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pollonegro666 · 1 year ago
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2023/08/05 Al día siguiente fuimos de excursión en tren a una ciudad cercana. Pasamos a saludar a unas primas que tienen una tienda de ropa de hogar y a unos primos que estaban en el parque jugando.
The next day we went on a train excursion to a nearby city. We stopped by to say hello to some cousins who own a home clothing store and some cousins who were in the park playing.
Google Translation into French: Le lendemain, nous avons fait une excursion en train dans une ville voisine. Nous sommes passés dire bonjour à des cousins ​​​​qui possèdent un magasin de vêtements pour la maison et à des cousins ​​​​qui jouaient dans le parc.
Google translation into Italian: Il giorno successivo abbiamo fatto un'escursione in treno verso una città vicina. Siamo passati a salutare i cugini che possiedono un negozio di abbigliamento per la casa e i cugini che giocavano nel parco.
Google Translation into Portuguese: No dia seguinte fizemos uma excursão de trem para uma cidade próxima. Paramos para cumprimentar os primos donos de uma loja de roupas para casa e os primos que estavam brincando no parque.
Google Translation into German: Am nächsten Tag machten wir einen Zugausflug in eine nahegelegene Stadt. Wir kamen vorbei, um Cousins, die ein Bekleidungsgeschäft für zu Hause besitzen, und Cousins, die im Park spielten, Hallo zu sagen.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Të nesërmen shkuam në nj�� ekskursion treni në një qytet aty pranë. U ndalëm për t'u përshëndetur disa kushërinjve që kanë një dyqan veshjesh në shtëpi dhe disa kushërinjve që ishin në park duke luajtur.
Google Translation into Arabic: في اليوم التالي ذهبنا في رحلة بالقطار إلى مدينة قريبة. توقفنا لإلقاء التحية على بعض أبناء عمومتنا الذين يمتلكون متجرًا لبيع الملابس المنزلية وبعض أبناء عمومتنا الذين كانوا يلعبون في الحديقة.
Google Translation into Armenian: Հաջորդ օրը գնացինք էքսկուրսիա դեպի մոտակա քաղաք։ Մենք կանգ առանք՝ բարևելու որոշ զարմիկների, ովքեր տնային հագուստի խանութ ունեն, և որոշ զարմիկների, ովքեր այգում խաղում էին:
Google Translation into Bengali: পরের দিন আমরা কাছের একটি শহরে ট্রেন ভ্রমণে গেলাম। আমরা কিছু কাজিনকে হ্যালো বলার জন্য থামলাম যারা একটি বাড়ির পোশাকের দোকানের মালিক এবং কিছু কাজিন যারা পার্কে খেলছিল।
Google Translation into Bulgarian: На следващия ден отидохме на екскурзия с влак до близкия град. Спряхме да поздравим няколко братовчеди, които притежават магазин за домашни дрехи, и някои братовчеди, които си играеха в парка.
Google Translation into Czech: Druhý den jsme vyrazili na výlet vlakem do nedalekého města. Zastavili jsme se, abychom pozdravili některé bratrance, kteří vlastní obchod s domácím oblečením, a některé bratrance, kteří si hráli v parku.
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 第二天,我们乘火车游览了附近的一个城市。 我们停下来向一些拥有家居服装店的表兄弟和一些在公园玩耍的表兄弟打招呼。
Google Translation into Korean: 다음날 우리는 인근 도시로 기차 여행을 떠났습니다. 우리는 가정복 가게를 운영하는 사촌 몇 명과 공원에서 놀고 있는 사촌 몇 명에게 인사를 하기 위해 들렀습니다.
Google Translation into Croatian: Sutradan smo otišli na izlet vlakom u obližnji grad. Svratili smo pozdraviti neke rođake koji posjeduju trgovinu s odjećom i neke rođake koji su se igrali u parku.
