honoka-is-god · 7 months
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troutglasses · 10 months
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anime-ships-all-good · 9 months
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Nishikino Maki x Kousaka Honoka
Love Live! School Idol Project
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okamarinosuzoki · 2 years
With a White Horse (Honoka/Maki)
“And then Maki-chan comes on stage on a white horse.” [Honoka/Maki]
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spyxfan · 2 years
Love Live! dj - HonoMaki Morning Kiss
Love Live! dj – HonoMaki Morning Kiss
Pairing: Honoka x Maki
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llsifrares · 2 years
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source: pixiv
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thrill-addict · 3 years
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honomaki top tier ship
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mmag-translations · 3 years
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HonoMaki Log
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abbystarling · 4 years
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Phew! This was a study in perspective and environments sponsored by my friend Elli! This was kinda tough/outside my comfort zone with lots of straight lines to get just so (I'm never drawing a piano again haha) but I'm quite happy with the results!
Visit my shop! Support on Patreon for early access to new artwork and receive other rewards such as art postcards and sketches!                
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honoka-is-god · 7 months
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Honoka, in a hospital bed: "Come on, Maki, calm down. I wasn’t hurt that badly. The doctor said all my bleeding is internal! That’s where the blood’s supposed to be!"
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virulace · 4 years
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Gay people
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whoneedsapublisher · 3 years
HonoMaki angst.
Words: ~650
Summary: Sometimes, life wasn't fair. But it was even worse when it was.
Also on Ao3
The worst thing was, Nico couldn’t even say it was unfair. That was the usual thing to fall back on when things went wrong, wasn’t it? “It’s not fair! I don’t deserve this! There was nothing I could have done!” Even if it didn’t change things, it gave you a little kernel of defiance. A tiny flame of anger to warm yourself with. It was unjust, and that let you fight back against it. That tiny flame had let Nico struggle through the cold rain as her idol club died around her.
“It’s not fair.”
It wasn’t fair that no one gave her a chance.
“I don’t deserve this.”
She didn’t deserve to be abandoned just because she was actually serious about being an idol.
“There was nothing I could have done.”
She couldn’t have done anything more than she had to find people who cared, or to make her former members care.
Those three little complaints kept her afloat. Clinging tight to that bitter conviction that this wasn’t how it should be let her fight, stopped her from giving in and disbanding the club.
But it wasn’t like that this time. She couldn’t blame chance, or fate, or circumstance. This time, her own failures were the weight she was struggling under, her shoulders sagging and her knees giving out.
She could see them now, down in the courtyard. It wasn’t like they were making out, or anything. Maki hadn’t changed overnight or anything. But even when they were just sitting together, it was obvious. Shy little bumps of their hands, timid but seeking. Shared glances. Occasional blushes. There was no mistaking the emotion between them.
Honoka laughed, grinning widely, and a shy smile made its way onto Maki’s face, her eyes on Honoka’s face.
“There was nothing I could have done.”
There was plenty she could have done. She could have said something. She could have admitted how she felt, instead of dancing around it, instead of fighting with Maki over everything just to get her to react.
“I don’t deserve this.”
It was exactly what she deserved. She’d been hesitant, had settled for bickering instead of trying to really get closer to Maki, settled for implications instead of confessing. She’d been as prickly to Maki as Maki had been to her, instead of trying to make Maki act less prickly in the first place.
“It isn’t fair.”
But it was. Everything was fair in love and war, wasn’t it? And in this case, that was hardly even relevant. Honoka had confessed. Maki had accepted. What wasn’t fair about that? Honoka had worked to become closer to Maki, to win her over and become her friend, and Nico had just fought with her. Of course it was fair that Maki fell in love with Honoka instead.
Nico closed the blinds on the window, the last slit of light into the room blocked out along with her vision of the happy couple.
It was better this way. She wanted to be an idol, didn’t she? Even when μ’s was over. And besides, Nico was a third year, and Maki was a first year. She’d be graduating and leaving, and it would be years before Maki joined her- even more years, since she’d no doubt go to med school. And meanwhile, Nico would be trying to get into an industry where romance wasn’t allowed.
So it was for the best that she didn’t get tangled up with someone now, when she finally had a real chance again. The world deserved Nico the idol, and Nico would give it to them.
But not today.
Today, Nico the idol didn’t need to appear. And so Nico the normal girl was free to sit in a dark room devoid of prying eyes, alone with her regrets.
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mackinmacki · 3 years
Maki always goes to the museum alone. One morning, she sees a cute girl at the gemstone exhibit. Though she tries to ignore her fluttering heart, that girl finds a way of getting next to her anyway.
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wholesomeyuri · 5 years
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✧・゚: *✧ Comforting Hug ✧ *:・゚✧
♡ Characters ♡ : Maki Nishikino ♥ Honoka Kousaka
♢ Anime ♢ : Love Live! School Idol Project - (AL, A-P, KIT, MAL)
☆ Source ☆ : pixiv (account deleted)
.。*゚+.*.。 Art by Inuzuka Bouru 。.*.+*゚。.
♥*♡+:。.。 check out r/wholesomeyuri for more wholesome yuri goodness ~ 。.。:+♡*♥ + *゚ 。. The artwork(s) belong to the respective artist, please SUPPORT THEM by LIKING/RETWEETING/SHARING the original post(s) .。*゚+
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