wanting to stay longer. you had initially planned for an extra week stay after your audition, but life had a way of pulling you back. dressed in a matching grey tracksuit with the hoodie pulled low over your head, you gripped your phone, pressing it to your ear as it rang, waiting for jj to pick up.
"you here yet?" the mans voice was heard from the other side of the phone. you nodded, fumbling around with something in your bag before you answered. "yeah, landed about a half hour ago," you spoke, weaving through the small crowds of people as you tried to venture toward the airport entrance. "im almost there just hang tight, a'ight?" you hummed, muttering a quiet goodbye before hanging up the phone.
you continued to weave through the tight airport crowds, muttering small apologies when you bumped your shoulder or elbow into someone else. as you rounded a corner into a different hall, you harshly bumped into a younger girl who looked to be around sixteen years old. "oh my- honey im so sorry. are you okay?" you quickly muttered out as you held her hand to pull her back up. however, she didnt seem phased in the slightest, her eyes widening once she realized who you were.
"holy shit. y- youre y/n, right?" she stumbled on her words, smiling even brighter as you nodded your head with a sheepish chuckle. "uhm, sorry. c-can i get a picture, please?" she asked you nervously, constantly glancing between you and her phone as she fumbled around with it. "yeah sure," you smiled, watching as she excitedly passed her phone to her mom who was stood a few feet away, mumbling something about taking a picture.
after taking around three to four pictures, you turned to her again. "you sure you okay?" with concern etched on your face, a small smile still managed to make its way onto your face as you watched her nod profusely. "y-yeah. im okay. uhm, thank you." she smiled at your before muttering a quick goodbye, ruhshing away to grab her phone back from her moms grip.
you smiled to yourself, gathering your things once more as you felt your phone vibrate from its place on your backpack. "yeah?" you pressed the phone up to your ear, supporting it with your shoulder as you continued your walk towards the entrance. "im here," jj called through the phone, "lucky for you, its too busy i think you can just come out normally." you let out a small sigh, nodding gratefully. "ill be right out," you stated before hanging up.
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liked by youruser, kiekie and 1.1 million others
jjmay mi vida
jbr im offended. the only pic im in and its blurred.
➯ jjmay blame @/youruser photography skills
➯ popeh im his fav. i look hot in mine
user HELLO?? hardlaunch???
➯ jjmay oops?
youruser jj?? inspirational?? like i didnt send you that pic?
kiekie would just like to say jj was no help in winning the pool game!
user everyone SHUT UP. jj posted! and he hardlaunched?? im done!
cleopatty boy knows two words in spanish and ran with it
sarahcam the shirley temples.. i wonder who made them..
➯ jjmay girl–
➯ youruser this one has a lil sass to it
➯ kiekie lets keep it
➯ jjmay im sorry, IT?
➯ jbr you get used to it, unfortunately.
user i love their friendship
user chat did anyone peep rage..
➯ user real like.. i didnt think they were close with him
➯ user rafe is literallly sarah's brother??
your phone
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taglist: @xoxo-ada
psa: anyone else who wants to be added to the taglist, let me know!
a/n: so sorry for the very vey late upload but i slacked off 😔 its ok tho!!
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nanomooselet · 5 days ago
I hunger for good dubbed anime to watch. Sell me on Trigun-make me the newest fandom convert.
A'ight. Get comfortable, this is gonna be a long one.
In its simplest sense, Trigun is a sci-fi western story that grapples with some pretty profound questions about love, principle, volition and autonomy, hope and despair, family and friends. Vash's secrets are stranger and more terrible than can be imagined in advance - I promise you, whatever spoilers you've learned don't prepare for the wrenching sorrow and horror of his life.
But it is a fundamentally kind story. And also very funny! Vash is in many ways a Looney Tunes character. He's a strange and sweet man with no attachment to his dignity and way smarter than he seems, which means he's doing it all on purpose. He might be my single favourite character to appear in any anime ever.
Trigun is set on the burning desert planet of No Man's Land, where a set of colony ships crashed a century and a half ago. The planet is almost devoid of resources, so we rely upon beings called Plants to survive - precious biological reactors that can produce power and water. They are expensive and difficult to find (the technology to make them was lost in the crash) and more of them are failing over time. Enter Meryl Stryfe (an insurance consultant in the older continuities, a reporter in the new one) set to track down Vash the Stampede, the Humanoid Typhoon, a man with the highest bounty on his head in living history: sixty billion double dollars. The crimes attributed to him are terrible. Mass murder, the destruction of cities. So Meryl's going to try and monitor him to see if the damage he causes can be reduced. And that sets her off on learning the story of Vash's life and the history of the planet he walks. Other characters include Milly Thompson (Meryl's assistant and friend, who is set to show up in Trigun Stargaze) and Nicholas D. Wolfwood, a man who quite literally bears a cross and odd secrets, but none quite so strange as those of the man he staunchly befriends.
