#home visit physiotherapy in Manchester
acphysiotherapy · 4 months
Why a home visit physiotherapy in Manchester is recommended?
The residents of Manchester want to go for a physiotherapy treatment. Nowadays, we can see that physiotherapists are coming up with home-based services. You do not need to visit a clinic. You need to go through this blog to know why a home visit physiotherapy in Manchester is needed. After going through it, you can make a fair decision whether to opt for it or not. Here are the points. Read More: https://handyclassified.com/why-a-home-visit-physiotherapy-in-manchester-is-recommended
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mysticfalls01 · 10 months
(Ona Batlle x reader)
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Growing up in Manchester you couldn’t help but to love football. Football was everywhere in the city.
As much as you loved football you couldn’t see yourself playing the sport however, coming from parents who were doctors you knew how you could be part of that world.
In 2017 you decided to go the States to study physiotherapy with a speciality in sports medicine. You studied in UNC where you worked with the North Carolina Tar Heels.
There you met two British girls who coincidentally also were there, Alessia Russo and Lotte Wubben-Moy. Having other British girls helped you to miss Manchester so much less and you formed an amazing friendship with them.
You made the most of your time there learning new techniques, you used the most updated medical equipment, you worked with many athletes, so you had seen any type of injuries, and you gained experience as a field medic.
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In 2020 Alessia, Lotte and you decided to go back to England due to the uncertainty of covid. Lotte signed with Arsenal while Less signed with Manchester United.
Due to Lessi’s recommendation and your great experience working with female athletes Manchester United offered you a job in their medical squad.
When you arrived to the club you made sure to have a one on one meeting with every girl in the team and that’s how you met United’s new incorporation, Ona Batlle.
At the beginning it was quite difficult to understand her because of her accent and her basic English however, the connection with Ona was there.
You found it cute how she tried to explain to you what she was feeling, what part of her body had she injured and how suddenly each time you entered a room she suddenly got red cheeks.
After being in the club for three months Ona asked you out, your relationship was based in love, commitment, communication and comprehension. You guys had similar schedules as you were working for the same club, you understood when she had to back to Spain for national duties and she understood when you had to stay extra time with a patient.
Eventually you started taking Spanish classes, so you could talk with her and her family and it was worth it as her family came to see her for her second derby.
“Mama te quiero presentar a y/n. Ella es la fisioterapeuta en jefe para el club y también es mi novia” Ona couldn’t help to tell her mother with a smile on her face.  (Mom! I wanted to present you to y/n. She works the club’s head physiotherapist and she’s also my girlfriend)
“Mucho gusto señora Batlle, soy y/n! Es un placer conocerla”  (A pleasure to meet you Mrs. Batlle, I’m y/n!)
Ona didnt know that you had started taking Spanish classes
“Mi amor! No sabía que hablabas español”  (My love! I didn’t knew that you spoke Spanish)
“Empecé a aprender por ti y por tú familia mi vida”  (I started to learn it because of you and your family my life)
Ona’s mother couldn’t help but watch the interaction and she saw the heart eyes that her daughter was giving you. Since that moment she knew that you were the one for her daughter.
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After almost three years of dating you knew that Ona was about to take one of the biggest decisions of her career, renewing with MU or going back to Barcelona.
You always knew what option was she going to choose, so ever since  your last trip to Spain to visit her family you started to prepare everything. With the help of her family whom distracted her for a day and with the help of your fellow British friends Lucy and Keira you landed an interview with FC Barcelona.
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May 2023
Ona was nervous she didn’t knew how to tell that she was accepting Barca’s offer. She prepared dinner in your now shared apartment.
When you came back after finishing your job at MU you were surprised to see the table arranged and to see Ona taking the food to the table.
“Mi amor! I’m glad that you are here! Come and sit down”
You sat down and started eating dinner with your girlfriend. After an hour or so Ona got nervous.
“Mi amor, there’s something that I need to tell you”
“What is it baby?” You looked at her with curiosity
“As you know my contract with United will be over after this season and Barca made an offer. I want to accept it”
“Well my love I also have something. Do you remember the day when your mother wanted to spend a day just with you?”
“Yeah, I remember” she said with an uncertain voice
“That day Lucy picked me up and took me to La Ciutat Esportiva. I always knew where your heart was my love. I had an interview with the head of the medical team. For the interview I had to do Frido’s physiotherapy session and I did Jana’s tape. The girls and I clicked immediately, better than I did with United’s girls and latter I learned they had given a positive feedback to Barca. Last week Barca reached out to me ” 
Ona couldn’t be believe what she was hearing.
“So what I’m trying to say my love is that I have an offer from them. I told them that if it was possible for me to finish May with United I would sign with them the same day as you did and they accepted. That’s how sure I was of your answer also, Lessi is moving to London so there’s nothing else that ties me to United”
You took her hands and spoke again. “I know that I grew here in Manchester and I considered it my home. That was until I met you that I realized that home isn’t a place, it is a person”
Ona was fully crying, you knew her so well that you prepared everything to move to Barcelona even before she said yes to the club. Ona knew that this was the moment. She took out the velvet box that was in her pocket and kneeled in one knee.
You realized what was happening, tears started to come out and your hands covered your mouth.
“Mi amor, I had something else prepared but this moment feels right, this feels like us. We’ve been dating for almost three years, you learned Spanish to talk to my family and my family loves you. You became my rock when I moved to England and you are ready to move from club and country because of me. I love you with all my heart, I didn’t believed in soulmates until I met you. I know that many persons will think that we are too young but I don’t care. So y/n l/n will you make me the happiest girl on earth and will you marry me?”
“Yes! Ona I’ll marry you!!”
You didn't knew where life was going to take you and you didn't cared as long as you were with Ona you would always be at home.
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dynamicchiropractic01 · 3 months
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
A Manchester Affair (Rúben Dias): Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
“It’s done. We’re going to Manchester”, said her boss.
Lucía moved to Munich 10 years ago, looking for a drastic change in her life, but she couldn’t imagine what was coming her way. While she was studying physiotherapy and nutrition, she was hired by Bayern Munich as a translator after they appointed Pep Guardiola as their coach. And that’s when her life really changed.
Once she finished her studies, she got promoted to work in the medical team. But before working with the first team, they wanted her to work with the Academy, which is when she met Erik ten Hag, her current boss. Once he moved back to the Netherlands, he knew he wanted her in his team and she’s been working for him ever since.
Now, however, he was leaving Ajax. He was leaving to sign for Manchester United, a decision that Lucía both understood and didn’t really understand. And that it also terrified her. What if he didn’t want her joining him at United? What if the team had already enough people on their medical team and refused to hire her? But her worries were pointless.
“Yes, we. Did you think I’d leave you here on your own?”, he laughed.
“Well no, not you. But maybe United didn’t want me?”
“Not happening. So start looking for apartments in Manchester. We’re moving to England!!”
Another move, another country, another language…plus a new team. But she moved to Munich running away from the life she was destined to have in her hometown. And from other things. She wanted this. So it was time to pack her belongings again and move to Manchester.
