peterpparkrr · 2 years
Banter (ch. 1)
Series: Banter
Pairing: Roy Kent x f!Reader
Summary: You and Roy Kent do not get along. But your mysterious Bantr match on the other hand…
A/N: SEASON 3! SEASON 3! Ted Lasso is the only thing holding my sanity together so I figured I might as well write for it. Enjoy! 
(Ch. 2) (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4) (Ch. 5)
series masterlist
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Shutterbug: Do you ever feel like no one really knows you?
SirSwears-a-Lot: Yes. Most of the people I interact with are fucking idiots.
SirSwears-a-Lot: Has something prompted this existential crisis?
Shutterbug: My friends. And work. Everything.
SirSwears-a-Lot: It's hard to be vulnerable with people. 
SirSwears-a-Lot: In the effort to respond to honesty with honesty, I’ve recently been struggling with the question: What the hell am I doing?
Shutterbug: I’m about to start a new job and I’m questioning every decision I’ve ever made.
SirSwears-a-Lot: Same.
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You were trying to navigate your way through the AFC Richmond building when you spotted a familiar blonde ponytail down the hallway.
Keeley squealed your name when she turned around to see you. 
“EEEEEE! I’m so excited that you’re here!” She shouted as she ran toward you at full speed before launching herself at you, wrapping her arms around your neck tightly as you spin her in a little circle.
To this day you weren’t sure how you’d ended up being best friends with Keeley Jones. 
You’d met on a commercial set when you were an assistant to the photographer and Keeley as the talent for the shoot had charmed your pants off. 
Not literally. You two didn’t have that kind of relationship. No matter how often Keeley joked about wanting to shag you. 
But Keeley’s uncanny ability to befriend anyone and everyone she met had worked on you. Despite being the model-slash-acress-social media star at the center of the commercial she took the time to ask you your name, understand what your job was, and pepper you with personal and ranndom questions.
And as an unmoored creative professional in London, you’d latched onto Keeley as a familiar face in the circles you both ran in (Well, circles that Keeley ran in and you sort of loitered on the outskirts of with your camera). 
And when the two of you’d walked in on her boyfriend at the time shagging the executive for the brand you two were working on the shoot for, she’d slapped him clear across the face (the boyfriend, not the executive, you both wanted to continue working). And you’d let her move in with you until she could figure out what she was going to do next.
It had bonded you together for life. 
Which is how she’d managed to rope you into taking AFC Richmond’s promo photos despite your strong anti-sport stance. 
You were easily swayed by the Keeley Jones pout. And the promise of a well-paying job.
“Ted! Roy! This is my friend-slash-photographer-extraordinaire,” Keeley called out to two men in Richmond jackets that made their way over to you, introducing you all to each other. They both looked a little too old to be players so you assumed they were coaches. “She’s going to be the photographer for the promo shoot tomorrow.” 
“Nice to meet you, I’m excited to work with the team,” You tell them as you reach out to shake their hands. 
“Pleasure to meet an old pal of Keeley’s,” The one with the mustache, Ted, replies as he shakes your hand eagerly.
“Oh! You’re American!” You exclaim in surprise.
“Yes, we are,” Ted replies with a small chuckle. “But I promise we have nothing but the utmost respect for the game y’all call football.”
“I’m not really a football fan to be honest,” You admit with a shrug. 
You don’t necessarily have anything against the game itself. But the fact that the world pours billions of dollars into an industry built around boys kicking balls around seems silly to you. Especially considering the way some fans of the game react – hooliganism, riots, bar fights, increased rates of domestic violence after matches – it all seems like a waste.
“Roy! this is the photographer for the shoot tomorrow,” Keeley tells a man with a head of dark curls and a deep frown etched into his stubble.
You can’t help but give him the once over. It’s part of the artistic nature of your work, you’re always scanning people for their best angles, natural beauty, etcetera, that you might want to work with when you’re shooting.
And he’s pretty. In that gruff, grumpy mountain man kind of way.
“Nice to meet you,” You greet him with a smile as you hold out your hand to him. “Are you a player?”
“Do I look like I’m a fucking player?” He grumbles at you before he pushed between you and Keeley and walks into the locker room. 
“Excuse me?!” You shout after him, completely taken aback by the rudeness you’d just been faced with.
“You’ll have to excuse Roy,” Keeley tells you with an apologetic smile.  “He wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, well, every morning.” 
“Right,” You reply with a glance over your shoulder in the direction he stalked off to. 
“Since he’s not a player at least I don’t have to work with him,” You add with a halfhearted smile. Trying to play the optimist for the sake of your professionality.
Keeley’s eyes widen slightly when you say that and what smile you had managed drops off your face completely.
“Um…” She mutters.
“What?” You groan.
“He’s one of the other coaches,” Keeley tells you apologetically as she purses her lips at you.
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” You grumble. 
“Fucking dick,” You mutter under your breath as Keeley leads you down the hallway, explaining what the team owner, Rebecca Welton, is looking for brand-wise from these promotional photos.
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Shutterbug: Why are men such assholes?
SirSwears-a-Lot: I feel like you’re expecting me to defend my gender but I honestly can’t.
SirSwears-a-Lot: Men are pricks.
Shutterbug: Agreed. This guy I met for part of my new job was a complete and total dick to me today for absolutely no reason. If I didn’t like getting paid I would have gone full psycho bitch on his ass. See how he liked that.
SirSwears-a-Lot: I would pay good money to see that.
Shutterbug: I did meet another guy at this job today who was actually a really nice guy, like unnaturally nice.
Shutterbug: And you’re nice. 
Shutterbug: So I guess #NotAllMen.
SirSwears-a-Lot: I’m not nice.
Shutterbug: Yeah, you are. 
Shutterbug: You let your niece help you come up with your dating app profile.
Shutterbug: And if you weren’t a nice guy you wouldn’t let me complain to you all the time.
SirSwears-a-Lot: I complain back to you so it’s really an even exchange. Plus most of your stories are hilarious.
Shutterbug: Well, I do usually like my work.
Shutterbug: But my pro tip of the day: don’t work with athletes. 
SirSwears-a-Lot: Noted.
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“Hiya,” Ted greets you as you stand in the middle of the locker room on your phone.
You’re so engrossed in your text argument with Bantr boy about whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza that you jump slightly at the sudden noise.
“Ope, sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya,” Ted apologizes. 
“Oh, it’s fine, I just got wrapped up in a text conversation,” You tell him with a shrug as you tuck your phone back into your pocket and smile back at Ted. 
“Boyfriend? Girlfriend?” Ted asks curiously.
“Just a guy,” You tell him.
Ted nods for you to continue. Something you’ve almost never had someone, especially not a guy do to you in a professional context.
“Well, I’m on Keeley’s app. I figure at least one of us deserves to have success. Even if it’s professional and not personal.”
“You’re a good friend,” Ted interjects.
“And I have been flirting with one guy who’s actually funny. And intelligent. It probably won’t go anywhere but it’s fun to have someone to chat with who doesn’t know who I am.”
“I can’t say I understand the appeal of that sort of anonymity, what if you’re chatting with a serial killer? Or a homophobe? Or someone who hates pizza?” Ted replies. “But then again, I’m not young and hip.”
“It’s a valid perspective,” You reply with a nod. “I’m honestly not even sure if he would like me. If we ever met, I mean, I don’t know if I’m his type.”
“Well, you’re an absolute delight, I can’t imagine a single guy who wouldn’t like you, unless he hates, I don’t know, happiness and joy,” Ted tells you.
“Thanks, Ted,” You reply.
“Anything else I can help ya with?” Ted asks as he slaps his hands down on his thighs. “Got any of those big heavy lights you need moved around?”
“The lights actually aren’t that heavy,” You tell him with a burst of laughter. “I think I’m just about set up here. Just waiting on your team and then we can get started.”
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Shutterbug: What’s your type?
SirSwears-a-Lot: Why do you ask?
Shutterbug: Maybe I’m getting plastic surgery so that I can look like it.
SirSwears-a-Lot: Whatever you look like, you’re my type.
SirSwears-a-Lot: Unless you’re actually my boss catfishing me.
SirSwears-a-Lot: In which case, fuck you.
Shutterbug:  Damn. You’ve caught me!
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You couldn’t wait for this job to be over.
The team was actually easy. Other than a few players who tried to tell you about their best angles (Jamie Tartt had insisted that you needed to only shoot him from the left and seemed unable to not smolder during the shoot which was… an interesting choice), the solo shots of the players had been a breeze.
But these coaches were a whole different beast. 
Ted was happy, almost eager to take your direction. 
But the other three?
Coach Beard hardly spoke during the entire interaction and refused to smile but his pictures came out fairly decent. 
Nathan Shelley was so nervous and fidgety it took you ages to take the photos because he kept breaking the poses to ask you if he was doing alright.
Roy Kent was impossible.
“You have to stay in the pose,” You grumbled as you pushed past your lighting rig to re-adjust Roy for what felt like the hundredth time this afternoon to. 
“I feel fucking stupid in the pose,” Roy grumbled in response.
“Well, you look stupid when you don’t do it,” You shot back.
“Just listen to the nice lady, Roy,” Ted called out, causing a few of the others to chuckle. 
Something of a crowd had formed to watch the entire process. Some of the players who were done with training and the rest of the coaches were standing around watching now that their photos were over and you could tell that Roy hated having an audience.
“Shut up!” Roy shouted at them.
You groaned as he broke the angle again.