Okay so. A lot of people started with the OG anime series, released in 1998, and find a lot of value in it, but I have to front: I did not enjoy it at all. While Vash's silliness is cute, it's also wholly unfocused, the dub extremely amateurishly written and acted, and the attitude towards women in it is fucking weird, bordering on disgusting, which I gather is because the director kept pushing the pervy comedy and the staff all hated it. That said, the soundtrack is a banger, and I like that it gave Meryl more of a position as the viewpoint character. The dub was on Youtube but... seems to have been removed, great. So I don't know where you can find it now.
Then there's the original manga. The two initial volumes were shounen, but the magazine folded before it could be complete. When Nightow revived it in another it was reclassified as seinen and renamed Trigun Maximum. I strongly recommend it in its entirety, because it's a magnificent story. A more or less definitive online fan translation is floating around, it should have everything you need.
And then there's Trigun Stampede.
I love the manga a lot, and it's obvious the people who made this show did too. It engages with its themes and plays with the expectations set up by it being an adaptation while clearly resounding with love for the story. Everyone working on this goes harder than I've ever seen anyone go on anything - music, acting, animation, cinematography, even the writing in the English dub is powerful and meticulous, with an unflinching eye to the darkness of its themes. Because Stampede specifically talks about how Vash became the man he becomes when he doesn't done it yet. And it also does something absolutely extraordinary, which is discuss the persecution of femininity even in those who are not women. This Vash is much softer, passive, gentle and nurturing, and the story is relentless in the brutality he attracts. This version of Vash's genocidal brother might be the most chilling of all, because he is realistically emotionally abusive even as it's obvious he loves and needs his twin.
Plus the fight scenes are, hands down, the greatest I've seen in animation for the last decade. There can be no debate. The final battle in the twelve episode is a thing of beauty, perfect characterisation and relentlessly ratcheting tension, spectacle that blows your eyes out the back of your skull.
It all really makes me happy. It's... man, it's hard to state how beautiful and inspiring I find the story. I really hope you love it, and I'd love to discuss it with you once you're done!
(I've written much, much more about it in this handy-dandy index, but it's riddled with spoilers, so beware.)
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uceyliyahh · 4 months ago
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Summary: "I want you more than anything in my life." After being in a difficult relationship with Carmelo Yasmine decided to move on from him and become the next big thing while getting drafted on the smackdown roster she always thought she would never find love again due to her commitment issues until she met him.
This fanfic is 18+! NO MINORS ALLOWED
word count: 4605
smut warning; it’ll come in the story randomly so PLEASE PLEASE look out for it I’m not really good at writing ✍🏽 smuts but I’m improving at the moment.
Jey Uso x Yasmine
comments, likes, repost are appreciated I would love the constructive feedback in what area I need to approve in. 🤍
ALSO! I don’t not want nobody stealing my fanfics or take it as theirs that will be an issue fasho so keep it cute respectfully.
I only own my OC along with the make up scenarios
But I’ll be writing along the way since this story is in my drafts on Wattpad right now so yuh. 💁🏽‍♀️
TAGS ⬇️ lmk if you wanna be tag 🏷️@pinkwithhearts @420days @jstarr86 @empressdede @angiedawn02 @biancasreign
@bebesobrielo @skyesthebomb @aikosilo @papireigns-05 @punksyeet @paigereeder @magnificentbouquetmusic
@hunnidmilly @celesteheartsjey @charmed-dreamssss @fearlesschimera @partypoison00 @mselenalovebug @bloodlinesbabe93 @justazzi
JEY I was in the garage at home doing my workouts for this upcoming PPV that is happening this weekend. Jon and I got a tag team title defense against the New Day during that time, so I had to be prepared for it.
I hope Yasmine will be able to debut around this weekend during the PPV because I heard that someone would be making their long-awaited debut for a title-shot match against Liv Morgan.
As I was doing my bench press reps, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, which made me put a pause on my workout. I grabbed it from my pocket,  seeing that Yasmine had texted me.
Yasmine🩵 sent 2+ messages and two attachments IMESSAGE 💬 Yasmine🩵: bestie butt I miss you Yasmine🩵: it's sooo boring without you here hopefully I get to see you at work. Yasmine🩵:
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'I felt myself getting hard at these pictures she just sent me damn she looked so fucking cute.'
