#honesty time: i fucking procrastinated on this so much and only clutched it like this month HAHHAHAHH
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lillazyboithings · 7 months ago
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Hey y'all! This is my first time participating in the @hatchetfield-bang! This is my art work for @ratsarecute4's fic called Ziria! (Link) Please go and check it out once it's released and make sure to check out the rest of the pieces that will be posted on the official hatchetfield bang account
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pugh-bug · 3 years ago
Scott Lang x reader
Chapter 16
Warnings: none except swearing as usual
I hope you enjoy this, I’m sorry for not updating this for what feels like ages. I’ve been at uni and very distracted. I’ve also been insecure about my writing being shit but oh well. Enjoy :) and let me know if you want to be added to my taglist
The controversy had swayed slightly in your favour. Finally people had begun to question why a certain ex Mrs Lang knew so much about a young, non celebrity girl and how fucked it all was (except fucked was not the word the media had used). There was a significant less amount of tension between everyone in the tower. Stephen, to no ones surprise, had been right. The media would move on.
You watched Scott take his second phone call of the morning, coffee in hand and Antony flying close by. ‘Hank needing you again?’ He nodded before continuing to listen intently. The kitchen swarmed with hungry Avengers, struggling to find the space not to bump shoulders while they buttered toast, fried eggs and poured milk into hideous neon bowls. Peter’s choice. The kid had questionable taste on a good day.
‘Y/N!’ Toast crumbs flew out of the boys mouth as he made his way over to you. Since his growing worries about his ‘beautiful’ MJ, you’d been spending more time together. He irritated you, sure, but he was one of the sweetest people you’d ever made friends with. Scott treated him like a son, when he wasn’t too busy, and you found yourself feeling sisterly towards him. Plus it was an excellent distraction from the controversy.
Peter smiled like someone with more than just good news on their mind. ‘I asked her out! I did it!’ He was beaming from ear to ear. You listened, as everyone else continued eating and chatting, to the hard to follow story of how Peter asked his girl out. Finally. You asked the usual questions ‘Were you nervous?’ ‘Did you pick a date?’ ‘Did she say she had a problem with dating a senior who takes the term web design to a whole new level?’. The answer was no to all except the second. (That weekend would be the date).
‘So you’ll be missing my birthday.’
Everyone stopped what they were doing immediately. What the fuck. You’d never once heard Stephen Strange mention his birthday. Whenever Tony or yourself had asked if he wanted to do anything he’d clammed up. Of course Tony or the Vision could easily find out the exact date but why bother if he didn’t want to celebrate?‘You want to celebrate
 your birthday?’ You questioned the wizard.
‘Isn’t that what humans are supposed to do?’
‘You’re hu-OW!’
You kneed Peter under the table. ‘Of course he is.’ which earned you a suspiciously warm smile from Strange. Scott ended his phone call to ask Peter a hundred questions about MJ, which you found sweet, whilst Tony and Nat grilled the poor wizard about presents and venues.
Then came the third ring from Scott’s phone. ‘Hank’s desperate huh?’ Nat asked innocently, not noticing the look Tony saved just for your eyes. Pity. The man was bored and making up problems for his peers. It was no secret that Tony hadn’t been expanding much recently. The swimming pool had been a time waster so he didn’t have to think about Iron Man. You didn’t blame him. You were the queen of procrastinating but the government didn’t rely on you to protect Earth.
‘So denial it is?’ Wanda sniggered, pulling you aside as the kitchen was too busy. Scott was mere metres away, sounding more and more stressed down the phone, what the fuck was wrong? Whatever was happening was pressing. Dangerous? Too dangerous to tell you about because it would put YOU in danger? Maybe

‘Don’t- don’t do that.’
‘I’m not doing anything. What’s Scott doing?’
‘I. Don’t. Know.’
Shit- no not shit. It was fine. If Scott needed to tell you something important he fucking would.
He would.
