#hope all is well !!! lovelove
grandlinedreams · 8 months
Hii !!! If you haven't done it already , can you make a part 2 to https://www.tumblr.com/grandlinedreams/732931737043255296/hehe-hi-lovelov-luvvv-the-angst-u-write-could (sorry I can't create hyperlinks due to my pc crashing everytime I try !) ? I loved it so much that I neeedddd a 2nd part that's just as angstyyyyy. I love your angst so much !!
Hiya!! I absolutely can, but i also got asked to resolve it well so I hope I can do this justice for everyone who wanted a part two! First part [here]
[Heads up!: canon typical violence, hefty dose of angst, hurt/comfort]
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It's been a week since you bargained your freedom for Law's, offered your services to barter for his safety ㅡ and you still don't regret it.
The ship you've been forced onto is a far cry from the comforts of the Polar Tang with battered wooden floors and a hull that you're surprised withstands the waves that crash against it.
The crew also is nothing like the one you're used to ㅡ not that you see much of them. You spend most of your time at a desk with varying maps spread out before you, pen in hand as you're demanded to make note of any and all locations to treasure or anything of interest regarding the One Piece.
"If I find out you're lying, or if any of this is a trap," your captor hisses, pressing the sharp edge of a blade to your throat, "don't think I won't slit your throat and throw you overboard for the sea kings."
You don't bat an eye, even as metal bites into your skin, the warm drip of blood that follows. "I don't doubt it."
Your captor ㅡ Hendle, or whatever he'd said his name was ㅡ glares at you, clearly unhappy that he hadn't gotten the reaction he wanted. "I'll have someone drop food off. Don't even think of looking for an escape."
And then he's gone, leaving you with only maps and the guttering glow of an oil lamp for company. You reach out with the clink of the ever present seaprism stone cuffs, trace a narrow line of ink towards a place you've circled, tapping it thoughtfully.
Though it's a long shot and requires a heap of hope, if you can somehow leave a clue or evidence behind, if Law is tracking you (which you have no doubts he is, Trafalgar Law is a lot of things but one to abandon crewmates is not one of them), he can find it.
You bite your lip. It's a stretch and it'll have to be something both subtle and obvious enough to be from you ㅡ but you can at least try.
Though you're also a pirate, helping these kinds of pirates makes you feel slimy as you watch yet another chest of glittering gold and jewels be pried from its hiding spot and hauled back towards the ship.
"You've got an eye for treasure," Hendle tells you, eyes you in a way that makes your skin crawl and your fingers twitch with the urge to ball into fists. "I could get used to having you as part of my crew."
Anger flares. "I'm already part of a crew," you tell him flatly. "And it isn't yours."
The fist that connects with your jaw is expected given that the other times you've spoken out it's been met with swift violence, but the ring on his finger catches on skin, splitting it open.
"They're not going to rescue you," he growls, fury clear in his tone. "The sooner you understand that, the better."
And then he stalks off, leaving you alone. He clearly thinks you'll follow and while the idea of bolting is tempting, you know you're not going to make it far.
Blood drips slowly down your cheek, and you bring your hands up with the rattle of chain that's become frustratingly familiar. Swiping a finger against your skin, you stare at the tacky red, debating.
You can't ask for a pen, have no way of leaving proof you were here that won't disappear otherwise or be overtly obvious ㅡ this will have to do.
And so it goes ㅡ with every island that you end up on, you find some way to leave proof of your presence and hope that it's enough to point the right way.
If Law is even looking for you. You want to believe that he is, but what if he isn't? Logic is cruel ㅡ that he's wasting more resources than necessary to come after you. That he should cut his losses and move on.
It's a cold knife thrust between your ribs and up into your heart, piercing with the ache and fear that this is your life now, days measured by how useful you are.
What happens when you stop being of use? After all, there's only so many places you know of, and only so long you can get away with lying about information pertaining to the One Piece. Hendle is bound to figure it out sooner rather than later.
You stare at your wrists, the rubbed raw quality where the stone has chafed, the slow sap of any and all energy you manage to find by sleeping. And even when you do sleep, it's far from well ㅡ worries and fears follow you into dreamland, torment you with what could happen.
And what would have happened if you'd never done any of this in the first place. You've lost count or how many dreams you've been wrenched out of with a gasp, cold sweat beading on your forehead as you tried to push away the images of Law being killed in front of you, of feeling helpless to save him.
This, you decide, is far better than that.
This is the last island you've been able to mark on the map. Hendle has said nothing to you about what he plans to do with you, but you can assume it's nothing good.
Which is why you keep your eyes trained on him and the men that follow him, waiting until their attention is elsewhere ㅡ and then you bolt.
You know you're unlikely to make it far, but it's worth the way you can hear shouting behind you as you run as fast as your legs can carry you.
The chain clinks as you gasp for air, acutely aware of the burn of your muscles and ache of your body ㅡ but you keep going. You have to. Whether Law rescues you or not, you can't stand the idea of being around those thugs for another minute.
You'd rather die.
Something sharp bites into the meat of your left shoulder, makes you stumble and nearly topple before you correct your balance and keep going. Warmth leaks down your arm, white-hot pain that you use to ground yourself.
You can't defend yourself, best bet being that of running into someone who will be kind enough to help ㅡ and if you can make it that far in the first place.
You want to go home. You want the warm metal walls of the Polar Tang and the hum of machinery, the dumb jokes and silly arguments ㅡ you want your family. You want ㅡ
Your feet aren't kicking up dirt and pebbles anymore, the brief jolt jostling your shoulder and making you hiss as your legs give out.
You don't fall, though ㅡ familiar hands catch you, familiar tattoos ㅡ Law. He's here, he's real ㅡ he came to rescue you.
"You made it," you say softly as he picks you up, mindful of the way your shoulder is still bleeding. "You're late, though."
"I know." Law's lips press to your temple, and he closes his eyes as you lean into the touch. "I'm sorry."
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under-lore · 2 years
What is the red soul trait ?
This post is a compilation of different small theories regarding the red soul trait, presenting some of the evidence both in favor of and against each of them to portray a rough picture of what options may be on the table.
Unlike the 6 other traits, the one of the red soul is left unclear in the ball game.
As they are the only two known humans in Undertale with this soul color, the red soul trait would likely be something that is associated both with Frisk and with Chara.
There are several hypothesises regarding the red soul trait of varying plausibility.
While it deserves a mention for being by far the most popular take, determination is actually far less plausible than all of the theories brought up in this post. A more detailed critic of this take can be found in a separate post here.
Hope is an unpopular yet intriguing proposition.
Before killing himself in certain variations of the neutral ending, Asgore makes a comparison between Frisk and Chara by pointing out that the both of them have the same feeling of hope in their eyes. Making a clear association between both of the humans with red souls and the idea of hope.
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The eyes are often portrayed as “The window to the soul” in media.
It is also noteworthy that Asgore, who did what he did in order for everyone to have hope, has a red trident. This is possibly a sort of symbolism.
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Finally, a comparison can be made with Deltarune, in which the red soul seals the fountains and may be the one bringing hope. As is mentioned in this Gaster tweet :
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Hope does suffer from a few issues though.
Most of its evidence feels a bit stretchy. In addition, hope cannot be tied back to the red soul via the ball game either, which is the main place where one would expect a hint at the red soul trait to be.
A combinaison of the 6 other traits
This take is quite straightforward.
As the other traits mainly came from beating the ball game, this theory suggests that the red soul trait actually is given by obtaining the red flag. Simply that its nature is different from that of the other soul colors and thus is presented differently as well.
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It suggests that if the red flag is achieved by using the 6 other traits, then the red soul trait would therefore be a combinaison of those 6 other traits rather than a fully unique one.
While traces of several of those traits can indeed be tied to Frisk or Chara, this theory suffers from a lack of evidence.
As all other traits can be expressed by a single word quality, the red soul being be “just a bit of everything” feels quite strange.
In addition, Chara has a red soul and yet is clearly shown to be be an impatient person while Frisk is often portrayed as not being particularly brave. This does throw a couple wrenches in the idea of both of them having parts of patience or bravery traits respectively.
