#holy heck this is nerve wracking
kitty8804 · 2 months
Historian Butterfly AU: Chapter 3
Shinobu x female oc
It was late at night. But despite the ungodly hour someone was still awake and didn’t look like she was going to sleep anytime soon
Fukuro kept looking between several different documents and took notes as she did so. She was so focused on what she was doing that she literally lept out of her seat and tumbled onto the floor when she felt a hand on her shoulder. But not before she punched the person on the chin.
“Holy shi-ow!”
Fukuro looked up and saw that the person who startled her was her housemate, Kenta. “Kenta? What are you doing up?”
Kenta held his chin and gave Fukuro a slightly irritated look. “I woke up and wanted a glass of water. Besides, shouldn't I be asking you that? It’s 4:00 am. Why the heck are you still working?”
Fukuro got up and walked into the kitchen. “Don’t act like you’ve never pulled all nighters for research.” She grabbed a mug from the cabinet and was about to make herself more coffee, but Kenta quickly stopped her.
“Oh no. You’re going to bed. You just finished that huge project you had been stressing about. You need your rest.”
“But this is important! I think I’m going to make a breakthrough!”
Kenta took the coffee cup from her hand and put it away. “Your breakthrough can wait until you’re not functioning on coffee and 3 days with no sleep. Besides how important can researching the existence of demons be?”
Fukuro gasped in mock offense. “There is so much more to it than that! It’s about answering the unknown. Exploring every possibility. Understanding why people believed in demons.”
“Whatever you say. But you’re going to bed. Come on.” Kenta began to basically drag Fukuro to her bedroom. “You’re lucky Zoey can sleep through anything.”
“I’m telling you Kenta. Someday my research is going to matter. So I’m going to do all I can now!”
Fukuro fiddled with her hands nervously as she made her way to Master Ubuyashiki’s mansion. When Shinobu told her that he had requested to meet with her she was shocked. She had immediately begun to worry that she had done something wrong. Shinobu had assured her that she wasn’t in trouble, but that just made this meeting even more nerve wracking! At least if she was in trouble she could mentally prepare herself. But instead she was left wondering what the heck the head of the demon slayer corps wanted with her! Fukuro knew that Ubuyashiki was incredibly kind from what her Gran Gran and Shinobu told her, but his title was still rather intimidating.
When she got to the mansion all she could do was stare at the entrance, nervously. Am I supposed to knock or am I supposed to wait here? Should I go in or am I supposed to just announce my presence? Is the meeting even supposed to be inside? Is it supposed to be outside? Why didn’t I ask these questions before I left?!
“Excuse me? Are you Fukuro Hitomi?”
Fukuro nearly jumped out of her skin as the voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She let out a small squeak as she quickly looked over at the child that she had failed to notice due to being on the verge of a mental breakdown.
The young girl had pale skin and large, purple eyes. She had white, shoulder-length hair styled into a blunt bob with bangs and sported a red ribbon on the right side of her head. She was wearing a dark blue Hōmongi kimono decorated with purple flowers along with a maroon obi and a pink obiage and juban under everything.
Fukuro cleared her throat, embarrassed that she had been caught so off guard. “Y-yes that’s me!”
Luckily the kid did not react to Fukuro’s awkwardness at all. She gave Fukuro a little bow to show her respect before speaking. “Please follow me. Master Ubuyashiki is expecting you.”
Fukuro nodded and let the girl lead her through the estate. They stopped at a large door.
The girl knocked on the door and raised her voice. “Father, Ms Fukuro Hitomi has arrived.”
“Please come in.”
Without a word the girl opened the door and gestured for Fukuro to walk in. She did, albeit nervously. Ubuyashiki was sitting at a small table with some tea. The kid guided Fukuro to the table and gestured for her to sit down, which she did.
“Thank you Hinaki. You may go now. I would like to talk to Hitomi here in private,” Ubuyashiki said softly.
Hinaki bowed to Ubuyashiki, despite the fact that he could not see it, and left the room, closing the door behind her.
Fukuro looked nervously at Ubuyashiki for a moment before frantically bowing her head, despite that he once again could not see it.
“It is a pleasure to meet you Master Ubuyashiki! I really hope that I’m not troubling you!”
“This is no trouble at all Ms Hitomi. It is a pleasure to meet you as well. Welcome to my home. I have heard some interesting things about you.”
Despite how soothing his voice was, Ubuyashiki’s words increased Fukuro’s nerves tenfold.
“O-Oh? Nothing bad I hope,” she said with a nervous laugh.
“Please relax Ms Hitomi. I can assure you that you are not in any trouble. I just have some questions for you, that's all.”
Fukuro let out a small sigh as her shoulders slumped. “O-Okay! Sure! Ask me anything!”
“I’m curious where you got that necklace of yours from. Were you aware that it had a compartment with wisteria poison in it? If you pushed the button on the top in a certain way a needle would come out so that you could inject the poison into someone. The person who fixed it was very intrigued by it. I would also guess that’s how the demon that chased you died the night we found you.”
Fukuro fiddled with her necklace and stared at it curiously. “No, I had no idea that it could do that. This necklace was a gift given to me by my great grandmother. She never told me where she got it. She said that the necklace would protect me from danger, but I didn’t realize she meant that literally.”
“Ah yes. Ms Kocho did mention that your great grandmother was a kakushi. That is why you are so interested in demons, correct?”
Fukuro’s eyes lit up at the mention of her great grandmother. “Yes sir. She would always tell me stories about them when I was little. She would tell stories about the Hashira, random missions that she stumbled upon, and even mundane ones about her bonding with her fellow kakushi! She apparently went to the swordsmith village at one point too! The details are a bit fuzzy since I was 6 when she died, ” Fukuro quickly realized she was getting side tracked and cleared her throat awkwardly. “Sorry for rambling sir.”
Ubuyashiki just laughed. “No need to apologize, my child. It is a rarity to find someone with enthusiasm such as yours these days. A shame in my opinion.” He took a sip of his tea. “I am surprised you thought the demon slayers disbanded given your closeness with a family member who seemed to have spent a long time with us.”
Fukuro was glad that Ubuyashiki could not see her because she immediately started sweating bullets. Crap! I mentioned that to Shinobu when we first met, didn't I? I didn’t know I was in the past yet so it slipped! Of course me knowing the demon slayers being disbanded would look weird if I was from this time. Don’t panic Fukuro! Just improvise your excuse! If you can defend your college thesis on the fly then you can handle this!
“I think I just kinda told myself that it was. My Gran Gran never told me the demon slaying corps was disbanded, but I figured that it had to be since I had never seen a demon before and most of my family was convinced that her stories were nonsense. Surely she would just show us the corps to show that she was telling the truth right? Maybe she just didn’t want to put her family’s life at risk? Being involved in the corps at all is a huge risk, even if you’re not on the front lines. That didn’t stop me from trying to prove the existence of demons, my new obsession. Honestly I was very lucky to have never met a demon until 2 weeks ago,” Fukuro explained. Everything she said wasn’t a complete lie, but she definitely wasn’t telling the truth either.
“True. While it is a shame that you never knew for sure about our existence, I can not blame your great grandmother for trying to keep her family safe.” Ubuyashiki put his tea down. “I have one last question for you. How did you try to prove the existence of demons? Ms Kocho mentioned that you did a lot of research, but it would be very difficult to find research on us that isn’t from our library.”
Fukuro let out the small breath that she had been holding. He seemed to have believed her lie and was thankful for the change of subject. She could easily talk about her research. “Honestly? It’s mostly a lot of guesswork and estimations. Instead of looking for information that directly mentions demons or the demon slayers, I research areas where they might have been. I look into areas that have sudden increases in death rates or disappearances that are not easily explained. I then compare these cases with research based on my Gran Gran’s stories. If the results are similar to areas that, in theory, had demons attack in the past, then there was a good chance demons were there. It’s not 100% correct, there can be a number of reasons why people start to die suddenly, but it does narrow down possible demon locations. I then do further research at those locations. That’s actually what I was doing when I was found.”
Ubuyashiki let out a hum. “Interesting. I don’t suppose you have any specific examples?”
Fukuro’s eyes widened in surprise. She quickly racked her brain for an area that would make sense for this time. “Actually, yes I do. I don’t suppose you’ve heard of the bandit attacks in the village 3 days north of here, have you?”
“Indeed, I have. A lot of our suppliers and slayers have been avoiding the route because of them. But I’m guessing you think the issue is more than just some bandits?”
Fukuro nodded even though Ubuyashiki couldn’t see it. “Mm-Hmm! The attacks have happened mostly to carts or merchants, which is why everyone thinks they’re bandits. But there are a few things that make me think that the attackers might be demons. First off is the obvious fact that the attacks have only happened at night, with either no or few survivors. The second is that this isn’t usually when bandits are active in the area. This village is along a trade route so bandit activity is common, but this is the off season for most of the products that come through the area. Some research into previous years shows that bandit activity slows down dramatically during this time. Most move to busier areas with more valuable products. Those that stay are usually inexperienced or desperate and tend to be caught pretty quickly. Finally the third reason I’m suspicious is because the valuables of the missing merchants are almost never stolen. The goods are usually damaged, but other than that they’re almost untouched. But the people are always missing or found dead. Bandits would usually run off with the goods. But a demon would care more about their next meal, which would be the people.”
Fukuro realized that she rambled for a while and her cheeks were flushed in embarrassment. “That’s the basics of my thoughts at least. It would be much better explained if I had my notes. Sorry if I just bored you.”
Ubuyashiki didn’t say anything for a few moments. Fukuro suddenly realized that his expression changed and he seems to be deep in thought. “Ms Hitomi, if you had to guess, if these issues are caused by demons how strong would they be?”
Fukuro’s jaw literally dropped. She never expected to be taken so seriously. She’s pretty sure that this was the most interested that anyone had ever been with her research. She quickly shut her mouth and thought for a moment before answering.
“It’s hard to say. I think that if demons are attacking that village then there is probably more than one. Some attacks appeared to have happened at similar times so either the demon has a partner or they have a blood demon art that would allow them to achieve that. Either way I would consider the demon to be moderately strong. Some of the village soldiers have gone missing too, and most are decently skilled. I wouldn’t say this is Hashira worthy, but I wouldn’t send in a rookie slayer either. I’d recommend at least 2-4 people who have been slayers for at least a year. Of course this is all based on speculation, so I’m being extra cautious.”
Ubuyashiki looked like he was about to respond, but his crow suddenly flew into the room and landed on the table. “Ubuyashiki, you have a meeting with the kakushi in 10 minutes!”
“Time must have slipped by. I will be there shortly.” Ubuyashiki told his crow before looking at Fukuro again. “Thank you for giving me your time Ms Hitomi. But I’m afraid that I must cut our conversation short. I do hope we can have another conversation like this again. It was quite interesting.”
Fukuro quickly stood up and bowed her head. “It’s no problem! Thank you for having me.”
“Do you need an escort to show you the way out?”
“No thank you. I remember the way. I’ll leave you to your business then!” Fukuro said as she quickly left the room.
Ubuyashiki looked at the crow perched on the table. “I know you just came back from delivering a message my friend, but I would like you to send a message to a couple of demon slayers.”
Two weeks had passed since her meeting with Ubuyashiki and Fukuro had mostly forgotten about it. She was spending her time helping the girls like usual when Ubuyashiki’s crow suddenly flew up to her telling her that Ubuyashiki requested to see her again. So Fukuro was freaking out.
“What did I do? Aoi what did I do?!” Fukuro said as she shook Aoi by the shoulders.
“Will you stop that!” Aoi yelled as she pried Fukuro’s hands off of her. “Stop freaking out so much!”
“How can I not freak out?! It’s only been 2 weeks since I last saw Master Ubuyashiki! Why would he want to see me so soon?! I’m not even a corps member, Aoi! What if I offended him the last time I saw him?!”
“Why the hell would he wait 2 weeks to confront you on that?! You’re overreacting!”
“But what if I’m not?!”
“Is something wrong here?” Shinobu asked as she came from around the corner.
“Shinobu! Thank god! Can you please talk some sense into Fukuro? Ubuyashiki called for her again and she is freaking out!” Aoi said, looking very irritated.
“Alright let’s calm down. Fukuro come with me. We can talk on the way to Master’s place, okay? Let Aoi get back to work.” Shinobu said as she gently took Fukuro’s hand.
Fukuro still looked worried, but she took a deep breath to calm herself. “Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. Sorry Aoi.”
Aoi sighed in response. “It’s fine, just don’t shake me like a rag doll next time,” she said as she grabbed the basket of laundry that Fukuro made her drop and walked away.
“Come on, let’s go.” Shinobu led Fukuro out of the Butterfly Mansion, still holding her hand. But instead of heading to Ubuyashiki’s mansion, they headed to the butterfly garden instead.
“Shinobu? Why are we heading to the garden? Isn’t it a bad idea to keep Master Ubuyashiki waiting?”
Shinobu let out a little hum before sitting them both down on a bench. “Normally I would agree, but I think you need to calm down first.”
“But what if Master Ubuyashiki gets upset? I don’t want to make him-“
“Fukuro.” Shinobu’s voice sounded gentle but firm, effectively cutting Fukuro off. She took Fukuro’s other hand into her own. “Master is one of the most patient and kind people I have ever met. He can wait a couple extra minutes.” She paused and looked at Fukuro for a moment to see if she was going to object. When Fukuro said nothing she continued. “Now can you name 5 things you can see?”
Fukuro looked around. “I see flowers, and butterflies. There are a couple bumblebees too. There’s clouds in the sky…” Fukuro paused and almost panicked by over-thinking the exercise until Shinobu gave her hands a soft squeeze. She locked eyes with her and calmed down a little. “You.”
“Good job. Remember, you can take as long as you need. Now 4 things you can hear?”
“Your voice, birds chirping, and the flowers moving in the breeze. I think I hear some slayers training in the distance.”
“3 things you can feel?”
“The wooden bench, the fabric of my haori, and your hands.”
“Good, 2 things you can smell?”
“I smell the flowers and I think I can smell perfume. Are you wearing perfume?”
“How observant. Yes I am. Now what is 1 thing you can taste?”
“I can still somewhat taste the lemonade that I drank before the crow came.”
“Great. Now I want you to take a deep breath in and out okay?”
Fukuro followed her command and realized that she felt a lot better. She started to feel embarrassed for getting so worked up.
“Are you feeling better?”
“Yes, I’m really sorry about that. I just panicked and couldn’t think straight,” Fukuro said, her cheeks starting to turn pink in embarrassment.
“It’s okay Fukuro. Most people would be stressed in your situation,” Shinobu said, finally letting go of Fukuro’s hands. “Does that happen often? While your reaction wasn’t as big, you were very nervous the last time you saw Master.”
“Kind of? It’s pretty normal for me to get a little anxious, but it’s more of an awkward tension than full blown panic. I think I’ve just been on edge lately,” Fukuro said, looking at her necklace and fiddling with it.
“Any particular reason you feel like you’ve been on edge?”
Fukuro bit her lip. She knew she couldn’t be 100% honest. That was part of the reason she had been on edge. But she also felt like she needed to open up at least a little bit in order to make some progress. She took a few moments to gather her thoughts before she spoke. “Where I’m from we tend to act differently than people do in most places. I feel like I need to constantly watch what I say or do because while something might be acceptable back home, it would be very bad if I do it here. I know mostly what I should and shouldn’t do, but knowing it is different than putting it into practice. I hate feeling this way because it feels like I’m lying or putting up an act. I feel guilty, but I can’t do anything about it. I feel like an outsider.”
Fukuro didn’t notice that tears started to form in her eyes. “I miss home. I miss my family. I miss my friends. But I can’t go back. I won’t see them ever again! I wish I didn’t feel this way because everyone has been so great to me, but- ” Fukuro cut herself off as she began to cry. She was honestly a bit embarrassed but she couldn’t stop herself.
Fukuro felt Shinobu’s hand touch her shoulder. Fukuro immediately hugged Shinobu in response. Shinobu immediately returned the hug and let Fukuro cry her heart out. Shinobu just let out some gentle hums until Fukuro had no more tears to cry. Once Fukuro’s sobs calmed, Shinobu finally spoke.
“Fukuro can you look at me?”
Fukuro looked at Shinobu with her tear stained face. Shinobu wiped the tears from her eyes. “You have no reason to feel guilty. It’s okay to miss home. Its okay if you’re still grieving. It’s okay to still feel like you don’t quite belong. But believe me when I tell you that in this past month you have already taken a place in both mine and the girls' hearts. Please don’t feel like you need to be perfect around any of us. I understand wanting to put on a mask in front of others, but please know that none of us are going to hate you if you mess up. I don’t think you realize that you have a natural gift of worming your way into people’s hearts.”
Fukuro almost wanted to cry again because she was so touched. “Thank you.”
Shinobu gave Fukuro a soft smile. “You’re welcome. No how about we go to that meeting of yours? I think Master will start to get worried if we take much longer.”
Fukuro almost immediately launched herself off the bench. “Crap! I totally forgot! Now I look like a mess!”
Shinobu laughed as she stood up and patted Fukuro on the back. “There. There. If it makes you feel any better I think you look very pretty and eye-catching.”
Fukuro just blushed and put her face in her hands.
Fukuro nervously messed with her hair. “Are you sure I look okay and not like a blotchy mess that cried my eyes out a few minutes ago?”
Shinobu laughed. “Yes, you look as beautiful as always. Now go! Master has been waiting long enough. I’ll wait out here for you okay?”
Fukuro took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. Here I go.”
Fukuro walked up to the mansion. Before she could open the door it opened showing the kid on the other side. She looked identical to the kid from last time, except for the hair piece she wore, which was a yellow ribbon.
“Oh hello. You’re a different girl from last time right? Are you here to take me to Master Ubuyashiki?” Fukuro would be lying if she said the kid did not make her nervous. It looked like she was staring into her soul.
“Yes. Follow me. Master Ubuyashiki has been expecting you.”
Fukuro followed the girl to the same room as last time. Ubuyashiki thanked his daughter and she left. But Fukuro did manage to catch that the girl’s name was Nichika, meaning that she was right when she guessed that this was a different girl than last time. Fukuro once again sat down.
Ubuyashiki was already sitting down with a warm smile on his face. “Thank you for coming to see me Ms Hitomi. I apologize for the short notice.”
“There is no need to apologize. I’m sorry that it took me so long to get here. I ended up being held up with some personal matters.”
“Do not fret about that my child. I promise you that this meeting will be a short one with good news.”
Fukuro tilted her head to the side. “Good news? About what?”
“Remember that village you told me about 2 weeks ago when I asked for an example of how you research demons?”
“Yes. Is that what this meeting is about?”
