#home; helevorn
aseaunsettled · 9 months
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albuum · 4 months
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На озере Хелеворн
On Lake Helevorn
теперь это странствия Карантира,
он продолжал жить так, как это было заложено в них всех отцом в их совместных походах, исследовал Таргелион, так нашел гномов.
Это он может смотреть на свое собственное жилище с другого края озера.
now these are the wanderings of Caranthir,
he continued to live as it had been instilled in them all by his father in their joint campaigns, he explored Thargelion, and this is how he found the dwarves.
Here he can look at his own home from the other side of the lake.
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vidumavi · 1 year
List of Nimloth headcanons in no particular order
Largely pulled out of thin air, for my own amusement
- she was a very young child during the first battle, one of the last born during peacetime. beleriand before the rising of the sun is mostly a hazy childhood memory to her
- because I think there should be more nandorin characters (and in the interest of making the whole family tree less circular) I like the hc that she's nandorin and was adopted by Galathil, a close friend of her parents, after they died on Amon Ereb alongside Denethor
- Galathil raised her in Ossiriand. Unsure if I want him to have a spouse or be a single dad. I think it would be cute if he fell in love while raising Nimloth
- Galathil would be a lord back home but the laiquendi don't bother with monarchy and nobility, so she has a pretty normal life. She's a carpenter by trade
-the Ossiriand-Doriath relationship can be delicate in the sense that they're allies and the populations are fairly interconnected but there are enough laiquendi in Ossiriand that dislike Thingol's king of all Beleriand-shtick that Nimloth (adopted kin of Thingol) treads carefully and avoids positions of authority
-they do visit Celeborn in Doriath and vice versa regularly, Nimloth contracts an embarrassing (late) teenage crush on his cool new girlfriend. After Galadriel and Celeborn leave Doriath for good they stay with Galathil and Nimloth for a while at first
-she is pretty curious by nature and has actually been north to Himring, the gap and Lake Helevorn by hitching rides with traders. Briefly met Celegorm and exchanged some friendly words (neither of them remember this encounter). She's casually acquainted with Amras and Amrod who hang around Ossiriand a lot from the beginning
-desperately wishes to give her kids an upbringing as distanced from politics and any court as she got. the first few years she really thinks they'll pull it off but of course Thingol dying gets in the way of that
-Elwing takes more after her father in looks (except a little more similar to Beren) but the twins look a lot like Nimloth
-When Nimloth is re-embodied along with the twins sshhh Elwing is just a little older than she ever was and it messes both of them up
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23 for rivermaid/water spirit of choice?
23. Loss of powers/abilities/skills many thoughts head full about beleriandic rivermaidens etc.
Gelion knows. 
Long before the Eldar that dwell by her shores know, she knows. 
She knows long before Ulmo shakes the ground or Manwe thunders through the sky or Varda’s stars burn with too intense light. 
It is subtle, at first, barely even noticeable until it is too late. 
Her waters are less clear than she usually keeps them.
More foul things cross her shores.
She is unable to see as far as she might.
Then, all burns.
The fish and creatures that make their homes in her water die, poisoned.
Helevorn is defiled, and Gelion doesn't know if her friend will ever be able to leave her waters again.
The days grow darker, and it is all Gelion can do to keep those dwelling along her shores -- retreating from the fighting that shakes the coast -- safe, but soon she will not be able to do that anymore.
Piece by piece, like the shore chipping at a stone bank, Beleriand chips under the force of the Valar and the Maiar fighting with all their might.
She is a spectator now, unable to offer even mild protection.
When Beleriand finally capsizes, like a boat dragged under the riptide, she wonders if it was the right choice.
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russingon · 3 years
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The fourth son of Nerdanel and Fëanáro was MORIFINWË CARNISTIR, who was afterwards called Caranthir in Sindarin. Known for his quick temper and his great skill in trade, Caranthir became Lord of Thargelion and made his home around Lake Helevorn in the east of Beleriand. While that realm lasted, he made many allies among Men and Dwarves. Because of his trade in weapons and metal ores, he was vital to the defence and martial efforts of the Noldor as a whole in the First Age. 
Interestingly, the matter of his marriage has remained a source of some speculation throughout the ages since his death. According to some chroniclers, Caranthir was wedded, however, other writers of the First Age contradict this. To further complicate the matter, a number of oral traditions among Men tell of a love affair between Lord Caranthir and Haleth, Chieftain of the Haladin. The truth, it seems, cannot be known.
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outofangband · 2 years
Do you have ideas about thargelion? I saw on your master list that it was a WIP. I personally love Caranthir and think his character is really interesting, so I’d love to hear your thoughts on him and his kingdom! General head cannons are welcome, but if you’d like I’ve always thought that the inner workings of specific kingdoms are interesting.
Yes! As you mentioned I’m still working on an s ecology piece but here’s some environmental thoughts and world building
I hope this is ok, anon! I love world building like this so as always please feel free to ask more!
Thargelion is a region in Northeastern Beleriand, North Ossiriand. It is bordered by the river Gelion on its Western and Northern sides and the Blue Mountains on the East.
For a time prior to Dagor Bragollach it was under the rule of Caranthir who established a prosperous trading system with the dwarves of the Blue Mountains
Thargelion world building:
Note: any discussion of handling of land or resource claims and ownership is not necessarily a moral condoning by me.
Like Ossiriand, the climate is mild with easier winters than Maglor’s Gap and the March. The climate is cooler than Ossiriand however. Snowfall is highest in the mountains and around their base including around Lake Helevorn.
The landscape and topography is fairly flat West of the Mountains with hills and valleys in the lowland zones.
Thargelion is likely a steppe with montane and subalpine forests of both coniferous and deciduous trees though with a higher percentage of conifers. There are smaller forested areas of primarily deciduous trees by the river, especially along the Northern and Western borders.
The population is mostly Noldor who followed Fëanor with a small group of Sindar later joining them though never officially swearing allegiance to Caranthir. Thargelion is one of the only Fëanorian realms with little to no members of the Nolofinwëan host. It also has a fairly low percentage of non Noldor.
There is however a population of dwarves originally from the Ered Luin who make permanent homes in Thargelion prior to Dagor Bragollach. A larger population live there during parts of the year.
Much of the politics is related to economics and trade, at least during the watchful peace. Diplomacy and translation naturally fall into this too. Caranthir offered a stipend to a few in his host to devote themselves for a time to learning the language of the Ered Luin dwarves
Sarn Athrod was a stony ford in the river Gelion that was part of one of the larger dwarven trade routes. Those who passed it paid toll to Caranthir which also allowed them more access to resources in the region. There was some conflict about toll prices but as the custom itself was not infrequently practiced by the dwarves there wasn’t much offense taken in principle once borders were sorted out
The dwarves give Caranthir (in exchange for other items) a pack of four mountain goats trained in carrying packs along the often steep paths. From these a herd is started, living at the base of the Ered Luin just East of the small forested area near the river Ascar.
Caranthir dislikes the idea of a large royal court but he does have a small group of advisers who handle claims to resources (minerals, ores, and fishing primarily) with the aid of the Dwarves of the Ered Luin who are more knowledgeable about the region. Caranthir has no interest in preventing them from accessing the resources in the mountains or land that falls under his domain
Likewise he has several generals who report directly to him. Unlike Maedhros he allows the generals to oversee the scouts and soldiers living and serving in Thargelion and during the Watchful Peace rarely takes part in offensive military strategy. He hears reports perhaps biweekly unless something immediate needs his attention.
He has two elves handling correspondence with the rest of the Finwëans. They report to him the essentials and news of the brothers he wants to hear about at the moment.
Caranthir frequently holds inventory of resources throughout the land to review and examine trade benefits and costs.
A ferry system is implemented at several spots on the river Gelion. Due to conflict with the Green Elves, the same system was never formally established on the Southern border on the river Ascar.
As always please feel free to ask more!!
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yellow-faerie · 2 years
ooh may i ask about the naming of feanoriel istarniel?
Oh yes, absolutely! And I'm gonna subject you to my nonsense chapter notes for this as well (under the cut).
