#hope the starter works! lmk if i should change anything
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hvbris · 1 year ago
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@omniishambles . Harry gets a new dad 🐍
It all happened so fast that by the time the young boy extracted himself from the small cupboard under the stairs, his aunt and uncle were already dead. It was a rather clean scene, all things considered. No blood, no mess, nothing but two corpses laying on the cushioned carpets.
"Harry," said The Dark Lord, casting an almost gentle look at the boy, "I did not mean to scare you." And to prove his point, he lowered his wand, putting it back into his robes. Not that Harry Potter would even know what a wand was. He had grown up surrounded by muggles, kept in the dark about who he really was.
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"In fact, I am here to help. I understand how confusing and scary this must look, but I assure you that I can explain everything. Perhaps you can even sense it already, Harry, that you are not like other children your age."
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imprvdente · 1 year ago
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@multipleoccupancy . King Arthur gets robbed 🤷‍♀️
It wasn't the first time that Fish had to travel the universes to indulge Dimitri's newest whim. In fact, she was sure that his requests were becoming increasingly ridiculous. After asking her to bring him the Apples of the Hesperides because he was craving apple pie, he had now told her to fetch him the Holy Grail, no less. All because he couldn't be bothered to wash his goddamn mugs. You'd think that after 20.000 years of being alive, the man would do his chores.
She was hoping for an easy trip. Get in, get the Grail, get out. Simple enough, right? Especially with a magical door that led to virtually anywhere. The only problem was that she didn't really know where the Holy Grail was kept, in this big castle. And the more she roamed the place, the more likely she risked getting caught. She was pretty sure that if a guard saw a woman with a sword and a pair of jeans, they'd think she was a witch or something.
She climbed an endless flight of stairs for the umpteenth time that night, finally finding herself in a dark, secluded room atop a dungeon. And finally, here it was. Dimitri's newest mug.
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"Bingo," she said to herself, too enthralled in her victory to hear the footsteps behind her.
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winterdying · 2 years ago
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mithra wasn't much of a drinker- actually, he can't recall a single time he had ever been drunk in the first place. but of the few scant times he had found himself comfortable enough to be social, it was because of the soft tinkle of ice in glass and a wry smile behind a bartop. so even in the cacophony of this loud city, this place he was so unused to, he could find solace in some seedy, dingy bar.
he doesn't seem perturbed by the clear dive of a place as he wanders in with a clatter of the door, too loud and not really caring about that fact. he wanders to the bar, orders himself a drink, and then surveys out throughout the dump. after a few moments, green eyes find something.
mithra moves and sits down in one of the bar's booths.
he does not seem to even notice there is already another person sitting down in the booth, alone, likely nursing his own drink.
mithra takes a sip of whatever random, strongly flavored amber liquid is in his glass.
he pauses.
he finally looks at the other, and seems to nearly startle a bit, thick eyebrows raising.
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"did you just teleport in? where did you come from...?"
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fxrtunas · 2 years ago
@macrocosmic-star​ | sc!
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     “... I have been here for a few years now.”
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y8nt56 · 5 years ago
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Soo Since everyone’s locked up and has nothing better to do is there anyone out there interested in helping me test my magnus archives cultist simulator mod?
details about under the cut if anyone is interested.
First off, I’m putting this on my personal blog rather then my modding blog because its not really a popular game, its more for tma fans and personal self indulgence rather then for cult sim fans, and it’s kind of different from the kind of things I normally mod as this is a script mod, and will warp the bg into a slightly different game. It’s basically a fully functional game simulator of tma, and you can choose who you want to put in your cult, how evil/monster you become, can save or reform anyone, including, say, og sasha, and turn the hunters as well jane prentiss, nicola, daisy, and jared hopworth. If i can get everything working it should actually be really fun for people who like tma OR cultist simulator. The grind will take forever though since there’s 14 fears and the base game only has 8, i’m hoping to give some scars more quickly so it isn’t quite as soul crunching, as there will be 50% more of EVERYTHING entity-related, making the table management a bit of a nightmare.
If you don’t have cultist simulator I need a few things not related to game play testing as well, like canon fact checking, making sure all the art follows canon descriptions given etc, cause its like over 150 new art pieces for it, not to mention all 160 statements that replace all books in the game and give you various appropriate lore based on how informative the statement is.
