#hooligan tf
octuscle · 3 months
Experience abroad
Daichi was more than pissed off when he finally arrived at his shabby Airbnb in south London. He had been looking forward to the two semesters abroad. He had been looking forward to making new friends and improving his English. But when he arrived at his small apartment and opened his suitcase, he immediately realized that something was wrong. Instead of his carefully folded clothes and personal belongings, he found the rough, dark clothes of a skinhead. All stuffed into the suitcase rather than packed. And everything smelled of cigarettes, beer and sweat. The journey had been exhausting enough… And now this!
It was late. Daichi had been on his feet for over 36 hours. He had sat next to a screaming toddler during the flight. All he wanted to do was sleep. The last thing he noticed before he fell asleep was that smell. That male smell… He was dreaming wildly. A collage of boots, bomber jackets, but also brass knuckles, broken noses and soccer stadiums. It was still dark when he woke up all sweaty. He had slept naked. Naked except for the Prince Albert through his glans. Shit! He had no piercings. Daichi took his cock in his hand. Confused at first, but also somehow fascinated. The boots, the heavy jeans, the bomber jacket… And now the piercing. It was all so different from what he knew. Out of curiosity and perhaps a little out of a sense of adventure, he put on the clothes. When he looked at himself in the mirror, he felt strangely powerful and self-confident. It was a feeling he had never experienced before, and he liked it.
Even though he could have sworn the apartment was clean yesterday, there was now a full ashtray on the kitchen table. There were beer cans in the sink. He shook the cans. There was obviously something left in one of them. Stale and warm. It tasted like piss. He loved it. And he needed a cigarette to go with it. One of the butts in the ashtray looked as if he could get a few more puffs out of it. He felt a Zippo in his trouser pocket. Engraved on it was a stylized picture of a young man hanging on a cross. But no Jesus. The young man was wearing jeans, suspenders and boots. And was shaved bald.
Smoking and finishing his beer, Daichi inspected the apartment. He had been too tired yesterday. There were also full ashtrays on the floor next to the sofa, which was covered in burn holes, and on the bedside table. There were exhausted butts on the floor in the dirty bathroom. He had to piss. He wouldn't even sit on the dirty toilet to take a shit. But flip up the toilet seat? Shit, for losers! It felt good to have his impressive cock with the scrotal ladder and the PA in his hand and to shoot the yellow, steaming stream into the bowl. Everything felt good. Good and right.
Damn, he had to have more butts somewhere. A couple of hi-viz jackets and his bomber jackets hung on the coat rack. He patted the pockets. Thank God! He found an almost full packet in one jacket. He looked at his cell phone. It was 03:30. Saturday morning shit, and he was home. How pathetic! He put on the jacket in which he had found the cigarettes and left the apartment.
He liked the way the boots sounded on the asphalt. The boots were great anyway. They gave him strength and self-confidence. There weren't many people left on the street. However, he noticed that the people he met treated him differently - with a mixture of respect and fear. Daichi felt like he was being remote-controlled. He knew where he wanted to go. The club's neon sign flickered. A few mates stood outside the door, smoking and drinking beer. One evening, he was approached by a group of men who were also dressed like this. He greeted them with a curt "Oi", his mates nodded and respectfully stepped aside. Daichi was not necessarily known as a thug. But it was well known that it was better not to mess with him.
Daichi loved the club. Nowhere else was the air so impregnated with pure testosterone. Not even in the boxing gym where he trained his muscles every evening after work collecting garbage. And what was missing there was the additional stench of tobacco smoke, beer and piss. It was no longer necessarily full. But well-filled. The usual guys at the bar. They exchanged a few sentences about the latest soccer results, boxing matches and the pissers at the welfare office. But that wasn't why Daichi was here. His cock hadn't gone completely soft since he'd woken up. But here it was getting hard again, very hard. And he knew that a whole bunch of guys had moved in the direction of the piss chutes since his appearance. Another beer, and his bladder was ready to baptize a few of his new victims.
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05:30. Slowly, the club emptied. Daichi's bladder and balls were also emptied. One last beer. It was time to go to bed. A few more hours of sleep. And then off to the stadium. The pissers from the opposing fan block were just waiting to make the acquaintance of his fists.
Inspiration by @felinefur0502
Pics by @ki-kink
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ki-kink · 3 months
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Dude was like, so uptight, like he had a freakin' tree trunk up his booty. Sometimes, bro, all you need is a cold one, or two, or heck, three. Can you even believe that he's only been hangin' with his buds every Sunday for, like, two months, chuggin' brewskis, watchin' soccer, and then heading out for a bar brawl? Wild times, man!
