#home distilling equipment australia
distillspirits · 3 months
Home Distilling Equipment Australia
In recent years, the distilling industry has seen a notable shift towards sustainability, driven by a collective commitment to environmental stewardship. This evolution not only addresses ecological concerns but also enhances the quality and reputation of craft spirits. For more details click here. www.medium.com/@distillspirits/sustainable-distilling-practices-how-eco-friendly-techniques-are-shaping-the-industry-621a8a72f0f2
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brodydalle-archive · 2 years
2002 Sink Hole Zine Interview
An Interview with Brody (singer and guitarist) and Ryan (bass) of The Distillers by Kristin Belmonte. All photos also by Kristin Belmonte...
February 14th, 2002 - Valentines Day... Also the day the Distillers started their tour with the Suicide Machines and Sick of It All in New Haven, CT. But for being some mushy day all about flowers n love n shit, it hadn't been going so great for anyone. The Distillers were missing their guitarist, Rose "Casper", everyone looked tired and ...well just kinda haggard, and the day hadn't been going so great for me either. I know the band was supposed to do a sound check and I don't think they did. I wonder why? I walked into Toad’s Place (the club) about 2 hours before showtime, and the band was just kinda sitting around in the middle of the floor, with their equipment all over the place, just talking and what not. One of the other bands was doing their sound check, so it was pretty noisy. Brody was happy to show me her guitar which had just gotten a make-over; she spraypainted it white ("There’s white all over the place outside!"). So me and Brody went over to a corner table and started talking, but didn't even get 10 minutes into the conversation; it had gotten so fucking noisy we couldn't hear each other. So we went down a flight of stairs, and found the band room. "Nah". Down the hall, she found Ryan, the bassist. "Hey Ryan! Wanna do an interview?!" "OK". We settled on the women's bathroom, and since Brody had to take a piss, it was convenient. Ryan was equipped with a bottle of nail polish, and set to work on painting. He was very intent on his nails, I noticed. I think he was painting them maroon....
Sink Hole Kristen-So, you just released a new record last week, do you have an explanation behind the title, “Sing Sing Death House”?
Distiller Brodie-I was watching a documentary on “Sing Sing Death House”, the prison. I really liked the title as a reference for a person. Like in dream books, a house represents yourself, your body. Thats where it came from. Sing Sing Death House is not a catharsis, its just a representation of dealing with shit, like problems. SHK-It came out (the CD) on my birthday, by the way... Brody-Really? Happy Birthday! SHK-Thanks, it was a pretty nice present.
SHK-So what was the scene like, and people in general, back in Australia? Brody-Australia is funny, they’re really good at goofing on themselves...It’s a lot different though, there’s only 18 million people in all of Australia compared to billions in America over the same amount of land. The scene is good, but its small. I used to hang out at this punk club called the Art House. Really, I don’t know how it is-I haven’t been over in a couple of years. SHK-Do you miss it? Brody-Yeah...I miss my family and my old friends. SHK-Which do you like better, Australia or the U.S.? Brody-They’re similar and different. America is one big Colossus. I think I’d find it hard to go back and live in Australia after living and living so much over here.
SHK-Coming to America-did you just up and leave Australia-how did that happen? Brodie-Me and Timothy (Armstrong) had been going out for about a year when I moved to America to be with him. SHK-Thats sweet...but sad cuz it’s Valentines Day Brody-And I’m here and I’m not at home... SHK-Not exactly how you want to spend Valentines Day? Brody-You miss a lot of shit when your away on the road. You miss people’s birthdays, anniversaries, all that shit. SHK-So how are things with you and Tim? Brody-Great, we just had an anniversary. Four years of marriage.
Brody-(while checking out my bag) I love this band (pointing to an Unseen patch). SHK-Yeah, I saw them a couple weeks ago... Brody-They’re pretty great, I was just reading an interview with them.
SHK-So your drummer is from the Nerve Agents, are you sharing him, or whats up with that situation? Brody-Well, the Nerve Agents just broke up (this was breaking news at the time). They broke up less than a month ago and it really sucks cuz they were one of my favorite bands. I’m really still kind of delirious. It’s fucking shame, cuz they were so fucking good. Anyway, when Andy came to the band it was meant to be permanent, but it’s definitely permanent now.
SHK-So who are your other favorite bands? Brody-Well, like I said, I like the Unseen alot. I like the Death Wish Kids, I love Blitz. You know, the standard punk rock lineage-The Exploited, The Ramones. I like Rancid. (of course!) I can’t really think of any new bands I like.
SHK-What did you listen to when you were younger, when you first started getting into everything? Brody-I had just turned 12 in 1991 and Nirvana and Sonic Youth were blowing up and that whole scene was huge. I really liked Fang alot. Do you like Fang? SHK-Never heard of ‘em. Brody-Ahhh...ya gotta listen to Fang...(the sound of drums and guitars suddenly got really fucking loud) Maybe we should find someplace else to talk. Brody-(still) Where were we? Oh, I was telling you about Fang, you’ve gotta hear this band. They influenced so many bands. I swear Kurt (Cobain) listened to Fang, you can really hear it in early Nirvana. They were great, then Sammy (Fang’s lead singer) killed his girlfriend and everybody denied that they listened to them. He was a crazy motherfucker. Yeah, you should get a hold of a Fang record. I think its where all the grunge bands got their ideas from. Ryan-Totally, I think that whole Seattle thing kinda came from them. Brody-Cuz Fang was constantly touring up and down the West Coast all the time.
SHK-So whats your deal (to Ryan), you were working in a record store when they found you? Ryan-I really hate work, but you got to do it, so I always tried to at least work in record stores. It was a record slash comic book slash toy store, so it was fun for a little while. I’m really glad I’m not doing that shit right now-really glad. Brody-I liked that store. They had a really good collection there, good selection. SHK-What was it? (insert commercial here) Ryan-It was called Axis Records and Comics and it was just full of things that you wouldn’t find anywhere else. All kinds of odds-n-ends.
Brody-Are you from here? (New Haven, Connecticut) SHK-Yeah Brody-Whats the scene like? SHK-There’s a good amount of people depending on where you look... Brody-We got here last night and we were trying to find someplace open, like a magazine store or anything, and they were all closed. We had to drive to New Yawk... Ryan-The one thing I’ve noticed is all the buildings turn out to be college buildings. I see something that looks like a church, nope its a library. SHK-Its all Yale. All the dorky college Yaley’s walking around....
SHK-The song “Desperate” is about heroine addiction-is that about you, or someone you know? Brody-It was just in general. It affects a lot of people. A whole lot of people in the punk rock scene especially. That shit is fucked up and evil. It’s the devil, its not cool at all, don’t do it. Yeah, that’s what I say-Don’t do it!
SHK-Sourpuss...Tell me about that whole experience. Brody-(under her breath) god, I hated that band... SHK-Oh, you hated the band, okay. Brody-(playing air guitar) No, I didn’t hate it, it was just my first band. It started when I was 14. It only lasted 2 years. It was a girl band, punk rock girl band. You know a bunch of 14 year olds trying to play really fast and we didn’t really know how to. (the air guitar playing gets REALLY fast) We all learned together, so it was cool, but it was really just a fucking mess. SHK-How old were you when you first listened to punk? Brody-I was 13. My first band (that I heard) was Discharge. That’s really my favorite punk band, still. Fucking Discharge. Ryan-Me? About the same, 12 or 13. There was this guy who worked in the guitar store I worked at who got me into the Germs and The Bad Brains. I was a little skate rat when I was younger, so I was into that whole obnoxious Red Hot Chili Peppers shit, I guess that was what got me into it. SHK-Around here most kids start out with metal and graduate into punk. Ryan-I’m the opposite, I love metal!
SHK-So are you involved at all in Hell Cat? Brody-Me and Timothy sometimes go check out bands together. Kids send me their tapes all the time...
SHK-How long did you last in catholic school? Brody-3 years. I went to the first one, got kicked out, then the 2nd one lasted until about 3 years. I dropped out of school in the 9th grade. I hated school. It fucking sucked. I think everyone hates it. Is there anyone who likes school? I can’t function properly sitting in the same fucking position for a fucking hour. SHK-I used to go to catholic school for a while and it really sucked. Brody-Were you baptized? SHK-Yeah. Brody-Not me. I wasn’t baptized and that got me in trouble. I got in fucking trouble for drinking jesus’ blood and eating his flesh. “Your not a child of god” they’d say. Fuck you! I just want to get drunk off this shit. Man, they’re the same way. Catholics are drunks! Its kind of hypocritical in a way. They’re all pedaphiles, too.
SHK-Do you ever get pissed off about all the comparisons to Rancid? Brody-No! They’re a great fucking band and they’re my best fucking friends, why would that be bad? SHK-In everything you read in magazines and shit, people are ALWAYS comparing or linking you to Rancid... Brody-Thats naturally gonna happen cuz I’m his (Tim’s) wife, but I think thats really just lazy journalism. People are quick to jump on that without even trying to get deeper. What are ya gonna do?
SHK-Where did you get the idea for the song “Gypsy Rose Lee”? Brody-From Gypsy Rose Lee...It’s really about the women who brought me up when I was younger. There was this game we would play when I was real little and I’d be Marilyn Monroe and my friend would be Gypsy Rose Lee. She’d be dancing around with a cape and no underwear on-she was 5...
SHK-A lot of your songs talk about fucked up family life and... Brody-Everyone in this band comes from a dysfunctional family. A lot of people you meet in punk rock come from a dysfunctional family. SHK-Thats why we connect to the music. Brody-Things are a lot better now for my Mother and me. I think that with girls and their mothers you reach a certain age and there’s this undeniable tension. Your trying to leave the nest, she wants you stay...I think for me, I had to realize that my Mom was her own person. It was really weird-I mean when you finnally realize that your mother is her own human being with real feelings. When you realize that even though she’s your mother, she’s a woman with her own identity. It’s a weird thing to go through, but once you do, you’ll be a lot more respectful. I had to become friends with my Mom before we could go back to that mother/daughter relationship. I’m sure it’s like that with Dad’s and their son’s, too.
Ryan-With my Dad, I knew he was his own person, so that didn’t matter. With us, the problem was him relizing that I wasn’t going to be exactly what he wanted to be. My Mom and I get along great. With my Dad, it’s a little weird, but that’s just because he’s highschool football coach guy.
Sink Hole Kristen’s Friend(sorry, don’t know your name-editor)-What do you do for fun when your not on the road? Brody-I like bookstores a lot. I hang out with my friends. I’m kind of a homebody. We have 2 little kittens. I’ll cook dinner, chill out, watch movies, write... SHKF-What is your favorite movie? Brody-Godfather. SHKF-My favorite’s Scarface! Brody-Yeah!!! Scarface is good, I like Goodfellas, too. Mob movies fucking rule! Your (talking to Ryan) the only one who hasn’t seen Godfather! I can’t believe that. Ryan-Neither has Andy or Tony (guitar tech). Brody-That’s unbelievable. It’s one of the most famous movies in cinema history. Ya gotta see it dude. I don’t like the 3rd one, though-it sucked. The 1st and 2nd were awesome. SHK-Are you not big on mafia movies? Ryan-No, I love mafia movies! Goodfellas and Scarface are 2 of my favorite movies ever. Brody-Yeah, aside from the Godfather movies, there’s this French movie called Betty Blue (sp.?) that I like a lot. It’s the story about a relationship between this crazy fucking girl and her boyfriend and they live in this shack on the beach. It’s a funny movie-it’s all in subtitles, but it’s great. You HAVE to see it. That chick is so fucking beautiful! She’s the reason I dyed my hair black. She’s a crack-head now, but back then...She was fucking gor-geous! She had this gap in her teeth and (motions with her hands to show big tits)
SHK-Well, I know you have to go, but I have to end this interview with you describing yourselves in 5 words. Ryan-We are the Distillers. Brody-That’s 4 words dummy. She said words, not syllables. (mumbling) We’re fuckin’ pist as shit. Ryan-How about “hey we’re the Distillers”? (editor’s note-that’s still just 4)
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distillspirits1 · 2 years
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
We’re at the home garden of soil scientist Emily Leyden. Subscribe 🔔 http://ab.co/GA-subscribe
Emily got interested in soil science partly because she’s a keen gardener. Her work in academia usually finds her working with farmers and agricultural companies on how they can improve their practices, and environmental agencies work on erosion and salinity. But her real passion is the extension work as president of the SA chapter of Soil Science Australia, helping home gardeners to understand the scientific underpinnings of what makes a good soil, and therefore a good garden.
To achieve the same garden greatness, Emily says there’s a few basic tests any home gardener can do to help better understand their own soil that require no extra equipment. You can do them today! “One you know what you’re working with, it’s a starting point. It’ll go a long to way to stopping you wasting money at the nursery”.
- Testing soil texture:
The first step is identifying what type of soil you have, with a simple soil texture test.
Soil “texture” refers to the proportion of sand, silt and clay in your soil. Texture can influence things like the ability of your soil to hold water, movement of air through the soil and how easy it is for your plants to grow roots.
It’s easy to test by taking a small handful of moist soil, kneading it into a ball and pressing it into a ribbon. The “feel” of the soil ball and the length of the ribbon indicate the texture.
1. Collect a sample of soil sufficient to fit comfortably into the palm of your hand. Check the soil for any lumps, stones or organic material. Break/ remove any that are present.
2. Add water to the soil sample, a little at a time. While adding water, knead the soil to make a small ball that sticks together and is moist.
3. Knead/work the ball for a minute or two.
4. Press the soil between your thumb and forefinger to make a ribbon.
5. Measure only the length of the part of the ribbon that is not broken.
If your soil feels sticky and you can get a ribbon to form that’s at least 4cm long, you’ve got a soil that’s mostly clay. If your ribbon won’t form or falls apart easy, and you can feel individual granules, you’ve got a sandy soil.
