#hollow section application
hitechpipesltd · 1 year
Steel Hollow Section Pipes, A Versatile Solution for Structural Excellence
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In the world of construction and engineering, steel hollow section pipes (SHS) stand as pillars of innovation and design ingenuity. These hollowed steel shapes, available in various cross-sectional types, have revolutionized the way we build and create, finding applications in an array of industries. From towering skyscrapers to intricate architectural wonders, from industrial giants to artistic masterpieces, steel hollow section pipes have shaped the modern landscape in ways both visible and unseen.
Diverse Cross-Sections for Varied Needs
The beauty of steel hollow section pipes lies not only in their strength but also in their adaptability. They come in several types, each with distinct cross-sectional shapes, allowing engineers and architects to choose the perfect match for their specific requirements.
Square Hollow Sections (SHS): Square hollow sections are the quintessential choice for those seeking a balance between form and function. Their equal-width and equal-height dimensions lend themselves to creating symmetrically strong structures. These sections find their way into building frames, support columns, trusses, and more. The load-bearing capacity of square hollow sections, coupled with their ease of use, has made them a staple in modern construction projects.
Rectangular Hollow Sections (RHS): When architectural aesthetics are as important as structural integrity, rectangular hollow sections step into the spotlight. The elongated shape offers a graceful touch to structures while maintaining the robustness expected from steel. From bridges to building facades, these sections provide the canvas for both architects and engineers to craft their visions.
Circular Hollow Sections (CHS): Circular hollow sections marry strength with versatility. Their curved geometry makes them ideal for withstanding external pressure and distributing loads efficiently. CHS are the unsung heroes of guardrails, signposts, and the intricate framework of bike racks. These sections are not just utilitarian but also contribute to the visual harmony of our urban environments.
Elliptical Hollow Sections (EHS): Elliptical hollow sections are the artistic flourish in the world of steel shapes. With their unconventional yet captivating geometry, they offer architects a canvas on which to paint curves and arcs. Their application extends to architectural elements, adding a touch of uniqueness to modern buildings and structures.
Tubular Sections and Beyond: Beyond the well-known shapes, tubular sections cater to industries reliant on fluid transportation. These tubes, often found in plumbing systems and industrial pipelines, underline the importance of hollow sections beyond construction. Moreover, composite sections, which combine materials like steel and concrete, bring a new dimension to structural engineering. These innovative designs allow engineers to customize strength, load-bearing capacity, and other factors to meet specific project needs.
The Strength Beneath Aesthetic Marvels
The practical applications of steel hollow section pipes extend far beyond their mechanical uses. While their structural prowess is undeniable, they also lend themselves to the creation of iconic architectural wonders. From the skeletal elegance of modern bridges to the soaring heights of skyscrapers, SHS form the backbone of these impressive structures.
In the realm of architecture, steel hollow sections have opened up a realm of possibilities. They have become key players in crafting sustainable, energy-efficient buildings that bear the weight of both function and beauty. The ability to create spaces that seamlessly merge form and function is a testament to the versatility of these sections.
Unseen Applications, Unsung Heroes
While the most visible applications of steel hollow sections may grace our cities' skylines, many other instances of their contribution remain hidden from plain view. Industries like agriculture benefit from these sections in the creation of storage structures and greenhouses. The automotive sector relies on SHS for crafting the chassis of vehicles, ensuring safety and performance on the road. In the energy sector, they support wind turbines, enabling us to harness the power of the wind for sustainable energy.
Future Innovations and Sustainability
As technology continues to advance and sustainability takes center stage, steel hollow section pipes are evolving to meet the demands of the future. Researchers and engineers are exploring ways to enhance the materials used in these sections, making them more environmentally friendly without compromising their strength and durability. This focus on sustainable solutions aligns with the growing global emphasis on responsible construction practices.
In the grand tapestry of modern construction and engineering, steel hollow section pipes weave a narrative of strength, adaptability, and innovation. From their various cross-sectional shapes to their multitude of applications, they stand as symbols of how humanity's creativity and technical prowess have shaped the world around us. These seemingly humble structures have elevated our buildings, streamlined our industries, and allowed architects and engineers to dream without limitations. As we continue to build and design, steel hollow section pipes will remain an integral part of our journey toward a brighter and more resilient future.
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study-with-aura · 16 days
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Wednesday, September 11, 2024
That photo only shows the bare minimum of writing I did today. I also had to type up a response to literature and the answers to question prompts which required 1-2 paragraphs each to answer. I am so tired, so I am jumping in the shower and heading straight to bed.
Good night!
Tasks Completed:
Algebra 2 - Completed worksheet on applications of systems of linear inequalities
American Literature - Copied vocabulary terms + read about The Gothic period of American Romanticism and Renaissance + read about Washington Irving + read "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" + typed up a response to literature (30/30) + read "Rip Van Winkle" + answered study guide prompts
Spanish 3 - Used and ser and estar to describe what was seen in a picture using unit vocabulary
Bible 2 - Read 1 Kings 8:1-53
Early American History - Read over new set of study guide questions + read about the origins of slavery in the Americas + read an excerpt from Virginia's slave code and the annotation + read an excerpt from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano + answered questions about readings
Earth Science with Lab - Copied unit vocabulary + read about minerals + watched a guided video on minerals present in the home environment
Music Appreciation - Copied major necessary terms from the first part of the P section of the music dictionary
Khan Academy - Completed US History Unit 2: Lesson 2.9-2.12
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish + French + Chinese) + completed daily quests
Piano - Practiced for two hours
Reading - Read pages 181-224 of The Do-Over by Lynn Painter
Chores -  None today
Activities of the Day:
September Study (John 14:15, Exodus 20:1-17, Matthew 5:44, Matthew 28:20)
Personal Bible Study (Matthew 3)
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July-June Dev log. We're really going places! (This Dev Log has been delayed since July. We are sorry it took so long)!
