#holy shit I actually love this sm <333
i-cant-sing · 3 months
Hey snow! It's been awhile since I last draw you something! (It's been 2 fucking years holy shit-)
So I decided to redraw all the readers that I had drawn for you back in 2022!
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Reader winters (y/n drinking chocolate milk and actually relaxing (NOT clickbait)
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Reader fushiguro (tojis daughter)
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First lady Reader!
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Reader Uzui (Tengen's forced. 4thwife)
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Reader todoroki
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And the newest addition, time traveler reader!
This took me today to finish all of them (I am being possessed by a dead artist, and I have no idea what to do-)
I love them all sm <333 you've really captured the essence of each reader! accurate depiction of first lady reader and the fear on uzui reader👌 and THE TIME TRAVELLER AU READER???? LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!
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ryverbind · 3 months
Faceless Fixation (Sal Fisher): Bacon King [26]
TW: very slight smut & marijuana use. ALSO 100K ON WATTPAD I LOVE U GUYS SM WTF!!! seriously would not be here without all of you :,) <333
"Good morning sleepy little princesses!"
I scrunch my closed eyes, wincing at the bright light that pushes past my eyelids.
"Fuck, Ash," I hear Larry groan frustratedly. I open an eye and peek over, noting Emo Buff Daddy himself throwing an arm over his eyes. "It's too damn early!"
The Faces and I camped out in me and Ash's partially empty living room last night-- well, some of The Faces. Todd and Neil ditched us for their own apartment, which is fair. But the other two men decided to hang out.
I'll say that sharing an air mattress with Ash has been quite an experience. I've slept in the same bed with her before, but this kind of bed just causes her to naturally gravitate toward me. Every night lately, I wake up at some point with her legs wrapped around mine in some kind of sailor's knot that I never imagined was possible.
As for Larry and Sal, I have no idea. Sal goes to bed late and he wakes up early. He's a fucking freak of nature.
"Oh, come on, you whiny little bitch," Ash teases her male twin playfully, ripping the blankets off him. "It's nine in the morning! We're going to y/n's to start packing up her stuff at ten. It's wake up time!"
That's true. I glance at the stacks of boxes around the wide expanse of our living room. We don't have furniture yet-- we still need to buy some and wait for the last moving truck to bring the bigger things Ash is taking from Nockfell. But for the most part, we've got everything here, which means my stuff is next.
With a little more grumbled complaints from Larry, the four of us finally leave our new apartment and meet up with Todd and Neil to start heading to my apartment on the other end of town.
An Uber the size of a soccer mom's mini van drops us off in front of my apartment complex and the group of us file out. Todd is busy telling Neil about the diner I worked at literally about two weeks ago-- not that he knows that.
At the mention though, I look over at the diner, feeling a little nostalgic. That is, up until Ophelia walks bounds up to the front door. I blink at my friend, furrowing my brows. What are the chances?
I yell her name, let Ash know where I'm going, then jog over to my friend who looks so pleasantly excited to see me.
"Y/n, holy shit!" She exclaims when I'm close enough, careful not to say my name too loud since Mike undoubtedly told her that The Faces didn't know about me at the time. "Girl, where have you been?"
"Um, back in my hometown, actually," I tell her with a little grin, enveloping her slightly taller figure in a tight hug.
"I heard you got fired," she cringes upon stepping back, looking down at me worriedly. "Is everything okay?"
"Oh, yea!" I answer, retaining my easygoing smile. "I'm streaming with The Faces. It's proven to be good income. We haven't done any videos lately because we're busy moving into a new apartment, but things have been fine otherwise." I stop my ranting and focus in on the apology I've been meaning to give her. "Also, I am so sorry about what led to me getting fired. Please relay that to Mike, too. I thought he was going to have a heart attack in front of The Faces."
"I know," Ophelia cracks up, covering her mouth with a hand. "I was watching from the bar. Poor, Mike. He could not keep it together! The sperm bank thing was hilarious." She sobers up to tell me, "But congratulations on everything else. I'm happy for you!"
I laugh with her, giving her another hug. "Thank you. But seriously, once I'm settled in my new apartment, I'll invite you guys over to hang out. I miss you," I say honestly, holding her close.
"We'd love to!" She gasps excitedly, squeezing me tight before backing away. "Just send me a text and we'll be there."
"Sounds good," I tell her. "It was nice seeing you! Have a good shift."
"You too!" She says, waving. But she pauses thinking about her words, furrowing her brows. "You don't have a shift. Forgot," she giggles to herself as she backs toward the diner, giving me little finger guns. "Love you!"
"Love you, Lia," I call back with a bright smile. She's such a character.
I walk back to The Faces quickly and lead them up to my apartment, unlocking the door and letting everyone in. I haven't been here in a while.
The day after we came back from Nockfell, Ash and I stopped by to grab some clean clothes and necessities, but I haven't been back since.
I haven't seen my dad since I left LA about two weeks ago. I called him to cry about Ash inviting me to live with her and he fangirled with me over the phone, but besides that, we haven't spoken much.
And Travis, that little ass. When I came back earlier this week, he had left a sticky note on my bed that said, 'Since you wouldn't let me send a dick pic to the singer, here.' He proceeded to scratch out three failures before finally settling on the most mediocre drawing of a dick I've ever seen in my life. But he tried, I guess.
The point is, being back home is nice-- even if it technically isn't home anymore.
Ash, ever the goddess, brought a ton of stuff to cook lunch today. I think pork chops, french fries, and snack packs of chocolate pudding cups. Though, I think it was Larry's influence that got us the snack packs.
Ash sets up shop in my kitchen, outraged at the fact that Dad bought normal salt and not Himalayan salt for her 'exquisite five star meal.'
I sit with the rest of my friends in the living room and make the split second decision to start streaming from my phone. Since I'm not doing anything right now, why not? I've got to make this bread.
I turn my phone around the room, earning a middle finger from Sal who's laid back on my couch watching some kind of play through of a Call of Duty Zombie's Easter Egg. Odd stuff. But he seems to enjoy it so I don't mind, especially given the circumstances of him moving here.
He's been really quiet this week.
Todd and Neil wave, and then I flip the screen to show me and Larry. The man has his face squished against mine so he can get into the screen. I have to adjust my mask with my free hand to make sure the squishing doesn't reveal me at all, but I have a good laugh with him anyway.
After about fifteen minutes, Ash finishes her lunch so I show my subscribers her lovely food then end the stream, grabbing a plate of food to eat with everyone.
As soon as I finish my last bite, there's a knock at my door.
I rush over to the door, ripping it open to see a grinning Nate with a plate of brownies in his hand. What a godsend.
I hop up on my toes to give him a tight hug, feeling about as giddy as I can possibly be. I haven't seen him in weeks at this point.
"Hey, Ducks," Nate drawls in that silky, deep voice of his. His free hand wraps around my waist, his head leaning down to rest against my shoulder. His voice is muffled by my hair as he continues speaking, "Looks like you didn't die back home. Shame."
I swat at his arm, taking an opportunity to snatch the brownies away from him. The smile I give him is a bit of a petty one, but it's a smile nonetheless. "You'd never get that damn screwdriver back if I died, just remember that," I remind him, breaking away from his embrace. His warm palm follows my body though, attached to the small of my back.
Nate rolls his dark eyes, tongue in cheek as he contemplates my reasoning. "Fair enough. I guess it's a good thing you made it back." His gaze has fallen on the rest of my friends now though-- the friends who watch us silently. Ash's cheeks are painted a lovely rouge color but she somehow manages to look our way.
Seeing Ash all flustered around a guy of all things is hilarious. She's so confident with women, and now she's fumbling for the right reaction.
"These are The Faces, as you probably know," I tell Nate, a happy sigh falling past my lips. I start naming them from left to right. "Sal, Ash, Larry, Todd, and his boyfriend, Neil."
Nate nods his head in greeting, lips pressed into a tight line-- his version of a smile at the moment. It's the best he can muster up, poor guy. He absolutely abhors meeting new people.
Larry cracks the code immediately, walking over to Nate and offering a hand. "Nice to meet you, dude," he starts with a cheeky smile.
Nate cracks a smile, grabbing onto Larry's hand and shaking it. "You too."
The rest of the males in the group shake his hand, but Ash simply waves from her spot across the living room. She doesn't move in.
Oh, so she's got it bad.
Still holding onto Nate's brownies, I move toward my kitchen to set them down on the cabinet. "Ash was nice enough to make lunch," I tell my friend, gesturing for him to follow. "We've all eaten already, you can have what's left."
Nate trails in behind me, watching everyone in my living room since the only thing that separates us is the island table. I put down the brownies then move around the table to sit down. Everyone else is busy watching Ash's stream from last night. She gave a quick tour of our new apartment, explaining why we won't be active for a few days and whatnot.
Plate in hand and still the sole occupant of my kitchen, Nate leans against the table opposite me and digs into his food. With just one bite of a french fry, his eyes widen a bit and he tilts his head as if he's just switched realities. "Shit's pretty good," he murmurs, focusing on his plate again to finish his bite.
I watch him with a fond smile, fisting my hands beneath my chin.
That is, until a tatted hand surfaces at my side and snatches a fry off the platter beside me. Nate and I both focus in like a cat to a laser, watching the hand move.
I follow that hand to see Sal leaning against the table, his hair hanging over his shoulders and prosthetic face aimed at Nate while his shoulder brushes mine. I search for his eyes to get a read on him-- figure out why he's here-- but with him facing away from me, the attempt is futile.
Worse though, he doesn't say a word. Just watches my friend. And Nate watches him, a contemplative expression beginning to take over his face.
Are they sizing each other up? My antisocial, shy Nate is actually looking Sal Fisher dead in the eyes without cowering?
I fight the urge to sink in on myself as I watch them and ponder what to say. I don't even know why they're looking at each other like this. It's getting tense. So tense that it suddenly feels difficult to breathe within the boys' general vicinity and I just have zero clue of what's going on.
Then, Sal snaps his head to me. I flinch when his vibrant eyes meet mine.
He looks into my eyes before his gaze begins traveling over my face. He glances here and there, taking in each curve and tilt of the mask shielding me from him. His hand lifts toward me, pushing a strand of hair away from my mouth and I blink at him. A torrent of abusive flutters infest my stomach and my body grows warm. I beg myself not to blush, wishing I could stomp down every single thought about Sal being sweet that suddenly floats into my head.
Everything begins falling apart.
"Oh," Nate mutters from in front of us. I turn to address his sound only to find his eyes a little wide and his mouth gaping a bit. "Oh," he emphasizes the word.
In my peripheral, I catch Sal switching his attention to Nate as well.
Nate immediately throws his hands up in surrender. "I think-- I think I get it." His voice is low, wavering. "We're just friends. It's not like that."
It's my turn to widen my eyes. Are they communicating telepathically or something? Is it just a weird, guy thing? Nate deciphering Sal's wordless claim is even freakier than him claiming me in general.
Sal ignores Nate's words at first, simply looks down at the plate full of fries and grabs another. "Good."
And he's gone.
I stare at the spot Sal populated just a moment ago, flabbergasted beyond belief. Just the slightest touch was a warning, a claim, and acknowledgment all in one. I can't quite process it, but thank God Nate did it all for me.