“Alright, everyone out!” You shout once you’ve finally lost your patience. You shoo at the men. “Everyone!”
Once it was just you and Roy in the room you turned back to him.
“The sooner you do what I tell you to do. The sooner this is all over,” You tell him. “You’re handsome, I don’t understand why you hate getting your photo taken so much.”
Roy didn’t reply with words, he simply grunted at you as you stepped towards him and lifted your hand to gently tilt his face back to the direction you wanted him to face before stepping away.
“There,” You said a minute later once you’d gotten all the shots you would need. “That wasn’t so painful, now was it?”
“Yeah,” Roy grunted again as he pushed through your set-up and disappeared back into the coaches' office. 
You watched him leave with a puff of mild annoyance before you realized that meant that today’s shoot was over and hurried to back up your things.
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Shutterbug: Would you ever want to meet up?
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You’d gotten to the restaurant too early. After you’d sent that message you’d thrown your phone across the room and tried not to panic. 
When you’d finally built up the courage to retrieve your phone you saw that he’d already messaged you back,
SirSwears-a-Lot: Yes.
SirSwears-a-Lot: Friday night? Bacco’s, 7 pm?
You grinned at your phone for a moment before typing your response.
Shutterbug: See you then :)
And you’d been riding on cloud nine for the last few days. You hadn’t told anyone about the date. Not even Keeley. No matter how hopeful you were about this working out, you hated the thought of getting someone else's hopes up so you decided to keep it a secret. 
Just until after the date.
But it also meant that you’d finished up the day’s shoot, gone home to get ready, and somehow ended up at the restaurant thirty minutes before your reservation. So you were standing in the waiting area, trying not to look too pathetic while you scrolled through Instagram.
Every time you heard the door open your eyes would flicker up only to be met with the view of a sweet elderly couple or a group of business partners making their way through the door. 
Until you heard to door open and looked up to lock eyes with Roy Kent. 
Your eyes widened before you offered him a sarcastic smile. 
“I’m waiting for someone,” You tell him in lieu of a greeting.
“Me too,” He replies gruffly.
“Good for you,” You reply with a furrow of your brows.
You roll your eyes and look back down at your phone, tapping out a quick message to let him know you’re here. You hit send just as your phone pings with a similar text from him. 
You look up to scan the room again just as Roy’s phone buzzes and your eyes lock as you realize that you’re the only two people in the waiting area. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” You groan.
“Fuck,” Roy mutters.
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eretzyisrael · 7 months
By Susan Edelman
According to interviews with multiple staffers, and a Jewish student’s safety transfer request, recent hate incidents include:
A student painted a mustache on his face to look like Hitler, and banged on classroom doors. When someone opened, he clicked his heels and raised his arm in the Nazi gesture, security footage shows.
Three swastikas in one week were drawn on teachers’ walls and other objects, a manager found.
A 10th-grader told Kaminsky, 33, who is Jewish, “I wish you were killed.”
Another student called her “a dirty Jew” and said he wished Hitler could have “hit more Jews,” including her.
Students pasted drawings of the Palestinian flag and notes saying “Free Palestine” on Kaminsky’s classroom door. One scribbled note that said simply, “Die.”
The teen tormentors have so far faced no serious discipline under interim acting principal Dara Kammerman, who has done little beyond contacting parents in an effort to practice “restorative justice,” staffers said.
“She is perpetuating an antisemitic environment and a school of hate,” said Michael Beaudry, campus manager of the Sheepshead Bay building that houses Origins and three other schools. “The students continue these behaviors because they know there won’t be any consequences.”
In response, the city Department of Education said it will launch a probe: “There is currently no evidence that these claims are true, but we are investigating the claims.” 
14This student allegedly sported a Hitler mustache and went door-to-door giving a Nazi salute.
14Teachers allege that interim principal Dara Kammerman perpetuates antisemitism by not disciplining students. 
In a disturbing instance in late January, a group of boys came into Kaminsky’s classroom at the end of the day, and cornered her, laughing, she said. 
“Miss Kaminsky, do you love Hitler?” one asked. 
“I was so taken aback,” she said. “I did not respond, and they all gave the heil Hitler sign.”
Frightened, Kaminsky quickly left her classroom. 
One boy waved to his friends to chase her inside the building, a scene captured on security footage, Beaudry said. 
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Origins HS student who allegedly painted a Hitler mustache on his face and went door to door giving the Nazi salute . Courtesy of Sidney Southerland
Kaminsky immediately reported the harassment to the acting principal — who refused to suspend the boys because she found they did nothing wrong, records show.
“We can’t do anything because the students claimed they were trying to have an ‘academic conversation,’” staffers quoted her as explaining.
Antisemitism at Origins HS has festered for several years, Kaminsky and Beaudry said.
About 40% of Origins students are Muslim. DOE stats list 22% as Asian, 22% Black, 17% Hispanic and 32% white.
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etherealmonstas · 5 months
“im going to find you” ? more like they’ll find you by griffinilla
Hello Neighbor! That's my ice-breaker! I just moved in across the street, I'm quite the entertainer Can I come in? Don't be a stranger! I like your mustache and I must ask who's your decorator
Why's he silent? Why's he violent? And is he having trouble with bears? Why the estrangement? What's in the basement? And why's a guy need so many stairs? Curiosity might get the best of me But we'll see... yeah, I gotta see Curiosity might be the end of me But we'll see... yeah, I gotta see
Hello Neighbor! Your house has layers! Stealthily searching for an answer to his strange behavior I hear him plotting On the entire acre Do me a favor, sometime later, fix your elevator Cameras and crowbars? Cages and key cards? I've got to get to the bottom of this Trollies and train tracks? Boxes in tall stacks? I've got to get to the top of that!
Curiosity might get the best of me But we'll see... yeah, I gotta see Curiosity might be the end of me But we'll see... yeah, I gotta see Hello Neighbor! You're quite the chaser! I don't know what I was expecting, I'm an infiltrator Wow you're fast, and might I say sir! Your home is wacky and it's tacky and it's full of danger Gotta run away I'm so scared This guy is crazy Why is there a shark? Run, run, run I'm gonna die I stalled for time to download some more rhymes... go!
Sorry for shenanigans but what's with all the mannequins? I swear I'm not a hooligan just wondering what you're doing, man Been managing my scavenging while travelling and tracking him And when he grabs me, I don't flinch like magic then I'm back again
Do-do-do-do-do-do-do! Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do! Do-do-do-do-do-do-do! Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do!
Curiosity has got it's hooks on me set me free! I just need the key to take a peek inside his keep I gotta see! I gotta see! I gotta...
Goodbye Neighbor! I'll catch you later! I just moved in across the street I'm quite the home invader Mission accomplished Got what I came for I know your secret Have no regrets, time to meet my maker
Curiosity got the best of me
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thekimspoblog · 10 months
Fantasy of the Day: Strawberry Milkshake
Inspired by @somethin-stupid-67
It's 2023. Not sure what state Jimmy and Kim are living in, but they decide to take the kids out for ice cream. Out in the parking lot, Jimmy notices some teenagers pointing at him and whispering. They are on their phones to make sure they are seeing what they think they see: Sure enough, it's that guy from YouTube. He grew a mustache, but it's still definitely him. Isn't he supposed to be in jail? One of the teens gets a bright idea and his friend pulls out his phone to start recording.
*Splat!* Something heavy and cold hits Jimmy right in the face. Pink drips down the front of his coat as he recovers from the shock. "Wooo! Did you guys get that? I hit Saul Goodman with a milkshake!" the boy screams, dancing around in front of the camera.
"Hey!" Jimmy yells, having to stop to make sure his nose isn't broken, "I'm just trying to have a nice night with my family here! How long am I going to be paying for something I did a lifetime ago?!" Usually Jimmy just tries to take this harassment in stride; society needs a scapegoat. But that cup easily could have hit Kim or his children instead, and that was enough for him to momentarily lose his temper. The comment was a mistake though, as now the hooligans' attention has been turned to the wife and kids. As the other teen continues to scroll through YouTube, he recognizes Kim as "That weird Jesus lady from basic cable". Kim tries to hide Iris behind her as the jerks begin to circle like vultures and ask more questions, but Iris has decided to handle this confrontation themself.
"Leave my dad alone! You think you're so tough?!" the five year old barks at the older kids in their pathetically squeaky voice. The boys just laugh at Iris. If nailing a minor celebrity in the face with strawberry ice cream wasn't enough, now a toddler is trying to threaten someone three times their size with the confidence of Bruce Willis; this is YouTube gold!
"Don't! Film! My daughter!" Jimmy steps between them. He doesn't want to get the law involved, when that's never worked too well for him in the past, but he'll do it if it comes to that.
"Everyone calm down!" Kim interrupts, "Alright. You got us. Very funny. But do you really think it's fair to put a child in the public eye without their consent?" The boys continue to posture with cavalier intimidation, but eventually the camera man breaks eye contact with the matriarch, realizing he might have started something he isn't prepared to finish. "We were leaving anyway," the other teen says, and the boys disperse.
Kim breathes a sigh of relief. She retrieves some paper towels from the car and begins blotting the milkshake off the front of her husband's coat. Jimmy keeps grumbling that the coat is probably ruined; his wife tells him he's worried over nothing; it will come out in the wash. Iris, however, has a good deal of questions what all that was all about. "Are you a movie star?" Iris skips around their parents in a circle excitedly. "Sure... I'm a movie star..." Jimmy sighs. This isn't the first incident which Iris has noticed their parents are apparently infamous. But they're still too young to understand why.
