#honestly will probably do the cali one digitally
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s-e-v-e-n-24 · 1 month ago
Sketches from class today ft. Coloured sketch that references a series of sketches I made for Hollywood Cali and never finished
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dr-jem-nutcase · 2 years ago
MvA H/Cs
His parents are divorced. They split when he was 11. His dad lives in West Virginia, which Derek avoids talking about cuz he knows a handful of people associate West Virginia with hillbillies
The apple of his mom's eye as the youngest, a son she always wanted and her source of comfort when her marriage fell apart. He can almost do no wrong
Has an older brother named Jason who was rather successful and a bit popular throughout school, college, and his career. This brought up a lot of insecurity and a sense of competition for Derek. This brother was one of his groomsmen for the wedding at his mother's insistence
Was considered handsome in high school and college but never as much as his brother. Was only nice and considerate to the pretty/cute and popular girls; a good handful of girls were jealous of Susan
Also has an estranged older sister named Hannah. She got tired of her family's drama and moved to Austria to study art 4 years before the timeline of the movie. So far, she has only returned to see her family in California once and didn't bother coming to her brother's wedding
Isn't a total butthead but, again, has lots of insecurity he tries to deny. He always had to be the best out of everything he was a part of in high school and college
Has to really work his way back to the top after Susan turned him down in front of audiences across at least some parts of central Cali and soon audiences worldwide after someone leaked the camera footage onto YouTube
The President
Did a really good job about following the basics for a modern-day American election campaign: brown nose his target audience, talk smack about the opposing candidates/party, make a truckload of promises that are impossible to keep, and have incredible charisma. That's the only reason why he was elected
Has had all his social media pages suspended indefinitely
Thinks Hamilton was the first USA president and that Lin-Manuel Miranda just fictionalized part of his life story. After finding out over half of The Greatest Showman was fictional, he's lost his trust in anything that's a biodrama/biopic/whatever
A really good pianist and tennis player. Tried his hand at golf but it didn't end well
Married. The first lady of the USA is just a little smarter than he is
Honestly, the vice president is the saving grace of American politics. For example: he has to take international affairs into his hands, lest the President screws up by cracking jokes about stereotypes about other countries or suggesting strategies of violence. Like, saying "Thatsa spicy meataball" when meeting the Italian president or saying "just nuke [insert name of problematic region of the world here] and it'll take care of everything"
Releasing the monsters is the saving grace of his presidency. His approval rates would've probably dropped into negative digits if it weren't for the "Monsters vs. Aliens idea thingy"
Tried to make his birthday a national holiday, like a bank holiday, but it never happened
Has a Michael Scott type of approach to his job and different parts of his life
The only time this man is allowed to drink is during very private and very personal affairs, like a family vacay. The most this guy can have in public is a diet Coke or a mocktail
His presidency will only last one four-year term. He'll always try running for his second term until his dying day
His name is George
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countessgreytea · 6 years ago
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I stumbled upon a forum and started reading through some MM threads.  One anonymous poster had some interesting things to share in a thread from late September 2018: 
So, I volunteered/worked for the DOS during the end of her toronto years and the transition. I don't like to bash black industry because I feel it's vital for us to make our own opportunities and grow our own wealth, but this tea is absolutely true, and then some. Certain power players would absolutely fawn over her when they met her with her ex husband and when she went to audition would literally laugh in her face. I will defend her against anyone calling her a hooker. That's absolutely untrue. She made a lot of her extra money by befriending fashion people and ultimately getting paid for appearances at dinners/red carpets. She was an opportunist, but honestly if it were a dude, we wouldn't be judging him the way people judge her. I can honestly say that the relationship timeline given to the public regarding Harry is false. If you find that interview with her ex's mom and read between the lines, you'll see it. She has historically not been great with timelines. If people have questions I can answer a few. I'm still in touch with her because I've moved on to work for her friend who is very much in touch with her.
So she and CV (the ex) were as good as engaged even around the end of April - they were both at my birthday dinner. CV is engaged to a singer and they have a baby on the way - that's how ready he was to start a family. He's a really good guy. Even now when I go in to one of his joints and he's around we chat and he offered his family vacation home for me to take my mom for a week. I don't often say this about white men, but I really respect him, he reminds me of my dad. It's a little hard to believe now, but she was more of an earthy Cali girl pre-prince, so they weren't super serious about a formal engagement. CV was totally head over heels and the only reason they were waiting was bc meg really wanted to branch into movies and do something meaningful before settling down with kids and moving into a travel/food show. "Think Bourdain meets Nora Ephron meets hippie chic" is what I wrote in my notes when we were writing up a proposal. I was actually really excited about it, I was going to work on the show. Priyanka Chopra has sorta copied the idea and but changed it so she meets famous people lol. (I have PC tea too, someone point me to a thread and I'll post). Prinze was seeing someone. I hope you'll respect that I won't spill bc that could get me into real trouble. He and nutmeg actually met in the run up to invictus, she "wanted to help" but this is code for wanted to make connections. When they met sparks flew and basically she was like damn issa prince and made her moves accordingly. There was a month between the breakup and the first date and the breakup actually wasn't "final" it was "just a break." She said she was feeling like she was in a rut. From date #1 onwards it was a whirlwind. It was really lovely to watch two people fall in love but very tough bc I knew what had gone down prior. As far as I know she is not pregnant, she is doing IVF though and it has caused a little bloat. That's why her clothes are rarely fitted. She'll be pregnant towards the end of the Aussie tour if all goes as planned. She is very calculating but I really respect her game. For example, that story about the corgis laying at her feet was planted bc white people love anything to do with dogs (I mean, so do the rest of us but white people don't have great attention spans, let's be totally real). She has a natural strategic intelligence from her mother. I cannot say enough wonderful things about her mother. Oprah and Iyanla got nothing on her, imo. This prince thing is the first time ms.meg did someone dirty since I started working for her. She secured the bag, so good for her, I guess.
Made moves - set up the Wimbledon appearance and "happened" to be at the soho house hotel so prinze and her could see each other again. It's a hotel that the public doesn't have the same kind of access too. 
about the engagement interview, and the corgi anecdote:
Oh girl, you don't even know what I did for that interview. Just because Harry told the story doesn't mean it wasn't planted. They planted in the interview so that people would go "aww." Think about the placement of that anecdote - right after they spoke about meeting family and how they'd spent a lot of time together in the past 1.5 years. The story was to push that narrative over the edge by associating it with a sweet story.
Someone replied that MM was in Mexico when PH was in Toronto ahead of IG:
My girl, this doesn't mean we didn't reach out and get in touch with the invictus team. The Internet issa crazy thing!
Whether PH knew about CV:
I actually don't know much about this side of the story - I worked for the DOS, not the prince. I never had access to her personal texts or anything. From what I felt though, I don't think he knew exactly how serious they were
Sure! Auntie Dee has been through a lot in her own life. People haven't looked much into her own childhood, but there was family tension and abuse, but she never let that get her down. She was quick to compliment on good character "thank you for your honesty" "thank you for your grace" "i admire your strength." She really is crazy about yoga though, she says it helps preserve the body. She is not at all judgmental to people who do yoga the first time, including myself, and doesn't like that white women culture vulture yoga from Indians - she is fierce about respecting heritage. She loves gardening. She is lowkey a very strong Christian...idk how that fits with yoga tbh but she's cool with it. She is completely self-made and raised up several black women and other women of color in her professional life (yoga and social work and other artistic endeavours)
..... About the article with CV’s mom : “Mrs Vitiello surmises that Meghan and Cory had been apart for about three months before she first met Harry.”: 
Regarding that Daily Mail article: the specific wording is surmised. The meaning of the word surmise is to suppose something is true without having the evidence to confirm it. I know the person trying to poke holes in my tea won't believe it, but that specific word was fought over and eventually money was paid in order for that specific word to be used.
I could be wrong here - I'm definitely not in her inner circle anymore (professionally there is no real room for upward movement, I started working for her blog so I could eventually work in digital publication and PR). I also know nothing about IVF - I just heard from my boss (her friend) that it causes bloat and it's really unfair that people judge her. I know for sure she is on IVF bc she needed an injection during her trip to Toronto and her PPOs were unhappy and my boss talked about it a lot.
There are a lot of royal "rules" that the family must abide by that aren't normal for you and me, including medication. The physician must be present alongside the assistant to ensure that the shot has not been tampered with, etc. Remember, British royalty goes back to the days of people poisoning each other regularly, there are still archaic rules. I don't know more than that, I'm only peripherally in her life anymore. 
someone asked about PH/MM’s dynamic:
I only saw the beginning, until the move to London. They are both demonstrative, but just from knowing her, I can tell she's a little more cautious in public - she doesn't want to seem too American/gauche. She'll probably relax as she has kids and sinks into her role, you know? It's tough to be totally yourself when you have so many eyes on you.
Do the BRF like MM?
All I've been told is that they love her but they way it's been said seemed like the person who said it was trying to convince themselves as well as me. From emails and coordination purposes, "the firm" aka the staff took to her really well and Prince Chuck liked her a lot too. 
What happened in Toronto with photographers before PH made his statement?