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final-milf-ratchet · 6 months
Cyberverse Bumblebee x BugBite, I read one Rarepair Drabble and it’s had me in a chokehold ever since, thoughts on such dynamic?
Okay u can't just say that and not drop the fic/author name!!! How am I supposed to be obsessed with them if u don't????
Anyway. Confession time. I have not watched cyberverse. The animation..... I love the designs and the way they do Cybertron! But the way they animate them makes me cringe for some reason. If only I had someone to force me to watch it all the way through 🥺🥺
For you though, anon, I looked up all bug bites scenes to watch them! And I love this fucker!!! Him and his cringefail gang!!!! I didn't know soundblaster had a southern accent and I love it so much!
Okay since bugbite has like no backstory that means my canon now >:). Hey hey what if they had a thing™ before the war. Like a 'we sleep together and hang out all the time but we are not talking about our feelings' thing. Bugbite's always been a bit of a rude bastard but y'know, it's kinda funny when they're your friend!
And then the war started and everything kinda fell apart :) bumblebee was with the autobots and bugbite took the first ship off Cybertron and ended up joining the Mercenaries :))))
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stelashe · 1 year
Ogni volta che becco un italiano qui è un """oppresso""" del sud(o del nord/toscana che odia se stesso e tutta la gente troppo vicina alle alpi perché lui/lei/voi è speciale uwu) che insulta la gente del nord(generale ma ovunque è Milano citylife si sa siamotuttisa*vini) a caso ....mi ricorda qualcuno.
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kragehund-est · 4 months
today i was at the zoo, and was reminded of the fact that no matter how well kept the place is or how much the zoo emphasizes respect for the animals, the public is full of shrieking hooligans who feel entitled to harass animals for entertainment. i was also reminded that of all the things that make me angry on this earth, i can keep my patience for almost anything except disrespect towards animals.
that is, i scolded some people who were yelling and clapping to get the attention of some meerkats, and told off a mom to keep her kids under control and leave the peacocks tf alone. and i felt my heart rate spike up to 180bpm both times.
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grumpyghostdoodles · 1 year
Hi! I'm really intrigued with your utdr au and with the upcoming deltarune chapters I can't wait to see what direction your gonna go in. Do you have any Kris art or Papyrus art since these two are kinda my favs. Also we know Frisk knows about the red soul in Kris, but what about other characters or the fact that its implied if the soul possessing Kris dies or Kris breaks their strings, Kris dies along side it?
Sorry if this ask is long I guess I'm just really interested in your work Hope your art goes well!
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Loved loved LOVED this ask, have a bunch of Dadrius doodles, just for you! Im so happy that youre enjoying the ride, theres so much more to come <3<3
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And about the red soul, Chara is able to see/sense it as well! and you better believe that they are stressing tf out about it. They leave for college, only to get a call from Frisk to come back to deal with a soul controlled cousin (that can die if not severed the control properly) and the end of the world (again). Those damn teenager hooligans, giving Chara gray hair from stress XD
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jennrypan · 6 months
The way Zeus and Hera would (and SHOULD) murder all the avid Apollo supporters cuz litterally how dare you 😶
Yall have been leaving LUSH for years, and suddenly this bitch comes in and yall got so much to say?? Actively supporting him tryna take the throne and disrespecting all the other Olympians?? SERIOUSLY??
Get striked down tf-- ungrateful ass hooligans-
I'm so-- Zeus would literally NOT let Apollo get this far, HERA wouldn't let him get that far.
He's literally a bastard brat, he has NO claim to the throne, it'd be Ares or ATHENA. OH MY GOD--
Also..why is everyone acting like Apollo is the only God doing shit..like Hestia, Demeter and everyone else doesn't do anything?? Like..huh?? Be so fucking fr. God the Olympus citizens are so stupid--
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mgarmagedon · 7 months
Wait, since did drift (from tf rid15) adopted slipstream and jetstorm in the human au?/gen
In OG rid15 he just took them as a students, after the war and his emo phase as a Deadlock, so there is not much more behind it. I mean they rarely talked about past of anyone XDD
I mean we don't know still why Bee knew Sideswipe before rid15, Ik he might be a local hooligan, but yeah.