Love finds its main argument from a phone call in Hotland with Papyrus and Undyne.
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While this pair often says some very silly things on those phone conversations, this one is so specific that its difficult to brush it aside so easily. This could be a direct association of red souls specifically and love.
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While there are multiple lines that may make it believable for Frisk, it is however a bit less fitting to imagine love being Chara’s soul trait. They simply lack the ties to it that Frisk has.
However, it is also possible that the word play between love and LOVE could apply here as well. The player’s actions would lead to the red-soul-kids-two-in-one-package to get either love or LOVE.
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While love isn’t mentioned in the ball game, it does provide a possible reason as to why the narrator would be purposely avoiding mentioning the red soul trait. Chara might just be too embarrassed !
(Some variations of this take exist under names like “individuality”, “character” or simply “being yourself”)
The ipseity theory comes from the fact that throughout Undertale, the narrator regularly emphasises on Frisk’s sense of selfhood. The things that make them themself and not anybody else. Mainly via the mirrors.
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With the last remaining mirror interaction also being associated to the sense of identity, but this time to that of the second human with a red soul : Chara.
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Chara also appears to have a strong feeling of individuality as they hate their own race, in addition to acting quite assertively in the genocide route. Making the option believable for both of the humans.
Ipseity can actually be tied back to the ball game too. After getting the red flag twice, we are told the following :
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Which also appears to be describing a feeling of ipseity and tying it to the color “RED”.
The only significant criticism of ipseity would be Frisk being controlled in-world by the player. It could seem to be a bit odd to give them ipseity as a trait given that a significant portion of their actions were not truly from themself.
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firebugging · 6 months
Hope everyone's year has been good so far, I've wanted to do this for a while, so here's my little ramble!!
I wanted to do as many people as possible but I am a COWARD and just went until I feel like I wrote too much, everything is utc :3
ALRIGHTTTTT, STARTING OFF WITH @eslover. I remember our first interaction the best tbh... (milgram tree, kotorb!!) you're the person that made really want to try and branch out to talk to other people within the milgramblr community (I still get a bit embarrassed though). You're super nice and I'm really grateful that we're mutuals! Truly the McMido acc ever !!
Next up, @tsuwmya! You were my first mutual here and I think you're super cool!! I really admire you, even if I don't interact with you a-lot, your ocgram is SOSO WELL DONE AND ALL THE CHARACTERS ARE SO CHEWYYY (it made me begin work on my own ocgram again actually). Your analysis posts are always such a pleasure to read and there is something about your art that makes me want to eat it like a sandwich /pos
@dearmahiru YOUUU. You're the person that made me like 0610 and MY GOD, DOOMED YURI!! They're one of my favourite ships now hehe. BUT ANYWAYS, ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAKES WONDERFULLY WRITTEN ANALYSIS POSTS, they're always such good reads and you can tell how well researched they are! In my head you're THE Mahiru mutual and I await the Kotoko final girl post!
LINA @linabirb. Uhmm... fun fact, when I initially got into Milgram, your edit blog was the first thing I really checked out in terms of fan work. I believe I was the anon that asked for heart shaped miko icons one time (I loved them btw. I ended up using them for one of my rentry pages WITH CREDIT OFC). You're really friendly and soso approachable 10/10 MUTUAL!!!
@narumimii YOU'RE LIKE A CELEBRITY 2 ME... so cool. I lovelove you edits and will probably spam like them later out of respect because photopea SUCKS and trying to understand it made me admire you for putting up with it's confusingness. Also... yurigram real I LOVE YOUR ART OK BYE
@art-stuff-by-goose You're one of my irls and also not on milgramblr but you are my qp WIFE so I would like to thank your for putting up with me for all these years! I can be cringefail boyflop girlloser around you without worry and you also introduced SSOOSOOSO many cool games to me YOU WILL BE NUKED!! Overall you are very cool and I am gonna give you one of my silly dinosaurs :3
TO EVERYONE WHO ISN'T ON HERE!! Just know that even if we're not close, I really appreciate you! Everyone who I've interacted with here (no matter how much or how little) has really made my fandom experience so much more enjoyable, this is actually the first time I've really tried to interact with others in the community and it's been soso wonderful thus far. So thank you! I hope that you all have a wonderful 2024!! <3
Also uhmmm, I suck at interacting first so if you'd like to get closer, maybe send an ask? OK THAT'S ALL THIS WAS UHMMMMM VERY UHHHH THIS WAS A POST!!!!!!
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marshiemellox · 27 days
HELLOOOOOOO saw your ship requests were open so I was hoping to drop mine in for TBB (??) hope you’re doing well as well!!!
I have mid length hair with brown/blonde highlights, naturally have white hair at my age 😭😭, however I tend to cut it short into a wolfcut so it’s easier to handle (sensitive scalp/when it gets itchy from sweat I start scratching excessively and I play sports!). I mostly wear comfy clothes out, like cotton shorts and tshirt, but I can also dress up and clean up pretty well if needed! ><
I play on our Uni’s Varsity Team for Women’s football/soccer and I plan learning badminton soon! I read mostly on books focusing on science and biology, I LOVEE TED ED, and of course I love reading fanfics! I bake alot, and try to cook if I have the right ingredients! I am diagnosed with ADHD 🤞
I’m usually lonely, as people tend to say that i’m annoying or mean/nonchalant! I just, don’t show affection a-lot and i’m more on the conservative side :((. It doesn’t help that I have a RBF and I play a sport where I have to be stern on field💔💔. I try to keep my self calm, but i tend to get excited when i’m with people I care for, and that tends to drive them away.. I’m usually awkward and a bit cold with people I don’t know, unless I was told before hand by someone that they’re cool. Regardless of how most of my current and ex friends treat me, I still care for them a lot and try to be the mom friend. I am an ENTP-T, extroverted with people I know and Introverted with I don’t. I am a Griffindor and A Taurus! I am the youngest but I was never really the favorite (surprise!!) I am willing to always fight for those I love even if they don’t reciprocate it, and I care dearly if I hurt them by mistake, which causes some people to take advantage of my patience. I ALSO LOVELOVE chewing on something, toothpicks/gum/pillow and even nails even if its gross to look at :((
That’s mostly ittt excited to see my match hehehe💘
The Bad Batch Matchup Headcanon Requests | @euphrosyn3
A/N - Thank you so much for the request! I hope that you enjoy! ✨
I ship you with…
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- When you first met Crosshair, he was standoffish, very reserved, and a little cold towards you.
- Don’t take it personally though. He’s been through allot and at the time he didn’t know how to process the emotions that he’s been feeling.
- When you went on your first date, you decided to make him some baked goods, and gave them to him when he came to pick you up.
- A bit taken aback by the gesture, but thankful regardless, Crosshair appreciated the thought and time that you spent making him a special treat.
- He loved the goodies that you brought him and, once you became an official couple, he always asked you to make some new treat.
- Crosshair would share your desserts with his brothers and they all loved you for it. (Especially Wrecker!)
- The two of you are similar in that you both don’t know how to show affection and can be a bit introverted.
- Crosshair promised to help you with this though, by squeezing your hand when out in public, or writing down how he feels and placing it somewhere for you to read.
- When you are excited, and are out and about with Crosshair, he loves it.
- With those that you don’t know you are quieter but, with Crosshair it’s a whole different story.
- You are very bubbly, outspoken, and loving towards him and his brothers.
- Crosshair loves when you get to spend quality time with him and you get along well with the rest of the Bad Batch.
- The Bad Batch treats you like a member of the family and is always willing to help you whenever you need it.
- Crosshair is very protective of you and his brothers can tell.
- All in all, Crosshair loves being around you, and you’ve made him a happier person.