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jordangordan · 1 year
I need a man with a silly mustache to call me a hooligan.
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enjoymystories · 2 years
Story 1: You’re Hired
The chamber Gamagori dragged Mario to was semi-dark with lights illuminating the room like torches with a huge computer assisting them. Mario could make out the silhouettes of three people and someone else on the throne at the end. Mario was finally freed from Gamagori's whip as he was put in front of the throne.
"Bow before our student council president, Satsuki kiryuin!"Gamagori announced with pride and a salute.
Now that Mario was closer he could now make out the shadowy figures, the first being the closest him on the throne he figured to be Satsuki, she was a young woman with long black hair, unusually big eyebrows (he wasn't going to say that out loud in front of Gamagori.) and commanding blue eyes that pierced right through him. As for the other three, they had all similar outfits to Gamagori's with the first being a young man taller than him with dark green hair and a wooden kendo sword on his back. The second being a another young man with light blue hair and wires coming out of his uniform, he seemed too busy with his laptop to pay attention to last was a short young girl with pink hair wearing a conductor's hat with a monkey's skull? Like if she was reading Mario's mind as she gave him a angry look.
"Is this the new student Gamagori?"Satsuki questioned after taking a sip of tea.
"Yes lady Satsuki." Gamagori responded. "Not even here a day and this hooligan has tried disrupting the laws you've created Allow to me to name the list of his offences."
Gamagori then proceeded to pull out an... actual list of Mario's offenses and put on reading glasses.
"First off, reporting to school ground 30 and a half seconds late, wearing a unregulated uniform, Possessing contraband." Gamagori said while showing satsuki the gummi phone he took from Mario. "Having a ridiculous looking mustache!" He yelled with a annoyed twitch. Mario was wondering if he would bring that up.
"Finally, his latest two offences."Gamagori continued. "Interfering with a club's discipline of one of their members, and carrying around an unauthorized and ridiculous looking star."
"And how bout not actually being a student, Gamagori?" Spoke up the mustached man.
"Yes I was just getting to tha-WAIT WHAT?!" Yelled Gamagori surprised realizing that Mario was telling the truth earlier.
"I tried telling you, but you didn't want to listen." He pointed out.
"Enough Gamagori." Satsuki commanded and turned her attention towards Mario.
"You, who are you, and what is your business here?" Satsuki wanted to know, more like demanded but Mario didn't notice.
"Well I'm Mario and I'm here looking for someone who's missing and very important to me and I guess I'm also here to stop the heartless."
"The what?" Satsuki asked.
"Oh the "shadow monsters" you've been hearing about." He replied.
"An expert are you?" She asked rhetorically. "I've send at least a dozen men with experience into the city to take care of these "heartless" and all of them have disappeared, what makes you think you can deal with them?"
"Well, I've been fighting them for over a year now." Mario replied.
"WHAT?!" Yelled the pink haired girl as she jumped next to Satsuki. "Lady Satsuki you can't take this no-star at his word, he's gotta be full of crap I betcha he's got something to do with those things crawling around town."
"What? That's not true, I didn't' even know the heartless were here until I got here."He tried defending himself.
"Yep still smelling the bull mustache." Mocked the pink haired girl while pinching her nose.
"Enough, Jakuzure."Satsuki addressed her."Back to you Mario, I understand you most likely have a way dealing with these creatures, where is your weapon even?
"Right here." Mario responded by raising his hand and summoning the power star with quick flash of light in his hand. Satsuki and the elite four were definitely surprised by it's sudden appearance.
"Trust me its power will do a lot more damage then whatever your guys had." He said.
Satsuki eyed the large Star with curiosity with her stern face and held out her hand.
"I must ask, may I inspect it for myself?"
"Oh sure, I guess." Mario answered while handing the power star over to her.
As Satsuki took the power star from him she took notice of it's simple appearance and light weight her first thought was it's nothing special, but as her her eyes drifted towards the two beady eyes on on the front, Satsuki knew there was power hiding inside when she got one of the few surprises that week when the power star disappeared in a flash of light and was hovering back above Mario's hand.
"Sorry it's kinda of picky on who has it." He chuckled while dismissing the power star and rub the back of head.
"Are you saying lady Satsuki not good enough for your stage prop no star, Huh?" Questioned Jakuzure.
"No I'm saying that only certain people can-" Mario stop himself mid sentence when Donald at the back of his head yelled "ORDER", he knew that if he delivered more info about the power star and keyblade, he knew Satsuki would be asking more which would have revealed the existence of other worlds.
"Well?" Jakuzure questioned. "Ya see lady Satsuki he's hiding something make Gamagori beat it out him."
"Enough for now Nonon."Command Satsuki one last time. "Now then, the last known sighting of these creatures was in the residential district in the slums, if you eliminate them there and come back alive perhaps I assist you in your search for whomever it is your searching for. "Do we have a deal?"
"Definitely, and don't you worry I am coming back in one piece." Mario answered with confidence and started to walk towards the way out, but not before asking Gamagori for the gummi phone back.
"Hey I'm gonna need that back, some friends made that for me."
"Tsk". Gamagori spat knowing Satsuki will have had him give the phone back anyway, he dropped it back into Mario's hand who then went to leave.
"Well, I can tell that's an interesting plumber right lady Satsuki? Maybe me and him will cross swords and fists someday." Spoke the green haired teen but then his smile he had dropped when he notice Satsuki staring at her hand that held the power star . "Lady Satsuki?"
"I'm fine what's your data on Mario?" Satsuki asked.
"Well lady Satsuki, from what the data can tell me and despite what the gardening club president is calming,our guest is surprisingly not wearing any life fibers at all." He answered while clacking away on his laptop. "And this power star of his is far nomal that's for sure."
Satsuki was expecting those answers, especially after holding the power star. In the moment it went back to Mario she felt the great it held. She had to know more.
"Inumuta are there any cameras in the area he's heading?"
It took awhile for Mario to get all the way back to the slums from the academy that's when he noted the differences between the districts like how the one star district was much more pristine then the rundown slums he was in, does the status of the students matter where they lived? That didn't seem right to keep walking until he come upon a empty lot connecting two of the streets.
"This seems to be the place Satsuki was talking about." Mario said to himself. "But where could the heartless be hiding?"
Just as soon as he said that he noticed familiar movement going around the ground and dozens of shadow heartless came out the ground.
"There you are!" he said as he powered up with his power star and got into his battle stance.
Instead of charging right at Mario as usual they all jump into the center of the area into a pool of darkness, and as soon as they all jump in the heartless came bursting out of the ground as the Demon Tower and started swinging wildly at Mario. His response was dodge rolling to the side and started to smash away at the shadows making up the tower. Just as soon he was going in for a three hit jab attack the dark creatures separated all across the lot and coming back in the middle, but Mario jumped right over them to avoid being stampeded. Now all the shadows were reformed as the tower with all eyes starting to glow red signaling they were getting ready to attack again.
"Man, this thing is tough." Mario knew fighting this thing wasn't going to easy. The one Riku fought in the realm of darkness destroyed his first keyblade, way to the dawn after all and Mario sure wasn't gonna let something like that happen to him.
Just as soon as the amalgamation of heartless started to swipe at him again Mario ducked right under the attack and let loose with another combo of three punches and a star spin forcing the Demon Tower to dive into the ground, giving him the opening as before it came back up Mario smashed a question block and out came a Fire Flower and transformed into his Fire Flower Form. Now with the tower charging at him, he blocked the attack his fists and of preformed a parry forward smash as the tide dove right over him and causing a few shadows to fall out which he then proceeded to take out,with those shadows destroyed Mario then turned to face the Demon Tower.
"Okay then, time to take you out!" With that declaration he then proceeded to wail on the heartless with a fierce combo of fireballs, two punches and an up smash. But Mario wasn't done yet, with the tower staggering he then went into his pocket and pulled out a green koopa shell and unleashed hard kicks and attacked with seven lighting fast kicks."Eat this".He yelled as the last attack hit its mark, and using all of the Fire Flower Form's power Mario's clothes turned back into their normal colors, then he noticed the Demon Tower was still standing but not for long.
Focusing on the tower Mario jumped into the air and smashed another question block and used another Fire Flower power up as he put a fireball in his hands and shot out a barrage of fireballs into the air as they formed one massive fireball as Mario then jumped high at it and spiked it down hard as the massive fireball dived at its target and made a fiery explosion upon impact. Unable to take anymore, the shadows all started to dissolve into darkness destroying the Demon Tower.
Dismissing the power star, Mario took of his hat wiped some sweat off his forehead and put his hat back on.
"*Feow* Riku said they can get tough like that, but I thought only in the realm of darkness. Well time to tell Satsuki about this."
Mario turned to walk back Honnouji academy and back on the street when he got a surprise he wouldn't be able to predict again.
"Oh, Mario!" 
"Huh? WHOA!" Mario responded to the surprise by ducking as Mako literally came flying at him who then crashed into a trash can next to him.
"Aw, why didn't you catch me?" Mako said with disappointment and a banana peel on her head.
"Well that's how I usually respond to something coming at me Mako, I'll try next time maybe?" Mario questioned himself if he could. "So Mako what you are doing down here?"
"My family lives down here,there's my house see. Mako pointed to a house with a neon sign that said "Mankanshoku back alley-clinic". My father is a back alley doctor he's killed more people then he's saved. She said with a disturbing sense of pride.
