#hooded crows aren't *that* big
theraptorcage · 2 years
Trick or treat! Can I get a crow please?
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*Hooded Crow is gived*
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azeternasims · 1 month
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these aren't my usual style and it's a bit of a random selection but i have these sitting around and i want them to be free!
all hairs come in EA colours and @simandy's puppy crow unnaturals, and work on all frames!
plasmahawk and scrunglytree hairs
just a couple of frankenmeshed hairs i made for @plasma-tree! not much else to say about them
~ plasmahawk: 6914/3501/1290/515 polys ~ scrunglytree loose: 4302/1973/788/493 polys ~ scrunglytree tucked: 3769/1682/671/419 polys
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delamoira addons
some addons for @marsosims's dela and moira hairs! including: ~ puppy crow unnatural recolours (these require the original hairs) ~ bangs and ombre overlays (in occult cheek slots to match my other overlays, requires CASUnlocks) ~ a bun, frankenmeshed with @joliebean's clementine hair ~ a swept forward version for big hoodies and jackets ~ a version for hoods (warning, it looks ridiculous without them)
~ delamoira bun: 11090/6156/3838/1462 polys ~ delamoira split: 5082/4065/1963/1530 polys ~ delamoira hoodie: 5082/4091/1859/874 polys
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download: sfs ~ drive ~ tou
i wanna make more of my normal style of hairs too but with how slow i make them they should be ready by the end of october 👀🦇
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sillygoofyqueer · 1 month
Even more thoughts, for you to post if you so choose!
I do love the idea of Shen Yuan having a fancy hair piece with a pin that doubles as a weapon! Just because demon crows don’t have access to spiritual swords doesn’t mean he can’t stab the hell out of you.
For his main weapon, I’m thinking crow demons that can take human form tend to use bows, with the feathers shed by their clan as fletching. (Perhaps demon feathers also grant abilities of some sort to the arrows?)
Looking at the iridescence of crow feathers reminds me of the Chinese tradition of making jewelry with kingfisher feathers. Now I think it would be lovely if the crow demons also had a tradition of fashioning similar jewelry with their own feathers, perhaps treated with solutions and lacquered in a way that brings out even more of their color.
Speaking of colors, while crows aren’t among those birds able to see significant ultraviolet, they are tetrachromats, and thus are able to distinguish colors to a far greater extent than humans. I’m sure his sudden ability to see way more colors than he could in his last life is very perplexing to poor Shen Yuan!
The regular crows acting as an alarm system by cursing and saying spooky nonsense at all unknown visitors is an absolute delight!
I vote that Shen Yuan intentionally never gives them whatever signal that would mark Airplane as a friend, just so they continue to harass the guy every time he comes to visit. 😂
(I’m thinking poor Airplane is trying to set up trade routes for demons, and struggling with the general hostility different types of demons have for one another. Killing interlopers and/or raiding other demons for their stuff is not conductive to trade! It’s no wonder demons lack the arts. Nobody shares anything with anyone, except when giving demon nobles tribute. 😭)
You know, with all the feathers and bird-folks about, the transmigrators probably figure out quill pens. Not sure how big of an improvement they’d be compared to brushes, but they’re at least more like what the transmigrators are used to.
It’d also be funny if all the demon crows and villagers were learning to write simplified Chinese from Shen Yuan, instead of traditional, leading visitors to wonder what the hell is up with this one location’s weird writing system, where half the characters are inexplicably different.
(He probably teaches them traditional too, if only for the sake of reading imported books and things, but simplified is probably faster for personal notes and bookkeeping or the like).
I've always loved when people have weapons in discreet places, so it seemed necessary to dump that onto Shen Yuan because he's the most iconic character ever. Especially CrowYuan as well, it seems like something he'd do just to be safe when it comes to these things - after everything he's read, it's hard not to always be prepared. (Also, a more cheeky reason if I may, imagine Shen Yuan in a sticky situation and he pulls the hair pin out of his hair, now holding a weapon and looking AWESOME as he does it) Also, main weapon as a bow IS MAKING ME LOOOSE MY MIND. Ever since I was little, I've been obsessed with people who use bows (Legolas, Robin Hood, Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, various book characters) and the idea of giving Shen Yuan a bow?? I am dropping to my knees and shaking my fists at the sky. HUZZAAAHH!!! Feathers as fletching is a great idea, almost like a calling card of sorts, as well as a warning. Demon feathers giving certain abilities to arrows is a brilliant idea, such as resilience, poison, increased speeds (useful for high pressure situations where someone has to die before they can be alerted). I'd find it interesting if different demon feathers grant different abilities, and it's almost a norm for these demons to trade feathers! The jewellery idea is absolutely gorgeous and adorable! I was thinking that it could mainly be a crow demon thing, and to have one made for you if you aren't a crow demon is a sign of great trust within the community, a decision that has to be agreed to by at least half of the community! Also, itty bitty angst idea, this jewellery could also be highly sought out because it's gorgeous and its making is entirely a clan secret that is only taught to those within it - so, it's often seen as a spoil of war, a way to brag about a crow demon's death is to wear the jewellery "won" from "battle". Shen Yuan would most definitely be thrown off guard by this wider arrange of colours, often found in the wildest areas of the forest and just staring at everything. At first, he wonders if it's because he's a demon now, but more research (aka, bullying a demon chicken Airplane for answers) shows that it is fact not because he's a demon, but instead because he's a crow. He is both excited that he can see all these colours and fiercely delighted that Airplane can't, because he's a spiteful little shit and I love him. If Airplane comes to visit, he's grown adept to immediately submitting to the harassment of the crows because they soon grow bored of him if they don't get any reaction other than pitiful screaming. (He would highly suffer from trying to set up trade routes as well, lmaooo) OH MY GOD, if Mobei Jun ever comes to visit Bing-ge, he would also be immediately attacked by crows and that is funnier than anything else right now in my mind. His stern face immediately becomes one of absolute outrage, but it quickly becomes confusion when Bing-ge says he can't attack them back because "Shen Yuan would never forgive me" On the idea of feathers as quill pens, that would end up being incredibly useful for them! Perhaps the use of certain demon feathers would be better than others if we go by different demon feathers holding different abilities - for instance, let's say crow feathers hold increased speed, that would be helpful for writing because one would merely need to guide the quill and let it do the rest. However, a demon feather that created a poison effect, let's say chicken feathers, would not be the best for writing, which makes certain feathers more valuable than others for different things! Shen Yuan would be a great teacher, because he knows the traditional Chinese - which is useful for things you previously mentioned - but then he would be able to introduce a whole new writing system that makes it easier to write. This would be especially useful for those who may struggle with the traditional Chinese, because then they would still be able to access writing!! {part seven! part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, and part six!}
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I am feral over gaurdians and ghosts.
I want more interactions between them I wanna see how they interact physically with each other.
Like this whole scene with glint and crow, I want more! Glint telling crow how they are partners and how much he cares, Crow holding out his hand, and Glint just going to crows hand and settling into it so softly and affectionately, looking up at crow telling him never to leave him because they are partners and he doesn't want them to be appart. (I'm totally normal about this)
Final shape really gave some amazing ghost/gaurdian dynamics and how a lot of the healthier relationships between them are.
Like hot damn I was eating good with this dlc. I wish they animated more gaurdian ghost interactions over all bc there is some good stuff in the lore entries.
I want to see more/read more interactions though. like we know they can be super expressive with their limited features and I don't think bungie uses it enough when using them outside of major cut scenes.
Like give me ghosts that bonk their gauridan with their body bc they don't have hands to hit with to they have to body check the gauridan when they are being stupid.
Give me ghosts who have a very tactile gauridan who, just when idle or doing something, just hold their core in their hand and rub their thumb over it bc its a nice texture. Ala adhd fidget toy.
Tell me how ghosts and gaurdians physically comfort each other.
Give me soft domestic moments of ghosts and their gaurdians, a ghost cheering up their gaurdian with a stupid pre-collapse song they found some where when they are having a bad day.
Finding a spot to be close to their gauridan who has absolutely passed out, from doing X thing.
Give me ghosts that hang out in their hunters' hoods and on their Titans' shoulders.