The long short of this is that Fëanor and Nerdanel, well into the future, have made up (after Fëanor's reembodiment) and they have another child - a daughter this time - and it's a fic that surrounds the House of Fëanor (and the rest of the House of Finwë) coming together to greet her properly.
It's the most concise fic I think I've ever planned and also features mentions of a lot of my ocs - it did start it's life as me attempting to write a fic where all my House of Finwë OCs appeared in some extent.
[Fic titles found here]
Ok so here are my chapter plan because I think they're hilarious in some places (although they are not that accurate to how the chapter actually ended up most of the time):
Chapter 1 – Maedhros
:Maedhros wakes up in Fingon’s room. They have a sweet moment reminiscing about pre-darkening Valinor and the Peace in Beleriand and comment on how everything is almost perfect now except that tensions are still high and Fingon comments on the lack of Míriel. They talk about Gil, Erien and Finbor. This is ended when they talk of Erien (Aistamíriel) and Finbor’s (Quarefinwë, Elbeon) naming and Maedhros remembers that they have Nínneth’s naming ceremony that day. Fingon reminds him that they live so close to Fornalondë (once Formenos) that it does not matter if they are a little late and tells him to come back to bed:
Chapter 2 – Maglor
:Maglor wakes alone in a forest glade, travelling to Fornalondë. He can hear talking and finds Daeron and Cantasië, Daeron sitting on a rock and Cantasië wading in the stream. They are talking about Maglor and their collective group of children (Elrond and Elros, Ivárë, Eärenissë). They stop when they spot Maglor and he sits on the river bank with his legs in the water, listening to them as Daeron begins to play his pipe. He takes a moment to introspect – is this how his Grandmother felt with two people who loved her so dearly (being Indis and Finwë)? He wonders why and how she could have possibly left them behind (and also her child):
Chapter 3 – Celegorm
:Celegorm is returning from a hunt with Aredhel, Edhellos and Huan (Huan!). Aredhel talks about how well Lómion has gotten on with Celebrimbor since rebirth and Edhellos talks about meeting Hallas and Inglor properly, and reuniting with Orodreth and Finduilas. They both talk about the guilt they have for abandoning their children in some form. They part ways, Edhellos and Aredhel planning on meeting their respective families before the ceremony. Celegorm tells Huan of talking to Rávassë – Quildatiris (now Calatír) and Vercafion (now Feredir) were elsewhere – and how she had blamed him for abandoning them after finding them and giving them a home – however, it should be noted that she is the only one who keeps the original name Celegorm gave her. Huan comforts him a little – but not too much, Huan knows he’s an idiot – and they come in view of Fornalondë:
Chapter 4 - Caranthir
:Caranthir is alone with his sister, asleep in a rocking basket weaved by Díriel. He is putting the finishing touches to Nínneth’s blanket for her naming ceremony. He thinks about his own daughter’s much smaller, naming ceremonies – Nibenaes’ by Lake Helevorn; and Niphredilien’s, just him – and how much they have all grown and changed. He puts the finishing touches to the blanket and folds it carefully onto the table. He ponders momentarily on how his sister will turn out. He is then disturbed by his daughters who have come to find him as they have arrived from wherever they have been:
Chapter 5 - Curufin
:Curufin is in the forge tidying because the preparations for Nínneth’s naming ceremony remind him of Celebrimbor’s which is making him sad because his baby is all grown up now :( and he is hiding from that. Celebrimbor is the one who finds him after returning from visiting his mother and stepmother in the mountains with Maeglin (who appreciated the mining operations). They talk about how Rinwendë is doing and talk also about Maeglin and Finrod and perhaps also touch on Sauron then make their ways upstairs to finish getting ready and help Fëanor and Nerdanel welcome guests:
Chapter 6 - Amrod
:Amrod is helping Argon set up chairs. They chat about how it’s so weird that there is going to be a brand new Finwëan in this new peaceful age. They are clearly close after being the only reborn Finwëans for so long – perhaps mention the fact Amrod is a healer and Argon is a painter. They are distracted from their conversation by Maedhros appearing and asking if they had seen Nerdanel. When they say no, he leaves. Amrod mentions that this must be the first time the whole family has been in one place since the Darkening. Argon says that Míriel will not be there but that yes, even Indis will be coming. They continue laying out chairs and tables and putting out name labels, talking about different family members and who they’re excited to see. Then Curufin appears and says Nerdanel has gone missing. Cliff hanger! (but not really because this is fluffy):
Chapter 7 – Amras
:Amras talks to his sister after he was given her. Caranthir had tried to get her to stop crying but had been unsuccessful and passed her onto Amras. He complains saying that he had never been that good with babies, even Hethest’s had taken a while to warm up to him. He then talks a bit about Doron, Eirien, Tathar and Neldor, and Meril. Then he talks about Beleriand and missing his twin. He then apologises, a little roughly, for complaining but his sister has quieted and is looking up at him with bright eyes. He gets a bit sappy. Celegorm skids past the room, saying that their mother has been spotted leading a horse upon which sits a mysterious figure:
Chapter 8 – Nerdanel
:Nerdanel is talking to the mysterious figure about how her sons were when they were little. The figure is quiet but clearly attentive. She mentions how much she missed them when they were parted and the figure talks for the first time, agreeing that being apart from her son was painful for her and that she empathises. Fëanor comes out to meet her, worried, not even taking note of the woman on the horse. They banter until the woman slips from the saddle and stands next to Nerdanel. She takes down her hood to reveal – le gasp! – Míriel:
Chapter 9 – Fëanor
:Fëanor is a little bit in shock. Indis, Míriel and Finwë have a conversation within Fëanor’s study and Fëanor paces the corridor outside with Nerdanel in attendance (their kids had been banished) until they finally open the door. Finwë says something vague and comforting; Indis says nothing but gently pats his shoulder/cheek; and then Míriel comes out. Her lovers hover before deciding to give her space with her son. They talk and it ends with a bell ringing out for sundown and their walk down the place where the ceremony is taking place:
Chapter 10 – Vanimeldë
:Epilogue of sorts with a little Nínneth. Short and sweet where she talks about the names she was given and how big her family is and how loved she is – or something similarly sweet and sappy:
So yeah! Lots happening, mostly fluff and introspection but a bit of drama because what would the House of Finwë be without it?
(I also don't show the party but I imagine there are like three fights, someone cries, there's a lot of drunk arguing/making out - it's chaos, no-one can control anyone)
And here are a few snippets:
“I’m sorry, I was just…thinking…”
Maedhros shrugs as best he can. “Mostly us. I’m glad we have time now.”
“All the time in the world,” Fingon agrees. “Until we have to get to your sister’s Naming.”
“Shit!” Maedhros begins to push himself up. “That’s today, isn’t it?”
Fingon makes a sound of complaint as Maedhros swings himself out of bed, and makes a futile attempt to pull him back. “Come back to bed Russo, or I swear I will make you!”
“Not today Órenya, today we have things to do!”
“Ugh, you’re impossible!”
Maedhros can hear a disgruntled flump of pillows behind him as he searches his dresser for the outfit he thought he laid out the night before.
“Finno, did you see where I put my tunic?”
When there’s no answer, Maedhros turns around to see Fingon lying in the bed with his arms crossed and looking very pointedly out the window.
“Oh Finno,” Maedhros says, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Don’t be immature.”
“I’m not being ‘immature’,” Fingon mutters but he still doesn’t look over, “I just think that if you loved me, you wouldn’t leave so early.”
“Melanya, we have all of eternity to sleep in. Just not today.”
“Look, Quarefinwë and Aistamíriel are coming this morning and we would have to get out of bed for them anyway.”
This also garners no response and so Maedhros uses the most powerful weapon in his arsenal. “If you help me, I’ll make you honey pancakes.”
It takes only a moment for the indecision to clear from Fingon’s eyes.
“Anyway,” Cantasië is frowning, “it’s depressing to think about your grandmother on what is supposed to be a happy day.”
Maglor hums something and lies back to stare at the sky. There are a few clouds up there that look almost soft to the touch.
