#home inspections st louis
propertyinspection · 1 month
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lemoncrushh · 2 months
Too Far From Texas | Chapter Four
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Word Count: 4241
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“So what did you two talk about?” Lorelei asked with a wink as she took a sip of her massive margarita.
I gave her a look as I dove into my nachos. I chewed my bite slowly and deliberately before placing the remaining chip back on the plate, wiping my mouth with the cloth napkin and reaching for my water glass, taking a long sip through the straw while I surveyed the area.
“Stacey!” Lorelei whined.
“Whaat?” I mimicked.
“Tell me. At least a little bit. Please?”
“We um...we talked about music. And the book. I told him about the book tour.” I picked up my nacho again, dabbing guacamole on top.
“And...he made me laugh. He’s really funny.”
“Funny’s good,” Lorelei nodded. “Funny’s really good.”
“Yeah, but it doesn’t mean anything,” I scowled. “Tod used to make me laugh.”
Lorelei glared at me incredulously. “Why the hell would you wanna bring up Tod? What on earth would he have to compare with Harry Styles?”
“Shh,” I sounded, pressing my finger to my lips.
Lowering her voice, she leaned over. “You’ve done this before, Stacey. You expect the worst. You need to allow yourself to be happy.”
I shrugged. “It’s just easier that way. I don’t build myself up to be let down.”
“He likes you.”
I blinked, looking down at my plate.
“He wouldn’t be calling you and sending you flowers and a catered lunch if he didn’t.”
I licked my lips and swallowed. “I like him too,” I muttered.
“Mmm hmm,” Lorelei sat back in her seat. I lifted my head to look at her.
“I like him a lot,” I confessed.
“I know you do,” she commented. “It’s written all over your face.”
I felt myself blush as I chuckled nervously, grabbing my napkin. “I feel so silly.”
“Because...he’s...him...and I’m...me. I’m not a kid.”
“So what?” Lorelei rolled her eyes.
“I’m nearly twice his age,” I added.
“So what?” she repeated. “He’s an adult. If he had a problem with it, he wouldn’t be contacting you.”
I nodded. I knew she was right. The truth was I had a hard time accepting the fact that someone like Harry would be interested in someone like me. Even after the lovely evening we’d shared, topped off with that amazing kiss, and the fun phone conversation last night, I still couldn’t believe this - whatever this was - could go anywhere. And that Harry was just being nice.
“Do you have a problem with it?” Lorelei inquired?
I pondered her question for a moment, my bottom lip jutting out. “No,” I finally shook my head. “I guess not.”
“Did he mention if he wants to see you again?”
I sighed. “Yes.”
“Okay. And do you wanna see him?”
I grabbed my water glass again, taking a long slow sip. I felt myself grin as I set it back down.
“Yes,” I nodded. “So much.”
Lorelei threw up her hands with a smirk. “Well, there ya go. Done deal. Now let’s celebrate.”
I laughed when she waved the waiter over and ordered another margarita for me.
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I hadn’t expected to hear from Harry again so soon, and I knew he’d be traveling and most likely exhausted, so when I got home from dinner with Lorelei, I decided to just send him a quick text before heading to bed.
FYI - wine is much better than tequila. Hope St. Louis is treating you well.
I ended up sleeping til after ten Sunday morning, waking with a slight headache. I was also greeted with a few words from Harry.
Rough night?
Saw this and thought of you.
Below was a photo of the Buckingham Nicks album on vinyl, the album Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks recorded before joining Fleetwood Mac. It had yet to be released on CD and was considered a collector’s item. My own copy was given to me by my brother in my teenage years and was still one of my most prized possessions.
I smiled as I inspected the photo, clearly taken at some sort of used record store or thrift shop. I imagined Harry browsing the racks, coming up with rare gems to add to his own collection.
Quickly typing a response, I hit send.
I sincerely hope you bought that if you didn’t have it already.
Prepared to climb out of bed, I set my phone down only to hear it chime almost immediately.
I do have it. And I assumed you do too.
Of course. One of my favorites. It makes me happy that it made you think of me.
I think of you often, actually.
I felt my breath hitch in my throat. My hands shook as I typed out my response.
Same here.
Good to know.
I blushed and allowed myself to giggle before picking up my pillow to muffle the sound. I most definitely felt young, but I refused to think it was silly. He thought of me often. He liked me. I was going with it.
How are you Stacey?
I’m great now. How are you?
I’m fine. In the car, headed to the hotel. What was with that text last night?
Embarrassed, I replied hastily.
Too many margaritas. I was loopy, forgive me.
Ha. Hungover?
Just a smidgen ;)
:) You’re cute. Can I call you later?
I’m busy the rest of the day so it might be late.
That’s fine
Bye love x
Bye xx
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I must have scrolled through our conversation ten times that day. No real reason, other than to just look at it. It put a smile on my face. Even Emery noticed after dinner when we were sitting on the couch watching TV.
“Mommy, what are you smiling at?” she asked, leaning over my shoulder to look at my phone.
“Nothing,” I said, pressing the phone to my chest.
“Let me see,” she insisted, trying to reach for it.
“It’s none of your business, silly girl.”
“Fine,” she rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the television which was airing It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.
“Mommy,” she said again. “Will you take me to get a costume this week?”
“Didn’t I just buy you a new one last year?”
“It doesn’t fit me anymore.”
I gave her a look. Well, she had had a growth spurt or two in the last year.
“Alright,” I said. “What do you wanna be?”
“Lapis Lazuli,” she beamed.
“Do what?” I raised my brows in question.
“From Steven Universe. Or maybe Rose Quartz.”
“O-kay,” I replied slowly.
“Or maybe a Pokemon character,” Emery added.
“I don’t know if we’ll be able to find something at the store, Em,” I shook my head. “You know I’m leaving on Tuesday for San Antonio with Lorelei. I won’t be back till Thursday night. We can look tomorrow, but I can’t promise anything.”
“Maybe Daddy can take me to get something.”
I pursed my lips. “Maybe.”
I didn’t have the heart to tell her no. But I knew Tod’s schedule and he wasn’t about to cancel his lessons to take our child shopping. I’d just have to take her when I got back.
After I put the kids to bed and cleaned up in the kitchen, I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth. I was just about to crawl into bed when my phone rang. I jumped, thinking it might be Harry, but was disappointed when I saw it was my mother.
“Hello,” I answered, trying my best to sound cheery.
“I forgot to tell you The Great Pumpkin was coming on tonight,” she said.
“I know,” I chuckled. “We watched it.”
“Okay good. I know the girls always enjoy that. You do too.”
“Of course, it’s my childhood.”
“How is Jasmine doing?” my mom asked.
I was surprised. Not that she didn’t care about my children’s well-being, but usually the conversation was veered toward her.
“She’s fine. I think Tod is taking her to the doctor this week to see if she needs to her increase her dosage on her meds.”
“Why is Tod taking her?”
“Because I’ll be out of town, remember?”
“You didn’t tell me that.”
“Yes I did, mom,” I groaned. “I’m going to San Antonio for another book signing.”
“Oh. Well you said you were thinking about it, but you didn’t say you were for sure going.”
“Okay, then I’m for sure going. On Tuesday. I’ll be back Thursday.”
“Are you driving?” my mother asked.
“Yes. But Lorelei will be with me.” I felt like a teenager getting permission to take her parents’ car for a quick weekend trip with her friends.
“Okay. Be careful.”
“I will.”
When I finally got off the phone with her, I was emotionally drained. As usual. With a sigh, I placed my phone on my nightstand and crawled under the covers. Then I turned out the light and laid staring up at the darkness.
Please call.
I didn’t know why I was so anxious. If he didn’t call that night, it was no big deal. He was busy. Plus he’d said it would be late. I looked at the clock. It was barely ten.
I rolled over onto my side, tucking my hand underneath my pillow, lying in a fetal position. I listened to the sounds of my own breathing as the minutes ticked by until I must have finally drifted off to sleep.
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The house was quiet as I walked up the stairs toward my bedroom. I knew Tod would be in the studio. I hadn’t bothered to stop in there because I knew what his attitude would be. It was the same every time I went shopping. I laid the bags on the bed before turning for the bathroom.
“What did you buy?” I suddenly heard behind me.
