“‘Course I do,” Ron said, blinking furiously at his wife. “They run around and… kick that black and white ball. You know, there are like… twenty of them? Thirty? Forty? It doesn’t matter how many there are, some can sit out. That’s called the sidelines, innit?”
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“Innit?“ Hermione repeated, this time looking over her shoulder, raising a single eyebrow, “Are you a sixteen-year-old muggle from the 10′s now, Ronald?“ Her lips quirked up in a smiled before returning to her task, “There are eleven, Ron, so I think you’ll find that you probably have enough jumpers already, although I don’t think your Mum would be too impressed if you gave them away. I can already hear the howler...“ 
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Marcie opened her mouth to argue that actually, Hugo started celebrating ever since the Sagittarius season began but she chose not to. “Well, in his defence, his birthday is overshadowed by Christmas and New Year’s Eve, and don’t even get me started on Santa Claus Day, phew!” she grinned. “As someone whose birthday also falls on a holiday, I can absolutely relate to him.”
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“His birthday was never overshadowed by family,” Hermione insisted, “But once he went to school and moved out we had no say in how much it was or wasn’t overshadowed.” The prophet had often seen Hermione as a busy working Mum and liked to portray her as a bad Mum for working. However, that hadn’t always been the case, she had been present in the household more than she had worked up until Hugo left for Hogwarts... and then Beauxbatons, meaning she could often be defensive when it came to her children and what people thought. “But I can understand how people could easily forget his birthday due to the festive season.”
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“You know, if my mum makes me one more knitted sweater with an R in it, I will have enough to supply an entire muggle football team. You think I should buy my own team?”
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“Darling, do you know anything about muggle football?“ Hermione asked simply, not looking at her husband from her place at the stove. “For example, do you know how many players are on a muggle football team?“
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“Peaceful?” Marcie snorted a little once she heard that word and turned around to face the woman. “No offence, Mrs. Weasley, but did you forget it’s Hugo’s birthday month?” she asked with a teasing grin.
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Hermione shook her head, “I’m not sure I’ve met anybody who celebrates their birthday quite like my son does. Who needs a whole month?” Of course, Hermione hadn’t forgotten her youngest’s birthday, “Marcelina, Mrs Weasley is my Mother-in-law, call me Hermione.”
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“The house is fully decorated for Christmas and I’ve bought everybody’s presents and now I’m looking forward to a peaceful and laid back December.”
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James leaned against the doorframe of his aunt’s office, tilting his head so he could get a better look inside. “Hi.” He said when he caught Hermione’s gaze. He stepped in fully now, “I was just about to go on patrol and I was wondering if you were busy and wanted to join me.” He held up a hand in anticipated protest from whatever his aunt was about to say, “What I mean to say is… I know you’re busy but can I talk you into joining me anyway?”
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Hermione’s pile of work never seemed to lessen. It only ever seemed to get bigger or stay the same. Not that she minded, she enjoyed her work, but it didn’t mean she wouldn’t love to have her ‘done’ pile stacked high and her ‘to do’ pile empty, even if only for a few hours. 
When a knock sounded on the door, she knew it could only be family, they seemed to be the only people who could get past her secretary. Sure enough, she looked up and caught one of her many nephews gaze, “James,” she greeted as he stepped fully into her office. As he expected, she did begin to argue against his request, to tell him that she had too much work on to take a break now, but there was something about James that she just couldn’t say no to... “Okay, fine then, you twisted my arm.” she stood and smoothed down her skirt before summoning her coat and slipping it on, “So catch me up then, Jamie.”
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Wordlessly, he slipped the extra coffee into his best friend’s free hand. “I want to do my own press conference,” Harry finally said, looking at Hermione. “All of that was nonsense just to please the general public and I think it’s going to create more problems than good. I know I’ve avoided it for 30 years, but I think it’s time for me to step back into the spotlight.”
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Hermione raised an eyebrow at her best friend. Yes, she was surprised by his statement. As he said, he avoided public speaking as much as possible. But, if there was a time where it was needed the most, it was now. The press conference that just occurred was a mess, “Agreed, you won’t hear me arguing with you on doing your own press conference, people listen to you. But are you sure, it’s what you want?”
