crowshoots · 2 years
    @homra-no-artemis​ liked for a one - liner.
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    “ good god, you didn’t have to hit that hard; i said hi - ”
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stigmatvm · 2 years
[ tea ] for natsuo
[ TEA ]: sender prepares a mug of hot tea for the receiver.
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"You're a lifesaver." He sits up slowly from his reclined position on the couch, reaching up to take the mug and bring it close to his lips. The sniffles had descended upon him; a nightmarish combination of getting far too little sleep and going out far too much in the cold weather. In shorts. Because he was one of those guys.
Natsuo takes a long sip and lets it settle down in his throat, blearily listening to the clock on the wall tick along as they settle into a brief silence.
"I think I'm never gonna have a clear nose again."
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shoheiakagi · 11 months
ooooo I'll jump on the nana crossover idea! What are your thoughts about it?
Okay first, taste!!!!
And to be honest, I find Nana soooooooooo much better written than a lot of the popular animangas like naruto. I love how the female characters are fleshed out and have actual flaws, the relationship dynamics, the reality of how toxic some relationships can be, and the dialogue?? *chef’s kiss* Like seriously, the plot may not be adventurous or mysterious, but the characters are so interesting? And don’t get me started on the heartbreak!! Nana x Hachi is my overall favorite ship, but I do like Nana x Ren and I’m still not digesting that Nobu x Hachi breakup 😭😭😭😭
And again, I really love how flawed the female characters are! My problem with female characters in most animes, including the new anime out rn, is that a lot of female characters are very one dimensional. Like before it used to be the damsel in distress/love interest trope, and now its characters whose only trait is being a ‘badass’ yet they’re still getting their asses kicked in major fights and get saved by the male hero. So an anime like Nana, where the female characters are filled with depth AND are the main characters, is so refreshing, especially for someone who doesn’t really read shoujo that much either.
Like for example, a character like Nana is pretty popular in other medias cause theyre usually that tough, cold female character, with a secret heart of gold. The mysterious types who always have their guards up until the end and their character flaw tends to be “traumatized or grew up in a terrible environment so now she’s all introverted and snarky to most people” (like raven from teen titans and artemis from young justice. love them, but kinda tired of how most ppl think all well written female characters must be written like them). But what makes Nana unique for me is that she’s selfish, insecure, and controlling.
Same with hachi. Another character trope popular in manga. The sweet, naive girly girl who tends to be the one dimensional primary love interest/damsel in distress for the main hero (orihime from bleach and hinata from naruto). While Hachi is very naive and is prone to falling in love very quick (more like the idea of falling in love), I love how she isn’t written to be 100% all sweet and sugar and nice girl who’s saving herself for marriage with her one true love (that one guy she likes in high school). She’s shallow, self-centered, and emotionally dependent on her love interests, junko, and nana.
Bonus points to womanhood being a main theme here, especially with two female characters who are the opposites of each other in their personality, fashion, background, etc.
I love to think about one of the homra guys, maybe someone like chitose, gets everyone hooked on nana lol. Like he probably overheard a lot of his f*ck buddies and random girls on the streets keep talking about some nana show, so he looks it up and at first loses interest when he realizes its shoujo, but then gets a little curious and wants to know what the hype is (and he lowkey finds the girls hot). So he brings it up to the other guys when they’re all chilling in the bar one day and obviously a lot of them are like, “fuck no, we’re not watching that girly shit” but then totsuka gets interested and he manages to get everyone to sit around the tv and watch the show lol (except for anna since totsuka did some research and found out that there are implied sexual scenes and mature topics). At first, the guys are annoyed at being forced to watch the show (a good chunk of them glaring at Chitose for bringing the topic up), but then suddenly they’re all incredibly invested by like ep 3. A lot of the boys probably talk about which Nana is better or more of their type at first, but then they all probably start shipping the two Nanas and god damn just f*cking kiss her already!!! Not gonna lie tho, I do think some of them are gonna hate on Hachi for leaving Nobu :/ They’re definitely going to sympathize with Nobu, but I just know some of them (Chitose) are probably gonna be like ‘thats what happens when you’re a simp’ 🙄 Overall, I do think most of them will be extremely sad/depressed once they reach the end of the show, not realizing how much this show and its characters impacted them lol
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
Mains & Affiliates
Fandomless OC's
hmrtia aemiliiu necroethes strywoven / all muses sidecoins / all muses chimerameat / all muses saviata homra-no-artemis maljefe
biskael rojurose
thecrimsonmonster alchemic-elric galeleads flameleads
areapermostcapricious sgiathan shiroi---kumo theydefy / Rian (TDC), Roche (FF7) vestniik / viktor (LOL)
malxshrine primordyalsoul / rei ayanami
thefatalmarksman / Luxu & Xigbar valorxdrive / Sora
scarsify / deku kasouu / dabi
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yeonban · 2 years
Q:  What  color  character  are  you?
