#hope nobody from idlewild sees this...
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nexiraptor · 8 years ago
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Welcome back to Catie talks shit (this time it truly is shit...)
Hey fellow Latrobe peeps you want your childhood ruined by shady business practices then you are in the right place people... cause Idlewild the children’s amusement park that you used to go to is actually hell! I know cause I worked there for 4 years... (I don’t want to go back but my parents are wanting me to go... fuck those guys...) anyways but working at idlewild is pretty much everyone’s first job if you live in Latrobe and what a job it is...
The most shady of practices was letting 14 year olds go into work for an even lesser pay.... it sucked... especially if you were working food... never again let me tell you working at foods especially the cyclone was the worst... if you were unlucky you would have to go into the hell box (Dip n dots) and it was not fun... you lost your mind and back posture in that booth with no freedom...
Later on they eventually realized I could never stand in one place and put me into the sweeper position... I love it, I can move around and I don’t have to be in one place but you have to clean up melted ice cream and vomit... worst part of it all was the Halloween event. I had to run the hay maze which is not so bad when you are inside but outside oh my god... the hay maze was moldy and was in a dangerous spot also the worst part of the hay maze was... you had to listen to the same damn soundtrack on loop until your break or until your shift was over...
I think majority of you know about the whole incident where I kid was injured on one of the roller coasters. Well... it was probably more on the line of the employee’s fault. They should have known better then to put to kids in the same car together... Also Idlewild’s managers are either careless or relentless.. they can either be the nicest people you have worked with or... satan in disguise... and the employees get along pretty well as they all have common interest in getting the fuck out of the park... or they are complete assholes... and when you are done they pop up at your school...
But the worst part about Idlewild for me is everyone’s privileged children... I hate how many children will not listen to the employees or will do things (like drop funnel cakes in front of a sweeper and watch as they clean it up...) and the adults are not innocent either... there some adults who swear at their children in the park... I once saw a guy get arrested for bringing in alcohol... to the park... it’s bad when the adults are worse than the children...
Also I don’t control the rides and I don’t want people to ask when the rides are going to be open cause IDK! I don’t control the rides... the ride operators control the rides and i’m just there to pick up trash... so to all of you who think it’s okay to boss around a bunch of kids to meet every one of your commands better listen up cause I ain’t doing shit if you have not earned the respect.
#respect the employee
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callmetippytumbles · 7 years ago
Thoughts on THOTS Chapter 18: Let Halle Live 2K18
It looks like next week’s chapter is going to be the last one in this book. So shit is hitting the fan then. The way things are playing out, it looks exactly like Book 1 towards the end.  Expensive last moment scenes split between chapters with the LIs, b-plots you don’t give a fuck about getting resolved (I hope!), and bullshit.
Let’s just get our mess gloves on and get into it.
We start the chapter where we left off in Halle’s room with Bertrand and Maxwell to discuss the Homecoming Ball. Halle’s like fucking finally, I get to have a good time with my mans and take a motherfuckin breath. Bertrand is like:
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Then this exchange happened:
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My mood concerning the TRR for this year: #LetHalleLive2K18. I am carrying this spirit into book 3 as well.
I know @playchoices PB is just going to keep their foot right on my neck.  They have me where they want me, and they are not going to stop.
Anyway, Bertie and Maxwell are here to remind me that I cannot be my petty, regular-smegular ass self.  I have not to act a fool so that the country will not think that Liam made a misstep in choosing me.  In reality, the people are going to be angry that Liam went on an expensive ass world engagement tour with one woman and returned engaged to someone else. They should be. The Beaumonts aren’t trying to think about that. They are not wrong to remind Halle that her job from now on is to care about other people’s opinions, but right now Halle isn’t thinking like that.
Maxwell mentions that Savannah is back and Bertrand is like:
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Halle and Maxwell revive him. Then he is all “but I fucked that up, and I have to focus on this.” That means heading my ass to the boutique to give PB to pay my “don’t look like a bum at your own party” tax.
On the way to the boutique and I get stopped by none other than my handsome ass man, Liam.
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Of course, his eyes light up when he sees Halle because duh. He is wearing a lovely blue suit.  
