#hope dip and pip are proud of this one
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mousekink · 14 days ago
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expectations vs reality
(the sims 4 tattoo UI is my current arch nemesis)
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danandphilchronology · 11 months ago
What the heck am I doing?
Hello Internet! (I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself)
I have decided to embark on an adventure, a deep dive through the history that is the existence and influence or Philip Lester and Daniel Howell on the internet. I am sure that this will fill me with cringe and the upmost appreciation for my favorite internet lads.
You may be asking yourself, Why?.
Thank you for asking, let me tell you.
I can remember exactly where I was when I saw my very first video with Dan and Phil. I was in middle school and I was laughing myself to tears while watching innuendo bingo in 2012. From that moment on, I followed them both nearly religiously. Doing my best not to miss a livestream, be in the first 301 to see their new uploads, amongst other intense parasocial obligations I had placed on myself. That was until I graduated High School and started college.
College was by far the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I was constantly under pressure to perform well in classes AND I was determined to be the most involved student. I was very lucky to have a few really close friends to keep me sane, but I stopped doing things that I enjoyed and forced myself to stretch myself thinner than a cheesecloth.
Flash forward to now with the resurgence of Dan and Phil games and the remarkable experience of being able to reenter a fandom feeling like you never left. However, there are some major gaps I have found being on dnptwt and I want to fill in those gaps and revisit the many things that these chaotic gays have given us over their over 14+ year careers on youtube.
I was on twitter the other day and someone shared a playlist of all of Dan and Phil's videos in chronological order and I have not been able to stop thinking about sitting down and going from where it all started and getting to see the amazing and proud men they are today.
So, now you are asking, and the intellectuals I know that you are, What is the point of this blog? You inquisitive lad, let me tell you. My friends, while the know of Dip and Pip, have no interest in doing this deep dive with me. So, I came to the one place on the internet where deep diving into a topic that I have become (and will continue to be, lets be honest) hyper fixated on, it not only allowed, but often encouraged.
No one is required to care about what I say, but I can say it and someone somewhere might think the same thing! Or someone who is new to the whole fandom may find it and find my anecdotal mumbling to be interesting and helpful! Who knows!
Anyway, you have found this blog, you have read this far and I still haven't lost you? I'm going to assume you are a slowburn fic consumer and I think you'll appreciate my approach.
What do you have to look forward too?
The goal is a video a day. The early videos are much shorter, so I wouldn't be surprised if, at least for a while, I do quite a few in a single sitting. Each video will get its own post where I highlight my favorite (and least favorite bits). I may also highlight some things that were going on during that time and mark each video some current event. The best thing is that I get to decided as I'm going, but I promise I will do my best to make it equal parts entertaining and informative.
Thank you for making it this far! I hope that I don't disappoint you <3
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kanaiicun · 1 month ago
A little life update
Hi friends! I completely forgot tumblr existed, but then I got high and decided to look at my App Store purchase history, all the way back to when I got my first iPod Touch in 2013.
The last time I was on tumblr was apparently in 2018, so it’s interesting to look back on what I liked in high school, especially from a 2025 lens.
There’s a lot of Dan and Phil. A lot. Nobody will be surprised to hear that I got diagnosed with ADHD lol, talk about a hyperfixation. I still enjoy Dip and Pip. The parasocial bond is strong, evidently.
What’s happened since 2018… many things. I lost touch with a lot of people from high school, most of you. I hope you are doing so well, and know that I hold a lot of love for each of you. It’s so amazing to see all of you thrive, build lives for yourselves, fall in love, get married, start your careers. You’re rockstars.
I’ve been doing okay. Finally got properly medicated for my anxiety and depression (shoutout to Lexapro), got diagnosed with ADHD like I said, and also got an OCD diagnosis. The ADHD was unsurprising, but the OCD was interesting to learn about. It makes sense, looking back (especially with the self harm and eating disorders of years past; five years clean of the former, six of the latter for the most part).
College was great, mostly. I had a very strong core friend group which lasted from freshman year til now (hi Bronwen, Gabriella, Dom, Max, and others). There was… a lot… of drama, most of which I tried to stay out of, but when you go to a music school (or Cogswell High as we so lovingly call it), drama is inevitable.
I dated a couple guys, none of which were overly serious. There was Tyler, V, and Julian.
Tyler was hard. He was this little nerdy guy, like a more gay version of the protagonist from Ratatouille, and was a couple years older than me. A voice major, but his voice was very nasally all of the time (which is fine, but was admittedly kind of grating on the ears). We had a fling freshman and sophomore year where we’d make out every now and again and hang out. To be honest, and this is terrible and something I’m not proud of, I was kinda just using him for the attention. That came to bite me in the ass, though, when at the start of my junior year he bought me alcohol (I was still 20), and I got completely shitfaced and he sexually assaulted me. I’ve therapied through it now though, but it definitely made it hard to do anything with guys.
V was someone I met on Bumble during the lockdown. They were pretty great, and we went on one incredibly boring date (they took me to a paper store. Literally all they sold was different types of paper. No writing utensils or anything. Just paper) then messaged me about how much they missed their ex. I, because I was and am a pushover, consoled them for several months about them missing their ex before I just stopped answering their messages. She transitioned recently, and I’m happy for her.
Julian is a guy I met on Grindr right before finals week spring 2021. Still one of my favourite people. He came to my apartment, and we went for a drive on our first date. Just drove around, listened to music and sang, and talked about life. We went on two more dates before finals week ended, and we continued to FaceTime almost daily until mid July. He was seriously amazing though. Emotionally mature, intelligent, a singer, kind-hearted, a good listener, AND taller than me. He hit all the boxes. Most importantly, he made me feel very safe and attractive, two feelings that were previously stolen from me by Tyler. I’m still grateful to Julian for making me feel that way. Unfortunately, he was struggling with school financially and academically and decided to stay home for the next school year and save money. He was a nursing major, and was struggling to the point where he eventually completely withdrew. He said he wasn’t in the place to reasonably be in a relationship, which I understood. We remained friends and check in from time to time. He sends me a lot of songs that he thinks I could sing well and asks me to record covers for him lol. I often wonder if he’s one of those “right person, wrong time” situations. I don’t know.
I graduated with the lowest form of honors (but honors nonetheless) from IUP in 2022 with a BSEd in Music Education with emphases in vocal and piano pedagogy, and got my teaching certification.
Great, cool. I got my first teaching job (after more than 150 teaching apps, schools don’t love non-binary teachers) at an elementary school about an hour from home. I drove the hour to and from every day for the first three and a half months of school, and all of that (plus an unreasonable slew of shutting things in my personal life at the time) drained all of the life and passion out of me. Turns out classroom teaching (at least K-12) sucks. I do miss my students so much though. What doesn’t suck, on the other hand, is working as a music director in the theatre industry. I’ve been able to make a living off of music directing musicals since before graduating college, working at the high school, college, community, and regional level. Most of my work is college and regional theatre, having worked across the country at several theatre companies (including one on a permanently docked boat, which is pretty cool). I was even nominated for a BroadwayWorld award for best music direction for a production of The SpongeBob SquarePants Musical I did (with a Jimmy Awards finalist as our titular character). Life’s crazy dude.
I’m writing musicals now. I’m writing two currently, was hired to orchestrate two others, and may be orchestrating a third in the next year.
It’s really great getting to work with some incredible talent (some have worked on broadway and off-broadway) and making lasting friendships and connections with those folks.
I’m still quite the Gilmore Girls fan, I’ve watched the whole show more than 20 times now I believe.
My plan going forward is to begin my masters in conducting (specifically musical theatre conducting), and continue with this music direction thing, eventually teach full time at a college. We’ll see though. I’m kinda taking it a day at a time right now.
I’d love to hear from all of you as well, if anyone is still active on tumblr. I think of you all from time to time, always fondly. Please reach out if you see this, and tell me about your life.
Lots of love.
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Chapter Two: Wild Ride
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Chapter 2 here we go!! We have so many things happening and I know you guys are excited for some of them to come! I'm really sorry it took this long to post, but I hope from the bottom of my heart that the wait was worth! Also I wanna give a huge shoutout and thanks to Andrea from @behindmygreyeyes for helping me proofread, you really don't know how much it means to me 🥹✨ Come talk to me after you read and tell me what you think! All the love 🤍 Mar
Click on the visuals to enhance your reading experience!
Disclaimer: In no way do I wish to spread hate or negative opinions about any of the characters here depicted, this is just fiction and with the purpose of entertaining you guys
TW: Mentions of Sex, not too graphic but feel free to skip it
January 14, 2022 – February 13, 2022: Month One
January 17, 2022
Harry. New York City, New York. 12:30 PM.
It had been over a week since my family had left and I was proud to say we had been able to get into a routine. Pippa was growing too fast for my liking, but I swear I fell more and more in love with her everyday. She started to look so much more like her mumma. I am also very excited because we have the ‘all clear’ from our pediatrician to travel to London in a few days.
I have some work commitments and we both agreed that it would be nice for my family and some friends we have there to meet Pippa, so after a lot of planning on our end as well as on Jeff’s end, we had managed to fix a schedule. We will be leaving in five days and staying there until after Valentine’s Day.
I know I won’t tell Y/N this, but one of the reasons I am so excited to go to England is that we will be able to have either Gemma, or my mum babysit Pippa so I can take her out on a date, we were supposed to go on a date a few days ago, Ellie and Nate were supposed to babysit for us, but a winter storm had them stuck in Denver until further notice.
Upon hearing this, Richard had agreed to babysit for a few hours and after a lot of planning everything was set to go, until yesterday when he had tested positive for Covid. That left us where we are now, in a car waiting for Y/N to deliver a care package to her dad and ready to head home for the evening.
I was pulled from my thoughts when she opened the door and climbed on the back seat with Pippa, I smiled at her, “Hey, how did it go?” She removed her mask, put on some antibacterial and smiled at me, “Good, I just left in on the door and walked back, he looks good but was so bummed he couldn’t see this little bean before we leave”, she then cooed at the baby in her car seat
“I’m glad he’s okay, love”, I squeezed her knee before turning back and starting the drive back home. Once we got there, Y/N unbuckled Pip before handing her to me. I kissed her forehead before turning to look at my love, “I’ll get her ready for bed and I’ll meet you in the nursery afterwards, okay?” She nodded and kissed Pippa’s head before making her way to the living room.
I turned the lights on in the nursery and started humming to Pippa, “Let’s get you ready bunny”. I removed her knitted outfit and she let out a little whimper. “Oh no, no tears it’s okay yeah?” I changed her diaper and reached for the lotion since my little girl’s skin was pretty dry, and as I lathered her skin I started humming a song I had written for a special project, If I was a bluebird, I would fly to you, you'd be the spoon, dip you in honey so I could be sticking to you
After rubbing her body with lotion, I grabbed her long-sleeved onesie and tiny socks and once they were on, I grabbed the sleeper and dressed her up. “Look at you baby! You are the prettiest tiny baby, my heart!”. As I was brushing her hair, Y/N came in.
When she saw us, she smiled. I walked to meet her halfway and handed her Pippa. She started cooing before whispering to her, “Are you pretty hungry, tiny miss?” She kissed her head before turning to look at me, a mischievous look on her face. Before I could talk, she said to me, “Why don’t you go take a shower and I’ll come get you once you’re done”. I smirked at her “Why?” She laughed, “Just do it please?” I nodded and kissed her forehead and then Pippa’s and left the room.
I knew she would normally take up to forty minutes to feed and put her to sleep, so before jumping into the shower I checked some emails ranging from the special project I would announce soon, our trip to London and our trip to California for Coachella. About twenty minutes later, I went into the bathroom and got through my shower routine.
I was just finishing putting my laundry away when there was a knock on my door. I walked to open it and found her there. She had changed into some pajamas, face cleaned and a top bun on her head. She reached for my hand and gave it a squeeze before pulling me towards the living room. When we entered, I could feel a warmth fill me up.
She had hung up some fairy lights all around and dimmed the lights, there were pillows and blankets all over the floor. Two bowls of steamy alfredo pasta were set on the coffee table along with a basket of our favorite goodies and some hot chocolate. The perfect ending to this though was the snow that had started falling a few hours ago.
I turned and pulled her into a hug, I squeezed her and kissed her neck multiple times before pulling back. She smiled and said, “I know we were supposed to have another date, but we had to work with what we had”. I shook my head, “Baby this is way better than I could’ve hoped for, thank you”. She kissed my cheek and we sat down to eat.
While we ate, we pressed play on the movie she had chosen, which was Encanto because she was a Disney girl at heart. After the movie ended, I went and made some more hot chocolate and sat down next to her. One of my favorite things to do was talk to her about anything and everything.
“I wanna do something different.” I nodded while she continued to speak. “I want us to talk about what we did after we broke up and before you freak out, I think it is important in this new journey for us”. I sighed and gave her a smile. I said, “Are you sure?” She nodded and I cleared my throat before speaking up, “So, do you wanna go first?” She nodded her head.
“After Glenne picked me up from the house, we went into Whole Foods and bought some wine and dinner, then drove to Abalone Cove Shoreline Park. We sat on the beach and I cried for hours. I threw rocks as well as sand and cursed whatever I saw. After I finished, she dropped me at my hotel. I ordered some more champagne and some chocolate covered strawberries, and cried some more while watching the Mamma Mia movies before falling asleep”,
I kissed her cheek, she pulled back and shrugged her shoulders saying “I also paid with your card, Jeff sent it”. That had me laughing out loud before taking a deep breath, “How on Earth did I not find out, huh?” She gave me a childish smile, “That’s a secret we’ll never tell; how about you?” I cleared my throat before speaking up.
“After you left, I think I cried for a few hours, then… then I wrote you a song”. She sat up straighter, surprise written all over her face, “What?” I smiled, “Wanna listen to it?” She nodded and I stood up and grabbed my guitar before starting to play the song I had written to her. When I did, I could see the tears in her eyes which made my heart break. As soon as I was done, she pulled me into a hug before kissing the shell of my ear and whispering, “I love you, thank you”
“I love you more, and I know we still have to address the elephant in the room, but I’m still working with Patricia on it”. She shushed me, “Whenever you are ready, we will baby, there’s no rush”. I nodded and reached to pull her into my arms.
January 24, 2022
New York City, New York. 11:00 AM.
It was crazy to think that the last time I came to Betty’s office, I was still pregnant. Harry opened the door and we walked in. Randy smiled at us and said, “Hello you guys! Welcome! Oh, please let me see the baby!”. Harry and I smiled before stopping the stroller in front of her and pulling up the cover we had. She cooed before turning to look at us, “Good Lord she gets prettier and prettier each day!”
We laughed a little and turned to look at the door where Betty was coming out from. “There they are! Oh, it’s so good to see you three!” She hugged Harry and then turned to pull me into a hug before turning to see Pippa.“Well look at those cheeks! How are you, Miss Pippa?” She pulled back before turning to look at us, “Shall we?”
We nodded and followed her to her office. “So how have we been since the last time we spoke a few weeks ago?” Harry helped me remove my coat and sit down on the table, “It’s been good, we have been taking it pretty slow” She smiled while making her way to where I was. “That is pretty good”, she started taking my vitals and then helped me lay down so she could examine me.
“Has your bleeding stopped?” I nodded, “Last week” she nodded, “That’s okay, on average, new moms bleed from four to six weeks, so it doesn’t worry me. Everything is returning to it’s place and your uterus and cervix looks great”, I nodded, “How has breastfeeding gone?” I sighed, “It has been an up and down ride, there are days where feeds go great and others that leave us both crying”.
Betty frowned a little, “Are you pumping?” I nodded, “In between feeds” We moved to sit at her desk. I noticed Harry looking at me intently, I knew he would have something to say later on. Betty then cleared her throat and turned to look at me, “And… emotionally? How are you?”
I smiled and cleared my throat, “It has been a wild ride for sure, it has been a big adjustment, but honestly? I have not felt like I’m drowning”. I sniffled before reaching out to squeeze Harry’s hand, “He has been my anchor, and our families too; I mean I do feel some anxiety sometimes, especially when I think of her growing up”.
Betty smiled, “That’s normal darling, we all do, I remember with my babies I didn’t even leave my house for two months except for essential things”. I laughed, “Don’t get me started, that has me a little anxious?”, Betty gave us a questioning look, “We’re leaving for England in a few days, Harry has some work commitments and we’re visiting family”.
“Oh, how fun! It is normal for you to feel anxious, just please don’t keep it to yourself, like you said you have a tribe who will listen to you”. I nodded and felt Harry kiss my temple. She turned to my chart and started reviewing again. “Have you thought about birth control?” I nodded, “I wanted to know if I could go into the ‘minipill’? From my research I saw that it was the safest option while breastfeeding”. She nodded, “Oh absolutely, I will write a prescription for you”.
Harry and I nodded. “So the last thing to address, exercise and sex”. We both tensed at that and my heart leapt out of my chest. “I see no issue for you guys to engage in such activities, but please take it slow, I truly cannot express enough how important this is okay?” We both nodded before Harry squeezed my hand and spoke up, “I will take care of her, whatever her decision may be”. I turned to look at him and gave him an appreciative smile.
After Betty finished making notes she handed me the folder back and we said our goodbyes. When we left her office, we got into the car. I sat in the back with Pippa and once Harry sat down in the driver’s side, I reached to kiss his cheek. He turned and gave me a smile, “What was that for, huh?”. I shrugged, “Just because”. He nodded and turned back to start the car so we could leave to run our errands.
January 28, 2022
London, England. 12:30 PM.
The trip to London had been hectic to say the least. I never realized just how many things we actually needed to bring, that we could not buy in London. Once everything was packed, we made our way to Teterboro where we met Jeff, Tommy, and Harry L. because they were all traveling with us.
The flight itself had been pretty good, Pippa behaved like a champion and her father was the worst traveler of the group. After we landed in London, we made our way to Harry’s house. Both Anne and Gemma had already visited and helped us by getting us groceries and some meals since Pippa was having a bit of a hard time adjusting to the time change.
We had agreed that Harry’s family would meet Pippa once we traveled North for Harry’s birthday, but there was a visit that had me so excited, and that day had finally come. Florence Pugh, Gemma Chan, and I had bonded while H was filing ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ and stayed in touch since then. As of right now, they both were here in England getting ready to start some new projects, so we had agreed to have them come and meet Pippa.
As soon as I opened the door, I was pulled into a bone crushing hug by two of my closest friends, the three of us let out squeals of happiness and we swayed a little before pulling back. I moved and let both of our visitors come in, the girls having removed their shoes and coats, and we made our way to the living room.
Before we got there, Gemma piped up “Love where is your bathroom? I want to wash my hands before meeting the baby?”. Flo chimed in, “Yeah me too!”. I smiled and took them to the bathroom and let them know I would go to the kitchen to grab some things. Harry had helped me bring in the heavy stuff before going upstairs and getting Pippa up from her nap, so I just had to carry the teapot.
Gemma and Flo were standing in the living room looking at the photos Harry had displayed. They turned when I walked in and gave me a smile. “Come on sit down, do you want some tea?” The two of them nodded and took the seat on the loveseat closest to the window before Flo spoke up, “Can you please explain to me how the hell you look so hot after giving birth just one month ago?”
I laughed while Gemma nodded. I could feel my cheeks turn red before answering, “Breastfeeding, truly it is keeping me very occupied, and my pilates, little by little I have been able to get back to it”. Gemma nodded in awe, “Well darling you look amazing”. Before I could answer, Harry cleared his throat and the three of us turned to look at him and the little swaddled bundle in his arms.
Both Flo and Gemma gasped and squealed when they saw the baby before Flo screamed-whispered, “Look at that tiny baby!”. Gemma laughed before speaking up, “Look at that smile, there’s the proud dad!”. Harry handed me the baby before walking to where they were sitting and pulling them into a hug.
When he pulled back, he came to stand next to where I was and squeezed my hip. I cleared my throat before speaking up, “Ladies, there’s someone who is very excited, who wants to meet her aunts”. Before I could take a step to where they were sitting, Gemma put her hands up in a stop motion, “Wait! Let us put our mask on and some antibacterial gel”. Harry spoke up, “Hey, it’s fine if you don’t wear them”.