Ubuyashiki nodded. “Indeed. After you left I sent some demon slayers to the area. It seems that your theory was correct. The deaths in the area were caused by a couple of demons. They were mostly attacking merchants in order to avoid being discovered. Luckily the slayers I sent were able to take care of them. I must thank you. If it wasn’t for you those demons would have killed many more people. It probably would have taken months for us to figure out that there was probably demon activity in that area.”
Fukuro was shocked. Her theory was actually correct! She had never had the chance to prove her theories before and barely anyone took her seriously back in her time. She wanted to squeal in happiness. She barely managed to contain herself.
“I’m guessing that thanking me is not the only reason I’m here right?”
“You are right. There is something else I wanted to talk to you about that I unfortunately was not able to last time we spoke.” Ubuyashiki took a quick sip of his tea before continuing. “I am not sure if you are aware of this, but the reason we had our last meeting was because Ms Kocho requested that you be given access to the demon slayer corps library. She had said that your research skills might come in handy.”
Fukuro was not aware of this. She was shocked but also incredibly touched. Shinobu did that for me? I have to do something to thank her when this is over. I guess she was really serious when she told me she cared about me.
Ubuyashiki continued speaking. “We’ll after what happened it is no exaggeration to say that she was correct. So if you are willing I would like for you to work for the Demon Slayer Corps. You would receive payment of course.”
Fukuro’s mind kinda broke. “What?”
“Our library is full of resources about not just the corps, but of Japan as well. I would like you to use those sources and research to help locate demons in areas that we might overlook. But I also want you to work on locating Muzan Kibutsuji.”
Fukuro’s eyes widened. “The demon king?”
“Yes. I do not want you to feel too much pressure about finding him. The demon slayer corps has never been able to in the past. But I have a feeling that we may finally be able to turn the tide soon.”
Fukuro thought for a moment. This was almost like a dream come true. Sure a lot of the circumstances sucked, but to finally have her work be useful was something she always wanted. But is it really okay to do this? Am I changing the future too much? I already know that the demon slayer corps eventually wins, but I don’t know when that is! But I’m stuck here now. I might as well try to help people while I can.
“It would be my honor to use my knowledge to help serve the Demon Slayer Corps.”
So it’s been a long time huh? I’m going to be honest I had plans to discontinue this, but I felt the urge to write again. I’m going to continue to write this story at my own pace when I feel the urge. Updates might come often, they might not. Anyways I have no idea of this is my best or worst chapter so let me know what you guys think. Poor Fukuro has some issues. I really want to emphasize how bad it can be to need to hide who she is while also struggling with missing home. Don’t worry I plan on getting to Shinobu’s issues soon.
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archaickobold · 4 years
So uh
I've been thinking a lot, and I've realized this for a while but I wanted to wait for a bit but now I think I'm okay saying it
I'm nonbinary. I've actually quietly changed my pronouns in my blog description, but I want to make an actual post about it. I've picked out a new name, I think, but I'm still not comfortable with all of tumblr knowing my name. So, if you know me irl, dm me and I'll tell you my name, and to let me know you saw this. Also dont tell anyone irl, which might be obvious but just in case
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chil2de · 3 years
Hi!! if possible can i please request yuuta having a girlfriend that’s his childhood friend? (So like instead of rika it’s y/n and she doesn’t die) that loves to dote on him cause that boy needs some love. Thank you!! <3
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE THIS MADE ME SO SOFT!!!!! ohmygod!!!! growing up with yuuta would be THE best onshdhfsh thank you sososos much anon this was such a pleasure to write! i don’t know why but the “and she doesn’t die” had me screaming LMFAOOOO
enjoy! no warnings, just old fashioned cute fluff and heart wrenching moments! thank you for giving me the opportunity to write for the best boy mwaaah you deserve eternal happiness! hope no insects bite you during these warm months <3
“okkotsu!” you cried out, feminine and shrill voice ringing in the air. the cicadas chirped melodiously, calling out their delightful songs in the spring air.
the young boy staggered around, losing his balance from spinning too fast. his fragile hands reached out, pulling in small grabby motions towards your innocent and joyous face.
you were always so optimistic, even when you were younger. yuuta could only huff and wail as his caretaker hauled him away from the playground, gesturing it was time for him to come home. thick and messy tears spilled out the corners of his eyes which hadn’t yet endured countless sleep devoid nights.
he was so far away, but that was okay because you knew you’d see him the very next day.
“okkotsu! promise to play with me again tomorrow!” you cupped your hands, exclaiming as much as your little lungs could endure. yuuta could see the tears heavy in your gaze, but even then, you prevailed. you grinned, all for him.
ever since the very start. till ‘death do us apart.
“okkotsu! come oooon, don’t cry, okay? (y/n)’s got your back! see, see?! look! they don’t bite!” you braved a smirk on your features, beckoning the shy and introverted young man over. his face looked uncertain and his lips wobbled as though he could crack at any moment. he took a few cautious steps, maintaining his distance between you and the furry animal on the floor.
“r-really? it won’t bite?” he coughed, reaching his unstable fingertips out.
“eh?! that’s the first time you’ve spoken to me! your voice is so nice! it’s so cool! hey! can i hear it again? pleaaaase? i know you’re shy but i’d really like to hear it! hey, okkotsu, say my name? pretty please?”
“um- i, uh.. it’s okay.. you can call me yuuta.”
“yuuta! you’re going to be late for your first day of junior high! i totally told you to wake up on time too!” you stood with your hands rested firmly on your hips, face stern and tone impatient.
“sorry! sorry- it’s um, my hair. i don’t know how to style it.” he admitted, albeit sheepishly by trailing the last few words off into a murmur. you only gave him a sigh before kneeling down behind him, propping yourself up to take a look at his hair in the reflection of the mirror.
“how on earth are you so tall already? we eat the same food, you know. slouch over a little.” you pinched his cheeks before glossing over his hair.
when you ran your fingertips through his hair, you felt butterflies and anxiety rock your stomach.
that’s never been there before.
you’ve touched yuuta countless times, whether that was accidentally hitting him, holding his hand to cross the street…
so why was it different?
you could feel yuuta’s body tense up and run rigid underneath your touch.
that definitely wasn’t there before.
“relax. it’s me.” you cooed quietly, roughing up his hair into different styles.
“like this? looks like you just woke up, sorta, but i think it’s cute.”
yuuta’s heart rate skyrocketed through the roof and his breath hitched.
“cute?” he reiterated, chewing out the phrase like he’d never heard it before in his life.
“hm? yeah-“
you caught his gaze in the mirror, eyes half lidded and attention averted. the tips of his ears were tainted a deep red with small flicks of blush painting his cheeks.
“eh?! nononono- not like that i’m- i just think it suits you, you know? oh, crap, would you look at the time? okay we gotta go and leave!” you clambered out of his bedroom, thudding the door shut behind you.
yuuta only gawked at you with bewilderment, lips slightly parted and fingertips outstretched in his failed attempt to stop you.
he turned to himself in the mirror, studying his features before running one hand through his jet black locks.
“cute, huh?” he muttered, avoiding his own judgemental gaze.
the bittersweet part about growing up with a childhood friend is change.
for all the time that you’d spent with yuuta, you didn’t realise that your relationship with him was something to not take for granted.
especially with those around you who would kill for what you two have.
you’d always get mundane questions from high school girls who thought they could have a shot with him, “what’s his type?” “do you think he likes me?”
meanwhile you only played along with their charades, laughing inwardly when he was actually extremely introverted.
“so? what’s the deal with you and okkotsu-san? you guys dating?”
“no. we’re just friends.”
“seriously? you guys are always glued at the hip. you know he has a picture of you in his locker, right?”
“yeah? so do i. it doesn’t mean anything.”
“it’s kind of a shame, he’s such a nice young man.. gone to waste like that..”
“what’s gone to waste?” yuuta inquired with an indifferent tone, plopping down beside you with his bento box. the classmate sat opposite you only gave him a phony cheerful temperament, twirling her index finger around her hair.
“oh! okkotsu-senpai! we were just talking about you! how was your da-“
“please leave.”
you could only gape at him in your peripherals, sputtering on your sandwich as you watched the life drain from your classmate at his monotony. yuuta didn’t spare you or the girl a glance as he worked to unpack his lunch, hell the guy even murmured a small itadakimasu as if nothing happened.
“wh- okkotsu senpai?”
“listen.” he let out a deep sigh before proceeding.
“whatever shot you thought you had with me? it’s gone out the window. don’t disrespect (y/n) in front of me like that again.”
“you’re making us uncomfortable, so get up and go.” he motioned with his chopsticks, giving her a dead gaze towards another table.
the girl scoffed, mouth hung wide open as she picked up her bag and stormed out of sight.
whilst your face was as blank as a stone, internally, you were only screaming in the depths of piping hot hell visible from the sun itself.
baby girl? that was when you noticed how fucking fine of a man yuuta grew up to be.
“that was seriously nerve wracking.. my stomach hurts so bad right now” yuuta coughed through a bite of his sandwich, refusing to meet your gaze.
you slapped his back, because, holy shit??? awe painted your face like you just witnessed your own child talking or walking for the first time.
“what the shit? yuuta? are you kidding?”
“oh, huh? did i overdo it or something?“
“no?! are you kidding? that was fucking awesome! i swear! this is why i love you-“
uh oh.
oh no.
yuuta let out a shrill squeak unbeknownst to any human being able to produce such a volume. it was a cross between a floorboard creaking, a mouse sniffing and him choking on his food. the poor boy had to excuse himself to the bathroom, hacking and sniffling in an ugly fit of coughs from the food that got caught in his windpipe.
your blood rushed to your head, veins lit ablaze, bones rattling as you could hear the chatter pound and drill into your skull, scoring you deep and down into your bones.
“did she just say she loves him?”
“i totally knew they were going out!”
“i can’t believe it…”
“do you think he’ll reject her?”
it replayed over, and over, and over. what a fucking fool you felt. did he even feel the same?
that’s why i love you.
i love you.
i love you.
a blob of black clouded your vision and you could hear the glass breaking.
yuuta sat himself back down, excusing himself.
you could hear nothing but the tune of his heartbeat. or was it yours? it sounded too heavy to belong in either of your bodies.
his voice came as a wobble because of his anxiety, but this was the one thing in his life he’d be absolutely certain of.
“that’s okay. i love you too.”
“yuuta? you okay? you’ve been spacing out for at least five minutes. something on your mind?” you lightly shake your boyfriend, grip reassuring but firm. it takes a couple of seconds for his gaze to gloss over as he returns back to reality.
“sorry. was just thinking about our childhood, that’s all.” his voice comes out deep and masculine. it doesn’t have that tremor as it used to before, like he’d break down at any minute.
you can say with absolute certainty as you stare up your entire 5’10 boyfriend that he’s matured well.
his hand snakes around to your waist, pulling you into him for comfort.
some ways better than others, you suppose.
“can we stay home today?” he hums, resting his chin on top of your head,
“same as ever, yuuta, aren’t you? it’s fine, i’ll tell nobara my period’s making me act up. she’ll understand-“
“hm? you’re not due for another week though, right?”
you crease your eyebrows as you type out an apology to nobara for cancelling plans, glancing up at yuuta curiously.
“how the heck do you know that?”
“i’m not supposed to? i’d always count your cycle so i wouldn’t irritate you on the wrong day. besides, don’t you think it was too convenient for you to always find snacks in your locker when it rolled around?”
“those snacks were you?! oh my god! i was trying to figure that out for forever!”
“i know. i remember you ranting to me about it.”
“you just sat there?! yuuta! you’re so cheeky sometimes, i swear!”
“only for you.” he chimes, peppering a soft kiss onto your head. you smile against him, though unfortunately pry out of his familiar and welcoming touch.
“i’m gonna step out for a second tho, ‘kay? i think that’s itadori at the door with my chocolate and painkillers” you snort, giving yuuta a bold wink as you put on your best act, keeling over and clutching at your abdomen as though you’re on death’s door.
“you’re awful.” yuuta chuckles, slumping down onto the sofa to hear the events unfold right in front of him.
you clear your throat and slouch your shoulders as you pry the apartment door open.
“(y/n)-senpai! i came as fast as i could and i brought you some of your favourite sna- oh, okkotsu-senpai! hello!”
“hi there.” he leans his head back, giving itadori a small wave.
“i won’t interrupt you guys so get well soon! and fast! cause i wanna hang out with you! bye!”
you cradle the necessities itadori brought whilst gleaming at yuuta with a wicked grin plastered on your face from ear to ear.
“you want anything?” you cock an eyebrow, showing him the arrangement of snacks.
it’s not the answer you were expecting, but it definitely wasn’t unwelcome. it made you feel warm inside, like eating warm and soothing soup on a cold winter’s day. this, for you, was okkotsu yuuta at his best, stripped clean and vulnerable.
you’re the only one who he can relax around, act like the world is carefree. like he’s young again, prancing around in that dingy colourful playground he met you at.
“i want you to kiss me.”
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This is just a rant into the void that I don't expect to get attention for, but...processing “aloud” some things from the move.
1 - The number of old notebooks with torn pages & torn covers...because this kid who was “not starving” was eating notebook paper & cardboard. Yet somehow no one noticed they weren’t eating enough?
2 - Three song journals. Three. The lyrics are dark & sad, but holy heck it's clever & well written. (Example, “Treat animals like family, because you'd treat family well, right? ...Right?”)
3 - We...didn’t realize how much our parents were draining us. We still had some energy left after work yesterday & were able to have conversations with friends & write a little. We usually don't have that kind of energy. Maybe they were just exhausting to be around?
4 - We no longer dread going home. Because home isn't our parents' house.
5 - We have the ability (both permission & the needed knob) to lock our bedroom door. We lock it at night, but...unless we're changing, we don't usually lock it, because we know our roommate won't barge in. We feel safe. ...I didn't realize how unsafe we felt around our parents.
6 - The idea of going back to our parents’ house even to do laundry is anxiety inducing asf. We're now trying to figure out if we can fit a laundromat in the budget, & considering asking friends to use their washer/dryer instead.
7 - Our parents tried to force their help on us moving out, & then when we successfully got out they tried to talk us into coming home for a meal or a movie at least once a week. They're desperate to keep control.
8 - The freedom is ridiculous. Invigorating & positive, but also nerve-wracking. We can start HRT. We can be honest with doctors now. We can get federal food aid, rent aid, etc. if necessary. We might have access to food banks. Once we change our mailing address for everything, we can legally change our name too. But holy heck it’s gonna be a stressful change to actually get the help we need.
9 - The nightmares & flashbacks hit full force now that our body accepted we're safe. We keep flinching & jumping as flashbacks hit. It's exhausting & we have a constant throbbing headache.
10 - I super relate to Disney’s Tangled scene where Rapunzel escapes her tower & polarizes between “I'm so happy! I'm never going back! This is awesome!” & “I'm a horrible kid, I'm going back immediately 😭” because that's what our brain has been doing since we got out
It’s only been 2 days but the difference is intense. I hope it gets easier, & less painful. 😶💚 ~Nico
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fifteenskies15 · 4 years
✧ Random Headcanon: Sanemi and Giyuu as couples (with a bit of SaneGiyuu as Kamaboko squads Dads) ✧
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Admin 15: I don't know what was I thinking while making this, I was just washing my hands and suddenly my brain ask me: "girl, remember that someone in Twitter post about Sanemi and Giyuu adopting the kamaboko squad because of chapter 200 cover?? Also ain't you like, ship them so hard?? Like, sis?? Aside the fact you pair that angry gremlin w/ your daughter, why not write about them as a couple?? Dads??" like, hoe, don't give me ideas...now look what have you done to me, well anyways... I'll just go with it, even tho this shit is gonna be crappy as heck, and now, Alexa, please play Deathpacito.
So like, let's see, Giyuu is probably the stoic dad and doesn't know what the hell he gotta do, but regardless he loved his "dysfunctional little family" though doesn't know how he shows it
And Sanemi, boy, he's probably that kind of dad who would beat your ass with a belt if you don't eat your vegetables or run away from training (although you can't blame them since his training is hecking intense), but! Knowing that he used to have a lots of siblings, he still had a softer and understanding sides even though his pride overshadowed his kindness.
Dad Nemi is an intense mentor who would not hesitate to slaughter someone's ass (*cough* Zenitsu *cough*)
And Dad Giyuu is the mentor who seems calm and serene like the sea itself, but actually very merciless (like, he was under Urokodaki's tutelage and we have seen how he train Tanjiro)
The training consist gruelling drills, intense physical training, sparring and Zenitsu's blood curling scream or Inosuke shouting his usual "pig assault"
Like, can you imagine the chaos?
"Shut your goddamn mouth, Agatsuma!! Either go drag your sorry ass here or I'm going to beat you to death!"
"I'm gonna beat you this time half and half haori!! Just you watch!"
"Do a 1000 times sword swinging then I will accept your challenge"
Tanjiro and Nezuko probably the only one who gets on their good side, and deemed "Dads favorite kids"
Would you look at that bias...
Even so Dad Nemi wouldn't even hesitate to show how merciless he can be to Tanjiro though...
Now, trainings session aside, let's move on to the dads quality time.
While the kids squads were minding their own business, Sanemi and Giyuu would bask under the sunlight either on the engawa of Shinazugawa estate or Tomioka estate or even under the tree.
Sanemi would be the one who lay his head on Giyuu's lap (UwU)
Demand that Giyuu stroke his hair or he will beat his ass (hoe you're thirsty for affection)
And so Giyuu did, he thought Sanemi's hair is soft
And Giyuu smiled at how cute he is
Ohagi and a bowl of salmon radish is a must for their lunch date, no other food is allowed, except for green tea and three coloured dumplings as dessert
"Don't just eat that thing, try this..."
"You can't eat too much sweets, here, taste this"
Also when it comes to a date, it's just a simple stroll around the town or somewhere else
Even 15 herself can't comprehend their cuteness, this was beyond her imagination.
PDA wasn't a thing for Giyuu but it sure is for Sanemi.
He loves the water pillar just as much, okay?
He probably circling his strong arm around Giyuu's petite waist while explaining today's training sessions to their children kamaboko squads.
Their display of affection make them gag (except that Tanjiro still finds it adorable, what a pure boy)
When it comes to praising the kids squads effort, Giyuu would smile softly and Pat their heads while saying "Good job"
And Sanemi hesitantly give them a pat on the back while saying "decent effort"
It makes the kids squads go fuwa fuwa
And before I conclude my crappy HC, allow me to explain their nightly routine
Personally, Giyuu gave me the "I haven't been sleeping for 3 days" vibe, so Sanemi would probably make a cup of chamomile tea to help his fatigue problem.
Okay that might sounded NSFW-ish but hear me out!!
Them enjoying the warm water that ease their muscles and wash away their stress.