Erik had actually moved to England straight after the Dutch League ended, but Lucía decided to go on her holidays first. The holidays she had booked with her ex, the one who cheated on her. Not only did she not give him the opportunity to get his money back, but she also enjoyed the amazing double room he had booked for them in Greece. 
She spent long days on the beach and long nights eating the delicious local food, drinking their fantastic drinks and…well, not flirting with their gorgeous men because every time she tried, there was something that stopped her. Something that will hopefully disappear soon, because he didn’t deserve her being affected by his actions so much.
As always, she made an excuse to not go back home and went from Greece to Amsterdam and then to Manchester.
The job paid well at Ajax, but once she saw the salary United was offering, she almost fainted. It was almost double what she got before, for the same exact job. How much money do these people have?
That, plus the fact that she was always very smart with her money, meant she didn’t have to worry much about which apartment to rent. So she ended up in quite a central area, in a 3-room apartment that was definitely too big for just one person. Funnily enough, she could see Manchester City’s stadium from one of the windows. Hello, rivals!
When a few signings were finalised, she was happy to see Lisandro and Eriksen were joining the squad. She knew them both from her time at Ajax, and it was especially nice to have Lisandro and his partner in the city with her. Lucía loved having someone she could speak Spanish with.
“Ready for the tour?”, she heard De Gea say while they were all waiting to board the plane.
Her uncertainty only made him laugh. He was one of the players that had made her feel the most welcome. Since they both came from Madrid, there was a natural bond there. 
“It’ll be fun! Especially Australia”.
“You’re right. I’ve always wanted to visit”, she said with a smile. “Who are you sitting with on the plane?”
“Bruno, but I can sit with you for a couple of hours if you want. It’s a long flight”, he offered.
“I’d appreciate that. I’m not a big fan of flying in general. And these super long flights make me more nervous”.
“It’ll be alright”, he said, squeezing her shoulder. 
And that alright was true for the whole tour. The whole squad wasn’t there, but it was a good opportunity to get to know the new players she was going to be working with. And the results were good too. Maybe the season wouldn’t be as bad as she feared.
Despite the jet lag and how cold it was in Australia, the two weeks flew by. Time to go back to Manchester to finish getting ready for the season. 
One of the things she knew she had to do now she was in Manchester was contact her old boss Pep. They had remained in touch with each other the last couple of years but definitely drifted apart a bit once he left Germany.
To so many, it’d be weird, what with them working for rival teams, but he was a good friend. Someone who made sure she was treated right at Bayern and someone who helped her build her career.
Lucía: “Hey Pep, just wanted to let you know I’m back in Manchester and it’d be lovely to meet one of these days for dinner or something. Whenever you’re free. Let me know. Looking forward to catching up. Xx”
Pep was terrible at texting back, so she just knew she'd have to wait for many days until he saw the message and answered back. She was the complete opposite, someone who had to text back the moment she saw the message but she just had to get used to other people not having the same weird quirks as her.
And seeing how they had just lost the Community Shield to Liverpool, she just knew he would take even longer. He tried not to go on his phone much after big losses. Again, the total opposite to her. Maybe that’s why they got on so well. Opposites.
At least he won the first match of the Premier League season. United, well, they didn’t. After a great pre-season under Erik, it seemed like they went back to all of their old bad habits the moment the matches were official and not friendlies.
“And what are your thoughts, Lu?”, asked her one of the assistants while they were having breakfast. Sure, Lucía was part of the medical team but they knew her well and knew how much she knew about football, so her opinion mattered to them.
“I mean, conceding again in the first 20 minutes is just ridiculous. Their lack of concentration in the first half kills their matches. It was the same last season”.
“Yeah, we need to work on that”.
“Are you having your talk with them today? About nutrition?”, asked Erik.
“Yes, before training if that’s ok”, she said and he nodded. “I can’t wait to hear them moaning about how I don’t let them eat or drink what they want to eat or drink. Babies”.
To that, the whole table laughed. She was good at her job because she took no shit from any of the players, no matter how famous they were. At least the cooks were always lovely and accepted her menu changes without complaining.
“But, I don’t see how having a beer after a match is going to be bad for me?”, came the first complaint to her no alcohol during the season rule.
“Funny, because I literally did a 20-minute presentation explaining why it’s bad for you. And I also spent 3 years in Uni learning about the effects alcohol has on athletes so…your choice. But I’ll be able to tell if you’re drinking so it’s up to you”.
Of course, she couldn’t tell if they had been drinking one silly beer before a match but what they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. Scaring them was enough.
“Besides, after that pathetic performance you had against Brighton, there were no reasons to celebrate. So a nice glass of warm milk before bed will do the trick, right?”
She regretted her words immediately. She was too used to the players that already knew her “sense of humour” but these ones barely knew her. It was obvious they were really hurt by those words. Great, fantastic start at the new team.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean that. But listen to me, ok? I’m doing this for you. All the players I’ve worked with have improved their fitness and their performances, right Licha?”, she said, looking at Lisandro, who seemed to be the only one not shooting daggers at her.
He gave her a thumbs up and a huge smile. At least he still liked her. 
“How was the chat?”, asked the head of the medical department after you all left the room.
“Brilliant, I insulted them without meaning to and now their huge football ego is hurt”, she said, rolling her eyes.
“They’ll get over it”.
“Hey, there you are”.
“What is it?”, she asked, lifting her head from the papers she was reading.
“We need you outside, McTominay hurt his knee and we need your opinion”.
“Of course”.
When she got to the pitch where the first team was training, she saw McTominay already standing.
“You ok? What happened to your knee?”
“I twisted it trying to make a tackle and I stopped quickly once I noticed the pain but it seems to be alright now”.
“Let me see”, she said, ready to check for any inflammation or bruising. 
“You know”, said the Scotsman, “I liked your feisty moment yesterday”.
“What do you mean?”, she asked looking up at him.
“When you called us pathetic”, he said, making her look down to hide her blush. “It’s fine, we were pathetic”.
“But I didn’t mean it like that. It was…a joke. But my humour is a bit dark for those who don’t know me, I guess. I bet Licha found it hilarious”.
“Yeah, he only has good things to say about you”.
“Good, I threatened him so he better be only talking about how beautiful and smart I am”.
“We don’t need him to tell us you’re pretty. We can all see that”.
Great, a player flirting with her…again. She was allowed to date footballers if she wanted to, but she didn’t really fancy that. So she concentrated on looking at his knee, which seemed to be absolutely fine, thankfully. 
“She’s off limits, Scott”, she heard Erik say.
“What?”, said Scott, surprised by his coach’s words. “I wasn’t doing anything, I…”
“I know, and still off limits until she says otherwise. Is the knee okay?”
“Seems to be fine, yes. Maybe be careful the rest of the session and get a scan once you’re done, even if it doesn’t hurt. Just to be on the save side”.
“I will”, said Scott, clearly still bothered by the interruption and how Erik cut him off.
Going back to her office, she had that weird feeling again. The one she’s had since breaking up with her ex. 
Will it ever disappear or was she destined to never be able to talk to a man again?
A couple of days before the Brentford game, she finally got a text from Pep. He told her to meet him that Sunday since she’d be back from London and they played at home.