Google Translation into Danish Dagen efter tog vi på togudflugt til en nærliggende by. Vi kom forbi for at sige hej til nogle fætre, der ejer en butik med hjemmetøj, og nogle kusiner, der var i parken og legede.
Google Translation into Slovak: Na druhý deň sme sa vybrali na výlet vlakom do neďalekého mesta. Zastavili sme sa, aby sme pozdravili niektorých bratrancov, ktorí vlastnia obchod s domácim oblečením, a niektorých bratrancov, ktorí sa hrali v parku.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Naslednji dan smo se odpravili na izlet z vlakom v bližnje mesto. Ustavili smo se, da bi pozdravili nekaj bratrancev, ki imajo trgovino z domačimi oblačili, in nekaj bratrancev, ki so se igrali v parku.
Google Translation into Estonian: Järgmisel päeval läksime rongiekskursioonile lähedalasuvasse linna. Astusime läbi, et öelda tere mõnele nõbule, kellel on koduriiete pood, ja mõnele nõbule, kes pargis mängisid.
Google Translation into Suomi: Seuraavana päivänä lähdimme junaretkelle läheiseen kaupunkiin. Pysähdyimme tervehtimään joitain serkkuja, jotka omistavat kodinvaatekaupan, ja joitain serkkuja, jotka olivat puistossa leikkimässä.
Google Translation into Georgian: მეორე დღეს მატარებლის ექსკურსიაზე წავედით ახლომდებარე ქალაქში. ჩვენ გავჩერდით, რომ მივესალმოთ ბიძაშვილებს, რომლებსაც აქვთ სახლის ტანსაცმლის მაღაზია და ზოგიერთ ბიძაშვილს, რომლებიც პარკში თამაშობდნენ.
Google Translation into Greek: Την επόμενη μέρα πήγαμε εκδρομή με τρένο σε μια κοντινή πόλη. Σταματήσαμε για να πούμε ένα γεια σε μερικά ξαδέρφια που έχουν ένα κατάστημα οικιακών ρούχων και μερικά ξαδέρφια που ήταν στο πάρκο και έπαιζαν.
Google Translation into Guarani: Ambue árape roho peteĩ excursión tren-pe peteĩ táva hi’aguĩvape. Ropyta romomaitei haĝua unos kuánto primo orekóva peteĩ tenda ao hogapegua ha unos kuánto primo oĩvape pe parque-pe oñembosarái jave.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: I kekahi lā aʻe, hele mākou i kahi huakaʻi kaʻaahi i kekahi kūlanakauhale kokoke. Ua kū mākou e aloha aku i kekahi mau hoahānau nona ka hale kūʻai lole home a me kekahi mau hoahānau i loko o ka paka e pāʻani ana.
Google Translation into Hebrew: למחרת יצאנו לטיול ברכבת לעיר סמוכה. עצרנו להגיד שלום לכמה בני דודים בעלי חנות לבגדים לבית ולכמה בני דודים שהיו בפארק ושיחקו.
Google Translation into Hindi: अगले दिन हम पास के शहर में ट्रेन से भ्रमण पर गये। हम कुछ चचेरे भाई-बहनों को नमस्ते कहने के लिए रुके, जिनकी घरेलू कपड़ों की दुकान थी और कुछ चचेरे भाई-बहन जो पार्क में खेल रहे थे।
Google Translation into Hungarian: Másnap vonatos kirándulásra indultunk egy közeli városba. Megálltunk, hogy köszöntsünk néhány unokatestvért, akiknek otthoni ruhaboltjuk van, és néhány unokatestvért, akik a parkban játszottak.
Google Translation into Indonesian: Keesokan harinya kami melakukan perjalanan kereta api ke kota terdekat. Kami mampir untuk menyapa beberapa sepupu yang memiliki toko pakaian rumah dan beberapa sepupu yang sedang bermain di taman.