Joshua🤍: Yasmine you're really testing it right now. Yasmine🩵: whaaaaaat? All I did was send some pictures 🙄 Joshua🤍: yeah, they're cute but that's not the problem minks. Yasmine🩵: then what's the problem? 🤨 Joshua🤍: Yasmine stop playin dumb with me Yasmine🩵: these pictures are getting you hard right now? Joshua🤍: bingo I feel like you sent them on purpose Yasmine🩵: maybe....maybe not🙂🤭 Joshua🤍: you wanna keep playin? Yasmine🩵: what? Ion' know what you're talking about Bestie Joshua🤍: A'ight bet since you wanna act dumb and keep playin I got'chu later on Yasmine🩵: wait Josh I was kidding Yasmine🩵: JOSHUA!! 🥲🥲
I chuckled as I left her on read, staring down at my hardened member and then back at her photos. Her images made me want to pound my dick in so badly. After putting away all of my exercise gear and heading upstairs to my bedroom, I lay down on my bed and took down my shorts, watching my dick pop up and land on my stomach as I started to stroke it up and down while daydreaming about her.
While I kept my eyes closed, I was groaning Yasmine's name and imagining how wonderful it would feel to be within her at that moment. I was going crazy thinking about her in this way, especially when I had wet dreams about it. My legs were squeezing together, and I could picture her bouncing up and down on my dick while groaning my name. I could feel my breath becoming unsteady as I continued to stroke my dick up and down.
"Fuck...Yasmine...Fuck.." I moaned softly as I kept stroking it in a steady pace.
I was rolling my eyes in the back of my head yearning for more of her, her touch, her rubbing all up on me. I instantly grabbed my phone and started to record a video of myself stroking my dick up and down so I could send it to her.
I kept stroking the tip feeling myself edging on as I continued to moan her name, I just couldn't wait to be all up in that whenever I get a chance.
"Ouuuu fuck mama..." thinking about beating her shit in while pulling on her hair choking her as I pushed my dick deeply inside of her wanting her to feel every single inch of me.
I clenched my legs some more feeling sweat coming down my cheeks with my face being all flushed. I felt myself shaking as I sped up the pace a little bit more.
My mouth was parted opened as I felt myself getting close to my climax as my dick twitched in my hands.
I kept imagining Yasmine stroking it for me swirling her tongue around my tip before going down on me while my tip was hitting the back of her throat gagging on it.
"Fuck, I'm finna nut fuck.." I moaned.
I chuckled as I let out a satisfying sigh and saw my nut trickling from my hand as I gently stroked the remaining portion out, cursing under my breath after a few more strokes.
I used my available hand to stop the video recording as my chest was heaving up and down. Getting up from the bed, I went towards my bathroom and took a shower.
'Damn that shit felt so good.'
✧˚° YASMINE I was at the performance center today in the ring practicing with Bianca for my debut this weekend at Crown Jewel. Nobody knew but the girls. I was so nervous and happy that I was finally debuting at my first-ever PPV.
I was on top of the turnbuckle doing my finisher move on Bianca, landing on her stomach and hearing her groan in pain at the feeling. That's when I pinned her shoulders down, counting in my head.
I let go of her leg as I felt my face flushed. My chest was heaving up and down, getting up from the ring, and I placed my hands on my hips as Bianca did the same.
"Damn girl you're really good." Bianca said.
"Man I know I believe what Shawn Michael's was saying that I'll be the next star in this company." I said wiping the sweat off of my forehead.
"I see the vision of you being a champion girl and when you do you better give me the opportunity." I nodded my head chuckling at her letting her know that I'll make sure to give her a title shot.
I went to grab my phone as I saw that Jey had sent me a video. When I went to go open it, my eyes went wide as I saw him stroking his dick up and down, hearing him moaning my name.
I made sure to put my AirPods in so I could listen to it more clearly; as I predicted it his dick was big as fuck and now I gotta wait until later to see what the fuck was he talking about earlier when I sent those pictures.
After watching the video, seeing his nut spilling out from the tip and dripping down on his hands, it just made my body feel warm and fuzzy seeing that he's thinking about me.
I turned the phone off, hearing Bianca's footsteps coming behind me. "Are you ready, girl? Let's go see what your gear is looking like." I nodded my head while grabbing our bags and our water.
✧˚° After Bianca and I checked out my ring attire for Crown Jewel, all I can say is that it looked good, like really good. We were at the catering area, seeing Trinity and Jonathan sitting there at our table eating.
We walked up with our plates as they both looked at us and smiled I tried to scan the area to find Jey but he was nowhere to be found so I just shrugged it off.
Trinity and Them didn't know about my debut match for the weekend because it had to be a secret that would surprise everyone, including the crowds.
"Trinity have you seen my bestie?" I asked.
"I think he's in him and Jon's locker room right now I don't know why?" She said while stuffing her face with food.
"I just wanted to know that's all I was hoping to see him today." Trinity nodded her head as we all continued to eat our foods together. Meanwhile, I felt my phone buzz. When I pulled it out, I saw that Jey had texted me.
Joshua🤍 sent a message IMESSAGE 💬 Joshua🤍: come holla at me for a minute when you get done minks.
I was nervous, to say the least. I didn't know what he had planned, and when I went towards his locker room, all I could think about was what he had said earlier before we came into work.
After I finished eating my food, I got up from the table and went towards the trashcan, throwing away my plate in the process, before heading towards his locker room.
