#honey burn buy
thefastlean · 1 year
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honeyburn-usa · 1 year
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apexrouge · 1 year
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glucotrust-usa · 1 year
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xitox · 1 year
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alphax10nd · 1 year
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siilkmoth · 1 month
one of the suckier things about moving far from home is the honey tastes different
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thethingything · 5 months
also this is the 3rd new hand lotion we've tried recently because the ones we were okay using were from The Body Shop but they change their stock constantly so those ones aren't available anymore for some reason and we had to get different scents and had allergic reactions to those so now we're trying other brands but we keep being allergic to stuff and the same thing happens really often when we try new soaps, and it's exhausting but also means we keep having to spend money on stuff we can't use in order to figure out what we can actually use which is really frustrating
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seveneyesoup · 11 months
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guess who finally made that grilled cheese after weeks of seeing the formula
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
As someone who loves to cook, no way in flying fucking Hell would I ever buy food from someone who hasn't gone through at least basic training. Hell, I'm only able to eat at restaurants because I ignore that many of them are probably filthy fuckers, who blow cooked eggs out of their shells because that works apparently. But Idk, Cindy who can't wash her hands, and then constantly scratches her sweaty armpit, while her dog Bono keeps liking her counter, just seems like the worse option.
And my main thing is like... It's already not great that they're mixing and shipping these things out of your kitchen and living room, but the fact that the Pink Sauce chick uses 'well, I'm running a small business and still learning' as a way to try and brush off her not even trying to ship her stuff with an icepack of some nature?
Or like the one video that came across my feed of some other girl's 'spicy bowl' business where she's just... Putting Tupperwares of what looks to be gumbo and chili in a box with nothing but bubble wrap between them.
But then going back to the prior example, the Pink Sauce having mislabeled ingredients, arriving at people's houses fermented and leaking...
The whole thing just has me like 'why are we speedrunning Botulism?'
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agents-are-dicks · 2 months
For everyone else it’s simply allergy season but for me it’s “here, have a constant fucking migraine bc your body’s first line of defense is causing itself pain” season
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bunnyywritings · 3 months
i’m leaving the gym and all i can think about is supportive gym boyfriend!nanami 😩 (trying a new form of hc’s 🙇🏽‍♀️ hope you like it !!)
gets smutty at the end…warning for curse words and nanami with a breeding kink and a fem!reader
gym boyfriend!nanami definitely encourages you to push yourself to do one more set
gym boyfriend!nanami mutters praises in a husky, breathless tone as he spots your seated shoulder press
gym boyfriend!nanami who just knows what he’s doing when he stops you mid-set on the leg press to gently grip your chin and place a chaste kiss to your lips despite the whine that leaves your throat as your thighs burn and quiver
gym boyfriend!nanami blatantly stares at your ass when you’re doing RDLs and giving it a firm pat as a ‘good job’ when you’re finished
gym boyfriend!nanami who gives you scary dog privileges when the creeps at the gym have lingering stares
gym boyfriend!nanami who purposely grunts your name softly when no one’s around, feigning innocence when he claims to only be getting your attention so you can get his water bottle open
gym boyfriend!nanami who never makes you feel incapable or less than for not being able to keep up with a workout
gym boyfriend!nanami celebrates your feats, big and small
gym boyfriend!nanami who, when your shirt rides up or if the bottom of your shorts roll up and he sees you squirm in discomfort, drops everything to fix it for you so you don’t have to interrupt your concentration
gym boyfriend!nanami who takes pride in seeing your eyes roam over his body through the mirror
gym boyfriend!nanami who purposefully flexes to see you drool and your cheeks flush a deeper hue than they already are
gym boyfriend!nanami who always tells you what a great job you did and how proud of you he is with a kiss to your sweaty forehead
gym boyfriend!nanami who always buys you a post workout protein shake/smoothie/juice and who always insists on treating you to breakfast
nsfw under the cut !!
gym boyfriend!nanami barely waits until the door to your shared home closes to gently shove you against it and kiss you breathless
gym boyfriend!nanami who tosses you onto your shared bed and peels your leggings and underwear off you
gym boyfriend!nanami who waves you off when you try to squeeze your thighs closed, needlessly embarrassed about smelling like sweat
gym boyfriend!nanami who says that it’s only healthy to get a good stretch and cardio in after a workout
gym boyfriend!nanami who grips the back of your thighs and pushes your knees to your chest to hear you moan at the pleasure-fully painful stretch of your sore muscles
gym boyfriend!nanami who teases you about how sopping wet you already are
gym boyfriend!nanami who gladly shoves his face into your cunt to devour you whole, gently kneading your hamstrings and glutes
gym boyfriend!nanami who gives you two orgasms before shoving his sweats off and effortlessly flipping you onto your hands and knees
gym boyfriend!nanami who guides your back into a nice, deep arch to stretch out your lower back muscles, the tip of his hard cock warm and wet as it presses against your sticky cunt, clit puffy and overstimulated
gym boyfriend!nanami could slide in easily with how wet you are but decides to tease and slip in, inch by delicious inch
gym boyfriend!nanami buries himself to the hilt with a low moan, grinding his hips and hitting that spongy spot deep inside you that has your lips falling open with pathetic mewls and whimpers
gym boyfriend!nanami shushes you condescendingly when you whine out “s’too big…k-kento”
gym boyfriend!nanami keeps his strokes deep and slow “it’s okay, honey…you can take it. my good girl can take it, can’t she?”
