#honestly a lot of my fics are just a scene and *vibes* (which isn't bad! just a different style)
The second and final chapter is posted now!
Chapter summary: Fleeing from a fiery entity, Jester and Bren delve into Caleb's core memories, and several truths come to light.
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Ooh, do you have any good Jason fic recs?
anon I cannot tell you how long I've been waiting to see those words!!!! yes I have good Jason fic recs in fact I have so many good Jason fic recs that after narrowing it down I still have fifteen links for you
I have read more fanfic for Jason Todd than maybe any other character ever. I do not understand the hold this man has on me but it's simply the situation we're in. anyway
Jason comes home fics
Make a Little Birdhouse In Your Soul is hands down my favorite. I'm talking favorite DC fic, top fics of all time period, not just from this list. I love this fic series. It is actively and regularly updating, thank fuck, because that little boost of serotonin is everything keeping me going I swear
The 70 Days After Groundhog Day is technically from Dick's POV, but it's about the aftermath of a timeloop that Jason was stuck in. it's. oh my god it's so good. just trust me on this one.
Emotional Motion Sickness is the "bruce goes to therapy" fic series we all want. canon get on this level
Retrograde Motion - I never used to like de-aging fics; not for any particular reason, I just never vibed with them. Recently I decided to see what all the fuss was about (bc there's so goddamn many in this fandom) and I'm glad, because I opened this fic and it's just. oh my god. the use of the de-aging trope here is truly incredible. after a whole week of dipping my feet into the trope I never need to do so again, because this fic made me fucking lose it. this is not going where you think it's going. also, for some reason there's not that much rebirth outlaws fic, and I really like what this author did with that team
matching wounds haha just gonna sneak my fic series on here and pretend that it was an accident, wait how did that get there (some jayroy later in the timeline too which can be read on its own if Jason coming home fics aren't for you)
other non-ship
Too Much Fucking Salt deals with the straw that broke the camel's back. I've read all 22k words of this in one sitting more than once. this is the anti "Jason Todd comes home" fic (this is in itself a whole genre of fic too honestly).
take his name out of your mouth (you don't deserve to mourn) is about Jason mourning himself, which he fucking deserves to. also he smokes a joint with Dick
Sown in Winter is about Jason pulling himself out of a depressive episode partially through the power of Stardew Valley. also technically jayroy, but it's honestly incidental to the story for the most part imo
I do read other ships for Jason but unabashedly this is my favorite, so
A Solid Resume - competency kink. that's all I have to say.
Tenderize is a series of oneshots all of which slowly build Jason and Roy's life together and coparenting lian and I just !!! could also double as a Jason coming home au but honestly that's mostly in the first fic. also a lot of discussion of various chain grocery stores in the united states that I will probably never actually step foot in
Dick Grayson and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Two to Three Weeks (But Who's Counting) is so fucking funny I die every time I reread this. there's a scene early on in a coffee shop that just. I don't even know what to say everything about this is perfect. I AM the girl sticking her nose in their business, at least spiritually.
dust devils on the horizon isn't even the only western au I've bookmarked for these two. something about jayroy and horses, man
unity of time: april 27th, 2020 is just,,,, super sad, man, idk what to tell you. it's f!jayroy, but happens after Roy died in sanctuary during the 24h of Jason's death day, so all of it is very fucking depressing. It's also fucking beautiful. I want to reread it now.
Promise After That I'll Let You Go is a poisonivory fic. I was introduced to poisonivory through the daredevil fandom earlier this year and may I tell you when I found out that this author writes for jayroy I lost my goddamn mind. this is my personal favorite, but I almost recommended at least two more aus. Their jayroy sugar daddy au is one of the only sugar daddy aus I've ever truly enjoyed. also really like the one where roy has had feelings for dick since their teen titans days but still starts a fwb thing with Jason. poisonivory can make me into kinks I'm not even into I s2g. anyway this one has lian literally dragging roy back into jason's life
finally, Reciprocation (or: Sex as Violence) shouldn't even really count as a jayroy fic but I feel weird putting it in the other category since it is sort of a jayroy fic. it's ace-aro!jason, which is one of my personal favorite interpretations of Jason (with so much textual evidence wtf), but there's still like... a lot of sex in this. Jason does not have a healthy relationship with sex in this fic. I would describe this as ending in a QPP for jayroy and lian.
honestly there's a lot of good jason and roy and lian fic out there I didn't rec cause this is already long enough
so yeah this is my very VERY pared down fic rec list for Jason Todd let me know if you want more and thank you so much for asking
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yellowocaballero · 4 months
kinda obsessed with yuri and claude in rosetta headstone,,, like theyre just the stupidest smart people, and only now are they finally communicating with each other. like the way khalid has grown up throughout the fic, and yuris complicated issues with trust and intimacy. idk, don't mind me, im just gonna go sit in a corner while rotating them and this whole story in my brain.
Thank you!!! I'm love them also. Honestly, Yuri was the only character who I put in real effort to try and keep in-character. Which was tough as hell - I feel like I only actually landed on his character a few stories after I wrote this one.
Yuri is so good. Your early interactions with him are nothing but him repeatedly trying to convince you how terrible he is. He's a lot of bluster and obfuscation and kinda tsundere but he can be painfully sincere too. Yuri grows close to Khalid because he's one of the few people he does trust - because Yuri and Khalid are the same guy and Yuri will always trust a self-centered asshole, aka Yuri trusts what he understands. But then Khalid grows too close, and Khalid's growth as a person means that he turns into somebody Yuri doesn't understand anymore, and Yuri realizes way too late that he's let Khalid into his heart, and then he panics and starts pushing him away. I think Yuri would have just propositioned him like five months ago and tried to win his affections that way if Byleth (Dimitri vibed out Khalid's aceness for her) hadn't mildly suggested that Yuri try the long way and actually getting closer emotionally with him. ("Try flowers." "How did I know you'd say that.").