Flo scoffed before speaking up, “Of course we will, she’s a tiny baby and we have been with a lot of people, and sadly we’re not sure if everyone is vaccinated, I mean we are but I don’t wanna risk anything”. We both nodded and once they were ready they nodded. I walked to where they were standing and whispered, “Look Pip, these are your aunts; auntie Gemma and auntie Flo”.
Gemma reached to run a hand down her hair while Flo sniffled and placed her hands on her chest, “Look at her, she’s so beautiful, thank God she looks like her mumma”. That had Gemma and I laughing while Harry whined and pouted, “Come on Flo, I thought we were friends”. She shrugged her shoulders, “We are, but I need to speak the truth”. He scoffed, “Okay I’ll give you that”.
Gemma cleared her throat before whispering, “Can I hold her?” I nodded and transferred the baby into her arms. Gemma started swaying a little and cooed, “Hi Pippa, hi lovie, God look at you!” Flo was running her hand down her hair while also cooing, “I cannot wait until you’re old enough and I can take you to get a piercing”. Harry groaned again and Gemma and I laughed at her.
Gemma then motioned to Flo so she could let her hold the baby, Gemma carefully handed her Pippa and then came to give me a side hug before going to stand next to Harry. She turned and smiled, “I’m sorry to tell you pal, but she is all her mum’s beauty”. He shrugged his shoulders, “I cannot deny that”. She then gave him a small smile before telling him, “I’m proud of you Harry, of how much you have grown and who you are today”.
He sniffled before pulling her into a side hug and kissing her head, “Thank you Gemma, for being such a good friend even after everything that happened, I’m so happy my kids have you as an aunt”. Florence pipped in, “Kids?! Mate, you’re getting way ahead of yourself”. We all laughed at that before he turned to look at me, a sincere smile, “Just wait and see”.
Florence then spoke up, “Oh! Before we forget, we got the little miss a present”. She pulled out a box from her bag before handing it to me. I unwrapped it and found a box. I opened it and saw there was a little pendant with her initial engraved and on the back was her birthday. Gemma spoke up, “We know she is still small, so we thought of a gift she could grow with”.
I nodded and gave them both a teary smile, “Thank you girls, this is a gift I want for her to treasure forever”. Gemma handed Harry the baby and she made her way along with Flo to pull me into a group hug, and after a few seconds I heard them both whisper to me, “Congratulations mama”, “We are so proud of you”.
February 1, 2022
Harry. Holmes Chapel, England. 8:30 AM.
I was awakened by someone clearing their throat. When I groggily opened my eyes I smiled, my girls were standing there in front of me, Pippa in her arms, she was wide awake which led me to believe she had just fed her. “Well good morning, ladies”. Y/N handed Pippa to me and started walking back, “Wait I’ll be back in a moment”.
I nodded and sat up a little turning to kiss her little forehead, “Hi little Pip, what a great way to start my birthday huh?”. Y/N cleared her throat from outside the room and said “Can you close your eyes for a second?”. I laughed while closing them, a few seconds later she spoke again, “Are your eyes closed?”
“Yes, my heart, they are closed!”, A few seconds later I heard her come in and sing ‘Happy Birthday’. I opened my eyes and my heart started beating a thousand miles an hour when I saw her with a cake and a candle. She sat in front of me and as soon as she finished singing, she said “Wait wait! Before you blow let me take some pictures”.
I nodded, and after she was done, she said, “Okay then, close your eyes, make a wish, and blow your candle!”. I did as she asked me and blew out the candle and she gave a little cheer. I pulled her in and pulled her for a kiss. We pulled back and I brought her again before she whispered “Happy birthday baby”. I said “Thank you my love”.
She ran a hand down my cheek and said, “Your mom just finished preparing breakfast, shall we go down?” I groaned and pouted “I wanted to cuddle my girls”. She laughed and kissed my pout before saying, “We’ll cuddle after breakfast, yes? I’m so glad you convinced your mom to cater today’s food”. I laughed too before we both stood up and made our way downstairs to where my mum was finishing breakfast.
When she heard us come in, she gave me a big smile before speaking up, “There he is! Happy birthday baby boy!” I handed Pip to Y/N and pulled my mum into a hug, “Thanks mumma! I love you!”. We pulled back and my mum went to say hello to Y/N and Pip.
We all sat down to eat breakfast and talked about the plans for today. Y/N then cleaned the table while mum disappeared for a second and returned with a gift in her hands which she placed in front of me. “Mum you didn’t have to!”. She shrugged, “It’s nothing, just open it”. I pulled the lid off the box and reached in for the item which turns out was a polaroid camera. My mum spoke up
“I know this lovely lady has your old one, so I wanted to gift you one so you could have it with you always”, I smiled at her and pulled her for a hug, “Thank you mumma”. She kissed my cheek, “You’re welcome darling”.
February 1, 2022
Holmes Chapel, England. 12:30 PM.
I was pulled from my slumber by a tiny whimper coming from the travel cot at my bedside. Harry was cuddling me, so I carefully pulled out to grab Pippa. When I did, she started crying, “Oh hey, no need for that missy, I know you’re hungry, my boobs are making sure I know”, Anne had been so nice to bring one of her loveseats here so I could breastfeed, so I sat there to feed Pippa.
About twenty minutes into the feeding, I heard a pull of air and turned to see Harry waking up, he started looking around the room and smiled, “There they are! Hi, my loves”. “Hello birthday boy, how was your nap?”. He stretched and laid down again, “It was good, but I missed you guys”. I smiled at him then I remembered something.
“Hey, there are two packages inside my suitcase, could you please grab them?” He nodded and went into the closet. When he came back, he was trying so hard to keep a straight face but was failing miserably.He placed the gifts on the bed before making his way to where I was finishing feeding Pippa and setting her up for a burp. “I thought we had agreed on no gifts missy”.
I shrugged my shoulders and told him “It’s your birthday, you deserve to be pampered, and the truth is one is mine and the other is from your little girl”. He kissed the back of her head and my forehead before going to sit on the bed. “Which should I open first?” I pointed to the square box and he nodded and started unwrapping it.
“That one is from Pip”. He smiled and removed the paper as he he pulled out a personalized book from Pippa. I could see him tear up and looked up at me, “Baby…” I smiled, “That way, you two can have your special bedtime story book”. “I cannot wait to read it to her, thank you”. He walked to where we were sitting and kissed me.
“I’m glad you loved it baby”. He then made his way back to the bed and grabbed the other gift. When he opened it, he pulled out a box full of vouchers I had made for dates, massages, dinners, kisses, and more. He laughed and turned to look at me, “When can I start redeeming them?”, “Hm, when we return to London”. He groaned, but nodded.
I stood up and started swaying with Pippa. He came and hugged us telling me“Thank you for my gifts baby, I love them so much”. I kissed his lips, “I’m glad you do”. I turned to see the time and sighed, “We better start getting ready, everyone will be here in about an hour”. He groaned but nodded, “Are you ready for them to meet her?” I nodded excitedly, “Especially Thea and Ella”. He smiled, “Me too love”.
February 1, 2022
Harry. Holmes Chapel, England. 4:30 PM.
I was pretty thankful that this birthday I had all of my family here with me to celebrate. The food mum had ordered was delicious and everyone was so happy to meet Pippa. I was currently seated on the floor playing with Thea while Ella was holding Pippa. She turned to look at me and gave me a smile.
“I cannot believe that just a few years ago we were joking about coming to your mum’s house for Christmas with our babies and we are here now”. I laughed, “I know, still feels like a dream huh?” She nodded, I turned to look at Thea who gave me a gummy smile, “Oh look at that smile! You are gorgeous darling!”, Ella smiled, “And this lovie! I’m so impressed by how much she looks like her mumma.”
We sat there for a few minutes in silence just cuddling the babies before Ella spoke up again, “I’m proud of you H; you chose a great woman to be your partner.”, I gave her a smile, “Just like you and Ryan”, I reached to squeeze her knee, we both turned to the door where Gemma entered carrying a cake while my family started singing ‘Happy Birthday’.
After they were done, I blew out the candles and my mum started cutting the cake, sharing a piece with everyone. I sat down next to where Y/N was sitting talking with my auntie Dee who was holding Pippa. She smiled at us, “She really is a beauty Harry, oh I cannot wait until you two get married!” We both laughed before I squeezed her hip before answering my aunt, “Soon Aunt Dee”. Y/N kissed my cheek in reassurance before answering, “All in due time”.
February 1, 2022
Holmes Chapel, England. 8:45 PM.
After we said goodbye to the last guests, I went into the kitchen where Anne was waiting for me. She made sure Harry was not near before she pulled out a wrapped gift from the cabinet and handed it to me, “Here darling, everything is ready for you guys”. I smiled and grabbed the gift, “I really cannot thank you enough”.
She shrugged her shoulders, “You guys deserve a night off, and I am really excited about having one-on-one with my babe”. I reached in and pulled her into a hug, “We’ll see you tomorrow, yes? Please if you need anything call us, but milk is pumped and measured for you, and I left everything you might need out”. She squeezed my arms, “We’ll be okay, and you guys will be a fifteen-minute drive away”. I nodded and jumped a little when I heard someone clear their throat.
I turned and smiled when I found Harry standing there, “What are you ladies up to huh?”. I smiled and while Anne excused herself Harry made his way to me. He pulled me into his arms, settling his hands on my lower back and kissed my lips before speaking up, “Hi lovie”. I laughed and then whispered to him, “Hi birthday boy”.
He pouted his lips and squeezed my love handles, “Heeey”., I laughed and kissed his chest, “Hi love”. He gave me a boyish grin before reaching down to pull me into a kiss. Before we could get carried away, I pulled back, which he was not happy about and he started blowing raspberries on my neck.
I was laughing so hard but managed to tell him in between laughs, “Wait! Wait! I have one last birthday present for you!”. He pulled back, a soft smile decorating his face, “You didn’t have to, you have given me so much already”. I shrugged my shoulders, “It’s your birthday, and I wanna make up for the birthday I missed”. I grabbed the box which was on the counter next to me and handed it to him. “Open it”.
He smiled and unwrapped the little gift and came across a box. When he pulled off the lid, he found a key and grabbed it, “Did you buy me a house?”. I shook my head, “Not really, but I did get us a place for the night, just you and me”. There was a twinkle in his eyes I hadn’t seen in a while. He leaned and whispered, “Will I need my birthday suit?” My heart started beating so fast at his comment before whispering to him, “Maybe…” 
I kissed the shell of his ear and walked away to the living room so I could cuddle Pippa, who was lounging on her bouncer. Before we left, I picked her up and started swaying while kissing her head. A few seconds later, Harry came into the room and pouted when he saw Pippa. He came to where we were standing and ran a hand down her head.
“Are you okay leaving her?” I nodded, “We need some time for us H, she has been the center of our Universe for the last two months”. He nodded and smiled at his mom, who had just walked into the living room. He pulled her into a hug, “Thank you mum”. Anne hugged him back and kissed his cheek before pulling back, “You guys deserve this, Pippa will definitely be okay yes?”, I nodded and turned to look at Harry and gave him a reassuring smile.
Harry asked “Can I hold her?”, I nodded and handed the baby to him, who immediately cuddled into his chest, her favorite place. He smiled and swayed a little before kissing her head and telling her, “Please be on your best behavior for Nana yes? Mumma and Daddy will be back before you notice it, but if you miss us too much just tell your Nana and she’ll give us a call.” Anne and I let out a laugh, God this man was very much in love with his baby.
He then handed her to me and turned to hug is mom bye, while I squeezed Pippa a little before whispering to her, “I’ll miss you sweet girl, I’ll see you tomorrow, yes?”. When Harry and Anne pulled back she made her way to me. I handed her the baby and she pulled me into a side hug, “Enjoy yourselves darling, we’ll be fine”. I nodded and kissed her cheek before making my way to where Harry was standing, I pulled the overnight bag from the closet and we left the house before we both cried.
February 1, 2022
Harry. Holmes Chapel, England. 9:10 PM.
When we closed the door, my heart started racing with excitement. I was so thankful for all the surprises I had gotten today, but this topped pretty much everything. As I was about to get into the driver side Y/N pulled me to the passenger side. I obliged and smiled at her, “You’re driving huh?”
She smiled and nodded her head, “You just have to relax and let me do my thing okay?”, I smiled at her, she then grabbed a blindfold from her pocket and turned to look at me, “May I?”. I nodded and she carefully came over to where I was seated., I put my seatbelt on and once I was settled she placed the blindfold on me. Before she pulled back she placed a kiss on the corner of my lips.
I whined a little and she laughed before I interrupted her, “Stop teasing!” She squeezed my arm, leaned into me and whispered to my ear, “Don’t worry, there’s so much more from where that came from.” I shuddered and sat up a little straighter while I heard her make her way to the driver’s side.
She turned on the car and when the radio came to life I smiled, “Is this our playlist?”She hummed in agreement, “It is baby, thought we could make our fifteen-minute drive a little bit more entertaining, what do you think?”,“I love it, I love you.” She reached for my hand and gave it a squeeze, “I love you more.”
The ride itself went really fast. Once she parked the car and turned off the radio, I heard her get out the door, and a few seconds later I heard her come to my side. She opened the door and removed my seatbelt before helping me get out of the car. Once I was out, she closed the door and made her way to the boot to grab the overnight bag.
I heard a thud which meant she probably had dropped the bag before squeezing my arms, “Okay, you ready?” I nodded eagerly and she laughed as she removed my blindfold, I waited for a second before I opened my eyes and was in awe at the little cottage in front of us. I turned to see my girl and gave her a smile, “Where did you find this?”
She shrugged before answering, “I have my secrets.” I laughed and pulled her into a hug before whispering, “Thank you my love.” She squeezed me before pulling back, “Come on, there is more inside.” I grabbed her hand and scoffed when she did not let me help her with the overnight bag. We stopped at the front door and she nudged me to open and go inside.
My heart was beating so fast, I truly did not know what to expect. I opened the door and immediately smiled at the sight, the cottage was lined up with fake candles and sunflower bouquets. I continued to walk inside and stopped at the kitchen where I found a little banoffee pie with a candle.
It was then that I noticed that the living room was filled with balloons that had pictures of me with all my favorite people, including her and Pippa, and in the middle of the room I found a book addressed to me. I kneeled down and started tearing up when I realized there were letters from people in my life, friends from high school, people from my One Direction times, my filming crew and some cast mates, a drawing from Otis and Daisy, and at the end my closest friends which included letters from all four boys.
As I was looking, I furrowed my brows when I noticed that Y/N had not written me anything, but just before I could ask her why, I saw that the last page had gotten stuck and when I turned I let out a sob when I found three of my favorite pictures of all time, I had taken it when we were at the hospital when Pippa was born, one of my girls snuggling in the very early hours of the morning, the last one was of the first belly pictures she had ever sent me, which had also been my lock and home screen until Pippa was born.
And the third one, a picture of us cuddling on the couch, with our hands resting on her belly. I remember I took it just a few days before Pippa had made her arrival, and back then I swore I could never ever love the woman laying with me more than I did, turns out I was wrong. I smiled when I found her handwriting, I knew she wasn’t a big writer, but her message conveyed everything I knew she wanted to say: Thank you for finding your way back to me <3
When I turned and stood up I started tearing up again when I saw her standing there with the cake and candle turned on, she started singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me once more and once she was done, I laughed and leaned down to blow the candle, I pulled her in for a kiss before I felt her smear some of the whipped cream on my cheek.
I nuzzled myself into her neck making sure that my cheek full of whipped cream was rubbing her, and God I swear her laugh could make even the angriest man laugh. “Stop! H, please stop!” I kissed her neck and pulled back a little before smiling at her and reaching to peck her lips. She opened her mouth, then closed it again, before gaining her momentum again and saying, “Shall we eat this pie?”
I nodded in agreement, and although I did want to eat the pie I knew that was not what she wanted to tell me, but I would respect her and wait until she was ready to say what she wanted to say. I sat down on the chair and pulled her into my lap, “Thank you baby, I loved the book”. She smiled while eating her pie and feeding me some. She swallowed and then answered, “You deserve it H”.
She suddenly stood up and went into the little fridge and pulled out a bottle of non-alcoholic wine before coming back to me. I asked “We’re doing it out of the bottle?” She nodded and smiled, she then offered me the bottle before giving me an apprehensive look, “I’m sorry it’s not alcoholic, I know- “
I shushed her by placing a finger on her mouth to silence her, “Baby don’t apologize, I know how much breastfeeding means to you, and I wouldn’t ask you to pump and dump just because of my birthday.” She nodded, a small appreciative smile on her face before encouraging me to take a sip, which I did. We passed it back and forth, and as we drank our wine and ate our pie I could feel something in the atmosphere shift.
While I was dishing the last of her pie, she cleared her throat and I turned to give her a smile. When I ran a hand along her thigh, she had that look again, and I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it meant, but this time her look did not falter. “Do you remember when we went and saw Betty?” I nodded, “Yeah, about a week ago, why?” She was playing with her fingers before she answered me, “Do you remember what she said about…us?” Ahh, so this is where she was going huh? Maybe I’ll tease her a bit.
I nodded, “I do baby, she said you were doing so well with your recovery and that she was happy to see you.” She nodded, “Yeah, and what else did she say?” I pretended to ponder for a moment before turning to look at her, a serious expression in my face, “That was all wasn’t it?”, I could see her start to blush while she whined and hid herself in my neck.
I laughed and kissed her cheek before whispering to her, “I know what else she said, I just wanted to make you sweat baby.” She pulled back while imitating me and then wrapped her arms around my neck before kissing my nose and speaking up, “You think you’re so funny huh?” She kissed my nose again before sitting straighter and clearing her throat, I could tell she was nervous, and for some reason I started to feel nervous too.
“In all seriousness, and addressing the elephant in the room”, I nodded and squeezed her hip letting her know I was listening to her, “Six weeks are up”, I nodded, “And... well we have gotten in between second and third base so far yeah?” I chuckled and nodded. She sighed before continuing, “What if… what if I told you I was ready for a home run?” My heart started beating so fast and I took a deep breath before speaking up.
“Baby…” She placed her finger on my lips, “I know where you are heading so let me reassure you; no, it is not just because it is your birthday, I genuinely want you to make love to me, I trust you enough to know you will take care of me.”
I squeezed her hips. “Baby this is like your first time all over again.” She nodded, “And I want it to be with you.” I was still apprehensive, I knew how important this was for her and truly, I did not feel like I deserved to be the one it happened with. She kissed my temple before whispering into my ear, “I know what you are thinking, you do deserve it baby, I would always choose you, my best friend, baby daddy, love of my life.”
She pulled back and gave me a smile, there was something in her look that made me feel like butterflies were roaming my belly, something that screamed I love you, I trust you. After a few moments I nodded, “Are you completely sure?” She laughed, “Man, if I knew how hard it would be for me to undress you I wouldn’t have asked.” We both laughed before I grabbed her face and squeezed her cheeks to get her attention.
“I’m sorry, I just really want for you to be sure, I feel honored you want this with me baby, and yes, I promise I will take care of you.” She nodded before reaching to kiss me and after a few seconds she pulled back before whispering to my lips, “Take me upstairs?”, I hoisted her up by her thighs and as we continued to kiss, we started making our way upstairs, but not before making sure the door was locked.
I put her on her feet when we got upstairs, I was in awe, the room was full of candles, the air had a smell of citrus which reminded me of our trip to Sorrento when it suddenly dawned on me and I pulled back, “Wait… is this the scent the hotel in Sorrento we stayed in used?” She gave me a cheeky smile and nodded her head, “You know what happened in Sorrento, I thought we could relive old happy memories.” 
I smiled while shaking my head, “You are something else baby, God, I love you” I walked to where she was standing and kissed her, then I pulled her into a hug and while she nuzzled into my neck. I told her again “Thank you for trusting me with this baby, I promise it will be special.” She pulled back and gave me a small smile, her eyes were full of fear and her hands were trembling, if she could hear and feel how fast my heart was going, she would be so surprised.
February 1, 2022
Holmes Chapel, England. 10:05 PM.
My hands were shaking, and my heart was beating about a thousand beats per minute. He reached to grab my hands and brought them to his lips, “Baby, you’re shaking so much, we really don’t have to do anything if you don’t feel comfortable or ready.”, I smiled and shook my head, “I want to, it’s just my nerves talking.”