I jumped. “Oh! You scared me!”
“I told you we didn’t have any money, Stacey,” he scolded, ignoring my fear.
“I didn’t buy much,” I shook my head. “Just some clothes for the girls. Emery needed new jeans and there was a good sale at-”
“Stacey, goddammit!” Tod’s face flushed to a fire engine red as his voice boomed through the house. “You don’t listen!”
“I do listen,” I argued. “I know you said money is tight. But the girls needed clothes and I swear I didn’t spend that much this time-”
“I’m trying so hard, Stacey,” Tod interrupted again, this time with a whine in his tone. “And you just throw our money away.”
“No, I don’t!” I yelled at him. “I buy things we need. And it’s usually for the girls. I haven’t bought myself anything in months.”
“Whatever, Stacey,” Tod shook his head, turning for the stairs. “This is never gonna change.”
I stood wringing my hands, the tears about to escape from my eyes. “Fine. I’ll take everything back. Emery will just have to wear her same jeans that are too tight for the rest of the year.”
“Don’t DO THIS TO ME, STACEY!” Tod whirled around, his voice getting louder with each word until he was gritting his teeth. “DON’T MAKE ME FEEL GUILTY!”
“Well, what do you expect me to do, Tod?” I cried. “This is one of the few things I enjoy!”
“No,” I dropped my shoulders. “Nothing ever is.”
Tod continued to glare at me, the veins in his neck nearly popping. Just then, I heard another voice, though it was so quiet, I almost thought it was in my head.
Tod and I both looked down the staircase to see a petite brunette woman. I couldn’t quite make out her features but I knew who she was. I stood frozen as I watched Tod descend the stairs toward her, then kiss her right in front of me. Then he took her hand and walked around the corner to the kitchen.
“Tod!” I screamed, finally finding my voice and chasing after them. “Tod! Where are you going?”
Tod looked over his shoulder at me, a smirk on his face. His said nothing as he wrapped his arms around his ex-wife, gave her one more kiss, and walked out the back door.
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My ringtone sounded ten times louder in the middle of the night. Or whatever time it was. I just about jolted out of bed as I reached for my phone, Harry’s name displayed on the bright screen. My back and chest were both drenched in sweat, and I tried my best to even out my breaths as I rubbed my eyes.
“Oh, bloody hell, I woke you. ‘m so sorry.”
“No, no it’s okay,” I said groggily.
“Are you sure? You should sleep.”
“Yes, I’m sure,” I argued, sounding almost desperate, I knew. “Please don’t hang up.”
“Alright, I won’t. Are you okay?”
“Yes,” I sighed, lying back on the pillow. “Just...was having...a bad dream.”
“Oh love, I’m so sorry. Wanna talk about it?”
“No,” I swallowed, barely able to get the words out. “God, no. Don’t wanna relive that, please.”
“Jesus, Stacey, you sure you’re alright?”
“I am now,” I breathed. “Just glad to hear your voice.”
“Okay,” Harry said softly. “‘s good to hear yours too. How was your day?”
“Boring. How was yours?”
I chuckled. “That can’t possibly be.”
“Not everything I do is exciting, Stacey,” Harry claimed.
“I beg to differ,” I retorted.
“How are the girls?” he asked, changing the subject.
“They’re fine. I-” and just then, as though she knew I was talking about her, I heard a sound coming from the hall.
“Shit,” I muttered. “Harry, can I call you back?”
“Something wrong?”
“Yeah. Jasmine,” I replied hastily, rising from the bed. “I’ll call you back.”
I didn’t wait for his response as I dropped the phone on the mattress and threw open the bedroom door. I didn’t have to to make it to Jasmine’s room. She was sitting in her doorway on the floor, her gaze straight ahead as her body shook with jerky spasms.
“Jaz, honey,” I whispered, crouching down next to her. “It’s okay.”
I took her hand, and I felt her squeeze it. “Bad spasms!” she cried.
“I know,” I said softly. “Take a deep breath.”
Jasmine did as she was told, breathing in and out slowly. The spasms started to come less frequently, and within a few minutes, I felt like she would be okay. However, it was hard to lift her up myself, as she was at least as big as I was, so I waited a little longer until she was able to stand on her own.
“Do you have to go to the bathroom?” I asked her.
“You sure?”
“I did!” she emphasized.
“Okay.” I knew her reply meant that she must have made it to the bathroom, but not back to the bed. Once I had her tucked in again, she turned away from me, pressing the corner of her duvet to her mouth. I gave her a quick kiss next to her ear before leaving the room and returning to mine.
I sat on the corner of the bed with my phone in my hand for at least five minutes, darkness surrounding me like a literal metaphor for my life. Finally pressing the home button and bringing up his name, I felt myself begin to relax.
“Hi,” I muttered when he answered.
“Is Jasmine okay?” Harry asked, concern dripping from his words.
I wasn’t able to respond. The tears sprang from my eyes in buckets and my heart twisted in my chest. My shoulders trembled as I sobbed.
“Stacey? Baby, talk to me. Did she have another seizure?”
“No,” I cried. “No, she’s...she’s okay.”
“What happened?”
I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes. “She was sitting on the floor in her doorway. She must have gone to the bathroom and collapsed on the way back. She was having big spasms, but...I was able to calm her down and put her back to bed.”
I heard Harry sigh loudly. “I’m so sorry.”
I swallowed hard. “It’s okay. I would say I’m used to it, but...I’m not.”
“Nobody could get used to it, love,” Harry remarked softly. “But you’re doing great. You’re a great mother, Stacey.”
“You’ve said that before,” I muttered.
“I meant it.”
I blinked away the rest of my tears and laid back on my pillow. “Thank you, Harry.”
“You’re amazing, you know that, right?”
I let out a nervous chuckle. “No. I’m far from it.”
“Don’t talk like that,” Harry argued. “Look at everything you’ve done. You’ve written a wonderful book, you’re making a good life for your kids who love you and look up to you. You’re so strong. You have people who care about you. And even though we haven’t known each other long, darling, that includes me.”
I bit my lip. “You do?”
Harry let out a deep sigh again and I imagined him running a hand through his mop of curls. “I wish I could be there...to show you.”
My breath hitched in my throat at his words. He paused and I thought perhaps he was going to continue, but he didn’t. Instead, he returned the focus to my daughter.
“Has Jasmine had a seizure recently?”
“Um…” I cleared my throat. “Her dad told me that she had a spasm this weekend, but not a full seizure. I suppose it was like tonight. So that’s good, I guess. But he’s taking her to the doctor this week while I’m gone to San Antonio.”
“Does she go regularly?” Harry inquired.
“Every couple of weeks or so for now. But she might need to increase her dosage on her medication.”
“Oh I see. When are you leaving for San Antonio?”
“Tuesday morning. After the girls leave for school, I’m picking up Lorelei.”
“Are you excited? I’m excited for you.” I could hear the smile in his voice, and it made me giggle.
“Thank you. I am excited. But mostly because I get to take a road trip. I haven’t been anywhere in years.”
“Are you going anywhere after that?”
“We’re supposed to go to Dallas the weekend after, but I’ll know for sure by Friday,” I said. “I’m hoping I won’t be gone for Halloween. Emery loves Halloween, and I wanna be here for that. It’s...kind of our thing.”
“Does she have a costume?” Harry asked.
“Not yet,” I sighed. “I’m going to take her tomorrow, but I don’t think I’ll be able to find what she wants. She wants to be some Steven Universe character. And I doubt her father is going to take her shopping.”
“Why not?”
“Because…” I hesitated. “Actually, I take that back. I could see it going both ways. Tod is one of those people who waits until the last minute. Every Christmas he’d wait till the day before to go shopping. And I was usually the only person he had to buy for. I never really got what I wanted. A couple times I just got a book. With that being said...sometimes he tries to outdo me. So, I could expect him not to buy something for the girls, but if he knew I was doing something, he’d have to one-up me.”
“So you think he might buy one just to spite you?”
“It’s possible. Now, I’m not saying he’s a bad father. He’s actually a good dad and my girls love him. But...well, it’s like with Emery’s bike. It wasn’t until after we’d divorced that he decided to take her out and teach her how to ride. Like he was trying to prove something.”