“That cloud looks a bit like a cat,” he says, gesturing vaguely upward.
“Really?” Cantasië wades through the water with a splash and drops down beside him. “Where?”
Maglor points a bit more definitely. “Just there.”
She cocks her head. “No, it’s more like a rabbit.”
“It’s a cloud,” Daeron says. “It doesn’t look like anything!”
Cantasië sits up sharply. “Oh that’s just too far!”
Maglor covers his mouth to hide a laugh as Cantasië swings herself back up to her feet and challenges Daeron to a duel.
There’s only Crinthammos now who could tell him if what he remembers is the truth and she is with whatever is left of her people – across the sea, perhaps, or more likely faded from memory until the breaking of the world.
Caranthir sighs.
Niphredilien’s naming he can remember a lot clearer. It had just been him: he had spent three days making a blanket from what remained of the craft supplies in his bag, and when he’d stood in the water with her in his arms, she’d been wrapped in the same purples and silvers as his sister.
“Sweet heavens, look at me getting all sentimental,” Caranthir laughs, a little bitterly, to himself. “Don’t get like me, nettë.”
The baby sleeps on, uncaring as her brother ties off the end of a gold thread, cutting it down and tucking it away.
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elennalore · 3 years
For the character hc, can I get 1-8 for Caranthir?
Hi Anon! of course, here are my headcanons:
1: sexuality headcanon: Het, but has attachment issues
2: otp: I don’t have one for him, but just recently I read Himring’s fic where Caranthir’s wife is Lake Helevorn (personified), and I loved the idea instantly. It felt so right.
3: brotp: Caranthir & Curufin. I think they are close.
4: notp: Caranthir/Haleth, but mainly because I don’t know Haleth’s story well
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Caranthir is a neurodivergent person and social relationships are not always easy for him.
6: one way in which I relate to this character: I would have liked to make my home at Lake Helevorn
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: His anger towards Angrod.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Problematic fave, although not so problematic as most of his brothers
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jail-crow-of-mandos · 4 years
Is Caranthir Autistic Or Am I Just Projecting: An Autobiography
Yup, here it is. My long-promised autistic Caranthir meta. Although I’m not sure how much of a meta it can be considering Caranthir is only mentioned by name 24 times in the entire Silmarillion, outside of the name index at the end. So here’s the plan: we’re gonna go through every time he’s mentioned and see if it tells us anything about potentially being autistic.
Before we begin. here is the DSM list of requirements for being diagnosed as autistic. Considering how few times we see Caranthir doing stuff in day to day life, odds are we won’t get to the level required for full diagnosis, but it certainly can help support it as a theory.
Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity
Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction,
Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships
At least two of the following: Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech, Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior, Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus, Hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment
Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period (but may not become fully manifest until social demands exceed limited capacities, or may be masked by learned strategies in later life)
Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning.
These disturbances are not better explained by intellectual disability or global developmental delay. Intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder frequently co-occur; to make comorbid diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, social communication should be below that expected for general developmental level.
With that being said, let’s start at the beginning:
“The seven sons of Fëanor were Maedhros the tall; Maglor the mighty singer, whose voice was heard far over land and sea; Celegorm the fair, and Caranthir the dark; Curufin the crafty, who inherited most of his father’s skill of hand; and the youngest Amrod and Amras, who were twin brothers, alike in mood and face. In later days they were great hunters in the woods of Middle-earth; and a hunter also was Celegorm [...]”
“[Regarding the Oath] Thus spoke Maedhros and Maglor and Celegorm, Curufin and Caranthir, Amros and Amras, princes of the Noldor [...]”
Okay these two tell us absolutely nothing about Caranthir in particular, at least for this particular topic. Moving swiftly along.
“But Caranthir, who loved not the sons of Finarfin, and was the harshest of the brothers and the most quick to anger, cried aloud: ‘Yea more! Let not the sons of Finarfin run hither and thither with their tales to this dark Elf in his caves! Who made them our spokesmen to deal with him? And though they be come indeed to Beleriand, let them not so swiftly forget that their father is a lord of the Noldor, though their mother be of other kin”
Now we’re finally getting to the good part. Let’s start at the beginning. “Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity”. Yep. To put that in layman’s terms, it means to have trouble understanding how to navigate conversations in a normal way, often talking out of turn or speaking too harshly. This falls into both of those. On top of that, it also shows signs of “Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships”. He is clearly misreading the situation and attacking Angrod for no real reason outside of being mad about everything. This is not how you speak to a stranger, especially not a diplomat. 
One could even argue that it could show signs of “Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior”” and “Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction”. The former could be argued because one could say that he has fallen into a comfortable pattern, and the idea of changing it is deeply distressing to him, hence why he lashed out. The idea of changes happening that he didn’t directly have a say in causes him to panic and react with anger. As far as the latter one goes, given Maedhros’s initial response to Angrod as well as him trying to calm Caranthir down afterwards, one can reasonably assume that his body language was telling his brothers to stay calm and cordial. Caranthir either ignored this deliberately (which would strengthen the prior argument that he struggles maintaining and understanding relationships, given the authority Maedhros has over him) or he simply could not pick up on the nonverbal cues that Maedhros was giving.
“Now the people of Caranthir dwelt furthest east beyond the upper waters of Gelion, about Lake Helevorn under Mount Rerir and to the southward; and they climbed the heights of Ered Luin and looked eastward in wonder, for wild and wide it seemed to them were the lands of Middle-earth. And thus it was that Caranthir's people came upon the Dwarves, who after the onslaught of Morgoth and the coming of the Noldor had ceased their traffic into Beleriand. But though either people loved skill and were eager to learn, no great love was there between them; for the Dwarves were secret and quick to resentment, and Caranthir was haughty and scarce concealed his scorn for the unloveliness of the Naugrim, and his people followed their lord. Nevertheless since both peoples feared and hated Morgoth they made alliance, and had of it great profit; for the Naugrim learned many secrets of craft in those days, so that the smiths and masons of Nogrod and Belegost became renowned among their kin, and when the Dwarves began again to journey into Beleriand all the traffic of the dwarf-mines passed first through the hands of Caranthir, and thus great riches came to him.”
So this is the part that led to all of the Caranthir loving money jokes, which ultimately led to there being a Caranthir/money tag on AO3. (No, really.) That said, there’s a lot to unpack here. First of all, it’s pretty reasonable to think that Caranthir’s love for planning and economics go beyond average, so let’s assume for a moment that economics are his special interest. This would fill the third elective requirement: “Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus”. Or, in other words, having a special interest. But beyond that, him not even trying to hide his distaste for the Dwarves clearly shows a lack of basic diplomacy, which we’ve been over before. He has severely lacking social skills. Plus, choosing to be hostile towards a group that have the exact same interests as him proves that he struggles with change, or at the very least forming interpersonal bonds, even if he did form an alliance with them in the end (which only goes to show how strong his special interest is).
“Therefore the Noldor held strength of cavalry In the plains at that place; and the people of Caranthir fortified the mountains to the east of Maglor's Gap. There Mount Rerir, and about it many lesser heights, stood out from the main range of Ered Lindon westward; and in the angle between Rerir and Ered Lindon there was a lake, shadowed by mountains on all sides save the south. That was Lake Helevorn, deep and dark, and beside it Caranthir had his abode; but all the great land between Gelion and the mountains, and between Rerir and the River Ascar, was called by the Noldor Thargelion, which signifies the Land beyond Gelion, or Dor Caranthir, the Land of Caranthir; and it was here that the Noldor first met the Dwarves. But Thargelion was before called by the Grey-elves Talath Rhúnen, the East Vale.”
Okay this one might be a bit of a stretch, but one could argue that Caranthir choosing to live beneath the mountains and in a notably dark region could indicate a sensitivity to bright lights, which would qualify as a sensory sensitivity. Even if not, though, we already have the required two of the four electives.
“At that time [Celegorm and Curufin] were from home, riding with Caranthir east in Thargelion [...]”
And this tells us absolutely nothing.
“But seven days later, as the Orcs made their last assault and had already broken through the stockade, there came suddenly a music of trumpets, and Caranthir with his host came down from the north and drove the Orcs into the rivers.