Even you immaru
I also love the players ghost, that little man has made me feel emotional reading his lore entries, he says shit, I just wanna hug him and hold him close and never let go.
I am totally normal about ghosts and not sad they don't float over their gauridans shoulders in the tower and aren't over the npcs shoulders or fly around in the tower anymore.
They are just small and love their big dumb idiot humans. Weeping.
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I'm totally not sad that most of the ghost and gaurdian player cut scene interactions fun dialog in missions are locked in seasonal or old content.
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cowgurrrl · 10 months
Literally any Joel and reader dancing to “you’re so good when your bad” by charley pride. I know he slow dances like a mf
You’re right and you should say it
You’re So Good When You’re Bad
Pairing: no outbreak!Joel Miller x fem!reader
Author's note: OH IM SO HOMESICK
Summary: "He looks like he works with his hands and smells like Marlboro Reds." — Our Lord and Savior Ethel Cain aka this ask [1.8k]
Warnings: June pushing her Texas agenda, Joel gets both his daughters in this one because I said so, flirting, alcohol, i think that's it??
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Contrary to popular belief, it's actually pretty easy to love Texas. The longhorns grazing in big green pastures while the sun shines on a clear summer day is enough to capture anyone's heart. An outsider might find the ten-gallon hats and sturdy cowboy boots obnoxious or strange, but you've grown to love them. Maybe because with that acceptance, you've found your own cowboy to love. One part of Texas culture you haven't grasped yet is the dancing. Your boyfriend, Joel, however, loves it.
You met Joel when he and his brother came to do some work at your father's ranch. Honestly, it could've been anything from cutting down a tree to trying to tame a rowdy stallion. You ended up in the garage with him hunched over your car's engine as you worked together to identify where the weird sound was coming from. Joel came in to ask a question about a tree, blueprint, or something when his eyes fell on you. "Oh, 'm sorry, ma'am," he took his hat off in a true form of Southern manners and held out his hand. You met him halfway and introduced yourself before you looked back at your car. "Got a problem?"
"It's just making some noise. We're trying to figure it out, but Dad's eyes aren't as good as they used to be."
"Watch it." Your dad teased, and you and Joel laughed. He stepped a little closer to look under the hood, too. With him that close, you spotted the freckles that dotted his skin and the patches of grey in his beard. When he met your gaze, you felt caught and suddenly way too hot, like a teenager with a crush.
"Mind if I take a look? Might be able to help."
"I thought you were a cowboy, not a mechanic."
"I've done my fair share of both. Thanks to Tommy, we've run through almost every engine problem in the book," he said. "Unless you want to rely on your old man's vision." He was the right amount of teasing and kindness that the sentiment didn't offend your dad. It only made him laugh. He encouraged Joel to take a look and went inside to catch the last half of the UT game, leaving you and Joel in the garage.
You explained more of the problem, handed him tools when he asked for them, and tried to ignore how his biceps flexed when he maneuvered around the machinery. You noticed he was a little bit older than you, but the crow's feet and the salt-and-pepper hair did nothing to deter how your heart pounded when his hand brushed against yours or the way he said, "Thanks, darlin'" when you got him a glass of sweet tea.
"It looks like just a loose part," he said as he leaned away from the open hood and wiped his stained hands on the red bandana hanging out of his pocket. "Go 'head and try it now."
"That's all it took?"
"You don't believe me?" He smirked, and you shook your head.
"I just can't believe it would be that easy."
"What? Your boyfriend couldn't figure it out for ya?"
"Do you really think I'd still come running to my daddy's house if I had a boyfriend?" You raised your eyebrows at him in a silent challenge, knowing you made an opening for him, before walking to your driver's side door and sliding into the seat. Sure enough, when you turned the engine over, the sound disappeared, and everything ran as it should've been. "Alright, maybe I underestimated you." You said as you turned off the car and got out. He gave a faux bow and closed your hood, his big hands lingering on it before he turned to look at you.
Without the hood's shadow in your way, you could fully take in his full lips, messy brown curls, and the oil stain on his cheek. You giggled and pointed to your own face. "You got somethin'," you said, and his hand shot up to the opposite cheek, somehow smearing more on his face. You laughed and grabbed a clean rag from your dad's workbench. "Do you mind?" You asked, raising the cloth halfway to his face, and he blushed.
"Not at all." He said. With a shy smile, you wiped the black marks off his face. A gentle hand on his jaw helped you turn his face this way and that to make sure you got all of it. You remember thinking he was surprisingly pliant at your touch and almost leaned into how your fingers held him. You didn't realize how close the two of you were until your knee bumped against his, but neither of you jumped away.
"There you go," you murmured in a raspy voice, your throat suddenly dry. "Good as new." You lingered there for a few more seconds before you stepped back and threw the dirty towel back when you found it. "So, what do I owe you? For fixing her up?"
"Don't worry 'bout it." He waved you off, and you gave him a look.
"What? No. I can't let you do that."
"It was really nothin'. A loose part, like I said."
"But you still fixed it. I can't let you walk outta here without paying you."
"Tell you what," he said, stepping into your space again. "Let me take you out to dinner, and we'll consider it settled." His eyes twinkled with something mischievous, and you couldn't look away.
"You ask all your client's daughters out?"
"Just the pretty ones." You laughed at how quick he was with it.
"Alright, cowboy. I'll get out with you, but you better make it worth my while."
"Yes, ma'am." He promised. Of course, Joel made good on his promise and treated you to one of the best dates you'd been on in a while. That was six months ago, and somehow, he's still finding ways to give you amazing dates even in between cattle driving and fixing old Mrs. Calahan's rickety porch swing. And, of course, his beautiful teenage daughters, Sarah and Ellie. He hasn't let you down all these months, but you have to admit you were a little skeptical when you first walked into the bar/dance hall. A live band is playing on the stage, and a crowd of people is dancing before them, clad in leather cowboy boots with belts to match. It smells like tobacco, and the warmth from the kitchen makes everything a bit too hot and sticky.
"I don't know about this, Joel." You say when he settles in the seat across from you with two drinks in hand. He gives you a sympathetic look before glancing at the couple's two-stepping around you.
"Look, we don't have to dance. I just thought it'd be good to change things up. We always go to the same places." He reasons.
"Because we like those places." You're a little whiny, but he leans over and kisses your pout away anyway.
"A little adventure never hurt anyone, baby." He's right, but it doesn't make you feel any better. He sighs when he sees how unconvinced you are, but he doesn't give up. "I'll make you a deal. We'll have a drink here, and if you still don't like it, we'll go anywhere you want."
"Okay." You agree, almost certain you'd be able to drain your drink and go somewhere you were more familiar with. But if there's one thing Joel Miller is not, it's a quitter. He distracts you with affection, sweet words, and entertaining stories that he's already up and ordering another round by the time you realize your glass is empty.
Your next two drinks settle your nerves and make the room spin pleasantly around you. Joel, as usual, gets extra clingy when he's had a few and needs to have some point of contact the entire night. His hand roams from yours to your knee to your hair, but you love it. The only time he's willing to let you go is when you get up to go the bathroom, and even then, he pouts until you kiss him and scurry away before he can snatch you back. When you return, Joel is right where you left him with a smirk on his face, and you smile as you step between his knees.
"What're you so giddy about?" You ask. His hands find your waist, and he shakes his head.
"I just like lookin' at ya." He says, and you roll your eyes at him.
"You're drunk." You accuse, but there's no malice in your voice. He shrugs and pulls you closer.
"Now, this one goes out to a friend of ours who requested a very special song for a special lady. Hope y'all enjoy." The guitarist of the country band announces into the microphone. You could be just as drunk as Joel, but you swear he's looking in your direction. There are a few more seconds of silence before they break into the melody, and you immediately recognize the tune. "You're So Good When You're Bad" by Charley Pride was one of the songs you and Joel danced to at Tommy and Maria's wedding. You hadn't heard the song in forever and practically dragged Joel to the dance floor, and it, somehow, became your guys' song.
"Was this your doing?" You ask, and he shrugs as he stands and takes your hand.