Harry was silent for a moment, though I wasn’t sure if he was waiting for me to continue or just had no comment.
“I’m sorry,” I groaned. “I didn’t mean to turn our conversation into a rant about my ex.”
“No worries. I told you that I wanna know all about you. If you’ll tell me.”
“Hmm,” I sounded.
“I’m a good listener, Stacey,” Harry added.
“I can tell,” I said with smile. “And I really appreciate it. I just…”
“You just what?” he asked, dropping the sound of the T.
“I just don’t wanna scare you off.”
“How do you reckon that would happen?”
I licked my lips, gathering my words in my head. “Don’t guys hate it when girls talk about themselves all the time?”
I heard Harry chuckle, that sexy sound he’d made several times during our last conversation. “Stacey…”
“Harry...” I mocked.
“First of all, baby, I don’t consider you a girl.”
I laughed out loud, though I tried to side-step the fact that he’d just called me baby for the second time. “Then what am I?”
“I meant I don’t think of you like that. You’re a woman. A beautiful, incredible woman that I’m trying to get to know more about. I chose to put the focus on you because I wanna know all I can. I’m...interested. In you.”
I let out a breath, and I thought I might’ve mumbled “oh my God”, though I wasn’t sure. It might’ve just been in my head.
“Does that shock you?”
“A little? I mean…” I bit my lip. “Not shock really. Just...nobody’s-”
“I still wanna take you out,” Harry interrupted.
“I plan on seeing you again, and this time I’m gonna take you out.”
“Oh...okay,” I muttered, goosebumps rising on my skin.
“And I’m gonna kiss you again,” he added. “‘Cause Lord help me, Stacey, I can’t stop thinking about your mouth.”
That time I knew I mumbled “oh my God”, and Harry chuckled again. I remained silent for a minute or two while I tried to even out my breaths, my brain telling me crazy things and painting insane pictures.
“Stacey?” Harry finally asked.
“What are you thinking?”
“Um…” I swallowed. “I’m thinking...that I shouldn’t be thinking what I’m thinking.”
“Hmm,” Harry sounded.
“Why?” I barely whispered, my throat suddenly feeling like it was filled with cotton balls. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking…” he paused slightly, “that this big hotel bed feels lonely.”
“I wish I was holding you right now.”
The ability to find any kind of speech was completely gone. I could hear Harry breathing through the phone, but otherwise he remained silent as well. I swallowed hard as I pulled the covers over me, the darkness once again reminding me of how alone I was. Alone and lonely.
“You’re quiet,” Harry finally commented.
“Too much?”
I sighed. “No.”
“Am I frightening you?” he continued.
“No, it’s...it actually makes me feel good to hear you say that.”
“I just...I reckon with a woman like you, you gotta say what you’re thinking. Be direct. I want you to know, I’ll always be honest with you. I’m not playing games, Stacey.”
I let out a tiny chuckle as I felt my muscles relax. “Good.”
“I really like you.”
“I really like you too, Harry.”
“It’s late, love, I’ll let you sleep.”
“Okay. Are you still in St. Louis tomorrow?” I inquired.
“I fly to Chicago in the afternoon,” he replied. “Not sure if I’ll be able to call you, but I’ll try.”
“You don’t have to call me every day, you know,” I remarked.
Harry laughed and I felt my stomach flip. “Jesus, Stacey.”
“Will you just let me woo you?”
“Woo me?” I giggled. “Is that what you’re doing?”
“I’m trying.”
“God, you’re adorable,” I groaned.
“Yes! I’m getting somewhere.”
We laughed together until Harry startled me by shouting, “Hey! I just remembered something. You were gonna sing some Stevie Nicks for me.”
“Oh shit,” I muttered.
“It’s okay,” Harry chuckled. “I won’t make you do it now.”
“Thank God,” I quipped.
“But you know you’ll have to next time. So, start practicing, Barnett.”
“Ugh, don’t use last names, Styles.”
“Oh, but I like the way you say mine,” he teased. “So cute with that accent.”
“Shut up.”
“Stop,” I demanded, though I was holding my stomach while laughing.
“Staaaaaop,” he mimicked.
Trying my best not to be too loud, I turned my head toward the pillow and covered my mouth.
“I’m warning you, Harry,” I whispered into the phone.
“Ooh, that sounded sexy,” he said, his voice lowered as well. “Warn me again, please.”
I shook my head and took a couple breaths, getting my bearings. When I didn’t continue with the teasing, I heard Harry sigh.
“Alright then, love-”
“Now here you go again, you say you want your freedom. Well who am I to keep you down.”
I started singing the well-known Fleetwood Mac tune, silence on the other end of the line.
“It’s only right that you should play it the way you feel it. But listen carefully to the sound…”
I didn’t sing as loudly as I normally would have, and I only continued through the first chorus before I stopped. But Harry’s reaction was lovely nonetheless.
“Baby…” he cooed when my singing ended. “God, you’re amazing.”
I grinned. “Thank you.”
“No, thank you. For singing to me.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll sing more for you later. And maybe you’ll sing some for me?”
“You bet.”
“Goodnight, Harry,” I said softly.
“Goodnight baby.”
Although I was completely giddy after hanging up the phone, it didn’t take me long to fall back to sleep. And this time I didn’t have any nightmares. Only good dreams.
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spann-stann · 2 years
Setting Blurb: The Cascadia MacroCommunity
Because @hawkin-byrd asked.
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The sieges of Chicago and St. Louis were bloodbaths.
The first Emperor, Ignacio I Rotthey, lost his firstborn in the South Africa incorporation.
Cascadia, was the first region where the soon-to-be Emperor lost a close friend. And took it out on the vanquished.
Cascadia was, prior to its incorporation into the League, home to several strong protostates organized around non-Imperial ideas following the Collapse and Warlord period of the post-WWIII world. As likeminded strongmen in North America came to talks and proposed unification, the protostates in Cascadia, allied with Chicago, other parts of Canadian, and New York to counter the warlords' potential expansion. Ignacio, then simply a Texan tribal chieftain, used this alliance as a means of solidifying the warlords' coalition and pave the way for what would evolve into the modern Imperial League. The warlords' coalition, known then as "The League" declared war on the rivals.
While inspecting the frontlines in a convoy near Portland, an IED detonated, killing one of Ignacio's closest friends. Enraged at the act, Ignacio ordered League troops to show little-to-no quarter on the opposing forces in Portland, and to impose a victor's justice on the rest of Cascadia. Once the region was pacified, reconstruction began. Cascadia was one of the first "National Delimitation Zones", territory that was to be dissected by anthropologists and ethnographers to create provinces along ethnoterritorial lines. Unlike other NDZs, Ignacio applied a "personal touch" with the population transfers and border delimitation, particularly towards those that showed the most resistance.
Blood Guard Landhold: In the aftermath of the IED attack killing his best friend, Ignacio awarded all survivors a new award, the Blood Diamond. Awardees of the Blood Diamond (and their descendants) were then organized into the first bodyguard unit to defend the future Imperial Household: the Blood Guard. The Williamite Valley (including the ruins of Portland) were given as a fief to the Blood Guard and would serve as the blueprint for the many Land Force Demesnes scattered throughout Imperial territory. Unlike other LFDs, martial tribes do not muster to prove their worth as Soldiers. Only recipients of the Blood Diamond, or a descendant can join the Blood Guard.
Commonality of the Isles and North: The First Nations of Canada and Alaska were spared the more excessive portions of the delimitation of Cascadia, so long as they quickly handed over any survivors from the conquests Seattle and Vancouver. The Haida and Tlingit ended up forming the predominant leadership of the Commonality.
Cleurchies of New Baktria and Tir Na Nog: Carved out from the Columbia Mountains and Snake River valley, respectively, the two Cleurchies were created to house military veterans from the many wars of the early Imperial League. Those original inhabitants that were not relocated simply adapted to becoming specialized Attendant Laborclades. New Baktria was meant for veterans across the League, and Tir Na Nog for fighters from the Hispano-Gaelic movement (of which Ignacio was a part of).
Principality of Anderson: The capitol region of the MacroCommunity, the territory around the Columbia Plateau was named after the friend of Ignacio killed in the Cascadia campaign. Before the Human-Crystalline War and the nuclear devastation of the Earth, the member of the Imperial Family most likely to be declared heir would be given the title "Prince of Anderson".