He gave me an apprehensive nod and a smile, “We can stop whenever you feel like it, okay? I’ll go slow.” I smirked, “I should be the one undressing you, it’s your birthday after all.” He laughed, grabbed my face and kissed it, “Well, the birthday boy wants to be the one who undresses you.” I smiled and nodded.
I let out a shuddering breath., hHe pressed his forehead to mine and nudged his nose with mine before whispering, “Hey, it’s just me my love.”, I nodded and reached for his lips, and while we kissed, he pulled my sweater off my torso and I thenI reached to remove his coat, not caring where it fell.
While he ran his hands down my body, I started unbuttoning his shirt. Once I finished, I pulled it off his shoulders while and he removed the tank top I had been wearing today. I got so nervous I pulled my hands over my body, but he kissed my forehead and removed my arms, and told me “You’re gorgeous and I’m obsessed with your body baby, don’t hide it.” He patted my thighs which I took as a sign to jump into his arms while he walked us back to the bed.
He laid us down and started placing feather soft kisses on my neck while I played with his little curls. The familiar feeling of trust was finally starting to settle in, I felt him reach to pull down my leggings. I pulled one of my hands from his hair to try and unbuckle his pants, and before we knew it all of our clothing had been discarded.
Both of us sat up and were panting, looking into each other with eyes full of lust and love, and an appreciation for being able to find us again. Harry placed his hand on my cheek, and I did on his chest, which God I had forgotten was my weakness. His eyes were so ever reassuring, wanting to have my permission before doing anything else. I nodded and reached to pull him into a kiss, and when he squeezed my side I opened my mouth and moaned when I felt his tongue slip in.
His hands started caressing all the dips and valleys of my body, while his lips never left my face and neck. A squeeze to my thighs had me turning to look him in the eyes, lust written all over them and a question of whether he should continue or not, when I nodded, he started kissing his way down my body to where I craved him the most.
With rolling eyes and a panting chest I welcomed the haze and euphoria he had managed to vest upon me. Soft sultry whispers of his name fell off my lips, a squeeze to the hand he had pressed in my direction wanting to remind him how good it felt and how much I trusted him. I really did not know how much time had passed, the burning was growing bigger and bigger by the second until it had me arching my back and screaming his name as I let myself go.
And as the haze disappeared along with the newfound lightness, I felt him kiss my belly before I looked down and gave him a lazy smile. Oh how I had missed this feeling, the feeling only he knew how to give me. I leaned on my elbows and gave him a smile, still panting and trying to hold on to this feeling before he spoke up, “Still got it huh?” I laughed and nodded, “I swear it was even better than before.”
I pulled him up by his hand and we laid down next to each other, words would never be enough to describe the love I felt for this man. He nudged his nose with mine as a way of making sure I was still okay. I nodded and kissed his lips before pulling back and resting his forehead with mine. hHe caressed my hair while I played with the little curls that fell at the back of his head, hoping that I was able to convey everything I was feeling right in that moment.
I love you, I missed this, I missed us
He started placing pecks all over my face, and that was enough for me to understand what he was trying to say
I love you too, I missed us, I missed you more than life itself, I’ll always take care of you
If there was something I loved, it was seeing Harry blissful and happy, just like we are now. I started kissing his neck and shoulders before kissing his chest. I swung a leg over his torso and settled there, his hands reached to squeeze my thighs, a lazy, sexy smile adorning his face. I kissed his temple, then turned to his lips, chin and below his ear.
As his breath quickened, I continued to place some kisses on his chest, pecks, over the butterfly that adorned his belly while also slithering down to settle in between his legs; once I saw the ferns, I took my time loving them before moving to the tiger which I had honestly missed so much. His moans were increasing in volume and his hands were searching for something to hold on to before finally settling on the comforter.
And as his abdomen contracted, I could see his face start turning red, sweat dripping down his temples and more soft moans falling from his mouth, moans that increased in volume and were accompanied by my name and his favorite nicknames, until suddenly it all stopped and his sigh of relief was the only thing I could hear. A triumphant smile decorated my face while I straddled him again and kissed his nose before asking him, “Hey, you still with me?” A lazy smile all over his face before nodding and answering in a hoarse voice, “You are trying to kill me”
The stamina was still going strong, and the desire had only grown, and as I caressed his curls, I felt his hand roam all over my torso, heart rate slowly rising and sweat starting to fall in the dip of my back. As he laid kisses on the crevice between my neck and chest he blew a raspberry. I laughed, and a second later his laugh met mine.
He settled his hand on my hip giving it a squeeze hoping to get my attention, I turned to see his face adorned with a smile, silently asking for my permission to allow his hand continue south down my body. I placed a kiss on his chin before nodding, his fingers swiftly moving along, silent moans exiting my lips.
I closed my eyes and colors exploded behind my eyelids, the mix of his fingers moving, the spark that we both shared combined with the anticipation had me squeezing his bicep and leaving fingernail imprints on his skin. My loud moans and terms of endearment filled the vast room until all of a sudden, I could only see white.
We laid there in silence for a few before I cleared my throat and whispered, “Harry?” He hummed, “Yes, my love?” He turned to look at me, I nudged his nose with mine before whispering to his lips, “Make love to me” He gave me the sweetest smile and nodded, “You don’t even have to ask”, and before I could react he had pulled me to a straddle in his lap and was now lovingly kissing my chest and collarbone, a tingling overtaking my feelings before he stopped and turned to look me in the eye.
“We’ll stop whenever you feel like it okay?” I nodded and he started kissing my neck, ear and cheeks, before stopping on my lips and whispering, “I love you” All of a sudden, the connection, feeling and warmth that I had missed and was also terrified of experiencing again was there, but God I had been so wrong, this felt so right for both of us. Both of our pants and moans intertwined with the warm light decorating the room.
As we tried to find a rhythm there was laughter, there was a clumsiness that came from the nerves we both had and the desire to please each other to the best of our capabilities; and all of a sudden there was bliss, stolen kisses and whispers, there was thrill and excitement, there was surprise with the laughter, there were memories and above all there was love, there was a recognition of the love we shared and the reminder that this love had given us her, the one who held our heart.
As my heartbeat raised and the burning and eagerness grew, and as we both started panting even harder, there was a need, a climb to reach the highest point possible. Harry turned to me and desperately whispered, “Whenever you’re ready my love.” I nodded and started kissing his neck, and just like the last time, there was a release, a relief full of happiness and bliss. I am not sure how long we laid there cuddling, my head over his heart listening to the beating slow down, his hand running down my arm.
A recognition shared between us through love in our eyes and relaxed smiles. This was so worth the wait, I would wait for you forever.
After we were both calm, he turned to look at me and whispered, “Forever and always?” I smiled and pulled him for a kiss before pulling back a little and whispering to his lips, “Always and forever.”
February 2, 2022
Harry. Holmes Chapel, England. 7:35 AM.
A tickle in my nose pulled me from my slumber. I opened my eyes to find my love sleeping with her head resting where my heart was and her hand tangled with mine, and for a few moments the only thing I could do was stare at her.
She was beautiful, she was light, she was magic, she was more than I ever could hope for in a partner, and everything I would ever need and more. As we laid there, I took the opportunity to study her, she was the same girl I fell in love with four years ago, but now she had some eye bags that came along with the territory of being a new mum.
Her freckle I loved to kiss was still there, she had some wrinkles but against popular thought she got them from laughing rather than aging, her hair was changing like crazy from postpartum loss and new growth. I wanted to let her rest so I quietly got out of bed and made my way downstairs, where I started brewing some coffee and sat down to sip it while watching the morning roll in the field behind the cottage.
It was crazy to think how different this birthday had been from last year. Yes, I did celebrate with friends and Olivia, but my family missing it was a huge downer; and truthfully, I was still grieving my breakup with Y/N. It was around that time Patricia and I started working on how those feelings affected me.
If you would have told 27-year-old me that this birthday he would have spent it cuddling the love of his life and their teeny tiny baby girl he would’ve laughed, because how on Earth would the woman who broke his heart in an effort to mend her already broken heart forgive him? And especially agree to raise a baby with him? Nah that was surreal to even think about, but then again, here we are.
I was pulled from my thought when I felt a pair of arms hug me from behind. I smiled and placed my cup on the table before pulling her arms so she could sit with me. Ipecked her lips multiple times before muttering against them, “Good morning my love.” She smiled before replying, “Good morning, slept well?”
I nodded and continued to peck her lips, while getting ourselves comfortable so that we could cuddle for a bit. She had brought a blanket with her for us to be warm.After a few seconds of silence she started laughing. I turned and gave her a questioning look, but she started getting bashful before replying, “I just remembered I had another surprise for you for yesterday, but I was so nervous I forgot.”
I laughed and kissed her neck before muttering, “Maybe you can show it to me now??” She laughed and shook her head, “Nah, I think I’ll let the anticipation grow”, I rolled my eyes but nodded. We settled again for a little but there was something in her eyes, a thought that was troubling her.
“Baby? You okay?” She nodded her head and sighed, “Can I ask you something?”, I nodded, “What does home mean for you?”, I pondered a little before answering, “You and Pippa, the thought of coming home to you too every single day”. She nodded and then asked, “Is there any place that makes you think of home?”, I answered “You two, I truthfully could be in London, New York, LA or China for all I know, but if you two are with me everything will be okay, why?”
She sighed and turned to look at me, “It’s just that I’ve been thinking about it a lot, about what home means to me and where do I see my home, and much like you, home is Pippa and it’s you, it’s knowing that at the end of the day you two are with me, but a home also means community, means having a support system.”
She gave me sad smile before continuing, “We don’t have that in New York H, yes my family lives there but they all have their life, and the times you need to be away for work will start the need for the support system will be greater.” I squeezed her hip, “What are you saying baby?” She shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know, maybe… maybe we could think about moving… back here?”
I sat up a little, “To Holmes Chapel?” She shook her head, “Maybe London? I know you have work to do in the city and Gemma lives there and we have friends, and your mom is also close”. I cleared my throat, “What about LA?” She shook her head, “I don’t wanna raise Pippa there, where paparazzis lurk in every corner.” She had a point, London was the place I was papped the least, if anything it was fans who would ask for pictures and it would be easier to ask them for privacy.
“I though you loved New York baby?” She gave me a melancholy smile, “I do, I love it with all my heart, but my heart has another person whose safety and wellbeing comes first, she deserves stability, having family close by, being able to go to a park without the fear of getting papped”, I nodded.
Before I could answer she spoke up, “It’s just something to think about, yes? We don’t have to make a permanent decision over it”. I nodded, “Yeah, we have all the time in the world.” She gave me a passionate kiss before pulling back a little and muttering, “We do.”
February 13, 2022
London, England. 22:30 AM.
Pippa was turning two months old today and I was in denial. How can my baby be so big already? Time needed to slow down a little please. To celebrate, Harry and I had decided to go out for Sunday brunch at The Mandrake, and afterwards we would go to the British Museum.
Brunch was amazing and now we were making our way to the museum when we stopped at Whittard so I could buy some tea. Harry following behind me with Pip asleep in the carrier, smelling all the teas. After making our way to the cashier, he paid for my tea, his excuse? A gift for being a mom for two whole months.
I laughed and kissed his cheek, “Thank you baby.” He kissed my forehead, “You’re welcome my heart.” We left the cashier and started making our way to the exit. As soon as we did, I crashed into someone and almost went tumbling when a hand stopped me.
When I got my footing back and let Harry know I was okay, I turned to see the person with whom I had crashed. Oh boy was I in for a surprise, “I’m so sorry I was not looking where I was- Mathew?” He stood up straighter, still as tall and handsome as I had remembered, but having aged a little and looking pretty surprised, just as I was before he muttered, “Birdie?”
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years ago
Lover Boy (Chapter Four)
~Getting a date with mr popular has its perks, but being left at the three broomsticks alone is one of them, be thankful someone was there to save the night with a little bit of fun
Word Count-1.5K
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“A second date!” Alice chimed jumping out of her bed and into mine as I finished the details of our date, most of the details.
“Yes a second date, i’m gonna show them the tattoo spell, the one my brother showed me, and I showed you guys,” I paused thinking to myself. “I guess it’s kind of a second date, but with Sirius, Remus and Peter there too,”
“You guys are completely adorable,” Lily now chimed in placing her book down. “Peeves was in here telling us how he caught the two of you kissing,” She made, Alice, herself and Marlene let out a giggle.
“We didn’t kiss, we were about too, James made a mistletoe fall from the ceiling and then Peeves came in and then nothing we walked back and agreed to a second date,” I said blushing a bit making Marlene smirk at me.
“But you guys were gonna kiss, James Potter fancies you and you fancy him,” Her finger pointed in my direction making me roll my eyes.
“We got drunk on our first date, second date we enchanted his bags and now a third date i’m revealing one of my secrets, i’d say I fancy him,” The three girls squeals making me smile from ear to ear. 
“Well get your beauty sleep girl, it’s saturday and you’ve got a date tomorrow,” Alice jumped off my bed and into hers. 
“I have a question,” Mary pipped up, only just waking up from our commotion right now. “What are you going to do about Liam, didn’t he also take you on a date,”
I stayed silent for a moment, remembering our date. “He hasn’t talked to me since our date, i’ll let him make the first move if he’d like too,” I shrugging my shoulders. “But Alice is right, goodnight and no more talking,” I tossed my covers up and covering my whole body closing my eyes.
“You fancy James,”  Lily chuckled turning off the lights. My cheeks couldn’t help but hurt from smiling so much under my blankets.
~(One cheek hurting night later)
“You’re wearing sweatpants for a date?” Alice complained shaking her head and frowning her eyebrows. “A black sweater and grey sweatpants, whats hotter then that,”
“I am going to the other side of the house Alice, i’m sure that James and the boys aren’t dressed in tuxedos and looking all fancy fancy,” I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.
“She’s right Alice, calm down, let the pour girl out of the room,” Mary pipped up jumping out of her bed. “Audrey hun you look beautiful, but if James hurts you in any way he’s dead,”
I let out a nervous laugh, unsure if she was joking or not knowing Mary she wasn’t. “Thank you guys, i’ll see you later tonight,” I grabbed my wand and quickly ran out of the room, not wanting to be in there anymore, anxious of everything.
The boys stairs were lucky not enchanted for Gryffindor girls, since siblings complained so much that dumbledore lifted the enchantment. So it was easy for everyone to go wherever, including me who stood infront of the boys door that had a big sign saying keep out.
I knocked on the door a couple of times, watching the door open on it’s own then spotting four penguin dressed boys standing with a smirk on their faces.
“Oh you four are really funny, you guys shouldn’t listen to other peoples conversations,” I rolled my eyes, waving my wand and turning them back into their normal outfits.
“It was Sirius idea,” James chuckled sitting down on his bed, the fours boys sat down together, leaving a spot for me.
“Are you guys sure your ready for a tattoo, they’re forever you know,” I placed my wand beside me, sitting down beside James, the three others on each side of the bed, leaving James and I to sit together.
“Explain how this works?” Sirius asked putting his arm out on the bed, his arm was bair, not compared to mine when not covered.
“It’s a secret, so i’ll have to kill you if you tell anyone else,” I joked picking my wand up and placing it on Sirius’ arm. “Think of what you want, then tell me when your ready,”
Sirius stayed silent for a moment, closing his eyes, then opening them up with a smile. “I thought of something,” As he finished his sentence, the form of paw prints trailed up his arms, stopping right at the dip of his arm. “OH merlin,” 
“That’s how it works,” I took my wand off and looked at James, Remus and Peter who were all mesmerised with Sirius new tattoo. “When we’re done, I can show you how to cover them, since they’re illegal,”
“Me next, me next,” Peter said turning around putting his finger on his neck. “I already am thinking of what I want,” I nodded my head at his words.
“Carpe noctem,” I whispered placing my wand on the back of his neck, a little rat tail sticking out of a keyhole appeared with colors, getting creative.
“Wormtail that looks awesome,” James shouted jumping up.
“Okay okay okay, my turn,” Remus said rolling up to his ankle, pointing to just bellow his bone. My wand once again placed against his skin, watching a little black and white
“James your turn!” Sirius shouted looking down at his tattoo. “This is completely rad, I can’t believe that we never thought of this,” 
James snorted, taking his shirt off and turning around, so his back was facing me, I swallowed my thoughts, placing my wand on his back, slowly but surely his took the longest, forming a pair of buck horns on his shoulders blades.
“What do they all mean?” I asked finishing up James, he turned around, keeping his shirt off.
“Just some inside jokes of ours, nothing to bark about,” Sirius snorted.
“Yeah we’ve just gotten a howl out of these,” Remus pipped up.
“Oh my, we’re just bucking around,” James chuckled, we all looked at Peter who was thinking.
“Just pulling your tail,” Everyone laughed but me who was confused but felt normal for the boys.
“It’s a speechless spell, the wand knows what your thinking once it touches your skin, i’ll show you how to cover them,” I rolled up my sleeve, revealing numbers on my wrists. “aóratos,” I whispered, watching the letters disappear. “revelare,” The numbers came back.
“That is awesome, i’m glad that you showed us this, and I promise that we won’t tell another soul, it just stays in this room,” Remus gladly said looking down at his ankle.
“Come on, I wanna show you something,” James chimed up, jumping off the bed with a blanket in hand, then putting his hand out. “I promise we won’t get detention,”
“Don’t come back drunk now,” Sirius huckled as I took James hand, we both walked out of the room, everything was quiet, everyone was in their rooms, since it was about twelve at night and everyone was either sleeping or hanging out with friends.
“Where are we going?” I whispered as James pushed the common room door open and we walked out.
“Trust me, come on, put this one,” James whispered back stopping just outside the door, the fat lady had been sleeping lucky for the both of us. The blanket dripped over James first, disappearing his body, then over me.
“You have a invisibility cloak?” I whispered shocked, we stood for a second as James covered the best of us.
“Yeah, my dad gave it to me for my birthday in my first year, i’ve had it since, it’s how I get around without getting caught,” James voice was proud. “Come on, i’ve got a secret,” James took my hand, walking my forward, we quickly walked down the stairs, passing flitch who had no idea we were even walking down the halls.
“The kitchen?” I whispered looking at the door infront of us. “James Potter your a genius,” We walked in, locking the door and turning on the lights.
“I always come down here whenever I like, the house elves are gone so it’s free food for me, and whoever comes along,” James chuckled opening the fridge, I placed myself on top of one of the marble counters, taking a look around the fairly large kitchen, then James who pulled out a bowl of grapes.
“My favorite,” I smiled moving over and letting the boy sit beside me. “So tell me James, do you bring all your girls here?” I joked taking a couple grapes into my hand.
James smiled, taking a handful of grapes, dropping some in his mouth. “Actually, i’ve only brought the boys here, and now you, hope you feel special about that,” I smiled at his remark.
“I do feel special, thank you for asking,” I grabbed another handful of grapes, meeting James hand as well. “It seems peaceful don’t you think, the castle at night,” My chest started to beat faster, the empty bowl of grapes, James and I’s hand resting on top of eachother and the tension growing in the room.
“Can I kiss you?” My head spun around to look at James, my face couldn’t help but smile, my heart banging out of my chest, I leaned myself forward towards James, moving my hand off of his, just inches away from his face.
“I think so,” I whispered, before the complete words even got out of my mouth, James lips found their way onto mine, his hand pressed against the back of my head, my heart seemed to skip a beat with every take of our kiss.
“Now now now, look what we have here,” Our lips broke apart and Peeves stood, head sticking out of the sealing, looking down at the two of us.
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the-oc-lass · 4 years ago
Second Chances - The Prologue
*Waves* Hi there. I wanted to promote my book Second Chances (I will put the links to my Wattpad and Ao3 accounts at the bottom of the post - or remind me to post them if I forget to) by posting the prologue here and letting everyone have a taste of my work. So, like, weeeeee. 
(Note: I know my work isn’t perfect so feel free to leave suggestions on how I can make my writing better. I need to get better with criticism)
(Note #2: This is a Hamilton AU fic from the perspective of OCs, so there you go)
The End and The Beginning:
It’s a dreary day, yet so beautiful. These days are always nice. The lovely day is shattered as a single gunshot, followed by another, rings through the air. I freeze and listen, before creeping through the streets slowly. I look around, ever careful. Then my eyes find him, lying there on the cobblestones. I gasp.