"Must've been luck." He says simply and walks you to the dance floor. You're aware of all the eyes on you two and get a little anxious, but when Joel pulls you to his chest, it all fades away. He's sturdy against you. His calloused hand holds yours, and his other hand guides your waist while your fingers rest against the fabric covering his broad shoulder. He chuckles when you step on his toes but doesn't complain. He just redirects your footsteps and quietly sings the words into your temple, his lips brushing your skin in the process. He smells like pine wood and leather, and you find yourself pressing closer to his warmth.
Slowly and like you're the only people in the world, you guys dance in your own little circle, with Joel throwing in an occasional spin or kiss. You remember him telling you stories about getting dragged into quinceañera courts and debutante balls when he was a kid, but you never expected all that dancing to rub off onto Joel. You realized it when you first danced with him at Tommy's wedding but didn't think much of it. Now, as he holds you firmly and helps guide your drunk feet, you see it so clearly. He's a perfect partner, and all you want to do is stay wrapped up in his strong arms like this forever.
So, maybe you could master the art of Texas dancing if Joel's there to help. You think you could do anything with your cowboy and his heart of gold on your side.
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha
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isekai-crow · 9 months
Sasaki and Peeps / Sasaki to Pii-chan Episode 1
Overall Rating So Far: 7/10
(Purely because I have no idea where this is going and there is So Much and I can't make sense of it)
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(This promo art implies it won't be a harem but I'm starting to have my doubts...)
I have no idea where to put my hopes in this anime, as everything that interested me initially got blasted through in the first episode.
Also, the MAL page has been updated since I last looked at it to show an almost all female cast whereas it had more male characters like French in it before it started airing...
However, I still hold hope. We've got quite a few big name VAs, but a studio thats mostly put out harem isekais (and possibly some hentai?).
Fricken Namikawa Daisuke is in here as a side character, French the cook (a bit on the nose for a name but..). He's one of my favorite VAs, and his famous roles (for me) being Hisoka from HunterxHunter and Chousou from JJK among a host of other huge roles. His basic existence is a draw for me. The fact that he is in this at all has gotta mean something, right???
Sasaki-san is also voiced by a big name VA, Sugita, Tomokazu !! Gintoki from Gintama, JOSEPH JOESTAR, Rudeus from Mushoku Tensei, KATAKURI from One Piece!!
And Pii-chan HAS ANOTHER FAVORITE!!! Pii-chan voiced by the amazing Yuuki, Aoi!! Our Beloved Maomao!!! who, btw is also the voice Madoka!! Tsuyu-chan from BNHA!! Tanya Degurecha from Youjo Senki!! Tatsumaki from One Punch Man!! An awesome voice with an amazing range.
I'll give it a few more episodes and see if the supposed actual plot keeps my attention. I'm decent at ignoring harem and fan service when it suits me (See, My Love: Tensura) (and I do also love me a good yandere)
Episode 1 Spoilers below~
Our main character is a salaryman/office worker name Sasaki, who is ready to "This is fine" and "Yes, and" his was through life.
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We have a Java Sparrow, and exotic pet that said officer worker decides to buy ON A WHIM with NO pre-emptive research whatsoever.
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Said Java Sparrow is a MASSIVE CHUNIBYO EDGELORD named Piercarlo who has been isekai'd twice?? and is a wizard, but can't use his powers because HE'S A SPARROW.
The scene where Peeps is calling for someone to pick him is hilarious, but man, the ability to just walk into a pet store and buy an exotic pet with no license, training, or background check continues to be terrifying. (I had the chance to buy a hooded crow for $2000, and was mind boggled that they wouldn't let me pet it but would let me take it home with me that day if I just paid. Japan animal laws aren't great yo)
The first episode was a double feature but I didn't notice until we got to the second magic system and went wtf?? It's still going? (I needed to LEAVE and was like... one more episode? *sparkly eyes* and ended up getting two... Nuuuuuuu not like thiiiiiiis I'm gonna miss my traiiiiin)
Last time this happened was with Ragna Crimson (Which SURPRISE SURPRISE IS BY THE SAME STUDIO) and I think Capybara and I made it to episode three? I feel like it's a sign if you need two whole episodes to express one episode's worth of set-up, there's too much going on. And that might be the case again. We get multiple magic systems! We speed run the setting up a trade business and a restaurant in another world! THAT WAS WHAT I WANTED THO, WHY'D YOU SPEED RUN THAT.
I was sincerely hoping for another Campfire Cooking in Another World...
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I DO love that Sasaki-san rolls with everything that comes his way, including a yandere high school girl (however it's implied is being neglected since she's always sitting outside her front door while her mum fucks some rando... and I guess Sasaki does nothing or just doesn't notice?)
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But after all the set up, suddenly a lady in a business suit shows up and is actively getting MURDERED by some dude with Magic?? But they're in the real world?? ? And she's about as Genki as Shion is in TenSura, (but I hope not as annoying as anime Shion, because manga/LN Shion is a badass).
After a bit of research...
"The author, Bunkorori, says that he wanted to develop a story that would create a sense of tension in the modern world instead of showing a slow life in the other world. The author says that he wanted to keep a pet but was unable to and that he wanted to express his desire through writing, which was the impetus for writing this work."
This makes a bit more sense now... Not really, but that's basically all the pieces of what was included in this first episode set-up. I'm kinda bummed if it's not actually gonna be a slow life in another world, but maybe the tension of the modern world will be fun?
Not that I don't already have enough tension in my real world...
Anyways, a few more episodes! We will see if this is worth sticking with or if I'm gonna drop it.
ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 ep6 <- these will eventually become links
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shinayashipper · 2 years
ShinAya AU with red riding hood Shintaro and werewolf Ayano, but the red riding hood actually does Magic Stuff (he's powerful, just rather staying out of trouble and staying out of people 😂)
Shintaro's family got this tradition to move out at certain age and live on their own in the middle of Nowhere (usually, a forest) so they can get Much Closer to Nature and nurture their Magical Powers and stuff. It doesn't mean they lost contact on each other, and Shintaro still knows where his family are and had been doing- they Communicate often.
It's Momo's first weeks living Alone and she's an Anxious Ball 😂😂 she lives in nearby forest and always sends her message crows asking for Help to her brother 😂😂 "BIG BROTHER I'M RUNNING OUT OF MUSHROOMS HOW DO YOU IDENTIFY MUSHROOMS???" "BIG BROTHER I FORGOT TO BRING THE HERB MANUALS!!!" "BIG BROTHER THERE'S A STORM!!" "BIG BROTHER WHAT IF I GOT TRAPPED IN FLOOD!!!" etc etc
One day Momo asked him to bring some more materials, which he Almost Disagree to- but just the luck part of his house got damaged from the sudden storm in the area, and he run out of this Magic Crystal- a material for a fixing stuff spell. And the material could only be obtained near Momo's area. So he embarked on the Journey to his sister's house 😂
There's a Rumor that this forest is full of evil, hungry wolves- who would Eat any beings without hesitation. Shintaro was Adamant to Focus on the road and never get side-tracked because that just sounds like trouble and he doesn't want to get Eaten.
On his way, rain starts to fall and it gets Harder, it must be the storm coming. Because Momo's house is just some minutes away left, Shintaro decided to keep going amidst the Rain. BUT he hears an animal whimper from the bushes and he could see a furry figure shivering and he just... oh man, I'm going to go straight to Trouble aren't I... and then went to help the creature anyway 😂😂
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✨ REQUEST BY ANON: Hiiiiiiiii! Can I get a HC on Happy telling his girl he loves her, wants her to be his OL and get his crow? Pleeeease.
✨ REQUEST BY @ocetevasgirl: Hola cielo! Can I request "Don't look at me like that" with Happy please? 💕☺️
Words: about 1.2k
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place or something that makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted ❤
❚❙ GIF credits: to the author.
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There's something that has grown inside him, like a seed planted in the ground, the first time you kissed him. You were flirting with Happy since the very first moment you met him. And even if he thought it was just for fun, the alcohol helped to show him you were serious.
He doesn't hide his acts anymore.
It's been three months since you two started to play.