Stephen was still being laden with birthday questions just looked amused in his overly formal suit. It was a good look on him, you thought, blue. ‘I don’t need balloons and I don’t need flowers.’ You heard as you left. ‘But Sir, I’ve read that real flowers give humans significant increase in serotonin.’
You went to your room for some much needed peace. Scott was busy, Tony was acting more strange than usual and Thor was still devouring breakfast food at lightning speed. The tv in your room hadn’t gotten much use since you and Scott only used the bedroom for sex or sleep. It deserved some love too.
‘I know. It’s hard to narrow down isn’t it?’
You jumped at the sound of Stephen’s voice because frankly he was the last person you expected in your room. He’d never gone in before and you’d only seen his once. Once when you had your infamous drunken make out session. ‘You scared the shit out of me.’ Normally you would have laughed but Tony and Wanda had gotten in your head. Wanda quite literally.
‘Really? Me?’ He clutched his chest as if hurt. Not a lot of people saw Stephen’s funny side but you did. ‘Did you want something?’ You asked him after hesitating. ‘I kind of wanna be alone for a bit.’ To spare his feelings you masked your honesty with a forced chuckle that promised ‘I’m not being rude but please leave’. Your message was only partially received.
‘I don’t think you want to be alone. You just want me to leave you alone.’
‘Getting more and more true.’
Your tone seemed pointed even to you, which came as a surprise. You could feel yourself getting more irritated but it wasn’t at Stephen. It wasn’t his fault the media was after you and Scott. It wasn’t his fault everyone thought your relationship was a joke and you spent all of your time worrying if you and Scott were on the same page. Who’s fault was any of it?
‘From your tone I think it’s safe to say Scott hasn’t said “I love y-‘
‘It’s nothing to do with you!’
Your reply came out as more of an angry shriek than you intended but the man was pushing all the wrong buttons at the worst time. The following silent moments were filled by your conscious decision to say nothing in that way again. ‘I’m sorry,’ Stephen, seeing the instant change in your tone and body language thought it safe to sit beside you. ‘I don’t want to be angry and I’m not angry at you.’
Stephen cleared his throat and flirted with the idea of placing a hand on your shoulder. He decided not to. ‘I understand why you are Y/N. I’m quick to anger too.’
‘I’m not usually!’ You snapped instantly, causing Stephen to raise his eyebrows at your lousy defence. However it was true. You’d never felt this raw and emotional since meeting Scott. He made everything heightened. It was almost too much.
‘Stephen,’ the two of you looked up to the source of the sound. ‘Can I have Y/N back?’ Scott chuckled and your heart lifted, although you didn’t appreciate the implication that Stephen had ‘had’ you. The stupidly tall wizard made a ‘of course’ gesture with his hand and you shot him a thank you smile before running to Scott. It didn’t matter that you’d only just seen him that morning, you felt as if the two of you hadn’t spent much quality time together since Hank’s phone calls and Peter’s queries to you. In the day at least.
‘What do you want to do?’ You beamed at Scott, knowing he knew you wanted him all to yourself. ‘Drive?’ He kissed you with surprising force, as if he thought you were a mirage that would disappear if he didn’t try to consume some part of you quickly. It made you certain that Stephen was rolling his eyes.
Taglist: @supraveng @thottio @wandamaximoffshoe @aliceblxck @merleisapartygod @brianmayscurls @psychadelichues
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shoichee · 4 years ago
congrats on 100 followers bubs 💖💖💖
could i please have 34 with Murasakibara,,, i just lub him sm đŸ„ș
-YOUR anon
HELLO **MY** anon <33 im back from the dead to give you murasakibara mush pls accept my offerings
Murasakibara x Reader
34. “You come to my room and wake me up at 4am, to cuddle?”
Word Count: 1497
prompt list here
You shouldn’t have crammed all of your summer homework in one day.
A horrible decision on your part, really.