It was such a simple thing, meeting her ex-boss, her friend. But it made her really look forward to the weekend.
However, the plans for a nice Sunday off were completely gone once United were humiliated by Brentford after conceding 4 goals in the first half. Yeah, her analysis about them not showing up during the first 45 minutes couldn’t have been more spot on.
“Training tomorrow! I want you all at Carrington at 9 am. No excuses! You’ll ran the miles you didn’t run today”.
She could hear Erik’s yelling from outside the dressing room and so could everyone else.
But when he got out and saw her, his expression softened. 
“Are you up for a bit of running tomorrow?”, he asked.
“Oh…not again!”, she whined.
One of his punishments in the Netherlands was running 13k after a really bad performance. And he invited everyone in the staff team to join him since he ran the same distance as the players. Showing that he leads by example. She had joined him a couple of times, especially around the times she was training for a few half marathons. But it had been a while and her fitness levels were not as great as they used to be.
“Ok, I’ll try. But if I get tired, I’ll fake an injury”, she said, making him laugh for the first time since the match started. Well, that’s something.
The next day, after all the long faces, when they heard about their punishment, they all ran the 13k and she could feel a switch in the way the players behaved with the coaching staff. Also, many of them congratulated her on her great form, since she did finish the same distance as them. 
“You’re going to embarrass us”, laughed David. “Don’t tell me you’re good at goalkeeping too. My ego won’t be able to take it”.
“Don’t worry about that”, she said, joining his laughing. “I just look at the ball coming towards my face and do nothing. You’re fine”.
“Any plans for the rest of the not really day off?", she heard Dalot ask and realized he was talking to her. Was that the first time he did it? It felt that way. 
“Yeah, actually. I’m meeting an old friend for dinner”.
“Cool. Have fun”, he said with a genuine smile. “And if you ever need something, my girlfriend and I will be happy to help”.
“Thank you”, she said, feeling a bit emotional. Yeah, that was definitely progress.
Hours later, she took a taxi to take her to the restaurant Pep had made reservations at. When she got out of it, she could already see him waiting near the door.
“Hey!! It’s so good to see you!”, she said, giving him a hug.
“It really is. It’s been too long. How are you? How are you adapting to the city?”
“I’m doing pretty well. But let’s go inside and catch up properly”.
“After you”, he said, opening the door for her.
And that's exactly what they did. They caught up while eating some delicious food.
"So, that boyfriend of yours…I saw he disappeared from your social media. I guess it didn't work out".
"It was working until he cheated", she shrugged, trying not to sound too bitter or hurt.
"Bastard. Then he never deserved you. You know that, right?"
She was about to say something when she noticed Pep's eyes looking at something or, more specifically, at someone. 
"What…", she started to say, turning to see what he was looking at, but was interrupted by Pep.
"Rúben, what are you doing here?"
And that's when she saw who caught Pep's attention. It was one of his players, Rúben Dias. 
"Hi, coach. Nice to see you and…your friend", he said, looking at her curiously. She didn’t like the way he said the word friend. Was he trying to insinuate something?
"A friend, yes. I’m Lucía, nice to meet you. We worked together in Munich and now that I'm in Manchester working for United we are catching up".
"Oh, you work for United. Well that makes this dinner weird in a different way, I guess".
"How was it weird before?", asked Pep, oblivious to what had gone through his player's mind.
"What are you doing here? Are you meeting someone?", she asked Rúben, trying to change the subject.
"I was but she cancelled on me so, I was going to go home".
"Don't. We were about to have dessert. Sit with us", offered Pep.
"I don't want to bother you", he said, looking at her.
"You won't. Please join us".
And so he asked the waiter for a chair and sat with them.
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themakersmovement · 5 years
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Urban, the on-demand wellness platform, adds physiotherapy to its roster of on-demand services Urban, the London-headquartered company that lets you book a growing range of “wellness” services on demand — spanning massage, osteopathy, to various beauty treatments — is adding physiotherapy to its roster in a bid to become a “one-stop-shop” for physical wellbeing. The new pay-as-you-go physiotherapy offering will let you book a HCPC-registered physio via the Urban app or website for treatment in your home. With NHS wait times several weeks if not months for access to physiotherapy, Urban thinks it has spotted a gap in the market for people that need ongoing treatment or a quick appraisal for a recently sustained injury — and are willing to pay “out of pocket” for the privilege. In a call with Urban founder Jack Tang and the company’s general manager for physical wellbeing, Joe Jarman, the pair explained that the new service aims to provide access to a private physiotherapist with as little as two hours’ notice, available seven days per week. It will initially be available in London, with a focus on central London where demand (and, presumably, ability to pay) is highest, followed by Manchester and Birmingham. With that said, pricing is competitive with physiotherapy that is typically offered at a private clinic, and compared to arranging a home visit from a private clinic, it is considerably cheaper. That’s because, claims Jarman, Urban is able to cut down on travel time by clustering nearby bookings via its app in order to maximise potential sessions per day, similar to what it does for other existing Urban wellbeing services. Of course, it doesn’t have the same brick ‘n’ mortar overheads, either. Jarman says that many of Urban’s physiotherapists work in the NHS during the day but are looking to earn additional income in the evenings and at weekends or want to transition into private practice. Asked if a service like Urban could place more pressure on the NHS by stretching an already scare resource, he says that the sector as a whole is growing. This has seen a 22% increase in the number of physiotherapists since 2015. In addition, Jarman says one in every three GP consultations relates to MSK issues, and early access to an Urban physiotherapist could help lessen this. Either way, it’s certainly true that at present and within its current funding and organisational structure, the NHS isn’t very well-positioned to provide speedy MSK-related advice or treatment. Physiotherapy is also an obvious extension to Urban’s existing osteopathy and sports massage treatments. “We see physiotherapy as the final vital piece so that we can offer a complete package to attain good physical health,” adds Jarman in a statement. “If someone has a problem with their body, we make sure they get the right treatment plan – and they get to choose the time and place”. Meanwhile, Tang says that now Urban has completed its suite for physical wellbeing, the startup’s attention now turns to “doubling down” on its beauty and body confidence category with more news to share “very soon”. https://buff.ly/2jXTGgE
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years
Urban, the on-demand wellness platform, adds physiotherapy to its roster of on-demand services
Urban, the London-headquartered company that lets you book a growing range of “wellness” services on demand — spanning massage, osteopathy, to various beauty treatments — is adding physiotherapy to its roster in a bid to become a “one-stop-shop” for physical wellbeing.
The new pay-as-you-go physiotherapy offering will let you book a HCPC-registered physio via the Urban app or website for treatment in your home. With NHS wait times several weeks if not months for access to physiotherapy, Urban thinks it has spotted a gap in the market for people that need ongoing treatment or a quick appraisal for a recently sustained injury — and are willing to pay “out of pocket” for the privilege.
In a call with Urban founder Jack Tang and the company’s general manager for physical wellbeing, Joe Jarman, the pair explained that the new service aims to provide access to a private physiotherapist with as little as two hours’ notice, available seven days per week. It will initially be available in London, with a focus on central London where demand (and, presumably, ability to pay) is highest, followed by Manchester and Birmingham.