Meanwhile, I heard someone behind me calling my name. I could recognize that voice from a mile away. When I turned around, I saw Carmelo standing there with his arms crossed.
"What Melo?" I asked giving him a stern expression.
"What the fuck is goin on between you and Jey? I saw what you posted on your page talking about a favorite person; it better be me." He said sternly as I smacked my teeth because I didn't have time for this shit right now.
"Melo? Can we not be delusional for once, like seriously, you knew who I was referring to." I was beginning to walk away until I felt him grabbing me by the wrist which made me turn around a smack the fuck out of him.
By this point, I was getting sick of him snatching me up like I was some kind of fucking Barbie doll or something. I watched as he staggered back, clutching his cheek in disbelief. Carmelo was stunned when I turned to leave for Jey's locker room when I approached his locker room I knocked on the door like usual waiting for him to open it.
When I heard his footsteps approaching the door, I heard him opening the door, and I saw myself standing there, looking all innocent. I gazed up at him, smiling.
He let me in, closing the door behind us. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his around my waist, and we made eye contact.
"I missed you bestie butt." I said.
"I missed you too mamas." Jey said as he gave me a peck on the lips.
Hoping that he would forget what he had said earlier, I unwrapped my arms around his neck before walking away to sit down on the couch. That's when I felt him pull me back into his arms, scooping me up by the thighs.
Now I was straddling his lap like I was one week ago. He placed his lips onto mine as we passionately made out with each other. Our tongues were fighting for dominance, knowing he had won that fight, feeling him rubbing his hands all over my body.
Next thing I knew, our clothes were on the floor as the cold breeze hit our bodies. It was like we had lost control in the moment, feeling my body grinding on his hardened dick.
Hearing him hiss at the feeling, we stopped what we were doing as we looked at each other, I couldn't wait any longer for this begging him with my eyes just to fuck me right there.
"We don't have to do this mama, ion want you to feel uncomfortable or being forced." Jey said trying to read my facial expressions.
I shook my head, "I want too Josh...I wanna do this...I trust you..." I was shocked at myself for even saying this despite my trust issues but with Jey it felt so different he's been my peacemaker.
SMUT WARNING He kissed me on the lips, trailing them down onto my neck and giving me wet kisses as I threw my head back in pleasure, letting him do whatever he wanted to do to me.
He was sucking on my neck like a vampire that needed blood supply as he marked me up good, at this point we reached our limit knowing that we both wanted more from each other and not just some kissing and teasing each other.
I felt him rubbing my soaking folds against his tip as I sat down on it, letting his dick fill me up well as I gasped, knowing that he was finna be all in my shit. He pulled me closer to his body and held onto me tightly, giving me nothing but sweet kisses on the cheek.
"You goin' to ride this dick fo' me baby?" He said in a low tone that gave me shivers I nodded my head, looking into his eyes
I slowly moved my ass up and down on his dick, trying to adjust to his size, feeling his hands guiding my hips to my movements. I never felt so full before, especially when I was with Carmelo again. Something about Jey is different.
I had my eyes rolling in the back of my head as Jey watched me bounce all up on his dick I could see him having his bottom lip tucked underneath his teeth.
"Damn, mama...this some good ass pussy.." Jey Groaned as I sped up my pace a little bit.
I saw him throwing his head back as he continued to watch me become a moaning mess for him and only him.
"F-fuckk Josh..." I moaned breathlessly maintaining eye contact with him as I bit the bottom of my lip.
"You so fucking pretty baby, taking papi's dick so well." He was a much better talker than melo was it just turned me on even more. We stopped in our tracks as we heard the door knocking as me and him looked at each other.
But then I felt him thrust his hips upward, causing me to gasp while he covered my mouth, continually thrusting his hips so deep inside of me.
"Yo Uce! we gotta do this segment in like 20 minutes!" Jon said.
"Shit...A'ight then uce I'll be out there in a few!" Jey managed to speak as he pounded into my wet cunt. He looked dead into my eyes, giving me a warning.
At the point, his dick felt like it was all in my guts as I let him take control of the situation, feeling pull my face closer to his as we passionately kissed.
"Ouuu papi...you're so deep. " He liked the way I sounded, and I practically begged him for more—more of him calling out his name.
"Yeah? Keep bouncing on it then mama, make me nut." I did what I was told to do and went back to bouncing on his dick on the couch.
I felt my walls gripping onto him, hearing him cursing under his breath, spanking my ass in the process, getting a handful of it.
I felt a pit going down my stomach, knowing that I was going to be coating my cream all over him as we continued to tongue kiss each other.
His hands were guiding my hips to speed up the pace a little more as skins were slapping against each other, which sounded out the entire room. I could feel his tip hitting my cervix driving me crazy.
He was so deep inside of me it had me seeing stars knowing that this man drives me crazy. I could feel myself coming closer to my orgasm.