And Sanemi who would hugged Giyuu from behind and placed his chin on his shoulder while whining about today's training and how much he missed him everytime they're separated in order to finish their mission
Okay he's not whiny, but one's gotta tell someone their problem to get it off their chest do they not?
Or telling Giyuu that he's not disliked...
And after that, they dried each other before slipping into their yukata
AND CUDDLES while sleeping.
And when morning comes, Inosuke break in to the estate and shouted "IT'S TIME TO TRAIN!! COME ON! I'M PUMPED FOR TODAY'S SESSION!!"
"Your son demands us to train him"
"Before sunrise, he was your son"
*15 hyperventilating noise* Oh my God, Oh my God, did I just do that?? Oh my God, I did, holy moly!! Please don't mind me, it's just I can't believe I wrote a HC about my OTP and it's really nerve-wracking >< I'm really sorry because this shit is cringy af and that you don't like it!!
(also I'm a slut for SaneGiyuu and Giyuu x Pillars ff or headcanons, so i might or might not do em in the near future)
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todallyshin · 5 years
hi!!! can you do some HC’s on how Shinsou would deal with his crush ignoring his texts/calls, avoiding him, etc and he finally talks to her and she’s been doing all those things because she’s been super stressed out with school / family and didn’t want to bother him with her problems ❤️❤️❤️
Heck all I read on this was how Shinsou would deal with his crush. I didn't see the rest of the ask until I submitted it. Let me make another submission today answering the whole ask.
Oh heck yeah. Sorry if formatting ends up wanky. This is my first long post. I hope you enjoy!
Shinsou x Crush HC's 🔥🔥🔥 Order up!
🍊 He would definitely have a crush on one of his closer friends.
🥓 He would be oblivious to the fact that he had a crush on you until something small set it off in his head. Something small like how you squint your eyes when you think or how you unexpectedly erupt in laughter over a video. It would hit him all at once.
🥞 His heart would skip a beat when he saw you after that, making every interaction slightly more nerve-wracking. He would play it off sly, though.
🥯 He would definitely be jealous. Any person that had the balls to flirt with you would at very least receive a pair of glaring eyes.
🍩 You were always use to hanging out with him, so it wasn't uncommon to go alone with him anywhere. What was odd, though, was how his eyes lingered on you longer and how his body tensed up more when you brushed against him.
🍏 Holy hell he loves texting you. Even just pictures of cats being like
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🍳 He is more afraid to ruin your friendship than anything. He wants to date you, but doesn't want to make things awkward if you don't like him.
🥕 And that's why accidentally telling Denki and Mina that he likes you was a M I S T A K E.
🍔 Anytime all of you were together, they would try to nudge you two together like it was a game. It would annoy the hell out of Shinsou. That being said, he didn't want to admit that he was happy that some progress was being made.
🌭 However, the hints that were being dropped were beginning to be way to obvious.
🌮 "Hey Toshi! Doesn't (YN) look great today?" "Hey (YN)? Would your dream man have purple hair?"
🦞 Shinsou realized that he needed to just tell you what was up before any of the crew did it for him. He would much rather it come from him than anyone else.
🌯 He would invite you out for an evening walk. When he arrived to pick you up, you could definitely tell he was a bit more fidgety than usual.
🥪 After walking in silence for about ten minutes. You finally decided to try to break the silence.
"So what-"
"I like you." He would blurt out, causing you to hault. "I like you a lot, actually. And I'm sorry, because I know I'm kind of stamering around, but I'm tired of holding it in and im-"
You would grab his hand, smiling up to him, letting him know that he didn't have to explain, because you liked him too. He would just smile, finally feeling relaxed, and continue to walk in a much less awkward silence.
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des-dabbles · 5 years
I know LittleMsSam does a lot of small mods, I don't know if she takes requests, but there's probably a no more slap mod out there somewhere.
I’ll look into it. 
It’s funny. I joke all the time about my cheesiness and my sims are full of corny and over the top love for each other. They’re sickeningly sweet. But it’s just the way I tend to play. I like happily ever after sims and my sims don’t cheat on each other. If you’re following my Wilder story, today’s posting were terrible to play through cause that’s just not how I play. lol But at the same time, I do like to try and branch out. It’s why I’m playing the FDC and now the BC. And I knew there would be drama. I’ve entered enough BC’s to know that. 😂 And I’m loving this challenge, as chaotic and nerve wracking as it can be. I mean, I’ve only been playing it for 2 days, I’m already at the point that we’re down to 4 sims and I haven’t used speed three except for when they’re sleeping. I love the jealousy and what will make a sim jealous vs what won’t. I mean, y’all be start seeing it soon cause i stressed what caused jealousy and what didn’t. I guess it was just a shock to actually see it in my game. And being so close to the end and how exactly how it went down... I guess that’s where I kind of went “Holy Heck! What do I do now?”
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joonshadow · 5 years
"i'm not straight"
being in the closet isnt that much fun
namjoon comes out to the other members after hiding for so long.
/namjoon-centric fluff/
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namjoon knew he wasn't straight for quite a while now but never told anyone, neither his family or his members. not because he wasn't sure about it, heck no, he knows for a hundred percent.
but coming out to yourself is really hard and coming out to everyone else in your life is even harder sometimes.
the leader always is open and accepting, never judging anyone. he has some not straight friends and loves them so much, couraging them to be open and happy. but being not straight himself is a bit different.
first, he could never be open about his sexuality to the whole world. its just the sad truth that an idol isn't supposed to be gay, they should be "normal" and appealing to their fans, who are mostly female.
which leads to the second reason; the hate.
as the leader of the group its his job to hold the members together and look after them. if he came out as gay, the media would go crazy and not just attack joon, but probably the whole group with hate and drama.
so no, being out and about isn't really an option for him. but for a while now he thought about telling his little "secret" to his members, his best friends who are like a second family for the boy.
turns out that trying to come out is nerve wracking as fuck.
all seven boys are cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie yoongi choose called "love simon" and eating popcorn.
namjoon is squished inbetween jungkook and hoseok, the youngest laying his head down on joons lap while his head is on hoseoks shoulders.
namjoons hands are sweaty, his heart is bumping hard in his chest and his throat is dry as hell. the blonde boy kept thinking over and over how he should say it but everytime he wants to say it out loud, he gets too scared.
its weird because he knows he will receive nothing but love and support from his friends, so he doesnt know why its so scary to actually tell them.
probably because his whole life, it was his little secret just for himself that no one else knew. so telling it someone else who obviously isnt him, is scaring the hell out of him.
and the time passes, the movie almost over and jungkook asleep on his thighs.
the first one to speak up wasnt namjoon, it was taehyung.
"i love this movie, its awesome. the two boys are so cute together!", the blue haired boy said with a sleepy voice and smiled at the other members, everyone agreeing with him instantly.
which makes joon incredibly happy. he doesn't know if its just something he feels or if its common among lgbt people, but everytime someone whos important to him says something accepting or nice about the community, his heart secretly bursts full of happiness in his chest.
"its late, we should sleep.", hoseok mumbled while carefully standing up, trying not to wake the youngest member up.
"youre right, hyung. do we have any schedules tomorrow?", asked jimin, who also was almost asleep next to jungkook.
seokjin told them all that they dont have anything planned for the next week since promotions are over and their tour starts in three weeks. everyone smiled because that means they would all be able to sleep as long as they want tomorrow.
namjoon brought some blankets from his room for jungkook who will sleep on the couch today because everyone is too tired and lazy to wake the youngest up and bring him to bed.
he carefully put them over him and tucked the sleeping boy in, kissing his head before turning off the tv and going out of the living room as quiet as possible.
seokjin and hoseok already dissapeared in their rooms, tired from practising their newest choreo all day long, while jimin and taehyung were in the bathroom and getting ready for bed.
namjoon did the same, telling the younger ones to sleep well and not to stay up too late before going to his room as well.
yoongi was his roommate, the two rappers sharing their room for quiet a while now.
the older boy was already in his bed when namjoon came in and crawled into his bed after changing into his pyjamas.
namjoon thought he was already asleep so he tried his best to be quiet and not make any noise to disturb the other. he almost fell asleep too before he heard some footsteps coming near his bed, his big blanket being held up and yoongi going under them.
it wasnt surprising since the two of them cuddle almost every night. but namjoon still got surprised as yoongi began to talk in a soft, calm voice.
"whats wrong, joon? i know somethings on your mind. you can talk to me, you know?"
is he that obvious? okay maybe he is a little bit tense lately, trying so hard to act normal but at the same time trying to find a good moment to tell his members about his sexuality.
after the movie was over today, he was kinda pissed at himself because he wasted such a good opportunity to tell them.
"i dont know what you mean, hyung. im just like always?"
yoongi sighed but besides that he just stayed silent. he softly caressed joons hair and waited for the younger boy to speak up when he is comfortable with doing so.
namjoons heart started to pound faster and he felt his hands getting sweaty again. maybe this was better than telling it everyone at once.
so he took a deep breath, tried to get his shit together and with a voice that yoongi almost wasnt able to hear, he finally said it out loud.
"im gay."
namjoon couldnt see yoongis reaction, wasnt able to read his face because it was pitch dark in their room and his back was turned towards the older one.
he started to breath faster, anxiety rising up in him because yoongi didnt say anything and for a second namjoon thought that he will hate him now.
but all his fears went away as yoongi wrapped his arms around namjoons waist and pulled him a little bit closer, giving him a soft kiss on his shoulder and smiled against his neck.
"arent you gonna say anything?"
"what should i say, joon? its no big deal,
i still love you. youre still the same person as before, you know?"
namjoon fell asleep a few minutes later with the biggest smile on his face.
"so for how long have you known?"
yoongi decided the morning after that just the two of them should sit together and talk a little bit. namjoon was more than okay with that which resulted in them sitting on yoongis bed, both with a cup of tea and surrounded by soft blankets and pillows.
namjoon told him everything, about how he found out and if he ever had a boyfriend, to which he sadly answered with a no.
"i dont know if anyone would every truly love me for who i am, you know what i mean?", namjoon said and looked down at his cup.
yoongi looked at the other boy and smiled softly, hitting his shoulder playfully.
"i bet youll find the perfect boy soon, joonie. dont worry too much about it."
this same afternoon namjoon decided that he should tell the other members too. it was unfair to just tell it yoongi and keep this big secret from everyone else.
its kinda hard to plan this kind of stuff since he is the type of person to back out on the last second. but after feeling so relieved from telling yoongi about his sexuality, he figured it wont be that bad to tell the others as well.
he went to seokjins and hoseoks room, knocking on the door twice and letting himself in after hearing a tired "yes?" from the inside.
there they were, sitting on their comfortable beds while probably scrolling through social media and stalking fan accounts. neither of them looked up, too concentrated on their phones and whats going on on the internet.
both of them looked up after they heard namjoons quiet voice filled with anxiety, instantly putting away their phones and just focusing on him which, to be honest, didnt make this any easier.
"whats wrong, joon?", hoseok asks curious while standing up, taking his hand and pulling him over to seokjins bed.
hoseok sat right next to jin, which meant that namjoon is right in front of the two older boys.
nervously he was fiddling with his hands, taking a deep breath and thinking about what yoongi told him.
its no big deal,
youre still the same person as before
"i have something to say that i feel like you two should know, okay? its nothing big, at least thats what yoongi hyung says, but i just wanted you guys to kno-"
"are you gay or what?", hoseok said while letting out a small giggle, stopping the moment he saw namjoons surprised face.
"wait, youre really gay. holy shit, im sorry namjoon, i didnt mean to-"
"oh shut up hoseok, dont make this even more embarassing for yourself.", seokjin insisted and then just focused on namjoon, who was just hella surprised and a little bit shocked to be honest.
"yeah, im actually gay. thanks for ruining my big surprise", namjoon joked and smiled at hoseok, who still feels kinda bad and tightly holds joons hands in his.
the two older boys gave namjoon a big hug, telling him that theyll love and support him no matter what and reminded namjoon that theyre always here if he needs someone to talk to.
everything they said means a lot to joon and he is so happy to hear it, especially from the oldest member in the group. the two were always really close with each other so to know that seokjin still loves him just the way he is, means a lot.
namjoon looked up from the pot with boiling hot water in it, making pasta for everyone or at least trying to. taehyung came into the kitchen and just silently started to cut the vegetables that joon already put out for cooking.
"whats up, tae?", joon asked while taking out spices from the cabin, tasting the sauce for the noodles before adding some more salt and pepper. hes not the best cook but still able to make simple pasta with tomato sauce without making everyone sick or burning down the kitchen.
taehyung put away the knife for cutting the veggies, puts his hands on joons shoulders and turns him around so that the two boys are facing each other.
"uh, taehyung? what are you doing?"
the younger one just hugged joon tight and buried his face in the taller ones neck, pulling him close. to say that namjoon was a little bit confused was an understatement.
taehyung began to speak quietly with a shy, almost embarassed voice against joons soft skin.
"i heard you, hobi hyung and jin hyung talk in their rooms. i shouldnt have listened, but i was so curious about what you guys were talking about. im so sorry, hyung."
he was a little bit confused but understood after a second whats going on.
"so you know?"
the blue haired boy nodded quickly and promised namjoon that he doesnt mind it at all and that hes still the best leader of the whole world to which namjoon just responded with a soft "thank you", a big smile and an even bigger hug.
the day is almost over, no one really did anything besides sleeping and eating all day long. days like these are much needed after stressful promotions and exhausting award shows.
the boys ate joons pasta for dinner, complimenting him on his "amazing" cooking skills and after that they all just dissapear in their rooms or somewhere else in the house.
it was already dark outside as namjoon sat down on their big couch, pulling his phone out and scrolling trough social media.
most of the fans dont know but all of the members love to look at all the different fan accounts and see what they say about their group. its fun.
around five minutes later he got a message from jimin.
jimin: hyung
jimin: do you want to watch a movie
jimin: just jungkook, yoongi and me
namjoon: sure
after hitting send, he made his way to jimins room, already hearing their voices and the tv playing in the background. he just went in there without knocking and got greeted by the sight of jimin making little ponytails with yoongis grey hair and jungkook eating leftover pasta from dinner.
"wow, looks like you guys are having a lot of fun without me", namjoon said laughing and just laid down on the bed next to jungkook.
"its boring just with yoongi hyung, most of the time he falls asleep during the movie and thats-"
"oh shut up, its not my fault that the movies you guys choose are always so boring."
both of them laughed after yoongi jokingly hit jimins arm, which hurt not even a little bit since he isnt really the strongest.
"what movie are we even watching today?"
"probably a bad love movie which jimin found on netflix after feeling lonely and sad again"
the next second jimin just deadass jumped on jungkook and both of them tried to push the other one down on the bed. jimin gave up a bit after since its unfair because jungkook is "way stronger and hes tickling him which is fucking unfair".
namjoon just laughs and sits a little bit closer to yoongi, the older one putting his arm around joons shoulders and pulling him even closer.
"guys, come on now. if you dont want me to fall asleep during the movie, we should start now and not just in a few hours when you two decided to calm down.", yoongi murmured kinda annoyed, he would probably rather be in his bed now.
after a few minutes the movie was playing on the big tv screen and all four of them cuddled up on jungkooks big bed.
namjoon couldnt hold back a small giggle after seeing that jimin chose 'titanic' and hearing yoongi and jungkooks annoyed sigh.
to be honest, it was actually really nice. a few minutes after the movie started, taehyung decided to join them too and just snuggled between jungkook and jimin.
yoongi couldnt hold back and after a while he was softly snoring on namjoons lap with messy hair and parted lips.
the younger one of the two just caresses the older ones hair, loving the way it feels between his fingers.
"did hyung fall asleep again?", jimin asked with not even a little bit of surprise in his voice.
namjoon just nodded without saying anything, he didnt want to wake up yoongi and taehyung, whos also sleeping in jungkooks arms.
maybe now is the right time to tell them too since they are the last ones who dont know about joons little secret yet. jimin is still looking at namjoon with sleepy eyes, smiling a bit.
"jimin, jungkook, i have to tell you guys something", namjoon whispered as quiet as possible, hoping the younger boys would understand him anyways since he would rather not say it twice.
"what is it?", asks jimin, now wide awake and looking at namjoon full of curiosity.
from jungkook he just heard a tired "hm?".
"im gay", he whispers softly.
he honestly expected to be more calm now considering he came out to so many people in such a short time. but hes still nervous, his heart beating fast and waiting for a reaction he already knows will be the same as all the others before.
"not surprising, hyung"
wait, what? namjoon was confused.
"what do you mean, jungkook?"
jimin just giggles and shrugs his shoulders. jungkook told him that it isnt really that big of a surprise since hes not that stupid and knows his hyungs well. namjoon wanted him to be a little bit more clear, so he explained why he always kinda knew that joonie isnt that hetero.
"you never had a girlfriend and neither do you really talk about girls the way, for example jimin, does. and since there were never any signs that youre straight, i just assumed you arent."
namjoon just laughs and sarcastically congrats jungkook on his smart brain and his skill on finding out peoples sexuality. jimin joins in too and after a bit they all just cant stop laughing.
both, taehyung and yoongi woke up from the noise, confused and tired.
"whats going on?", yoongi said so quiet that namjoon and the others almost didnt notice.
"namjoon hyung likes boys!"
after that, the three boys just started to laugh even harder, not even knowing whats so funny about the whole situation.
but theres one thing namjoon knows for sure.
and that is that hes genuinely happy right now, feeling so good after knowing that he doesnt have to hide anymore and that hes so so loved.
you can find my other stories on wattpad @ smolouis
please leave feedback!!
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wintersnightdiary · 6 years
Bombshells - Chapter 2 of 2
AUTHOR: wintersnightdiary WHICH CHARACTER: Actor Seb GENRE: Angst, Friendship FIC SUMMARY: Tatiana, stylist and part-owner of Bombshells, a themed men’s salon in New York City, is thrown off-guard when an old friend and former regular client decides to pop back in for a service.
RATING: Mature
WARNINGS/TRIGGERS: Here be smut :)
FEEDBACK/COMMENTS: Feedback and comments are welcome!
Previous Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Laptop open, I worked on our bookkeeping for the salon at a local cafe. As much as I loathed this aspect of business, it was a necessary evil. Our accountant had the nerve to go off and get married, which left us with the dirty work while she enjoyed a two-week, extravagant honeymoon. And on our dime at that! I sighed, sipped my mocha, and typed the necessary data into QuickBooks.
I worked in a methodical rhythm until my phone vibrated on the table. A quick glance at the display indicated it was my friend and business partner, Maya. “Hey, Mye,” I said, placing the phone between my shoulder and ear.
“Heeeeey, Ruska! What’s up?” Maya squawked.
Balancing the phone on my shoulder, I continued to type as I spoke. “Nothing much. Just doing paperwork for the shop.”
