sunshnies · 5 years
endgame rants from a lonely girl :
fuck dude …. seriously fuck where do i start . I’ve grown up on these movies man , I was 8 years old when I went to go watch the first iron man and I remember walking out of the movie theatre like … in aw man . I’ve always loved fantasy , superheroes , enhanced people with superpowers .. the whole lot 😂 . my dad grew up reading these comics , he always is the one to go to when you don’t know what’s happening .. like I remember in Avenger1 at the scene where thanos is revealed , I was so confused and my dad was pretty much jumping with excitement because much more to him then me , it was his childhood coming to life infront of him . though I’ve only grown up with the movies , I still feel so emotionally attached to these characters idk it’s just … these movies man , they where what kept me going ! 8 year old - now , everytime me and my dad saw a new trailer and stayed till the end to see the last en credit scene .. they were the most precious times in my short life I’ve lived . not only have I had a closer bond to my dad but the whole mcu just really gave me something man …. it let a lonely girl have something to let mh imagination run wild on , it was the fuel to the fire of many artworks , stories and much more in my life . I’m an overly emotional person in general but I have never before felt such mixed emotions over seeing this whole 10 year journey come to an end … fuck man .. endgame was just wow .. all I can say is that I’m both satisfied with the ending since the heartbreak that was infinity war , but also feel extremely empty and abit lost at wtf I do now if I’m being honest 😂😂😂😂 idk dude , on one hand it’s like fuckin hell marvel my heart is in PIECES . fuck this fuck that imma need u to pay for my therapy pls yada yada yada . but then on the other …. just thank you marvel ❤️ . thank you for all the hard work you’ve done these past years , for all the work you put into everything to get something jus right for the fans and even though I’m as young as I am , I feel like I’ve grown quite a lot with this whole thing .. thank you for giving a lonely teenager something to hang onto when she needed something , for giving her the happiness that was seeing these characters come to life just to change and grow overtime . thank you for giving me a chance to let my overly active imagination run free … and though I’m a bitter bitch at heart I can’t help but accept the fact that , #Partofthejournyistheend💙
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dirtbagcrew6-blog · 9 years
Fuck its hard
It tough missing someone you know would love nothing more than to not know you anymore. Erase your memory, erase every trace of you ever being their life. It's hard living with yourself after you screwed up single handedly the best thing that's every happened to you. It's hard when you lose the girl because of stupid mistakes. Those mistakes will forever be my biggest regrets. It doesn't matter if I'm awake or sleeping that girl is on my mind 24/7. She's in my everyday life, in my dreams, she's in my soul, she still has my heart. I miss you everyday, I would love nothing more than to know just know how your days going. There's so many little things you did that you probably didn't even know I noticed but oh god now that they're gone I don't know how I'm still breathing. Well all the memories we created together haunt me, those awful things I did will always follow me like a ball and chain stuck around my ankle. Like I'm a prisoner to all of the things I've done wrong. I love you Miss T.J.S.
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heartstrings-xo · 12 years
If I killed myself, I’m sure everyone would care for a few weeks and then those few weeks would pass, there wouldn’t be any sappy Facebook posts to my Facebook from people who hardly knew me and didn’t do anything to make me feel better. Everything would stop. Even the people who I talk to everyday, live with, they would get through it because life would go on without me.
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