I think main characters have to change throughout a story, even if it's just in self-acceptance or a change of understanding. I think a story where the most important person is a teacher should involve a drastic change in their students, and everybody should take away a different lesson. Byleth's influence on Yuri was through allowing him to be a student too: Yuri, like Khalid, understands the world through a give-and-take framework, and he struggles repeatedly to accept Byleth's generosity and care given with nothing expected in return. Yuri's growth as a character comes to a point where he expresses what he wants honestly with Khalid, allows himself to be a young person, and accepts the care that Khalid has learned to supply. Khalid believes that all people are selfish and self-centered, so he has no obligation to try and be a good person. Byleth shows him that we have a responsibility to ourselves and to others, that there are good people in the world who care about him very much, and that the least we can do is return that care.
I've said like ten times that the story is about communication, and despite how Yuri and Khalid are literally the same guy (or because of it), it takes the entire story to get to a confession scene. Yuri pulls the most teen boy bullshit and teases him and flirts with him in a way that he KNOWS Khalid isn't going to really understand, and as a result the Khalid who actually does really like him just assumes that it's not reciprocated, so he doesn't say anything. So juvenile.
In the end, you have to trust someone enough to let them turn you down. You have to trust yourself enough to say what you feel. It's not so bad to be young and do stupid young person things. If you need something said, ask somebody to say it. I should finish that follow-up story with them but it was literally going nowhere jaksldf thanks for the ask!
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arklayraven · 1 year
Gonna share my thoughts about NB lesson 24 now. Expect spoilers under the cut. (I haven't read the extra story since can't get access to it. so am keeping that out for obvious reasons.)
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So we start off with Asmo first charming Lucifer of all demons and I was very surprised to see it even work. Like holy shit, Asmo charmed LUCIFER. Felt both impressed and concerned pff
Then we slowly start to see things take a turn from interesting to very concerning...Tbh. This way they went about on showing Asmo's charm at a stronger rate, is actually okay with me. Like its bad yeah, because Asmo is taking advantage of everyone around him. Which just happens to be his brothers. But this could of been played out way worse by the writers, since this is Asmodeus after all. The Avatar of Lust.
Some will think he'll just use his charm to do some fucked up shit with his brothers...But thankfully, they(the writers) proved here Asmo doesn't have any true desires for that. So those anti Asmo fans can quit it with constantly saying Asmo just wants to fuck his brothers. Seriously, fucking stop it. It's tiring and annoying now.
Anyway, back to the lesson...So Asmo just uses his charm to just make everyone spoil and pamper him like a literal "Queen". Or as quoted by Solomon later on, making his brothers act like royal servants, which "Queen Asmodeus" had. (I'm so interested to hear more of Queen Asmodeus. Solomon, fucking spill the lore. I NEED it. lol)
Most of the brothers are easily charmed by Asmo's stronger charm now at first. Then there's Lucifer, first charmed of course, then worked on resisting his charm in time. Which apparently the other brothers can do too or try, as implied by Lucifer.
Then we finally get Asmo snapping and his sin consuming him truly now after Mammon upset him a lot with the stuff he told him. At this moment, all the brothers, including Lucifer too, are now victim or fallen victim to Asmo's powerful charm.
Then here's us...Honestly, I wish they let Asmo try to charm MC so we can know if they truly retcon the fact MC can't be charmed or not. Though maybe we'll find out in next lesson...
(Though that whole scene of MC running away from Asmo trying to hunt them down to charm them. Just was some yandere-ish vibes to me. lol Fueling the fics ideas for me now.)
Anyway, we escaped unhinged Queen Asmo's charming wrath pfff, and we were sent to Solomon for help. (ugh...but it is what it is.)
I chose to land on his head btw. Heheh. REVENGE~.
Anywaaaays. We tell Solomon what's going on, and of course he finds this all interesting...but quick to accept this is a problem...Then goes with us to help save the brothers and stop/save Asmo too.
That where we see Asmo just living a spoiled life of being pampered and attended to endlessly by his brothers, and this is where Solomon brings up this is like with Queen Asmodeus and his royal servants. (AGAIN. SPILL THE DETAILS WIZARD MAN. LOL)
I was honestly very concerned over how this will play out with Solomon. I knew he'll get involved since he has a pact with Asmo...But in the end he just kept resisting or reflecting Asmo's charm, even with his weakened power(still having doubts if that's true or what from him lol). Then in the end resorted to using Barbatos to help stop Asmo like nothing. Which honestly...I'm happier with Barb stopping Asmo truly than Solomon himself directly. (Even if Barb showed no mercy it seems...haha)
Then we get left with some cliffhangers and yeah...Can't wait for the next lesson.
But now I got some stuff to say, about Asmo, and Solomon here.
Now you know I love Asmo with all my heart...But won't lie. Hearing him call Jayce/Me a nuisance...Was a huge stab to my heart lol. Like personally, I feel like one as is in life to everyone around. Which is why I'm so distant and all. So yeah...It just sucks. lol But I know this isn't truly Asmo talking truly from his heart, just his sin consuming him making him act and talk this way. But for my MC Jayce, this will certain leave a scar and now moments of doubt when with Asmo...lol the angst is gonna be real from this now.