Because here you are now, your stiff back threatening to snap at any movement you make on the chair. No matter how much you rub your eyes in an attempt to “refresh” your eyesight, only your half-finished papers and a jarring 2:13 a.m. reflect back to your vision. Even still, you refuse to put down the pencil and even more so refuse to stop writing, even if whatever you wrote for the past hour was completely elaborate ox dung. Still, you had no one to blame except yourself for procrastinating
 except maybe for a certain giant who constantly clung onto you for attention at every moment this past break.
No, no, you lethargically shook your head. It was still your choice to spend time with him
 it wasn’t like he forced you to neglect your assignments.
Your eyelids keep playing a dangerous game of flitting open and shut on you while your body has been swaying gently back and forth to the tick-tocks of the room’s clock. Your hand still perseveres in continuing to be the MVP for the past 24 hours, even despite feeling the burning aches of a cramp since the early evening. Gradually, you feel the room starting to teeter-totter, not being able to distinguish a clear line between the brighter, lit-up spot of your room versus the unlit parts elsewhere.
“Oh fuck
” You blink owlishly at the clock. “It’s
 3:12 already?...” You stare down at your work for a few moments too long before you realize that you’re almost finished with everything, even if the quality of said work was questionable at best. You resignedly sigh before setting down your pencil for the first time for a “break,” but as soon as you did, it was as if the only anchor to your wakefulness floated away to the giant seas of your mind. Suddenly, your cold desk becomes the softest pillow, and you begin to gently snooze away.
Tap, tap, tap.
“... Mm
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
Groggily pushing yourself off the desk, you rub your cheek and neck from the soreness of the unnatural position your body slept in for
 how long did you sleep for?
Shit, it was only gonna be a 15 minute break—shit, fuck, what time is it?
4:07 a.m.
You missed out on almost an hour of potential progress, an hour of precious time to finish this on time. You immediately slapped your forehead to chase the last remnants of sleep away and to reprimand yourself. But besides that
 didn’t you hear something that woke you up in the first place? You don’t remember setting up any alarm
 you didn’t even let go of your pencil once until earlier.
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
You whirl around your chair to try to discern the source of the sound, not sure if you’re still hallucinating from lack of sleep or if there truly was something there in the dark. The sounds sounded a bit different than when they woke you up though. You really think you’re being delusional, but they almost sounded
 impatient and annoyed.
There it is, again. The incessant tapping.
After stumbling through your room and groping the air to gauge your relative location to your other things, you first opened the door to find absolutely no one there.
Tap, tap. “.... -chin.”
You tripped and scrambled out of your wits, your drowsiness definitely gone now. As you whipped your head behind you to face the window and the source of the taps and now muffled voice, you were convinced that it was an unconventional robber. Grabbing the sharpest ballpoint you had on your desk, you clumsily sneak under the window sill, and from there, you jumped up to announce your presence with an exaggerated yell before opening the locks of your window and thrusting the pen to your potential assailant. You could not identify the person because it was unusually dark in the wake of a new moon, but all you saw was a looming figure whose face remained anonymous because their head was cut off at the top of your window. The person easily catches your hand holding the pen mid-thrust, and their abnormally large hand is oddly familiar to you.
“... What are you doing, Chibi-chin?” a very familiar drawl hummed. Murasakibara sighs exasperatedly before he uses his clutch on your hand as leverage to lower his head into your opened window. In his other hand, a few plastic bags rustle as he tries to carefully set them down on the nearest table inside. “Seriously, you could’ve hurt yourself.”
“Atsushi?!” you yell in a hushed manner. “What are you even doing here climbing up the tree and perching on my window? I seriously thought you were a robber!” His hold on your hand remains firm as he clumsily lets himself in despite the small size of the window compared to his body.
“You told Muro-chin to not let me see you for the whole day, Chibi-chin,” he frowns as if it was the most obvious reason. “He said it’s so you could focus on your work without any distractions, but who in their right mind would go about their day without eating any snacks?” At his words, your gaze moves to the bundle on the table.
“So you came here just for that?”
“Hmph,” he pouts. “I was going to come in tonight when I was sure you were sleeping, so you couldn’t yell at me for trying to
 see you.”