With that said, pricing is competitive with physiotherapy that is typically offered at a private clinic, and compared to arranging a home visit from a private clinic, it is considerably cheaper. That’s because, claims Jarman, Urban is able to cut down on travel time by clustering nearby bookings via its app in order to maximise potential sessions per day, similar to what it does for other existing Urban wellbeing services. Of course, it doesn’t have the same brick ‘n’ mortar overheads, either.
Jarman says that many of Urban’s physiotherapists work in the NHS during the day but are looking to earn additional income in the evenings and at weekends or want to transition into private practice.
Asked if a service like Urban could place more pressure on the NHS by stretching an already scare resource, he says that the sector as a whole is growing. This has seen a 22% increase in the number of physiotherapists since 2015. In addition, Jarman says one in every three GP consultations relates to MSK issues, and early access to an Urban physiotherapist could help lessen this.
Either way, it’s certainly true that at present and within its current funding and organisational structure, the NHS isn’t very well-positioned to provide speedy MSK-related advice or treatment. Physiotherapy is also an obvious extension to Urban’s existing osteopathy and sports massage treatments.
“We see physiotherapy as the final vital piece so that we can offer a complete package to attain good physical health,” adds Jarman in a statement. “If someone has a problem with their body, we make sure they get the right treatment plan – and they get to choose the time and place”.
Meanwhile, Tang says that now Urban has completed its suite for physical wellbeing, the startup’s attention now turns to “doubling down” on its beauty and body confidence category with more news to share “very soon”.
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rocksonyk · 5 years
Bycott Boots customers need to teach them lesson
It is 2020 everything if not fair JUST GIVE UP!!!
Boots Advantage Card customers furious over changes to two of its most popular schemes
"Why take things away from customers? That’s not going to help business is it?!"
ByRachel PughMoney-Saving & Consumer Writer
12:16, 20 JAN 2020UPDATED16:23, 20 JAN 2020
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Boots customers furious over new changes to Advantage Card schemes
Boots customers furious over new changes to Advantage Card schemes (Image: Getty Images)
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Boots has announced some big changes will be coming to two of its most popular loyalty schemes, and shoppers aren't happy.
The high-street pharmacy chain has confirmed plans to cut the value of its Parenting Club and Over 60s schemes by 20 per cent, much to the disdain of its loyal customer base.
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McDonald's axes three popular menu items, and fast-food fans won't be happy
McDonald's axes popular menu items and fast-food fans won't be happy
People who are signed up to the free points-saving schemes are currently awarded ten points (worth 1p each) for every £1 spent on certain Boots products.
However, under new plans, which are set to come into play on 16 March, shoppers will only earn eight points for every £1 spent.
Customers with normal advantage cards currently receive 4 points for every £1 spent on particular products, though this is set to remain the same and will not be affected by the 20 pc cut.
The changes were first announced by Boots in an email to customers, which read: "We're changing the points you get in Parenting Club, from 10 points per £1 you spend in Baby, to 8 points.
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"However, that's still 4 more points than the standard Advantage Card reward of 4 points per £1. And, as this change isn't due until 16th March, you can still make the most of 10 points for every £1 on Baby for the next 2 months.
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"Plus, we recently extended the age range from 3-5 years - so you get to enjoy two more years of 8 points!"
After receiving the emails, shoppers took to social media to vent their frustrations.
Cate Toward
@BootsUK so even Boots are taking from pensioners now! Boots Over 60's Rewards are going down from 10 in every £1, to 8!
But still lots of pics of smiling oldies in the ad 🙄

11:00 AM - Jan 17, 2020
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See Cate Toward's other Tweets
Posting on Twitter, one frustrated consumer said: "So even Boots are taking from pensioners now! Boots Over 60's Rewards are going down from 10 in every £1, to 8! But still lots of pics of smiling oldies in the ad."
Responding to the Tweet, Boots' official account said: "Hi Cate, The Boots Advantage Card remains one of the most generous loyalty schemes in the UK, with members earning 4 points for every £1 spent. Each point is worth 1p. We are making changes to our clubs to invest in what we offer our members and will continue to give them great value on the products we know they will love."
Andrea Law
@BootsUK interesting to see you’re changing your parenting club points by making the offering WORSE for customers. Why take things away from customers? That’s not going to help business is it?!
10:26 AM - Jan 17, 2020
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See Andrea Law's other Tweets
Another annoyed shopper said: " @BootsUK interesting to see you’re changing your parenting club points by making the offering WORSE for customers. Why take things away from customers? That’s not going to help business is it?!"
David Thomas
Just received email from @BootsUK - #Advantage Card scheme will no longer give the over 60's 10 points per £ spent, but reduce it to 8 points per £ spent. Another company reducing the benefits for the over 60's/retired community. @ageuklondon @ageukcampaigns @ageuk
1:02 PM - Jan 17, 2020
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See David Thomas's other Tweets
A third wrote: "Just received email from @BootsUK - #Advantage Card scheme will no longer give the over 60's 10 points per £ spent, but reduce it to 8 points per £ spent. Another company reducing the benefits for the over 60's/retired community."
@BootsUK announce a 20% reduction in rewards for their over 60’s customers.
Other chemists & pharmacies are available...
11:40 AM - Jan 17, 2020
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See N1ckelode0n's other Tweets
Somebody else vented: " @BootsUK announce a 20% reduction in rewards for their over 60’s customers. Other chemists & pharmacies are available..."
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Manchester Evening News has approached Boots for comment.
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endenogatai · 5 years
Urban, the on-demand wellness platform, adds physiotherapy to its roster of on-demand services
Urban, the London-headquartered company that lets you book a growing range of “wellness” services on demand — spanning massage, osteopathy, to various beauty treatments — is adding physiotherapy to its roster in a bid to become a “one-stop-shop” for physical wellbeing.
The new pay-as-you-go physiotherapy offering will let you book a HCPC-registered physio via the Urban app or website for treatment in your home. With NHS wait times several weeks if not months for access to physiotherapy, Urban thinks it has spotted a gap in the market for people that need ongoing treatment or a quick appraisal for a recently sustained injury — and are willing to pay “out of pocket” for the privilege.
In a call with Urban founder Jack Tang and the company’s general manager for physical wellbeing, Joe Jarman, the pair explained that the new service aims to provide access to a private physiotherapist with as little as two hours’ notice, available seven days per week. It will initially be available in London, with a focus on central London where demand (and, presumably, ability to pay) is highest, followed by Manchester and Birmingham.
With that said, pricing is competitive with physiotherapy that is typically offered at a private clinic, and compared to arranging a home visit from a private clinic, it is considerably cheaper. That’s because, claims Jarman, Urban is able to cut down on travel time by clustering nearby bookings via its app in order to maximise potential sessions per day, similar to what it does for other existing Urban wellbeing services. Of course, it doesn’t have the same brick ‘n’ mortar overheads, either.
Jarman says that many of Urban’s physiotherapists work in the NHS during the day but are looking to earn additional income in the evenings and at weekends or want to transition into private practice.