gym boyfriend!nanami who smirks and bares his weight down on you when you responded with a tearful “can take it…f-fuck! just wanna-wanna be good for you!”
gym boyfriend!nanami doesn’t pull out, he mutters messy promises of “m’gonna fill you up…make you swollen with my kids- fuck! m’gonna make you a mama-“ with equally messy thrusts before stilling behind you, cock twitching as he empties himself inside you
gym boyfriend!nanami who eases out of you and helps position you comfortably on the bed before leaving you with a gentle kiss and going to run a bath
gym boyfriend!nanami who massages your aching muscles as you rest against his chest, bodies enveloped in the warm water, smattering kisses all over your neck and shoulders with whispered and delicate “i love you”s
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peachesofteal · 3 months
ghoap x reader / 18+ mdni / dark themes / masterlist
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It’s the sundress. 
The way it flows off your hips, your body moving beneath it, skin glowing just under the hem. You're lucent in it, radiant in a way he's never seen, brilliance so stunning it catches his breath. You’re a perfect peach, juicy and ripe, plump and sumptuous, skin so soft he’d only need a nip to tear into it, the barest bruise of pressure allowing him to drink his fill of precious honeyed nectar. 
There are dozens of people in the café, but he only sees you, can’t tear his gaze away, sick with the heavy tug in his heart, drawing him closer and closer, fingers tense around the flimsy paper cup. He stares, openly, even after Simon clears his throat, scuffs his foot against the sidewalk, says his name. 
Johnny has no patience for a kill, or a meal. He likes to rip into fresh things, soak his maw and stretch his jaw around them, swallow them whole if he can.
Swallow you whole, if he can.
A bead of sweat collects at the back of your neck, and he traces its path between your shoulder blades and below, mouth watering at the singular thought of a taste. 
His tongue licking down your spine to the cleft of your arse, soft, sweet skin parted for him, face crammed between your legs, panting, pushing, desperate for more, and more, and- 
“Pretty thing.” He barely looks at his partner, the heat simmering in his stomach curling into a snare. “Little pocket a’ sunshine.” 
“Ye see ‘er?” Simon’s eyes dig into him, and then you, following the seam of your dress from thigh to shoulder. There’s insatiable insanity in his face, and Johnny knows- 
He sees it too. 
“I do.” 
“Ye dinnae want a taste?” 
“Not enough time.” He nods next door, where the darkness looms, waits for them expectantly. A meeting, a negotiation, a riotous push and pull. The things he’s good at, the part of his job that doesn’t include intimidating or killing or orchestrating a disturbance. 
His hands sow choreographed chaos, but in this moment, he’d rather they do something else instead. 
Pin you down. Pry your thighs wide. Bury his face in your cunt. Would you struggle? Would you cry? Would you take it like a good girl, breathy and sweet, lips shocked into a perfect O for his thumb, pad of it pressed down on your tongue, taste- 
“Better think fast.” Simon warns, jolting him from the fantasy that has his cock swelling, and when he sees you heading for the door, dreamy smile on your face, iced latte precarious in your grip, a plan roars to life. 
It’s easy, to pretend it’s an accident. Easy to act shocked and embarrassed. Easy, to feel terrible about ruining your dress. 
Your gasp is music to his ears. 
“Oh my god-“ it’s almost too much, watching the crushing realization sink in across your features, the dismay at the sight of your newly acquired caffeine fix rushing down the front of your sunflower dotted dress. 
They’ll buy you a new one. They’ll buy you hundreds. 
“’m so sorry.” He croons, reaching to steady you, carefully gripping your elbow under the guise of balance. “Ah, bonnie. ‘m so sorry, I didnae see ye and I was rushin’.” 
“It’s… it’s okay.” You’re blinking too fast, trying to hold back tears, trying to keep yourself together. The patchwork, the glue and tape, parts and pieces easily crumble, even as you try to take a deep breath. “I’m… it’s fine.” 
“Yer dress is ruined.” Obviously. “Let me pay to get it cleaned, at least.” 
“No, no… that’s… it’s okay. I’ll… I’ll just run home, no big deal.” He beats back the burn, the wildfire scorching away the last of his sanity. 
“Please.” Simon chimes in over his shoulder. “It’s the least we can do.” You look between them, confused, eyes wide like a little doe, lost all alone in the deep, dark forest.
Flanked by wolves.
“Or let us give ye a ride to yer place, so ye can change.” He jerks his head to the sleek black sedan, idling at the corner, driver still behind the wheel. The meeting can wait, they've got more pressing issues to attend, now. 
“Oh… uh-“ He can smell the rot of your hesitance. That’s the thing about a doe, they’re naturally skittish, trembling legs uneasy from the day they were born, nervous about their own shadow. “It’s fine, I can walk. It’s not far.” 