If your soil is mostly clay, Emily says “it might need breaking up with addition of sand and compost to increase water flow”. She points out that although water saturation (and not enough air) can be a problem, clay soils do hold onto nutrients better.
If your soil is sandy, Emily says “sandy soils might need clay and compost so water and nutrients can hang around in the soil for longer”.
- Checking for dispersion and salinity:
A soil is called “dispersive” if it has too much sodium (salt) in it. Sodium causes the clay particles in soil to break apart (or “disperse”) when wet, and this can cause problems for the structure of the soil. Excess sodium in soils causes waterlogging, surface crusting, difficulties with water infiltration, poor seedling emergence and poor aeration.
To test if your soil is dispersive:
1. Half fill a clear plastic dish (or jar lid) with distilled water.
2. Place three balls of soil (3–5 mm diameter) carefully into the dish.
3. After 10 minutes, examine how much your soil has dispersed into the surrounding water
If there is no dispersion, the water remains clear. If there is complete dispersion the water will be as opaque as milk. Partially dispersive soils will sit somewhere in between.
Emily says if your soil is dispersive, adding gypsum can help. “The calcium in gypsum replaces the sodium on the soil particles, allowing sodium to leach out…and improving soil structure”.
Emily says as always, the panacea is compost. “Adding organic matter is always a good idea… it provides energy for soil microorganisms, helps store nutrients and supply and improves soil structure. Better soil structure allows good water and air movement, root penetration, less erosion, holds nutrients better and less water ponding.”
Overall, Emily says the results from these 2 simple tests should inform what plants you’re trying to grow, and pragmatically inform how you’re gardening.
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Dust Volume 7, Number 2
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Bitchin’ Bajas
The whole country is snowed in and Texas is starting to look a lot like the Terrordome, and we can see how people might not be laser focused on music right now, especially if they’re cold or sick or out of food. But music continues to pour in, in great quantities and beguiling diversity, and a fair amount of it is very, very good. So, while we encourage you to take care of your brothers and sisters first (by donating to organizations like Austin Mutual Aid, Community Care — Mutual Aid Houston, Feed the People Dallas or the Austin Disaster Relief Network), we also present another collection of short, mostly positive reviews of new-ish records that have caught our attention. Writers this time around include Ray Garraty, Jennifer Kelly, Bill Meyer, Justin Cober-Lake, Eric McDowell, Bryon Hayes, Jonathan Shaw, Tim Clarke and Mason Jones.  
Babyface Ray — Unfuckwitable (Wavy Gang)
On his new 7 song EP Unfuckwitable, thanks to his technical skills, Babyface Ray grinds through a great variety of trendy topics under a great variety of beats: from “not rap” rap to “bad bitch” rap to “we got it off the mud” rap. It’s all very professionally done, as you expect from a professional rapper, despite Ray’s claims that he’s not one. But midway through it, behind the misty fog of bouncy production and some lines catching the ear, you can clearly see at least two problems, with the EP and Babyface Ray. First, he doesn’t have anything to say (unlike some hip hop artists who ran out of things to say, he never had any in the first place). Second, he either doesn’t rhyme or goes for a lazy rhyming. The standout here is “Like Daisy Lane”, a catchy little song, with absolutely no substance behind it.
Ray Garraty
 Bananagun — The True Story of Bananagun (Full Time Hobby)
The True Story of Bananagun by Bananagun
Ooh look, it’s tropicalia from Australia! The five-piece Bananagun hails geographically from Melbourne, but metaphysically from 1960s Sao Paulo or swinging London. Their first album swaggers like a long-haired hipster in wide-flared hip huggers, fingers snapping, funk bass slapping, keyboards and flutes gamboling in hot melodic pursuit. Multiple band members got their start in similarly 1960s-aligned Frowning Clouds, so the psych garage freakbeat elements are, perhaps, to be expected. But Bananagun runs hotter, wilder and considerably less Anglo. “People Talk Too Much” rattles the foundations with scorching funk percussion, big flares of brass and a vintage Afro-beat call and response chorus. “Mushroom Bomb” likewise heats up psychedelic apocalyptica with seething syncopations of bass and drums. Most of these tracks are a bit overstuffed, with a pawn shop’s worth of instruments enlisted in happy, dippy, everyone-get-in-the-jam exuberance, but am I going to complain about too much joy? I am not. Bring on the Bananagun.
Jennifer Kelly 
 Andrew Barker / Jon Irabagon — Anemone (Radical Documents)
Anemone by Andrew Barker + Jon Irabagon Duo
Some names tell you exactly where you stand, and others raise questions. Take the name of this record, for example; did drummer Andrew Barker (Gold Sparkle Band, Little Huey Orchestra) and tenor saxophonist Jon Irabagon (Mostly Other People Do The Killing, I Don’t Hear Nothin’ But The Blues) have the aquatic or land-lubber variety in mind? To get specific, is this record a buttercup, or a bottom-dwelling, plant-lookalike life form that waits for other aquatic species to come close enough for it to lance them, paralyze them with venom and chow down on their still-living bodies?
“Learnings,” the first of the album’s four tracks, is true to its name, being a distillation of instrumental tones and free jazz attacks that might remind you of moments from various Coltrane and Pharoah records. It feels familiar, but invigorating. The title tune comes next, and it’s a slower, more laconic performance, attractive enough to be either the sea or land variety. Then comes “Book of Knots,” which suspends an intricate percussive construction over slow-bubbling pops and barks. The record closes with “Branded Contempt,” a juxtaposition of pathos-rich blowing and restless brushwork. One can listen most of the way through this record without guessing whether it owes allegiance to Poseidon or Persephone, but the coarse intensity of Irabagon’s playing in the last minutes is the tell; this record packs a sting.
Bill Meyer
BBsitters Club — BBsitters Club & Party (Hausu Mountain)
BBsitters Club & Party by BBsitters Club
Label Hausu Mountain specializes in weird experimental electronics. Its release of a rare rock record might raise a few eyebrows. BBsitters Club, with the label's founders making up half the quartet, pulls off a tricky feat in becoming an arch rock band. BBsitters Club & Party has enough old-fashioned blues and psych-based rock to suggest a group taking itself seriously. Naming the opening track “Crazy Horse” immediately calls attention to its meta status, even if the track sounds more like Pink Floyd than Neil Young's collaborators (and there's a touch of hair metal in there, too). No group with songs called “Joel,” “Joel Reprise,” and “Joel Reprise Reprise” can take itself too seriously, and that kind of playfulness runs throughout the disc. At the same time, BBsitters Club does take its musicianship seriously. They avoid conventional forms, working in complicated structures full of surprising twists. The group can get a little proggy, but then twist it toward an Allman Brothers-style jam. If it starts to settle into the Woodstock era (see the clear nods to Hendrix and Cream), it jumps to the 1980s with an unlikely easiness. The band goes wherever they feel like rocking, with everyone invited to the party.
Justin Cober-Lake 
 Bitchin Bajas — live ateliers claus (les albums claus)
Bitchin Bajas - live ateliers claus by Bitchin Bajas
If we can all agree the pandemic has dealt musicians some dizzying blows, that’s hardly to say they had it easy before. Squeezed between tech platforms and spurned by a hostile federal government (speaking for the US, anyway), even on tour they had to contend with iffy financials, physical neglect and — because why not say it louder for those in the back? — literal theft. So Cooper Crain, Rob Frye and Dan Quinlivan found themselves over 4,000 miles from home in May 2018, playing Brussels’s les ateliers claus on borrowed equipment after having their gear stolen (twice) on a European tour in support of Bajas Fresh. “Um, we’re, ah, Bitchin Bajas, from Chicago ... Illinois,” one of the trio says over the set’s first tentative tones. “And thanks ... for coming. This is gonna be great, I think. Or, we’ll see.”
Perhaps it’s not a question of either/or but both/and, the cosmic “we’ll see” of COVID-19 only amplifying how truly great it is to receive this music in the unimaginable future of three years later. As ever with the Bitchin Bajas, there is pleasure in the subtleties, whether that’s an excited concert-goer whooping as “Jammu” picks up momentum or the way each turn of the musical kaleidoscope seems to bring out new hues. That the recording doesn’t represent any dramatic departure from what we hear on the studio album or during other sets on other tours is part of its appeal and part of its power as a balm. We don’t need any more startling revelations right now. In this sense, the whole live ateliers claus series is a reminder that this venue and these artists — from Michael Chapman (vol. 1) up through Will Guthrie (vol. 12) — are still here today. If we can help repay what’s been stolen from them, they’ll be here tomorrow, too.
Eric McDowell  
 Loren Connors & Oren Ambarchi — Leone (Family Vineyard) 
Leone by Loren Connors & Oren Ambarchi
This is the first time that Loren Connors and Oren Ambarchi have collaborated, despite the myriad ties that bind the two guitarists across the global exploratory music scene. Leone offers a trio of pieces arranged like overlapping globs of paint on a painter’s palette: the two artists each perform solo with a collaborative piece in between. “Lorn” is a side-long Connors piece with the guitarist in an experimental mood, hammering the reverb-drenched strings to create a glorious cacophony. Ambarchi’s “Nor” recasts the guitar first as a church organ and then as a subaquatic communications device. When the two pair up for “Ronnel,” it is a symbiotic meeting. Connors picks out notes around which Ambarchi weaves contrails of tone. It is a mesmerizing piece, and, we hope, just the first of many joint efforts from these two.    
Bryon Hayes
Buck Curran — WFMU 'The Frow Show' Live Session (Feat. Jodi Pedrali) (Obsolete Recordings)
Buck Curran: WFMU 'The Frow Show' Live Session (Feat. Jodi Pedrali) by Obsolete Recordings
When we last caught up with Buck Curran, he was hunkered down at then ground zero for the COVID epidemic, socially isolating in Bergamo, Italy while recording the lovely acoustic-guitar-and-voice album, No Love Is Sorrow. Half a year later, still deep in the grip of a worldwide pandemic, he made this record, a duet with Italian keyboard player Jodi Pederali, revisiting one song from the previous album and adding three others. The tracks with Pederali fuse Curran’s electric blues with the bright, meditative melodies of Pederali’s piano. The two players interact and overlap in intoxicating dialogue. “Deep in the Lovin’ Arms of My Babe,” reprises the finger-picked folk of Curran’s earlier album, adding a glittering sprinkle of piano to its mournful, wistful melody. The set was recorded for Jess Jarnow’s show on WFMU and released on Bandcamp, and while not as long or as weighty as No Love Is Sorrow, it’s well worth hearing.
Jennifer Kelly  
 Jürg Frey — l’air, l’instant - deux pianos (Elsewhere)
l'air, l'instant - deux pianos by Jürg Frey
When you put two pianos together, there must surely be a temptation to see how much sound you can get out of them.  Swiss composer Jürg Frey does the opposite on the two compositions that make up this CD. Each is so sparse that an inattentive listener might think they are hearing one patient pianist, when in fact they are hearing a pair of deeply skilled interpreters.  The task assigned to Reinier van Houdt and Dante Boon is to place their notes in such precise relation to each other that they can influence each other’s pitches without interfering with them. Each musician is, as the title “toucher l’air (deux pianos)” (2019) suggests, inducing a slight disturbance in the atmosphere, lightly pressing transitory shapes into the silence that absorbs each note. “Entre les deux l’instant” (2017/2018) allows the two pianists to decide how closely they will match paces as they trade the roles of melodist and accentuator. Immune to gauche temptation, Frey seems drawn instead to see how much attention and how little sound it takes to accentuate the beauty of silence.
Bill Meyer
 Chris Garneau — The Kind (The Orchard)
THE KIND by Chris Garneau
Chris Garneau’s lush, stunning art-pop swoops and whirls and flutters in wild arcs of drama. In this fifth album, the New York City songwriter works in a restrained palette of guitar, piano, electronics and drums, but colors way outside the box with his vibrant, emotional-laden voice, which flies up into a falsetto register with an ease not heard since Jeff Buckley passed. “I know you loved me truly, but we don’t love one way, do we?” he croons on the gorgeous “Telephone,” lofting up into whistle range without losing the purity or the trueness of his tone. Cuts like the title song and “Now On” are prayerfully simple, just framing piano chords and Garneau’s highly charged delivery. But others like “Not the Child” are more intricately constructed with a lattice of picked strings, an antic syncopated beat and staccato vocal counterpoints that dance around the main line. The Kind’s songs are deeply personal and rooted in Garneau’s experiences as gay man, but they’ll resonate with anyone who’s ever loved or longed or regretted.
Jennifer Kelly
Gaunt Emperor — Femur (Self-released)
Femur by Gaunt Emperor
Some would-be emperors may no longer have clothes (looking at you, Trump), but Gaunt Emperor is unabashed about wearing its influences on its sleeve. Femur is the first LP by this California project, and Sunn 0))) and the first few records released by Earth are large presences, looming hugely just behind the sounds Gaunt Emperor generates. If you’re familiar with those other bands, you get the essential idea: deep (really deep) notes and long (really long) sustain from loud (really loud) guitars, and not much else. That said, Gaunt Emperor has an aesthetic vision that seems to be attempting to survey its own territory. While compositions like “Slow Submersion” and “The Birth of Obsidian” work from the playbook established by O’Malley and Anderson, the textures of Gaunt Emperor’s guitar tone have their own sort-of-subtle qualities. They’re pretty good. “Conception,” the second track on Femur, expresses a similar inclination towards melody that Earth began to demonstrate on The Bees Made Honey in the Lion’s Skull (2008), but Gaunt Emperor retains an unrestrained relation to volume; you can feel the heat inexorably building in the overdriven amplifier stack. In any case, this is suitable music for pondering massive, ongoing phenomena, like the calving of icebergs off Antarctica’s coast or the steady disappearance of the Amazonian rainforest — not that Femur will make you feel any better about that stuff.