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I am not mad at it.  This suit is a stark improvement compared the clothes over the last few weeks.  All of Liam’s recent fashion choices confused me.  I have suggested before that Liam has wanted to step up his basic rich dude style (ascots, cashmere sweaters, etc.) because the MC is much more fashionable and willing to take risks than he is.  However, now he has taken it upon himself to step out of the box, play with color, and just have fun with it.  This is all to say I think Liam wants to dress like Andre Benjamin aka Andre 3000 from Outkast now.  I mean look at the evidence:
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I felt it, and now I can’t unsee it. Again, I am not mad at it.  Andre3000 is uniquely stylish, but I would prefer that he stays in the Idlewild-era Andre and not show up to the next royal function like this:
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Andre is fine, this look just is not for you Liam.
But Liam did not just come looking for me just to tell me that Andre3000 is his new fashion icon.  He came to fetch me for an engagement photo shoot, and I was like:
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I want to spend time with my man, we are engaged, and I just want to enjoy my man.  Responsibilities and plot just won’t let me.
It’s photoshoot time, and Liam chose another PB sponsored cotillion dress for me to wear.  I do not like this dress at all.  I know it’s intended to be intricate and delicate and lavish, but it is not drawn to meet that.  I am nobody’s artist.  So I am not going to even make suggestions on how to illustrate that better.  I am going to suggest to stop drawing David’s Bridal dresses.  I just saw on Tumblr Marchesa’s spring line and some other designers that have the detailing and luxury that this whole book tries to sell us. Just follow this blog. Hopefully, the PB art team will take a look.
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Anyway, Ana de Luca from Trend Magazine is taking our engagement photos, and Liam is just gushing about how much he is in love with you, and you are the best thing to ever happen to him.  
The cynic in me is like, can you not gush about me in front of Ana?  She was part of the press that dragged me during the scandal.  I could easily see a disparaging story about how Halle is a golddigger that has bewitched Liam for money and power and dick and Liam is too whipped to snap out of it.  I don’t want to think like that, but it’s possible.
The romantic in me is like:
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Seriously, I cannot get enough of this man telling me all the ways that he loves me.  I will probably be forever alone because I will not find a human man in 2018 to be like this and I refuse to accept a man who can only offer a DTF text at 11 PM.
I love my engagement photo:
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Halle and Liam look so good together. I hope this picture is what keeps us motivated if the bullshit in book 3 is too much. They are just so freakin’ cute! 
After that Liam has more planning to do for the Homecoming Ball because he is a King Right Now and not a Queen to be like Halle. On our way to the boutique, we run into Justin.  Part of me is like:
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However, because of my sincere desire to not have this dude be an enemy and all the blue backgrounds, I am choosing to relax. But this last moment still has me weary.
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I am just suspicious of everything because I know bullshit is coming my way and I am feeling in the dark to try and stop it, but I should know that it’s not gonna help any.
After a long-ass time, we finally get to the boutique and somehow Hana is not angry at us for taking forever and a day to get there.  Olivia is also there and also not angry that we took so long.  It’s time to pick out your Homecoming Ball alphet to serve the peeples some lewks.  
Hana picks this pink Glinda the Good Witch ass gown.  
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I don’t think the Hana that made two bomb ass cheongsams is the Hana that chose this number. I think the Hana that had tea time with Princess Snickerdoodle and Ms. Lemon Curd is the one that picked out this gown.  I know the gown intends to be romantic, but the look screams juvenile.  You look as if you robbed a My Sized Barbie of its clothes.  I will not let PB defame you like this Hana!
Olivia is not going to let you go out like that.  Her choice is the gown on the cover of the book.  
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We knew it was only a matter of time until that dress came and now is that time.  
I chose the gold dress, though I have alternatives that I would have liked more.
Our last moments with Olivia are sweet.  I will come to your dungeon girl. This will not be the last we see of you.  There is a whole book three coming, and we will be back to Lythikos because everything is better in Lythikos.
A few Thoughts back, I said that at this rate Maxwell stans would taste Maxwell’s dick before Drake stans taste Drake’s dick. Hana stans come out the cut like:
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They got down with homegirl in their diamond scene and possibly engaged depending on if your MC is engaged to Liam. Shoutout to Hana stans! I am beyond elated for you finally getting your time with your beloved.
I did not buy either Hana or Maxwell’s diamond scene because they were explicitly meant to be romantic and I am not paying to play a romantic scene with LIs I am not sexually interested in. Also, I am engaged to Liam.