- He couldn’t ask for a better partner. 🤍
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teddybeartoji · 16 hours
MICKEY I HOPE YOU HAVE THE SWEETEST OF DREAMS!!! but when you wake up i wanna know:
misho first date (where did you go? did you kiss her?)
mihime first time (was it planned? spur of the moment? whose place did you go to?)
mitoru favorite meal to share
moji sleep positions (do you cuddle? does one of you try to kick the other out of bed in your sleep?)
uhhhhhhhhh is that everyone? idk. i tried to remember everyone but i have swiss cheese brain 😔
MISHO FIRST DATE!!!!!!!!!!! ok so since we were friends already and we had.. kind of kissed already too lmao pls the relationship was very.. nobody-knew-whether-we're-friends-or-more yk? buuut when we finally got out of that weird little friendzone... we went on a fancy restaurant date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we both got all dolled up; she put on theeee prettiest dress i'd ever seen fuuckkk she looked absolutely gorgeous it was very hard to be Normal hhhhhhhhhhhhh we both ate well and had a few drink (we were eye-fucking the entire time btw) aand then we walked to her place and oh my god i was sooo nervous
even though there wasn't even anything to be nervous abt lmao again it's not like we hadn't already idk seen each other naked and kissed and held hands before but aaaaahhhh idk i really was nervous she makes me nervous. so she kissed me actually........... 🥴🥴🥴🥴
MIHIME FIRST TIME!!!!!!!!!!! ohhh my beautiful beautiful girl i love her so fucking much fallon my heart is exploding!!!!!!!!!!!! it wasn't planned, it just kind of happened!!!!!!! we were having a good old movie night aaaand well.. things just kind of escalated🙈🙈 it was super fucking sweet though<333333
MITORU FAVOURITE MEAL TO SHARE!!! really basic but ice cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we both have a sweet tooth and we both lovelove ice cream so we always have pints of it in the freezer hehehe!!! and whenever we're just lazing around, watching a movie all tangled up with each other we just get the tub and eat straight from it with one shared spoon - one bit for me one bite for him:333333333
MOJI SLEEPING POSIITIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! FALLON FALLON FALLON I THINK ABT THIS SOO MUCHHH AAAAHHH HE REALLY IS MY TEDDY BEAR!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO while i'm always talking abt human blankets.. i think (esp during the summer) i sleep on top of him. like right on top of him. his arms are always around my middle and honestly they're heavy enough to act as the weighted blanket lmao
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this is literally us:3
but but but i do make him kinda sleep on top of me too though i really need that it's soooo fucking comforting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! liike he's sleeping on his stomach and i just kinda burrow myself under him (it's very hard... bc he's so... big... and heavy)(gulp) and then kinda suffocate under him but ohhh my godd it feels sooooo nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bonesandthebees · 11 months
Random Glass reactions pt 2
I can’t believe wilbur started having an oil metaphor right after the new fnaf game came out. it’s all coming together /j
(Sam cut himself off when his eyes landed on the Pythia. He pressed his lips into a thin line, before looking back at Tommy. “Well, Techno said you were going to stop by. He didn’t say anything about the Pythia.”)
Do you have something to say Sam?? 🤨🤨
I think I know exactly why Tommy got the vine tattoo but i’m getting very tired and less articulate. It’s kinda late as i’m writing this and I spent the entire morning and afternoon at the beach, and then the evening roller skating. (I was able to practice a couple tricks on skates though! Even though I failed limbo on like round three, and now my hips are probably bruised from falling a few times)
I love how you write sam sm
Tbh and Wilbur
Wilbur (Bee’s version) is one of my favorite wilburs
And sandduo
Have I ever mentioned how much I love sandduo
I loooove sandduo like lovelove love sandduo
Yeah i think i’m getting more tired lmao
(He understood. He wasn’t one of them.)
Oh Wilbur :(
(before he slumped back against the base of Kristin’s statue and let out a deep sigh.)
Do I dare hope for chrysanthemum duo
(He jumped, having forgotten that Techno didn’t go with Phil and Tommy.)
(Techno chuckled. “Mugshots. Nice.”)
HELPSHSHS i love how you write twinsduo, they’re so silly,, funny uncle/older brother with his life together and his cringefail loser dumbass wet cat of a younger brother/nephew
(“That government never did anything to help me,” Wilbur said, his chest heating up as anger warmed his veins. “There was never enough food—not in the group home or on the street. No one ever gave a single shit about me until suddenly everyone gave a shit about me, and then I was dragged to the palace and made into a pretty decoration. A caged pet to show off, but never to listen to.” Bitter laughter bubbled up out of his throat. “So take a wild fucking guess how I feel about the government, Techno.”)
(The government and the institution of Clara that was tied to it had hurt him. It wasn’t a question.)
/oh my god/,,,, we are so far into healing, i’m so proud of him, this and that rant is such a huge step forward in terms of progress
Yay he’s wilb no pythia rn :)))
I keep accidentally misspelling words because my brain’s getting more sluggish, and then it takes me like three different tries to get them right 😭
(How useless She had been in preventing any of this from happening.)
(Maybe it was his fault, but he fucking tried. It didn’t mean anything in the end though. It should’ve meant something, but it didn’t.
“This isn’t fucking fair,” Wilbur muttered, digging his nails into his palm. - “I think-” His voice broke, and he winced. “I’m angry with Her.”)
Screaming crying fainting dying he’s so
- 🪐
i know nothing about the new fnaf game is stopped keeping up with it ages ago but I had a lot of fun with the oil metaphor lol
sam being so subtly passive aggressive like bro chill out
bruised hips ouch :( sounds like a fun day though!!
ty!! i love writing sam tbh I don't write him a ton but he's got such a fun character voice to play with
uncle with his life together and his cringefail nephew god that's so true
ngl I didn't even think about writing that rant I just went into a bit of a haze and typed it out and then I stared at it like "do I want him to say all that" and then I was like "yeah I do he's ready for it" anyway I think glass!wil possessed me for a bit when I was writing that bit
this chapter had so much progress towards the end he's truly gotten so far from where he used to be
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threetangerines · 2 years
HEHE YES HELLO I MADE IT!!! i’ve been camping here ever since this blog started so i noticed all the things that happened so far (all the different kinds of hours - loving it) lovelove loveee this lil community you started with 3tan, ryen! it’s so fun here oh mygosh 😭 i actually had typed out something to send here (nothing much! it’s just abt how i appreciate you and this lil world you created and a lot of other mushy stuff 😅) just know that your writings you shared with us is a huge constant that i need rn with all the crazy changes that i’m facing irl. just knowing that this blog is here for me to browse through is just a huge relief if that makes sense? it’s just so fun and nice to be here i never want to leave <333 my class ended a few hours earlier so i have more time to rest and scroll thru here eheh 😭 i hope you’re doing well ryen! many many forehead kisses bc that’s what you deserve for everything - 🪐✨
BABYYYY oh my goodness all the mayhem and madness and chaos that's already popped up on this blog. i think it's absolutely hilarious and i can't wait for even more fun times to come along LOLOL the community is so fucking fun!
you're so sweet, though. i love all your thoughts that you type out and i'm sure i also love the thoughts you decide to keep to yourself<3 if this is what you need as a relief, i will keep providing as much as i possibly can (while resting, ofc!) i think this blog will continue to be the safe space within the safe space so.. have fun with it :'))
y'all are gonna destroy me with the forehead kisses fr lol you think this is a GAME?
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yennasun · 2 years
I reallyyy REALLY LOVE IT!!! I was secretly hoping for a fight scene.. but don't know how to say it.. 😭 you are the BEST at writing fighting scenes, it gives me dopamine, it made me all glee-ish and throwing my legs like an excited 15 y/o schoolgirl!! I was too excited i had to calm myself down to read it 😂 at this point, i think you know who am I, but i go anonymously because I'm embarrassed (゚⁠ο゚⁠人⁠)⁠)
Your writings are like unlimited books of my favorite fairytales, you write so well, i will keep reading your works over and over, so i can learn from them and improve my writing skills and about boxing (i love all of them). At the moment it's very messy just like this sentence(?) Or question(??)
I see you envy us artists, but we do envy you too, writers! We can draw well but we can't put our imaginations into words. So, don't fret about your artist skills, everyone has their own starting points, and we adore your work!! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡(⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ lovelove
Thank you very much, i may not be able to convey much emotion through text but this meant alot to me.
