#honestly he really loves kote and would do anything for her
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Dav’s Last Stand
Oh boy, I cannot wait to share Kote’s backstory with you all. Pictured here is her must trusted guard appointed leader by Kote— Dav Anderan. The first clan leader that doesn’t carry the Medrit name, nor belongs to the bloodline.
He’s pretty incredible! I’ve been working on writing up the story, and I can’t wait to show y’all.
#star wars#republic commando#clan medrit#kote medrit#dav anderan#mandalorian#warriors#guard#leader#oh my god dav is actually such an angel#he just wants to keep clan medrit alive#honestly he really loves kote and would do anything for her
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Not sure if it's too late to submit a by the sea prompt but - Ahsoka meeting Obi-Wan? She's so cheeky, I feel like she'd be so intrigued by Cody falling in love with a human and would want to meet him.
Anonymous said:
If you're still up for writing By the Sea snippets, I would love Ahsoka's POV! Learning about the marriage alliance, Rex, meeting Obi-Wan, anything really!
:DDD Ahsoka has Thoughts and I think she’d definitely be very intrigued by Obi-Wan and his whole deal. Includes mentions of Rexsoka, as in the fic proper.
Ahsoka sometimes wondered what her life would have been like, had she not snuck off to join the Mandalorians after the initial ratification of the treaty between their peoples. Her mother would likely have kept her away from the war. She likely would have only met her potential husbands after things were settled and resolved, in carefully rehearsed settings.
Perhaps she would not have selected Rex. Perhaps Rex would not even have lived through the war.
She set the thoughts aside, contented - again - with her decision to follow along with the Mandalorians, though her aunt still chided her for it, occasionally. In the end, she’d served her family as requested.
The fresh tattoo on her chest still fascinated her. She raised a hand to it, absently, as they made their way towards the surface.
She wondered if she’d have been invited to meet Kote’s human husband, if she had not snuck along, so long ago. He was protective of his spouse, though she supposed she couldn’t blame him, not after what had happened during the war.
She knew not quite what to expect, in all honestly. She’d never seen a living human up close before, though she’d seen her fair share of the dead. A large craft had sunk near her home, a few years ago. There had been dozens - perhaps hundreds - of dead men aboard, floating and drifting around as the vessel plunged past.
Ahsoka wondered if, perhaps, Kote’s husband would look like any of them. She’d discussed it with Rex, several times, but he knew no more than she did. Eyayah - who had joined them for the trip - knew plenty, but was less than helpful.
It seemed unbelievable that anyone would choose to marry a human. But, then, many had said the same thing about the Mandalorians, and she was well pleased with her match. Kote seemed well pleased with his; he’d returned to Sundari after his last visit with fresh marks on his shoulders and it had quieted many of the remaining murmurs of discontent about the marriage.
Ahsoka had been surprised that the wounds were not deeper, not worse. Everyone said humans were monstrous. Vicious. Her mind built imaginings of the person waiting for them at the surface, and her heart beat faster as they finally approached a cove, as they rose into the air.
There was a man, waiting for them. A human man, standing on a dock. He was -- bright to look at, and did not look very much like a monster at all. Just a person without a tail. She blinked in surprise at the color of his hair, which caught the light. And then he was in the water, before she could properly process his appearance.
She assumed, based on the way he embraced Kote, that he was the spouse they’d heard so much and so little about.
Introductions happened quickly, Kote keeping an arm around his husband, who did not seem afraid in the water. Ahsoka stared at him, bemused by the hair on his cheeks and even his chest. She wondered, absently, if it felt the same as hair on the head.
The man - Obi-Wan - bore up under the stares well enough, and all the questions that followed. Ahsoka held her own, until they moved up to the shore, where the man walked from the waves, calling something about food.
He returned with platters full of unfamiliar items, which Eyayah happily began eating with all evidence of delight. Ahsoka pulled herself up onto the sand and tried one - a round thing, with firm skin that burst with liquid when she took a bite of it, the flavor--
She had no words to describe the flavor. It tasted like nothing she’d ever had before and she made a startled sound, swallowing without chewing. Kote’s husband - Obi-Wan - crouched beside her as she took another bite, and said, “Do not eating the hard stone in the middle.”
She blinked over at him. It was… a strange choice for their first words directly exchanged, but likely good advice. She nodded and said, “Thank you. What are they?”