“Aye. How the hell did you end up doing that shit?” She laughed. 
“Well, I didn’t see anyone else jumping at the chance,” I said with a hint of ire in my voice.
Maya scoffed on the other end of the line. “Girrrl. You know if I got anywhere near that paperwork, we’d end up bankrupt.” Her admission garnered a snort from me in response. “Listen, you remember that photographer that I went out with a few times? He came into the salon once. Real tall, longish hair he wears in an epic man-bun. Super hot?”
I wracked my brain briefly trying to picture the man she was referring to. Unfortunately, I came up blank. “Um. Not really.”
“Whatever. Anyway, he just got a huge contract with this publication company and wants to throw a little get together at his apartment in the village tonight.” She rushed out. I knew what was coming before she said it and prepared my response. “Want to come?”
I blew air out of my mouth, stopped typing and grabbed the phone to hold it to my ear. “Mye, I don’t know. I was kind of planning on staying in and vegging out tonight.”
“Oh, come on, Ruska! Don’t be such a spoilsport. I really don’t want to go alone. Please?” She whined.
“Seriously, Maya. Isn’t anyone else around who can go?” I implored.
“No. No one else is around. I’ve asked,” she admitted. I didn’t blame her for asking other people. No one in their right mind would count on the notorious couch hermit to go out with them. I was always a last resort and that was just fine with me. “Look. It’s going to be a very small gathering. Like 15-20 people, tops. We’ll hang out for a bit. Have a few drinks, eat something and leave. Promise.”
I sighed loudly into the phone and rolled my eyes. “Text me the info and I’ll call you later.”
I winced at the shriek on the other end of the line and hung up with my irritating friend.  Ugh. She owes me. BIG time. I shut my laptop and packed up to head home. Now to figure out what the heck I was going to wear.
The car pulled up to the quaint neighborhood in the West Village. I paid the driver and stared up at the multi-storied building. I opted to wear a simple mini-skirt with a button-down shirt tucked in and my favorite boots. Although it was warm earlier in the day, the cool breeze tonight caused goose-bumps to form on my legs. Shooting a quick text to Maya, I confirmed she was already inside as I headed toward the entrance.
A second after ringing the bell, the door opened in a flourish with Maya on the other side. She bounded into my arms, her dark, curly hair engulfing my face. “Hey, babes! I’m so glad you are here!” She let go and dragged me inside by the hand. “Come on, let me introduce you to Paolo.”
Trying to keep pace with my boisterous guide as she led me through the crowd, I got myself acclimated to my surroundings. I was very enamored with my first impression, white walls with modern fixtures and sleek accessories garnishing the furniture. It was an open floor plan with the kitchen, bar, dining area and living room all in one big space. For a New York City apartment, it was very spacious, and I was anxious to see the rest of it simply out of envious curiosity.
We reached the kitchen and Maya stopped in front of a very tall, handsome gentlemen leaning on the countertop. His long, dark hair tousled in sexy waves to his shoulders. “Hey, Paolo. This is Tatiana, my friend and business partner at Bombshells. Tatiana, this is Paolo.” I extended my hand for a handshake, but he reached over and brought it to his lips, placing a faint kiss on my knuckles.
“Hello, Tatiana. It’s such a pleasure. Thank you so much for coming,” he drawled in his foreign accent. I couldn’t pinpoint exactly where it was from, but if I had to guess, it had Spanish origins.
“Thanks for having me, Paolo. You have a lovely home and congrats on everything.” I smiled politely. He squeezed my palm firmly before releasing it.
“Of course, mi amore. Anyone who is a friend of Maya’s is a friend of mine.” He smiled warmly at Maya briefly before turning his attentions back to me.
“Please, make yourself at home, Tatiana. Would you like something to drink?” Paolo asked. Before I could answer, he snapped his fingers and gestured to someone behind me. “Josef. Please get these ladies anything they’d like.”
I turned to face the man waiting for my order. “Um. May I please have a Cosmo?”
“Make that two!” Maya barked from behind me.
“Right away, madams,” he responded before disappearing behind the bar.
After getting our drinks, I decided to leave Maya with Paolo and give myself a tour of the place. I was instructed to make myself at home after all.  It had to be one of the most beautiful apartments I’ve been in, and it was embellished so impeccably that I wondered if it was all Paolo’s doing or if he hired a decorator.
As I wandered around, I realized Maya had been right about it being an intimate party. There were people sprinkled about, but there couldn’t have been more than 20 guests in total.
I felt a warm arm slink through mine from behind. “So, isn’t this place just fantastic?” A female voice intimated lowly in my ear. My gaze shifted toward the sound and revealed Maya grinning wide beside me.
“Absolutely. I really love it. It’s amazing.” I sighed.
Maya threaded her fingers with mine and started to tug. “Well, you haven’t even seen the best part!” She giggled and pulled me through the room.
“Wait. Where are we going?” I asked, trying to free my hand from her grasp, drink sloshing and threatening to spill over the brim of the martini glass.
She refused to let go. “Just shush and see.”
Maya led me through the crowd and opened an obscure door that I didn’t notice before. On the other side was a narrow staircase leading up and we climbed the stairs. I felt the crisp air as we approached the door at the top and realized where we were headed. Paolo must have occupied the top floor of the building and had his own private access to the rooftop.
As we emerged through the door at the top of the steps, I was not disappointed. The view was amazing and decorated just as impeccably as the living space downstairs. Various pieces of outdoor furniture with matching coffee tables filled the space. There were fire pits, candles, and white lights decorating the lattice work edging the top of the patio. I was extremely impressed with all of it, albeit a tiny bit jealous. Paolo had a breath-taking apartment and even greater view, a rare find even in the Village.
My new drink arrived so fast, I wondered if the waiter downstairs had pre-ordered it in advance, not that I was going to complain. The alcohol was finally starting to loosen me up.
As I stared into the night sky near the far side of the rooftop absorbing the view, I froze at a familiar laugh behind me, a masculine laugh. No fucking way. Curiosity had me turning around to spite myself when my eyes suddenly locked on the subject of the sound. No.
He completely stopped mid-laugh and pointed in my direction, “Oh my god. Hey!” He looked around at the group surrounding him with an awestruck look on his face. “I know her! Tatiana!” He yelled as he started to stand up.
I faced away from him quickly and tried to shrink into my surroundings. “Holy shit, Tati. Is that Seb?” Maya whispered in my ear. I looked at her through my haze of hair and gave her a “duh” look. Maya cursed under her breath and turned back to face him. I watched her from behind the curtain of hair shielding my burning face before she whisper-screamed. “Shit. He’s coming over here.”
Before I could react, my arm was yanked from behind causing me to jerk completely around. “Tati! Wow. I knew it was you.” Seb said as he gathered me up into his strong embrace. I winced at the suddenness and strength of the hug.
I don’t know if it was the alcohol on the mostly empty stomach or exhaustion, but I actually decided to hug him back after I got my bearings. Pressing my face into his shoulder, I breathed in and shut my eyes. His smell was familiar and safe, and I fucking missed it. Although I knew I would regret it in the morning, I couldn’t help but soak it all in and just feel him. There was no party, no guests, no where else I wanted to be, just me and Sebastian. Just us.
After what felt like an eternity, yet not long enough, Seb placed a kiss on my head before finally releasing me.
“Wha-What are you doing here?” I stuttered while wobbling a bit on my feet. Jeeze. How many drinks did I have?
Seb grinned, the glassy sheen in his eyes revealing the effects of the alcohol he’s consumed.“I’m here with the guys.” He pointed to the attractive looking group behind him. “We go to the same gym as Paolo. What are you doing here? Do you know him too?”
I smiled bashfully and realized Maya had been standing next to us with a shocked look on her face the whole time. “Um, actually. Maya knows Paolo.” I gestured toward her and noticed Seb getting flustered for practically ignoring her too.
“Oh, hey. Sorry, Maya! So great to see you. How are you, babe?” Seb gave her a friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek. Maya looked at me while silently mouthing “Oh My God,” from over his shoulder causing me to stifle a giggle. She knew Seb as long as I did, of course. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t a fangirl first and foremost. Maya knew about Seb and I, including all of the sordid details of our intimate night. And if our doomed ship had any sort of cheerleader rooting us on? It was certainly Maya. All of her begging and pleading to call him after our tryst led nowhere though, my broken heart and pride trumping her persistence.   
Seb stepped back, and waited expectantly for a response from Maya. I witnessed her shaking herself back into the present with a slow nod of her head. “Oh. Uhhhh. I’m good, man. Really good. Um. Sooooooo, I’m going downstairs to find Paolo. Catch you guys later?” Without waiting for a response, Maya headed in the direction of the stairwell. She gave me a thumbs up from behind Sebastian’s back before exiting, and I smirked in amused irritation, shaking my head in disbelief at her antics. Seb turned to see what I was looking at, but by the time he did, Maya was already gone.
“So, uhhhh. Want to sit over there?” Seb pointed at a set of unoccupied seats hidden against the wall in the low lighting. “We can catch up?”
I fidgeted a bit in place. I was not sure this would be such a great idea, especially given our exchange a few weeks earlier. “Don’t you want to hang out with your friends?” I asked while pointing at the loud group behind him.
Seb gave me a crooked smile and rubbed the back of his neck. “Nah. I see them all the time.” He reached for my hand and gently played with my fingers. “It’s so good to see you, Tati. I really want to catch up. It’s been way too long.” He punctuated his words with the most adorable pleading face and slowly led me toward the couch in the corner.
Just like our hug earlier, I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol clouding my judgment or my self-destructive curiosity, but I ended up agreeing to his request. “Alright.”
We spent the next few hours just talking and drinking. Boy, were we drinking. Those pesky amazing waiters kept the drinks flowing as Seb and I tucked into our private cove and got lost in conversation. Seb told me all about his travels and his costars on the projects he was working on. He shared some crazy and hilarious stories that happened on set, and told me about the work lined up the next few months. I had shared the happenings with the business and just how pathetic non-eventful my personal life had been since we last spent time together. It was just like old times. We let ourselves fall into an easy banter, simply enjoying each other’s company.
Seb was just as gorgeous as ever, and I admit the more we drank and conversed, the more I was falling under his spell again. We never brought up the elephants in the room, his current girlfriend or our last intimate “encounter,” which mercifully kept the mood light. Yet, strangely Seb was not acting as if he was currently attached at all. He was awfully handsy with me. Sitting rather close, rubbing my shoulder or my thigh, not that I protested in the least. Perhaps if I was more coherent, less inebriated, I’d recognize it for what it was.
But, I was inebriated so was he! and feeling extremely nostalgic. Frankly, I missed Seb. Terribly. And as much as I tried to deny it, I still had feelings for him. Even after all of it, the rejection and the pain, I still wanted him and that was the cold, hard truth. One that I avoided and did not want to admit to myself, let alone out loud.
It was after one of our long, belly splitting laughing fits that Seb really surprised me. He threw his arm around my shoulders and cupped my face in his other hand. Caressing my cheek with his thumb, he leaned in close.
“Oh, Tati. I miss you so much,” his voice trailed off into a whisper, mouth inches from my face. Seb looked fervently into my eyes, until I could practically see his soul. I saw no amount of deception in his words. He was telling the truth.
I swallowed thickly at this realization, as he licked his lips and stared hungrily at my mouth. He leaned in closer and I closed my eyes at what was coming.
“EVERYBODY DOWNSTAIRS! We’re about to cut the cake and toast the man of honor!” A deep voice echoed from the stairwell.
And just like that, the spell was broken. Seb dropped his hand and chuckled nervously before grabbing me by the wrist. “Come on. Let’s not be completely rude to our host.”
The cake was cut, toasts were made, and I was perched on a barstool eating my dessert wordlessly next to Maya. The alcohol began to hit me after coming downstairs and with only the little bits of hors d'oeuvres being passed around in my stomach, I hoped that eating something rich and sugary would help.
Maya was dying to get details from me, but we both knew it wouldn’t happen until after we got home. We didn’t want any unnecessary ears prying, since we didn’t really know the guests at the party and which ones knew Seb. More importantly with Sebastian being a celebrity, it was even more crucial not to say something that could potentially end up misconstrued, get back to him, or worse, end up in some trashy tabloid. Besides, Seb had retreated immediately to his friends once we arrived from the terrace anyway, our time on the rooftop seemingly over and forgotten. Nothing to see here, people!
My head still clouded by the liquor felt dizzy, but I was still very much aware of my faculties. Playing with the sweets on my plate with my fork, I was lost in thought. Confusion lingered over this recent turn of events and I didn’t like it. Up until now, I had always felt very hurt, and angry with Sebastian after he completely dropped me like a bad habit after we had sex. I never thought these feelings for him would come back. His ghosting of our friendship annihilated me in so many ways, and I thought I’d never get over it. But just like other tragedies of the heart, with time, I eventually wrote him off and chalked it up to another friendship to romance gone bad.
It was the pathetic classic out of sight, out of mind approach but it worked. I wasn’t counting on Sebastian strolling back into my salon like he did a couple weeks ago. Even though it was painfully awkward, I had really believed it would be the end we both needed. No real closure of course, but then again, I had stopped that from happening right in its tracks. Seb had tried to apologize and explain at the salon, but I wanted no part of it. Truth was, I was not ready to open that wound again, no matter how much I craved the closure and validation. Knowing that our intimate act actually meant something more to Seb than his actions had portrayed afterward was very important to me. But, the curiosity did not outweigh the risk of reliving the hurt again. So, I chose to not acknowledge or address it all.
Now after our time on the rooftop, I was unsure. Perhaps I did want to know what happened. We were such close friends for so long. The chemistry was palpable to the point where our mutual friends would tease us mercilessly about it. We were well aware of it ourselves. And when we finally acted on it, he bolts? Why hadn’t he called? Why did he just disappear without a trace? He was obviously not afraid of commitment or being in a relationship. He’s had long-term girlfriends in the past. Heck, he had one now apparently! So what was it? Was it me?
The negative thoughts began to make me dizzy and turn my stomach. I was consumed again with self-loathing, anxiety and doubt. Feeling the bile rise suddenly, I put my plate down and raced to the nearest bathroom.
I shut the door in a panic and dry-heaved into the toilet bowl, gasping for air in between gags, tears beginning to form in the corners of my eyes. I coughed and wretched but nothing came out. I tried to straighten myself back up, but the dizziness was still making my head throb. Suddenly, all of the weight of emotion I had been suppressing for so long finally surfaced and I sobbed into my hands. Why did I always fall for the wrong guy? Why did I have to ruin my friendship with Seb by sleeping with him? I’m an idiot. I miss my friend. I blew it.
I heard the door open and shut, figuring Maya followed me in. In my haste, I must have forgotten to lock the door. Too distraught to look up, I felt a hand on my back as I cried. “Sssssh. Sweetheart, are you alright?” The familiar deep voice made me jump in surprise. 
I looked up, wiped my face and confirmed my suspicion. “S-Seb? Wha-What are you doing he-?”
“Shhh,” he placated again by scooping me into his arms. “My beautiful girl, what’s wrong?” He held me tight and rubbed my back as I shook and wept in his embrace.
He rocked me a bit before releasing his hold, leaning back to look into my eyes. “Oh god. I probably look like a mess.” I joked self-consciously, realizing my make-up was probably running down my face.
Seb smiled, cupped my cheeks and wiped the mascara laced tears with his thumbs. “Don’t be silly, Tati. You are always beautiful. My gorgeous doll. So beautiful,” he whispered sweetly.
Staring into his eyes, I could see the sincerity in his words. I don’t know what came over me, but I leaned in and swiftly pressed my lips against his. After freezing momentarily, I could feel Seb tentatively reciprocating. I cursed myself internally for ignoring the alarm bells going off in the rational part of my brain. But I tuned them out, as I poured all of my emotions into the kiss.
Seb granted my tongue access and he moaned into my mouth. Our lips and tongues danced passionately, until we were both out of breath. The little voice in the back of my mind knew I shouldn’t be doing this, but the larger part didn’t care. All of my memories of him came flooding back, the familiar softness of his full lips, the way he would stop to nibble on my mouth, the soft little sighs in between breaths, his hands holding my face and his fingers in my hair. I was feeling warm and flush all over. This feels so good.
Seb slowly turned and walked us backwards until my back hit the vanity with a thump. The jolt made us briefly part. I giggled and untucked his shirt, kissing my way down his neck as he hummed in appreciation. Seb shrugged the leather jacket off his arms before reaching up and grabbing my face again to kiss me. Everything became a hot blur of passion, pleasure and twisted limbs.
I trailed my hands up and down his muscular chest underneath his shirt, while he worked the buttons off the top of my blouse. I squeezed his love handles and pulled him toward me to feel the hard plains of his torso against me. Seb groaned into my mouth before lifting me to sit on the vanity, and stand between my legs. His hands traveled under my skirt, hiking the garment up to my waist, and sensually running his palms up and down my bare legs. He abandoned my lips and began peppering kisses down my neck. I closed my eyes and let a quiet whimper escape into the small powder room.
My whole body was on fire when he grabbed my thighs roughly and possessively. “Tati, I need you,” he whispered into my skin. “God. I-I need you so much, baby.” His words and his touch caused my insides to thrum in excitement.
My head flew back against the mirror with a thud as Seb massaged a particular sweet spot on my neck with his tongue. I grabbed the back of his head and held him to me as he worked his magic. The dizzying sensations were becoming overwhelming, and my heart raced as his mouth continued south.
Hooking my fingers into the loops of his jeans, I pulled Seb’s crotch into mine causing him to groan. He gripped my hips hard and pulled my lower half against his. “You drive me so fucking crazy, baby.” He panted into my neck and dry humped our clothed bodies. "Fuck. You know that?” He grunted.
His hardening bulge rubbed against me, the delicious friction from his gyrations against my core making me wanton with need. “No, I don’t. Why don’t you show me, tough guy?” I yelped in surprised exhilaration as he dropped to his knees and licked my cloth covered heat, moisture leaving a long stripe mark on my panties. “Oh my god,” I whispered desperately. He smirked up at me as he pressed lightly over my seam with his fingers while biting the inside of my thigh teasingly.
“Please,” I moaned quietly into the back of my hand. Even though the music was blaring outside, I didn’t want to alert anyone to the activities taking place behind the locked door.
“Shh, what do you want, Doll?” He continued to mouth around my sensitive inner thigh, running his tongue along the crease of my hip.
Grabbing a fistful of his hair, I pulled him over to where I wanted. “There. I want you right there.” I barely got the words out before I was gasping and panting in pleasure. He smiled devilishly up at me momentarily before diving in, laving and placing opened mouth kisses right where I craved. “Ung. Yes. Mmm,” I breathed. He peered up at me from his position on the floor, devouring me with his eyes and literally with his mouth. The desire in his gaze combined with his actions caused a fresh jolt of pleasure and wetness between my legs.