“I feel terrible, let me pay for it.” He pours it thick, and as expected, the guilt about making him feel worse locks into place. “I dinnae what I’ll do if we cannae help. If ye give me yer number, we can arrange to cover the cleaners?” Simon looms closer, fingers folding over Johnny's shoulder in an affectionate gesture.
You almost look relieved at the sight.
Poor little doe. 
In the end, you agree. When you give them your name, he traces over each syllable tenderly, memorizing the way it sounds on your lips, as Simon taps a phone number into your contacts.
"Ye go straight home an' change." Johnny murmurs, holding onto your hand a shade too long after you pass him back his phone. "Dinnae want ye walkin' around in a dirty dress all afternoon." You fidget, waxing crescent on your lips, and nod.
"I'll uh... I'll let you know how much it is." There's a hint of a tremble in the back of your throat, off key and off kilter, and he smiles to reassure you, before the two of them turn to take their leave.
"We'll talk to ye soon."
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wandagcre · 8 months
it's a trap (when you act like that) | wanda maximoff 🔞
(College!Perv!Best friend Wanda Maximoff x Innocent!Fem Reader)
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You cannot quite relate to the topic of pleasure. Being introverted and shy, your circle of people was limited, but you're more than grateful that Wanda - your best friend - is always there to help you out.
WARNING: corruption kink, pillow riding, first times, fingering, praise, wanda talking you through it - not proofread +18 / men & minors dni. Words: 4.2k
[perv!wanda series] | [masterlist]
For an hour, you settled on reading in comfortable silence with your best friend. Wanda laid on your lap comfortably, unlike you, she gave up skimming on her notes a few minutes ago. 
You giggle each time you catch her gaze on you. It was inquisitive and sometimes Wanda made silly faces. Thoughtful as ever, she’d pop in some candy in your mouth.
Her auburn hair grew out – instead, her brunette tresses were back. It was tempting for you the way they were sprawled out, wanting to comb them with your fingers and drop your notes – only having to listen to what stories your best friend would tell.
Lately, you noticed it’s been hard to be around Wanda. You can no longer hold her gaze than usual and you physically want to be closer to her – which was no problem because your best friend was always attentive and touchy with you. 
“Have you been working out? Look at these thighs,” You sharply inhaled as you felt fingertips, running feather-like on your skin. Wanda caught the act and it made her giggle softly. 
You shyly shook your head. “N-no. I haven’t.” 
She seemed not to buy your response. It’s the truth. Even if you indulged in some exercises, your workout routine was not strict about any type of weight lifting. Not like you had the time and all. In fact, it was one of the things that sometimes pulled you into your insecure thoughts, thinking that you’ve got an unattractive pair.
However, Wanda loves them as they were. She liked it when you got experimental with your wardrobe, changing it up with some short skirts that highlighted your legs and its curves. More so with your comfort in plain shorts, as it rewarded your best friend more of its exposure.
What Wanda didn’t like was winter and how it took away the sight of your gorgeous thighs. 
You insisted, “I’m serious! If you consider getting food from the top and bottom shelf of the fridge as squatting, then, my answer is yes.”
“Well, they look good to me. Keep it up.” Wanda playfully remarked. You chuckled lightly, not trusting your voice at the moment. “Want me to pull away?” 
Her voice was hypnotizing – insanely soothing. Almost like a balm, you’d say. Enough to make you re-read the damn sentence on your notes because you barely understood them. It doesn’t help that she kept her ministrations – tracing circular patterns that ascend to your inner thighs, causing goosebumps to wake.
“Took me by surprise, that's all. You can keep doing that if you want.”
“Is it relaxing?” Wanda whispered.
You shudder a bit and it made you scuffle in your position. “Kinda like you playing with my hair…”
Wanda was amused. You briefly wondered what was the joy in this – riling you up in some way. Were your reactions too entertaining? She had always been full of mischief, but lately, hanging out with your best friend made you…tense. It was not uncomfortable in a way that her actions burned, maybe they did, but in a different context. A realm you’ve never touched on – spurring you to confusion furthermore.
Her forefinger grazed over the space between your eyebrows. “What’s got you all so worked up, honey? You got this crease going on – you’re too tense. Wanna take a break?”
“Okay, yeah. That sounds nice.” You gave in. You couldn’t even process them anyway. 
You still appeared as bothered from Wanda’s point of view. She moved away from laying down between your thighs, looking at you who refused to meet her eyes. She was growing concerned. Had she overstepped this time?
Wanda was clueless. “Are you seeing someone?”
You looked incredulously at the woman.
“That’s out of the blue, Wands.”
“Can’t blame a girl for asking, (y/n/n). You’re usually reserved, I get that, but lately you seem to be always in deep thought? You know I can help, right?”
“I-I want to tell you but it can get weird.”
“Weird? Baby, we’ve known each other for years. How worse can it possibly get?” Wanda asked incredulously. Now she was concerned.
There’s nothing to hide. Wanda had a point, you thought. 
You whisper, “Lately, um. I-I’ve been trying to discover something.”
“Okay…” Wanda hummed, eyes focused on your lips.
You weren’t hesitant out of fear of being judged, but you didn’t know where your boundaries stood. 