Then Caranthir looked kindly upon Men and did Haleth great honour; and he offered her recompense for her father and brother. And seeing, over late, what valour there was in the Edain, he said to her: 'If you will remove and dwell further north, there you shall have the friendship and protection of the Eldar, and free lands of your own.'
But Haleth was proud, and unwilling to be guided or ruled, and most of the Haladin were of like mood. Therefore she thanked Caranthir, but answered: 'My mind is now set, lord, to leave the shadow of the mountains, and go west, whither others of our kin have gone.'”
One could probably argue that Haleth was Caranthir’s only friend outside of his immediate family, which certainly indicates a struggle in forming bonds. That being said, he did pretty good here. I’m proud of him :))
“Maglor joined Maedhros upon Himring; but Caranthir fled and joined the remnant of his people to the scattered folk of the hunters, Amrod and Amras, and they retreated and passed Ramdal in the south. Upon Amon Ereb they maintained a watch and some strength of war, and they had aid of the Green-elves; and the Orcs came not into Ossiriand, nor to Taur-im-Duinath and the wilds of the south.”
While this is a very interesting passage for Caranthir’s characterization, it has nothing to do with him potentially being autistic, so we can move on.
“The sons of Ulfang the Black were Ulfast, and Ulwarth, and Uldor the accursed; and they followed Caranthir and swore allegiance to him, and proved faithless”
Poor Caranthir can’t catch a break, can he? But yeah of course he chooses the people who end up being the least loyal. Certainly indicates a lack of character judgement, which falls under not understanding nonverbal communication.
“There fell Celegorm by Dior's hand, and there fell Curufin, and dark Caranthir”
RIP. But it doesn’t really tell us anything.
Obviously, we can’t know what he was like during childhood development, nor can we know what underlying conditions he may have. However, given how many alliances he fucked over or nearly fucked over with his bad social skills, it’s fair to say that his autistic traits would have clinical significance. So, in conclusion, while nothing can be said for certain, it is reasonable to think that Caranthir is autistic.
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thesingingelves · 4 years
The Elf Lord who brought Dior the Silmaril; what was going through his head?
@phoenixrisesoncemore​ wanted to know what about the Green-Elves of Ossiriand and their place in Beren&Lúthien, their relationship with the Silmaril and the perspective of  the Elf Lord who brought the Silamril to Dior
It’s done :’D
The Passage in question:
“There came a night of autumn, and when it grew late, one came and smote upon the doors of Menegroth, demanding admittance to the King. He was a lord of the Green-Elves hastening from Ossiriand, and the door-wards brought him to where Dior sat alone in his chamber; and there in silence he gave to the King a coffer, and took his leave.” The Silmarillion, Of the Ruin of Doriath.
Relationship with the Sons of Fëanor
“But the victory of the Elves was Dear-bought. For those of Ossiriand were light-armed, and no match for the Orcs, who were shod with iron and iron-shielded and bore great spears with broad blades; and Denethor was cut off and surrounded upon the hill of Amon Ereb. There he fell and all his nearest kin about him, before the host of Thingol could come to his aid.  Bitterly though his fall was avenged, when Thingol came upon the rear of the Orcs and slew them in heaps, his people lamented him ever after and took no king again. After the battle some returned to Ossiriand, and their tidings filled the remnant of their people with great fear, so that thereafter they came never forth in open war, but kept to themselves by wariness and secrecy; and they were called Laiquendi, the Green-elves, because of their raiment of the color of leaves. But many went North and entered the guarded realm of Thingol and were merged with his people.1”
“...And the Orcs took the fortress upon the west slopes of Mount Rerir, and ravaged all of Thargelion, the land of Caranthir; and they defiled Lake Helevorn. Thence they passed over Gelion with fire and terror and came into East Beleriand. Maglor joined Maedhros upon Himring; but Caranthir fled and joined the remnant of his people to the scattered folk of the hunters, Amrod and Amras, and they retreated and passed Ramdal in the south. Upon Amon Ereb they maintained a watch and some strength of war, and they had the aid of the Green-Elves; and the Orcs came not into Ossiriand, nor to Taur-im-Duinath and the wilds of the south.2”
“...and the sons of Fëanor wandered before the wind. Their arms were scattered, and their league broken; and they took to a wild life and woodland life beneath the feet of Ered Lindon, mingling with the Green-Elves of Ossiriand…3”
“The Nelyar [Teleri] were most reluctant to leave their lakeside homes; but they were very cohesive, and very conscious of the separate unity of their Clan (as they continued to be), so that when it became clear that their chieftains Elwe and Olwe were resolved to depart and would have a large following, many of those among them who had at first joined the Avari went over to the Eldar rather than be separated from their kin. The Ñoldor indeed asserted that most of the ‘Teleri’ were at heart Avari, and that only the Eglain*** really regretted being left in Beleriand.” After writing about the Tatyar (Noldor who remained in Middle-Earth) and their bitterness towards the Noldor, Christopher Tolkien writes, “This ill-feeling descended in part from the bitterness of the Debate before the March of the Eldar began, and was no doubt later increased by the mechanisms of Morgoth; but it also throws some light upon the temperment of the Ñoldor in general, and Fëanor in particular, Indeed the Teleri on their side asserted that most of the Ñoldor in Aman itself were in heart Avari, and returned to Middle-Earth when they discovered their mistake; they needed room to quarrel in.11**”
Amon Ereb is where the Green-Elves buried their king and lamented him ever after. During Dagor Bragollach, Ambarussa and Caranthir flee to Amon Ereb, where they "maintained a watch and some strength of war." There are two ways this can be; first, we can ignore the line "had the aid of the Green-Elves" since the Quenta Silmarillion was written in-universe and has been revised in-universe, so you can say that that's not an accurate retelling. You could instead say that since there is a War going on, the Feanorians just built there and the Green-Elves feared the retaliation of Murderers. Following that, even if this were not the case and most of the Green-Elves were understanding after the fact, there is bound to be some dissent or some begrudging feelings from others for building a fortress on their beloved kings grave. The second option is to accept the line and say that the Green-Elves allowed them to build there. This would imply that they have a phenomenally good relationship with the Sons of Fëanor (or at least 4, 6 & 7) to allow them to build on Denethor's grave. Personally, I do not think the first option is liable since the Green-Elves attended the Feast of Reuniting, and Thingol, a known Noldor-Hater, only sent two Elves in his stead. The Sons of Feänor also mingled with the Green-Elves after the Fifth Battle, which if canon is to be believed and that "a stranger might pass through their land from end to end and see none of them4," If the Green-Elves didn't want to mingle, they wouldn't have. The next mention of the Sons of Feänor's location (in the published Silmarillion) is after the Elf Lord brought the Silmaril to Doriath; at this time, they were "gathered again from their wandering." So while it's not *explicit* that both the Sons of Fëanor and the Silmaril were within the borders of Ossiriand at the same time, it is implied. It also seems as though there is some bitterness between the Teleri and Noldor. Though the Lindi* are a subsection of the Teleri, they are (along with the Avari), often an afterthought in writings, so I am unsure if the second quote could apply to the Green-Elves or if C. Tolkien was specifically referring to the Tatyar. Regardless though, it seems to me that the Noldor and Teleri have something in common--they're both Avari at heart and love Middle-Earth. Though the Second Kinslaying takes place after the events asked about, I’m going to touch on it briefly as well. Specifically, how “...[the Teleri] were very cohesive, and very conscious of the separate unity of their Clan (as they continued to be), so that when it became clear that their chieftains Elwe and Olwe were resolved to depart and would have a large following, many of those among them who had at first joined the Avari went over to the Eldar rather than be separated from their kin.” Teleri don’t like to be separate from their families and don’t do so lightly; this, to me, implies a high emphasis on family compared to the other clans. The Sons of Feänor, who they gave safe harbor to and allowed to build on their kings grave, really spit in Green-Elves of Ossiriand’s face when they killed their close kin in Doriath.
