lilsapphicmoon · 7 years
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Tumblr's calling me out for my love of @honeynutholland 😂😂
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spider-boi · 7 years
for christmas (thankyou for doing this btw c:)
“just one more, baby!” harry yelled out.
“harry it’s so cold! let’s go home please.” you placed your hands in your pockets for warmth. your boyfriend had his camera in his hands and was continuously snapping pictures. the snow was falling slowly all around you, making you look like an angel.
“but you look so pretty in the snow.” 
“don’t charm me, holland.” you gave him a pointed look.
“just one more, please.” harry pouted at you. you sighed and nodded, posing in the way he wanted you to. the camera clicked five times before he moved close to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “you did so well, angel.” harry kissed the tip of your nose and you giggled, shaking the snow out of your hair
a short lil harry blurb for you have a merry christmas!
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underoos-tom · 7 years
Whilst I know every fandom has its flaws, since making my Tom blog and being actively involved in this fandom, I’ve received nothing but love and kindness from everyone I follow, who for some reason follow me back most of the time even though I’m a baby blog in terms followers and notes!
I made this blog as a side thing to come to occasionally but I find myself here more than my other blog because everyone is so welcoming and lovely and I can’t thank you all enough.
Special mentions go to @petesparkes, @tomhollandxreader, @heavenlytom, @screamholland, @stormyparker, @bittersweetholland, @dusktillholland and @honeynutholland who have all been so sweet to me at some point during my short time here, but I love and appreciate everyone who has followed me, reblogged me and liked the few things I’ve made!
I know this is soppy af but I’ve felt the need to say this for a while because you’re all so nice and wonderful and make me so happy and I love you all ❤️
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gothamstodd · 7 years
congrats on 200 babe!! ❤️+hollands pls? i’m 5’3 with dark brown hair AND eyes. i’m pretty laid back and always up for spontaneous adventures! i’m more of a stay at home person, not really into parties. music is my life, i’m either listening to it or singing or playing an instrument everyday! working out is one of my favourite things to do, although i haven’t gone to the gym in a while. cats are cool, but i’m definitely a dog person! also, i basically live in hoodies and leggings lol thankyou! 💕
I ship you with Tom!
Omg I think you guys would be super cute together.  I feel like you guys would have some hella grand adventures together but also spend like an entire day binge watching your favorite shows and cuddling together in your pajamas. Also working out together!!! A ton!!! Yes!!? Maybe like some singing or playing instruments together would be kinda cute, like you guys would have a few duets and Haz would record them without you guys knowing then leak them to instagram and the fans would just be obsessed with your relationship? And sharing hoodies? Okay. The blurb is about an adventure :)
You curled into Tom’s side, barely watching the show he’d chosen. Why pay attention to it, when you could spend the time staring at him instead.
“Enjoying the view?” He asked when he noticed you staring, a cocky smirk painted onto his face.
“Who wouldn’t?” You smiled back. He hummed and kissed your temple in response. A few more minutes of stillness passed between you, the show playing in the background as you cuddled.
“Hey, maybe we should go to Paris next week.” Tom said casually.
You sat straight up, “What?”
“You know, take a train, spend a few days there sight seeing and all. Why not?”
“Why not?” You raised your eyebrows. “Work, money, I don’t know, a language barrier?”
“C’mon we’ll figure it out. It would be fun, I’ve got the money for it darling.” He grinned.
It would be fun. “Maybe…”
“Maybe? Please love, It’ll be an adventure.” He pleaded.
You ended up saying yes.
He ended up getting down on one knee at a table outside of a french coffee shop, after you’d teased him about croissants, and displaying a diamond ring.
You ended up saying yes again.
okay that was cute, I’m proud :)
200 follower celebration! - I’m closing ship w/ blurb requests, but the others are still open, sorry :(
blacklist the tag ‘#daisy’s 200 celebration’ if you’d like to avoid seeing posts like this one!
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gustavnyquist · 7 years
i love the mark mcmorris wallpapers so much!!! if it’s not too much to ask for, can you make some for him with white backgrounds? thankyou 💕
absolutely!! just so I know exactly what you want, would you like the ones I made with all the decorations and everything but just make the backgrounds white? or like the same photos of him with just white backgrounds? just want to make sure!