Hey! Were back! We have a lot some stuff to get through so lets get started!
A New Face?
Yep! Let me introduce you to a new UTBB character; Princess(?) Emily Emerald!
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Emerald is a spider monster that you will be familied with in the demo and through out the story. She lives in the Ruined sewers with the rest of her sibling, maybe you'll even get to meet a few of them
(Artwork made by @hollowgears )
[ Coding ]
As of writing this, our custom base UT engine is almost complete! We only need to work on a few thing regarding the battle & overworld system. After that we will start implementing some changes such as adding out reworked magic system and a few new special changes.
Then we'll get to work on rooms, tilesets, and backgrounds!
[ Music ]
We've been releasing a few tracks on our game page and YouTube! You should go check them out when you have the time. Our composers work hard on every OST they make and we hope you enjoy listening to them just has much as the team! * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOzEMaAb1zE * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xxgr3R6DAsI
We only have a small amount of OSTs at the moment, but were trying to chip away at at it step by step! We don't want to overwhelm anybody here since most of the team have their own projects they have to work on as well.
[ Writing ]
As of now the demo as been fully written out! With the addition to new team members and the director reaching out to different writers in and out of the community, the game has under go some major rewrites which were heavily needed. The rest of the game has been perfectly outlined and I'm currently halfway through the Geno/No Mercy script for the Snowden section. However, writing for the rest of the Ruins after the demo on pacifist and neutral runs is still a work in progress
The plan is to work on neutral scripts after Pacifist and Geno scripts are done. Just to make things a little easier on the teams main writer (Skill issue we know lol). Also, I am glad to say that all of UTBBs main cast as been fully made! Yes we still need to work on their section/area script but like I said before, those have been neatly outlined.
Meet Our New Team Members!
Kamiko Torayama
Were still looking for more Team members! It's not too late to sign up.We're currently looking for:
Coder's (Game maker Studio)
Music Composers
Promotional Artist (1 more position is open)
Concept Artist (For environments/areas)
Battle sprite artist (Pixel Art)
Character designers (Visual)
Tile set/background artist (Pixel Art)
Application form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWdY5EmbQMYm4Tz4VXtEa6DmpgYowlamMc_zuWNMM2CcHtTw/viewform
Gamepage & Social Changes;
We've updated the gamepage a bit more. We've added a features, Mechanics, and a special thanks!
We felt like the special thanks was long over due. These projects helped inspire UTBB and it's only fair that they get the credit they deserve.
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[Cancelled] Undertale: The Otherground by poody_blue  
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Undertale Kindred Spirits (Fangame) by PurrSum  
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DELTARUNE: Broken Destiny (Fangame) by CrystalZeroChaos  
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Undertale: True Genocide (Fangame) by souptaels  
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Undertinge (Fangame) by TeamTinge  
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@blinddetermination (Interactive Comic) by @hyakki--yagyo
Thank you Poody_blue, PurrSum  (+ The entire UTKS Crew), Starlightshore, CrystalZeroChaos, TeamTinge , souptaels , @hyakki--yagyo, and everyone in the Othertale/Otherrune Community. You are the people who helped inspire this project and I can't wait for you all to see what we've been planning.
Make sure to go check these projects and their creators out! These are the very projects & people that inspired Undertale: Brave Beginnings in the first place so it would be amazing if you went over there and showed them some love and support!
Social Change
As you may have noticed, UTBB has been freely promoting other projects and as been collaborating with other creators. While we are still participating in these collabs we have decided to take a step back in promoting other creators/project. In all honesty, that wasn't supposed to happen. You see, out director is really proud of the following he and this project has gained, and thought that he was "popular" enough to promote lesser known projects or projects just starting out in development. And as you can see he's been promoting a lot of projects. More so it's starting to feel like that's all he's doing publicly and fears that it may be a bit to much.
So with that being said, we will be taking a step back from the promotion of other projects after this dev log. However! We will leave a list (now) of projects that Reed planned to promote but never had the time until now and won't be put up in promotion ever again (unless super big news comes out like the demo/full release or it being cancelled).
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Undertale Brave Faith by TeamDarkLegend  
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Undertale: Bold & Benevolent by Team Papya and the_fluffernutter  
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Undertale Ivy's Justice by TeamUTIJustice 
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UNDERSWAP: ECHOED by _pancakez 
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Undertale ICEBOUND by LucanaDLL  & __b 
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Undertale ALTERATION by Pixel-Icon15 
We know most of these projects are already popular but Team beginnings still wanted to show their support!
What To Expect Next Time?
As you can see, the game page has been getting a few tweaks as of late. We've updated the description and more promotion art should be coming soon! We will also no longer be giving monthly dev logs (Not like we did before lol) and will only post when we have more content to show.
The End. . . ?
No, no no!!! The end of the Dev log, not the project! Thank you all for taking the time to read through this. I hope you have a wonderful day/nigh/afternoon wherever you are! I guess this is the end of the dev log. See you all later!