Now for Solomon...Honestly I still don't like him because of the stuff he's said or done (but won't deny he's kinda hot. so there. happy? lol), but appreciate him protecting us and defending us. Though I just hated how he said this to Asmo...
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Like it just proves to me again, he just sees Asmo as nothing more but a tool than someone special and important to him. No love is felt from him or through his words over Asmo. (Like some like to believe they apparently are madly in love with each other...Uh huh...) Just this need to prove he's in control and powerful over another, which is Asmo in this case...Ugh...I hate it so much. Reminds me of those toxic partners in relationships who need to always be in control and more power than other...or some people I know irl who really are like this...
Anyway...That's all to say for now. I think. Might of missed stuff but mind is everywhere rn so yeah lol. I'll say/add more later if anything comes up.
All I know, once this is all over. I expect many hugs and kisses from Asmo. (As well will maybe be writing some angsty stuff over Jayce and Asmo thanks to this all. lol)
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
12, 17, and 18 for the asks!
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
uhhh... no one in my particular circle of people with Taste, but Jyn. not even in terms of immediate fandom disk horse, but that in the wider-off tumblr star wars cultural reception, I think that even if rogue one is remembered as that That Time SW managed to Make Another Film That Was Good, the individual characters have been kind of... swallowed up. and that's why i love her. she's such a fucking mess. she's kind of petty and mean but in the space of things feels really human and fragile and somewhere outside the sw Strong Female Character Warrior Queen thing. her introduction scene as an adult where she takes the fucking shovel and just starts swinging is one of my favorite things in sw.
i think the same could be said of a bunch of the individual characters in andor, who i deeply adore, especially cinta, vel, bix, and kleya. not that they're unpopular in the I Hate These Women Way fandom sometimes does but that you just don't really see much... about them. (i do wish things about bix's writing were different, but i am fascinated by her as a CHARACTER and the fact that not only was she part of the extremely nascent rebellion before cassian, before almost everyone we know, if you draw the lines she's probably REALLY central to the axis circuit which is.. fascinating. like because she has no reason to tell Anyone the Truth of her secret dealings, we actually know extremely little about her, and that fascinates me. also she's this woman stuck in a small town she's tied into the fabric of and that's this source of complex ennui and pain i really love seeing in genre fiction and would love to root around in some more.)
vel and cinta... HELLO... vel and cinta.... cinta and vel... my brain is always thinking about them. just a lil.
also! i think leida mothma is second only to dark vader in greatest villains of the star wars universe. she's annoying as hell and she's this generational ticking time bomb about what happens when the kids born into the empire swallow it, when they /aren't/ leia organa.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
instead of twitter misogyny i would like to see jyn/bix also jyn/bix/cassian. nothing will save us but bi threesomes.
AU's where cassian drove the van for the aldhani rock group's cringe death metal band (or, if we're placing SW into the 1970's, the aldhani group's 60's scottish folk band.)
honestly extremely attached to any kind of thing where jyn and cassian have a deep connection to each other that isn't laterally a hallmark greeting card. like i actually really find the extremely close FWB vibe with them during the rebellion era to be tremendously interesting, and i don't think fandom does enough with the whole fact that maybe a 70's space-futuristic leftist army /might/ not have the same ideas around social organisation and intimacy as a a netflix rom com OMG ARE YOU GUYS LIKE TOGETHER TOGETHER???? (like i'm sure the goss on echo base was insane but i'm also not sure it might have been That.)
Anything which recognises the Real Fact that Rogue One AU's should be set in the 1970's and everyone should be wearing 70's fashions and there should be way more oblique mentions of bellbottoms and paisley. except arguably andor might be set in the 60's. in which case they should be wearing 60's fashions.
This might be summoning snakes into my house but... you know all the stuff i said about kidfic aus? turns out what i really dislike are bad kidfic aus! because they thing is is that i think jyn and cassian's narratives are profoundly focused on the question of What It Is to be Someone's Child, and sw in general is really interested in the questions about what it is to be someone's parent and someoen's child in extremity (how well they carry this out ESPECIALLy with women is debatable) and there's a lot of room to do some seriously interesting character study work and post-war How Do We Break These Cycles work if it's something aside from the kind of bioessentialist hey guys woman's purpose Fulfilled because she's had biological children/ narrative OR the you can tell how Healed jyn and cassian are and how Over the War is cause they have two (2) biological children in space!suburbia called lyra and galen scenario, which proliferates in fandom. basically what i'm saying is there's no weird indie movie about rey climbing into cassian's car at the Jack-Q service station to steal his potato chips and him being like WHOSE KID IS THIS i have to RETURN you so this isn't KIDNAPPING [terrible flashbacks] and rey being like nooo mister and then they go on a loopy roadtrip to find her parents when of course the answer is in the journey. also nobody's written the scenario of Ye Classic Space!Road Trip to The Beach and the kids in the back seat are like BISCUIT BARON BISCUIT BARON and cassian is squinting over the top of the steering wheel because he thinks he missed the turnoff and pulling ye old Hay Comida En La Casaaaaa but Jyn's just like actually every single Biscuit Baron in the galaxy is closed, just for today, and the only thing they sell is black coffee.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
not to be like people would Care if they were white men BUT the amount of press and buzz and fics there would be if velcinta were white men like literally shut up about white war criminal superhero x white war criminal superhero when there's antifascist lesbian guerillas shooting fascists AND wearing twee hats in the highlands while they feed sheep in their lil space!scottish brokeback moutain moments. i think they're slept on as individual characters and as a ship especially when Cinta is one of the only women of color in the modern star wars and vel's story is on some level literally about queerness, being a queer woman in a conservative society (always hiding, always changing.)
jyn and cassian's matching magical girl anime moment soulmate chrystal kyber necklaces
still boggling over the fact that cassian and jyn's Rebellion Kidnappers/Dads canonically are people with History, c'mon guys, there's an infinite amount of stuff to do with saw and luthen accidentally setting their kidnapping victims/adoptees/proteges up together. (also i'm just extremely fascinated by saw and luthen as characters, up there with Guys Fandom Sleeps on.)