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greatpretending · 7 years
roast me pls 👀
“I swerve sometimes” roughly translates to “I’m going to be a swinger when I grow up”
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hufflepuffthor · 7 years
idk how i didn’t find your blog earlier, i was missing out!!! your mobile theme is cute as heck 💕💕💕
dshadgs oh my god thank you so much!!!!!!!! ur url (n ur blog too!) is so cute i love it
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yoinkmyheart · 7 years
i just read his cinderella and it was so cute!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH 💕💕💕💕 (i had to internalize my squealing because i’m with my mom and her friends friends)
AH you are so sweet???? thank you so much!! 💖
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spiderparkerboy · 7 years
:’) i adore you so much ?? like you have no idea
Send me a “✔” if i’m one of your favorite blogs
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hollandazing · 7 years
congrats maddy!! im michelle and i genuinely suck at describing myself, but i have a face page to help with that! im pretty short, 5'3" :( i love travelling, singing (which i do 24/7, sometimes while playing guitar or piano) and photography (but i suck and only use my phone to take pictures). i also really love my dog! i'm not a fan of horror movies or parties; im pretty lame lol im pretty chill and quiet, but i can be talkative! surprise me with the hc pls, im blanking lol thankyou!!!
Woah ok so you have a 5sos blog and I used to be one too and I’m pretty sure we were at least mutuals (I was lukesheartbreak btw)
Also you’re so cute like what the heck
This was really hard bc you’d be cute with everyone, but I’m gonna ship you with Tom!
You’re like the perfect height for him. I mean, he’s not that tall but you’re just tall enough that when you’d hug, he would be able to comfortably rest his chin on top of your head.
AND HE WOULD LOVE TO SQUISH YOUR CHEEKS OK. Fight me on this alright. Like if you weren’t paying attention to him, he’d just casually reach over and either poke your cheek or squish them so you looked like a fish (a cute fish tho)
Everyone in his family + Harrison would actually love you more than him and you’d spend so much time with them
You and Harry would go to (aesthetic) places and take pictures together and I can see someone (probably Harry tbh) getting you a quality camera for your birthday or Christmas and he’d teach you how to use it and how to get the best pictures possible
And you and Sam would hang out together and you guys would bond over your musical abilities and like he’d play the piano and you’d sing
 Tom would literally be so jealous that you spent all of your time with his brothers but he’d be so touched that you guys got along and liked each other that much
AND CAN I SAY DOG PLAY DATES??? Like you’d bring your dog and Tom would bring Tessa and I can’t even finish that thought but it’d be cute as hell ok
Every time that Tom has to leave to go work or whatever, he gets so damn sad that he has to leave you
He really loves how chill and laid back you are bc like that boy has the most hectic life I think I’ve ever seen, so you’re a really nice balance for him and he loves coming home to you when you can’t travel with him. Like you’ll just stay in and watch random movies (he’d make you watch horror movies but only so he can “protect” you. he’s a cliche, we all know it)
Anyway, you guys are just straight up couple goals
want one?
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stephie-senpai · 7 years
late as heck, but happy birthday steph!! i hope you had an amazing day!! 💕💕
thank you :) it’s been great
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lilsapphicmoon · 7 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD ♡✧( ु•⌄• ) once you get this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask box of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's nice to know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out ❤ ( ◜◒◝ )♡
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marvel-lously · 6 years
Hot Bath And Cuddles
Words: 1500
Content: fluff
Warnings: implied smut at the end but nothing explicit
A/N: This was a request from the lovely @petalparker <3 I am sorry it took me so long babe. Anyways I am quite happy with how this came out, let me know what you think in the comments please :)
Tags: @dearcindymoon @paramedicpanther @spokenforunicornism @one-big-dreamer @slut-for-fandoms @the-crime-fighting-spider @falseosterhollandfantasies @purespidey @afilmbypeterparkr @hoteaholland @hollandharrison @beautifullydisconnected @princessunicorn13 @itstomsdarling @loverboy-holland @lilyholland @xoxoholland @awshucks-ace @zpidey-sense @infamous-webhead @mandatheredpanda @ahollandy @loserparker @girl-in-the-chair @thcmasholland @trulytom @honeynutholland @cuteparkers @angelicparkerr  @parkers-holland @no-aaaahhhh 
(again, I tagged some of my lovely mutuals, I hope that’s okay, also if you want to be tagged or untagged send me an ask)
You were tired, so, so tired. Your muscles were slowly becoming numb and you were losing your sense of balance, your feet barely holding you up. Now where the hell was Tom?! When you talked with him on the phone he said he'd be here in ten, it's been twenty minutes already and you were getting chilly, your clothes dripping wet from the rain because as if this day couldn't get any worse, you had to forget your umbrella.