People were trying to break into her house and get onto the Suits set. She jetted to London one evening and eight hours later the statement had been released. It was released like 6 AM ET, I believe. 
Her husband, as far as I know, was not a good dude. She never went into specifics but the person who worked for her prior alway said to forward any emails from him to her lawyer. Their relationship was not good. 
About Suits, and were other family members at her wedding:
She speaks to the women and Rick, not so much Patrick and Gabe but was genuinely on good terms with everyone. I think she misses it, she tries to be normal by going about doing the same things she did in Toronto but I don't think it's the same. It's okay, she's a princess, she'll survive. Other family members were there, yes. 
Oof, where you got all this sourness from? No bankruptcy, no jail (though she did work at correctional facilities). I think the living with her dad thing was just because of proximity to her school. I believe she spent Friday to Sunday evenings with her mom. 
Her offering help with IG:
So she was not volunteering the way you or I would volunteer, but she was reaching out to ask whether she could lend her knowledge of Toronto and relationships with people there to help make things run smoothly. It's not really work, it's basically just talking lol. All these celebs who say they are the UN ambassador for whatever just go on paid vacations to poor folks' homes and film themselves being selfless aka playing with kids and then "lending their support" aka throwing a bit of money or "having high-level conversations." They were both in relationships at the time they first connected and the time they first met. She was looking to see if there was an opening for her, if that makes sense. The "first date" they talk about combines their first meeting and then the actual date after he expressed interest (they broke up with others to date, but remember, DOS told her ex that it was a break because she felt she was in a rut and not feeling connection with him). They definitely were texting a lot before the real first date.
I never heard anything about this - if it's true, my apologies to the poster. I did not know everything about their lives. Doria did not strike me as someone who would file for bankruptcy but I know that many people "aren't the type"
As far as I know Kate is cordial to DOS but you would really expect her to make more of an effort. There seemed to be some jealousy/distrust apparently. 
is she close with doria?:
I think they played up the closeness a bit during the "courtship" but from what I saw, they certainly became closer during that time too. I can say that she had been taking care of her mom financially when I was around.
I know when she gets angry she tears up and gets very quiet. 
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thestudyfeels · 7 years ago
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Now, before you throw your outdated iPhone 4 in the trash and dip, all I ask for is a chance. Tada! That’s it! A chance is all I need to prove that math can truly be fascinating (did reading that make you puke just a little?)
Frankly, I’m not very good at intros. But I am good at math, so let’s jump right in, shall we?
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The logic behind the dislike of math is actually ridiculous. It’s a myth. A bigger one than Medusa. Well, at least she had an excuse - those cringey snake hair (tbh, I'm more turned off than scared by them).
And usually, more often than not, this myth has been passed down through our grown-ups, be it parents, a sibling, or some random guy eating burnt popcorn (the guy version of me) at school, because of which they are even the more accepted.
“Math is boring.” “What’s dx, dy anyway? Since when does the alphabet mix in with numbers? They smashed?” Here. Pause and take a moment to think about why you hate math. And also what kind of people you're hanging out with.
Your answer might be something like “because I don’t understand it”. But that’s not the ONLY reason. It’s more of something, say, you never made the effort to understand it. And why was that? Because, heck! Our seniors told us math was going to suck before we even began doing it. They have to be right, RIGHT?
The hate has been coming down since generations. Do you realize now who is to blame? Not math. It’s Adam. He got stuck at 3+3 and started all this drama. Geez, Adam.
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In order to truly enjoy doing math, learn to respect + love it. Or, at least have sympathy for it (math has suffered enough, mate. He deserves to get laid too).
All the love, respect, and eye-roll provoking stuff automatically comes when you break a false belief, create a new one in its place, and take hell-bent-for-glory kind of action. This, in fact, is one of the most popular ways in the self-help department of bringing out your inner conqueror (see book recs: here) but we’re going to use it for math. Yay!
To not freak you out, let’s break it into three itsy-bitsy steps. Three steps to loving math, I got you homie. (Also, welcome to the clickbait life, we killin’ it out here.)
Here’s stepping into psychology 101. The subconscious mind, which began interacting since the moment you were born, picks up beliefs that may or may not be true. It isn’t the judge (perhaps the reason why we are effed up). Your conscious mind, the real judge, only becomes fully mature when you hit puberty and become a desperate hoe. But unfortunately, it’s late to the party. By that time, your subconscious mind is already the prom queen.
Cutting this short, the beliefs that the subconscious mind gathers, they become our truths. Even when they really aren’t. It’s sad but true.
For instance, if you saw your father struggling with accounts or your sis forgetting what tables were, then your subconscious mind might have assumed: ‘math is difficult’, ‘math needs memorizing’, ‘math leads to crying and pain’, ‘eff math’.
Taking action:
Here’s how to get rid of these false beliefs. Journal subconsciously. This means without a stop, without cuts or edits, in a flow. Next, take up each belief and understand that it was just there for providing comfort and safety (yes, we only hold onto beliefs if they give us something in return. Saying math was difficult probably gave Em an excuse not to take action. It generated sympathy and the teacher might’ve offered his free time for extra coaching).
Then, thank those false beliefs (DO NOT turn this into a self-loathing assignment) for providing that comfort and do that “shoo” motion with your hand. It’s time they ran along. Sounds absurd and simple right? It is that simple. Once you make the decision to let go of your old, fake beliefs, they really do leave you for good. Try it out.
Next up, we go belief shopping. I assume that if you’re reading this, your conscious mind has already come into play. If not… well, hello there kiddo! The shopping cart is not a go-kart, so please stop swinging it around, and yes, Santa is real, you get to keep that belief, but all the other ‘truths’ mommy spoon-fed you? They may or may not be. Finding out is your homework for today (welcome to my class. I teach life, sons).
Taking action:
In this step, you take up each notion and mould it into something newer, truthier (yes this is an actual word even if it sounds like Greek), and shinier. Say, for example, Emily got sick of flunking math and decided to take action (thank you for doing that, Emily. Honestly). Here’s what her journalling would look like:
“I feel dumb while doing math. It’s too difficult for me.”
This becomes: “I’ve been holding a grudge against math since childhood which blind sighted me. This time I'll give it a chance.”
“Math involves difficult calculations, which is way out of my league. For me, getting that Cali guy's number would be easier than pulling up my math grade.”
This becomes: “Through action, and not screwing around, any shit is possible. A math grade is nothing.” Also, I heard, that guy, Liam? He’s gay. Might as well go on a date with math.
This practice does sound a bit silly, but trust me, the more willing you are, the more easily will you be able to conquer math. #SaveMath.
Now that the belief breaking and making part is over, here’s the most important one. To do the goddamn math. *Drumroll*
See, nothing comes without the good ol’ hard work. That’s a fact. In the words of Lilly Singh (who is a total queen and an appreciator of cute puppies and good memes) - “The universe respects your changing of fake values for better ones. However, it respects a good hustle even more.” To get better at math, it’s important to actually do it.
Who’s excited?! *crickets chirping*
Ahem, ok. Here are my tips to get better at it:
Math doesn’t even require making notes. Instead, it requires continuous practice. Set aside time to do, say, 10 sums every day, and build up on that. Turn it into a habit so it becomes second nature.
Understanding which way works better.
The fun part about math is that a single sum can be done in ten different ways. 2+2 can be either done by adding two choco chip cookies with two more, or you can just multiply 2 with 2 [ as 2(1+1) = 2(2) = 4 ]. Obviously, the latter works better when you have huge numbers because I know you’re broke and can’t afford cookies (same) and are way too old to go hunting for the cookie jar in your mom's kitchen. Plot twist though, this understanding, again, only comes from practice. So get down to it already.
Increase your speed but don’t compromise on accuracy.
It’s exactly what the title says. What fun is it if mom takes up the entire day to count out the cookies? And then ends up giving you one less cookie than you wanted? It’s the same with doing math. This again comes from practice so…*evil laugh*
Other quick tips (because I like tiny bullet points):
 Don’t use calculators. Stop depending on it and use your mind for once (assuming it isn’t already filled with cat memes).
Get yo’self a timer. Compete with time. If you’re a highly competitive person like me, this will motivate you to work harder and get better.
Every time you see two 2 digit numbers at the same place, (say a car’s no. plate: 2312) add, multiply, and subtract the numbers IN YOUR HEAD. This will improve your basic calculation speed. So 23+12= 35. 23-12=11. 23*12=276. [ as 23(10+2)= 230+46 ].
You can find other tips about math by scrolling through my math tag: (x) (x)
Practice. There’s really no way around that.
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Here are some related masterposts if you want to read more:
Conquering biology by yours truly
The math masterpost by @acadehmic
Math resources and links by @ashleigh-studies
Want instant motivation? Here’s my #ThursdayPickup!
Well, it’s a wrap! I post new articles every week (the schedule’s here) so you can follow me if you are into killing the game & conquering life. I’ll do my best to help you in the tough yet amazing journey called life. ✨
If you want to go thru my blog, I would rec picking your choice of post from my masterpost list! Or, if you want to read something insightful on your cosy afternoon while chilling under blankets, I would rec reading one of my interviews. Feeling spoilt for choices? Here’s another! If you want to implement the ideas I share in my masterposts by taking action, take on one of my challenges! + you can also request a blog post! For that, leave your question in my ask box.