Google Translation into Japanese: 翌日、私たちは近くの都市への電車の小旅行に行きました。 私たちは、家庭用衣料品店を経営しているいとこと何人か、公園で遊んでいたいとこと数人に挨拶するために立ち寄りました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Эртеси биз жакынкы шаарга поезд менен экскурсияга бардык. Үйгө кийимдер дүкөнү бар би�� тууган эжекелерге жана сейил бакта ойноп жүргөн бир туугандарга салам айтуу үчүн токтодук.
Google Translation into Latvian: Nākamajā dienā devāmies vilciena ekskursijā uz tuvējo pilsētu. Mēs piestājām, lai sasveicinātos ar dažiem brālēniem, kuriem pieder mājas apģērbu veikals, un dažiem brālēniem, kuri spēlējās parkā.
Google Translation into Malayalam: അടുത്ത ദിവസം ഞങ്ങൾ അടുത്തുള്ള നഗരത്തിലേക്ക് ഒരു ട്രെയിൻ ഉല്ലാസയാത്രയ്ക്ക് പോയി. വീട്ടിലെ തുണിക്കടയുടെ ഉടമകളായ ചില കസിൻസിനോടും പാർക്കിൽ കളിച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരുന്ന ചില കസിൻമാരോടും ഹലോ പറയാൻ ഞങ്ങൾ നിന്നു.
Google Translation into Malay: Keesokan harinya kami pergi menaiki kereta api ke bandar berhampiran. Kami singgah untuk bertanya khabar kepada beberapa sepupu yang memiliki kedai pakaian rumah dan beberapa sepupu yang berada di taman bermain.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Nandeha lamasinina nankany amin’ny tanàna teo akaiky teo izahay ny ampitson’iny. Nijanona teo izahay mba hiarahaba ny zanak'olo-mpiray tam-po amin'ny trano fivarotana akanjo sy ny zanak'olo-mpiray tam-po amin'ny zaridaina milalao.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Маргааш нь бид ойролцоох хот руу галт тэрэгний аялал хийв. Гэрийн хувцасны дэлгүүртэй үеэлүүд болон цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнд тоглож байсан үеэлүүдтэй мэндчилгээ дэвшүүлэн зогслоо.
Google Translation into Dutch: De volgende dag gingen we met de trein naar een nabijgelegen stad. We kwamen langs om hallo te zeggen tegen een paar neven en nichten die een eigen kledingwinkel hebben en een paar neven die in het park aan het spelen waren.
Google Translation into Nepali: अर्को दिन हामी नजिकैको सहरमा रेल यात्रामा गयौं। हामी घरको कपडा पसलको स्वामित्वमा रहेका केही चचेरा भाइहरू र पार्कमा खेलिरहेका केही चचेरा भाइहरूलाई नमस्कार गर्न रोक्यौं।
Google Translation into Norwegian: Dagen etter dro vi på togutflukt til en by i nærheten. Vi var innom for å hilse på noen søskenbarn som eier en klesbutikk og noen søskenbarn som var i parken og lekte.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਗਲੇ ਦਿਨ ਅਸੀਂ ਨੇੜੇ ਦੇ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਨੂੰ ਰੇਲਗੱਡੀ ਦੀ ਸੈਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਚਲੇ ਗਏ। ਅਸੀਂ ਕੁਝ ਚਚੇਰੇ ਭਰਾਵਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਹੈਲੋ ਕਹਿਣ ਲਈ ਰੁਕ ਗਏ ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਕੋਲ ਘਰੇਲੂ ਕੱਪੜਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਦੁਕਾਨ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਕੁਝ ਚਚੇਰੇ ਭਰਾ ਜੋ ਪਾਰਕ ਵਿੱਚ ਖੇਡ ਰਹੇ ਸਨ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: بله ورځ موږ نږدې ښار ته د اورګاډي په سفر روان شو. موږ د هغه تره زامنو ته چې د کور د جامو پلورنځي لري سلام ووایو او ځینې د تره زامنو چې په پارک کې لوبې کولې.
