#honestly to the normal shippers out there sorry these folks are giving you a bad name by generalizing you together with them
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findafight · 2 years ago
“Shipping is not about it going canon, it's about wanting to explore a dynamic. Sometimes that's thinking something should be canon but other times it's having fun smooshing dolls together in different scenarios.”
Maybe in general, but that’s not the way the Byler fandom sees it. We’re fighting for endgame status, not just to have “fun with character dynamics.” So if you’re gonna enter the Byler tag, it’s important to respect how Bylers operate. You can’t enter a random and demand people conform to how you prefer shipping to be.
Shipping Byler IS about it going canon.
that. is fundamentally not how tags work. or how fandom works. entering a ship tag the only obligation you have is to not bash the ship or be an asshole to others. Meta for fandom is usually encouraged? Just because I doubt the show's ability to end/start romo relationships (as it has struggled in the past) doesn't mean I am shipping something incorrectly.
"You can't enter a random and demand people conform to how you prefer shipping to be" 1) I'm not, I'm just saying it's more fun to not worry about a ship going canon. Other people are very welcome to dictate their shipping if they think it'll be canon and nothing else, but that doesn't seem fun to me. If the ship goes canon I hope it's done well and doesn't feel stilted because the show has a hard time with beginning/ending romantic relationships. If they pull it off for this one, I'll be very happy. Surprised, but happy. 2) you must be baiting because that is exactly what you're doing? telling me to ship something how you think it should be? acting as though you speak for the whole fandom? you're just trying to piss people off.
Shipping it for you is about it being canon. that's not what shipping it is about for me. we are allowed to have different opinions.
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gen4grl · 9 months ago
hi! I followed you recently cuz your art is incredibly amazing, but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry at the blue/leaf shipper who's giving you guys a bad name (I unfortunately know exactly whom you're talking about since they went out of their way to block me too and it's a real shame they're like this)
most of the blue/leaf folks I met are super cool and chill so I hope people won't assume anything bad! I might be mainly a blue/red person but you guys are so valid and I enjoy seeing other people's ship art and interpretations, shaking your hand in solidarity against gross people
omg hello!!! first of all thank u for the follow and compliment on my art, i always like yours too (both here and twitter) im surprised i haven’t followed till now tf?? 🥺✨🩷 i would say sorry about the block but honestly probably a badge of honour to be blocked by someone like that so cheers to us 🥂
and yeah while shipping culture tends to get a bad wrap (understandably so unfortunately) most people are just normal adults and who really dgaf what you ship and can be friends despite the differences. otherwise it’s giving “i don’t wanna be your friend cause you like pineapple on pizza” type vibe. i expect childish behaviour from actual children but seeing anyone over the age of 15 act like that actually SHOCKS me LOL. and yes!!! solidarity 🤝 i will die for blue/leaf but wow yall reguri artists are next level talented … blue gets a gorgeous partner squad assemble!
also ❤️💙💚 i checked ur blog out and wtf i am so jealous about ur blue figures… especially the 1/8th one 😭😭😭 literally one of my holy grails right there!!!!
thx u sm for the sweet message and i hope you have a fantastic rest of ur week🩷
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meru90 · 8 years ago
(different anon) i think it's less the length of time and more the stage of development that's being pointed out as an issue, like how 18 y/o are already adults and 15 y/o still kids- its like a college student dating a highschool sophmore. and even assuming that they're both liking each other, that still puts them on uneven ground in terms of maturity that can lead to a power imbalance, even if its unintentional
im posting some ask like this cause damn this uncererly expanded and i was ready for bed ; v;; you are all thinking way too much into this…
Anonym schrieb an meru90:i think what they mean is that otabek is 18, which is technically an adult. and so otayuri is kinda iffy because in a relationship between a 15 y/o and a 18 y/o theres a bit of a power imbalance which can lead to an unhealthy relationship.