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ralofofriverwoods · 10 months
Made some character descriptions!! For all of my Skyrim characters, minus zuft’zahr’s siblings and my other werewolf :3
There’s a lot more under the read more thing but I don’t wanna fully clog people’s dash up, so the Dragonborn characters are the only visible ones for now
Farlian Seven - Khajiit(Cathay), dragonborn. Farlian has white fur with black stripes reminiscent of a white tiger, and has yellow eyes. She uses heavy armor, favoring blades armor and ebony, and she uses the dragon priest mask Nahkriin. She has two golden hoop earrings on each ear. Casual clothes include a turtleneck and a long skirt with varying patterns and styles, the most common being an animated blue starry shirt and an orange cloudy sky dress. || Farlian uses an ebony mace and the daedric artifact ‘spellbreaker’, a boon from Peryite. She also utilizes some destruction magic and some restoration. || She is affiliated with almost every Skyrim faction, including; the companions, the college of winterhold, the thieves guild, the dark brotherhood, the bards college, etc.
Virthik Fjovur - nord, dragonborn. Virthik has pale pinkish skin, blue dragon like eyes, and blonde hair with a braid near the front. He has two horns reminiscent of a dragon’s, the right one broken close to the scalp. At around the middle of the forearm his hands transition from white to a scale like grey, and become a little tougher. His fingers end in slightly sharpened claws growing out of the bone of the hand. He also has rather noticeable eye bags, regardless of how much sleep he gets. He wears carved Nordic armor with no helmet when in battle. When relaxing he wears a cozy blue knit sweater, a very fluffy scarf of sorts, and fur lined cargo pants. His dragon form is a dark grey with a lighter grey highlight, and dark blue horns/joint scales.[gore until the dark red text stops] The stomach, throat, and chest of the dragon are hollowed out excluding the bones, lungs, and heart, and it is missing the usual scales and muscles that cover it up. The jawbone is also missing scales and muscles. Despite the lack of proper muscles he can still fly, eat, and breathe just fine. || Virthik uses a specially enchanted and crafted ebony sword named “ “, as well as minimal restoration magic and a wide variety of shouts. || He is affiliated with the companions, the thieves guild, the rebuilt helgen, and a few others. He is also a follower of ikalis matrix, mentioned in the section labeled gods.
Zuft’zahr Satanni - Khajiit(Cathay), dragonborn. He has mostly brown fur with black stripes. His chin, belly, and underside of his tail/inner ears are a red to tan gradient. He has a daedric reminiscent symbol on his forehead that is seemingly natural in origin. His hair is black, and He uses dragon scale armor for most open combat, but otherwise uses a mix of thieves guild and dark brotherhood armor. No matter what he he wears an orange knit scarf with red accents, however. When not out for business he wears a sweater under a nice warm coat with many pockets, and either some sweat pants or an ankle length dress. || He primarily uses the blade of woe or chillrend, but has a battleaxe as a backup weapon as well. He uses quite a lot of illusion and alteration magic as well. Zuft'zahr also owns a small enchanted pocket watch which can rewind time. He uses this to attempt for the best possible scenario in every applicable situation. || He is affiliated with the dark brotherhood, the thieves guild, the blades, the college of winterhold, and the bards college.
Ka’rah Seven - Khajiit(Suthay-raht). Ka’rah has the same fur colors as her sister, but has bluish purple eyes with bright purple veins. Her markings are much flowy and curly than farlian’s. She has a large magic scar on the left side of her face. Her hair is braided and tied together down her back, and she has “facial hair” which is puffy and flows down a few inches past her collar bone. She wears a cape, heavy duty half skirt, and a loose green shirt most of the time, but also has a ritual outfit with many skulls and whatnot. Her casual outfit is a formal skintight shirt with lace making it a turtleneck, and flowy open sleeved arms. Her pants are heavy duty with a few decorative holes at the top of the leg. She also wears a manacle that functions as a detect magic and block magic charm. She also has a talking skull named torbar, which can either be worn or carried. || She wields a staff made of bone and leather, with insets of amethyst and a large purple orb that appears to be an unknown magical gem, possibly a soul gem. This is used to focus on many spells at once, and also lets her command her skeleton army with minimal shouting. || She is affiliated very loosely with the thieves guild and the dark brotherhood, for a steady supply of corpses and gemstones to use in spellcasting, but otherwise avoids most upstanding organizations. She is a “professional Necromancer warlord”, in other words, a necromancer that just really likes showing off.
Donein Seedmire - Bosmer. Donenin has slightly desaturated yellow skin with many scars and marks. His hair is a plain dark ish brown, as are his eyes. He always looks like he has cried recently, and is a little more flushed than a Bosmer would usually be. He wears a simple green shirt with an orange scarf, as well as some plain brown pants and quality(if a little worn) leather boots. He noticeably does not possess any sort of antler or horn. His teeth are incredibly sharp, and grow back in when they either fall out or are removed. || Donenin favors the bow, and has a specially made one crafted from particularly bendable bits of cartilage, and has little garnets studded around the handle. It also sports special ebony fittings. He also carries a small, rough ebony dagger with similar garnet fittings and a bone handle. || He is not affiliated with any of the bigger organizations of skyrim, but he goes around and helps out in smaller towns like rorikstead and karthwasten. He worships kynareth and mara.