Google Translation into Persian: روز بعد با قطار به یکی از شهرهای اطراف رفتیم. توقف کردیم تا به چند پسرعمو که فروشگاه لباس خانگی دارند و چند پسر عمو که در پارک مشغول بازی بودند سلام کنیم.
Google Translation into Polish: Następnego dnia udaliśmy się na wycieczkę pociągiem do pobliskiego miasta. Zatrzymaliśmy się, aby przywitać się z kuzynami, którzy są właścicielami sklepu z odzieżą domową, i z kuzynami, którzy bawili się w parku.
Google Translation into Romanian: A doua zi am plecat într-o excursie cu trenul într-un oraș din apropiere. Ne-am oprit să salutăm niște veri care dețin un magazin de îmbrăcăminte și niște veri care se jucau în parc.
Google Translation into Russian: На следующий день мы отправились на экскурсию на поезде в соседний город. Мы зашли поздороваться с кузенами, у которых есть магазин домашней одежды, и с кузенами, которые играли в парке.
Google Translation into Serbian: Сутрадан смо отишли на екскурзију возом у оближњи град. Свратили смо да поздравимо неке рођаке који поседују продавницу кућне одеће и неке рођаке који су се играли у парку.
Google Translation into Swedish: Dagen efter åkte vi på tågutflykt till en närliggande stad. Vi stannade förbi för att säga hej till några kusiner som äger en hemklädesaffär och några kusiner som var i parken och lekte.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Poé saterusna urang indit dina wisata karéta ka kota caket dieu. Urang dieureunkeun ku salam ka sababaraha cousins anu boga toko pakean imah jeung sababaraha cousins anu aya di taman maén.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Kinabukasan, sumakay kami sa isang iskursiyon sa tren patungo sa isang kalapit na lungsod. Huminto kami para kumustahin ang ilang pinsan na nagmamay-ari ng tindahan ng damit sa bahay at ilang pinsan na naglalaro sa parke.
Google Translation into Thai: วันรุ่งขึ้นเราไปนั่งรถไฟไปเที่ยวเมืองใกล้เคียง เราแวะมาทักทายลูกพี่ลูกน้องบางคนที่เป็นเจ้าของร้านขายเสื้อผ้าประจำบ้านและลูกพี่ลูกน้องบางคนที่กำลังเล่นอยู่ในสวนสาธารณะ
Google Translation into Telugu: మరుసటి రోజు మేము సమీపంలోని నగరానికి రైలు విహారయాత్రకు వెళ్ళాము. ఇంట్లో బట్టల దుకాణం ఉన్న కొంతమంది కజిన్స్ మరియు పార్క్‌లో ఆడుకుంటున్న కొంతమంది కజిన్‌లకు హలో చెప్పడానికి మేము ఆగిపోయాము.
Google Translation into Turkish: Ertesi gün yakındaki bir şehre tren gezisine çıktık. Ev giyim mağazası olan bazı kuzenlere ve parkta oynayan bazı kuzenlere merhaba demek için uğradık.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Наступного дня ми поїхали на екскурсію потягом до сусіднього міста. Ми зупинилися, щоб привітатися з двоюрідними братами, які володіють магазином домашнього одягу, і двоюрідними братами, які гралися в парку.
Google Translation into Urdu: اگلے دن ہم ایک قریبی شہر کے لیے ٹرین کی سیر پر گئے۔ ہم کچھ کزنز جو کہ گھریلو کپڑوں کی دکان کے مالک ہیں اور کچھ کزنز جو پارک میں کھیل رہے تھے ہیلو کہنے کے لیے رک گئے۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Ertasi kuni biz yaqin shaharga poezd ekskursiyasiga bordik. Uy kiyimlari do‘koniga ega bo‘lgan amakivachchalar va bog‘da o‘ynab yurgan qarindoshlar bilan salomlashish uchun to‘xtadik.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Ngày hôm sau chúng tôi đi du ngoạn bằng tàu hỏa đến một thành phố gần đó. Chúng tôi ghé qua để chào một số anh em họ sở hữu một cửa hàng quần áo tại nhà và một số anh em họ đang chơi ở công viên.