"Hehe that's uh great Mako." Mario knew that wasn't something to be proud of even someone like jack sparrow might hire Mako's father for his crew even if he knew that, but he was more concerned with that her family was living in such a run down part of the city especially with the criminals and the heartless he fought so close.
"So Mario, what you doing down here? I thought Gamagori might taken you a dungeon and lock you up until you were an old man." Mako said like if she knew there might've have been an actual dungeon.
"Well, I think that's what he was taking me to Satsuki for, but she went easy on me and gave me a job to instead, I'm heading back now to tell her I finished up."
"Ok but do have a place to stay? My family likes to take in guest." Mako asked.
"Oh..." Mario realized his search for Peach might take awhile so he might had to stay in the city until he was sure she wasn't here or not. "Well, I definitely don't have a place to sleep right but I'll be back if I don't figure something out."
"Okay, I better better get home or Guts is gonna eat all of mom's mystery croquettes."
"What so mystery about them?" Mario asked.
"No one know what's in them but my mom." Mako answered.
Mario gulped at that, he didn't want to eat what might try to kill him, the heartless were enough thank you very much, good thing he still had some food from the bistro.
"You've returned." Satsuki said without any surprise as she took some tea from her butler Soroi, she saw the whole fight on the cameras and needless to say, she was impressed by his fighting skills.
"I told you I would didn't I." Mario said with a hint of smugness as he approached her.
"Now then, I believe you were looking for someone?"
"Oh right..." Mario remembered that promised to help in his search for Peaxh, he pulled out the gummi phone to her the same picture he showed Mako earlier.
"This is Peach, something happened and now she's gone missing, all I know is she's still out there somewhere which is way I came here."
Satsuki memorized Peach's face so she can potentially find her among the many students in the academy.
"Very well then I'll have Inumuta contact a search throughout the city security system, although this will take time."
"Thanks, I have to say when I got here I wasn't' expecting any hel..." Mario stopped himself when Soroi seem to be taking his measurements. "Uh... what's going on?
"Oh yes I forgot to mention, you're hired." Satsuki said while taking a sip of tea.
"Hired for what?" Mario asked.
Satsuki didn't respond but instead gave a smile.
(One day later)
"Come on hurry up they'll catch up!"
"I'm going as fast as I can, cut me some slack!"
The two thieves were running from the one star security force, their boss said they would slip in and out without alerting anyone while they grabbed the stolen items, but it turns out their was a trip alarm connected to the door forcing them to run. If they made out alive their boss was going to get the crap kick out him for being wrong.
"Come on Jessie, the front door is close." The male thief said as they made it to the first floor.
"We're in the home stretch James, let's get out of here!" The female thief named Jessie said with excitement.
"Yeah, no you're not."
The duo skidded to a halt when they saw their only way out was blocked by the last person they wanted to run into. It was Mario wearing a red glowing hall monitor sash and white goku uniform similar to the elite four but it was a two star instead, he also had his power star hovering above him so people would take him more seriously.
"Aw dammit it's the hall monitor." James said with a hint of fear.
"He's the guy that beat the crap out of the gardening club, r-right?" Jessie asked with more obvious fear.
That not the kind of reputation Mario thought he would make in just a day but Satsuki insisted he use it to make a name for himself while he worked for her, at least she gave a place to sleep in the academy and some help while he looked for Peach. Satsuki also said the two star goku uniform would increase his abilities but he didn't feel any different.
"Jessie we got no choice, we've got to put them on." James whispered to his partner.
"WHAT?! You can do it, but I'm not striping in front of him to put that on!" Jessie scolded with a blush on her face.
James didn't say anything as he opened up the bag he was carrying revealing a couple of one star uniforms, which was what they were being hunted for in the first place. James striped down to his boxer shorts and put on the goku uniform just as fast while Mario was confused at the sight and Jessie was blushing again.
"There's two of us and one of him, come on Jessie we can do this." James said with assurance.
As much as she didn't want to do it Jessie knew her partner had a point that it was their only option now, it was time to shallow her embarrassment. For a moment Mario thought the girl wasn't going to do it, but when she started to take off her clothes and exposed her underwear, he imminently covered his eyes with his hands to a gentleman that's just how he was.
As soon as Jessie completely put on the uniform she stomped the ground to test her new power forming a small crater in the floor.
"Let's get this guy."
"That the spirit Jessie we take this gu-"
James didn't even finish his sentence when Mario stomped on his head and made him unconscious, which Jessie bludged her eyes in surprise at, realizing he was going to be unconscious for a while it left her with only one option.
"I SURRENDER!" She yelled with her hands in the air.
"That is an excellent idea." A voice belonging to the second person Jessie was hoping not run into.
Gamagori grabbed the fear shaken thief by the back of her collar and dangled her in the air
"Now then as much as I don't want to, I must thank you for catching these two thiefs for us." He said with disdain.
"What are going to do to them now?" Mario asked.
"I'll be taking these two to interrogation lady Satsuki believes that there is a mastermind behind this attempted theft and I'm going to find out who." Gamagori said while grabbing the still unconscious James under his arm.
"Go easy on them would ya?" Mario said.
Gamagori chucked at that, Mario was asking the wrong person for that he wasn't disciplinary chair for nothing after all.
Six months since it happened,since her search started for her father's killer and she only had a couple of clues, the first being the giant half of the red scissor blade that was impaled in her father's chest before he died he said that other half belonged to his killer and before her childhood home exploded she saw someone leaving with another scissor blade but afterwards she lost them. Her second club were these strange shadow monsters that showed up after she lost the killer, they tried to take her out too but she was able to outrun them when she couldnt beat their numbers now her thoughts were that if she found them again she would find where her father's killer was hiding, but they haven't appeared at all in the last six months putting on a dead end. Until she reached osaka rumors there have said that strange shadowy creatures were appearing in honnou city, her first thought were they had to be the same ones that attacked her but that wasn't all, rumors also said a new student there with a large star.
It didn't sound like the killer but maybe the school there had a theme there for strange shaped items. Like that meat tank in kobe.
Now waiting for a bus to Honnouji, the black haired girl with a red highlight in it sat down on a bench and layed down her guitar case, pulled a lemon out of her pocket and took a bite out of it.
(I'm close dad I can feel it,maybe if I find this guy with the star I'll find your killer and I'll beat it out of him if I have to!) Ryuko Matoi promised herself this with determination.
Unknown to her a black coated figure was watching in the distance and disappeared into a dark corridor.
Mario and Ryuko are finally going to meet next chapter so it's going to be following Episode 1 of Kill la Kill, look forward to it and I'll see you next chapter. Later!
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badlemonx · 2 years
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Bandit wanted me to wish all my hooligans a Happy St Pattys Day #stpattysday #Irish #green #mustache #doggo #shamrock https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp6Fgn6rAjc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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galacticlamps · 3 years
Watching this beginning bit with Ben swimming back to the quay after escaping his ducking on the Anabel, I’m reminded again of how well this whole serial really incorporates him, Polly, and the Doctor - which might seem like faint praise, but there are certainly episodes that sideline, misunderstand, or under-use characters all the time, to say nothing of giving them a job that doesn’t particularly play to their specific strengths. But here we’ve got Polly spending most of the serial taking charge of her own plotline, pairing off with Kirsty in the outsider/Doctorish role, scheming and plotting up ways to blackmail soldiers and find their friends. We’ve got Ben falling back on his experience in the Navy, not just swimming for his life but coming into conflict with the English army’s dishonorable treatment of their prisoners, and being the first of them to figure out (in the previous episode) that they’re going to be sold illegally as slave labor, rather than the transportation sentence that was a legitimate way of dealing with rebels at the time, despite him not having a great grasp on the history of the time. And of course the whole time the Doctor’s letting loose with his new incarnation, being chaotic, dressing up, doing silly voices, humiliating villains, and getting into mischief that also winds up cleverly furthering the plot - when Ben asks him why he’s pretending to be a sentry his first response is “Why? Because I like it here” and his second response is because “it keeps the other soldiers away” - it’s not really a happy accident at all though, because he’s loading Kirsty’s rowboat full of his stolen weapons, but yes, if that fake mustache is anything to go by, he’s also having a bit of fun with it himself.
I think it’s a more well-constructed serial than I ever gave it credit for, overall but also specifically in the way that it lets them all do their own thing without it ever becoming irrelevant. It’s a good marriage of character & plot driving the action without conflicting with one another.
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todaysmoustache · 4 years
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Today’s #moustache goes on #neighborhoodpatrol with @bruinjenn and comes across @grosspolluter #slaptag #todaysmoustache #mustache #covid19 #hooligans https://www.instagram.com/p/CAZPtJUjJGk/?igshid=1fmrkl3bi8s4z
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Disney anon here: yes. If you want, you can watch the whole Bella Notre sequence to catch my idea.
Why have I never watched this movie? That scene alone was freaking adorable! Okay, I’m really excited to write this now.
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“This has got to be the weirdest date ever, Steve,” you chuckled, glancing at the backseat of your boyfriend’s car where four kids were crammed.
“I’m just thrilled he’s taking us all to Enzo’s,” Lucas said.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you,” Steve mumbled.
“I don’t mind. It’ll be fun,” you smiled.
You hadn’t been dating Steve long and you couldn’t help but love the kids that he’d somehow adopted and befriend at the same time. Even though technically they’d crashed your date night, it was more than fine by you. They were fun.