"What the fuck," he hisses lowly, leaning over the table to talk to me more privately. "You have something to tell me?"
I look at Nate again, noting his hyper finger-tapping and dilated pupils. He just got his drama for the week. No, the entire month.
Meanwhile, I'm short-circuiting. I'm still living in the moment when Sal's fingers brushed the corner of my lips and his gaze pierced through every layer of my skin. But the icy cold, overwhelming fear that suddenly slices through me like the dagger on Sal's neck brings me back to the present. Because Sal just told Nate that we're fucking without saying a single word. Now someone knows.
I can trust Nate with anything, I know that, but I'm dreading the conversation that comes with his knowledge of the situation.
Panicking, I leap up from my chair and lean toward Nate, slapping a hand over his mouth. "Not a word," I whisper to him, trying my best to keep my voice as quiet as possible. "We'll--" I pinch my lips together, shake my head. I can't believe this is happening to me. But I ground myself and do my best to remember that things are fine. Everything's okay. For now. "We'll talk about it later."
Nate nods vigorously beneath my hand, so I slowly pull it away-- watching and waiting for him to screw something up. He doesn't, but he starts conjuring up an evil plan. I can tell by the rabid smirk that begins to form on his lips. "You know I'm going to fuck with him, right?" he whispers to me, narrowing his eyes in some kind of psychotic glee.
Sighing, my head droops and I dread the full day ahead of us. "Please don't," I practically beg him.
"Even getting on your knees won't stop me from taking this opportunity," Nate cackles, grabbing his plate and moving around me to the living room. He even has the audacity to plop down beside Sal, giving him a cheeky grin before popping a fry into his mouth. Sal watches him incredulously before turning back to my TV.
The Faces, Nate, Neil, and myself spend the entire day clearing out and packing up my room. many of my belongings were already packed, seeing as I only moved to LA a year ago. We didn't have to go through the trouble of figuring out my drum kit since it's already in a bunch of boxes.
By the time nightfall came and went, we all grouped up in my living room. Surrounded by boxes and eating food that Larry so graciously ordered for us (Raising Canes, to be specific), Ash took the courtesy of trying to turn some music on to aid the relaxing atmosphere after a hard day's work.
My dear best friend is standing in front of my dad's speakers, scrolling through all of my music to pick a song while the rest of us sit in a circle. To my left, Nate, then Neil, Todd, Sal, Larry, Ash.
The balcony curtains are open to let in the beautiful city lights that manage to reflect into our apartment. Green's, blue's, and yellows engage in a passionate dance along the lines and grooves of my living room's ceiling. Such a hypnotizing light show for myself and my friends.
Ash finally settles on a song, grumbling when an ad plays as soon as she comes over to sit down. "I'm trying to play sad Bullet For My Valentine songs and Spotify won't let me!" she exclaims, plopping down on the floor beside me.
"Sorry," I snicker, dipping a fry into some sauce. "I refuse to give them any of my money."
"I'll pay for it," she scoffs, sending me a playful wink to say she's just joking. I simply roll my eyes and eat my fry, enjoying the lax atmosphere.
We fall into silence for a few minutes and I try not to look over to where Sal sits. He's been incredibly tame today-- so much so that I find myself worrying for him a bit.
He's sitting in front of my sofa, his head laid on the seat cushions. A few tendrils of his cerulean hair clash against the dark color of the fabric. And with his head bent the way it is, I can pick out just about every dip and curve along the length of his throat. A constellation to map out with my lips when the time comes.
"What's the craziest thing you've ever done?" Larry suddenly asks, probably put off by the silence or expressing his boredom.
I pull my attention away from Sal, especially when he picks his head up to look over at Larry.
I turn to Larry too, finding him fidgeting with his septum piercing and gazing at nothing. So his question was for anyone, then.
"I've got a story," Nate says from beside me, his tone a little too chipper for my liking.
I've mentioned before that Nate and I go way back. I mean, way back. So far back that he and I have witnessed the typical teenage depression and feeble attempts to be badass. The difference is that Nate and I went a step farther. We didn't just attempt to be badass-- we were badass. Not that I regret it, but it's something that I sickeningly assumed he would bring up at some point tonight to 'fuck' with Sal. And, dammit, Larry just gave him his opening.
In a moment of weakness, I grab onto Nate's wrist and throw him a look. Furrowed brows and wide eyes to portray that I really don't think this is a good idea.
Nate mimics my look though, leveling with me. This will be his one statement for the night and he's done. That's what his look means... but is it worth it?
I spare a glance at Sal and immediately regret it. His gaze is set on me and Nate's connected limbs, making me immediately let go of the man's wrist. Sal's already jealous enough as is-- I think that's more than enough.
But, my mind wanders back to the time Sal had a woman nearly sitting on top of him when we were in Las Vegas. All the times he was a jackass to me. You know, maybe he's better now, but that doesn't mean I can't screw with him a little too, right?
I wet my lips then turn back to Nate and give him a little nod.
I'll probably regret this later.
"Okay, so," Nate starts, scooting in closer with a winning grin on his face, hands in the air to accentuate his story-telling. I start counting my blessings. "Back in high school-- junior year I'd say-- y/n was dating this total asshole, right? I mean, this abusive, two-timing, unfaithful--"
I cut him off with an embarrassed cringe. "Get to the point, Nathaniel."
"Right, right." He rolls his eyes, waving me off. "My bad. So anyway, yea. He fucking sucked. He was also my best friend at the time." Nate tips his head toward everyone, earning lots of 'oohs' to add to his already hugely inflated ego. He continues with a dramatic bravado. "I caught him cheating again, so I let y/n know. Also cut off my friendship with him by that point."
Ash snorts. "As you should. Continue."
Nate's grin morphs into a bit of an evil smirk as he turns to Ash, talking directly to her now that she's shown more interest than everyone else even thought they're still listening intently.
"So y/n had finally had enough, thank God." He shoots me a pointed look that I only raise my eyebrows at. "And she broke up with him. She was mad. I mean, so mad that the next day she stomped up to me in the hallway, and-- get this-- with no hesitation whatsoever, said to me 'Let's fuck.'"
I hide my face in my hands at the same moment lemonade spews out of Larry's nose.
I hear a few muttered curses from Ash before Nate continues with the story.
"And I was game, duh, but I had to ask what the occasion was 'cuz the day before she was holding hands with my ex-best friend. So she explained everything to me, and..."
I peek through my eyes to see Nate who's smiling proudly at me, giving me an opportunity to continue the story. So with a breath, I lower my hands and try to ignore Sal's blazing gaze on me.
"What better way to get revenge than to fuck your ex's best friend?" I say tentatively, shrugging.
"Best part of that was he got a pic of me hitting it from the back." Nate leans away from the group with a content smile stretching across his face.
Ash giggles while Larry and Neil reach over to fist bump him. Sal looks a tad amused by the prospect too, but a completely different emotion overshadows his pretty eyes.
Todd, ever the scientist, has his own inquiries about the situation. "So, did you two ever date? I can't imagine neither of you were confused after something like that."
I shake my head. "We'd set up ground rules," I answer him. "Nate was a lousy lay," I can't help but chuckle when Nate lightly punches my shoulder. "But revenge made it erotic, I suppose." I continue, at least giving my friend a couple props.
"So no other feelings?" Ash asks, clarifying with her hands held out.
"Never," Nate declares. "No feelings other than the coolest fucking friendship in existence."
Aw, that's cute. I poke out my bottom lip and turn to him. "That's so sweet, Nate." He sends me a genuine smile that almost makes me feel bad about my next words. "But your mom's still cooler than you."
Nate groans, shoving a hand into my face. "The both of you probably beat me up together in your dreams. I don't know what the hell she see's in your evil ass."
I laugh heartily, catching Sal standing up in my peripheral. My attention leaves Nate who starts talking about the many times I was present for his chancla chucking mama's outbursts. Sal walks into my hallway-- most likely heading for the bathroom.
And you know what, I have things to confront him about right now. For one, I need to know how things are going to progress after Nate finding out about us and I can't necessarily wait to find out.
So I wait for a minute before getting up with an excuse about needing something in my room. Then, I wait in front of my bedroom door-- right across from the bathroom.
When Sal opens the door and shuts the light off, his head instantly snaps up to meet my neutral expression. He glances toward the sounds of our friends conversing from my living room then looks back to me.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I hiss quietly, gesturing toward the hallway with a hand.
Sal takes leisurely steps toward me. "I should be asking you that," he challenges, voice low and words clipped. He's certainly not happy.
"I think I have a good reason to ask first," I counter, crossing my arms over my chest. "Nate knows about us, so what do we do?"
Sal doesn't answer right away, not until the toes of his shoes tap against mine. I suck in a breath and hold it when his prosthetic nose bumps my mask's. His nonchalant response is, "We fuck."
I swallow against the monsoon of butterflies that suddenly start flapping around my insides. We must stay focused, brothers.
"That's not--" I try to start, but cut myself off. I don't know what to say.
"That's not what?" Sal asks, stooping a bit lower and twisting the knob of my bedroom door. I stagger backward when the door gives.
My heart begins to race, pounding away at the fortress of ribs in my chest as Sal backs me into my room, softly shutting my door behind him. He follows me, cornering me against a wall. I can't even look at him, not when my face is flaming hot and my body is having these ridiculous reactions. I can't even confront him without freezing up now. His anger, his dominance, the upper hand he always has. Something about it is just so enthralling.
"Answer me," He says, voice a bit louder this time. "That's not what?"
"That's not a good excuse," I say quietly, taking a step to the side to move around him. But my attempt at an escape is met with a hand gently wrapping around my throat.
I swallow against his hold, imagining he can feel the action across each of his fingers. He watches me curiously as if that's exactly what's going through his head.
"It's not an excuse," he repeats my claim, tilting his head a bit to look me in the eye. "Was your story about fucking your friend an excuse, then?"
I open my mouth to say something, but shut it. I shouldn't have let Nate tell the story. It had the desired effect-- Sal is clearly feeling some kind of way about it, but I feel like it definitely wasn't necessary. What was the point?
"Are you going to fuck him again?" Sal asks, dropping every hint of emotion to portray how serious he is about the topic.
"No," I rush to say, tripping over the word. I catch my breath that won't stop running from me. "It was once. I was... I was being honest when I said he was a lousy lay. We were seventeen." I mentally apologize to Nate, knowing he wouldn't care either way because I doubt I was any good at sex either.
I haven't talked with Sal in a while. Not one-on-one. Not since right before we left Nockfell, which was nearly a week ago at this point. Everything else has been the two of us sneaking glances and scooting past with a quick 'Excuse me.' Was I so desperate to get his attention that I had to make him upset to do it? I could have just texted him on Discord or something.
Sal's quiet, letting me think about the consequences of my actions, I'm sure. But the longer he doesn't speak, the more I notice the aggression in his eyes lessens.
His thumb slowly begins to rub along my pulse point, feeling my erratic heart race the same way he did the first time he ever gripped my throat. The skin on his finger is rough, calloused. Guitar playing hands and all. The repercussions of art scratching along such a sensitive part of me.