After drenching my thong with his oral ministrations, Sebastian finally pulled the soaked scrap of satin aside and applied his mouth directly on me. “Oh my god,” I moaned, rocking my pelvis into his face, craving the friction. His soft and methodical movements combined with his low groans vibrating against me drove me wild. If there was one thing I missed the most, it was the heaven of Seb’s talented tongue.
He worked me up into a heated fervor. By the time he wrapped his lips around my clit and softly sucked, I was a shaking, quivering mess. “Fuck, Seb.” I whined and he moaned into my folds. It was all too much and yet still not enough.
After a final lingering pass of his tongue, he rose to his full height and placed his latex covered length against my entrance. In my distracted state, I didn’t notice he had spent time getting himself prepared. He kissed me before resting his forehead against mine. “Tell me to stop and I will,” he huffed. Although his words were asking permission, his lust-filled eyes depicted a different sentiment entirely. I trusted Sebastian. Implicitly. As much as it would pain him, I knew if I had asked him to stop right then, he would. His considerate question in the heat of passion made me want him even more, if that was possible.
I wrapped my legs around him, crossing them behind his back, and beckoned him closer. Leaning back against the vanity and shaking my head, I pleaded. “Fuck me, Sebastian. His eyes darkened at my bold statement. “I want it. I want you,” I intimated while reaching between us to wrap my small hands around his thick length and give it a nice long stroke.
Sebastian closed his eyes as I began to move my hand back and forth. He bit his lip to stifle a moan before stilling me and remove my hand from around him. Leaning in, he kissed me roughly. I returned the kiss with equal measure as he pushed into me slowly, both of us breaking our oral embrace to sigh into each other’s mouth, sensations taking our breaths away.
Sebastian waited patiently for me to adjust. He held still and leisurely mouthed my neck. I closed my eyes relishing the feeling of him filling me with every hot, hard inch. "God, I’ve missed you," he whispered into my ear making me shiver.
When I squeezed my legs around him, he began to withdraw slowly and push himself back in with a huff. The delicious action caused me to gasp and made my body hungry for more. It had been too long, and I needed him to move, and move fast and hard. Seemingly reading my mind, Seb started to thrust steadily and find his rhythm, as I looked for purchase with my hands on the vanity. His grunts became curses and praises against my neck with each canting of his hips.
I whimpered softly as Sebastian began to increase his tempo and pant from exertion. He looked so beautiful with his brow furrowed and features clenched in euphoric concentration. “Tati. Uhhh. Fuck. Y-you feel so… so f-fucking good,” he panted. He rubbed his face against mine, stubble leaving a burning trail on my skin in its wake. He pumped faster, the vanity vibrating and shaking the objects overtop, as they clattered from the steady, harsh pounding.
My senses became overcome as I raced toward ecstasy. Seb reached down to circle my bundle of nerves with his thumb. “Ah. Yes. Seb,” I mewled quietly before bracing myself for the building orgasm. “Yes. Right there. Don’t stop.” Sebastian sensed how close I was and doubled his efforts, grunting and groaning as quietly as he could in the small bathroom. My crossed legs bounced against his back and pressed him towards me spurning him on, as I rocked my hips in time with his thrusts. 
“So. Fuck. Beautiful. Ah,” Sebastian grit out before crashing his lips into mine. The sentiment and the sudden pinch of his fingers on my clit caused me to peak. My high-pitched squeak echoed in the small room, and I bit Seb’s shoulder in order to keep quiet through my euphoria.
Sebastian thrusted hard three times before succumbing himself, muttering rough incoherent nothings to no one in particular. He groaned against my neck as he spilled into the latex sheathed deep inside me.
As the endorphins began to fade and the haze of alcohol fog seemed to lift, the gravity of our actions finally hit me. Shit. What the fuck did we just do? Although I couldn’t read minds, I could almost tell the same thoughts were coursing through Sebastian’s head as the atmosphere in the room noticeably shifted.
He whispered a remorseful curse into my shoulder and I should have known. I should have known it would be the last time I would see or hear from him.
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pixelgrotto · 6 years
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The horrific Resident Evil playthrough, part twelve
Resident Evil 7′s one hell of a franchise recreation. We previously had a few signs that Capcom was dialing the series away from action and back to the realm of horror with Revelations 2, but RE7 almost seems like it’s from another series entirely in its initial moments. Thanks to the photo-like nature of the new RE Engine, where the faces of actors are scanned in and used for models, everyone looks so real, with nary an anime-twinged mug in sight. The first-person perspective is immediately more visceral and reminiscent of the indie horror games like Outlast that gained popularity as Resident Evil nosedived into the realm of action for most of the 2000s and 2010s, and the first hour of the game, which sees protagonist Ethan Winters exploring an abandoned house in search of his missing wife, is so tense and features such nerve-wracking sound design that it made me feel scared in a way that no other game in this series, aside from RE1, has accomplished. I actually had to stop playing for a few minutes, removed my headphones and put everything on speaker with subtitles to slightly decrease immersion. (I also played a few minutes of the Zootopia soundtrack to calm my nerves. Shh, don’t tell anyone.)
After a certain garage fight, the tension pervading Resident Evil 7 does fade somewhat, and a familiar rhythm develops. Guide Ethan through the hallways of this massive house, avoid the frightening Bakers - who are right out of a Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie - use typewriters (sorry, tape recorders) to save your progress, collect various doodads and solve puzzles to open doors, swap a shotgun with a broken shotgun in order to smuggle a powerful weapon out of a booby-trapped room, enlist the aid of Zoe Baker (the only normal person in the whole family) to make it out alive, survive, survive, survive. Slowly, facts about the mansion and its mutating basement creatures known as Molded become unveiled via journal entries lying around the house, and if all of this sounds to you like a modern envisioning of the formula that Resident Evil 1 developed, then you’d be correct. Heck, forget RE1 - this game takes the ideas that freakin’ Sweet Home originated, bringing them into the modern era with lots of blood-soaked graphical wizardry. If there’s a holy trifecta of “haunted house-based horror games” out there, it would look something like this: Sweet Home, Resident Evil 1, Resident Evil 7.
I didn’t expect to enjoy this game as much as I did. In fact, I approached it with a certain amount of trepidation, since first-person games have traditionally made me dizzy in the past, and everything about RE7 initially seems divorced from the wondrous (and often wacky) tale of bioterror that we’ve been following for so many entries. The Bakers are a freaky family from Louisiana who might be serial killers, but they seem to be small fry in a world of giant pharmaceutical companies that unleash city-crushing bio attacks. Main star Ethan Winters is a bland white dude with no relation to the BSAA, and his Wiki entry even states that he’s a systems engineer from LA, which sure sounds drab when you compare it to, I dunno, Leon Kennedy, who works with the Secret Service and suplexes cultists in his spare time.
But in its eleventh hour, Resident Evil 7 starts dropping revelation upon revelation, and it quickly becomes clear that despite first impressions, this very much is a game tied to the series’ complex lore, arguably moreso than fan favorite RE4. More specifically, RE7 is a quieter story that looks at bioterror on a micro level rather than the macro, globe-spanning adventures of RE6. The Bakers aren’t the evil body-collectors that they first appear to be, since they’ve been manipulated by a human bioweapon named Eveline who has an unnatural obsession with family. Ethan was intentionally designed to be a bland everyman to ease players into the first-person perspective and to provide a juxtaposition with the highly trained soldiers and survivors who have come to define the franchise - including Chris Redfield, who makes a much-appreciated cameo in the finale and serves as the star in one of RE7′s DLC epilogues. And the Bakers’ mansion was selected as the setting not only to throwback to Sweet Home and RE1, but to show us how the threat of bioterror can infect a seemingly friendly area full of Southern Hospitality, warping its inhabitants and creating a nightmare that’s all the more shocking because of how intimate it is.
In short, Resident Evil 7 is not only a game that I breathlessly completed over the course of two days, playing for ten hours straight on day two. It’s an excellent revitalization that offers the most in-depth examination yet on how bioterror might affect the “normal folks” of the RE universe, and it also brings the series full circle. We started out in a spooky house surrounded by unseen monsters that would make our hearts jump when we heard their grotesque moans echoing down dark corridors. Twelve games later, we’re back where we began - only this time with a new sheen of paint, over twenty years of experience and one hell of an appreciation for how this franchise has come to define and reinvent survival horror over the decades. 
All screenshots taken by me. For more, check out this Twitter thread showing my step-by-step progress through the game.
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evilpenguinrika · 6 years
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#throwbackthursday to my 23rd birthday last year where I got to spend the day with my best friends, got the third piercing to finally fulfill my triple lobe piercing dream, and became a Green Cord at this awesome sword fighting academy! Today I'm 24 years old (holy shit I'm in my mid-20s), and am going to continue living my life unapologetically. I pride myself in being myself: an awkward, disastrously useless lesbian who enjoys"conventionally nerdy" things like D&D, anime, cosplaying, video games, etc. I'm taking the time to get to know myself better, to work on the flaws I am aware that I have so I don't make the same mistakes over and over again. I'm putting effort in doing things that makes me happy, and to not take people's bullshit--to stand up for myself and the values I believe in (even if it's nerve wracking as heck to do). But honestly, at the end of the day, I'm just me stuffing myself with birthday cake ;) 🎉🎁🎂🎈🎁🎉 https://www.instagram.com/p/BqfqYX9DahY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4gp7s8ouuy3g
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fymoanstax · 7 years
Deokspatch X: Haunted House
Request: Hello! Could you do Monsta X going into a haunted house (deokspatch x style?) With a staff member (Y/N) and Y/N tries to go in all tough but at the end shes hiding in the boys back and won't let go of them, and the boys are like "I want this cute smol squish to be mine" and tries to woo her. I hope this makes sense! ~Hiding
Here you go! We hope you like it! 
~Admin Wonhoe and Admin Hyungwon
Shownu/Hyunwoo (Written By: Admin Wonhoe)
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Zombies. Oh man why did it have to be zombies.
When the guys picked their haunted house/escape room thing randomly you had thanked every god watching over you that the other guys didn’t choose you.
There were some really scary themes. Chainsaw murderer. Abandoned prison. Dark Night in the woods.
But Shownu chose you and he pulled Zombie Maze.
And you are,,,,,,,,,,scared of zombies
Like terrified actually
You might have watched too many ‘documentaries’ about how the undead could reanimate one day
And you watched zombie movies with your friends despite being scared
But Shownu chose you to assist and you were going because mama didn’t raise a little bitch
Halfway through you change your mind IMMEDIATELY
Because mama DID NOT raise a little bitch
She raised a BIG BITCH
You were literally cowering in fear right behind Shownu
Because his current mission was to get the key
The key was in an open room
With a zombie(actor obviously) standing inside of it
And Shownu wanted,,,,to,,,,,,,go,,,,in,,there
As a staff member you knew that they wouldn't touch you, you were there when all the paperwork and stuff was signed
But as Y/N you were freaking out
Shownu noticed and pulled you off to the side
But the cameras were still rolling because any content is good content
“Are you alright?”
You nodded your head but the look on you face didn’t quite convince him
“You don’t have to go in with me. I can do it myself. “
“Yeah okay….I mean I totally would go in but this is your mission and all you know. I know where everything is I’m not scared or anything. Good luck.”
So Shownu does try to get into the room and you just chill against this gate thing
And you watch him struggle for a few minutes then he disappears into the room
You kinda chill and try to ignore all the other staff members that are standing behind cameras or just watching this go down
And out of literally nowhere
You scream so loud and run away from the chain fence thing so fast
You run straight into Shownu’s chest. His very hard very defined chest. Wow he must work out a lot how did you not notice this befo---waIT
If these zombies were popping out. And Shownu had the key...that meant
Your eyes widen in realization and you kind of pat your hand against his chest urgently, “Shownu Shownu Shownu we have to go we have to run!!”
He’s kind of confused???? Why are you literally SHAking right now
“Shownu! Run! The rest of the mission is to escape the zombies. There’s a gate that’s locked by a padlock and you have the key!”
Suddenly out of nowhere at least a dozen zombies (actors obv) start running at you from the door you entered and you’re like frozen in fear
Shownu notices AND suddeNLY you’re in HIS ARMS.
He has physically picked you up bridal style
And is SPRINTING through the maze.
Zombies are jumping out left and right but they’re not affecting him at all
He like has no fear
And you’re just clinging onto him and wow his muscles are RLLY out here you know
Okay nevermind back to you being scared out of your wits because he has put you down near the gate
But your back is kinda towards the gate and shownu is kind of using his own body to shield yours while he frantically tries to put the key in the padlock
And he’s breathing kinda heavy bc he just ran while carrying you and wow he looks like a WHOLE man
But anyway he’s successful and he get the two of you out of that whole haunted house thing and you don’t know why but your legs kind of give out under you even if you didn’t run but you attribute it to fear so you just lay on the ground
And Shownu is next to you in .0001 seconds and the two of you laugh
Shownu turns his head to you with a smile and he just
“You know I was only scared one time during that whole thing?”
“I couldn’t even tell you were scared.”
“I got scared when you screamed because I thought you were hurt or something.”
Oh my gosh are you blushiNG??? The answer is yes.
Anyway literally this whole thing was filmed and you’re so embarrassed when you’re watching it later but everyone else thinks its so cute. The other members. The other staff. EVEN FANS.
Wow. Incredible.
Wonho/Hoseok (Written By: Admin Wonhoe)
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Just two friends. Sitting in a cell in an abandoned prison. Waiting for the cue to start so you can escape!
Okay so you’re sitting with wonho on this creaky, uncomfortable prison bed
And suddenly there’s a loud alarm kinda like what would happen if there was an escaped convict or something you know
(We are Pristin!) Wee woo wee woo wee
Lol fun times right
Bc deokspatch x is apparently rlly rich and the budget is sky high so they had enough money to pay actual ppl to pretend to be PRISONERS
And and and maybe they ALL ESCAPED THEIR CELLS
And why did they all have weapons
This vaguely reminded you of the time wonho was in sistar’s music video and he had a pink police outfit with a police baton wowowow
Wait no don’t think about that now.
You need to assist wonho in escaping
But wonho is literally having no trouble
Like he’s weaving in and out of people and you’re struggling to catch up up bc
“Wonho, I have shorter legs than you slow down before I get-”
And suddenly you’re GONE
Like you can’t see anything and you were pulled away
You tried resisting but this person was v strong
And you coulDNT SCREAM
When you’re finally let free and you can see again you’re in this like room place that looks like a DUNGEON (but its not) and its rlly small you can tell
You don’t even see who adultnapped you
Maybe you’re freaking out a little
A lot actually
Its also dark
And you begin feeling around the small room and you finally grab something familiar
Its a walkie talkie
You use these things all the time with other staff members
So you turn it on and talk into it
And small tv in the wall turns on and there’s static and then it clears up and the thing on screen makes you ?!?!?!?!?1?!?1/1/1
“Lets play a game.”
“WONHO! It’s me”
“What happened to you? Where did you go?”
“You were walking too fast for me to keep up. I was adultnapped and now jigsaw is out to MURDER ME.”
“Does this have anything to do with my mission?”
“Above you there is a bucket full of an unknown substance.”
You look up and sure enough THERE IS A BUCKET HOLY SHIT
“Your partner must make it through the prison in the dark, retrieve the key card from a prisoner in solitary confinement, and find the room you’re in in under 30 minutes or else the contents of the bucket will be dumped over you. Good luck.”
“Wonho did you hear the same message as I did?”
Before Wonho responds there’s a rlly loud bang and every single light goes out and you didn’t think it could get any darker but IT IS PITCH BLACK NOW
You’re,,,,,,,,,,,,extremely scared of the dark.
But you’re not going to let wonho know that
Wait why were you even in this situation
When they told you you were going to have a very important role today you didn’t think they meant this
“Wonho no pressure or anything but 30 minutes isn’t a lot of time and I don’t want to be drenched in whatever is in that bucket. Could be ketchup. Syrup. Water. Paint. Please you know do this fast.”
Ummm a couple of many minutes pass and you’re sitting in the dark curled up in a little ball with your eyes shut.
Why hasn’t wonho responded?????
You feel like this mission was destined for failure from the start
Every once in a while you hear Wonho breathing into the walkie talkie probably trying to get in some words before something crazy happens.
Deokspatch x is wiLD
The next time the walkie talkie makes a noise wonho gets the chance to talk but he’s breathing heavily
“I just,,,,ran up,,,,,,,,,4 flights of stairs for,,,,,,,,,,,,,you”
“I’m supposed to be helping you but they’re using me like A PROP. GET ME OUT OF HERE.”
“I’m working on it. Are you okay?”
“Besides the fact that it’s incredibly dark and I’m not fond of the dark I’m fine.”
“I’ll get you out. I promise.”
“You’re making this sound like some kind of drama just come get me before I have a break down.”
You were going to look at your watch to see how much time he had left but oh yeah YOU CANT SEE
You get up and go to the door because you’re sure someone is out there
“2 minutes.” Oh wow so casual about it not even- waiT
2 MINUTES?!?!?!?1
You kind of begin to count down in your head from the point where they tell you he has 2 minutes left
It’s a little nerve wracking
1 minute 30 seconds
1 minute
30 seconds
20 seconds
And that’s when you hear someone shuffling about outside
“Wonho is that you?”
“Um,,,,,yes but there are also many many doors and it’s still dark so keep talking to me so I can find you.”
“There are literally only 20 seconds left Wonho. Just swipe the card through every one!”
“I can’t even see the thing!”
You were restless at this point. It had been a whole 30 minutes almost that you were locked in this room in the dark and you weren’t having any of it.
But you heard some whirring and you realize the the bucket was beginning to tip over and it wasn’t a small bucket it was kinda big so it would hit you no matter where you stood.
So you start banging on the door so wonho can find the right one
And you hear the card swipe through the keypad
And it dings
And it turns green
And you celebrate because he got the door open
Except wonho notices the bucket is still tilting
But you don’t
He quite literally pushes you down under him and kinda covers you with his own body
And then there’s a splash and you do get wet but it’s not like you’re soaked or anything
But you feeldripping and that’s when you realize that Wonho has saved you from what smells and looks like milk because its white and really freaking cold
You turn your head to the rest of the staff
You notice Wonho shivering so you ask him to take his wet jacket off but boy was that a mistake
It was like you were at a wet tshirt contest and he was the only contestant
Ding ding we have a winner
Anyway even though you know it won’t fit him you hand over your own jacket and he thanks you
But he still cold
So you hug him
And you’re obv much warmer than he is so he kinda embraces you back but tighter
And it’s rlly cute
And everyone awwww’s
But you’re just glaring at them
“Are you okay? I know you’re afraid of the dark so I tried to get to you as fast as possible. Sorry I took so long though.”