 Relationship with the Sindar
“But the victory of the Elves was Dear-bought. For those of Ossiriand were light-armed, and no match for the Orcs, who were shod with iron and iron-shielded and bore great spears with broad blades; and Denethor was cut off and surrounded upon the hill of Amon Ereb. There he fell and all his nearest kin about him, before the host of Thingol could come to his aid. Bitterly though his fall was avenged, when Thingol came upon the rear of the Orcs and slew them in heaps, his people lamented him ever after and took no king again. After the battle some returned to Ossiriand, and their tidings filled the remnant of their people with great fear, so that thereafter they came never forth in open war, but kept to themselves by wariness and secrecy; and they were called Laiquendi, the Green-elves, because of their raiment of the color of leaves. But many went North and entered the guarded realm of Thingol and were merged with his people.1”
“...Of those Nandor who took refuge in Doriath after the fall of Denethor is it said; ‘In the event they did not mingle happily with the Teleri of Doriath, and so dwelt mostly in the small land Eglamar, Arthórien under their own chief. Some of them were “darkhearted,” though this did not necessarily appear, except under strain or provocation.’ ‘The chief of the “Guest-elves,” as they were called, was given a permanent place in Thingol’s council…7”
I’m going to paraphrase this next bit by a lot, since it’s a couple pages worth of material11…
Celben: the Sindarin equivalent of Kalaquendi; all Elves other than the Avari and includes the Sindar. It is also equivalent to Eldar (Q.) and Elloi (T.)
Morben: Originally only referred to the Avari, but as other Children became known, it came to mean “Anyone dwelling outside Beleriand, or entering their realm from the outside.” “The first people of this kind to be met were the Nandor...when the Nandor were recognized as kinsfolk of Lindarin origin and speech, they were received into the class of Celbin.” However, later in Note 9 which discusses Eöl and Maeglin, “Some of the Nandor, who were allowed to be Celbin, were not any better,” is written and the Note goes on to discuss Saeros.
“Now word went swiftly among the Elves of Ossiriand that a great host of dwarves bearing gear of war had down out of the mountains and passed over Gelion at the Ford of Stones. These tidings came soon to Beren and Lúthien; and in that time also a messenger came to them out of Doriath telling of what had befallen there. Then Beren arose and left Tol Galen, and summoning to him Dior his son they went north the river Ascar; and with them went many of the Green-Elves of Ossiriand...In that battle by Sarn Athrad Beren fought his last fight, and himself slew the Lord of Nogrod, and wrested from him the Necklace of the Dwarves; but he dying laid his curse upon all the treasure. Then Beren gazed in wonder on the selfsame jewel Fëanor that he has cut from Morgoths iron crown, now shining set amid gold and gems by the cunning of the dwarves; and he washed it clean of blood in the waters of the river. And when all was finished the treasure of Doriath was drowned in the river Ascar, and from that time the river was named anew, Rathlóriel, the Golden Bed…5”
The Green-Elves and the Sindar are both a part of the Olwë’s Host that split off in Middle-Earth, albeit at different times. The Green-Elves had the “Friendship of Thingol,6” and “were welcomed by Thingol as kin long lost that return, and they dwelt in Ossiriand, the Land of Seven Rivers.1” Tolkien also writes that his fall was “bitterly avenged,” so Thingol probably held Denethor himself in high regard. Some Green-Elves even merged with his people in Doriath. However, there is more to this story. “In the event,” is not an often encountered phrase, but “In the event that” is, so myself and others were confused at this wording. As it turns out, the phrase means that after discussing what could’ve been, you’re now discussing what actually happened. “In the end,” “as it happened,” and “as it turned out,” are synonymous with “in the event.8” So this means that the majority of the Green-Elves who migrated to Thingol’s kingdom were unhappy within his kingdom, and though they had a permanent seat on his council, they were also called “Guest-Elves,” which likely alienated them more. I also want to discuss the classes of Calben and Morben; At first, it does seem to follow the published Silmarillion--that all of the Green-Elves were welcomed as kin and subsequently entered into the class of Celben. I don’t think that is the case anymore; I think instead, the ones who merged with Doriath were “allowed” to become Celben and those who returned to Ossiriand remained Morben. It could be, of course, that Green-Elves of Ossiriand are the only ones of the Lindi to hold the title of Celben--the rest of the Lindi throughout Middle-Earth are Morben. Moving on though, the Guest-Elves probably seldom left Doriath and weren’t in much contact with their kin in Ossiriand, so it’s difficult for me to say how this impacted Ossiriand Green-Elves and Sindar’s relationship; it seems that there was a very dichotomous relationship between the two. But! Either way, the Green-Elves in and out of Doriath are kin and while that may have caused some tension--Teleri don’t like to be separated from their family and don’t do so lightly--they are still *kin* and would not take too kindly to their families being slaughtered over a jewel. I think that the Sack of Doriath would be enough “strain or provocation” to bring about their “dark hearted-ness.” 
Curses, Dooms and Prophecies in the Legendarium
“Now word went swiftly among the Elves of Ossiriand that a great host of dwarves bearing gear of war had down out of the mountains and passed over Gelion at the Ford of Stones. These tidings came soon to Beren and Lúthien; and in that time also a messenger came to them out of Doriath telling of what had befallen there. Then Beren arose and left Tol Galen, and summoning to him Dior his son they went north the river Ascar; and with them went many of the Green-Elves of Ossiriand...In that battle by Sarn Athrad Beren fought his last fight, and himself slew the Lord of Nogrod, and wrested from him the Necklace of the Dwarves; but he dying laid his curse upon all the treasure. Then Beren gazed in wonder on the selfsame jewel Fëanor that he has cut from Morgoths iron crown, now shining set amid gold and gems by the cunning of the dwarves; and he washed it clean of blood in the waters of the river. And when all was finished the treasure of Doriath was drowned in the river Ascar, and from that time the river was named anew, Rathlóriel, the Golden Bed…5”
I will not write out every curse, doom or prophecy. I am only going to list them. The point of me listing all of these out is to show just how much power these types of things have in the Tolkien Legendarium and even if they are a self-fulfilling prophecy, they tend to come true in some way. 
The Doom of Mandos
Mîm cursing Nargothronds treasure and the Nauglamir(in some variations)
The Dead Men of Dunharrow
The Curse of Morgoth; "the shadow of my thought shall lie upon them wherever they go." And the events after Húrins release
Eöl’s curse “...Here you may yet die the same death as I.”
Beleg to Túrin; “If I stayed beside you, love would lead me, not wisdom.”
Melian to Túrin; “There is malice in this sword. The dark heart of the smith still dwells in it. It will not love the hand it serves; neither will it abide with you long.”
Glaurung to Túrin; “...but thou carest not for that Glad may thy father be to learn that he hath such a son; as learn he shall”
Melian to Thingol; “For you have either doomed your daughter, or yourself. And now is Doriath drawn within the fate of a mightier realm.”
Huans Fate
The Lord of Nargothrond cursing the treasures of Doriath and the Nauglamir
There is more, but I think you get the point. 
I want to touch on how the River Ascar flows into the River Gelion and "...after Sirion Ulmo loved Gelion above all the waters of the western world.4" In addition to this, the Green-Elves of Ossiriand rely on their rivers, not only for the nourishment water provides but also "lived in the protection of their rivers.7" I also want to point out that Ascar is the most upstream river of Ossiriand. "Why does this matter," you ask, "What does this have to do with curses?" Well…. The meaning of Ascar is "rushing or imperious (moving forcefully or rapidly).10" In addition to the river's name signifying its nature, it's also written that "...[the rivers] fell steeply and very swift from the Mountains of Ered Lindon.9" So there is no way that cursed gold is staying put. If the Green-Elves were upset at having cursed gold in their river, that they rely on for protection, imagine how upset they'd be if there was cursed gold in the Galion, that borders all of their land. 
Personally, I think that if it were any other Elf-Lord, we would have had a different story. The Silmarillion has a tragic thing going on where, if a tragedy is prevented, another one would take its place. Here, if it was any other Elf who was in possession of the Silmaril, the Second Kinslaying may have been prevented, but the Silmaril wouldn’t go to Valinor. 
