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saisamhwam · 1 year ago
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Mahar Wiharawahti Monastery
Located on Aung San Road in the heart of Namt Taw Town, Homalin Township, Sagaing Region, Myanmar (Burma). There are 5 buildings and 2 pagodas in the yards and 3 buildings outside. In this monastery, there are many ancient statues of Buddha, which were since Japanese colony time. You can see holes of bullets in those statues. There are 3 entrances to this monastery and the view you see in the picture is outside of the old main entrance.
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zokale4blog · 1 month ago
単語辞書の更新 2024-12-12
makapah‐: タータン
ginugam‐: ギンガムチェック、格子、グリッド
suluk‐: 羽、羽毛、翼。
teluban‐: 羽ばたき、羽ばたく、はためき、はためく等。
lamato muzike: 民俗音楽、フォルクローレ
lamato lule: 民謡、フォークソング
石/岩 ※辞書への追加し忘れによる再掲載。
kohat‐: 石。大地から分離され、動かせるもの。
kadas‐: 岩。大地の一部で、動かせないもの。
語彙: 9201 (語根: 4512 / 語幹: 836)
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adshofar · 6 months ago
2024년 7월 9일 미얀마 현지신문 헤드라인
The Mirror (정부��관지) – 7월 8일 중국 칭다오 상하이협력기구 녹색개발포럼에 참석한 쏘윈부위원장, 미얀마는 자연 환경과 생태계를 개선하고 장기적인 사회경제 발전을 위해 녹색개발 투자 촉진을 우선순위에 둔다고 밝힘 – 7월 8일 보건부, 양곤지역 콜레라 발병 대응, 콜레라 환자 60명, 중증 6명 Dawbon 타운십 통제중이며, 가장 큰 피해를 입은 Thaketa 타운십 감염자 감소중 – 7월 8일 네피도에서 연방세금징수 지원팀업무계획시행 조정회의 개최 – 7월 8일 미얀마 기상청 Chindwin 강 위험수위 초과로 사가잉지역 Hkamti, Homalin, Paungbyin, Mawlaik, Kalewa, Mingin 타운십 홍수 경보 – 7월 8일 네피도에서 외무부 장관 U Than…
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exithamster · 5 years ago
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Myanmar’s organic farming culture. #homalin #chindwinriver #exithamster #agriculture #myanmar #burma (at Homalin) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6FkwhUAh71/?igshid=qr72spwmpu6g
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greatworldwar2 · 4 years ago
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• Battle of Kohima
The Battle of Kohima proved the turning point of the Japanese U-Go offensive into India in 1944 during the Second World War. The battle took place in three stages from April to June 1944 around the town of Kohima.
The Japanese plan to invade India, codenamed U-Go, was originally intended as a spoiling attack against the British IV Corps at Imphal in Manipur, to disrupt the Allied offensive plans for that year. The commander of the Japanese Fifteenth Army, Lieutenant General Renya Mutaguchi, enlarged the plan to invade India itself and perhaps even overthrow the British Raj. If the Japanese were able to gain a strong foothold in India they would demonstrate the weakness of the British Empire and provide encouragement to Indian nationalists in their decolonization efforts. Moreover, occupation of the area around Imphal would severely impact American efforts to supply Chiang Kai-shek's army in China. The objections of the staffs of various headquarters were eventually overcome, and the offensive was approved by Imperial General Headquarters on January 7th, 1944. Part of the plan involved sending the Japanese 31st Division (which was composed of the 58th, 124th and 138th Infantry Regiments and the 31st Mountain Artillery Regiment) to capture Kohima and thus cut off Imphal. Mutaguchi wished to exploit the capture of Kohima by pushing the 31st Division on to Dimapur, the vital railhead and logistic base in the Brahmaputra River valley. The 31st Division's commander, Lieutenant General Kotoku Sato, was unhappy with his role. He had not been involved in the planning of the offensive, and had grave misgivings about its chances. He had already told his staff that they might all starve to death. He and Mutaguchi had also been on opposite sides during the split between the Toseiha and Kodoha factions within the Japanese Army during the early 1930s, and Sato believed he had reason to distrust Mutaguchi's motives.