Sex is good. Sex is pretty good. Your bodies look like they were made for each other. You understand the other to perfection. Every move is made in sync. He really loves the bite you have with him for making him moan, due he's too low. But you always get it.
He wasn't used to touching you, holding hands, or kissing you in front of his brothers. It has happened in two or three situations, very rarely, very randomly. And you have noticed that for two weeks, more or less: he doesn't hide his acts anymore.
Happy likes to watch you fixing some bikes at Teller-Morrows. He likes the way your hand moves, bolting, painting a hood, checking the pressure (...). Your fingers dance all around with delicate and accurate touches. He could be by your side for hours enraptured on the tasks your hands attend to.
Whenever he loses control or his calm, he goes to find you wherever you are. As soon as you're close enough, Happy sinks his nose in one side of your neck. Takes a deep, deep, deep long breath and presses his lips over your throbbing carotid artery. Your heart beating and pumping brings back his cool. Your fingers gently and slowly caressing the back of his head helps too.
He has been needing to have his hands on you the whole time. At least, one. On your lower back, around your forearm, gripping your wrist, on your nape, on your thighs (...). Anywhere is valid to him. It's not a way to mark his territory, but to make you feel that he is there, that you don't need protection but he protects you, that he likes your tact. 
And it's funny how he is like your personal bartender in SOA parties. You want a glass of whisky, rum, gin? He brings you a bottle of your favorite one. Your beer is almost empty? He finds the coolest in the fridge for you. Are you hungry? He prepares you a sandwich, in the clubhouse kitchen. Sometimes, the guys tease him about it, but he doesn't care anymore. Happy only wants to make you feel comfortable, attended, loved. Happy.
He has never danced in his life, but when Mayans come to Charming and play latin music, it's impossible for him to not try to dance with you; watching you provoking him with the moves of your hips swinging and that shameless smile on your lips that only he owns. 
Marcus has taught him some basic moves? Marcus has taught him some basic moves.
He already loves you. He loves every single thing about you. The way you have to imitate his favorite cartoons' voices. The way you have to understand and read his body when there are no words from him. The way you take care of his wounds, without asking what happened, who he has killed. The way your lips feel around all his length, tightly and warmly closed, sucking out the air of his lungs.
He wants to tell you about his feelings. But he doesn't know how to do it. Happy feels insecure that you're not in his orbit, that you do it only because sex is from another dimension. He has asked Chibs because Tig would simply advise him about fucking the hell out of you against a wall and keep doing it until you get tired of his dick. Chibs has told him to be sincere, to use the confidence between the two of you, and ask you about what you want.
But when he comes to you, simply saying “what 'you want from me”, he scares the shit out of you. This time, you can't read in his eyes what is happening within his head. You can't decipher his intentions. Is he going to finish whatever you have? His rough, dry voice hasn't helped either.
���What 'you want from me?” Asking you again, as if you were stupid, only makes you feel worst. Your heart is racing, your throat is closed. You have been working hard to show him that you don't want him for a couple of night-stands; that you really understand him, that you love him, that you want to spend your whole life enjoying his silence. And after all, it seems like it's the end. 
“I… want you”. Probably, your words aren't enough for him, watching how he tilts his head just like a confused puppy would do. Something clicks in his head, connecting the two neurons left that aren't damaged for his assassin personality. 
“I want you to be my Old Lady”. 
Then, your heart stops.
“I love you”.
Then, your heart jumps back to life.
Being an Old Lady doesn't mean only that you're the girl of. It means that you're part of SAMCRO, part of the family. That you have to defend the club with your life, after defending your man. It means being loyal as fuck. 
But it also, and most importantly, it means to wake up with his arms around you and going to sleep together every night he's in Charming, drunk or sober. It means furtive kisses whenever and wherever. It means being loved by the loveliest and mortal man on earth. Because yes, he is both things. Happy can't help but spend his time covering you with all kinds of caresses. Happy can't help but spend his time whispering to you that he can't imagine a life without you, that he loves your laugh, that he loves the way your fingers trace every tattoo in his body.
Talking about tattoos… “I want you to get my crow”.
“Then, I want you to tattoo it. What? Don't look at me like that… I know you can do it”.
He can't wait to come back to his house.
He feels fucking powerful retiring the tracing paper from your forearm. The crow is big. The crow is visible. The crow is his.
Happy feels fucking powerful delineating every black line on your skin, before coloring it with the same ink. As your eyes are on his extra concentrated face, your free hand is rested over his right thigh.
It's a piece of art.
You love it.
You love him.
After covering it with cling film to not stain the sheets, when it starts to expulse the excess of ink, Happy kisses it. Happy kisses every single damn inch of it, feeling your other hand caressing the back of his head.
Putting away all the stuff, he urges you to sit on his lap. Facing him. Your legs spread at both sides of the chair. His lips roaming your neck with soft bites, with some grunts when your hips rock slowly over the bulge under his sweatpants. His lips find yours. His tongue finds yours. Your nails gently scratch his bare chest, redrawing invisibly the serpent in it.
For the first time, he doesn't fuck you. He makes you love. He's careful, he doesn't move fast. He covers all your body with magical and sweets caresses. He makes sure that you enjoy them. Happy makes sure that you feel the love he feels for you, in every touch, in every moan he utters, in every move he does.
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toraavanak · 2 years
Lunch Break
Yvaine stepped into the elevator of the H.E.L.M., humming along to the song she was listening to. It was a song she had played a hundred times over but she never got tired of it. Maybe it was the happiness to the tune, a lighthearted melody intertwined with optimistic lyrics. Made her wonder what other songs might have been created before the Collapse and what those might have sounded like. 
With a ding, the elevator opened to the bridge, an empty hall that ended in a large window peeking out to the hangar and the Last City. The Vanguard Frames paid no mind to her, carrying out their duties inside of the outpost with robotic efficiency. She stepped inside and quickly made a beeline for the back of the ship. 
Crow was leaning against the wall, hood up, arms crossed. He seemed deep in thought, but Yvaine knew he would much rather not be. He looked up as she approached, raising a hand in greeting. "Guardian." 
"You say that like you aren't." Yvaine held up the small doggy bag she was carrying. "Lunch?" 
Crow's eyes darted back and forth between her and the bag, almost as if he didn't think they were real. "You... you sure?" 
"I wouldn't have gotten it if I wasn't." The Warlock gestured to the stairs behind her.  "Come on, we can eat in the hangar." 
- - - 
Yvaine unwrapped her burger and took a big bite, using one hand to hold her lunch and the other to lean back. She had placed her helmet between herself and the Hunter, letting her library of songs play from her comms while they ate. The current song was more on the energetic side, full of guitars and drums. Nix said it was categorized as “rock” but she always associated it with storms and lightning.
Crow took a small bite of his own burger, chewing contemplatively. His eyes were trained on his food like it was the only thing he could see. Yvaine glanced over at the fledgling Guardian and reached to get a fry from the bag between them. "Ikora's been asking about you." 
"I know." 
"Still avoiding her calls?" 
"I've been busy." 
"I know." 
"No, you don't." Crow hissed, narrowing his eyes at her.
Yvaine met his gaze. She had seen that look a thousand times on a thousand faces, from people she had met that had suffered some great loss during the endless fight against humanity’s enemies. He wasn't trying to be malicious; she could see how scared he was. The guilt, the shame, the tears being held back, the quiver in his voice. The look he gave her was one of a lost soul, full of questions but scared of all the answers. It was the same look she knew was on her own face when she crushed her first Hive Ghost.
She lowered the volume of the music and popped a fry into her mouth. "You've been diving into mission after mission since Saladin left." 
"Bracus Forge." 
"Valus, now. And he'll always be Saladin to me." 
Crow gripped his burger. "Why?" 
"Because that's how I knew him." 
"So how do you know me?" 
"A sassy Hunter that likes to steal my fries when I'm not looking." 
"Be serious with me." 
"I am serious." Yvaine took another bite and quickly swallowed. The next song in queue started playing, a somber melody about some sort of loss. It was as if her playlist knew what direction the conversation was taking. "I couldn't stand Uldren even before he disappeared. He was rude, stuck up and only ever respected the people who stayed on the Reef. I like the Guardian that checks in on the Eliksni Quarter even if it risks his exposure to the people there." 