He taps against a spot on the side of my neck, his gaze snapping to the area he's focused on. "I want to bite you right here," he murmurs quietly.
I guess he's been craving me too.
"So do it," I whisper, drunkenly taking in the way his eyes suddenly meet mine again. I don't need alcohol when Sal's around. He's proven to be more than enough intoxication.
"I can't," he replies lowly, a slight rasp to his voice. "If I do that, I'll fuck you."
I bite down on my bottom lip and think about my poor friends who are waiting for us to return. I also think about how much I've worried for Sal and how badly I've wanted to be near him all week. I can just tell them I dragged him over here to help me look for what I needed, right?
"So do it," I repeat myself, giving him the go ahead.
Sal closes his eyes for a few seconds, probably weighing his options like I just did. It seems that lust wins his internal battle though because within the next second, he leans toward me, buries his prosthetic face into the side of my neck.
I turn my head toward him, shutting my eyes when the scent of his hair envelops me whole. His azure hair, silky against my cheek, moves with him as he trails his nose lightly along the length of my throat.
"I've wanted to taste you all week," he admits quietly, the words a breathy whisper that I can hardly hear due to his prosthetic.
I try my hardest to suppress a shiver, but I can't help but clutch his hair in my hand, tugging at the long strands.
Sal hums, releasing my throat from his grip to hold me to him by the nape of my neck instead. His other hand ghosts up my body, softly trailing up my side and across my breasts all the way over to where he hides against me.
He pulls away from me just a bit, pulling his prosthetic over his head before returning to his place against my neck. I can't help but hold my breath as his scarred lips skim along my throat, leaving the smallest of kisses only when he feels the need.
I pinch my lips together and tug on his hair again when he drags on the slight touching for far too long. He chuckles quietly before finally obliging me, digging his crooked teeth into the spot he so desperately wanted to bite earlier.
I yelp, melting against him just as he pulls me closer to him with a hand on my waist. He slaps the other hand over my mouth to shut me up and I blink at the action, just a little miffed up until he licks the abused skin to soothe it.
He sucks the flesh on my neck into his mouth, leaving marks in a horrendously obvious spot that I know I'll regret later but... I don't regret it now. I can't even find it in me to care about having to hide the dark red marks he'll leave on me.
Sal continues mapping out his artwork along my skin, holding me hostage against his body. His leg finds its way between mine and he lifts his knee, creating friction against my clothed clit. I moan against his hand, making him press harder against my mouth. I grab at the hem of his shirt, squeezing the fabric in my fist as my other hand buries itself further into his hair.
I feel faint, not because of a lack of air, but because of a lack of him.
Sal moves his way up my neck kissing along my jaw before pausing in front of me, his marred nose brushing along mine. His lips are parted and swollen, the tips of his canines peeking past his top lip. And his gaze tethered to the hand that covers my mouth. I watch him, crumbling a bit as he pushes his knee into me again.
He smiles a bit, showing of a hint of that dimple that could bring me to my knees faster than anyone or anything else.
I gently bite down on his finger, causing him to slowly pull his hand away from me. I gasp for breath when his hand finally moves, running my tongue along my bottom lip. Sal's eyes track the movement and I watch his Adam's apple bob as he swallows.
His knee drops and he pulls me just a fraction of a centimeter closer to him by the back of my neck.
Something about the way his gaze doesn't leave my lips makes me freeze up.
No. No.
"Twitterpated." The word leaves my lips before I can even realize I thought of it.
Sal's hands are off of me the exact moment I formed the first syllable and he takes a baby step away. I warily watch the way his eyes widen, like he's surprised himself. And he's still close, just a hairsbreadth or two away, but he has room to regain some clarity.
I'm about to apologize when a knock sounds on my door, followed by, "Ducks? Can I come in?"
I gasp, my knees going weak for a moment-- and this time it's not because of Sal.
Unceremoniously and without reason, I shove Sal away from me. He stumbles backward, catching himself with a hand on my bed and an offended grunt.
I reach a hand toward him to offer help that's far too late, my eyes wide as I cringe at the sheer audacity that this situation has slapped me with. But remembering that my dad is literally outside the door, I motion to Sal's prosthetic that's limply hanging from his left hand.
"Put it on!" I whisper harshly.
Sal realizes I'm saving him, saying his thanks through wide eye contact alone as he buckles the prosthetic to his face again.
"Um," I say, loud enough for my dad as I glance around my room. I spot an Amazon box and chuck it at Sal, managing to smack him in the prosthetic he just finished placing onto his face.
He throws his hands up and narrows his eyes at me while I mutter an embarrassed, "Fuck!" To my surprise, Sal chuckles.
I take a breath and sit down in front of my computer, ripping the drawer on my desk open to look like I was rifling in it. "Yea, dad," I call and I watch Sal's body go rigid in my peripheral. "You can come in."
I glance back at Sal who frantically unfolds the flaps on the boxes, practically burying his head into it. I can't help but laugh at the visual.
My dad cracks the door open, peeking in with a hand over his eyes so he doesn't see anything unsightly. "Sorry, just wanted to check in. I'm stopping by to grab my laptop and, apparently, Raising Canes. Then I'm heading to the airport." He gives me a reassuring, gentle smile.
I stand up, ditching my prop excuse and walking over to hug my dad. "No problem, we were just..." I look back at Sal who's finally poked his head out of the box. "Looking for Nate's screw driver," I continue, turning back to my dad.
My father, Bruce, bacon king himself, slackens his expression to tell me he's not buying it and I feel like I'm going to throw up.
I rub a hand over my forehead before gesturing to Sal. "This is Sal," I tell my dad, "Sal, this is my dad."
"Good evening, sir. Nice to meet you," Sal says politely and it takes everything in me not to snap my neck on my way to look at him incredulously. Where the hell did these manners come from?
My dad smiles at Sal, waving to him. "Nice to meet you too, son."
Then he leans toward me, his grey eyes beyond amused as he says, quiet enough so Sal doesn't hear, "You have a hickey the size of Australia on the side of your neck, sweetheart."
Oh my God.
I loose a pained breath, slapping a hand over the side of my neck that Sal had attacked just moments ago.
"Other side, honey," Dad says and I think I'm seriously going to faint while I slap my other hand to the opposite side of my neck-- just in time for him to cackle and continue with, "Just fucking with you. You were right the first time."
I watch my dad with wide eyes, fumbling around my brain for words. All I manage to come up with is, "Is blood really thicker than water, Bruce?"
My dad chuckles lightheartedly, clapping a hand onto my shoulder as an apology and squeezing gently. "I'll leave you be, Ducks. I'm going grab my things-- I'll check back in a bit to say goodbye."
And then he shuts the door again. That bastard, I hate how much I love him.
I turn back to Sal with a troubled sigh, but I feel a bit revitalized when I see the mortified look in his eyes.
"Oh my God," Sal voices my thoughts and I laugh lightly, walking over to take the random Amazon box from him.
"Don't worry, he isn't crazy," I try to reassure Sal as I drop the box into the corner behind my desk. "Can't say the same for when he heard about me and Nate though."
"If you were seventeen, I can just about imagine," Sal murmurs more to himself than to me. "Sorry. About your neck." He says a bit louder this time, but remorse taints his tone. "About all of it."
His tone and words tug at my heartstrings. "Don't worry about it," I tell him, making my voice a little gentler than normal. "I was..." I pause, thinking of how to word my reaction properly. "Scared."
Sal snorts. "Me too. I didn't mean for it to look the way it did, I was just fascinated."
"When are you not?" I quip, closing the drawer to my desk.
"I thought we were being nicer to each other," Sal counters my statement with one that bites. I turn my head over my shoulder, noting the fire in his eyes. He's hungry for a fight.
"Since when?" I turn to him, leaning back against my desk with a minuscule, barely there smile on my lips. "I thought our arrangement was sex, not friends."
Sal tilts his head a bit. "We're not friends?"
I straighten, blinking at him as embarrassment flares within me again. A tremor of flutters makes my heart skip a beat at the same time and my mind goes completely blank.
"I--I mean--" I rush to say, swallowing past the stutter. "Yea, we're friends. I guess. If you want. I don't--"
Sal laughs. He closes his eyes as the lovely sound echoes around my room. Then he stands and saunters to my door, quick to make his exit.
He turns the knob, back to the door as he says his parting words. "You don't stand a single chance, y/n."
No, I really don't.
I sigh, grabbing concealer and foundation to dab onto the pretty mark on my neck, making sure it's covered as much as possible before I follow after Sal.
When I get through the hallway and resurface in my living room, I find my dad standing right outside my friend's little circle on the floor. He turns to me when I walk in, his dad radar making him look directly at my neck. When he finishes his visual examination, he throws me a thumbs up. I roll my eyes, trying to ignore the shame coursing through me.
"Hey, Ducky-Duck," Ash chirps from the floor. "The guys and I are about to head out. Are you coming tonight?"
I smile at my dear friend. "I think I'm going to stay here tonight, hang out with Nate before I move out for good."
Ash nods her understanding, bright smile still lighting up her entire face. "Sounds good! We'll start bringing your things over tomorrow, right?"
I nod back to her, "Yep, I'll be up bright and early."
"Cool," she says, looking over to Nate who watches the exchange. "And you're always welcome at our apartment too. Just so you know." Her smile widens a bit.
Some part of me thinks they're going to end up hooking up somewhere in the future.
I watch the moment Sal realizes he has nothing to worry about. Nate smiles wickedly at Ash, all but confirming that we can expect that to be a thing at some point.
I hug my friends and my dad goodbye, watching as they file out of the apartment. When I return to my living room, Nate's sitting on my couch with a joint between his fingers.
I fight the laugh that bubbles up my throat, especially when he glances up at me with raised eyebrows, asking an unspoken question.
"Let's go to the balcony. Dad would kill me if I burned his couch," I say, grabbing Nate's arm and pulling him up to drag him outside.
We keep the doors open, sitting beneath the clear night sky while passing the joint between the both of us. Smoke materializes in the air through various, white puffs that dissipate as they climb higher and higher.
It's quiet for a bit-- well, as quiet as city nightlife can be. Muted laughter, music, and car honks echo off the wall of my apartment. Makes my nights a little less lonely.
"You gonna tell me what all that was about?" Nate breaks our silence, taking a hit from the joint before moving it toward me.
I take it between my index and thumb and examine it. "We've been..." I pinch my lips together as I ponder the situation I've gotten myself in. I take my own hit before passing it back to Nate. I blow the smoke into the open air before continuing my explanation. "We've been fucking around for... jeez, like, two months now."
"Two months!?" Nate repeats, flabbergasted as he holds the butt of our shared joint between his index and middle fingers. "That long?"
I chew on the inside of my cheek. "Yea, it's been a while. It started online, shockingly."
"Damn." Nate releases an audible breath, dark eyes glancing between my own. "Phone sex?" He quirks an eyebrow.
I grin. "Yea."
He fist pumps the air, giggling to himself. "So, does anyone else know? You seemed a little apprehensive about me saying anything."