“Philip,” I breath, before rushing to his side and falling to my knees. His hands are pressing against a bleeding wound. Although I know how little it will help, I pull a handkerchief out and press it over the wound in a feeble attempt to absorb the blood. His breathing is ragged, and I’m scared.
“Someone get a Doctor!” I scream, looking around the streets. Whoever had shot him is nowhere to be seen. A coward! I look back down at Philip’s face. It’s contorted in pain and agony, and his eyes hold so much fear as they stare up at me. 
“Everything will be alright. Come here,” I say gently. I lift his head and place it in my lap, and he hisses in pain.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I whisper, brushing his hair off his forehead. He has tears on his face, and looks so afraid. I run my fingers through his hair slowly, hoping to soothe him and calm him down. He makes a strangled noise, and I shush him softly.
“Hush. I’ll take care of you until you’re brought to a doctor. Please, save what strength you have. You must survive, for your family,” I say, pausing to brush my thumb gently across his freckled cheek. Blood smears across where I touched. He coughs, and I shush him again softly, still stroking my thumb across his cheek, ignoring the blood. The expression shaping his face is breaking my heart. I want nothing more than to comfort him. He reaches a hand up toward me, and I pull one of mine from his hair to hold it. His hand is still covered in his blood, but I don’t care. Mine is too.
“Who are you?” he manages to ask in a strained voice. He doesn’t know who I am...Of course he doesn’t. I smile softly down at him, giving his hand a comforting squeeze. 
“It does not matter. I am just someone who could not leave you here all alone. For, fear only grows in the privacy of one's own thoughts,” I say. He makes a strangled noise that sounds something like a laugh. He’s smiling at me very slightly.
“You are a poet?” he asks. I give his hand another squeeze and continue to run my fingers through his hair.
“Something of the sort, Mr. Hamilton,” I say kindly. He continues to smile at me.
“Philip. Call me Philip,” he says. I smile back at him.
“Philip,” I correct myself quietly. He coughs again, and I frown with concern. 
“Let us take him!” Men cry, and I raise my head to see them coming. They’ll take Philip to get the help he needs. I nod, and they hoist him from my lap. 
“One minute,” I say, stopping them before they go. Philip is still holding my hand, and I hold it tightly before leaning down and kissing his forehead.
“All will be well, Philip. I promise,” I say softly. He squeezes my hand weakly, before he’s hauled away. And I stand there in the street for a moment. Blood sits sticky on my hand. My handkerchief is gone. It’s okay. As long as he is okay.
“M-mother, you cannot be serious,” I stutter, eyes wide with horror. My mother shakes her head.
“Too serious, my darling. He passed many hours after he left you. You are likely the last person outside of his blood that he saw,” she says, holding my hands in hers. Her eyes shine with sympathy, but all I can think of is the darkness from her words. Philip is dead. He didn’t recognize me, but I’ve known him for my whole life. He’s...The first man I’ve ever loved. And I knew the fear on his face as he laid in my lap, dying. And now he’s...I shake my head and draw back, refusing to believe it.
“They have lied. It is not true!” I say, voice overtaken by emotion. My mother reaches out for me once more, but I flee from her, into my father’s study. I lock her out, and move slowly to my father’s desk. I know he keeps a pistol inside the drawer. It’s a man’s job to carry on the legacy in the first place. This will not matter. I take up a quill, dip it in ink, and write. My words spill desperately across the parchment. For I am running out of time. My last poem, my last words. And the words I’m Sorry curling at the bottom. I do not sign my name. I place the quill down gently and lean down, opening the drawer containing my father’s pistol. There is a bang on the study door, and my mother is calling my name. I do not answer. I draw the pistol out. It is loaded, as it always is, and I know how to use it. Father was adamant that I learned how. I move over to the window, and I stare out it. The gun somehow doesn’t feel heavy in my hand. In fact, it feels nice. As if it were made to sit there. My mother is still calling for me. I lift the gun, and the metal feels cool against my head. I whisper an “I love you” into the air, and close my eyes. The air smells of books, paper, and ink. All of the things I love. 
“I’m sorry, Philip, mon amour,” I whisper. My finger moves to the trigger. I take in a last deep breath, and push it down. Bang. 
I open my eyes. It’s bright and beautiful here. For a moment, I wonder where I am. I wonder how I got here. And it all comes back. I look around, searching for anything or anyone. 
“It’s you.” I turn toward the voice. And there’s a freckled face, framed by bouncing locks of curls. Philip. I reach a hand out slowly, carefully. He does too. Our hands meet, and his is...Warm. His hand is bigger than mine, and he has the calluses of a poet. The same as me.
“What did you do?” he asks me, a sad look on his face that should never sit there. I frown and turn my head away, hand dropping.
“I lied to a dying man. I removed the liar,” I say softly. His hand takes mine again, holding it.
“Miss, you said what was necessary to comfort a dying man. I do not feel as though you lied to me,” he says. I risk a glance, and his gaze on me is one that is kind and soft. Everything but angry. 
“This is her?” another voice inquires. I turn. He’s a man in uniform, from a war long gone. A bouncy head of curls tied back. Something about him reminds me of Philip. Perhaps it is the freckles and the curls.
“This is her,” Philip confirms, and I glance back at him. My other hand is lifted, and a kiss is placed upon my knuckles. I stare at the top of his head for a moment, until he straightens. 
“Who are-“
“John Laurens, Miss,” he says. My eyes widen.
“Laurens...My mother’s Laurens?” I ask. His brows wrinkle in confusion. 
“Your mother?” he asks. I step toward him, tears in my eyes.
“Mr. Laurens...My name is Lilith Derven. I’m your goddaughter,” I say. His eyes widen, and he reaches out to take his face in my hands. 
“You’re...My Anastasia’s daughter,” he says. I nod, and he pulls me to him. I bury my face into his chest. 
“You’re just as beautiful as your mother. I can see her intelligence in your eyes...She must be so proud of you,” he says, holding my head. I laugh slightly, a tear running down my cheek.
“Lilith?” Philip mutters. I turn my head, and his mouth is agape as he stares at me. 
“Hi, Philip. I was waiting for you to recognize me,” I say, smiling through the tears. He runs to me and sweeps me into his arms, lifting me and holding me close. 
“How long has it been...My Lily. My beautiful Lilith. My best friend in this world, a poet greater than I, and the girl I’ve-“ He pauses, and sets me down. 
“Laurens, could you-“
“I’ll leave you two be. I’d like to check up on Alexander anyway,” Laurens says. I hear him retreat, but my eyes are only on Philip. He takes my hands and stares me in the eye, cheeks flushed. 
“I wish I’d told you when we were both alive...Maybe we wouldn’t be dead in the first place if I had. We’d just grown apart. I was busy with school, as were you, I’m sure. I’ve always known you wouldn’t require a man to become successful, so some part of me was afraid that if I told you...You’d turn me down, or I would hold you back from your dreams. I didn’t think I could. I wanted to be bold like my pops, but it seems like the boldest thing was the one thing I couldn’t do,” he says. I tilt my head slightly, giving him a kind look. 
“Pip, what are you talking about?” I ask, using his old nickname. He squeezes my hands and looks down at them for a second, then back up into my eyes.
“Lilith...I’ve been in love with you since I was ten years old,” he says. My face flushes and my lips part in surprise. 
“You...Love me?” I repeat, still shocked. He swallows and nods. 
“I do,” he says. I smile at him and pull one hand away from him to raise it and touch his cheek. 
“Mon doux petit poète (My sweet little poet), I wish you would’ve told me sooner. Je t’aime aussi,” I say, caressing his face with my thumb. He stares at me for a moment.
“You do?” he asks. I smile wider and nod.
“Have I ever lied to you, mon amour?” I ask. He grins at me. 
“Probably, when we were children,” he says. I laugh and lean my forehead against his. 
“I’ve missed you, ma douce (my sweet) Philip,” I say. He chuckles, putting a hand respectfully at my hip. I pull back slightly to look at him through my eyelashes. 
“Pip?” I ask softly. He tilts his head to show he’s listening. 
“How much French do you know?” He hums in thought for a moment, looking at me curiously.
“Only what you taught me,” he says. My stomach twists nervously. Damn this corset. I take a deep breath and lean toward him.
“Embrasse moi,” I whisper in his ear. He pauses as I pull back. He swallows and licks his lips.
“That...Kiss you?” he asks. I look away shyly and nod. He smiles bashfully, before gently taking my face and turning it toward him. His eyes sparkle with adoration as they look at me, before they drop to my lips. His eyes close as he leans toward me, and mine do too. His kiss is soft and sweet, warm like the morning sunlight, and a bliss unheard of. I smile against his lips and I feel him do that same. It lasts for only a few seconds, before we pull away from one another. Blushes spread across our cheeks, and smiles curve our lips. 
“Wow,” he breathes. I giggle and throw my arms around him. 
“Je t'aime,” I say, holding tightly to him. He laughs, kissing behind my ear. 
“I love you too, ma beauté française (My French beauty),” he says. I giggle, and then shriek as he lifts me up. He’s spinning with me, and I hold on tighter. When he finally puts me down, I step back and sway.
“You’ve made me dizzy!” I giggle, grinning at him. He laughs at me, and I hug him tightly. Someone clears their throat, and we jump, moving away from each other. Laurens smiles at us. 
“I take it your feelings were mutual?” he asks. Philip blushes and nods.
“U-um, how are my parents?” he asks, changing the subject. Laurens’ face drops. 
“They’re...Grieving. Not just you, but Lilith. And they’re still searching for Evangeline,” he says. For a moment, my heart breaks. The Hamilton’s are grieving for me as well? I’m not even their daughter, I’m not of their blood at all, but they still grieve for me? Then my attention is drawn away from the fact. I look at Philip and raise an eyebrow. 
“Who’s Evangeline?” I ask. He looks at me for a moment, silent. 
“You are,” he says. I crinkle my eyebrows in confusion, tilting my head.
“What?” Laurens and I ask in unison, each with differing ratios of shock and confusion. Philip takes my hand, seemingly planning out his response.
“My mind was so blurred after I got shot. I was looking at the sky and still didn’t know which way was up. When I saw you, I couldn’t see your face. Not in the literal sense, but it didn’t click. In my mind you were a pretty stranger with pretty words, and I couldn’t see you as Lilith. Maybe it was my own mind’s way of trying to be merciful, because knowing that it was you I was dying on would’ve been many times worse than believing I was dying in the arms of a stranger. I tried to describe you to my mom, I wanted to have you speak at my funeral,” he looks up at Laurens to address him instead. “We couldn’t just call her ‘the girl in the purple dress,’ so my mom decided to call her Evangeline. It’s supposed to mean bringer of good news, which she associated with Lilith comforting me.” The way he’d described it all had been so poetic and sad. And he’d wanted me to speak at his funeral? What...What have I done? I turn to Philip.
“I’m so sorry,” I say, feeling overridden with guilt. He puts his other hand over mine. 
“Lilith, it’s perfectly fine-“
“But it’s not. I caused your family so much pain and uncertainty. They may never know that it was me who sat with you, and they’ll live the rest of their lives wondering who I was. Not to mention that I’ve caused them more grieving by taking my own life,” I exclaim, tears welling up in my eyes. The outburst is so unladylike, and nothing like how my mother taught me to act. Yes, speak to be heard, but stand strong. Women are already seen as weak, do not allow yourself to show weakness if you wish to be taken seriously. Show emotion with words, not with your tears. Philip wipes a stray tear from my cheek, kissing my forehead. 
“Don’t cry, mon amour,” he mutters softly. I hiccup and nod, taking a deep breath to pull myself together. There’s a long silence.
“I want to show you kids something,” Laurens says, placing a hand on each of our shoulders. I grin slightly. 
“You just aged yourself a lot, Mr. Laurens,” I giggle. He sighs and rolls his eyes fondly, shaking his head. He turns and waves for us to follow him. We do so, hand in hand. Eventually, he leads us to a cliff. The horizon is a painting of beautiful colors, which reflect serenely off the waves of the deep blue waters below the cliff. 
“It’s beautiful,” I say, awestruck. Philip is at a complete loss for words beside me. 
“As is everything in heaven,” Laurens says, eyes remaining glued to the horizon. I release Philip’s hand to climb a bit higher on the cliff, standing beside Laurens. He looks at me and I look back.
“As much as it saddens me that you’ve both come so early...Welcome to the afterlife,” he says. I smile slightly. 
“Thank you, Mr. Laurens. I’m glad to have finally met you.”
“My mother talked of you often, Mr. Laurens,” I say, staring across the sky. I pull at the petals of my flower crown absently. Laurens turns toward me.
“Did she?” I nod, smiling softly.
“She would tell my brothers and I stories of you, and read us your letters. And she told me once that when you saw me as an infant, you looked at me as if I were yours. You had the same love in your eyes as my father did, which is why they decided to make me your goddaughter,” I say. I try to imagine it. My infant self in his arms, a look in his eyes that can be described only as the all too pure pride of a loving father. I will never be able to feel that pride. I have robbed myself of it. Somehow, though, I do not worry. I am with Philip now, and John, and other family that has passed. I am content.
“Mon bien-aimé (My beloved) Anastasia,” he says, soft and fond. My smile is sad now, and I place the flower crown in my lap to prevent myself from crushing it.
“You loved her, didn’t you?” I ask. I miss my mother. My father. My blessed little brothers. 
“Not in the way that I love my Alexander, or in the way she loves your father, but, yes. She and I loved each other deeply,” he says, smiling sadly. I nod.
“She told me that she saw you at that ball and could tell you were different. She approached you, and you looked at her with all the politeness of a man that thought he was going to have to fend her off like other women. But the first thing she did when she reached you was turn her gaze across the room to Alexander, and whisper in a tone only you would hear ‘you love him, don’t you?’” I say, remembering the story my mother told me when teaching me to accept others. We never owned slaves. We claimed to, but we paid them and treated them as humans. And we’d never harmed them. They had families, children I’d played with. I smile softly at him, and he returns it.
“She’s always been such a strong, intelligent, and accepting woman. I never felt as though she was disgusted by me, and I never felt unsafe in her presence. She and your father were more of a family to me than my own blood,” he says, pausing for a moment before reaching for my hand and adding, “and when you were born, you were as well.” I hold onto his hands and gaze at him softly. 
“She’s always wished you could have loved him openly,” I say, unaware of the tear rolling down my cheek. He reaches up to wipe the tear away, and pulls me to him. 
“Mon petit tout (My little everything),” he mutters. I can’t help but laugh.
“Mother told me you called me that,” I say, pressing my cheek against his coat. We sit silently for a moment, the both of us reminiscing on our individual memories of my mother - his Anastasia - and longing to be back with her. We move away from each other in unison, and he smiles at me with an adoring look I’ve only ever seen from my father. He lifts the flower crown from my lap and places it on my head, grinning at me. 
“I didn’t know it was possible for people to accept this part of me until I met your mother. She looked at me with a teasing and playful twinkle in her eyes, and I could always talk to her without fear of judgement,” he says fondly. I touch the flowers in my hair, a fond smile on my own lips.
“She taught us that we do not choose how we are made, or how we are born. She said that we must treat everyone as we feel we should be treated. It is why we never owned slaves,” I say. John chuckles.
“Yes, your mother and I were adamant abolitionists. She had so much passion, especially when she was young and newly wedded. She went against the societal standards of women and we all admired her for it. Lafayette was quite taken with her,” he says. I gasp and put a hand over my mouth.
“Marquis de Lafayette and my mother?” I ask, mouth agape with a surprised grin. He laughs at my expression.
“Yes, but as far as I am aware, all that was shared was a few dances and some flirting in French. Your mother knew about his wife, however, and respected his love for her. Ever self sacrificing, your mother,” he says. I sigh and nod. 
“That she is, ma chère mère (My dear mother),” I say. He pats my shoulder.
“Mr. Laurens!” We both turn when we hear Philip. He looks panicked. Afraid. Laurens and I both rise.
“What is it, Philip?” he asks, voice steady. Ever the soldier. Philip swallows
“It’s my father. He’s about to duel with Aaron Burr.”
Laurens has descended to be with Alexander for the duel. I hold tightly to Philip’s hand as we watch from above. He flinches when his father is shot, but Alexander seems quite calm considering the situation. Typical Alexander. He’s taken to a doctor, and Laurens comes back to retrieve Philip. 
“We should be with him,” he says. Philip nods, and his hand slips from mine. 
“Time passes differently when you don’t watch. It will only be a few minutes for you. We’ll be back soon,” he says, looking briefly at me. I nod, and I watch them go. Then I’m alone. Is this what it was like for Laurens? Long and lonely silence? I wait, eventually sitting in the grass. Sounds of nature surround me, so it’s not a deafening quiet, but I miss the presence of another person. I find myself weaving more flower crowns, and singing a French lullaby my mother sang to me as a child. I’m about halfway through my third flower crown when a voice breaks through my song. 
“My dear Laurens...And Philip?” I look up. It’s Alexander. He’s been reunited with his lover and his son. For a moment, I think to rise. I decide against it. Let him have his moment with the ones he loves first. I return to my flower crown, and continue to sing. I sound nothing like my mother, but it’s comforting nonetheless. 
“Lilith?” My singing stops as I look up, and I smile. Dropping the half-made crown, I rise to my feet.
“Monsieur Hamilton,” I say with a curtsy. He breaks away from Laurens and Philip to come forth and embrace me.
“Do not be so formal with me, my dear. You are like a daughter to me,” he says, sounding...Heartbroken? I wrap my arms around him in an effort to comfort him. 
“Darling, why did you do it? Why did you leave your poor mother in the manner of which you did? You have no idea how much heartbreak we felt in losing you. Lafayette returned for your funeral. Why, Lilith, why?” he asks desperately. I...I caused all that? 
“Because she’s Evangeline.” Alexander pulls away from me to look at his son. 
“She’s...What do you mean she’s Evangeline? You would’ve recognized her, and you didn’t know who the woman was. That’s why we’ve called her Evangeline,” he says. Philip shakes his head and moves to my side, taking my hand.
“My vision was blurred and my mind wasn’t working correctly. Think about it, Pops. Look at her. She’s exactly as I described Evangeline,” he says. Alexander looks from Philip to me and stares for a moment. 
“I don’t understand why being Evangeline would cause her to-“
“I felt guilty. So guilty that it hurt. I couldn’t take it,” I say, fingers twitching in Philip’s grasp. Alexander stares at me, shocked. Then suddenly he has my face between his hands.
“You had nothing to feel guilty for. I should’ve stopped him,” he says. I blink back tears.
“I should’ve told him I loved him sooner. Perhaps the three of us would not be here in this moment,” I say. The hand against mine flexes.
“Do not think in what if’s. What if’s will only destroy us,” Philip says. Alexander releases my face to look at his son, and I look at him too. 
“Mon doux petit poète,” I say with teary eyes, releasing his hand to touch his cheek. Alexander chuckles a little.
“We always hoped you’d fall in love,” he says. I grin a little bit.
“The plan always was to have us married anyway, wasn’t it? You wanted Derven-Hamilton grandchildren. That’s what mother said anyway,” I say. Alexander and Laurens both laugh, and Philip turns his head away to hide a blush rising to his cheeks. 
“It has been a while since I’ve been to a Derven wedding,” Laurens says. Mother mentioned that the four had come to her wedding. Laurens had given a speech, and danced with her. She said that until the day I was born, the day she married my father was the best day of her life. Not just because of her marriage to my father, but because of her friends, whom she loved so dearly. I can see why. 
As the years go by, more join us, and I meet many whom I never had the chance to meet. I’m reunited with others. My parents, my brothers, Eliza, all of Philip’s siblings. I’m properly introduced to people whom I haven’t met since I was born, or very young. I meet spouses and nieces and nephews. They all remain in their best form. Some being as they were when they died, and others appearing younger. Many reunions are tearful, joyous. When I first saw my mother, some ten years after my father passed away, I broke into sobs and collapsed in her arms. We all spent years in the blissful afterlife together, creating memories we never got. Philip and I get married in the presence of our families and friends. In the year 2016 on the regular Earth, I see a young woman portraying pieces of mine and my mother’s stories in a big theater in New York, in a show that is big on what is now known as Broadway. It is after I see this that the disappearances occur. The first to go is General Washington. Then my grandparents, and Philip’s. Years pass and Angelica is gone. A year later and Mr. Mulligan and Lafayette, then my father. The following year, Mr. Laurens, Alexander, my mother, and Eliza are gone. Two years and Aunt Peggy disappears. Very soon, it is Philip and I, and our siblings and their families. We await the certain fates of disappearance. And it is to my horror that Philip is gone first. Months later, I see a bright light. Each memory of my life flashes through my mind rapidly, and the light swallows me. The last thing I can see in my mind is Philip. Philip. Philip. Philip…
Yo. So that’s the prologue. It probably reads better on Wattpad or Ao3. It’s not updated as frequently on Ao3, but every time I finish a chapter, I update on Wattpad. I’m up to Chapter 14 there. So like. 