Sifaris Denhan - snow elf, vampire. Sifaris has very pale skin, and exceedingly short hair. He has a tail reminiscent of a rat’s, as well as slightly clawed hands. His eyes are a slightly harsh yellow with a red rim and black scleras, as well as a pupil reminiscent of a cat’s. He has faded red tattoos on his back(which appear more pink than red), which curl around his torso to just under his top surgery scars. He wears a black turtleneck, as well as bits of homemade chaurus armor. He has thick, padded pants and heavy duty chaurus boots and gauntlets. He also has a hood with goggles and a mask, to make sure nobody knows he's a vampire. Also it looks good. He prefers to wear hoodies and other baggy clothes when not on a job. || He usually uses a double sided greatsword, but also has been seen using alteration, and occasionally a dual set of daggers. He specifically does not use any vampire abilities in battle, because honestly he doesn't know where that blood has been. || He was affiliated with the snow elves of the forgotten vale, but now he mostly just does mercenary work. He is married to citrine. He is a vampire that is tied to sanguine, not molag bal.
Citrine - altmer, werewolf. Citrine has healthy, sunny yellow skin with a few scars and sunburns at all times. He has silver eyes, clawed hands, and very light, fluffy blonde hair. Not quite platinum blonde, but very close. Occasionally he may have certain wolfish characteristics such as a tail or claws. || Citrine usually wears a classic monk outfit, with as few buttons as possible, and no shoes or footwraps. He wears the ring of Hircine infrequently, essentially just when he's in highly populated areas. He doesn't mind randomly wolfing out, says it gives life a little more spice. || He occasionally uses brass knuckles, but otherwise sticks completely to unarmed strikes and werewolf attacks. He wields some restoration magic as well, but mostly studies whatever he can that would help out sifaris in a pinch, as he has very fast natural regeneration. || He is as dedicated to sif as the tide is to the moon. He also somewhat follows Hircine, but more in the way that an employee likes their nice ish boss (Don't call when I'm off the clock cos I prolly won't answer). He is also a fan of dibella+sanguine’s teachings, but doesn't actively follow either of them. And of course he is married to sif.
Imerae Semalion - Falmer(the in game enemy kind). Imerae also has pale pale skin, though it is much rougher than Sif’s. She has many little scrapes just about everywhere. She also has a tail similar to sif’s, but it acts more as a prehensile tail than a cat tail. She has white hair grouped into two braided pigtails. She wears the usual thieves guild getup, minus the shoes. The only difference is that it’s all a pinkish hue, as is everything she wears ever. She usually doesn’t wear much other than her thieves guild attire, but she doesn’t mind baggy short sleeve shirts. || she uses a mix of daggers and bows, and favors stealth bow techniques, with the use of detect life and undead. || she’s obviously connected to the thieves guild, but she’s also semi related to the bard’s college and the college of winterhold. She appreciates nocturnal and boethia’s thing, though she doesn’t really follow follow any one deity.
Beynir Pale-sky - Nord. Beynir is very close to your typical Nord, and ironically extremely close to the looks of the preset for a Nord in the base game. He just has stubble instead of full mutton chops, and his hair is a little curlier. He wears the usual whiterun guard outfit, but with long yellow sleeves under the Chain mail. He also has brown eyes. || he uses the standard one handed sword+shield combo, but also has trained a little bit in unarmed combat. Just in case!! || he of course is affiliated with the whiterun guard, and a little bit of the thieves guild and companions.
Lurks-in-Darkness - argonian/saxhleel. LD has mostly black scales, with dark red accents and muddy chartreuse scales along the spine+top of the head. She has shiny red feathers that end with a tick of black on her head/neck and tail. Her tongue and inner mouth is black, and has a bite similar to that of a Komodo dragon. Her eyes are a shiny blood red with very thin, sharp pupils, and she has 3 chartreuse mini horns on each side of her head. She wears many daedric related suits of armor, her favorite being a modified suit of Daedric mail with a sickly green glow and red details. She wears a casual yellow long sleeve shirt under a blacksmith’s apron, with durable leather pants and leather foot wraps. She does not actually have boobs as one may assume, she actually just hides any contraband/stolen goods she finds in a pocket in her shirt :). Taking advantage of peoples stupidity 25/8 baby! || she wields both a Daedric greatsword or an orcish hammer, as well as almost all of the offensive schools of magic, excluding some illusion and most restoration. She also owns quite a few Daedric artifacts, and can wield most all of them at least semi effectively. || she is of course affiliated with quite a few of the Daedric princes, as well as limited interaction with their respective organizations, though she also has interactions with the college of winterhold quite often. This is to get access to the Atronach forge and the Daedric gauntlet.
Sara dellum - Dunmer . Sara has grayish skin, with white and red face paint and orange-red hair in the style of dreads, tucked back in a ponytail. He wears a mix of morag tong styled gear and specially crafted bonemold, designed for peak stealth. He also has little bits of skin where a keratin like structure acts as ‘scales’ on places like the bicep, outer thigh, and stomach. This is the same color as his skin. || Sara wields dual daggers exclusively, but also knows rudimentary hand to hand combat. He has a special coin that, when incorporated with other coins, can tell him whether or not any are illegitimate. || he was affiliated with the morag tong, but has since moved on to be a lone contractor. He has occasionally run into the dark brotherhood, and visits the thieves guild often in the dark corners, for those looking to strike a quick deal for a little cheaper than the larger groups. He has also been seen skulking around in raven rock and tel mythrin.
Mako Lograk - orsimer. Mako has rough green skin with a tinge of yellow, and is quite hairy. In addition to a lot of body hair, he has mustard yellow scales speckled around his cheeks, chest, shoulders, stomach, and forearms. Essentially everywhere there is hair. His hair is dark brown, and the hair on his head is curly, while his body hair is more reminiscent of a wild hogs’, being thick and wiry, and relatively straight. He wears no shirt, but his pants are a soft and warm wool, and his boots are a waterproof leather insulated with bits of animal pelts and fur. He wears a harness for his axe to be idly carried, and lugs around a large bag meant to preserve any alchemical ingredients he may come across. || he uses a large axe to do most fighting, but also owns multiple sets of different scissors to harvest various plants and whatnot with. || he is not affiliated with any major groups, but just about every alchemist in Skyrim knows him as an extremely reliable source of ingredients for potions, and a little bit of gossip from the other alchemists.
