lilietsblog · 2 years
Seeing you add commentary on obstacles for a slow burn romance, I was shocked that none of your examples read as "literally just Catkua"
oh Catkua was the original inspiration for writing that post and it was in my head non-stop
but it just didn't quite fit you know? just, "one of them fucking hates the other for fully deserved reasons" was just a bit off topic
although come to think of it i should have totally written "one or both are consumed with guilt and punishing themselves by refusing to engage in romance" ah well lost opportunities it was the middle of the night you know?
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transgenderer · 5 years
holyninjaemail replied to your post: definitive list of dunsparce-likes
Wait which gym leader uses Spinda
norman! its his first pokemon, 
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transgenderer · 5 years
holyninjaemail replied to your post: holyninjaemail replied to your post: ...
…huh. TIL that unlike in R/S/OR/AS, Emerald Norman uses something that isn’t the Slakoth line
>playing a version of RSE other than emerald
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