“We call them plums,” he said, with an upturn of his mouth. He’d pulled clothing on over his shoulders and arms, for some reason, but she could see, through the collar, marks on his skin, the imprint of teeth.
“They’re very good,” she said, swallowing another bite, rubbing at the juice running down her wrist, off of her hand. “Where do they come from?”
He ended up sitting beside her on the sand, speaking of human orchards and how they grew things, and other kinds of fruit, until Kote pulled himself up onto the sand beside them, curled an arm around Obi-Wan’s waist, and nuzzled against the side of his head.
And Ahsoka knew well enough when it was better to cut a conversation short. She grabbed another plum and rolled back towards the water, the low rasp of Kote’s voice - words too quiet for her to hear - following her out into the water.
#glimmer replies#ask me anything#by the sea follow up stuff#by the sea#flotsam and jetsam#clotsom and tetsam
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My QOTS 5x07 live reactions:
Castel AND Taza in the “previously on”? Hmm, I don’t like what this might mean for their fate. :\
I’m okay with Queen T always being braless in her clothes I just wish it meant that it’d be more convenient for her and James lolololol
Our man Marcel is back!!
I agree with James I don’t think you should be having a party in your HOME where you and your crew LIVE.
KA calling Pote “lovebug” is like…the most unnatural thing in the world.
So the first person to toast Teresa is…some guy…okay
Um. Is Castel dead?
If he says you can trust him, and he ain’t James, you probably can’t trust him
“she has no good side” Marcel! With the zingers!
UM. I think James would absolutely know what an ombudsman is though! Like this man can do everything and he knows everything.
The Jeresa scene hurt more than anything else. James with his permanent heart eyes, James alludes to his goodbye in 3x13, and…silence? The little crack you can hear in the background is my heart breaking all over again.
I love every Boaz scene. That’s it.
OoOoOo Jeresa going to go talk to Dumas. I just want Marcel to call them out as an otp lmao is that so much to ask. I want him to ship them even if he hates T.
omg Marcel is so well dressed.
“you already stuck that in my back and then you dug it in deeper” omg Marcel gets all the good lines!
why does T cling to this “I had no choice” thing so hard; you gonna regret that once you find out about KG, girl
“don’t forget your bag of bullshit” FUUUUUCCKKK. Marcel is The Best.
The way James SAILED over that railing during the shootout though. And then takes out the rest of the shooters, takes their vehicle, and carries on with a “let’s go”. JFC.
this doctor is gonna be dead in the next 2 minutes, isn’t she?
USE YOUR BIG BOY VOICE (someone tell James this)
That split second after James says “I’ll go” would have been perfect for a Jeresa moment of epic proportions but nooooo
Why do all the side characters have better storylines than the main characters? Honestly? I’d watch an entire show about Marcel and what he’s up against
…I’d watch an entire show about Marcel and Reggie’s power struggle if I didn’t just meet Reggie then see him dead in the next few minutes smh
the way this show sacrifices people (especially BIPOC) left and right for shock value is something I could really do without.
It is so nice to see someone in this world struggling with the business vs. the people, to understand the gravity of it, to feel it, to confront it head on. Alimi Ballard as Marcel is a gift.
omg get me a mute Pote button. Like right now. Please. He’s so annoying. How can Kelly Anne stand this guy?
so you’re telling me we have to suffer through Pote being a dunce, an “emotional” Kote scene, meanwhile Teresa like…hasn’t even been in this episode? Basically?
I was expecting Teresa to destroy waaaaay more shit in that closet after the Boaz phone call.
Yelling at the hospital staff who are bound and gagged. How endearing.
Please, oh, please, tell me 5x08 spends more time on the Devon/Boaz/Kostya side of things than the kidnapping sideshow. We already know from the synopses for future episodes that KA is going to be fine. I find absolutely zero appeal in the thought of listening to Pote be irrational and loud again (what’s new really, lol).
#qots spoilers#qots 5x07#qots#queen of the south#teresa mendoza#james valdez#marcel dumas#boaz jimenez#kelly anne van awken#pote galvez#i have opinions they are unpopular
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He is no stranger to weird encounters. Growing up as he had, it made sense that the abnormal and ethereal would be drawn to him. His companions experience the same, which doesn't help his own avoidance of such things.
However, this, this right here in his lap, this really takes the cake.
"Obi-Wan, will you just tell me what you are doing so that I can relax?"