Jonathan Shaw
 Luka Kuplowsky — Stardust (Mama Bird)
Stardust by Luka Kuplowsky
Soft jazzy reveries coalesce around this Toronto songwriter’s offhand, semi-spoken melodies. Little accents of acoustic bass, slide guitar, hushed harmonies dart in and out of focus, but the songs themselves come up on you obliquely, filtering in from the vents in evocatively scented clouds. Rhythms sway in undulant, bossa nova syncopations, while chords slide into resolution from slightly off center. A half-remembered jazz flute lick lick lofts through the window. At the center of it all is Luka himself, posing, but not insisting on koan-like observations. “Perfection is a noose,” he confides amid the muted wreck and roll of massed jazz sounds in “City by the Window,” but he seems unbothered by it. Perfection is an accident, and if you look at it too hard, it disappears.
Jennifer Kelly
 José Lencastre / Hernâni Faustino / Vasco Furtado — Vento (Phonogram Unit)
Vento by José Lencastre / Hernâni Faustino / Vasco Furtado
Vento is the Portuguese word for wind, and the name conveys that combination of purposeful and chance operations that converged to make this record happen. The trio of alto saxophonist José Lencastre, double bassist Hernâni Faustino and drummer Vasco Furtado didn’t book a studio with the intent to record; they just wanted a place to play for a couple hours. But the engineers had just obtained some microphones and wanted to try out their new toys. Likewise, this improvisational trio did not bring an tunes to the session, but they play with a purposefulness born of shared aesthetic values. Whether are sailing a brisk clip, as on the title track, or gradually unwinding the music at low volume and velocity, as on “Ruínas,” they operate as a real time compositional cooperative, developing their music in linear fashion. While they share a direction, they also value contrast. For example, Lencastre’s breathy tone during the latter tune’s early moments balances Faustino’s pointed twang. Since remorseless microoganisms and anti-cultural politicians are each doing their best to keep live music down, records like this serve a necessary function in reminding us of the life force that motivates improvised music.
Bill Meyer
Lilys — A Brief History of Amazing Letdowns (Frontier)
A Brief History of Amazing Letdowns by Lilys
Kurt Heasley’s Lilys made some of the most ebullient and inventive guitar music of the 1990s. The best Lilys songs sound as though they’re flying apart and being put back together as they hurtle along, killer hooks tossed aside as quickly as they start to drag you in. Though they’re perhaps best known for their Kinks-indebted breakthrough Better Can’t Make Your Life Better, this was actually a sharp turn away from the dense shoegazey atmospherics of their first couple of records. Thus far, Frontier Records has reissued their first two albums, In the Presence of Nothing and Eccsame the Photon Band, both of which are superb. The A Brief History of Amazing Letdowns EP was originally released in 1994, a transitional period when Heasley was still exploring the textural joys of distorted guitars while starting to throw down pop hooks with aplomb. Opener “Ginger” hits similar pleasure centers as Weezer’s debut, released the same year, while on “Dandy,” Heasley’s vocal sounds uncannily like Stephen Malkmus. The previously unreleased “G. Cobalt Franklin” foregrounds searing guitar tones and bulbous bass, the bulk of the melodic layers sounding like they’re bleeding through from the next room, peppered with swirling flange and voice recordings. The second half of this expanded edition comprises songs originally demoed for Eccsame the Photon Band, and later released in 2000 on a split EP with Aspera Ad Astra. They’re decent enough, though feel like they’re missing the spark of the best Lilys creations. So, while this amounts to a far-from-essential Lilys release, it’s fascinating to hear Heasley in transition, working out how to reconcile his love for melody with his immersion in guitar noise.
Tim Clarke
 Fred Lonberg-Holm — Lisbon Solo (Notice)
Lisbon Solo by Fred Lonberg-Holm
As befits a guy who has also recorded a “solo” record in the company of a Florida swamp full of frogs, Fred Lonberg-Holm picks his recording locations strategically, and location has a lot to do with how this album turned out. It was done at an old and well-appointed studio in Lisbon, Portugal, where he could be sure that the microphones would catch every creak, groan and polyphonic wail he might draw out of his main instrument. But he also knew, from prior visits, that he would have access to some seriously over-the-hill pianos. While most of the album is devoted to savagely bowed attacks, the odd digressions into detuned, radiant chimes deliver just enough respite to keep you off balance and on the edge of your seat.
Bill Meyer 
 Dan Melchior — Odes (Cudighi Records)  
'Odes' by Dan Melchior
Dan Melchior is likely a recognizable name to Dusted readers; he has made quite a string of releases over the years. This cassette/digital release, recorded in 2016, is a subdued affair, nine songs for the most part following the same blueprint: a track of strummed or lightly picked acoustic guitar with a fuzzy electric lead layered on top. The foundational guitar tracks establish a calm, repetitive cycle, giving some of these songs an almost raga-like feel, in some cases through a hazy reverb: "Tybee" feels like you're sitting in the next room listening to him play through a closed door.  
Calling the overdubs "guitar leads" implies the wrong feel. While played through fuzz or distortion, the mood is a woozy one, more opiated than energetic, but in a drifting, pleasant way. There's an over-arching melancholy throughout these songs, one person alone playing to satisfy a need. Knowing Melchior was facing the recent loss of his wife Letha certainly colors it, but even a listener ignorant of that back-story would feel the emotional resonance.  
These nine ramshackle, loose instrumental pieces are personal, incomplete, and like having someone entrust you with private stories in song form.  
Mason Jones
Mint Field — Sentimiento Mundial (Felte)
Sentimiento Mundial by Mint Field
Mint Field, from Mexico City, filters the feedback and noise of shoegaze guitars through a pensive screen, finding an aura of nostalgia in between and among blinding walls of scree. Estrella del Sol Sánchez contributes two of the band’s signature sounds, the dreamy, delicate vocals and the swirling masses of altered guitar. She is supported by Sebastian Neyra on bass and Callum Brown on drums. The volume level varies song to song, but it’s all mesmerizing and good. “Delicadeza” breezes in on the tenderest sort of sigh, the softest, most lyrical strummed accompaniment, but “Contingencia” digs in and pounds, drums cranking, bass thudding and guitars winging out in wild arabesques of distorted sound. The easiest comparison might be the similarly hauntingly voiced Lush, but there’s something special here in the soft, keening soprano calm at the center of even the most agitated cuts.  
Jennifer Kelly
 Roy Montgomery — Island of Lost Souls (Grapefruit)
Roy Montgomery 40th Anniversary 2021 LP Series by Roy Montgomery
In 2021, guitarist Roy Montgomery celebrates 40 years of music-making with the release of four new LPs, beginning with Island of Lost Souls. Though 2018’s fantastic Suffuse included vocals from artists such as Haley Fohr (Circuit Des Yeux), Julianna Barwick and Liz Harris (Grouper), Island of Lost Souls is entirely instrumental, comprising four pieces, each dedicated to a late artist (actor Sam Shepard, and musicians Adrian Borland, Peter Principle and Florian Fricke). Though wordless, Montgomery’s guitar speaks volumes, flickering and flowing with the liquid grace of a player intimately familiar with both his fretboard and the effects pedals at his feet, sending waves of tone cascading with delay and reverb. Plus, on the side-long, climactic “The Electric Children of Hildegard von Bingen,” Montgomery pitch-shifts his guitar so it really ascends to the heavens, where it takes up residence for 22 minutes. Fans of Windy & Carl, Flying Saucer Attack and The Durutti Column, take note.
Tim Clarke
 Jon Mueller — Family Secret (American Dreams)
Family Secret by Jon Mueller
A family secret is usually a multigenerational skeleton in the closet that is either sorrowful or sinister. For percussionist and Volcano Choir member Jon Mueller, it is the former: a series of familial rifts that became the unlikely muse for this collection of reverberating drones. Mueller employs instruments that produce multiple resonant tones, such as singing bowls and gongs, to create rich pools of complex sound. Metallic hues brighten subterranean rumblings while enigmatic dapples of condensed steam coalesce into liquid shapes. The drummer conjures ghastly creatures through extending the vocabulary of his drum kit. Cymbal scrapes become banshee wails and scoured skins emanate uncanny whispers. With Family Secret, Mueller manifests his personal demons as phantom signals. He transmogrifies emotional strife into physical actions which then become ethereal. Ironically, the resulting sounds are actually soothing. Pain has never sounded so sweet.  
Bryon Hayes 
 Primitive Motion — Descendants of Air (Kindling)
Primitive Motion is the Brisbane-based duo of Sandra Selig and Leighton Craig, and Descendants of Air is their seventh album, previously only available as a CD given away at live shows. You can immediately imagine what the album sounds like based on the artist name and album title alone: rustic yet cosmic, full of space and open to spontaneity. Recorded on the banks of the Enoggera Reservoir, these eight meandering pieces prominently feature the sounds of wind and leaves, plus the calls of raucous Australian birds, while Selig and Craig insinuate suggestions of melodies and chords on nylon-string guitar, woodwinds, and battery-powered keyboards, and gently massage the air with percussive patters. Though part of the appeal of the recording is its deliberate vagueness, the most affecting piece, and the shortest, is “True Orbit,” where a strident theme built around melodica, keyboard and voice seems to emerge fully formed from the aether.
Tim Clarke
 Socioclast — S/T (Carbonized Records)
Socioclast by Socioclast
In heavy music’s current moment of endless genre-hopping and hybridization, it’s nice to hear a record that understands exactly what it wants to be. Socioclast is a grindcore record. Like Assück’s grindcore’s records. A lot like Assück’s grindcore records. You get all the high-velocity chugging crunch and guttural grunting — vocals so deep in the gullet that it’s pretty hard to pick up any lyrics. The song titles, however, suggest the ideological dispositions you might expect: “Surveillance, Normalization, Examination,” “Specter Signal,” “Psychodrone,” “Propaganda Algorithm.” There can be a fine line between paying tribute and being derivative, but Socioclast creates an homage rather than an outright imitation. This is 21st-century music. It sounds a lot clearer and slicker than anything Assück or the early Slap A Ham bands committed to vinyl. Like Slap A Ham, Socioclast is a California-based musical phenomenon, featuring dudes who have played in bands like Deadpressure and Mortuous; Colin Tarvin’s death-metal grooves are especially prominent on some of the record’s best tracks, including “Eden’s Tongue” and “Omega.” But this is assertively a grindcore record. Given that version of traditionalism (and yes, events have come to such a pass that grindcore has a tradition), it turns out that Socioclast isn’t all that socioclastic. So goes the strangeness of semantics. But the music is good.
Jonathan Shaw
 Space Quartet — Under the Sun (Noise Precision Library)
Under the Sun by Space Quartet
Space is a persistent and multi-faceted theme in the music of the Portuguese electronic musician, Rafael Toral. And while his name is not appended to the Space Quartet’s, make no mistake, this is his band, playing his music. But it is a music derived from ideas that can’t be realized without the right people. So, while Toral has delved repeatedly into the sounds that people imagine they might make and that they actually find in outer space, and he has explored empty and variously filled spaces as starting points for his music, the point of the Space Quartet is to find the right people, and give them enough space to realize a new kind of jazz. Under the Sun is the combo’s second recording, made with a substantially different line-up than the iteration that recorded the self-titled debut for Clean Feed Records. Toral has sacrificed the all-electronic front line and switched drummers, but in doing so he may have found the right crew to take him where he needs to go. Across the album’s two 21-minute-long tracks, there are usually several ongoing dialogues taking place between the players, which manifest intriguing degrees of mutual challenge and support. But the way that Toral’s elongated feedback lines and Nuno Torres’ stuttering alto saxophone phrases flow around Hugo Antunes’ stark, elastic double bass figures and percussionist Nuno Morão’s lightly deployed, carefully modulated streams of textures and beats that extends a lineage anchored in the language that Cecil Taylor’s trio first released into the air at the Café Montmartre back in 1962.
Bill Meyer 
 Stinkhole — Mold Encrusted Egg (Mangel Records)
The name sort of says it all, but to clarify anyways: Stinkhole languishes in a slimy musical ditch, bottoming out somewhere between the No Wave skronk of Mars and the transgressive caterwauling of Suckdog. As was the case with both of those acts, the dissonance and the gross-out antics can obscure some interesting ideas. Clawing your way through the dense layers of yuck (or, depending on how you’re wired, enjoying it) is integral to the challenge posed by the experience. All the gagging vocalizations, primitivist drumming and semi-tuned bass whomps on Mold Encrusted Egg occupy prominent positions on the surface of songs like “Orange Juice.” But listen to Mold Encrusted Egg a little more closely: there are some rabid grooves, feral guitar breaks and a lot of impenetrably weird environments of sampled sounds, tape manipulations and unidentifiable scree. Is it fun? Does it sound good? Fuck no. The band’s name is Stinkhole. They write songs with titles like “Slippin’ on Slug Slime” and “Emancipated by Hair.” They roll with the whacko punk and noise bands that have congregated around the Berlin-based Flennen digital music zine and its accompanying label. Dig the stink. Rock has rarely been so richly rotten.
Jonathan Shaw
 Styrofoam Winos — S-T (Sophomore Lounge)
STYROFOAM WINOS "S/T" by Styrofoam Winos
Stryofoam Winos brings together three old friends to swap songs in Nashville. You might recognize Lou Turner from her solo album, Songs for John Venn, a sly and subversion of the songwriter’s wholesome alt-country charm. Joe Kenkel is a kindred spirit, a folk rock singer with respect but not reverence for the certitudes of Southern life. Says Nashville Scene of his solo Dream Creator, “Kenkel, a sophisticated folk-rock songwriter, documents Music City’s idiosyncrasies on his debut LP, with acutely observant lyrics.”  And Trevor Nikrant completes this anonymous all-star line-up; his 2017 debut caught the ear of Aquarium Drunkard’s J. Steel who called it “Oddball baroque psychedelia broadcasted from a basement on the east side.” The three kicked things off with a lo-fi and charming debut, Winos at Home, in 2017, but this self-titled LP takes things up a notch with songs that balance craft with eccentricity. “Stuck in a Museum” jangles and rambles in an antic, neurotically intelligent way, as the narrator finds himself entrapped amid the exhibits, staring fixedly at a teapot from the Tang Dynasty. “Roy G. Biv” turns contemplative—and twangy—as Turner sings plaintively about rainbows and colors, the way things change and how hard it can be to keep up. “Maybe More” glints with mandolin, but remains pared back, as a down-trodden singer (one of the guys, not sure which) sings about a life stuck in neutral, same book, same coat, same jokes, but beautiful. The disc has the feel of a warm, casual gathering, with friends jumping in on harmonies or picking up the bass. The songs are sharp and lovely without a lot of fuss.