“Uh huh
” you slightly narrow your eyes at him. “Is that so?”
“... Tch, snacks don’t taste as good without you here, Chibi-chin.”
“... Uh huh,” you raise a huge brow at the food on the table. “These look like full-on appetizers and meals meant for lunch and dinner, not for snacking.”
“...” He slowly grows pink at your verbal suspicion, and he averts his eyes and huffs in annoyance. “Tch, don’t look into it so much, I was just in the mood for Korean cuisine.”
“At this ungodly hour?”
“Like I said, food tastes better with you. Stop being annoying.”
You inwardly smirk at his antics, gazing fondly at your contrarian giant. “Alright then, hurry up and finish your food and go while I go back to finishing my work, okay?” And you took his silence as a “yes” from his end, shuffling your feet back to your chair before you picked up your pencil to resume scribbling more incoherent sentences. For a few minutes, the only sounds you could hear in the room was the sound of graphite gliding across your paper and Murasakibara’s soft chewing of rice cakes from a few feet away. You knew he was watching you, but you silently commended him in your head for not interrupting your work for once.
Well, you spoke too soon.
When you stretch up your arms in an attempt to loosen your tense back and yawn, your life flashes before your eyes when something is popped into your mouth. In a panic, you try to spit it out, but Murasakibara holds a finger to your lips. Since when was he right behind you?
“It’s just a rice cake, Chibi-chin,” he mumbles reassuringly. “Eat it.”
“It’s good, but
” you protest. “Shouldn’t you be eating this?”
“... It turns out I bought too much, that’s all.”
“That’s a fat lie, Atsushi, and both of us know that.”
“...” He frowns at your “know-it-all” face before he gives in. “... You probably didn’t eat at all today
 knowing you.”
“Anything else you wanna confess?” you hum teasingly, knowing how he can never be honest unless you nudged him so.
“... and I wanted to cuddle.”
You stare at your boyfriend incredulously.
“You come to my room and wake me up at 4am
 to cuddle?”
“Do you
 have a problem with that?” His words lack any usual poutiness and annoyance because in those rare moments of honesty, he is completely vulnerable
 and mortifyingly shy. And he hates how he knows how much pleasure you get from seeing this side of him.
“No, stupid~” you gently tease him. “If it weren’t for you actually, I probably wouldn’t have woken up until morning and would be completely doomed. So thank you, Atsushi.” At your sincere words, he slinks off further into the dark corner, sulking away as he aggressively stabs the spicy rice cakes with wooden chopsticks in embarrassment while not looking at you one bit.
“Fiiiiiine,” you sighed. “You can cuddle me from behind and feed me while I work
” Murasakibara does a complete 180 and slides over straight to you using the swivel chair, happiness dancing behind his eyes on an otherwise impassive face.
Even when he glomps over you from behind and occasionally nudges your lips to eat with his chopsticks, you feel as if your lethargy completely melted away in his comforting presence

He’s your very own soft pillow.
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falseh0od · 5 years ago
All They Really Need
It’s finally here.
Note: A reminder that this is being written Right Now in honor of a strike that is happening on TikTok! There's been an influx of toxic Fanders on TikTok who seem to think that Logicality, Prinxiety, Dukeceit, and Remile are the only valid Sanders Sides ships which is nowhere near the truth! So, a lot of Sanders Sides cosplayers (myself included) are going on a two-week Sanders Sides cosplay strike to stand up to the bullies, and I'm also writing this finally as well! Because I will *always* prefer Analogical and Royality above any other ship, especially Logicality and Prinxiety! So enjoy my boys being gay disasters and finally deciding to make a lifelong promise to each other!
Summary: Virgil decides it's time for the next big step in his relationship with Logan... no matter how irrelevant it may seem.
TWs: a couple swear words, some anxiety, but nothing horrible!
It was a quiet day in the Mindscape.
Virgil was quietly lounging on the couch in the living room, scrolling through Tumblr and generally minding his own business. On the surface level, it might’ve looked like Virgil was just indulging in his typical emo content on Tumblr.