The Hunter’s eyes widened in surprise. "How'd you-" 
"I spend a lot of time in that Quarter, Crow. And Glint isn't exactly subtle." 
Crow stared down at the City below. "He's too nice for his own good." 
"Maybe. But it's nice to have some optimists for a change." 
"Aren't you one?" 
The Warlock laughed. "Barely. I always have that feeling I'm going to die." 
"Then why do you keep fighting?" 
"Because that's what Guardians do. I know I'm going to draw my final breath someday. Might as well make the most of it."
The next song played, a soft quiet song that Yvaine only recently started to like. It was a slow song which didn’t really connect with her at first, but when she started listening to the lyrics, she could imagine the hope the artist must have felt in what was probably a very dark time.
She popped another fry into her mouth, side eyeing Crow for his reaction. He still seemed tense, like he had a million thoughts but no words to say. She sighed but gave him a small smile. 
"You told me you were a Guardian. I still believe that." 
The Hunter took a deep breath then looked back at Yvaine. There was still a fog of doubt lingering in his eyes, but she didn't expect an existential crisis to be solved in a single conversation. He was lost, but he was strong. And now, he wasn't alone.
"Thanks. For lunch, I mean." 
"Anytime, Crow. Anytime."
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we-dragons · 3 years
I'm from a different dimension actually Chapter 5 Damian x reader
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Pulled away to another world, Y/N uses magic science and a Little bird to help her get back home and possibly be rid of an apocalyptic event. "So, will you succumb to your doubts completely or step into the sun of this new world?"
" A few days, but I didn't expect the entire week, thank god for Molly." The emotional stress I had felt in the beginning influenced the behavior of the scales on my skin it took more hot water and hydrogen peroxide than I had originally would have needed. Even after all that, my skin was turned ashen and my breath was so shallow that Nightmare could lap from it as if it was his water bowl. The scales I have removed were not ready for healing uses yet, at least not for another three days. Nightmare had remained at my side barely even moving from his spot curled up on the pillow next to mine, the only time he moved is when Molly came over. Molly would drop off the homework, she told me she took the written project to Damian and he was ready to deliver it when it was due in 10 days from now. Molly would come by every day at 4, made sure I and Nightmare ate and rested well, told me about herself self and left. And I thank god I'm feeling better after all of that.
Today was Friday and I still wasn't feeling the best even after she left, Nightmare crawled up onto my lap while I had sat on the couch watching the news. I never liked watching the news but considering that I had an unexpected visitor I had hoped to find out more. I'm not disappointed, Vigilanties that appear in Gotham with the exception of Nightwing who occasionally visited from Blüdhaven the sister city of Gotham, and the character Red Hood an anti-hero who fights for his own needs, he arrived in Gotham a few years ago and became a crime fighter. Then there were the other three, Red robin seen with the dynamic duo Batman and Robin, seen all over Gotham. All of them well known and on the news constantly in a large group even that fight bad guys of all sorts a from a clown, to plant creatures and more.
"Wow their just like them." I feel a wave of nostalgia float over me, I remember what it was like at home. In Minnesota. With the tall evergreens and the marvelous lilacs that mom would grow in our backyard, my family, and friends. Everything at least before all the drama in New York happened. "Dear God, I'm becoming an over-sentimental sad sack I can't think of them now, not yet." I get up from my seat to head to the kitchen Nightmare jumping off me when I hear a knock from my balcony. I continue my walk to the kitchen to peer out at it, I didn't see anything there even so I open it. Nightmare runs out before me hissing at something on the left.
"Nightmare what are you-Oh...." Robin stares at me from the railing of the balcony. He's leaning back on it a scornful look upon his face. Confusion settles in me as I just stare at him.
"Are you sick?" He asks walking to me while doing so.
"Y-yeah I was out too long in the rain." He stops just in front of me.
"Don't you bring an umbrella with you?"
"Not that day," I clear my throat a little. "why are you here?" He pauses as if coming up with the reason shocks even himself. He arches his arm back behind his back, slowly moving his arm out.
"My box! So you did take it," I exclaim grabbing the box tenderly opeining the lid, I smile sadly looking at the glinting scales inside the box. " did they help you." I look back up, his faces move to confusion.
"I stole them from you and you're asking me if they helped me?"
"Well, you also needed it more than me, and I can see it did wonders. Your up and running again." I start hacking for a strait minute and grab onto the railing. I look up to the door moving to pick up Nightmare. "Would you like to come in for some tea," NIghtmare squirms in my arms jumping out when I enter the kitchen from the balcony. I open the cupboard and pull out the only three kinds of tea I have, setting aside the box with the X on it. "There's peppermint, cinnamon chai, and pumpkin if your interested." He stares at me from the entryway.
"No thank you," He says " I need to leave, I wasn't supposed to be here anyway." I set the pot on the stove anyway and pull out the pumpkin tea and my favorite mug with Arab henna designs decorating even the inside. I look back to the outside, he is still standing in the entryway shifting uncomfortably.
"You Know, the fact that you haven't left yet contradicts your own words, Robin." I pour the hot water over my tea while I wait for him to answer. He stirs slightly moving back and forth on his feet.
"I'll come back tomorrow," I spit out my tea.
"What didn't you say you weren't supposed to be here?"
He shrugs pulling a grappling hook from his belt and swang off. If I wasn't feeling so sick and had just spat out some tea causing me to cough some more, I would have gone after him. I just stared out through the night air as the familiar feeling of dread washed over me, I close the door to the outside and look at the box. NIghtmare gave me a look moving the box and pawing the X on the top.
"We can't call him yet, didn't you hear, their back. If I call him now it compromises everything they have worked for," I pick up the box and move over to the couch, Nightmare followed suit, we both laid down, me clutching the box. "We can't do anything yet anyway, it violates the treaty. We have to wait for the first kill."
True to his word he came back, he arrived sometime after Molly left, I don't know exactly when he arrived but I know it wasn't long. It was 2 pm when Molly forced meds in my mouth and put me to sleep. It was 2:40 when I heard him clatter in my kitchen nearly killing him with the broom. He was making tea he brought, he told me that he said it works for sore throats, even though it's just lemon juice, water, and honey.
" You realize this is twice you have broken and entered into my home right?" He tsked crossing his arms from his where he is seated across from me.
"The first time was not on purpose."
"I mean you did break my window."
"I crashed through it."
"Pretty sure that there was broken glass I had to pull out of you and sweep off my floor." I laugh for a little bit while he grunts in his seat in front of me.
"Hey why are you here anyway, You dropped off my box, you're healed up why are you back?"
He moves forward resting his arms on the table. "what do you know about the Crows?"
My mug shatters the pieces scattered on the floor, my hands are shaking and that feeling of dread washes over me again.
"Oops sorry, my hands must have slipped even as I'm feeling better I see I didn't recover all my strength, haha..." I stand up to get the broom.
"They killed three people that day," I froze turning to Nightmare who was resting on the counter, his ears are folded back, his hair also standing on end." six were maimed they were monsters that said their names in the third person. They said they are looking for 'the scaled one' and I believe they are looking for you." The air becomes cold around us to a literal point where I can see my breath.
"They drew first blood," The words finally sink in my fears had manifested themselves, I know that I should have guessed it when I saw him but I had hoped they weren't going to be in physical form yet. I rush to my closet pull another box out from the top, a black box big enough to hold a dress, bearing the same markings as the smaller one. I bring it to the table Robin and I are seated at and set it down pulling off the top.
"How much do you know about The Crows already?" I begin pulling out the things inside one by one, recalling their names and what they are for, looking for my com piece.
"That's what I'm asking you, what is all this?"
"They come from an interdimensional planetary void, The Crow where once a proud and advance society until the gave up their freedom for more knowledge, Jal-sein holds their control now. They are dangerous and they are after the very thing that nearly killed everyone on my earth. Ah! Found it!" I move to my living room pushing away my coffee table setting it on the ground making sure there is enough space. Robin had moved up from the kitchen a worried look set on his face.
"What is Jal-sein? What is this other earth aren't you from Minnesota?"