I shake my head. "The rest of our friends would tell us to call it off if they found out, which is why we haven't said anything-- or, well, that's what I think they'd do. No one else knows. Just you-- and my fucking dad now." I rub a hand down my face at the reminder, whimpering at the sheer fact that my dad knows that something is going on between Sal and I.
Nate chokes on a cackle, leaning forward in his chair to launch into a coughing fit. I watch, pretending to be unimpressed even as a little smile works onto my face. I guess it's a little funny. What are the odds, right?
"Your dad? That shit's priceless," Nate sighs, catching his breath. "Why not try a relationship?"
"God, no," I shoot the words out immediately. I don't even want to think about it. "He and I have an arrangement. It's just sex. Neither of us have hinted at anything else. And besides, I don't want a relationship." My voice grows quieter toward the end.
Nate's expression is filled with pity. "Y/n, I know your last relationship wasn't great. Hell, we relived that bullshit tonight with the story." He laughs lightly at the reminder of everyone's shocked reactions to him and I hooking up in high school. "But don't let that stop you from pursuing anything new. Sally Face seems to be pretty into you," he continues gently.
I snort, looking away. "It's just basic attraction. I think he has his own shit to work through and I do too."
"You're throwing excuses at the wrong fucking person," Nate says knowingly. "I saw you stealing glances every two minutes."
I turn my head to him, glaring. I throw a quick, discreet punch at his arm and don't feel bad about it when he hisses in pain.
But I have to think about what he said too. Sal and I had a rather frantic run-in with each other tonight-- one that ended just as frantic as it began. I used our safe word for the first and probably the only time ever. Part of me feels guilty about it, but another part remembers that I was justified. Sal has always been understanding. He wasn't mad, backed off as soon as I let him know.
I let the thoughts marinate for a few moments before expressing them to Nate.
"I think he tried to kiss me tonight," I admit quietly, cracking my knuckles as I watch the stars light up the sky. My cheeks grow pink as I voice the idea, afraid that it'll somehow prove to be true.
I catch Nate's head turning toward me in my peripheral. "And how do you feel about that?"
I laugh humorlessly. "Not great considering I used our safe word."
Nate sits up a little straighter, still looking at me. "Oh, damn. That bad?"
I nod, tilting my head down with a mixture of shame and fear. I don't know how to feel about it because a small part of me wants it, but the rest of me is terrified.
Nate takes a deep breath. "If it's what you said, a sex arrangement, then you have nothing to worry about. It's surface level, right? So what's wrong with a kiss? I'm honestly pretty shocked you haven't kissed at this point. Most people do, especially for hookups."
He has a point.
"I know," I tell him honestly. "When things started, the prosthetic was still a barrier. He's... he's started taking it off around me though. So we've been able to do... more."
"If he's taking the prosthetic off, then he trusts you. So why don't you trust him?"
Nate's question hits me a little deeper than intended. I gulp over the words, organizing them in my head and thinking hard about it. I do trust Sal. He hasn't led me astray, he's been kinder lately, he's always done exactly as I asked. If I express my worries about kissing, I don't have a single doubt in my mind that he'd take it seriously and accommodate me as best as possible. I just have to work up the courage to let it happen.
The next issue though...
"He played it off though," I sigh, shifting in my seat to face Nate. "He apologized, said it wasn't what it seemed like and that he was just fascinated. But, the way he was looking at me... I don't think he was telling the truth."
I peek at Nate through my lashes, noting his concerned, serious expression. "I think that your fear of it scared him. Maybe he didn't want you to call things off over that, so he didn't tell you the complete truth."
I tilt my head, considering. I've done the same exact thing with Sal-- fibbed and left out information to ensure that we'd continue our arrangement. It makes sense, as sad as it is.
"Are you sure you don't have any feelings for him, y/n?" Nate asks, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.
I open my mouth to spit out a very loud 'no,' but I stop and think about it. Damn Nathaniel for making me actually think about things tonight.
Everything that made me hate Sal in the beginning is practically nonexistent now. All the anger, the pain, the fights. Sure, we still bicker here and there, but it's for fun now. It's never serious, never deep. It's a lot like Nate and I's friendly banter. Besides that, Sal has been excellent in pretty much every box on the check list.
So, do I like him?
"I mean," I whisper. "I definitely have a crush." I admit, albeit with a bit of force considering it's the last thing I want to admit.
"Well, duh. He's got a crush on you, too. Why else would you guys be fucking?" Nate sighs dramatically, flicking his wrist with a prideful flair I haven't seen from him in a very long time. I think he had fun tonight. The thought makes me smile.
I shrug in response even though the thought of Sal crushing on me does make me feel a bit gooey on the inside.
Wait, gooey?
I groan, slapping my hands over my face and grumbling a muffled, "Fuck."
Nate guffaws, his chair creaking as he sits up quickly. He shoves my arm. "You do like him!"
I shove his arm back, swallowing back tears of surprise, fear, and regret. The audacity of my own emotions. "If I do like him," I start, leveling a glare at Nate which makes him sober up quickly. "It's not enough. Nowhere near. And besides, he's still a shitbag." I don't mean those words as much as I used to.
"That's true," Nate mumbles to himself. "You two have a little feud online, don't you?" His brows furrow and he looks down at the small space between us. "Oh, wait." He snaps his head up to me. "What about that other guy? What was his name..."
"Oh, shit," I whisper, covering my mouth with my hand. I've been so blinded by Sal that I forgot about him. "North."
"Yea! That's it," Nate points at me, eyebrows raising now. "People online are saying you're dating."
I shake my head. "No, I've only met him a handful of times. Spoken even less. I think he's definitely got the hots for me," I snicker at the idea. "It's nothing like what's going on with Sal and I though."
"Doesn't seem like that online," he murmurs, brows raised suggestively. I scoff in retaliation, rolling my eyes at him. But then he narrows his gaze in my direction, scrutinizing me from the minute distance between us.
I watch with bated breath, waiting for whatever's brewing in his head to leave his mouth.
"Why the hell are you still wearing your mask? In fact, why are you wearing a mask at all?"
The reminder washes over me like a bucket of ice water. I suck in a quick breath, hold it as humiliation alters my expression. Nate takes my reaction seriously, sobering up the friendly banter we had going on for a bit.
"You're... going to get a kick out of this one," I whisper, chewing on my lips. At this point, the situations I've stuck myself in are becoming ironically hilarious. Who does this to themselves?
Nate's face drops as he seems to catch the hint that I buried myself in something stupid again. "What did you do."
Statement, not a question.
I suck on my teeth, averting my gaze to avoid seeing the dumbfounded look of pity and awe that'll take over his handsome face the moment I spit it out.
"I met him once. Before I ever talked to him online. He was at the diner-- he hated me. I... I panicked. So beneath the mask, my face is a girl named Lexi to him. She has no relation to myself or Vi." I spit the words out quickly, frantically, so much so that I worry he may not have been able to catch all of it.
I scrunch my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose as my body grows warm. Saying it out loud feels so much worse than thinking it.
Why am I doing this to him? Isn't this just... insanely cruel? To look Sal in the eyes and play with his head. To know he thinks I'm two different people and never say a word about it.
I mean, at least he doesn't think I'm three people anymore. And besides, he took my reveal as y/n well, right? So maybe the same would go for Lexi's reveal.
"You're such a dumb fuck." Nate shakes his head, flabbergasted. "What are you going to do about that?"
Tongue in cheek, I ask myself the same question. What do I do? Hope for the best, that he just somehow never finds out or grows curious? Wait until he gets tired of me?
I blink around the frustration and fear that starts to rip at my insides. "I really don't know."
Nate hums, pursing his lips. "Well," he says, voice much lower now. "Seems like you have a lot to think about, huh?"
"When I'm not high? Yea. Definitely." I laugh lightly as Nate sends me a reassuring, friendly smile before turning to watch the sky. I mimic him, gazing at the cloudless night.
Every once in a while, I find that the color of some of the stars matches Sal's eyes perfectly. I wonder if he'd think the same.
A/N::::::::::::::: happy 100k everyone!! to ALL my readers, i want to start by expressing my immense gratitude. I just know that 14 year old ryver has tears streaming down her face knowing that we got here. never in my life did i think this would actually happen to me, but even more than that, i never expected to make such wonderful friends in all of you along the way. 100,000 views on a piece of work i created feels absolutely impossible, but i would not be here without all of you. through this process, you've all been so kind, helpful, loving, and wonderful. the right words to explain how much i love you do not exist. this feeling is incomparable to any other and not a single concept on this earth could possibly capture it's essence completely. THANK YOU! from the bottom of my little heart, thank you so much. i love you all with every fucking bit of me. we're all little fish floating down a lone river in appalachia-- we're all together in some universe or another and i wouldn't have it any other way <3
all week, i've been thinking hard about this chapter and how much i've wanted to give you guys a good one to celebrate! when it started i was like :/ don't like itttt. BUT i had a couple drinks (DO NOT RECOMMEND-- DON'T DRINK ALCOHOL FOOLS) and managed to pump out about 5,000 more words in one night! 5,000 that were completely unplanned, but ended up working out really well. i fell IN LOVE with nate and y/n's little interaction at the end :3
as of right now, it's 1:49am on wednesday, june 12th. we sit at 99.5k and i've been tweaking all day to come home and finish this chapter for you guys. i'm counting down the minutes, counting down the views left to go and listening to twenty one pilots. i feel like i'm living the life i've always wanted and it's all thanks to you. thank you for everything, my loves. i love you all with my entire heart and soul! have a wonderful morning, day, evening, night! until next time <3
p.s.s. My little brother made a Sally Face mask (he's super duper talented) and let me borrow it for pics with my 100k cake. It's currently on Instagram (which is ryverbind)
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mattscoquette · 4 months
THANK U FOR 1K !!!!!! ˚♡⋆。˚ ⋆
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HOLY SHIT. 1,000 followers…. that’s like a thousand people. WHAT THE FUCK I LOVE U ALL SM 😭😭😭🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 genuinely from the bottom of my heart, this means the world to meeeeeeee like what do u mean 1,000 people liked my blog enough to follow me ???!!!!! that’s so so so insane. i’ve only been writing since late march it’s crazy how much love i’ve gotten in such a short amount of time thank u guys so much <333 i truly do love each and every single person who has come across my blog and interacted with me in some way. i’m forever grateful for all the friends i’ve made on here i love u allllllll !!!!!!!!!
