jellycatslippers · 9 months
yall didnt tell me my hollow knight rarepair has become popular????????? aaughhhh im happee
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xneoncrayon · 1 year
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💖 The world is not so scary when I’m cuddled against you 💖
My Hollow with @metakit ‘s Quirrel :]
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thethrillof · 1 year
58. Accidental Eavesdropping and 100. Accidentally Saving The Day for.....hollowquirrel? or hollow and anyone of your choice
something set in the days before the Sealing, where the Pure Vessel is brought to the Archives for Monomon to look at. she and Quirrel talk abt it, not nearby, but the Vessel has sharper hearing than expected, and though it isn't intended to listen, the mention of the Pale King is enough to give attention.
even if it's about doubting the Pale King. and doubting its pureness. doubting, and discussing a list of points, of how it responds, how it comprehends orders whether or not it does not feel.
and that is...concerning. it can't let this go. this sticks to it even after its return to the Palace, and eventually, it realizes it is considering things. it cannot speak to truly do so (nobody had taught the Vessel what "thoughts" even were) but what else is an urge to go and do something without previous order?
when left alone, after much mulling over, it...
to the Archives. to Monomon, but Monomon is not what it finds first, but Quirrel.
who is goddamn terrified and bewildered but bucks up and greets them, talks to them, manages to get an answer (a shaken head when asked if the King or Queen or the Madame had called for their presence there) and just...alright! alright. good to know that the Dreamer plan won't work and the theories were right, and now there's a giant Vessel lingering in the halls, where Quirrel is told to keep an eye on after Monomon appears and takes over.
the ending is open, but at least if hallownest falls, it won't be with false hope and three (four, five) more pointless sacrifices stretching it out first. and there is time for the hollow knight and quirrel to get to know each other.
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Regarding PK's reactions to his kids relationships, how in the world did Quirrel end up helping Hollow out with their heats or just generally being around and what was PK's overall reaction for the two becoming QPPs?
From my own hunch I could definitely see Hornet perhaps harassing Quirrel as well to a degree for at least awhile given how protective she is over her sibling (as vis versa regarding Hollow harassing Lace as you mentioned previously, both siblings look out for each other it seems), though I have no clue how their father might react to that whole idea that Hollow can indeed make relationships on their own in just a complex way as anyone else, let alone with Quirrel.
It's fun to theorize and further 'torment' the fork manlet over the causes and effects of his actions (and lack thereof). That, and seeing Hollow and co being happy for at least a few instances, juicy angst aside.
Well, to put it quite simply- he didn't react at all, because by the time that actually became a problem, he was trying to be dead. I haven't played around with Quirrelhollow too much (partially bc I'm worried about people side-eyeing it and the way I write it), but the whole QPP/FWB deal didn't actually fully come about until post-canon simply because Hollow didn't have to worry about their heat cycles until AFTER they recovered from the ordeal of the Black Egg Temple. I headcanon that Quirrel and Hollow met when they were both around 15, which was too young for Hollow's heats to start in full, and when they were actually due for a proper hormone cycle at ~mentally and physically age 20, the stress from being the Pure Vessel put them on hold. And then, of course, being trapped in the Black Egg Temple with a goddess in your brain doing her damned best to kill you is pretty much stress incarnate, so that + the lack of soul available also removed their heat cycle altogether. So it's not until after their body has healed and they're no longer being treated like a lifeless puppet that something like heat becomes a problem, which takes a long enough recovery time for Hollow and Quirrel to have built up a relationship as god and favored mortal.
PK also had no idea that Quirrel and Hollow struck up a sort of bond when he was alive, as the whole reason why he allowed them to interact in the first place was because Monomon would take her adoptive son everywhere when he was training to be her assistant, so it was more useful to just stick the teenage pillbug next to the similarly-teenaged vessel and just tell him to practice his tutoring skills on them, as they had been proven to be 'pure' at that point. And if he DID figure out what was going on in the Dream Realm, then he would just mourn the fact that he hadn't seen their connection earlier, and subjected Hollow to centuries of suffering. Gods picking a favorite mortal for being close to their aspect (and having an intimate relationship with said mortal) is pretty much a natural aspect to living as a Higher Being, and since Hollow was well on their way to full ascension by the time they met Quirrel, it wouldn't have been surprising for them to gravitate towards him and then fully accept him as theirs post-release from the Temple, when they were a fullblooded God of Nothingness. He absolutely would not intervene, since that's territory that he has no right to walk upon, but he would most certainly hate himself for missing all the little indicators that his child was alive instead of deliberately ignoring them out of a desperation to stop an inevitable apocalypse.