I hope you are well, stay strong and conquer life, you conqueror.
- Nandini (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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leaveharmony · 7 years ago
Like 96% of the stores/merchants downtown are lovely, and I'm on a first-name basis with ...a lot of them lol... But this one motherfucker, jesus christ.
So a combo of stupid factors make watches kinda tricky for me - dyscalculia makes face-clocks less than ideal for a simple wristwatch so I stick to digital ones, and my disability effects the lower arm as well as my hand; the wrist is super fuckin' thin so bare minimum any watch strap I wear needs to be either totally adjustable (ie velcro) or have an extra hole punched in it just so it won't be hanging comically loose.  Fancy watches are sadly something I’ll probably never be able to use. My old watch finally threw in the towel when we were in cali - I noticed the set time button wasn't working anymore so I couldn't swap to local time.  The indiglo button went like 10 years ago lol.  So the newer watch...I never really fully transitioned to it because I needed to poke the extra hole myself with like...a stitch ripper, a needle and an awl, in that order.  It's a really slippery nylon type strap and it slides...the hole isn't well placed so it slides even more, and the strap is way too long w/ only one restraining band that slips off really easily so the damn thing is always flapping around loose. So to no avail we checked the corner jewelry place, which is full of lovely people...and finally I sighed and said alright, we'll try Perfect Timing.
Every.  Single.  Time.  I have gone in there, jesus christ.  I've never once been made to feel welcome - hell, I've never once felt like my very presence wasn't an irritation but they can't actually legally stop me from coming in.  I went to ask about grandpa's pocket watch (how to get the back of it off safely...I was too weak to manage it, it'd been stuck on there probably for decades), and I went in to buy the strap for my old watch when my last velcro one wore out.  Both times the withered old bitch I assume is married to the haughty old crank acted like I owed her reparations for daring to talk to her and collectively waste the time of her & her Very Important Husband, who is the biggest condescending snob you’d ever wanna meet. The one (1) person on staff who acts as though she knows she can't like...charge people for walking in the door and breathing their air was entirely ready to help out but even as I was explaining the problems with the new strap and that I got the old strap there (it's too small for the new watch) he started talking over me even though he wasn't even involved in the conversation.  Like this prick, first of all, literally fuckin' sneered down his nose at my digital watch and then flat-out said “A leather one is going to be just as long” as though A.) length was the only problem and B.) anybody fuckin' asked him.  The old strap that I LITERALLY BOUGHT THERE is leather, of course, but he just kept talking over me as I was trying to convey that to her.  It may have been a child’s one, I’m not even sure, but I know damn well I bought it from them and it fits perfectly w/ the extra punched hole.  Like she had...the little tool in her hand...and had brought over the straps...and we could have like.  Fucking tried one on and seen how it went like she was clearly 100% ready to do, I would have had a new watch strap and the crusty old fuckhead would have made some profit but I finally just pretended I'd go home to my lice infested hovel and cut the strap I hate w/ my rusty sheers and “sear” the end on ye olde woodstove so it wouldn't fray or whatever scenario he was envisioning peasants go through when they have this problem. Anyway I just pulled the leather strap off my old watch, the awful strap off the current watch...and just switched the goddamn pins.  Now they're long enough and I can use the old strap w/ this one.  I mean the strap is visibly maybe a centimeter too short for the ends (it’s a 12mm on a 15mm watch) but honestly I doubt anybody would notice unless they were looking very closely at me, and I don’t care how it looks as long as it’s not bugging the shit out of me and falling off.  It’s just a bonus that Mr. and Mrs. High-and-Mighty-Prick didn't make a dime and I'm never going in there again.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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unkn0wnl0v3 · 4 years ago
Day 10 ✿ Sep 24 ‘20
I just did yoga for pe credits oh my god I feel amazing. Wth i never knew my body could feel this good in the morning. Shit honestly wow! Later I have D so I’m excited and my rocks and fish are coming for my tank. Life rn is good. (09:30)
He answered my original message I had put in my entry for I believe day 8-ish? His answer was short just a ‘sounds great, glad ur staying’. I would’ve enjoyed if he also went “blah blah my opinions on flowers for Algernon.” However who am I to be underwhelmed by his answer. I have his class in three minutes. I’m pretty prepared to be bored for a bunch but it’s all well. I JUST REALIEZED I DIDNT SAY BUT MY FISH CAME! So instead of being bored I can watch my fish and read Flowers for algernon. That’s what I did during break. Well I sat beside my fishes and ate a burrito and had a coconut popsicle but then I read for a long while. Btw my fish are named Velvet and Iskandar. If yk yk:) (13:04)
AHHHHHHH IT WAS SO UNATTRACTIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! He made us MEDITATE! And then no one did it and he was just there doing it and it looked like he was dying oh my god. And like I was HORRIFIED. It was not cute. IM DYING AHHHHHH ew omg. THIS CLASS IS MAKING ME SO UNHORNY. IM ALWAYS SALIVATING OVER HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my Lordy y’all. Rest In Peace Me<3(13:28)
Yeah I feel really unattracted to him rn. He sounds so desperate. I guess it’s disappointing to have an honors English then us. I mean who am I to act like I should go to honors English if I’m just as emptyminded and full of daydreams during class aswell. He probably really does feel incredibly empty and uncomfortable when he’s with my class. If I was him I’d probably really want irl class to start so kids will actually pay attention and not like digitally mess around. Hopefully he doesn’t ever call me out for doing anything cause he already knows I’m here. Even though I’m not actively contributing he still knows I care and that there’s a divide between me and my classmates that don’t care. Oh well.. (14:12)
My fish are so cute! I really am distracted by them though... BUT THEYRE JUST THAT BEAUTIFUL. I really love them:)... well that’s all right now I just wanted to comment on them:D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(20:37)
I always feel like I’ve set unhealthy expectations about myself to other people. Especially people I desire romantically or sexually. However why would an English teacher or a middle school crush find themselves angered by standards they don’t even know exsist. That’s my downfall I guess. Hopefully one day I outgrow this mentality and these sort of emotions dissipate. These fish are fucking therapeutic. Probably better than my actual therapist at letting me do a bit of introspection. I really like my books and my fishes and my room. I little bit of me wants to go back to school like in person but that means I have to leave this place I love so much. I mean I get to see my teacher and my friends but I don’t get to be home with my fishes eating leftovers and reading my books during lunch. Oh well I’m in Cali and life here is crazy so we’ll see what happens:• That’s all for today:D(22:11)
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the-bullet-aesthetic · 7 years ago
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Hi! I’m Chloe but I go by Wynter online, it’s just more familiar to me. I just got into bullet journalling and just decided to make a studyblr to keep me inspired to stay organized ✨  I honestly never expected I’d be the kind of person to be organized or productive in any way ever but here I am? And I love it? Anywho, to introduce myself to the community (or no one, if this never gets seen)
I’m an infp and addicted to MBTI, but recently I’ve been thinking I may be more of an intp. Most importantly I relate more to the infp option in those What Kind of Soap Dispenser is Your MBTI Type tumblr posts so who knows.
I haven’t looked too much into enneagrams but I think I’m 4w5
Proud Ravenclaw
15 years old
I live in Southern Cali
I’m just now going into sophomore year, class of 2020 and suddenly the difficulty level just ramped itself up thirty times, fun fun fun.
I’m in my second year of French and if you said a word to me I would probably not understand it (I do want to continue learning it out of school, tho)
I have absolutely no idea what I want to do after high school and am stressing ehe
I’d love to travel to the UK and Japan
I am an artist and am in love with anything to do with art. I do traditional sometimes, but mostly digital and anything from chibis to realism.
I love to write poetry and stories but I don’t do it enough
I am a permanent resident of Youtube (trash for dan and phil, dodie, jacksfilms, sometimes rhett and link, thomas sanders, I’m probably leaving someone out, ...)
In love with Harry Potter, Sherlock, Studio Ghibli, and a whole bunch of YA books
I will be drawn to anything Aesthetic™ immediately. 
Music-wise, I’m in love with K. Flay, Missio, and just found Highly Suspect. I like listening to lofi hip hop kind of beats in the background while studying or arting or existing in general.
I hate talking about myself but I just wanted to make a post to say hi. My main blog is @a-glitch-in-reality (don’t go there, it’s trash) and my instagram is thebulletaesthetic. I’m really freaking shy on the internet for some reason but I’d love to make friends in the community ✨  I’ll be sharing pics of my bujo and study space n such on here. Please like/reblog so I can follow!
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anarchaiiblake-blog · 7 years ago
OP-ED Girl’s Generation
Okay. So anyone that knows me knows how much I fuck with K-Pop. It’s become a huge influence for me; and anyone who follows K-Pop knows that some crazy shit happened this week!
It was announced that three members of Girls Generation, aka Sonyeo Sidae (SNSD), decided not to renew their contracts with their label, thus leaving the group.
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I woke up from a nap and it was the first thing I saw when I turned my fucking phone on! I just kept going “What? Whaat?! Who?! WHAAAT?!”