Alriac Vilri - maomer. Alriac has pale blue skin that seems slightly transparent and shiny, and large web shaped ears. His eyes have a low blue glow, and his hair is dark ish blue with almost white streaks. He has webbed hands and feet, and his fingers end in a hard and sharp point. When on land he wears a loose, flowy button up shirt at least halfway unbuttoned, a slightly weathered teal dress, and quite honestly the worst looking boots you’ve ever seen, with mold starting to grow on the sides and at least one hole in the seams or from pure wear and tear on the leather. He also has a pearl bracelet and a silver necklace, inlaid with sapphire. When in the water he simply wears his jewelry. His mermaid tail is a shimmery silver with sapphire blue stripes near the waist, and he has gills in between his ribs. || he does not frequently fight, but when he does he prefers ice based destruction magic or alteration. Otherwise he uses sharp, shark like teeth, as well as claws to hook into prey or foe, to rip and tear.
Ithvozal Raogarn - Dwemer. Ithvozal has dark ish yellow skin meant to withstand pressure and heat. They have brown frizzy hair which they pull back into a low ponytail, and bright blue eyes. Their body is paralyzed from the waist down, and as such they use a wheelchair designed for maximum mobility and effectiveness. Some functions of this mobility device include: a built in crossbow, the ability to curl up into a ball and speed around with Ithvozal inside, interface and control of many dwarven constructs, heating and cooling, and many more small functions. || they mainly utilize a specialized hand crossbow and the weapons on their chair. They keep a notebook and pen with them at all times, to mark down what may need to be repaired or removed, as well as to plan out what they’ll build next. They also carry a wide range of tools for impromptu repairs. || ithvozal follows no gods. They are also the only one in their large cave system other than their non Dwemer friends.
Bivelle rivera - dunmer. She has pinkish grey skin with red and black face paint around the eyes. She has small dragonfly like wings, the membranes of which are a dark shimmery black-blue color, reminiscent of stained glass. She also has a small dragonfly like ‘tail’. She is wearing a red and black corset with shiny silver filigree and buckles, soft red and yellow striped pants, black boots with yellow accentwork, and a short red half skirt. Under the corset there is a flowy black blouse. || She wields a wavy dagger, as well as a variety of embalming tools and torture tools. She uses mainly necromantic magic when she is casting, but also has been seen using illusion magic when needed. || She is not affiliated with any large organizations, but has started a small cult that sows discord throughout solstheim and windhelm, and really any place they see fit. She is good acquaintances with Sara, and helps score clients whenever possible.
And that’s all the Skyrim lovelies!
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tubetrading · 4 months
Beyond Conventional Wisdom – The Surprising Benefits of Square Pipes
In the world of construction and engineering, the choice of materials is crucial for the success and durability of any project.  While traditional round pipes have long been the go-to choice for many applications, square pipes offer a range of surprising benefits that are often overlooked.  As a leading square pipes distributor in Gujarat, Tube Trading Co. is here to shed light on why square pipes might just be the superior option for your next project.  This blog will explore the numerous advantages of using square pipes, particularly focusing on their applications in Vadodara and Gujarat.
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Understanding Square Pipes
Square pipes, as the name suggests, are hollow, square-shaped sections made from various metals, including steel, aluminum, and stainless steel.  These pipes are known for their structural integrity and versatility, making them suitable for a wide range of applications in construction, manufacturing, and engineering.
Structural Strength and Stability
Enhanced Load-Bearing Capacity
One of the most significant advantages of square pipes is their excellent load-bearing capacity.  The square shape provides uniform strength in all directions, making them more robust and stable compared to round pipes.  This characteristic is particularly beneficial in construction projects where structural integrity is paramount.  For instance, in high-rise buildings and large industrial structures, square pipes can withstand heavy loads and resist bending and buckling.
Ideal for Frameworks
Square pipes are ideal for constructing frameworks and skeletons of buildings.  Their ability to bear high loads without deformation makes them a preferred choice for creating sturdy and reliable structures.  As a prominent square pipes distributor in Vadodara, we have seen a growing demand for these pipes in constructing robust frameworks for commercial and residential buildings.
Versatility in Applications
Construction and Architecture
Square pipes are widely used in the construction and architectural sectors.  Their clean lines and geometric shape lend themselves well to modern architectural designs, providing both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits.  They are used in the construction of window frames, door frames, and support structures for buildings and bridges.  Additionally, their versatility allows for easy integration into various design elements, enhancing the overall aesthetic of a project.
Industrial Applications
In industrial settings, square pipes are used for constructing machinery frames, conveyor belts, and supports for heavy equipment.  Their durability and resistance to mechanical stress make them suitable for demanding industrial environments.  As a leading square pipes distributor in Gujarat, we supply high-quality pipes that meet the stringent requirements of industrial applications.
Furniture and Interior Design
Square pipes are increasingly popular in the furniture and interior design industries.  Their sleek, modern appearance makes them ideal for creating contemporary furniture pieces such as tables, chairs, and shelving units.  The versatility of square pipes allows designers to experiment with innovative designs that are both functional and visually appealing.