Jennifer Kelly
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thebrewshop · 3 years
Home Brewing
Over the years, home brewing has been improved and has become easy with brewing kits and ready-to-use ingredients. So, either you’re a novice or a seasoned pro, you can brew your own beer with all products at hand.
Also, do you know there are countless health benefits of home brewing?
For instance, you can have control of ingredients with zero chemicals and preservatives. And experimenting with flavors is “Oh, so fun!”
Great, isn’t it?
Here’s how you can brew your own beer with a touch of distilled essences.
The Process of Home Brewing:
The Brew Shop have been serving Australia with their fabulous products and services for over 30 years. And we believe in serving you with distilled essences of premium quality taste. Here’s our guide to home brewing using our best quality ingredients.
1. Setting Up the Process:
Traditionally, brewers used to collect all the required equipment for brewing. And it was such a hustle to make sure you don’t miss on anything right before you start.
But, brew shops have made it easy for you. If you’re new to home brewing and don’t have a funnel, fermenter, or brewing kettle. Simply order beer making kits along with the recipe kit.
2. Sanitize:
To brew a perfect beer in your first attempt, sanitizing your equipment is necessary.
3. Brewing:
This is the step where you need to be careful. A little hand on experience will help you get better at it.
It uses the same traditional method of heating water with the grains. And then boiling the water to 170 degrees. Later it is followed by removing the brewing kettle from the heat and adding malt into it.
4. Fermenting:
Easily pour your wort product from the brew kettle to the fermenter. Add water into it and then aerate it.
Why aerate the product?
Well, the fermenter must have oxygen before you add yeast.
5. Bottling:
Your last step is bottling your home beer. And there you go, ready to enjoy the beer of your own efforts.
Home brewing is a therapeutic hobby, and we completely support the idea. It makes you value your beer. And the compliments from your friends will be a cherry on the top.
With The Brew  Shop, you don’t have to worry about the hustle of the process. Let us know what you want, and we’ll provide you with premium quality ingredients.
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bendigo-marine · 3 years
Removing Rust Off Your Boat’s Equipment
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If you’re like most motorboat owners in Australia, you probably own either a Quintrex aluminium or fibreglass fishing boat. While the superiority of each variant compared to each other is often debated, they have one amazing quality that sets them apart from other boats of different materials – fibreglass boats and aluminium boats like Quintrex boats.
 Aluminium and fibreglass materials are hardy, sturdy, and durable. They’re the product of the latest advancements in boating technology, and they’re built to last long and withstand the harsh environments of Australia’s lively waters. However, we can’t say the same for the equipment we have onboard, which will probably rust if they aren’t made from non-rust materials.
 Boat equipment that is made of iron or any other metal alloys are prone to rust when they’re exposed to water and oxygen for a long time. This includes winches, screws and bolts, wrenches, pliers, and even fishing hooks.
 Many boaters tend to write off rusty materials as a lost cause and proceed to buy new ones. However, rust does not spell the end of an equipment’s useful life. There are many ways to remove rust from equipment. You could buy an expensive, acid-based anti-rust agent, or you could use some tried and tested methods using materials you can find at home.
 Here are some of the ways you can remove rust from your Quintrex boat using household materials.
 The Use of Ketchup
The weakness of rust is acid. This means that most acid-based solutions can potentially remove rust. One of the common ways to remove rust from iron materials is by applying ketchup to the affected area. Let the ketchup rest on the affected area for at least 30 minutes. Once half an hour has passed, wipe the ketchup off the iron equipment and watch as the ketchup brings the rusts along with it. After that, you can simply wash or clean the equipment to remove the ketchup’s scent.
 Dousing It with Vinegar
Vinegar is one of the most powerful agents in cleaning and removing rust. It’s a household material that has plenty of untapped potentials when it comes to cleaning your drain, removing patches of moulds, and erasing ink from your wall. Simply make an anti-rust solution by filling a bucket with a gallon of distilled white vinegar. Submerge your rusted item into the bucket and let it remain there for a few minutes. You should start to see flakes of rust floating to the surface as the vinegar removes the corrosion. Once a few minutes have passed, take the item out, wash it, and let it dry. It should be rust-free after the treatment.
 Baking Soda
Make an anti-rust solution using one tablespoon of baking soda, and one tablespoon of water. Mix the ingredients together until they form a thick paste. Apply the mixture into your rusty equipment and scrub off the rust with a sponge or brush. After this treatment, the equipment should be free of rust. If the metal item is still rusty after the treatment, keep adding more baking soda paste and continue brushing until the rust is removed.
 If you’re looking for boats for sale in Queensland that don’t rust, Quintrex is the best choice for you. Quintrex is a brand of aluminium boats for sale in Queensland, Australia that features the latest development in aluminium technology. They’re long-lasting, lightweight, and durable. For the best vessels for your fishing trip, choose Quintrex aluminium boats.
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ka43270 · 3 years
Distillation and Fermentation Systems Market In-depth Qualitative Insights, Explosive Growth Opportunity, Regional Analysis 2021-2027
Market Analysis and Insights: Global Distillation and Fermentation Systems Market
Distillation and Fermentation Systems Market, By Component (Column Shells, Plates & Packings, Reboilers & Heaters, Condenser), Technology (Fractional, Steam, Vacuum, Multiple-Effect (MED)), Type (Column Still, Pot Still), Industry (Petroleum & Bio-Refinery, Water Treatment, Food, Beverage, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Chemicals), Operation (Continuous, Batch), Process (Multicomponent, Binary), Product (Bioreactors, Distillation Equipment, Fermentation Solutions, Fermenters, Process Vessels), Solutions (Processing of Insulin Crystals, Processing of mAbs, Processing of Pharmaceutical Protein), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherland, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, New Zealand, Vietnam, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2027
Avail sample copy of report before purchase @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-distillation-and-fermentation-systems-market
Distillation and fermentation systems market is expected to grow at a growth rate of 7.30% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. Increasing preferences towards distilled water, crude oil and others will act as a factor for the distillation and fermentation systems market in the forecast period of 2020- 2027.
The shortage of water will increase the demand of distilled units, growing manufacturing sector across the globe, rapid urbanization as well as industrialisation are some of the factors that will likely to enhance the growth of the distillation and fermentation systems market in the forecast period of 2020-2027. On the other hand, rising research and development activities along with technological advancement which will further boost various opportunities that will lead to the growth of the distillation and fermentation systems market in the above mentioned forecast period.
Availability of alternate technology along with need of initial investment which will restrict the growth of the distillation and fermentation systems market in the above mentioned forecast period.
This distillation and fermentation systems market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info on distillation and fermentation systems market contact Data Bridge Market Research for an Analyst Brief, our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.
Access Full Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-distillation-and-fermentation-systems-market
Global Distillation and Fermentation Systems Market Scope and Market Size
Distillation and fermentation systems market is segmented on the basis of component, technology, type, industry, operation, process, product, and solutions. The growth among segments helps you analyse niche pockets of growth and strategies to approach the market and determine your core application areas and the difference in your target markets.
On     the basis of component, the distillation and fermentation systems market     is segmented into column shells, plates & packings, reboilers &     heaters, and condenser.
Based     on technology, the distillation and fermentation systems market is     segmented into fractional, steam, vacuum, and multiple-effect (MED).
Based     on the type, the distillation and fermentation systems market is segmented     into column still, and pot still.
On     the basis of industry, the distillation and fermentation systems market is     segmented into petroleum & bio-refinery, water treatment, food,     beverage, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and chemicals.
Based     on operation, the distillation and fermentation systems market is     segmented into continuous, and batch.
On     the basis of process, the distillation and fermentation systems market is     segmented into multicomponent, and binary.
Based     on product, the distillation and fermentation systems market is segmented     into bioreactors, distillation equipment, fermentation solutions,     fermenters, and process vessels.
The     distillation and fermentation systems market is also segmented on the     basis of solutions. The solutions are segmented into processing of insulin     crystals, processing of mabs, and processing of pharmaceutical protein.
Distillation and Fermentation Systems Market Country Level Analysis
Distillation and fermentation systems market is analysed and market size, volume information is provided by country, component, technology, type, industry, operation, process, product, and solutions as referenced above.
The countries covered in the distillation and fermentation systems market report are the U.S., Canada, Mexico in North America, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherland, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe in Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, New Zealand, Vietnam, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in Asia-Pacific (APAC), Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America as a part of South America, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA).
Europe dominates the distillation and fermentation systems market due to the prevalence of market players along with adoption of advanced technology and system in the region.
Directly buy full report from here https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/checkout/buy/singleuser/global-distillation-and-fermentation-systems-market
The country section of the distillation and fermentation systems market report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points such as consumption volumes, production sites and volumes, import export analysis, price trend analysis, cost of raw materials, down-stream and upstream value chain analysis are some of the major pointers used to forecast the market scenario for individual countries. Also, presence and availability of global brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of domestic tariffs and trade routes are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data.
Competitive Landscape and Distillation and Fermentation Systems Market Share Analysis
Distillation and fermentation systems market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies’ focus related to distillation and fermentation systems market.
The major players covered in the distillation and fermentation systems report are GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft, Alfa Laval (India) Limited, SPX Corporation, Sulzer Chemtech Ltd, Core Laboratories, Pilodist, Anton Paar GmbH, Praj Industries, LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED., EPIC Modular Process Systems., BÜFA Composite Systems GmbH & Co. KG, among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Customization Available: Global Distillation and Fermentation Systems Market
Data Bridge Market Research is a leader in advanced formative research. We take pride in servicing our existing and new customers with data and analysis that match and suits their goal. The report can be customised to include price trend analysis of target brands understanding the market for additional countries (ask for the list of countries), clinical trial results data, literature review, refurbished market and product base analysis. Market analysis of target competitors can be analysed from technology-based analysis to market portfolio strategies. We can add as many competitors that you require data about in the format and data style you are looking for. Our team of analysts can also provide you data in crude raw excel files pivot tables (Factbook) or can assist you in creating presentations from the data sets available in the report.
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distillspirits · 4 months
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chetna12 · 4 years
MSM Higher Ed Launches Preparation Course for Study Abroad Students - M Square Media
College Preparation Course for  Study Abroad StudentsInternationalizing HEIs
In keeping with its vision of delivering high-quality education and university pathways to students, MSM Higher Ed’s Prep School has announced the launch of Global Awareness and Study Skills (GASS). This course prepares students for studying abroad and boosts higher education institutions’ pre-departure services in the post-COVID-19 environment.
 MSM Higher Ed Prep offers a genuine global pathway designed for all students from all countries regardless of their study destination. It builds students’ global awareness and study skills, preparing them for an enjoyable, smooth transition and successful educational experience abroad.
The course features seven key modules featuring topics, including pre-departure planning, arrival planning, social and cultural awareness, part-time employment preparation, effective study skills and academic integrity along with destination institution content. GASS may be tailored to an HEI’s requirements through workshops, presentations, assigned reading, or video viewing. 
 “What distinguishes MSM Higher Ed Prep is its online accessibility, customized and well-aligned with a student’s desired college or university track in any part of the world,” said Donna Hooker, MSM Higher Ed President. “We are immensely excited how this initiative showcases our goals of offering education management solutions that transform lives and communities, including for students who plan to study abroad and the institutions that receive them.”
 The program is delivered in modules and made available on MSM Higher Ed’s learning management platform. Students apply the content using research, reading and writing skills as they build their study abroad portfolio. 
 Institution-specific modules can be delivered via video conferencing or in-person workshops, as supported by the institution’s existing body of video and reading resources. 
“Too often students arrive in their host country without a full understanding of where they are going, what they will study, and what is expected of them. Higher Ed Prep assures institutions that incoming students are confident in their transition to a new country, able to integrate into the community, and well-equipped to balance their study, social, and employment plans,” Hooker said. 
 She added: “A preparatory course also assures their family that they are safe, knowledgeable, and ready to meet the challenges of studying abroad.” 
Besides better preparing students for their journey ahead, Higher Ed Prep enables institutions to achieve global reach and consistency in pre-departure orientation delivery while sparing them the often-significant expense of conducting pre-departure orientations in international students’ home countries.
 Since 2012, MSM has been providing pre-departure orientation services to students and parents on behalf of its partner institutions. These briefings are a key feature of its global and in-country offices that promises increased international enrollment via dedicated recruitment and local representation in targeted student markets. 
 Through Higher Ed Prep, HEIs can standardize student preparation and distill it into a single course, and  focus their incoming orientations on their unique campus offerings and student services. 
 It is “only through a global lens” that higher education will flourish, noted Hooker, pointing to the role of international partnerships in creating innovative higher education solutions. One such solution is the MSM Higher Ed Pathways that will be delivered in multiple countries, making it possible for students to begin their studies near home and graduate from recognized institutions in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.
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ecobud · 4 years
Can Alkaline Water Make Coffee Taste Better?
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Numerous factors affect the taste of the coffee. Their origin, process, roast profile, and brew method dramatically affect the flavours of your coffee. Each section of the coffee process goes through meticulous and technical practices that affect your whole coffee experience. In the last stage of making your cup is the brew method. When brewing your coffee, you will have to use specific equipment to get an adequately extracted cup.