Sino-Salish Commonality: The Commonality surrounding Seattle and Vancouver serves as the homeland for the Chinese-Canadians and the Salish-speaking First Nations native to the region. While most members of the communities keep to themselves, a small admixture has formed from the two groups.
Cordons Sanitaire Seattle and Vancouver: The two cities that put up the most resistance to the warlords' seizure of Cascadia (excepting what remained Portland) and the areas between them were used as "open air internment camps" to house the League-to-be's vanquished enemies. These cities were then "granted" independence, and serve as "Cordons Sanitate" for anti-Imperial thought. Anti-Imperials from Southwest Asia and Eurasia were relocated to the Cascadian Cordons.
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lapanachestyle · 14 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: St. John White Leather Lambskin with Navy Blue Embroidery sz 8.
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constrstlouis4 · 23 days
General Contractors in St Louis MO
Why You Should Hire a General Contractor for Remodeling and Renovation in St. Louis, MO
Home remodeling and renovation projects can transform your living space, enhance comfort, and increase property value. However, these projects can also be complex, time-consuming, and challenging, especially if you lack the skills or experience. Whether you're considering a kitchen overhaul, a bathroom renovation, or a complete home makeover, hiring a general contractor in St. Louis, MO, can be the key to turning your vision into reality. In this article, we will explore the benefits of hiring a general contractor for your remodeling and renovation needs, and why doing so is a smart investment in the success of your project.
Understanding the Role of a General Contractor
A general contractor is a professional responsible for managing construction projects, from small home renovations to large-scale remodels. They oversee every aspect of the project, including planning, scheduling, budgeting, and coordinating subcontractors such as electricians, plumbers, and carpenters. Their expertise ensures that the project is completed efficiently, on time, and within budget. In St. Louis, MO, general contractors are well-versed in local building codes, regulations, and weather considerations, which can greatly impact the outcome of a renovation project.
Benefits of Hiring a General Contractor for Your Home Renovation
1. Expertise and Experience
One of the primary reasons to hire a general contractor is their extensive knowledge and experience in the construction industry. A reputable general contractor in St. Louis will have a proven track record of successfully managing various types of remodeling projects. They bring a wealth of expertise, from understanding the best materials to use, to anticipating potential challenges that could arise during the renovation process. This level of expertise is invaluable in ensuring your project runs smoothly and meets your expectations.
2. Time and Stress Management
Home renovations can be overwhelming, especially when you try to manage everything on your own. Coordinating with multiple subcontractors, scheduling deliveries, and troubleshooting issues can quickly become a full-time job. A general contractor takes on these responsibilities, allowing you to focus on your daily life without the added stress. They manage the project timeline, ensure all subcontractors are on schedule, and handle any problems that may arise, keeping your project on track.
3. Cost Efficiency
While it might seem like hiring a general contractor adds an extra expense to your renovation budget, it can actually save you money in the long run. General contractors have established relationships with suppliers and subcontractors, often allowing them to secure materials and labor at a discounted rate. They also have the experience to avoid costly mistakes that DIY homeowners might make. Additionally, a general contractor can help you stick to your budget by providing accurate cost estimates and managing expenses throughout the project.
4. Quality Assurance
A professional general contractor prioritizes quality and strives to deliver the best results for their clients. They have access to skilled subcontractors who are experts in their respective fields, ensuring that every aspect of your renovation is completed to the highest standards. Furthermore, a general contractor will conduct regular inspections and quality checks throughout the project to ensure that everything is done correctly. This attention to detail minimizes the risk of poor workmanship and ensures that your renovation will stand the test of time.
5. Compliance with Local Building Codes and Permits
Navigating the complex world of building codes, permits, and regulations can be daunting for homeowners. A general contractor in St. Louis, MO, is familiar with local laws and building requirements, ensuring that your renovation project complies with all necessary codes and obtains the required permits. This not only ensures the safety and legality of your renovation but also prevents potential fines or delays due to non-compliance.
6. Single Point of Contact
When you hire a general contractor, they serve as your single point of contact throughout the entire renovation process. This simplifies communication, as you don't have to manage multiple conversations with various subcontractors. Instead, you can rely on your general contractor to provide updates, answer questions, and address any concerns. This streamlined communication makes the renovation process more efficient and helps prevent misunderstandings or miscommunications.
7. Liability and Insurance Coverage
Renovation projects come with inherent risks, including accidents, property damage, or work that does not meet the desired quality. Reputable general contractors carry liability insurance and workers' compensation, which protects you from being financially responsible for any on-site accidents or damages. This insurance coverage provides peace of mind, knowing that your project is protected against unforeseen incidents.
Why St. Louis Homeowners Should Choose a Local General Contractor
Choosing a general contractor based in St. Louis offers additional advantages. Local contractors understand the specific needs and challenges of homeowners in the area, such as the impact of seasonal weather changes on construction schedules or the types of materials that work best in the local climate. They are also familiar with neighborhood aesthetics and can offer valuable insights on design choices that will complement the existing architecture of your home and community.
Additionally, hiring a local general contractor supports the St. Louis economy. Local contractors are more invested in their community and often rely on word-of-mouth referrals, making them more likely to go above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction. By choosing a St. Louis-based contractor, you are contributing to the local economy and supporting small businesses in your area.
Undertaking a home remodeling or renovation project is a significant investment in your property. Hiring a general contractor in St. Louis, MO, can provide you with the expertise, efficiency, and peace of mind needed to turn your renovation dreams into reality. From managing time and costs to ensuring quality and compliance with local regulations, a general contractor handles all the complexities of your project, allowing you to enjoy the transformation of your home without the stress. Whether you’re planning a small update or a major overhaul, partnering with a trusted general contractor is the best way to ensure a successful and satisfying renovation experience.
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kimberlyharrisus · 2 months
Need Wildlife Removal In St. Louis, MO? AJS Wildlife Solutions Can Help!
AJS Wildlife Solutions offers expert wildlife removal services in St. Louis, MO, specializing in humane removal and exclusion of raccoons, squirrels, bats, and rodents. Their process begins with a thorough inspection by a trained technician to assess the situation and develop a comprehensive action plan. They remove problem animals, repair any damage, and implement preventative measures to keep wildlife from re-entering your home. AJS Wildlife Solutions also provides attic remediation services, removing contaminated insulation and installing new insulation up to code to ensure a safe and clean living environment.
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additions467 · 3 months
The Benefits of Hiring a Professional for Home Additions
Home additions are one of the most transformative projects you can undertake to enhance your living space. Whether you're looking to add an extra bedroom, a home office, a sunroom, or expand your kitchen, an addition can significantly increase your home's functionality and value. While the idea of a DIY home addition might seem appealing due to the potential cost savings, the complexities involved in such a project often necessitate the expertise of a professional. This article will delve into what home additions entail, the steps involved, and why hiring a professional is a prudent decision.
What Are Home Additions?
Home additions are construction projects that expand the footprint of an existing home. These projects can range from adding a small room to creating a multi-story extension. Common types of home additions include:
Room Additions: Adding an extra bedroom, bathroom, or home office.
Bump-Outs: Small-scale extensions that add space to an existing room, such as expanding a kitchen or living room.
Sunrooms: Enclosed patios or porches that offer additional living space with ample natural light.
Second-Story Additions: Adding an entire new level to your home.
Garage Conversions: Transforming an existing garage into a livable space, such as a guest suite or entertainment room.
Each type of addition serves a specific purpose and requires different levels of planning and execution.
The Process of Building Home Additions
Building a home addition involves several critical steps, each requiring careful consideration and expertise:
1. Planning and Design
The first step in any home addition project is thorough planning and design. This stage involves:
Assessing Needs: Identifying what you want to achieve with the addition.
Budgeting: Determining how much you are willing to spend.
Designing: Creating blueprints and architectural plans.
Professional architects and designers can help translate your vision into detailed plans that comply with local building codes and regulations.
2. Obtaining Permits
Home additions require various permits from local authorities. The types of permits needed may include:
Building Permits: For structural changes.
Electrical Permits: For any new electrical installations.