Although, you remember how Wanda was so thoughtful that every time you bought some undies, she volunteers to come along and when you ask for her opinion, she carefully takes time to examine them. 
You remember her fingers tracing along the seams, making you turn around, asking for permission to touch so she can examine the material further around your butt and how it clung to your hips. They shouldn’t be tight, Wanda said.
“And it’s about pleasure. You know, that stuff.” You flail your hands. Can this get more embarrassing?
Meanwhile, Wanda was absolutely having the time of her life. She couldn't believe that this was happening. Of course, as the role of best friend, she would be very ecstatic to lead you.
She starts with a lilt of teasing in voice. “Sorry, honey, but there’s many things that can go around the topic of pleasure. I’m going to need you to elaborate.”
Poor you, didn’t even catch up to her teasing. You had enough.
“Touching the southern part!” You blurt out.
“Huh.” Wanda looked inquisitive. Her head tilted to the side in faux wonder. In truth, she was thinking of ways to help you – defile you in this very bed – if she’s sly enough.
You groaned. Maybe this was a bad idea. 
“See, now it’s weird. I shouldn’t have-”
“No, no. It’s not weird. In fact, it’s normal to be curious about that. What’s your problem with it?”
“I don’t think I’m doing it right. I feel bad because I heard discussions about it – overheard some girls from my class. It’s all the hype I can’t get onto– I just don’t seem to get there–” 
You were rambling all things at once. Wanda had to process the thought of you touching yourself and getting frustrated, of course you wouldn’t know. You needed her – someone to get through it.
And Wanda was more than willing to step up.
With a glint in her eye, she suggests, “Want me to help you?”
Were you hearing things right? Surely, you misheard Wanda. Your mind couldn’t wrap the thought of it. How on earth can she help you? Maybe she’ll write them down or give you a video that wasn’t too explicit as porn. She knew that you hated them, after all. 
“You–won’t that be weird between us? And how?”
“Don’t even think about that. It’s me, honey. You can always count on me. Even about these types of situations. Do you trust me?”
You answered in a heartbeat. “More than anyone.”
“Good. What do you think, do you wanna get started?”
Right now? Your eyes widened. But there won’t be another time, you suppose. “Shit. Okay, yeah, sure.”
“We’ll take things slow, hm?” She bit her lip, trying to contain her excitement. Seeing you all bare for her – Wanda might as well cum at the mere thought of it. The way you nodded attentively made her stomach flip. “We’re going to test the waters. Since you’re having trouble with your fingers, we can do that later. Maybe we’ll try a different approach.”
Your cheeks burned at Wanda’s elaborate plan. “O-okay. I’ll listen to you.”
Wanda purses her lips and moves closer to you. You looked apprehensive, but not as much previously. Good.
“Have you ever heard about riding a pillow?”
“N-no…” You meekly answered. Porn was straight to the point. Too uncomfortable for your liking. It was penetration and done. You tried watching one or two, then that was it – you never thought about revisiting and looking further beyond that. “That’s a thing?”
Wanda, however, couldn’t help but scoot closer to you. How she was very elated to hear this – the woman couldn’t wait to introduce more things to you in the future, to be the one showing you the ropes of it.
“Yes it is. Some find it very rewarding. It’s so easy. ” She supplements.
Out of curiosity, you cannot filter yourself. “What about you… have you ever?”
“Yeah, I have.” She smoothly replied. Wanda was so self-assured, you can’t help but envy it a little. “And don’t worry, I’ll be guiding you at every step of the way, honey. Exploration of what you like and how it works is nothing to be ashamed of.”
It did the trick for you; Wanda picked up a relief sigh coming out of you. She smiled, rubbing your thighs enough to create a comfortable warmth.
“Use my pillow – don’t worry, it’s easy to get them washed.” Your movements were slow and hesitant, continuously looking back and forth to Wanda’s piercing green eyes and to her pillow innocently hanging at the corner of her bed. Grabbing the item, she shoots you a proud smile. “Now, take your bottoms off for me.” 
For Wanda. You felt the heat creep from your stomach, riding in waves, up to your neck and whole face. She nudges you by nodding her head. You’re entirely sure that you’re beyond stunned right now. Discarding your shorts and underwear at the same time, you quickly throw them away and cross your thighs. Wanda’s words being uttered in an authoritative and raunchy manner was enough to make you wet – you didn’t want her to see the proof of that.
“So good. You’re doing so, so well baby.” Wanda licked her bottom lip in anticipation. “Now, flip that pillow by its seams – the edges are an important part of this. Then, just mount it.”
Your heart raced – you can’t believe that this was happening – you’re about to ride a pillow in front of your attractive best friend and she’ll talk you through your first orgasm. Right here in her own cramped bed and pillow. Doing as Wanda says, you spread your legs apart and mounted the pillow that stood by its edges. You gasped at the sensation; it was the softest thing your core has ever touched and it was slightly cold.
Looking back at Wanda, she seemed lost in your center – who wouldn’t be, given this rare opportunity? She always had a crush on you. But you didn’t even notice. Now, your friendship was taken on the next level, she thanked any deity out there for her patience. ((And her power over you right now? It was hard not to revel in that.))