One of the critical elements of making a good cup of coffee is the water you use when you brew. The minerals that are in the water you use will significantly affect the flavours of your coffee.
Some people like to experiment on different levels of minerals for their water, but some are focusing on alkaline water. Avid coffee drinkers swear by the difference in their brew’s taste whenever they use alkaline water for their cup.
But can alkaline water really make coffee taste better? Here’s the lowdown on alkaline water and its effect on your coffee.
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What is alkaline water?
The term "alkaline" actually refers to the pH level of your water. The pH level is a numbered guide to know how acidic or alkaline on a scale of zero to 14. For instance, when you read that a substance has a pH level of 1, this means it is incredibly acidic. However, if a substance's ph level is 13, then it is alkaline.
Another thing you should know is that alkaline water also has a higher percentage of oxygen. This allows your blood to flow through your body to neutralise excess acid build-up.
Alkaline water contains several minerals, making its pH level relatively high. The minerals contained in alkaline water are calcium, magnesium, potassium and silica. When you use alkaline water for cooking or making drinks such as coffee, the flavour and body changes because of these minerals.
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Will alkaline water make my coffee taste better?
Before we explain the answer, we’ll let you understand the complexities of coffee first.
Coffee, though a tiny bean, contains numerous complex flavours and acidity. These elements change during farming and production, roasting, and then finally, brewing. After growing in a coffee farm in the right conditions, it is then passed to the roaster who will roast the coffee and enhance its flavours. Lastly, the roasted coffee goes to the barista, who will then extract its flavours.
When brewing the coffee, aside from the ratio of your recipe, other essential elements you should consider are the temperature and the type of water you are using. When you're brewing your coffee with alkaline water, you allow a chemical reaction to take place with your coffee and water. These minerals blend with the coffee's flavours and produce a more harmonious cup, especially when you follow the right ratio and temperature settings.
Back to the questions if alkaline water makes your coffee taste better. The answer is yes. Magnesium and calcium minerals found in alkaline water help extract the fantastic flavours of the coffee. These minerals affect the coffee's sweetness, fruity flavours, body, and acidity. You cannot get these characteristics when you use water with little to no minerals present in it, such as distilled water. This is why many coffee shops have their custom filters installed in their water system, and an alkaline water filter is what you'll often find.
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If you want to get a harmonious and balanced cup of coffee and hit all the right flavours, using alkaline water to brew your coffee is best. Making better coffee at home is more accessible now that there are alkaline water jugs available in the market. All you need to do is add water to the pitcher, let it go through the filter and heat your water. A few minutes later, you'll have a great tasting coffee set on your table.
Ecobud Australia focuses on health and our environment, we produce high-quality water filters for businesses and homes. Some of our products include water filter jugs, filtration systems and eco-friendly mugs and cups. Check our products and start having better water today!
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cannacenter-blog · 4 years
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Say farewell to disposable batteries and in addition getting to modify them out in the middle of the match. Their capsules are produced of plastic which has a ceramic dwelling heating unit inside of. The Stiiizy pen originall transcended than 510 cartridges, the double air movement mouth piece in addition to ceramic core home heating ingredient had been cutting-edge. STIIIZY’s luster is exhibited in the streamlined, squashed pen that sporting activities a much unique layout than various other vaporizer pens, with distinctive twin air circulation tunnels. Most only in the near past Stiiizy’s oil has essentially On top of that definitely felt weaker than it used to.
Now, right before we communicate with regards to their blends and also tastes allow’s have a better Have a look at Stiiizy’s solution and also discover much more about their vape sheaths. Now the Stiiizy shucks are successfully worthless for someone with also average THC resistance. The drawn out THC oil Stiiizy originally experienced in 2017 as well as pretty early 2018 was strong. Later they were Positioned to have weaker oil than asserted, as viewed on our oil pen tests checklist. Stiiizy skins are weak after that most vape cartridges.
Most vaporizer cartridges available that you can buy today are created with some sort of additive, whether or not or not it's vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, Invest in STIIIZY BATTERIES WITH PODS or numerous other Software chain triglycerides. Also, the cartridge is each leakage as well as burn proof which makes it one among One of the more long lasting prefilled cartridges on the marketplace. They designed an product that is several than the other normally learned 510 threaded vape pen cartridges.
The Stiiizy pen had made the highest whole ordinary rating on Weedmaps for their solution from folks score it together with currently any type of previous rankings for Stiiizy ought to not be counted since it is completely distinctive currently. This might be a bonus for some individuals that plan to strike with a cart that's not also sound. , if it transforms out fantastic I’ll strike you up.. Vapors Vape’s Stiiizy Pods readily available to be obtained offer properly well balanced highs which are exceptional for whatever from a night bent on drive aid as well as torture the board. Next is heaven dream stiizy offered to get procured.
As being the identify statements, this stiizy pen is usually a cross of critical diesel as well as tangie. A stiizy Starter Kit integrated with specialized sheaths provides an economical, overall health-acutely aware THC supply procedure. The coming with starter set consists of a USB billing port as well as a 210Ah rechargeable battery. I would have a latest era CCELL as well as an awesome battery much like the Vessel about a Stiiizy hull. CCELL created a snapping plastic lock instead of just dependant upon rubber to stay set up.
Because originally publishing this evaluation, CCELL has truly designed its extremely very own capsule hardware. On the other hand, you are able to merely get an vFire that is actually identical and created by the very same supplier of Stiiizy machines, ALD, in addition to the exact same equipment that is definitely utilized in the Plug and Participate in vape. The products is successful, nonetheless the oil sucks. The bulk about vFire is you'll be able to put improved oil in it. The shells were being far much better than the previous technology CCELLs which were out at time Stiiizy was introduced. I would set it as one of the most terrible THC vaping selections obtainable. What once was just among the best is at the moment One of the worst as well as anything no one that evaluates for This page would get.
Edit: It’s interesting to know I wasn’t the only one desiring a little something like this. A further great attribute micro USB hyperlink that can be found at the conclusion of the Stiiizy vape, it’s not instructed to utilize this vape pen although it’s billing however. It’s quite disappointing that the costs of those Stiiizy situations to get can be a ton greater in a few towns than Some others. Considering that 2019, Stiiiizy vape hulls are actually weak now as they have remodeled their oil to the much less potent method. Gelato utilized to style similar to a lighter variation in the Brass Knuckles Gelato having said that at present it truly is practically tasteless in addition. Update 5/30/2020: Stiiizy now has Stay resin vessels.
Some skins generated no impact for me. The wonderful factor regarding them is you may replenish Stiiizy skins as well. These capsules are made in this method to halt THC oil wastes and spills from accidental declines, which happens to be a very regular level with glass cartridges. For stronger cartridges in California Examine Airo Pro, adhere e vape, Jetty Extracts, Acquire STIIIZY BATTERIES WITH PODS and Kurvana ASCND. The solvent-no cost distillate won't leakage out and likewise won't get rid of up like other pens. They nearly taste like Certainly nothing at all, which matches Anything you get for toughness.
Strawberry Cough contains a fruity, fantastic vanilla taste and likewise enhances your Vitality and creativity. Strawberry stiiizy vape case is an additional interesting sativa period of time. Purchase STIIIZY On line. An Test from 2010 displays that respiration in propylene glycol can worsen bronchial asthma in addition to sensitivities. An evaluation from 2010 demonstrates that breathing in propylene glycol can worsen bronchial bronchial asthma and in addition degree of sensitivities. You can be sure that each and every cartridge is lab-check out without fillers or cutting operators incorporate.
Plug is the costs distillate vape cartridge presented in their DNA and Unique traces in addition to Enjoy is the battery that facilitates usage of euphoria along with wellness doable. They may be transportable, prefilled with extract and be obtainable in several several blends as well as flavors. Purchase Biscotti Stiiizy are offered during California. At Budlovers, you may get Stiiizy vape cartridges on the web in a very simple vogue. We will surely not advocate Stiiizy at this stage in 2019. Matters can change once more while in addition to really should they improve oil afterwards, we will certainly update this testimonial. Obtain STIIIZY PODS ONLINE.
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Since they appeared, CCELL cartridges have gotten superior in addition. Resulting from The point that of its twin air flow mouthpiece as well as ceramic coil, these sheathing cartridges ensure it is really easy to vape large clouds that are incredibly smooth. Additional so, twin airflow passages around the mouth piece of the skin are wonderful for vaping great size clouds. Stiiizy Pods present up in a considerable choice of pressures from a most beloved sativas, hybrids, together with indicas, and also every single Stiiizy Pod is incredibly thoroughly put with each other because your well being and wellbeing as well as complete satisfaction. Our Preliminary client tried using five unique pressures from Stiiizy which include Grand Daddy Purp, Gelato, Skywalker OG, as well as Mango, as well as Pineapple expose. STIIIZY was obtainable in to thoroughly change the marijuana company.
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The strategies produced usage of in making the stizzy pens remain in During this manner extremely dynamic. This receives around the premises that they proven current vaping strategies close by the normal vaping expertise. This organization has in fact launched a lot of progression producing their vape pen in addition to prefilled THC oil cartridges, it’s uncomplicated to determine they seriously cared with regards to crafting a product that may provide a far better vaping practical experience than what’s available. It’s invigorating and also it helps people concentration. This strain is a bit more highly effective in comparison to the Other individuals together with is proposed for people with a greater cannabis resistance. Study our Stiiizy pen assessment to find why we suggested it as our favored THC oil vape cartridge of 2018, as well as Similarly why We now have really up-to-date this analysis Given that after that to really make it certainly one of our the quite minimum faves. It might be great for a individual that is accustomed to smoking cigarettes very minimized potency cannabis and needs an extremely gentle influence, nonetheless it might be significantly less challenging to easily strike significantly less with a significantly better THC vape cartridge. Strike your purchase today!
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You will certainly must strike Stiiizy above and also more than to keep the high up, if you actually experience everything. I double examined that has a pal who mainly strikes straight bits on eRigs, and likewise he stated he could not likely sense anything at all from Stiiizy hulls. The atomizer is the very same on each the Uno and likewise Dart, but I feel the Uno battery strikes a little bit tougher. The stizzy pen is straightforward and Moreover small to control. The Stiiizy pen is easy and very little to deal with. Update 8/ten/2019: Stiiizy’s oil did get somewhat lighter shade than it remained in mid 2018. It still is incredibly weak contrasted to various other cartridges. Stiiizy’s goods are additionally pretty solid and potent. The stiiizy vape concentrates are incredibly strong and they are of numerous Intense immaculateness. Stiiizy distillates are handcrafted by way of a solvent-totally free distillation system, using just The most top rated-shelf best high-quality focuses as well as cannabis-derived terpenes. Then, BUY STIIIZY BATTERIES WITH PODS All those great buds are generated proper right into a focus with the solvent-cost-free purification process. Terpenes are refined and also are dropped through the distillation method, Even so with Stiiizy, you will get the complete results in addition to the entire flavor. Now CCELLs within the existing era are much better as well as in the event you motivation a masking program, Plug in addition to Play vape is much better.
Plug and Engage in. Plug and Perform, typically, shortened PnP, is really a memorable expression accustomed to outline gadgets that work with a pc procedure as immediately as They're connected. The Stiiizy vessels are developed away from plastic and even have a ceramic property heating Instrument inside of. The incredible facet of them is you can fill up Stiiizy husks too. You could acquire stiizy skins below. For those who Also have really been endeavoring to discover the very same, then get Stiiizy vape cartridges on the internet at practical rates from underneath.
Stiiizy cannabis oils are manufactured with solventless elimination, and every product or service is pure, complete, and filler-totally free. The nature in the commencing materials establishes the honesty of the last item. Moreso, stiiizy sheathings generate a medium the place clients can worth the vaping knowledge, concurrently sustaining the top top quality in addition to unadulterated character from the stiiizy oil. They may be very easy to hold about with you where ever you go, and might conveniently work off as an e-cigarette since they are pretty equivalent in layout. The stiiizy oils are of course powerful and also unadulterated.
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Also, Stiiizy Biiig is just a little bigger than the primary variation however nicely fits the palm. Purchase STIIIZY buy stiiizy onlineOnline. When you cherished this produce-up and you want to acquire additional details concerning BUY STIIIZY On line WITH PAYPAL kindly look at our Web page. The small get on WeedHommy is 250 USD. Stiiizy has some effective THC oil cartridges examined at no less than eighty five% p.c. All Exotic carts are comprised of triple distilled focus and provides the cleanest and also highest potency oil that bursts with normal terpenes.
Depression, stress and anxiety, and likewise issues diminish in durable alleviation which makes Sour Diesel a leading solution amongst healthcare men and women. Numerous scientific individuals value Blueberry for its ability to manage discomfort in addition to do away with stress and stress, even though buffs & growers value The strain for its good shades and also substantial THC materials. This eco-helpful monster Also has in reality concealed toughness as well as capabilities dense nugs which pack the strength of extremely tall THC substance. Whatsoever your notion process, this certain pressure is really a “present” acquiring a quality THC Website of 18 22 %. Its blooming place in time usually will acquire roughly 8 9 weeks. Revered for its hefty resin material and in addition powerfully sedating consequences, Afghan Kush is really a outstanding selection for any individual
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Principia – De Motu Corporum XI
CW:  politics, foul language, abuse, violence against children, death, murder, drinking, generational trauma, alcoholism
Moreover... we may discover the proportion of a centripetal force to any other known force, such as that of gravity. For if a body by means of its gravity revolves in a circle concentric to the earth, this gravity is the centripetal force of that body.