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also this is what 1,000 people looks like im actually sick. I LOVE YOU GUYS !!!!🤍🤍🤍🤍
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bananajuiceee2000 · 6 months
ur actually insane, I love you sm <333
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ryemackerel · 9 months
Also your use of colors is so 🫶🫶🫶🫶
🦚 I love peacocks they’re actually one of my favorite birds plus the peacock design for Eret is so unique it’s just jdhekdhjwjs ❤️
actually going feral over her. They’re so pretty I love them sm. holy shit I’m so sorry about this
Good day my fellow block people enjoyer🙏
i believed 100% that the peacock just fit eret in every single way. i always like to think c!eret loves showing himself off, even in the most grandiose ways possible. graceful, elegant, and very pretty, which is exactly how i saw peacocks as too :)
fun fact!! i was about to make eret into a flamingo (if i'm not wrong, i believe that's their favorite bird?), but then my eyes landed on the peacock and thought it was *even* better.
ngl i was debating between peacock, swan, or flamingo, but inevitably the peacock won. im super happy that you love peacock eret <3
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about my story, "ryan: sins of the father"!
this is a story about a boy named ryan, finally facing the crimes of his father. for so long he idolized his father, saw him as perfection, but slowly that image will unravel. along the way, he'll unravel himself, as well. can ryan ever forgive himself? can ryan ever be a good person? can ryan be a good brother? can ryan be a good lover? let's find out!
note: this is a multi-fandom fic, where characters will be from and travel to various movies/shows/games. the main characters are undertale aus/headcanons; ryan himself and his brother are sans and papyrus aus respectively, and their father is gaster. they're not meant to be entirely accurate (i mean, for one, it's unlikely that canon sans and papyrus are fallen humans at all.), they've always just been my own interpretations of the characters. with heavy projection. with that in mind, i should also state that this has been in the works since 2015-2016 or so, so it's pretty self-indulgent and cringe but i like it that way!!! i've projected too heavily onto this and i'm constantly brainrotting it so i can't just abandon it!!!
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the star of the show, my behated /neg, it's ryan gallagher! the 23 year old manfailure, whose personality i would describe but it's almost 7,000 words long what the fuck ryan!!!! (writing him was a pain holy shit) but to sum it up he's a little messed up lying bitchface (explodes him with my mind) i will insult him a lot but i also projected onto him extremely heavily so idk if that says a lot about me or not. um. it's a semi-joke and it's been long-running that i hate him (i have extremely strong feelings about him /neg) but it's (mostly) not really serious. this guy needs therapy but he's terribly in denial and he is committed to destroying himself and all of his relationships before that happens 🙄 like just stop lying lmao (i am a hypocrite) his backstory is not written yet because. i'm fucking terrified of how long that's going to take and how long it's going to be because i'm planning for all of the stuff that felix and wiley's backstories missed (they're kind of written from their perspective but also not because third person??? idk man) and holy shit. if you thought his personality was bad. or if you thought it wasn't as bad as the trigger warnings made it seem. they're mostly for the backstory. as a sans au he fucking lost it and killed frisk, but that exploded his timeline so he panicked and absorbed the souls, and he's here now ig do not go to his toyhouse i am begging
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aaaaa it's him!!!!! felix gallagher!!!! the bestest ever <333 i love him sm /p this is ryan's younger brother, 22 years old and loving life!!! he's optimistic, loves to help, and totally doesn't have any sort of anxieties rooted from his brother manipulating his life!!! (he does) he seems quite confident and independent, but he feels like ryan's babying can undermine his individuality. at the same time, he doesn't like to think such things of his brother, surely ryan knows what's best for him? as a papyrus au, he befriended flowey and gained the courage to fight back against frisk and absorb the seven souls to fix his glitched timeline, but that backfired, so here he is now! felix toyhouse :]
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aislinn gallagher, felix and ryan's mother, dearly missed ;-; she may be gone, but her absence has left a void in many a heart, and her short-lived presence in the gallaghers' lives has affected them deeply. visit her in the garden?
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this is wiley gallagher, he's 43 years old and i might joke about how much ryan is a terrible person but i'm serious when i say this man is literally AWFUL. like. i'm not kidding. he has not a single redeeming quality and not in the "haha silly" kind of way i mean. i hope literally nobody likes him because actually. what the fuck. i wrote him to be an irredeemable disgusting piece of shit and he's staying that way. there are sympathetic aspects to his story because otherwise it'd be a bit boring y'know but like. straight up. he's not a good person. he's the villain for a reason lmao uhhhh ramble aside he's a scientist who hates his sons and wants to reach the edge of scientific possibility, whether or not that destroys the universe he doesn't really care (great guy). he just wants to be the smartest dick to have ever lived, and hold all of the scientific knowledge ever or something like that. egotistical with an overinflated sense of what he's capable of. writing his backstory actually made me sick like /srs i took "gaster is associated with the devil" and ran with it i'd advise only to go to his toyhouse to send him hate.
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so r:sotf was originally not even a multifandom story, it was just an undertale multiverse story, which is why there's such a focus on undertale characters. so here's chara, flowey/asriel, and frisk dreemurr, and the other fallen children (noah, icarus, and madeline)!!! i've never liked how the fandom interprets chara personally, like the whole "chara is an evil demon child" or "chara is abusive and hateful" like. this is a ten year old. what the fuck. like yeah most of the ut fandom especially back then were children but why do children hate children lmao anyway. chara and flowey have issues to work out but they're getting through it!!! i believe in them. read more about my interpretations of chara, flowey/asriel, and frisk on deviantart (since i can't upload them to toyhouse)!!!
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meet ginger clair and jacinta bardales, two rivals who are some of the first people that ryan meets once his (dead) timeline kicks him out!! the girlypop and gamer goth girl hate each other oh no :[ the 19 and 20 year olds have a bit of a history with each other and ryan's getting caught between the crossfire ginger is glittery pink mr beast and jacinta is matpat if he was a goth lesbian (i'm so sorry) i'm very normal about women here's pink toyhouse and purple toyhouse yeah
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this isn't hello kitty, it's oisin kelly, silly!!! i saw hello kitty goth fashion once and knew that i needed to make an oc that was just. that. and here he is!! ryan meets the 22 year old in the world after ginger and jacinta's, where he also finds felix and flowey. oisin is hiding them from the government!!! yippee! oisin likes baking and cake decorating, and sees a lot of potential in ryan (i don't see it but you do you) and bow's trying to support him which is nice :] not worth it though me when hello kitty on toyhouse????
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yes that is the ok ko character base, because edward chen is an ok ko oc!!!! (ok ko is such a silly show you should watch it NOW!!!!) his hero name is multi-magician and this 23 year old is very chill, maybe even stoned. (you know those characters where they're ambiguously high. yeah) yes ryan and felix go to the ok ko universe and there they meet edward who is very cool and just wants to make sure these two sillies don't hurt themselves. (particularly ryan because he's very concerning holy shit) the scar on his face he got from climbing a fence and subsequently falling. he tells a different story every time and he thinks it's cool and funny edward toyhouse be upon ye
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last but not least!!! here we have elara samson, from the world of the spectacular spider-man. she's the 18 year old vigilante, who thinks spidey is immature and naive, and they're quite jaded and vengeful in general. sometimes they're on the same side as spidey, sometimes she's against him! just depends on the job. elara toyhouse moment
that's all, folks!! as i said in the beginning of this post, this has been in the works for like. what. 8 years now??? time is such a fucked concept wtf :[ and it's still being worked on!!! can you believe it??? but this is definitely the story i'm most passionate about, and i'm excited to finally be posting about it!! i'd love to see what you guys think :0
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teddybeartoji · 7 months
MICKEYYYY I’M EMERGING FROM THE BLANKET FORT HAPPILY i come with gifts :33 🍡🍡🧋🧋🌻🌻 i hope today is treating u as kindly as u deserve!!!
OK SOOOO since u finished great pretender there are things i Need to know……. journalist ari is here to interview u i am twirling my little pen and gazing at u fondly ….. first of all!!! i’m gonna have to know your general feelings on the show 👀👀 what did u think?? did u enjoy it??? any parts u especially liked/didn’t really like?? AND then i also need to know your top 3 characters + your favorite case/arc….. it’s extremely important to me.
anyways i love u here is a funny meme that made me think of u <333 they mean the world to me
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HIHIHIHIHIIIII HII ARI MY ANGEL!!!! pls know that i love this fucking meme so much but what i love even more is that you sent it to me<3333 and that it made me think of you<33333 love u MWAH
i am now sitting very comfortably with my dr. pepper and i am ready to Go A Little Crazy. btw i am staring right into your eyes are you getting nervous yet little dove? /hj HERE GOES🔥🔥🔥
OKAY OKAY OKAY GREAT PRETENDER!!!!!!! I LIKED IT A LOT!!!!! the fact that they were speaking english in the beginning caught me so off guard i can't even explain it.......... lmao it was cute though!!
i think the second season was my favourite!!! i thought it was really nice how they took more time with the case although yes i understand that there was a lot happening overall so they needed to take more time but i kinda wish the first cases were a bit more drawn out too.... some parts felt a little rushed. like the literally the beginning?? edamura is stealing his wallet but now suddenly they're already in la and that all happened in like the first ten minutes??? that was a lot for a start. but overall i liked it!!!
as for my favourite characters...... look i am truly not immune to little skrunkly kitty cat guys with brown hair and brown hair okay...... edamura my sweetheart<33333333333 (just on a side note i love when ppl wear suits idk something about it just scratches my brain and he was constantly wearing one in the second one i loved it sm)
i felt soo bad by the end of the second one bc nobody treated him right:(((((((( like they didn't tell him anything:(((( yes whatever it was for "his safety" but that doesn't make it right okay:(((((((( like when he got betrayed by his dad after they rescued the kids for the first time???????? and then the whole boat thing??????? he had to watch his friends (fake) die???????? even worse he had to watch his own dad shoot them and then he himself shot his dad?????????? and all that for what??? "for his safety" yeah okay...... HE'S MY BABY:((( kittymura
so i definitely thought that he was gonna betray his friends in the end...................... i'm not saying he's a good guy............. but that old lady was treating him quite nicely wasn't she............. so yes i did think that that was gonna happen buT I DIDN'T THINK THAT WAS STILL A PART OF THE PLOT IN THE END??????? so i was still bamboozled. in a good way i enjoyed that a lot bc i feel like i very often figure out things like this whether i want to or not so i don't get too surprised that often anymore but this did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WILL GIVE KITTYMURA HIS OSCAR I PROMISE I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!! like holy shit that scene was so good!!!!!!!!!!! i think u said u watched the dubbed one right? anyway i watched the subbed one and the voice acting was top tier in that one too!!!!!! when he starts laughing and saying that he finally bested the blonde bastard or whatever i got chills waaaa that was so fucking sick and then the best part!!!!!! the same u commented about too............. the one where he covering his eyes and then the hand drops over his lips 🥴🥴🥴 SO COOL HE ACTUALLY LOOKED MENACING THERE I LOVED IT SOOOO MUCH i won't lie i might've been rooting for him (sorry to my other beloveds...) but yeah that scene was amazing i was sitting so close to my computer screen i just couldn't pull myself away i was so into it
LAURENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYY YIPPEEEE YAYY!!!! MY FAVOURITE BISEXUAL CON-ARTIST. very gender if i do say so myself. i loveed him!!!!!!! i love suave and charismatic characters a lot i think i'm TRYING to project onto them yk. btw have i said that every time i have a job interview or anything alike i just think that i'm george clooney. i'm not even kidding. i just think of him in ocean's 11 and i repeat to myself that I Am A Charismatic Man Who Doesn't Speak Too Loudly Nor Too Fast I Smile And I Keep Eye Contact And I Make A Joke Here And There And I Will Get This Job Because I Am A Cool Guy btw i've gotten every job i have ever been interviewed for.
and i LOVEDDDDDD him in season two!!!!!!!!!! i loved loved loved his background story so much it's so good to see the suave guy who never fucks up.... fuck up. like when he was stammering at their first job plsssss that made me love him so much more. and to see him with dorothy too:((((((((((((((((((((((((( i thought they were really really cute!!! the speaks-too-much and the stares-fondly dynamic always gets me going<33333333 the way he treated dorothy and how sweet he was i almost cried what's new....