So in my au which is full of headcanons and few mixed things from other tf media. In the au, he never literally adopted them, he just took them under his wing, and start treating them like his children, but Jet and Slip are not calling him dad, they refer to him by calling him master.
I'm calling it 'adoption' as a shortcut, I'm sorry man, if that confused you. I should more explain their relationship.
In my au he just took two orphans who lived on streets of new Kaon as thieves. So he rescued them and took them as a students when he came back to cybertron.
The same with Sideswipe, he calls him Drift and when he is really scared he calls him master.
But the double trouble still call Bee an uncle. XDD
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strigital · 10 months
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just a small bunch of Alek because he is the babiest of girls 😔
think it's about time i explained who tf he is and why i'm always sad about him so here are a few fun facts about the boi!:
saw his parents get brutaly unalived by Arasaka aged 16 and had to delta the fuck outta there with a toddler sister in his arms
got stranded in the desert outside Night City with nothing to his name but dad's old jacket, enough eddies to buy like one burger and a hungry child to care for
came across some Nomads (the Bakkers) and for a year or two Selita Bakker took the babes under her wing (then she fucken died and he had to leave again)
was forced into a life of crime just to make sure his sis didn't starve
he'd disappear for days or weeks doing gig after gig while Jaxine stayed with Mama Welles, Padre, Dr. Vik or Mama Fabienne (a kind-hearted haitian proprietress of The Birdhouse, an orphanage set up in the ruins of a small theatre tucked away somewhere between Dogtown and GIM) more about her sometime later
because of that Jax basically raised herself and Alek forever hated himself for not being there for her when she needed him most
he called her Jacket all the time and only used her name when she done fucked up and needed an ass woopin' (she was a hooligan who'd get locked up on possession charges aged 14...)
the nickname came from the fact that after they became orphans Jax would only ever shut up and stop crying while swaddled into her dad's giant jacket; she'd even wobble around like a penguin wearing it like a giant ass cape. and so it stuck. Jacket (sometimes it was JJ when Alek was in a hurry)
back in the world of edgerunning he was known as Vulture or V for short. his selling pitch was "got a bone to pick with somebody? Vulture's your man!"
as a side job he also ran an indie rock group "The Vultures". music helped him cope with day-to-day traumatic shit he had to endure. it's through the showbiz that he met Kerry Eurodyne and developed a hopeless crush on the celeb. feelings were mutual AF but both gonks were too shy to say anything. Kerry would only find out about it some years later from his sis when she became a walking floppy disk for Johnny_Silverhand.exe
at some point he utterly peaked in the merc world. every dog at the Afterlife knew his face and everybody wanted to work with him. even Rogue at some point advertised him to her clients as "the" man to do the job
at the pinnacle of his career Alek chipped in some mean mantis blades, top of the line Kiroshis, a Militech-made Sandevistan and a gazillion more enhancements that made him a fucken beast to be reckoned with. he also trained relentlessly and folks even mistook him for an ex-military, even though everything he knew was self-taught. he never stopped improving his body and mind and because of this (or maybe inspite of this?) he started showing the first symptoms of cyberpsychosis sometime around 2070. despite that, he'd keep his illness under control up until his death in 2074
it was also around this time that he klepped a pristine Type-66 Avenger off some corpo rat. he took the beaut to the Nomads to have it juiced up and after some work the wheels came out black as midnight, equipped with CrystalDome tech, guns upon guns, meanest freaking engine and tyres that could cling to walls if need be. don't ask how many people died staring down that bumper approaching them head-on at supersonic speeds, cause the answer is too many. Jax always felt like he loved that damned car more than her sometimes... and whenever she asked to take the beastie for a spin he'd always reply "over my dead body". who knew fucker meant it literally?!