 Tiffany, Sooyoung, and Seohyun decided to not renew their contracts with the label, so they can go about different endeavors.
 For those of you that don’t follow K-Pop this shit is BIG.
 Since SNSD is a group that I look up to I decided to reflect on this and share it with you guys. Okay so check this out..
      For those of you that know about kpop, or if your a SONE you can       
       skip this unless you just wanna read shit from my perspective lol
  Hyoyeon   Sooyoung   Taeyeon   Yuri   Yoona     Tiffany Jessica  Seohyun Sunny
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For those of you that are unaware SNSD is the most successful girl group in Asia. By 2012 they already sold 4.4 Million physical albums and had 30 million digital sales.
They debuted in 2007 with 9 members, after having trained under their label for 7 years. The gained a lot of attention with their debut song Into the New World, but blew the fuck up when they dropped Gee. 9 times out of 10 if a person has only heard one song from K-Pop they talk about Gee…and probably Gangnam Style.
In 2014 (worst year in k-pop) we found out that one of the members was terminated from the group. They called a random meeting and basically told Jessica it was a wrap. From what I’ve read she was planning on leaving anyway that next year but the true story behind why Jessica was removed has not been told. But there’s mad tea all over the internet with behind the scenes juice. Either way the fanbase (SONE) flipped the fuck out because Jessica was a huge favorite and one of the lead vocalist for the group. Honestly her voice was very distinctive and it sucks not having her in the new songs, despite how good they are. After she left the dynamic of the group changed a lot, but they still dropped good singles.
 Also. Jessica. I am sooo proud of you and your continued success! You deserve every fucking bit of it!
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SNSD just finished celebrating their 10th anniversary since debuting, in August, with a release of their album Holiday Night. I fuck with the album, and honestly this album could be a last album and be a good piece of work. This is the most mature they’ve ever sounded to me. The album was both a celebration, but definitely had songs that put me in the feels. In moments there were parts that eerily sounded like Jessica. Most of all Light Up the Sky just sounds like a goodbye song and I cry nearly every time I hear it.
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 That being said, that was a quick background.
                             TIFFANY, SOOYOUNG, AND SEOHYUN 
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So now we get to the present. Sooyoung, Seohyun, and Tiffany are leaving SNSD and SM (which side note: congrats on leaving SM. Good label but they’re mad shady.)
 Now when I read these names, I wasn’t surprised by Tiffany. Tiffany basically foreshadowed that she was leaving because she said next year she was planning on moving back to the US in order to study acting. So when I saw that I knew she was gonna leave. (Side Note: Tiffany, Jessica, and Sunny were born in Cali.)
 HERE’S what shocked the fuck out of me. Seohyun! Our maknae! The baby! I honestly thought she would stay in the group for a while because she’s still young (26) and is a main vocalist for the group, and could still do outside endeavors while occasionally promoting with the group for a few more years. What I didn’t think about, however, was the fact that because she was the maknae (youngest member) SM entertainment was very strict on things she did regarding her image, and management. They denied her different acting roles, as well as being very controlling over her solo music. She had to completely change the concept she wanted for her solo release because of the label. What’s also shocking is that she wants to sign to a label to focus on acting work! She is an amazing fucking singer and to think we may not hear music from her at all, at least for a hot ass minute, is crazy. I never saw this playing out this way.
 Sooyoung didn’t surprise me either; I actually thought that when people started leaving the group that she would be one of the first ones. Her only wanting to pursue acting doesn’t really surprise me either. She has a great voice but I had a feeling she didn’t plan on promoting as a solo artist.
 SM is not a good company for acting honestly, so it makes sense that the three of them would want to leave. Also, they’ve been with the label for 17 years. I would want to leave too.
                                                     THE GROUP
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Now what I can’t stop thinking about is the fact that there are only 5 members left in the group. SNSD is just known to be that group with mad fucking members! Groups with big numbers are more popular now, but still….it’s fucking Girl’s Generation. I would actually really like for them to release singles with 5 members. I’m dying to see what concepts they go with. ESPECIALLY because now the only main vocalist is Taeyeon (unless Sunny is also a main vocalist but I don’t think she is.) I do hope however this means Sunny gets stronger vocal parts because she can really fucking sing! I’m hoping they release more Catch Me if You Can-ese songs since there’s more main/lead dancers now. I feel the members that haven’t been given enough time to shine in the group can have the chance to now and I hope SM does well with that.
                               QUESTIONS AND REALIZATIONS
 1.     Do any of the members that left still fuck with Jessica? If so, will they start publicly supporting Jessicas work?
2.     Who’s gonna hit Tiffany’s high note in Mr.Mr when they perform throwbacks?  Can Taeyeon even hit that note?! No shade, but I legit don’t know if she can.
3.     Will they just decide to end the group and not promote as 5?
4.     TAETISO is over. I’m not really sad about that. I love them but I only liked Holler, and Dear Santa.
5.     How long is this next contract that the girls signed?
6.     When there’s finally a reunion some time in the future do you think Jessica will join them?
7.     How long do you think it’s gonna take until Sooyoung writes that book that she said she wanted to write, about SNSD?
8.     What labels will they sign with next?
9.     Will Tiffany eventually move back to Korea? Who do you think she’d sign with?
10. I’m also really sad that Tiffany wont be releasing music because I fucked with her release.
11. Same for Seohyun!! I really fucked with her single too, and I think she’s an amazing singer.
12. I know that Seohyun and Sooyoung plan on doing musicals but that’s not good enough for me because I don’t like in Korea so I can’t see it lol
13. I wonder now that SNSD is basically heading towards  a disbandment, if SM will finally stop blacklisting Jessica from performing music shows (YOU’RE NOT LOW SM, WE ALL KNOW!)
14. I honestly thought SNSD was gonna keep going for a hot a minute and just drop less singles, like Brown Eyed Girls.
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 To the members of SoNyeo SiDae:
 It took me awhile to become a SONE but now I am and I truly thank you for all of the hard work you’ve put in for the past 17 years. To train as vigorously as you did, at such young ages, to then be catapulted into stardom, and handle it with such grace is truly a reflection on how amazing all 9 of you really are. You have become a source of inspiration for me to push harder and never stop even when I’m tired. It breaks my heart seeing the end of the second generation of K-Pop playing out. I will continue to love you and bang out to your songs. To the departing members I wish you all continued success in your solo endeavors and I can’t wait to see what’s next to come!
Check out Holiday Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2sibUTD6iM
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niennanir · 8 years ago
I haven't been out to the theatre much lately, mostly because the trend for shows has been a little more on the grim side, and that's okay. The things I want to see on stage aren't necessarily what other people want to see. If you're familiar with the theatre scene in Sarasota you're probably looking at me like I'm batty because there is truly a dizzying array of options. Honestly, there just wasn't anything recently that made me go "Oh, I've got to see that." And then 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea opened.
"Oh, I've got to see that."
So last night I toddled down to the Asolo, and let me tell you something: I had no idea what I thought I was going to see, but it was not that. I'm not opposed to technology in theatre, strictly speaking, but I kind of favor the artistry of hand crafted design. I like the attention to detail in a traditional set. I did not miss it last night. Most of the set was created through digital projection, incredibly inventive use of digital projection, blended liberally with puppetry for some of the fish and wide angle effects. The giant angler fish swimming through the audience had the ladies sitting next to us gasping in excitement.
The script itself was exciting, a condensed, reworked version of the original plot designed to incorporate ocean conservation on a modern scale into the classic story. For most fandoms I'm a purist, (with the exception of comics where everything is canon divergent,) I get really waco when things stray too far from the source material and if you're like that for Vern, you're probably going to freak out. But I felt that most of the changes were in service of making the plot more relevant to a modern audience. Prof. Aronnax is played by a woman, our narrator is a 21st century doctoral candidate procrastinating on his thesis in Oceanography, the plot adjustments exist for either condensation or to allow openings to thread discussions about marine biology with actual scientist in the show's app.
The show has an app.
Post show you can watch video interviews in the app with researchers studying what you've just been watching on stage, and of course take some goofy selfies. It's pretty original, a code on stage allows you to unlock more content inside the app which was fun because it gave you something engaging to do during intermission.
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And I've got to talk about the kids, because the production was offering discount tickets to parents bringing their kids to the show. At which point I usually cringe because younger kids tend to get bored fast in the theatre. About a third of last night's audience was under 14 and you really could not tell, the little guy in the row in front of us was about 7 and he came out of the show wide eyed and excited after being nearly silent the whole evening. Which was great to see, you can't love the theatre if you never find anything to love about the theatre. Pretty sure that's going to be a tough act to follow though.
Pre show I sat in on a lecture by Craig Francis, one of the producers, who talked about the use of the technology and integrating science into science fiction. They're hoping to take the show to Pasadena next so keep a lookout Cali. And if you're involved with theatre on your local level; This, this right here. If you have it on your stage you won't be sorry.