“I’m the one that suggested Enzo’s anyway,” Max scoffed, “I can’t believe you haven’t taken Y/N there yet!”
“Well, I was going to at some point,” Steve rebuked.
“Well tonight’s the night then,” Mike added.
“Hey Steve?” Dustin sat forward in his seat, leaning closer to him in the driver’s seat, “Take my advice and settle down with this one, yeah?”
“Would you sit back before you end up hurting yourself Henderson?” Steve commanded.
“Okay dad, just saying.”
When you got to Enzo’s, the four teens clamored out of the BMW and into the restaurant like their pants were on fire.
“I really am sorry for this,” Steve winced.
“Steve, really, it’s okay,” you said, waiting for him to lock his car before walking with him to the door.
He held the door open for you like a gentleman—which he was—and walked in.
You stood waiting for the hostess for what seemed to be a long time but in reality was no longer than five minutes. The kids were nowhere in sight.
“I wonder where the rascals got to,” Steve said, peering around the restaurant for them.
You didn’t spot them either.
“Ah Mr. Harrington and guest. I apologize for the wait.”
A stout, balding, Italian man with thick eyebrows and a matching thick mustache appeared in front of the hostess stand.
“Your table is already ready and the rest of your party is waiting for you,” he said, motioning for you to follow him.
“Ah, that must be the hooligans,” you teased, good naturedly.
The man deposited you and Steve at a semi-private table in the back of the restaurant, Dustin, Max, Lucas and Mike already sitting and looking at their menus.
“We went ahead and made some arrangements,” Mike said, not looking up from his menu.
“What does that even mean?” Steve asked.
“It means sit down and shut up,” Max retorted, motioning to yours and Steve’s seats across the table from the four of them.
You cast Steve a glance, figuring you ought to do what you were told.
When the waiter came, the kids placed their orders. You opened your mouth to order.
“Oh, don’t worry. We already ordered for you,” Dustin grinned, like a cat who caught a mouse.
“You what?”
Steve looked as baffled as you felt. It was like the kids had planned a date for you…while being out on said date with you.
“We ordered you the spaghetti and meatball special,” Lucas piped in.
“Well, at least they have taste,” Steve muttered to you, “They have amazing spaghetti here.”
You nodded.
“Okay, well, sounds good to me,” you said.
After fifteen minutes of chatter, some squabble amidst Steve and the kids and an amusing round of Never Have I Ever, your food arrives.
Pasta plates were set in front of each teen, but only one was set in front of you and Steve.
“Uh I think the waiter forgot an additional plate,” Steve said.
“Nope, he didn’t,” Mike said, already digging into his fettuccine.
Max grabbed two forks from your places, holding them out to the two of you.
“One plate, two forks. There’s enough to share,” she grinned.
You shrugged helplessly at Steve, highly amused. You happened to think it was adorable the lengths that they had went for you two.
“You guys are up to something,” Steve peered at them suspiciously, taking one of the forks from Max’s hand.
The four just stared back, identical, angelic, innocent looks on their faces.
“See, when they look like that, that’s when you begin to worry,” Steve noted.
You giggled, twirling a small bite of pasta on your fork at your end of the plate. Placing it in your mouth, you nearly groaned in pleasure.
“Okay, this is insanely good,” you nodded, hand covering your mouth as you chewed.
“Told you,” Dustin said, having ordered the same thing for himself.
You and Steve were both enjoying the food when you jumped at the sudden, semi-loud and very off-key sound of four singing voices.
“Oh this is the night! It’s a beautiful night!”
You glanced at Steve, who humorously had frozen in place, fork still in his mouth from his last bite.
“And we call it Belle Notte!” the four sang.
They were swaying back and forth dramatically now.
“Look at the skies! They have stars in their eyes!”
Max thrust her arms out towards you and Steve as they sang.
“On this lovely Belle Notte! Side by side, with your loved one, you’ll find enchantment here!”
“Steve, I think we’re being Lady and the Tramp’d,” you chuckled, amused.
“I’m not surprised that Sinclair has seen it, nor Henderson. But, you?” he glanced at Mike.
Mike shrugged.
“El convinced me to watch it.”
“Come on, do the spaghetti thing,” Dustin pleaded.
“If we do, will you stop singing?” Steve asked, “People are staring.”
They nodded.
“Let’s go for it,” you grinned, picking up a spaghetti strand, putting it in your mouth.
Steve copied your actions, slurping it until he reached your mouth and surprisingly was grinning as he kissed you sweetly.
He couldn’t be mad at the teens after going to all this trouble for them.
The kids seemed satisfied, beaming at you two before Dustin spoke.
“Next thing you know, they’ll be carving their initials into wet concrete with their paw prints.”
Steve tossed a breadstick in his direction causing the entire table to laugh.
This might’ve been the best date, not date, you’d ever been on.
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baby-girl-e · 2 years
Cherry Wine part 2
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Part 1
Characters - Phoenix x f!Reader
Summary - You and Natasha talk about what you are to each other and you get to meet some of her friends.
Word Count - 2.1k
Warnings - Spicy fluff, Implied sexual content, internalized homophbia (past tense), lots of feelings and kissing
A/N - I am crazy shocked at how well the first part of this fic was received! It means a lot to me since this is heavily based on my own life (you can read the post that explains it Here) . I hope you enjoy this one just as much! I’m still learning the ropes of writing so be kind and I’ll hopefully be able to write actual smut soon!
You’re not entirely sure how long you stood there on the beach kissing Natasha, but eventually whistles and hollers snap you out of your haze. It suddenly hit you that you had just been making out with Nat in front of her friends and you totally forgot about them. “Right, those fuckers. Um Y/N, how do you feel about being introduced to some of my coworkers?” The fact that she wanted to introduce you to people she trusted with her life was sending your head into an uncontrollable spin. “Yeah, I’d really like that.” Natasha takes your hand and starts running back to her group with you trailing along behind her. 
Once you’re closer to them you can really see how tall they all are, towering even yours and Nats 5’7”. “So guys, this is my… friend Y/N. She just moved here from our hometown.” She hesitated saying friend and you couldn’t blame her. You both had realized the others' mutual feelings mere minutes ago. You didn’t exactly have time to discuss what that made you to each other. A tall blond man is the first to speak up “Wow, friend? Phoenix if that’s how you greet a friend I fear for what that makes us!” Nat starts to blush, referring to him as hangman stuttering to defend herself before a taller man with a mustache approaches you, extending his hand for you to shake. “I’m Bradley, Rooster to these hooligans. It’s very nice to meet you.” Bradley seemed nice, you could tell he was raised well. One by one they all introduce themselves by both their names and call signs. It’s hard to keep up and you know you’ll have to re-learn some. “Do you wanna go somewhere and talk maybe?” Natasha was rarely shy, but she was all nerves now. Did she really think you’d turn down time with her? “Yeah that’d be great.” She goes to grab her stuff and walks with you back the way you came. 
It’s a quiet walk for a couple of minutes before Nat breaks the silence, “So, can I ask why you’re here? I mean not that I’m not happy about it, I just-” You cut her off with a kiss to her lips, hand on her chin turning her head ever so slightly to yours. “You think too much Nat.” She’s blushed more times in the last ten minutes than you think you’ve ever seen the entire time you knew her. With her chin still in your hand she mumbles back to you “Are you advocating I think less? You know, that's one popular opinion in my line of work.” Confused, you decide to enquire further, “I’m sorry what? They teach you not to think?” She laughs and you release her chin and continue walking hand in hand. “Well our team lead on our last mission was always preaching it, and I guess it saved his life.” You don’t think you’ll ever understand the Navy honestly. “Well he seems, Interesting.” Nat just nods, accepting that description. 
Eventually you reach your pretty much empty apartment save for the furniture your boss already had. You sit down on the couch, gesturing for her to do the same. “So I think the first thing we should talk about is that kiss? Perhaps?” You’re hoping for some answers honestly, you went from friends to whatever the hell this was in like maybe thirty minutes? That kiss was the very last thing on your list of things that could happen, maybe like ever, least of all that night. “Like I said before, I’ve liked you for a while but I was always too scared to say anything. Then when I could’ve died all I could think about was the fact that I never told you how I felt.” You scoot closer to her, your hand on her thigh. “And those feelings are…?” She sighed and smiled, shaking her head slightly like she was about to say the most obvious thing in the world. “That I am without a doubt, irreversibly, in love with you.” You barely let her say those last words before your lips are on hers pushing her onto her back. You stay on top of her, unwilling to let go. You stay like this for a few more minutes before Phoenix flips you and kisses you again. She pulls back, loose ponytail hairs hanging in your face and this woman actually giggles. “Does this mean you love me too?” You roll your eyes and kiss her hard on the lips once more. “Yes I love you. Of course I love you.” Her face lights up and she breaks into a grin. It seems that she, like you, needed a verbal confirmation of the others feelings. The two of you carried on with your impromptu makeout session before she stopped it again. “Natasha I swear to god if you stop kissing me one more time I’m going to lose it.” She pecks you on the lips again and you sigh, perfectly content. “When I said let’s talk, I really did mean let's talk.” She’s right, like always. “Fine, but for the record this is way more fun than talking has ever been.” Nat pulls you to a sitting position, her on your lap. “Look, You’re special to me. I want to do this right, and I want this to be real. If we’re going to do this then it has to be all in.”