Asked if a service like Urban could place more pressure on the NHS by stretching an already scare resource, he says that the sector as a whole is growing. This has seen a 22% increase in the number of physiotherapists since 2015. In addition, Jarman says one in every three GP consultations relates to MSK issues, and early access to an Urban physiotherapist could help lessen this.
Either way, it’s certainly true that at present and within its current funding and organisational structure, the NHS isn’t very well-positioned to provide speedy MSK-related advice or treatment. Physiotherapy is also an obvious extension to Urban’s existing osteopathy and sports massage treatments.
“We see physiotherapy as the final vital piece so that we can offer a complete package to attain good physical health,” adds Jarman in a statement. “If someone has a problem with their body, we make sure they get the right treatment plan – and they get to choose the time and place”.
Meanwhile, Tang says that now Urban has completed its suite for physical wellbeing, the startup’s attention now turns to “doubling down” on its beauty and body confidence category with more news to share “very soon”.
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graemepark · 6 years
After an extended post Christmas and New Year break, due to my recent total knee replacement surgery, I’m very much looking forward to my first gigs of 2019. I don’t usually take so much time off at the start of the year but having my right knee replaced ruled me out of doing much apart from resting, recuperating and lots of physiotherapy. For those of you who have been following my updates on my social media feeds, you’ll know that I’ve been making excellent progress and after six weeks of hard work in the gym my consultant has told me that he’s “never seen a better recovery” (and he’s carried out over 2,000 knee replacement operations!). I’m ahead of where I should be and can’t wait to get back on the decks (although in the short term I’ll be using a crutch).
First up I’m in Dublin on Friday 22nd February where I’ll be playing at Yamamori Tengu. I’m very excited about this gig because not only is it over two years since I played in this wonderful city (Haçienda Classical at the 3Arena followed by a DJ set at the Button Factory back in December 2016), but this will be the first ever Long Live House club night. Long Live House is the name of my new series of compilation albums and Volume 1: 1980s is available now (click Store on my website Home Page to get your copy on vinyl or CD). This night is in association with Dublin’s very own and totally wonderful Phever and I’ll be joined on the decks by Dean Sherry and Steff Fagan. I’m told that Yamamori Tengu is a very intimate venue with a kicking sound system, which sounds absolutely perfect for the first ever Long Live House club night where I’ll be digging deep into my archives and playing some overlooked and forgotten house tunes from the late 1980s right up to the present day. I always have amazing nights in Dublin and I’m sure this will be no exception.
The next day Saturday 23rd February I’ll be at the wonderful King George’s Hall in Blackburn alongside Bez, Rowetta and K-klass for Bez and Rowetta’s ongoing “On The Sixth Day” tour. I’ll be opening the night with a set of late 80s acid house before Rowetta performs a live PA, K-klass play live and then Bez and Rowetta close the night with a DJ set. I’ve played at the King George’s Hall many times over the years and it always turns into a full-on rave. I’m pretty sure that’s what will happen here.
Full details of these gigs can be found from the links above and to find out where I’m playing in the coming weeks and months, either as a DJ or with the Haçienda Classical show (including the Isle Of Wight Festival, The Royal Albert Hall London, Castlefield Arena Manchester and more, please visit the Gigs link on my website Home Page. I look forward to seeing you all on a dance floor soon.
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acphysiotherapy · 3 months
Factors To Consider Before Going For A Physiotherapy In Manchester
Physiotherapy, a transformative therapy, can restore mobility and alleviate discomfort, even if your shoulder is dislocated and the movement stops. Not only the shoulder physiotherapy cures any part of the body and ensures you can move it at an ease. In Manchester, people often go for physiotherapy treatment and want to lead a better life. But before moving onto anything, you need to consider a few factors that play an essential role. Here are some factors to consider before going for physiotherapy in Manchester.
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In a few cases, we have observed that people who suffer from a backache visit a muscle ache specialist. It is inappropriate, and you will never get any solution to this problem. You can take control of your healthcare journey by choosing a physiotherapist who is an expert in a particular area. Some of the best physiotherapists in Manchester have a fair experience performing cardiovascular treatments. Before getting a treatment from them, go through the reviews they received from their previous clients.
See, it is a matter of your health, so take the time to delve into the background of your potential physiotherapist. You need to see what are their earlier treatments and you also need to see whether the therapist is qualified enough to perform the therapy. One of the best things is to hire an experienced physiotherapist with experience providing therapies for at least six years.   
Gone are those days when physiotherapists used to rely on massage as a part of the treatment. With the advent of modern technologies, treatment techniques have also advanced, offering faster and more effective solutions. Nowadays, acupuncture, reflexology, and many other therapies like them give you an effective solution.
Many physiotherapists who provide home physiotherapy in Manchester are available 24x7. Even if you have a problem at around midnight the therapists visit your home and provides you with a treatment. You need to hire a therapist who is available for 24x7. It is a helpful option and will give you satisfaction to the fullest.
You need to choose a physiotherapist based on your location or someone who is just a few minutes away. If you have a muscle ache and you have to go far from your home, then it can give you serious trouble. Choose the physiotherapist near you to allow for more frequent and convenient appointments and ensure that you have easy access. You need to search in Google physiotherapy in Manchester by switching on your phone’s location.
Wrapping Up
Choose the right physiotherapist who provides the best physiotherapy in Manchester and eliminate your problem as soon as possible. People consult these physiotherapists and get the appropriate solution. So, if you are unable to move your wrist properly, consult the best physiotherapist. The specialists are coming up with the latest treatment techniques and ensures you a healthy life.
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jacobisreallygay · 6 years
Ashley Young's Girlfriend Nicky Pike, Michael Carrick's Wife Lisa Roughead And Patrice Evra's Wife At "United For UNICEF Gala Dinner"
Tips for Writing Content for Your Physiotherapy Clinic's Website. While hiring experts is a great idea, still you must think of all details linked to your kid's birthday party. After all, parents didn't have to concern yourself with games carried by systems like Atari (there was nothing threatening about Pac-Man or Space Invaders). Whether you might be choosing an official child care center, in-home care, or family day care, there are some basic facts one must know and persist upon.
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"With that new 8G Ultra-Fast Smart Phone, my friends, distant acquaintances, strangers that know those distant acquaintances, and family know each time I eat a burrito on Facebook and Twitter!". One is which you employ a face painting professional and just let your kids choose the animals they want to be. If you decide you genuinely wish to push the boat out you, should examine getting children bed covers that are not only cotton, but additionally have a high thread count. The winding raft slides, aqua park, and adventure river are notable features of the park. One of the reduced maintenance and cheaper pets can be fish. The glamorous annual gala event was also attended by Sir Alex Ferguson along with other Manchester United's first-team players and coaching staff. Don't you simply love this color with all the Disney Descendants 2 on it? Other popular character may also be featured on these thermoses.