Anonym schrieb an meru90: (not the same anon but these are the reasons i can think of for people not liking otayuri) i think its more that (at least in the us) 18 is legally the age when one is an adult… and maybe because 3 years isnt a big difference in the long run but during the teen years esp, 3 years means a big gap in like mental and emotional maturity cause puberty
Anonym schrieb an meru90: BUB I DONT GET IT EITHER they just hugging they ain’t doing anything illegal but peeps still get a lil cranky even tho in some countries (I think Russia as well I could be wrong) the age of consent is 15-16. Their ship is honestly just two high schoolers dating which last time I checked is pretty gosh dang normal, unfortunately some folks only see the age gap and automatically assume it’s illegal. ANYWAY IVE BEEN BABBLIN I LOVE YOUR ART AND I HOPE YOU KEEP DRAWING EVERYTHING YOU LOVE peace out✌️
Anonym schrieb an meru90:it’s a big deal because there is a HUGE amount of maturization that goes on from being 15 to 18. yurio has even said it himself, his body has not developed yet. 18 is a legal adult, 15 is not even old enough to drive.
Anonym schrieb an meru90:Throwing my 2 cents, but I find it rather uncomfortable considering that Yurio is literally a child and also very child-like in his behavior, especially compared to the older characters who despite their quirks have an air of maturity about them, so when there’s people shipping him with Otabek & JJ and whoever else in romantic and sexual manners, regardless of whether it’s fiction or not, it’s still a child being sexualised by older people which I find kind of disturbing.
I just don’t ship otayuri (sexually) ATM because while it’s only three years, Obatek is a legal adult and someone around fifteen… Of course once they are both adults you will need to pry the ship out of my cold dead hands. Anyway, that’s my personal opinion, but of course you can have yours
I’m not a passionate shipper of otayuri but honestly I don’t think age is much of a problem. It’s not like once you turn 18 you suddenly become an adult. legally you may be an adult, but that’s just for legal purposes. a 3-year age gap is still a 3-year age gap. It’s reasonably small. outside the fictional world though, its wiser to follow laws. that’s just my opinion!! (And what does the anon who unfollowed you mean by genderbends? i’m confused by that?)
Anonym schrieb an meru90:GIRL ITS FICTIONAL THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH IT not to mention i bet half of these ppl complaining ship kiyoyachi and yakulev guess what they have basically the same age gap so shame on uuu!!! (btw love u and ur art)
I don’t mind a gap difference of 3 years,people are claiming that this is a matter of maturity are quite weird because you’re certainly not mature enough in only 3 years. Anyways, my problem with you is that you think that because you have your opinion people should respect yours. They shouldn’t Socrate died because people thought everyone should have their opinion,nut it’s not necessary a good thing. There is bad opinions ! They aren’t all good
Hey what’s good? I just wanted to say do you, I personally don’t agree with the shippings for similar reason to the anons but at the end of the day it’s just a ship.I’ve seen lots of age diff relationships and life and some have turned out insanely well and others not so well,it all depends on the compatibility of them. I ignore it because it doesnt bother me so much? there’s so much more immoral to worry about than a 15 and an 28 y/o getting into a relationship. Have fun and stay awesome
Anonym schrieb an meru90:I don’t like to add to the pointless discussion but the people who complain about otayuri age difference probably still ship 1st year and 3rd year high school students. Who have the exact same age difference!
Anonym schrieb an meru90:lol die fighten jetzt echt wegen otayuri? sind doch nur irwie 3 jahre unterschied nicht??? so unnötig. Im laughing my ass off here wtfff
Anonym schrieb an meru90:i can’t stand the underage discourse at all, i’ve had to abandon a number of fandoms since the atmosphere was intolerable, bloodhounds ready to destroy and kill you over your personal fictional preferences. jfc let people enjoy whatever they want ugh
Anonym schrieb an meru90:don't listen to that bs >.
Anonym schrieb an meru90:bruh, some people get so offended by the smallest things. Like if you don't like, don't look it's as simple as that! Don't let these people stop you from drawing Otayuri cause honestly the way you draw them is lovely!