However, the side was actually desperately attempting (with attempting being the keyword here) to pull together a date plan for the evening.
Today was his and Logan’s two year dating anniversary, and although Virgil had come up with his overall plan for the evening a month ago, he had been so anxious about pulling it off that he had been procrastinating it ever since.
This had all stemmed after Roman had suddenly actually proposed to Patton nearly six months ago. It had been a shock to everyone- Patton included! But the two were determined to take that next step in their relationship despite the fact that it wasn’t possible for Sides to legally be married.
Considering that they had basically everything they could possibly want at their disposal, the wedding planning had gone smoothly and had taken much less time than it normally would. As a result, the wedding had happened about two months ago. Virgil and Logan had been the ‘best men’, and Thomas had done his best to officiate.
And in all honesty, Virgil had never seen either side as happy as they had been for the past two months.
Did Virgil originally think that the concept of them, as sides, getting ‘married’ was unimportant because they would never be truly married anyway? Yeah. Logan had clearly felt the same right after the announcement had been made, too. But Virgil couldn’t deny the rising feeling of longing. He didn’t want anything big or over-the-top, but goddamnit, he wanted to make that lifelong promise to the one person he loved most.
He didn’t know how Logan would feel, but he was hoping Logan would agree.
So here he was, ring in his pocket, scrolling through Tumblr trying desperately to come up with a good way to propose.
That was until his peaceful mid-morning was suddenly interrupted by a very loud Prince.
“Yes, the wind blows a little bit colder!” Roman burst into the room, singing what had quickly become one of his favorite songs from Frozen II to sing (especially when he was doing a duet with Patton). “And we’re all getting older! Aaand the clouds are moving on with every autumn breeeeze!”
Roman continued to sing through the first verse of the song, giving both Anna and Olaf’s lines his all. Virgil just rolled his eyes, trying to put his focus back on Tumblr.
That is until he had an idea.
Besides, maybe Roman could help him, anyway.
As soon as Roman got to the start of the second verse, before Roman could continue, Virgil butted in.
“The leaves are already falling,” he sang (a rare occurrence indeed, but he could make an exception). “Sven, it feels like the future is calling.”
Roman paused for half a second, almost instantly catching Virgil’s drift. A wide grin almost instantly formed on his face. “Are you telling me tonight you’re going to get down on one knee???”
Virgil sat up and gave Roman a quick nod, continuing on. “Yeah, but I’m really bad at planning these things out- like candlelight and pulling of rings out.”
Roman plopped down next to him. “Maybe you should leave all the romantic stuff to me
Virgil just rolled his eyes. “Some things never change
 like the love that I feel for him.” (yes, purposely changing the pronoun.) “Some things never change
 like how reindeers are easier. But if I commit and I go for it, I’ll know what to say and do
Roman gave him a Look. “Some things never change
” He then smirked and stole Virgil’s last line. “Virge, the pressure is all on you.”
Virgil shoved him gently in response. Roman just laughed, deciding not to continue with the song. “So, I thought you two thought getting married was irrelevant?”
“I mean, I did,” Virgil muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. “But
 I’ve realized that I wanna make that promise to him.”
Roman nodded. “You know, Virgil, that was actually exactly my reasoning behind proposing to Patton, and sometimes that’s the only reasoning you need. I think, even if he still thinks it’s irrelevant, he’ll do it for you if you truly want it.”
“Yeah, I think you’re right. The only problem I’m having is figuring out just how the hell to do it.”
“Mm, I see. Well, I have a few ideas, if you’d like to hear them.”
“As long as they’re not too extra, I’m all ears.”
Virgil stood outside of Logan’s room, hand in his pocket, clutching the ring box.
It had turned out that Roman could actually have some down-to-earth ideas if he really wanted to, and had helped Virgil come up with a solid plan for the evening that could be easily amended if needed. It was simple and quaint, and Virgil was feeling pretty good about it.
Save for the butterflies in his stomach about the proposal, but that was normal, right?