That's when I felt him get up flipping us over, now my back was on the couch while my legs were pinned to my sides as he began drilling my shit.
I couldn't handle it anymore as I tried to push him by his stomach but he slapped my hand away fucking vigorously. "J-Joshhhhuaa oh my godddd." I moaned his full name rolling my eyes in the back of my head.
"Mhm...give me this shit mama...cum all over this dick..." He grunted firmly grabbing me by the throat not wanting to hurt me.
The air was thickening with our breathing and sweating making it feel hot inside the locker room. Jey circled his hips hitting my spot over and over again as I felt defeated by him.
Our foreheads were touching each other staring into each other's eyes deeply as he pecked me on the lips letting me to relax and that he got me.
"Uhnnn Josh I-I'm finna C-cum..!" I mewled weakly feelin' tired and overwhelmed.
I heard him whispering something in my ear that made me came all over this man, "C'mon cum fo' papi baby...daddy's got'chu pretty mamas." I felt my legs shaking as I let out a gasp cumming all over him rolling my eyes deeply in the back of my head while he was watching too.
My entire body quivered underneath him as I saw my cream coat his dick so well while he continued to beat my shit in.
I felt so overwhelmed that I had tears running down my face due to me being sensitive around my area, using my hand to push him away, but that just made things worse.
He kept my legs over his shoulders, pounding into me so deeply to the point where I couldn't even look him in the eyes anymore, covering my face in the process.
"Move yo' damn arm away from yo' face minks lemme' see how good I'm fucking you." He demanded as he removed my arm away from my face.
He liked the way I was looking so miserable underneath him, holding onto the couch for dear life and feeling his dick twitch inside of me.
His movements became slower and sloppier with every single thrust he gave me; he wanted me to feel every inch.
"Fuck minks I'm finna nut..." Jey placed a soft kiss on my lips as he moved his hips deeper into my gushy insides.
After a few more thrusts, Jey pulled out of me, letting out a satisfying groan escaping his lips while he came all over my stomach, stroking the rest of his nut out.
'This is some of best sex I ever had.'
I was panting heavily as my chest was heaving up and down; my legs felt like jello shaking violently. Jey had taken notice of that and began massaging my thighs, planting kisses over them.
He grabbed a napkin so he could wipe his nut off of my stomach, after he did that we began putting on our clothes as I attempted to walk towards the mirror fixing my hair hiding my hickies in the process behind my hair.
My legs felt so weak I could barely stand, 'damn, this nigga fuck me good way to good.' He walked up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist placing a kiss on my cheek as we looked at each other in the mirror.
"You good minks?" Jey asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine my legs just feel like jello now because of you sir." I said rolling my eyes at him as I heard him chuckling softly.
"My fault mamas, you just felt so good I couldn't help it." I punched him in his chest before placing a kiss on his lips.
He pulled away from me, grabbing his phone and checking the time he had to leave for this segment before Jon starts to get pissed like a little ass kid. With that he gave one final kiss before heading out to meet with Jon.
Meanwhile, I saw my phone light up as I saw that Bianca had texted me.
Breezy🫶🏽 sent 2+ messages IMESSAGE 💬 Breezy🫶🏽: Yasmine wya? Breezy🫶🏽: oh never mind you with Joshua?
I just chuckled at the messages and began texting her back.
Minnie🧃: yeah, I was spending time with Josh Breezy🫶🏽: girl what was yall doing in there?😭 Minnie🧃: well see about that😭😭 Breezy🫶🏽: OMG BITCH YALL TWO IS NASTY Minnie🧃: we couldn't control ourselves okay😭 this is what we wanted Breezy🫶🏽: I understand girl completely but hurry up before Montez get back in here Minnie🧃: I'm otw now 😭
I made sure that I've gotten everything before leaving towards Montez's locker room, while walking down the hallway I ran into him yet again but this time I just ignored his ass not wanting to hear what he has to say.
As I made it towards my brother's locker room, I opened the door and saw Trinity and Bianca sitting on the couch like always. They both looked at me, darting their eyes behind me.
When I turned around, I saw Carmelo standing behind me, which made me jump a little bit before I turned around and sighed deeply.
"Melo what the fuck." I said.
His eyes darted towards my neck seeing all of my purple hickies on my neck that Jey had applied on me I could read his facial expressions and he looked pretty pissed.
He moved my hair to the side, getting a better view of the hickeys on my neck, "Yasmine, why the fuck are there hickeys on your neck?" I rolled my eyes at him, folding my arms in the process.
"Why does it matter? Get it through your head, Melo. We are not together." Carmelo tried to grab me by the arm, but Trinity came just in time to stop him, slapping him in the face and causing him to stumble backward while shutting the door in his face.
I sat down on the couch, rubbing my temple, feeling frustrated with all of this. The girls could see how stressed I was.