"Yep but here's the thing," I press the silver X on the com and it starts calling, lights flicker in the room from the device as the figure forms."I'm from another dimension actually."
The figure in the holographic com finalizes and I smile at the old man I see.
"Hello Y/N, I suppose they have found you then? It good to see you even in such circumstances?" His voice is grim and shallow, he sounds older than usual and his head is covered with a silver helmet with tubes coming from it.
"Yes, they have, It"s good to see you, Professor X."
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mantscharizona · 3 years
Tumblr Blog Post - 05/02/2021
For the film selection of this piece of the project, I had chosen the movie, The Help, a 2011 movie based within the 1960s. The subject of the film relates to the lessons and readings we have done within this past semester by highlighting and acknowledging the struggles that people of color endure and experience. While I personally feel that the movie The Help, isn’t a good, authentic look into the perspective of the racist experiences black people have faced in the past, the movie still makes an effort to do so, which I feel could have been improved by turning the perspective of the movie more onto the voices of the African American domestic workers, rather than letting the white voices tell, and carry the story. The movie The Help is based off how a woman, Skeeter, played by Emma Stone, wants to become a big writer, she decided to write about the black voices who have spent their lives taking care and catering to white families. While the plot had the main character focused on black voices, the movie itself is more focused on the plot of the writer. However, the movie does highlight how terrible and discriminant white people were towards people of color. The domestic workers were scared to even voice their concerns in the first place, in fear of being imprisoned or jobless, unable to make ends meet for their families. This was all at the expense for their voices to be heard, but their incomes and lively hoods are still reliant on those of wealthy white people.
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The Help also displays that there are socioeconomic struggles, but only between those who aren't white versus those who are. The vast lifestyles between the characters such as Minny and Skeeter are incredibly different-- Large, clean spacious homes, and small, cozy homes that have an entire family in them. I noticed that all of the white couples had no children also had their large homes to themselves.
There are no major memorable quotes that I could pick out within the movie that I felt were incredibly important to the conversation at hand, other than how the movie portrays an offensive stereotype of a "Mammy" that was often created for black women, similar to how Aunt Jemima pancakes, showing a 'Mammy' type minstrel character is also an issue. This role is portrayed through Abileen telling Mae Mobley "You is Kind. You is Smart." multiple times throughout the movie and so on, showing that Abileen is more of a mother than Mae Mobley's actual mother.
In the time of Jim Crow where races were kept apart, the movie does a good job at highlighting the socioeconomic statuses and lifestyle differences between the two groups, there is far more to touch upon between the real issues that were within the time of the 1960s.
I personally feel as of this movie has a lot of improvement, especially for displaying the experiences and struggles people of color have endured. I feel as if the movie The Color Purple, written by Alice Walker a much better example of the struggles and a cinematic masterpiece, as well as a written one- although it displays content that may be uncomfortable or triggering to some viewers. The Color Purple does not rely on a white voice telling the stories of black lives, unlike The Help, but the book and movie is popular, which is jumping-off point for a display of informative history but needs better representation.
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mcshiiin · 4 years
Title: Not My Energy
Pairings: KageHina
Sypnosis: A short, sad songfic about the two where Hinata lost his ability to fly
Song used: Not my Energy by IV of Spades
[A/n: Thank you for reading! I hope u enjoy huhu]
"I've ran out of reasons, reasons to comfort my mind."
Harbingers of daybreak busted his windows open. With gleaming dark eyes and sleek black talons, a crow stared straight to his soul. A sudden prickling sensation running from his toes began clobbering his body, rendering him paralyzed. Panting... Gasping... Drowning his mind in a sea of sorrow.
"Illusions, delusions. Confusions are running inside."
Hinata, despite sinking down the shallow waters feels as if he's floating mid-ar, going "boing boing". Slowly plummeting down the sea floor, he never hit the bottom. Instead, he landed rather harshly on the plywood surface of the gym. A familiar stinging pain on his palm smiled at him viciously. Taken aback, he grabbed his thumping, hollow chest and inhaled as much air as he could. An unforgiving force clashed against his torso, almost obliteraring him before the ceiling collapsed.
"Pale lips and dark lies has conquered the dreamer's eyes."
Poring dreamily at the honey glazed tree tops with hooded eyes, a sigh escaped from his drought ridden lips. While licking away the parchness on his lips, a worried yet kind gaze cut through him from the opened door.
"Sho-kun, you're going to be alright. Don't worry sweetie, we're here for you."
"Nii-chan! Hang in there. I love you!"
The warmth from his sister's hug dissipated into thin air. The soft caress from his Mom ghosted above his puffed out cheeks. Forcing his lips to curl upwards, he fooled them. Just as how their words of affirmation and consolidation were mere lies to comfort him.
" 'Cause there is something in those eyes I can never find, boy."
"Hinata boke..."
Shoyo swore Kageyama's voice were softer than ever. Terrified to face him, the bed ridden boy looked away. His bones shaking. His muscles tensed up.
"I don't want to dive in those same steel blue orbs..."
He kept his mouth silent. He kept his resolve solid. Then it crumbled down.
A feverish touch was ignited from Kageyama's fingertips grazing atop Hinata's trembling hand. The setter is careful enough not to break him, delicately and softly, he slid his hand and interwined it with his partner's. Shoyo's ribcage shattered, his throbbing heart and strained heartstrings tore it down.
His orbs stung with pain as he stared back at steel blue ones.
"I'm sick and tired of the noices, the voices. Everything seems magical."
"We're here for you, Hinata."
"Call us anytime!"
"I'm sure everything will be figured out by the adults. Cheer up, Hinata!"
"Let's buy popsicles when you're discharged, ne Shoyo?"
"Here's some food for you, eat up. You're getting thinner. Ne? I'm the best senpai aren't I?"
"Don't worry too much. Idiots don't get sick, tch."
"Tsukki's right, you'll be okay, Hinata."
"I--no we, are here for you. Don't worry about catching up to class, I can teach you anytime!"
"Get some rest and take care please."
"I won't bother you with my words, Hinata-kun. You'll be okay, I'll pray for it."
"Rest up well, kid."
Everything and everyone seemed to pass by in a blur. Their faces muddled together like a murky pond. Indis​cern​ible. Chafing. Quaint. As if it never happened, as if he never heard anything.
"I'm sorry but there's nothing that we can do..."
"D-doctor no-!"
What? He heard nothing. His mother's face didn't crumple to despair. Her hands didn't ball into a fist. Her lips did not quiver. She never looked at him with those eyes.
No. Natsu is a sweet and clingy sister, her hugging him to death is nothing. She always said that his hands are rough, calloused, and big. They're also warm, and emollient. Maybe that's why she's holding it tight. Oh? Natsu is drooling. He chuckled, overseeing the shuddering figure of his dear sister.
Such an ethereal dream it is.
"And yes, my mind is awakened, dead conscience. Eveyday's a torture for me."
Panting heavily whilst swimming in a sea if sweat, Shoyo is wide awake. But, awake from what? Running away from what, his reality or his nightmares? Scampering to and fro, for what? Just to slam his head on a rock, trying to shake his dreams up.
He doesn't know what's hounding hin anymore.
He run a hand through his thick tuft of hair, unable to get back to sleep. A frown creeping up on his lips as he tries to pry his gaze to his legs. His world stilled. His breathing stopped. His mind blown to smithereens.
It hurts. The seering pain from mid-thigh down to his calf. It hurts, so he screamed.
"No I am not holding on to the darkness, 'cause you're already in my mind."
Natsu must be lying, his hands isn't big at all! She probably hasn't seen Kageyama's slender, setter hands. They look also pretty. Tobio's obviously taking good care of it, he bet that he goes as far as taking it to the nail salon. He's both dilligent and an idiot. He wants himself to be in a perfect condition so he can exert his best every game.
Shoyo wonders what lotion his setter is using. He want to buy one for himself too. How irksome it is to look at your partner's long fingers, perfectly groomed nails (it must be nice to have a manicure once), and mosturized, vanilla scented palms whilst yours is anything like that.
"Hmm spacing out?"
Tobio snaked his arms to his frail waist. Nudging his face deep into Shoyo's neck. So warm. So cool. So comfortable. Too real.