Its technically the priest dlc (start with the magnus institute ‘cult’, a position at the institute, 1 random starter assistant(sasha martin or tim) and elias special patron, the web scar, and the angler fish statement.) But If you try to change your temptation from knowledge or you cult to anything but beholding technically you can, but every 6 minutes elias has a special event that will force you to change it back. Theoretically, rn you could just keep the elias card locked when it tries to trigger and change your cult to like the lightless flame until the end of the game, but it wont change the ending, since temptation isn't actually required to win the priest dlc. The position at the institute card has a 180 second countdown, after which it triggers an event that will slowly turn all your health into sickness and kill you eventually if you don’t go regularly.
However, beyond the beginning and the fact you need all 14 scars' its more of a mix between all 3 dlcs because you have to manage statement consumption like with the ghoul and I’ve tried to make elias a special patron, like this sulochana ripoff, that will give you missions for the scars if you have high enough lore for every power like the dances in the dancer dlc but only useful IF you cant find the expedition on your own. Talking to elias without a topic will result in free occult scraps, so if you're very dedicated, you can use him as an infinite special histories lore machine for expeditions but is otherwise totally useless like the real elias.
I made the mistake of trying to replace the 'scholarship' ability with a new actually useful 'compulsion' ability if you level up reason that can force statements out of your own cultists with high fear lore in exchange for giving them resentment, but only if you haven’t already read their statement and this game is already a nightmare to mod. Resentment management/hunter and rival management is going to be more difficult then in the base game.
I’m so excited I'm finally gonna finish it no that i have time i only need like 5 more cultists and to run everything through illustrator so everything is sharp and clean, as well as a few more locations, artifacts, and the rest will just be bug testing i guess. and finishing the actual hard parts of modding with those kind of vague tutorials cause like, nobody mods this game.
If anyone actually wants to hear more about it or has any ideas i will not fucking stop talking about it if you let me haha
I also need art for the fear paintings if anyone wants to donate any. If not I'll just use the art of the old hours off the cs wiki.
tldr: I need base drawings run through illustrator, bug testing, ideas, canon checks, and art for every power for the paintings if anyone wants to donate them. or just lmk if anyone but me is actually interested in it. 
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x3ghosts-remaking · 6 years ago
Why You Shouldn't Headcanon Tenko as Bi (or as Anything Other than Lesbian)
This is gonna be a long post, mostly just to archive all the reasons so I don't have to keep explaining it over and over and over again and can instead just send them this post.
This covers all the reasons I've seen for why people think it's fine, from the 'yeah, I get why you might think that, but' to the 'holy shit are you even slightly thinking about what you're saying?'
Bottom line of this is that any reason you have for doing so is inherently lesbophobic, and I will explain why. People can feel free to add more reasons, and people can ask for clarification on certain points (since, me being autistic, I know the way I phrase things can be confusing sometimes). Don't try to tell me something I list here isn't lesbophobic if you aren't a lesbian, because that's an immediate block, buddy. I know what I'm talking about. If you are a lesbian, I will consider your stance on it, though be aware you will not change my overall stance on this topic.
One more thing before I start: there is a difference between accidentally doing something lesbophobic and purposefully doing something lesbophobic. Because of how our society is, everybody is a bit lesbophobic, and the difference lies in whether it's purposeful or not. You headcanoned her as bi-or-otherwise before knowing why it's bad, and you decide to stop after this list? Congrats! You're listening to lesbians when we say things are lesbophobic and taking us seriously, so it was likely accidental before, and you're not someone we'd typically refer to as lesbophobic! You read this list and continue doing so? Guess what buddy! You're now being unabashedly, purposefully lesbophobic! Piece of shit!
All that said, let's get started (please let the read more work).
'Her Love Hotel scene is with a man' - for starters, the LH scenes are not canon. This scene in particular plays on three lesbophic ideas; 'deep down, all women want to be dominated by a man' (which is also incredibly sexist), 'lesbians just haven't found the right man', and 'lesbians can be turned' (note: those last two go hand in hand most of the time). There is absolutely nothing in canon to indicate she likes men and everything to indicate she isn't, so - particularly considering events like Rantaro's show that the LH scenes don't have to be romantic or sexual - the fact that she suddenly likes men in a non canon fanservice scene in a game directed towards men with the reasons for it being incredibly lesbophobic, using this scene as proof that she can like men is showing you agree with these ideas and see absolutely no problem with it.