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dirt-str1der · 2 years ago
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Front and back swimsuit kiryu
#Yakuza liveblog#urghg his stomach looks kind of soft#from this angle ... he should literally get a little fat i dont know why theyre so scared of him getting fat he would look so good#if you guy doesnt jiggle when you fuck him then what is the point of fucking him just sayin ..#kiryu should have red swim trunks too i think he would like it... his african grey drip .... i want to dress him up in clothes that he#would like ... like sure he would look great in a nice suit but also have you seen him in loose homeclothes#now thats a shape i could fuck the shit out of. im literally sorry haruka is right there i need to become more normal#also i like how utterly vibrant his tattoo looks in this scene because by right it should have been when he already left the life behind#theres no real reason for him to touch it up but he looks like hes just been to the tattoo parlour to recolour it#narratively kind of looks like hes perfectly happy and healthy and in his element and flourishing when hes taking care of morning glory#and harukas little sunhat ! She is so cute every single little girl should get a white tank top and a straw hat with a ribbon#but also is she wearing two layers ? What is up with that girl isnt it hot out in the sun ..#would it be a little fucked up if kiryu was wearing a shirt but then he gave it to her to hold while he went fishing#and haruka just wore it over her clothes and kiryus shirt just drowned her because she is so small#shiittt i cant get over how good he looks from this angle .. with just enough low res to smooth out his stomach .. get rid of the washboard#im fucked .. its over for me..
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transwolvie · 9 months ago
Omg yeah for the 28 year old thing, earlier this year I went into *my school* in homeclothes, to drop some stuff off at reception for my younger sibling. The receptionist asked me if I was there TO PICK UP MY CHILD 😭😭
Nooooooo....I'd wither away
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wilsons-striped-ties · 11 months ago
Throwback to the time on the first week of the school year I came back to school in homeclothes and was hanging out with my junior around the school maybe to spy on mango... and we walked to the auditorium where he was giving a talk to the students and I was like BINGO because the previous day I saw him and called out his name and we waved so I just hid around the corner trying to peek into the auditorium then when everyone was coming out I peeked in and ran because he was coming out the door so I ran all the way down the stairs with another teacher looking so confused while my junior and sister were laughing away then I climbed back up the stairs and was resting my chin on my hands and looking at the direction of the door but mango came down from the stairs behind me and we were all like what when why how HAHAH then he and I talked a little
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kashcrafts · 2 years ago
A Unique technique of #weaving textiles at the #looms in Kashmir. The quality and craftsmanship list this a world famous luxury fashion accessories. #KashCrafts displays a midnight black Kani shawl on SALE. Discover more on a link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1384199605/pure-pashmina-shawl-handmade-gifts
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llamagoddessofficial · 1 year ago
You heard the sound of the front door opening, its ancient hinges squawking in a deeply familiar manner. You raised your gaze from the embroidery that was loyally filling your silence- expecting your busied mother or father, you turned to the doorway with an easy smile on your face, but did not stand.
Until you saw who was actually in the entryway.
“... L-lord Skull?”
There he was. The man himself. Standing in your home, dressed in all the fashionable stately finery befitting a member of the nobility, yet as visibly uncomfortable as the night at the ball whence he had uttered a single word to you before fleeing your presence. His eyelight was small, hands balled into fists so tight you were certain he’d have white knuckles if he had skin; you could hear the sound of his large, beautiful horse pawing at the ground just outside of your home.
You stood with an ungainly amount of haste, embroidery falling unheeded to the floor. Once the shock had eased, you managed to take a breath and curtsey to him before approaching.