 You consider her words. All in? Did you even know what that meant? It amazed you that anyone would want to get to know you well enough to even think about being all in. You couldn’t remember the last time someone prioritized you, made you feel important. Sure you had friends, and people who were nice to you, but they were really only there for you when it was convenient for them. They were only there for you when they remembered to be. But Nat? She saw you. She wanted to be there for you. No matter where she was, or what she was doing, she always remembered. You remember years ago when you were maybe 14 when your cousin died, it felt like the whole world was crashing down onto you. This was the first time in your young life that you felt true and gut wrenching heartache. Your parents told you when you got home from school and lo and behold hours later there was Nat on your porch, flowers in hand and tears in her eyes. She held you while you cried and stayed that way for at least a few hours. That day was valentine's day and every year on the holiday since then she was at your door, flowers in hand, ready to hold you. It hurt less and less year after year, and eventually it became just the two of you making the day your own. It was never a romantic thing, neither of you realizing your feelings just yet, it was more than that. The two of you had carved out your own little world amidst the chaos and you couldn’t be happier. Even when she started with the Navy she always sent you a letter on valentines day, and you kept every single one of them. “Nat, There’s nobody in this world that gets me like you do. That cares as much as you do. Even when you’re worlds away, you still showed up for me. I’m all in. I’ve never been so certain of anything in my entire life.” Nat smiles ear to ear. She looked like she almost couldn’t believe it. Her not believe it? “So… does this mean you’re my girlfriend then?” You smile back, and lean in close, “You bet your ass it does, Lover.” You may have exaggerated that last word, dragging it out low next to her ear. You swore you heard what was a mixture of a squeak and a moan from Nat before you’re kissing again, her pushing you back down onto the couch. In a flurry of desperate hands, searching lips, and strained breaths, you fall into bed with your best friend. Finally. 
The next morning you wake with the sun, warm, sated, and deliriously happy. There was a warm body next to you, in the same state of undress, snoring quietly. You would’ve never imagined that this was how your night could’ve gone but you’re so glad it did. You look down to see Nat in all her sun-kissed glory sprawled on the bed, hair framing her head like a halo. You take a moment to brush your fingertips along her cheekbone slightly and suddenly it’s hard to breathe. Have you ever seen someone so beautiful? Sure you had spent years looking at Natasha, from a friendly and romantic perspective, but this felt different somehow. It was almost like what the two of you had done last night uncovered something. She was no longer just your friend, or even someone you were crushing on. She was yours. Heart and soul, the two of you were officially lovers. You think about how proud your younger self would be at this moment. Little Junior High you who had just realized that they may also like girls in a time and community that didn’t support it. She was scared, and even tried to pray it away. She would be so happy that you had found this peace and comfort in Natasha, shocked probably, but happy. It hurt to think about the time you thought liking girls was a bad thing, but it wasn’t your fault. When someone is brainwashed, they don’t know they’re brainwashed. All you were taught was how to love a man, and to avoid everyone who felt differently. It was a slow change, but eventually you embrace your differences. This was a part of you and you couldn’t imagine living any differently, especially now. That scared little girl deserved better. She deserved better from her parents, her community, and from the church that claimed to love her. You couldn’t mess this up, you had to do this right. For her.  
You took a moment to admire Natasha a little, the curve of her shoulders, the slightly freckled collarbone from spending her time in the sun. You brushed away the hairs from her face to lean down and kiss her cheek, hoping to wake her this time. You get your wish in the form of Nat moving her head slightly to kiss you square on the lips. “Good morning Y/N.” She mumbled against your mouth and you thought that was what would do you in. You desperately needed this every morning for the rest of your life. “Good morning indeed Natasha.” She smiles against your lips and slowly makes her way down your neck. She’s relentless on her exploration of you and you seriously can’t find it in you to have any objections. You giggle as she gets lower, her lips on the tops of your breasts. “Sleep well?” You ask her this casually, knowing her answer. She releases your breasts long enough to snarkily answer, “I did once somebody let me sleep!” You scoff at her and roll your eyes. “I’m sorry, are you complaining? Listen it’s not my fault you look that god damned good. Honestly Nat, are you trying to kill me?” She looks bashful, but still a bit smug. “Now why would I want to do that?” Her faux innocence was punctuated with a wink. That minx. “Well, if you could just tone down the drop dead gorgeous thing that’d be great.” She blushes at your words and makes her way back up to your lips. “I will if you will.” She’s always challenging you to do better, be better, and you always take her up on it. Guess you’ll have to listen now too. “You’re on Trace, but I’m going to tell you right now that no matter what you do it won’t work.” She shakes her head and kisses you once more, this time a bit more deep. Her tongue is involved and it pulls a positively sinful sound out of you. “Oh like that, huh baby?” You moan at the pet name, remembering when she said that for the first time last night. It caught you so off guard, but it almost made you climax right there and then. What really set you off was when she said it later, praising you with a “That’s it baby, that’s a good girl.” If you had been hooked up to a heart monitor you probably would’ve flatlined right there. Back in the present you decide to be a little snarky, feeling brave. “I didn’t show you enough last night?” She looks intrigued by your slight brattiness but seems to like it. “No, why don’t you be a good girl and show me?” Oh she was really testing you wasn’t she? You’ll show her.
Tags: @some-lovely-day @sarah-lane123 @thislovewillsetyoufree @lithiumwolf19 @natasharomanoffisbaebby
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panicked-herb · 3 years
HTTYD Book designs
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Here's some Viking and dragon designs I came up with for the HTTYD books comic adaptation. I've always listened to the audiobooks and I only own the first book, so the designs are based on what's in the wiki (I couldn't find any images for Terrible Tuffnut, Lackwits, Eagleflys, Aligatiger, or Brightclaw). I was also heavily influenced by the movie designs and The Art of How to Train Your Dragon.
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It's still just a sketch, but this is my design for the Long Beach.
Image descriptions below.
[ID: Lineart designs of 27 Vikings and 11 hunting dragons from the first book.
The first row has: Thuggory, Killer, Fishlegs, Horrorcow, Hiccup, Toothless, Snotlout, and Fireworm.
Thugory has curly hair, helmet with straight horns pointing left and right, the beginnings of a mustache, one earring on his right ear, a furry cape that claps in the front, a snake themed armband, tunic, belt with a skull in the center, and instead of shoes he has bandages wrapped around his feet. Killer is a Monstrous Nightmare. He is drooling, has sharp teeth protruding up, three horns on his head, and has one wind stretched out.
Fishlegs has curly hair, helmet with curved horns, big round glasses, a squint, downwards pointing nose, loose tunic, belt, lobster claw necklace, pants, and boots with fish scales at the top. Horrorcow is a basic brown and is crouched with her head bowed down. She looks like a cow with wings, vampire teeth, two small horns on the head, spikes on the back, and a long lizard-like tail.
Hiccup is the shortest and smallest of the Hooligan novices. He a helmet with curved horns, freaks all over his body, straight hair that goes up, a long fur vest, tunic, pants, and fur boots that reveal his toes. Toothless is labeled as a Toothless Daydream. Toothless is standing on his back legs with his wings stretched out. All together he is slightly smaller than Hiccup's head.
Snotlout is about a head taller than hiccup. He has a curled horned helmet, the beginnings of a moustache, very large upturned nose, a vest like Hiccup’s but bigger at the shoulders, tunic with no sleeves, big belt, skeleton tattoos on his forearms, pants, and fur boots. Fireworm has one clawed hand pointing and she is laughing with her tongue out. She looks like Killer, but she only has two head horns and they point backwards.
The second row has Dogsbreath, Sea Slug, Clueless and his Lackwit, Wartihog and his Gronkle, Tuffnut Jr. and his Eaglefly, and Speedifist and his Eaglefly.
Dogsbreath is the largest of the Hooligan novices. He has a helmet with the classic viking horns and one horn at the top pointing up, a bear fur shoulder cape, sleeveless tunic, belt with a seashell, pants, and fur boots. The right boot reveals his toes. Sea Slug is a gronkle and looks like a smaller version of the movie Gronkles.
Clueless has a helmet with a wave pattern and curled horns that covers his eyes. He is wearing a large fur vest that goes down to his knees and covers his torso. He is not wearing any shoes. His Lackwit looks like if you made an otamatone a violent dragon who embodies “no thoughts, head empty.”
Wartihog is the second widest Hooligan novice. He has a helmet with two horns, his hair is in four braids that stick out, he has full body acne, he is dressed in a large tunic with short sleeves, he has a belt with a patched in section to make it wider, and has fur boots. His gronkle looks like the previous gronkle.
Tuffnut Jr. has long straight hair, three piercings on his left ear, helmet with tall horns, tunic with long sleeves, belt, fish scales under his belt, and boots. His eaglefly looks like a cross between an eagle and the movie's nadders. The eaglefly is sitting and glaring.
Speedifist has a helmet with two pairs of horns, afro, short fur vest, sleeveless tunic, belt, bandages wrapped around his hands, pants, and fur boots. His eaglefly is posed to catch something with its legs.
The next row is Mogadon the Meathead, Stoick the Vast, Vallarama, Gobber the Belch, Baggybum the Beerbelly, and Old Wrinkly
Mogadon has a large fur cape that reaches the ground, hamlet with one curly horn and one curled horn, eyepatch over his right eye, a long sleeve tunic that reveals his chest, belt with skulls across it, pants, and a pegleg.
Stoick looks like his movie counterpart, but his helmet has curled horns and he has a heart and arrow tattoo on his left arm.
Valhallarama has Leia buns, helmet with large curled horns, shoulder armor, scaled torso armor, long sleeve dress, shin armor, and boots.