With that said the whole situation where you can still romance other LIs in addition to whoever you choose to be your primary is a mess.  All I am going to say here is that once again discussions about hooking up with other LIs are happening with the other LIs first and not with the primary LI.  If your primary LI doesn’t consent, then it’s cheating. Cheating is messy. I just wish Hana would have pulled a Zig and quoted Trick Daddy on Trina’s “Bitch I Don’t Need You” if you tried to come to her with Liam’s ring on your finger.  Specifically, “Bitch I don’t need you/No way, no how, not then, not now/Uh-uh, bitch/Bitch I don’t need you.”
I wrote more about my thoughts on the situation in a separate post. It turns out I had a lot.
Sandwiched in between Hana and Maxwell’s 30 diamond scenes, is Savannah officially came back, and Bertrand didn’t know what to do with himself. 
Drake is officially over Bertrand. 
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I mean I know Drake is grossed out/angry because of Bertrand and the whole baby daddy situation, but I like to think that Drake just wants the B-plot to die as much as I do and that is why he is pissed AF at this moment.  I am beyond ready for this to be over.  Besides, its MY night and I am not interested in this Maury drama.
This all ends with Bastien coming up to escort you to the Homecoming Ball. He apologizes for his part in the scandal bullshit.  
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Halle was like:
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Meanwhile, I am like:
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It’s not like I am that bothered by Bastien regarding his role in the conspiracy because I have more significant concerns at the moment.
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These are my more significant concerns.
First and for most who is protecting Liam? I can suspend my disbelief that there are some lesser guards with him or something but still.
Secondly, fuck you mean my security detail isn’t ready yet? 
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Even if Liam didn’t break up with A Demon, additional security should have been secured for the queen in waiting at this point.  Why didn’t I get what would have been IT’s detail? Did A Demon just bring it’s own? I can understand why if the Royal Guard is this incompetent. This is probably the setup for the bullshit to come in the last chapter but still.
Lastly, how good is Bastien at “protecting”? All I have heard is how much he sucks at it when it counts. Bastien lost a dude for TWO WEEKS. He just said that he could not find me and we were on the SAME COMPOUND. What the what? Bastien this could have been solved way faster than what you chose.  
Method one: divide and conquer.  Bastien could have taken one or two dudes and have them cover the grounds to find Halle. I don’t think that a country with a queen, a king, and a prince has only three bodyguards total in addition to royal sentries or whatever.  The Knowles-Carters have a shit ton of bodyguards in addition to Julius.  Why can’t the Cordonian Monarchy get it together?
Method two: Bastien is right now Liam’s chief guard (I think), to guard him he must have known about the engagement photo shoot because he would have to know Liam’s schedule. Halle may not have a schedule as chock full as Liam’s, but I know his days are meticulously planned because he is a fucking King that has shit to do.  Halle was at the engagement shoot. How did Bastien lose Halle between the shoot, the boutique and now? Right now the only thing Bastien seems to do well is cockblock (does it to Liam and Halle in book 1, plus Leo in RoE), and kick people out of parties (namely Halle and the Beaumonts since he kicked them out of the Coronation Ball and Liam’s bachelor party). This makes Bastien look like a glorified club bouncer. I don’t see what makes Bastien different than Loss Prevention at Tiffany’s.
Granted it’s hard to tell how much of this incompetence is on the PB writers not sufficiently addressing it and how much is actually on Bastien and the Royal Guard. The fact that it’s a toss-up is problem enough.
I have to say the new backgrounds in this chapter are fucking beautiful.  This and where you meet with Hana are really nice. Great additions to the catalog.
Kiara gives the first toast followed by Ashy Rashad.  I think PB ships those two together since Rashad looks like he is interested in Kiara.
Just me? I don’t like Rashad, he was rude AF to me in RoE, and I have held it against him ever since.  I also think that he was rude to me because he wants to smash William.  With that said, while I still believe Kiara could do better, I could also see Kiara and Rashad working out. They are both driven, serious people.  I think they can encourage each other ambitions while providing respite from the pressures from such ambition.  I have been on a shipping Kiara streak lately. I just am.
After Ashy Rashad finishes his toast, Adelaide aka Champ Mami (read as ShamP Ma-Mee) gives a toast. As usual, she knows what matters most to her and stands unwaveringly in that truth.
