#honey rosenheim
2oosterr · 2 months
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i think i have a problem.
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onwesterlywinds · 4 years
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Tikhomir Ajuyn: Say, do you have an idea how to get to ... what was it, the Keane house? Ashelia Riot: ...One of the old houses. It's in the city proper. Ashelia Riot points north, and up, to where the palace lies behind its walls. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Thank you, Miss. Tikhomir Ajuyn squints at her face a little closer, and tilts his head. She looks vaguely familiar, but he can't quite place it. Something about the ears. Ashelia Riot is already tense from hearing someone asking about the Keane house - her own destination, of course. Her unease only grows to find the man looking at her from behind - but if there's one thing she's grown skilled at in politics, it's hiding her emotions. Ashelia Riot: The market's just up this way. Tikhomir Ajuyn gives her a smile, careful to keep his fangs hidden for the moment. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Thank you. I met an older man who directed me to the place, and it's a bit too late to journey out to the wilds to my camp tonight. Ashelia Riot stops walking at that. Ashelia Riot: ...Did he tell you it was haunted, by any chance? Tikhomir Ajuyn almost bumps into her. Tikhomir Ajuyn: H-Haunted? Er, no. He said it was his family's house. Tikhomir Ajuyn looks vaguely discomforted by the idea of ghosts. Ashelia Riot runs a hand through her hair, tucking a lock behind her ear... exposing that ear further. Ashelia Riot: Fuck. ...Then in truth, you met the ghost of that house himself. Ashelia Riot gives a somewhat wry smile. Tikhomir Ajuyn: ...Don't tell me Rosenheim is an ashkin. My life is already strange enough. Would that make you his daughter? Ashelia Riot: Close: he's former Kingsguard, so some would call him a Corpse. But yes, I am his daughter. Ashelia Riot. And you are? Tikhomir Ajuyn looks to the side like he can't quite believe it: Rosenheim said nothing about being Kingsguard himself, the weasel. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Tikhomir. Ajuyn, if you've a preference for last names, but I do not use it much. Ashelia Riot's eyes grow wide with awe. Ashelia Riot: ...Ajuyn?
Ashelia Riot takes a step closer. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Aye, my wife's name. I took it when I married her. Ashelia Riot: She wouldn't have happened to be a Keeper Miqo'te? Tikhomir Ajuyn blinks and takes a slight step back from this intense looking woman. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Er... Yes? Well. She was. I laid her to rest some twelve years ago. Ashelia Riot sees it too, finally - in the ears, of all places; her mouth falls open and she covers it with a single hand. Tikhomir Ajuyn flicks said ear nervously. Ashelia Riot: I know your daughter. Nivelth. She's... she's never mentioned... Tikhomir Ajuyn blinks rapidly, his pack slipping from his shoulder. Tikhomir Ajuyn: You--My Nivelth? That's impossible, she died-- Ashelia Riot shakes her head. Tikhomir Ajuyn staggers. Ashelia Riot: She's been a Riskbreaker for years. And one of my dearest friends. Tikhomir Ajuyn covers his mouth, eyes wide and unseeing. Tikhomir Ajuyn: But-- But I -- Tikhomir Ajuyn has to sit down. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Twelve have mercy, she--she's alive? Ashelia Riot hopes at first that Nivelth Ajuyn did not conceal her death from her father for some reason - but she sees from his abject shock, and his lack of any other emotions, that that doesn't seem to be the case. Ashelia Riot: Yes. Ashelia Riot kneels down slightly, places a hand upon his broad shoulder. Ashelia Riot: She's alive. And she's one of the fiercest fighters we have. Certainly one of the smartest. Tikhomir Ajuyn wipes his face, and Ashelia Riot can see a dusting of lighter spots along his cheeks, almost like freckles. Tikhomir Ajuyn: I ... I had come back from a hunting trip, and the homestead was in shambles. I ... our clan dead. I couldn't find her, so I had assumed... Ashelia Riot: I'm so sorry. I'm so... so sorry. Ashelia Riot knows, almost as well as anyone, that there's no wishing away that hurt, that sense that so much time has been wasted. Tikhomir Ajuyn: I ... Thank you. For telling me. I ... Tikhomir Ajuyn coughs slightly, and wipes his eyes again. Tikhomir Ajuyn: I realize you must've been doing something important, I -- Tikhomir Ajuyn is clearly trying to deflect, and not be the center of attention. Ashelia Riot: No. No, there's nothing more important than this. Tikhomir Ajuyn smiles at her, though it's a little watery. Tikhomir Ajuyn: You said she was one of your best fighters? And a good friend of yours? I'm ... I'm so glad. Ashelia Riot nods. Ashelia Riot: I've no doubt she would make your wife proud. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Una would always be proud of her. Tikhomir Ajuyn sniffles a little but seems to get himself under control. Tikhomir Ajuyn: She lives at the Sandsea? Rosenheim had mentioned it. Well, he mentioned it to see if I knew any old Kingsguard that might come by to visit. Ashelia Riot: Yes, she does. In Ul'dah. I'm afraid I don't know her exact whereabouts at present, but she's not like to have gone far. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Right. I ... I suppose I'll have to start making my way there. Gods, I .... what do I even say? Tikhomir Ajuyn runs a hand over his face. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Thank you, truly. Ashelia, was it? Ashelia Riot: Ashelia, yes. Ashelia Riot stands, holding out a hand for him. Tikhomir Ajuyn takes it, and hauls himself to his feet. His grip is strong and calloused, from years behind a bow. Ashelia Riot: But you are most welcome at the Keane house tonight. As you may have guessed by now, it's the Riskbreakers' base in Ala Mhigo. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Thank you. I ... daresay I should even set up shop, with... everything. Might you and yours need furs or supplies? It's the least I can do. Ashelia Riot shakes a head. Ashelia Riot: We can sort that out later. I've only recently returned from a long journey, and I've yet to fully take inventory. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Rosenheim mentioned you were a busy lass. If you need an extra set of claws, I can help. Ashelia Riot: He /mentioned/ quite a bit to you, it seems. ...But I would appreciate the help nonetheless. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Admittedly I kept him captive and talked to him a while. He was the first conversation I'd had in weeks that wasn't my chocobo. Ashelia Riot supposes she shouldn't be complaining about her father when his interference is about to reunite Nivelth Ajuyn with her own. Ashelia Riot: I'm certain he enjoyed the company as well, truth be told. Tikhomir Ajuyn smiles, this time not bothering to hide his fangs. Tikhomir Ajuyn: He was an interesting man to talk to. A bit dry, but I get the sense that he doesn't talk much for fun. Ashelia Riot: He's as joyful as a funeral, you mean. Ashelia Riot doesn't admit that she's seeing more of that trait in herself now that she's older. Or perhaps it's her mother's influence making her see it more. Tikhomir Ajuyn chuckles despite himself, his eyes crinkling happily. Tikhomir Ajuyn: I knew it was a good idea to give him a lunch with a sweet or two in it. He could do with some. Ashelia Riot: You gave him /food/? And he accepted it? Tikhomir Ajuyn: Stubborn old man tried to decline, but I told him to pay it forward if he wasn't going to eat it, Tikhomir Ajuyn shrugs, then stammers as he sees her look. Tikhomir Ajuyn: He's thin! Ashelia Riot: If you married a Miqo'te, you should know full well that that counts for precious little. Tikhomir Ajuyn doesn't know how to reply to that. Tikhomir Ajuyn: ... I try to help out where I can. Sharing some food is easy enough. Ashelia Riot: I... I'm sorry. I'm grateful for it. And I'm certain he is too. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Bah, it's alright. It's a common enough affliction in these parts, I've noticed. Many villages treated me with suspicion when I offered to hunt for them. Ashelia Riot: If you'd care to- Th-That is, you'd be more than welcome to take up cooking tonight at the house. Tikhomir Ajuyn: I wouldn't mind it. I've more than a little experience with cooking and the like, and a chance to work on something would... be helpful. Ashelia Riot: I understand completely. I'll take you to the Keane house, then. There's plenty of space for whatever you have. Tikhomir Ajuyn nods at that. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Thankfully I do not have much, just what I can carry. Do you have a preference for dinner? I know Ala Mhigans are partial to meats on the rarer side... Ashelia Riot: No preference. Though I do opt for well-cooked meat when possible. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Of course. Would you mind terribly telling me about the Riskbreakers? It was the name of an order I'm sure you're familiar with, some twenty five years ago, and that's quite honestly my only experience with it. Ashelia Riot: That is going to be a very long story. Would you mind if I tell it to you on the way back to the house? Tikhomir Ajuyn: By all means. I'm in no hurry. Tikhomir Ajuyn reaches down and hefts the pack up back onto his shoulder, bound thick with rough rope, and Ashelia can see all sorts of furs and beastkin parts that might fetch a good price. Ashelia Riot: ...Ironically... I remember hearing about Nive asking similar questions around Rhalgr's Reach. Even after she'd been among our number for years. Ashelia Riot: Ever curious. Tikhomir Ajuyn chuckles softly at that. Tikhomir Ajuyn: ... That she is. She stuck her nose into a wasp's nest when she was four summers because she 'wanted to see how the honey was made'. Ashelia Riot bursts out laughing, despite herself; if that isn't a metaphor for what happened in Dalmasca, she thinks, nothing is. Tikhomir Ajuyn: Poor kit's face was puffy for a week, and she pouted so terribly. Ashelia Riot: Then it seems little's changed! Ashelia Riot is relishing the chance to swap embarrassing stories while she has the chance. Tikhomir Ajuyn: I had hope she grew out of it, but it seems I was mistaken. I was sure she was going to send me into an early grave with heart palpitations alone.
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jarabushcraft · 5 years
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Schmitges, Großes Gewächs (grand cru in bergundy) This is a perfect Riesling. It's the essence of German wine making; precision, steeliness and the pure expression of fruit. The aroma is profound and direct. Classic petrol smells mixing with white flowers and warm slate. Honey on warm toast and cutting green fruit. The taste is at first pure silk, followed by acid fruit as sharp as a Sugar Ray jab. Like all great wines though, all of the above is harmoniously integrated into an experience of sheer exuberant joy. There's more, so much more, but I encourage you to find out for yourself. #schmitges #riesling #germanwine (at Rosenheim) https://www.instagram.com/p/B398qzWo5_ygB1fL8PfjvyspyzII8KV66jpVXw0/?igshid=1gj9dcyo9srzc
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Some New info about the new movie of Tom Wlaschiha directed by Veljko Bulajic “Escape to the Sea”
Google translation croatian to english: 
The film "Escape to the Sea” follows the events and the fate of the three main characters in the dramatic circumstances of World War II, which connects the present time. The main theme of the film is a victory of humanity and love of horror and absurdity of war that come and go, or destroy human values ​​of ordinary people, so-called. the little guy.
Vision director Veljko Bulajic is best expressed in the following quote: “Without ideologisation one or the other side of war, the film was conceived as a contemporary look, with distance, unencumbered by the articulation of political and ideological point of view. Here the story line, the so-called "small GA-smoke” with both sides, marked by the cruelty of war, and as today’s life. “
The film producer Tomislav Zaja cooperation with Bulajić describes as follows: "Veljko Bulajic represents a great name in the history of European cinema, but even more interesting his even-tual creative spirit that seemed to never been younger and more creative. Bulajić craft superiority and perfek-Zionism, and a keen sense of the actors are promising another significant achievement. ”
Movies Veljko Bulajic the most watched films of former Yugoslavia. Most Bulajic’s films were distributed worldwide. Production of the film is carried out meticulous preparation of the film and in the process managed to internationalize the project, which is Croatian cinematography and film “Escape to the sea,” a significant step in the effort to make this film directed Bulajić be successfully shown in the worldwide distribution.