Think of habits such as brushing your teeth or buckling up within the car. Teenagers are likely not going being interested in climbing all over a firetruck, however they might enjoy visiting a museum where they can handle fossils. A few variations may also keep your child excited about changing the bedding, plus they could even start doing the work themselves one day. Published: 2011-01-04 04:27:07. Even the moon was blurry. Each member can decorate their very own pillow case in in any manner they choose. The most well known buy clothes now pay later catalogs include: Midnight Velvet, Fingerhut, Blairs and Seventh Avenue. Sylvie van der Vaart: Hot Pictures of Rafael van der Vaart's Wife (2011). Remember that buying a lot more than one pair of linen can be important, as you will want to be able to increase child's bed while one other set is being washed. Such playgrounds are already located in a few parts of the country, nevertheless they are rare. Children will have much time of fun using a wheelbarrow, hand tools, a watering can, plus a splash slide. Help! i Need Money Desperately, Free Resources to Help You Obtain By.
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benaboutthatlife · 6 years
Ashley Young's Girlfriend Nicky Pike, Michael Carrick's Wife Lisa Roughead And Patrice Evra's Wife At "United For UNICEF Gala Dinner"
Tips for Writing Content for Your Physiotherapy Clinic's Website. While hiring experts is a great idea, still you need to think about all details linked to your kid's birthday party. After all, parents was lacking to worry about games carried by systems like Atari (there was nothing threatening about Pac-Man or Space Invaders). Whether you're choosing an official child care center, in-home care, or family day care, there are some basic facts one must know and persist upon. Previous/Current Customers and Reviews. We have computer processors that are so complex, they are effective at handling unimaginable amounts of computations, simultaneously. Budgies are great companions, they are a talkative and social bird. Manchester United midfielder Michael Carrick married Lisa Roughead on June 16, 2007, exactly the same day as England team mates Steven Gerrard and Gary Neville married their partners. Copyright Thomas J Ryan - Science Store for that Stars 2007 . If you never think you've a problem, try doing what any addict should do in order to find out how bad they actuallyare. Cliff Bar Zbar for Kids.
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Microsoft's Xbox and Xbox video game consoles likewise have many, many titles that are rated E the Xbox with approximately 270 games and the Xbox with to date of a dozen -- but count about the variety of Xbox titles to increase since it's a brand new release. A perfect illustration of an imperfect human society. They can associate the language of the points they see and hear around them with these toys. Sometimes these visits validate that the particular place is befitting your little one, but sometimes it will prove to be an eye-opener. Are there any critters roaming around?. A lack of protein will develop a lack of development in their body and give a not enough energy for kids. A lack of protein will develop a lack of development inside their body and provide a insufficient energy for kids. Have a look at the advantages of unstructured playing!.
Learning can be fun so when you put effort into planning activities for kids in the classroom, you can teach, have some fun and possibly even learn a few things yourself. Remember that buying more than one set of linen is also important, as you will want to be able to produce your child's bed while one other set is being washed. Your kids will enjoy every single day of holidaying on this city and may even request one to visit it again the next time.
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dynamicchiropractic01 · 6 months
Step into Wellness: Dynamic Chiropractic's Foot and Physio Care in Manchester
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Are you seeking relief from foot ailments or in need of expert physiotherapy services in Manchester and its neighboring areas? Look no further than Dynamic Chiropractic! Our dedicated team of professionals is here to help you step into wellness and reclaim your mobility and comfort. Let's explore the diverse range of services we offer:
Podiatrist Near Me Manchester: Dynamic Chiropractic is your go-to destination for expert podiatric care in Manchester. Whether you're dealing with bunions, corns, or heel pain, our skilled podiatrists are committed to providing personalized solutions tailored to your needs.
Chiropody & Podiatry Altrincham: Conveniently located in Altrincham, our chiropody and podiatry services offer comprehensive foot care to residents of the area. From routine foot maintenance to specialized treatments, we've got you covered.
Foot Care Specialists Manchester: Our foot care specialists are dedicated to keeping your feet healthy and pain-free. Whether you're dealing with fungal infections, diabetic foot complications, or sports-related injuries, we have the expertise to provide effective solutions.
Ingrown Toenail Treatment Altrincham: Don't let an ingrown toenail ruin your day! Visit Dynamic Chiropractic in Altrincham for expert treatment and relief from this common yet uncomfortable condition.
Plantar Fasciitis Relief Altrincham: Plantar fasciitis can be a real pain in the foot, but our specialized treatments in Altrincham can help alleviate discomfort and get you back on your feet in no time.
Foot and Ankle Clinic Manchester: At our foot and ankle clinic in Manchester, we offer comprehensive care for a wide range of foot and ankle conditions. Whether you're dealing with sprains, fractures, or arthritis, our experienced team is here to help.
Cheshire Physiotherapy Centre Manchester UK: Dynamic Chiropractic is proud to be your premier destination for physiotherapy services in Manchester and the wider Cheshire area. Our state-of-the-art physiotherapy centre is equipped with the latest technology and staffed by experienced professionals dedicated to helping you recover and thrive.
Physiotherapists Near Cheshire UK: If you're searching for physiotherapists near Cheshire, look no further than Dynamic Chiropractic. Our team of skilled professionals is committed to providing personalized care and effective treatments to help you overcome pain and regain function.
Physiotherapy Clinic Knutsford: Our physiotherapy clinic in Knutsford offers a warm and welcoming environment where you can receive expert care for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. Whether you're recovering from surgery, dealing with chronic pain, or seeking to improve your athletic performance, we're here to support you every step of the way.
Physiotherapists in Cheshire UK: Dynamic Chiropractic is home to a team of highly qualified physiotherapists serving the Cheshire community. With our personalized approach and dedication to excellence, we're committed to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals.
Knee Pain Physiotherapy Centre: Knee pain can be debilitating, but our specialized knee pain physiotherapy centre is here to help. Whether you're dealing with arthritis, ligament injuries, or patellar tendonitis, our experienced team will work with you to develop a tailored treatment plan to address your specific needs.
At Dynamic Chiropractic, we're passionate about helping our patients live their best lives by providing expert foot care and physiotherapy services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards improved health and wellness!
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breakingthespine · 7 years
Chasing Dopamine - Guest post from Dr. Patrick Mbaya, author of My Brain is Out of Control
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Publication Date: September 2016 Publisher: AuthorHouse Formats: Ebook Pages: 76 Genre: Biography/Autobiography Tour Dates: October 23-December 15      
Although Dr. Patrick Mbaya’s illness caused a lot distress and nearly took his life, the emotional symptoms of the depression he developed helped him understand and empathize with patients and how they feel when they become ill. In My Brain is Out of Control, Mbaya, fifty-five and at the peak of his career, shares a personal story of how he suffered from a brain infection in 2010 that caused loss of speech, right-sided weakness, and subsequent depression. He tells how he also dealt with the antibiotics complications of low white cell count and hepatitis. He narrates his experiences as a patient, the neurological and psychiatric complications he encountered, how he coped, and his journey to recovery. Presenting a personal perspective of Mbaya’s illness from the other side of the bed, My Brain is Out of Control, offers profound insight into battling a serious illness.
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 Following my mystery illness, I developed strategies in order to get my body and brain strength back. I used natural ways to induce (chase) dopamine in the reward centre. Press-ups is one way to keep fit, and at the same time, chase dopamine. This can be done at home in secret, especially at the beginning, like when I first started doing press-ups, after doing one, I couldn’t lift my body off the floor! After two years of practice, I was able to do 60 in 60 seconds! Not bad. As they say, “practice makes perfect.” 