You looked so adorable. Wanda could compare you to bambi right now, especially when you thought you were being sly. She saw the slick forming on your pussy from earlier as you were stripping. It was mouthwatering that it drove Wanda insane, prickling through each nerve of her body.
“What next?” You shakily asked. It was intimidating to have her eyes fixated on you – you couldn’t decipher what was going on behind those green eyes.
“Gyrate your hips. Back and forth, slowly.” Wanda orders with a low voice.
She watches you try to move back and forth at the pillow. Your pussy grazed on the fabric, making your eyes flutter at each soft contact, but it wasn’t enough for your pleasure nor Wanda’s.
She waddled closer and placed her hands firm on your hips. You bite the inside of your cheek, slowing down your motion out of surprise. The least you can do was have an ounce of dignity, you couldn’t moan in front of Wanda.
You sweet thing, Wanda thought. It was evident how desperate you were in your soft and messy thrusts. She was focused on how you moved your hips clumsily and your folds wetter, the pillow darkening as your arousal stained them.
She couldn’t take it much longer.
“You’re almost bouncing, honey. Do it like this – in sliding motions.” A moan inevitably escaped your lips as she pushed your hips alone, quite literally guiding you. Wanda shuddered in delight. “Want that pretty pussy of yours gliding in, get that friction working already. Don’t be afraid to put all of your weight in it. It’s much better, trust me (y/n/n).”
Pretty? Wanda even used it in an inappropriate context. It affected you more than you thought it would, that you felt a spurt of liquid drip from your core. Was it supposed to be like this? It was better than previously. Maybe it was truly your form that made a better change. You thrust your hips more and no longer hesitated upon resting your lower body’s weight. 
It was much better, just like Wanda had said.
Wanda’s bed creaked louder and louder. Of course, you were getting lost in your own needs – you didn’t even notice.
Your resolve was visibly breaking in front of Wanda which she absolutely relished on.
“Don’t let me stop you from moaning, baby. It’s all about your pleasure.” Wanda gently reassured you. It was all you needed apparently to let loose. “Thrust your hips harder.” She commands you. It sparked more need that travelled to your lower stomach down to your core. 
Was this the feeling people always blabbered about? Because you’re sure that you understood it now. It completely took over your senses like crazy.
Your hands placed in front for balance, you do as your best friend said. She truly knows her way around here. You haven’t felt this needy before. The friction she mentioned was settling in quickly and it was addicting against your pussy. You close your eyes and arch your back. The softness soon burned – a delicious contradiction – and it was enough to make you feel soaked.
“Just like that…” Her hips have never left yours and matched the rough sliding motions, grasping firm around your bare skin. “It feels good, doesn’t it? You’re doing so great.” For me, Wanda wanted to add.
“M-mm, y-yes,” You whimpered and nodded dumbly. 
“You can also experiment with other motions – try what’s best for you. You can do circles with your hips,”
You immediately try as she recommended. Wanda had to stifle a giggle right then and there. Her headboard was starting to hit against the wall with your messy yet hard thrusts. It was obvious that the pleasure was brewing already, to which Wanda deviously smiled at. 
“Can I touch you down there? I bet it’s sticky already…” She whispered directly to your ear. You feel your best friend’s hot-white breath grazing satisfactory against your neck. It tickles! 
It wouldn’t hurt right? It was a part of the lesson, you suppose. Wanda knew better and you trusted her. “Y-yes. You can touch me, Wands.”
Without further ado, your best friend immediately went in to trace your outer folds. Fuck, you were so wet. You immediately coated her fingers, terribly addicting that she had to stop herself from plunging in so suddenly.
You continued to gyrate harder and it seems that there was the ‘spot’ that everyone was talking about. You lost track of it, but you felt how the pleasure intensified and moaned unadulteratedly, louder than before, that spurred Wanda to repeat the motion harder. With every glide against the pillow that you do, Wanda’s fingers were there at the edge to stimulate your throbbing core. Your breathing pattern grew heaving.
It was so, so addicting to have your slit pressed against the once innocent material and the friction it provided you–
“Stop there,” Wanda firmly said. You halt out of concern, rethinking whether you did something wrong. Your best friend, however, was pleased at your expression. 
“D-Did I do something wrong?” You gulped and weakly asked.
“No, honey. You did so well.” Wanda caressed your jaw and held you by the cheek with her clean hand. A pleased grin broke out of you to which Wanda duly noted. You liked praises. “That was the first lesson. You need something to stimulate you into the mood, it is very important. Now I’ll touch you first so you can mimic them later on. Is that okay?” Her hands descend to trail them at the center of your torso and stopped by the pelvic area.
This was going so well. You even forgot and thought how dumb it was to doubt Wanda and how she would embarrass you. It felt as though it was more than what you asked of her.
You wet your lips, “M-more than okay.” 
At this point, you valued Wanda's opinion more than ever.
“Good girl. We’ll get started.”
She swept away the crumpling notes and the stained pillow. Wanda almost moaned at the mere sight. It was like an animal had rudely rammed through her room.