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I applaud her. I am kind of suspicious as to why the Champagne Mami is here and not causing shit.  Halle has spent a smooth 17 chapters disrespecting the fuck out of that alleged person you call your daughter. Halle fucked your child’s man, upstaged your child at it’s own events, just not giving a fuck.  After all of that disrespect, Halle ends up with the crown. How are you so chill? I mean there is free top-shelf booze here, but you are Duchess of Krona you can get your own top shelf booze whenever. Then again, she counts having your top-shelf alcohol tastes being accommodated and sponsored among the chief duties of a queen in waiting. Champ Mami is just looking out for her child the best way she knows how and likes her booze.  I can only admire her priorities.
@lizzybeth1986 suggested in her thoughts that Adelaide may be supportive of Halle taking on the crown over her own daughter because she doesn’t see it as necessarily a good thing for her daughter and that A Demon not getting the crown could be more helpful than harmful.  If A Demon is not behind the bullshit (IT IS), IT would have dodged a bullet considering the mess that is to come next chapter.
As Champ Mami is making her toast, Bertrand informs us that he does not have a formal one prepared for us because he has been consumed by the drama that is his Maury-ass life. You had the fucking nerve to rain on fucking Halle’s happiness with reminders of her duties but you can lapse on yours because of lurve, and I just have to be calm and forgiving?
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Doesn’t matter because we have to give a speech now and I cannot cuss out Bertrand over this double-standard. The solution is that Maxwell, Bertrand, and Halle make up the toast on the fly.  Maxwell kills the opening. Bertrand turns his part to a full-on confession of love without saying Savannah’s name. This Savannah thing must really be on his spirit.  When a word consumes your spirit like that, you just have to come up to the congregation and testify. Halle is next with the ending, and these were my options:
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You know what I did.  Typically, I would not have picked that option, but like Bertrand, a word was on my petty ass spirit, and I too had to testify. I linked to the post about that whole moment. I regret nothing.
Suffice to say:
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Penelope’s reaction to you talking shit about A Demon is everything:
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Me while reading the whole thing:
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After you ruin the moment, House Beaumont commiserates over fucking that up–well over Halle fucking that up.  Maxwell’s response is very Maxwell.
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Savannah comes up to us to talk about what Bertrand said. Great, have a real ass conversation, take the Duke back and then end this tired ass B-Plot that I don’t fucking care about so I can focus on what really matters. For the record what really matters is getting to the point where I pay PB diamonds to hook up with Liam.  
Before the chapter ends A Demon befouls your celebration like:
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If you are not petty, IT being there is a total shock for you because this would be the first time A Demon has appeared since I think Chapter 15.  If you are petty, you already know IT’s there, but you still don’t expect IT to talk to you.  Well, I didn’t expect that to happen.  The chapter ends there.
So let us gauge threat levels now that we KNOW that shit is hitting the fan next week. Not to be Trusted and most definitely Up to “Something:” A Demon (This is mostly me disliking IT since PB will not just start shit before you get the opportunity to fuck your beloved) MurderKing
May or may not be Up to Something but still proceed with caution: Adelaide aka Champagne Mami (You thoroughly disrespected her child, no amount of game recognition or top-shelf booze is going to erase that one) Regina Justin (I feel good about our interaction this week, but that last panel has me feeling a way) Savannah (I still don’t know why you came back, your life was fine and sponsored where you were. Why is you here?)
Most definitely plottin’, just not against you or Liam: Olivia (Connie done fucked up, she is just waiting for Shit to Go Down, and she will come for that ass)
So next week all the shit goes down. Drake stans will get Drake’s dick down their throats. Liam stans will spend a lot of diamonds to fuck their beloved before their lives get wrecked. These sex scenes need to be bomb.com. Especially for Drake stans since they have been waiting for two whole motherfucking books to get more than a deep kiss and a firm embrace. At the end of Drake’s sex scene Drake stans need to be like:
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They have been waiting for 38 chapters for this, they deserve.
I want my scene with Liam to be bomb as well.  No fade to black.  I want descriptions of the dick.  Liam could get attacked next chapter, and then I have to wait for a book 3, and I want to remember my beloved. I deserve. Imma riot if this fades to back quickly like the sex scenes in LoveHacks.
Speaking of which I have been rereading LoveHacks, and I miss Ben Park.  There, I said it.
Also among other things, I have been working on more fanfics.  Two are in the works right now.  Just have to work on those endings. I hope to get those out within the next couple of weeks. (I may or may not be delayed by the next chapter.) I also plan to do a threat level post.  I was going to release a detailed threat level post this week, but I think the stand-alone post for that would be better if done after the last chapter is released.  It would be more useful to gauge threats after the shit has gone down and to use the post to prepare for book 3.