“I... apologise for the mess, M’lord." You walked to him, unsure of what to make of the surprise visit. "I wasn’t expecting you.”
... He continued the familiar mannerisms that made up his unique countenance; utter silence, and unbroken staring down at you. He seemed larger every time you looked at him, but especially when stood so close, close enough to spy the delicate handiwork around the edges of his coat. You grew self conscious of your dull homeclothes, and you tucked your shawl closer around your shoulders... you would have dressed yourself more appropriately, had you known Lord Skull would soon arrive. You felt positively medieval, compared to the bright silks and golden threads that suited him so well.
... He said nothing. His hands continued to twist with one another.
“... My father and mother are away in town." You said, voice neat. "I’m afraid it is just me and my sister home, at present. Were you looking for father?”
“... th-this is... uhm...” Short, breathless words. He had come on horseback, had he not? Why did he sound as if he had run here? “a nice... home.” 
You thought of Red's words, the night of the ball you had met Lord Skull. “you must forgive his nature, madam. despite what his stature implies he is shy, painfully so, it is a great struggle to encourage him out of himself. and i have never seen him so taken with someone new."
Despite Red’s affirmations of your lack of insult to Lord Skull, you nevertheless found yourself unable to believe your dear friend. Every interaction you had with Skull only confused you further.
“Erm... thank you." You nodded. "I’m glad you think so. I'm afraid it is getting very old and draughty, but I am certain it appreciates someone taking taste to it.”
... You felt the awkwardness creeping up on you, smile growing strained. His mouth opened, but closed again.
... You could hear birds outside.
You tilted your head, speaking gently. “Can I help you with something, sir?”
... Nothing. Only more staring. Your smile twitched- I’m going to require the sanatorium soon.
“... Is... Mr. Red here with you?”
... Oh. How strange. Lord Skull was a renowned hermit, was he not? Birthing many rumours from his propensity for never leaving his home without his closest friend. Why was he here without Red?
You forced onward. “Are you... staying long?”
He shook his head. The tiniest, minutest movement. His entire face was flushed with an (admittedly beautiful) cornflower blue.
“... i-i...”
This was perhaps the most confusing experience of your life. A titled noble, in the flesh, in your home. It was the sort of encounter that would be food of innumerable future anecdotes. And yet, it was excruciatingly awkward. 
“... Would you like some tea?” You were almost exasperated.
“... no. thank you.”
Suddenly, he reached out his hand. Instinctively, you reached out too; only to catch a small, fine pearl necklace that fell into your open palm.
His hand returned to his side. He spoke softly. “g-good day, madam.”
... Then he turned, and left.
Your sister opened the living room door, poking her head around, eyes wide with confusion and cheeks flush with the excitement that came of listening in on a conversation one was not privy to. “What on Earth was that? What did you do to Lord Skull?”
... You stared, with a blankness of expression an artist would find most bemusing, at the entryway where he had stood moments ago... still holding the petite necklace.
“... I..." You turned to her. "... Did that really just happen?"