The Sindar and Green-Elves seem to have a dichotomous relationship, where the Sindar seem to accept them as kin, but also refer to them as outsiders. The Noldor (specifically the Sons of Fëanor) and the Green-Elves seem to have a better relationship, but there is some old bitterness between the Noldor and Teleri and any good relationship would’ve been destroyed following the Second Kinslaying. But to answer your question, what was going through that Elf Lords head? I think it was something along the lines of "Ah! Cursed Jewelry that has poisoned our river and has been the cause of many deaths, better get this out of here before the Sons of Fëanor or my fellow Green-Elves who like them more than Doriath find me!"
1The Silmarillion, Of the Sindar
2 The Silmarillion, Of the Ruin of Beleriand
3The Silmarillion, Of the Fifth Battle
4The Silmarillion, Of Belerinad and its Realms
5The Silmarillion, Of the Ruin of Doriath
6HoME X, The Annals of Aman
7HoME XI, The Grey Annals
9HoME XII, The Shibboleth of Fëanor
11HoME XI, Quendi and Eldar pg 376-77, 381, 409
*I don’t like the term Nandor and I refuse to use it unless I have to. It’s derived from the primitive elvish word “ndandō” which means, “one who goes back on his word or decision.” “Primitive elvish” is used by Paul Strack to describe the internal (fictional) evolution of elvish. “Lindi” is what the Green-Elves called themselves.
**I am aware that the quote continues to contrast this with the relations between Sindar, Green-Elves and other Avari elves, but this talks about the second age so I chose to not include it. 
***”The Forsaken.” The Sindar named themselves this, but it only refers to Sindar who wanted to go to Aman but arrived late or looked for Elwë for too long. Círdan is their Lord and they are the most friendly towards the Noldor.
Note: Who knew superscript doesn’t work on tumblr? I’m not surprised, but sorry for numbers interrupting the reading
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Feanorian Week, day #4
Caranthir: Childhood, Betrayal, Lordship, Dwarves & Humans, Marriage, Appearance
Caranthir had dropped everything, everything, and ridden straight for Brethil the moment they had brought him the news. He had lashed his horse to a faster pace for every mile that it could run, and he had wished with every bone in his body that he knew how to pray.
But he didn’t know how, so he could only curse his horse, and himself, and ride.
She could not die. Even if they had been forced apart, so that he had his life and his duties while she had hers, he could not imagine a world in which she did not dwell.
Haleth could not die.
When he arrived he found that something of a small town had grown up where he last remembered only a rough camp. His brusque questions and abrupt demeanor likely warned the townsfolk that he meant every question he asked, and he was quickly directed to a small hut beyond the palisade, at the edge of the Forest proper.
He dismounted roughly, shoving the reins at the nearest boy among the gathering crowd. Probably he ordered the horse taken away, or cared for, or knackered, but he knew not and cared less, seeing only that it was trembling too hard to take him any further. His own feet would serve him better now.
An old woman answered his soft knock, and for a moment he was tempted to search her face – surely this was Haleth, for surely she could still stand and walk and care for herself and warn rude lordly trespassers off her garden path, she had earned her quiet days
But the moment passed, and of course it was not Haleth.
“Where is she?” he asked, abrupt as he had always been. 
“Eh?” The old women was not cowed by him in the slightest; if anything, she seemed to the door a little firmer. “Where’s who now?”
“The lady Haleth.” He could feel himself all but shaking with impatience barely restrained. 
“I don’t know you,” the old woman said firmly, crossing her arms over her chest and planting her feet more firmly. As if she really imagined that she could stop him, should he choose to pass. “Why should I say?”
He bit back the first thing that rose to his tongue, and then the second and the third as well. “I am an old friend.” Void but this was taking too long – he had to see her now, he had to know she lived, if this was to work as he intended it to then he needed as much time as could be had. . .
“Your name?” she asked, one foot now tapping as her impatience seemed to grow to match his own. 
And it was that, oddly enough, that truly brought it home to him, how the years had passed until it was almost too late. For he had still gone by another name, then.
“Lord Caranthir of Helevorn.” An opening title might help his case – he truly did not wish to hurt this old caretaker – but in case the title would not be enough: “She knew me as Carnistir.”
“Huh.” The old woman looked him up and down now, considering. “She has said that much, once or twice, and I’ll admit I thought it was the fever talking, as her man never had such an odd name and she said it for a lover’s ears. Hmm.”
He should not have felt put to trial by an old woman of the Edain, and yet. Something in this caretaker’s gaze nearly forced him to avert his eyes.
Finally, though, she released his gaze. “All right, then. Come in. If you truly are her Carnistir, you’d best see her before the end.”
So it was true.
He followed her without another word, struck mute by the confirmation.
Then he saw the shape swaddled atop the rough cot, and he was sinking to his knees before he had even realized that his legs were shaking so. How could he have ever thought another woman. . .
“Please.” His voice had broken so far that it seemed nearly unrecognizable. “Leave us.”
The caretaker’s hand rested at his shoulder for a moment, and he could not even muster the strength to protest such unearned familiarity. “Only a few minutes, dear.”
And then she was gone, and it was only them once more, Carnistir and Haleth: just as they had been before, and yet – utterly unlike they had been before.
Carnistir and Haleth - and Carnistir had almost come too late. As he always had. 
He fumbled for her hand, inhaling in distress at the paper-thin skin and the juts of bone. He held it as gently as he knew how as he pressed it first to his forehead, and then to his lips.
“I am so sorry I did not come sooner,” he whispered.  “If I had known. . .”
But as much as he could have spoken with her – to her – for ages and ages, as they had done a lifetime before, there was also someone else Caranthir imagined he needed to address this night.
“Please, my lord,” he whispered.
The title felt odd on his lips, for usually it was his own, and he himself had never used it for another. He had never had Maedhros’s innate sense of when one should bow to kings or their systems; he had never known Celegorm’s ironic service to bonds, or Curufin’s singular reverence, or the Ambarussa’s innocent fumbling at respect.
And thus it would be Mandos – not Finwë, not Fingolfin, not any of the host of kings or regents he had ever known – to whom Caranthir would first address it.
“Please, my lord,” he said again, soft in that near-silence, broken only by Haleth’s faint breaths. “I know I have done you a great wrong, alongside my brothers and my father, and I know there is little recompense I can make for it. I know not what would please you, in your silent halls – song, or dance, or pleas of love – and I know that none whom you have called to yourself have ever been released back unto the world, nor ever will. But lord – o lord, I know not what I ask of you.”
And that was not even a lie, for Caranthir did not know. He knew what he should ask (please do not punish her for her ties to me), and he knew what he could ask (please let her stay with me a while longer), and he knew what he did not dare ask (please take me instead/too/with her).
“Your clemency and your indulgence for my beloved,” he whispered, finally. “And your assignment of any guilt with me, where it rightfully belongs.”
So perhaps this was prayer, he thought. And then he realized that his words were now the only noise in the room - all else was silence.
And Caranthir wept.
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cycas · 7 years
A made-up timeline for the War of Wrath
I think the Battle of Tasarinan, the long struggle for control of the Gates of Sirion, the breaking of Thangorodrim, the Vanyar & Noldor hosts, the participation of the Edain and Dwarves, Elros & Elrond’s ages and the Vanyar mysteriously deciding to walk home at the end are the only more or less canon bits. 
545  The host of the Valar comes up out of the West  (Elrond & Elros are 13)
#Host 2: Noldor, led by Finarfin land at the Havens : late summer
#Host 1: Vanyar,  led by Ingwion:  Capture of Eglarest (presumably in Morgoth’s hands)
546 Battle of Tasarinan.  Surprise attack on the Noldor by orcs.  Noldor eventually prevail and camp in Tasarinan.  Eglarest rebuilt by Cirdan.  Brithombar cleared of orcs.
547 Battle with Orcs and Balrogs: Vanyar and Noldor eventually drive them out across the Sirion.  Clearing orc-legions, spiders and beasts of Morgoth from West Beleriand.  
548 - struggle for control of the passages of the River Sirion  First assault on the west end of the Andram Wall now held by Morgoth.