'Her Salmon Mode events' - again, it's non canon and plays on the 'lesbians just haven't found the right man' thing, which is an example of lesbophobia. This was basically explained in the last point, so I'll move on.
'The only reason she doesn't like men is because of what her master said/her reason is ridiculous' - believe it or not, this is another example of lesbophobic writing! Her FTEs push the idea that lesbians must have a *reason* for disliking men (aka 'being a lesbian is unnatural'), and that their reasons are always ridiculous and irrational (aka 'lesbians are ridiculous and irrational (for not liking men)'. I'm kind of finding this one difficult to phrase properly, if anyone can think of a better way to say it lmk). Also, using this as a defence implies that you think lesbians that *do* have reasons are really just bi, which is. Bad. You don't dictate what does and doesn't make someone a 'valid lesbian'.
'She gets along with Shuichi at the end of her FTEs' - never understood this one, honestly. Only explanation I can think of is that you think lesbians are women who absolutely hate all men rather than just women who aren't attracted to them, which, guess what, is a lesbophobic stereotype! But honestly like. You realise lesbians can have male friends right? Isn't saying that a boy and girl who get along must have romantic chemistry Bad and Heteronormative? Or does it only apply when justifying lesbophobia? Lol sorry this one got a bit ruder but this is one of the 'holy shit are you even slightly thinking about what you're saying?' points I mentioned earlier.
'I relate to her as a bi woman with a preference' - not liking boys isn't having a preference it's being a lesbian, being bi doesn't give you an excuse to have lesbophobic headcanons, you can headcanon LITERALLY ANY OTHER FEMALE CHARACTER IN THE *ENTIRE SERIES* AS BI WITHOUT TAKING AWAY THE *ONE* BIT OF REPRESENTATION WE HAVE. Like, how would you feel I started insisting Mikan is a lesbian even though she's canon bi because ~I relate to her uwu~? I relate to Mikan, I'm a lesbian, Mikan's clearly bi, so I... don't hc her as a lesbian. And it's that simple. I promise that not having a lesbophobic hc won't kill you.
Kind of related to the last point, headcanoning and arguing that the *only* lesbian rep we have in the *entire series* CAN be attracted to boys, actually, is lesbophobic in and of itself. Why do you want her to be attracted to boys so badly? The answer is fairly obvious, of course, but I'll say it anyway - it's because of your lesbophobia. If you can't help trying to reason why this one, singular girl is actually attracted to boys, that's lesbophobic. We can have one.
'But she's not a *canon* lesbian' - basically her entire character while she was alive, in canon, was about her liking girls and not liking boys. She was every bit a man hating lesbian stereotype. She was every bit a predatory lesbian stereotype. The writers couldn't have not known this. They wrote a lesbian. The way they wrote her is extremely lesbophobic in canon. Then they also wrote lesbophobic, non canon scenes, that are lesbophobic in entirely different ways. Because sometimes... writers..... are lesbophobic. There's no reason they'd do any of that if she wasn't written as a lesbian.
Lesbophobic writing is not bisexual representation
I hope you all understand. Apologies again for being a bit rude at times, but this is a subject people have been arguing for over two years since the game came out in Japan, and its like nobody cares when lesbians say something is lesbophobic. It feels like everyone who would understand should understand by this point... but I realise that may not be the case. Nevertheless, rewriting certain parts to be less angry would be dishonest of me, and dishonesty helps nobody in situations like this.
If you've read this far, thank you for your time. This is a subject important to me and many other people, so I hope I've helped some people understand. Again, if you wish to add something or ask for clarification, go right ahead.
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hysterical-hypnotist · 7 years ago
Rules (Mobile)
I RP with anyone from any universe, fandomless or otherwise! I and my OC would LOVE to chat with anyone!! 
Feel free to send anything and everything in!! I promise I’m just a shy bean with anxiety and I won’t be bothered!!