Wattpad (Main platform): https://www.wattpad.com/story/238070007-second-chances 
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28575150/chapters/70031022
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cranetreegang · 4 years ago
OC Witcher Fanfic: Part 2: First Night Together
A/N: Part 2 of the series I'm writing. I'm really enjoying writing this piece and I can't wait until we get a bit further in. Big plans!!! I'm trying not to give too much away right now, but I'm doing my best to hint at it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think and all that good stuff.
Summary: Lanas and Nis spend their first night together on the open road. Lanas has serious doubts about Nis, and Nis is testing Lanas' limits. Nis finds out a bit more about Lanas, despite Lanas' best attempts to keep to himself.
Word Count: ~2,000
Warnings: Dead animals, skinning and eating of animals, and mentions of blood
Read Part 1 Here
The pair managed to travel far enough down the road to not feel the shaking of the lumber mill underneath their feet. The fresh air of the Magpie Forest made Ivalo a distant memory. Lanas' sour mood was lifted for a few moments before Nis’ mouth brought his mood back down again. She felt the need to tell him how nice of a day it was, and pointing out every flower and tree she thought was interesting.
Once the sun was dipping past the tree line, Lanas figured that making camp would be a better option than continuing. He wasn’t in the mood to hear Nis complain about being tired or sore. And he also didn’t want to deal with protecting her from any monsters that may be lurking in the dark. He dismounted without a word and Nis was quick to follow.
“Good idea. This seems like as good of spot as any.” She beamed.
They led their horses off the dirt path towards a clearing just out of view. They tied their horses to a low hanging tree branch and removed their saddles. Nis let her horse feed out of a burlap sack while Lanas brushed out Horse’s dusty fur.
“Who’s a good girl, Pip? You are!” Nis cooed repeatedly as the horse ate. Once Pip got her fill, Nis patted Pip on her neck then shot off into the woods. “I’ll get us a rabbit! You make the fire.”
Lanas was about to argue, but she was already gone. He let out an annoyed sigh as he fed Horse some apples. Pip nudged Lanas’ arm. Her cognac eyes begged for the same sweet treat as Horse. Lanas’ lip curled for a brief moment before his shoulders sagged.
“Fine.” He patted the grey nosed mare as the gentle beast ate the apple with glee. Pip licked over Lanas’ hand and snorted. He wiped the sticky slobber onto his pants then set off to find wood.
His mind wandered to Nis as he gathered various sized sticks and logs. He was somewhat thankful that she didn’t talk too much this afternoon. He could only stand her babbling for so long, and he had only known her for less than eight hours.
She wanted to know more about him, like most that briefly traveled with him. Trivial small talk was something he never understood the point of, nor wanted to partake in. Him and Nis would part ways after dealing with this cyclops, so there was no point in him divulging her. He could tell she wanted to press him into talking, but she relented to talking about the things she saw on the road after he refused to answer her questions. He also had no desire to learn anything about her. He’s seen enough of her type to know.
She’s a young wannabe; looking to make a name for herself in the monster killing business. At least she wasn’t totally stupid, since she hired him to help her. Most wannabe’s couldn’t sacrifice enough of their pride, or coin, to admit that a quarry was too much for them. Lanas mused to himself that she must just be getting started. In fact, this cyclops was probably her first job.
She probably asked her father to give her some crowns to buy some gear and weapons. The father, more than likely, thought it would be frilly dresses and rings she’d come home with. Lanas chuckled to himself when he pictured Nis’ father in horror staring at his precious daughter in her leather armor and a bow far too large for her. And Nis was probably smiling proudly back at her father with not the faintest idea of what she was getting herself into. She’d know soon enough. If she lived that long anyways.
By the time he created a well-sized fire, Nis emerged with two rabbits in her hand. She threw them on top of Lanas’ boots with a proud grin.
“Gott’em right between the eye. Didn’t even know what hit’em.” She bragged. His eyes flickered from the dead rodents then back to her.
“Good work. You killed two little bunnies.” Lanas kicked the rabbits away from him. Nis rolled her eyes with a slight scoff.
“These weren’t ordinary little bunnies.” She grabbed the rabbits and pulled out a dagger from her belt. “They were practically rabid. Monstrous ‘lil beasts.”
She started to slice and skin the rabbits until she was satisfied. She stuck a stick between the both of them and set them over the fire. She washed her hands with her leather flask of water, but it did little good. She frowned as she stared at her still bloody hands. She wiped her wet hands on her legs then went about sheathing away her bow and quiver to her saddle. She sat down next to Lanas with an exaggerated sigh.
Lanas leaned his head back against the tree they were leaning on. The bark chipped away onto his messy hair, not that he cared. He felt a nudge on his side that was gentle and probing. He thought about swatting Nis away. But, he stayed his hand and instead chose to glare down at the freckled woman.
“So, that bear amulet. I’ve never seen one like that on a witcher.” She said.
“Probably not.” His gaze focused on the roasting rabbit over the lapping fire.
“Why’s that? Are you a rare breed of witcher?” She asked.
“Something like that.”
She nodded in feign understanding. Her eyes scanned over his features once more. He shifted under her gaze despite not wanting to show it. He didn’t like the way she was peeling back layers of him when she had no right to. He decided to keep his attention on the crackling fire and ignore the way the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.
He was different under the fire’s dim light; much more animalistic in her opinion. His dark brows were constantly formed into a scowl of some sort. His nose was pointed with a hint of bump on his bridge from being broken on more than one occasion. His sharp cheekbones further accented his diamond-shaped face. His amber eyes were dangerous. Predatory. She found herself being dragged back to them more times than she would like to admit. He was more like a wolf than a bear, she mused to herself. A jagged scar came across his nose then harshly down his scruffy cheek that put his other minor nicks to shame.
When her eyes landed on the tips of his ears peeking through his dirty black hair, she couldn’t help but exclaim, “Oh! I didn’t know you were an elf.”
Lanas’ lip curled into a snarl when he stared at her. “Is that a problem?”
“Of course not. I was just merely observing.” She held her hands up to ease the bristled man. He snorted and turned his head back to the fire.
She bit her lip before saying, “I didn’t think they let elves become witchers. But, I suppose you aren’t a full elf, are you?”
Lanas hummed in agreement. “Yes. I was… an exception.”
“Interesting. You must’ve been quite remarkable then.” Nis stated.
His dark brows furrowed. “Flattery will get you nowhere.”
Nis couldn’t stop an amused laugh from escaping her lips. She rested her head on her knuckles with a thoughtful expression. “I’m not trying to fill your head with false pleasantries. I was merely stating the obvious. They would’ve never trained you if you weren’t special.”
Lanas rolled his eyes with a slight shake of his head. “I suppose. Not like I can ask them.”
“Because they’re dead?”
Lanas let out a sharp exhale that was similar to a brief laugh. “Something like that.”
Nis let out a gentle laugh that made Lanas squirm in place. It felt like she was in on a joke at his own expense. She leaned further back until her head was angled better to look up at the sky.
“You’re quite the chatty one, aren’t you? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think your tongue was made of steel instead of silver.” She teased.
“Fortunate that you’ve hired me for my blade, and not my tongue then.” Lanas turned over the roasting rabbits.
“Mhm… fortunate indeed.” She hummed to herself. “Truth be told, I am surprised you took the job. Figured you’d turn me down.”
“If I had another job lined up, then yes.” Lanas grumbled.
“Really? Even if I would’ve offered you more crowns than your other job?” Nis’ gaze landed on the witcher. His back straightened. He was feeling far too on edge from Nis’ seemingly innocent eyes.
“Yes.” His answer strained through his clenched teeth. “I prefer to do these things alone.” He stressed the last word with a pointed stare right back at Nis.
“Ah. I see. So, you’d’ve taken the job in a heartbeat if I wasn’t tagging along. Even though I’m more than capable of helping you.” Nis sat up and crossed her legs. She turned her attention on the fire, and Lanas let out a breath he’d been holding.
“I like working alone. Easier that way.” He stood up and grabbed the roasted rabbits. He handed one stick to Nis before chopping down into the rodent’s crispy flesh. Nis raised a brow at Lanas’ lack of manners, but chose not to comment on it.
“‘Easier that way’. What does that mean? How could working alone be easier? Wouldn’t it be easier to have someone watching your back?” Nis asked her questions between bites.
“Just is. Less stress.” Lanas growled. “Less annoyances.”
“I see.” Nis grinned as she added, “So, is this ‘lone warrior’ attitude an elf-thing, or a witcher-thing?”
Lanas chunked the skeletal carcass of the rabbit into the fire. The fire roared for a brief moment before settling back to its calm crackling. “A me-thing.”
“Mhm. I like that. A ‘me-thing’.” She laughed a bit more to herself. “I wonder what my ‘me-thing’ is.” She thought out loud.
“Annoying people.” Lanas replied.
Nis tossed her finished rabbit into the fire with a giggle. “I think everyone annoys you, Lanny. So, that can’t be it.”
Lanas felt a growl bubble up in his chest from the nickname. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He couldn’t lose his composure over her teasing and arrogance. Even if he wanted to teach her a lesson. He knew she didn’t know any better. Because if she did, she wouldn’t be testing him this much.
“You’re very tense, Lanny. Would you like me to make you a tea? I have a good blend. You'll be sleeping like a baby and wake up extremely refreshed.” Nis offered.
Lanas pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s getting late. You should rest. I’ll take watch.”
Nis bit her lip before nodding. “Fine, fine. Although I was looking forward to us telling scary campfire stories.”
“We leave at daybreak.” He gruffly replied.
She went over to her pack then set up her bedroll across from him. She settled into her bedroll with a content sigh. She stared up at the nighttime sky in seemingly deep thought. Lanas watched her until her eyes slowly drifted shut. He let out a relieved sigh and settled more comfortably against the tree.
He wasn’t sure if the crowns were worth having to deal with this child of a woman. He prayed that the cyclops would be there tomorrow. Then he could continue on to Dorian and find more work. He let out a sharp exhale through his nose at the possibility of her following him all the way to Dorian. He glanced over to Nis’ sleeping form. Her breathing was soft and she looked utterly at peace.
He scoffed to himself at how easily she lets her guard down. The fight with the cyclops tomorrow would more than likely get her killed. Well, he wouldn’t have to worry about her tailing him all the way to Dorian then, he grimly thought. He crossed his arms and stared out into the shadows that surrounded their camp as he waited for tomorrow to come.
Read Part 3 Here!
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thegreatestofheck · 5 years ago
Bares Bones {Theory 3} ⋇ Pope Heyward ⋇
find my complete masterlist and the first three parts here!
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description: Pippa Cantu has always been a little…strange. With a knack for knowing everything there is to know about every conspiracy, every mystery, and every weird happening, she doesn’t have much time (or desire) for friends. But when her chemistry lab partner asks her to join him and his friends on a hunt for the Royal Merchant, she just can’t say no.
chapter summary: a gift is given and a discovery is made. Pippa starts to realize that the pogues are expecting something from her that she can’t give. 
word count - 5.9k 
warnings - light swearing, mentions of blood
a/n - So, I’m trying to figure out how to make this different from Ocean and Alcohol, since I went through many of the same scenes. I hope it’s different enough that yall don’t feel like you’re just reading the same story again haha. Also, I know there isn’t a lot about Pope and Pippa in this chapter, i’m sorry. Anyway, hope yall like it and thank you for your love and support!!
It was more than awkward walking back to the Wreck with just JJ. Pippa had hidden in the bushes until JJ came running out of the salvage yard. When it was clear that John B had found another way out, the two of them started silently down the main road. 
“So,” JJ said, shoving his hands in his pockets and puffing out his cheeks. “Why’d you move out here?” 
Pippa shrugged, her own hands in her pockets. 
“Got tired of Manhattan,” she told him. “Needed something slower.” 
“And now you’re on a treasure hunt.” JJ raised an eyebrow at her. Pippa shook her head ever so lightly with a small smile. 
“Seems like it.” 
“You’re not asking for a cut?” 
“Don’t really need the money.” 
“So why are you helping us?” 
Pippa glanced over at him, contemplating telling the whole truth, but then she shrugged again. 
“Pope asked me to.” 
JJ seemed to take it well enough. They made small talk for a few more miles before JJ finally plucked up the courage to ask her what had been on his mind since they met. 
“Hey, Pip?” He said, scowling at the ground. Pippa tried not to be shocked by the use of that nickname, but her throat still went dry. Swallowing felt like sand. 
“Yeah?” She asked, voice croaky. 
“What’s inside Area 51?” 
Pippa wasn’t exactly sure what she had expected him to ask, but that certainly wasn’t it. She pinched her eyebrows together and tried not to let out a relieved laugh. 
“There’s lots of theories about it,” she said to him, kicking a rock off the road with the toe of her shoe. 
“Yeah, but what do you think is there?” 
Pippa pressed her lips together and let out a sigh through her nose. 
“You might laugh, but here’s what I’m thinking. You know all those conspiracy videos? Like the faked moon landing videos, the JFK videos, Ancient Aliens on the History channel?” 
“Sure, yeah, I’ve seen a few of ‘em.” 
“Well, I think that all those kinds of videos are filmed in Area 51.” 
“What?” JJ laughed. Pippa lifted her hand as she tried not to smile. 
“Wait, wait, just hear me out.” She waited until JJ nodded his head for her to talk again. “So, picture this. You get past the guards at the gate and all guns and the mines and what not and you break into the warehouse. You expect to see weapons and tanks or vats full of alien parts and a space ship. However, all you see is green screens and sets, props and costumes. All these suits standing behind cameras or with boom mics and some of them are dressed up as aliens. Yeah, that’s what I think is in Area 51.” 
“You’re very strange.” 
“Maybe you just need a better imagination.”
It was just about dark by the time JJ and Pippa made it back to the Wreck. The van was out front, which wasn’t a surprise. Peering inside, Pippa could see John B, Pope, and Kie sitting at a table together, illuminated by a single candle. Pippa stopped where she stood, suddenly shivering against the cold. JJ walked a few feet before he realized that she had stopped. 
“Aren’t you coming in?” He asked, pointing toward the front door. Pippa gave him a forced smile, feeling a pit start to form in her stomach. She glanced through the window and saw the others laughing about something or another, John B’s arm thrown carelessly over the back of Kie’s chair. Pippa tried not to cringe away. 
“Nah, I should be getting home,” she said and gave him another forced smile. JJ looked back at his friends and then at you. 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah. Just...tell Pope to keep me updated.” 
“Okay. Have a safe walk home,” he said. Pippa nodded her head and shot up a thumbs up. 
“Thanks, you too.” Pippa grimaced. “I mean...just...have a good night.” 
JJ laughed quietly to himself and shook his head. 
“Night, Pippa. Welcome to the crew.” 
Pippa felt her fake smile slowly become something real. 
“Night, JJ.” 
Pippa turned away from JJ and the Wreck and started back toward the street. The sun was dipping farther and farther below the horizon, the world growing darker and darker. The street lights on Kildare often left something to be desired, but Pippa didn’t really mind the poorly lit streets. With her hand in one of her cargo pockets, she fiddled with the switchblade she carried around with her. 
Her feet were sore and tired from walking all around the island, but Pippa had grown used to it. She skipped a little bit to pass the time, kicking the same rock all the way from Figure Eight to the cut. A few men watched her as she passed by, some making more than unsavory comments. Pippa had also grown used to ignoring them. And if any of them decided that just catcalling wasn’t enough, Pippa always had the blade in her pocket. 
When she finally made it back to her Gran’s shop, Pippa’s eyes were half-closed and she was exhausted down to her bones. She passed through the shop, locking the door behind her, and made it up the stairs to the apartment above. 
“Phillipa, my dear?” Gran was sitting in a rocking chair in the living room area. 
“Yeah, it’s me, Gran,” Pippa said, dropping her bag onto the couch that she slept on every night. She flopped onto the bed after it, looking up at her gran. 
“How was your day?” Gran asked, pushing herself out of the rocking chair. Pippa snored dramatically instead of responding. Gran laughed quietly, walking over to Pippa and placing a shaky hand against her forehead. “No cars?” 
Pippa sighed and shook her head. 
“No cars.” 
Gran didn’t say anything, but simply patted Pippa’s forehead. 
“You’ll get there someday,” she said, shuffling off toward the tiny kitchen. 
“How is Yeye?” Pippa asked her as she got a glass of water. 
“He is good,” Gran told her and let out a shaky breath. “We went for a walk around the block.” 
Pippa smiled, closing her eyes and resting her hands over her chest. 
“That’s good. I’m sure that was nice,” Pippa said, feeling herself start to slowly drift into sleep. 
“It was.” Gran returned with the glass of water and handed it to Pippa, who sat up and crossed her legs, holding the glass in her hands. “Oh, a friend of yours called a little bit ago to check on you.” 
Pippa scowled. 
“I don’t have any friends,” she said, turning toward the end table to pick up the phone. 
“I know.” There was a twinkle in Gran’s eye. “Must’ve come from Figure Eight. Only they have the power to make calls right now.” 
“Did a voicemail go through?” Pippa asked her. 
“Should. Phone’s only got a little bit of power left in it though, so don’t take too long.” 
“Sure, Gran.” 
Gran gave a wave and then shuffled off toward the bedroom where Yeye was probably already sound asleep. Pippa clicked the voicemail button. 
“Hey, Pippa, it’s Kie,” a voice came from the other end. 
“And Pope!” came another. Pippa smiled to herself with the phone to her ear. 
“JJ said you walked home so we wanted to make sure you got home safe. I don’t even know if this will go through, but we’re going out to the water tomorrow to search for the Merchant. Meet us at John B’s.” Pippa scrambled for a paper as Kie rattled off an address. “Anyway. Have a good night.” 
“See you tomorrow!” Pope called out. Then the line went dead. The battery on the phone blinked. There wouldn’t be time for a return call, especially if she wanted to be able to receive more calls from them later. 
“Goodnight,” she whispered to the phone before setting it back on the charger that wouldn’t do anything as long as the power was out. Pippa stayed awake for long enough to drink her water, not even caring to change before laying down, pulling the blanket over herself, and falling fast to sleep. 
Pippa sat on the railing of the dock, hanging her legs over the side. Her loose fitted long sleeve blustered in the wind. Pope and JJ were fiddling with mechanics of the drone as Kie and John B tested it out below the water. Excitement brewed inside of Pippa almost as quickly as the storm in the sky. Even if she didn’t believe the gold was still on the wreck, finding the Merchant would be a great achievement. 
She’d be proud. A voice inside Pippa’s head whispered. The thought made Pippa smile. 
“God bless geeks, Pope,” JJ said, staring at the little screen. Pippa leaned back to watch the screen too. “Truly man.” 
“What would we do without you to control all our drones,” Pippa teased, putting the back of her hand against her forehead and kicking her feet out farther. 
“It’s not a drone, Pippa,” Pope said gently. “It’s an ROV.” 
“Right,” she said with a roll of her eyes. 
“Shut up,” JJ said as John B and Kie surfaced. “It’s way too early for that.” 
“Once we get footage of the wreck, we’ll bring it to a lawyer in town and file a formal claim,” John B said, a smile on his face as he breathed heavily. He brushed his wet and matted hair out of his eyes. 
“Bullshit,” JJ said, leaning against the rail that Pippa was sitting on. 
“No, it’s not. It’s very important,” she told him. 
“The maritime salvage law,” Pope said, leaning on the other side of Pippa. She pointed at him and nodded her head. “You can’t just go to the ocean floor and scoop a bunch of stuff up.” 
“I know, but lawyers aren’t cheap, bro,” JJ said. Pippa shifted her lips. That much was true. It was always something she thought about when it came to fulfilling her discovery dreams. But John B seemed to have an answer for it. 
“Once they see the footage, they’ll work for a comp,” he said. 