Starting on March 15th, 1944, the Japanese 31st Division crossed the Chindwin River near Homalin and moved north-west along jungle trails on a front almost 60 miles (97 km) wide. Because of a shortage of transport, half the artillery regiment's mountain guns and the infantry regiments' heavy weapons were left behind. Only three week's supply of food and ammunition was carried. Although the march was arduous, good progress was made. The Indian troops were the 50th Indian Parachute Brigade under Brigadier Maxwell Hope-Thompson, at Sangshak. Although they were not Miyazaki's objective, he decided to clear them from his line of advance. The Battle of Sangshak continued for six days. The parachute brigade's troops were desperately short of drinking water, but Miyazaki was handicapped by lack of artillery until near the end of the battle. Eventually, as some of the Japanese 15th Division's troops joined the battle, Hope-Thompson withdrew. The 50th Parachute Brigade lost 600 men, while the Japanese had suffered over 400 casualties. Meanwhile, the commander of the British Fourteenth Army, Lieutenant General William Slim, belatedly realised (partly from Japanese documents that had been captured at Sangshak) that a whole Japanese division was moving towards Kohima. He and his staff had originally believed that, because of the forbidding terrain in the area, the Japanese would only be able to send a regiment to take Kohima.
Kohima's strategic importance in the wider 1944 Japanese Chindwin offensive lay in that it was the summit of a pass that offered the Japanese the best route from Burma into India. Through it ran the road which was the main supply route between the base at Dimapur in the Brahmaputra River valley and Imphal, where the British and Indian troops of IV Corps (consisting of the 17th, 20th and 23rd Indian Infantry Divisions) faced the main Japanese offensive. Kohima Ridge itself runs roughly north and south. The road from Dimapur to Imphal climbs to its northern end and runs along its eastern face. In 1944, Kohima was the administrative centre of Nagaland. North of the ridge lay the densely inhabited area of Naga Village, crowned by Treasury Hill, and Church Knoll. South and west of Kohima Ridge were GPT Ridge and the jungle-covered Aradura Spur. The various British and Indian service troop encampments in the area gave their names to the features which were to be important in the battle e.g. "Field Supply Depot" became FSD Hill or merely FSD.
Before the 161st Indian Brigade arrived, the only fighting troops in the Kohima area were the newly raised 1st Battalion, the Assam Regiment and a few platoons from the 3rd (Naga Hills) Battalion of the paramilitary Assam Rifles. Late in March 161st Brigade deployed in Kohima, but Major-General Ranking ordered them back to Dimapur, as it was felt initially that Dimapur had more strategic importance. Kohima was regarded as a roadblock, while Dimapur was the railhead where the majority of Allied supplies were stored. As the right wing and centre of the Japanese 31st Division approached Jessami, 30 miles (48 km) to the east of Kohima, elements of the Assam Regiment fought delaying actions against them commencing on April 1st. Nevertheless, the men in the forward positions were soon overrun and the Assam regiment was ordered to withdraw. By the night of April 3rd, Miyazaki's troops reached the outskirts of the Naga village and began probing Kohima from the south. The next day, Ranking ordered the 161st Indian Brigade to move forward to Kohima again, but only one battalion, 4th Battalion Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment commanded by Lieutenant Colonel John Laverty, and a company of the 4th Battalion, 7th Rajput Regiment arrived in Kohima before the Japanese cut the road west of the ridge. Besides these troops from 161st Brigade, the garrison consisted of a raw battalion (the Shere Regiment) from the Royal Nepalese Army, some companies from the Burma Regiment, some of the Assam Regiment which had retired to Kohima and various detachments of convalescents and line-of-communication troops. The garrison numbered about 2,500, of which about 1,000 were non-combatants.
The siege began on April 6th. The garrison was continually shelled and mortared, in many instances by Japanese using weapons and ammunition captured at Sangshak and from other depots, and was slowly driven into a small perimeter on Garrison Hill. They had artillery support from the main body of 161st Brigade, who were themselves cut off 2 miles (3.2 km) away at Jotsoma, but, as at Sangshak, they were very short of drinking water. The water supply point was on GPT Ridge, which was captured by the Japanese on the first day of the siege. Some of its defenders were unable to retreat to other positions on the ridge and instead withdrew towards Dimapur. Some of the heaviest fighting took place at the north end of Kohima Ridge, around the Deputy Commissioner's bungalow and tennis court, in what became known as the Battle of the Tennis Court. The tennis court became a no man's land, with the Japanese and the defenders of Kohima dug in on opposite sides, so close to each other that grenades were thrown between the trenches. On the night of the 17/18th of April, the Japanese finally captured the DC's bungalow area. Other Japanese captured Kuki Picquet, cutting the garrison in two. The defenders' situation was desperate, but the Japanese did not follow up by attacking Garrison Hill as by now they were exhausted by hunger and by the fighting, and when daylight broke, troops of 161st Indian Brigade arrived to relieve the garrison. The British 2nd Division, commanded by Major General John M. L. Grover, had begun to arrive at Dimapur in early April. By April 11th, the Fourteenth Army had about the same number of troops in the area as the Japanese. The British 5th Brigade of the 2nd Division broke through Japanese roadblocks to relieve 161st Brigade in Jotsoma on April 15th. After a day's heavy fighting, the leading troops of the Brigade (1st Battalion, 1st Punjab Regiment) broke through and started to relieve the Kohima garrison. By this point, Kohima resembled a battlefield from the First World War, with smashed trees, ruined buildings and the ground covered in craters.