TOM WLASCHIHA (Title role) Tom Wlaschiha grew up in the former East Germany. After studying Dramatic Arts at the “Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig” and “Conservatoire pour les Arts” in Liège, Belgium, radio jes known theater directors like Falk Richter and Stefan Pucher. In recent years the focus of his work is mainly in film and television, mostly on international projects. Selected filmography: “Berlin Falling”, r.Ken Duken (2017); “Mr. Turner”, dir. Mike Leigh (2014); “Crossing Lines” TV series (2013.-); “Game of Thrones” TV series (2011-); “Resistance”, r. Amit Gupta (2011); “Krabat”, dir. Marc Kreuzpaintner (2008); “Brideshead Revisited”, r. Julian Jarrold (2008); “Munich”, dir. Steven Spielberg (2005)
Dijana Vidušin (Title role) She graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. Constantly engaged in Gavella Drama Theatre. He works in theater, film, radio and television. She won the Golden Arena for Best Actress in 2009, as well as several awards for his stage acting work. Selected filmography: Alert on Green Peak (2017), the Ministry of Love (2016), Let’s play a story (2015), Love and Death (2014), These Are the Rules (2014), Mysterious Boy (2013) , Once upon a winter’s night (2012), Koko and the ghosts (2011), Love life of a Gentle Coward (2009) As a bad dream (2003)
GERD RIGAUER (Supporting Actor) He studied at the “Hochschule für Musik und Theater” in Hamburg. He worked in a number of theaters (Schauspielhaus Bochum, Vereinigte Bühnen Graz, Staatstheater Nuremberg, Volkstheater Wien, etc.), Appeared in movies ( “Mein großer Zeh linker”, “(T) Raumschiff Surpsie - Period 1”), and in many TV series ( “Polizeiruf 110”, “Forsthaus Falkenau”, “Die Rosenheim Cops).
SABINA Ajrula - Tozija (Supporting Actor) State Drama Theatre Skopje, performed in numerous productions both in the main, as well as in other theaters, and in feature films and TV series. She won several awards for acting achievements. Lately most appearances in international movies and TV shows that are recorded in Turkey. Selected filmography: Honey Night (2015), The Little Gypsy Witch (2011), Shadows (2007), Contact (2005) Suleiman the Magnificent - TV series (2011th-2014th), Red Horse (1981), Lead Brigade (1980), White Wall (1987), Misery (1975)
Goran Grgic (Supporting Actor) He graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts. Since 1990 permanently engaged in Gavella Drama Theatre. Then a member of the Drama Theatre in Zagreb, where in 2002 he became the champion of drama. Selected filmography: Anka, r. Dejan Acimovic (2017), A Perfect Day, r. Fernando Leon de Aranoa (2015) Unterwegs mit Elsa, r. Bettina Woernle (2014), Simon Wonderworker, r. Peter Oreskovic ( 2013), Flower market, r. Krsto Papic (2012), War mail, wer kommt zur Hochzeit, r. Michael Rohwitz (2012), Lea and Darija, r. Branko Ivana (2011), No One’s son, r . Arsen Ostojic (2008), I Have to sleep, My angel, r. Dejan Acimovic (2007), Libertas, r. Veljko Bulajic (2006), Long dark night, r. Antun Vrdoljak (2003), Horseman, r. Branko Ivanda (2003), Behind Enemy Lines, r. John Moore (2001), Russian meat, r .. Lukas Nola (1996), Night of listening, r. Jelena Rajkovic (1995), Golden years, r . Davor Žmegač (1992), Debris, r. Brendan Ogresta (1991)
Starring: Tom Wlaschiha Diana Vidušin Jadranka Djokic Barbara Prpic
Other roles: Gerd Rigauer, Goran Grgic, Vili Matula, Sabina Toziya, Mirko Vlahovic, Dusan Bucan, Milan Pleština, Momcilo Pićurić, Srđan Grahovac Nada Klašterka, Danco Čevreski, Meto Jovanovski and others
Producer: Gral Film (Croatia) Co-producers: Dogma Studio (Montenegro), Geyzer Film (Macedonia)
The film was supported by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, Ministry of Culture of Montenegro and the Agency for movie Macedonia. The film is realized with the help of the County of Istria, Istrian Film Commission and the City of Pula.