Alek lied to Jaxine her whole life in a desperate bid to protect her from literally the entire world. the story of how they became orphans, what he did as a job, where he went off to for days on end... girl grew up knowing nothing about real Alek. only years later when with the help of a mutual friend she discovers his secret pad in the Glen that she'd start to piece together who he really was
Alek was afraid of his illness taking away his memory, so he scrolled damn near everything. birthday parties, hangouts at the shooting range, hikes into the badlands... every more or less important moment with Jaxie got recorded onto a BD shard and tucked away like a precious little slice of life that he was losing alongside his self-destructing neural links. later, Jaxie would spend hours rolling them over and over again, reliving the life that Arasaka took from them
throughout his career Alek's sole purpose in life (besides keeping his lil' sis alive) was revenge on Arasaka. specifically, he wanted to end Saburo himself with his own hands. any gig that involved messing with 'Saka or allowed him to gather crucial info was an automatic green light for him
he knew his dad didn't die in the assault and suspected he was Soulkilled like many other enemies of the corp (old man did in fact manage a anti-corpo group of vigilantes for like a decade before getting ratted out by somebody). at some point while on a gig to steal some 'Saka intel he got a hold of his dad's engram's copy. not like the Relic which would delete your personality, but the old gen - one that you plug in and talk to like your average hologram. of course, Alek never told Jax that he had their dead father on a shard slotted into his head at all times... and old man Bryce didn't want to traumatize his junior kid even further, either
dad wholeheartedly supported his son's mission to topple Arasaka, which was probably a bad idea... because history tends to repeat itself and eventually 'Saka discovered Alek's true identity and connected numerous crimes against them back to him. Adam Smasher was on his way to smash Alek...
too late did Alek realize that he done fucked up. he got all the crucial info locked away in his pad, the keys from it he left in his wheels and send that mf off into the sunset with a trusted fella. he recorded a sordid confession for Jaxie with a shitton of i'm-sorry's and i-love-you's and sent her away by... lying, again. he told her some drug dealers where coming to collect their due and he wanted her out of danger while he dealt with them. but the metal man Smasher showed up and the epic fight ensued. Alek knew he had no chance but he wasn't gonna make it easy for the dickwipe that zeroed his fam. the least he could do is hurt the bitch. and so as Jaxie was speeding away on Alek's bike - explosion. both Alek and his digitized dad were gone for good. Jaxie was left to fend for herself, not knowing that 'Saka now knew that they didn't wipe all of the Bryces and were looking for the one that got away
eventually she'd learn the whole tragic ass truth. and despite Alek's last wish for Jaxine to leave 'Saka be and just live her life, she made it her life goal to avenge her family. somehow, someway. one Johnny Silverhand would later come in extremely handy in this quest of hers
even though his life was hard and short, he did try to live to the fullest. he put his heart and soul into his music, he tried his damned best to show Jaxine that he loved her, and he looked out for his friends. Rogue would describe him as "the good villain" - a guy who despite having bloodied hands that never dried, always tried to do well by others. there was a short time when he was considered the deadliest motherfucker in town the mention of whose name sent shivers down gangoons' spines. and then he, like many before him and after, died
so if ya wanna honor the legendary Vulture whose flight was cut short, come down to the Afterlife and ask Claire for a shot of The Vulture: Armagnac Massy on the rocks with a splash of Cirrus Cola and a mint garnish. expensive, you say? if you knew him, you'd know he was worth every ennie
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mega-punani · 2 years
Celebrity vs Hitman au:
You are a rising star who stopped producing music because of your abusive manager/spouse. You hid away until you finally felt the urge to start making music again. You boom in popularity with your comeback as a strong independent foo who don't need nobody. But uh oh, your apartment is getting bulldozed, and you gotta go NEOW.
Here comes a conveniently placed ad for a mansion with cheap ass rent. Here's the catch: roommates. You move in with a bunch of really nice skeletons! And hey! Turns out they are fans of your music (but in a cool, nice sort of way). You get along with them, not knowing that they are all very dangerous hitmen. But they won't hurt you, no worries! They're your biggest fans!
This is given me allota fluff and cute stuff.
Wild West au:
You're a no bullshit sheriff of your small hometown, and your folks have recently been getting terrorized by some masked hooligans! You've heard they were a dangerous bunch, and they've been known to stage some robberies. Now they're here to bother the old rich man on the edge of town. Of course, you lowkey don't like him cause he's sexist, but it's your job, so here you go.
Right when you get to that coot's house, they would all just scamper off like they had never been there. Tired after a long day, you hop by the bar to visit your old pal Sans, the bartender. You guys talk about everything, and he's pretty transparent about his life. What he won't tell you about is the little gang he runs. That same gang that's been harassing your little town.
This is given me Romcom, like a villain flirting with a hero type beat.
Demons au:
Why is there a glowing red pentagon in the middle of your room? AND WHY IS IT GLOWING!?
Your good friend, a pursuer of science, decided that they wanted to test if demons were real or not. In order to do that, they needed to test out an old crusty book they found in the back of an antique store. And what better place to do it than your living room floor. You, being the nice friend you are, supervised them and gave them a drop of your blood (cause your friend is anemic 😔) and BAM. Skeleton demons in your fucking house.