"Nah, I'm barely hanging."
"And if you would walk alone, then just do it. The clock is ticking backwards."
A tall, tall wall looms before him. The view from the top. He wants to see it. But he never can, unless alone.
And now, he's more alone than ever.
"Onigiri, pork buns, curry, what do you want honey?"
He's out in the cold again. Jumping higher, digging deeper, receiving with his face to no end. Wheezing as his body thrives, playing as his blood pulsiates. His heart more alive than before. His grin toothier than before. Hinata Shoyo loving too hard ever than before.
The pure joy from he gets from being with the team. The steam he emitts whenever Tsukishima pushes his buttons as Yamaguchi fell in line with laughing at him. The always fidgetty Yachi and Asahi-san. His superb senpais. That reminds him, he need to ask Nishinoya-senpai to teach him the rolling thunder double. The hardworking second years, the goddess Kiyoko-san, everyone. Even Daichi-san's roaring voice along with Suga-san's refreshing smile.
And of course, the skull-crusher milk boy who knows no word except Boke.
"I'm going alone."
"I ain't got it all, I don't care. You're not my energy."
Extending his arms, reaching with his hands, everyone is too far away.
Lying awake for hours, figuring how to run, how to fly.
Then, his bed decided to swallow him up.
A stringent touch engulfed his throat that produced an acrid cry from his mouth. The need for air is urgent, but his compressed windpipes aches with the mere presence of oxygen flowing through. For a second he thought the hold loosen, then his limbs. were vehemently ripped apart.
As blood splattered, his lower region were mangled.
"Your tears are in laughter while your smile is in despair."
Happiness looks good in Kageyama and Natsu. No doubt, hands down, bets raised.
Their carefree laughter bounced off the four walls of his room. Pearly white teeth are exposed as their lips ae stretched up to a smile. As far as their drinking game goes, Natsu is losing. Yes, they're drinking milk, much to Kageyama's delight.
Shoyo lost a long atime ago and the two milk heads are on it. The way their eyebrows knits together in concentration, noses scrunched up, and cheeks puffed out is a sight to see. You don't get to watch Kageyama with a child that doesn't cry within his mere presence, let alone play with him.
"I can't hold it in! I'm going to pee!"
The shorter ball of fluff ran outside as fast as her legs could carry her. Just a little bit more... three more steps... two... then one. She got in!
Natsu came back to her brother wiping his tears as he cackle like a rooster. He reminded her of the Kuroo Tetsurou that he once mentioned, bedhead, hyena laugh and all. When she glanced to her Kageyama-nii-chan, she was almost blinded. His higantic smiles were presented at her boldly. A soft glow from the dying sun illuminated his face. She can feel the love strongly eminating from these two.
Just as the puzzle is coming on together, someone had to filp the table and topple off the pieces.
Whimpers and hiccups. Rattling and rustles. Disintegrating and decaying. Shoyo-nii-chan is crying.
One end of his lips tugged upward. Blood-curling smirk emblazoned on his dainty face. And as she peek at the door opened ajar, tears came rolling down her rosy cheeks, staining the fabric of her shirt with pure sadness that a child can't comprehend. A younger sister shouldn't see her brother's soul being chipped off like that, you know.
"The poison of your tongue has killed all your truthful words."
His throat is a sand paper being stroked on a piece of wood that produces a nasty sound. It aches. It's painful to shout. It's straining. He too doesn't like sound coming off from his mouth. Disdainful words that tarnishes their bond, lacerating sentences that makes him bleed too.
"I don't need you!"
Yes I do.
"Go away!"
Please stay.
"I didn't like the food. It was awful."
They're my favorite, thank you.
"When I said I don't wan't to it, it means I don't! Don't force me!"
Maybe I'm a bit hungry?
I am a lost cause.
"Pale lips and dark eyes has broken the dreamer's lies."
He inaudibly shrieked one morning when he woke up. The world was wet with dew as it sleepily waved back at him. He tried to wave back, but the shock of living in monochrome froze him. Then he tumbled down with a thud.
For a moment he forgot what predicament he's in and tried to stand up only to out balance himself and landed face first down their wooden floor. Natsu, who was never asleep the entire night, came rushing by to her brother's room beside hers. Clearly shocked and bemused at her nii-chan's bleeding nose and busted lip, she stood frozen. A part of her wants to laugh but the other half actually feels bad. And good thing she did, because the next scene was horrifying.
A soul was broken.
"There is something in your mind you can never find, boy."
Searching. Wandering. Roaming around an unprecedented area.
What was he seeking?
He alwas have thought that it was the adrenaline. His heart beating so fast, so loud that he can hear it through his ears. An energy flowing deep within, tingling his senses, pricking under his skin. He enjoys the rush, the pain, the smile in his teammates' lips.
Yet when he stared at Kageyama, he realized it wasn't.
What kept him alive...
"Im sick and tired of the voices, the noises. Everything seems magical."
"Hinata boke..."
...was love.
"My eyes are hiding the pavements of my vacancy. You can't take the power from me."
Kageyama wish he could hold Shoyo tighter. Peacefully zoning out in his arms, a small drool pooling below his mouth, and beautiful long lashes. So angelic and breathtaking.
Yet he still fears poring directly in his partner's eyes for they scream,
"I'm going to eat you alive."
Placing a kiss atop his head, a sigh escaped his lips. Then, honey-flecked orbs dangerously stared at him. A tremble was awaken inside his body.
"I love you."
The both of then were taken aback by his sudden words. Hinata was left in awe, speechless while Kageyama quickly recovered his composure. He came into terms with his feelings finally just right now, it's now or never.
"I want you more than any perfect toss. It's you that I want to hit my balls. We're partners, aren't we? I want to be by your side, holding you, loving you. We'll drink hundred liters of milk, we'll eat as many pork buns as you want. I want to spend my life with you."
"I know it'a sudden but Hina--!"
"Loving means being alive. Being alive is being able to love,
But you see, living, is not my energy."
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Cheater! Tim Drake x Reader Part 1
The following is a non profit fan based story Batman, Red hood, Nightwing etc. belongs to DC Comics please support the official release.
I gain no profit from this nor do I own anything other then OCs  and whatever sprouts from my imagination. Thanks for reading!
Y/n practically flew up the steps of Wayne manor she was so excited! She had to tell Tim, she got the voice acting gig she'd trying for Outta Wack productions! she was a voice actress and apart of the Trophy Scavenger team effective next week! She knocked and ringed the doorbell.
 Dick eating a bowl of cereal answered "ey y/nf!" he greeted as he swallowed a spoon full of Trix he moved aside to let her in Jason who was reading Terry Pratchett's Mort nodded and grunted at her as the h/c merrily walked inside "Is Tim in his room? I got big news!" She chirped and went upstairs practically skipping.
Dick chuckled at her enthusiasm then back to watching cartoons. When it slowly dawned on the brothers; they were pretty sure they both heard Y/n getting 'busy' with Tim in his room, they blanched as Dick was the first to speak "w-wait if Y/n just got here...." Jason whipped his head towards the stairs. "The who the hell is up there with Tim?!" Dick dropped his bowl while Jason bolted over couch and they ran upstairs to catch up with Y/n.
only hear a horrified "WHAT THE FUCK!" the two almost trip when they stopped in front of Tim's room to see a shocked and crying Y/n who was staring at Steph and Tim who were both naked and staring at the three stunned. no one moved nor said anything when a hollow bitter laugh came from the h/c a few seconds of her laughter she spoke up.
 "Jaime was fucking right..." she snorted as tears blurred her vision. "You fucking bastard! You knew I was cheated on in my last relationship! How could you!?"she demanded as taking a step towards them Dick held her back as the 'couple' flinched, the h/c was hands were shaking she so fucking distraught she "He and Bart told me you had a thing for Steph...Did I fucking listen--"
Y/n shook her head "No, Y'know what?...Fuck this! Fuck you both! you deserve each other!" She then turned to Tim took out the cellphone he had gotten her and threw it at him, the phone hit the raven haired boy in the head causing it to turn on and a picture of himself and Y/n came up on the lock-screen he looked down at it dazed.