The blankets lift slightly from his lap, revealing a pair of pale blue eyes. They make a sound like a dying avian and burrow back down.
He hadn't known what to expect when his Master came aboard, but this is not one of the ideas he'd had. Honestly, this is a him move, not an Obi-Wan move.
"Master, please just tell me. We are alone in our quarters and Snips is busy training."
Finally, Obi-Wan rolls over and shows his face, although the blankets are still wrapped around him like a cocoon of chaos.
"I'm this close to falling in love with Kote." The Human holds up a hand, forefinger and thumb demonstrating the amount.
"... Master, your fingertips are touching."
"Exactly." He drapes himself over Anakin's shoulders dramatically. "Help me please."
Should he? Obi-Wan is asking for help, is apparently extremely distressed to the point of a blanket cocoon over this, and Snips has yet to learn about these traditions.
"Careful what you wish for."
He ceremoniously dumps Obi-Wan the few inches onto the floor and stands up. His Master looks on in a combination of gratitude and horror.
"I'll call Windu and Koth. You get the basics and start educating Snips. We've got work to do."
/ / /
The call goes through nearly instantly, perhaps because he's projecting slightly over the bond. It's not entirely his fault. Though perhaps he should allow them to feel what type of emotion he's feeling so strongly.
Oh well.
"Anakin, this better be good. I had to ditch Lock in the refectory, and we both know how well that ends."
He grimaces, an action mirrored by Windu. Whoops. Right to business, then.
"Obi-Wan has fallen in love with Kote."
"What else is new?
"He made a blanket cocoon and flopped on my lap before pleading for help."
"I'll contact Stewjon." Windu's image flickers from existence.
"I'll contact Knight Vos." Koth's image likewise vanishes.
Anakin sighs in relief. Thank goodness they know Obi-Wan so well.
/ / /
Kote doesn't know what he did to deserve this. There hasn't been any changes in anything he can think of that would bring this on.
"What's your favorite blue? What about purple? Ooh, yellow! Do you like yellow or gold better? Which shades are better?"
Curse Skywalker. Curse Skywalker and Kenobi and all the ka- kriffing jetiise.
"Do you like chocolate? Can you eat chocolate? Do you have allergies? What about the others? How likely is it that you won't like a food? Do you like spicy food? How spicy?"
"What's better, sweet or sour? Rank sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami? What about minty stuff? Heavy or light? Fatty or not? Hot or cold?"
"What about for drinks? Do you like soft things? What's your favorite material? If you had to get married, who would ideally officiate, be the best beings, attend the ceremony, attend the reception, and be utterly rejected from the premises? Do you platonically prefer Obi-Wan or Anakin? Do you platonically prefer Master Plo or Master Windu? If you could, would you try a sampling event? Who is your most annoying vod? What's your absolute favorite sound? Do you prefer jizz music or waltz? Rank by best petness: feline, canine, equine, reptilian, avian. Thank you!"
Tano takes off running, holding her datapad close to her chest.
"... Did you even answer a single one?" Kote looks over at his vod with annoyance and confusion.
"Did you hear the one about getting married?"
"... Believe me about them being mind-readers yet?"
"I would know if Kenobi reads my mind."
"Maybe it's only some of them. Maybe he's too polite to do it. Maybe it's a control thing that my General never got to learn."
"Jetiise do not read minds."
/ / /
Ahsoka enters the room at top speed. Obi-Wan only has enough time to register she's there before she's pressed into his side showing the 'pad to him.
"So, I managed to get all the questions before he could stop me, so I think he won't actually suspect anything beyond Master's antics."
"Wonderful, my dear," he praises, smiling down at her. "Did you know he cultivated that reputation for these such endeavors?"
"Not entirely, but he wanted to be able to do things of a similar form of inconspicuousness. Anything from surprises to sneaking things around, he could do it with people purposefully looking the other way."
"I didn't know. I mean, I know he isn't what the rumors say, because he clearly just likes messing with people, but he does it for a reason? Beyond making people think he's always planning something?"
"Indeed. You did good," he nudges the 'pad. "They're exactly what we need."
"So how does this," she waves a hand over the screen, "translate to what we're doing?"
"Well, the information about colors is absolutely vital to decoration and theme in the long run. You see, young one, given both our collective passion and our many skills, we tend to plan long-term, as well as where and when things may go wrong. The Cyan Plan is currently encompassing over twenty thousand probabilities for the next decade."