They are insufferable at first, but they eventually grow on you. So much so that they start getting hella clingy...
This is given me slice of life. Keep it emotional though 👍
Mafia au:
Okay, so the problem w/ this is that I have way too many ideas for this one. But let me get this clear: in all of these ideas, the skellies are mobsters.
1: Y/N is a ring fighter that used to beat the living shit out of people for rich people entertained. They used to be the skelly gang's top fighter but stopped (moral reasons, a kid, injury, family, etc) and no longer affiliates w/ the family.
Hold up! There's another fight coming up, and Sans really needs to win this one, and who else to call but you?
This one's allota hurt, misunderstanding, bad communication. Angst and sad back stories galore.
2: You save this gloopy lookin skeleton man from getting hit by a bus, AND NOW HE WANTS YOU TO INHERIT HIS CRIME ORGANIZATION!? You politely refuse (cause you have no idea how to run one of those), and so he suggests you pick one of his many sons to pick up his legacy. Now you got hot skellies flirting, threatening, and bargaining with you to choose one of them. You might just snatch that title outa spite....
Romcom again. Flirty, fun, dramatic. All the jazz.
3: Alright this one hella self indulgent.
You're the only child of a nefarious crime lord, and they appoint their best men as your body guards. They body guards being hot skeleton men. Oh hey! They also like you romantically cause, who tf wouldn't??? You're so segsy and amazing 🥰. Thas all I got though, no plot.
This one's giving me elegant romance. HELLA ELEGENT 😡. Kinda the same vibe as my hotel au.
Reincarnation au:
This one is essentially a rip off of those "villianess reincarnates in a dating sim/romance novel" mangas/manhwas.
Y/N was just a regular person who got hit by a bus and given a second chance at life. Surprise, surprise! They got reincarnated into a novel where the skellies are royality and all fight for the affections of an MC. Unfortunately, Y/N got reincarnated as a villain instead of literally anyone else. Yah know what else? The villian dies in the end! Wahoo!
In order to prevent this terrible end, you pull a few strings to make sure you're alive at the end of the day. But hazzah, the main characters are inescapable, and now their affections are geared towards you!
This one is a lot of romcom stuff.
That's all I have got so far, but yeah. Just some ideas drabbled on to one post. You might see em again soon?
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jadeglas · 2 months
Update 1
Yesterday and today have been days.
But I have murdered exactly zero (0) humans and all the humans I love have survived whole and (mostly) intact, so I think I deserve at least one gold star, please and thank.
Remember how I work part time? Have I mentioned that? Bc my part time job is at a preschool. I love children. I've always loved children, there is a joy and a level of patience I only ever achieve when interacting with very young humans. But these little hooligans at this particular preschool... They are feral, they make rabid goblins look civilized. Don't get me wrong, I love these obnoxious gremlins - I do. But when nap time comes around and their tiny candy-asses want to play "make screechy sounds as soon as Miss J is out of arms reach bc she thought you were finally asleep you lying liar".... No. No, that is not the game we play. That is never the game Miss J wants to play at nap time. Do you know what Miss J's favorite game to play at nap time is? "STFU and go tf to sleep." That is, in fact, the best game ever to play and I will die on this hill.
So, what do we do when the gremlins refuse to KO and we can't be paid to work on our story via phone? Yup, we take characters from future stories that we haven't started yet and mash them together in our heads to see what happens!
So now I don't know if my shameless self insert, hot mess, electric superhero female lead should stay with the heart of gold charming vigilante/villain who I originally designed for her, so that I can have my unnecessarily complex best friends to lovers, and simultaneously enemies to lovers with a sexy amount of codependency serial story...
If I should take that same female lead and let my shameless "Riddick" insert become obsessive/possessive of her, instead... (Of course keeping everything else the same and only changing the dynamic between her and the heart of gold charming vigilante/villain so that they're not secretly pinning for each other, they're only platonically codependent now).
And none of these characters are actually in Mia's Echo ... I mean, I might mention them in later chapters, but they're not in the story I'm actively trying to write!
... When too many fictional boyfriends start living rent free in your head all at once, am I right?
But, also, no tiny humans were sacrificed to the old gods yesterday or today, so why fix it if it's not broken?
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octuscle · 3 months
Allez les bleus
Frederique, Marcel and Luc had to go to Berlin on business. They were all really looking forward to the trip. Although there was a lot to do - the three of them were assisting a French bank with the takeover of a German start-up by a French tech group - they were spending a few days without their wives and children. Frederique's children were already at university, which made the other two, whose children were still of primary school and children's card age, quite envious.