Ease of Fabrication and Installation
Simple Fabrication
The uniform shape of square pipes simplifies the fabrication process.  Cutting, welding, and joining square pipes is more straightforward compared to round pipes, leading to faster and more efficient production.  This ease of fabrication translates to cost savings and shorter project timelines, making square pipes an economical choice for many projects.
Hassle-Free Installation
Square pipes are easier to align and install due to their straight edges and flat surfaces.  This ease of installation is particularly advantageous in construction projects where precision and accuracy are essential.  As a trusted square pipes distributor in Vadodara, we ensure that our products are easy to work with, facilitating smooth and efficient installation processes.
Material Efficiency
Square pipes offer better material efficiency compared to round pipes.  Their shape allows for optimal use of space and materials, reducing waste and maximizing the utility of each pipe.  This efficiency is especially beneficial in large-scale projects where material costs can be a significant expense.
Long-Term Savings
The durability and strength of square pipes translate to long-term savings.  Their ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions and mechanical stress means that they require less maintenance and have a longer lifespan.  This longevity reduces the need for frequent replacements, resulting in cost savings over the life of the project.
Environmental Benefits
Square pipes are often made from recyclable materials, making them an environmentally friendly choice.  The ability to recycle these pipes at the end of their useful life reduces the environmental impact and contributes to sustainable construction practices.  As a leading square pipes distributor in Gujarat, we are committed to promoting sustainable and eco-friendly building materials.
Reduced Carbon Footprint
The efficiency and longevity of square pipes contribute to a reduced carbon footprint.  By minimizing material waste and extending the lifespan of structures, square pipes help decrease the overall environmental impact of construction projects.  This sustainability aspect is increasingly important as industries worldwide strive to reduce their carbon emissions and promote green building practices.
Case Studies:  Square Pipes in Action
Commercial Complex in Vadodara
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Conclusion:  The Future of Square Pipes
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Whether you are working on a construction project in Vadodara or an industrial application in Gujarat, square pipes offer a reliable and efficient solution.  Embrace the benefits of square pipes and discover how they can enhance the success and sustainability of your projects.
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mindymortondev · 2 years
Trigger Zones and Parallax Hell
If only you knew the pain I've been going through with cameras in Game Maker Studio for the past few weeks! But it's fine, I've got it all figured out now. This post is going to be a pretty long one. To be honest, there are a lot of little things I've done since the last post that I'm just going to either gloss over or save for a different post (maybe?) Primarily trying to standardize my code, resizing my sprites again, and hitbox thingzzz.
Anyways let's get into CAMERAS!
So game cameras were a little bit of an enigma for me going into this. From application surfaces to resolution, to window size... Quite frankly, they're very powerful tools when it comes to building a game, and all the stuff you can control with GameMaker's camera was frankly-
a massive headache.
Come down the rabbit hole with me-
First things first, I had to get the camera set up. There are a lot of tutorials on this, all of which are slightly different. My code ended up somewhere in the middle of all of them. Here was the first tutorial I followed:
How to make a Camera for any GameMaker game in 4 minutes by Shaun Spalding
So Shaun Spaulding's video helped me get the camera set up in the first place, although frankly, this method didn't last very long in my project. It was good and simple but for whatever reason, people really don't recommend you use GameMaker Studio's Room Builder's camera settings, but rather code them yourself. I'm not sure why else other than the fact you get a lot more control over your game's in-game camera, resolution, and window size, plus you can create cutscenes and stuff with it. Next was-
Smooth Camera Tutorial + Pan/Zoom [GameMaker Studio 2] by Matharoo
Matharoo's code was more complicated at first but it gives you that level of control that I was just talking about, and it sets it up in mostly the same way. Although, my code now is definitely a mash-up of the two tutorials.
With those two tutorials, now our camera looks like this:
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This is great! Now we have an actual camera instead of looking at the whole room! But if we look at our camera's view, we can see that the camera is seeing out of bounds. Matharoo's video may have actually covered this (you can watch it yourself) but where I found my solution was-
Camera Modes | GameMaker Studio 2 by FriendlyCosmonaut (this one starts at 14:33)
I did not watch this entire video but it looks like it has a lot of useful information in it. Even though she isn't making the same type of game in the video, she does cover the topic I needed, which the provided link will actually jump straight to that section of the video
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This is solid! Now that we have one problem solved, it's time for another-
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Unless you're going for something more old-school like Super Metroid, we're likely going to have big open rooms that twist in multiple directions. I had a pretty clear vision of how I wanted the camera to operate. My trajectory is in the direction of Hollow Knight, which has a simple yet complex camera system that is very well explained in this YouTube video:
This video sort of became my "mission statement" with all this. Unfortunately, I don't have a tutorial I can point to for how I coded all the stuff in this video, but I did realize Shaun Spalding briefly touched on his own solution to this kind of problem with what he called "trigger zones". This is a good way to describe my own solution. Essentially we're going to create an array of overlay objects, or "trigger zones" that will restrict the camera's movement to only being able to move where they say. This is more or less the setup we're looking at:
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This is how Hollow Knight's cameras appear to be working in the video, and how we'll set them up too. I won't dive too deep into the nitty-gritty coding on this one, but basically, each of these trigger zones is an object in GameMaker that will bind the camera by their respective dimensions.
This gets very inter-relational with all these objects since each object needs to be able to apply its own unique dimensions to the camera boundaries. It did become a little bit of a headache managing what turned into 5 or 6 different camera-related objects which were all modifying each other.