"A decade?"
"Indeed. This plan is currently only a year, and not quite as many outcomes foreseen yet. The first idea is actually..." he trails off awkwardly, then clears his throat. "The second step," he continues, ignoring Ahsoka's smirk, "will be the first, er, event, and then there's the technical 'maintenance', as Anakin often says."
"How does the second step work?"
"Well, the colors help us have a baseline of undertones, the vibe, if you will. The undercurrent that will be through the event."
"And the maintenance?"
"What should be brought up. There are issues that may arise in every plan, and they need to be figured out earlier rather than later. If there's something that bothers someone, the plan will fail if it isn't brought forth to attention."
"So maintenance is making sure nothing festers and you can cut the plan short before it hurts anyone severely?"
"Exactly, Padawan."
"... so are you just going to grab him and kiss him?"
/ / /
Obi-Wan: I’m this close to falling in love with Cody.
Anakin: Your fingertips are touching.
Obi-Wan: Exactly.
Obi-Wan: Help me please.
#star wars#anakin skywalker#obi wan kenobi#kote fett#mace windu#ahsoka tano#eeth koth#minific#fanfiction#oburritowan
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Q and A. . . Finally!!!
@druggeddraccus said: Favorite kkc character? Favorite kkc storyline? Favorite book/series that isn't kkc? What made you all decide to do this blog?
@halfthealphabet speaking!
Favorite character: Toss up between Denna and Auri. I will protect them at all cost.
Favorite kkc story line: I have a soft spot for the plum bob storyline.
Other favorite book/series: My list of favorite books is here. Happy reading!!
So I started this blog at like one in the morning because I kept comparing Hamilton to Kvothe and created a list of lines in Hamilton that are applicable to KKC. And then I thought, maybe I should make an incorrect quotes blog. Checked to make sure there wasn’t one, threw together a quick format, and posted the quote. I woke up with followers and notes and that’s the beginning!!
@frei-rancken: well she ^^^ just invited me and i jumped in cause it’s fun. tho i’m rarely active as a mod on this blog which is shitty of me.
@logarithmicpanda: Elodin is my fave, followed closely by Auri (I was delighted when the slow regard of silent things was announced)
In terms of storyline, I love when Kvothe gets back to the university, after adem. But also the begining of the university arc :D and so many other parts lol.
I definitely recommend Uprooted by Naomi Novik and The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, there are probably the best books I’ve read this year.
@halfthealphabet asked if I wanted to do it and I said hell yes. Then I proceeded not to be very active at all as a mod which makes me really sorry.
@kote-the-inn-keeper : My fav is probably... Kote or Devi. Yeah sounds about right! Um, as for joining I was just asked one day, and said sure! While I don’t post too much, I’m glad I was considered and asked <3
Story line wise, I really enjoyed too many of the arcs. Oh man one after another; all of them just so captivating and wonderful! But, I will admit, some were better than others. I really did enjoy Kvothe’s time with the Adem, and the arc where he screwed over Ambrose!
@kvothe-kingkiller : My favorite is Elodin. I love him so much. My favorite storyline is probably anything to do with sympathy or the magic in the books I love how pat actually describes how the *science* behind it works, unlike so many other fantasy series. Other than kkc I dont really know what my favorite series is... I really like anything by tamora pierce and I love game of thrones. Most other things I read are single books. I decided to do this since I loved what was being posted already and had a wealth of cabin pressure quotes that would fit perfectly.
@shineecandy said: wow congrats on your milestone! here’s a question for you: how do you deal with the wait???? it has been years. pat, please, i’m dying
@halfthealphabet I read a lot and watch a lot of Netflix and check Pat’s blog obsessively. And write meta about it. And read more theories about it.
@frei-rancken: I just wait, and entertain myself with other things. Uni is stressing so i can’t focus on many other things.
@logarithmicpanda We don’t. We are slowly going mad.
@kote-the-inn-keeper : I answered this in a much more long winded manner, so TL;DR I just want it to be wonderful and perfect so I will wait the best I can.
@kvothe-kingkiller : I watch waaaay too many shows and procrastinate on schoolwork so much that I dont often think about it. I’ve been waiting almost since WMF came out, gotten used to it a bit.
@dirty-n-evil said: Hi, huge fan of the KKC as well (obviously), but for the question I would ask the mods of this blog... what were each of your favorite moments through the books? Not simply 'Name of the Wind' and 'Wise Man's Fear', but also 'Lightning Tree' and 'Slow Regard of Silent Things'?