Plumbing Permits: If new plumbing systems are required.
Navigating the permitting process can be complex and time-consuming, and failure to obtain the necessary permits can result in legal issues and fines.
3. Site Preparation
Before construction begins, the site must be prepared. This includes:
Clearing the Area: Removing any existing structures or vegetation.
Excavation: Digging the foundation if needed.
Utility Location: Ensuring that utilities such as water, gas, and electricity are properly located and managed.
4. Construction
The construction phase involves:
Foundation Work: Pouring the foundation and ensuring it is level and secure.
Framing: Building the skeletal structure of the addition.
Roofing and Siding: Ensuring the new addition is weatherproof.
Electrical and Plumbing: Installing electrical wiring and plumbing systems.
Insulation and Drywall: Ensulating walls and finishing interiors with drywall.
5. Finishing Touches
Once the primary construction is complete, the final steps include:
Painting and Flooring: Adding the final aesthetic touches.
Installing Fixtures: Placing lighting, cabinetry, and other fixtures.
Final Inspection: Ensuring the addition meets all safety and code requirements.
Why You Should Hire a Professional
While the idea of a DIY home addition might seem appealing, there are several compelling reasons to hire a professional contractor:
1. Expertise and Experience
Professional contractors bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. They have a deep understanding of construction techniques, building codes, and the best materials to use. This ensures that the addition is not only aesthetically pleasing but also structurally sound and compliant with local regulations.
2. Quality Workmanship
A professional contractor guarantees quality workmanship. They have access to skilled laborers, high-quality materials, and the right tools to get the job done correctly. This level of quality is often difficult to achieve with a DIY approach, where mistakes can be costly and time-consuming to fix.
3. Time Efficiency
Home additions are complex projects that require meticulous planning and execution. A professional contractor can efficiently manage the entire process, from obtaining permits to final inspections. This efficiency translates to a faster completion time compared to a DIY project, which can drag on indefinitely due to inexperience and unforeseen complications.
4. Cost Savings
While hiring a professional may seem more expensive upfront, it can save you money in the long run. Professionals can source materials at lower costs and have the experience to avoid costly mistakes. Additionally, a well-executed addition can significantly increase your home's value, offering a good return on investment.
5. Safety
Construction is inherently risky, and home additions involve various hazards, from heavy lifting to electrical work. Professionals are trained to handle these risks safely and are insured to cover any accidents that may occur. DIY projects, on the other hand, can put you and your family at risk of injury.
6. Permits and Inspections
Navigating the permitting process and ensuring that your addition meets all building codes is complex. Professionals have the knowledge and experience to handle these aspects efficiently, ensuring that your addition is legally compliant and safe. Failure to adhere to these requirements in a DIY project can result in fines and require costly adjustments.
7. Warranty and Support
Most professional contractors offer warranties on their work. This means that if any issues arise after the project is completed, they will address them at no extra cost. This peace of mind is invaluable, as it ensures that your investment is protected.
8. Project Management
Managing a home addition involves coordinating various tasks and trades, from electricians and plumbers to carpenters and painters. A professional contractor acts as a project manager, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and on schedule. This level of coordination is challenging for a DIY enthusiast, leading to delays and potential errors.
Home additions are a significant investment that can transform your living space and increase the value of your property. While the DIY approach might seem tempting, the complexities and risks involved make hiring a professional contractor the wiser choice. Professionals bring expertise, quality workmanship, time efficiency, and safety to the project, ensuring that your addition is a success. They also handle permits and inspections, provide warranties, and offer comprehensive project management, making the entire process smoother and more efficient.
Investing in a professional for your home addition not only saves you time and money but also guarantees a high-quality result that enhances your home's functionality and appeal. So, before you embark on your next home addition project, consider the many benefits of hiring a professional—it’s a decision you won’t regret.
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newconstruc456 · 3 months
New Construction
The Value of Hiring a New Construction Contractor Over DIY
Building a new home or commercial property is a significant investment that requires meticulous planning, specialized skills, and a deep understanding of construction processes. Whether you're a homeowner dreaming of your perfect house or a business owner planning to expand, the success of your project hinges on numerous factors. One of the most critical decisions you'll make is whether to hire a professional new construction contractor or take the DIY route. While the idea of doing it yourself might seem appealing due to potential cost savings and personal satisfaction, the complexities and challenges of new construction often make hiring a professional contractor the wiser choice. In this article, we'll delve into what a new construction contractor does and why entrusting your project to an expert can save you time, money, and stress in the long run.
What Does a New Construction Contractor Do?
A new construction contractor is a professional responsible for overseeing the entire process of building a new structure, from the initial planning stages to the final touches. Their role encompasses a broad range of tasks, ensuring that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the highest standards of quality. Here are some key responsibilities of a new construction contractor:
1. Project Planning and Design
Before any construction begins, the contractor collaborates with architects, engineers, and clients to develop detailed plans and blueprints. This phase includes:
Site Analysis: Evaluating the construction site to determine its suitability for the project.
Permits and Approvals: Securing the necessary permits and approvals from local authorities to ensure compliance with building codes and regulations.
Budgeting: Creating a comprehensive budget that outlines all projected costs, including materials, labor, and contingency funds.
2. Managing the Construction Process
Once the planning is complete, the contractor takes charge of managing the construction process. This involves:
Scheduling: Developing a detailed construction schedule that outlines the timeline for each phase of the project.
Subcontractor Coordination: Hiring and managing subcontractors for various tasks such as plumbing, electrical work, and roofing.
Material Procurement: Sourcing and purchasing high-quality materials needed for the construction.
Quality Control: Ensuring that all work meets the required standards and specifications through regular inspections and assessments.
3. Ensuring Safety and Compliance
Safety is paramount on any construction site. A new construction contractor is responsible for:
Safety Protocols: Implementing and enforcing strict safety protocols to protect workers and site visitors.
Compliance: Ensuring that all construction activities comply with local, state, and federal regulations, including building codes and environmental guidelines.
4. Project Management and Communication
Effective communication and project management are crucial for the smooth execution of a construction project. The contractor’s duties include:
Client Communication: Keeping the client informed about the progress, any changes in the plan, and addressing concerns promptly.
Problem Solving: Identifying and resolving any issues that arise during construction to prevent delays and additional costs.
Documentation: Maintaining accurate records of all project activities, including contracts, permits, and financial transactions.
Why Hire a New Construction Contractor Instead of DIY?
While the DIY approach might seem like a cost-effective way to tackle new construction, it comes with a host of challenges and risks that can lead to significant setbacks. Here’s why hiring a professional new construction contractor is a better choice:
1. Expertise and Experience
Professional contractors bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. They have an in-depth understanding of construction techniques, materials, and building codes that most DIY enthusiasts lack. This knowledge allows them to:
Avoid Common Mistakes: Prevent costly errors that can arise from inexperience.
Ensure Structural Integrity: Build structures that are safe, durable, and compliant with all regulations.
Optimize Efficiency: Complete tasks efficiently and effectively, saving time and resources.
2. Access to Specialized Tools and Equipment
Construction projects require a variety of specialized tools and equipment, which can be expensive to purchase or rent. Contractors have access to these tools and know how to use them properly, ensuring that each task is performed with precision and quality. This includes:
Heavy Machinery: Such as excavators, cranes, and concrete mixers for large-scale tasks.
Precision Tools: For tasks that require high accuracy, such as measuring, cutting, and installing materials.
3. Project Management Skills
Managing a construction project involves coordinating multiple tasks, timelines, and personnel. Contractors have honed their project management skills over years of experience, allowing them to:
Schedule Efficiently: Develop and adhere to realistic timelines to keep the project on track.
Manage Resources: Allocate labor and materials effectively to avoid waste and delays.
Handle Logistics: Coordinate the delivery and storage of materials to ensure smooth workflow.
4. Network of Reliable Subcontractors
A successful construction project often relies on the work of various subcontractors, such as electricians, plumbers, and carpenters. Contractors have established networks of reliable subcontractors they can trust to deliver quality work. This ensures:
Timely Completion: Subcontractors are available when needed, preventing delays.
Quality Assurance: The contractor can vouch for the subcontractor’s expertise and reliability.