"Girl, you gotta get a restraining order on him or something or he'll just keep harassing you." Bianca said.
I nodded my head agreeing with them I had to do something or this will get worst.
✧˚° OMNISCIENT After work, Yasmine decided to go home and chill for the rest of the day since her body was sore and still recovering from the session she and Jey had earlier today.
When she pulled up in the driveway, she turned off the ignition switch in her car, grabbed her keys and bags from the backseat, and exited the car.
She had thought about what Bianca had said about getting a restraining order against Carmelo. It would probably finally give her some piece of mind if he stayed away from her, and if he went against it, he could go to jail.
It made her smile to think about him being in jail and away from her, especially since she and Jey have been getting close.
She unlocked the door, wiping her feet on the mat before coming inside. She held onto the wall, taking off her shoes and placing them on the rack.
Meanwhile, she sat down on the couch, sighing in relief, feeling her phone vibrate and seeing an unknown number calling her.
OTP Yasmine: hello? Unknown number: Hey minks Yasmine: who the fuck is this? Unknown number: girl it's Trick damn did you forget me already Yasmine: Nigga how did you get my number? Ion want nun to do with you Unknown number: c'mon you know what you told me wasn't true he didn't do that Yasmine: Trick fuck you like honestly your own best friend literally fucking raped me in my locker room and choke me the fuck out and you wanna call up my phone saying that I'm making it up? Unknown number: Minks c'mon now Yasmine: don't fucking call my number again Unknown number: Minks—
Yasmine felt her cheeks getting wet as she wiped her tears away. She couldn't believe that this man didn't believe her and believed that she had made this all up just to ruin Carmelo's reputation.
She blocked Trick's TextNow number while bawling her eyes out on the couch, she had flashbacks of what had happened that day it always give her nightmares at night that's why she always wanted Jey to stay with her because he was her comfort person.
Yasmine wiped the rest of her tears away as she texted Trinity.
IMESSAGE 💬 Minnie🧃: hey, Trin? Trin🤭🫶🏽: yeah, girl what's up? Minnie🧃: is Joshua with yall? Trin🤭🫶🏽: no, him and Jon went out for drinks with the guys why what's wrong? Minnie🧃: sigh, I'm having a mental breakdown right now and I just need him here but ion' wanna be a burden if he's with the guys Trin🤭🫶🏽: hey! Don't say that about yourself you're not a burden to nobody not even Joshua Minnie🧃: I'm trying to calm myself down I can't believe that this man thinks I made it all up Trin🤭🫶🏽: who Trick? He called you? How? Minnie🧃: from a TextNow number Trin🤭🫶🏽: omg he's so weird for that honestly but let me see what time they're coming back okay? Minnie🧃: kk thank you Trin Trin🤭🫶🏽: ofccc I'll do anything for you
After she texted Trin, she went upstairs and went towards her bedroom, not knowing when Bianca and Montez were coming home. She lay down in her bed, curled up in a ball.
She didn't feel safe at work with Carmelo walking around, even though she had protection. She believed that her protection wouldn't help as much since they wouldn't really be around.
She again felt tears running down her face, hoping that Jey would come and comfort her, but she was also scared, wondering if she was pushing him away or scaring him off with her issues.
Wondering if she was enough for him in his eyes, Yasmine wiped her tears away, seeing her phone light up as she saw a text from Jey.
Joshua🤍 sent 2+ messages IMESSAGE 💬 Joshua🤍: hey, mama Trin had texted me saying that you were looking for me Joshua🤍: you okay?
She smiled at the messages but it went away due to her overthinking about what she had thought about.
Yasmine🩵: yeah, I'm okay bestie Joshua🤍: you don't have to hide it from me minks Yasmine🩵: I-I'm not hiding anything... Joshua🤍: Yasmine don't be doing that what's wrong? Yasmine🩵: it's nothing ion' wanna be a burden I'll see you tmr Josh goodnight Joshua🤍: Minks
Yasmine turned off her phone while getting up from her bed and going towards her dresser. She took off her clothes and threw them in the dirty bin right next to her dresser.
She heard her phone going off knowing that Jey was calling her but she didn't want to answer it ignoring her phone ringing, since she already took a shower at work she changed into something comfortable while getting inside her warm blankets.
In the dark, she tossed and turned, not feeling comfortable. Her bed felt empty without Jey cuddling her. She saw a car light approaching the house, probably thinking that it was Montez and Bianca coming home, but she heard the door knocking, which is something that they don't do when they have a key.
She got up from her bed walked downstairs towards the front door, opened the door seeing the person that she wanted to see and be with.
He looked good wearing all black along with his gold chain and white Air Forces including his piercings that hang from his ears.
He had his arms folded over his chest as she let him in before shutting the door behind him, standing there like a little kid.
Her eyes watched him sit down on the couch, curling up his finger in the process as she walked up towards him, going between his legs.