Under cover of darkness, the wounded (numbering 300) were brought out under fire. Although contact had been established, it took a further 24 hours to fully secure the road between Jotsoma and Kohima. During April 19th and into the early hours of April 20th, the British 6th Brigade replaced the original garrison. 6th Brigade observers were taken aback by the condition of the garrison; one battle hardened officer commentated: "They looked like aged, bloodstained scarecrows, dropping with fatigue; the only clean thing about them was their weapons, and they smelt of blood, sweat and death." Miyazaki continued to try to capture Garrison Hill, and there was heavy fighting for this position for several more nights, with high casualties on both sides. The Japanese positions on Kuki Picquet were only 50 yards (46 m) from Garrison Hill, and fighting was often hand-to-hand. On the other flank of Garrison Hill, on the night of April 26th, a British attack recaptured the clubhouse above the Deputy Commissioner's bungalow, which overlooked most of the Japanese centre. The Japanese reorganised their forces for defence. Their Left Force under Miyazaki held Kohima Ridge with four battalions. The divisional HQ under Sato himself and the Centre Force under Colonel Shiraishi held Naga Village with another four battalions. To support their attack against the Japanese position, the British had amassed thirty-eight 3.7 Inch Mountain Howitzers, forty-eight 25-pounder field guns and two 5.5-inch medium guns. The Japanese could oppose them with only seventeen light mountain guns, with very little ammunition. Nevertheless, the progress of the British counter-attack was slow. Tanks could not easily be used, and the Japanese occupied bunkers which were very deeply dug in, well-concealed and mutually supporting.
While the British 6th Brigade defended Garrison Hill, the other two brigades of 2nd Division tried to outflank both ends of the Japanese position, in Naga Village to the north and on GPT Ridge to the south. The monsoon had broken by this time and the steep slopes were covered in mud, making movement and supply very difficult. In places the British 4th Brigade had to cut steps up hillsides and build handrails in order to make progress. On May 4th, the British 5th Brigade secured a foothold in the outskirts of Naga Village but was counter-attacked and driven back. On the same day, the British 4th Brigade, having made a long flank march around Mount Pulebadze to approach Kohima Ridge from the south-west, attacked GPT Ridge in driving rain and captured part of the ridge by surprise but were unable to secure the entire ridge. Both outflanking moves having failed because of the terrain and the weather, the British 2nd Division concentrated on attacking the Japanese positions along Kohima Ridge from May 4th onwards. Fire from Japanese posts on the reverse slope of GPT Ridge repeatedly caught British troops attacking Jail Hill in the flank, inflicting heavy casualties and preventing them from capturing the hill for a week. However, the various positions were slowly taken. Jail Hill, together with Kuki Picquet, FSD and DIS, was finally captured by 33rd Indian Infantry Brigade on May 11th, after a barrage of smoke shells blinded the Japanese machine-gunners and allowed the troops to secure the hill and dig in. The last Japanese positions on the ridge to be captured were the tennis court and gardens above the Deputy Commissioner's bungalow. On May 13th, after several failed attempts to outflank or storm the position, the British finally bulldozed a track to the summit above the position, up which a tank could be dragged. A Lee tank crashed down onto the tennis court and destroyed the Japanese trenches and bunkers there. The terrain had been reduced to a fly and rat-infested wilderness, with half-buried human remains everywhere. The conditions under which the Japanese troops had lived and fought have been described by several sources, as "unspeakable".