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shark-myths · 2 years
1/2 Hi hello I have a...Headcanon? Fic prompt? Grand unifying Mania to smfs tryst theory theory? Anyway it's this: There was some sort of 'fuck it lets just try again' decision around mania era and it was good! It was working out! And then there was covid and lockdowns and everyone had to make some really tough choices re: who we say irl and when and how often and that led to some real 'well maybe were fooling ourselves when we thought we could have it all this can't really work we did miss our-
2/2 -shot' ergo the smfs lyrical lean of 'I love you so much but this maybe really isn't our time'/ mixed in with all the other very project-written-during-covid ~vibes~ (which I love). But anyway there's a lot of time that can and did (if they started in 2021?) pass between writing lyrics and releasing music and working on the album after all that isolating introspection led right back to 'fuck it lets just be together life is short' hence The Way They're Acting now. *shrugs* idk
Love this, love you, thanks for the conspiracy ask!
we know from this kerrang interview and a few other casual mentions, like in patrick's album commentary from the release parties (still haven't listened to that myself but @leyley09 is an excellent on-the-scene reporter) that some of the writing for SMFS actually started before the pandemic, with Patrick dreaming up the music for What a Time to Be Alive right after the release of MANIA and Pete writing the lyrics that paired with it before the pandemic. so if the writing process went dormant in lockdown, we know many of the threads were connected before covid hit the US. (i'm also remembering the cute zoom sing-a-long pete & patrick did at the beginning of the pandemic where they were clearly in the same room but on separate video feeds so that we, viewing, could feel like we were all alone together)
I stand by my thought that MANIA's ask symbolizes open doors that are open-ended--the queer poly happily ever after is floated, and maybe it's answered and maybe it's not but i don't think any of those doors were closed, even by lockdown. i take the backwards-looking in SMFS as a way of acknowledging what's gone past and is no longer possible: having their whole lives being entwined together, maybe even raising a family together instead of with the lovely women they've chosen and built something beautiful with, not letting the fear of being found out determine the unhealthy shape their relationship took for the first 15-odd years of its course. i find this deeply relatable as a mid-30s bisexual, honestly, whose life could have looked really different in some really joyful ways if the culture had been more hospitable and open to queerness when i was growing up, but who also doesn't regret or want to change what i have now.
SMFS doesn't feel like a frantic too-lateness to me, it doesn't feel young; it feels plain and true, like, well, it is too late for some things, but that might not have worked out anyway, and as it stands we're everything to each other--patrick can't write songs without pete and pete feels like he's a painter who can't paint without fall out boy (the kerrang interview is giving me life, truly)--and it isn't so bad, having a soulmate, whether that manifestation is currently romantic or not. it's too late to change what's gone past but it's not too late for the entire future.
i've just never seen them so comfortable together and so matter-of-fact! like their closeness hasn't looked this easy since pete was making patrick squirm on vh1 by describing them as husbands nearly 20 years ago. i love the way no one's rushing to disguise or define or defend anything, they're just sitting there plainly like, this dude is everything to me, and it frankly is so beautiful and refreshing after the no-homo panic that characterized the early aughts.
i love your headcanon and it gave me all these lovely chewy thoughts! god i can't wait to see the fic that comes out of this. thank you darling!
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
The 'this fandom is undefeated and Tim owes us all royalties' reaction dump:
I'm not kidding the way this fandom can sus out what they do and the amount of times they pull from us...Tim have your people reach out for a place to send my check 🥰
This, much like every week during football season is going to be a literal mess as I divide my attention once again. I feel like the Burnie meme, tbh - but it's not my fault the Chiefs play tonight and like its RAIDERS WEEK so what am I supposed to do here?
((pretend I have a modicum of an attention span))
Also: quick predictions to get out of my head:
The bike scene is going to end on a cliffy - we won't actually know if Buck gets squished until next week [if true sedate me fam]
Hen is going to be doing a lot of work to try and set up retaking her exam and/or pushing on to next year with the added caveat that she has to retake the course she failed. Can she do this? No idea, I do corporate/adminy things so...
We get a Hen/Denny moment
The lie Eddie catches Denny in is going to be relatively tame - I'm thinking like lying to miss school because of an assignment he forgot or he broke something relatively expensive and doesn't want his dad to panic.
Alternatively he lies to protect his dad - like he gets in trouble at school because someone makes a bad comment that relates to his dad (racist, possibly homophobic if they make inference about Buck being involved...) and lies about either his involvement or what it was really over. Or even if he's being bullied and doesn't want his dad to get upset like with Ana.
Eddie and Hen/Karen/Both bonding over parenting; or even bonding with Bobby and Athena over parenting
Low key I'm about to go back to streaming on Hulu if only to stop seeing Derek Schmidt's ugly, lying, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic ass face on my TV
The ranger narrating is kinda funny, kinda creepy ngl
I REFUSE to believe that is possible I mean - the CGI on that vaulting back over ???? Babes. Baaaaaaaaaabes.