Virgil took a deep breath and knocked on Logan’s door.
He had taken it upon himself to actually look somewhat decent for the evening. He was wearing the only tie he owned, which resembled his hoodie to a point, along with a purple button-down. It was similar to what he had worn in the courtroom, though Virgil had made a point to wear a black vest, too, to put some distance between the two events.
He was still wearing his hoodie, though. No amount of persuasion from Roman could keep him from wearing it. He was also wearing his signature ripped black skinny jeans as well because they looked good with formal outfits and Virgil would die on that hill.
The door opened, and Virgil’s breath suddenly disappeared.
Logan was looking even more dapper than ever and holy fuck was Virgil gay.
He was wearing a black button-down in replacement of his usual polo, along with his signature tie- but adding on a snazzy blazer that had a gorgeous galaxy print. Adding in the dress pants and shoes Virgil was starting to feel slightly underdressed but he knew Logan wouldn’t care.
“You good there, starlight?” Logan asked, almost teasing in a way.
Virgil finally found his voice. “Oh, uh, yeah, I’m ga- good. I’m good.
Logan just laughed softly and the two leaned in for a quick kiss.
Virgil spoke up after they broke apart. “So, I have a couple of things planned for the evening, actually. For after dinner.”
“Yeah, I managed to convince Roman to let me borrow the imagination for the night.”
“That actually sounds wonderful, Virgil. I think that’ll be a nice change of pace for a date night.”
“Well, it is our anniversary. I thought it would be appropriate.”
“Indeed.” Logan put his hand around Virgil’s waist, and Virgil put his own hand around Logan’s as they walked down to the kitchen.
Where they were treated to a sight that Virgil was not expecting.
Patton was dressed up in a chef outfit, humming ‘Into the Unknown’ as he stirred a pot on the stove.
“Patton!” Virgil exclaimed. “I thought we had kitchen rights for the night?”
Patton turned to them and grinned. “Aww, you two look so dapper! Oh, yes, Virgil, you guys do have kitchen rights for tonight! I just thought I would do something nice for you two for your anniversary and cook dinner!”
Virgil went red. “Oh- uhh. Well, I guess that works. Thanks, Pat.”
“No problem!” Patton then winked at him and Virgil resisted the urge to bury his face in his hands and groan.
Of course Roman had gotten Patton into this.
He couldn’t complain though, because Patton was the best cook out of all of them, and he had just been planning to stick a frozen pizza in the oven. Roman had probably taken personal offense at that crime against romance at its very core and enlisted Patton for help.
“That indeed sounds wonderful, Patton. What are you making?” Logan asked.
“My secret spaghetti recipe!”
That recipe was not secret, but it was one of Patton’s best recipes, so Virgil couldn’t complain.
“Oh, cool,” Virgil nodded, walking over to the table and pulling a chair out for Logan (like a gentleman, of course). Logan sat down, saying a quick thank you to Virgil as Virgil went to sit down himself.
As they waited for Patton to finish, the two of them chatted quietly, talking about the day they each had, holding hands across the table and just generally being sappy.
After a while, Patton finally came over with two plates of spaghetti in his hands.
“There’s more on the stove if you want seconds!” he said cheerfully. “Don’t worry ‘bout the dishes when you finish, I’ll take care of them later!”
“Are you certain, Patton?” Logan asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You two deserve to enjoy your evening, I can do the dishes for ya!”
Virgil gave in with a shrug. “If you’re positive.”
“I very much am! Now, enjoy your dinner, and if you need Ro or I for any reason whatsoever, we’ll be in the living room watching Mulan!”
Suddenly, in the distance, both left-brained sides heard Roman start booming out the lyrics to ‘Let’s Get Down to Business’.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Sounds good, Pat. Have fun.”
“I’ll do my best,” he grinned with a wink, walking off.