The situation worsened for the Japanese as yet more Allied reinforcements arrived. Nevertheless, when the Allies launched another attack on May 16th, the Japanese continued to defend Naga Village and Aradura Spur tenaciously. An attack on Naga Hill on the night of May 24th gained no ground. Another attack, mounted against both ends of Aradura Spur on the night of May 28th, was even more decisively repulsed. The repeated setbacks, with exhaustion and the effects of the climate began to affect the morale of the British 2nd Division especially. The decisive factor was the Japanese lack of supplies. The Japanese 31st Division had begun the operation with only three weeks' supply of food. Once these supplies were exhausted, the Japanese had to exist on meagre captured stocks and what they could forage in increasingly hostile local villages. The Japanese had mounted two resupply missions, using captured jeeps to carry supplies forward from the Chindwin to 31st Division, but they brought mainly artillery and anti-tank ammunition, rather than food. By the middle of May, Sato's troops were starving. He considered that Mutaguchi and the HQ of Japanese Fifteenth Army were taking little notice of his situation, as they had issued several confusing and contradictory orders to him during April. On 25 May, Sato notified Fifteenth Army HQ that he would withdraw on June 1st, unless his division received supplies. Finally on the 31st of May, he abandoned Naga Village and other positions north of the road, in spite of orders from Mutaguchi to hang on to his position. Miyazaki's detachment continued to fight rearguard actions and demolish bridges along the road to Imphal, but was eventually driven off the road and forced to retreat eastwards. The remainder of the Japanese division retreated painfully south but found very little to eat, as most of what few supplies had been brought forward across the Chindwin had been consumed by other Japanese units, who were as desperately hungry as Sato's men. Many of the 31st Division were too enfeebled to drag themselves further south. During the Battle of Kohima, the British and Indian forces had lost 4,064 men, dead, missing and wounded. Against this the Japanese had lost 5,764 battle casualties in the Kohima area, and many of the 31st Division subsequently died of disease or starvation, or took their own lives. After ignoring army orders for several weeks, Sato was removed from command of Japanese 31st Division early in July. The entire Japanese offensive was broken off at the same time. After Sato was removed from command, he refused an invitation to commit seppuku and demanded a court martial to clear his name and make his complaints about Fifteenth Army HQ public. At Kawabe's prompting, Sato was declared to have suffered a mental breakdown and was unfit to stand trial. The huge losses the Japanese suffered in the Battles of Imphal and Kohima (mainly through starvation and disease) crippled their defence of Burma against Allied attacks during the following year.
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nedsecondline · 3 years ago
Myanmar teacher-turned-activist slain amid junta-led violence in Sagaing region — Radio Free Asia
Myanmar teacher-turned-activist slain amid junta-led violence in Sagaing region — Radio Free Asia
Myanmar teacher May Hnin Aye, her husband, and their son (L) appear at their home in Homalin, northwestern Myanmar’s Sagaing region, in an undated photo; May Hnin Aye appears in an undated photo. Source: Myanmar teacher-turned-activist slain amid junta-led violence in Sagaing region — Radio Free Asia
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krystalmtk · 4 years ago
In Homalin(Sagaing Region), Terrorists stationed at the Homalin hospital and Terrorists said "All CDM staffs must leave immediately if they'll continue doing CDM". There're all total 294 who're joining CDM.
#Mar10Coup #MilkTeaAlliance
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upshotre · 5 years ago
Myanmar Seizes heroin, stimulant tablets in north-western region
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Myanmar authorities seized narcotic drugs, heroin and stimulant tablets in Sagaing region.   According to the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control (CCDAC) on Thursday.   CCDAC said a total of 740 grammes of heroin worth 74 million kyats ($49,333) and 2,000 stimulant tablets were confiscated from a motorbike by the anti-narcotic taskforce in Homalin Township of the region on Wednesday.   On the same day, 17.4 kilogrammes of opium were seized by the township police personnel from a motor in Pindaya township of Shan state.   Further investigation is underway and respective township police opened cases to charge the suspects of both cases who fled the scene. Read the full article
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saigonbay · 5 years ago
Vận chuyển đi Myanmar giá rẻ các loại hàng hóa, thư từ
Vận chuyển đi Myanmar giá rẻ các loại hàng hóa, thư từ
Vận chuyển đi Myanmar giá rẻ các loại hàng hóa, thư từ
Myanmar, Miến Điện, nằm ở phía tây bán đảo Trung Nam có diện tích 676.581km2 gấp 3 lần diện tích của Việt nam và có diện tích lớn nhất Đông Nam Á, gồm 7 bang rộng lớn lập thành Liên bang Myanmar. Sài Gòn Bay nhận Vận chuyển đi Myanmar
Myanmar là một trong những nước láng giềng hữu nghị của Việt Nam. Và hiện nay là thị trường xuất nhập khẩu tiềm năng với Việt Nam. Với các mặt hàng như là rau củ, hạt điều, linh kiện điện tử, hàng dệt may, giày dép… Và do đó, nhu cầu vận tải giữa hai khu vực ngày càng tăng lên. Để đáp ứng nhu cầu của quý khách hàng, chúng tôi xin giới thiệu dịch vụ vận chuyển hàng không đi Myanmar chuyên nghiệp của SgbExpress với giá cả cạnh tranh, chất lượng an toàn.
SgbExpress là đơn vị hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực vận tải. Sử dụng dịch vụ vận chuyển hàng không đi Myanmar, quý khách hàng chắc chắn sẽ hài lòng về chất lượng và giá thành dịch vụ. Cùng với đó là rất nhiều ưu đãi và đội ngũ tư vấn chuyên nghiệp, nhiệt tình.