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surveys-at-your-service · 8 years ago
Survey #92
“i’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?”
five things you associate yourself with: youtubers, meerkats, video games, snakes, photography. what’s your sleeping playlist (give me five songs)? i don't actually listen to music to sleep, but if i did... "lay your world on me" by ozzy osbourne, "nothing else matters" by metallica, "perfectly flawed" by otep, "coma black" by marilyn manson, "nebel" by rammstein. what is something that you’ve always wanted to be/have/get but can never have? a pet meerkat. but one, it's not legal in the u.s., but also, i don't really support keeping them as pets. are you a bee or a butterfly person? a dog or a cat person? butterflies and dogs. what would you like to call your significant other?  i use "hunny" most frequently. what are the names of your pets?  teddy, cali, bentley, venus. do you like to dip your fries or do you like it as is?  depends on my mood. sometimes i like them with ketchup, sometimes not. any special talent that you have? catastrophizing lmao who was your first crush?  not sure of *first*, but the first i remember was dylan. who was your 5th grade teacher?  mrs. whitley. she was also my second grade teacher. who would you kill if you could get away with it? no one. what was your high school mascot? firebird. what was your first screen name? uhhh, flowerourqueen i think? how do you feel about same sex marriage? go for it, dude. what are your favorite pieces of poetry?  anything edgar allan poe. what’s your favorite season? winter. what’s your fatal flaw? i have zero confidence. what color are your pants? orange, black, and white. they're halloween-themed. when was the last time you read a good book?  when i was in the hospital. "rise of the lich king" was great. favorite clothing store?  rebel's market. how often do you go to parties? if you don’t, what do you do instead? i never go to parties. and... stuff? who is the smartest person you know? girt. craziest thing you’ve ever done? go on a ride i was absolutely horrified of at a totally sketchy festival. is there a guy who you can go to with no make-up on in sweatpants and bedhead and he couldn’t care less? yeah, girt. do you and your family pray before eating dinner? no. what’s your favorite video game? "silent hill 2" do you own any form of a gameboy? yes. what’s your favorite store in the mall?  hot topic have you ever gotten a matching piercing or tattoo with someone? yes. do you like corn?  yeah. ever made out in a pool? not that i remember. last vacation destination you went to? the beach. have you ever been to seawo​rld? yes.​​ why were you last hospitalized? suicide attempt. do you prefer analogue or digital clocks?  analogue, aesthetically. are you one to sneak food into movie theaters? hell yeah i am because you're crazy if you pay that much for /movie theater/ food. do you feel more comfortable with a male or female doctor/nurse? a female, because i'm a female. can you write well in cursive?  yes. my normal writing is a mix of cursive. have you ever kissed someone who has previously kissed someone you hated? yep. is your all-time favorite television show still on air? no. would you ever donate blood?  i have before, but i probably wouldn't again. i'm too scared of passing out. are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?  not actively, no. have you ever painted a car?  no. are there any gnomes in your yard?  no. what’s your favorite type of seafood? i only like shrimp. have you ever been to florida?  yes; my grandma lives there. which is harder - walking in the snow or sand? sand. do you think it’s okay to flirt with someone that’s already taken, as long as it goes no further?  no. are you adopted? no. do you say “i love you” even when you don’t mean it? i have to to my mom when she says it to me even if i'm pissed at her and don't feel like i do because if i don't, she pitches a fucking fit. do you prefer wheat or white bread?  wheat. is your profile private? my facebook profile? yeah. do you break things when you are mad?  no. people who do that scare me. is it okay to kiss people if you’re single?  no. that can really result to leading people on. do you want to be single?  i don't *want* to be, but i don't *mind* being single. there's a difference. have a built-in pool in your backyard? no. a trampoline? no. do you go tanning?  no. ever been to a circus?  yes. do you keep magazines by your toilet? no. what are the best kind of girl scout cookies?  those ones that're peanut butter filled and covered with chocolate. do you like to have ice in your drinks? no. waters it down. name a topic you consider yourself knowledgeable with. meerkats. what’s the easiest way to make you smile/laugh? just whisper "top of the mornin' to ya laddies" into my ear ho. okay no seriously idk. do you own any band merch?  yeah. what is your favorite way to eat popcorn? (buttered, salted, plain..) buttered and salted. have you ever faked being sick to get out of something? yep. do you know how to read music? i used to. probably not anymore. what's the saddest video game you've ever experienced? "that dragon, cancer" do you know how to tap dance? i know how to clog. same thing, just different shoes. did you believe in santa clause when you were little? yes. my ex didn't tho and i felt so bad for him lol. what’s your favorite flavor of skittles? red how bad are your hangovers? never had one. have you ever broken a bone? if so, what was the cause of it? not broken, but fractured. i bent my wrist all the way backwards when i fell while skating. which of your five senses would you give up? smell. are there any animals you flat out refuse to touch? slugs, maggots/larvae... what brand of batteries do you usually get? duracell, i think? what super power would you refuse, if it was offered to you, and why? mind reading. what's your favorite discontinued product that you wish would come back? hmmm... who is someone you would never swear in front of? my grandma. have you ever caught a fish? yeah. is there a song that makes you cry every time you hear it?  no. a plant grows on your grave after you die, carrying a piece of your soul - what plant would it be? a weeping willow tree. pen or pencil? pencil. can you run a mile in under 7 minutes?  HA what’s your favorite shampoo/conditioner?  i use suave. are you a fan of the grand theft auto series? no. do you like the beach? not really. i hate the feeling of sand. have you ever sleep walked? no. how about sleep talked? yeah. gum or mints? gum who did you last attend a concert with? mom, nicole, jason. have you ever received nude pictures from someone? no. admit it: you had a neopets account. you're goddamn right i did lmao waffles or pancakes? pancakes. name a food that doesn’t sit well in your stomach.  fancier foods, really. my stomach gets upset fast. what’s your favorite eye color? blue. have you ever been accused of cheating? nope. do you like chinese food? only the fried rice and eggrolls. how big is your bed? queen favorite comedian?  john pinnette, rip<3 do you smoke?  no. does anyone like you?  *shrugs* do long distance relationships work?  sure, some do. pancakes or french toast?  french toast. best thing about winter? snow!! do you have feelings for someone? i always will. do you like sushi? never tried it, never will. i'm perfectly aware i'd hate it. do you like your hair? yeah. it's really healthy. have you ever been prescribed narcotics? yes, xanax. does it take a lot for someone to annoy you?  NOPE do you want your tongue or belly button pierced? i wanted snake eyes on my tongue for a long time, but i learned from a professional piercer that with me having a metal retainer behind my bottom teeth, it's really an awful idea. a belly button piercing would be cute, but i'd need to be much skinnier to look good with one. do you hate it when people smoke around you? very much. can you take a bra off with one hand? no. are you donating your organs? yes. i won't exactly need them, might as well help others. what kind of deodorant do you use? secret. do you sleep on your side, stomach or back?  side, always. ever met any online friends in person?  no, but i want to. do you know how to sew? no. did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings?  i shared a room with my little sister nicole for years. have you ever been a fan of n*sync? of course i was. but i was and still am more of a bsb gal. do you think you’re fat sometimes? i don't just think i am, i'm fully aware i am. do you think you would be a good parent?  no. are you any good at math? i actually was until the alphabet came into it lmao have you ever been called a hick? no. have you ever rode around in the bed of a pick up truck? ha ha ha bad follow-up question. but yes. can you touch your nose with your tongue? no. were you a big jump roper back in the day? yes. i got very close to being able to double-dutch. can you play pool? i mean i'm not good, but there's nothing hard about hitting a ball with a stick. do you think that you are a good singer? no. what languages can you count to ten or higher in? english, german time for a random question about the person you love/like. what’s his/her favorite food? i'm not entirely sure, but i think pizza. what’s the age difference between your parents? which one is older? two years. mom's older. if someone read your mind right now, what would they hear? chanting of "BILL! BILL! BILL!", mark fischbach's laughter, dank memage, and. y'know. other stuff. do you like egg yolks? NO. have you ever played bejeweled? yes. my mom was totally into it for a while. who would you never give a kidney to?  my mom. at least i'd probably do it; i'd be really fucking scared. my mom only has one kidney to begin with, so if this kidney fails, she's done. have you ever been bitten by a rat?  no. my pet rats have nibbled on me before, but never bit me. do uncrustables look disgusting to you, or is that just me?  i think they're gross, honestly. does blueberry syrup sound good to you, right now? no, ew. is there someone that has really influenced your life? who? my therapists at holly hill and mark fischbach taught me soooo much about positivity. come on, everyone loves cartoons! what’s your favorite one? pokemon, duh. what is the most common misconception with you? i'm antisocial and don't care because i don't talk much. out of the seven deadly sins, which do you feel is the worst? wrath. have you been guilty of that sin a lot? no. i'm not a vicious person. congrats, you’re getting a new car! what color do you choose? i don't drive, but if i did, i want a burnt orange car. be honest: do you illegally download music? yeah. what’s the worst crime someone can commit? rape. do you ever rock out to those 90s songs?  hell yeah. shit i grew up with. what color is the hair of the last person you kissed? black. does the last person you kissed wear glasses? no. who knows the most about you - your friends or your parents?  