– Sir Isaac Newton, “Philosophae Naturalis Principia Mathematica”
The Southeast Corridor was a long tunnel 30 meters across.  Like with other examples of Lunar construction, it had been bored and excavated from an existing lava tube long ago, and was not covered from floor to ceiling in buildings, bridges, catwalks, and canopies, all punctuated and interwoven with pipes, ducts, and conduit placed wherever it would fit.  The lighting was warm and homely, the air rich is the strong, hearty smell of a dozen aromatic spices, and to Sara’s awe and perplexion, the tunnel walls rang with the sound of hundreds of people singing, accompanied by steady rhythmic clapping and the low drone of a didgeridoo.  All of this came together to create an atmosphere of primality and modernity, jubilation and solemnity, ritual and extemporanity, it was a hauntingly beautiful and profoundly…  human experience. “That’s amazing,” Sara half-whispered in awe, “What are they doing?”
“Havin’ a sing-songs,” Tahlia said contentedly as their coworkers began to join in, “Ahh, nothing like being back on colony after a hard day’s work, ay?” “I… wouldn’t know,” Sara said, somehow feeling a sense of loss at the richness of culture around her and the…  happiness, as if to spite the poverty present here, like in the other Selenite spaces she had seen here on the Moon, “Back home, everyone’s always so miserable and beaten.  You’d never have something like this in the Wards.” “Can you say that?” Tahlia asked, surprised, “Well, stay close to me, ay?  We’ll get you busted out laughing so we can scare those lows away, unna?”
Tahlia led Sara and, by extension, the rest of the group, left to the tunnel wall, up the stairs two floors, then a right, down past the large air vent with wind chimes hanging off the front, and another right across a bridge until they came to a triangular sign with 10 black circles connected by black lines to look like a shrugging cross, laid against a yellow background.  Sara had seen thee signs along their path, and that Tahlia had turned every time they encountered one, as if she were avoiding them. “Catchya inna bit, fullas,” Tahlia called out to the others, “The Earthfulla here needs some schooling.” The others let out a hearty laugh and continued ahead.  Tahlia directed Sara’s attention to the shrugging cross sign.  “That right there is a marker for the Mara-Tea Dreaming,” she began, “It’s important to my mob and to my colony, which is why it marks our custodial lands.  We fullas are the Chladni Community of Sinus Medii – our roots, customs, and culture came from the custodians of the lands of Australia way back in the way backs, but in the centuries since, we’ve welcomed Moonfullas from other backgrounds into our colony.” “And how does Sharqi fit in with all this?” Sara asked. “He’s one of us,” Tahlia replied, “Earthgubbahs put him in welfare during the moonquake of ‘49, so he never got reared up proper – he got sent to an Earthfulla family that were part of the Organisation.  He came back all growed up, and in a real blackfulla way, he uses his position to get us Moonfullas jobs so fewer of us have to be on the pension.” “You sound like you admire him,” Sara said. “For a Stolen Gen,” Tahlia replied, “he’s a fulla who’s strong in his culture.  Now, let’s get some grub, ay?”
The inside of the restaurant was lively and raucous, full of people talking, laughing, eating, drinking, even singing – and just generally enjoying each other’s company.  The air was alive with the smell of hearty food grilled in the open air – the aroma of onions and bell peppers, cooking oils and barbecue sauces, marinated meat and golden grains – Sara had never salivated like this before. The fry cook behind the counter was a giant Aboriginal man with both arms heavily scarred at the elbows, which was where flesh and bone abruptly gave way to the metal and silicone of his cybernetic replacements.  His apron had the words, “Black And Proud” printed in large, friendly letters across the chest. “Ay, there you are, sistagirl,” he said jovially, “I was wonderin’ what a fulla’d have to do to get his li’l darlen to come back to her dad’s!” He noticed Sara quietly following her, unsure of how to interact in this sort of setting.  “Tahlia,” he asked, “who’s that fulla?” “This fulla’s our new gunna be docker, Sara,” Tahlia replied, “She came up here from America.” “Shair, auntie girl,” he scolded, “Are you ignorant or what?  You know gubbahs don’t get us.” “This one ain’t a gubbah,” Tahlia explained, “Nan says she’s my sista from another mister, and I believe her.” “Shame job, Doris,” he sighed, and he gestured to the TV on the far end of the bar, which was airing an interview with the next prime minister of United Earth, a morbidly obese blowhard whose spray tan and toupee were in such appallingly bad taste that they had to be some kind of incomprehensible fashion statement, “Earthfullas are all like that one – they’ve got no respect.” “I’ll flog her myself if she doesn’t,” Tahlia said to Sara’s astonishment. “I’m still here, you know,” Sara commended, “and I’ve picked up enough Moonfulla talk today to know that you don’t like me very much, and I gotta know if we have a problem.” “Ay, little woman now,” the man answered, “don’t be a sookie.  I don’t bar fullas unless they’re violent or mission managers.  What’ll you have?” “Two of your finest,” Tahlia ordered, “and a flagon each.  Don’t skimp on the peppers this time, ay?” “Got it, Tahli,” he affirmed, “Ay, Christo!  Fill two gooms for these fullas ‘fore I bust you up!” “Ay, boss!” a younger Aboriginal man shouted in response before filling up two fist-sized glasses with some kind of clear liquor from a tap made from old copper pipes.  He slid the two glasses down to Tahlia as the older cyborg turned to his stovetop to grill up their orders. “I’d watch out, if I were you,” Tahlia cautioned as she handed Sara her drink, “This grog’s deadly solid, and it has but one redeeming quality.  Mooms up!” Sara joined her in knocking back the sterile, corrosive liquid, fighting the gag reflex its stench evoked as it went down her gullet.  Apart from the overpowering alcoholic sting, it had a distinct metallic tang, probably from the pipes and whatever it was stored or distilled in.  Even she, a seasoned moonshine drinker, found herself coughing and wheezing after choking it down. “Damn, that’s fucking good!” Sara winced. “It’s also too deadly a machine degreaser,” Tahlia concurred, just as impaired. “Literally,” Sara groaned as she struggled to find her equilibrium, “I might need a new liver after this.” “Dad’s right,” Tahlia said, “You are a sookie.” “Am not!” Sara protested. “Therem therem, sookie,” Tahlia teased, “Auntie Tahli’s gonna love you long time.  Two more, Christo!” “Ay, tidda!” Christo called out in response. “Maybe we should go slow on this next round,” Sara suggested, “You have any mixers back there?” “Got some cookin’ oil in the deep fryer!” Chrito replied loudly. “Ay, don’t try to be a blackman now, Christo!” Tahlia yelled, “You’ve got lemon juice and sugar back there, unna?  Mix us some hard lemonades, budj!” “Yeah, ay?” Christo answered, “Ay, she’s a big shot now, unna?” “True that, buddah!” half of the people in the room called out in response before going back to their business. “Shame,” Tahlia muttered to herself.
The headquarters office for the Life Support Utility company’s Grimaldi branch was a cylindrical prefabricated structure that jutted out from the water treatment plant like a barnacle, as if it were tacked on as an afterthought.  Finchley noted the enormous water main going up through the cavern ceiling to the space elevator.  It was the non-descript jugular vein that provided the water, air, and propellant that without which, Grimaldi Station and all aboard would die. He and Nguyen continued across the stark concrete bridge that spanned the trench housing the electrical conduits servicing the power needs of the entire Grimaldi Space Elevator complex, and approached the front gate, which wasn’t really much more than a steel barricade set inside a gap in the chain link fence surrounding the facility.  Finchley pressed the button on the intercom.  Nothing happened.  He pressed it again.  Still nothing.  Nguyen began restlessly looking around, and noticed that although the door’s security equipment was in place, the bolt holding it locked had been cut. No, burned. Nguyen thought that a laser cutter or acetylene torch had been used here. With one hand and a sideways motion, Nguyen slid the barricade aside with little difficulty, to Finchley’s surprise.  “Ewan,” she said as she pulled a bundle of wires out from behind the intercom, which had been cut with electrician’s pliers, “just how, exactly, did you become an inspector?” “My maths were too poor to be an accountant,” Finchley confessed dryly, “and I’m too much of an arsehole to be a project manager.” “So much for the excellence of United Earth’s Civil Service,” Nguyen snarked.  She and Finchley drew their sidearms and cautiously approached the office building. They crept up to the front door and flattened their backs against the wall, flanking the doorway.  They could hear muffled, indistinct voices on the other side.  Nguyen pressed the button to talk on her collar microphone.  “Nguyen to Stationhouse,” she whispered urgently, “I’m with an MOI inspector at the LSU Grimaldi Branch HQ.  Possible breaking and entering, requesting immediate backup.” She glanced at Finchley, and he returned her gaze.  Finchley stepped in front of the door and, after silently counting down from three, he kicked the door open violently and entered, with Nguyen following closely. “Ministry of Inquiry!” Finchley barked at the occupants, “Don’t move!” The six people inside, all wearing LSU uniforms, looked up from apparently mundane tasks with surprise and alarm.  Everyone waited in apprehension as detective and technician alike were unsure of how to proceed.  Finchley and Nguyen slowly lowered their guns. “Stationhouse, this is Nguyen,” she reported in annoyance, “disregard.  Situation is under control.” “Are we under arrest?” a supervisor-type asked obliviously. “No,” Finchley replied with greater annoyance than his partner, “No, you’re not fucking under arrest, you twit!”  He holstered his weapon, and Nguyen did the same. “Good,” the supervisor said, “Now, if you don’t have any business here other than harassing utilities technicians, please leave.  We are extremely busy!” “Obviously,” Finchley snarked, “You didn’t notice that someone had disabled your security system.  We thought someone had broken in!” “You didn’t notice it either,” Nguyen commented offhandedly. “A break-in?” the supervisor asked, “We’ve detected no break-in here.” “How could you?” Nguyen countered, “All the security devices at your front gate have been disabled!” “Besides, you didn’t detect us until after we kicked in the door,” Finchley added. “Fair point,” the supervisor conceded, “and I would send someone out to repair them if I could spare anyone, but I’ve been down to a skeleton crew here ever since all those algal blooms cropped up in Surveyor City.  Even with everyone working on that crisis, we’re still working double and triple shifts every day.  You can thank your wretched colonial government’s shortsightedness for that!” Nguyen put a hand on her hip.  “That’s a hell of an opinion,” she critiqued, “especially for an employee of that government.” “Is it?” the supervisor asked, “I guess I’ve been too busy making sure that half a million people don’t die to notice.” “Right…” Nguyen narked as she rolled her eyes. “That said,” the supervisor said, “I must insist:  What business do you have here?” “We’d like to talk to you about the technician you sent to service the CELSS unit at the Governor’s Residence the other day,” Finchley said. The supervisor paused.  “Kovac, take over here for a minute,” he ordered, “Officers, step into my office, if you please.  I think we may want to discuss this in private.” They followed him to a plexiglass cubicle with no door.  The supervisor plopped down in the swivel chair behind the desk and turned to face the detectives. “You wanted to know about a technician that LSU sent to the Governor’s Residence?” he asked as he tapped his desk with his finger, calling up a holographic display with graphs, charts, spreadsheets, and tables, all hovering like cyan specters, “Ah, here it is.  Konstantin Dibra, Journeyman Utility Technician Grade 1, assigned to perform the monthly diagnostic test on the Governor’s Residence CELSS unit for January 2293 on 22930112.” He poked the work order for more information.  “Huh,” he said in subdued curiosity, “It says here that he accepted the job and completed it within the time allotted, but never reported in for his next job.  In fact, he didn’t show up for work today.” “Is that unusual for him?” Finchley asked. “Most definitely,” the supervisor replied, “Konstantin started here as a Grade 4 Apprentice, and in the 12 years he’s worked for the company, the only time he’s ever taken off from work was during the labor strike of ‘87.  The man’s a workaholic – he’s always taking extra shifts whenever they become available – even the few times he’s been sick or injured, he insisted on working his full shift.” “The ‘87 labor strike?” Nguyen asked, “So he’s political?” “I don’t have that information,” the supervisor said, “but everyone in LSU was there protesting the pay cuts and having to pre-fund 100 years of retirement pension payments, thanks to your wretched colonial government again.  I don’t think he had the time to get involved in politics, he was just standing up for his livelihood like the rest of us.” “But he’s still a trade unionist,” Nguyen pressed, “Doesn’t that imply a political affiliation?” “Not necessarily,” the supervisor corrected, “Everyone – and I mean everyone, down to the secretaries – who work at LSU is a card-carrying member of the LLT.  They don’t have to agree with the League’s politics, they don’t even have to like it, period, as long as they pay their dues, they get to work here and receive all the benefits that League membership confers.  Konstantin’s paid his dues on time every quarter for 12 years now.” “Could we get a copy of his employee jacket?” Finchley asked. “Certainly,” the supervisor answered, and summoned the technician’s dossier, which he sent to the detectives’ handsets with a flick of his wrist, “Anything else I can do for you?” “No,” Finchley concluded, “but we’ll contact you if we have further questions.” “Well then,” the supervisor dismissed, “good day.”  He gestured for them to leave. As they exited the building, Nguyen spoke up.  “So, where to now?” she asked. “I’ll question Ms. Yousafzai again,” Finchley stated, “I want you to go follow up on the Dibra lead.  Go to his home, try to locate him.” “Understood,” Nguyen responded.