Do specify who you’re talking to if you send something in my inbox! If you don’t, I interpret asks as being directed towards Joker in his main verse
I change my RP style based on the person I’m RPing with! I’m pretty flexible ^^
I don’t tend to plot beforehand because I just like going with the flow but if you’d like to plot first please lmk!
Threads can be made on asks!! I don’t usually make a separate post for threads like that, but if you like it that way then you can do that and tag me in it, but I won’t default into making a new post unless you specifically tell me you want that~
I think it'd be best we don't rp nsfw unless we're really good friends (mun is indeed 18+), but mun is okay with gore, torture, depression, suicide, etc.!
nsfw is not hidden but tagged!!!
Talk with the mun if you want to have relationships with my muses! This is a multiverse blog, therefore meaning many ships can happen
M!A’s always and forever allowed/encouraged!
RP’s are meant to be fun and should not have to cause stress or any negative emotions. I just want to have fun playing as my muses and I would for you to have fun as well!
Do remember you can also RP with the Joker’s mentor James, or the Joker from any of his verses! You can even interact with any side characters they mention ^^
I use rpthreadtracker.com, so if a thread of ours is not replied to in a month’s time, I will archive it, and therefore considered it dropped. If I drop one of our threads or if you didn’t mean to drop one of our threads, feel free to IM or send an ask saying you’d like to continue and we can work it out!
I’m not a very fast responder. I might take a month at most to respond to something. I really go by my motivation and what’s happening in my life around me, so please don’t expect really fast replies from me. If you’re wondering if I’ve dropped something, please always always feel free to message me!
You can find out the backstory of Joker for more info and other information concerning this world here, and his basic character info is over here. If your question is not answered, feel free to ask!
If you have any questions concerning Joker, James, or things concerning me, the mun, please please feel free to ask!
Mun Stuff
I’m Crystal! Nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy your stay here.
I’ve RPed for a good few years (took a long hiatus but still) and am 18+ but we prob shouldn’t do anything spicy if you aren’t 18+ either lol
Mun is super shy and gets anxious easily and I am very hesitant to be the one sending things in sometimes because it puts too much stress on me sometimes; I do not feel the same if someone sends me something, however.
I have no triggers whatsoever, so anything goes!
I would like to stress that I do make mistakes. Chances are I will constantly yell at myself for days when I make one, but I’d at least like to ask you don’t get rude if I make them
Mun personally loves sick/unconscious/in pain threads and just angst in general (*hint hint*)
If you’ve read all of this, send “Your eyes look rather unique” for a starter with Joker! Or send one specifying what muse you’d like the starter with! I am always happy to accept these no matter what!! :D
You can also send “Your eyes are cool” to tell me that you’ve read my rules but don’t want an actual starter! :3
If you would like a starter with a side character, who are just as valid as Joker and James, you can send “Your eyes are rather dull” for a starter with one of them, or specify who you’d like the starter for!
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hvbris · 2 years ago
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@fallsekings​ . 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑
“A wand?”
Lord Voldemort looked up from The Daily Prophet, folding it calmly with long, elegant fingers. He glanced at Harry, his son; the cold mask he wore barely disturbed by a frown. “You do not need a wand for now, boy,” he replied, with a tone that was effortlessly severe.
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“Why such a request?” he still asked, eyebrows raised with something akin to amusement -but slightly more alien. The Dark Lord could reward healthy curiosity and hard work, if that was why Harry even wanted a wand in the first place. 
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imprvdente · 2 years ago
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@multipleoccupancy​ . 𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐈 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑
Fish had learned from her father that a routine was essential if one was thriving to surpass themselves. And of course, she was constantly thriving for such a thing. Living in the Capitol had never been an excuse to get complacent, and she had clawed for herself a respected spot among her classmates. Nonetheless, she was still the District girl. Never enough, never sufficient. She had to get the best grades, she needed the cleanest uniform, the best behavior. 
So, every morning, she awoke at dawn, ironed her own uniform (if you want something done right, do it yourself), took a quick shower, and studied. Then she ate breakfast with her father, one of the most cherished moment of her day, and finally, she left for the Academy.