“Says who?” asked Kie as she treaded water a few feet away from him. 
“My dad.” 
John B’s eyes flitted away from Kie and toward Pippa for just a moment, who looked suddenly down at her feet. 
“That’s fair.” 
Kie swam toward the dock, grabbing hold of the ladder. 
“This tether is like really, really long. In the wrong weather, it could get pushed around,” Pope announced, looking up at John B. Pippa leaned down and offered a hand out to Kie to help her all the way onto the dock. 
“Then we’ll go at dead calm,” John B said as he neared. As if on cue, the clouds in the sky let out a deep rumble. Pippa flattened her lips into a straight line. JJ moved around to the side of the dock to look up at the sky. 
“Slack tide?” Kie suggested, drying off her hair with a towel. 
“Now what?” Pippa asked and slid off the rail back onto the solid ground of the dock. 
“Now, we just gotta wait around for the right weather.” 
Pippa groaned. 
“Today is not that day.” 
With a plan to meet back at the Chateau the next morning, Pippa bade everyone her goodbye and started back toward her house. The backpack she always wore weighed heavily on her shoulders and she wasn’t so sure she really wanted to walk all the way home. Especially if it meant walking all the way back the next morning. 
Sometimes, her fear of cars was very unfortunate. 
Just as she was stepping onto the road, she heard someone call her name. Turning around, she found Kie running up to her, once again fully clothes. Her wet hair was tied up in a loose bun, though strands still fell, framing her face perfectly. 
“What are you up to the rest of today?” Kie asked, putting her hands in her pockets. Pippa shifted back and forth on her feet, tugging on the edges of her sweater. 
“Oh, I was just gonna go to the library, do some research for tomorrow,” Pippa said and tried to give her a smile. 
“There’s no need.” Kie waved her hand. “We’ll find the Merchant tomorrow, get the lawyer, and everything will be squared away. You don’t have to do any more research today.” 
“What if the gold isn’t there, though,” Pippa said, finally vocalizing her concerns. “Sure, finding the wreck itself will probably earn us some cash, but if the gold isn’t there it has to be somewhere else.” 
“The gold will be there, Pippa,” Kie said with a soft smile. She stepped forward. “Come on, let’s go out and get some ice cream or something. Tomorrow, we’ll be kings.” 
Pippa hesitated. She was used to being alone. In fact, she preferred it that way. But part of her knew that if she turned Kie down now, that loneliness that followed her around like a shadow would grow stronger. And there was no telling what would happen to her acquaintanceship with Pope if she denied his best friend one trip to the ice cream shop. 
She deliberated with herself for a few more moments before nodding finally. 
“Sure. Ice cream sounds good.” 
Kie grinned, her pearly white teeth shining brightly. Pippa felt like, for the first time in a long while, she had done the right thing. 
Pippa dropped her backpack off at John B’s house, the Chateau, they all called it. Why his name got a fancy name for his house, Pippa would never know. Maybe she should start walking around calling her Gran’s apartment something special. 
As she was walking back toward the tree where Kie was waiting for her, Pippa caught a glimpse of a girl talking to John B. With her blonde hair and her short shorts, Pippa recognized her almost immediately. Everyone who was anyone knew Sarah Cameron. Of course, Pippa was a nobody, but she knew Sarah Cameron all the same. Seeing her at the Chateau, seeing her talk to John B, was strange, out of place. 
Pippa was still scowling when she walked back over to Kie. 
“Pippa, what is it?” the other girl asked. Pippa rolled her shoulders. 
“Is there any reason Sarah Cameron would be talking to John B?” At the sound of the girl’s name, Kie went suddenly rigid. 
“Sarah’s here?” Kie asked, her voice raising an octave. 
“Um, yeah.” Pippa pointed back toward the house with her thumb. “Just saw her talking with John B.” 
Kie paled and grabbed Pippa by the wrist, pulling her toward the street. 
“We’re going now,” was all she said. Pippa felt herself start to smile. 
“What is it about Sarah Cameron that makes you want to run so badly?” She teased, hoping maybe to probe some information out of Kie. 
“Why do you keep saying her full name?” Kie asked, her voice a little snappish. Pippa shrugged even as Kie kept dragging her along behind. 
“It has a nice ring to it.” 
Kie pulled Pippa along until she was breathing heavily. 
“What’s your problem with her?” Pippa asked once Kie had slowed down. Kie’s face was red and she looked flustered. 
“She’s a….a…,” Kie grumbled and crossed her arms across her chest. “She thinks she owns the world, that everyone has to bow at her feet and if they don’t, she turns on them.” 
Pippa felt awkward all of the sudden. She was out of practice when it came to comforting someone when they were upset. 
“So, you don’t like her?” 
“Not in the least bit,” huffed Kie. Pippa thought she might have heard something under Kie’s anger that sounded like sadness. There was a deeper story between the two girls, but Pippa wasn’t surprised that Kie would be hesitant to tell her about it. 
“Let’s just get that ice cream, yeah?”
Kie dropped the angry and irritable look and smiled once again. 
“That sounds like a wonderful idea.” 
Kie took Pippa to a place on Figure Eight that she had never been to. It was a small shop, with only a few indoor seating options and it seemed relatively calm. Kie had a specific order that she knew off the top of her head, but Pippa had to sit there and think about it for a little bit longer. She eventually decided on a simple waffle cone and two scoops of chocolate cinnamon ice cream. 
The two of them went outside and found a table to sit and eat. They ate in silence for a while until Kie started asking questions. 
“So, how’d you meet Pope?” Chemistry class. “How long have you been friends?” I wouldn’t really say we’re friends…. “How long have you lived here?” Since last summer. “Do you miss your parents?” Sometimes. “What was school like in Manhattan?” Bigger, but mostly the same. “What got you into all the conspiracy stuff?” A friend. “What’s your favorite book?” The Chronicles of Narnia. “Who do you live with?” My Gran, my Yeye, and our cat, Fidget. “You like cats?” Yeah, they’re low maintenance. “I like cats too.” 
The questions came almost rapid-fire. Even if Pippa wanted to give longer answers, which she didn’t, Kie didn’t give her the chance to. 
“I kinda feel like we’re on one of those timed date things,” Pippa laughed before taking a short lick of her ice cream. She could see Kie’s cheeks darken with a blush, but the girl rolled her eyes instead of saying anything. 
Kie took up talking, telling Pippa how she met the Pogues, what living on Kildare had been like, going to the Kook academy. Pippa sat quietly and listened. Long after the ice cream was gone, Pippa and Kie sat there in the sun, chatting quietly. 
Pippa would never have let herself admit that it was the first time in a long while that it almost felt like she had a real...friend. 
“Hey, so, I was wondering why you walked everywhere,” Kie said, picking at her napkin. Pippa felt that warm feeling start to fade into something colder, like stone. She dropped her hands into her lap and pursed her lips. 
“Oh, um. I don’t really like...cars,” Pippa said and then cringed to herself. Kie noticed her discomfort on the topic and dropped it quickly. She smiled and gave her shoulders a light shrug. 
“Hey, if we stop by my house, I’ve got a longboard that you can have. That way you don’t have to walk everywhere,” she said. Pippa looked up at met Kie’s eyes, once again feeling her stone hard heart in her chest start to soften. 
“That...that would actually be really helpful. Thanks, Kiara.” 
“Oh, none of that ‘Kiara’ shit,” the girl across from her said with a laugh. “All my friends call me Kie.” 
Pippa felt her face flush. That word, ‘friend’. It had been a while since she felt like she could call someone a friend and it would take more than an ice cream date, a longboard gift, and a nickname for Pippa to feel comfortable using it. So, she just smiled and nodded her head.
They stood and Kie started to head off toward her house, starting the rapid fire questions once again. Pippa wasn’t sure how much Kie could possibly learn from her in that short amount of time other than the little things like her favorite color or her favorite place to vacation. 
“This is it,” Kie said, smiling up at her home. “Do you want to come inside?” 
For as much as Pippa had seen of Figure Eight, she expected all the houses to be extravagant greek-esque villas. But Kie’s house was relatively modest for a rich kid house. It overlooked the ocean, with a small beach just across the street. There were more windows than walls, at least, it seemed that way from the front. 
“Oh, no, I should be getting home,” Pippa said, taking a step away from the home. Kie raised an eyebrow and Pippa just gave a gentle smile. Kie seemed to understand. Stepping into the threshold of someone else’s home was a level of comfort that Pippa simply wasn’t ready for just yet. 
“Okay. Wait here and I’ll go get you that board. You know how to ride?” Kie asked. Pippa nodded. 
“I had a board back in Manhattan,” she said, her voice quiet. There was a question on Kie’s face, something like ‘why didn’t you bring it with you?’. But Kie didn’t ask. She just gave a smile. 
“Alrighty then.” Kie turned toward her house and jogged inside. Pippa shoved her hands in her pockets, rolling back and forth on her toes while she waited. The door opened again and she expected it to be Kie who walked back out, but it was a woman instead. 
“Are you Pippa?” the woman asked with a large smile on her face. Pippa nodded her head, trying to smile despite the rigidness she felt. “My name is Anna. I’m Kiara’s mom.” 
“It’s nice to meet you,” Pippa said. 
“You keeping Kiara and the boys out of trouble?” She crossed her arms over her chest, never once letting her smile fall. 
“Trying to.” Pippa curled her hands into fists but tried to cover it up. 
“I’m just glad there’s another girl around.” Anna Carrera let out an uncomfortable laugh. “I get nervous, Kiara hanging around those boys all the time.” 
Pippa scowled. 
“They’re all just friends, Mrs. Anna, I can assure you. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” 
Kie’s mom opened her mouth again, but before she could say anything, Kie stepped out of the front door. She paused, raising an eyebrow behind her mom’s head before looking over at Pippa. 
“I see you’ve met my mom,” Kie said, startling her mom. 
“Kiara!” she turned toward her daughter and smiled. “I was just saying hi.” 
“Welp, you’ve said hi and now it’s time for us to go,” Kie said, stepping past her mom, the longboard in her hands. “I’m going back to John B’s and I’m gonna spend the night.” 
“Bye, mom!” She trotted down the stairs toward Pippa, who greeted her with a forced smile. Her mom sighed but said goodbye to her daughter all the same. 
Kie handed the longboard off to Pippa, who tucked it under her arm as they started back toward the Chateau. 
“What did she want to know?” Kie asked, fiddling with her fingers. 
“She asked if I was watching out for you and the boys.” 
Kie let out a heavy sigh. 
“She and my dad don’t like that I hang out with them,” Kie told Pippa after a few moments. “They think I’m spending too much time with the wrong crowd.” 
Pippa hummed. She didn’t want to think about what her mom and dad would say if she was hanging out with a boy who had a gun, a boy with what seemed like a permanent bruise on his eye, and a boy who was only partially reluctant to commit crimes for his friends. Still, she didn’t say anything. 
“They just don’t get that the pogues are my only friends and that I don’t really want anyone else.” Kie let out another sigh. “I guess with you hanging out with us, my parents might be a little bit more comfortable.” 
Pippa nodded her head slowly, looking down at her feet. She wasn’t really sure what to say. Once the search for the gold and the wreck was over, she was going back to her usual routine of not talking to anyone. She just wasn’t really sure how to break it to her just yet. 
“Here,” Kie said, a smile forming on her face. “If you left your board back home, you’re probably a little rusty. Let me help you.” 
Pippa rolled her eyes, taking the challenge. 
“Please. I could skate the streets of Manhattan no problem. Your flat ass roads here are no problem,” Pippa said, setting the board on the ground. 
“Oh, really?” 
“Yeah, really.” 
“Go on then.” 
“Watch the pro at work, Kiara.” 
“Ow, ow, ow. Shit, shit, shit,” Pippa hissed, hopping on one leg up to the house. Behind her, Kie was holding the board and laughing with a hand on her stomach. 
“What happened to being a pro?” She asked as Pippa leaned up against the wall of the Chateau. Blood dripped down her leg from a large gash in her knee. Pippa sent a glare Kie’s way before limping toward the front of the house. 
“Kie? That you?” John B came walking out of the house and looked over and saw Pippa. “Oh. Hi.” 
“Hi again,” Pippa said with a light grimace. “I’m just here to grab my bag and then I’m outta your hair.” 
“No way!” Kie said, walking up to and ducking underneath Pippa’s arm to help her walk toward the house. “We’ll get you cleaned up.” 
“It’s okay, really,” Pippa said, just as hesitant to go inside John B’s house as she was to go inside Kie’s. John B watched Kie and Pippa for a few moments. 
“I’ll go grab the first aid kit,” he said, walking back inside. Kie dropped Pippa into a chair on the front porch. Pippa looked down at the gash on her knee and let out a low hiss. 
“That’s a pretty nasty one,” Kie said, kneeling in front of her. 
She looked up to see Pope and JJ rounding the corner. Pope was dripping wet and there was dried blood on his upper lip. She scowled and Pope gave her a single shake of his head. She wasn’t supposed to mention it. 
“What’s going on here?” JJ asked as he hopped up the stairs to the porch. 
“Pippa fell off her board,” Kie said, smacking Pippa’s hands away as she tried to poke her new cut. 
“Oof,” JJ said. “Looks painful, Pip.” 
Pippa nodded her head. 
“Thanks for the empathy.” 
Pope flopped into the chair next to Pippa and let out a heavy breath. She looked over at him and tried to ask him without asking him if he was okay. Pope gave her a short nod. 
“I’m gonna grab a beer. Anyone else want one?” JJ asked, walking toward the front door. 
“Hey, wait!” Kie stood and ran after JJ, leaving Pope and Pippa alone. 
“So, what happened to you?” Pippa asked, leaning forward to look at her knee. 
“I was gonna ask you the same question.” Pippa looked at Pope with raised eyebrows and he let out a heavy sigh. “Topper and Rafe jumped me on my delivery today.” 
“Those bastards,” Pippa seethed, pushing herself up onto her wobbly legs. “I’m going to kill them.” 
“Pippa, relax,” Pope said, pulling her back into her chair. She complied with a huff. “JJ and I handled it.” 
Pippa rolled her eyes. 
“Like that’s supposed to make me feel any better.” 
“I’m fine, Pippa,” he said finally. She narrowed her eyes at him, but finally conceded. She sighed and leaned her head back against the chair. 
“I got jumped by a rock,” she said, motioning down to her knee. Pope felt himself smile. 
“I can see that.” 
“Yup. And Kie won’t let me just go home and bandage myself up there.” 
“I should hope not.” 
John B came walking out with a scrambled together first aid in his hands. Behind him came Kie and JJ, both carrying beers. The first boy dropped to his knees in front of Pippa and started to pull open the bandaids. 
“Woah, there,” Pippa said, trying to stop him. “I can put on my own bandaids, thank you.” 
“You come to my house all bloodied up, you bet your ass I’m the one bandaging you,” John B said with a glare that told Pippa if she tried to argue, he’d make her go home with no bandages whatsoever. 
“Why don’t you just stay the night?” JJ asked, popping open his beer while he munched on some old crackers. 
“My grandparents don’t usually vibe with me not coming home,” Pippa said, giving her hair a shake. “Gran stays up until I’m safe in bed, so.” 
“Maybe next time,” Kie said. The girl was definitely starting to see a pattern about Pippa and she was starting to figure her out. Even if she didn’t know why Pippa was keeping her distance, Kie understood and wasn’t going to push. 
John B patched up Pippa’s knee, giving her leg a gentle tap before he stood. 
“You’re good to go,” he said. “We’ll see you here tomorrow morning, right?” 
Pippa stood after him. 
“You betcha.” She walked over to her bag and pulled it onto her back.
“You want a beer for the road?” JJ asked, holding out a beer for her. Pippa shook her head.
  “It’s easier for aliens to kidnap you when you’re tipsy,” Pippa said. “Gotta keep the brain sharp.” 
Kie rolled her eyes playfully, but JJ’s eyes widened. 
“Wait, are you serious?” Pippa shrugged with a knowing smile. “What about weed? Weed can’t make us more…” 
“As long as you’re wearing a tinfoil hat, you should be fine,” Pippa said, patting JJ on the shoulder. JJ finally got the joke and he glared at her. “See you guys later.” 
“Adios, Pip.” 
“Get home safe.” 
“Yeah, see you later.” 
Pippa plucked up her board and started for the street once again. She put the longboard on the ground, hopping up, and let gravity pull her down the small hill. 
The next morning, they were out in the water on the boat, a quiet storm sneaking up on them. Kie and Pippa stood and watched the rope, JJ drove the boat, while John B and Pope watched the screen. 
“We’re at 800 feet,” Pippa called. “We should be getting close.” 
Pope threw out a Hobbit quote that would have made Pippa laugh if she wasn’t so excited about seeing the Merchant for the first time. John B kept calling out directions for JJ, who moved the boat accordingly. Pippa clung to the side of the boat, helping Kie keep track of the feet. Her mind was running like wild. She couldn’t keep focused on anything else. 
Finding this ship, it was all she could think about for months. Maybe things might go back to normal if she found it. Maybe that carved out hole in Pippa’s chest might start to fill. Maybe Pippa could finally start to heal. 
With every second, the water was getting choppier, the wind getting rougher, the clouds getting darker. Thunder rumbled and Pippa looked up, wind whipping at her hair. 
“JJ, we’ll turtle in this storm!” John B called. JJ grumbled some unsavory words to himself as he turned the wheel. “Pope, how are we doing?” 
“Almost there,” Pope mumbled. 
“There’s too much current,” Kie said, struggling with the line. Pippa grabbed hold of the line to help her pull it back into position. 
“We’re not gonna lose it,” Pippa mumbled to herself, pulling with all of her might. 
“What do you got, Pope?” John B asked. “Come on, man. What do you see?” 
“Nothin, a whole lot of nothin,” Pope said. Pippa scowled into the water, hoping that she could maybe see 900 feet down and see the ship herself. 
“You should be right above it.” 
“Kie?” Pope called over. 
“960!” She replied. “970, 980!”
“I’m at the bottom!” Pope yelled out suddenly, making Pippa jump. Excitement curdled in her stomach, turning into something heavier, something more anxious. If it wasn’t here, Pippa didn’t know what she was going to do. It had to be here. It had to be. 
Kie and Pippa tied off the line and ran back to the screen where Pope and John B were waiting to see something. 
The screen was green and murky. It was impossible to see anything. Pippa tapped her foot on the bottom of the boat, her fingers drumming against the box that the screen rested on. Something dark started to form in all that greenness. Pippa’s heart dropped to her stomach. The closer the ROV got, the wider the smile that grew on her face. 
“Oh, good God,” Pope breathed.
  “What is it?” JJ asked behind him. “What do you see?” 
“It’s the Royal Merchant.” 
Pippa covered her mouth with her hands, unable to even blink as the tall, barnacle covered mast came into view. Her heart pounded in her chest at the sight of it and tears gathered in her eyes. 
“There she is,” Pippa whispered, her voice breaking. Instinctually, Pippa put her hands on John B’s shoulders and gave him a tight squeeze. “They’d be so proud.” 
John B looked back at her and for a moment, she thought it would be with the same sour expression he always had in her presence, but then he grinned. Pippa found that she was smiling back. John B grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into a tight hug. Pippa was shocked at first, letting out a confused laugh. 
“Thank you,” he whispered to her. Pippa patted John B’s back slowly, glancing over at Pope and Kie, who were also smiling. 
“Of course, bud,” she said before pushing John B away from her as gently as she could manage. 
“JB,” Pope said. “We’ve got a problem.” 
John B and Pippa both returned to the screen, their smiles faded. 
“What is it?” John B asked.
“No gold.” Pope pressed his lips together. John B let out an aggravated sigh. Pippa just shook her head gently.
“I knew it,” she whispered. Gold or no gold, she was still in awe of the ship. “Pope, can you take pictures of this?”
“Sure, but why? There’s no gold here,” he said, clicking a few buttons. Pippa shook her head, but couldn’t tear her eyes from the screen. 
“I don’t care about the gold.”
“Can we do another run?” John B asked. Pope nodded his head and went through the ship again taking pictures as he went. Still, there was no gold. A single tear slipped down Pippa’s face. She tried to wipe it away, but Pope looked up and saw before she could brush it away with her sleeve. 
They went over the wreckage from different angles, Pope taking pictures as he went. Eventually, John B let out an aggravated growl, running his hands through his hair. 
