#honestly i'm also getting tired of acting like i care that much sbout eddie
shaunashipman · 1 month
what i found most interesting about the entire bvddie poker scene was that it confirmed that not only has eddie friends and hobbies outside of being with buck, he also deliberately must have not told him?because in no way does it not randomly come up between besties who spend sm time together. it's not like eddie is doing anything bad either, there is no good reason to keep it a secret. additionally, we know that buck is often the one babysitting chris, and poker usually takes place in the evening/at night, so like??? the way that buck hasn't known about this part of eddie's life for sooo long is just fascinating to me because it feels like eddie had to go out of his way to keep it a secret lmao. especially in direct comparison to the emotional cheating art of eddie in s7! we see buck having awareness when eddie uses buck as a babysitter for chris, re the timing and all, even that eddie wore cologne, just saying. bvddie shippers salivated over the poker scene, which, fair enough, buck and eddie looked great in it. but what was most memorable to me is that once again we were shown how bvddie is not nearly as codependent as shippers like to pretend they are and actually don't share everything with each other (and are cool about that, too).
nonny, these are all such good words. it feels like if you even imply that maybe buck and eddie don't live in each others pockets as much as buddie shippers act like they do, that you're saying their friendship is nothing and that they don't care about each other.
I'm actually really tired of having to put a disclaimer that yes, buck and eddie are very important to each other and their friendship is very important. but I've seen co-dependent friendships and relationships on tv—theirs ain't it. also, the insistence that eddie is the biggest influence on buck's growth really rubs me the wrong way. the biggest influences are bobby and maddie
I really hope RG's comments in the article pan out during this season, and we can see eddie hanging out with the others more
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