Hey, @halfthealphabet here
So I don’t think I can give just one favorite scene, but I will tell you that I thought The Lightning Tree was not a good addition to the Kingkiller Chronicle and that The Slow Regard of Silent Things is possibly the only flawless piece of writing I have ever read.
@kvothbloodless: Every moment is my favorite, but that being said, the scene in which Kvothe’s parents die never fails to make me cry.
@frei-rancken: It gets kind of difficult but maybe the Eolian’s pipes audition, or mostly when Kvothe tells stories about the Edema Ruh.
@logarithmicpanda: all the scenes with Elodin crack me up! In the lightning tree, my favorite part was the ending, when you understand what happened. I love every single bit of the slow regard of silent things, but especially when Auri notices the child watching her and makes a cartwheel. For Notw and Wmf, it’s a bit more complicated. Generally, I love worldbuilding scenes, and whenever a relationship progress in an interesting direction.
@kote-the-inn-keeper : I’m really swept away by all of it. From the characterization and the world building; mostly the building of languages. While there isn’t very MUCH, it’s still there. But, in NOTW I think my fav part was the boys trying to explain Bisexuality without quite having the proper words for it (assuming int he universe sexuality doesn’t quite fit into clear categories for words to be made). In WMF I think my fav part…. oh man this one is hard… but I think my favorite portion of this book was either his interaction with The Maer’s manservant or his time with the Adem and getting his ass handed to him by a small child. Both were very wonderful to me and well written. I can’t say anything about LT, since I have yet to have time to read it, nor more than the first page of SRST due to a lot of life issues and conflicts coming up. But, in retribution for such, I will do a ‘live’ read through of both like I did with NOTW and WMF where I took notes and shared them with you guys.
@kvothe-kingkiller: Honestly, anything to do with elodin. (tiny bit obsessed.) And in slow regard I really love when Auri find the gear and get’s it back to where she lives, (it’s been a while since I read it so I forget some of the names) and I haven’t read lightning tree in ages so while I remember the basic plot I dont really remember any favorite moment.
@freudcallsmedaddy said: What sort of theories do you have about the Cthaeh?
@halfthealphabet speaking. I think that the Ctaeth is more of Bast’s villain than Kvothe’s. So it might come back in other books, but not in Kvothe’s story. He didn’t know what power the Ctaeth even had. It could come into play in Kote's story . . .
@frei-rancken: While i read tons of theories i’m mostly a factual kind of person, so i go with it’s a fae it does not care about shackshit but it’self and its rules, it has a grudge against cinder so it sent kvothe to collide with him, but i’m totally lost on how is it going to happen.
@kvothe-kingkiller: My personal theory is that it’s a bit hyped as far as how much power it actually has. This may be just me being a science geek but the amount of decisions a person can make in the future are infinite. So infinite that even if you could see all of them, you could not possibly choose the course of a person’s life based on one conversation. You might be able to choose a basic-ish path but I honestly dont think its at all as powerful and scary as it’s made out to be.
@kote-the-inn-keeper : cRACKS KNUCKLES MMMMM BOY HOWDY AM I GONNA TRY AND KEEP THIS SHORT! Okay, so there are so many theories out there and I’ve read a few just to collect my own thoughts and ideas from.
Now, the Cthaeh is a fae and a fae being. We know this because of Bast. It is a prominent and guarded fae due to its ability to tell the future and see the past; making it something VERY valuable and very tempting to try and encounter[NOTE: I am saying it only because we do not know (??) if the Cthaeh has an actual form and or even has a preferred gender really, or is a sentient being instead of a collision of other shit]. As, I believe, Bast said to Kote, it is actually guarded by the fae in the realm so that people don’t go to seek what it has to offer.
This leads to the automatic assumption that people had been seeking it and had been very upset and or disturbed by it’s tales of what was to come. The fae are taught to keep away, knowing that such information is already bad enough to know, let alone ask about. But that probably didn’t stop a few humans...[kVOTHE] or perhaps a few higher beings. Such as the Chandrian? I’m not saying that the Chandrian were able to go to the Cthaeh, but it is a possibility. It would explain some on how they knew where specific people would be and possibly what they would become.