Belegost developing anti-dragon technologies. Brithombar re-built.
549 - Continued deadlock along the Sirion. Vanyar retake Nargothrond with heavy losses.   Fëanorians raid North to Lake Helevorn. Belegost support Fëanorians fighting dragons near Mt Helevorn  Elrond & Elros are 17. Elros goes to Balar.
550 Battle of Aelin-uial (Twilight Pools) - Easterlings of Hithlum attack Elves on the flank.  Rumour that Morgoth is coming to contest passages of the Sirion. Doesn’t happen.
552 Battles at the Gates of Sirion. Establishment of Edain settlements around Eglarest & in Eriador (necessitated by population growth on Balar) Vanyar fighting orcs and Men out of Hithlum in Talath Dirnen.
553 Still fighting on the Sirion.  Vanyar are unable to force the passages of the River Teiglin.
554  Vanyar unable to pass the Ered Wethrin mountains into Dor-lómin due to Balrogs, but set up a watchtower on Amon Rudh.
555  orcs dig secret tunnels through mountains of Nevrast to attack Vanyar in W. Beleriand from the North.  Fighting on two fronts.  Cirdan lands troops on the Firth of Drengist, but they are driven back by a Balrog.    Elrond & Elros are 23.
556 -  The Noldor host raid across the Sirion into East Beleriand in small boats but are driven back.  Brithombar & Eglarest are now re-established enough to be supplying the Vanyar.
557 - Still fighting on the Sirion and the Teiglin.  The Vanyar cross the river and manage to set up an advance camp in Brethil but are driven back.
558 Belegost formally declares war, battle orcs in Thargelion. Sirion still bogged down: Noldor in the south, Vanyar further north attempting to cross into Dimbar. Dwarves undermine Mt Rerir and collapse it on the Orcs infesting it. Second Battle of Crossings of the Teiglin. Vanyar force the crossings of the Teiglin and pass into what was Brethil.
559 - Sauron counter-attacks, bringing troops out of the East and South against the new settlements of the Edain in Eriador. Ulmo destroys the land south of the Taur-im Duinath and the Bay of Balar is hugely extended back to the Ered Luin, wiping out the mouth of the River Gelion, Baranduin and much of Ossiriand.
563 Círdan & Gil-galad make another attempt to retake Nevrast, but are unsuccessful.
565  Evacuation of the Isle of Balar to the Falas. Elros goes to Falas.  He’s 28.   Elrond leaves the Fëanorians and joins his brother. Balar Destroyed by Ulmo: collateral damage in attack on South East Beleriand.
566 Eastern Beleriand invaded by the Edain who camp at Amon Ereb under Elros & Elrond.
567 - Edain & Noldor (Finarfin & Gil-galad) fighting north across Estolad. Belegost attacks an army of orcs in Thargelion.
568 - Vanyar protecting the settlements in the Falas.  Balrogs attack from Nevrast. Nevrast is destroyed, Firth of Drengist hugely extended.  Balrogs driven back into Hithlum.
569 Vanyar host raid across the Sirion into Doriath & fight dragons in the Thousand Caves.  (Galadriel and Celeborn involved?   Galadriel in LOTR teases Celeborn about wanting to visit an ancestral home even if it becomes a lair of dragons). Vanyar take Dimbar but find it infested with fell beasts out of Nan Dungortheb.
571 Nogrod joins the war.  Vanyar are struggling to hold Dimbar.
572  Men coming from the East are ambushed in the mountain-passes by the Dwarves of Nogrod & Belegost. Vanyar host forced to retreat from Dimbar back across the river Sirion by dragons coming out of Gondolin.
573 Dwarves & Fëanorians attack over the Gelion at Sarn Athrad as a diversionary tactic.  Host of Noldor attack the gates of Sirion at the same time.  Wingless dragons out of Gondolin attack West Beleriand and the Falas but are beaten back by the Vanyar.
574  Stalemate on the Sirion again.  The lower Sirion area is now mostly water.  Vanyar attempt to force the pass of Sirion but are driven back with heavy losses when Morgoth moves the mountains of the Crissaegrim and the Ered Wethrin together to block the pass.   River Sirion reduced in size due to channel being blocked. Brithombar & Eglarest raided by Morgoth’s Men out of Hithlum.
575 .Host of the Noldor cross the Sirion at last,  but cannot breach the Andram wall which is now heavily fortified. Lowlands of East Beleriand being re-taken.  Brithombar & Eglarest begin to be evacuated to what is left of South Ossiriand, which is easier to supply. Vanyar try to breach the Pass of Anach, with limited success.
576 Falas now fully evacuated, non-combatant Edain & injured Elves mostly in Ossiriand or East of the mountains in Eriador.  Vanyar in Brethil still struggling with dragons out of Gondolin.
577  Noldor host laying siege to the Andram wall which is now cut off from Angband.  Fëanorians & dwarves attempting to retake Thargelion and clear Lake Helevorn. Vanyar under attack from dragons out of Gondolin are supported by Ulmo. Doriath & Dimbar become a lake, part of the Encircling Mountains around Gondolin brought down by Noldor mountain-singers.  Eönwë  does terrible things to Nan Dungortheb. Wingless Dragons finally cleared from the Gondolin region.  
578  Vanyar retake Hithlum with the aid of Círdan, bringing ships in along the extended Firth of Drengist. Hand to hand fighting in Dor-Lomin and Hithlum between Vanyar & Easterlings, surviving Sindar of Hithlum act as guides.
579  Vampires attacking the Noldor host at night out of Taur-nu-Fuin. West Beleriand is now unstable and the action of tide and wind is causing what is left of it to slip into the Sea. Vanyar still working to re-take Hithlum.
580   Host of the Noldor & Edain led by Elros finally breach the Andram wall which collapses into the Sea and move North together with the Vanyar Host.  Ered Wethrin falls into the Sea.  Elros & Elrond are 48.
581 Forests of Neldoreth & Brethil are now a huge lake.  Host moves onto the shore of  the new lake in North Beleriand, now accessible from the sea via the enlarged Sirion, slaughtering legions of orcs.  
582  Himring & Mount Rerir re-taken and fortresses destroyed by Noldor.  Combined Noldor & Vanyar host move through Maglor’s Gap onto Plains of Lothlann.
583 Belegost and Nogrod smitten by a fleeing Balrog with terrible losses.  River Legolin vastly expanded, becomes Firth of Lune.  First Battle of the Anfauglith. Vanyar clearing orcs & Morgoth’s beasts from what is left of Dorthonion.
584  Siege of Angband.  Noldor & Vanyar hosts encamped upon Anfauglith.   Barad Eithel retaken at considerable cost.  
585 Siege of Angband. What is left of Dorthonion is still infested with vampires which raid the hosts camped upon the Anfauglith.  Círdan bringing supplies by ship out of Eriador from the now well-established Edain settlements there.
586 The winged dragons are released in fire and lightning. The Host of the Valar are driven back from the Anfauglith and retreat temporarily to Thargelion and Northern Hithlum (southern Hithlum is now under water).    Earendil joins the war but does not land in Middle-earth.
587 March counter-attack by the combined host retakes Lothlann.   
August 1 final assault begins.  Vanyar move East from Hithlum, Eönwë , more Vanyar and the Noldor host move West from Lothlann to the Gates of Angband.
August 5  Ancalagon fights Earendil and a host of birds led by Thorondor and is killed, So are most of the other winged dragons.  Thangorodrim is broken.  Elrond is impressed with the number of people and banners and will later consider the Last Alliance to be disappointingly less spectacular.
August 30th Morgoth is chained and the Silmarils are regained.    Angband uncovered, and Morgoth's thralls released.  
Victory in Middle Earth.
Sept: Sauron submits to Eönwë, but will not return to Valinor and slips away into Middle-earth.
Oct - Mar : feed & care for the released thralls. Ship-building in Ossiriand.  Evacuating Angband & the Anfauglith into the East.  Anfauglith starts to slip into the sea.
588   April: Eonwe summons Elves to leave Middle Earth
Sons of Feanor demand the Silmarils and are refused.