5. Cost Efficiency
While it might seem that DIY construction could save money, the opposite is often true. Contractors can provide cost efficiency through:
Bulk Purchasing: Obtaining materials at lower prices due to bulk purchasing and established supplier relationships.
Avoiding Mistakes: Preventing costly errors and rework that can arise from inexperience.
Accurate Budgeting: Providing realistic cost estimates and managing the budget effectively to avoid unexpected expenses.
6. Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Navigating the maze of building codes, permits, and regulations can be daunting for the uninitiated. Contractors have the expertise to ensure that all legal and regulatory requirements are met, including:
Permitting: Securing the necessary permits and ensuring all inspections are passed.
Code Compliance: Building structures that meet or exceed all applicable building codes and standards.
Environmental Regulations: Adhering to environmental guidelines to prevent fines and legal issues.
7. Quality Assurance and Warranty
One of the most significant advantages of hiring a professional contractor is the assurance of quality and the peace of mind that comes with a warranty. Contractors stand by their work and typically offer warranties on their projects, providing:
Guaranteed Quality: Assurance that the construction meets high standards and specifications.
Post-Completion Support: Access to support and repairs if any issues arise after the project is completed.
8. Stress Reduction
Construction projects can be incredibly stressful, especially for those without experience. Hiring a contractor allows you to focus on other priorities while the professional handles the complexities of the construction process. This includes:
Handling Emergencies: Managing unforeseen issues or emergencies that can arise during construction.
Providing Updates: Keeping you informed about progress without requiring you to be involved in day-to-day management.
Building a new home or commercial property is a monumental task that demands professional expertise, meticulous planning, and efficient execution. While the DIY approach may initially seem appealing, the risks and challenges involved often outweigh the potential benefits. Hiring a professional new construction contractor brings a wealth of advantages, including expertise, access to specialized tools, project management skills, a network of reliable subcontractors, cost efficiency, legal and regulatory compliance, quality assurance, and stress reduction.
Ultimately, entrusting your construction project to a professional ensures that it is completed on time, within budget, and to the highest standards of quality. Whether you're looking to build your dream home or expand your business premises, a new construction contractor is your best ally in transforming your vision into reality with confidence and peace of mind.
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workcompattorney · 4 months
How Do You Get Mesothelioma?
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Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer that primarily affects the lining of the lungs (pleura) and, less commonly, the lining of the abdomen (peritoneum) or heart (pericardium). Understanding how you get mesothelioma is crucial for both prevention and early detection. This article will discuss the causes of mesothelioma and outline steps to reduce your risk.
Causes of Mesothelioma
Asbestos Exposure
The primary cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, a group of naturally occurring minerals composed of thin, microscopic fibers. Due to its durability and resistance to heat and chemicals, asbestos was widely used in construction materials, automotive parts, and various industrial applications throughout the 20th century. When asbestos-containing materials are disturbed, they release fibers into the air, which can be inhaled or ingested.
Once inside the body, these fibers can become lodged in the mesothelium, a protective lining covering many internal organs. Over time, these fibers cause inflammation and genetic damage to cells, potentially leading to the development of mesothelioma. It can take several decades for mesothelioma to manifest after asbestos exposure, making early detection challenging.
Secondary Asbestos Exposure
Secondary exposure occurs when asbestos fibers are brought into the home on clothing, skin, or hair. Family members of workers who handled asbestos may unknowingly inhale or ingest these fibers, putting them at risk for developing mesothelioma. This type of exposure is particularly concerning for spouses and children of asbestos workers.
Other Risk Factors
While asbestos exposure is the predominant cause, other factors may contribute to the development of mesothelioma:
Radiation Exposure: Previous radiation therapy to the chest or abdomen for other cancers can increase the risk of mesothelioma.
Genetic Predisposition: Certain genetic mutations, such as those in the BAP1 gene, can make individuals more susceptible to mesothelioma.
Zeolites: These minerals, chemically related to asbestos, have been linked to mesothelioma in certain regions where they are prevalent.
Prevention of Mesothelioma
Preventing mesothelioma primarily involves minimizing exposure to asbestos. Here are some key steps you can take to reduce your risk:
At Work
Follow Safety Regulations: If you work in industries where asbestos exposure is possible, adhere strictly to safety regulations. Use protective equipment, such as respirators and disposable clothing.
Proper Training: Ensure you receive proper training on handling asbestos and understand the procedures for safely working with or around asbestos-containing materials.
Regular Health Screenings: Participate in regular health screenings and medical check-ups to monitor any potential asbestos-related health issues.
At Home
Check for Asbestos: If you live in an older home, have it inspected for asbestos-containing materials, especially before renovating or remodeling. Hire licensed professionals to handle asbestos removal.
Prevent Secondary Exposure: If a household member works with asbestos, ensure they follow proper decontamination procedures, such as changing clothes and showering before coming home.
General Precautions
Stay Informed: Stay informed about products and materials that may contain asbestos. Avoid using consumer products known to have asbestos, such as certain older talcum powders or heat-resistant fabrics.
Public Awareness: Advocate for public awareness and stricter regulations regarding asbestos use and removal. Support initiatives and organizations dedicated to banning asbestos and promoting safer alternatives.
St. Louis Mesothelioma Lawyer
Understanding how you get mesothelioma is the first step toward prevention. Asbestos exposure remains the leading cause, making it crucial to minimize contact with asbestos fibers. By following safety guidelines, staying informed, and advocating for stricter regulations, you can help reduce the risk of mesothelioma for yourself and others.
If you suspect you have been exposed to asbestos or are experiencing symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or unexplained weight loss, seek medical advice promptly. Early detection and intervention are key to managing mesothelioma effectively. For legal guidance and support, consider reaching out to a professional specializing in mesothelioma and asbestos-related cases.
For more information or to discuss your specific situation, please contact a St. Louis mesothelioma lawyer at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann at (314) 361-4300. We are here to help you navigate through the complexities of mesothelioma cases and ensure you receive the support you need.
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propertyinspection · 1 month
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rapidrepairpro · 7 months
How does Door Replacement Services in St Louis work?
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Rapid Repair Pro offers seamless Door Replacement Services in St. Louis, ensuring a hassle-free experience for homeowners. The process is designed to be efficient and convenient, from the initial consultation to the finalDoor Replacement Services in St Louis installation.
The first step is to schedule a consultation with one of our experts. During this meeting, we'll discuss your needs, preferences, and budget to determine the best door replacement options for your home. We'll also take measurements to ensure a perfect fit.
Once you've selected your new door, our team will schedule a convenient time for installation. On the day of the installation, our experienced technicians will arrive promptly and begin the process. They'll remove your old door, prepare the opening, and install the new door with precision and care.
Throughout the installation process, our team will take steps to minimize disruption to your home. We'll work efficiently to complete the job in a timely manner, ensuring that your new door is installed correctly and functions perfectly.
After the installation is complete, we'll perform a thorough inspection to ensure everything meets our high standards. We'll also clean up the work area, leaving your home looking neat and tidy.
At Rapid Repair Pro, we're committed to providing exceptional service from start to finish. Our door replacement services in St. Louis are designed to make the process easy and stress-free, so you can enjoy your new door with confidence.
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Basement Waterproofing Company in St. Louis, MO
Hey Tumblr community,
We know that life can throw unexpected challenges your way, and sometimes, it even comes seeping in through your basement walls. 🌧️ But worry not – we're here to introduce you to the ultimate solution! If you're in St. Louis, MO, and facing basement blues, our basement waterproofing company is the beacon of hope you've been searching for.
Why choose us?
🛠️ Expertise that Counts: Our team boasts years of experience, and we've tackled every type of basement woe you can imagine. We know the ins and outs of St. Louis homes, and we're ready to put that knowledge to work for you.
💦 Say Goodbye to Moisture: Moisture, meet your match! Our top-notch waterproofing techniques ensure that your basement stays dry, cozy, and free from any unwelcome surprises.
🌐 Local Love: We're not just another faceless corporation. We're your neighbors, your friends, and we understand the unique challenges that St. Louis weather can bring. Our solutions are tailor-made for the Gateway City.
👷‍♂️ Dedicated Team: Our passionate team is committed to turning your basement into a space you love. From initial inspection to the final waterproofing touch, we're with you every step of the way.