The Cthaeh also MIGHT not have started off as selfish and enjoyment seeking as we saw with Kvothe, but that also may be just a bit of a stretch. But, say it wasn’t. Say it was just trying to tell people like ‘Oh, hey, yeah in like 5 years your wife is gonna leave you for some hot headed dude who looks like this, so be careful!’ and that spiraled quickly out of control for obvious reasons. One would turn rather sadistic with the power, knowing it would just do more harm than good no matter how it was worded. But, that is just a very small half baked theory on the creature itself! But, going with such a creature or being was always in such a manner sadistic and rude, it would make sense of the fae to HEAVILY guard it. Bast did say people who got too close were killed, right? If I’m remembering that right at all. I remember something like that being said though.
To bring this sadistic being into play with the story for later and Kvothe, I’m going to nod to what was said above slightly; the Cthaeh wanted Cinder and Kvothe to butt heads and probably do SOMETHING to the course of the future. Also bringing back part of my theory of the Cthaeh not always being properly guarded, it may have accidentally sent Cinder on his strange mission and pillage at a more high hostility rate, depending on what was said, so the Cthaeh is sending Kvothe in to stop as much as he can before it’s too late.
TL;DR: Cthaeh fucked up when not guarded by the fae and sent the Chandrian on a brutal rampage to hide themselves and then told Kvothe his specific future to try and get him to steer towards stopping them.
So yeah, that’s what I got in a shorter version... I haven’t read LT, so if there was anything about the creature and Bast in it, I am not aware of it and hopefully will be soon when I get a chance to read
Anonymous said: how do you pronounce "Auri"
@halfthealphabet here I pronounce it like “aura” but with an “ee” sound at the end. Like, “or-ie” (Pat pronounces it like the others, I pronounce it incorrectly).
@kvothbloodless: I always pronounced it are-ee. Pretty much “sorry” without the ‘s’.
@kote-the-inn-keeper : “Ah-ri” OR “Auh-ree” OR “Are-ee”. Well, I guess theya re all the same now that I’m looking at them. Looking up now, I def say it like mod kvothebloodless.
@kvothe-kingkiller: same as kote-the-inn-keeper and kvothbloodless
@displeasign said: What are you most looking forward to in book 3?
@halfthealphabet: Closure
@kvothbloodless: Finding out how many of our half-baked theories were right.
@frei-rancken: answers. I really need to know how much of what it is said about kvothe is true and how much is just stories tell by people.
@logarithmicpanda disaster. I want to know how Kote came to be
@kote-the-inn-keeper : Closure, answers, and an explanation as to why he chose to be an innkeeper to lay low instead of something else... i want my boy to be happy,,,,, le t kOTE BE HAPPY HHHHHHHHHHH
@kvothe-kingkiller: As others said, closure. on so many things I couldnt possibly list them all here. Also more Elodin. He’s really not a big character but he’s honestly my favorite, out of every book ive read and every show/movie ive seen.
@octarine-ash said: For the q and a: What's your favourite actual kingkiller quote?
@halfthealphabet It’s such a quotable book but I use the quote, “You have to be a bit of a liar to tell a story the right way” very often. And I plan to get “Beautiful, seen” on the back of my neck. Also, I love the passage where Fela starts to fall in love with Sim.
@frei-rancken i cannot quote the entire book sadly. but... the kvothe quit grabbing at my boobs passage, the secrets as seen by Teccam, and like a shit ton of other ones.
@logarithmicpanda the quote about loving something despite its flaws and because of them. It sums up my feelings towards the series actually.
@kote-the-inn-keeper : This one is super hard. There are WAY to many good ones and ones that i find really deep meaning in. And of course, some funny ones. The only one that comes ti mind this very second is a funny one: “You are the horseshit frosting on this horseshit cake.”
@kvothe-kingkiller: I cant find the actual quote through google and I dont really want to re-read both books on the spot to find it but I love when he’s being salty about math and poetry. Saying words for the sake of words and numbers for the sake of numbers are stupid. That quote got me through pre-calculus lol
Anonymous said: How did y'all create this blog? Is it like a side-blog or its own account?
@halfthealphabet It’s a side blog. And it’s origin story is explained in the first answer :)
@princessmarysea said: This has probably already been asked but...what are your ships in kkc?? I love your blog btw it's really funny :D
@halfthealphabet speaking: I have to say the only romantic ship I really care about being endgame is Sim and Fela (guys, their ship name should be Selas!!). They really are so sweet and wonderful. I want confirmation that Devi is into girls and guys (which is kind of a ship thing?). And I suppose this is a good time to mention that (although I love Denna), she and Kvothe would only have a disaster of a relationship at the point in their lives. Also, I ship everyone platonically. Especially with Denna because she needs more friends. And Mola and Auri could have such an awesome friendship as well.