“I’ll live. Thanks, Wonho”
Can you believe wonho just wants to protecc and love you forever
God what a sweetie pie muffin baby love cake precious man.
Minhyuk (Written By: Admin Hyungwon)
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Minhyuk was kind of scared of doing this little haunted house thing by himself, but he calmed down a little when realizing that you would be there.
Like he was so relieved that he did not have to be alone during this.
Like yeah he had to work through the room himself, but at least he wouldn’t be scared out of his mind.
You on the other hand were terrified.
You had no idea really when actors would jump out and stuff like that. You just knew the answers to all the problems.
Plus there was spiders.
They were fake but it still freaked you out.
But were you about to show your fear in front of Monsta X’s very own Minhyuk?
No, you sure as hell weren’t.
So you tried to keep your cool, leaning against anything that could be leaned against.
Staying away from Minhyuk bc you were actually gripping your own arm really tightly and it was obvious.
You guys were at a particularly spidery place and it was freaking you out, but like he had a clue in here and you just had to power through.
He was powering through and like it kinda impressed you because how can someone be so calm during this.
Well, he was cracking jokes the entire time so that might’ve helped.
In this part though, he couldn’t find the clue.
Like of all the places that he had trouble finding a clue it had to be in the one that you’re pretty sure you had nightmares about when you were a kid.
But you were there to help him so you couldn’t really like just leave when he now needed help.
“Hey Y/N I can’t find this one thing do you think you can help—”
Before he could finish his question a (fake) spider fell from the ceiling and in front of you and you let out a huge squeak and crouched down to try and avoid it.
But like, you just...crouched...so it was just hovering above you….
Luckily for Minhyuk that’s where the clue was lol
You knew it was on a spider but like...not that it had to fall from the ceiling.
You were pretty shook and Minhyuk really saw that.
When you opened your eyes you saw Minhyuk crouching in front of you, looking worried.
“Are you...afraid of spiders?”
You just stared at him bc like no shit sherlock, but you still gotta put up your front, so you just stand up and dust off your shirt.
“I’m fine I just got sc—”
You heard the sound effects of spiders and yelped, grabbing onto Minhyuk’s arm on instinct.
He looked at you, clutching onto his arm and (he lowkey found it adorable) just kind of gave you a look.
“Yes I’m afraid of spiders!”
He laughed, but you didn’t let go of his arm.
“It’s fine I’ll protect you.”
You glared at him but let it go
“Okay let’s go. You got the clue now let’s just do the thing and leave.”
He laughed at your urgency and just kept walking.
At this point you didn’t even hide that you were scared.
You just followed Minhyuk around, clutching at the back of his shirt so that he wouldn’t leave you behind.
He’d slow down and let you catch up.
Tbh he was really acting all tough bc he had promised to protect you and god damn it he was gonna do that bc you are a smol bean.
At some point, after you had accidentally tugged his shirt too hard and he almost fell backwards, he used that as an excuse to do some hand holding.
So yes, this is Minhyuk, holding your hand, because you are scared of spiders. Can you believe it?
He holds your hand throughout the entirety of his mission and by the end of it you’re kinda embarrassed?
You go to take your hand back but then he just smiles at you and squeezes your hand.
“Hey, if you ever need anyone to hold your hand for whatever reason, I’m your guy.”
You scream. (internally)
Kihyun (Written By: Admin Hyungwon)
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Honestly, you didn’t want to be chosen for this because you sure as hell knew that you would be crying.
You didn’t hide fear very well.
But of course that meant you had to go.
You just hoped it'd be for something simple like the woods.
Killer clowns.
Kihyun had picked killer clowns.
And then had picked you to help him.
You almost died right there.
When it came to it though, you told yourself that you'd act all tough and prove to yourself you wouldn't get scared.
3 seconds in, you heard a clown laugh and you clutched onto Kihyun so quick that you scared him more than the actual clowns.
“Uhh…..Y/N are you okay?”
“I'm fine! Just keep going!”
You were not fine.
You kept trying to let go of his arm but you also kept immediately latching onto him again.
Kihyun noticed that and from his point of view you looked like a scared kitten
It was comforting bc he was also scared.
But he was trying his hardest to hide it.
“How are you not scared? There are clowns everywhere.”
Kihyun was very confused?
Were you that scared that you didn’t notice him nearly about to just start running?
“Are you kidding me, I’m terrified. I haven’t even gotten the mission yet!”
Your heart dropped when you remembered where the mission card was supposed to be given to him by one of the clowns.
He noticed your expression and got very worried.
“It’s uh…..with a clown…..”
He looked at you like that was the worst possible thing but like
If you were afraid of the clowns
And he was afraid of the clowns
Who was going to talk to the clowns????
In the 30 seconds you two just stood there staring at each other, he realized that wow.
He really didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of you.
So if he had to talk to a clown with a chainsaw, pretend to not be terrified (despite already admitting he was), and then do the mission, then so be it.
“Okay. Let's get my mission from a clown.”
You went to cheer for him but instead a clown jumped out right behind you.
So naturally you screamed and found yourself hugging Kihyun tightly.
He honestly did not know what to do with himself.
A cute girl is hugging him and all he can do is like not freak out bc
2) the clown jumping out scared him too
He decided to hug you back bc you were actually shaking.
“Oh hey there's the mission.”
He took the paper from the clown, while still hugging you with his other arm.
It was cold outside but like...he was v warm????
Also, he just stayed hugging you so it made you warm and you guess part of your shaking was because you were cold bc that slightly got better.
“You know what my mission is right?”
“How exactly do I bring back a clown mask that isn’t being used?”
“Very carefully?”
He sighed and started walking again, but his grip on you tightened.
Granted, you didn’t exactly let go of him either, but you expected that he’d like...stop hugging you.
“I can let go if it’ll speed things up”
“Nah. You seem less scared like this.”
But also he was less scared like that?
(Also again, he got to hug a cute girl lol)
You guys walked like that until he did eventually find the mask.
“Here, hold this.”
He picked up the mask and went to place it on your face but before he could a clown jumped out from behind a tree and screamed at you two.
You both gunned it.
Kihyun had let go of you and you had let go of Kihyun but hey, he got the mask.
You saw him look around as he ran and realized he slowed down a little which confused you a little
Until he actually grabbed your hand and ran faster, making sure you weren’t slipping away.
Like boy really slowed down to save you to make sure you weren’t killed by a killer clown.
Okay you were both overreacting bc the clown stopped following you guys like right as you started running.
But when you got back to the starting point you were both out of breath, and like the crew and the rest of the boys were just staring at you two.
Suddenly, you felt something be placed on your head?
It was Kihyun’s hand.
“Are you okay?”
You nod, and then a heavier thing is placed on your head.
“There. I was right. You are still pretty cute with a clown mask on.”
At least that mask hid how red your face was
And your embarrassment of being terrified of clowns of all things and then immediately clinging onto Kihyun.
Whatever, he called you cute.  
Jooheon (Written By: Admin Hyungwon)
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When Jooheon chose you to accompany him, you were kind of relieved because like he seemed so sure that he was going to not be scared.
Like even when he pulled the ‘ghosts’ card, he didn’t seem phased.
In fact, he was p cocky about the whole ordeal.
But it reassured you at least that this would be an easy thing.
“Hey Y/N, you scared?”
He grinned at you, walking with you to the steps of the house.
Ghosts didn’t really scare you?
So you thought maybe you’d be fine.
But really, you were actually scared of ghosts.
You just downplayed it in your memories, but watching ghost movies made you not sleep for days.
So there you two were, about to head into a house that was filled with ghosts meant to terrify you.
You knew where the mission card was, of course.
But you could only help when he was really stuck.
You didn’t expect the scaring to happen so early though.
Like you two just walked into the house and when you passed the second room, an actress walked out from the end of the hallway, towards you.
It was then you remembered that you were actually terrified of ghosts.
But apparently Mr. I-Won’t-Be-Scared over there was also terrified.
Because boy took off running the other direction.
Louder than you were screaming.
You ran to follow him though bc you were not bouta be left alone there.
But as you were running there came another ghost????
Like heading right towards you????
You were literally about to run into him when you felt yourself get pulled away.
You turned to look and there stood Jooheon himself, looking slightly red.
“You said you wouldn’t be scared!”
You immediately tell him.
“So did you!”
“They’re terrifying! I didn’t think they’d be!”
“That makes two of us!”
You guys just go back and forth about how you rlly didn’t think it’d be this scary until the director physically has to call you and tell you two to keep going.
“Okay at least we don’t have to pretend that we’re not scared.”
You reassure him, but really it was an excuse for you to like, not suffer silently.
“Here, hold my hand.”
Jooheon offered his hand and you looked at him weird.
“So if we have to run again we won’t get separated!”
“Okay yeah good idea.”
This obviously wasn’t a ploy for him to hold your hand ;)
Actually, it really wasn’t.
Boy was just trying to get you and him out there alive.
Finally, you both made it to the room where his mission card was.
But when you walked in, a ghost popped out from inside the closet and you swear you were about to just like die.
But get this.
Jooheon pushed you behind him.
Like the ghost popped out, and his immediate instinct was to make sure you were behind him.
The ghost wasn’t like...moving...it was just watching you two.
So Jooheon kept eye contact with the ghost, moving slowly, but still making sure you were right behind him.
He actually ushered you to grab onto his arm.
So you did.
It was v muscular and if you didn’t just almost die 2 seconds ago you would have admired it more.
Anyway, he walked slowly, making sure the ghost didn’t like suddenly scream, took the mission card, and then slowly walked out the room.
You felt him relax as soon as you two were out.
“Okay. Now we can get this over w— I have to hug the ghost inside that room.”
“I...forgot that was the mission.”
“Y/N. If I die from fright, just know that—”
“Oh my God, Jooheon, please just hug the ghost so we can L E A V E.”
He just laughed and made his way back into the room, with you following behind him.
Jooheon was rlly just delaying it bc like what if the ghost screamed.
He’d scream too.
And then he knew that you’d scream too and he rlly felt bad that he left you behind that one time, making you more scared than necessary.
Eventually, he gave the actor a hug.
And he didn’t scream, so that was good.
But immediately after, Jooheon grabbed your hand and just made his way out.
Ghosts kept trying to pop out but Jooheon was not having it.
He just held your hand tighter and like just didn't look at the people bc he would have screamed and he was not bout to do that while holding your hand.
He looked back at you, grinning, and it made you laugh for some reason.
When you two made it outside, both of you were laughing.
“Hey, Y/N.”
Before you could answer he just….pulled you into a huge bear hug.
Your voice was muffled bc your face was in his shirt.
“I felt like you needed that hug more than the ghost.”
“Well in that case so do you!”
So you two just stand there.
Hugging each other.
He was a good hugger.
Hyungwon (Written By: Admin Hyungwon)
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You really thought Hyungwon would be the one that’s super scared.
Like, you expected him to be running and screaming and everything.
Especially when he pulled out the chainsaw/axe murderer card.
And you knew the mission to that was to physically find the chainsaw and the axe and bring it back.
Sounds easy enough.
Except there’s actors that are chasing you.
And you hate those kinds of movies bc you know you’d die.
But, you just have to be brave now and not pee your pants.
Especially since Hyungwon is,,,,,,not scared,,,,,at all,,,,,
He’s making conversation with you, and you’re scared it’ll tip off the murderers where you’re at.
Okay, you know it’s fake but like it definitely feels like a life or death situation.
He's just, talking, trying to find the mission card.
Suddenly, you hear the rev of a chainsaw and that's when his composure shatters.
“What was that?”
“A chainsaw"
“Like….a real one?????”
“It's okay I'm p sure it's one of those safe chainsaws.”
You mean….they wouldn't use…..real chainsaws right?
When that passed, Hyungwon was,,,,,not scared again.
But you were on your toes, ready to sprint when needed.
“Hey are you okay?”
Hyungwon asks when he sees that you are very much cowering.
You say nothing bc you don't even know if you have the ability to speak.
“Is there anything I can do?”
Before he actually finished that sentence the chainsaw rev started up again, but this time it was right next to you two and there was a guy w a chainsaw.
In a glimpse, you saw hyungwon put his fists up, looking ready to fight. But you didn't stick around long enough to see if he did.
You fucking ran.
Like there was nothing that could stop you.
Except maybe like, Hyungwon grabbing your arm to slow you down.
“Hey hey he just had the mission. I got it.”
You catch your breath and look at him, seeing he had a piece of paper in his hands.
“Also how about this. You can just hold onto me. So it'll relieve your fear. And if anything scares you I'll just fight them.”
You laughed bc like he was p scrawny and the chainsaw man was maybe twice his weight.
You did take up on his offer though, and you grabbed onto his sleeve.
You honestly looked like a little kid.
Holding onto an adults sleeve so you wouldn't get lost.
But listen. You didn't know this but hyungwon was just really trying so hard to not freak out
Like you're freaking out enough for the both of you.
He just wants to make sure you're okay.
You looked worried from the second he picked you to assist him.
So he tried to tell jokes, make conversation, and try not to fight the chainsaw guy.
But you were still very scared.
He was relieved when you took his sleeve bc you looked less scared then.
Getting to the axe and chainsaw was more you being jumpy every time you heard a sound,rather than anything else.
But you guys did make it to the stuff.
“Okay I'll just grab these then we'll just leave.”
You nod and let go of his sleeve as he went to get the things.
But it seemed like that's what the actors were planning.
The moment you were alone, the two actors surrounded you, revving the chainsaw and swinging that axe.
You like plopped down on the floor.
That was your defense mechanism.
That's how you knew you'd die in a real situation like this.
But also since you were on the ground the view was scarier bc all you saw was chainsaw.
So you closed your eyes.
And then you heard screaming…..
The screaming got closer, and then you felt yourself get lifted up, and you were moving.
The screaming continued though.
You opened your eyes to see that hyungwon had lifted you up and started running away, while screaming in terror.
And he just kept running.
Eventually he stopped screaming though.
When he got back to the entrance, he put you down on your feet.
“Did you just bridal carry me out of a forest while screaming bloody murder?”
“Yeah I think I did. You're not scared now at least.”
“No, I'm not.”
Did he really do all that so you wouldn't be scared????
Yeah he did. Wow.
“Hey Hyungwon.”
Changkyun was laughing, very much enjoying what had just happened.
“You didn't do your mission.”
He looked at changkyun, and then at a nearby camera.
I.M/Changkyun (Written By: Admin Wonhoe)
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Okay so you were currently standing in the middle of some woods
You knew it was a fenced off area, it was actually a dome, because you came in through a gate and you saw the edge of the dome with your own two eyes
But it must be a huge area
Because you were driven to the center in a golf cart
You were also,,,,,,,,,handcuffed to changkyun???
And it was night but you only had a measly head lamp
Changkyun was given a card and when he read it he seemed confident
“It says that we’re being hunted and that we have to find a bow and 6 arrows before we can escape”
“What’s hunting you?”
“Us. What’s hunting us.”
“I’m not part of this!”
“You’re handcuffed to me.”
“...Valid point.”
“Anyway all it says that we’re being hunted by a flesh hungry animal.”
Out of nowhere you hear a growl and Changkyun screams so loud but his voice is rlly deep so it sounds like another growl to you and you try to run but you’re HANDCUFFED TO CHANGKYUN
So instead you cling to him.
“Okay okay, I have an idea. We can find the edge of the dome and then we can climb up the dome and just dangle there for 24 hours and they’ll get the hint eventually..”
You facepalm with your free hand
“We are NOT climbing or hanging from anywhere. We have to find the bow and arrows.”
“But the flesh hungry animal is gonna get us!!!!”
“But nothing Changkyun, we are going to finish this mission and get out of here”
By now you’ve noticed that you’re clinging onto him so you let go and put some distance between the two of you
“This is MY mission.”
“Yeah well like you said  we’re (all) in this together.”
Reluctantly Changkyun follows as you begin walking around from tree to tree and bush to bush to find the things you needed to collect
“WAIT. There’s a key for the handcuffs and I know where it is!”
“Where is it?”
“It….should be,,,,,,,,,,,,hanging from a  tree.”
“We could go with the alternative option”
“What is that.”
“I can chop your hand off.”
The two of you are startled by a growling noise once again which you catch on is a sign to get the show on the road.
“I could let you in on a little secret.”
“What is that?”
“These aren’t real.” You hear the staff groan as you pull your hand out of the handcuff and begin running away.
Changkyun is quick though so he doesn’t lose sight of you
But what you didn’t expect to happen while you were running
Was for your headlamp to shut off.
You stop immediately and Changkyun crashes right into you causing his headlamp to fall off and break
It is now completely dark
“Good going changkyun! WAIT SOMETHING JUST TOUCHED ME”
Changkyun is now wildly punching and kicking around himself
“I hit something!”
He hit you
Another roar has the two of you magically running into each other's arms despite not being able to see each other.
“Let’s go!”
Changkyun grabs your hand and begins running in any random direction. Was this mission even possible this area was so big
You’re literally walking around for at least twenty minutes with no luck.
There are a few scares
One time Changkyun ends up jumping in your arms and the two of you fall to the ground because you weren’t expecting it
Another time the two of you are trying so desperately to escape whatever it is chasing you that you literally sabotage and sacrifice each other
Changkyun trips you
You tell him to look somewhere while you run away
He manages to climb a tree but is too scared to jump down so you tell him you’ll catch him but he just ends up falling on top of you
“Sorry that was me...Shownu lets me do it when I’m nervous.”
You guys were a mess
But anyway you were also having no luck
Like 40 minutes into filming the staff all laughs at something and you and changkyun are confused while trying to get twigs and leaves out of his hair after he fell while trying to lean against a tree
“What’s going on?”
“We forgot to set up the most important part of the mission. Someone found the bow and arrows back in one of the prop cars…”
You and Changkyun are like so done with this whole thing
They let you out and you’re both pouty and mad about it
Like a week later you’re watching the edited versions of all of the haunted houses and stuff like that and Changkyun’s comes up and its basically just a whole 10 minutes of you and him getting into a whole lot of shenanigans (+screaming)
You know those little sound effects and filters and effects they do on stuff like that well there are plenty of those
And you and Changkyun laugh at each other while watching it and you’re sitting rlly close to one another
And at scary parts you kinda grab his hand or scoot closer and its super cute
And Changkyun just lets you because he needs to protect you and make sure you’re safe
And yeah
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acupofmatt-blog1 · 6 years
Guess her name → Matt (Self-Para)
Characters: Matt Solís, Gabriel Solís (Matt’s older brother)
Location→ Madeline and Matt’s apartment
Date→ July 23, 2018
Summary→ Matt receives a text from her estranged brother Gabriel with a photo attached to it and from it springs a series of texts and then a FaceTime call.