Logan and Virgil then dug into their dinner, which tasted even better than it ever had before. Patton had obviously made certain everything was perfect. It was mostly silent as they ate, both trying to be polite so as to not make the other have to talk with their mouth full or to have to wait awkwardly to finish chewing before they responded
Then, as they finished, Logan finally spoke up. “So, what’s the plan?”
“Well, Roman conjured a movie theatre in the imagination for me, and I picked out an astronomy documentary I’m 90% certain you haven’t seen.”
“An astronomy documentary I haven’t seen? What a concept.”
Virgil laughed. “Nerd.” Virgil then grabbed Logan’s plate and stacked it on top of his own, putting their utensils on top. He stood up, then held out his arm. “Shall we head out?”
Logan took his arm. “Indeed.”
The two stopped momentarily to share another kiss, which lingered longer than the one before.
“God I love you,” Virgil murmured.
“I love you as well.”
Virgil led them to the door to the imagination and opened it.
Logan gasped.
Virgil had spent a good two hours in the imagination with Roman making sure it looked absolutely perfect. They had studied star charts and replicated the night sky to the best of their ability with the time they had and made sure the setting was in the middle of nowhere. Virgil would’ve liked if they’d managed to figure out the whole ‘movie theatre in the middle of nowhere’ concept, but he digressed. He was still happy with how it turned out, and this was the Imagination anyway- things almost never made sense.
“Virgil, this is beautiful,” Logan whispered, almost even choked up a little bit.
“Roman and I spent all afternoon on this,” Virgil nodded. “I owe him one.”
“Yet Roman would never have been able to replicate the night sky to this degree of accuracy if you hadn’t helped him,” Logan added. “Don’t tell him I said that, though. I can clearly see the personal touches you added to this. I absolutely adore it.”
Virgil hardcore blushed. “Thanks, Lo. Shall we head to the theatre?”
“After you.”
The walk to the theatre was only a few minutes long, but it was a few minutes of blissful silence as he appreciated the company of his boyfriend
 hopefully soon-to-be fiance.
As they got to the theatre, Logan took the opportunity to be the gentleman and opened the door for him. Virgil walked through and held out his own arm again in an attempt at the domination of the gentleman role again. Logan relented and let his boyfriend take the lead.
They entered the screening room, which was completely empty save for them.
“Any preference on where we sit?” Virgil asked.
“Might we sit right in the middle? I think that’s a prime spot for optimal view.”
“I agree, middle it is.”
They quickly took their seats and Virgil conjured drinks- iced coffee for Logan in his favorite mug, and hot black coffee for himself. Logan settled into his chair, putting his arm around Virgil. Virgil slid closer to Logan and put his head on the other’s shoulder.
The opening of the documentary came on, and Logan immediately reacted with “I can confirm that I have not seen this documentary!”
Virgil laughed. “Thank god.”
As the film progressed, both sides settled in even closer to learn about the stars some more together. As time went on, the two continued to move closer and closer together, until Virgil turned their two chairs and the one on the other side of Logan into a couch so they could cuddle.
Virgil could tell that not only was this a documentary that the logical side hadn’t ever seen before, there was also content discussed that Logan had not known before. Looking up every so often, Virgil could see metaphorical stars (pun) in Logan’s eyes as he listened intently to every word spoken.
Everything had turned out perfect.
And as the credits rolled, Virgil knew it was time.
Logan sighed as he sat up from where he had been sitting, leaning against Virgil. “That was thoroughly fascinating, Virgil. I can’t believe you managed to find a new documentary!”
“Well, sometimes it just takes a little deeper searching to find what you need. The internet is a wonderful place sometimes.” Virgil sat up as well and stretched as his heart began to race.
“Thank you so much for this, Virgil. Oh, did you have anything else planned, or are we returning to the mindscape?” Virgil’s heart melted at the pure hope in Logan’s eyes, knowing the side wanted to stargaze more than anything. Thankfully, Virgil knew the other side very well.
“You really think I would create a nearly-perfect night sky and not give you the opportunity to stare at it for hours on end?” Virgil teased. “Don’t worry, love, that was the plan all along. Right after one other thing.”