You were barely holding back the tears. You never cried in public, not ever, you didn't want to be a damsel in distress, you were a strong independent woman, just ... not today. Today you needed Tom. Where the hell was he anyways?
As if he heard your thoughts, you saw his car pull up to the parking lot. Frustrated, but with relief you sat in car. You were fuming on the inside, on the outside however, you were too tired to even say hello.
»Hey darling, I am sorry I am late, there was this huge traffic jam and ... are you okay?« he urged, finally taking a note of your state, concern colouring his voice.
»'M fine.« you sighed.
»Are you sure 'cause I am fairly sure that even white paint has more colour than you have right now.« He tried to joke, his smile quickly faltering once he saw your unimpressed expression.
»No, honestly Y/N, look at me.« He was waiting for you to face him.
Once you did, he could finally see the tears dwelling in your eyes and small smudges of mascara in corners of your eyes.
»I am just ...« a sob broke your voice. »I had a very bad day today and all I want to do right now is curl up in bed and cry« You admitted defeatedly.
After a moment of silence, Tom spoke up: »Alright, I know just the thing that's going to help.«
You looked at him with doubt. He just smiled at you gently and tenderly caressed your cheek.
After five minute ride he parked in front of a small coffee shop.
»I'll be back in a second, wait here.« He rushed to the shop.
You saw him come back with two cups of coffee.
»Here you go hon, hazelnut cappuccino, no sugar, am I right?« He stammered nervously.
»Yes!« You nearly cheered, this coffee being the first good thing today.
You sighed contently when the hot liquid warmed your insides and the smell of hazelnut along with the bittersweet taste of your cappuccino took over your senses.
Tom grinned, looking at the scene. Just moments ago you were on the verge of a breakdown, interesting how a small cup of coffee can do wonders.
»I am still a little cold and my clothes are still damp so you might want to take us home now?« You sassed, already feeling just a tad better.
»Plus I still haven't completely forgiven you for being late.« You added jokingly.
»Well what can a man do then, for you to forgive him?« He joked back.
»We'll figure something out.« You smirked.
After a while, he finally parked the car in front of your apartment building. You stepped out of the car, nearly tripping over your own feet.
»Okay, that's it, I am carrying you.« Tom tried to suppress his laugh.
»Tooom...« You tried to protest, but he already picked you up, giving you a piggyback ride all the way to your apartment.
»Aren't I a little heavy?« You asked, after he dropped you off his shoulders in front of the door.
»You? Never.« He gave you a comforting smile.
»Why don't you take your clothes off, while I run you a nice, hot bath?« he offered.
You nodded and began the struggle with trying to take off your sticky clothes.
»Tom ... I am stuck.« You came to the bathroom, your jumper half covering your head, making a mess out of your hair, you managed to free one arm from it, the other still struggling to rid of the long, itchy sleeve.
»A little help would be greatly appreciated!« You huffed, irritatedly.
Tom coughed to cover up his laugh. »Of course darling.«
After a few roughly pulled hair and just mild complaining from your side, you two managed to take the jumper off.
Tom grinned at the nest that came to form of your hair.
»Stop it!« You said, lightly hitting his shoulder.
»Come on, get in the bath you goof.« He gushed.
He really did make you a nice bubbly bath, with lavender oil, your favorite.
»You know you can join me, right?« You quipped.
He seemed to be in thought for a moment but was quick to start stripping his clothes off, seating himself behind your back.
»So, wanna tell me what happened today?« He urged.
You sighed. »It's just the professors. Especially Ms. Pike, she literally pushed me on the verge of a mental break down today. She knew I wasn't present in class previous lesson and she still insisted on questioning me and gave me a D-. Can you imagine? She questioned me about the topic that I barely heard a few sentences about from my schoolmates. And now, it will affect my GPA and I'll have to study extra hard for this subject, despite already having a dozen assignments from other professors.
And as if that wasn't enough, someone stole my lunch today and when I wanted to go to the panini shop over the street I figured I forgot my wallet, so I had to ask my friend to buy a sandwich for me. Well, turns out the shop was closed today, so we had to go and buy some shitty toast from our cafeteria, where they put loads of mayo on everything and you know that I am not really a fan of mayo, so there's that and then when waiting for you I remembered i had forgotten my umbrella at home as well and just ...« You stopped to take a breath from your rambling.