my ex knows more about me than anything, but between the two, my mom. how many people would you say you’ve been ‘in love’ with? one. ever have detention at school? what for? yes, for too many tardies. if your parents were going to adopt one of your friends, who do you think they would choose? colleen. has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in? what happened? yes. and the bitch didn't get her wish. were you ever bullied in school? how did you deal with it?  no, thank god. what dog breed is the cutest ever? akita inu. do you or have you ever owned a pair of light up shoes? as a kid, yeah. ha ha i loved them. when was the last time you watched the sun set? hm. it's been too long. i think it was this one time chelsea, colleen, and i went walking around a soccer field. would you ever have an open relationship? HA. no. by society's standards, are you attractive? ha, no. would you let your kid smoke weed? hell no. who was your first friend?  brianna. we were like two. have you ever been to germany?  i wish. what is your middle name?  marie. catherine if you count my catholic middle name. do you have any nieces or nephews? including half-siblings, i have ten or eleven that i know of. i can't remember if katie has three or four, and idk if tiffany has kids. do you know anyone who's in a destructive/unhealthy relationship?  yes. if you had money right now, what's one thing you would buy?  tickets and gas to go see markiplier's show in june, if he plans a show within reasonable driving distance from nc. would you ever own an exotic animal?  depends on *how" "exotic." ex., i'd own a sugar glider or kinkajou. when you decide you’re ready to become a parent, what’s something you would never do that your parents have done in the process of you growing up?  you mean *if* i wanted to be a parent, which i don't? first of all, i'd never, ever, spank my kids. do fucking not teach your kids through fear. who is the funniest person you know?  that i know personally? girt. have you ever kissed underwater? i think so. would you rather have big or small dogs? i like medium-sized dogs. what is your opinion on beards? depends. what is the most fun part of halloween to you? dressing up! do you believe that the moon landing was real or do you think it was fake?  i actually do see why some people think it's fake because there are some VERY compelling pieces of evidence, but i do believe it was real. what is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done? oh, where to begin. what is the worst thing a relative ever did to you? like screamed at me and called me an ungrateful bitch. do you think that everyone is capable of love? no. if you could have a customized phone, what would you put on it? ha ha i really want that cute case that looks like a medicine bottle and is labeled "chill pills" when you were little, what was your favorite game? the original "spyro the dragon" trilogy would you rather sleep on the moon with a stardust dress or on a tiny flower with a sunflower dress? well there's a strange question. but the first. what is one thing that reminds you of childhood? catching fireflies. have you ever talked to someone when they were high? not knowingly. when was the last time you read a full book?  months ago. in february, i started reading "the maze runner," but i didn't finish it. how many brothers do you have? one half-brother. do you like mexican food? no. are you old enough to buy alcohol? oh wow... i just fully fathomed that i am. who’s your favorite disney character? mufasa. have you ever taken the eharmony personality quiz?  HAHAHA GUYS I DID ONCE OUT OF TOTAL CURIOSITY AND IT COULDN'T MATCH ME WITH ANYONE what’s the nickname of your home state?  tar heel state. have you ever thought about your wedding?  yeah. what’s the worse type of weather in your opinion?  scalding hot and humid. ugh. would you rather read or write?  write. would you rather see taylor swift or carrie underwood in concert?  i mean really neither, but i prefer carrie. growing up, did you see your cousins often?  no. none of my cousins live in nc. do you have any posters on your walls? lots. two silent hill ones, one of illidan from wow, one of metallica, one meerkat one, one music-oriented one, a quote by mother teresa, and one of jack skellington. what’s your favorite sad song? probably "fade to black" by metallica. do you personally know any authors? i met a poet while in the hospital once. he was quite talented. what condiments do you like on hamburgers? ketchup, mustard what did you get your dad for his last birthday? nothing. i don't get money and god knows mom would never buy me something for him. do you like foods with coconut in it? no. do you like carrots more if they’re raw, or cooked?  i don't like carrots. what’s a chore you don’t mind doing? vacuuming have you ever been to costco? we don't have costco here. do/did you have to wear a uniform to your high school? no, thank god. how many video games do you own?  A LOT. we have a huge case. do you like the name cindy for a girl?  no. have you ever had a scary encounter with a wild animal? no. what are your point of view of the world? ex. liberal/conservative, spiritual/atheist: mostly conservative, religious. is there an age where being a virgin, you think, would be awkward? ... no? do you find zac efron sexy? eh, not "sexy," but cute. do you think aliens are real? no, but who really cares. be concerned about our planet first. do you have any scars on your body? left shin, chin, and the top of my right wrist. what was your favorite childhood toy? i actually had a bunch i used to play with. two t-rexes, a tricerotops, two crocodiles, two deer, and a few pokemon figurines. i actually still distinctly remember the deer was named kim and the crocodile was named marlin and they were husband and wife lmao. don't argue with my childhood logic. what color is your favorite eye shadow? black. what’s your favorite hairstyle on a guy? i am a fucking 14-year-old bc i have a huge weakness for the emo swoop okay. who was the last person to call you beautiful? tyler. what is your least favorite sour patch kids color? orange. would you take your ex boyfriend/girlfriend back? tyler, no. jason, only if he SERIOUSLY proved himself to me again. are your parents religious? yeah. are you religious?  yes. do you actually read your friends' surveys, or do you just copy paste them and fill them out yourself? i do. it's a good way to learn about people. which is your favorite episode of “i love lucy”? i'm not gonna spell this right, BUT THE VITAMEATAVEGIMAN ONE. name two people who you are closest with?  mom and sara. which one of those two people would you eat first if you were starving?  neither. i'd rather die. there are some things where living would no longer be worth it. do you know what the heck the difference is between the statements “we’re just dating” and “we’re together”? yes. "we're together" is definitely more serious. what would you call your aesthetic? gore, glitchy art, pastels, jellyfish, lace, black, scene/goth/emo style bc LAME, space, vintage favorite songs at the moment? it's been "do i wanna know?" by the arctic monkeys for a long time. favorite movies? my #1 is "alice in wonderland," tim burton's version. i also love "the crazies," "blair witch project 2: book of shadows," "white chicks," etc. what’s the name of the last cat you pet? either lexi (our old cat), or one of anna's (sister's mother-in-law) many cats. have you ever eaten stringed green beans before? yes. when talking on the phone, do you place it against your left or right ear?  right. what’s your favorite flavor of muffin? chocolate chip. does your father have any facial hair? yes. does your sibling have a significant other? katie, bobby, and tiffany, idk. misty and ashley, yes. nicole, no. any idea what you want for your next birthday? another tattoo. have you ever ridden an elephant? no. what parts of your body are shaved? armpits and legs. imagine you are 34 weeks pregnant. you are healthy and you didn’t have any major problems in your pregnancy. would you consider flying from the uk to germany, which takes one hour, without a bad feeling that something could go wrong or the baby decides to come out earlier? no. i probably just wouldn't do it. has anyone ever mistaken you for a satanist? yes, because of my wardrobe, especially in high school. would you take a very casually dropped 'maybe i should just kill myself’ as a warning sign? yes. are you aware that although only about 14 percent of the american total population is black, that about 70 percent of the people in jail in america are black?  why does something tell me that the person who made this survey is racist?? do you agree with the people who say that everyone is bi-sexual even if they don’t want to admit it? absolutely not, that's ridiculous. if you knew that one of your friends was considering suicide, what would you say to them? cliche, but i'd tell them it's not the answer nor is it ever worth it. and i'd call 911 myself. which disney princess do you think is the most beautiful? why? hm. not sure. if you met the celebrity that you most admire, what would be the first thing you’d say to him/her? god bless if i ever met mark, i know i'd tell him first, "if there truly is a god, i want him to be like you." what genre of movie do you typically watch the most? i prefer horror. do you enjoy visiting zoos or wildlife parks? yes to both. if you could bring back any extinct animals, what would you pick? tasmanian tiger. would you ever eat a traditional "pet", like cat, dog or guinea pig? no. what kind of wild animals do you see where you live? squirrels, opposums, raccoons, whitetail deer... what do you think of animals like orcas/dolphins being kept in captivity for entertainment? i don't support it. which one of your friends have you known the longest? colleen. are you good at making new friends? no. can you describe what was going through your mind during your last kiss? it only lasted a second, but "i really don't know if i should be doing this." how many friends do you have, whose name begins with g? one: girt do you like the hunger games? i've read the first book and seen the first movie. it's fine. are you any good with kids? no. like i shit you not i once pet my niece's head lmao would you ever like to meet marilyn manson? no. he's one of my all-time favorite artists, but i don't want my already-poor image of him to be further defiled. love him as a musician, but he's honestly a pretty shit person. would you rather hold hands or link arms with your significant other?  