Wanda stared at your half-lidded eyes that beamed at her words. Your hair was frazzled and barely can manage your own breathing. She caused this. And hell, she can’t wait to ravish you further. You felt reassured with her comforting smile and voice leading you on.
Your best friend grabbed you by the thighs to pull you closer to her. Wanda hummed in delight, a crooked smile on her lips appeared as you released a throaty moan again as she pushed them farther apart. 
“Now, listen carefully, (y/n/n). You have to tease your folds first and gather the wetness here,” Wanda sultry uttered and started to stroke your folds again and you helplessly nod. “It’s no trouble right now, considering how soaked you are.” She bit her lip and teased you by bringing up her fingers that were coated by your arousal. “Don’t hide them from me. It’s so pretty to see you like this, honey.” You arched your back for her and became flustered at Wanda’s words.
So warm and inviting. Wanda was flooded with glee, that she swooped in before anyone else could. With this, she also intends to be your last. No way in hell she can share you now after this.
You feel your cheeks and ears grow hot. You buck your hips for more as Wanda starts to stroke vertically and then random patterns at your soaked pussy. It wasn’t enough to scratch the itch you’ve been longing for.
Your nostrils flared, “W-Wands, please..”
Wanda felt herself damp as you moaned her name. It was like music to her ears. She immediately changed your position, from your hips up to encouraging you to lay down flat on her bed and adjusting to settle on your side – her fingers not leaving the inside of your pussy.
“What do you need, baby?” She pressed a kiss on your ear. The gesture was meant to comfort you but you felt your body burning even more.
“I need you! It’s so sticky and tickling me- I don’t… Can you please h-help me?”
You were needy, just as Wanda wanted you to be. She riled you up enough that she even felt you drip more wetness as she plunged deeper inside of you and hit the spongy wall that her fingers could reach. You were more than compliant all throughout the session that it made her heart soar.
“You can also play with your breasts, it can add a better feel for you, baby.” 
You hesitantly reach for your pair and Wanda’s awaiting (needy) eyes were the final nudge for you. You wanted to do good. At this point, the lines were blurred; you didn’t know if it was to achieve orgasm or praise from your best friend.
Hands skimming underneath your shirt, you also pushed up your bra and experimentally squeezed the flesh. You groaned and eyes half-lidded again, threatening to shut.
Wanda was ecstatic that she had convinced you through this. Her motions never faltered – if anything it was more determined – as she watched you play with your tits. She thought it was cute how your underwear mismatched, her eyes caught the sliver of the pale material of your panties and your bra in the color of a colder tone. Were you tugging on your perked nipples? You were so eager and feeling comfortable enough. Wanda almost demanded you to take them off, wanting to see them. Another time.
She kept on stimulating your pussy and with the addition of you playing with your breasts – it was impossible to even control your moans anymore. 
You threw your arms quickly around Wanda’s neck and hands had wrapped themselves on her nape. Opposed to her firm and determined motions, you were gentle with how you caressed her skin. Wanda melted with no hesitation and now, her dorm room was reverberating with moans along you.
“It’s so sticky down here just as you said. Now,” Wanda’s own breathing was ragged and you had to force yourself to listen to her. “I’m going for your clit. It’s in the uppermost area, covered by your hood. Need to stretch you more-” She grabbed your hand and made them trace the areas for you to pinpoint them better. Fuck, Wanda was right. You were soaking wet. “That better?”
You agreed furiously, “Y-Yes, but–”
“I know, I know. You need more.” Wanda kept her ministrations inside of you, stretched you better that you had to let out a guttural moan. The spot was back and she kept hitting it now mercilessly. “Is that it? That feels much better?”
“Oh, yes!”
Your needy core greedily swallowed Wanda’s fingers and you had no idea. So drunk in pleasure. So lost without her. You’re so lucky that you had her. Wanda was just as intoxicated as you, her dilated green eyes drinking up the warmth of your pussy and your writhing sight.
Upon making eye contact, you didn’t know how to react to the revelation of how those green eyes unashamedly looked at you. It was similar as Wanda would when she was examining you while fitting clothes – only now they appeared more hungry and she’ll devour you.
And the thing is that you will gladly let her. Another needy moan was ripped out of you, disturbing your rail of thoughts as Wanda added her thumb to the stimulation that circled around your clit, you laid there helplessly clenching on the bed sheets while you were in Wanda’s grasp.
“W-Wands… Wands! I think I’m going to pee,” You shyly inform the woman and the heel of your palm pressed against her clavicle to push her away, Wanda only shushed you.
It was familiar to you, you think that you’ve reached this extent but you always stopped because you were very unsure of what follows after.
You felt dirty and it was embarrassing how you were bucking your hips to meet Wanda’s plunging in your core. It halted your mood a little and Wanda immediately picked it up, as your walls clenched harder around her digits.
“That’s it, that’s it.” Wanda’s sultry voice spurred your gears again. You huffed and absorbed her words. “Don’t worry about it, you’re going to cum. Just listen to my voice baby, you’re doing so great for me.” It is more than okay, you repeat in your head. Wanda’s making you feel so good you felt like you were going to combust.