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A:  Purple  character.
 Purple  characters  are  strong  leaders  and  fierce  people  with  a  strong  moral  compass.  They  tend  to  be  lost  in  the  background,  occupied  by  characters  with  louder  personalities,  but  these  characters  are  dependable  and  wonderful  in  their  own  right.  They  are  poised  and  collected  and  can  remain  calm  under  pressure.  They  are  also  charismatic  and  supportive.  They  aren’t  likely  to  accept  half-assed  excuses,  but  they  are  still  compassionate.  In  addition  to  leading,  they  also  often  take  on  mentor  roles  with  the  people  that  they  lead.  People  like  following  them,  and  while  not  particularly  witty,  they  have  a  good  sense  of  humor  and  an  easy  nature  to  them  that  causes  others  to  enjoy  spending  time  with  them.
 They  can  vary  between  being  very  uptight  and  stern,  as  well  as  chill  and  lighthearted.  They  are  affectionate  towards  the  people  they  care  about,  but  they  can  come  across  as  intimidating  to  people  who  don’t  know  them.  They  usually  establish  themselves  as  generally  friendly,  but  people  know  not  to  seriously  upset  or  cross  them.  Although  they  are  great  and  well-rounded  people,  they  can  become  unsure  of  themselves  if  their  leadership  fails  in  any  aspect.  While  they  are  patient,  they  can  also  become  quite  frustrated  by  people  not  understanding  their  perspective.  They  aren’t  necessarily  inflammatory,  but  often  prefer  fighting  first  and  conversing  later.  They  can  jump  to  conclusions  and  stick  to  decisions  that  the  people  around  them  don’t  like  following,  in  order  to  not  be  seen  as  pushovers  or  indecisive.  
 Purple  characters  need  people  in  their  life  who  allow  them  not  to  lead  and  to  just  join  in  the  fun  like  everyone  else,  while  also  reassuring  them  that  they  are  an  important  part  of  whatever  group  or  organization  they  have  found  themselves in.
Tagged  by:  @perceptualephemera​​  Thank  u!! Tagging:  @shinanai​​,  @zorkaya​​,  @planetarii​​,  @chiheru​​,  @homra-no-artemis​​,  @snowtombedstar​​,  @sewn-with-gold​​,  @yuanwang​​  &  whoever  else  wants  to  do  this!
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bcdluckstumblcd · 2 years
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@homra-no-artemis​ asked:  "did you hurt yourself?"
𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 || accepting   ​
   He’s jumping up, brushing himself off quickly. Jin was holding down the fort until the other’s got back from wherever they were. {Dabi doesn’t usually say where he heads to, Toga was definitely out getting food but the others, he wasn’t sure.}. He’d expected maybe one of them to come through the door, but seeing Hiko come through had hit him with such surprise that’d he’d, quite literally, leapt up from his seat to rush over to her. 
     And, in his shock, he’d collided right with the small busted table, stumbling and falling over {maybe if he’d just laid there for a minute, he could’ve just drowned in his embarrassment}
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     “’’Me?! How’re YOU?” He’s standing back up and at her side, leaning in just a bit to meet her eyes. WAS he hurt? Nothing more than the lingering, minor, pain in his knee and shin, but that would fade quickly.  “I’m the last one you need ta’ be worrying about. What about you! Are you- your face.” He wants to reach out, and he ALMOST does but his hand is shaking when he does and the man decides not to.
     “You’ve been gone forever! We really missed you. Hope you enjoyed your little vacation. I wish I could’ve-” Twice trails off, switching from not being able to shut up to suddenly being at a loss for words. {but the shake in his voice catches him off guard, just like the way he’s suddenly remembering everything that happened, to Hiko and to Magne and Compress}.
     “You should sit down. Everyone had stuff to do but they should be back soon.”
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ofovertime · 3 years
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               “I had thought I made myself clear.” 
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muriokusho · 3 years
hey hey hey do a hey for the six eyes since we know now he sees like a thermogram w them. do diff people's cursed energy have diff colors? what colors are people's energies, if so?
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Gojo can see who, where, and what with his eyes! He can see the difference between a civilian, a curse, a jujutsu sorcerer and whatever Choso is.
He can see the different cursed energies residing within a jujutsu sorcerer and knows who that person is as well as the difference between curses! And then of course he can also see where a person is and what they are doing no matter how far they are.
So if Gojo is wearing his blindfold he can sense who the jujutsu sorcerer is in front of him because of their cursed energy. tbh he wears the blindfold because his eyes tire out really fast because this ability.
