I Am Your Entle Now.
134K posts
☆☆WRITING PROMPTS ARE CLOSED. I AM NOT TAKING ANY MORE!!.☆☆Sorry I don't make the rules. You're adopted kiddo. I'm trying out a new name because I'm not so sure 'Em' fits right anymore, so please call me Rory for the time being. |They/Them|INFP] COMMISSION STATUS: Closed ^^; check out my wonderful qpp Tori @typical-art !!!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
romanticizing mental illness is dangerous and misleading
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
fuck summer i want it to be dark and misty and frigid and october
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
good non gendered words to say instead of dude to someone who doesnt want to be called a dude
*australian voice* mate
*cowboy voice* partner
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
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Picture by Jeff Lee Johnson, the longer you look the weirder it gets
The writing in the journal:
“have to think he less strange than the horrifying creature that seems to have inhabited the cabinet behind the counter. All tentacles and teeth…"
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
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The more you look, the creepier it gets
This creepy artwork is by Jeff Lee Johnson
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
i’m just saying, when i die in mysterious and unexplained circumstances i want you all to make sure that everybody knows it. instead of saying how i was “a friend to everyone” and that i “lit up a room” when i entered it i want people to shake their heads while muttering that i “asked too many questions for my own good” and talk about how they ��warned me that i was getting in way over my head” and that i “always had a knack for finding trouble” wherever i went. if you don’t make me a local urban legend you’ve failed me.
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
honestly the concept of doppelgangers is scary but if i saw myself i probably wouldn’t be that terrified. like i know she can’t run for more than 3 minutes straight. i know she can’t do basic maths. she’s not going to do anything. she doesn’t even know what day it is
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
Rory ily
ilu2 sweetpea! 
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
women hold up half the sky
nonbinary ppl hold up the other half
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
i would survive a horror movie
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
I make small houses I can tear down so I can just run around the world with my house in my inventory. 
why you should build a treehouse in minecraft
they’re cool
they keep the monsters out
you can build them on jungle trees out of pretty jungle wood
they look fucking epic
good view
they’re cool
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
they’ve gotta pass the time somehow right
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
I'm starting public school next year and for some reason that post about things you can get away with at high school made me a lot less nervous!
I’m?? Glad?? I never thought being a degenerate would bring solace to someone but the world works in mysterious ways I guess!
And one thing that was too specific for the post just for you: If you draw on the school walls with chalk and get caught they will still try to charge you with vandalism. So, bring masks. 
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
Reblog if you support squishy bellies, have a squishy belly, or have the desire to summon satan
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
things that made me stop wanting to die that require no effort whatsoever
change the color used to highlight text on your laptop
move the pictures on your wall
stack whatever clutter is in your room into piles even if you don’t have time to clean it all
slightly vary your commute, even just by one street
change where you sit and scroll aimlessly on your phone even if it’s only to the chair in your room instead of your bed
drink water or juice out of a wine glass in the morning because nothing is real
shower with the lights off, without music
buy $3 flowers at trader joe’s—they look bad next to the more expensive ones but they look so good in your room
start typing things you don’t post into your notes. your thoughts can be worth documenting even if you don’t deem them worth sharing
wake up super early just once. you don’t have to make it a habit it’s just extra satisfying to go to bed that night
listen to the entirety of your favorite album from 2015
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em-be-lievable · 6 years ago
Ik a lot of people who follow me write fics so here is some Bad Kid™ add ons: 
My school was two within a close proximity to each other. One focused all funding on sports, the other all on arts. So, understandably, our sports teams were underfunded and got their butts kicked in every game but our theater productions were way better. 
We had this thing called ‘one lunch’ where everyone was on lunch for an hour (including teachers and staff.) This is when clubs met.
Because teachers were gone at certain times to be on lunch, this was a prime time to mess with/prank their rooms. 
We had a film club. And because me, and my friends were a part of said film club (and class) it wasn’t unusual to see us out of class with cameras. I skipped a lot of classes this way. 
There is a sign in/out lady with her own glass window (like at a movie theater) who takes note of when kids come in late or leave early. If you make friends with her early on, you can say you “forgot” to sign in, and she’ll let it slide for around 3 times a month. 
The bleachers around the outdoor sports area (like a big track field) were big, stayed up all year, and were a no-mans land of teacher authority. Kids smoked weed there, and would beat each other up. 
There are cameras around every corner of the school on the outside, and if you get a heavy rock and throw it just right, you can skew where they’re facing. Just make sure you don’t use too big of a rock or else you’ll break it and there’ll be a whole witch hunt for the culprit. 
There are “hall monitors” but they are middle aged ladies with mom hair and pissing them off by going/sitting where you’re supposed to is a common favored passtime. 
There was a “no backpack” rule at my school. You could have draw string bags, but not a backpack. There is no such rule for dufflebags, briefcases, guitar cases, or suit cases though. Bringing one of those will inevitably land you in the admin office with a lot of frustrated staff enduring your “but it’s not a backpack” defense.  