Ready to transform your basement into a dry, delightful haven? It's as easy as checking out our website:
🌐 Mayim Basement Waterproofing
Don't let a damp basement rain on your parade – reach out to us, and let's make your home a waterproof wonder.
Cheers to dry days ahead!
Mayim Basement Waterproofing🏡💧
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begummstfiroja · 9 months
Plumber St. Louis Park MN: Your Ally in Sewer and Drain Issues
When it comes to the functionality of our homes, few things are as crucial as a properly functioning plumbing system. However, sewer and drain issues can often catch us off guard, causing inconvenience and potential damage. In St. Louis Park, MN, homeowners need a reliable ally to tackle these issues promptly and effectively. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of having a trusted plumber in St. Louis Park, MN, and highlight the expertise of Guy's Sewer & Drain in addressing sewer and drain problems.
The Importance of a Reliable Plumber: A reliable plumber is like a guardian for your home's plumbing system. They are equipped with the knowledge, experience, and tools to diagnose and resolve various plumbing issues, ensuring the smooth operation of your sewer and drain systems. From minor clogs to more complex sewer line problems, a skilled plumber can handle it all. guysseweranddrain.com
Guy's Sewer & Drain: Your Go-To Plumbing Experts: One plumbing service that stands out in St. Louis Park, MN, is Guy's Sewer & Drain. With a reputation for excellence and a team of highly trained professionals, Guy's Sewer & Drain has become a go-to choice for residents facing sewer and drain issues.
Services Offered by Guy's Sewer & Drain:
Drain Cleaning: Guy's Sewer & Drain specializes in thorough drain cleaning services, using state-of-the-art equipment to remove clogs and debris from your pipes. This helps prevent backups and ensures efficient drainage throughout your home.
Sewer Line Inspection and Repair: The company offers comprehensive sewer line inspection services to identify potential issues such as leaks, cracks, or tree root intrusion. If a problem is detected, their experienced team can perform efficient repairs to restore the integrity of your sewer system.
Emergency Plumbing Services: Recognizing that plumbing issues don't always occur during regular business hours, Guy's Sewer & Drain provides emergency plumbing services to address urgent problems promptly. This 24/7 availability ensures that homeowners can get assistance when they need it the most.
Choosing Guy's Sewer & Drain for Your Plumbing Needs: By choosing Guy's Sewer & Drain, homeowners in St. Louis Park, MN, can benefit from a combination of expertise, reliability, and customer-oriented service. With a commitment to customer satisfaction, this plumbing service aims to provide solutions that not only fix the immediate issue but also contribute to the long-term health of your plumbing system.
Conclusion: When faced with sewer and drain issues, having a trusted plumber in St. Louis Park, MN, is essential. Guy's Sewer & Drain stands out as a reliable ally in tackling these problems, offering a range of services to keep your plumbing system in top condition. Don't let plumbing issues disrupt your daily life – enlist the expertise of Guy's Sewer & Drain for prompt and effective solutions.
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lapanachestyle · 24 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: St. John White Leather Lambskin with Navy Blue Embroidery sz 8.
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homeimprovementnotes · 10 months
Should You Choose a Handyman or Professional for Gutter Cleaning in St. Louis?
When it involves gutter maintenance in St. Louis, homeowners need to make an important verdict - should they hire a general handyman or a professional gutter cleaning company? It may be appealing to go the more budget friendly handyman option, but specialized gutter cleaners have particular benefits that are worthy of the investment. Proper gutter care has to do with greater than just getting rid of leaves and debris. It requires technical knowledge to completely evaluate, clean, and maintain your home's gutters.
According to "Clean Pro Gutter Cleaning", "Gutter cleaning extends beyond mere debris removal; it is essential for protecting the architectural integrity of your property."
Gutter cleaning experts advocate for utilizing professional gutter cleaners over handymen for gutter maintenance tasks in the St. Louis region. While handymen can surely do a variety of simple home repair jobs, a professional gutter cleaning service has the specific skill set, equipment, and experience necessary to deliver precise gutter maintenance and stop downright costly home repairs later on.
When it comes to an investment as vital as safeguarding your home from water damage, specialized experience makes all the difference. Keep reading to understand why trusting a professional gutter cleaning company over a jack-of-all-trades handyman is the wise option when it involves the gutters on your St. Louis home. Investing in professional gutter maintenance pays dividends through remarkable workmanship and assurance knowing your home's wellbeing is in experienced hands.
Receive the Incentives of Specialized Experience
Trusting a professional gutter cleaning service in St. Louis provides an assurance of thoroughness and quality that a handyman typically can not. Professional gutter cleaners make use of techniques and tools that are the industry standard, offering greater than simply cleaning-- they give preventative maintenance. This higher degree of service includes checking for possible troubles like leakages or weak areas that might end up being more serious concerns. Their job makes sure that gutters are not just clean but also in the best possible state, reducing the risk of water damages to your home in neighborhoods throughout St. Louis, from Clayton-Tamm to Franz Park.
Reduce Safety Dangers and Liability
By engaging St. Louis professional gutter cleaners, homeowners avoid numerous threats, including accident and property damages. According to "Clean Pro Gutter Cleaning", professionals are "trained to work at heights with the proper safety equipment, lowering the potential for falls." They can also determine and correct the early stages of structural damage that untrained eyes could miss. Professional crews carry insurance policy, protecting property owners in different St. Louis communities from liability should an incident occur on their Southampton or Tower Grove South property.
Leverage Preventative Maintenance and Professional Inspections
Certified gutter cleaners give an edge in keeping your St. Louis home's well-being by delivering knowledge and specialized service. Their detailed cleaning not only clears out leaves and debris but also includes examining gutters for indications of wear and possible concerns. This preemptive method can prolong the working life of your gutter system, ensuring it remains reliable in diverting water away from the property in neighborhoods throughout St. Louis like Skinker DeBaliviere and Forest Park Southeast.
Secure Your Most Valuable Investment
Professional experience delivers a considerable protective layer for your St. Louis home and individual safety. These experts' expertise includes proper gutter maintenance, the identification of bothersome areas, and the skills to perform required repairs, which prevent minor issues from rising into major ones. This proactive maintenance can avoid pricey water-related damages such as roof leakages, wall damages, and foundational concerns, thereby preserving the home's architectural integrity whether in The Grove or The Hill.
Validate Credentials for Quality Assurance
While not all gutter cleaning company bring the required insurance and accreditations, reputable St. Louis companies will. According to "Clean Pro Gutter Cleaning", verifying credentials provides "assurance to the property owner." This ensures that any future problems or accidents throughout the cleaning process are covered. It is vital to verify these credentials prior to hiring a St. Louis service, as they are a significant sign of the provider's devotion to quality and safety.
Training to Tackle Challenging Gutter Access
Typically, handymen might not rival the rigorous training and safety protocols observed by St. Louis professional gutter cleaning crews. These professionals undergo specialized training to take care of the specific difficulties connected with gutter cleaning, including working safely at heights and handling the threats entailed with ladder usage and roof access. This training makes certain that they can do the necessary tasks efficiently and safely, which is a degree of preparedness that a handyman could not possess.
Calculate the True Cost of a Handyman
Choosing a handyman over a St. Louis professional gutter service may seem cost-effective but can bring about greater expenses down the line. Originally, a handyman's services might look cheaper; however, this cost-benefit analysis typically excludes the possibility for incorrectly handled gutter cleaning, which can cause damages to the gutters or the home itself in neighborhoods like Lindenwood Park or Clayton-Tamm. A professional service makes certain that the task is done right the very first time, with suitable tools and methods that secure your investment in your St. Louis home. Furthermore, professionals are proficient at spotting problems prior to they end up being costly repairs, which can considerably reduce long-term expenses.
Stay Clear Of Expensive Emergency Repairs
Utilizing professional gutter services in St. Louis equates to long-term savings for homeowners. Experts not only clean but also check and preserve the gutter system, averting the progression of minor problems into major, pricey damages. Their services usually include warranties and follow-up support, which better defends the property owner's economic investment whether their home is in Southampton or Skinker DeBaliviere. This proactive approach by professional services minimizes the threat of unexpected repairs, guaranteeing consistent gutter performance and longevity.
