#honeybun lala
Highlight a FFXIV blog that deserves more recognition by a wider audience.
Highlight a FFXIV blogger who is always a joy to interact or RP with.
Highlight a FFXIV blog with some impressive gposes or screenshots.
An example of a FFXIV blog that definitely deserves more recognition would be @lunarcupcake.
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Honeybun is a character I'm always delighted to see on my dash and I am really enjoying seeing her adventures in Tural. With some great screenshots and gposes, this is a blog that deserves more attention. Plus @lunarcupcake is always very nice and supportive to others (including me!) and sometimes posts seaside pictures with ice creams!
2. Well I've already given one example of a FFXIV blogger with whom interacting sparks joy, but there are plenty more. One example being @umbralaether who I have been following for almost as long as I've been on Tumblr.
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Not only is their blog replete with excellent writing and beautiful screenshots (the graphical upgrade has made Eisha even more stunning I feel), but @umbralaether has never been anything but kind and encouraging, even when things in their own life have been tricky.
3. There are so many blogs with impressive gposes and screenshots that it feels almost impossible to choose one, but having made the game, it would be a very poor show if I didn't stick to the rules. So I will choose @furys-mercy as an example of a FFXIV blog with excellent gposes and screenshots.
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I mean I can't even begin to imagine how you go about creating a picture like this.
The blog includes dynamic gposes, emotional gposes, atmospheric gposes and even (ahem) really rather sexy gposes. @furys-mercy could easily fit into any number of potential FFXIV blog suggestions - they are a joy to interact with, they have an unreasonably attractive OC, their responses to ask games are always really interesting - but when I consider blogs with absolutely astounding gposes then I immediately think of @furys-mercy...
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