Dịch vụ vận chuyển hàng không đi Myanmar của SgbExpress
Tại SgbExpress, chúng tôi cung cấp dịch vụ vận chuyển hàng không đến các nước trên thế giới mỗi ngày. Chúng tôi nhận vận chuyển hàng hóa, giấy tờ từ mọi địa phương tới sân bay Myanmar:
sân bay Yangon (tại Mingaladon Township, Yangon của Myanma) sân bay Naypyidaw Airport sân bay Kawthaung sân bay Mandalay sân bay Dawe sân bay Keng Tung sân bay Heho sân bay Myeik sân bay Putao sân bay Nyaung-u sân bay Kalemyo sân bay Kyaukpyu sân bay Thandwe sân bay Loikaw sân bay Bhamo sân bay Tachilek sân bay Myitkyina sân bay Khamti sân bay Sittwe sân bay Lashio sân bay Homalin Xin giới thiệu với quý khách hàng, chúng tôi là đại điện cargo chính thức của các hãng hàng không lớn như: Vietnam Airlines (VN), Japan Air (JAL), Vietjet Air VJ), Asiana Airline (OZ), Thai Airway (TG), Area Flot, China Airlines (CI), Emirate Airway (Ek)… SgbExpress luôn cam kết cung cấp dịch vụ tốt nhất tới quý khách hàng.
Chúng tôi không chỉ vận chuyển từ các sân bay lớn ở Việt Nam trong hàng không đi Myanmar gồm.
Sân bay quốc tế Cần Thơ (VCA),
sân bay quốc tế Cát Bi-Hải Phòng (HPH),
sân bay quốc tế Cam Ranh-Khánh Hòa (CXR),
sân bay quốc tế Phú Quốc-Kiên Giang (PQC),
sân bay quốc tế Vinh-Nghệ An (VII),
sân bay quốc tế Chu Lai-Quảng Nam (VCL),
sân bay quốc tế Phú Bài-Huế (HUI),
sân bay quốc tế Đà Nẵng (DAD),
sân bay quốc tế Nội Bài-Hà Nội (HAN),
sân bay quốc tê Tân Sơn Nhất-TP. Hồ Chí Minh (SGN).
Hơn nữa chúng tôi còn có dịch vụ nhận hàng từ kho, từ cơ sở của quý khách.
Quy trình vận chuyển hàng không từ Việt Nam đi Myanmar của SgbExpress:
-Người gửi hàng gửi yêu cầu và cung cấp thông tin về hàng hóa và các thông tin liên quan
-Khách hàng và SgbExpress thông nhất về việc giao nhận và vận chuyển hàng hóa.
-Nhận hàng từ người gửi hàng tại Trạm hàng hóa các sân bay, cảng hàng không, … Trường hợp quý khách hàng có yêu cầu, chúng tôi có dịch vụ nhận và vận chuyển hàng hóa từ cơ sở của người gửi hàng tới sân bay.
-Thay mặt khách hàng thực hiện một số công việc tại cảng hàng không: dán nhãn hàng hóa, cân hàng hóa.
Ngoài ra, trường hợp được yêu cầu, SgbExpress nhận thực hiện thủ tục Hải quan thay cho người gửi hàng: chuẩn bị tờ khai, kiểm hóa, đóng thuế, …
-Dựa trên thông tin về hàng hóa và của hãng hàng không (Airline), SgbExpress cấp phát vận đơn hàng không cho người gửi hàng (Air way Bill).
-Quý khách hàng thanh toán cước vận tải và các chi phí liên quan.
-SgbExpress hỗ trợ đại lý hoặc người nhận hàng (Consignee) bên phía nước nhập khẩu.
Đối với một số trường hợp hàng hóa đặc biệt, SgbExpress sẽ lựa chọn mâm chứa hàng (Pallet/container hàng không) và phương thức xếp dỡ phù hợp. Đồng thời, chúng tôi có cung cấp các dịch vụ liên quan về:
khai báo Hải quan,
xin cấp giấy phép xuất nhập khẩu,
giấy chứng nhận (CO, CQ),
các loại giấy phép con,…
Dịch vụ vận tải hàng không chuyên nghiệp của SgbExpress
Đa dạng mặt hàng trong dịch vụ vận chuyển hàng không đi Myanmar
SgbExpress cung cấp dịch vụ vận chuyển bằng đường hàng không và các dịch vụ tư vấn đối với những mặt hàng đi Myanmar như:
–Hàng hóa thông thường, hàng khô (Grocery cargo):
bao gồm các loại hàng hóa thông thường như hàng khô, dụng cụ gia đình, hàng hóa cá nhân, … Những hàng hóa này thường không có nhiều lưu ý đặc biệt tới bao bì, nội dung, kích thước hàng hóa.