As his heart pounded relentlessly, Virgil almost chickened out, losing a good portion of the confidence he had built up over the course of the evening in a matter of milliseconds.
But pushing past the thoughts in his mind telling him not to do it, this is a horrible idea, he’s going to hate you- Virgil cleared his throat and began to talk.
“I know we talked a lot about this when the topic first came up, and we both agreed at the time that it was kinda unnecessary, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking the last few months, about all sorts of things. About how much better my life has been since I left the dark sides. Since I joined this family. Since
 I first went out with you.”
Virgil swallowed. “And I’ve realized that my life would be nowhere near as incredible as it is now if you hadn’t asked me to be with you. You have made my life, which was pretty shitty beforehand, actually mean something, when four years ago, I would’ve said to anyone who asked that I wished I didn’t exist. Thomas himself said that ‘it’s a pretty big deal when someone makes you enjoy something you’d normally dread’
 especially if that something is life itself.
“I know you might still see this as an ‘unnecessary formality that we don’t need to pursue in order for our relationship to be whole’, but even then
 I want this, even if it’s only to make you a promise of forever. I love you with all my being, Logan Sanders.”
The butterflies were gone.
Virgil pulled out the ring box and got down on one knee on the floor in front of Logan. “Will you marry me?”
He opened the box to reveal the ring he had put so much time and effort into summoning. It was a simple black band, with purple highlights, decorated with small white diamonds resembling stars, forming some of Logan’s favorite constellations.
Logan was stunned speechless for a few moments, and Virgil suddenly had an influx of overwhelming anxiety.
Then Logan went red and buried his face in his hands. “I should’ve seen this coming. I should’ve known this was going to happen.”
“What?” Virgil was very confused.
Logan lifted his head up and Virgil was greeted with one of the most genuinely amused smiles he’d ever seen on the other’s face. Logan then reached into his pocket and pulled something of his own out.
Another ring box.
Virgil’s mouth fell open. “Oh my god.”
“Only we could pull this off.”
Virgil then buried his face in his hands. “We’re so useless.”
They then looked at each other in the eye and broke out into hysterical laughter. Logan fell onto the floor beside Virgil as they leaned against each other, laughing harder than either of them could ever remember.
As Virgil started to attempt to compose himself, wiping a stray tear from his eye, he asked, “So is that a yes?”
Logan nearly started laughing again. “Yes, Virgil. That’s a yes.”
Composure regained, the two of them then launched into a hug, holding on as tight as possible.
Virgil only pulled away for a kiss, and then to slide the ring onto Logan’s ring finger. Logan then finally opened the ring box he had brought, showing Virgil the solid black ring band with a sparkling purple amethyst donning the middle he had chosen for him. Virgil nearly burst into tears at the sight. It was absolutely perfect.
Rings exchanged, they leaned in for another long, perfect kiss. Virgil wrapped his arms around Logan’s neck, and Logan wrapped his arms around Virgil’s waist.
When they broke apart, Virgil was the one who spoke first. “Ready for that stargazing I promised?”
“More than anything.”
Hand in hand, the two newly engaged sides walked out of the theatre and over to the field Virgil had chosen as the perfect stargazing spot.
The rest of the evening would be perfect as they talked about the events that lead up to this. Logan would even share that it was, in fact, he who got Patton to cook dinner, having informed the moral side of his plans that afternoon just as Virgil had with Roman. Patton had no idea Virgil was also planning to propose (and Virgil realized the winks were probably aimed at Logan, not him).
Which also likely meant that Roman hadn’t known that Logan was planning to propose. The other two sides were in for quite a tale when they returned.
But for now, Logan and Virgil just laid down in the middle of the field, the perfect spot for optimal view of the stars, cuddling close together as they enjoyed each other's company.
Yeah, maybe the concept of the Sides getting married was pretty preposterous.
But when it comes down to the bare essentials, marriage was just a lifelong promise to be together for each other, no matter what.
And that was all they really needed.
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@cefinitely-rolo bless your soul
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