After landing in Berlin, there was a culture shock. None of them were soccer fans. They all played tennis or golf, Marcel had been quite a successful lacrosse player until he had to give up the sport two years ago at the age of 30 due to a knee injury. They hadn't realized that the European Football Championship was being held in Germany. The airport was decorated with UEFA posters, fans from all over the world were walking through the terminal, the cab rank was empty and the three of them had to take the S-Bahn into the city center.
They were surrounded by cheerful fans. Most of them were no longer sober. But all in a good mood. In their suits with their laptop bags and wheeled suitcases, the three of them were absolute strangers on the train. Even though the atmosphere was good, they were annoyed. They had already had a long day at work before they boarded the plane. They had actually been looking forward to a quiet evening. And not an odyssey on a crowded train.
The next shock came when they arrived at their hotel. It wasn't really a hotel. More like a bed and breakfast. In the middle of Berlin's gay district. The streets were not only decorated with the flags of the nations taking part in the European Championships, but also with rainbow flags. The pubs in the area mostly had black-taped windows and were obviously aimed at a fetish clientele. But even here, there were screens outside, people drinking beer and watching a football match. The atmosphere was great. But the three of them had imagined something different. This wasn't the Sofitel they usually stayed at. Whoever had booked this hotel would be ready for a rant. But now the three of them just wanted to go to bed. Looking for something to eat here for dinner was too exhausting for them at this time of night. They agreed on that. And drinking a beer on the street? Not on your life!
When Luc arrived in his room, he had to grin. Yes, this really wasn't what he was used to. But he'd never had a room with a sling in it either. In addition to the usual things, the bathroom also contained lubricant and condoms. Luc sent a picture to the WhatsApp group he had with Frederique and Marcel. Marcel replied with a picture of an Andreas cross. And Frederique sent a picture of a flyer that had been lying on his pillow:
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"Yes, I got that too," wrote Marcel. Obviously a voucher for a beer in a pub down the street. "So, are you up for it?" "Tomorrow," Frederique replied. "I'm just too tired." The three of them wished each other a good night. Marcel put the contents of his suitcase in the cupboard. And there were soccer shorts and a jersey in the wardrobe. With a note saying "Welcome to UEFA Euro 2024" on it. "If you want to have fun, help yourself!". Marcel thought about it. He had googled that Spain were playing Italy today. Maybe not a bad game… He tried out the outfit. It looked a bit silly with his Hogan sneakers. It was also a bit tight and the pants were really short. But now to go downstairs, have a beer and watch the second half? Why not?
The atmosphere was great. The beer tasted better than expected. The second one too. And after the third, he had to piss. The pub's toilet was tiled in black. The lighting with black light was more than dim. Marcel could hear from the stalls that men were clearly having sex there. He just grinned. He was having fun. He took his cock out of his soccer shorts to pee. And before he knew it, a clean-shaven skinhead was kneeling in front of him and greedily opening his mouth. Shit, what the hell? thought Marcel and pissed in his open face. And then had his cock sucked.
When Marc came into the breakfast room the next morning, his two French colleagues were already sitting at the table. As usual, they were both as fit as a fiddle. Marc felt a little uncomfortable in his jeans and tight-fitting T-shirt, which showed off his body and tattoos to good effect. Hehehehehe, he thought. But these two will hardly feel comfortable in a gay guesthouse. And shit, he worked for a fintech start-up. That was a different world to the venerable BNP. The three of them went through the agenda again before leaving for Marc's employer. Marc was a developer and web designer. Numbers were not necessarily his world. But because he spoke fluent French, he had been assigned to look after the two investment bankers. It didn't matter, Frederique in particular was a hot DILF. There were worse fates… A ten-hour day, for example. Marc knew that they probably wouldn't be back at the boarding house before 9 pm. Then France played the Netherlands. The top match of the day. Surely the two of them would want to see that.
It was 9.10 p.m. when Marc was finally back in his room. He hurriedly put on his soccer outfit. He loved the knee-length soccer socks. They accentuated his shapely calves perfectly. The three of them had a date downstairs on the street. Marc had organized a high table in his local pub almost directly in front of the screen. He ordered three beers and waited. Damn it, Frederique had actually put on the outfit provided by the guesthouse. As Marc had suspected, he was in really good shape. Perhaps too well for the jersey that was stretching dangerously across Frederique's chest. Luc had only taken off his jacket and was still in his office outfit. He really wasn't interested in soccer at all. He took his beer from the table and walked a few steps away from the bar so that he could talk to his wife and children on the phone without being disturbed.