–Động vật sống (mã AVi):
SgbExpress nhận chở các loại hàng hóa như: chim sống (mã AvB), cá sống nhiệt đới (AVF), gà sống (AVX), … Đối với một số măt hàng đặc biệt, như: gia cầm, động vật hoang dã, …SgbExpress cung cấp dịch vụ xin cấp giấy kiểm dịch động thực vật, giấy phép vận chuyển nội địa động vật sống, …
–Hàng hóa có giá trị cao (mã VAL):
là nhóm hàng hóa đặc thù, có giá trị hơn 100 000 USD, như đá quý, ghi chú ngân hàng, … Đối với nhóm hàng hóa này, SgbExpress cam kết đảm bảo công tác an ninh, chăm sóc và quản lý hàng hóa chặt chẽ, an toàn nhất.
–Hàng ngoại giao (mã DIP):
SgbExpress có hệ thống kho bãi đặc biệt, phục vụ lưu trữ những hàng hóa, quà tặng giữa các quốc gia, bộ trưởng, lãnh sự và đại diện sứ quán.
–Hài cốt (HUM):
đây là hàng hóa nhạy cảm, SgbExpress có quy trình làm hàng nghiêm ngặt, chặt chẽ, phù hợp với quy định của Pháp luật Việt Nam và các tổ chức quốc tế.
–Hàng dễ hỏng (mã PER):
đây là nhóm hàng đặc biệt phù hợp với vận tải hàng không.
Các hàng hóa dễ hỏng thông thường bao gồm: Sô cô la, các sản phẩm ngũ cốc chế biến, hoa, thực phẩm, sản phẩm đông lạnh, rau quả, trứng ấp, thịt, vắc-xin, cây trồng, huyết thanh…. Đối với các loại mặt hàng này, SgbExpress có cung cấp dịch vụ
cho thuê kho lạnh, kho mát, container chuyên dụng để lưu chữ và vận chuyển.
–Hàng nguy hiểm:
Theo phân loại của ngành hàng không, có 9 loại hàng nguy hiểm:
Chất nổ,
Khí, Chất lỏng dễ cháy,
Chất rắn dễ cháy,
Các chất ôxy hoá,
Chất độc hại và lây nhiễm,
Chất phóng xạ,
Các chất ăn mòn,
Các chất khác.
Với các mặt hàng nguy hiểm này, SgbExpress có quy trình làm hàng khép kín, phù hợp với quy đinh của Pháp luật và các tổ chức hàng không quốc tế.
–Hàng hóa nặng mùi (mã SMELL):
SgbExpress cung cấp dịch vụ vận chuyển hàng không đối với một số hàng hóa có tính chất đặc biệt. Có thể cần phải sắp xếp vận chuyển riêng như: một số loài động vật, tỏi, dầu, phô mai, …
–Hàng hóa khổ lớn (mã HEA):
với những mặt hàng khổ lớn, đòi hỏi có mâm (Pallet/Container) chuyên dụng. SgbExpress nhận sắp xếp vận chuyển hiệu quả, an toàn nhất.
–Hàng ướt:
hàng hóa đặc thù như: chất lỏng, hàng hóa thoát hơi nước, …
Bên cạnh đó, chúng tôi có cung cấp dịch vụ chuyển phát nhanh quốc tế và nội địa nhanh chóng, uy tín, chất lượng cao.
Nếu quý khách yêu cầu, SgbExpress nhận sắp xếp vận chuyển hàng hóa trong chặng vận tải nội địa (từ cơ sở sản xuất đến cảng hàng không, sân bay)
Tại sao nên chọn dịch vụ vận chuyển hàng không đi Myanmar của SgbExpress
– Tuyến vận tải, vận chuyển đường hàng không toàn cầu
– Cộng tác với các đại lý hãng hàng không uy tín
– Thu xếp hàng trên tất cả các hãng hàng không
– Kết nối linh hoạt các hãng hàng không
– Tần suất vận tải, vận chuyển hàng ngày
– Thu xếp hàng thông thường, hàng tươi sống, hàng đông lạnh, hàng nguy hiểm
– Tư vấn, cập nhật thông tin liên tục khi có yêu cầu
– Giá cả cạnh tranh, ưu đãi lượng hàng lớn và thường xuyên
– Đội ngũ nhân viên giàu kinh nghiệm.
– Bảo hiểm hàng hóa 100%.
Bất kì ở đâu, khi nào, quý khách đều có thể điện thoại, liên lạc chúng tôi phục vụ 24/24.