I try to keep my imagination open for these kinds of things and I experiment quote often, kinda like how artists experiment with different art styles.
If you're doing boxing and engage in full contact sparring I implore you to protect yourself, the headgear may stop cuts and swelling but it won't stop brain damage.
I also suggest you learn about cte if you plan on taking it to the amatuers like I did, the subject terrified me so much I nearly quit.
That being said boxing is very fun even just as a recreational activity. It's easy to get the hang of but very tricky to master, I should know, I've been doing the sport for almost 20 years and there's still things I'm learning!
I'm very joyous and ecstatic that there are people in this community who really enjoy my work, it makes me wanna keep doing it!
I haven't given up on drawing yet, far from it I'm actually starting to get the fundamentals down so hopefully in a few months I'll be able to actually start drawing characters lmao
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part 2 for the lovie-cutie!! well its cute but just dont touch the yellow snow... 'DO YOU HAVE EGGPLANTS ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓' we do. 'im sure some of them are older than me' well im wearing my moms coat thats older than me. maybe your age HGJDJFG SORRY. sorry, catmom. oldie but goldie. im impressed by such a great collection. 'im hungry T_T' bon appetit ig TT 'i used to have a crush on my philosophy teacher' awwww. ive read a fic like this... idk if i ever had a crush but i absolutely had some strong feelings to my rus lang teachers and the math one bc of the mommy issues ig... sorry, im back to your story. no but its a kinda cute story. but the ending is ??!!!?!! hajffk if it makes sense. writing poetry abt smn sounds nice. i used to write some poems abt my first idk sympathy? too. it was a more dramatic story (not underestimating your feelings!). if youre glad these feelings went away, im glad for you. all experience is an experience to have and liking smn worth of being felt. 'ARE YOU TUMBLR' you never know.... ITS SUCH A CUTE STORY WITH THE BLUES CLUES TT its delightful that content that can stimulate childrens interest in science exist. 'and i remember learning that mars had 2 moons' deimos and phobos! deimos is pronounced just as daemon dont you see any like.... OMG i was going to talk abt the moons but!! targaryens are said to be more like gods but if an au with them as greek and roman gods? daemon as the god of war anD! aemond as the hades who marries persephone and cherishes her like nothing else. theres probably smth like this on tumblr but ive just thought abt it. so. these 2 moons was literally the only thing i remembered and ALWAYS said during my astronomy lessons. to the point my teacher was like 'oh katyas going to like this question' and i was like DEIMOS AND PHOBOS my babes TT SORRY i got carried away. 'they have two nights' AAAW these cute childrens assumptions on how the world works TT i lovelove them so much. theyre so cute and amusing TT but its a good logic! big baby brain! its good your brain didnt explode!! it wouldve been such a tragedy to loose THE genius brain! 'a post which was like you cant think of a color' oh this provoking shit! ig the fact that i can make out the constellations has smth with the tilt of Earth? my hometown is pretty very very close to the border of the North Pole so atmosphere there is thinner and basically? it means? sky is closer? smth like this. tbh the northern sky is the sight to see. both in winter and in the summer. bc in winter the constellations are visible and yk the polar night while in the summer its the polar day and the sky is so white-ish, the sun never sets down and the airs so fresh TT omg i miss it. also this cute dream abt stars TT its so touching that you wanted to see constellations that much. 'ok then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sandman fics it is' OK now YOURE provoking. ok maybe next message. 'i imaged her to be younger' me too but doesnt she deserve it? 'BAD INFLUENCE BUT ALSO BRILLIANT MIND' THANKS im trying my best. im glad you liked it! hope to see it one day in your blog. anything, actually. so good luck with your queue! im finally gonna sleep YEY. have a nice day/evening/night!! good luck! love you! take care <з
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i watched an ep of doctor who with my mom T_T it was a mistake to pick a random ep i was very ? confused i was pretending i understood it and just watched til the end because i was tryna commit to it T_T HAHHAHAH
anyway heres a kitty for good luck
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omg this reminds me of this stray that went up to our house and i pet him and he was so sweet and he laid in front of me and i was like i want to pet you but if i pet you im going to have to feed you and i have no food im so sorry so its a no for me 😩😞 it was a dark day for humanity
well its cute but just dont touch the yellow snow...
'DO YOU HAVE EGGPLANTS ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓' we do.
very good
'im sure some of them are older than me' well im wearing my moms coat thats older than me. maybe your age HGJDJFG SORRY. sorry, catmom. oldie but goldie. im impressed by such a great collection.
im not offended by that at all i wear my moms clothes that are older than all of us sibs so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you dont have to apologize for it. i dont think ill ever be offended by being called old at least i hope not. ill always be old to someone and young to others
'im hungry T_T' bon appetit ig TT
im hungry again but i cant eat cos im going to sleep and i cant sleep with a full stomach it hurts when i do T_T or ok not hurt its just uncomfy
'i used to have a crush on my philosophy teacher' awwww. ive read a fic like this... idk if i ever had a crush but i absolutely had some strong feelings to my rus lang teachers and the math one bc of the mommy issues ig... sorry, im back to your story.
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im glad you find my cringe cute HAHAHAH 🤢🤢🤢
no but its a kinda cute story. but the ending is ??!!!?!! hajffk if it makes sense.
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writing poetry abt smn sounds nice. i used to write some poems abt my first idk sympathy? too. it was a more dramatic story (not underestimating your feelings!).
lol HAHAHAH im not offended by things like that MY GOSH DO YOU THINK IM PETTY i am BUT NOT THAT PETTY
if youre glad these feelings went away, im glad for you. all experience is an experience to have and liking smn worth of being felt.
im so glad 😩💅😬🤢
'ARE YOU TUMBLR' you never know....
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ITS SUCH A CUTE STORY WITH THE BLUES CLUES TT its delightful that content that can stimulate childrens interest in science exist.
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omg i think this is it im going to cry
i dont remember it being like this entirely but i think this is it. HELP PLUTO MY PLUTO T_T im going to cry
'and i remember learning that mars had 2 moons' deimos and phobos! deimos is pronounced just as daemon dont you see any like.... OMG i was going to talk abt the moons but!!
HAHHAHAH i have no idea what the mars moons are called but if you say so i trust you i might remember this this time around because i dont have a kid brain anymore just a large kid brain HAHAHH
targaryens are said to be more like gods but if an au with them as greek and roman gods? daemon as the god of war anD! aemond as the hades who marries persephone and cherishes her like nothing else.
theres probably smth like this on tumblr but ive just thought abt it. so.
ur such a bad influence who cares if theres smth like this you nor i have not written it so thats all that matters
these 2 moons was literally the only thing i remembered and ALWAYS said during my astronomy lessons. to the point my teacher was like 'oh katyas going to like this question' and i was like DEIMOS AND PHOBOS my babes TT SORRY i got carried away.
HAHHAHA THATS FINE <3 its so fun that we have a shared interest with space!!! LOVE THAT FOR US. go off my deimos and phobos queen she like me for real reciting and stuff HAHAAH
'they have two nights' AAAW these cute childrens assumptions on how the world works TT i lovelove them so much. theyre so cute and amusing TT but its a good logic! big baby brain! its good your brain didnt explode!! it wouldve been such a tragedy to loose THE genius brain!
T_T IM GLAD YOU THINK MY SUFFERING WAS CUTE you have no idea how frustrating this was for me i was like so if a day is 24 so half of that would be day half would be night but then i was like then that means they have ... 1 night.... and just really short days T_T HLAKHLKASHFLSAFLSAFASF im glad i didnt lose my brains either
'a post which was like you cant think of a color' oh this provoking shit!
it was i cried like literally literally bawling cried
ig the fact that i can make out the constellations has smth with the tilt of Earth? my hometown is pretty very very close to the border of the North Pole so atmosphere there is thinner and basically? it means? sky is closer? smth like this. tbh the northern sky is the sight to see. both in winter and in the summer. bc in winter the constellations are visible and yk the polar night while in the summer its the polar day and the sky is so white-ish, the sun never sets down and the airs so fresh TT omg i miss it.
i think it has to do with light polution as well. i live in the city so the lights are never off, never fully. also damN IS THE SKY CLOSER WTF THERE ???? damn. i mean i can see the stars here i just ??? idk which is which
also this cute dream abt stars TT its so touching that you wanted to see constellations that much.