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Captain Hen again ahhhh ♥♥♥
Pls don't lose another one pls pls pls
Bro you can't hit on her right now oh my godddd 🤣 It's giving B99 'Number 5 killed my brother' vibes lmao
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no no nanny buck could be good
Actually please someone fic that
Skipping science club? The kid who loves science? uh oh
Karen snitched so fast, I love her
Bobby knowing she needs to recharge but knowing she'll never take it willingly
"Just say no" - oh that's gonna be a recurring theme I can feel it
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Ok they're adorable
Mr. Fixer is gonna want to do whatever he can regardless of how it actually affect him, isn't he?
Eddie is two seconds from panicking over his kid growing up naturally he needs to deflect to a despondent Buck and boy does his husband need a hug rn
Also can we talk about how easily he believed that Chris would go to Buck over him i mean they're so relationship shaped ?????
Well, this is the drunk driver call and we know that later Buck is fine at Hen's house - so unless that was a dream--
--also that fucking bone out of his face I'm gonna vomit--
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The song choice oh my god yesssss
Chim put your belt on you are making me so freaking nervous
Buck, babe I can't believe that worked either
"straight to jail"
Kick of timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
look at my lil Bobby Witt jr banging the drum 🥰
It's been :45 seconds and there's already a flag for a chop block. I have a feeling this is going to be a looooong game
If we don't get Buck reflecting on almost getting creamed by the car I'm going to be very upset. Which, isn't unusual for this show but still.
Eddie and his dad having a productive conversation? That is self deprecating in the right ways?!!!!!??!?!?!? IN THIS ECONOMY ?
with words of WISDOM TOO
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Why are Buck's arms so biiiiiiiiig in that shirt I mean
Bro, does he ever 💀
he's giving Buck a sweet out, and honestly I'm glad they circled back because yea it was an odd way to ask him to father their child but at the same time having someone from his past call him a good person? That has so, so much weight!!
Buck always talks about his upgrades but he forgets he was always a good person. It isn't like he just started being a good guy with Abby, but a lot of the time I feel like the character does think that, when in reality there were small things about himself he had to refine (thank you Dr. Copeland) but none of those made him inherently bad. It speaks to his self esteem issues and idk if they're going to really give enough attention to how weighty that should have been for Buck.
Ok this next call is going to be so rough for me idk if I can watch this
Yall it was like 4th and 3 on the opposite 30 and you Adams torch you for a TD ???
At first I wasn't too sure about the new dispatcher (I blame Jonah) but I wonder if he's going to fill May's role while we get to watch her explore college life. Honestly I'd love that for them
God this must be so hard for Maddie to listen too
ooooooooooohhhh the Hen/Buck scene is coming yessss
Is that a little Lizzo I hear okay, alright I see you
What a way to break into that lmao
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"Donor not dad" 😔😭
Patty pls keep feeding Kelce
I'm gonna need yall to drop all the happy Dad!Buck fics ASAP pls and thank you
I really need a Buck-Eddie convo stat like I'm not asking Tim
The obvious PI goes uncalled, shocker
Wait the dog was THIS episode
Buck passed out at her table
"Are you two drunk?"
If by protective custody you mean the firehouse, I approve
"You did math in your HEAD..."
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Oh no the Diaz boys are fighting no I don't like this
Honestly big props to Eddie for realizing the conversation was veering into unproductive territory and realizing he needed to take a step back and regroup before getting on the same level as Christopher by sitting in front of him to continue the discussion. Also meeting in the middle and compromising instead of just punishing, and understanding what Chris needed in that moment versus what Eddie was taught growing up.
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Hey Chiefs defense I'm gonna need yall to get a stop here please and thank you
If we don't get a Buck-Eddie or a Buck-Maddie scene talking over this sperm donor dilemma I'm going to have to do a fix it fic, I stg
A practical exam ??? Ooooooooohhhhhh shit. Is this going to be going on while she's saving Karen and Denny at the lab? It is, isn't it.
Please don't, please let her fucking nail this
He's going to do it, isn't he? And it's gonna hit a road block with the Daniel stuff, isn't it?
If not I want this to parlay into Buck having an awakening of wanting a fam and Eddie pointing out he has a fam and like maybe a husband already idk
JFC The Chiefs are playing like their 2009 selves tonight and this is not the vibe
Anyway now I gotta go make a fucking fix it because we got no maddie or eddie insight and like, those are two of the most important people in his life and I refuse to believe he didn't talk to them about what was going on in his head at that time
10/10 loved it tho, so ya know. This season has been phenomenal so far ahhhhhhhhhhhh
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newtcallsmetommy · 4 years
Heeey, here is my little wall of text I warned you about. 😅
Maybe if it's a bit to long I'm sorry and you don't have to answer if you don't want to but I think you deserve to know how much and what I like about your story already after one chapter. 💕
First of all I just noticed I already read a one shot of yours about the 2 am confession and I totally fangirled about it. God it was so cute. *o*
Well back to what I was meant to write: I love your writing style, the way you describe things, people or places, I could easily picture them myself (and I'm normally not creative so it has to mean something 😁) and your choice of words makes it easy to read. :)
About the story: I literally love everything about it. Every little detail. The way the gladers are sitting together and chatting, how you gave them all a little moment of appreciation. (Fry with the kitchen, Gally with the meeting hall or how Minho and Thomas are still runners or here explorers)
You even thought about the time they needed to get used to Gally again what matches so well with the movies.