She could have taken the car to the Academy, of course. They had a chauffeur. But she enjoyed walking, it kept her alert. Besides, it allowed her to walk to the Academy with her friend, whom she picked up every day at 7:30. He lived nearby, though he had one of the fanciest penthouse of the capitol.
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Today, like every morning, she was there, waiting in her perfectly ironed uniform, sipping hot tea from a flask. “Coriolanus!” she exclaimed joyfully as she saw him walking out of the building. 
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hvbris · 2 years ago
@omniishambles​ . 𝐇𝐀𝐘𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑
Effie had been surprised -if not horrified- to hear the tributes were being kept at the zoo. Now, that was hardly a way to treat anyone! Even people from the districts! But even 10 years after the war, she knew better than to voice an opinion such as this. Instead, she simply put a wool sweater in her bag before leaving for the zoo. Surely her tribute was cold! This wasn’t the official meeting, but other students were doing it, and she wanted to excel at this whole mentoring thing. 
So, she packed an old knitted sweater she had knitted herself a few years ago, a thermos of soup (for the cold!), and she left the house. The Trinket family lived far from the zoo, in the less reputable parts of town. And she couldn’t afford the tram! So she walked, shivering in her coat -oh but it was beautiful! She had designed it herself. Soon, the walk warmed her up, and she was almost too hot when she arrived at the zoo (right as it opened). 
No other students was there yet, and she was quite pleased (she always prized herself on being punctual). The pen where the tributes were kept was not hard to notice (it was the only one with peacekeepers in front of it). Once there, she felt more intimidated than she thought she was going to be! Perhaps it was the cage, or the very tall peacekeeper standing there. Or the row of angry eyes staring at her and her purple velvet coat from behind the bars. 
She had only seen her tribute during the reaping, on TV, but she found him surprisingly easily. Haymitch Abernathy, from District 12. It seemed he had made some sort of impact on her, for his face was still clear in her memory. She coughed, to give herself some countenance.
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“Haymitch Abernathy? My name is Effie Trinket, I am your mentor. Very nice to meet you,” good manners were terribly important to her. She walked closer, though she felt the peacekeeper’s eyes drilled on the back of her neck. “I brought you a sweater, I thought you might be cold.”
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hvbris · 2 years ago
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@omniishambles​ . 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑
April led them through a maze of large corridors before they finally reached their destination: a classroom that seemed to have been repurposed and transformed into a sort of newsroom. The desks had been clamped into large islands, covered in newspaper clippings. On the walls were pinned numerous pictures, articles and drafts. It was mostly gossip-y stuff: students caught kissing and things of the sort. Here and there one could notice more interesting content, like the interview of an apprentice gamemaker. 
The dean had allowed April to bring her “guest” here, even though he was District, and certainly not a student at the Academy. But Billy Hargrove was a victor, and a popular one at that. Besides, the dean had a soft spot for April, she had noticed. Perhaps because he used to know her father.
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“This will do just fine,” she announced proudly, sitting down at the only proper desk of the room, hers. “Thank you again for agreeing to meet with me.” 
She sounded particularly solemn for a 17 year old teenager, but then again, she was a Capitol citizen. It was still a little bit comical considering the cold shoulder she had offered Billy when they had met at a party, a few days ago.
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imprvdente · 2 years ago
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@omniishambles​ . 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑
This affair had been organized like these things always are, and all Océanne had ever seen of her betrothed was a portrait. Emperor Tepes had not seen much more. Two portraits, a few letters, and she was already on her way to the mountains of the Carpathians. But she supposed it was more than enough, for this union was motivated by very practical instincts. He wanted a beautiful wife, and she wanted a powerful husband. (not that the Emperor lacked beauty, on the contrary). 
The carriage traveled from Lithuania, and after a week long journey, arrived at the castle. She was led inside with her lady’s maid, and brought to her chambers to prepare (after all, shouldn’t she look her best?). After a bath and a new silk dress, finally she was taken to see the Emperor.
Océanne felt a sort of trepidation; impatience perhaps? She was far from being a naive young woman, and yet, she could not help but feel excitation at the prospect of meeting the man she was to marry. Rumors traveled all around Europe, of course, and she knew of his reputation. A terrible man indeed. But wasn’t she, herself, a terrible young lady with a taste for blood?