[kicks can] im such a fucking nerd dude HAHHAHHHA
'ok then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sandman fics it is' OK now YOURE provoking. ok maybe next message.
'i imaged her to be younger' me too but doesnt she deserve it?
but it isnt about deserve its about tradition. rhaenys deserved to be heir but nah
'BAD INFLUENCE BUT ALSO BRILLIANT MIND' THANKS im trying my best. im glad you liked it! hope to see it one day in your blog. anything, actually. so good luck with your queue!
HAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAH i hope to see it to T_T i always like your ideas! and yes my queue T_T my loooong queue
im finally gonna sleep YEY. have a nice day/evening/night!! good luck! love you! take care <з
same my back hers as per usual
im luv you so much my dear
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autistic-partisan · 8 months
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welcome! this is a silly little editing blog that makes icons, pride flag edits and stimboards! please check the blog description for request status.
fictive, kin and selfship friendly!
sideblog for stim gifs: @nanmo-wakaran
to-do list
gif used in the header
more info under the cut.
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d4dj, enstars, revue starlight, bandori, prsk. misc animanga.
main interests are bolded, i am most comfortable doing requests for those. for the rest i prefer requests to be more specific, to make sure i can fulfill them properly!
misc animanga mostly means that if you are looking for stimboards of characters from seasonal anime or lesser known manga, (basically anything that doesn’t have its dedicated editing blogs): i’m the thing you need!
i can do oc stimboards as well!
will not do: live action sources, irl people, ships that are generally categorized as ‘proship’. prefer not to do: sources i am not familiar with but other people are strongly divided about (such as genshin)
also i prefer not to use fanart, except for stimboards and if the art in question is by you (the requester). picrews are okay though, just give me a link so i can credit it in the post.
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you can call me del (🌒), i’m 21↑, any pronouns, autistic and autigender, queer, singlet; a cathearted robotkin with a sweet tooth. i lovelove love!!! stimboards! i love sweets and chocolate and cakes and desserts! i love plants and trees and grasses and flowers and leaves! i also happen to be incredibly socially awkward, please do not mind that.
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if you are lgbtphobic, ableist, or a bigot in general, you won’t like it here and also i will probably just block you.
i do not vibe with exclusionists! i think “contradictory” labels and pronouns are totally cool. stop building these divides, don’t be a cop!
also please note i have a strong preference for it/its pronouns for myself and will also use it for certain characters sometimes!
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- multiple requests are ok, but please send them in separate asks!
- let me know if you want your requested post to say no kin tags or no f/o tags, anything like that.
- for stimboards, let me know if there is a specific type of stim to avoid. i will also in general try to tag common triggers for all stimboards.
- if i made your request but you would like me to change something, don’t hesitate to tell me.
- when requesting something for a character make sure it is clear who you mean by using their full name and/or specifying the source media.
- the pride flags can be lgbt related or disability pride flags. if it is something that has multiple iterations, please specify by describing it or sending a link. i will need a link for more "niche" pride flags as well.
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- pride flag bordered icons: send me a character, what flag you want me to use, and what shape you want the icons to be. you can specify what cards to include if you want. you can ask for matching icons of characters with the same flag.
- colorpicked flags (gacha games only): send me a character or a specific card / other piece of official art, and the flag you want me to make. normally i will also include bordered icons made with the edited flag in the post, so feel free to specify what shape to use.
- stimboards: send me a character or characters. you can specify: card(s), themes, colors, stim types. if i don’t know the character(s) well i will need these specifics. i also accept stimboard requests for any general theme, as well as otherkin, oc or pride flag stimboards.
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thank you for reading! i hope i managed to include everything important in this post. in case you have any further questions, feel free to send me an ask!
the tags i will be using can be found on this post.
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The art of .........
People say I am funny, but I make lame jokes around you, hoping you would notice. Forget being cool, I would rather have you smile at me than you not knowing me at all. May be you, just like in a rom-com, will remember the short girl with cropped hair from the party who was a little weird.
Next time, I run into you "accidentally", I will pretend not to know you. You will walk away, may be a little surprised, but not caring anyway. The very next time, I will smile at you widely as if I have known you for ages and you confused will get away with a shy smile. Then on a random day, I will start following you on Instagram( PS: not at all planned), and you will follow me back just because you have seen me , then we will go back and forth liking each other's stories, and slowly , very slowly slide into each other's DM's.
We will talk for days, on and off , tell about things you like about things and end up with a 'you are so different from all others I have met' phase, where we each pretend to be flattered, may be a little so, but still knowing you would have said that to a dozen people because people would obviously be different. We will play this push and pull game, weighing down pro's and con's , and finally falling out of whatever feelings we had initially, with me- finding excuses on how we don't gel well with the each other.
We will still talk on days, may be with a little of something left in our hearts, may be just in yours or mine and decide to stay where we are now and not go any further, silently.
See..Our story would neither have a happy or sad ending, ha ...may be not even an ending. But it is safe, knowing there would be no broken hearts or may be there is.
(to be continued)
#writersofinstagram #writersofig #weekendvibes #womenwriters #womensupportingwomen #wordporn #wordpornoftheday #writer #workfromhome #tuesday #tuesdayvibes #happiness #love #life #englishsongs #taylorswift #gorgeous #lovelife #lovelove #happiness #swifties #randomwriter #randomwritings
0 notes
seidenbros · 2 years
hey, been enjoying your fics a lot! could i please request lambert x reader + the prompt: “if there’s nothing going on there, you don’t mind if i ask her out, do you?" - thank you!
I was so excited when I got this request, because I just love Lambert, and I had this in my head immediately, but it took a bit to write it down (me getting distracted easily at the moment). But I loveloved writing this, so thank YOU for requesting it, and I hope you like it <3 (and I'm sorry, I thought this would be short, but apparently my brain doesn't want to comply to short fics)
(I’m always happy to receive requests, so if you want to, send some in. If you need inspiration, here are some prompt lists )
Pairing: Lambert x Reader
Warnings: ehhh fluff? a little angst maybe and grumpy Lambert
Word Count: 4264
“You have to take care of her, promise me!”
There were not a lot of people in the world, that would be able to get that kind of promise out of Lambert, but your father had managed to do so on his dying bed. It was ridiculous, you were an adult and perfectly able to take care of yourself, but apparently neither your father nor Lambert had believed that. Maybe, if everything had gone on normally, you would have been able to live on your own, to take care of yourself, but after your father's death, your home had been ransacked while you had been in town to get a few things with Lambert to prepare your father's burial. Everything was gone except for the money you had on yourself, and what your father had hidden. He'd told you, where he'd stashed it, along with your mother's necklace and her wedding ring, which you were supposed to get once you got married. Now these things belonged to you way before you had a different ring on your finger. Losing your father had been hard, losing your home as well, but in the end, the choice whether you were going to stay here, or leave the town, had been made – especially since Lambert wouldn't leave you here all by yourself. After all, he'd made a promise to your father, and he hadn't done that lightly.
For the past five years, Lambert had been a welcome guest in your house, after saving your father from a Kikimore. You'd taken care of his injuries, had even listened to him bicker and curse all the time, but in the end he'd thanked you. Your father had told him that he could always stay with you when he was in the area, when he needed a place to stay, and he'd taken you up on that. After all, he wasn't well perceived everywhere he went, so having a place to stay instead of sleeping just outside of town or begging for a room in an inn, was nice for a change. You'd found him staying with you and your Dad longer than he'd planned to every time. Your father had been great company, and they'd exchanged a lot of stories. It had been great for your father to listen to new stories every year when Lambert came around, but you'd listened in on them as well, enjoyed hearing about life outside of your little town.