@frei-rancken: Yeah mainly Sim and Fela. but if i have to come up with other ships Devi, Mola and Fela being in a happy poly relationship would be like... way too perfect.
@logarithmicpanda Sim and Fela forever. I’m not a huge shipper though... Like if you throw any cute headcanon at me I’ll start low key shipping it.
@kvothe-kingkiller: Might be because I literally never ship anything, but... none. I mean I like sim and fela but as far as one that don’t already exist, none.
@kote-the-inn-keeper: so maaaaaaaaaany.... So many....
So: Kote and Bast, Kvothe and Devi, Kvothe and HAPPINESS, Sim and Fela, Wil and Mola, Wil and Sim (fite me..........), Fela and Mola (more soft/platonic), Devi and Fela, Hespea and Dedan, Tempi and Kvothe, Kote and JOY IN LIFE, Mola and Auri (PLATONIC ONLY!!!!!!!), Auri and PEACE IN LIFE (sobbing my bby let her be happy and safe pat i s2g), Kvothe and Auri (PLATONIC 100%), Kvothe and Denna, Denna and Fela (lOOK IT’D BE SO NICE JUST L I STEN), Denna and Devi (more friends than romance tho), Devi and Mola and Fela, and I think that’s all for now.
@jordantresser What do you think about Cameron Monaghan from Shameless as a young adult Kvothe?
So @halfthealphabet speaking. I think he looks great and would act great, but also I hope they cast a man of color from Kvothe/Kote.
Hey @frei-rancken here. Well... yes and no. Like i love how he acts in general he is awesome but he looks a tad too devilish for me. Tho i would not be distressed if he were to be cast, it’d be awesome. And yes i concur with halfthealphabet it’d be great if the actor was a person of colour.
@kote-the-inn-keeper : I didn’t even know who that was, so I looked them up. I’m going to say no, tbh. I just don’t think they fit with my headcanon face for Kvothe OR Kote.... I’d prefer someone who is of rromani origin to play Kvothe tbh; or of color. [EsPECIALLY BAST HAMILTON GUY DONT LET ME DOWN ]
@kvothe-kingkiller Again, it would be great for an actor of color to play him but I kind of think he was written to be at least very pale so that is probably not going to happen. And I think he has the right look, I’d say he would do a good job. (also yes, bast is not white, and neither are the cealdish. whoever casts this show, pls.)
#q and a#about us#kkc#kingkiller chronicle#mod: halfthealphabet#mod: kvothblodless#mod: frei-rancken#mod: logarithmicpanda#mod: kvothe-kingkiller#mod: kote-the-inn-keeper#not a quote
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My QOTS 5x10 live reactions:
I saw the first 10 minutes over the weekend which was, what, like the “previously on” and 8 minutes?
So I feel like I have some time to warm up here during Samara OF ALL PEOPLE getting a voiceover in the FINALE episode
Can we get to the fake death reveal already? Can Pote die for real already?
They put the KG tribute in the last episode which is nice but where was this when it actually should have been dealt with?
This dialogue between Pote and Samara is just so…why WHY?
We all know James didn’t kill the love of his life. Who are you kidding? And that ILY is not even the right flashback he had in the police station. He’s thinking about when they get to reunite.
The thing with seeing the first 10 minutes means I have to rewatch Kote and that’s just…that’s not necessary. Kote saying ILY is so not necessary.
She’s not dead. They didn’t burn her body. That ain’t even her. Stop it with this ~shock value~.
Ooh okay finally stuff I haven’t seen yet!
So wait. THIS is what they went with? Devon dealing DIRECTLY with Boaz? JFC.
Relax, Chicho. She’s fine. What wasn’t fine was you saying she had so much on her plate and making a decision for her last episode. That’s still not cool in any way shape or form.
Marcel with that “NO” hhnnngggg. I like mad Marcel!!!
WE KNOW SHE’S NOT DEAD. This ceremonial thing in the field to make it seem real is more wasted time. Get your pictures and send ‘em to Devon, J! You gotta go get your girl!