I don’t think they have colours except red = hot and blue = cold but cursed energy is like a finger print, unique to every person so there’s no way he can mistake who he is looking at.
Pretty much like professor X from the Xmen with Cerebro.
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getsuruito · 3 years
pours him some tea because it's been a while
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           "I never would have guessed you were this good at brewing tea. I figured you knew your stuff but this? This is next-level marvelous!" Tanba almost gulps down the contents of his cup in one go, before adding, "It's almost as good as the tea I brewed for us a long while back." Ah, so many months had passed since then, so many changes had transpired, so many struggles endured-- for Tanba anyway, though he was sure that Takehiko, too, had dealt with much. "But on the note of, 'it's been a long while', it's good to know you've stayed alive all this time, and that you're doing okay." Tanba smiles wide and nods his head at Takehiko, toasting to them with his cup, "I think the world I'll one day create will be a lot better with someone like you still kicking around, so cheers to you and your continued living, my friend! Cheers to the great tea, too!"
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illusionage · 3 years
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sorceriii · 4 years
@homra-no-artemis​ | Starter! [JJK!Diluc]
         “So, will it be wine or juice?” Another night at the bar, another day dealing with customers. Especially after a long night of hunting spirits, this was the last place he wanted to be, only to pause and look at her- huh. This one was new. Might as well strike up conversation and give any information she needed... all anyone came for these days: a good time, drinks, and information he could give them when he was there.
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    “You’re new,” A yawn, “Wo kommst du her?”
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crowshoots · 2 years
     @homra-no-artemis​ said — he's a ten but his taste is a zero??
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stigmatvm · 2 years
What color is your aura?
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blooming flowers, butterflies, sunsets, text messages, hair dye, auroras, neon lights. your essence is orchid: you are the brightest smile and strongest heart. you inspire those around you; unconsciously, you exist for their purpose, not your own. continue to seek the limelight though do not lie just for their applause. you are the host. you are the performer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of lavender, amethyst, pink, and purple, who share your boldness. you are also drawn to the practical wine and chiffon, who will help you grow and let you take things one step at a time. however, you may struggle to get along with the analytical personalities of chartreuse and honey who don't get swept up in your ambitions.
tagged by: @homra-no-artemis
tagging: if you see this post you must steal it from me
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kachigaru · 3 years
@homra-no-artemis​ || starter !!
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       He stops in the middle of the road on their way back from a mission, giving Takehiko a look of confusion after peeking up from his phone. As far as he had been told from Yaga, everything had been taken care of and finished. If that was the case, then why was he being sent a text to remain where they were? Why remain in what was... almost the middle of nowhere? There were some convenient stores nearby after they had walked a bit away from the previous site, but... what did Yaga mean by ‘stay where you are’? 
       “Takehiko-san, um, Yaga-sensei just texted me,” he begins, racing to her side and showing her the message. “Do you know what that means? Do you think... Do you think we’re going to get to stay here? Or what if something happened?” 
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greatersgood · 4 years
@homra-no-artemis​ : “ you can’t blame yourself. “
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concerned sentence prompts.
you can’t blame yourself — so gentle and simple in its notion, as if it was easy. if he were anyone different, perhaps it would have warranted a stoic, humourless laugh. if he were in another situation, he would have waved it off in dismissal and pondered it in the late night by himself, where his isolation accompanied his darkened thoughts like sugar does tea. instead, in the current, all he could manage was a downtrodden–gaze at his own hands, and to swallow back the nausea that began to bubble at the pit of his stomach. were they shaking like that before? “ but people got hurt . . . because of me. “ the words felt as if they had wrapped themselves around his throat, and he was wondering if the draught felt tighter now that the vocalisation drifted through the air. " it always comes back to me. “
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yeonban · 2 years
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Send in 💗 for me to use a love meter to check the compatibility of our muses.
@homra-no-artemis​ asked:  takehiko 💗 tomo :')
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       ❛   Ah  !   ❜   And  a  blush  creeps  on  the  youth’s  features  at  the  result,  gaze  shifting  shyly  towards  the  ground;  fingers  fidgeting  with  his  sleeves.   ❛   Um,  while  I’m  glad  to  hear  that  we’re  f-flawless  together...  I  think  Susumu-san  would  be  happier  with  someone...  less  dull  than  myself.  I  mean  !  I  don’t  think  I’m  terrible  or  anything,  but  Susumu-san  is  just...  really  bright,       ---  there  are  plenty  of  people  that  are  stronger,  or  smarter,  or  more  interesting  than  me  in  the  jujutsu  world,  and  there  must  be  even  more  outside  of  it...  so  surely,  there  must  be  someone  out  there  who  could  make  her  happier  than  a  guy  like  me  ever  could,  right  ?   ❜ 
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