Gobber is the tallest adult. He has a helmet with curly horns, one blind eye, a beard with many small braids that curls up, a tiny deer skin vest that is barely held together by two strings, and shorts that have fur jutting out.
Babbybum is the widest viking. He has a helmet with horns that curl outwards, eyepatch over his right eye, a fluffy beard, no shirt, a beerbelly, wavy tattoo on his left arm, some kind of animal skin skirt, pants, and fur boots.
Old Wrinkly has a helmet with very long curly horns, a lot of wrinkles, a beard longer than him with random braided sections that rests on the floor, long sleeve tunic, and fur boots. He is using a tall wooden staff.
The next row is The Vicious Twins, Terrible Tuffnut, Hairy Scary Librarian, and Camicazi.
The Vicious Twins are both dressed in a sleeveless tunic with a spiked belt, have breads and have helmets with one horn pointing up and one horn pointing down. The left twin has curly hair, wearing a fur boot on his right and is missing his left leg below the knee. The right twin is wearing an eyepatch on his left eye and is only wearing a boot on his left foot.
Terrible Tuffnut has bangs covering his eyes, long hair that is braided under his chin to look like a beard like movie Tuffnut in The Hidden World, long sleeved tunic with a spiked belt, hook prosthetic for his right hand, and wooden peg for his right leg that is amputated above the knee.
The Hairy Scary Librarian has a helmet with wide downwards pointing horns, long floor length hair with two swords inside it, knee length beard, long sleeved tunic with blood stains on the left sleeve, and fur boots.
Camicazi, while not in the first book, is also in this drawing because she deserves it. She is the shortest character, almost one head shorter than Hiccup. She is standing with her hands on her hips. She has almost floor length, wild, tangled, hair that is bigger than her. She is wearing hoop earrings, necklace, bracelet, rope tied around her shoulder, belt, long sleeve tunic, pants, and fur boots.
The fourth and last row has two hooligan novices, Aligatiger, Brightclaw, three Viking women, one girl, and one teen boy.
Hooligan Novice Extra one has a helmet with one horn pointing up and one horn pointing down, bangs covering his eyes, hair that is braid into pigtails, short sleeved tunic, belt, pants, and no shoes. Beside this extra is the hunting dragon Aligatiger. Aligatiger’s race and gender is unknown. They look like an alligator with tiger stripes and wings. They are standing in water with their wings spread out.
Hooligan Novice Extra two has a helmet with two horns pointing down, fur shoulder cape with a clasp in the center, long sleeve tunic, and boots. Beside this extra is the hunting dragon Brightcalw. Brightclaw’s race and gender is unknown. Their design is similar to a Chinese dragon, but it has two pairs of arms and one pair of legs. They’re looking at a fish they're holding with their leg and their arm is cupping their face.
The first Viking woman extra has a helmet with tall curled horns, fluffy hair that is covering her eyes, a long sleeve, floor length dress, apron, and belt.
The second Viking woman extra has a helmet with thin curled horns, short pigtails, sleeveless dress, breast armor, bear skin skirt tied under her chest, and no shoes.
The third Viking woman extra has a helmet with wide horns pointing up, long, braided pigtails, fur vest, sleeveless dress, one fur boot on her left leg, and a wooden peg leg for her right leg.
The Viking girl has a helmet with two pairs of horns, an afro, closed right eye with a scar over it, shoulder cape with a wood pulled down, long sleeve, floor length dress, and a bag tied around the waist.
The Viking teen boy has a helmet with large curved horns, unibrow, stubble, short fur vest, sleeveless tunic, belt, fur boot on his left leg, and a wooden peg leg for his right leg.
End first ID]
[ID: Sketch of a long beach with a cliff. It has several stalls and tents set up, a long ramp leading from the cliff to the beach neat the south, a spiral sloping section connecting the beach to the peninsula above it, and is packed with Vikings. Next to the beach is the wooden pike gates to the village.]
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techmomma · 2 years
Outside of the Academia, a line of fire engines are parked outside with their lights swirling and firefighters--in somewhat outlandish uniforms with interesting firefighting equipment--are standing around looking thoroughly bored. The Headmaster Tiberius is pacing on the front lawn with an angry black scribble above his head, positively furious. He swats it away.
“When I find the little hooligan who pulled the alarm as a prank, I’m going to expel them, and then I’m going to create a legal maelstrom that will chase them for years, and THEN I’ll bury them under the stadium...” he snorted, standing akimbo, anxiously adjusting his lapels and cuffs and anything else he could possibly find for an excuse to soothe himself.
“Headmaster... Poppyfeld?” A soft brogue requested behind Tiberius and he turned, rolling his eyes.
“Yes, that’s me, I--”
“False alarm?”
Tiberius saw the man’s mouth move under a soft white mustache and heard his voice speak firmly, but words pleasantly went in one ear and out the other, leaving some sort of trace, fuzzy residue in Tiberius’ brain that sent goosebumps up the back of his head. The man was more than a head taller than him and undoubtedly more than four times as wide, (thicc as some of the younger students said, was it?). Undoubtedly he was the fire captain, or fire chief, or whatever this particular district used for their leader, Tiberius didn’t know or care.
“... Excuse me?” Tiberius blinked absently a couple of times to jog his grey matter into moving. He was successful, briefly, before it returned to a delightful mush behind his eyes. Only some ancient, long-ingrained instinct kept his face carefully unemotional. “Afraid I, ah, didn’t catch that.”
“False alarm?” The man asked again, either oblivious to Tiberius’ collapsing mind or not giving a shit about it.
“Ah, yes--some delinquent pulled it as a joke, no doubt.” Tiberius flapped his hand dismissively, closing his eyes with an exasperated sigh--mostly to keep his eyes from wandering all over this utterly beautiful, well-muscled firefighter who could probably break him in half with a squeeze of his fist and--
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Just like firefighters do. With wood. To save people. Because that’s what firefighters do. Muscles. They need muscles, for saving. Things. And people.
The man asked him something about being sure, perhaps they pulled it because of some other threat, sometimes students pulled fire alarms because of ghosts, or monsters, or perhaps to get everyone out of the building for some contrived reason related to their backstories, but while Tiberius appeared thoughtful, none of those thoughts had anything to do with students. Or school. Or what he was doing right now. The only thing his mind could hold onto was what he could be doing, right then, or later, somewhere in a bedroom or his office or a back alley or maybe right there or--
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Something popped behind Tiberius’ ear and fantasy disastrously disappeared with it, reality suddenly mugging him in broad daylight. The man hadn’t noticed and Tiberius prayed to anything or anyone that would listen that the pop had remained in his own mind and hadn’t yet entered the real world.
He was wrong, of course, as another pop sounded next to his ear and he saw sparkles out of the corner of his eyes. This time, the man did seem to notice, canting his head slightly to lift the brim of his firefighter’s cap to widen his field of view. The cords in Tiberius’ neck tightened and his face turned about as red as the fire engines.
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He turned in a smooth, swift circle on his heels, walking away briskly as if suddenly unable to bend at the waist. Several more pink, glittering bubbles lingered momentarily in his wake.
“Yes, brilliant idea, you ought go check to make sure there aren’t any monsters or ghosts or superintendents lurking in the halls, thank you, I trust you’ll handle things fine, just let Mr. Wright know when you’re done, toodle-oo!”  Tiberius couldn’t see him, but could feel the man’s eyes watching him go.
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He cursed himself all the way to his office, where he screamed into a chair pillow.
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“Captain Ainsley?” another firefighter approached the large man but kept her eyes in the direction the littlest Headmaster had gone.
“... He totally likes you, doesn't he.”
Captain Ainsley didn’t react, turning to inspect his crew and make sure their job was getting done.
His mustache, however, tipped up in a smug, knowing smile.
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
💥 Drabble Masterlist 💥
The full list of drabbles for my Drabble Fest!
1 character + 3 words -> 💯word smut
Jax Teller
Drabble 1 (nightmare • storm • accident)
Drabble 2 (his • old • lady)
Drabble 3 (green • street • hooligan) 
Drabble 4 (rope • gloves • facial) 
Drabble 5 (machete • spanking • cat)
Drabble 6 (thigh • ride • smirk)
Drabble 7 (beneath • beg • burn)
Drabble 8 (lingerie • revelator • gravestone)
Drabble 9 (affair • neighbor • voyeur)
Drabble 10 (tits • cum • flowers)
Drabble 11 (not actually part of the Drabble Fest)
King Arthur
Drabble 1 (tutor • yellow • cake)
Drabble 2 (🍇 • 🍷 • 🍆)
Drabble 3 (king • rape • rescue)
Drabble 4 (king • friend • jealous)
Drabble 5 (wedding • night • insecurity)
Raymond Smith
Drabble 1 (honey • fuck • teddy bear)
Drabble 2 (fucking • rolling • pin)
Drabble 3 (kisses • fireplace • forever)
Drabble 4 (rolling pin • bush • cunt) 
Drabble 5 (smoke • and • poke)
Drabble 6 (play • a • game)
Drabble 7 (top • or • bottom)
Drabble 8 (get • over • here)
Will “Ironhead” Miller
Drabble 1 (rub • sun • repeat)
Drabble 2 (daddy’s • little • girl)
Drabble 3 (massage • tension • humiliation)
Drabble 4 (handcuffs • spanking • rough)
Drabble 5 (stargazing • soft • body worship)
Raleigh Becket
Drabble 1 (uniform • dirt • bagel)
Drabble 2 (showers • spar • shhhh)
Charlie Hunnam Himself
Drabble 1 (12-inch • cock • Billy)
Drabble 2 (chocolate • mouth • fingers)
Drabble 3 (bite • flirt • jealous)
Drabble 4 (drunk • birthday • short dress)
Drabble 5 (school • envy • picked up)
Drabble 6 (hot tub • teasing • nudity)
Other Charlie Characters
Henri Charrière (cigarette • prostitute • pearls)
Gavin Nichols (poker • whiskey • ice)
Stanley Kaminski (🐓 • 🍑 • 🍭)
Frankie Bartlett (red • yellow • green)
Sergeant O’Neill (like • a • horse)
Bob Frey, Jr. (million • little • pieces)
Jay Mills (snow • warmth • choking)
Percy Fawcett (mustache • explore • breeding)
Alan McMichael (crimson • peak • lips)
Embry Larkin (mystery • scent • eyes)
Main Masterlist (for longer fics)
Drabble Fest Tag List – below; if you’d like to be added, just let me know!