Here are some pictures of how this looks in practice. Keep in mind that these would all be turned on at once to function properly:
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Vertical Trigger Zones (the camera won't move above or below the zone the player is in)
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Horizontal Trigger Zones (the camera won't move too far left or right in these zones)
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Zoom-In (or Zoom-Out) Zone (the camera will zoom in/out as far/close as the width of this zone)
These are just a few examples but hopefully, the concept makes some sense to you! So finally, with these systems in place, our cameras will finally move like this:
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And that is (mostly) the end of that. Scope creep has kept me coming back and adding incremental changes to all these features (specifically the zoom one). Fundamentally they will continue to work the same but it's easy to keep tuning things like camera speed and zoom speed.
Anyways, with this stuff done it's time to get to the next thing:
So the actual solution to this was straightforward--use a 3D camera and follow this tutorial:
From 2D to 2.5D: GameMaker Studio 2 TUTORIAL (Using 3D Camera) | Easy Parallax by Matharoo
It's what Hallow Knight does, it creates a natural parallax effect, and it makes a lot of the artistic work pretty easy. But, the reason it took me so long to get here is a story that brings me great pain...
To start, I wasn't originally going to use a 3D camera because they sounded somewhat complicated. Even Shaun Spaulding sounded like he didn't recommend them in his tutorial that I shared above (although maybe that's just for beginners). What I was going to do could be called "interpolated parallax," where we are basically moving a bunch of image layers around relative to the position of the camera.
You can learn more about this in this video by Pixelated Pope.
That doesn't really need to make sense to you, but that's what I was doing. Now, this method could have totally worked theoretically if it weren't for the fact that GameMaker Studio 2 has actually removed certain coding properties from GameMaker 1.4, which makes this method kinda unreasonably difficult? At least from what I tested. It works great if your only intention is to have an endless runner game or if you want to accommodate for open space by drawing individual sections of background together in a giant 4k+ canvas.
It sounded messy and I didn't really want to deal with it. Eventually, I learned more and more about GameMaker Studio's 3D camera, which was easy to set up for my specific needs.
It did take a while to fine-tune it all but I did get there in the end. It did, however, break my zooming trigger zone. This post is already long enough but basically, I thought the solution would be needing to change the camera's field of view with trigonometry when it was actually just changing the camera's distance with a basic ratio...
Not my brightest moment there and it took a painful couple of hours of staring at the same code and Desmos to figure that out.
The camera system is finished! Or at least, finished enough that I can move on to designing backgrounds, and just fine-tune this bit by bit later down the line.
Honestly, this was all very time-consuming, and the struggles with the zooming trigger zone were a bit demoralizing, so I'm ready to get back into the art generation side of things!
I also plan to spend some time beating Hallow Knight and maybe a few other platformers I can take reference from for backgrounds 😎
See you next time, everyone!
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
Fire On Fire: Chapter 14
(Ch. 13) ... (Ch. 1)
II Gallery II Tag List Application II Symbol Guide II
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Summary: Who watches the watcher?
WARNINGS: The usual Espionage stuff, Implied substance abuse
A/N: Sorry for the wait, y'all! I'm going away for the holidays soon so it might be a lil bit before I can publish another section of FOF again but I do have some more Hallmark AU content coming your way in the meantime! 💖
Taglist: @latibvles @softguarnere @brassknucklespeirs @mccall-muffin @holdingforgeneralhugs @emmythespacecowgirl @parajumpboots @vibing-away @lieutenant-speirs @wwhatev3r
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Contemporary: September 20th, 1944. Oosterbeek, Netherlands.
The first time Alix saw the man wearing glasses, she didn’t think much of him. He had entered the café a few minutes after her and sat a few tables back, casually spreading the day’s newspaper out onto the small, round table in front of him.
The freshly-cleaned windows were too foggy to see properly so with a huff, Alix subtly shifted in her seat and retrieved her makeup compact from her purse. 
Pretending to inspect her eyeliner, she was just able to glimpse the pattern of his tweed suit jacket a few seats behind her and for a fleeting moment, she thought she saw him watching her.
But she must have been mistaken because when she checked again, he was summoning a waiter to inquire about something off the menu like any other patron.
Once is normal, she reminded herself, looking out the window as she waited for her target to pass by. It's fine.
The second time Alix saw him was later that day, in Prince of Orange Park, while she was following her mark. 
A slight autumn breeze rustled through the brightly-colored foliage with a gentle crunch and crackle, reminding her of better days at a home so far away that sometimes, she could scarcely believe it had ever existed at all.
If only Gio could be here, she thought sadly as she admired the orange glow of the falling leaves. He would've loved this. 
Her talented brother's favorite escape-- besides the cinema-- had been his art. He would spend hours wandering their vast backyard, scouring the landscape for the perfect place to set up his easel and pastels or paints.
Alix's chest ached at the memory now. 
She would've given anything to receive another letter from him, the stationary mottled with colorful smudges, the evidence of his latest creation. 
"You'd better be saving these, passerotta," Gio had joked after Alix had commented on the waxy staining on his latest letter. "They're Martinelli originals and they're already signed!"
Her heart sank.
Little Sparrow, Gio's nickname for her since they were children due to her black eyes, playful antics, and small stature.
Oh the irony.
Her brother's passerotta was long gone, she thought sadly. The OSS Sparrow Program had ensured that.
Now only the killer in her remained.
At least everything was going according to plan. Lieutenant Kruger had exited his meeting with some collaborators exactly on schedule– at least that intel was good– and Alix knew he would need to cross the park on his way to receive his orders from his superiors.