Chúng tôi luôn cam kết mang đến sự hài lòng cho quý khách hàng.
Rất mong phục vụ quý khách dịch vụ vận tải hàng không đi Myanmar!
Xem bài viết gốc tại : Vận chuyển đi Myanmar giá rẻ các loại hàng hóa, thư từ
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arnetteicf82-blog · 7 years ago
Wisdom Articles.
Lavish Survival Video game The Flame in the Flood Is a River Flight Well Worth Taking. Thames Water would certainly do better, he firmly insisted, to fix London's shabby labyrinth of pipes. From ₤ 1,099 each (consisting of the concert and also trainer travel from the UK) leaving March 10 2017 (0800 300 400;/ rivercruises ). OKAY so you make use of readymade carp or catfish baits and more than happy enough - or are you ?! So in this honor you get a 1 year electronic subscription to Fiction River, six amazing quantities! . The ambience is a large area, using myriad paths for storms to travel. A British Transport Law enforcement agents describes exactly how he eradicated the 3 London Bridge assailants in spite of being temporarily blinded in one eye. Stevie claims that sex is an itch" as well as River seems to be about to claim that he would have offered her the necessary scratch, but he doesn't.|Crystal River Cruises deserts French sail strategies in favour of the Danube, Key and also Rhine. Now, Rose claims, the waters are warming up as well as the manatees are going back out to the sea as well as briny estuaries nearer the shore. The party, which campaigns for tighter border controls and also wants to duplicate Switzerland's referenda-based design of direct democracy, managed to order 20% of the population's enact state political elections last year.|Anglers' delight as carp getaway from swamped fishery. The Russia River Cruises which carry travelers via Russia typically start from St. Petersburg at the north, throughout Moscow and descending to Rostov-on-don. Obtain both a digital download AND an authorized duplicate of the CD. Orcaella's seven to 11-night cruises will twist their method through western Myanmar as far north as Homalin, just 36 miles from the Indian boundary.|Legend Cruises introduces brand-new cruise and also escorted trip via Cambodia and also Vietnam. The fisheries flooded about six weeks ago as well as the carp are believed to have actually made their way down river where they are being caught by anglers as well as otters. I love sailing on cruises and making friends from around the globe. If episode one was about developing River's relationship with Stevie (Nicola Walker ), tonight is offered over to uncovering the unidentified midsts of River himself.|Cunard announces historical River Amazon.com cruise in 2017 World Trips schedules. It includes 500+ initial traveling guides, ship reviews and also customer short articles developed by Cruiseable editors and also authors. NR stated 2 of the 3 routes from Exeter to London - via Athelney and Crewkerne - had actually resumed complying with flooding as well as a landslip at the weekend, and trains were likewise able to run from Taunton to Exeter following the completion of engineering working from Whiteball Tunnel.|Thousands of houses along the Thames hit by rising floodings. With Siem Reap in Cambodia at one end of the Mekong as well as Ho Chi Minh City at the various other, cruises on this river were constantly going to be a victor. The review, motivated by serious flooding in recent winters, likewise found that 530 essential facilities websites, such as water as well as telecommunications, are at serious risk from floods, each possibly influencing a minimum of 10,000 people.|Viking River Cruise ships to launch Mississippi River journeys. A personal thanks video shot on place in Edinburgh simply for you, along with a connect to the highlight reel, a thank you on our Facebook web page and also a listing on our web site. Riviera Travel has actually launched a collection of motivating and sensational river cruises. The Cunard Fare, enabling you to select your accurate stateroom (subject to accessibility), and also including other advantages, is readily available on all cruise ships whatsoever times.