@est11 @itspdameronthings @rayslittlekitten @alexa-rae-dreamz @20david50david @niki-xie @abby-splace @autumnleaves1991-blog @classyhorseeclipseduck @coffeebooksandfandom @jitterbugs927 @happyhenners @o0idk0o
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shieldmaidenofgod · 3 years
Writing Our History––Part 1
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“Arthur, my boy!” Dutch van der Linde called as he spotted the outlaw ride back into camp. “Where have you been?”
“In town,” Arthur replied. “Had to grab some things. Why? Did something happen?” The light from the setting sun illuminated the worry in the cowboy’s eyes.
Dutch chuckled and a glint of mischief twinkled in his eyes. “You could say that. Hitch up your horse and follow me.”
Arthur ended up sitting by the campfire with a bowl of Pearson’s stew. The other men surrounding the fire leaned forward as they listened intently to Dutch’s news.
“So,” he began, “I got tipped off at the saloon today by the barman. Said there’s an enormous mansion right in the middle of a huge plot of land ‘bout ten miles north of here.”
“So we’re just robbin’ some rich bastard?” Sean asked, taking a sip from his beer bottle.
“Not if you let me finish, MacGuire,” Dutch scolded, and the Irishman raised his hands defensively, causing the other men to laugh.
“I also found out that the man of that house, Hawthorn, owns a rather successful tailoring company. He has a location right in the middle of Valentine, so I headed over there to see if I could find out anything else, and I heard he has but one daughter.” Dutch stopped there and spread his hands, as if the conclusion were obvious.
There was a pause while the men tried to figure out what Dutch’s plan was.
Arthur swallowed a bite of stew before asking, “So what, we kidnap ‘er?”
“You always were the smart one,” Dutch commented. “I managed to get a tipoff from one of his servants, if you can believe it. French girl. Poor young lady was barely holdin’ it together, you could tell she’d been cryin’ for a good long while. Apparently, he’s gonna marry his girl off to one of his business partners in a few days.”
“A good reason to demand a bigger ransom,” Charles spoke up.
“Exactly,” Dutch declared, pointing to Charles. “And think of this, if a mere servant has that much of an attachment to her mistress, who’s to say her parents don’t adore her even more? So, who’s with me? I’ll need a handful of men to get this done right.”
All the other men around the campfire looked to Arthur, as if for his permission.
Arthur shrugged. “When you wantin’ to leave?” he asked Dutch.
“Tomorrow morning. Early. Least we can do is scope out the house from afar.”
Arthur nodded. “Sounds good to me.”
Dutch grinned. “It’s settled, then. Are you all with me?” he asked the others, who all nodded (except for Sean, who gave a hearty cheer). “Good, very good. Well, we all better get some rest then, if we want to head out by dawn tomorrow.”
The next day, Dutch, Arthur, Charles, and Sean rode out of camp at the break of dawn for the northern end of Valentine and eventually arrived on the border of Mr. Hawthorn’s land by 7:30. They all managed to stay low while observing the house and its surroundings through their binoculars.
“See anything interesting?” Sean asked Arthur, who was using the pair of binoculars the two of them were sharing.
“Not much,” Arthur grunted, handing the binoculars over to Sean beside him. “Lot of windows, though. We’ll have to steer clear of those.”
“I see a carriage. They just pulled it up to the house,” Charles announced from his position, also looking through a pair of binoculars.
“Anyone gettin’ in or out?” Arthur asked, Sean still looking through his binoculars.
“Not yet.” Charles paused for a moment. “Wait. The front doors are opening. It looks like Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorn––I’m guessing it’s them, at least. Ah, that’s definitely their daughter.” He lowered his binoculars. “When do we move, Dutch?”
“Not yet,” their leader answered. “We wait until they’re far enough away from their property and not too close to town. Then we strike.”
Once the Hawthorns were seated in the carriage and their luggage strapped to the roof, the carriage was off to the nearest town: Saint Denis.
Mrs. Hawthorn looked down her nose at her daughter, who sat across from her and her husband and was engaged in reading her collection of E. B. B. poetry. “Put that accursed book away,” Mrs. Hawthorn snapped.
(Y/N) jerked in surprise at the sudden break in silence. She looked back down in dismay at the loss of her only entertainment, closed the book, and put it in her carpet bag beside her.
“Honestly––” her mother continued, “––it’s positively shameful, being a female author. As if any decent man would wish to marry one. It’s not a woman’s place.”
“No,” (Y/N) countered in a biting tone, a smug smirk on her pretty face. “But it must be a woman’s place to be married against her will to a man she’s never met.”
“You will marry whoever we choose for you and that is final!” Mrs. Hawthorn slammed her fan against her lap in emphasis.
(Y/N) slumped in her seat and crossed her arms, a difficult and uncomfortable position considering her garments and tightly-strung corset, but the action was worth the horrified looks on her parents’ faces.
“This is so unfair! Maybe I do wish to become an unmarried author! Why should you be the ones to stop me?”
“Stop that ugly slouching and sit up this instant!” her father exclaimed.
“Oh, I’ll slouch if I bloody want to!” (Y/N) shouted back.
“Now you listen here, young lady!” Mr. Hawthorn roared and pointed a shaking finger in (Y/N)’s direction. “We know far better what is best for you than you do. I’ll not have you vilifying our family name by running off and becoming some undignified, unmarried hooligan!” he spat, his eyes glinting with rage. His fat mustache continued to wag as he yammered on about what a disgrace she would be to the family name if she did not marry his business partner, but (Y/N) had stopped listening.
Everything about the whole situation was so unbelievably unfair. (Y/N)’s parents had always been rather controlling of her, but never to an extent as drastic as this. Or, perhaps, she had just never noticed how little control over her own life she had ever actually had.
What I wouldn’t give to just run away from all of this, (Y/N) thought to herself, completely unaware of how soon her wish would come true.
“Okay, move out! Come on! Go, go, go!” Dutch yelled, riding forward in a full gallop behind the carriage.
Charles, Arthur, and Sean, led by Dutch sped after the carriage, bandanas covering their lower faces to protect them from the kicked-up dust and from being recognized. Once they got closer to the carriage, Arthur whipped out a pistol and fired a warning shot at the carriage. The bullet zipped through the very top of the carriage wall right below the covered roof, signaling to those inside that they had company.
Terrified screams erupted from inside the carriage and the four horses pulling the car whinnied in fright. The driver desperately pulled on the reins, attempting to stop the beasts so that no more threatening shots would be fired in less-than-cosmetic directions. Once the carriage came to a stop, the driver threw his hands in the air.
“Pl-please don’t hurt me, sirs!” the driver exclaimed.
“Oh, we ain’t here for you, boy!” Dutch shouted as the other outlaws threw open the carriage doors.
Arthur and Charles reached into the carriage and pulled out a thrashing (Y/N). She clutched her carpet bag to her chest and screamed frantically but the men paid her no mind, throwing her in the front of Sean’s saddle.
“Take her home, boys!” Dutch shouted and he, Charles, Arthur, and Sean spurred their horses into a gallop back the way they’d come.
“Let me go!” (Y/N) screeched. “Let me go, you brutes!”
“‘Fraid I can’t do that, lassie,” Sean answered behind her. “We’re gonna be hangin’ onto you for now.”
Once the party arrived at camp, (Y/N) had calmed down, becoming rather apathetic. Sean lowered her off his horse and into the waiting arms of Miss Grimshaw.
“We don’t want to hurt you, miss,” Dutch called to (Y/N) in a slightly smug tone. “We just want some compensation from your family, that's all!”
“Come on now, dear,” Miss Grimshaw said gently. “Let’s get that dust out of your dress and a tent set up for you.” She led (Y/N), who only nodded, away from the horses.
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So... a couple weeks back I saw this. This is definitely my #art but WHO would just stick it up here on the back door of the @mariettamuseum, to the east of @mariettasquare, south of @coolbeanscoffeeroasters and a block north of @parkwestvintage? I don’t know. Some #mysteries are baffling and may never be solved. #streetart, while non-destructive and done with non permanent, low tack Avery wall vinyl 2611 is still no laughing matter. This #hooligan should be found and forced to paint a mural someplace around #mariettasquare as punishment for his dastardly, daring and delightful dead of #artistic delinquency. Tsk... Tsk. #aboveaverageart #mustachemadness #mustache (at Marietta Square) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4YGBWyBxo0/?igshid=qyuhl2fi3s7c
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