Your muscles grew tense around the abdomen area and all over your thighs - you feel the knot forming in there. You are frenzied to chase it.
“Cum for me, come on, my good girl.”
Wanda was sweating now as you were, and she kept ramming inside of your warm walls, a final hard stimulation around your clit did its job to untangle the knot you were feeling. 
“Wanda!” A guttural moan was ripped out of you.
It was the most angelic sound that Wanda has ever heard.
Your eyes were still closed shut. Still whining as you fall apart, it was the most freeing experience you’ve ever encountered. It’s easy to say that you were beyond satisfied this time around. Your body was almost floating and your mind was lightheaded–you’re sure of it. Your legs were spasming a little and it was hard to ignore the vivid feeling of liquid oozing out of your core. It was never ending and Wanda was tempted to drink them all up.
“You looked so beautiful there, honey. I’m proud of you.” She cooed sweetly in your ears and pressed a kiss on your forehead that was glistening with sheer sweat. 
You grew hot at her words. “Oh–!”
The bed shook again and creaked as Wanda rode out your orgasm. The squelching sound was more vivid to your ears. You cried out loud, feeling that it was too much, held your best friend’s wrist and finally Wanda pulled her digits out. Before your best friend can calm you down–
An aggressive banging resounded against Wanda’s dorm walls.
“It’s midterms week! Stop fucking!”
You froze. You completely forgot where you were and how thin the dorm walls were, making you cover your face with your palm. Meanwhile, Wanda couldn’t be more bothered – she simply laughed at how evidently embarrassed you are, threading through her own hair with a familiar glint in her eyes.
“I don’t think I can face the people outside anymore,” You admit, groaning as you sober up from the high. 
Why did you have to be so loud? 
“Mmm. Lucky for you, we’re staying inside for a while. I got some other tricks I wanted to show you.” Wanda bit her lip, crimson also spreading through her cheeks as she closed the gap again between you.
She can compare your gaze to a deer caught in headlights. Always so attentive and compliant.
With a little more touch from your best friend, you felt the hotness starting again in your lower stomach, making it twitch with familiar need – your studying session long forgotten and replaced with a different lesson.
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do not repost/translate on other sites. © wandagcre
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luveline · 1 month
hotch's sister x spencer where hotch notices she's wearing spencer's clothes?
—You and Spencer get one another in trouble with your older brother. fem!reader, 1k
Your brother, though you’re adopted, has passed down onto you many things. Mostly his frown, but more embarrassingly his high-pitched giggle when something is startlingly funny. 
You laugh like a hyena at something Spencer’s said. He tries to grab you before you walk straight into his desk corner, but he’s too slow. You whack your hip and laugh again, this time in pain, bending over to grab at your wound in defeat. 
“Oh my god,” he says, trying not to laugh loudly, his efforts turning his own laugh into a giggle like yours as he bends down to see you, “are you okay?” He laughs so much he can barely ask. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine,” you squeeze between a laugh, letting him pull you into a standing position. 
“What is it?” he asks, grabbing your hip, which worsens your laughter all over again. “What?” 
“You’re super handsy, Dr. Reid.” 
A sharp clearing of the throat echoes. You tense up, begging Spencer mentally not to give you away, but his hand practically flies back into his chest like you’ve burned him. 
You turn to the office. “Hi, Aaron.” 
Aaron Hotchner stands at the balcony overlooking the bullpen where you and Spencer stand. “Honey. Just give me two minutes and I’ll come down, okay?” 
You give a big smile. “Yes, sir.” 
His eyes move to Spencer. You watch Aaron decide to leave it alone and can’t help laughing for the hundredth time today as your brother turns around to head back into his office.
“He’s ridiculous.” 
“He’s gonna fire me,” Spencer says, though he doesn’t sound serious. 
“And then you can come work with me.” 
Spencer doesn’t want to work at your new job, that much is clear from his expression, but he has enough social wits to realise you’re flirting. “That wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world,” he says.
Spencer leans back against his desk, hair curled just under his ears, his hand reaching for you though he doesn’t touch. You sit down in his seat, the backs of your thighs sticking to warm leather. You aren’t working today, hence your social visit, and Spencer had distracted you on the way to Aaron’s office (through no fault of his own, you’d just wanted to see him again) with a shy wave. Like you hadn’t spent yesterday night together walking through fountains. 
You didn’t mean to fall in. Spencer helped you up onto the round basin of the fountain and you’d held hands, walking in circles so he’d have an excuse to keep rubbing your knuckles with his thumb. Seconds turned to minutes, the conversation unhurried, and one wrong move had you slipping. You fell calf deep into cold water, but his laughter had been worth it. 
“What are you thinking about?” he asks. 
You cross one leg over the other, your jean leg riding up your shin. “I’m thinking about what Aaron’s gonna buy me for lunch.” 
“What do you want?”
“I have no idea. It’s so hot out I barely wanna eat.” 
“Well, too bad, you have to.” He picks up a file from his outgoings and fans it at you nicely. When he talks again, his voice is lowered. “I was thinking, if you’re not busy, they have a movie playing in a couple of days at the independent, I think it’s in Portuguese, and I really think you’d like it.” 