“It’s okay,” Pippa said, sniffing and standing up straighter. “We can still find it.” 
“How?” He asked her, his voice tight. 
“Denmark Tanny,” was all she said. John B scoffed and plopped himself on the floor of the boat. He pulled his hood over his head and dropped his chin to his chest. 
“We should head back before the storm gets any worse,” Kie said, looking up at the sky.
“Pippa?” Pope looked over to his friend, who turned her face back to the screen. Her eyes glittered with tears once again. She breathed deeply, relishing in the last few moments of looking at the wreckage. 
“Yeah,” she said finally with a sad sigh. “Yeah, we should head back.” 
Kie walked toward the edge of the boat to start pulling up the ROV. Pippa kept her eyes on the screen the whole time, watching the wreckage start to fade back into the murky water. That burning sensation in her eyes and the thrumming in her chest never went away. 
tagging - @simonsbluee​, @parkerpetertingle​, @diverrdown​, @ponyboys-sunsets​, @outerbanksbro​, @kikifromtheblock​, @sunflowerbecca​, @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch, @lost-cause-land​, @apoguecalledjj, @abbiesthings, @outerbankslut, @sexualparkour, 
if you want to be added to the taglist, just let me know! ❤
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gentlebluelizard · 5 years ago
the cost of zero-xl
This was supposed to be a lighthearted bit of silliness, but the fic had a will of it’s own, wanting desperately to be overly emotional, I’ve weeded most of it out, much to the fic’s disgust!  (   ‘lil update on this one, after a chat with @ ak47stylegirl, this is probably going to become a series :-)   )
“Son, can I ask you about these figures?”
Scott was truly taken aback seeing his father at the desk again.  It made him smile warmly to see those familiar broad shoulder silhouetted against the wide expanse of the South Pacific.  
Home at last. 
 And everything was right again.
Then Scott backtracked over what had been said and a cold tremor ran the length of his spin – figures? - what figures?
And everything wasn't right again.
They never would be.
“Ah, yeah, right Dad.”  Scott drew his fingers through his hair and knew the moment had arrived to face the issue of the figures.  “We didn't want to worry you about that too soon.”
Jeff's face was contorted into the deepest of frowns. The passive calm in his voice was unnatural.  “I think maybe you should have.”  They had all expected him to go nuclear when he found out.  
Perchance, Gordon came rushing through, desperate for a dip in the pool after the voyage in Zero-XL
“Nice timing Gordon, Dad knows!  We need a family meeting, can you go and get everyone up?”  Scott's voice was quiet, resigned.
Gordon halted, looked at his father, looked at Scott, then out to the glistening pool sadly, his hand half raised to point longingly at it before turning back into the house.
Faces grim, the brothers gathered, sitting with their grandmother.  Their father hadn't stirred yet from his chair at the desk, silently brooding over the figures, but on seeing the last of them arrive, he moved the report to the main holoview and came to sit with them, his question ready now to be asked.
“The Zero-XL bankrupted us?”  
There – he'd managed to actually say the words out loud.  “We have nothing left?” He turned to his eldest in hope.
Scott swallowed hard but couldn't speak, instead he nodded firmly.
Jeff stared from one to another, resting for a long moment on his mother before moving on.
“But there were billions!”
That was an understatement, there had been millions and millions of billions, theirs had been one of the riches family on Earth when he had left.  He could see that they had spent wisely, prudently even, until the Zero XL.
“Everything? All gone?”  He asked one more time.
John lifted his chin, breathed steadily and added, “Not everything Dad. We've held onto the farm and there is enough for us each to have a home, either together or independently.”  Involuntarily he glanced round at his brothers, not wanting to admit that he didn't think he could cope in a small house with any of them for any length of time.
He then realised that his grandmother was staring at him as hard as his father.
“Go on, I dare you to finish that statement!” she snarled.
John took the dare, “And enough for Grandma to chose a nice nursing home... when she's ready.”
Her glare hardened and she huffed a little, realising that these were insignificances against the questions that her son needed answering. 
“Jeff, the boys put everything into getting you home.  It was the right thing to do, and the advances in technology learnt from the Zero XL may yet regain some of the wealth.  But the more important thing was to get you home.”  her voice softened.  “People before property, Jeff.”  
“But everything?”  Jeff repeated bleakly
Scott nodded again, “Tracy Industries, the Island and...” 
The next part was going to be the hardest to say passed the dry lump in his throat, so Virgil stepped in to finish what had to be said.
“The Thunderbirds themselves – the GDF have taken them on, will use them as rescue vehicles and if we're ever in a position to buy them back then it's in the agreement that we can.”
Jeff was stunned speechless.
This was a future that he had not ever once conceived.  
His first and only dream was just of being rescued – returning to his home.     
But to find he had lost everything.
No!  He realised sharply, not everything.
His two youngest sons had been quiet through all of this, but both felt the need to contribute.
Gordon leaned forward, elbows on his knees and a deep frown ageing his face. He'd been just a kid, 12, no 14 when Jeff had last seen him.  An earnest boy but such a pain in the butt – Ha!  Weren't they all at that age.  
When Gordon spoke it was in a voice that Jeff was still having troubles recognising.  “Dad, you always said that you would put everything you had into rescuing just one person. Well, we didn't have much choice here, it took everything.”
And Alan added, “Especially when the one person in the whole of space we wanted to rescue was you.”
Jeff cupped his hands and rubbed his forehead hard, he'd aged, he felt it in every bone, but sighing, he sat up and faced them again.  
His eldest, greying now, had taken the strain of running everything for a while till the others had seen his stress.  Strong, totally dependable.  The twins with those same admirable qualities but in themselves like chalk and cheese.  The two youngest, untried before he had left but now with a history of rescues to make any man proud to call them son.
Okay, so his reality had changed but not everything was gone.
He still had his family.
“So where do we go from here?”  The words were slow but he refused to make them sad or defeatist.
“We have until the end of the month to move out, then...”  Scott saw that information strike his father like a mallet but the only way forward was to keep going.  “I've a job training pilots for the GDF.  John is joining their space programme.”
Virgil pipped up quickly, “I've got work with a freight company, flying out of Auckland!”  He'd said with some degree of excitement.  Jeff eyed him with a grin. This son was always happiest behind the controls of big aircraft.  He turned to Gordon, raising one eyebrow questioningly.
“Eh me?  Dive school instructor on Tonga.”
But Virgil couldn't resist adding in “Unless he marries into wealthy aristocracy of course!”
Gordon flushed pink and Jeff tried to work out just what that had meant.  It was the third such comment about Gordon.  Shrewdly Jeff noted it all, there was a lot going on that he needed to catch up on yet, so he didn't pursue it for now, later would be fine.  
Instead he turned to Alan who instantly sat bolt upright, totally ignoring Gordon's discomfort.  This was Alan's chance, “I'm hoping you're gonna let me join NASA education programme now I’ve graduated High School... please?”
Jeff smiled, “Good choice Kiddo, that's what I did and it did me no harm.”
Alan punched the air with a hoot of a 'yes!'.
So this was Jeff's reality, this was his future.
“What am I supposed to do?”  He asked.
The boys shifted awkwardly in their seats.
“Eh Dad, well, we sort of kept the farm for you, the GDF are keen for you to experiment with moister farming.  Brains has developed a new vaporator and thought....”
Jeff put up both hand to stop him right there,  “A moister farmer, who the hell do you think I am....?”
No-one made a suggestion.
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catshrek · 6 years ago
a bad story i wrote for an english assignment using bandom people. Beware
Baby Shark
A scream pierced the silence of the afternoon. Mikey sat up from the bed he lay on, startled out of his quiet nap. Feeling weary, he swung his legs out of the bed and went to investigate. Thinking to himself about how loud the neighbors always were, and how he wished they would shut up for just two minutes. Stepping onto the doorstep, wearing a pair fluffy socks, despite the warm weather.
One glance was all he needed. His eyes took in the scene, but he suspected that there was more to it. The guy who lived next to him, the crazy red-haired guy whose name he couldn’t remember, and the other annoying guy who lived on the other side of him and always wore a man bun were right outside of his house. He didn’t need this today, he was already tired. The red haired guy was sitting on the ground, crying next to a broken action figure, and the annoying man bun guy was sitting next to him, comforting him.
Mikey shook his head, these guys were his age, and this was how they acted. Suddenly, The annoying man bun guy- His name popped into Mikey’s head- Pete, ran over to his house, passing Mikey’s, and went inside for a moment. Mikey was about to go inside and try to accept what he had just witnessed, when he heard Pete’s garage opening.
“It’s ok G! I’ve got something to cheer you up!” came Pete’s voice from the open garage.
‘Gerard.’ The name popped into his head.
Both of the dudes still hadn’t noticed Mikey standing on his doorstep, watching the scene with semi-conscious eyes.  As they moved back over to Gerard, he heard crash from Pete’s garage, and then a bunch a crackles and pops of fireworks as a very proud Pete ran out from the smoke holding a brand new action figure. He handed it to Gerard, and turned around. Mikey hoped that that was the end of the whole ordeal, but his conscience knew it wouldn’t be. Gerard jumped up, leaving the action figure and its box in the middle of the road. He ran over to where Pete was standing, hands on his hips with a content look on his face. Gerard hugged Pete, then began to walk over to his house. ‘Probably to go perform some rite with it or something.” Mikey thought to himself. Gerard’s whole life principle was probably based on comics and action figures.
Gerard locked eyes with Mikey and started to make a beeline towards him. Mikey practically jumped inside his house. He knew it wasn’t right to ignore someone like this, but he couldn’t deal with either of them. He leaned up against the door, letting its wood support him for a moment. He knew he should be in awe of what he just saw, but he really wasn’t. He was used to it by now. A second later, there was a cheerful bang on the door. Sluggishly, he turned around and slowly opened the door, not even bothering to put on a happy face; he already who it was.
“Mikey! I saw you, but I guess you didn't see me.” Gerard exclaimed
‘Oh I saw you alright.” Mikey thought to himself. Putting all of his effort into not saying that. He knew the effect of those words could be very bad, and Gerard might get very mad.
“Yeah, but I heard you. You and Pete put on quite a show!”
“Oh yeah, I broke my action figure, so Pete decided to try and cheer me up. He gave me a new action figure! It’s over there in the street.” And also showed me some cool fireworks too.”
“You’re very lucky you have such a nice friend.” Mikey had to fight the urge to grimace when he said nice.
He knew there wasn’t any reason to hate either of them, but they were so both so loud, and that bothered Mikey a lot. He would be less upset about the noise, except that it affected his health. He always had a headache.
“Well, I better get going. I don’t want anybody to run over my new buddy! Knowing people in this neighborhood they would not hit the brakes.” Gerard turned around and bounded over to the toy.
Mikey took a deep breath, allowing himself to breathe normally again. He hadn’t noticed, but his lungs seemed to have lost the ability to expand when he started talking to Gerard. It was always stressful when he was around.
He turned around to go fall asleep again, when, to his despair, he heard another knock on the door. Spinning on the heel of his left foot, he opened the door feeling wary. There stood Pete, in a cloak that looked like it was from a wizard costume from 5 years ago. Its sleeves as rips all over them. Mikey saw that Pete was holding something, and it sparked his curiosity.
“Hey Pete, what’s in your hand?” Mikey asked, squinting to try and see it.
Upon closer inspection, it looked to be something wrapped in newspaper. Pete cleared his throat and motioned for Mikey to come closer. Mikey leaned in, until he felt Pete’s hot breath on his ear. It was an unpleasant sensation.
“I was trying to decide who to allot these to, but I figured you were the most responsible.” As he whispered this in Mikey’s ear, he placed the thing in Mikey’s hand.
“Aw, um thanks? But what is it?” Mikey whispered back.
“It’s a group of eggs.”
“Uh. Ok, thanks again.”
Pete backed up, maintaining eye contact until he fell down the stairs. Then he got up and ran away.
Mikey stepped back into his house, and walked into the kitchen, laying the package on the counter. The eggs were wrapped loosely in newspaper, and apparently normal paper too. As he took off the newspaper, he caught a glimpse of a headline, that said something about a principal who ate 12 pens. The other paper, was just printer paper that seemed to have instructions. Reading over them, his confusion and curiosity deepend. Nothing this weird had happened in the past.
After some debating with himself, Mikey decided to follow the instructions. Whether or not he followed them correctly was up to his tired brain. The first step was incredibly hard to read, because the writing was so bad. He deciphered it, and it basically said that he had to name each egg, and write that name on the shell. There appeared to be 3 eggs. Mikey wasn’t taking it
seriously, and named them Dip, Pip and Yip. He was about to grab a pen and write the names, but then his phone rang. The screen said it was Ryan, his friend. He put his phone to his ear.
“Mikey, where were you last night?”
“Well, you missed the Alex’s party, and our friends are worried. They’re all wondering where you were. I’m starting to think your bed has taken the title of best friend away from me.”
Mikey stayed silent.
“I’ll talk to you some other time, but seriously, we all miss you. Sometimes being around people is better than sleeping. “
The line went quiet.
Mikey returned to the task, running his hands through his hair. He knew he needed to quit making plans and then bailing, but when he made them he never planned to lose all his energy.
He realized that there were fewer eggs than he thought. There were only 2. He put his fingers around the first egg, and shuddered. Their shells were slightly slimy, but he managed to write down the names. Then, he put them in the fridge, wondering what in the world Pete had given him.
Two days had passed, and Mikey still didn’t know what the eggs contained. Everytime he opened the fridge, his eyes drifted to the eggs. Sometimes he thought that the eggs had moved
apart, but what could one expect? They were bound to move a little bit.  He was all ready to be a parent, to be a part of something bigger than himself.
He had experienced a change of attitude towards Pete and Gerard. Any time they were doing something, he joined them. The noise didn’t bother him as much anymore. He enjoyed the time he spent with them, and participating in their shenanigans was a lot of fun. He also decided he would go out with his friends more.
Mikey awoke to a knock on the door early the morning of the third day. He got up and opened it, rubbing his eyes. In front of him stood Pete and Gerard, both wearing wizard robes. Mikey leaned in so they could talk.
“We came to check on the eggs.” Pete whispered.
“And also to give you a robe like ours.” Gerard said, holding out a robe.
Mikey took it and invited them in. He led them to the fridge, and took out the eggs, which he lovingly placed on the counter.
“Now that we’re out of the range that anybody could hear,  we can talk normally.” Pete said, G nodding along. “How have the eggs been?”
“They've been good, I hope the hatch soon!” Mikey said enthusiastically, putting on his robe.
Then, as if on cue, one of the eggs moved, and began hatching! The other one followed. The 3 silly guys watched intensely, until both eggs has hatched. Then, they started crying. The children were so beautiful! They were just like normal geckos, but they were wearing tiny shark costumes!!
7 years passed. The 3 men raised Dip and Pip, and loved them. Then the two lizard siblings decided it was time to go, and they left to go to college for lizards. It was an emotional day, but ultimately the guys were very happy and proud. Mikey continued to hang out with Pete and G, and he was very content with his life.  
The End
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aswithasunbeam · 7 years ago
An Elusive Peace, Chapter 1
[Read on AO3]
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: For Hamilton and Eliza, peace was supposed to mark the end to their separation and the beginning of domestic bliss. But Hamilton's ambition and the challenges facing the new nation quickly interfere. Happily ever after may not be as easy to attain as they once hoped.
A Hamliza romance
“Though I am not sanguine in expecting it, I am not without hopes this Winter will produce a peace and then you must submit to the mortification of enjoying more domestic happiness and less fame. This I know you will not like, but we cannot always have things as we wish.” –Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Schuyler, August 1780.
July 1782
Eliza opened the door to the linen closet and paused, face hidden as she took a deep breath. Peace, once her most ardent prayer, was beginning to feel like little more than a beautiful dream that slipped further away the harder she clung to it. She brushed her fingertips over the corners of her eyes to wipe away the gathering moisture.
When Hamilton first came home from Yorktown, he’d been so worn and ill that he’d taken to bed on and off for nearly a month. As much as she hated to see him unwell, all those long hours she’d spent simply holding him in her arms while he’d rested beside her had felt like a gift from heaven. Of course, she’d known that she couldn’t keep him all to herself forever. His health improved and he began to set his sights on the future, studying for the bar and taking up the post of Receiver of Continental Taxes for New York. The first task had been expected; the second had been more concerning.
“It hardly even qualifies as a government appointment,” Hamilton had assured her. “It’s just a way to earn a little money while I finish my studies, so we won’t be so dependent on your family.”
She’d tried to believe him, but she knew he could do nothing by halves. Sure enough, within weeks of accepting the post, he was off to Poughkeepsie to argue for tax reforms to a committee of assemblymen. The committee had been so impressed by his passionate and persuasive appeal that they’d voted to appoint him as a delegate to the Continental Congress that very day.
He’d hesitated in accepting, telling her, “I want nothing but you and our baby, Betsey. I couldn’t bear to be away from you, all the way in Philadelphia, for months at a time.” She’d thought that was the end of it, that he would refuse the appointment and stay with her here in New York, until today, when a letter from John Laurens had arrived.
“I was flattered with an account of you being elected a delegate from N. York,” Laurens wrote from South Carolina. “I must confess to you, that, at the present state of the War, I sh[oul]d prefer your going into Congress…Your private affairs cannot require such immediate and close attention; you speak like a pater familias surrounded with numerous progeny.”*
Hamilton showed her the letter after dinner, expression conflicted. “Maybe Jack is right. I could do a lot of good as a delegate, and it’s not going to get easier to take an appointment in the future, when I’ve a practice to manage and our family has grown. What do you think?”
She thought she’d very much like to strangle Jack.
“Pip and I can manage, if this is something you feel you need to do,” she’d answered instead.
He’d given her a wide, sunny smile. “Thank you.”
She sighed, straightened her spine, and reached for the extra towels she’d come to collect from the linen closet. Their new country needed her brilliant husband; she supposed she should be proud. But was it so much to ask to keep even a fraction of him for herself?
The sound of breathy, squeaky baby giggles grew more audible as she approached her bedroom. She paused in the open doorway, leaning against the doorjamb with her arms full of towels as a smile blossomed across her face. Pip splashed happily at the soapy, bubbly water in his shallow bath basin while her husband ducked down behind the edge.
“Where’s Pip? Where’d he go?” Hamilton asked, tone light and happy. He jumped back up into Pip’s line of sight and clapped his hands. “There he is!”
Pip laughed even harder and splashed at the water again so that more of it sloshed over the side of the basin onto the floor. Shaking her head at the growing puddle on the wooden floorboards, she stepped into the room and laid one of the towels down over it. Her husband’s shirt and breeches were also soaked, she noticed. “Are you trying to give Papa a bath, Pip?” she asked.
Hamilton looked down at his dripping shirt and grinned at her. “I don’t mind. It’s so hot out, I probably could use another one.”
She gave him an exaggerated sniff, then made a face. His laughter prompted another fit of giggles from their son. “You might be right. But at this rate, there won’t be enough water left to clean our son,” she added lightly.
“We’re having fun,” he replied, voice still pitched up to keep Pip’s attention. His fingers reached to tickle Pip on his pudgy little tummy. Pip twisted in on himself, face red as he gasped more breathy giggles. She couldn’t help smiling at her son’s pure delight.
“So I see,” she agreed. She ran her hand over the mop of dark hair on Pip’s head to settle him a little. His big dark eyes turned to gaze up at her and he gave her a broad, gummy grin. She cooed softly, “My sweet boy.”
“All right, my darling boy, let’s get you cleaned up,” Hamilton said, voice softer and lower. He reached for the bar of soap and a hand towel, and dipped both into what remained of the bathwater before rubbing the soap vigorously against the towel. More bubbles appeared on the surface of the water. Pip grabbed at them curiously, frowning when they disappeared in his little fist.
“We can’t have a stinky baby in the house.” Hamilton made a silly face as he said the last sentence, which caused Pip to break out in fresh giggles.
She stood back as he finished up with Pip’s bath. The happy scene brought a renewed wave of sadness as she watched. This was how she loved him best, she thought, home and focused on her and their baby. Hadn’t she shared him enough?