hold hands. do you always blow-dry your hair after you wash it? never. i would be there for a looong time. my hair is super super thick and takes at least ten minutes to fully blow-dry. have you ever witnessed a birth? only cat births. i never want to experience a human birth. it's not magical, it's gross. do you buy eggnog around the holidays? eggnog's gross. have you ever been on a farm? yes. last three texts on your phone are from? mom, sara, ashley. did you ever have braces? i did for too long because we didn't have the money to take them off. thank god they're gone now. what was the hardest language you’ve ever tried to learn? latin. that shit was like impossible. who is the prettiest person you’ve ever met? my friend alon. what does your voice sound like? mumbly, deep. what event did you last dress up for? who went to that event? my sister's wedding. and lots of people. do you believe prayer really works? honestly don't know. i kinda think it's just a display of faith to talk to god. idk if it really influences him to "do" anything. Nope. does it bother you when dogs lick you? no. do you feed your pets human food?  they'll sometimes get a little piece. what’s the strangest or rarest creature you’ve seen at a zoo? i think i've been to a zoo that had a tiger once... do you think violence in video/computer games influences the nation? no. that claim is ludicrous. i’m sure you know of the gamer fad on youtube. who’s your favorite? markiplier, easily. but i also like pewdiepie and 8bitryan. deserts: dreary or beautiful? beautiful. ever seen a panda? no. ever actually seen a snake in the wild? yes. i've seen rattlesnakes, water moccasins, and others. have you ever had a PET snake? what kind? yes. i've now had/have three ball pythons. ever had an encounter with a snapping turtle? they’re scary! yes. my sister actually caught a huge one while fishing. dad sadly had to just cut the line. wherever you live, have you ever seen your national bird? once. ever had a reptile as a pet that you had to feed crickets? yes, a chinese water dragon. ever play hearthstone?  yeah. didn't really get into it. ever gone hunting? biggest thing you’ve ever shot? no. i don't really support hunting for sport. how about fishing? biggest thing you’ve ever caught? lots of times. pretty big river catfish. coolest place you’ve ever been fishing? ohhhhh! there's this place downriver of a dam that's deep in the woods. like, DEEP in the woods. it's sooo fucking beautiful. what’s in a camel’s back? fat. steve irwin: foolish for messing around with animals or brave for teaching us? he was fucking amazing. don’t you think it’s a bit deceptive to wear a push-up bra? *rolls eyes* do you truly believe we came from chimps?  nope. well, what do you think of extra bones and even organs in our bodies? why do we have them? do your research and you'll know that our "extra" organs actually have purpose; i can't remember which, i think the appendix though, is vital to an fetus's existence. as for bones, i honestly don't know, but i don't believe that automatically points to evolution. weirdest video game you’ve ever played? i mean i'd say the whole "silent hill" series is pretty damn weird. what’s your favorite kind of penguin?  emperor. don’t you think we’re spending too much money on exploring the mere theory of climate change? "theory." get outta here. everyone always wants to know your favorite animal. what’s your SECOND favorite? probably rhesus macaques. i just really like social animals. would you marry someone of a different religion? depends on the religion, honestly. religion plays a key role in determining your core beliefs. favorite song by the band the offspring?  "pretty fly for a white guy," probably. maybe "self esteem." have you had your wisdom teeth out? no, but i have one on my bottom right that technically needs out, but after hearing how painful that procedure is, i reeeaaally don't wanna do that. your appendix?  no. do you like the idea of promise rings in relationships?  sure. not quite ready to promise marriage, but promise to be ready some day. would you date someone 8 years older than you?  yeah. what is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex? lmao what secret weapon? do you have a favorite name? what is it? alessandra. do you watch scary movies on your own?  yeah. scary movies just don't affect me. have you ever had to have stitches?  yes, in my chin. what was your favorite pokemon as a child?  charmander.
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blueumbriel · 8 years ago
ah, hey Blue :') I need some help, and I was thinking that you could probably offer it? I'm 16 years old and a junior in high school, and I'm starting to look at colleges and stuff. I'm seriously stressing out because I really want to go to an art college, but my parents are insanely strict and I don't think they'll let me travel out of the US, let alone out of Cali. I really want to go to VanArts, like you, or maybe even SAIC? but I'm extremely worried that no art college will except me.
I don't have my own computer, so I can't make digital art. Everything I do is on paper, and I feel like that isn't nearly enough. I feel like it's required for me to submit everything digitally and that scares me. My parents won't let me get a job, so I don't have any of money of my own, and I just???? I'm so terrified??? How did you do it? I'm so scared. I don't want to go to college but at the same time, the idea of leaving California and living somewhere without my parents sounds heavenly. 2/3
I just don't know what to do. I don't know how to look up scholarships for schools. I don't know how to do anything. I'm extremely, EXTREMELY terrified. 3/3
Okay, deep breaths buddy. I am happy to help you out, so let me run through this with you in the best way I can. (I don’t know how SAIC works, but let me show of what I know about my school, Vanarts, in my own knowledge) :)
For one, it’s actually good that you have traditional art as your medium. Not everyone in the school are familiar with digital art, let alone animating, which is why the professors give us the run down on what to do during the first weeks (or 1-2 months maybe??) into the program.
And before you know it, you’re animating! 
Also, do note that the program 2D/3D Character Animation is about a year long, and can be very pricey, so loans/scholarships may help you greatly if you’re not that financially strong.
They like to help you out in any way they can. Heck, I didn’t even know how to use Toonboom Harmony until after a few weeks in the start of the course. One of the professors said this: “Not familiar with digital stuff, animating, or Toonboom, let alone drawing? That’s alright. You came here to learn that stuff.”
So don’t worry on the “don’t-know-how-to-Toonboom” or the “idk-how-to-anatomy” or the “I-don’t-have-an-art-style” part. They’ll handle that one. it just happens that I already have a strong style, a few of us in class do, and that’s okay. Not everyone is great in drawing and we understand that. This is an ART SCHOOL, it’s a place to learn HOW to do those things. No one comes in and goes, “hey I know how to do this and that already. This will be a breEZE---.” No. Not everyone is like that. 
So don’t worry too much on whether you’re good or not. :)
As for the portfolio, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have anything digitally. Show them of what you can do best, even if it’s really rough (I brought some rough sketches and they liked that). They like seeing how you work. But even though that’s the case, it’s totally advised that you should build up your portfolio. Keep on drawing and pick the things that you want to present.The staff there is actually quite nice, so don’t worry too much on pressure. You can also schedule a tour in VanArts, they’ll show you what the place looks like and what the students do during class hours. It’s really cool.
The side on how things went for me can be found HERE, seeing that I already talked about this with another user. 
It’s okay to feel nervous when doing things like these. Heck, I was even terrified about how things worked over here, seeing that I needed two more years before going into college. But even if we’re really scared, we need to explore. Explore on what schools you can apply in, and what scholarships/bursaries can be found.
Here’s a site that may help you in finding scholarships: LINK (it’s free)
The college gave me a small scholarship though, so idk about that. They tend to give out some to students when they’re applying.
As for the money part, that’s going to be a bit tricky, since you said that your parents aren’t letting you get a job. I don’t have a job myself, but I do commissions so that I can earn something. Idk, do something that can actually help you earn? ?? I’m not sure how to help you there, sorry ;;;;;;;;
But, you’re in your junior year, right? You still have a lot of time to do some exploring! Haha. If you’re having trouble though, you can also talk to your school guidance counsellor, or someone you can seek for help regarding colleges and bursaries. That’s what I did when I was in grade 11-12 here. I gathered as much info as I can, and attended Scholarship meetings that mostly talked about how to apply and stuff, so I got some idea on what to do. Don’t stop asking questions. It might save your life honestly.
You don’t have to exactly follow this advice, but just to give you some basis on what to do: explore and apply as much as you can. You have the time. Use that time.
Hope this helps!
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zipgrowth · 6 years ago
Permission to Launch and to Fail: Building Culture for Academic Innovation #DLNchat
Innovation is about doing things creatively and as Kathe Pelletier pointed out at #DLNchat: “Perhaps counterintuitively, structure for creativity and divergent thinking is needed.” Universities need to set aside time, create processes and, perhaps most importantly, build a culture that allows innovation to flourish. How? The #DLNchat community shared ideas on December 11.
First, #DLNchat-ters defined the term innovation. Scott Finkelstein put it this way, “I define innovation as the willingness to take measured risks and not worry if it doesn't pay off in the short term. Improving existing processes and creating new ones with validated learning to guide you.” Christine (@ALazyLibrarian) had a more succinct definition: “Innovation, to me, is pushing past our comfort zone to promote effective change.”
I define #Innovation as the willingness to take measured risks and not worry if it doesn't pay off in the short term. Improving existing processes and creating new ones with validated learning to guide you. #DLNchat
— Scott Finkelstein (@SBF02) December 11, 2018
The change that #DLNchat-ters want innovation to bring varies, but many shared similar aims: increasing access to learning opportunities or improving learning outcomes. However, the most persistent theme in defining innovation was about what innovation is not—namely, technology. “Innovation is NOT = technology,” tweeted Cali Morrison. “Great point,” said Sara Murdock. “Or put another way, tech isn't necessarily electronics. Education and teaching are social technologies! At least, from the Cultural Studies perspective.” That sentiment likely appeals to faculty in other disciplines as well. So, how can colleges get faculty on board for innovation efforts?
Great point. Or put another way, tech isn't necessarily electronics. Education and teaching are social technologies! At least, from the Cultural Studies perspective... #DLNchat #HigherEducation https://t.co/piHwueY9W5
— Sara Murdock (@murdock_sara) December 11, 2018
Kristen Eshleman, director of digital innovation for Davidson College, advised: “Have faculty involved in the design of the process and in the vetting of ideas.” Other #DLNchat-ters also felt that co-creation with faculty was key but some argued that cultural barriers may need to be dealt with first. As Leah Chuchran-Davis said, “This is all about relationships and development of trust with faculty. Asking them to take risks and explore the possibilities of (perceived) failure.” Pelletier agreed; “Yes, and that speaks to the importance of culture and the 'permission' to fail. Not present in many institutions, but critical to sustain innovation,” she tweeted.