“Yeah?” you ask, lavishing in the cold kiss of his manufactured breeze and the idea of another date. 
“About a little girl that turns into a star. They have popcorn bigger than anywhere else I’ve seen, too. Enough for three people in one bucket.” 
You try not to act too shy. “Well, hopefully it’s just me and you.” 
Spencer smiles at you between waves of his fan. “Is your hip okay?” he asks. 
“Are you ready?” Aaron asks. 
You spin in Spencer’s chair toward your brother, shocked he’s there. He’s been funny since you and Spencer met, never controlling or cruel, yet clearly having a tough time coming to grips with the connection you’ve formed with his smartest employee. 
When you told him Spencer had given you his number, his eye twitched ever so slightly, and he excused himself for a glass of water. You’re not sure what is about the situation that irks him: he loves you, he loves Spencer in his way, he’d do anything for both of you, except acknowledge your burgeoning relationship. 
You nod but don’t stand. Your hip aches weirdly and the sitting is nice. Plus, it’s a sisterly duty to wind up her brother, even if you love him more than anybody on planet earth. 
“Spencer was just telling me about your accident in Scottsdale.” 
“He was,” Hotch says. He looks at you, and his eyes follow down the line of your leg to your shoes, where they stay. 
You glance down. 
“I’m trying something new,” you say, sitting up quickly. Scottsdale doesn’t seem so funny. 
“I can see that.” 
You’re wearing Spencer’s socks, odd ones sticking up past his borrowed converse. “It’s summer,” you say, standing up. 
“Mm.” He gestures for you to stand in front of him, his hand on your shoulder kind but firm as he steers you away. “And the odd socks, that’s a conscious choice?” 
“Don’t be mean.” 
“I’m not.” 
You glance back at Spencer and grin at him as you’re shepherded away. Hopefully he’ll call you later, but for now he looks like he’d like to dig himself a shallow grave.
“We went for a walk last night and I ruined my shoes,” you explain, turning your gaze to Aaron and his reluctant smile. “They were still wet this morning.” 
“What about those loafers I got you for your birthday?” he asks. 
“Well, I didn’t have them with me.” 
Aaron nods. There’s a certain impassiveness to his expression that you’re familiar with, even if it signifies disappointment. That you’re not so used to. 
“I thought you liked Spencer?” you ask. 
“I do. But I love you, and he’s…” 
“He’s what?” 
“At risk.” 
“You’ll just have to keep him safe for me,” you say, smiling at him breezily. 
Aaron seems to agree silently. You’re almost to the elevators when he says, “Please, wear your own socks. I know you know how to do your laundry, I’m the one who taught you how to do it.” 
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in-som-niyah · 4 months
Attentive!Jason who feels you toss and turn away from him in the night, signalling that something was wrong. He didn't know what, but upon feeling you curl into a ball, holding your stomach, it clicked.
Attentive!Jason who turns on his side to pull you back into his chest, hoping the warmth would soothe you enough to go back to a deeper sleep. Sighing sadly, he realizes that this time might be worse than he thought.
Attentive!Jason who kisses your hairline and slowly untangles himself from you in order to get up. He goes and puts the kettle on, fills a glass of water and brings your painkillers of choice, making a mental note of buying you more the next time he's out.
Attentive!Jason who sets the glass and painkillers on your nightstand, then slowly makes his way back into bed. Gently, he wakes you with kisses and firm strokes on your back, soothing some of the ache.
Attentive!Jason who, upon gently waking you, helps you to the bathroom to get cleaned up and take a hot shower.
Attentive!Jason who kisses your lips every time you try and apologize for ruining the sheets followed by a "no more tears querida, just let me take care of you"
Attentive!Jason that fills up your hot water bottle and a cup of herbal tea with extra honey just how you like it, and brings both items back to your room. He wraps the hot water bottle in a thin, fuzzy blanket, as to not burn you.
Attentive!Jason who puts your towel and clean pyjamas in the dryer for 5 minutes to warm them up for you before you get out of the shower.
Attentive!Jason who helps dress you when your shower is done, but leaving you to do what you need to privately. He just wants you safe and comfortable.
Attentive!Jason that guides you back to bed, not in a smothering and demeaning way, but just to make things easier on your aching joints.
Attentive!Jason that bundles you up snugly after you finish your tea, and reads to you to help you fall back asleep. The painkillers seem to be working, and he knows his voice soothes you.
Attentive!Jason that kisses your forehead and presses the hot water bottle to your sore abdomen once you begin to stir again, in effort to ease the tension.
Attentive!Jason who will, no matter what time it is, get up to get what you need. This boy is so madly in love with you, nothing you could ever need is too much for him. It doesn't matter if he just came back from a gruelling patrol, a fight with Bruce, or recovering from his own ailments. Jason Loverboy Todd is going to bring you tea at 4am. No complaints. No questions asked.
Attentive!Jason who secretly researches new ways to help you when you're hurting, always wanting to learn and improve.
a/n: answered this ask that disappeared for some reason???? it was from some general attentive!jason hcs when reader was on their period/cramping but i genuinely have no idea where it went....
anyways time for bed its 2am
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