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theolivechickken · 5 years
Behold, the moment I’ve been waiting for: solo travel.
Nah, it wasn’t that daunting. It was a nice one-on-one day trip date with myself in Munich. Now, I can finally cross solo travel off my list of things I’ve been wanting to do for a while. I’m glad it came around at this point in my life and at this point in the semester too. I had become comfortable enough with traveling in general and via trains and other public transportation, and I believed I could do it and not die or get stranded.
Pros about traveling by yourself: being able to do anything you want anytime you want. No one is there to hold you back but yourself if you choose to. When you travel with others, there’s always going to be a compromise of a sort unless everyone is 100% on board with everything 24/7. Which is great too when everyone there wants to be there doing whatever it is you are doing. However, throughout this semester, I’ve found that there have been many compromises for activities or restaurants in the places we’ve visited. So it was a nice change of pace to just do what I wanted to do. And so I spent the day walking 8 miles basically non-stop around the city of Munich. I might have started with a direction in mind, but if I steered off course it was no problem. I just continued wandering because I could and there wasn’t a set schedule to my day.
Cons about traveling by yourself: it can get a little lonely. I will say it was quite nice to be in my own company and just enjoy the silence and the sounds of the city. However, I also found myself wanting to share this experience with one of my friends and have them join me at the Aug for lunch since it’s a social experience. Of course, you can always meet people while you’re out and about. But it is nice to skip the small talk and just be goofy with the people you’ve already formed friendships with.
It was late morning when I committed to the idea of traveling to Munich by myself. No one else was up in the house and it was now or never, or I would miss the next train. After eating a filling breakfast and packing a sandwich and berries for lunch, I sprint walked down the mountain and across the river to the train station. I was also out of data at this point and needed to stop by A1 to replace my European sim with my US one. Thankfully, I was able to make it all happen and still had a solid 15 minutes before the train left.
I had been to Munich before, but only as a stopping point at train stations or at the airport. Other than that, I had not visited the actual city yet. It’s kinda like Salzburg’s older and cooler brother. There’s so much to do and I found that it was quite diverse (like Berlin) compared to other areas in Europe.
I walked. And walked. And then walked some more after that. I started at the train station and made my way to Marienplatz, but missed a turn and ended up at a park nearby. So I walked through it, found a little art gallery, and took my time soaking in the sculptures and paintings on display. This time, I actually did make it to Marienplatz and crossed the little castle arc opening. It was bustling with people today. I also stopped inside a church and when I popped back out in front of the glockenspiel, there was a protest for Veganism and animal rights. It was interesting to see how this movement advertises itself here in different countries. I stopped by a few booths and then carried on my way. I found another market area (Viktualienmarkt) filled with little shops selling fruits, cheeses, honey, sausages, sandwiches, and other foods. But I had packed a lunch and wasn’t hungry, so I made my way over to Old Town.
As I was wandering through Old Town, I saw Maximilianeum off in the distance and made my way over to it. I crossed over the river and then continued towards Vienna Square before turning back. I walked up through the park surrounding Maximilianeum and stumbled upon Friedensengel. Once again, I crossed another bridge, passed by the Bavarian National Museum, and entered another park. I found Eisbachwelle, where several individuals in wetsuits took turns riding the waves of the river on their miniature surf boards. It was pretty entertaining! :)
I sat on a park bench and took some time to rest and eat the lunch I had packed in my backpack. It was calming and relaxing to watch the river. I was also trying to coordinate my train back and figured if I started heading over now, I would catch the 4:50pm train and be back around 7pm. I walked through the park and cut across to the area of Maxvorstadt. I passed by art museum central and continued my speed walk towards the train station. Luckily, I had made it with 10ish minutes to spare and managed to find a seat on the already packed train. An older woman took a seat next to me as well. I figured this would take me all the way back to Salzburg and had nothing to worry about for the 2 hours on the train. So I took a quick nap.