Other dangerous one-in-a-thousand-year rains events throughout the recent past including the flooding of Charleston, South Carolina in October 2015, and a deluge in Houston, Texas previously this year. Salmon, whales, hill goats and black bears are simply some of the wildlife to be seen on these cruises. Tracy Arm Fjord is an additional prominent cruise ship destination with little ship cruises. When we made use of the Environment Firm's detailed designs to anticipate the flooding associated with these severe rains circumstances, we uncovered (unsurprisingly) that it, too, was even worse than anything we have actually seen to day," the review states. Despite having that history, Princess Luxury Cruises are among the most recent on the seas, over half of them introduced because of the reality 2000. What began as being a ferryboat hired by a Canadian railway, Princess Vacation cruise ships emerge as a modern cruise ship trip line with lines that obtain 280 ports around the world. DCS Fiona McCormack of the Metropolitan police states the variety of people killed or assumed dead in the Grenfell Tower fire has actually raised to a minimum of 80. Luxury Alaska Cruises are probably among the most charming selections for the ardent traveler. An electronic registration to three superb volumes of Fiction River Offers edited by Allyson Longueira. When the core rule book is available in print you will obtain a coupon to acquire the Hardbound variation of the Core Guideline book at expense from, approximated at ₤ 16 (about $23 United States) + shipping. On Friday, together with students and close friends of Klub Dialogu, we went to the Wisla river for a campfire, video games and merely to have fun ... All of us integrated, resting on folding chair around a warm fire, and chuckled and also talked until the early hrs of Saturday! A Met Police representative said: Whilst formal recognition waits for, our company believe the lady to be Andreea Cristea. Some of this will certainly be fired on movie, as per college need. If you have any type of inquiries concerning where and the best ways to make use of abczdravlja.info, you could call us at our web site. And a 1 year paper membership to Fiction River Offers. Viking Cruises are a wonderful way of seeing the globe. Funding for this job was put on hold by Kickstarter 7 days ago. There is one Captains evening yet, but this is not the same as the big cruises as well as with the exemption of one or two of the deluxe ships official wear is not needed. To specify, there are spending plan, luxury, exploration, niche, cruising, wild, small, enchanting, experience and single cruise ships. You could travel around in this river with a steam watercraft or huge cruise ships that use luxuries as well as off program the beautiful appeal around. On top of that, this warmer climate will not just send The golden state right into defrost mode early; it'll make climatic rivers more powerful, as well. In a few of the River Cruises Russia the Russian Cruise Ships also stop at well-known destinations to ensure that you are able to go to a few of the preferred attractions and spots of the country. The studio is composed mainly of buddies who researched video game growth at the same university college, yet the group has actually grown as we've become more seasoned from servicing smaller sized projects. Many thanks to new modern technology, the ship we were on, Viking Astrild, could sail in bit greater than 3 feet of water. The elimination of the Elwha River dams is an essential story in the Pacific Northwest, and also it has actually obtained comprehensive media insurance coverage in recent months. Climatic rivers, in addition to all weather, are forecasted to heat up," states Michael Dettinger, a hydrologist for the US Geological Study. Manufacturing and also personalized buying on a few of the things make take a few months, I want to fulfill all backer rewards by August 2015. Here's to every generous spirit that's contributed to the Kickstarter campaign until now ... look what you did!
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saisamhwam · 2 years ago
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🧸 (at Namt Taw, Homalin Township) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnqtUpRv1p2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adshofar · 3 years ago
미얀마 일부 타운십 재택명령 해제
미얀마 일부 타운십 재택명령 해제
[애드쇼파르] 2021년 10월 28일 새벽 4시부터 미얀마 보건부는 Stay at Home(재택명령)을 시행한 44개 타운십에서 지난14일간 코로나19 확진자가 더이상 발생하지 않아 재택명령을 해제한다고 밝혔다. 친주 Tonzang 타운십,  사가잉지역 Homalin 타운십,  바고지역 Toungoo, Kyauktaga, Nyaunglebin, Waw, Minhla, Letpadan, Thayawady, Okpo 타운십,  막웨지역 Pwintbyu 타운십,  만달레이지역 Chanmyathazi, Chanayethazan, Pyigyitagun, MahaAungmye, Aungmyaythazan, Patheingyi, Amarapura, Myingyan, Pyawbwe, Yamethin 타운십,  몬주…
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exithamster · 5 years ago
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After approximately 40 hrs on a boat travelling from central Myanmar into the jungle of the north I ended up in a shabby but obviously reliable Nissan for my way back. A burping lady behind and a betel nut spitting driver beside me. Foreigner price for 30$. Flight from Homalin was fully booked. Concrete roads were promised. Outcome: 12hrs on bumpy dust roads through the bush roller coaster. At least the monkeys were amused... #wrongdecisions #myanmar #burmeseroads #homalin #paungbyin #mawlaik #monywa #offthebeatentrack #exithamster #lungexplosion https://www.instagram.com/p/B5en_eWg_1Z/?igshid=13o4n1w3qn9md
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saisamhwam · 2 years ago
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အသည်းခဏခဏကွဲဖူးတယ်။ ခက်တာက တစ်ခါကွဲတိုင်း တစ်ခါပိုလှလာတာပဲ။ 😁 (at Namt Taw, Homalin Township) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnZNIQIPyjs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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saisamhwam · 2 years ago
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🌄🌇 (at Namt Taw, Homalin Township) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnMRlGlPG-b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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saisamhwam · 2 years ago
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တကယ်သာဖြစ်နေရင် မချည်လည်း မြဲတယ် (at Namt Taw, Homalin Township) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnLSdsHvzZL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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