Matt had just finished feeding Coco and felt her phone vibrate, indicating she received a text. Matt hummed. “Who do you think is texting me, Coco?” Matt cooed. “Is it Scouty? Do you think it’s a nude? I hope it’s a nude.”
Matt nodded. “Funny you think it’s Lara, she wants nothing to do with me.” Matt laughed pathetically, acting like it didn’t hurt at all.
“Yeah, okay, let me check, gosh.” Matt smiled at Coco before taking her phone out from her back pocket and seeing it was a text from Gabriel.
Matt’s finger lingered over the text notification before letting out a sigh and tapping on her phone, opening the message.
From Gabriel: [Image attached] Guess her name.
Matt gasped when she saw a picture of a tiny bundle of joy with a little bit of brown hair and the most adorable little smile. Matt felt her heart melting at the sight of the baby wrapped in a blanket.  
Was that her niece? When her brother said he was having a daughter and his wife was pregnant, she didn’t think it was that far along. Maybe Matt should’ve gone to the wedding to find that little detail out.
Matt moved to sit down on her bed and responded to the text, chewing on her lip nervously.
From Matt: would it be a stretch to say Matilde?
Matt watched the little “delivered” sign changed to “read” and the three little dots appeared. This was some nerve-wracking shit occurring at the moment. Not even the current drama occurring in her life was this nerve-wracking as texting her BROTHER.  
Matt bounced her knee as she watched those three fucking dots moving.
From Gabriel: [image attached]
From Gabriel: sorry, I can’t stop taking pictures of her!! Holy shit. Isn’t she gorgeous?
From Gabriel: But no. Not Matilde. There can only be one. She has your middle name, though.
Matt smiled softly.
From Matt: poor thing.
From Matt: poor, CUTE thing. She is gorgeous, Gabriel. Feel free to send a billion more 💖
Matt knew she should’ve been wiser than to say that because her and Gabriel were similar. Tell them to do one thing and they’ll do it ten times more intensely. So here Matt was, receiving loads and loads of pictures of her precious niece. Not that Matt minded at all, it was the most adorable sight in the world.
She looked like Matt when she was a newborn, only a lot balder and probably a lot cuter. Matt couldn’t stop smiling brightly at the pictures. This was the most she’d smiled all morning and she was absolutely beaming with pride and joy over her niece.
From Matt: hmmm how about Matt?? Is that her name??
From Matt: I don’t fucking know?? Gabriela??
From Gabriel: Okay, so I can’t hold my excitement anymore!!
From Gabriel: Say hi to Donatella Del Carmen Solís.
Matt read the name and a huge smile formed on her face before starting to laugh. “Oh my FUCKING god.” Matt started to laugh even more.
Matt resisted the urge to text Gabriel that she loved him. While she did love him, no doubt, she wasn’t ready to drop that emotion onto him again. That would give him power. Power Matt didn’t know if it could be trusted yet.
Matt continued to exchange excited texts with Gabriel over the name reveal. Matt had to admit, it was a pretty awesome fucking name.
From Gabriel: Can we FaceTime?? So you can meet Donnie!!! She’s got her eyes open right now!!
Matt chewed on her lip at the question. Sure, she had talked to Gabriel…via one really bad phone call…but the idea of SEEING HIM? And him seeing HER?
But they were bonding.
No arguments, no painful words exchanged, no hate…
From Matt: Yeah, sure. Call me.
A few seconds later, her phone rung with an incoming FaceTime call and Matt took a deep breath as she checked herself in the mirror quickly before answering.
She was met with Gabriel’s beaming face. He looked a little older and scruffier. He grew a beard? And his light colored eyes looked a little more tired, but then again, he did have a newborn baby.
“You look like Jesus Christ with that beard.” Matt teased, ignoring the way her heart was pounding at seeing him and the way Gabriel was intensely staring back. He was definitely studying her features.
“You cut your hair.” Gabriel smiled softly. “It looks good. You look good. You look a little older, but you haven’t changed at all…Matt.” Gabriel pursed his lips. Matt could see he was obviously trying.
Matt gulped at the name and chuckled. “Thanks.”
Gabriel nodded. “Yeah.”
There was a lingering silence and Matt kept looking at everywhere but her phone until Gabriel broke the silence.
Gabriel moved around. “Okay, ready to meet Donatella?”
Matt laughed. “I can’t believe you named her Donatella! How did your wife even agree?”
“She likes Ninja Turtles too!” Gabriel defended. “But I also agreed to take over the night shift for Donnie until we sleep train her.” Gabriel relented. “Hence the dark bags.” He shrugged as Matt watched him step inside a nursery.  “I don’t mind at all.” Gabe smiled as he switched the camera over to Donatella lying on her crib with Ninja Turtle bedsheets.
Gabriel was dedicated, Matt had to appreciate that. And also couldn’t help but geek out over it. “I want to live in her nursery, what the heck?!” Matt exclaimed before grinning when she saw the little newborn staring up, probably at nothing since her vision was still developing. God, she was the most adorable baby she had ever seen in her life.
“Say hi Donatella! Say hi to tía.” Matt heard Gabriel coo to his daughter.
Matt saw a tiny smile form on Donatella’s face and Matt quickly put her hand over her heart. “She smiled! Did you see that?! She likes the sound of seeing me.” Matt exclaimed, pouting as she looked at her phone screen affectionately. “She’s so beautiful.” Matt felt her eyes prickle with tears.
“She did! She loves you already, Matt!” Gabriel exclaimed.
“I love her already, too. She’s easy to love, I guess.” Matt said softly.
“You should visit. Come meet her in person.”
Matt stayed quiet. The thought did creep up at her the second she laid eyes on Donatella, but was she ready to face her parents? Not in the slightest.
“I would like to.” Matt said as the screen started to shake as Gabriel picked up his daughter and then sat on the rocking chair, adjusting the camera so Matt could see both of them.
“But?” Gabriel looked straight at the camera.
“You know why I can’t.” Matt looked away. “None of you are ready to embrace me.”
“I am. I promise.” Gabriel assured, looking down at Donatella. “I have been since she was born. It made me realize a lot of things.”
Matt looked back at the phone screen. “What things?”
Gabriel continued looking at his daughter. “I could never turn my back on her. Ever. No matter what. Even if she, like, wanted to be a boy or whatever. I would still love her. Or she wanted to be with girls. Or guys and girls? I don’t know.” Gabriel shrugged. “I’d love her no matter what. I just want her to be happy. Always happy.” Gabriel nodded. “I never want her to experience pain because of me. Because no doubt she’ll get hurt with something, but I don’t want to be that something.”
“Oh.” Matt wasn’t sure how to respond at this new revelation. But could she trust it? Were Gabriel’s intentions good?
Gabe looked back at Matt. “And I know now what I did was wrong. I was caught up in my bullsh—stuff.” Gabriel chuckled. “I kept thinking how you being a…lesbian…made me feel. And how upset it made me, but, like, I never stopped to think how you felt. And how lonely it must have been. You just wanted to embrace who you were and we kicked you to the ground.” Gabriel sighed. “We made you feel like everything you did was wrong. And how you felt wasn’t good enough. Like you were a mistake and you’re not. Because when I saw Donnie for the first time, I saw you. I remember when you were born. And I told ma and pa that I’d protect you forever and ever. And that we’d always watch cartoons together and play video games. Ma didn’t like that, but you know.” Gabriel shrugged with a chuckle. “Donnie looks like you and I feel like it’s my chance to make things right. I don’t know, I just…I want to be your brother again. A good one. The kind that sticks around and loves you. We can talk about how hot girls are and shit, I don’t care. Oh fu—this cursing thing is tough stuff to bite back on.”
Matt didn’t even realize she had tears streaming down her face until Gabriel finished talking and wiped them away. “Well that was unexpected. I just wanted to fall more in love with my adorable niece, not cry.” Matt chuckled before pausing. “I do…I want you to be my brother again, I do. Just…give me time. Slow, get me?”
“Yeah, I get it.”
Matt nodded. “Good. But I do want that. I don’t know if I’ll get mami and papi back, but at least I’ll have you. Maybe.”
“You will. I’m not backing out.” Gabriel assured. “You can tell me about anything. Even a girl you like.”
“One thing at a time, dude.” Matt laughed. “There are two girls I feel…strongly for.” Matt relented. “But it’s a long story. We can talk about that another day.”
Matt looked over at Donatella who had fallen asleep in Gabriel’s arms and smiled. Matt also wanted to try this whole reconnection thing again. For her. Because one look at Donatella and Matt fell in love. It was the quickest she had ever fallen for someone. And it was something good and pure and she knew it was a different kind of love. The kind that wasn’t too complicated to think about.
“So does that mean you want to have another talk like this?” Gabriel asked. “Maybe you can meet Ericka next time.”
Matt nodded and smiled when Donatella stirred in her sleep. “There will be a next time.”
Gabriel smiled. “Yeah?”
Matt nodded. “Yeah.”
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girlwsoftsound · 7 years
Three’s Company || MattyxGeorgexReader Oneshot
Word Count: 4,243 Warnings: This is such smut, GOODNESS. Summary: There are consequences to showing up out of the blue and needing a place to stay with your boyfriend Matty, and they just so happen to involve George.  Author’s Note: Holy moly, this is WILD. Kudos to @benditlikebedford for requesting this. It was something to write, alright! Hope you guys like it! Also, be sure to throw in a like or comment if you liked it! I love seeing feedback from you all. Please feel free to send more requests here! Enjoy! 
If you go on the road with four boys after hotel arrangements are already made, expect to have to share your bed.
It was a lesson you learned the first night you joined the band on tour. You had already been made aware by Matty that, because of the fact your joining was so spur-of-the-moment, you would have to be sharing the room with the duo of him and George. That frankly was not an issue to you when he brought it up, because you loved George. He was Matty’s best friend and made him so happy. As Matty’s girlfriend, you appreciated anyone in his life that could do that. Matty deserved all of the love he could get.
What was the issue was what Matty did not tell you. Perhaps, he had forgotten because you had arrived only moments before soundcheck, and he was too preoccupied to remember small details in that time. Heck, even you had forgotten by the time the concert began and you got to enjoy it on the side of the stage. There was something captivating about seeing Matty at his prime that drove away all other thoughts.
It was not until the band left the stage and you stayed with Matty that the real issue became known. This hotel did not provide the nice double queen beds like you had imagined they would have. No, instead, this hotel had tiny double beds. This meant cramped sleeping quarters and, as you knew well, an even more ridiculous situation for you. Matty did not exactly like to be slept all over at night because he would get sometimes claustrophobic. Thus, you had the ‘privilege’ of getting to share the bed with none other than the band’s resident giant for the night - George.
“It won’t be that bad,” Matty told you as you walked down the hall to the room. “He’s rather comfortable to share a bed with. Very courteous.”
“You say that like you’ve done it a lot.”
“When you’ve known a boy for nearly fourteen years, you are bound to have had a night where you had to share the bed with him.” Wrapping his arm around your shoulders, Matty leaned in and kissed your cheek. “It will be fine. It’s like sleeping with an oversized teddy bear. Besides, he’s a gentleman. You know that. He’ll do whatever you need him to so that you can sleep well. If not, then I’ll make sure of it.”
“I hope you’re right.”
Following Matty, you checked in with Jamie real quick and then headed over to your room with George, room 375. Matty swiped his card in the door, and in seconds, you were entering the room. There, you found a sight you were not exactly expecting. Sprawled out on the bed as if he owned the thing, clad in only his boxer briefs and scrolling through his phone, was George. You were shocked. Matty could only smirk. George, looking up from his phone briefly, threw a nod your way.
You laughed, mostly at the audacity of him. Sup? He’s nearly naked on the bed you have to share with him and the first thing he says is ‘sup’? It was hardly believable. However, Matty left your side and went to his things as if it were, as if that was simply how George functioned. You felt incredibly out of place. Not to mention, a bit embarrassed and shy. He was nearly naked, after all. His lack of layers did not really leave much to the imagination, and you were not too sure you wanted to have Matty catching you ogling his best friend right before you were to sleep in the same bed as him. You swallowed hard.
“C’mon love, I won’t bite,” George spoke, startling you in your spot by the door. He scooted over and patted next to him, throwing you that silly grin you were so fond of. You looked to Matty, as if you had to ask permission to move forward. He was busy unpacking his things, but when you did not reply nor move towards George, he looked over to you. Smiling, he dropped his clothes on the bed and went over to hug you.
“It’s alright. You don’t have to act like sleeping in the same bed is going to do any harm,” he soothed, kissing along your neck. “I’d have you sleep with me but you know how I get.”
You nodded. “I know. I just don’t want to make things awkward.”
“How would you make things awkward?”
Startled, you looked over to see George, now propped up on his elbows watching the two of you. Biting your lip, you looked between him and Matty. He looked even better than before. His hair, wet from a quick shower, sat in curls on his face. His eyes looked rather concerned for you, yet mischievous. It was almost as if he knew exactly why it would be awkward, and wanted to push your buttons to get you to admit it. Something in Matty’s eyes, you saw when you gazed back at them, caught the same twinkle. You swallowed hard.
“I-It’s just that...that you are...well...and I am...guys, do I have to say it?”
Matty looked to George, and when his eyes were back to you, the mischievousness had taken over fully. Along with it, a hint of lust appeared. You could feel George’s eyes boring into your side.
“You’re all shy because you’ll be sleeping in the bed of another guy, aren’t you love?”
“Here’s the thing about that love,” he whispered, his lips ghosting against your cheek as they led to your ear, “George and I have shared plenty of things in the past. I wouldn’t necessarily be opposed to sharing you with him for a night.”
Blinking, you opened your mouth in another fit of shock. Matty grinned, wickedly so. His hand held your hip, gripping a bit tight. You gasped as his lips went to your neck again, this time less as a comfort and more as a devilish expression of intentions. You pulled back from him after a moment, searching his eyes. He smiled.
“I saw your face when we first walked in, love. You find him fit.”
“It’s not bad,” he whispered, caressing your side with his other hand. “He’s a proper fit lad. If you’re alright with it...we might be able to arrange a bit of fun between the three of us tonight to ease your nerves. That is, if you are alright with it.”
You could hardly believe your ears. Wouldn’t what Matty was suggesting be dangerous? Wouldn’t it mess up the relationship you had with him, and he with George? Then again, as you looked to the bed and saw George, your friend, the goofy guy you knew to bring Matty so much happiness, and back to Matty, your boyfriend, the guy you knew loved you more than anyone, you realized that maybe it wouldn’t. Maybe, Matty knew exactly what he was doing. Maybe, he had done this before. The thought sent a thrill up and down your back.
“If anything, it’ll make you more comfortable sleeping next to George.”
And that was what got you convinced. Looking to George, you with a nervous hand beckoned him over. He crawled to the end of the bed and got up, only needing one stride to go over to where Matty and you stood. You looked to Matty for permission, and when he nodded and granted it, you bent him down to kiss you.
He was a sweet kisser, different yet just as lovely as Matty. His hands had a bit more force behind them than Matty’s, probably due to their overall larger size. You found after kissing him for a few moments that he was quite a gentle kisser in comparison, though that could be because of his lack of familiarity with you. If anything, it was nice. Not knowing him in this way was nerve-wracking. You liked the ease-in that George gave you.
You liked the feel of Matty’s hands rubbing up and down your body from behind even better.
“Mmm, you’re being so good for him already,” he murmured, his voice like silk against your ear. “You’re going to give him such a time, love.”
You leaned your neck to the side to let George access it, allowing for your eyes to meet Matty’s. “I-I want you.”
“You’ll get me,” his whispered reply promised. “You’ll get all of me. I just want George to have some fun with you before then. This is to get you to be comfortable with him, after all.”
Matty finished his words with a fierce kiss to your lips, driving you moaning into his mouth. He for sure was more confident in kissing you. He knew exactly what drove you wild, what made your knees weak and had you begging his name. He knew all your secrets and then some. His kisses proved that.
“How about you two have some time on the bed while I go shower off a bit.” Turning to George, Matty winked. ‘Give her a good time, yeah?”
“Of course. She’ll be in good hands.”
Matty gave you one final kiss before going off and disappearing into the bathroom. As soon as he was gone, it was a whole different game. It was just you and George, which was odd, yet not the worst thing. Matty basically gave you permission to learn and explore George, and he was far from a bad guy to enjoy that permission with. Still, you were nervous. You did not want to cross any lines you were not sure existed with him. You could tell he recognized this in you with Matty’s shower now turned on and you no longer under his supervision. George smiled.
Following his lead, you took his hand and let him guide you onto the bed. There, he began to tentatively feel up and down your sides like Matty had been doing. It was soothing and familiar in the face of such oddity. You liked the feeling of it, and moaned to let him know you liked it. George’s smile returned even stronger than before. His lips took to yours.
“Do you like to be eaten out, love?”
The question came at you suddenly, and not without a gasp and questioning of if he was mad. George laughed, bringing your hand up to his mouth so he could kiss it. “Matty asked me to show you a good time. I figured that perhaps you might enjoy it and it might get you a little less nervous around me.”
“I-I don’t know what to say.”
“I’ll only do what you are comfortable with.”
Biting your lip, you looked around and then nodded. It would be a bit weird having George see you in that way, but it was what Matty wanted, right? Kissing George deep, you let him gently lay you down onto the bed and kiss along your legs. He had you sit up on your elbows like he had been sitting before so that you could see him as he worked, first in taking off your shorts and then in taking off your underwear. Being exposed to him felt a bit odd, but each kiss that he placed to the inside of your thighs made you not care as much. It felt good, frankly. You were not really in a position to complain. Kissing a bit nearer your core, George shifted you forward so that your legs were bent on either side of him. You blushed, making him smile.
“Think you can make Matty hear you in the loo?”
“Depends,” you said softly, feeling most of the blood in your body running south, “how good are you at this?”
George shrugged, pausing to kiss right on your clit to make you gasp. “I don’t know. Why don’t you be the judge?”
And that was the end of that. George went right to work on you, his mouth warm against you and his tongue not as worried about being sweet and careful as his lips had been on your mouth. Sure enough, George was right. You were in good hands, great even. He had you forgetting your inhibitions in no time, they being replaced quickly with the intense pleasure forming thanks to his work on your clit. It was a wild feeling. Matty had been like this with you before plenty of times. George’s work, much like his kiss, was different yet just as nice. He used a bit more directness with his touches than Matty. Matty liked to tease you more, bringing you to the point of screaming his name before allowing you any release. George on the other hand cut straight to the chase. His tongue was unrelenting and made sure to leave no part of your core unexplored. He did not want a big performance like Matty - he wanted instant gratification in the form of your moans in the air. And did he ever get them.