+ i just loved when he Showed Emotion. he always had a smile and he was constantly cracking jokes so it was good to see him upset too. made him more real ig.....
PLUSSSS JUNICHI SUWABE IS SOOOOO FUCKING GOOD AAAAAA PLEAAASEEEE HE NEEDS LIKE AN OSCAR TOO he did such a great job with laurent he fit him so well and just overall he's so fucking good like obviously him as sukuna BROOOOOOOOOOOOOO I GOT CHILLS LIKE EVERYTIME HE OPENED HIS MOUTH OKAY and ofc odasaku too............ whewww okay this is another side note bc idk i love voices so i recently also discovered that he voiced viktor from yuri on ice????????????????????? that made my eyes drop out of my head i think voice acting is so fucking sick how do you voice a guy like viktor (btw i've never actually seen it but i've seen clips) and then a mf LIKE SUKUNA THE NEXT DAY THAT'S SO COOOOOL WAAHH
wait also THE LAURENT AND EDAMURA DYNAMIC!!!!!!! INSANE ACTUALLY!!!! very funny and gay. the end of season two made me go very crazy.. like when edamura is losing it and pointing the sword at his dad and then laurent steps in waaaaaaaaaaaaa that was so cool and i loved all of the times when edamura thought he had bested laurent only to realize that that indeed was not the case lmao they're so cute i can't wait to see more of them!!!!
what da fuck i just scrolled up when did this get so long...........anyway my third favourite character drum roll pleaaaaseee..... ABBBIE!!!!!!! I LOVED HER SOO MUCHHH finally a female character who doesn't smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!! very refreshing to see it and what's even more refreshing was that they kept her like that for the whole thing!!!! i feel like typically they'd make her "break" or whatever by the end of the show......... yk like idk if they made edamura n her kiss or something. ew. definitely feels like if a normie would watch it that's what they'd hope for and i'm very glad they didn't give in to that!!!!!!!! not every female character needs a love interest!!!!! she and kittymura made very very good friends and i hope they stay that way!!!!!!
btw i loved cynthia too i am bringing her here aswell!!!!!!!!! i was a silly goose and i kinda spoiled the first plot twist for myself bc.......... when u mentioned her i might've googled her............. just for the looks i wanted to know it's her when i saw her but............. i didn't realize the whole twist was that you wouldn't know who she really was.................. she appeared as the fbi agent and i went waittt isn't this???? 😐😐😐😐😐 yes. yes. it is................................. that was completely on me that was stupid....
anyway i adored the painting arc a lot!!!! it was so sweet and again it let us see the mighty swindler in a way different light and i really appreciated that it can get a bit boring when the characters are JUST some cool people who are always Cool and Successful it's nice to see them have emotions like i said before
i wasn't a big fan of the dad......................... idk if it's really my own daddy issues kicking in but i hope edamura stays mad at him....... that's kinda petty i guess but he fucked up sooooooo badly aaaaaaaa. i get it ur friend dies but then you just completely abandon your family???? yeah okay you had like a masterplan and had other people taking care of your son buT HE'S STILL YOUR SON?????? HE WAS SO TINY BACK THEN AND THEN HE'S JUST WILLINGLY LETTING KITTYMURA GET INTO THESE BIG GIGS wahh okay something about it just doesn't sit right with me okay....... even if it all worked out in the end........... edamura deserved better......
and we are now reversing the roles as i beg you to answer the same questions please please pretty please!!!!!
(this is my chance to tell u that i watched the first ep of haikyuu last night!!!!!! and i of course liked it a lot what a surprise..... hinata is soo cute very baby and the beef he and kageyama already had made me laugh so hard but i did only watch the first ep so i can't say more but trusttttt i will let you know when i have my favourites picked out hehe)
OKOK ENOUGH ENOUGH HERE'S SOME NICE WARM TEA FOR MY PRETTIEST IRIS ☕☕ oke maybe it's coffee actually either way it's a warm drink to keep you nice and.. warm!!!!! yk since i can't be there to hug you or whatever😒😒😒 ANDDDD HERE'S A 🧁 BC YOU NEED SOMETHING SWEET I KNOW YOU DO!!!!! no rush with the reply bc this turned into a novel but yeah!!! can't wait to hear more of your thoughts!!!! I LOVE YOJUUUUU<3333
+ they're hugging<33333333 kittymura is just surprised but we both know he hugs him right back<33333333333
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tytoalbias · 10 months
Tell me about Elleguire I would love to hear :)
behold the man
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(art by @flockdog <333)
he's super tall (6'8), likes to dress super fem, and inherited lycanthropy from his mother. he comes from a warm, loving family, but his ambition and intellect led him to advance very quickly through wizard school and isolate himself from anyone who cared about him for no reason. then he had a magical accident at age 19 which left him a kind of half-ghost partially trapped in the ethereal plane. he ages very slowly so despite looking like he's in his 20s he's actually 143. in that time he became a hired killer because he realized he enjoys killing and is good at it.
to summarize, things he is:
skilled swordsman
remorseless assassin
problematic bisexual
things he is not:
able to have an honest conversation without hiding behind 7 layers of facades
oddly, a good liar (+1 is not sufficient for the amount of deception rolls i've been making, it seems)
in therapy
here's a portrait of his parents, Herald Dubois and Rose (no surname) respectively, and some outfit concepts for a wedding ball, designed and drawn by the amazingly talented @art-of-a-space-duck <3333
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i created him for a short term, one-module game (four sessions total), but holy shit did i get obsessed to the point where i neglected my other 2 characters who have long term games lol. in the time since we started he chatted condescendingly with, then saved from a boar attack, then homoerotically tended to the wounds of, then homosexually had sex with, the very first npc we met. and now he's trying to rizz up the hot trans woman npc and getting called the fuck out for being allergic to giving out any meaningful information about himself
my main objective creating him was to, for once, try to play someone who isn't a good person. it's very hard because i'm super nonconfrontational and a WAY slower thinker than he is. he's a showoff and a murderer and thinks everyone is either smart enough to play the same game of manipulation he is, or stupid enough to actually be earnest and trustworthy. absolute smug fuck piece of shit who needs to unwrap like 50 layers of trauma and self isolation before he has even a slight chance of being a well-adjusted decent person. i love him sm
if you for some reason want to learn more, here's a lore document I've been writing for him including a year by year timeline (incomplete but it has his early years where a lot of the self-inflicted trauma happened, plus some random tidbits)
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sucker-for-shifters · 8 months
For Day 6 of GtWAC:
Authors, share your favorite tags you’ve found on your work.
I actually haven’t gotten any tags on my Tumblr works, but I’ve gotten a few comments on my AO3 works, so I’ll use a few of those instead.
"I can't- I- dhdjdgdjsh [Sobbing and Doe Eyes emojis] this is so cute oml...... I love the interactions between Apollo and Klav...... <333" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA /pos" "OH MY GOD???? HELLO????? NEW FAVE CHAPTER????????? YELLING!!!!!! Apollo comforting Klavier [4 doe eyes emojis] helping despite not rlly understaning but just knowing Klav needs help im just WAAAAAAAAHHH Brb rereading this bc i love this sm"
"OUGH THIS CHAPTER WAS SO GOOD HELLO?? HOLY SHIT the setup for [I'm not spoiling this. You can read the fic yourself if you want to. Also, play Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. This fic has spoilers.] and AAAAAAA you're so talented; I love your work, absolutely jaw-dropping and elegant writing!!"
And just because, I'll include the fic that all of these comments are from. Here's the link for it on AO3.
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
GODDDHFJSKAJDJFKFKJSKFKFJFJF I FINISHEDDD I'll probs do a reread and do a proper review bc I didn't get a chance to write down my thoughts while reading through the first time but eueuudufvjjsjdd I'm so emotional that was the perfect fucking ending for glass bee oh my gosh :(( 🫶🫶🫶
They mean sm to me I feel so ougohuhohigihoh
I love your fics so much man they're genuinely so incredible and I think they're the most unique this fandom has ever seen. Like glass and stars are both sooo<333 the world building?? The plot and conflicts?? Idk it's just crazy to me that we get to read this shit for free it's fuckign professional level writing bee. Thank you so so much for sharing it with us 🫶🫶🫶 I'm so lucky that it's a part of my life bc it genuinely is one of my fav things in it
You have a way of making me feel satisfied when I read your fic endings. Like. I hate it when stuff ends shfjfkf it's a problem of mine. I normally like will refuse to read/watch an ending bc I don't want it to end and also a lot of times??? I will just. Not like the ending. Either bc it's shit or the fact that it is an ending, but with your fics?? They've always been fucking amazing. I mean shfjgkf it def helps that there's another fic ur writing that I can read after this one's over, but for the actual ending part?? You write it so well man. It always ties up everything super nicely but not in like?? An unrealistic way where ur like "well that's just Too convenient". Like there's still enough of a question where the readers can leave it up to interpretation and come up with their own ideas, but all the major plot points are resolved and they all come together so nicely too?? And the last line is Always a banger. Ur so cool bee. Whenever I read the end of ur fic, I will literally smile bc im just like "aw man that's perfect" I SMILE!!! THAT'S CRAZY FOR ME NORMALLY IM SAD ITS OVER but with ur writing it's just like "damn holy shit that was perfect" rahhhssss I fucking love your writing Bee so so much
God and just... Glass is such a unique story too. Like ?? Cyberpunk religious trauma story?? Literally nothing I'd ever consume. I'm not the biggest fan of cyberpunk (I don't dislike it it's just not my preferred stuff to read) and as an agonistic person with religious trauma I normally avoid reading anything to do with religion LMAOODOFJFK (tho I've actually been trying to be more openminded and learn about all the diff types of religions and stuff) so I honestly was like "huh not sure what to expect from this fic but. It's bee so" And LORD I fucking??? Loved this fic??? So much??? Like I got so invested and I honestly really enjoyed the religious aspects of it a lot. It was such a fascinating topic like philosophy wise man. And oughhhfsjfk the way you used Wilbur vs Pronouns vs Pythia was genius. Like. That's such a creative tool to use?? Makes me appreciate writing sm. U just can't get this stuff in visual forms like tv/movies. It's just really neat seeing all the ways u play around with writing. It's super cool and impressive
Whenever I read ur writing it makes me feel like a smarter person tbh like. Just the way I turn my brain on to digest what you've written it's SOOO nice
And I am especially excited for rose bc I feel like my brain is gonna go haywire in that one too ehehehe also look at me go, finally reading a mcd fic (no literally bee. I haven't even read Passerine bc it's major character death. But I'm reading it for u. ^-^)
LORDDDFJFJ okay I gotta go do my french quiz now . And then I'll read rose ch2 BUT JUSR !!!!!!! UR AMAZING BEE !!!!! LOVE U AND UR WRITING SM !!!! TY FOR BEING EPIC ❤️❤️❤️🫶🫶🫶
awww thank you icy <3 this is so kind. I just love writing and always have, and it means so much that I have a supportive audience like you guys who are willing to read my silly stories
I'm so glad you like my endings. I always try to end my stories in just the right spot, when it feels like everything that needs to be said has been said while still leaving things open for the readers to imagine what comes next. I don't have super specific criteria for my endings, I just go with my gut on what feels right and it's worked out pretty well so far.