goddamn, i wish my stress always manifested as large bouts of writing. whos interested in a pride and prejudice au piece i banged out instead of working
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lachellewilson245 · 3 years ago
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A magnificent bespoke dress for women that will flatter your body! Get your pockets ready and visit our page for the newest designs of high-quality bespoke clothes at a very affordable price https://www.just4unique.com
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just4uniqueaffiliate · 3 years ago
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When it comes to custom-made garments, @Just4Unique is a  clothing store that provides superior fit custom shirts, pants, coats, and made-to-measure suits for exceptional quality https://www.just4unique.com
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thechasefiles · 3 years ago
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Store owners are complaining that since the announcement of Online School uniform sales have plummeted. I’m curious to know what you think children should wear for online school. I know that the private schools have encouraged their students to turn up in FULL UNIFORM and in some instances their students have branded polo shirts which carry the school crest. I personally think the children should be in some sort of uniform (I like the branded polos) for the simple reason that some of them don’t dress appropriately. I’ve read complaints online of children turning up in pajamas, vests, strap it tops & all sorts of questionable attire. There seems to be a laid back approach. I think they should get up bath, dress, eat breakfast, put out their books & log into google classroom. There needs to a a healthy routine established. What do you think - are you for uniforms or home clothes? Let us have a sincere discussion about it. #thechasefiles #whatshouldyourchildwear #uniforms #homeclothes #brandedpolos #schoolcrests https://www.instagram.com/p/CTWyBNlLm9Asw5HQAjxH7QdZIvMu48zdobhUD80/?utm_medium=tumblr
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flirtcouturedivision · 4 years ago
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Blue sheer tulle robe with lace and satin belt sizes and colors available (black, red, white, electric blue) . . . #bluerobe #transparentrobe #sheerrobe #sheer #sheerclothing #homewear #homeclothes #sexyclothes #sexyoutfit #burlesque #gothic #alternative (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPa8qF2H-xe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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oxolloxofashion · 4 years ago
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Wish the long weekend lasted a little longer? Well maybe we could give you the same comfort if not an added holiday. Checkout our latest range of of comfortable and stylish nightsuits. Shop today #nightsuit #nightwear #homeclothes #nighty #nightdress #fashion #ootn https://www.instagram.com/p/CNCMJzvpYSu/?igshid=pphudibgu78p
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matthewgoughyoga · 7 years ago
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Tagged by @t_om_ma_h to #stopdropandyoga for #YogisStretchMonday here's my contribution... A quick #pistolsquat following Tom's lead. #yoga #yogaeveryday #dailyyoga #yogamen #menofyoga #mendoyoga #balance #strength #core #hamstrings #quads #glutes #homeclothes #myrealyoga #nomatrequired #toocoldforyogainpants (at Blackheath, London)
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alicedaydreams · 5 years ago
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This final week’s #sgfashionfix is about Wanderlust. The idea of travel is different this year, but I’m also a big fan of finding adventure through TV, movies, and books. @thelizcrowder suggested this prompt based on Doctor Who, a show about travelers with all of time & space at their fingertips, & challenged us to dream that big- even if it’s just from our couches. So here’s a #homeclothes #ootd to show you my daily reality (this is my dog-walking outfit, not pictured is my mask) & that getting some sun & moving your body can do so much to lift your mood & can be an adventure if you think of it that way. (Also, check out @geekgirlstrong’s recent posts about movement & finding something that works for you!) 💙💃🏻 💃🏻 💃🏻 💙 Also, ICYMI, @jordandenenyc is back! The full shop is open with a brand new Summer Reading collection & the full Sarah Maclean Romance collection. The tank is one of a few Doctor Who designs also available. I’m not kidding when I say I basically live in Jordandene shirts. 😆 💙💙Use code: akangaru for 15% off your order of $20+💙💙 . . . . #jordandene #brandambassador #doctorwho #whovian #sartorialgeek #wellnesswednesday #wanderlustwednesday #wiw #geekchic #geekstyle #geekfashion #allonsy #nomakeup #summervibes #fandomfashion #shopsmall #saferathome #stayhome https://www.instagram.com/p/CDPmqvXgUvv/?igshid=10qpt6l8bgsrw
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arimikadami · 7 years ago
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VIRGINKILLERSSWEATER☺️ теперь это моя домашняя одежда😎#virginkillersweater#kawaii #sweater#newstuff #scars #bluehair #cutesweater #homeclothes #новоеплатье #свитер#вязаноеплатье #милота#домашняяодежда #найдишрам 🙃
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tasteofyourblood · 2 years ago
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lachellewilson245 · 3 years ago
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The fashion industry has been strides in sizes, styles, and affordability. Are you into bespoke clothes and fashion trends today https://www.just4unique.com
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