Panting, gasping, you were falling apart underneath George’s grasp. The best part about his direct nature was the direct pleasure that you got, lick after lick, hum after hum against your skin. It had you moaning out, grasping at the sheets, even pulling yourself closer to George’s mouth. It was on that action that George pulled away and smirked at you.
“I think you need to encourage Matty to get here before all the fun goes away. Shout his name for me, love. Let him know how much you want him to come back here.”
Gasping, you nodded and left George back to his work. Within a minute or two, he had you back to how you were before, writhing and moaning like a fool. That was when you decided to speak and do as George said, happy to oblige him after all of his hard work.
“Oh...oh Matty,” you moaned, hoping he could hear you now that the shower seemed to be shut off. “Matty, I need you, babe. Please. Oh, oh fuck, Matty I-”
Stepping out in only a towel, his hair every which way and just as damp as George’s, Matty wore a big smirk. He walked on over to join George’s side, giving you a beautifully lustful look from underneath his eyelashes. He looked eager to join in, and pleased with how relaxed and aroused you were.
“You called?”
You moaned, your hips rising from the bed in pleasure. “I-I need you.”
“Where do you need me, baby?”
It had been a while since he had called you that. The sound alone was enough to drive you closer to your release, but you couldn’t cum. Not just yet. “Kiss me.”
You hardly needed to ask. Matty walked over and knelt by the bedside, bringing your head into his hands so he could get a good look at you. His lips met yours, along with his hands meeting your breasts through the simple t-shirt he had bought for you last year when he first met you. His mouth explored you as George worked furiously to get you to cum, suppressing your moans while encouraging George on. They worked like a team on you. You could only imagine how it would feel once one of them was inside you. Or both. You shivered at the thought. Then, something inside you snapped.
Yelling into Matty’s mouth a sharp squeal, your orgasm hit you hard. Your back arched you up into Matty’s grasp, and George’s large hand worked to keep you down flesh against the bed in a way that made you unable to escape the pleasure. It was so much at once, the waves of pleasure going through you at their command. You felt your body jolt a bit from it, something that made both George and Matty smile as they pulled away from you. George gently rubbed your clit until you were through your orgasm, leaving you a panting mess. Your eyes opened to find them both admiring you, sweet eyes meeting your blissful ones. You found yourself grinning back at them.
“I think George is good at that.”
Matty chuckled, nodding George’s way. “I knew you would be in good hands. I heard you begging for me though, love. You want me, don’t you?”
You nodded. “I do.”
“Say it.”
“I-I want you inside me, Matty.”
He smiled, turning to George. “She’s so good, isn’t she?”
“She deserves some kind of reward for putting up with us,” George murmured, wiping his mouth before licking his lips. “You’d like that, yes beautiful? A reward?”
Nodding, you looked between the two. “I-I would.”
“Follow my lead,” Matty whispered to George, and suddenly you found yourself being pushed up further on the bed. Matty situated you slightly propped up on the pillows. After some heated kissing, he instructed George to go grab some condoms. A short rummage through their things later, and George had exactly what Matty asked. Matty got his on a little after George, and when he did, he went down to your entrance, teasing you with his tip before going all the way in to the sound of your moan. He grinned, pleased with the noise.
“Mmm baby, you feel so good.”
Moaning as your hips rolled against his thrust, you nodded in agreement. “You do too, Matty. Oh.”
“George,” Matty called, catching his attention away from you, “I think her mouth isn’t occupied. You’d be alright with that my love, right?”
Nodding, you watched as George crept forward. His hand went to weave itself into your hair, and then you went to put your mouth around him. It was his turn to let out a moan, and it was a glorious one at that. Pure music and bliss. It sent heat down where Matty entered, and had you squeeze around his cock in a way that made Matty gasp and moan. It spurned something within him, for he quickly brought your legs up and held them on either side of you, allowing him to enter you better and deeper. You cried out at the new feeling.
“She making you feel good, George?”
He nodded, letting his head fall back. “Best goddamn lips, she has.”
“I know, right?”
Matty’s thrusts into you were relentless. Clearly, he was still high off of his performance, for he was intent on putting on a show for you. Moans, his hands holding you tight to the bed, his hand reaching down to work at your clit - it was a fit of stimulation. You felt your abdomen heat up, pulsing with pleasure. It was enough to send you arching and writhing again. This time however, when you felt like you were going to cum, Matty did not give you the sweet release you desired. Instead, he pulled out, all the way, and made you moan from the loss onto George. He gasped, his hips jerking and nearly causing you to deepthroat him. You were glad he stopped himself. George was certainly a bit too big for you to successfully do that. Matty called him over.
“Stay into her until you’re close,” he instructed, low and commanding to his friend, “or until I say to switch, okay?”
George nodded as if his command was nothing. Matty patted him on the back and walked over to you, petting your hair before asking your permission to enter your mouth. Looking into his brown eyes, you couldn’t refuse. He always looked at you so beautifully, no matter what the reason. A blowjob was hardly enough thanks for that, but you were happy to do it nevertheless.
“Ugh, I love you,” he groaned as he entered. George chuckled before nudging at your entrance, giving you yet another thing to focus your mind on. He, you knew for sure, was bigger than Matty. Your gut twisted at the thought of him being so big, but you were excited at the thought of feeling him inside you at the same time. Your conflicting emotions proved to heighten your senses as he did enter, leaving you gasping and moaning around Matty, which in turn led him to moan. The room sounded like a big assortment of moans. A true rockstar’s bedroom.
George’s pace was more gentle at first than Matty’s, but as soon as he got a good pace going, he had you nearly moaning with every thrust. Matty proved to make this arrangement even more eventful, as he did start to buck into your mouth. You tried your best to take him in, his hands tugging at your hair for encouragement. He got sloppy, and you knew that he got that way when he was close. George too seemed to get that way as his pace got almost unbearably faster. You felt like you would explode when he suddenly called out to Matty. Your mind whirled at how fast these boys could just stop their actions and switch. Sure, they had known each other for a while and, given how comfortable they seemed, you probably were not the first girl they had done this with, but it still was impressive considering each time they did, you felt frustrated enough you could hit something. You supposed it made returning that much better for them.
George tore off his condom as he went to you, tossing it aside so that you could take him in skin-to-skin. He moaned and begged you to help him cum, his voice higher when so needy as he was. You went to work on him as Matty roughly entered and began thrusting hard and fast into you. Your legs once again found themselves bent back, this time with the addition of the hand not rubbing your clit pinning your hip to the bed. He grunted with each thrust, and each thrust made your moans louder. Everything seemed to speed up from there. Your bobbing on George’s cock, Matty’s thrusts into you, his hand going back and forth on your clit. You felt wild. The pure ecstasy you felt was unparalleled. Soon enough, it got to the point where it really couldn’t be paralleled. The boys were reaching their peak.
George came first, his hips bucking into your mouth and a long groan escaping his lips after your tongue managed to lick right across his slit. You did not mind swallowing - you did it for Matty all the time. You tried your best to work him through his orgasm as Matty pounded into you, nearly rocking the bed against the wall. It only took him a bit more to cum, a few perfect thrusts and, to your happiness, your orgasm clenching you around him. You both came with yelled versions of your names. George brushed your hair out of your eyes as you did, and his touch guided you down from your high after it hit. Matty found himself after leaving you and disposing of his condom collapsing next to you, his chest rising and falling fast as his breathing still continued to get to normal. George grinned.
“Well, that was something.”
Giggling, you and Matty nuzzled your noses together. “She sure is, isn’t she?” Matty said softly, languidly kissing you. You pulled back blushing, curling into his side. “Love, do you feel more comfortable around our Georgie now?”
You giggled again. “Yeah, though I’m not going to start calling him Georgie.”
Folding his arms, George grinned. “Good.”
“Actually, I’m so comfortable with him that I have an idea.” Both boys watched you as you slipped past them, getting up to stand before both of the beds. “Why don’t we push them together? I...I think it would be nicer and...and I kind of want to wake up next to both of you. If you don’t mind.”
Matty and George shared a glance. “Your girlfriend has a point. It would be nicer.”
“I wouldn’t be uncomfortable. That would give me enough space, I think.”
“Let’s do it.”
And so, after moving suitcases and discarded clothing around, the boys worked together to push the beds side by side. It took a little bit of fixing up to make the beds comfortable to sleep on, but then they became the perfect place for the three of them to stay. You hopped onto the middle, and the boys took to either side of you. George spooned you, while you spooned Matty. Together, you were the perfect trio.
“We have to do this some other time.”
Turning to look at you, Matty laughed. “Who knew my beautiful girlfriend has a thing for threesomes?”
“She’s a perfect one, she is,” George replied, kissing your forehead. “I think she deserves whatever she asks for, don’t you?”
Nodding, Matty flipped over and kissed you. “I couldn’t agree more. Maybe in the morning love, alright?”
“Thank you for coming on tour with us.”
Smiling, you brought Matty in for a deep kiss, ending with nibbling his lip slightly as you pulled away to get him to smile back. “I wouldn’t ever want miss out on being with my favorite boys.”
“That’s why we love you.”
And that was how you learned your lesson, a lesson that to this day you keep in mind when you go to concerts with the boys: If you go on the road with four boys after hotel arrangements are already made, expect to have to share your bed. And enjoy it.
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nny11writes · 7 years
Fictober 27- Moment
The one where Ahsoka goes undercover, finds herself crushing on someone, and can’t act. But honestly, what else is new? ~~~~~~~~~~~ Ahsoka was doubled over with laughter, unable to explain exactly what she found so hilarious about the dramatic Jedi flick based on the totally fake time that never happened where Skyguy beat Grievous aboard the Malevolence.
 During her undercover mission with Master Obi-Wan it had seemed prudent to actually spend time with regular kids her age. In practice Ahsoka had found it awkward, nerve wracking, and unpleasant with one exception. She had gotten to meet Moshi, who was a fifteen year old togrutan colored all in purples and pinks. He was silly and kind and had a set of fantastic dimples that complemented his round face. Ahsoka had known from the moment she’d met him that she was in, what some might call, Trouble. She knew better, she’d done better when it came to Lux but Mosh was...was him. Despite knowing it was a bad choice, Ahsoka had agreed to watch The Great Malevolence with him.
She only somewhat regretted the choice.
Moshi had responded to her laughter with a kicked puppy glare as if he was personally hurt. Each new round of her laughter, and derisive comment only causing him to melt sullenly into the couch. Ahsoka eventually managed to get a few words out to explain herself. “Look, it’s, it’s just, it doesn’t work like that! Explosive decompression is, well, it’s explosive. Lightsabers don’t work like that. Master Skywalker probably didn’t get shirtless for the fight, and what the heck?”
Dashing on screen was a rail thin togruta girl who performed a rather average gymnastic stunt before landing next to Anakin “The Hero with No Fear” Skywalker.
“Don’t worry Master, we can take him!” The girl cried dramatically.
“Of course we can, stick with me Padawan.” Fake Anakin said with a wink, and the two posed with some frankly amazing backlighting. “Let’s scrap this droid.”
Moshi’s sullen glare softened into something dreamy. “That’s his apprentice jedi, Ahsoka Tano. She’s amazing! And hot!”
Ahsoka coughed violently as she fought another round of blushing. The fake Ahsoka on screen effortlessly destroyed droid after droid with a great vibroblade technique that would cause an actually lightsaber to bounce back in her face. Ahsoka tried not to notice the way the actress’s headdress had some weird triangular stones on it to stand in as akul teeth. That was just rude.
“She’s a huntress, you can see her akul teeth, and I’m just saying if jedi could marry I’d propose.” Moshi continued, apparently blind to her deep suffering. “I’d totally get my ass kicked to propose to jedi Tano. She’s so cool! Did you know she liberated Ryloth? Like, please, just punch me in the face master jedi.”
Ahsoka tried to keep her peels of laughter inside and mostly managed to just vibrate from the frankly unhealthy suppression. So this was what Sith Hells was. Trapped between inappropriate laughter, indignation, and the nervousness that only seemed to show up the second she wanted to be cool.
Fake Anakin turned screaming and force pushed fake Ahsoka through a dramatically closing blast door. It cut to fake Ahsoka pounding on the metal, her fake off green lightsaber apparently not good enough to cut through metal.
“Don’t worry young one,” Fake Anakin said as he turned to face the rail thin cyborg. “I am not afraid.”
Ahsoka’s brain made a choice without her input, and she lost an inevitable war to her soul shaking laughter. “This is sooooo bad! Stars, cut through the door dumbass!”
“Don’t talk about my wife like that!” Moshi cackled as he chucked a kernel at her head. “But seriously, cut through the door! It’s one of the biggest plot holes of the whole damned thing.”
Ahsoka was too busy dying to respond that it was a plot hole because it never happened, because Anakin hadn’t dueled Grievous at all! She had!
“And her technique is so, stars, it’s the wrong way to do it completely! Lightsabers are all weight in the hilt, there’s no weight to the blade.” Ahsoka wheezed at the ceiling. “And what kind of catch phrase was that? ‘I am not afraid!’”
“Oh so now you’re a jedi expert?” Moshi half kicked at her feet.
Ahsoka grinned awkwardly. Oh boy, some day she’d think before she spoke. Might as well take the life line though. “I might not know a lot about fake jedi, but yeah, I keep up about real jedi.”
“Oh really?” Moshi shuffled to sit closer and leaned in with a critical look. “So tell me then, what form is she supposed to use?”
Were lightsaber techniques public domain? Did the general population know about fighting forms? She dug a hole and decided in a slight panic to do what she was best at, keep digging. “Shien.”
Moshi blinked, suddenly sitting up straighter. “What unit does The Hero With no Fear fight with?”
“General Skywalker leads the 501st Legion, typically fighting with Torrent Squad. So does Commander Tano.”
“Dude!” Moshi stared at her with excited round eyes and bubbled with excitement. It was like she was the best thing he’d ever seen. Ahsoka did not preen as he whispered, “Dude!”
“What? Those aren’t hard questions Mosh, especially when you spend time learning real things!” Ahsoka lightly kicked at his leg. Returning the affection the way it was given. Probably a decent way to do this. She hoped.
“I concede that we could totally learn a lot, especially if it was about the jedi and my future wife. But c’mon, the vids are just fun even if they aren’t battle accurate. I mean, the mission with the Malevolence is still classified anyways. All we know is that Master Skywalker stopped it and that it was a super weapon.”
“Fire the super weapon!” Fake Grievous manically laughed. Fake Grievous was some kind of droid with a voiceover, a poorly maintained droid that Ahsoka felt pretty bad for. “There’s nothing that will save your precious Kenobi now!”
“Speaking of lucky assholes, dude, your dad!” Moshi fanned himself as he leaned back to watch the flick again. “He looks just like Kenobi!”
Ahsoka’s laughter turned into an epic coughing fit. They did not just go from her being the cool crush to Master Obi-Wan-who should Not Be Recognized At All Costs. She forced each word out around a set of chest rattling coughs. “What? No! He? No! Kenobi?”
Smooth. Real smooth.
“I’m serious, if he’d cut his hair and trimmed that giant bantha beard he could totally pass as The Negotiator’s twin. How have you not noticed?” Moshi, her dear new friend and crush, watched her coughing fit without so much as offering to help beyond nudging a soda towards her. A disgustingly sweet overly carbonated drink. Romance was truly dead. Ahsoka glared through her watering eyes and he continued, “Honestly he does! Hey, maybe you two could dress up as Tano and Kenobi for spirits eve. Dude, holy crap, that would be awesome!”
Ahsoka leaned back into the couch and tried to feel less awkward. “I don’t think that would fly. Besides, hopefully we’ll be gone long before then.”
It was like cold water had been thrown on them and Ahsoka did her level best not to turn and stare. Normal people couldn’t read emotions like that, so she should pretend to care about Fake Obi-Wan and his ridiculously chiseled features instead. Right?
“Do not worry my young friend,” Fake Obi-Wan turned, his ripped shirt dramatically revealing his super defined pec and nipple. He smirked as the camera zoomed in on the largest vent she’d ever seen. “I can make my own way from here.”
Fake Anakin, still shirtless, grinned at his communicator and posed with his lightsaber just so. The open circle sigel appearing from the random assortment of junk in the background very dramatically as Anakin turned to look down a giant hallway. “Meet you in the middle master.”
“Hey Mosh, what’s wrong?” Ahsoka hoped enough time had passed for her to ask.Moshi shrugged then rolled his whole head in time with his eyeroll. 
“I just, are you really gonna leave that soon? Don’t you like it here Ashla?”
“I do! I really do, but we need to leave as soon as we can.” Ahsoka rubbed her knuckles together. “We can’t just stay.”
Moshi practically slammed the popcorn bowl down before turning to look her dead on in the eyes. “You could. If you want to.” 
He placed his hands on top of hers. Light enough that she could pull away. Ahsoka tried to not melt the couch.
When had her own life gotten so much more dramatic and soppy than the flick? Even so...even so she just wanted to have this one moment last forever. She just wanted to have this one moment.
“I-”Ahsoka’s secret comm went off, loudly. She fumbled pulling away to fish it out from her belt. She at least had the sense of mind to answer with, “Ashla.”
“No time for that, I’ve found them and they are running. I need you to cut them off at the juncture to the spaceport.” Obi-Wan’s slightly winded voice blared at her along with several blaster shots and the whirling of his lightsaber.
Ahsoka, despite the seriousness of the call, found her eyes meeting Moshi’s huge watery gaze. “Yes Master. I can be there in ten.”
“May the force be with you Ahsoka. Kenobi out.”
Ahsoka let the call cut and summoned her school bag, all but ripping her lightsaber out from the smaller front pocket. As soon as the hilt hit her hand Ahsoka dropped the bag as dead weight. She turned to look at Moshi again, trying to memorize the way he looked right then. So hurt but happy, proud and sad and like he was desperately in love with her. As if she had any right to those emotions at all. “I’m sorry Mosh, but I really can’t stay. Thank you. For everything, it was fun.”Ahsoka tried to not kick her own ass too hard over how terrible of a goodbye that was, before she turned and ran for the junction. No chaos, be tranquility. No emotion, bring peace.
It would be hours later and light years away that Ahsoka would realize she still had her fake comm unit. A single message showed Moshi looking serious as he held up her school bag. The text said, “ nowyou have to come back i got your stuff”.
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scoutmeout-blog · 7 years
I drove more than a block for the first time since my car accident in April 2016 a few days ago and holy heck was that nerve wracking. 20 miles total. I did realize that my issue with driving isn't with the actual act of driving itself, but with driving the car involved in the accident, because I drove a bigass Dodge Journey with zero issue when I can't drive a Kia Soul (the car I was driving when I got hit.)
Maybe eventually I'll be comfortable driving in the daytime again, but for now, I'm happy with the progress I've made.
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