Angband begins  sinking into the sea.
May Sons of Fëanor  steal silmarils when they are refused. Maedhros kills himself.
Maglor throws his Silmaril into the sea and vanishes.
589  Elves of the Vanyar march back separately to Valinor across the Helcaraxë led by Ingwë's son. (!!!) Noldor & Sindar return in ships.
590 Morgoth is thrust from Arda into the Outer Dark.  Angband and what is left of Beleriand sinks into the sea.
Following the end of the First Age the surviving men of the Edain, under the leadership of Elros, and the guidance of Círdan, build a fleet of some 150 to 300 ships that over the next 50 years bring 5,000 to 10,000 people to Númenor.
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di-sma-undar-jordi · 7 years
Tolkien secret Santa!
Merry Christmas @hrymfaxe!
Caranthir, fourth child
Black sheep among burning flames
The darkest of seven sons
He made his own path
By trading with the naugrim
he built his own home
In Thargelion
On the shores of Helevorn
Among women he
Saw the valour of Haleth
The love of Nerdanel
And his faithful wife
But in his brothers bloody
Livework and weapons
He must felt ashamed
But he tried to avoid the doom
And failed in the end
Because he died with
His brothers on Menegroth
So his story ends
Aagh, I was so nervous to post this! English isn’t my first language and I can’t draw, but I tried to make a poem and hope you like it! My main blog is @sigurdsdotter, this is my weird side blog!
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nihthelm · 7 years
The great tree-shagged spire of Rerir jutted out from its softer, lower blue range like the prow of a ship, or an armored warrior striding proud in the army’s van. On its western face were strong keeps, forts which housed the warriors of Caranthir’s folk, those who kept the leaguer, who gave their sweat and sometimes, their blood, to defend the inner reaches of Valariandë.
At proud Rerir’s southern feet, cupped in the curve between the mountains, lay cradled a wide black mere, deep and chill and glassy. This was Helevorn, Hyelmorë in the Exiles’ tongue, and on its banks was the home of this land’s lord. No fortress such as those which girded Rerir’s flank, still this was a castle, built for strength as well as gracious beauty, and it boasted of high towers and walls of fine-worked stone, a portcullis fanged with steel.
High up in one of these towers, upon a broad balcony from which, it almost seemed, one might dive down direct into Helevorn’s black depths and perhaps never again surface for air and light, stood Caranthir, Lord of Thargelion, the land which sometimes, though seldom on his tongue, bore his name. Dor Caranthir it was, a green and rolling land which spread itself out as a woven carpet westward of the soft blue peaks and east of the Gelion’s snaky banks, on down south toward the land of seven rivers, and the forests there beyond.
From his vantage, so high up in the thin, cold air, Caranthir could see much of his land; almost, indeed, to the point where the tributary which lashed like a sleeping cat’s tail from Helevorn’s western end joined itself up with the greater Gelion. He had watched for some time as two points of color, far out along this broad vista, grew slowly larger and more distinct.
His brothers, the youngest, Ambarussar they were sometimes called together, though apart, their names were a morass of fates and exaltations, of littles and lasts. They rode now to meet him, to guest with him and to hunt; Caranthir wondered if he would find them much changed, or if they would find him so.
At last, judging their distance with some thoughtfulness, the Lord of Thargelion began to make his way down from his high tower room, going down to greet them when they rode their lathered steeds into his courtyard.
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outofangband · 2 years
 Geographical Resource: Lakes, Springs and Falls of Beleriand
Rivers and streams of Beleriand 
I’m going to do the marshes in a different post!
I’ve been really enjoying my Flora, Fauna and Environment of Arda series and I want to write more about geography and climate in general. To start with I thought I’d put together some more general resource posts.
Please feel free to request any aspects of geography to go over! I’ll do non Beleriand locations too!
Christopher Tolkien’s Map of Beleriand can be found here  Most locations mentioned can be found on it and the general regions can be found for those left out (some only appear in the map in the Narn, etc)
Let me know if you have any questions! I’m getting better at this!
Aeluin (”blue lake”) was a lake in Eastern Dorthonion, Southwest of Ladros and was the spot where Aegnor saw the reflection of Andreth. It was surrounded by mountain heather and uninhabited forests and highlands. It was here that Barahir, father of Beren and his outlaws hid until their betrayal by Gorlim. All were then killed by orcs. 
Helevorn (”black glass”) was a lake in the North of Thargelion, surrounded by mountains and lying at the base of Mount Rerir. From it ran a stream that met the river Gelion, one of the rivers of Ossiriand. For a time, Caranthir’s people lived by Helevorn. It was defiled by the forces of Morgoth during Dagor Bragollach. 
Linawaen (”lake of birds”) was a narrow lake in eastern Nevrast’s lowland country surrounded by the Marshes of Nevrast. It was home to a spectacular variety of wading birds.
Mithrim (”gray host”) was a narrow lake in Hithlum. Sindar elves lived by there originally before moving South. It was later home to an encampment of Fingolfin and was where Maedhros was brought to after his rescue. It was fed by three unnamed rivers that flowed down from the Ered Wethrin. 
Eithel Sirion (”spring of Sirion”) was located in the Eastern Ered Wethrin and was the source of the great river Sirion. It overlooked the plains of Ard-galen. It was the location of Barad Eithel, the fortress of Fingolfin. 
The Eithel Nínui does not appear in all versions but it was a spring located in the plains of Tumladen near Gondolin and was said to be created from the tears of Lúthien. 
The Pools of Ivrin were the source of the river Narog beneath the Ered Wethrin and marked the borders of Turgon’s lands prior to his moving to Gondolin. It was said to be blessed by Ulmo and was the place of several important events in The Silmarillion and Great Tales. The waters were defiled by Glaurung who also uprooted the beech trees which grew around it. 
Rivil’s well was in the highlands of Dorthonion North of the Fen of Serech. It was the source of Rivil, a small tributary to Sirion.  
The Shadowy Spring was in the Ered Gorgoroth or Mountains of Terror which separated Dorthonion from Nan Dungortheb. It was the source of two tributaries to Sirion, Aros and Esgalduin which both flowed to border Doriath. 
Dimrost (”rainy stair”) or Nen Girith (”shuddering water”) was a waterfall on Celebros, a tributary to the river Taeglin in Brethil. 
The Falls of Esgalduin was a waterfall in Doriath Northeast of Menengroth on the river Esgalduin, a tributary to the Sirion.
The Falls of Sirion were South of the twilight meres or Fens of Sirion. The water fell underground here and emerged at the Gates of Sirion after flowing through the hills of Andram. 
Lanthir Lamath was the waterfall of Echoing Voice on the river Adurant in Ossiriand. It was near the house of Dior and inspired the name of his daughter, Elwing meaning star spray. 
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dawnwreath · 7 years
Repost, don’t reblog.
What I propose is a little “update blurb” everyone REPOSTS (NOT reblogs, I don’t want this to be 3 pages long of characters) giving the low down on what’s going on with their character currently. If you’re like me and have tons of alts, I’d recommend a NEW POST for each alt.
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Where & Activities: Melima is found usually either within her medical tent upon the Broken Shore, the Ravenbough Marauders keep in the Twilight Highlands, or her new home in Pandaria. As such she spends a lot of time travelling, but will spend great swaths of time in those three areas.
Life and Personal: While she keeps largely to herself, the surgeon has been slowly getting to know more of her colleagues on a personal basis, rather than just a professional front. She does spend the majority of her time at work on either missions with the Marauders, or in her surgical practice. Personally, she has begun a new love affair with a roguish man, who has managed to convince her to move in with him. This has been somewhat of a smooth transition, but the largest bumps having been Melima’s hippogryph, Helevorn, not getting along with her new lover.
Privately dealing with: Melima struggles with a sudden resurgence of her personal fears, largely oriented around orcs as she is a former veteran of the Second War. This fear was recently reinforced after a mishap on a mission with the Marauders. In addition she is slowly learning how to be better with people on a personal level rather than professional, and thus addressing her status of being a rather cold and robotic person.
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