Whatever exercise one designs, that’s fine. You will know it’s working when you sweat, muscles start to ache and maybe in time muscles start to show? For those people who are courageous enough to go the gym or jog, that’s even better. I have continued with my exercise regime at home. Although before you start it might be a struggle, when you are in the flow, you actually feel good, solutions to complex problems are found, especially when done first thing in the morning? 
Another way of chasing dopamine, is listening to good music. I used this strategy when I was recovering. I tried to lift my mood by visiting the “Mandela Garden” while listening to good music. The sort of music which can make dopamine flow even in “aliens” brains. 
In addition to “chasing dopamine,” exercise will also improve blood flow to different parts of the body, which may have been injured. As outlined in, “My Brain is Out of Control,” I was advised by my orthopaedic doctor, following my knee injury while doing my “moon walk”, at a club in Washington, that I will need a knee replacement, but I have not had any problems, I think I have completely recovered? That’s this form physiotherapy, has been beneficial to me. 
There are user friendly ways of chasing dopamine, where one does not get in any form of bother or arguments with any one. Thus, although you might not chase as much dopamine, compared to naughty or illegal ways, this can be done at any time, and anywhere? 
The brain is involved in processing reward. The brain connection called the, “mesolimbic” dopamine pathway, is involved in reward, and pleasure. This is described as the “pleasure centre.” The chemical dopamine is the pleasure chemical that transmits this information for both natural highs (chasing dopamine), and drugs of addiction (naughty ways of chasing dopamine), like stimulants (cocaine and amphetamines), which are powerful inducers of dopamine. 
In natural highs (chasing dopamine), natural occurring chemicals from different parts of the brain carry messages to influence the mesolimbic pathway for reinforcement, and reward. Some behaviours as described above, including exercise, sex (orgasm), food, and listening to good music, can trigger the mesolimbic pathway. 
The brain makes its own chemicals like endorphins (brain morphine like substance), endocannabinoids (brain cannabis like substance) etc, can act on the reward system, triggering dopamine, causing pleasure in the reward system. 
Drugs of addiction, including alcohol, cannabis, opiates, amphetamines, cocaine, bypass natural occurring chemicals (neurotransmitters), and directly stimulate brain receptors, causing dopamine release. Artificial highs may be achieved on demand rather than naturally. Using more of a particular drug, will release more dopamine, inducing my more pleasure, than naturally chasing dopamine. Drugs of addiction release much more pleasure than natural highs, although at an expense of likelihood addiction. However, with time, the drug stops working, or when the individual decides to stop using the drug, dopamine receptors crave for dopamine. The individual becomes pre-occupied with the drug, and will try to avoid the horrible withdrawal symptoms by using the drug, and not for enjoyment. Thus, addiction has occurred. 
Some of the current drugs used to treat addiction, work by interacting with this system. Drugs which work by reducing consumption, promote abstinence or reduce craving of a particular psychoactive drug (like Acamprosate, and the opiate blocker Nalmefene for alcohol, or topiramate for cocaine). 
 Dr Patrick Mbaya MD FRCPsych. 
Essential Psychopharmacology, Neuroscientific Basis, and Practical Applications. Stephen M. Stahl. Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2000. 
Essential Psychopharmacology, Neuroscientific Basis, and Practical Applications. Stephen M. Stahl. Fourth Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2013. 
Lowinson and Ruiz’s Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook, Fifth Edition (Williams & Wilkens, 2011). 
My Brain Is Out of Control. Patrick Mbaya. Author House. September 2016.
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Dr. Patrick Mbaya is a medical doctor specializing in psychiatry. He is a consultant psychiatrist and honorary clinical lecturer in psychiatry at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom. He has a special interest in mood and addiction disorders.
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
Image caption Eve Senior and her mother Natalie later returned to visit the Arena
The morning after the Manchester Arena bomb an image of one girl filled the front pages of almost every newspaper.
Her name is Eve Senior. She’s 14 but looks older in the photo – she had dressed up and done her make-up to go to the Ariana Grande concert.
She was a few metres from Salman Abedi when he detonated his suicide bomb, killing 22 people.
In the picture, half her jeans had been cut off by paramedics and she needed help to walk because of 14 shrapnel wounds she had suffered. Once at hospital medics operated to remove the lumps of metal from her legs.
For many people the photograph conveyed the awful reality of the attack. An attack targeting a concert packed with children.
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Media captionEve Senior, 14, speaks on the effect of the Manchester Arena attack on her
But another image that has stayed with me is of Eve’s younger sister.
On the night of the bomb I watched as 11-year-old Emilia was scooped up by her father and carried away from the arena. She is too tall for her dad to carry very far. But he tried.
Once through the police cordon she was hugged and kissed by her grandparents. I heard her quietly say to them that she was one of the lucky ones.
That night, Emilia told me they had been leaving the concert when the bomb went off.
“We walked out and then suddenly something really hot flew over us,” she said. “We all dropped to the floor.”
Her mother and sister were still inside waiting to go to hospital. Emilia wiped her face and said: “My sister’s really bad.”
She was remarkably calm and articulate. But looking back at footage of that interview now, you can see the fear.
Four weeks later, I met Emilia again at her home near Bradford, West Yorkshire. She told me that as she left Manchester Arena on the night of the bomb she was convinced her big sister was dying.
This was also the first time I met Eve. She was still struggling to walk because of the shrapnel wounds and nerve damage. As a teenage girl and talented dancer, the way her legs looked and worked was important to her.
She had been told she still had months of physiotherapy ahead of her and doctors had mentioned the possibility of plastic surgery.
“Some of my friends don’t understand how long it’s going to take,” she said. “I don’t think I understand.”
Her parents Andrew and Natalie told me Eve had good days and bad days. The bad days were really tough.
Emilia’s hearing in one ear was damaged by the blast, but she escaped any other physical injuries. Her parents’ main concern was about the psychological impact.
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Media captionEmilia Senior was at Manchester Arena on the night of the attack
As she talked to me about the way her mind played and replayed what she saw that night, it became clear why.
“I see all of it. I see the flashing lights of the explosion,” she said.
“I see the people being thrown in the air who were probably dead. And then you play it. And then you pause it. It’s like my mind took a photo. That’s what it feels like when you think about it.”
Her father was sitting quietly next to her, taking in what she was saying.
Her mother, who was also injured in the explosion, said: “For an 11-year-old child to have seen the things she saw, it’s going to be a long process.”
By early July, when I next met the family, Emilia had turned 12 and Eve was walking without crutches.
I went with them to their local hospital where Eve and her mother had a physiotherapy session.
They had made huge progress, but for Eve it wasn’t fast enough.
Image caption Emilia Senior (centre) and Eve, pictured with their mother, Natalie
“It feels like I’m not improving at all,” she said. “I know I am. But it feels like that, because I just want to be able to do all the stuff I did before.”
For her mother, each physiotherapy session had been a reminder of how far they had come.
“We’ve turned a real corner,” she said. “Eve’s getting a lot more mobile which has been a big thing for us.”