"C'mere Yasmine." Jey spoken.
She looked down at her feet, fiddling with her fingers, as he pulled her onto his lap, grabbing her chin and making her look at him.
Jey noticed that she had been crying, showing concern in his eyes. "Talk to me, mama. What was all of that about?" Yasmine opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.
She sighed, knowing that she wasn't going to get away from this, so she explained what had happened and why she was acting like that, expressing herself that she didn't want to be a burden or worried that she was scaring him away with her issues, wondering if she was enough.
Hearing her vent and let out her feelings just broke his heart. Listening to this, he knew that he loved her deeply; she just didn't even know it.
"Minks, you're more than enough for me. You aren't a burden, mama. Don't ever say that." He reassured her while placing a kiss on her shoulder.
"I'm here for you, mama. You don't have to be afraid to tell me things." Yasmine nodded her head while lying down on his chest.
She knew that Jey was her true comfort person, her peacemaker, and she felt a sense of relief that Jey wasn't going to leave her or judge her for what she had gone through.
Yasmine knew that she would be loved by him.
Something Bout' Us.
A/n: I honestly understand Yasmine completely I know Jey is going to love her downnnn but Trick ass just a damn disgrace like how can you believe your best friend's lies over Yasmine? When you wasn't even there?
Idkk but he's pissing me off honestly.
But I hope yall enjoy the chapter lmk in the comments below.
Stay Ucey.
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sturnioz · 16 days ago
hiii! i love your fratboy!chris and shy!reader prompts and i have an idea for one!!!
okay so i was thinking, chris comes over to reader’s house to spend the night but while reader was in the shower, he was being a little nosey and looking at the different decorations and stuff on her side table and he opens the drawer to find a vape or something similar but its not buns vape its one of her friends and they just probably forgot to grab it or something but chris is so angry because he thinks its hers. and you can think of the rest!!!
changed this req up just a bit to fit the characters !! i hope you dont mind <3
you knew chris was coming over, so he doesn't make his presence known as he walks through the front door, barely sparing a glance at bee—who's sprawled lazily across the couch, scrolling on her phone—as he makes a straight beeline toward your room.
he hears the water running in the shower in the bathroom, but as always, he doesn't hesitate to make himself at home. he pushes the door to your room open and he lays across your bed, settling back against the headboard.
his nose wrinkles almost immediately when one of your jellycats brushes against his foot, and with a sharp kick, he sends the stuffed animal tumbling to the floor, hearing the soft thud as it hits the ground.
chris exhales sharply, adjusting the cap on his head and pulling the brim lower over his eyes before he lifts his hips, reaching into the back pocket of his jeans to pull out his phone, only to scoff with the screen refuses to light up.
he tongues the inside of his cheek in irritation as he leans over the edge of your bed, his eyes scanning the floor for your charger. when he fails to find what he needs, he sits back up, his gaze shifting to your beside table, pulling open the drawer and rummaging through it.
his fingers graze over something, and he pauses.
pulling it out, he stares at the object resting in the palm of his hand. a vape. his eyebrow arches as he turns it over between his fingers, inspecting it like it's some artifact he's never seen before—even though he owns a few himself.
utter confusion flashes across his face for a brief moment, but it's quickly replaced by his usual blunt scepticism. you don't smoke. he knows that, or at least he thought he did.
why the fuck would you have this tucked away? seemingly hidden in the back of your drawer? chris leans back against the headboard, the vape still in hand, his expression unreadable as his eyebrows pinch together.
when he hears the bathroom door creak open, his sharp eyes flit toward you, watching as you step into the room wrapped in a fluffy towel, water droplets trailing down your damp skin and onto the carpet.
"since when d'you vape?"
your eyebrows pull together in confusion as you glance at him, the corner of your lips tugging downward. "i don't.."
"riiiiight..." he drawls, dragging the word out as he lifts the vape into view, letting it dangle lazily between two fingers. "'cos uh, this was just randomly hidden in the back of your drawer for no reason, yeah? a'ight, kid. whatever you say."
"it's not mine," you say softly, shaking your head as you pad over to him.
his eyes track your movements, watching your every step and when you reach out for the vape, chris pulls his hand back, his fingers curling around it tightly.
"what flavour is it?"
chris blinks at you, his eyebrow raising in disbelief. "the fuck does that matter for?"
you try again, reaching for the vape, but chris is much quicker than you. he shifts back, extending his arm further away, and before you can get even closer, his other hand darts out, curling firmly around the front of your towel to keep you at bay.
you repeat your question, and chris huffs, rolling his eyes as if you're testing the last of his patience—which you are—and he turns the vape over in his hand, staring at the label.
"watermelon ice." he mutters flatly.