You two had gotten along well after that. Of course, you'd been teasing each other, had made snide remarks, but each of you had known how to take it. He'd called you a pain in the ass, while you'd said that he was a baby whenever you had to take care of his injuries – which was pretty much every time he'd shown up at your door. He could have taken care of that himself, but you hadn't allowed him to, because after all, you enjoyed taking care of him. Not that you would say that out loud, knowing full well, that nothing would ever come of that, but you did, which was another reason for you to agree to come along with him. Not that Lambert would have let anything else happen – since he had his promise to fulfil – but you didn't even want to stay here. Going with him wasn't exactly the safest way to spend your days, but you felt safer with him around than you would ever feel in an empty house that had already been ransacked once.
Weeks had passed, you'd travelled from one town to the next, and you really enjoyed this. So far you hadn't seen much of the world, so seeing different places, meeting new people was rather exciting for you. You'd always been a good-natured, happy person, who didn't need a lot to be happy. A ray of sunshine, your father used to call you, because there was hardly a day when you didn't smile. In fact, the first day Lambert hadn't seen you smile, had been the day your father had died. Even through his illness, you'd always put a smile on for him, reassuring him that you were okay. It had earned you the nickname Sunshine with Lambert, he actually used it more than he used your real name, and you'd really grown accustomed to it, especially since it was a nice nickname. Sure, he'd told you that he couldn't take that much happiness all the time, rolling his eyes, but you'd seen that tiny smile on his lips that had followed the words when he'd turned away from you.
Throughout the weeks you'd been away from your original home now, you'd gotten to know Lambert even better, which had only made you fall for him harder. There had been a kind of crush ever since you'd first met him, but that had grown ever since. When he hadn't been around, you'd tried to forget about him, knowing that nothing would ever come of that, but the moment he'd stood in front of your door again, your heart had betrayed you. Last year, when he'd visited you, something had happened, though. Your father had gone to bed early, while you and Lambert had stayed up a little longer, drinking, talking, laughing, and at one point when the alcohol had taken away your inhibitions, you'd leaned over to press your lips to his, to do what you'd been wanting to do all this time, but hadn't been brave enough to act on. At first, Lambert had set there unmoving, but just when you were about to pull back, you'd felt his hands on your cheek, keeping you in place, savouring the kiss. When you finally broke it, you'd needed a moment to stop your head from spinning.
“You should go to bed, Sunshine,” Lambert had said, and while you'd wanted to protest, he'd been right. Especially when you'd started wobbling a little once you'd stood up. He'd wrapped an arm around you to walk you to your room, making sure you wouldn't stumble or walk right against the doorframe. He could have taken advantage of that situation, of you, but he'd only made sure you wouldn't hurt yourself.
When you'd tried to talk to him about it the next day, he'd simply waved it off, telling you to forget about it. In all honesty, it had hurt your feelings, because you'd wanted to do this, had wanted to kiss him, but had never had the courage. But his behaviour had only made you realise that you were right about thinking that nothing would ever happen.
The only problem now was, that spending more time with him opened your heart up to him even more. It wasn't good, it wasn't clever, but when it came to matters of the heart, the brain sometimes short circuited. It was only good that you kept yourself in check, not making too much out of the way he laughed about something you said, how he complimented your cooking or even told you that it was nice to have you around. Dear heart, stay calm, you always told yourself, but it never really did. It was only a good thing that Lambert didn't notice it – or maybe didn't want to notice as to not embarrass you. You couldn't be sure, but you didn't want to ask him about it as well. Keeping quiet about it was the best way in your opinion.
“Lambert?” you heard a voice behind you as you were talking to the inn-keeper at your next stop. Both of you turned around, and Lambert's face immediately lit up. In a few long strides, he'd crossed the room to hug the white-haired man tight, after which both men started to laugh.
“What are you doing here?” Lambert asked, holding him at arm's length to see if anything was different, but he still pretty much looked the same as he'd done the last time they'd seen each other back home, at Kaer Morhen.
“Same as you probably,” the other man answered, before his eyes landed on you, after you'd walked up to them. You'd secured your rooms for the night before your curiosity had drawn you over to them. Lambert followed his gaze, looking at you.
“Ah yes, this is Geralt, my brother, and this is Y/N. I promised her father to look after her.” Lambert's words made Geralt raise a questioning eyebrow, since this was definitely not something he would have expected from Lambert, but his expression quickly smoothed over and he smiled at you.
“It's nice to meet you, after hearing so much about you,” Geralt said, earning him a scowl from his brother.
“Oh, I wonder, just what he might have told you. Probably that I tortured him while trying to take care of his injuries.” You half-joked, beaming up at Geralt, because Lambert had mentioned him as well, had told you a lot about his family.
“That as well, but he's also told me about what a beautiful smile you have and how that rubs off on everyone, hence your nickname.” Geralt's own smile widened, but his words also made your cheeks turn pink. You'd never expected Lambert to talk about you to anyone.
“SO,” Lambert interrupted immediately, not liking where this conversation was going. “Where is your bard?”
“Bard?” you asked, looking from one man to the other.
“Yeah, Geralt has this bard following him around, singing songs about him.”
“His name is Jaskier, and you know that.”
“Ohhhh I know him! Well, to be precise I've seen him perform and heard his songs. He's wonderful!”
“Finally someone who acknowledges my talent!” You turned around to see the man you've just been talking about walking right towards you, a big smile on his lips, as he took your hand to raise it to his lips and press a kiss to the back of your hand. “You must be Lambert's Sunshine then.”
“He told you that as well, huh?” You cast a glance at Lambert, who seemed a little... embarrassed? You'd never seen him like that, but you couldn't help but smile.
“Yeah, we can talk later, we should probably get some rest, get settled. We'll see you later!” His words were rushed as he walked past Geralt and ushered you towards the stairs, because he knew that you always freshened up before dinner, no matter whether you were staying at an inn or set up your camp along the way.
You met the other two later on in the tavern – there wasn't that much more to do around the town, so most people went there anyway. It was a great evening, lots of stories that you got to hear about Lambert that you hadn't known before, stories you could tell from the times he'd spent at your home, and Jaskier and Geralt were hanging on your every word, since there were things they hadn't known about Lambert. Like the time he'd brought a couple of ducklings home to you, because he couldn't leave them alone without their mother out there. They'd found a home on the pond just around the corner from your house.
When you got up to get the next round, you could feel their eyes following you, but didn't turn around. It wasn't like anything was going to happen to you in here.
“So... you and Y/N-” Jaskier started, but Lambert cut him off immediately.
“Judging by the way you look at each other, I'd say she's captured your heart and you have hers, so correct me if I'm wrong-”
“You're wrong.” Lambert interrupted him again immediately. It was a topic, he didn't want to talk about, because there was nothing, absolutely nothing going on between you and him. And he hadn't been thinking about that kiss from last year again and again. Only Geralt knew about this, because Lambert had confided in him one night, which was why he was nudging the other Witcher's foot with his own, so that he wouldn't dare open his mouth. “Witchers don't fall in love, and you know that.”
Jaskier chuckled to himself, because yes, he knew that, in theory, but he'd been around Witchers long enough to know, that they did have emotions, lots of them, but were good at bottling them up.
“Well, if there's nothing going on there, you don't mind if I ask her out, do you?” Jaskier had been watching you, but was now returning his gaze to Lambert, but couldn't make out what the look on his face meant. His first thought was, that he should run for his life, because Lambert would try to kill him any moment, but nothing happened. “I mean... she'd stunning, and that smile... you weren't lying.” Yes he wanted to tease the Witcher a little, see if this would finally make him admit what Geralt and Jaskier both assumed, but he didn't.
“Knock yourself out.” He tried to sound indifferent, but failed miserably, especially when he saw you walking back towards the table. It made him want to grab your hand and lead you away, so that Jaskier wouldn't be able to ask you out, but... he did nothing.