A savory, meaty, bready aroma heralded the arrival of Sara’s salivatory entreé – a breaded steak, buttered mashed potatoes and gravy, collared greens, and a pair of southern-style biscuits.  Never before in Sara’s life had she seen such a feast, let alone had one prepared for her.  She found herself unsure of how to attack it. Tahlia saw the apprehension in Sara’s eyes.  “Somethin’ wrong with it, darlen?” she asked. “No, it looks great,” Sara said, “I just can’t believe that all this is for me.” “Well, eat hearty,” Tahlia advised, “A docker’s gotta keep up her strength, unna?”  She took her own advice and began cutting into her steak. Sara stuck her fork into her cutlet and carved off a lice.  She put it in her mouth and began to chew, and the flavor – the tang of the salt, the cream of the buttermilk, the sinus-clearing power of the peppers and the garlic – it was more than merely delicious. It was painfully, profoundly beautiful. As she swallowed, she could feel her eyes moisten.  The moisture turned to wetness, the wetness to tears that rolled slowly down her cheek in the 1/6th gravity.  Before she knew it, she was sobbing uncontrollably, grieving for…  something.  The girl she was never allowed to be; who could have eaten like this sooner, perhaps.  Her grief turned to regret and self-hatred.  She wished she had never tasted such a morsel – that way, she wouldn’t have ever known that such a delightful thing could possibly exist, or that she could ever sample such a glorious delicacy.  She felt as if she had taken her knife and fork and cut out a piece of herself instead.  It hurt her more deeply than any wound she had ever suffered in her life, and it was agonizing. Good things didn’t happen to her.  She couldn’t accept that they might. Tahlia was surprised at Sara’s reaction.  Her dad’s cooking was good, but she had never heard of anyone being reduced to tears after only one bite.  “What’s wrong?” she asked. Sara continued to bawl inconsolably.  Tahlia didn’t know what to do – she had never seen a grown woman have a sook like this before.  Her tears weren’t born of pain or petulance, or of grief or gladlessness, or of heartbreak or hopelessness.  Hers were complex, conflicting tears which tugged at the tapestry of her soul in every direction until the threads frayed and it began to come apart at the seams. Tahlia couldn’t comfort Sara because Sara didn’t know what she was feeling herself. “Mad deadly, ay?” Tahlia asked Sara tenderly, “Gorn den, the second bite’s better’n the first.” Sara wiped her tears away on her sleeve, almost stabbing Tahlia with her steak knife on accident.  She regained just enough composure to take Tahlia’s advice and eat another bite of her impossibly heavenly steak dinner. “Why now?” Sara wept wretchedly, “Why not sooner?” “My dad cooked it as quickly as possible,” Tahlia replied, trying to raise Sara’s spirits by comically missing the point. “Not that,” Sara continued, “I just…  never ate like this before.  Nothin’ like this where I’m from.  I’m not sure I deserve this.” “Can you say that, auntie girl?” Tahlia asked, “You deserve to eat hearty and be happy like any fulla.  Now eat up.  Auntie Tahli’s gonna treat you right, ay?” Sara kept eating, still weeping as she did so.  Tahlia turned to face her dad behind the counter. “Ay, dad!” she called out, “Is he ignorant or what?” “Who?” he asked back. “That gubbah,” Tahlia clarified as she nodded in the direction of the screen, which was still showing the interview with the overflowingly gelatinous Prime-Minister-In-Waiting from the United States, George Paramount, “He’s got so much shit packed in his head, it’s spillin’ out his mouth!” “Ayy, no respect that one,” Dad replied, “They had him on earlier, busted for behaviour his nan shoulda flogged him for when he was a little fulla.  He’s got no shame.” “What sort of behaviour, dad?” “Oh, he was yarnin’ up big time about grabbin’ mootchas and other shameful shit on an Earth chat show last month,” Dad explained, “and get this – the host let rip on him for that talk, and the dish licker called her a liar, even when she showed him the fucking video of him sayin’ his exact words!  Then he stood over her and lapped her up over mobbin’ him up with slander and fake news!” “You’re gammon!” Tahlia dismissed, “Good go, dad, but not even!” “I’m bein’ straight out, baby girl, I’d swear he was grog sick there,” Dad contested, “The loon’s an even bigger sookie than this one, here!  If that’s the flashest the Earthgubbahs can pick, we Moonfullas might be best off lettin’ rip on those mission managers in the Colonial Government and stand up for our land rights.” “Nahhh, Earthgubbas have got all of the guns and none of the respect,” Tahlia countered, “If we rise up against them, they’ll turn the city’s tunnels into one great massacre site, and then we’ll all be in for some sorry business, unna?” “Shair, auntie girl,” Dad articulated, “There hasn’t been a massacre on Luna in a hundred years.  Gubbahs haven’t got the boobles for more than the occasional bust up.” “Dad,” Tahlia protested, “Mum and Nan were killed in the last ‘bust up.’  I don’t want any more in my mob to die.” “Is it better for us Moonfullas to die slowly as the Earthfullas replace us?” Christo chimed in. “Fuck off, Christo!” Tahlia snapped, “I swear to God I”m gonna bust you if you don’t!” “Then let’s get busted!” Sara shouted, “Christo, two more!” “That’s ‘hammered,’ sista from another mista,” Tahlia corrected.
Amsha was rudely awakened by percussive, metallic banging on the door of her cell before the bolt slid open and the door swung open, blinding her bleary eyes with the light from the corridor outside.  A short, stocky, night-black silhouette blotted out the light and set foot in the room.  Amsha quickly wrapped herself up in her bedsheets to preserve her modesty, but she wasn’t quite able to cover one of her ankles in the confusion. “Tell me about the LSU technician,” Fichley asked without breaking stride, “Every detail, you can remember, every impression you had of him, everything!” “What is going on!?” Amsha asked in a shocked manner. “The technician!” Finchley repeated, “Tell me now!” Amsha had to take a moment to organize her thoughts and recall what had been a routine and thoroughly forgettable encounter. “The technician was courteous, efficient, professional,” she replied nervously, “The job was completed within half an hour – at the time, I thought it was satisfactory – there weren’t any problems with security, no apparent difficulties or delays–” “Describe the technician,” Finchley ordered, “How tall was he?  Was he an Earther?  Spaceborn?  Selenite?  Did he have any identifying features, like scars, birthmarks, prostheses, tattoos?” “Th-the technician was 170-odd centimeters tall,” Amsha anxiously answered, “I think she might have been an Earther, but it was hard to tell with her baggy coverall–” “Wait a minute,” Finchley interrupted, “‘She?’” “Yes,” Amsha affirmed. “The LSU technician was a woman?” “Surely that’s not unusual.” “It isn’t,” Finchley interrogated, “but in this case, it’s impossible.  The technician that LSU dispatched to the Residence was male.” “What?” was all that Amsha could manage in her astonishment. “The technician, Konstantin Dirba, was a man,” Finchley clarified. “Your information must be wrong,” Amsha denied, “The technician who came to the Residence was definitely female.” “Ms. Yousafzai,” Finchley said sternly, “why are you lying to me?” “I’m not,” Amsha countered, “I was there.  I spoke with her for five minutes.  I am certain that she was as much a woman as I am now.” “Indulging in this ridiculous fiction will not derail this investigation,” Finchley accused, “Who is it that you are protecting?” “I’m not protecting anyone!” Amsha protested, “With merciful God a witness, the technician was a woman!  Why won’t you believe me!?” “Because your story is unbelievable,” Finchley conjectured, “Now, let’s try this one:  Your sister died from anatoxin poisoning due to contamination in the water supply, which the terrorist organisation he belonged to attributed to deliberate incompetence on the part of the Earth-appointed colonial government.  Grief-stricken and grasping for meaning, you joined up with the Selenite Liberation Front to carry on your sister’s work.” “This can’t be happening,” Amsha whispered with a quivering voice, “I’ve never committed a crime in my life, I’ve never harmed anyone–” “After being radicalised by Selenite nationalists, the Front exploited your exemplary criminal record to infiltrate you – a sleeper agent – into the Governor’s staff,” Finchley raised his voice as he speculated, “When the time was right, all you needed to do was look the other way while a Front operative sabotaged the Residence’s life support system, and avoid drinking the water while you stood by and watched the maladroit magistrate got his just desserts – death by anatoxin poisoning, just like your sister and thousands of other Selenites.” “–How many times must I tell you that I’m innocent?” Amsha continued, “Why do you keep accusing me of a crime I didn’t commit?” “Of course, your role in this sinister plot could be easily dismissed a negligent, for want of conclusive evidence or culpability,” Finchley pressed, “but under section 132 of the United Earth Code of Laws, lying to an Inspector of the Homeworld is considered perjury, which is a felony offence punishable by up to 120 months’ hard labour, a fine of more than 20,000 Global Exchange Option credits but not exceeding 25 million, or both.” Amha was aghast.  20,000 GEOs was more than she made in a month, and the Lunar Civil Service paid her for her work in the Residence much better than most jobs her fellow Selenites languished in.  She wasn’t even sure that she had 20,000 GEOs saved. A perjury conviction would ruin her, but she knew that she was not wrong about the sex of the LSU technician.  She had no choice but to persist. “I’m not lying, Inspector,” she answered with renewed determination, “the technician was a woman, and I had no knowledge of a plot to sabotage the Residence or assassinate the Governor-General.  You can check the security logs, they’ll prove that I’m telling the truth!” “We’ll see,” Finchley said coldly, “Get dressed.  We’ll start again in five minutes.”
It wasn’t until she knocked back her fifth “flagon” of “grog” that Sara loosened up, stopped crying, and felt that warm, contented feeling she remembered from the hard-drinking days of her squandered youth. The booze was her happy chemical. “Auntie Tahli?” she drawled at her drinking companion, “I think I’ve found the grog’s one redeeming quality.” “Yeah, deadly ay?” Tahlia slurred back, “I’ll admit, you smashed those flagons like a killer, sistagirl!” “I can thank my dad for that,” Sara uttered, “It’s because of that motherfucker that I can hold my booze like I do.” “Was he a drunkard?” “Yeah,” Sara miserated, “Hardly had any money for food, but somehow he could always afford a bottle of moonshine for himself.  Whenever he got drunk, he’d hit me ‘til I was blue all over.  He wouldn’t stop until he passed out, and I learned to cherish those moments when he was too drunk to hurt me.  I’d bandage myself up as best I could, get a couple hours of quality shuteye, and pretend that he hit me because he loved me.” “Aww, poor darlen,” Tahlia commiserated, “How’dja get out?” “I was 8 when I got the idea that it was the booze that made him violent,” Sara yarned, “So one day, after I got thrashed so hard that three of my teeth broke, li’l Sara waited until he passed out, then stole his booze and ran away to throw it out somewhere.” Sara gulped nothing before continuing.  “Of course,” she confessed, “it wasn’t until I was halfway to the river that I realized that my dad would hit me for takin’ his rocket fuel away, so I decided not to go back home, which turned out to be the best decision I ever made.  I knew that alcohol made for a good disinfectant, and because I was still bleeding from my dad’s ham-fisted dental work, I took a swig from the bottle, endured the burning and the pain, and after a few more self-medication sessions throughout the day, I developed a taste for white liquor.” “Your mob’s river people?” Tahlia asked, apparently only catching the middle part of Sara’s tale. “Yeah, that’s us,” Sara sighed drunkenly, “Minneapolis – the Megacity of Lakes.  Straddling both banks of the mighty Missississ…  Mithithipp…  some big-ass river south of Canada, anyway, like a hooker fucking a storm drain.” “That’s a big fucking hooker,” Tahlia mused disjointedly. “Chonky,” Sara concurred. They sat there for about a minute, basking in the sophisticated poetry they had just crafted collaboratively.  They expected to win the 2293 Rhysling Award for their creative genius. “Mississippi!” Sara shouted out victoriously, “That’s the name of that goddamn river!  Fuck, I’m wasted!” “Glad we got that sorted,” Tahlia declared as she stood up, “I’m gonna go ring my flannel.”  She lurched over to a door marked, “Djillawa,” and stumbled inside. The George Paramount interview was interrupted by a news flash.  “Breaking news at this hour,” an impossibly comely news anchor announced, “Farouk Al-Amir Najjar, Governor-General of the Lunar Colonies, was found dead earlier today in the Governor’s Residence from anatoxin poisoning.” “Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving gubbah,” Dad grumbled as he wiped the counter down with a microfiber towel. “What’d he do?” Sara asked with inebriated curiosity. “That dish-licking mission manager’s been bleeding us Moonfullas dry for over 30 years,” he replied bitterly, “His ‘work programmes’ created thousands of jobs for Earthfullas while millions of Moonfullas are starving in the tunnels.  His government have prioritised tourism over life support, pouring money into expensive hotels overlooking the Apollo sites while children suffocate in their homes and algae blooms kill their parents.  He and his predecessors have been perpetrating a genocide so they can replace us with Earthfullas who will do as they are told, and every time we hoola to be heard, they make us drink contaminated water, breathe unrecycled air, and starve on crumbs thrown to us by ignorant visitors who care nothing for the hardship we Moonfullas suffer at their own hands.  That is what that Douligha fucker has done!” Sara paused for a moment.  “I’m one of those ignorant Earthfullas sent to replace you, you know,” she countered. “Tahlia says you’re a goodfulla,” Dad replied, “That’s good enough for me.” Sara thought about that for a moment, and she decided that she liked that.