The thought about Thomas having a "bad time" evertime he thinks about Newt broke my heart 💔😢
Minho is still a leader! *o*
Why did I had to think about "be careful, don't die" when I read the "look out for yourselves and the others, guys"? Was it intended or just me? 👀
I like how organized they are in moments of danger ^^
I love Lucy already *o*
First thing you hear from her is that she is insulting her boat and giving it a death glare 😂 and Jorge must be reminded of Brenda when he heard her 🤣
"angry eyebrows, dead set on protecting his home, tall, so Gally?" I'm laughing so damn hard. It's just perfect 😂
"Harriet lacing her fingers with Sonya's." 😍 (Whitch reminds me. In the movies there wasn't mentioned, Sonya and Newt being siblings. But I hope we get a Sibling moment and maybe a sweet mention from Newt about Sonya having a girlfriend 😱)
I love light Grey-blue eyes p.p
And the fact she "knows" them all?! Newt told her about them and she is happy to get to know them. Newt is trusting her and he is important to her. I know maybe I'm analyzing a bit to much but the thought makes me happy. ^~^
I'm curious about her backstory. 😯
The way she tries to explain the situation as considerate as possible makes her even more likeable.
"he is British, blond *hard fangirling*, got this limp *crying*, says 'bloody' a lot and rolls his eyes for a sport *dying bc of laughing*"
OMG I should really stop. I am SO sorry this got so long. I only wanted to write you how awesome you and your work are and now I wrote a novel about all my fav parts (which is half of the chapter 😥) I hope you read it anyways. :x But if you want me to not write that much just say it and I will never do it again bc if you DON'T maybe I WILL do it again next time 🤔🤭
I'm really excited for the next part. 💕
(and btw. you wrote English is not your native language, may I ask what/which language is?... Funfact it isn't mine neither so sry if there are a few mistakes or things I did wrong :x)
I woke up to this and honestly this made the start into my day so much better. Like oh my gosh this is such a sweet and wonderful comment thank you so so so much!!! 💖
I'm so happy you like my oneshot! It was one of my first attempts at writing after a long time so when people like it that's always extra special to me 😊
My writing style being able to paint pictures of things for you is an incredible compliment thank you so much! One of my main focus areas is on descriptions of places and people so to hear that works well is just great 💕
Yes I wanted to show what the Gladers are up to so I'm glad I seem to have succeded in giving them all their little moments! And trust me, writing about Thomas having a bad time broke my heart too 💔 But he will get more happiness back eventually, don't worry ☀️
Also omg I literally didn't realize but that sentence really has a similar vibe to "be careful, don't die." 👀 Thank you for pointing that out! I like putting little parallels to the movie/book into my writing occasionally so that you got the same vibe from that even if I didn't intend for it is amazing! 😄
I get such incredible joy everytime someone says they like Lucy! I put a lot of work into her and her story that we will see along the way. And yes lol she has some Brenda vibes, Jorge is probably already mentally adopting her 😄😂
I have one somewhat emotional moment written with Sonya, Harriet and Newt. I might sneak in one more scene with Sonya and Newt interacting like siblings (since I sadly won't give them back their memories in this)
And yes Newt does trust Lucy and he is incredibly important to her! You analyzed that completely correctly. And I'm happy you're interested in her backstory! We will get to know more about it as we go along and at one point it will become Important because I have something special planned for her but that's all the info I will give for now 🤗
And gosh you writing about your favourite parts of my fic honestly makes me so so incredibly happy you're more then welcome to do that whenever you feel like it 💖 Like genuinely thank you so much! 😊💕
My native language is German! And don't worry, your English is really good and I understood everything you wanted to say 😊
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qqueenofhades · 6 years
I was (?) a Lyatt shipper who loved Flynn since S1 bc I love a good bad boy. I've been sympathetic to him since the 70s (ha!) when we found out about his wife and kid being murdered. So I found your blog and was loving all the Flynn stuff but I wasn't into Garcy. Thought "ew"--isn't he more like cool young uncle material for her? Fast forward to today and I have read every Garcy ff you have written and have fallen completely into the trash can. I know you prob hear this a lot lately...(1)
(2) but I wanted to thank you so much for writing The Tangled Web of Fate. What a masterpiece! You make the storyline in the same tone as canon somehow. You really have Flynn’s emotions and voice down pat. So good. Makes me believe in Garcy. In fact, makes me want Jessica and Logan to figure out their crap and that way everyone can be happy bc at this point I don’t want Jessica to be unhappy or go away either. Anyway, I went from Garcy sounds gross to GIVE ME MORE. So thanks?
(3) sorry. I feel panicked that we are running out of time (unoriginal pun) and might only get 5 more episodes and Flynn won’t get the full character development and happy ending he deserves. If it were up to you, would you give him a redemption arc and a happy ending or would you keep him as garbage boss? Also, dude is a full head taller than the industrial fridge in the bunker and they need to find a couch he can be comfy in. He looks like a giant living in a tiny house. My poor baby.