So, you found yourself spending the next afternoon with Jaskier, because of course you'd said yes, especially after seeing that sour expression on Lambert's face. You couldn't quite pinpoint what it was, but that look happened after Jaskier had asked you out, and since it had been so long that you'd experienced anything close to a date, you'd been happy that he'd asked.
It was nice for a change to spend some time with someone else than Lambert, especially someone so talkative. Listening to Jaskier's stories, made you smile and share some of your own stories. He'd gotten some food for you to take with you, so you could have a little picnic a bit outside of town, surrounded by flowers. It was beautiful and just the right thing for a sunny afternoon, something that helped you get your mind off things. At least you thought so until Jaskier spoke up.
“You love him, don't you?”
His straightforwardness shouldn't surprise you, but it did, because you hadn't expected him to breech this topic here and now. Wasn't this supposed to be a date?
“How do you-”
“I've seen the way you look at him with that longing in your eyes. The way you want to touch him, but can't. The way your heart just yearns for him, wants to tell him what you've been holding in for so long.”
“Always the poet, eh?” you tried to joke, but he could see the sadness in your eyes. It would be easier for you if you didn't love Lambert, much easier, but you had no control over your heart, had lost that the moment you'd met him apparently.
“Can't help it!” Jaskier shrugged his shoulders, smiling at you. “You know, he looks at you the same way, and the way he's talked about you... He just doesn't want to admit it.”
“That can't be true.” You shook your head, stretching your legs out in front of you, eyes fixed on the horizon, trying to keep your racing heart in check, that was doing cartwheels at the possibility of Lambert having any sort of romantic feelings for you. “I kissed him... last year,” you eventually said, licking your lips. “We were drinking and talking way into the night, and I just did it. I leaned in and kissed him, and I know it was foolish, but then he kissed me back. Only to tell me the next day to forget about what had happened.” Which had hurt you, and it should have made you turn away from him altogether, but you hadn't done that. Instead, you'd only fallen further down the rabbit hole that were your feelings for Lambert.
“Sounds just like him...” Jaskier rolled his eyes. He'd gotten to know Lamber throughout the years, knew that he did everything to not get attached to anyone, but even Jaskier had managed to warm up to him. “He looked ready to strangle me to death when I asked him if it was okay to ask you out yesterday, and that's just the reason why I did that, why we're here. Maybe now, he'll realise that you'll find someone else if he doesn't make a move. I mean... you're absolutely breathtaking, Y/N. Your smile lights up the whole room. He'd be a fool if he didn't come clean about his feelings now and let someone else snatch you away.”
“You really think so?”
“Of course!” Jaskier reached out his hand to cover yours with his, give it a little squeeze. “I've never been wrong about something like this. Let's see how he reacts when we get back.”
The two of you had stayed out there enjoying the sun and conversations about all kinds of things, so it was already getting dark when you returned, arms linked, and you were laughing about something Jaskier had just said, when the two Witchers came into view. They were taking care of their horses, but really, Lambert had stayed outside to see you as soon as you got back, and make sure that he didn't have to start searching for you, because who knew where that skirt-chasing bard had taken you. Seeing you return with him, looking absolutely happy, made his gut churn. Of course, he wanted you to be happy, just not... like that. Not with Jaskier, because that would surely break your heart one day.
“Did you enjoy your afternoon?” Geralt asked, looking up from Roach.
“The best,” you answered genuinely, squeezing Jaskier's arm, beaming up at him, before you looked at the two Witchers again. “We enjoyed the sun, the flowers and talked a lot.”
“Right,” Lambert said, nodding his head, looking at you only for a moment, before he looked at Jaskier, then Geralt. “Enjoy your evening together then, I'll head to bed. Been a long day.” Which was technically true, but he just couldn't stand looking at you clinging to the bard all smiles and happiness. It was too much. If the bard made you happy, fine, but then you could keep travelling with these two and he'd return to walking his path alone. He didn't want to stand in the way of your happiness.
“Has he been like that all day?” Jaskier asked the Witcher that was still standing in front of you.
“You have no idea,” Geralt answered shaking his head. “He'd been grumpy all day, muttering to himself, and when I asked, it was always nothing. I've seen him in a foul mood before, but this is different. And he's always wondered when you two would come back.”
“So, my plan worked, then.” The grin on Jaskier's face was triumphant when he looked at you. “See? I told you?”
“Told her what?” Geralt's confusion shows on his face, making Jaskier laugh.
“That Lambert would be pissed about us going out, which is just why I did it. To make that idiot realise that he can either own up to his feelings or lose her to someone else.”
“Yeah, I still think he needs a little push in the right direction, but there's no denying it. He told me about the kiss, you know?” Geralt's eyes were on you know, smiling encouragingly at you. He'd never heard his brother talk about anyone this way that he'd met throughout the years, but you... you had been a recurring topic.
“I'll go make sure he's okay,” you said with a smile, not wanting to tell them that they were right, that their words had encouraged you to take another step towards Lambert. They were right, it would either work out, or you would have to part ways, because your heart wouldn't be able to take this anymore.
“Who is it?” You heard Lambert's voice from inside his room, when you knocked, and he didn't sound the least bit happy to be disturbed.
“It's me, can I come in?” You heard him shuffle around inside before the door opened. He could have sent you away, but he didn't, and so you stepped inside, closing the door behind you, heart already beating faster in your chest, because this was important right now. “I think we need to talk.”
“I already know what's coming,” he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, not really looking at you, but always just past you. “It's fine. If you want to go with them, I'm not stopping you. He makes you happy, so... That's all your father ever wanted for you.”
“What are you talking about?” Genuinely confused, you looked at him, because this was definitely not what you were here to talk about.
“Come on! The way you two were just clinging to each other? The way you smiled at him? If he makes you happy, go! Be happy with him. I'm completely fine on my own.” At least that was what he was telling himself, because he didn't want to think about losing you.
“I'm not here to talk about that, Lambert.” You swallowed hard as you stepped up to him, put your hand on his forearm, gently squeezing it. Your free hand landed on his chest, slowly working it's way up to his shoulder.
“What is it then?” he asked, voice low and quiet, eyes darting now between you lips and your eyes, but he doesn't budge, still keeps his arms firmly crossed, though you can feel the muscles bunch beneath your touch.
“This...” you whisper before you rise to the balls of your feet to connect your lips to his. And just like the first time, he stays still at first, but then he groans deep in is throat before opening his arms to wrap them around you, pull you close and kiss you back. You can feel his tongue against the seam of your lips, urging you to open them and you comply. It feels so good to be this close to him, to be kissing him again, especially like this. While your first kiss a year ago had been all sweet and innocent, this was something entirely different. It made your heart race and heat pool deep within you. You knew that feeling, but hadn't felt that in a while. His big hands roamed your back, one hand clasping down on your bottom, the other running up your back again to tangle in your hair.
“Lambert...” you whisper as soon as your lips part, because you need to draw air into your lungs.
“Tell me, you don't want that bard.” His words are more a plea than anything else, because he needs to hear you say it, needs to know that you want this, that you want him and not somebody else. You'd never seen him so insecure before, and it nearly tore your heart apart.
“I never wanted Jaskier, it was just nice to get out and not stay here while you were out hunting with Geralt.” You couldn't help but chuckle, brushing your nose against his, your fingertips grazing his cheek before landing on his chest again just above his heart. You could feel the warmth of his body seep into yours, and you didn't want to let go of that, of him any time soon. “But it got us here, didn't it? I didn't know it at first, but that was Jaskier's plan all along.”
“What?” Lambert looked at you, dumbfounded for a moment, but then he laughed. “Damn that bard.” he leaned his head against your shoulder for a short moment, but then he raised it again, pressing kisses to the spot where your neck connects to your shoulder, sending shivers down you spine.
“I think we should thank him.” Your words came out a little breathlessly because of what he was doing. You fingernails grazed across his chest up along his neck to the back of his head, tangled in his hair, gently scratching his scalp, which made him sigh, before he sucked on your sensitive skin. “I mean... he got us here.” Eyes closed because of the sensations he sent through your whole body, your words barely made it out of your mouth, because it was getting increasingly harder to concentrate.