Anonym schrieb an meru90:I think people are blowing this a bit out of proportion.. peeps need to chill out
Anonym schrieb an meru90:honestly people are being way to mean to you about what you want to draw if they are ganna talk shit to you then they should come off anonymous. your art is good and you should continue to draw what you want and just block the people who have a problem with it cuz people who are technically 18 still date like 16 year olds and such its called high school it happens
Anonym schrieb an meru90:genderbend isnt transphobic... i dont understand why its so wrong to imagine a character being a opposite gender i think its absolutely ridiculous my own community give hate or talk as if it is. its art. personally i just imagine genderbend in the spectrum of being opposite gender cis wise, or trans, or non binary. its a word and damn people are triggered its so dumb i really cant deal with tumblr and I'm sorry you get bombarded with hate honestly people take things too seriously lmao
Anonym schrieb an meru90:Honestly, just ignore all these people sending rude messages. It's a testament to their character that they'd criticise you for doing nothing wrong. 15 and 18 year-olds date all the time, and there's nothing wrong with shipping characters in a platonic friendship. Both Yurio and Otabek have strong, mature personalities - there's nothing about them that indicates anything bad or abusive would happen. I love your YOI art, so draw whatever makes you happiest, regardless of people with little minds❤
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 8 years ago
Yuri on Ice 12 (FINAL) | Erased 1 | SGRS 14 | Nanbaka 12 – 14
I’m still fleshing out my set for this season as well as filling out stuff from one year ago...yeah, yeah. You’re telling me I’ve got dedication, having to deal with stuff twice, right?
I’ve decided I won’t merge the old (Le Take) notes with the new ones, as there are some show takes (such as Sekkou Boys) that will get lost in the process. Besides, Le Take is pretty shameful by itself.
Why do I do simulcast commentaries? I figure someday, someone’ll benefit from all the info I give. Or maybe it’s just Boueibu fans who want another opinion on stuff. *shrugs*
Final ep, eh? I wonder if I’ll miss this show…
Apparently Stephane Lambiel is a famous sports commentator in RL.
Waitasec – JJ trained under Ciaociao? Now there’s something to see.
Still can’t tell that brunette is his mum.
Who’s the woman next to Ciaociao? (Her name, I mean.)
That’s…cute, Phichit. Real cute.
Pinchos? Rinchos? Rinchus? I dunno what that eyecatch says…
Everyone’s basically crying right now! *applauds*
It’s fairly predictable when someone becomes so fixated on somebody else’s actions that they’re going to get distracted (in this show, at least). Thus, it’s pretty easy to see Chris’s demise.
“Kya---” is a squee, not an OMG. Get it right, folks.
Symphony no. 9 – a name I’ve become quite familiar with through Classicaloid. The second’s not famous like the first, which is why Otabek choosing it represents him as a supporting person really well.
That…was surprising! I read a PP on Tumblr about how men normally don’t have a couples skate, but women do, but this…not only was it the Stay Close to Me from the beginning, it was a couple one too.
“See you next level” – People already spoilt that for me ages ago, but yeah. Hopefully I can see you next level.
(Erased ep 1)
Boku Dake ga Inai Machi was one of the bigger hyped shows IIRC and by virtue of its being a mystery, of course I wanted in. Also, Sachiko Fujinuma is Conan…
Okay people, let’s get this straight. Boku Dake ga Inai Machi means “The Town in Which Only I am Missing”. It’s dumb to change it, although I can see why the change happened.
CGI taxi. Probably the worst type of vehicle to blow your budget on.
That voice. It’s Conan…but a little deeper.
I found this site handy for unpiecing certain parts of this show, as well as Gugure! and a few other shows. It really helped for the title phrases especially.
This show really delves into the psychology and sociology…that’s one of the better parts of this.
CGI cars. Honestly people, don’t waste your budgets on CGI cars…
Obviously a Wikipedia parody.
According to the site linked a few dot points ago, you’re not allowed to ride on a bike the way Airi is in this scene.
I bet Sachiko ships them despite the age gap…oops, I forgot she says that. She does ship them, just not manically as shippers usually do.
Why is there a frog? “Speak no evil” or something?
That face…no wonder people think it’s obvious who killed Sachiko.