Walking into the room, she caught only a glimpse of him, towering over her, before she had to curtsy. Head tilted for a moment, trying to drink in what little she had seen (the dark eyebrows, the intense eyes, the sharp jaw).
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“Your majesty,” she said, slowly standing up, “it is an honor to finally meet you.”
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hvbris · 2 years ago
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@multipleoccupancy​​ . 𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐈 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑
Well, this was a disaster. No, worse than a disaster. This was a catastrophe, with cataclysmic repercussions. The 75th Hunger Games’ fiasco had horrified Effie enough (why would Katniss do such a thing? Didn’t she see? She had cursed herself and Peeta with that act of defiance) but now, the President himself wanted to see her. Oh! She was done for, she knew it. President Snow did not take kindly to rebels, and what would he think of Katniss Everdeen’s escort?
She’d be lucky if he simply turned her into an Avox! 
Terrified, she walked towards the Presidential Office, led there by a Peacekeeper. She couldn’t believe this was the end of Effie Trinket! All her hard work, years and years of it, reduced to ashes by a rebellious girl. Oh, she did so love Katniss, of course, but how could she be so blind, so reckless? She had doomed everyone, with one little arrow.
But of course, she tried her best to conceal her worries, ever so the professional. Instead, she painted a polite smile on her lips as she stepped inside the office. If she was to be sentenced to death, she’d face it with her usual elegance!
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“President Snow, hello,” she said, “you wished to see me?”
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imprvdente · 3 years ago
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@thenightmareofyourdrems​ / 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑
There was an undeniable thrill of the hunt, something Special Agent Monet did not like admitting to herself. The exhilaration that ran through her veins when she observed her target reminded her too much of how the serial killers she hunted felt, when they were following their victims. And of course, she was the good guy. She arrested the killers, she saved lives, she was on the right side of history. But nonetheless, there was a strange sense of guilt that washed over her whenever she felt her heart beat faster in her chest, excited by the chase.
She breathed in, breathed out. Today, she wasn’t Fish Monet, profiler for the FBI. Today she was Melanie Carter, librarian. It had been almost impossible to paint a clear profile of The Corinthian’s victim, so she had been forced to pick her fake identity somewhat at random -but not exactly. So far, he seemed to kill blindly, which was ironic, considering the body part he enjoyed ripping out of his victims.
Alright, she was ready. Coffee in hand, dressed in a simple beige raincoat and a severe black dress, she walked away from the corner she had been hiding. Big strides, to pretend she was in a hurry. And then, with a skilled and calculated clumsiness, she ran into him, her coffee spilling all over his jacket.
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“Oh GOSH,” she exclaimed with a contrite -but fake- grimace, “I am SO sorry sir, oh I’m such a klutz!”
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imprvdente · 2 years ago
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Of course Fish was excited. A trip to Egypt was an excellent reason to be excited. But a few days after landing in Cairo, she had been hit with a new and strange sensation. It wasn’t exactly like being home sick, but close enough. The Ocean was tugging at her, calling her. It made her dizzy, as if a fog was perpetually surrounding her. 
The Nile was still a body of water, and she could feel it like a more gentle caress. But she was young and still inexperienced, and after years spent diving in the cold waves of Finland, there was something unsettling about the damp Nile, warm and tranquil. 
Her unrest seemed to settle down as she walked inside the Museum with the rest of her class. Perhaps the AC had something to do with it, or the heavy walls that provided a faint but welcome protection from the outside world. Either way, she blinked in relief, and then, in wonder. The following hour was spent walking around with a group of classmates, stopping at ever statue, sarcophagus and artifact. 
There was a feeling about this place she couldn’t quite pinpoint. Like an itch she couldn’t scratch. As she followed a friend up a flight of stairs, the feeling grew bigger, almost unbearable, and she noticed him. 
A tall silhouette. Why she couldn’t stop looking at him, she didn’t know. But she was rudely staring, standing on the first step. Her friend called her once, twice, and then shrugged it off and kept walking. 
She had a strange frown. There was something about him. A sensation of déjà vu. When he looked back, she jolted. “I’m sorry,” she scrambled from where she stood, looking certainly more like a teenager than a goddess. 
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