"Never come near me again...I hate you Timothy Drake." she spat venom dripping off of every word Tim look sick as he watched her shove passed Dick and Jason who were still staring stunned that Tim would betray Y/n like this.
 "I'm gonna go make sure Y/n's alright, help her get home..." Jason muttered and followed after the heartbroken girl, While Dick just shook his head in disbelief at his younger brother disappointment and shame clear in his eyes "Way go Tim, you got the girl you always wanted..." said boy had yet to move from his spot eyes still glued to the phone screen.
Y/n... the way she looked at him with devastation and malice, her words kept echoing in his head "...I hate you Timothy Drake"  Every word felt like a dagger was twisting into his heart...Why? He wasn't in love with Y/n...he just using her,right? that was the plan...act as a rebound. Make Steph jealous then break-up with Y/n before it got too serious (he skipped that step.) and start dating Steph...after all that, He couldn't have fallen for Y/n, right?
The answer was pretty clear as his blue eyes stayed on the screen, focus on Y/n's happy face, it was mocking him. Tim felt dirty as every memory and moments they had shared together started replaying in his head. Tim hadn't realized he was crying until a few tears landed on the cellphone. He hadn't even noticed Steph curse him out and leave. 
Needless to say, the last couple weeks wasn't much of a shock to anyone. Steph wanted nothing to do with Tim, she punched him in the face when he tried talking to her, "You two timing sleaze! I had to find out from Barb, you and Y/n were dating for almost a year and six months! You lying son of a bitch!" she hit him again then called him every name in the book; 
Tim just stood there and took it knowing he deserved every bit of it "Well I hope it was fucking worth it, because we're through!" She yelled before storming off. And as for Y/n nobody seen or heard from her since the incident, and no one would tell him where she was, He asked Jason who was the last person to see her and he told Tim to shove it.
He ended up going to Y/n's apartment and a shady looking guy answer the door. Tim's jaw clenched he was pissed thinking Y/n had gotten together with this guy! he pushed himself passed the guy and looked around the apartment. His anger soon turned to fear and confusion to see all her stuff was gone and unpacked boxes littered the living room. 
"Hey, you can't ju-" The guy reached for Tim's shoulder only for the teen to grab his hand and bend it behind the man's back."Who the hell are you, what are you doing here?" the teen hissed the man winced feeling Tim's hold tighten he stuttered out his name and how he just bought the place from some depressed chick who's boyfriend cheated on her.
"How..do you know about that?"
 "S'what the neighbors told me, I take it the boyfriend is you?"
"Where's the girl now?"
"I don't know! some animation company hired her out of state...She's gone."
Tim's eyes widened he dropped the guy and just stared at his feet, the teen was silent for a few seconds then apologized walked out of the apartment and just as he was about leave he heard the guy speak up. 
"Y'know love is pretty confusing kid, Some are together for life... others aren't so great at it...But that doesn't stop them from trying, I hope it works out for the both of ya's..." Tim frowned taking what the guy said to heart and walked down the stairs and out into the street he stared blankly at the sky for a minute.
 Figures it would be a beautiful sunny day while he's miserable, he then locked on to to some trash cans that were left out, a sudden rush of anger overcame the teen his foot came up kicking one of them sending it crashing into a wall denting it. 
Tim let out a shaky breath then continued back to his car, thinking about how he had picture perfect life and a girl who loved him. and not for money, fame or any other form of greed. But loved him for being his own horrid self...And he threw that all away, because he couldn't let go of a stupid crush! 
Tim looked at Y/n's phone which was resting on his dash, He stared at it forlornly she must've known he put a tracker in it...Clever girl, Too bad he was to hung up on getting Steph to like him to notice at the time... It was a long drive back to the manor, Tim stayed hulled up in his room burying himself in work only coming out for patrol or if Alfred forced him out to eat, he made the wrong call and he's paying for it.  
2 years later...
"Tim my boy, someone your age should have a nice girl by his side..." And old man boasted to the young CEO, Tim mentally rolled his eyes annoyed and exhausted, listening to Mr. Georgeman boast about his grand-niece, every fricken time he went to gala, there was always some old money or debutante type who would try to set him up with their pretty young niece,cousin,daughter or granddaughter...
And every time he'd turn them down...he learned a long time ago saying that he'd "think about it." gave the parents and the girl false hope and the wrong impression; dates would be set up without his knowing, or he'd show up to a "lunch meeting" and see a living barbie doll dressed to the nines waiting for him.
 which would end in tears and embarrassment for them both when he turned them down, or the girls would show up at his job or apartment whining and wondering why he stood them up.
Now whenever ever a meeting was set up he'd double check to see who set it up and message them to cancel, it saves him the embarrassment and spares the girls their feelings. Tim was pulled out of his reverie by the old man patting his shoulder. 
"Well Mr.Drake would you be interested in my Luba?" the raven haired boy's eye twitched just a bit..."Erm... I'm sorry sir, I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment." Mr. Georgeman bristled at Tim's rejection and stomp away into the crowed which Tim surveyed he sighed checking his watch wondering if he's at that point where he's stayed long enough? and it was nearly quarter-past nine...
Tim hummed and slipped away from the ball room and out into the hotel lobby, when he saw a group of girls gasp when they saw him, They advanced towards him, Till one of them noticed something over his shoulder and shrieked excitedly, Tim sighed annoyed waited for the person to rush up to him and ask for a selfie or whatever only for the person to yell.
"Oh my god it's Y/n L/n!" Tim blinked Y/n...his Y/n? he whirled around as the girls forgot about him, and made a beeline for the h/c who wasn't alone he saw Jaime and Bart with her, but that's not what he was focus on...
His eyes instead were focused on the little raven haired girl who was freaking out and crying at all camera flashes going off. Causing Jaime to step in front of Y/n and the kid protectively, Bart took the baby from the h/c and got into the elevator while Jaime tried to get everyone to back up. "ey,ey everybody just needs ti calm down here" the Latino urged waving his hands. 
"Y/n!? was that Erin, she's gotten so big!"
"Whens your next album coming out?"
"Are you dating Bart or Jaime?"
"Did Erin get the dragon hoodie I sent?" 
"Will you marry me?"
Y/n was overwhelmed by the sudden ambush she barely had any breathing room to think! then she saw him... Tim standing a few feet from her. the h/c felt goosebumps form on her arms, as she watched his eyes narrow and he advanced towards her, she tugged on Jaime's shirt. 
"I see him too.." he said eyes glancing over his shoulder. Y/n took a deep breath and faced the crowed. "To answer your questions, Yes, June, neither, yes, NO!...anymore questons will be answered at the convention, goodnight!" Y/n and Jamie got into an elevator before Tim could reach them or anyone could stop them.
"That was too close!" Y/n sighed sliding down the wall Jaime sat down next to her. "You can't keep avoiding him, hermana." he said causing the girl to snort. "Yes I can! I've been doing it for two years." she huffed crossing her arms, the Latino frowned damn this girl is stubborn!
 "And what about Erin? what are you gonna do when she starts asking about her dad?" The h/c frowned she hadn't thought that far ahead, according to Bart; Her and Tim were apparently still together in the future, she scoffed when she heard that! As if she would take that cheater back! maybe in upside-down world! But in real life that bridge wasn't just burned, it was nuked beyond repair!
"Well what are you going to tell her?" Jaime asked again Y/n hummed "I don't know..." she mumbled Jamie patted her knee and they got up when the elevator pinged telling them they were at their floor, when they got to their room they found Bart waiting sitting on a chair watching TV while bouncing Erin on his knee, He looked nervous as he saw them come in "Tim called...He wants to meet with you." Y/n took Erin from him and balanced the toddler on her hip.
"Well, that's too bad c'os I don't want to meet him." Bart winced as she said this "it's kind of important that you meet him Y/n..." Speedster urged but, h/c wasn't having it, every time he even mentioned Tim she would stare or shoot him down, eventually the brown haired man begrudgingly dropped it. Both he and Jaime knew that Tim wasn't going let it go...he will find a way to get Y/n alone, especially since now Tim saw Erin...he was going want answers.
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