Ahaha. This delights me to no end, ngl. My powers are groooowing. And you have given me a lot to talk about here, so thanks. :)
Honestly, the people insisting on reading Garcy as familial/platonic/theorizing that Flynn is somehow Lucy’s son/they’re otherwise related are… very confusing to me? To say the least. Though to be totally frank, it’s often clearly by people who have an agenda in discrediting Garcy as a viable alternative to Lyatt (which they… probably don’t need to do, I mean for better or worse, the writers have made their preference/narrative direction clear. Alas). I obviously have no problem with people shipping whatever they want in whatever way they do, but… yeah, Garcy’s vibe ain’t platonic or familial (and if for some wild reason they DID end up Magically Related, like Flynn was somehow Lucy’s long-lost brother from an alternate universe or whatever, I wouldn’t stop shipping it, or even writing smut for it. I’d be like, “well writers, you got yourself into this with this far-fetched and illogical forced plot twist that does not fit with anything that has been written or acted beforehand, so I’m going to just go for Time Traveling Flowers in the Attic. Ooops?”) I’ve had plenty of posts with the way Flynn looks at/acts around Lucy (just saying, if my uncle looked at me like that, I would make sure never to be alone with him at family events) and the way she’s started to look back at him. And Goran Visnjic has straight up said that Flynn is “infatuated” with Lucy and we’ve had a lot of teasing about “does Flynn have a thing for Lucy” re: 2x06 that makes me wonder if we’re going to get some kind of more explicit confirmation of the way he feels about her. Goran has also encouraged us to read between the lines, so people can want it to be just a friendship (because they prefer another romantic partner for Lucy, and again, that’s fine, whatever) but he’s consciously acting it as a pretty romantic fascination. So yes. We aren’t just making that up.
Also, just saying, we KNOW who Flynn’s mom is, she’s a named and identified character, she appeared in an episode, Rittenhouse was originally sending Rufus, Lucy, and Assassin Goon to kill her in 1x15 with the aim of erasing Flynn from history. So “Flynn is Lucy’s son” is just… did you guys not notice Maria Thompkins? Who was awesome and I love her? Besides, if Flynn was Lucy’s son, she wouldn’t NEED time travel to meet him, and we know the journal is connected to new time tech (traveling on your own timeline). He couldn’t be anything less than her grandson and that would still be ludicrously complicated, as it would require Lucy to have Maria at some point while traveling in the past, then… straight up abandon her, then go back to her own timeline, then wait for Flynn to grow up, then travel back to meet him…. etc. It’s a mess. We know Flynn’s parents’ names (Asher Flynn and Maria Thompkins); hell, we know more about his family than we do about Wyatt’s. Why is no one theorizing that Wyatt is secretly Flynn and Lucy’s son? (I kid, I kid. But still. It makes about as much sense, if not more, which is to say it doesn’t.)
Anyway yes, I always felt like that was a pretty transparent attempt to make Garcy a non-romantic option in order to remove it as a shipper threat, but that doesn’t mean people can’t ship it as a friendship/brotp. I’m just saying, however, that it has been (at least certainly on Flynn/Goran’s end) played as a romantic thing, even if latent and unspoken and complicated. (Also, he went really quickly for the “honey…” and “what my wife failed to mention” lines in 1x11 and 2x04, so even if Flynn won’t admit it, he instinctively sees Lucy in some way as his wife.) So yes. Making them related would be a COMPLETELY illogical stretch, but… if they did that, yeah, I’d probably still ship it. (Shrug emoji.) Because I would recognize that the council had made a decision, but given as it was a stupid-ass decision, would elect to ignore it. (Insert Nick Fury gif here.)
Next, I am obviously glad that you are enjoying my fic and it has converted you to one of us. I started writing the Wyatt/Jessica stuff before she arrived back on the show and am rather pleased with how nicely it fits. Wyatt in canon needs a serious reality check, which I am hoping he gets. I obviously forgave Flynn for being a total fuckup and hurting everyone, I am absolutely willing to do the same for Wyatt, but he needs to have the “well shit I’ve been a selfish ass and am going to substantively make up for it” moment first. I hope the big finale moment is him finally owning up to his dickish behavior and putting everyone else first and otherwise reversing course. Because yeah. I’m judging.
Lastly, I WORRY ALL THE TIME ABOUT US GETTING CANCELLED AFTER THIS SEASON BECAUSE IT WOULD BE A TRAVESTY. A TRAVESTY. The short season has always hurt us narratively, though of course it’s great to get it, but then to cut it off there with no more space at all… god. It gives me the shudders just to think about. And one of the reasons is yes, give me my full redeemed-antihero Garcia Flynn redemption arc. Goran has talked a lot about how we’re seeing more of his real nature this season, and just yes. We saw throughout season 1 that Flynn hated to do a lot of what he was doing, but he did it anyway in the larger purpose of bringing down Rittenhouse (and nobody has yet acknowledged that he was right all along about them…we need more conversations/authentic character moments, guys, NOT SOAPY RELATIONSHIP DRAMA. JUST SAYING). He never really WANTED to be a garbage disaster, but he loved his wife and daughter more, and he was dedicated to taking Rittenhouse down to the point that he thought he couldn’t return to them even if he did save them. So no, he was not a character who was just out there burning shit down for the fun of it (though he does enjoy it in some ways, because… he’s a disaster). But Flynn’s character file in canon has him fighting in a lot of small-scale liberation wars (Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosovo, etc) against occupying/oppressive regimes, and that’s basically what he’s doing with Rittenhouse. He is a good man with a very strong moral code, but also a very grey one. He has correctly identified the overall enemy and is dedicated to destroying them, but he won’t be the hero wringing his hands over it because “it’s not right” to use violence. Which the Time Team is leaning on themselves (they basically left Flynn in 1934 to be a hitman, so… no more judgey remarks about “he’s a killer” would be nice, guys. You know he is and you’re using that because you need it.)