“How did you get a job on the docks, anyway?” Dad asked, “The LLT aren’t in the business of giving jobs to Earthfullas.” “Sharqi pulled some strings,” Sara answered. Dad’s expression was one of understanding.  “A jambi job, unna?” he wondered, “That fulla’s a cheeky one, ay?  Must be because he’s a Stolen Gen.” “Why does a crime boss have so much pull over the Moonfulla community?” Sara asked. “He’s got no more ‘pull’ than anyone else, at the end of the day, we’re all just blackfullas anyway,” Dad answered, “but there’s no denying he’s a respected person in our mob – he’s done more for the Moonfulla community in five years than the Earthgubbahs have in fifty.  The Organisation give the LLT the moolah and the muscle they need to stand up to the ration dolers in the colonial government.  LLT protect legit jobs for Moonfullas, while the Organisation look out for our little buddahs and sistas who have to act shameful to keep from cadjing in the tunnels.  Since Sharqi took over the Organisation, fewer blackfullas have gone missing, especially the sistas.” “So they throw you a bone every now and then, and in return criminals get your undying loyalty?” Sara asked, “Sounds like a bad deal for you fullas.” “Don’t be a mission manager like those fullas,” Dad scolded, “We’d rather not be associated with criminals, but the Earthgubbahs have left us no choice.  When the rules are made to keep you under some other fulla’s heel, no one should be surprised when you don’t follow the rules.” “Naw, I get it,” Sara replied, “I really do.  Where I’m from, following the rules means a race between overwork and starvation, and see which kills you first.” “For more, we go live to our correspondent on the scene at the Governor’s Residence, Guiseppina Conti,” the anchor reported, “Peppi?” “Grazie,” an Italian reporter said as the screen switched over to her, “The Governor died while eating dinner, when he was served drinking water contaminated with anatoxin-a, a neurotoxin created by the bacteria that live inside toxic algae blooms.  He was dead within minutes.” “Does the investigation have any suspects?” the anchor asked. “They have the murderer in custody,” Peppi answered, “and there’s a manhunt for a co-conspirator going on as well.  While official sources refuse to comment on whether this was an isolated incident, reliable sources close to the investigation have indicated that the Selenite Liberation Front, a terrorist group operating in the Lunar colonies, may have ordered the Governor’s assassination–” The bar erupted in an uproar. “Ay, look out!” Christo shouted, “There’s gonna be blood on the walls now, buddahs!  True!?” “True that, buddah!” the patrons of the bar shouted in response. “Listen up now, young ones!” Dad roared, “Now I don’t wanna hear no more talk of risin’ up or of revolutions or of havin’ a crack at the Earthgubbah, at least not when they might be within cooee, unna!?” The uproar died down abruptly.  “That’s him,” Dad said with satisfaction, “Now, they’re just trying to flush us out, ay?  They’re out to irritate us – pull our beards, flick our faces – to make us fight on their terms.  Now, when the time is right, we and the other communities will sing out, and we will be heard.  Until then, we just oughta take a deep breath and cool our jets.  No sense in getting violent when it would do no good, ay?” “True that, Elder,” the bar murmured.  Dad turned the screen off. “Now clear off,” he said, “Go home and get some rack time.  Another hard yakka await you in the morning.” The bar began to empty out, and Dad clapped a synthetic hand onto Sara’s shoulder.  “You too, sistagirl,” he said, “Bar’s closed.” Sara got up and stumbled out the door.
“Ay, Sara!” Tahlia called out from behind her, “Where you goin’?” “Home,” Sara muttered distantly, “wherever that is…” She continued to follow Sara for a bit, until Sara stopped at the mouth of the tunnel. “Ay, I’m such a boofhead!” Tahlia declared, “Your salary won’t come ‘til sundown, so you’ve got nowhere to go!  Cooee, you can camp with me ‘til then, unna?” “Only one day?” Sara asked despondently, “Where will I stay tomorrow?” “Nah, auntie girl,” Tahlia said reassuringly, “sundown’s not for 18 days.  Sunup-to-sunup here on Luna is about a month long.” “All right,” Sara consented, “let’s go.  Lead the way, Auntie Tahli.” Tahlia turned Sara around and led her back into the tunnel.
Finchley exited the interrogation room and answered his handset.  “Inspector Finchley,” he said. “Ewan, it’s Anh Lihn,” Nguyen replied, “I’ve given Dibra’s hole a once-over.  He hasn’t been home since Wednesday morning, when he left for his first LSU job.” “He’s been gone for nearly two days?” Finchley asked, “Did any of his jobs require that he stay overnight elsewhere?” “No, they were all within two hours’ travel on the metro,” Nguyen answered, “The last job he accepted before he disappeared was the routine diagnostic of the Residence’s life support system.  How’s the interrogation proceeding?” “It’s been three hours, and she still professes her innocence,” Finchley answered, “She insists that the LSU technician she met was a woman.” “A we saw, the security footage was inconclusive,” Nguyen acknowledged, “but I came across an entry in his diary which describes a recent romance with a woman.  Apparently his work schedule required that they postpone a romantic getaway several times, and they were about to finally go when Dibra was called away to work on his last job.” “Did he call for a replacement?” Finchley asked, “Did LSU send someone in his place?” “No,” Nguyen replied, “he accepted the job, and later submitted a completion report.  As far as we know, that’s the last anyone heard from him.” “Try retracing his steps,” Finchley ordered, “I’ll follow up on the girlfriend.” “Got it,” Nguyen affirmed, and hung up. “Have Ms. Yousafzai moved back to her cell,” Finchley ordered one of the guards, “we’ll hold her for further questioning.”
“...Reliable sources close to the investigation have indicated that the Selenite Liberation Front, a terrorist group operating in the Lunar colonies, may have ordered the Governor’s assassination…” the screen in Sharqi’s champagne room played.  The room was dark, and Sharqi was brooding.  Esteri and Rosita had been showering him with affection, and he them, until his consigliere told him to watch the news.  Now, they were torn between trying to cheer him up and their own terrible awe at what their ears were telling them.  Sharqi tapped the tabletop exactly thus, calling his consigliere.
“Forbes,” he said between gritted teeth, “get me Rong She immediately.  I want to know what that serpentine fucker and her psychopathic sister were thinking when they had the Governor murdered.”
0 notes
1golfiyaa · 4 years
Gadgets for Golf - Gadgets and Gifts
Are you a appliance golfer that loves the latest accessory to make your golf more fun? I have to say some of the latest contrivance are pretty useful, especially the Para Golfer and the Shadow Caddie; I was taken aback by these new innovations, especially to read that they are already in service on some golf courses.
Para golfer Have you seen the Para golfer Buggy? This is a most impressive transit of equipment. It is an actual electric transportation which has a chair lift that raises the disabled golfer upright, a leg harness secures the legs and the upper carcass is also supported, so that the disabled golfer can type a proper golf swing action. Then the support collapses with the chair sitting taking the disabled fellow back to the incubation policies and so able to drive the carriages after the ball. This remarkable Para-golfer Buggy truly enables the disabled golfer to pursue the passion that is Golf.
Shadow Caddie Another amazing accessory that came to my consideration is a golf buggy given the name, Shadow Caddie. This cute little carriages is not for sitting on, it just carries your golf bag and believe it or not, with no physical contact it follows you around the golf course. Obviously you carry a homing device in your pocket to control it. At the value though you will have to make your own solution when it comes to club selection, but not having to carry your bag up and down them there hills, has to be a adult plus. You could actually departure the wife at home. LoL.
Shadow Caddy is a completely new golf Buggy, except you do not ride on it you are free to enjoy your walk and distillation on your quarry without the disturbance of dragging your cudgel around. It is a robotic caddy that faithfully follows you around the course, interchange your pants just like a human caddy, but without the on orbit learning and encouragement. You settle your bag on your Shadow Caddy and off you go, no fiddling with remote controls, you carry a sender with you and off you go. This Shadow Caddy is available at many courses in Australia and is now trialling in the United Kingdom at The Buckinghamshire Golf Club. I have not seen this clever golf contraption in the US yet, though I suspect it will not be long.
Golf Swing Analyzer Watch Notwithstanding these amazing devices, along comes a Watch like no other, this one actually analyses your golf swing, Tempo, Rhythm, Backswing Length, Club rosh speed and it tells the time how good is that. You can monitor your golf swing whenever you pleasure or practice, this is a must have gadget. Other Golf appliance include of encircling the Golf GPS Device.
Golf GPS Devices The Golf GPS, which stands for,[Global Positioning System,]. This is the, find me anywhere in the burrow by satellite tracking gadget. With mass GPS piece you will have to rosters with a tracing system, usually with the manufacturer of the unit, for instance: Bushnell, Golf Buddy, or Ski Caddie. This sometimes results in a monthly charge as in a membership, and you evidence have to register the courses you play. Which stock that if you wish to use your GPS device on a golf orbit that is not on your Tracking register, you will have to get in effect with your fellowship and register that course? I believe that once done, the orbit evidence deferment on the system, so you will not have to re rosters to you pleasure that encircling in a few months time.
Laser Range Finders Yet another popular Golf Gadget is the Laser Range Finder. Here we have a piece that is somewhat similar to a pair of binoculars, except that this gang fires a laser rod at your chosen goal and the pole bounces back to your device which then electronically calculates the time it took for the beam to send and receive thus numeration the direction of the target, be it a flag, green, hazard or your ball position. The resulting information is shown to you through the lens vision. This device does not have to be registered as it does not utility Global Positioning Systems. It is completely self contained and does not rely on any outside influences such as satellites. https://golfiya.com  You just switch on point to the target, push a push-button and you receive the measurement required. As with all these trick the GPS and the laser Range Finders, there are many makes and pattern such as, Bushnell or Nikon, so you really need to do some research on the device you choose, before you purchase.
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lovekedars-blog · 5 years
Key Insights of Future Prospects of Dlimonene Market During 2018-2026
Market Outlook for D-limonene Market:
D-Limonene is an aromatic bio-solvent which is extracted from the peels of orange fruit. It belongs to the family of citrus terpenes. It is manufactured by distillation or solvent extraction. D-Limonene is traditionally known to have multiple uses in the homecare products, such as an aromatic cleaning agent for kitchen equipment. D-Limonene plays an active role in the cure for bone-related diseases and promotion of weight loss. With the growth of the citrus peel extract market, the D-Limonene market is also expected to exhibit a concurrent growth. D-Limonene as an ingredient possessing an immense market potential, as consumption of natural ingredients is gaining ground in all spheres of consumer products. Moreover, about 45-60% of the citrus fruit is discarded as waste, which presents a voluminous growth opportunity for the D-Limonene market. Production of D-limonene is mainly prominent in U.S. and Brazil.
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Potential research in the food sector to expand the applications of D-limonene
The D-Limonene is a highly profitable product with multi-faceted applications in the food processing, aroma, and pharmaceutical industry, which is a strong driver fuelling the growth of the D-limonene market. D-limonene is expected to capitalize on the trend of environment-friendly solvents for industrial purposes, as it is a biodegradable solvent. This scenario is especially apparent in the cleaning solvent products, where the industry is embracing the use of green, renewable and bio-degradable solvents. At manufacturers’ end, D-limonene formulations also allow high-performance and cost-effective manufacturing processes in the cleaning solvents industry. Meanwhile, the research and development vertical in the food processing sector are exploring the applications of D-limonene in many food products where D-limonene is currently not applied. Some of these include chocolate, where D-limonene is being tested for its function as a crystallizing agent. However, these functions are not yet commercialized but open a gateway for expanded applications in the food sector over the forecast period, which may significantly bolster the growth of the D-limonene market. From the standpoint of volume production of D-limonene, the off-season of citrus fruits affects a shortage in the supply D-limonene. Hence, to address the supply issues, some manufacturers are developing alternatives to D-limonene, which may hinder the growth of the D-limonene market.
Global D-limonene Market: Segmentation:
The D-Limonene market is segmented on the basis of end use industry and grade.
On the basis of end user industry, the D-Limonene market is segmented into-
Food & Beverage Processing
Dietary supplements
Home Care & Personal Care
On the basis of grade, the D-Limonene market is segmented into-
Food grade
Pharmaceutical Grade
Industrial Grade
Fragrance Grade
Others (High Purity & Ultra high Purity)
Global D-limonene Market: Examples of some of the market participants in the global D-limonene market identified across the value chain include include Shree Bankey Behari Lal Aromatics, Mentha & Allied Products Private Limited, Interstate Commodities Corp., LemonConcentrate S.L., Florida Chemical Company, Astrra Chemicals, Banner Chemicals Limited Recochem Inc., Citrus Company of Belize Ltd. and Spectrum Chemical Mfg. Corp. amongst others.
Global D-limonene Market: Key Takeaways
In October 2018, Praxis Pharmaceutical, S.A., manufacturer of dietary supplements launched a heartburn relief multi-supplements. The said supplements launched contain select ingredients such as d-limonene, gingerol, probiotics and others.
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Opportunities for D-limonene Market Participants:
Manufacturers in U.S. and Brazil who produce natural extracts/oils such as palm, mustard, soybean, canola, etc. can easily commence the production of D-limonene, as the facility, equipment and technology is required for the production of D-Limonene is the same as that required for other oils. From end users perspective, consumer buying patterns are governed by the presence of label-friendly ingredients on the end products. Hence, informative labels on the end use products containing D-limonene, describing its potential and value as a natural ingredient may enable manufacturers to attract a wider consumer base. This move can also be supported by additional activities such as educational marketing from the environment-friendly standpoint which will influence the current consumer sentiments in developed countries such as Europe and North America.
The report covers exhaust analysis on:
Market Segments
Market Dynamics
Market Size
Supply & Demand
Current Trends/Issues/Challenges in the D-limonene Market
Competition & Companies involved
Technology Used In the Extraction and Refining Of D-limonene Market
Value Chain
Regional analysis includes:
North America (U.S., Canada)
Latin America (Mexico. Brazil)
Western Europe (Germany, Italy, France, U.K, Spain)
Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia)
Asia Pacific (China, India, ASEAN, Australia & New Zealand)
Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries, S. Africa, Northern Africa)
The report is a compilation of first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by industry analysts, inputs from D-limonene industry experts and industry participants across the value chain. The report provides in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators and governing factors along with market attractiveness as per segments of the D-limonene. The report also maps the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies.
Report Highlights:
Detailed overview of parent market
Changing market dynamics in the D-limonene industry
In-depth market segmentation
Historical, current, and projected market size in terms of volume and value
Recent industry trends and developments in the D-limonene market
Competitive landscape
Strategies of key players and products offered
Potential and niche segments, geographical regions exhibiting promising growth
A neutral perspective on market performance
Must-have information for D-limonene market players to sustain and enhance their market footprint
Know More About Report@ https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/dlimonene-market.asp
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distillspirits · 24 days
Top Quality Distilling Equipment Australia - Essential Tools for Safe Home Distilling
Home distilling has grown in popularity as more enthusiasts seek to create their own spirits with unique flavors and characteristics. However, to ensure both the quality and safety of your homemade spirits, investing in the right Distilling Equipment Australia is essential. At Distill Spirits, we provide top-notch distilling tools that meet the needs of both beginners and seasoned distillers.
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