»I am sorry, I must seem so silly right now.« You felt tears returning to your eyes.
»Hey, hey, hey! Stop it right now, these things aren't silly if they upset you. Nothing that upsets you is silly or stupid or trivial to me, understand? But you know what? I believe in you, I believe you can fix your grade, although it'll now take you some extra work because of that douchebag teacher.
But you can do it Y/N, you can manage all of this because  truth be told, I have never seen more hardworking, more intelligent, more talented and more determined person than you. You totally got this! I believe in you! Now all you have to do is to believe in yourself!« Tom said in a certain voice, while gently rubbing your shoulders, holding you in his embrace.
»Still, you need to relax and take your mind off of it for today, okay?« You nodded while he softly kissed your forehead.
He started to shampoo and massage your scalp delicately, putting just the right amount of pressure to your skin while rubbing it.
You hummed, content with how you currently were; pressed against Tom's warm chest, while he's taking care of you. Unfortunately, water started to cool down and eventually it was time to leave your pleasant bath.
Wrapped in a bathrobe, you sat on a sofa, in the meantime Tom offered to make you some soup, to finally get you an edible lunch.
»Thank you!« You said and patted a spot next to you, urging him to sit down beside you, so you can snuggle up in his arms.
Tom's hugs always felt good, they gave you this sense of familiarity, safety-he felt like home to you.
You two decided to have a movie marathon and were currently watching The Proposal, when you decided to speak up.
»Hey Tom?« you chimed.
»Thank you for today, I honestly don't know what I would do if you weren't here.« You said, fidgeting.
»Always.« He replied.
»Was that a Harry Potter innuendo?« You giggled.
»Maybe.« He crooned.
»You dork!« You laughed, ruffling his hair playfully.
And then you kissed him. At first a light kiss turned into a needier one when Tom softly grazed your lip, his tongue begging to give him entrance to which you happily obliged. The kiss got more passionate with Tom's arms slowly roaming over your body, his hand skimming over your exposed skin.
Out of breath, he broke the kiss, a lustful glint reflecting in his eyes. »How about we take this to our bedroom?«
Maybe this day wasn't so crappy after all.
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gustavnyquist · 7 years
sorry i didn’t specify! can you make the same ones with the decorations but with white backgrounds? thankyou!!!
no problem!! yes I can do that, shouldn’t take too long!
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sukikorra · 6 years
liv’s 200 celebration !!
hi sweet peas !! i recently passed 200 followers !!!!!! i know it’s not a huge number, but i’m super happy, so i thought i’d have a lil celebration for u guys !! 💓💓
since i don’t want to do anything too big just yet, i figured i’d keep it relatively small and do playlists !!
rules - send me an ask here (on or off of anon) and give me a music recommendation (one song, multiple songs, a whole album/artist, i’m open to any suggestions !!) and one of the following emojis
character playlist 🦋 - send me the 🦋 emoji and the name of a character and i’ll give u a list of songs that remind me of them !!
name playlist 🍯 - send me the 🍯 emoji and your name and i’ll make a playlist that corresponds to each letter !!
aesthetic playlist 🍒 - send me the 🍒 emoji and a moment/setting/feeling (the beach, happiness, how u feel after u kiss someone for the first time, i dunno anything honestly) and i’ll give u a list of songs that remind me of that thing !! this one is my favorite ngl
feel free to send me more than one !! no limits (to an extent obviously)
i’ll be tagging these as #livs200playlists, so if you don’t want it on your dash, feel free to blacklist :)
tagging some mutuals under the cut so this maybe doesn’t flop :))
@stardustparker @tomsfireheart @iamnesta @fluffholland @screamholland @hawkiye @dorkpeter @cutesparker @honeynutholland @sidespidey @suitedspidey @underoos-tom @radspidey @emistrash @harrvjpotter @sunlightpeter @dylanspraberry @homecunnings @spiderparkerboy @pxrkers @iron-spiderr @rainbow-marvel @hollanderheart @blushypeter @bulletproofbucky @i-am-steve-rogerss @spidreman @bettys @wintersthor @sighspidey @peachyhollands @valar--m0rghulis @penisprkr @admiretom @tomholend @princess-shurii  (sorry if i forgot to tag anyone oof im bad at this)
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prettylilparker · 7 years
kiss me for hours
my masterlist :)
summary: during spring break, you and peter parker decide to visit the beach together and peter admits something that’s been on his mind.
warnings: kissssssing and some high quality fluff
word count: 808
author’s note: i’m so ready for spring break but i have to wait like two months ughhhh yea so i’m waiting for my spring break as well as my own peter parker to take me to a romantic beach outing <3 thx for taking the time to read my stuff it means the world to me (and i rlly mean it)!! ly all
The sun had kissed the brunet boy a million times. She was the only one who’d kissed the boy more than you, but you were gaining on her rapidly, one loving day at a time.