That night found Eliza lying awake in bed, blinking slowly at the canopy above her as thoughts of Hamilton leaving that fall raced through her head. A muted hoot from an owl joined the rhythmic music of the cicadas, crickets, and her husband’s snores as she shifted uncomfortably and finally shoved the thin blanket off of her entirely. The sweltering summer heat had hardly eased at all with the setting sun. She felt sticky with sweat, her pillow damp beneath her.
The more she thought about losing him to public service for another year, the more upset she grew. She’d waited nearly a year to marry him while he fought for America. She’d lived with a nearly overwhelming fear for months while he marched off to Virginia to face the British at Yorktown. When he came home, it was supposed to be for good.  
Yet, when they’d discussed it again before going to bed, she could see how much the idea of representing New York in Congress appealed to him. He used to rant and rail about Congress’s ineptitude; the chance to change it from the inside seemed to grow on him the more he considered it. As much as she wanted him home with her, she didn’t want to hold him back from doing something he truly wanted to do. Part of her recognized that her feelings on the matter were being exaggerated by the muggy, sleepless night. All she really wanted was some meaningful, quality time with her husband, away from thoughts of the war, and the law, and Congress.
She sighed and sat up. If she was to endure yet another year of separation from her beloved, she’d just have to seize what little time they did have together, she decided. And if sleep was going to continue to elude her, she may as well start now.
He snored softly.
She leaned down and pressed her lips to his gently. His lips puckered slightly against hers in response, but he still didn’t seem awake. Caressing the soft material of his nightshirt, she asked again, “Hamilton?”
“Hm?” he hummed.
“Are you awake?”
“Wake up,” she urged.
She was rewarded with one bleary eye, just visible in the moonlight.
“What?” he groaned.
“I can’t sleep,” she told him.
His hand went to her hip and soothed down towards her thigh. His open eye fell closed. When she kissed him again, he responded lazily and then whispered, “I’m sleeping.”
She shook him gently by the shoulder and pressed, “Hamilton.”  
“What?” he whined, though both his eyes finally opened.
“I can’t sleep,” she repeated.
He sighed heavily and sat up, rubbing his hand over his face in the dark. Slightly more awake now, he edged closer to her and asked, “What’s the matter?”
She didn’t want to rehash her all her racing thoughts. Talking more would only make him feel bad about wanting to accept the position, which wasn’t what she wanted. She considered a moment, relishing the feeling of his hand atop hers.
An idea occurred to her, bringing a smile to her face. “I want to go on an adventure.”
“What?” He squinted at her, sleep-mussed and adorably confused.
“An adventure,” she repeated.
“Now,” she confirmed, sliding out of bed and tugging on his arm to encourage him to follow. “Come on.”
“You’re insane,” he groaned as he slid across the bed towards her and slowly lowered his feet to the floor.
Mood substantially improved already, she laughed and simply encouraged, “Come.”
He padded along obediently behind her as she led him out of the room towards the main staircase.
“Watch the second step,” she whispered. “It creaks.”
He chuckled, and replied sotto voce, “I have concerns about how adept you are at sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night.”
“A girl can’t reveal all her secrets.” She smiled at him mysteriously. In reality, she’d never actually snuck out of the house before; she’d learned about the creaky step from sneaking downstairs early on many a Christmas morning, when the smell of spices and sweetmeats emanating from the kitchen grew too tempting to resist.
When they made it to the foyer, she struck a match to light one of the lanterns, then reclaimed Hamilton’s hand to tug him out the door.
“Where are we going?” he asked as he eased the door shut behind them.
“I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “That’s what makes it an adventure.”
She glanced back to see him grinning at her in the lantern light. “Lead the way.”
Holding the light out in front of her, she fit her fingers into the spaces between his and took off at a run towards the grassy hill that led to the riverbank. Her bare feet grew damp in the long, dewy grass as she ran, laughing, blessedly cool and happy in the fresh night air. Hamilton was only a mere step behind her as they raced, faster and faster, down the steep hill, until it felt like they were flying.
He let go of her hand close to the bottom. She wasn’t sure if he slipped or if he purposely went down, but he ended up rolling in the grass the rest of the way. She’d skidded to a halt when he first fell, and he’d surged ahead past her, his laughter beckoning her on towards the river. She stumbled to a stop at the bottom, dropped the lantern to the ground, and flopped down beside him.
“Would you look at that?” he asked softly.
She followed his gaze up towards the heavens, where thousands of little stars gleamed in the inky black alongside the nearly full moon, and not a single cloud obscured their view. The throaty croak of a bullfrog sounded nearby, a newcomer to the cicadas and crickets she’d been listening to all evening, with the gentle rush of the steadily rolling Hudson the perfect baseline to the song of the wildlife around them. Hamilton’s hand found hers again, their fingers entwining on the damp grass beneath them.
“It’s so beautiful,” she sighed. For a moment, the sensation of flying down the hill swept over her again, only now she was floating up into the glittering sky, just her, and her Hamilton, and the stars. The fanciful thought made her smile. She rolled over in the grass to be nearer to him. With a contented smile, she whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he replied in a soft, tender voice. His free hand came up to brush through the curls that had come free of her braid while she ran. She closed her eyes to fully enjoy the sensation.
She could lay like this with him forever, she thought, as she rested her head on his chest, just over his heart.
Eventually, Hamilton sat up and wandered over to the riverbank. He stooped down to collect some small pebbles and then began to attempt to skip them on water. She pushed herself up and drew her knees to her chest as she watched him, his shadowed face somehow both serene and serious as he concentrated. His first two attempts ended with the pebble plopping into the water and sinking straight to the bottom.
“Keep your wrist loose,” she advised.
He smiled at her and tried again, to the same end. She shook her head and stood, moving to stand behind him. Sliding one hand over his hip, she grasped the wrist holding the pebble lightly and tried to adjust his hold. “Loose,” she said again. “Aim straight ahead, not down.”
He tried again. With her hand guiding his, the pebble skipped across the water twice before sinking down to the riverbed. She nuzzled his neck lovingly as she praised, “Better.”
His head tipped back and to the side to encourage her affectionate gesture. She slid both her arms around his torso, splaying her hands out across his chest and belly as she planted a soft kiss to the spot she’d nuzzled. The next pebble sank directly down into the river again.
“I’m distracting you,” she pointed out.
“Please, distract away,” he invited. The pebbles in his hand fell to the ground as he closed his hands over hers. She hugged him closer and kissed the spot on his neck again.
“Betsey?” he asked, bringing the hand on his chest up to his lips.
He turned in her arms to face her. “Why couldn’t you sleep?”
She gazed up into his eyes; they looked warm and bright in the light from the lamp behind them. “I’m…a little disappointed, I suppose, that you’re accepting the appointment to Philadelphia,” she admitted. When his face fell, she amended quickly, “It’s wonderful that you were chosen. Really. I’m so proud of you. I just...I feel like I’m losing you all over again.”  
His expression was earnest and open. “I could still turn it down.”
“No,” she sighed, leaning in to hug him properly. “I don’t want you to turn it down. I’m just going to miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too,” he assured her. “So much. You and Pip, you’re the most important people in the world to me. But I’ll come home whenever I can, and you’ll come to visit me, right?” His voice went a little tight at the end, almost worried, as though the consequences of his decision were only just now dawning on him.
“Of course I will,” she promised. His arms tightened around her. “We’ll work it out, sweetheart. Don’t worry.”
His face tipped down and he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “You’re so amazing. Do you know that?”
She grinned up at him. “I do.”
He laughed.
Eager to lighten the mood, she added, “I must admit, there was another reason I couldn’t sleep."
“What’s that?”
“It’s entirely too hot,” she complained. Even outside with the light breeze off the river, she was getting overheated in his arms. “I can’t even hug you without sweating.”
“Well, we can’t have that. We’ll just need to cool you off.” With no more warning than that, he swept her up into his arms.
She squealed with laughter as she hung on to his neck, her feet kicking ineffectively at the air. They splashed into the water, both still dressed in their nightwear, and when her body was partly submerged, he let her go. She released her hold on his neck and sank under the water for a brief moment; when her feet found the riverbed, she stood, sputtering.
“Better?” he asked.
She smacked him on the arm, but couldn’t contain her laughter at the stunt. The water was gloriously cool, she had to admit. “Yes, I feel better.”
He kicked off the riverbed and began stroking out further into the river, perfectly at ease in the slow current. Although she’d learned how to keep herself afloat in water, paddling along in a manner not dissimilar to her father’s favorite hunting dog, her technique looked nothing like Hamilton’s sure and athletic movements. She bit her lip, keeping her feet firmly on the riverbed as she watched him glide out along the water effortlessly, then dive underwater and shoot back towards her, his feet splashing water up along his path. He popped back up in front of her, splashing her unintentionally.  
She splashed him back lightly and queried, “Where did you learn to swim like that?”
“I’m from an island. Knowing how to swim is something of a necessity,” he answered easily.
She pictured him as a small boy, paddling out into the clear turquoise water of the Caribbean sea. “Did your father teach you?”
He laughed, though there was a note of melancholy in the sound.
“No. Actually Neddy taught me.” His voice brightened at the mention of his childhood friend. “Well, sort of. He pushed me off a dock. I figured out the rest on my own.”
Her eyes widened. “He pushed you off a dock?”
“He went in right after me. I wasn’t in any danger,” he assured her, voice still tinged with amusement at the memory.
“Well, you looked very impressive,” she said.
“Did I?” he asked, a flirtatious edge sneaking into his voice. She could just make out his crooked smirk in the starlight. His arms wrapped around her again, tugging her close. She moved with him, floating off the riverbed slightly as she kissed him in lieu of responding.
Only when she’d pulled back slightly did she noticed he’d walked them out past the point where her feet could touch the riverbed below them. She tightened her arms around him. “What are you doing?”
“You’re fine,” he promised. “Trust me.”
She nodded, relaxing in his arms and letting her feet kick lazily. Glancing upwards as she floated along, she noticed again the endless inky sky above them. “I feel like we’re floating through the stars,” she remarked, then felt foolish for voicing such a silly thought aloud.
“We are,” he whispered softly in her ear.
He spun them around as though they were dancing. She smiled, desperately trying to commit this moment to memory. The moonlight shining on the water created a dreamlike quality, but Hamilton was so warm and solid in her arms. She felt perfectly at peace.
They snuck back upstairs as quietly as they’d left, dripping wet and nearly indecent in their clinging white nightshirts. The wood of the stairs felt cool and slippery under her bare feet. When they reached the top, she whispered, “I’ll get us some towels.”
He nodded and padded down the hall towards the nursery, no doubt intent on looking in on Pip before they both retired.
She eased open the linen closet, taking care not to let the hinges creak. Staring at the neatly folded sheets and towels for the second time that night, she felt a soft smile tug at the corners of her lips. Perhaps the delights of peace and domestic happiness wouldn’t be as easy as she’d first hoped, but their love was more than enough to carry them through whatever obstacles lay ahead. She could share that brilliant mind of his with the country for a little while, she decided.
She alone held his heart.
And that was enough.
*John Laurens to Alexander Hamilton, July 1782
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nohshinwoos · 7 years ago
so.. i didn’t know if i wanted to make this post or not but - here i am, making this post
today, january 9th 2018, marks my one year anniversary of watching skam and i wanted to at least acknowledge it somehow - because it did lead to so much more than just being ‘a tv show’. i started s1 on this very day, s2 the next and s3 the day after that - it was an emotional roller coaster to say the least.
(i need to learn to shut up omg 😖 i put this under read more)
i honestly feel so overwhelmed when i think back, so much happened last year that started with skam and turned into so much more, that i don’t even know where to begin!
but i guess i gotta start somewhere... first of all, i have never gotten into a fandom that’s as open and welcoming as i found the skam fandom being. i felt so warm when i got on here and found the most amazing people to talk to. (shoutouts further down for whoever is interested.) also, getting back onto this hellsite is included here - because without skam i wouldn’t be back on tumblr and i wouldn’t have met anyone at all!
second of all, i’m very grateful for skam, because i finally got back to giffing and photoshop. creativity is one of the best things i know, so to finally get to learn more about photoshop and let the creativity just flow was hands down one of most fun things.
the third thing kind of goes with the second thing in a way, because it’s creativity too. i started writing again, because of skam. i wrote my very first skam fic (is it gravity, or are we falling in love?) and i’m writing my second one now! although i’m a slow writer and it’s gonna take forever, but the point is that i’m really doing it - and, i’m really enjoying the creative process of it. another thing, i actually started reading fanfiction - both skam and phan - and that’s a thing i now really enjoy!
and fourth and last thing, all the friends i made this past year - no matter if we still chat or not, i will always consider many people on here to be my friends!
later this month, january 17th, marks a one year anniversary of something else: meeting my best friend @tarjeiandhenrik! viki, my sunshine, my rock, den beste i livet mitt. i can’t believe i’m lucky enough to know you? to call you? my? best? friend? i also can’t believe we have been able to keep a conversation going for every day for (almost) a whole year - must be a guinness world record by now! there’s honestly so many things i could say about you, we’ve made so many memories this past year and that’s just insane. i really can’t believe how much we have in common and how much we feel the same about - at the same time, even. i’ve never felt this close with anyone ever before, this special bond - i’ve never had a best friend before. i’m just so so happy we are part of each other’s lives! and i’m probably forgetting half of what i really wanted to say right now but... thank you for always making me laugh until i cry, or turning my tears into laughter instead. i love you to the end of the universe and back but the universe has no end so i love you infinite. (and that is a line i will forever use because i’m so proud of coming up with that myself wow.) here’s to many more years of friendship 💖 i also hope this is the year we get to meet because that would be so iconic 💖
later in 2017, on september 29th, i made another new friendship and it wasn’t really because of skam (even though we both actually do love skam and i guess i followed you because of skam...?), but it was because of dan and phil. sari, @lionheartnking, i’m so happy i started talking to you! i’m also very happy it’s kinda my fault you fell into this dnp hole... the wildest thing we’ve done (so far) was thinking 20 minutes before dnp dropped tickets for “interactive introverts” in stockholm/malmö that, “hey, maybe we should both try and get tickets for one town each and then decide which city we go to”.. and then exactly 5 minutes before the tickets dropped, we really decided that we would do that. and now... it’s exactly 158 days left until we meet, then meet dip and pip and see them not only once, but twice in the same day! it’s gonna be so much fun! thank you for making me laugh a lot, for fangirling with me (or well... more like caps lock screaming i guess) and for generally being a very good friend, one of the best people i know. i love you 💖
💖 some more people i really love, in no particular order 💖
@jonasnoahvasquez // @cheekyeven // @valttersen // @tessalabessa // @skamly // @theleavesoflorien // @greathalesonfire // @naesheiims // @jinglebanerock // @linneaxskam // @enbynate // @jokahnwald // @tiptopevak // @skamisako // @evennies // @v-ltersen // @isaksredscarf // @deepinskam // @evenskindness // @emmanette // @warlocksarcher // @manonsblackbeak // @dagfordag
i’m sorry if i forgot anyone, my memory really sucks sometimes, but i really love all of you guys so much - thank you to every single one of my followers or anyone who’s interacted with me ever, you guys rock 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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hispipsqueak · 4 years ago
Moon and Stars
Tsukishima x F!Reader Fluff
A/N: I didn’t proofread this. I just had a lot of thoughts and needed to get them out and also I am kind of sick so yeah....my one braincell is barely functioning yall! 
But I love Tsukishima with all of my heart and wanted something fluffy to make me feel better so I hope you enjoy it. <3 Pip
TW: mild cursing. some suggestive words from Kuroo but it’s pure fluff!
Tsukishima was a lot of things.
A good volleyball player, a smart museum employee, and a handsome guy.
One thing he was not good at, was romance.
He had no idea how he had got you. You were beautiful, sweet, smart. You were like a ray of sunshine in his life and he thanked his lucky stars every day he got to be your boyfriend. However, somewhere deep down, he always felt inadequate. 
He saw your eyes brighten every time you two watched those sappy Christmas movies on TV. Even though you both made jokes about how cheesy the storylines were, (“Yes I will just leave my job as CEO for you, farmer boy!”), he could see the blush on your face when the onscreen couple shared a kiss in the snow. He could feel your body tense when you were cuddled against him and he knew some part of you wanted the whole romantic movie moment.
But every time he tried to express it, it felt...awkward. You were so open to him, complimenting him, posting selfies with cheesy captions on social media, and leaving kisses on his cheek when you shopped for groceries. 
When he tried to kiss you spontaneously, he panicked and headbutted you in the middle of the convenience store. When he tried to post a cute photo of you, he stared at ten websites for “romantic photo captions” before deleting it. Every compliment he could think of made his heart race and he would either say it so monotone, or sounding snarky that you would just roll your eyes.
Tsukishima was on his third drink at Kuroo’s “Mandatory Guy’s Night” and the scotch began to unravel his thoughts.
“I just don’t know. Y/N is fucking great. And I just...I suck at this shit.” He mumbled into his glass, thinking out loud.
“Oi, Tsukishima! What are you mumbling about?” Bokuto shouted over his beer, clearly more than tipsy. 
“Are you talking about your hot girlfriend?” Kuroo teased, his eyes narrowing. He let out a chuckle as Tsukishima’s ears reddened. “Better treat her right, or I’m stealing her.” 
“I seriously doubt she would date an actual farm animal.” Tsukishima replied, dryly. He swirled his glass before downing it. The scotch burned his throat. “But, and I hate to say this, I might need some help.”
“TSUKKI!!! ASKING FOR HELP?! LET’S TAKE A PICTURE!!”, Bokuto shouted, fumbling with his phone, before snapping a very blurry selfie. 
“One, I’m pretty sure you just took a photo of yourself owlboy, and two, what do you need help with? Are you not pleasing her in the —” Kuroo started before Tsukishima glared at him.
“You finish that sentence, and I will beat your ass.” Tsukishima said, his voice tight. Normally, Kuroo saying stupid shit didn’t bother him as much, but now that he was a little drunk and emotional, he was not in the mood.
Kuroo’s eyes softened, “Tsukishima, you know I’m kidding. Now, what is it you need help with?” 
Tsukishima waved the bartender over for another glass. “I just...Y/N is so fucking perfect. And I can’t help but think that she’s gonna wake up one day and realize that she wants someone that can express that shit to her. I’m not a roses and wine type of guy. I’m not some guy that’s gonna be able to give her the world. I can’t even compliment her without adding some stupid ass comment at the end. And yes, maybe Christmas is, as she puts it. ‘Getting me in my feels’, but I just want her to know that before I–”
He fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. He placed it on the table between the three of them. Both Kuroo and Bokuto stared, eyes widening.
“Are you…?”
Bokuto began tearing up while Kuroo smiled and pulled Tsukishima into a hug.
“I’m proud of you man.”
Tsukishima placed his head in his hands. The waitress brought his drink out and he threw it back, before letting out a long groan.
“I can’t just say ‘Hey idiot, wanna marry me?’ She watches these movies and they have fucking musical numbers, stadiums, fucking Santa Claus, in their proposals. How the fuck do I tell her that every time I see her face, I realize that there are good things in this world? That every time I see her across the room, I wanna wrap my arms around her and never let go. That I would watch a million cheesy ass romantic movies if it meant I could lie next to her and run my fingers through her hair. How the fuck do I tell her that if I’m the moon, then she’s the fucking stars?” Tsukishima spoke louder than he meant.
He heard a small gasp. He looked up to see both his friends staring behind him. He turned around.
You were standing in the bar, eyes glassy with tears and smiling so big, he could feel it in his heart.
“You pocket dialed me dumbass.” You giggled.
He stood up, shakily and pulled you close. He kissed you hard, dipping you down. You could taste the scotch on his breath and felt something wet hit your cheek. You realized he was crying. 
“I love you, Y/N. I’m sorry I can’t always express that but I love every fucking thing about you.”
“Tsukki, the box.” Kuroo stage whispered.
Tsukishima’s eyes sprang open and he grabbed the box from the table. 
“I know we are in a sticky bar with shitty music. I know I’m a little drunk and Bokuto is crying in the background. I know there’s not some old guy who is vaguely supposed to be Santa Claus here. But I know that I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.” Tsukishima whispered to you. He opened the box and your mouth dropped at the gorgeous ring inside. 
You looked up at him and nodded, tears streaming down. “I love you. I love everything about you, Kei. I’d spend every night in a shitty bar with our drunk friends if it meant I could be your wife.” 
Tsukishima may not have been perfect. But he was yours. 
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