So yes. Flynn doesn’t WANT to be a garbage disaster, so it would be cruel to keep him as one. He is sassy as hell, but he also seems happier working with the team than he ever really did alone (as Goran has also discussed). Again: MORE CONVERSATIONS!!! Did Flynn just see it as business in trying to take out the team before, since they were trying to stop him from taking down Rittenhouse, and now that they agree on who the threat is, he’s happy to work with them? Is Garcia “why do I even delegate” Flynn really trusting them (at least aside from Lucy, who he clearly does) to do what’s needed, or does he essentially think he still has to do it himself? DEVELOPMENT PLEASE!
I wanted Flynn to permanently join the team ever since 1x10 (as that episode threw me down the dumpster in SO many ways) so obviously, I want that to keep up. The 2x07 pic of him and Rufus clasping hands made me hella emotional (also: we still haven’t had a Flogan scene since Flynn arrived in 2x03 and Wyatt stormed out in a hissy fit…still judging for skipping the Messy Boys Trip in 2x05). I want him to be developed and integrated more into the team and made a part of them, because I’m a hopeless sucker for villain becomes weird family member and redeemed antihero and found family and enemies-to-lovers/enemies-to-friends. So yes. Please don’t screw it up, guys.
(Also yes. Yes, I noticed him being taller than the god damn fridge at the end of 2x05. He’s HUGE and it’s ridiculous.)
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secndlife · 3 years
ugh i hate hot weather too 😔 i used to love the summers but now i'm like.......plz get me away from here.
my phone survived mmf!!! it was great, i was sitting in a meeting (i work from home so cameras off) and just reading LOL it was so great 😭 also my irl friend texted me and was like, "oh i'm reading a rly long hoshi fic" and i was like 👀 "the one by secndlife????" so yeah, talk abt impact!!
i'm gonna work kinda backwards here: jeonghan cheol mingyu and soonyoung is such a fun combo omg! mingyu is def necessary to cook (OFD yeoseodo is proof), i think jeonghan and cheol would be very helpful lol and soonyoung would just be there for......moral support :D
ahhh got7!! you know what's funny, is i sort of had a falling out w them maybe the year before you? they lost me around turbulence or whatever that era was lol but i digress. are there any mingyu fics you specifically remember reading that sent you down the svt rabbit hole??
that's cool that you plan it out! i know some ppl hate planning bc they get bored if they know what happens at the end lol but i feel like if it were me, i'd be totally lost without some kind of idea of what would happen???
also jeonghan, yes! i've read several fics for him, and he always has that sort of mischievous vibe, but each time, he was definitely a different and distinct character which is rly great :) kind of related to that, when you write, do you try to keep the characters close to the members' irl personalities?
off the top of my head, one fic i rly enjoyed was one last time (for old time's sake) by tonicandjins i think? that one rly put me thru the ringer and made me hurt 😭 i love a good angst, something that makes me feel every emotion ever!! but i am also a sucker for cute fluffy scenes, but i think actually tend towards angst just bc i love the satisfaction of the resolution at the end (if there is one). it makes the story feel much more relatable and like the world isn't perfect and neither are we as humans 😌
my bias line changes a lot but rn it's cheol mingyu and hao ^^
omg totally spaced to sign off w 🍳 if it wasn't obvious hahahaha
omg no i was never a summer person and im from brazil ….. a fake brazilian ……. but now i live in poland and winters are also really bad so i guess i cant have anything !
PLS NOT YOUR IRL TEXTING YOU ABOUT MMF KAJSKSJDKDJD IM GONNA PASS OUT. someone one day sent me an ask telling me the story of how them and a classmate were both talking about mmf on a class assignment and i was like . mindblown . idk bro these things are just amazing to me and never fail to make my heart go WOOOOSSHHHH 💞💕💞💖💓💖💕💖
pls ofd mingyu is so funny i love him also he is literally a malewife !!!!! soonyoung …… cue to that gose where everyone was doing stuff and he was recording a spider mv . he goes for entertainment purposes !!!
for got7 jinyoung and i were married for almost 4 years !!! so i stanned them for a long time but so much shit was going down in 2019 and i was so tired so i was like nah bye !
AND EVERYTHING BY TONICANDJINS i read their whole masterlist so many times and one and two small petals was literally my entry ticket i was so obsessed with it + thinkin about you that it just threw me in too deep. and also passion (flower) which is from another author that one was like WOW!!!! and it’s still one of my favorite mingyu fics
and on that note one last time (for old time’s sake) HURT SO MUCH PLS WOW!!!!! i also used to be very much angst based like whatever i wrote needed to have some angst stuff otherwise i’d be like HM BUT ! IT DOESN’T HURT SO . but i think mmf made me shift towards that a bit. but yea i totally totally agree!!!
jeonghan urgh. it’s really amazing how he can be shaped into whatever you want him to be like a best friend a love interest an enemy etc SO VERSATILE !!! i love the idol persona he built honestly. and this relates to your question on characterization. i think that as they’re public figures we have some sense of who they are so i have a hard time characterizing them too differently from that like i can add certain depths according to what i want/need as we don’t know all of it but as there’s a general idea i feel like it’s not them if i step too far from it? not sure if it makes sense akjdksdjkdjf
about planning, im working on mmf 2 and i have all scenes outlined like lol like all 30 smt scenes . all roughly planned . but there were fics where i had a “loose” idea and then just went for it
AND GYUCHEOL PLSSSKHAKDKF THEY ARE EVERYTHING TO ME ESPECIALLY TOGETHER I LOVE THE FIRE SIGN DYNAMIC SO MUCHHHHHH i like to refer to them as the fire signs (derogatory) even tho i’m a fire sign myself. and hao is a scorpio men i hate those but he gets a pass !!!
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