Anticipate Meticulous, Comprehensive Services
With St. Louis professional gutter cleaning services, you can expect detailed care that extends more than basic cleaning. These services generally consist of a full evaluation of the gutter system, repair of minor issues, and tips on preventative measures. The combination of innovative strategies and high-quality tools results in a degree of service that makes certain the gutter system runs properly, protecting the structure of the home from water damage in neighborhoods across the city like The Hill and Tower Grove South.
Precision Work from Proper Training and Equipment
St. Louis professional gutter cleaners deliver superior workmanship as a result of their targeted training and access to innovative tools. They follow market standards for safety and quality, making certain that every facet of the gutter cleaning procedure is conducted with precision and attention to detail. Their expertise permits them to tackle complicated problems and offer remedies that a handyman might not be outfitted to deal with, leading to a higher caliber of service and longer-lasting outcomes for homes in Lindenwood Park and Forest Park Southeast alike.
Personalize Your Maintenance Schedule
Experts highly recommend gutter cleaning services at the very least two times a year in St. Louis, generally in the springtime and autumn, to maintain optimum performance. This regularity can be adjusted based on the property's surrounding environment and specific requirements, such as the existence of looming trees or high precipitation levels.
Consider Seasonal and Environmental Impacts
The very best frequency for professional gutter cleaning in St. Louis depends upon numerous variables, consisting of tree coverage, area, and weather condition patterns. Normally, servicing gutters at the very least biannually is recommended, but properties made vulnerable to bigger vegetation or severe climate may require more constant attention. A St. Louis professional gutter service can provide a tailored routine that best fits the unique conditions of the property in neighborhoods across the city.
Select Your Provider Mindfully
When selecting a gutter cleaning company in St. Louis, property owners need to do an in depth vetting process. This list includes verifying insurance coverage and bonding, confirming industry accreditations, and evaluating a portfolio of previous work. Service providers ought to have clear, clear-cut service contracts and a background of favorable client reviews. Evaluating these criteria will certainly cause a trustworthy St. Louis professional who can guarantee your gutter system is maintained to the highest standard, despite if your home is in Clayton-Tamm or Lindenwood Park.
Search for These Key Credentials
A reputable St. Louis gutter cleaning service provider must possess liability insurance, employee's compensation, and proper bonding according to experts. Accreditations from acknowledged industry bodies are also crucial, as they show trained employees capable of dealing with various gutter systems. These credentials ensure that the St. Louis firm is certified with safety and quality standards, providing assurance to property owners in neighborhoods like Southampton and Tower Grove South.
Cleaning Is Just the Start of the Work
Professional gutter cleaning in St. Louis need to encompass a comprehensive examination, debris removal, flushing the system, and inspecting downspouts for right water flow. It needs to also include checking out the gutter system for any type of indications of damage or wear and offering solutions for any type of concerns uncovered. This complete St. Louis service guarantees not just cleanliness but also the overall health and functionality of the gutter system, whether your home is in Skinker DeBaliviere or The Hill.
Find the Right Pro for Your Home's Gutter Needs
Selecting professional gutter services is the best judgment for the long-term care and maintenance of your St. Louis home's gutter system. Professionals offer knowledge, specialized tools, and a comprehensive approach to gutter maintenance that surpasses cleaning to incorporate inspection, repair, and guidance on preventative steps. This level of service makes certain the long life and performance of your gutters, protecting your St. Louis home from water damage whether you live in Dogtown, Clayton-Tamm, or anywhere in between. Connect to a trusted local service provider today to begin!
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webuyhousesstlouisfast · 11 months
Sell Your Home Fast in St. Louis: A Guide to Cash Buyers
Are you a St. Louis homeowner looking to sell your property quickly and hassle-free? Selling to a local cash home buyer may be the solution.
Cash buyers allow you to sell your house fast, as-is, without paying hefty realtor fees or commission. You can get a competitive cash offer in days, then close on your own timeline.
In this guide, we’ll explain:
How cash buyers work
The top benefits of selling for cash
What types of homes cash buyers purchase
Things that may increase your offer
Expert tips to maximize your payout
Missteps to avoid during the process
Whether you inherited a home, are relocating, or just want to sell quickly, partnering with a local cash buyer can streamline the entire process.
How Do Cash Home Buyers Work?
Cash home buyers have become increasingly popular in recent years. Here's an overview of how they work:
You contact local cash buyers and provide details about your property.
The buyer will schedule a time to visit and evaluate your home’s condition.
Usually within 1-3 days, the buyer presents a fair, no-obligation cash offer to purchase your home as-is.
If you accept, you pick a closing date that works for your schedule.
On closing day, you sign over the deed & receive the full cash payment on the spot.
It's a fast and convenient way to sell without the steps of listing through an agent. Now let's explore the key benefits...
Top 5 Benefits of Selling Your House For Cash
Ditching the traditional route for a cash buyer offers many perks:
1. Sell As-Is
No need to invest time and money into repairs, painting, or intense cleaning. Cash buyers purchase homes in their current condition.
2. Bypass Realtor Fees
You can avoid paying commissions of 5-6% by selling directly to a cash buyer instead of an agent. This saves thousands of dollars.
3. Quick Process
Instead of waiting months or years for the right offer, you can get a cash deal done in as little as 10 days in many cases.
4. You Control the Timeline
Once you accept the cash offer, you determine the ideal closing date based on your needs.
5. No Uncertainty
Cash deals have fewer contingencies, backed-out offers, and other stressors that can stall traditional sales.
Selling for cash helps maximize your profit while minimizing the work and uncertainty.
What Types of Properties Do Cash Buyers Want?
One huge benefit of cash buyers is they purchase a wide variety of houses - not just updated, perfect homes. Some examples of properties cash buyers will purchase:
Older homes needing renovations
Homes with structural damage or foundation issues
Rental properties with tenants
Houses going through foreclosure
Vacant homes/abandoned properties
Homes that need extensive cleaning/junk removal
Fire damaged or flooded houses
Homes with title/ownership challenges
And more!
There are very few homes cash buyers won’t consider buying. They expect to renovate places from top to bottom before selling or renting.
Tips to Potentially Increase Your Cash Offer
Remember, cash buyers purchase homes as-is. But if you want to potentially maximize your offer, consider these tips:
Make minor repairs like leaky faucets or broken windows
Clean out clutter and make rooms appear larger
Have a lawncare service mow/maintain the yard
Clear any trash or junk from the property
Paint over offensive graffiti inside
Remove valuables so home appears empty
Taking some steps to have your home “show ready” can result in a better offer when the buyer visits. But this is absolutely not required.
Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your House For Cash
To ensure the sale goes smoothly, be aware of these common missteps:
Not verifying the buyer is properly licensed
Allowing a buyer to take early occupancy before closing
Skipping the inspection or legal contract review
Taking the first offer that comes in without comparison shopping
Agreeing to “rent back” your home without protections
Assuming there are no fees - get it in writing!
Ignoring red flags about a shady buyer
Doing your due diligence avoids headaches when selling for cash. Now let’s look at common questions...
Answers to FAQs About Selling Your St. Louis Home For Cash
How long does it take to get a cash offer on my house?
A local cash buyer can usually provide an initial offer within 24-48 hours. Offers may come back even faster.
What will the cash offer be based on?
Buyers will assess the home’s condition, features, recent comparable sales, and market factors to determine a fair cash price.
Are there any fees if I sell my home for cash?
Nope! Reputable cash buyers cover all closing costs and there are no extra fees or commissions the seller pays.
Do I have to agree to the first offer I receive?
Not at all. Shop around with multiple buyers to maximize your payout. And never feel pressured to accept an offer.
When will I get my payment if I sell for cash?
Full payment is made on the closing date, at the same time you sign over the deed and title. Expect funds within days or weeks.
Can I sell my home if I still have a mortgage?
Yes, cash buyers can pay off any remaining mortgage balance owed as part of the transaction. This eliminates future payments.
Get a Serious Cash Offer for Your St. Louis Home
Selling your property directly to a local cash buyer simplifies the entire process. You can get a solid offer in days, close on your timeline, avoid showings and repairs, and eliminate agent fees.
To get started, contact us today to learn more about our easy process for helping St. Louis homeowners sell fast and hassle-free!
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