The cutting off of part of the screen is a good effect, visually speaking. It allows for contrast between present and past.
(SGRS ep 14)
CR was being a butt, so I had to use a YT mirror for this. Certainly, it was ripped, but it was a much nicer experience than dealing with Shockwave Flash and error pages over and over.
The 4th wall break…actually works really well.
President of the Rakugo Association? Nice, Kiku. Real smooth.
Lemme get this straight, people. It’s Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen. Not Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Descending Stories – the second part is a localised, shorter name.
As soon as I heard the voice of Shinichi (Detective Conan), my jaw dropped. I haven’t heard that voice in ages, and for an Osakan character too! (You can tell he’s Osakan due to the –han.)
Wa-wait…Mangetsu? O-oh, sorry. I’m not good at identifying voices of seiyuu after all. It was Koji Yusa, not Kappei Yamaguchi.
What anyone would give for a parent like Yakumo 8th…yeah. People would give a lot for that sort of freedom…
Oh. Okay. Kyoto people use similar honorifics to Osakans.
I’d recognise that as a Louis Vuitton bag anywhere. Lots of Asians have fake ones like it…haha. *sweatdrops* Google says it’s a woman’s handbag.
As a writer myself, I can see the parallels to the typical artist. I’m far from fully fledged, though…the only books I can call “published” are the ones I’ve made with my own hands or posted online.
Yotaro still remembers the promises after 10 years? I can’t even remember what I’ve said a few minutes ago sometimes, let alone remember something like that…even though I pride myself on my memory.
(Nanbaka ep 12)
Uh, what language is “Wartezimmer”? Update: Oh, German.
The exact word for “monster” used here is “bakemono”. I can tell from the lip flaps, even without sound.
This Elf looks like Tanya from Youjo Senki…*shudders* Not only does he look like an elf, but isn’t “elf” 11 in German? Update: You’re wondering why I’m talking about Elf despite having no indication as to how I knew his name? Spoilers, o’course.
Having watched ConRevo prior to this,let’s just say justice is not a word one should sling around lightly.
Haven’t laughed like this for Nanbaka in a while…I miss the days where Nanbaka really was a comedy anime.
They even went Hetalia mochi on us…? With bouncing head effects, to boot.
His name is “Mitsuru” (3 cranes), which is why Hajime’s calling him a crane.
“Don’t get caught” takes on a new meaning here.
Aw, sweetpe-oh? Ah! Elf?!!!!
If I were watching that weekly, that would be a bad cliffhanger…but I’m not, so it doesn’t matter.
(ep 13)
Why the brain? Shouldn’t Elf go for Musashi first, since that guy’s lethal? Jyugo’s hardly a liability compared to Musashi.
This Elf guy blew the metaphorical doors right open…and I just imagined the story flowing out of them like blood.
Handsome guys aren’t useless! They make a show more entertaining!
(ep 14)
Mitsuru!!! You’ve done it again, and by that I mean you’ve ruined the mood!
I was worried about the OP at first for a little, but then Rin! Rin! Hi! Hi! came back and I rejoiced. It does sound a little different, though.
Mitsuru! Geddout of here!
Finally, Mitsuru does something good.
Poor R(bleep)mba.
Unfortunately, we haven’t learnt the name of that movie until now. So…thanks, Mitsuru.
Smol, unmasked Tsukumo is such a cutie. Dangit, I wanna take him home…wait, he’s on my computer, in my home. (It’s not enough, though. Gimme a plushie of it!)
Makibishi = caltrops. Japanese ones, to be specific.
According to Google-sensei, 10000 yen = about $100. Pretty expensive, Mitsuru.
COMP now? Also, Kuu was the one who said “meow”, but Rock’s dialogue was right before it. Subbers must’ve somehow confused the two.
183 cm? Pretty tall, Kenshiro. Pretty tall.
Herbivore men. You know what they are, right?...Right, Kenshiro?
You can at least laugh at how hard the narrator (not sure it’s Mitsuru any more) is trying…I guess this is the “so bad it’s good” category?
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