I woke up to no one on the train. The lady didn’t even wake me up to tell me that the train had stopped. We were in Rosenheim - which was halfway between Munich and Salzburg. One of the train workers came up to me and I asked if the train was continuing on to Salzburg. He told me that they were trying to park the train and that I needed to move up a cart to be on the part continuing on to Salzburg. Whoops. Maybe they had held the train up for me because it left as soon as I hopped onto the next cart. YAY I made it home in one piece. Got a sandwich to munch on for dinner and took the bus back to the Mönchsburg.
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musocmusic · 7 years
Powerfrau an Gitarre und Stimme: Aynie
Cadroline Landry
Blies diesmal die Flöte quer: Franz Tea
Überraschende Rockröhre aus zierlicher Person: Spring
Selbstironische Texte: Tschak
Michaila Kühnemann
Scotch & Honey
Vanessa Balscher
Sommerpause ist vorbei. Wetter findet heute auch nicht statt. Beste Voraussetzungen für den Song Slam Start nach der Sommerpause. Warum?
Ein bunter Blumenstrauß an Musikern, die unterschiedlicher gar nicht sein könnten
Aynie – unsere Gewinnerin von vor der Sommerpause, eröffnet den Abend
Caeroline – unsere Vize-Championesse des allerersten Jahres 2013 ist nach ewiger Zeit mal wieder zu Gast
Michi Bohlmann und Alex Sebastian erzählen euch viel Blödsinn
Ihr bestimmt die Gewinner für die Finalrunde
Es ist trocken und man ist für den Abend aufgeräumt
Und dann noch das fantastische Essen ab 18:30 Uhr!!!
Was will man mehr?
Um 18:30 öffnen die Türen des Theater Drehleier in der Rosenheimer Straße 123!
Tickets gibt es noch an der Abendkasse!
HEUTE ABEND: Song Slam im Theater Drehleier Sommerpause ist vorbei. Wetter findet heute auch nicht statt. Beste Voraussetzungen für den Song Slam Start nach der Sommerpause.
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2oosterr · 8 months
how orca found out eric and honey were together <3
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2oosterr · 6 months
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some of the kids are more talented than the others.....
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2oosterr · 8 months
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2oosterr · 11 months
▰▰ dr. rosenheim ˎˊ-
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▰▰ pg 2 ▰▰ playlist
NAME: Honey Rosenheim DOB: 04.08.1985 AGE: 37 GENDER: F BLOOD TYPE: AB POS
HEIGHT: 171cm (5'6") WEIGHT: 152 lbs EC: Green HC: Brown
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English (1st), Spanish, Arabic, ASL
RELATIONSHIPS Erica Rosenheim (Mother) [AGE: 63] Edward Rosenheim (Father) [DECEASED] Lavender Rosenheim (Sister) [AGE: 43]
EDUCATION HISTORY K-12 [1992 - 2004]
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Volunteer Nurse [2003 - 2004] US Military Operator (Combat Medic) [2004 - 2012] Red Cross Combat Medic [2012 - 2018] PMC Operator (Medic) [2018 - Present]
PSYCHOLOGY Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
MEDICAL Deaf in left ear
SKILLS Strength:             ▮▯▯▯▯ Speed:                ▮▮▯▯▯ Intelligence:        ▮▮▮▮▮ Experience:      ▮▮▮▯▯ Perception:         ▮▮▮▮▯ Communication: ▮▮▮▮▯
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