They had been for days out together and one of their outings was to Manchester.
Like other survivors, the family had been offered the chance to visit the arena before its scheduled reopening. They had doubts in the days before the visit. The girls’ parents hoped it would help them move forward, but feared the girls would find it totally overwhelming.
In the end it did help. It helped them fill in the gaps and get a better sense of what happened. They calculated that Eve was 5m from Abedi when he detonated the bomb.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Police urged people to stay calm and move away from the area on the night of the attack
“I was really scared to go,” Eve told me. “I was crying before I even went in. But as soon as I got in there, you felt more calm.”
Her mother said that for weeks after the attack she’d pictured the Arena foyer as a cold and frightening place. But going back changed that.
“It was as if you were going back somewhere where you found a bit of peace,” she said.
Eve’s face lit up when she talked about the staff at Manchester Children’s Hospital.
“Before Manchester I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grow up,” she said.
“But staying in hospital and seeing what the nurses do and how good they are – when I’m older I want to be a nurse.”
Emilia has also found ways to cope. As her mother and sister worked out at their physio session, she chatted to me while colouring-in.
It is easy to forget how young she is. Her colouring book reminded me. She told me her trauma counsellor had suggested colouring as way to block out the images that had been filling her mind.
Remarkably, she said she did not hate the man who carried out the attack.
“You have to forgive and forget in life, or else you’re not going to get anywhere.”
This family is one of hundreds deeply and permanently affected by the Manchester attack. But despite all they have been through, they still regard themselves as the lucky ones.
Alongside hospital appointments and counselling sessions, they have found the time to hold fundraising events for the Manchester Emergency Fund and Victim Support.
Mr Senior told me he constantly thinks about the fathers whose children did not survive.
“It changes your perspective on things,” he said. “We’re always going to have Manchester as a part of our family now.”
Inside Out North West is at 19:30 BST on BBC One in the North West and later on BBC iPlayer for 30 days.
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
Manchester attack: One family’s story of surviving the bomb – BBC News
Image caption Eve Senior and her mother Natalie later returned to visit the Arena
The morning after the Manchester Arena bomb an image of one girl filled the front pages of almost every newspaper.
Her name is Eve Senior. She's 14 but looks older in the photo - she had dressed up and done her make-up to go to the Ariana Grande concert.
She was a few metres from Salman Abedi when he detonated his suicide bomb, killing 22 people.
In the picture, half her jeans had been cut off by paramedics and she needed help to walk because of 14 shrapnel wounds she had suffered. Once at hospital medics operated to remove the lumps of metal from her legs.
For many people the photograph conveyed the awful reality of the attack. An attack targeting a concert packed with children.
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Media captionEve Senior, 14, speaks on the effect of the Manchester Arena attack on her
But another image that has stayed with me is of Eve's younger sister.
On the night of the bomb I watched as 11-year-old Emilia was scooped up by her father and carried away from the arena. She is too tall for her dad to carry very far. But he tried.
Once through the police cordon she was hugged and kissed by her grandparents. I heard her quietly say to them that she was one of the lucky ones.
That night, Emilia told me they had been leaving the concert when the bomb went off.
"We walked out and then suddenly something really hot flew over us," she said. "We all dropped to the floor."
Her mother and sister were still inside waiting to go to hospital. Emilia wiped her face and said: "My sister's really bad."
She was remarkably calm and articulate. But looking back at footage of that interview now, you can see the fear.
Four weeks later, I met Emilia again at her home near Bradford, West Yorkshire. She told me that as she left Manchester Arena on the night of the bomb she was convinced her big sister was dying.
This was also the first time I met Eve. She was still struggling to walk because of the shrapnel wounds and nerve damage. As a teenage girl and talented dancer, the way her legs looked and worked was important to her.
She had been told she still had months of physiotherapy ahead of her and doctors had mentioned the possibility of plastic surgery.
"Some of my friends don't understand how long it's going to take," she said. "I don't think I understand."
Her parents Andrew and Natalie told me Eve had good days and bad days. The bad days were really tough.
Emilia's hearing in one ear was damaged by the blast, but she escaped any other physical injuries. Her parents' main concern was about the psychological impact.
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Media captionEmilia Senior was at Manchester Arena on the night of the attack
As she talked to me about the way her mind played and replayed what she saw that night, it became clear why.
"I see all of it. I see the flashing lights of the explosion," she said.
"I see the people being thrown in the air who were probably dead. And then you play it. And then you pause it. It's like my mind took a photo. That's what it feels like when you think about it."
Her father was sitting quietly next to her, taking in what she was saying.
Her mother, who was also injured in the explosion, said: "For an 11-year-old child to have seen the things she saw, it's going to be a long process."
By early July, when I next met the family, Emilia had turned 12 and Eve was walking without crutches.
I went with them to their local hospital where Eve and her mother had a physiotherapy session.
They had made huge progress, but for Eve it wasn't fast enough.
Image caption Emilia Senior (centre) and Eve, pictured with their mother, Natalie
"It feels like I'm not improving at all," she said. "I know I am. But it feels like that, because I just want to be able to do all the stuff I did before."
For her mother, each physiotherapy session had been a reminder of how far they had come.
"We've turned a real corner," she said. "Eve's getting a lot more mobile which has been a big thing for us."
They had been for days out together and one of their outings was to Manchester.
Like other survivors, the family had been offered the chance to visit the arena before its scheduled reopening. They had doubts in the days before the visit. The girls' parents hoped it would help them move forward, but feared the girls would find it totally overwhelming.
In the end it did help. It helped them fill in the gaps and get a better sense of what happened. They calculated that Eve was 5m from Abedi when he detonated the bomb.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Police urged people to stay calm and move away from the area on the night of the attack
"I was really scared to go," Eve told me. "I was crying before I even went in. But as soon as I got in there, you felt more calm."
Her mother said that for weeks after the attack she'd pictured the Arena foyer as a cold and frightening place. But going back changed that.
"It was as if you were going back somewhere where you found a bit of peace," she said.
Eve's face lit up when she talked about the staff at Manchester Children's Hospital.
"Before Manchester I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grow up," she said.
"But staying in hospital and seeing what the nurses do and how good they are - when I'm older I want to be a nurse."
Emilia has also found ways to cope. As her mother and sister worked out at their physio session, she chatted to me while colouring-in.
It is easy to forget how young she is. Her colouring book reminded me. She told me her trauma counsellor had suggested colouring as way to block out the images that had been filling her mind.
Remarkably, she said she did not hate the man who carried out the attack.
"You have to forgive and forget in life, or else you're not going to get anywhere."
This family is one of hundreds deeply and permanently affected by the Manchester attack. But despite all they have been through, they still regard themselves as the lucky ones.
Alongside hospital appointments and counselling sessions, they have found the time to hold fundraising events for the Manchester Emergency Fund and Victim Support.
Mr Senior told me he constantly thinks about the fathers whose children did not survive.
"It changes your perspective on things," he said. "We're always going to have Manchester as a part of our family now."
Inside Out North West is at 19:30 BST on BBC One in the North West and later on BBC iPlayer for 30 days.
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