“Mhm... do that later,” he mumbled against your skin. “Once we're finished... and I'm planning on taking my time with you. We've got a lot to catch up on.” Giving your bottom a squeeze, he pulled you even closer, making you aware of what you were doing to him. “Sorry for taking so long to accept my feelings.” You knew that it wasn't easy for him to say this, so his words were all the more meaningful to you. Putting both your hands on his cheeks you guided him up to look at you again.
“We're here now, that's all that matters.” With that you kissed him again, showing him just how much it meant to you, how much HE meant to you. And he did the same for you. After all, Witchers could apparently fall in love, they just needed the right person by their side.
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princehoneytea · 3 years
I know u don't really draw the bug ocs anymore but I felt like I should say ur design for centipede left a permanent imprint on my brain and is a big inspo for my own personal aesthetic lol I lovelove ur art in general as well tho, plz keep making things they're all wonderful
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that means a lot to me, thank you!! T_T<3
hivemind isn't dead, don't worry! it's going to be rebooted, though I can't estimate when rn. i've been slowly redesigning the characters for simplicity and general appeal (tho centipede looks almost exactly the same lol), and i've been working with a friend to solidify the setting, as well as the pacing and story... there are a few hundred pages thumbnailed LOL but they're all under revision at the moment.
i'm hoping i can team up with a webcomic service rather than totally self-publish, but again nothing is set in stone. i really want to make sure i do it right...!
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absul · 3 years
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🎉🎉 best friend’s birthday!!!! 🎉🎉
happy birthday leon i lovelove you!!!!!
it’s hard to believe sometimes how long we’ve known each other, all the things we’ve been through together; and i know without a shred of doubt that i wouldn’t trade our shared time for anything else in the entire world!! you deserve peace and contentment, and i hope that everyone’s well wishes today can help, even a little bit. and i hope you know how proud we all are of you, no matter what happens!
you’ve grown into such a beautiful soul through all of these years, and i can only wish to keep sticking with you into the future, whatever and wherever it brings us.
❤️❤️❤️ i love you syss!!!! happy birthday!!!!! 💚💚💚
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wayfinderships · 2 years
Lovelove staff, Picture piece & patch??
Hello Luna! Hope you're doing well!! Since you didn't specify an F/O for this I will choose Snow <3
Love-Love Staff: Were there any outside factors for you and your F/O getting together?
There were no outside factors
Picture Piece: Do you keep a scrapbook/album of all the memories you had together?
Maybe not a Scrapbook or Album but Panchi probably has some drawings of some of their favorite memories with Snow (that they probably wouldn't share out of embarrassment)
Patch: Have you ever tried wearing something your F/O wears?
Yes!! Panchi has tried wearing Snow's coat! ...As you can imagine, it didn't fit them since Snow is over a foot taller than them but still! Husband Coat is nice <3
Self Ship Asks - Kirby Items II
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dreamingofscully · 4 years
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4x14. “Memento Mori” - X-Files Rewatch
"...I feel these words as if their meaning were weight being lifted from me, knowing that you will read them and share my burden, as I have come to trust no other. That you should know my heart, look into it, finding there the memory and experience that belong to you, that are you, is a comfort to me now as I feel the tethers loose and the prospects darken for the continuance of a journey that began not so long ago, and which began again with a faith shakened and strengthened by your convictions. If not for which I might never have been so strong now as I cross to face you and look at you incomplete, hoping that you will forgive me for not making the rest of the journey with you." - Scully, journalling to Mulder
OK you'll have to bear with me. This one is my #1 all-time most-favourite episode. I just think it's so perfect, it has everything I love. I've thought about it a lottttt. Heavy analysis and squeeing under the cut! Oh and bonus end-scene pics as well.
All of the monologues/journal entries by Scully are written to Mulder. *sob* She's saying what she needs to to the most important person in her life. She's trying to prepare him for the possibility of her death, for not being able to continue with him. 
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Mulder does something sweet for her - getting her flowers, but he jokes about it when he gives them to her. Just so him. He can't be direct with his feelings, always needs to deflect it away. But he GOT THEM for her. He wanted to say with his actions what he can't yet with his words. I love Scully's bashfulness at getting them. 😍 And then they just stare at each other, like they can pretend Scully’s not about to say something completely devastating.
Scully tells him the brutal truth because he needs to know - deserves to like anything else. "As certain as you have ever been. I have cancer." Mulder's stuttering "I don't accept that."  😭
In Skinner's office, Mulder is super fidgety. He's standing behind Scully, letting her take the lead.
Mulder looking at Scully when they hear of Betsy Hagopian's death, wanting to know her reaction, be there for her if she needs it.
Mulder seeing evidence of her illness for the first time - her nosebleed. Scully’s “Quit staring at me I’m fine.” and Mulder’s "You okay, Scully?" when she’s in the bathroom.
When Mulder can't tell Scully that all the other women are dead, except for Penny. His face is tragic.  His hand on her arm/back, supporting her. Trying to be there for her, trying not to lose it himself. Talking to her about where the cancer came from, that she doesn't care. He wants her to talk to Penny. Why? Scully's defensive but Mulder appeals to the investigator in her - "You have one remaining witness". Mulder gets some insight into how Scully is feeling here - her denial, her anger.
After talking to Penny and hearing about the treatment Scully gets her first glimmer of hope.
Mulder's reaction of frustration when faced with Scully's illness. Lashing out when she's not there, tells him to bring her stuff so she can start treatment. He leaves immediately when she asks - forgets all else even though there's probably a ton of info in the files that he'd normally be salivating over.
Scully's mom. I loveLOVE Sheila Larken's acting in this scene. She portrays her absolute anguish so incredibly, manifesting with a bit of anger at Scully withholding the truth from her. I just... can't even. And then they hug, ❤️
"Mulder, I hope that in these terms you might know it and know me and accept this stranger some may recognize but cannot ever completely cast out. And if the darkness should have swallowed me as you read this, you must never think there was the possibility of some secret intervention, something you might have done. And though we've traveled far together, this last distance must necessarily be traveled alone."  - Scully, journalling to Mulder, part 2
Scully, knowing how Mulder is, trying to spare him guilt for something he could have done to save her. Hoping this won't destroy him.
Mulder willing to give up everything to save Scully - wanting to make a deal with CSM. Skinner convincing him not to (and then making a deal himself). Everyone loves Scully.
The Lone Gunmen. "Well, pick out something black and sexy and prepare to do some funky poaching." Not only are they IN this episode but they get to venture out on an adventure WITH Mulder. Be still my heart.
"Mulder, I feel you close though I know you are now pursuing your own path. For that I am grateful, more than I could ever express. I need to know you're out there if I am ever to see through this." - Scully, journalling to Mulder, part 3
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I guess you could take this to mean - well, Scully being slightly psychic, she literally feels the closeness of his physical presence as he investigates the clinic where she is currently undergoing treatment. More likely, and far more emotionally satisfying, is that KNOWING that he is out there trying to help her, KNOWING how relentless he is, gives her strength. And she feels him close to her even though he's out there, because she knows he's doing it for her. She has hope with him on her side.
Mulder finding Scully's ova, finding out she's infertile. Are the Kurt's her offspring? Or are they all Emily's? Or are they separate things? (I've never been good at the details of the mythology, because usually it doesn't make sense.)
Finding Scully's room empty and her diary. His panic. Reading her words. ❤️
When he finds her in Penny's room, he nods at her. They have s silent conversation and he leaves. He waits outside for... hours?
Mulder tells Scully he read some of her journal. "I didn't want you to read that." Her voice is so small in that moment. Knowing that Mulder has seen her intimate thoughts makes her feel more vulnerable than any physical ailment.
"The truth will save you. I think it will save both of us." - Mulder
His emphasis on HER saving herself rather than HIM. He has faith in her more than himself. Wanting to give her comfort. Scully wanting to go back to work, and as we find out later, a lot of it has to do with Mulder.
Their incredible tenderness at the end. The first forehead kiss. The subtle caress of her face. Her arms wrapping around him under his jacket. Kill me now.
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