As for Hornet, she's suspicious but keeps her mouth shut. Idk, I just dont really like the whole harassing people about their partners sorta deal. Hollow's an adult and has been for at least 200 years, just because they've been sheltered on account of not being seen as a living being doesn't mean they're incapable of making their own decisions, so their baby sister acting like a sort of guardian figure over them makes me pretty uncomfortable. She's protective over them, but Hollow is her elder, so even if she's suspicious of Quirrel, she'd still respect their pick of consort.
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
cant wait to play silksong and immediately forget about all the npcs that aren't off the shits insane just to be hit with a barrage of Sudden Bug Sexyman when the fandom inevitably latches onto the most blorbo-adaptable one of the bunch
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ruthlesslistener · 4 years
💓shipping aka for hk?
Ship that you didn’t expect to ship but now do: 💓
See my interpretation of Quirrel is that he’s actually pretty young agewise- maybe only like, 25 at the time of the binding of the seals- and what Monomon’s mask did was try to place him in a sort of stasis bubble where time slowed nearly to a standstill (the reason why he complains of his age after it’s all done is because no one should technically live that long anyways so mentally he’s like 200 but still stuck in a pretty young body.) That, paired with the normal time fuckery in Hallownest and godly growth being weird to begin with, meant that he and Hollow were of similar ages when Monomon was meeting up with PK to discuss the seals, and Quirrel (being already deemed the next head archivist) was allowed to practice teaching lessons on magic theory to Hollow, as they were considered pure by then, and some practice speeches thrown at them was hardly going to harm them, right? Well, it ended up with them striking up a relationship that was essentially like Quirrel adopting a roomba, and only realizing literal centuries later that the roomba was sentient the whole time and actually extremely fond of him after running into it half-broken in the shadows of  Dirtmouth.
 Fun times! And still an extremely niche crackship
Send me ship asks while I despair over my homework 
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ruthlesslistener · 5 years
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More of the HollowQuirrel chatlogs, ft gentle but sad Hollow
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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ruthlesslistener · 4 years
Hi! For the fanfic asks: How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them? Talk about a review that made your day. Thank you, and I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Thanks for the asks!! Hope you have a wonderful day as well!
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now?
-Tooo many. Toooooooo fuckin many. On top of Babiance and all the other fics that I need to update, I have a whole plethora of ideas for long fics and short snippets that I KNOW are going to turn out way longer than expected, as well as little drabbles that I’m poking at that I need to polish up. My work is never finished
Care to share one of them?
-One of the 15k short fic sorta deal things I’m working on is a story of how Grimm met Brumm, and how they started to grow closer and closer in their centuries traversing the dream realm, while also constantly being interrupted from reaching any sort of meaningful intimacy by the Ritual. It’s short right now, but it’s coming along! Nymm/Brumm is a quiet narrator and I usually have a harder time focusing on him than I do with Radiance, who practically rants all her lines, but it’s happening. Some more nebulous ideas I’ve drafted is a fic with queerplatonic Hollow and Quirrel based off a crackship convo on Discord and one where Ghost, reborn as the Lord of Shades, drags the Pale King back into the physical realm to use him as a way of scouring Hallownest (and their siblings) of old regrets, though I have no idea how to end the Pale King one and am not sure if writing the qpp Hollowquirrel one is going to work (given how weirdly specific the dynamic is)
Talk about a review that made your day.
-Would it be against the rules to say all of them??? XD Or at least all of the long ones?? No but seriously I wouldn’t be able to choose between them; all of them make me happy. I have this weird fear of ‘not doing things right’ so anytime I get a long review pointing out all the best bits in the fic, the self-confidence boost I get is INSANE. So thank you to all you long commentators, bc you make it easier to ignore my anxiety demons. And let me know what parts of the fic hurt you the most >:DD
Send me fic asks!
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ruthlesslistener · 5 years
thinkin about,,,queerplatonic hollowquirrel again
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