Frederique was in a good mood. He had drunk three beers by the half-time break. Marc hadn't managed that. And so he followed Frederique to the toilet at some point to relieve the pressure on his bladder. With a bit of luck, the horny skinhead from last night would be back. He loved it when a hot guy had Marc's piss flowing out of the corner of his mouth. When he arrived downstairs at the toilets, he could already see his piss face. Marc got ready. And grinned all over his face. That was definitely Frederique fucking a Dutch fan in one of the toilet cubicles.
When Fred and Marc came to breakfast together, Luc barely raised an eyebrow. He didn't care that they were both dressed far too casually for his taste. He wasn't a start-up hipster. He was just providing them with the fresh money they needed to expand. And Luc and his employer were making a good profit. No, he raised an eyebrow because they both came out of Marc's room. Fred almost naked, in just his soccer shorts. He disappeared straight back into his own room, only to sit down at the breakfast table a few minutes later, dressed more or less appropriately. Luc sighed and turned his attention back to the messages on his cell phone.
Fred and Marc were used to having to work on Saturday. They liked that about their job. Work hard, party hard. And with the new work lifestyle, the boundaries between work and leisure, between colleagues and friends, were becoming increasingly blurred anyway. If this had the effect of Fred shagging Marc in the loo in between, neither of them complained. But today they urged Luc to finish work reasonably on time. They definitely wanted to watch the Turkey-Portugal game. It was interesting from a footballing point of view, but above all they were looking forward to the hot Turkish fans. Hairy, muscular… Especially Marc's taste. But Frederique didn't mind fucking a hot, hairy ass either. If necessary, he sucked a circumcised cock first. Shit, he loves the Turks for the fact that they always keep their balls and cocks slick. Luc wasn't at the reception at 5:30 pm as arranged. When Fred knocked on his door, he opened it. On the phone. Still in his suit. Fred went to the wardrobe and pulled out the soccer outfit. "Come on, loosen up for once. It's Saturday night!" Luc smiled painfully. He pulled the door shut. And after a few minutes, still on the phone, he stepped out of his room in his soccer outfit. The two of them dragged him down to the street, Marc organized three beers and the party could begin.
Shit, some of those footballers are really fucking hot, Luc kept thinking to himself. No wonder he kept building a clearly visible tent in his shiny shorts. One of the Portuguese fans, a small but damn muscular guy, naked except for his boots and leather chaps, but with a Portuguese flag draped around his shoulders, noticed this more than clearly. The two of them shared a beer. And another. The Portuguese asked Luc if he had a room upstairs in the guesthouse, he had seen him come out of the door earlier. Luc licked his lips and nodded. Neither of them noticed how the game ended. By the time the final whistle blew, Luc was already tied to the St. Andrew's cross in his room.
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"Mates, where are we watching the game? Here in the Bermuda Triangle or on the fan mile?" With his Germany jersey, it was clear what Luke's preference was. Marc and Fred would have preferred to stay here in their favorite pub, where they were drinking themselves into shape on this Sunday morning. The party and the sex before and after were more important to them. But Luke was a hardcore soccer fan. For him, it was a matter of honor to watch the game in front of the Brandenburg Gate. Marc and Fred took a sip of beer and sighed. "Okay, fan mile then," Marc moaned. "OMG, like if we can catch that Albania vs Spain match at our spot again, it'd be so lit! I ran into some seriously fire Albanians in the restroom yesterday, no joke." The three of them clinked glasses and laughed. The European Championship was great!
Pics by @ki-kink
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ki-kink · 1 month
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So, like, how do I keep my bod in check, you ask? Oh, just casual bar brawls and hanging with rival team's fans, ya know. Just the usual.
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allyooops · 1 year
you should tell us about your new little oc! you know, the one for the house... with the owls... :3
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Ok but I'm just copying and pasting what you already know omg Doe XD
Her name is Bluebelle, or just Blue, her little sister Pekoe, and her Mom Chamomile (Plant Coven gal). What happened to papa? Who tf knows really, I'm leaning towards him being a wild witch who went "missing" one day. This of course scares the heck out of Chamomile because now her eldest is also out being a hooligan doing wild magic. Blue went to hexside, but was only good when it came to magic with food, and she learned a lot from her mom with plant magic so she has some basics in that. Let's see if we can get a food related thing for each coven shallll we??