Assemblies happened in the gym at my school, and teachers blocked the doorways out, and certain bathrooms to make sure you went. They did NOT, however, block the gym storage room, or any of the choir rehearsal rooms. If you go in there, wait a bit until everyone’s filed in, and then make the grand escape out of an obscure exit, no one will be the wiser. 
If you find an enthusiastic teacher, befriend them/show them your proficiency in their subject, you can cut the amount of homework you have to do down by 25% by just,,,not doing it. (Seriously. I don’t think I turned in a single journalism project but I took it for two terms and got a B)
Having a ‘partner in crime’ also doing bad things makes it harder for teachers and staff to punish you.
Lighting a trashcan on fire (out of view from INDOOR cameras) is the best last-ditch effort to get out of school in the confusion. This should only be done in case of an emergency, though. 
About once a month the school will be on lockdown for about a half hour in second block so a dog can sniff through the school and school parking lot looking for drugs. You will never see the drug dog as it doesn’t come *in* to classes or the cafeteria where study-hall is held. The drug dog may or may not exist. 
You do not have to do drugs to be labeled as a bad kid. In fact, it’s more bizarre and unsettling to others if you don’t.
There is no limit to the amount of study halls you can take if you’ve got all your credits for that year. If you put them all in at morning you can sleep in and use your friendship with the sign-in lady to get by. 
Using your locker is optional, and can be forgone all together if someone unsavory is looking for you. 
There is a campus cop, and he will not appreciate it when you refer to him on a first-name basis. 
It’s surprisingly easy to sneak animals in, if you put them in a box and cover it with construction paper or insist that it’s for a school project. 
and that’s all I can think of atm. Have fun writing your angsty Punk au/Virgil fics.
Writing in American High School.
I spent a good five minutes hashing out block schedules, classes, funding, and logistics before I decided to list some of the quirkier facets of American high school. If you aren’t sure whether or not it’s just on TV, I can help out!
Presenting...a list of things that Actually Do Happen in American High School! (despite all functional reasoning)
Buses will arrive as early as an hour and a half before school starts, and kids will walk to them in the dark.
In the morning, you don’t talk to your friends on the bus unless everyone’s okay with it. The morning bus is for sleeping, checking your phone, and eating breakfast.
Fire drills happen every month, and kids will just leave school and hang out at the nearest restaurant if they feel like it—drills where everyone goes outside is the perfect time to slip away.
Lockdown drills happen too, but more rarely. Some schools do ‘active shooter drills’ where they pay people to come in and traumatize kids. Some schools have announced that lockdowns aren’t drills when they are and had to round up all the kids who sprinted off campus.
Arts classes get no funding, so kids will sell anything from fruits to mattresses in an effort to get money to fix instruments and art supplies. Naturally, the kids who sell a lot are rewarded with cold hard cash.
Homecoming rallies—the school will gather all of their kids outside to celebrate. Each school does it different—our school had a boy’s cheerleading routine and a teacher/student wrestling match. The wrestling matches were canceled after a student broke a teacher’s arm.
The ‘juul room’ is real. Instead of bathrooms smelling like smoke, they smell like weird desserts and fruits. Don’t make eye contact with the juul kids. They’re probably younger than you but they’ll still beat you up.
Fights happen regularly. Most with fists, most over boys or girls. Kids bringing in scissors or other objects to fight with are not uncommon.
Not every school has had a shooting, but I can guarantee the majority has had a shooting threat or a gun found on campus. My school did have a shooting, a year after a threat. The threat was written on a pencil, but it still scared everyone.
Football is big. The quarterbacks aren’t idolized like in TV shows and neither are the cheerleaders, but every Friday night football game will be absolutely wild.
Cheating is normal. If the teacher isn’t looking, I can guarantee at least one kid is cheating on a quiz. Sharing homework assignment answers are even more common—kids are running on no sleep after all.
Vending machines in schools. Not super common, but we have three in our school that all open after school hours.
Most upperclassmen (age 16-18) drive to school and park in the parking lot once they get a car. There’s a giant line to get out.
If somebody starts clapping, everyone starts clapping.
Most kids in order to get into college will balance high school with sports, clubs, and volunteering. Some kids will take on part time jobs in order to support their families. Either way, you’re lucky if you have time to yourself at all on the weekdays (besides homework)
Senior skip day. No seniors in sight. They’re all at Wendy’s.
The Pledge of Allegiance is said every day. The farther south you go, the more glares you get if you don’t stand. Some schools will punish you (even though it’s technically illegal)
Antivax kids are at your school, believe it or not. Whooping cough almost had a heyday at my school, and I live in a well off area. Keep up with your shots, kids.
People will set fire to things. Trash cans especially. People will set fire to trash cans. Why? Chances are, they threw away a joint. People will also pull the fire alarm, if they really don’t want to go to class. It’s a crime, but they do it anyways.
Assemblies are an actual thing. They will take up at least an hour of your time.
Public high schools in populated areas can have as many as 3000 students.
Senior pranks are real. Dude, it’s so awesome. Look some up—they aren’t unrealistic. Every high school has a good story.
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