Can we take a second to appreciate how good James’ hair looked during that phone call with Devon though lol
James has to go help KA now, doesn’t he? Can’t KA figure this shit out for herself ughhhh
So they treat James badly, like he’s the worst, all season. And he’s the one who has to warn them? Must he do everything around here? SMH.
Every Kote love declaration eats away at me and grows the hate in my heart
Sunglasses at night yeah that’s not suspicious at all
“See if someone will lend you one” and you can’t do it?
The only thing I feel bad about is the plan going a bit awry, not Pote being arrested tbh
James is here to rescue KA isn’t he?
This is A LOT of Chicho.
You found nothing on James probably because James isn’t running around like a chicken with his head cut off like you idiots
“Pote isn’t a risk” lol because Pote is dumb
Oh the flash forward is now??? With 20 minutes left??? Our girl T is still assumed dead?
Chicho looks so handsome
Ok does this mean T & J have been together in hiding this whole time? FOR FOUR YEARS? *cries in Jeresa*
so. Wait. Ok. Marcel and Pote are cool? They’re bros? Did Marcel come visit in prison? What the actual fuck imagine if you made your show make sense!
Ooh psychopath Boaz with the sneak attack!
mano a mano still on that bullshit?
“Pote was a legend” dskljdffdds hahahahahahahahahaha
Honestly? Super disappointed it’s not T who gets to kill Boaz. A swing and a miss again. But what’s new about that?
How many minutes were wasted on this Boaz and Pote scene when we could’ve gotten REAL plot instead?
There’s no way Pote actually would have won that. This is so unrealistic. Don’t throw this at me in your finale if I’m supposed to take it seriously.
OBVIOUSLY she left you the waterfront, Marcel. How long have we all been talking about this?
This is Pote’s daughter then?
You kidding me? KOTE GETS A HAPPY ENDING? KILL ME. Oh fucking spare me with this swelling music.
Oh and now he’s happy he has a daughter. THIS IS SO STUPID. THIS IS AWFUL. After we listened to him grunt and make loud noises all season you want me to be happy for this guy?
Mmmhhmm yeah yep James went to the motel. Honestly, how predictable is this shit?
Let’s see Teresa’s pregnant belly in the next few minutes to make up for this Kote bullshit?? Please? I am begging you for something good.
So this is all the flashback we get to the plan? Wow a bad season ending badly. Please remain on the line while I bang my head repeatedly against the wall.
“You thought of everything” yeah would have been nice TO KNOW WHAT SHE WAS THINKING WHEN SHE DISCUSSED THESE THINGS WITH JAMES
Also…where did James shoot exactly? Because they make it seem like there was no race against time or anything? T was totally fine in the morgue? Why couldn’t they make their show make sense?
Sidenote: so Teresa’s coke usage is really never gonna be addressed, huh? Please remain on the line while I…go do something else violent. Gaping plot holes without explanation we could fall into and nothing, just nothing.
Oh NOW Pote wants be in the kitchen? UGGGHHHHH
Is now a bad time to point out James is wearing pink shorts?
A JERESA FOREHEAD KISS is that all we have to squeal over now?
Ok wait. So Teresa. Bad ass bitch (I say that affectionately). Queen pin. She just…gave up and got out? Took up cooking? As a hobby? That’s what she’s happy doing now? That’s how she saved herself? I have so many questions about how this is even remotely related to a show about a strong woman.
James was really dipping that bread enthusiastically. Finally he gets to eat. The biggest snacker didn’t get to eat all season. (I wish it was a steak)
“we’re so happy to have you back” I’m not. You both annoy the fuck out of me. There is no justice for me having to sit through every single Kote scene even once and Pote didn’t even die.
Yes, of course I’m glad it’s a happy Jeresa ending.
But ugh I hate this ending overall. I hate it so much.
J & T watch Kote with their daughter on the beach. Who cares? Honestly?
J & T finally have intertwined hands. It only took 5 seasons. Is this the only consolation here?
Guys. I’m sorry. I don’t think it was good. At all. That was just…underwhelming. Predictable. Poorly written. The beach was so cringe.
I suppose a throwaway ending is the appropriate ending for a throwaway season?
#qots spoilers#qots 5x10#qots#queen of the south#teresa mendoza#james valdez#pote galvez#kelly anne van awken#boaz jimenez#marcel dumas#devon finch#chicho nolastname#i have opinions they are unpopular#this was bad SO BAD#not apologizing for stating facts
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