"oh, it's kittys!" you exclaim, your face lighting up with a smile as you explain. "she must've left it here when she stayed over the other night. oh—i should probably tell her. i don't want her to be worried..."
you trail off, already turning your head to look around for your phone. chris doesn't move, but his silence speaks volumes as his lips part slightly, and his eyebrows knit together as he watches you.
he doesn't say a word, just stares as you spot your phone sitting on your desk across the room. barely noticing the way his hand is still gripping the front of your towel, you give it a light tug to free yourself from his hold, and chris loosens his fingers, though his gaze lingers on you as you move across the room.
he shifts once again on the bed, slowly putting the vape back down in the drawer, only for his attention to turn back to you when you stumble, your foot catching against something on the floor.
"oh," he hears you mutter softly as you lean down to pick up the jellycat he'd kicked earlier off the bed. holding it in your hands, you frown slightly, brushing it off carefully. "what are you doing on the floor?"
Tumblr media
dividers credits. @issysh3ll
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rafes-baby · 8 months ago
Rafe Cameron reacting to his girlfriend doing the trend where she wipes his kisses away
Rafe had gone out with his friends for a few hours, leaving you at his house. For a little while, you had been watching a movie in his room but you soon grew bored and began to scroll through TikTok on your phone. After a few minutes of watching TikTok videos, you stumbled upon a video where a girl pranked her boyfriend by wiping her lips or cheek with her hand every time her boyfriend kissed her. You found it amusing and began to wonder how Rafe would react if you did that to him, so when Rafe texted you that he was 10 minutes away from home, you were eager to find out.
As promised, Rafe arrived home 10 minutes later and went straight up to his room to see you. You were still scrolling through TikTok, acting as you normally would, when Rafe entered his room. A small smile tugged at Rafe's lips once he saw you sitting on his bed before he spoke up, "Hey babe." You look up from your phone once you hear Rafe speak and a soft smile spreads on your lips.
"Hi," you respond, putting your phone down on the bed and looking up at him as he approaches you. Rafe walks towards the bed and bends down slightly before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in for a hug. You respond immediately by wrapping your arms around Rafe's neck as you hug him back, which causes Rafe to smile again. "You weren't too bored, were you?" he inquires as he slowly pulls away from you to sit down next to you on the bed, hoping you didn't think he took too long to come home. You shake your head in response and give him a soft, reassuring smile, looking at him as he sits down on the bed. "No, I was fine." you respond, causing Rafe to nod his head slowly before pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek.
"A'ight, goo-," Rafe gets cut off when he sees you wiping your cheek with the back of your hand. You have to bite your tongue to stop yourself from laughing once you see Rafe's expression. "What.. what was that?" he asks, furrowing his eyebrows and looking at you as though you had just said something outrageous. You tilt your head to the side slightly and act like nothing happened. "What was what?" you ask in response. Rafe lets out a small scoff at your words, staring at you for a few moments and trying to check if you were genuinely confused. You remain composed as you look at Rafe, which causes him to believe that you're being serious and furrow his eyebrows again.
"You wiped your cheek after I kissed you." he stated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Oh, did I?" you respond, feigning innocence. "Sorry." Rafe narrows his eyes at you slightly, still unsure why you're behaving like this since you've never wiped away one of his kisses before. Rafe brings one of his hands up to your jaw and gently tilts it up before pressing his lips against yours softly. You practically melt at his touch and bring one of your hands up to rest on his forearm as you kiss him back before he pulls away. Rafe smirks slightly once he pulls away from the kiss before it drops when he sees you wipe your lips on the back of your hand.
"What the fuck," he exclaims, his eyebrows shooting up. "Why did you just do that?" You act unfazed and lean your back against the headboard of his bed as you look at him. "Do what?" you question, causing Rafe to glare at you. "(Y/N)," he says in a slightly warning tone. "You know what." You bite your bottom lip slightly as Rafe says your name, knowing he's being serious now. "I didn't do anything," you protest. Rafe runs his hand through his hair, trying not to get annoyed as you deny what you're doing and attempt to act oblivious. "You keep wiping my fucking kisses away, (Y/N)," he states, turning his body to face you and stare down at you. "You.. you think shit is fucking funny? Hmm? 'Cause it's fucking not."
You can't stop the giggles that escape your lips, finding Rafe's reaction too comical. Rafe looks at you like you're insane as you laugh, feeling slightly irritated but mostly confused. "What's so funny?" he implores. You catch your breath after a few moments, finally able to stop giggling. "I was just joking. It's a TikTok trend. A lot of girls prank their boyfriends by wiping their faces everytime he tries to kiss her. I wanted to see what you would do." Rafe rolls his eyes at your response, slightly annoyed that you had played a prank on him but relieved that you weren't being serious and actually wiping his kisses away. "That's so dumb," he mutters, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him. You rest your head on Rafe's chest before he grips your chin between his thumb and his forefinger to tilt your head up to look at him. "Don't try some shit like that again, alright?" he remarks, making it sound more like a statement than a question before he leans closer to you and presses his lips against yours.
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