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Arlo felt his shoulders drop, somehow relieved to hear that Hermione had been so scared while she was fighting. He listened intently, staring down at his mug as he tried to absorb her advice. Was he doing everything he could to make the world a better place? No, but he didn’t know how just yet. Maybe when he finally felt as though he belonged, had a family, he might be able to bring some light, some form of… goodness.  The same he so often saw Lily, Lucy, and Marcie bring. They made it look easy, he could only hope that one day it was. He bit down on his bottom lip, suddenly realising he had never spoken to Lily about whether she wanted children. He wasn’t sure how he felt about the subject and a new spark of worry seemed to bury itself in his heart. He flinched as she stood, pulled out of his thoughts, and stood too, not wanting to be rude. “I- I’ll be okay.” He assured her, tugging at the hem of his shirt. “Lily should be home soon, I-” He broke off, taking a deep breath. His mind was overwhelmed, too many thoughts trying to demand his attention. At least, when Hermione left, he would have a little time to sort through them all. “I’ll be okay.” He said again, convincing himself this time, and not his girlfriend’s aunt. “Thank you… for everything. You- You didn’t need to help us- you have no idea how much your support means.” 
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The first time Arlo said he would be okay, Hermione didn’t believe him. He didn’t sound sure or confident in his answer. But, she couldn’t stay with him, she had to leave at some point. Maybe she could call one of her nieces or Marcie? But then his attitude changed, he paused mid-sentence after insisting Lily would be home, took a deep breath and spoke again, this time sounding much more certain that he would be fine. 
Hermione smiled almost motherly at him, he still didn’t believe that he was deserving of the support or the help she was providing. “Of course I did, I would do anything for Lily and you’re important to her. Hopefully, this will be the end and you won’t have to hide anymore.”
Now, having actually met Arlo and now actually believing that he was genuine, Hermione felt much better parting and setting up the interview for him and Lily. She had no reservations, not anymore.
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“They will… soon.” Arlo murmured, as if to convince himself. He smiled hesitantly at Hermione, trying to take comfort in her words, even if that comfort didn’t come naturally to him. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen. There was only so much control he would ever have over the situation. He could only take Lily’s hand and hope everything would be okay. That’s all he ever seemed to be doing these days. “Thank you.” He said quietly, not for the first time, although the reason for his gratitude was now entirely different. “You- you were?” He asked, frowning slightly. During his childhood, Hermione Granger-Weasley, Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter had always been painted as the villains. He had never imagined them scared or unsure, it almost shocked him to hear that they had been. “How- how did you overcome it?” 
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“Terrified,” Hermione responded with a nod. There were so many instances growing up where she had been scared, where she thought she or any one of her friends and family wouldn’t survive. Some didn’t. “I guess… I just told myself that I was doing everything I could to make the world a better place and that… while I was scared now, hopefully, I wouldn’t be in the future and that I was doing it to make sure my children didn’t feel the same way.” A thought that now made her feel sick. Everything she, Ron and Harry had done and their children were in a very similar situation as they had been growing up. Hermione stood up, “I should probably be off… Are you going to be okay?”
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Arlo stayed quiet for what he felt sure was an inappropriate amount of time. Purpose was something he hadn’t discussed with Lily or Lucy, which meant what Hermione was telling him was new and albeit a little terrifying. Nobody had told him he had his own purpose, nobody had told him he was able to override the purpose he had been given by his parents. But then… what purpose did he have now? If what Madeline told him was true, most people thought he was dead. Everybody else thought he was missing. “How do you have a purpose when you no longer exist?” He asked finally, genuinely curious. After the article, he would be seen again, really seen. Perhaps by more people than he would like but that was always going to be the price for dating Lily Potter. It was a price he was willing to pay. Now though, in the weeks before the publishing date, what purpose did he have? “I hope so… I truly do.” He murmured, taking a sip of his tea as an excuse to look away from his girlfriend’s aunt. “I’m trying to trust in this idea. I’m just- I’m scared. Scared of everything. I don’t know how to stop being scared.” 
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“But you do exist, Arlo,” Hermione reminded, “Your former community may not realise it right now, but you do. That being said, even the Hogwarts ghosts have their purpose. You just need to discover what yours is and that won’t necessarily be easy, so don’t worry if things don’t work out straight away. You can’t just snap your fingers and have everything sorted out. Even your average person doesn’t have that.” At this point, there wasn’t much more Hermione could do for Arlo. She had set up the appointment for the article with a trusted writer. She had tried to talk to him and give him a new and more mature perspective on the matter, she just hoped some of her words would soak in and… he’ll make the right decision when it comes to the interview. “Being scared is completely normal. I was scared constantly growing up. You don’t need to stop being scared you just need to channel that fear into overcoming it.”
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“Mum!” Hugo grinned up at his mother and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “What are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy to see you but…”
“Well, I heard that my son potentially needed to be taken home, but you seem... your normal self to me.” she teased
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“Thanks, Mum,” Rose said smiling at her Mother before taking a sip from the drink. “How’ve you been? I can’t remember the last time I came to the house which is my own fault really. Been busy with practice.”