Abomination- Great protection from heat, nothing like an abomination goo oven mitt. Also great for stretching to get to high up ingredients.
Bard- well we know that whistling can mess with the components in liquids, so that's pretty clear cut. But also?? What about using sound mess with the consistency of actual food?? A whipped icing that is so light it's practically a cloud? The smoooothiest cheesecake ever?
Beast Keeping- here beautiful bees gimme some tasty fire honey 💕💕💕💕
Construction- let's go outside and make a brick oven! The perfect pizza stone! A beautiful candy making slab!!
Healing- what baker hasn't burnt themselves?
Illusion- suuuuper useful for planning out beautiful cakes before actually attempting them. Like a rough draft but with no clean up!!
Oracle- kind of a way to make sure a delivery isn't actually going to be a set up. But truthfully not her strength lol
Plant- hell yeah plants. Her mom runs the main bakery out of the house with a huge garden out back so she had the freshest ingredients for the pastries. Blue listened well as a child and she does know a little bit about it. But she definitely focuses on the tasty plants, lots of fruit trees, sugar substitutes, grains. She has some sort of mini fruit tree in her room that she adores
Potions- the big one. Potions have the biggest opportunity to be added into bakery items, because what is batter if not a thick potion?? XD Blue does definitely have a knack for making really fancy baked goods using combinations of magic and ingredients to give effects to whatever she makes. I am a big fan of her making house calls and curating specifically ordered pastries for well paying customers
Blue knows Morton I think XD I feel like they would share a weird little rivalry, because Blue would 100% think she could make the elixirs taste good, and him being tired of her trying (and potentially taking his customers)
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Lovely lines provided by @doeblossom
Little witch gal lives in a bakery with her Mum, working most of the time to help out the shop, get the snails, all that jazz. And tries her best to make time for studies and schooling too, but is just bad at it, just kinda does the bare minimum to not get expelled. Doesn't really matter what she tries she's just too focused on helping run her household that school doesn't matter that much. Plant track, but skips and has been known to hide in other classes to learn things when a lesson could be used potentially for food stuff haha.
Blue is chaotic when she's in class, derailing lectures by asking the most insane questions. *Does different shades of abomination goo taste different??*
She has a lovely little palisman named Biscuit, she's a weird grasshopper bat thing and also a menace.
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Biscuit helps when she can in the bakery, but must be paid in cookies.
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Lovely lines and dormant design done by the oh so talented @doeblossom
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ghcstcd · 2 years
In the new photo the only ones I can tell are Swiss bc his feral smile and Aether and the Ghoulettes. And Papa ofc.
Where tf are the other three hooligans.
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Don't take my word as gospel, but I THINK I'm correct.
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thank u for tagging me remi!!! @kaleidoskuls
rules: bold the ones that are true and tag fifteen (15) other bloggers to do it too!
i’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings (used to have on on my ear put she closed tf up) // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have died or highlighted my hair (once when i was twelve w semi permanent dye lol) // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces (i had a retainer and it sucked) // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails (very rarely) // i typically wear makeup (i used to not wear it for a while and i honestly miss that) // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look (if u ignore the eating disorder) // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
i play a sport // i can play an instrument (sorta . the basics)  // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own (im delulu abt this but) // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand (physically probably mentally fuck no)
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years (7 years and counting) // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend  // i met up with someone i have met online (funny story i have this friend i went to hs w but we never talked in hs we started talking online)
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean (ngl im rlly scared of her) // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mum friend (controversial take) // i live by a certain quote (honestly i dont remember it but i think i saw some post on tumblr ages ago that talked abt how being dead would be so boring and thats how im still alive today) // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities (used to be in hs) // i enjoy mexican food (sad mi se jede meksicka hrana) // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love (i believe all love is true love) // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower (havent done that in a long time eww) // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed (i wishhhhh) // i am multiracial // i am a redhead (shouldve been i stand by this) // i own at least three dogs
tagging: @fantastista @nocakesformissedith @nefhertari @cyypress @dyk3-on-a-byk3 @ariesbilly @decadentworld @imsodishy @pikslasrce @hummingbird-hooligan @blessyouhawkeye @theultimatewildcard @gay-archie @uwussy @theunvanquishedzims (this is the first time i actually tagged 15 ppl) + anyone who wants to join!!!
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