it makes me so happy that you took a chance on the kind of story you'd never normally read just because it was mine. I knew glass was a pretty unique concept because you don't usually see cyberpunk combined with those kinds of themes, so I was definitely a bit worried how many people would tune in for it. but I was so happy to find out that so many of you guys were willing to check it out because it was mine. like that seriously means so much to me to hear. I had such a fun time exploring those themes and emotions.
when I decided to do the pythia vs wilbur narration thing it felt like I was taking a huge risk. I was very worried that it would turn a lot of readers off to the story, but when I thought about the impact it could have as a format choice I knew I had to do it even if I lost some readers because of it. I really love experimenting with my writing and trying out new things, and as I'm sure you've noticed by now I have a particular affection for themes surrounding names and the power they hold. so it just felt like such a perfect way of diving into themes surrounding names while also getting a chance to experiment with format in a way I hadn't done before. I'm so glad it paid off well.
it means a lot that you're going to stick with under the hanging rose when you don't normally read MCD. I can't promise you won't be sad, but I can promise the MCD I have planned isn't going to be cheap or just angst fodder. it'll be narratively satisfying (or unsatisfying but in an intentional way lol)
thank you for all the love you give me icy this made me so happy to read <3 so glad you enjoyed
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cammyluvss · 8 months
this is going to sound so stupid but literally no one has ever said that to me before holy shit ilove him sm . literally no one has ever said to me "im proud of you<3" i probably shouldnt have been that happy that some one said that to me like . 😭. blushing,twirling my hair kicking my feet no one has ever actually said that to me bro . "im proud of you<3" OMMMGGGGG.<33333333 i love that sm💀💀👹👹 gtg before my mom beats the shit out of me💔💔 gonna go listen to that one play list while i go to sleep<333 RRRHGGHHRHRHJDJDHDZSKKD 🙁🙁 im like 2-3 months clean and my arms healed up:33 <333
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haespoir · 1 year
Hihiii just wanted you to know if you don’t already (you SHOULD 👹👹) how goddamn AMAZING of a writer you are like your whole blog is so good and I’m literally in tears at your bf texts plss how are you so funny omg 😭😭 keep slaying bestie 🫶🫶🫶🫶 (also going feral over all your jisung works like that mannnsldoendfjflddkd)
- Anon 🎂
oh my god?? i'm seeing the demon emoji on pc for the first time and im genuinely shocked... ITS SO FUCKIN FUNNY LOOKING HOLY SHIT HAHA
also ty bestieee <333 it means a lot that u took the time out of ur day to send me a msg like this.. love u.. mwah!!! and dw... after the studio choom teaser there will be more jisung content soon! i love him sm; my brain is actually rotting
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
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so I discovered custom brush QR codes in IbisPaint, as well as clipping layers, and now all self-control has gone out the window...
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shawtuzi · 2 years
here’s a little something with peaches and coconut!eren because i missed him sm my pretty boy<333 minors dni obvi
content warnings include: exhibitionism kinda idk, oral male & female receiving, hella praise for eren bc that’s baby boy, kinda subby eren bc why not! if i missed any warnings so sorry also this is not proofread so sorry again for that lol 
It was another beautiful Sunday morning at the church. It was Easter Sunday, one of the biggest days of the year and spirits were high. You had chosen to wear one of Eren’s favorite dresses today, a short yellow sundress that complimented your figure nicely. Your hair was styled to perfection and your nails were freshly manicured a pastel yellow to match your dress and shoes. Eren had recently become obsessed with the color yellow on you and who were you to deny your boyfriend of seeing you in it?
Eren was waiting patiently for you at the steps in a tight fitting black button up with a smile on his face. “You look beautiful angel” he spoke softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “and you wore yellow, how sweet of you to think of me.” You giggled feeling your face heat up at his words, “of course you know I’m always thinking of you Renny” you said staring at him with hearts in your eyes. Before you two could continue your conversation your parents walked over to greet Eren, and of course he put on his award winning act making bullshit conversation with your parents. “It’s almost time for the sermon don’t stay out here too long Y/N” your mother scolded before walking inside with your father.
By now you and Eren were the only ones outside, the only sounds that could be heard was the soft blow of the wind and the jumbled voices inside the church. “You look very handsome today Ren I love when you wear this” you said, bringing your hands up to his chest slowly trailing them down his body. “Did this shrink or have you been working out more?” you mumbled noticing the button up looked more tighter on him than usual. “Working out Connie says I’ve been looking ‘doughy’ so I’ve been hitting it a little bit harder at the gym” he chuckled rubbing the back of his neck.
You scoffed rolling your eyes, “okay one don’t ever listen to Connie he’s the last person that should talk shit and two I can’t believe you actually listened to Connie? You were far from ‘doughy’ love” you smiled, bringing his right hand to your lips and kissing his knuckle. The simple act made Eren’s face flush a light pink dusting over his cheeks. Eren had heard a lot of times from people that he was handsome and sure he agreed but you made him feel beautiful like he was the most precious thing this Earth had to offer. He will probably never forget the first time you ever called him pretty. It lives embedded in his brain.
Your parents had thought you and Eren were doing some studying at the library but you two were actually having a picnic deciding a little white lie wouldn’t hurt them. The sun was just beginning to set and the light was shining perfectly at Eren. Holy shit did he look like a dream. His hair was down, brown locks cascaded down his broad shoulders practically begging you to run your fingers through it. He settled for a plain white hoodie and jeans along with his beat up Air Force 1’s.
“You look pretty today” you smiled unwrapping the sandwiches he packed for the two of you. “Huh?” he asked quirking an eyebrow and you giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear, “I said you look pretty. I mean you look pretty all the time but this light really does make you look…beautiful.” “Oh uh thanks” he mumbled, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek, “you- uh you look pretty too.” “You’re blushing!” you laughed making Eren’s Face flush even more, “you are too cute Eren” you hummed pulling bottles of juice from the picnic basket. Eren huffed in annoyance, shaking his head, “yeah yeah laugh it up now but you won’t be laughing when I got you crying on my dick later” he chuckled. Don’t worry he kept his promise and had you bouncing on his dick an hour later in his car making sure your makeup was ruined from your tears of pleasure <3
“Eren?” you asked, breaking him from his thoughts. “Sorry, what was that love?” he mumbled, setting his hands on your waist. The memories of you riding his dick from that night had his slacks feeling a tad bit tighter and you were only to blame. “We should probably head inside” you whispered starting to feel small under his intense stare, you knew that look all too well. Eren silently nodded and grabbed your hand leading the two of you inside. During the entire sermon Eren tried his absolute best to keep his thoughts under control afraid that his growing erection may bring attention to himself but he couldn’t help it! You just looked so damn pretty :(
He imagined it was only the two of you in there, your body laid on one of the pews legs over Eren’s shoulders while he ate you out as if he were a man starved. He loved giving you head honestly if he could spend the rest of his life between your thighs he’d die with no regrets. “Mmm Ren” you would moan so sweetly for him tangling your manicured fingers into his soft locs pulling him closer as you reached your peak-
“Ren” you hissed, tapping his thigh breaking him out of his lewd thoughts. You were enjoying the sermon hanging onto his fathers every word when you suddenly glanced over and saw Eren’s raging boner begging for some attention. Poor baby. “Don’t touch me you’ll make it worse” he whispered clenching his hands into fists. You looked at his flushed appearance, internally melting at the small pout on his face. “Hey Mom, Dad? Eren isn’t feeling too well I’m gonna take him to the bathroom” you whispered making sure you got the ‘okay’ from them before grabbing Eren’s hand and pulling him out of the room (making sure to shield his erection from innocent eyes).
“In here” you whispered, tugging him in the nearest bathroom and into the farthest stall from the door. “What’s gotten into you today love?” you asked taking his hair out of the bun it was in so you could massage his scalp. He hummed, setting his forehead against yours, “nothing just need you…need you so bad Y/N it hurts” he mumbled bunching your dress up in his hands. “What do you need me to do baby use your words” you whispered bringing one of your hands to slowly palm him over his slacks.
“N-need you to touch me.”
That was all you needed to hear before undoing his pants, letting his dick spring out a pearl of precum dribbling from the tip. “Spit” you ordered bringing your small hand up to Eren’s face and of course he obeyed letting a glob of spit fall onto your hand. “You’re so hard Ren” you giggled slowly stroking his cock making sure to squeeze a little tighter every time your hand went over the tip. “Gah- yeah all for you Y/N a-all for you baby” he whimpered, throwing his hand back against the stall door. You left the teasing out for today deciding your poor baby deserved a fulfilling orgasm.
It was rare you got to see this submissive side of Eren so you decided to milk as much of it out of him as you could, the sounds of his whines and whimpers like music to your ears. “You were so spaced out while your dad was talking what were you thinking about Renny” you cooed brushing the stray strands of hair out of his face. He bucked his hips into your hand a loud moan threatening to erupt from his throat. “I-I was thinking about eating you out in the- fuck the p-pews. Thinking o-of making you cum on my tongue” he grunted feeling his orgasm already approaching, “that feels so good baby please make me cum.”
You picked up the pace of your hand, the shclicking sounds getting louder by the minute. “So gooood you’re so good to me Y/N, I love you so fucking much” he moaned not even caring about the volume of his voice anymore. “I love you more Eren you look so pretty like this, makin’ me so wet” you whimpered rubbing your thighs together. There you go again calling him pretty dammit. “Say it again…call me pretty” he grunted, bringing one of his hands under your dress and straight into your panties rubbing quick circles on your clit with his thumb.
“Oh! Y-you look pretty Renny, always look so pretty can’t believe you’re all mine. Mine mine mine!” you squealed, feeling him push two fingers in your dripping pussy. “That’s right I’m your pretty boy and you’re my pretty girl. My perfect fucking girl get on your knees now unless you want me to ruin your dress” he growled and you wasted no time getting on your knees, sticking your tongue out. You continued to jerk his cock until he came all over your tongue in long, messy spurts. Eren’s chest was heaving up and down, he felt lightheaded the only thing consuming his mind was you and your pussy.
He opened his eyes slowly, a small smile coming onto his lips. Before you could process what was happening Eren jerked your body up bringing you in for a sloppy kiss, “I can’t taste you out there but I can do it in here? Will you let me pretty girl?” he whispered, running his hands slowly up your sides. You nodded and Eren wasted no time backing you against the wall, he knelt and threw your legs over his shoulders making you gasp fingers grabbing onto his tousled hair. “I’m not gonna drop you baby don’t worry I got you” was all he said before ducking his head under your dress the faint smell of peaches and coconut wafting into his nose.