Peter wadded through the ocean, the teal blue water crashing against his torso as each wave pushed into the beach, then hit the sand in a bubbly white. You bit your knuckles, watching him in pure bliss.
He turned around, grinning once he held sight of you. He waved his hand towards you, motioning for you to join him. “Come out! The water’s great!” You pursed your lips as if you were unsure of the offer, but the truth was that you had already made up your mind a minute ago that you’d go out to him. You just liked to see the adorable pout on his lips when he thought you’d say no. “Please,” he called.
You grabbed the hem of his white tee you were using as a coverup and tugged it off over your head, revealing the simple, black two-piece underneath. Peter beamed and walked closer into your direction. You made your way to him, the water rising above your hips once he grasped your hand and pulled you towards himself.
“Hi,” he laughed. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his settled on your waist.
“Hi,” you replied. Your gaze shifted to the expanse of blue behind him, stretching for miles. “It’s so beautiful out here. I wish I could stay here with you forever.”
“Hey,” Peter said, tucking some of your hair behind your ear. “We’d have to eat eventually.”
You punched his chest, laughing. “You know what I meant, Pete.” His fingers moved down to your earlobe, fiddling with the golden hoop earring you were wearing.
He sighed, removing his hands from you to drop into the water. “Yeah, I know, angel.”
You grabbed his hands swirling in the water and placed them back onto your waist, his warm eyes moving to look into yours. “Well, let’s make it last then.”
His left brow raised, the one which you loved because it flicked up so endearingly. “Hm?” he asked sweetly.
You pushed your fingers into his brown hair, filled with curls from the water. His eyes darted to your lips and his tongue skimmed over his own as he grasped your face, his thumb running circles over your cheekbone. He was grinning so brightly. You couldn’t resist his smile, one filled with just as much adoration dancing across your lips.
Peter dipped his head slowly, steadily. His soft lips pressed against yours in a tender kiss, the taste of saltwater on your tongue. You took in the distinct scent of the ocean, your hearts in sync as you pulled apart, breathing the same air. The kiss wasn’t anything special, but it was proof. Proof that you weren’t the only one head over heels in love.
Peter rested his forehead against yours, his nose brushing slightly against yours. You giggled, looking down. “What is it?” he asked, his hands wandering to your hips.
“Nothing,” you replied tersely. You bit your bottom lip, looking back up at him and kissing him again.
“Come on y/n, tell me. You know you can tell me anything.” Those puppy dog eyes always got you.
You scrunched up your nose, then smiled, resting your hands on Peter’s shoulders. You glanced over them, the constellations scattered along the tanned skin from countless days like this one. “If I were to kiss each of your freckles, we would be here for hours.”
“You like them?” Peter asked sheepishly, a pink shade rising to the apples of his cheeks.
“I love them.” Your fingers trailed along his skin.
“I love you.” Peter smiled unsurely. It was the first time he’d ever said it, even though it had been on his mind for weeks.
Your eyes widened and your lips broke into a chasm of a smile. “I- I love you, too.” You stuttered, taken by surprise by his words, but not at all surprised with your reply, because it was absolutely true.
“Really?” The boy was glowing, his eyes alight with utter happiness. You stood on your tippy toes, your mouth doing all the responding. “Why don’t I take you up on that offer from earlier?”
“What?” you queried, the mischief in Peter’s expression making you the slightest wary.
“Kiss me for hours, y/n.”
“Well it wasn’t quite an offer, but I surely wouldn’t mind,” you laughed, tugging him up to the shore, where your things were settled.
You laid on the beach together, Peter sitting between your legs. Your arms wrapped tightly around his torso as you peppered kisses along his shoulders and played with his curls. He sighed in content, turning and pecking your lips. 
The sun certainly had nothing on you now.
tags: @cindy-silk-moon @augurydemon @spidey-schxyler @the-crime-fighting-spider @parkerstcr @honeynutholland @flawlessshitt @cinnamon-roll-parker @everythingthatisrandom @tohollandback @royal1958 @buckylicious @frecklesparker
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