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“Hmm, I’ve noticed,“ Hermione replied with a stern raised eyebrow, but then she started to laugh. Her kids were grown now... okay Reese and Rose were. The vote was still out on Hugo, but regardless, she didn’t expect them to be around the house all of the time, they had lives and jobs. “It’s fine, Rose. I understand. You aren’t a child anymore, but you know the door is always open for any time you want to visit.” she smiled warmly, “Your Father and I have been well, I think we might go on a last-minute holiday soon. How about you, darling?”
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“Quidditch might actually be the death of me,” Rose said as she laid her head down on the table. “Got anything to drink? I’m exhausted and dehydrated.”
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Hermione grabbed a glass from her cupboard, threw a few ice cubes into it and filled it with water, finishing it off with a reusable straw, “Here you go.”
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“I’M A BITCH, I’M A LOVER, I’M A CHILD, I’M A MOTHEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR!” Visibly drunk Hugo sang as he wrapped his arms around the closest person to him. “Join me! I’M A SINNER I’M A SAINT, I DO NOT FEEL ASHAMEEEEED!”
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“Oh, Hugo...” Hermione sighed, she was used to this by now. Her youngest son was nineteen and those nineteen years had been long enough for her to really know her son.
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Arlo sighed, ducking his head to stare down at the table. “But that is my purpose. I was born for that very reason.” He explained. No matter what happened, that would always be why he was conceived, why he existed. Even if he didn’t follow through, that responsibility was going to sit on his shoulders until the day that he died. “I don’t believe I deserve the public’s sympathy…” He said quietly. “I don’t know how to believe that.”
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“No, that was their purpose,” Hermione insisted, she wasn’t about to let this go, “Once you have been born, you have your own purpose to do what it is that you want to do.” She wasn’t sure what she could do to convince the boy otherwise, maybe she couldn’t, maybe it would fall to Lily to slowly convince him otherwise. “I think there will be plenty of the population who will find sympathy in someone who was forced to be something they didn’t want to be. Whether to believe you deserve it or not, think about it as a narrative and you might see it differently.”
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Arlo flinched when Hermione called him sweetheart. Not out of fear but out of shock. No adult had ever, ever used a term of endearment to address him before. He wasn’t sure of how to react, he wasn’t sure he could bring himself to do anything other than stare. It took a moment for the strange feeling of discomfort and gratitude to fade, but when it did he remembered where he was, what was expected of him. “No- nobody has ever told me that before.” He said quietly. Knowing that wasn’t entirely true. Lucy and Lily had told him multiple times, even Marcie and Charlie had attempted to assure him that his feelings were valid. But Hermione was different somehow, she held a position of authority that his friends did not. “No adult…” He clarified, feeling it was an unfair claim to make after everything people had done for him. When he watched Hermione carefully place two mugs of tea down onto the kitchen table, he stood nervously and moved to take a seat there. This felt both less and more formal than the sofas they had previously been sitting on. He was closer to her now, which made him feel more nervous. “I’m not sure the real me is worth caring for.” He admitted quietly, pulling his tea towards himself. “Thank you… for this.” He looked down at his mug, attempting a weak smile. 
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Hermione noticed the flinch but didn’t let it show on her face. The flinch when she had called him Arlo Avery, she understood, but sweetheart? It didn’t make sense. A pang of sadness coursed through her, the pure boy had been led not only down a dark path but now believed that his mere existence was some kind of burden, which is simply wasn’t. “Your place on this earth should never have been just about carrying on some pureblood line, no matter how important some may say it is, you have a purpose outside of that.”
The older woman offered a motherly smile to Arlo as he thanked her for the drink, “Well, there is your task. It isn’t about coming up with new persona’s that will demand sympathy, it’s about you believing that you deserve the public’s sympathy. Because if you don’t believe it, how can you expect that they will.”
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Arlo let out a huff of breath, his relief visible as his shoulders relaxed. Although he knew they were only moving from one difficult conversation to another, no doubt Hermione would take this time to try and get to know him, the break was incredibly welcome. “Please.” He said quietly, wondering whether he should offer to make it. “That would be… that sounds perfect. I’m sorry.” He smiled shyly up at her. “I know you didn’t sign up for any of this… not really. I don’t mean to be a burden. It was never my intention…” 
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“You aren’t a burden, sweetheart. You should never feel that your emotions are a burden,” Hermione said softly, as she led the way through Lucy and Marcelina’s house to the kitchen and started to help herself to the ingredients that would make a good cup of tea. Once they both had a cup and were sat at the kitchen table, she spoke again, “The public will care, but they need to care about the real you, not some over exaggerated false version of yourselves.”
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