Yes, and that speaks to the importance of culture and the "permission" to fail. Not present in many institutions, but critical to sustain innovation. #DLNchat
— Kathe Pelletier (@kathepelle) December 11, 2018
But where to start in creating that culture? Alex Kluge suggested, “Include effective teaching in the career path. Complete focus on research and publications will steers faculty away from innovation.” Autumn Ottenad posited, “It seems as though it needs to be tied into the contract. Beyond research, publishing, teaching add in some sort of partnership or outreach work which connects to innovation.”
A1: When gathering data on this topic it seems as though it needs to be tied into the contract. Beyond research, publishing, teaching add in some sort of partnership or outreach work which connects to innovation #DLNchat #highered
— Autumn Ottenad (@ssseason7) December 11, 2018
Don’t forget about resource restraints, warned Yin Wah Kreher. “Institutions need to understand the time it takes to innovate,” she tweeted. But rewriting job expectations may not be an option. Morrison suggested: “Find your champions and then have them sell the message. Top-down-only innovation can lead to unrest and initiative fatigue.” Hailey Wyman also felt faculty will be most inspired by their peers. “It's finding those couple of faculty willing to play and getting them to share those experiences. Faculty will only listen to ‘administrators’ so much, coming from a peer has more impact,” she shared.
#DLNchat A1. Find your champions and then have them sell the message. Top down only innovation can lead to unrest and initiative fatigue pic.twitter.com/rvGC2p3211
— Cali Morrison, Ed.D. (@calimorrison) December 11, 2018
Where else does the innovation process start on campus? “Innovation can come from anywhere. Key is leadership believes and listens to those who are willing to share,” said Tonya Troka. “Those closest to the issue may know more than anyone at the decision making table,” she added. Many at #DLNchat agreed. “Should come from those ‘in the trenches’ who see what happens and can think about how something might be better. If it ‘comes from above’ it's no longer ‘our’ idea and it's something imposed. Ownership is incredibly important,” Wyman tweeted.
a3: Should come from those "in the trenches" who see what happens and can think about how something might be better. If it "comes from above" it's no longer "our" idea and it's something imposed. Ownership is incredibly important #DLNchat
— Hailey A Wyman (@haileyawyman) December 11, 2018
Other #DLNchat-ters suggested starting with students. “Creating more formal ways for students to participate seems critical if we are committed to human-centered design,” Pelletier said. “Isn’t the source for innovation 360 degrees, at least potentially?” asked Malcolm Brown. He continued, “And in the end does the source really matter, if the idea is worth pursuing?” Probably not, most in the #DLNchat community would agree. But, JJ Johnson reminded the group: “There must be a mechanism to allow all voices to be heard.” Morrison advised inclusing a mechanism for transparency as well. “Highlight the people actually doing the work, not just those in top leadership who approved it,” she tweeted.
#dlnchat A3 isn’t the source for innovation 360 degrees, at least potentially? and in the end does the source really matter, if the idea is worth pursuing?
— Malcolm Brown (@mbbrown) December 11, 2018
A3 #DLNChat #innovation can start at any level, but there must be a mechanism to allow all voices to be heard. The institution must also not be afraid of set-backs, but continue to look for ways to move forward. https://t.co/ygdhpVMjOQ
— jj johnson (@jjjohnson01) December 11, 2018
After innovation efforts are underway, how can institutions best assess their results? “Some markers include: number of ideas generated over a period of time; the diversity of who they came from; how many proceed to pilot and implementation; scan your culture annually to see if perceptions of the value of innovation improve,” shared Eshleman. “It is important to adjust the ROI conversation from money to learnings,” she continued, “the more learnings you generate, the more successful your process. Learnings inform viable future options, but those may take years to fully blossom.” And don’t forget to consult those who may have their doubts, advised Troka. “I love to partner with the critics,” she said, “it is my secret weapon.”
I love to partner with the critics - it is my secret weapon #DLNchat
— Dr. Tonya Troka (@ttroka) December 11, 2018
There’s been some critique that higher ed innovation projects, in an effort to increase efficiency, can stifle creativity. Morrison, however, argued the opposite at #DLNchat. “When you have process efficiency it leaves space for creativity and discovery. When you innovate to provide automation of rote processes then faculty can engage students in creative discovery.” Nicolina Intsio shared similar thoughts: “Increased efficiency will occur naturally if we concentrate on discovery and creativity. AI will create efficiencies and so will people's innovative ideas.” Kluge argued that depends on the size of the experiment. “I am thinking more light weight rapid iteration, with rapid feedback,” he tweeted. But, countered Troka, can such experiments be reproduced? She advised, “It is important to understand how an innovation/intervention can be scalable—if it can't then it won't matter if it is effective, it won't be efficient.”
The pilot concept is perhaps not what we (I?) are shooting for, as it is associated with large heavyweight experiments. I am thinking more light weight rapid iteration, with rapid feedback (did the innovation work in my class), and adjustment. Then more innovation. #DLNChat
— Alex Kluge (@AlexVKluge) December 11, 2018
Considerations about scalability, efficiency and discovery were just some of the wisdom shared by the #DLNchat community. Their parting thoughts looked forward to how institutions can develop a culture of academic innovation that is proactive. Christine said, “Oftentimes we are insular in higher ed and too narrowly focused. Expanding our focus externally to investigate what other schools are doing, gathering ideas from colleagues at other institutions and at conferences, etc., can help us be more proactive.”
Eshleman shared a similar proposal: “Make sure you have a way to bring in ideas from outside of your institution; from outside of higher ed; engage with disruptive ideas critically and honestly; we have a tendency to dismiss anything from the profit side.” She also added: “Avoid echo chambers.” That is unless it’s reading through these insights from #DLNchat again and again.
A6: make sure you have a way to bring in ideas from outside of your institution; from outside of higher ed; engage w/ disruptive ideas critically and honestly; we have a tendency to dismiss anything from the profit side. avoid echo chambers #DLNchat
— Kristen Eshleman (@kreshleman) December 11, 2018
Got questions for the #DLNchat community? Or want to share your ideas about building a lasting culture for academic innovation? Tweet our community with the hashtag #DLNchat! You can also RSVP for our next chat: How Can Colleges Best Support Faculty Transitioning to Teach Online? on Tuesday, January 8 at 1pm PT/ 4pm ET. For more topics, check out our summaries of past chats. #DLNchat is co-hosted by the Online Learning Consortium, WCET, Tyton Partners and EDUCAUSE.
Permission to Launch and to Fail: Building Culture for Academic Innovation #DLNchat published first on https://medium.com/@GetNewDLBusiness
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lavieboheme930 · 8 years ago
Where Do I Go From Here
Do you put candy canes on your Christmas tree? No Have you ever written/drawn/painted random stuff on your bedroom wall? No Do you get snow where you live? Yes. What’s your favorite flavor of Doritos? All of them pretty much have tomato powder and I’m allergic to tomatoes.  But I used to love Cooler Ranch
Do you prefer to listen to songs with meaningful lyrics? Depends on my mood What’s one language you wish you could speak? Greek What’s your favorite movie genre? (Action, comedy… ect.) Comedy Who was the last person to hold your hand? Eric Do you have any clothing with animal print on it? Yes. Do you like bagels? With cream cheese definitely Do you ever worry about what the world will be like when you have kids? Yes.  Especially now
When was the last time you climbed a tree? When I was 8 LOL Has anything eventful happened today? No What’s the relationship between you and the last person you talked to? He’s my father What was the last compliment you received? That I look good in the pic with Sal (The one that’s my profile pic here) What was the last thing that made you mad/upset? Finding out Sal was in Cali this weekend which means no NYC shows.  I haven’t seen him since March :( What’s something you do too much? Probably talking about Sal. Do you currently have any bruises? Yes. What’s stopping you from going after what you want? Nothing now.  Well...I need more money for the comedy classes. When you were younger, what was your dream job? Believe it or not, it was to be a comedian.  Now I’m finally doing it Do you ever sleep with a stuffed animal? Sometimes Do you have a digital camera? No. Honestly, are you spoiled? Being an only child yeah  Have you ever been to any professional sports games? Yes What’s the most boring sport to watch? I guess golf or tennis Do you like lip rings on the opposite sex? Yes What color are your eyes? Brown Do you have good or bad vision? bad Are you a vegetarian? No.  I tried it but lasted 8 months before I wanted a burger Have you ever been stung by anything? No Do you snort when you laugh? Sometimes Have you ever parked in a handicapped spot when you weren’t supposed to? No. What was the last thing you watched on the television? Impractical Jokers as always Have you ever had someone threaten you? Yes.  And Facebook refused to do anything about it When was the last time you received flowers from someone? Don’t remember Have you ever been to a different country? No Do you laugh when someone falls down? No. What was the last movie you saw in the theaters? Beauty and the Beast What was the last thing you ate? peanut butter cookie
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