I need to get food, contemplate hair products for next week, and finish some fanfics.
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1hoodmedia · 8 years ago
Is Andre 3000 Right? Can You Ever Get Too Old To Rap?!
Recently, hip-hop legend, pioneer, an MC extraordinaire and one half of Outkast, Andre 3000, came out in an interview with Complex and basically said in so many words that he was pretty much rapping because he's too old. I don't want to paraphrase what he said and misconstrue what he was trying to say so I'll share the direct quote from the article:
  “I kind of like not being a part of [Rap music], now that I’ve done it,” 3000 tells Complex‘s Alex Gale. He continues “As I get older, I start to see myself move more back from it—the hustle and bustle of putting out an album, the pressure of being in the studio trying to come up with something. Now it’s more like a hobby for me, so I don’t think about it in that way. Even with Outkast, if we never do another album, I’m totally fine with that. When I was 25, I said I don’t want to be a 30-year-old rapper. I’m 42 now, and I feel more and more that way. Do I really want to be 50 years old up there doing that?”
“Rapping is like being a boxer,” AndrĂ© equates. “No matter how great you are or were at a certain time, the older you get, the slower you get—I don’t care who you are. And I can feel that coming on. There’s always a new wave of artists, and sometimes I’m just like, ‘I’m good. I’ll let the young guys do it.’” Moments later, he says, “I don’t get much happiness from doing music like that—I get happiness from pleasing who I’m working with, and helping them, and seeing them be excited.”
I respectfully disagree with 3 Stacks. Outkast hasn't released an album in over a decade with their patchy-but-still-great-in-spots Idlewild, but anyone who's heard any of Andre's guest verses he's peppered throughout the hip-hop world since then will agree that he has not lost a step at all lyrically and creatively and constantly reminds us just how far rap has fallen off in recent years. Speaking for myself personally, I know Andre's verses for "Walk It Out", "Everybody", "Sixteen", "Pink Matter" & "International Players Anthem", but I either cannot name the other artists on these songs or fast-forward through their verses. Okay, well...maybe not "International Players Anthem"...that whole song is fire, but Andre definitely outshines everyone on that joint too!
Another reason I disagree with Andre is because Jay-Z just taught us that grown men in their 40s can definitely still craft an "adult" sounding hip hop album that is commercially successful and socially relevant without catering to all the youthful BS in the industry. And I mean no disrespect to the Jigga Man, but Andre 3000, to me, is just a way more intriguing and creative MC lyrically. I'm sure plenty of heads who have been long time fans of him and Outkast would support and buy a release by him. Heck, A Tribe Called Quest was able to sell an album last year 18 years after they broke up. They sold 132,000 units and reached the number 1 spot on Billboard which a lot of current, more "relevant" artist cannot do. My point is that those like myself, who grew up on rap music, who are getting older, who still have the money to actually buy music...we haven't gone anywhere. We didn't reach the age of 30 and all of a sudden developed a taste for jazz or classical music. We still appreciate and dabble in other genres, of course, but we still need our hip-hop dag-nabbit!! I can only listen to the classics so many times before I just need to hear something new. And most heads I know around my age aren't gonna pretend to like Ugly God, Lil Uzi Vert, and Kodak Black just cause we're told to like them. Most heads I know. We haven't gone anywhere and we haven't all died off and we still have a hunger for good ol' hip hop that I think someone like Andre 3000 is totally up to the task to create. I know he compared rapping to boxing, but rapping ain't boxing. Rapping is rapping. And it's art. Much like sculpting, photography, or painting. And there are many examples of sculptors, photographers, and painting who produced works until the day they died or at least well into old age.
On the other hand, I do kind of get where he's coming from. He's paid his dues. He's provided classics that will be bumped for many years to come. He's made significant contributions to the culture and has nothing else to prove. And I imagine it gets increasingly difficult to fit into an industry that continues to cater to and encourage the most undisciplined characteristics of young people while you continue to grow old and mature. Because let's face it, for every Andre or Jay Z in the game, there are 21 21 Savages. Nobody wants to be that 45 year old in the club with a bunch of college kids. They look old and out of place, and should feel that way (R Kelly, I'm lookin' at you).
So at the end of the day, I respect and understand Andre's stance and position, but at the same time can't discard my wishful thinking hoping that cats like him will every once in a while shake up the game and show the young cats how it's done.
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