Eren pressed his mouth against your panty clad cunt licking and sucking at the wetness that had seeped through, “fuck” he grunted digging his hands into your plush thighs. He finally pulled your panties to the side wrapping his lips around your swollen clit making your eyes roll back. “Ren…” you mewled  slowly, grinding your pussy against his face. It was almost impossible for Eren to breathe but he didn’t care, the only thing on his mind was making you cum all over his awaiting tongue.
Suddenly you heard the door open your blood running ice cold at the sound. “That was amazing Pastor Jaeger sure is something” you heard your mother speak, your eyes widening at the sound of her voice, but that didn’t stop Eren in fact it encouraged him to go faster, his tongue dipping into your dripping entrance while his nose nudged against your clit. “He has such a way with words I’m surprised your daughter didn’t hurry back to hear the rest” you heard another woman speak. You lifted your dress up and were met with Eren already peering up at you a playful glint in his eyes. ‘You gonna cum?’ he mouthed to you and you nodded a pout forming on your lips.
God you wanted to cum so bad but the thought of doing it while you mother was in the same room felt like a one-way trip to hell. “Me too but you know how she is about Eren, the girl is practically a second mother to him” your mother chuckled her words bringing a faint blush to your cheeks. You didn’t even bother looking at Eren knowing he had a shit eating grin on his face. Finally the two women left the room leaving you and Eren alone once again. “H-hurry and make me cum someone might walk in again” you whined practically humping Eren’s face.
Within minutes you were cumming all over his tongue, your thighs shaking in the process. Eren slowly lifted you off of his shoulder, his hands now finding purchase on your hips making sure you didn’t fall. “All better now?” you asked, running your fingers through his slightly damp hair. His hair was all messy, face flushed with his lips and chin coated in a thin layer of your cum. “Much better thank you angel you’re honestly too good to me I love you so much” he smiled pressing a sweet kiss to your lips.
“You should be submissive a little more often…I like hearing you whine” you giggle causing Eren to roll his eyes a blush coming onto his face for what felt like the umpteenth time that day. “Yeah fat chance of that ever happening now let’s get out of here” he grumbled knowing good and well if you asked nice enough he’d get on his knees and kiss the ground you walk on. What could he say? He was whipped for his angel.
if ur reading this send in some requests im bored
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tojisun · 2 years
Hiii could you please do a Sukuna x Gojo x Toji fluff? The plot will be up to you but please make it fluff i had too much angst for today TwT And please only make them love reader only and they're like just sharing her XD Anyways thats itt, thank youuu
HII! im so sorry it took so long, but ahhh i hope you’ll like this! <333 i enjoyed writing this fr!
fic exists in a ‘no curse/curse user’ au!
i. The meetup 
Satoru checked himself in the mirror, brushing at his white fringe before shooting his reflection a smile. Muffled laughter peels off behind him, but Satoru ignores his bastard of a best friend to keep on studying himself. So what if he wants to show off to your other boyfriends to let them know that he is the best of them? Frankly, Satoru thinks that that’s a perfectly normal reaction, considering that he was the last one to date you.
“Ya think the other men just gon’ let a twink outdo them?” Suguru asks, legs propped up on Satoru’s headboard, looking at him with bored eyes as he chews on his packet of Hello Panda. How he can do that while laying upside down is beyond Satoru.
He rolls his eyes at Suguru. “You think any pretty boys are twinks, Sugu.” He flashes him a grin. “Which means you think that I am a pretty boy.”
Suguru scrunches his nose before chucking a biscuit at him. Satoru manages to catch it with his mouth, anyway. “Pretty annoying, is what you are.”
“Fuck you, Sugu. Fuck you.”
“No thanks.”
His jaw drops at the sight of two achingly familiar men. Similarly, the others let out a drawn out groan upon seeing him which, rude, but also understandable.
“Y’ve got to be kiddin’ me,” Toji murmurs, crossing beefy arms and glaring sharp emerald eyes at Satoru. You poke at Toji’s bicep in response, quietly tutting, but Toji just huffs like a brat.
“Sh’ve known at this point,” Sukuna, who gained more tattoos within the one-year duration that Satoru has not seen him, grouches. He juts out a thumb, pointing at Toji. “At least you’re not like him, I guess.” He shoots a cheeky grin your way, and you giggle, far more amused with the situation. 
Satoru almost lovingly sighs and melts at the sound of it.
Toji rolls his eyes at the remark as he wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you flushed to his side. This time, Satoru laughs out loud, giddy and incredulous at the same time. 
“Holy shit,” he says, wiping away the phantom tear of laughter from his eyes. “Who knew, huh? Baby’s got a type and we can’t really blame her.” He winks at you as he says this, before laughing loudly again when you flipped him off.
“Fuck you,” you say, pouting. 
“Please do,” he replies, revelling at the way you quickly flushed, before ducking away to hide behind Toji’s bigger frame.
Fuck. That’s actually so cute.
(beloved = y/n ; child support = toji ; emolord = sukuna ; disney princess = satoru)
Beloved (6:22 AM)
who invented mornings
and why m i not wKing up cuddled to any one kf u
Child Support (6:27 AM)
im omw
Beloved (6:30 AM)
Disney Princess (7:41 AM)
@god when will it be my turn :(
emolord (7:46 AM)
Read ✓
Disney Princess (7:47 AM)
i fucking hate you sm 
Child Support (12:09 PM)
whose car we using to go to shokos party?
Disney Princess (12:10 PM)
suguru the bastard busted mine so i cant really offer
emolord (12:10 PM)
“suguru” sure
Disney Princess (12:11 PM)
theres no photographic evidence of the ,,, incident so yea me n the homies are blaming suguru
Child Support (12:12 PM)
no one needs photographic evidence for us to know you’re a shit driver
Beloved (12:12 PM)
i love you toru but the first time u drove me around, i had to buy tylenol from the gas station 
Disney Princess (12:14 PM)
i love you too baby 🥹💘💘
Child Support (12:14 PM)
he really just ignored everything else from that message
emolord (12:15 PM)
he has selective reading too lmfaoo 💀 
Beloved (12:16 PM)
ok but @Child Support we can use my car <33
Disney Princess (12:17 PM)
i call shotgun!
Child Support (12:18 PM)
dont you live the closest to shoko?
we literally would pick you up last
Disney Princess (12:19 PM)
i ☝️ call 📞 shotgun 🔫
Beloved (12:19 PM)
toru omfg 😭💗
Disney Princess (3:01 AM)
im really so fucking hot
why cant yall get on my level
emolord (3:03 AM)
Beloved (3:03 AM)
Disney Princess (3:04 AM)
Beloved (3:04 AM)
| Child Support banned Disney Princess for 24 hours |
iii. The Carnival Date
A new round of excited squealing erupts from your throat as Sukuna wins you another plushie. The worker grumbles but effectively shuts up at seeing three mutual glares directed at him, your boyfriends’ menacing looks sewing his lips shut as he silently hands you the jumbo sized unicorn plush. 
You squeeze the plush to your chest, peering up at your boyfriends through your lashes with a wide smile. They smile back, their hands full of plush toys that they all won for you from the other tents, happy to spoil you.
“Thank you so, so much!” You say, giving them another cheerful smile.
Sukuna ruffles your hair as Toji passes you your cup of strawberry soda. You hum in delight, sipping softly, and you are so sure that Satoru just cooed but when you turn to him, his expression is schooled back into his usual small smile so you just narrow your eyes at him in suspicion.
“Anythin’ else you want to play, love?” Sukuna asks, pulling you to his chest and resting his chin on the crown of your head. 
You hum, biting your straw as you glance around the packed carnival to look for what else to do. You all had ridden the exciting rides a while back, although, surprisingly, Sukuna refused some of them.
(“I’m too good for those,” he said and you pretended that you cannot see the way he is tightly gripping your jacket in fear. 
“Okay, baby,” you told him, pulling him down to press a kiss on his cheek. “See you in a few minutes.”
He nodded, eyes crinkling as he smiled. “Have fun f’r me, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you whispered, feeling weak to the knees at the pure adoration in his eyes.)
But the lineups are all long now, and you don’t have any more energy to wait. You pout.
Toji chuckles at seeing it. 
“C’mon baby, let’s look around. Who knows, maybe there are more tents we can play in.” He steps forward to tuck a lock of your hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek delicately. “Bet I can win more against these assholes.”
“Excuse me?” Satoru gasps beside you.
“You’re the asshole,” Sukuna adds, reaching out to flick Toji’s forehead. Toji smacks Sukuna’s shoulder in retaliation.
iv. Gentle Sunsets 
— “I love you,” Toji says as he softly sits you on the marble countertops and steps in between your legs. You smile just as tenderly, pulling him close. He comes easily, melting into your embrace, and burrowing his face on the crook of your neck. 
— “I love you,” Sukuna whispers as he pulls you on his lap, sliding his warm palms underneath your shirt and rubbing from the base of your neck to the small of your back lightly. You hum, nuzzling at his jaw, relaxed and putty. 
— “I love you,” Satoru utters as he leads you to the bed where he tucks you two under the duvet cover, his legs tangling with yours. He lays your head on his arm, breath hitching when you snuggle closer. 
— “I love you,” you sing, standing up on your tippy toes to press kisses from his cheeks to his nose, chuckling when it makes his nose scrunch. Your smile grows when he kisses you just as much. 
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reaganseyebags · 3 years
Reader x Reagan Cat hybrid! 🐾
Well,, let’s just say there was an accident in the Human-Animal Hybrid Department and,, Reagan is not a cat hybrid
Thank god it wasn’t anything strong otherwise she would end up looking like creepy cat mutant-
She pretty much looks like your basic cat girl we all know and love. Cat ears, tail, she’s bit more hairy on her back and she has claws now! :D
She hated it at first but then she got really used to it. She actually thinks it’s super useful. Her tail can hold extra tools and coffee. She has better sense of smelling hearing. She’s not that cold anymore. Having claws is sometimes very useful.
The first thing you noticed as her partner is that she’s extremely cuddly. She craves touch even more now
She purrs into kisses, hugs,, ANY PHYSICAL CONTACT
After a long day just,,, laying on top of you,, snuggling to you,, purring into your chest,
She’s very embarrassed but she just can’t stop herself <333
Sometimes when you are standing close to her she just,, softly purrs cuz she enjoys your company??? <3333333
“Hey,, are you purring right now?”
If you wanna break her completely,, just start stroking her head, she will just,,, Reagan Ridley.exe stopped working
Whatever she’s stressed,, just like hug her,, she’s gonna feel so relieved
Sometimes when you are cuddling she gets so relaxed she forgets about her claws so,, expect some scars on your back </3
She like,, strokes your face with her tail?? For a goodbye??
She sleeps so much better,, like holy shit the eye bags are almost gone?
She gets into heat- She’s soo needy-
Like she will have to have a day off cuz she just can’t control it??
Wanna tease her? Go to work and don’t come back until your shift is over. Ignore all her needy messages and calls,, and then you come to home <3
Praise her and call her good kitty,, she’s gonna cry <3
After you two are done she will get very cuddly and,, she wouldn’t let you go for the whole night
I love animal hybrids sm ;—; we need more cat Reagan
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