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zetetickhousing · 1 year ago
A Speaker For Your Event – Passionate Charity CEO Jonathan Spencer CEO Jonathan Spencer: A Speaker for your event. A Voice for Change and Empowerment in Your Community Are you looking for a speaker for your event who can not only captivate your audience but also shed light on an incredibly important cause? Jonathan Spencer, the CEO of Zetetick Housing, is your answer. With a rich background in advocating for the rights and well-being of individuals with learning disabilities, autism, and additional needs, Jonathan brings a unique blend of passion, knowledge, and engaging storytelling to every event. Experience and Expertise: Jonathan Spencer is
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zetetickhousing · 1 year ago
Adult safeguarding | the importance of safeguarding to Zetetick What is Safeguarding Adults Week? Safeguarding Adults Week, organised by the Ann Craft Trust, takes place every November with the aim of highlighting key adult safeguarding issues and raising awareness of safeguarding best practice. Zetetick is 100% committed to the safeguarding of our tenants with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and/or autism who have a wide range of care needs. What is best practice for adult safeguarding? Safeguarding is the action taken to promote the welfare of vulnerable people of all ages and protect them from harm. "We are 100% committed to the
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zetetickhousing · 1 year ago
A Speaker For Your Event – Passionate Charity CEO Jonathan Spencer CEO Jonathan Spencer: A Speaker for your event. A Voice for Change and Empowerment in Your Community Are you looking for a speaker for your event who can not only captivate your audience but also shed light on an incredibly important cause? Jonathan Spencer, the CEO of Zetetick Housing, is your answer. With a rich background in advocating for the rights and well-being of individuals with learning disabilities, autism, and additional needs, Jonathan brings a unique blend of passion, knowledge, and engaging storytelling to every event. Experience and Expertise: Jonathan Spencer is
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zetetickhousing · 1 year ago
Zetetick Housing – a stable and ethical charity in a poorly regulated sector #UKHousing The supported housing sector - in which Zetetick Housing operates - offers accommodation to a range of vulnerable people, such as those who find themselves homeless, ex-offenders or individuals with a learning disability, and has been under the spotlight for some time. In a number of recent government reports, specific concerns have been  raised about the exempt accommodation system - a sub-sector of supported housing. The Charity Commission have also recently warned charities offering lease-based supported accommodation that they must be “more aware” of
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zetetickhousing · 1 year ago
Supported living tenant shares his artwork | Zetetick Housing Charity Supported living tenant spotlight - meet Nathan Zetetick Housing Charity's mission is to provide supported living tenants with homes that facilitate their well-being and promote creativity. Nathan is a shining example of the amazing things independent living can do for a person with learning disabilities and/or autism. "I am comfortable and happy with the environment I am living in right now. It allows me to be a creative person." -Nathan, Zetetick tenant We are thrilled to introduce Nathan - a talented Concept Artist, Character Designer and Illustrator, and a Zetetick
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zetetickhousing · 1 year ago
The benefits of a corporate let with our housing charity The benefits of a corporate let with Zetetick A corporate let with a reputable organisation like Zetetick reassures landlords that their investment is in very safe hands while supporting people with learning disabilities to live independently and happily in quality homes. If you have a property to let and are interested in partnering with us for a guaranteed income, please email [email protected]. Many corporate lets with large multinational organisations have short-term tenancies frequently with multiple occupants. At Zetetick we provide a constant, long-term let needed to provide a
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zetetickhousing · 1 year ago
Supported living feedback | A spook-tacular success in South East England A fang-tastically themed supported living feedback event for Zetetick tenants Last Thursday, staff, supported living tenants and their care providers gathered at Hove Methodist Church Hall to celebrate our family at Zetetick Housing Charity and learn more about our tenants' needs. We were absolutely thrilled by the number of guests who flew in on their brooms dressed in their favourite fancy dress for the occasion! As part of our dedication to our BEDROCK values, we wanted to host an event that brought our learning disabled and/or autistic community together. It was a
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zetetickhousing · 1 year ago
Zetetick Values – 7 Outstanding Values for Life Zetetick Values for Life - The Bedrock of our Housing Charity Zetetick takes pride in acknowledging the importance in providing choice and inclusion for people with learning disabilities. Zetetick values focus on the individual's specific requirements, a person-centred approach, as individuals we are all different. Zetetick values may be seen below, highlighting the impact of them being the BEDROCK and foundation of this housing  charities beliefs. Belonging: We believe wholeheartedly in inclusion, that everyone has the right to live independently and get the support they need. To find out what
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zetetickhousing · 1 year ago
Radical kindness | Give to charity | 5 free ways to help Give to local charity – Sharing our cause – the extraordinary effects of radical kindness Imagine a society where kindness is core. Kindness is the key to recognising others and ourselves, as worthy of love and understanding. With practice, we learn to see with our hearts and act from a place of compassion. By practicing radical kindness – toward ourselves, with loved ones and to the world at large – we can transform ourselves, our community and our world for the better.  This is the opposite to the selfish rush of society which has become disconnected and distracted. Annual World
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zetetickhousing · 1 year ago
Supported living choices | Zetetick’s 15 year mission Zetetick's mission | Real control in supported living choices This year marks Zetetick's 15th birthday. Zetetick Housing Ltd was incorporated on 5th February 2007, so it's a good time to look at why our charity was set up and what our mission was and continues to be. Most of us take for granted that we can, within our budgets, make choices about where we live. Zetetick Housing was set up by our current CEO, Gary Scott, to increase the number of housing options open to people with a learning disability, and to ensure that they did not have to be held within semi-secure hospitals because of lack
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zetetickhousing · 2 years ago
Autism Awareness | removing barriers and thriving Autism Awareness - What exactly is Autism? According to the National Autistic Society, autism is 'a lifelong developmental disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world.'  It is considered a spectrum condition because it's different for every autistic person and affects each individual differently – some autistic people might need more support than others to live the lives they want to lead. The way autism affects you can change as you grow and develop, and experience different environments. Autistic people may share the following difficulties: Social
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zetetickhousing · 2 years ago
House tips | 5 ways to create a super cosy home Easy house tips | cosy up to Zetetick to make your home a haven this season The summer is well and truly behind us now but there’s still plenty to look forward to as the cooler and most colourful season of the year approaches. As well as heading outdoors to enjoy nature at this time of year, creating a cosy home is another great way to embrace the season. Prioritising comfort and warmth will mean your living spaces will be welcoming, relaxing and reflective of the season. Zetetick believes that, especially for our tenants, home should be a haven where you can be yourself and recharge. Here are some
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zetetickhousing · 2 years ago
Supported living for adults | 2 is better than 1 Supported living for adults Zetetick Housing Charity specialises in providing quality housing for supported living so that people who have been marginalised by society can live as valued members of their community. Particularly vulnerable adults such as those living with a disability, autism or learning difficulty may require our offer of supported living. Our mission is to empower our tenants by providing them with a home not a house, where they feel comfortable doing what they enjoy and retain their independence, ensuring they live life to the fullest! Often the terms ‘home’ and ‘house’ are
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