For a supposedly sick man, the gaunt SS officer was speeding along at an incredible pace and from the little she had seen of his face in person compared to the dozens of recon photographs she had studied, Alix felt fortunate to have recognized Kruger at all because the SS officer in front of her looked markedly different from the one in the dossiers the OSS had compiled.
Despite being only 23, the Lieutenant looked decades older. He appeared almost breakably thin with a grayish pallor and sunken, dead eyes that gave him the appearance of a drowned corpse more than a living person. His cheekbones jutted out like the jagged edges of a cliffside and Alix could see open sores trickling blood down the hollows of his cheeks.
The thick gray material of his SS uniform hung off his rail-thin frame like an empty potato sack and despite the frigid autumn weather, there was a fine mist of sweat coating his forehead.
With a fashion magazine casually tucked under her arm, the spy trailed soundlessly behind him, always making sure to keep at least 10 or so paces between her and her target.
Conducting surveillance was difficult without contacts keeping her updated but it was still possible. 
Except something was different.
Alix couldn't put her finger on what exactly but something was wrong. She could feel it in her gut.
The young spy had almost made her approach several times but something kept holding her back like an invisible hand on her shoulder, making her hesitate and reevaluate.
Her every muscle on-edge, Alix flexed her fingers at her side in a desperate bid to loosen up the tension but the anxiety swirling in her stomach just wouldn't leave. 
The park in Oosterbeek wasn't nearly as crowded as Eindhoven had been but still, there was something almost eerie about the way the hair on the back of her neck was standing on end. 
Everywhere she went, she felt eyes on her, following her, but when she would look, no one was there. Alix knew she was probably just being paranoid because of what had happened with Jean-Pierre selling one of her identities to the Gestapo but nonetheless, she still couldn't shake the sick feeling that she was being watched. 
As Kruger cut through the grass, his limbs practically quivering with suppressed energy like a man electrocuted, Alix continued on the sidewalk to avoid arousing suspicion.
The young agent allowed her eyes to casually roam the scene, taking in the earthy scent of the grass and the passing smoke of distant explosions which somehow didn't damper the nearby giggles of schoolchildren at play. 
A little girl with dirt-streaked cheeks and flame-bright hair was wielding a stick like a blade, apparently holding her own in a dramatic swordfight with an older boy who appeared to be her brother. 
Alix couldn't help but smile as she passed them by. 
She was almost out of the park completely when she spotted the man in the glasses again, this time loitering by one of the columns that marked the exit as he took casual puffs from his pipe.
Alix felt her blood run cold the moment he locked eyes with her and she abruptly switched directions, abandoning her target for the moment. Self-preservation came first and the emptiness…the ice in the man's expression felt dangerously like a punch to the stomach.
The tweed jacket he'd worn earlier was gone, replaced instead by a coat far too heavy for even the most blustery Fall day, which made Alix even more nervous. It completely obscured his body shape, making it impossible to tell if he was carrying a weapon.
First trick of the trade.
The agent could practically hear Nixon's languid baritone in her head. 
Twice is suspicious, kid. Get the hell out of there.
With one last glance over to Lieutenant Kruger's back as he disappeared around the corner, the OSS agent let out an irritated huff and quickened her already brisk pace in the opposite direction. 
Her target would have to wait.
The third time Alix saw the bespectacled man was from inside the bookshop just across the street Hendriksen Hotel, which was apparently serving as an impromptu SS headquarters. The stranger was wearing his tweed jacket again and standing on one of the hotel's many balconies above, notebook in hand, and Alix tried to slow her racing heart as she pretended to browse the shelves.
Angling herself slightly and squinting against the streaming sunlight, Alix tried desperately to make out any distinctive features but there were none. He was an ordinary-looking man in his mid-thirties with dark, straight hair, thick glasses, and an aura she couldn't place but that seemed to scream at her from the depths of her mind, making Alix feel violently ill.
The young agent didn't even have to look up to know he was watching her; she could feel those empty eyes boring into her even through the glass window of the bookshop she was lingering inside.
But she had a mission to complete; she couldn't hold off any longer. 
Still, even as she idly perused the first book she'd grabbed, the feeling of the bespectacled man's soulless eyes staring her down never left. 
Even when she looked up and the man was gone, the merciless waves of nausea signaling his presence just wouldn't leave her. 
He had been scribbling into a notepad, she remembered, and five words from the Evasion & Counterespionage section of her training began to reverberate over and over again in her mind like gunshots as she waited for her target to leave the hotel across the street:
Three times is a tail.
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Dark Souls (For A Non Believer)
So recently I have finally completed a playthrough of the original 2011 Dark Souls (well, not quite. What I actually played was the 2018 remastered edition but as far as I can tell it is pretty much the exact same game with updated textures so. You know.) and I wanted to write down some of my thoughts. This review will be mostly spoiler-free, other than minor spoilers relating to the start of the game which are limited to a specific section wrapped with a warning.
Note: I have yet to play any other FromSoft game, so I cannot provide comparisons or speak on the Soulsborne series as a whole, only on the first Dark Souls game.
I add the subtitle "For A Non Believer" because, up until very shortly before starting the game, I was quite sure I would not enjoy a Souls game, let alone ever beat one. I started playing it as sort of a joke - my thoughts were "I'm going to try a little bit and die a thousand times and then give up, that sounds like it would be funny", and then I ended up being fairly surprised by how much the game sucked me in and just kept on going.
The reasons I thought I wouldn't enjoy it are pretty interesting in hindsight - some of them are, in my opinion, fair criticisms or gripes with the game, and were indeed aspects of the game I did not enjoy, and some of them were less so, either slightly inaccurate or completely inaccurate misconceptions. Obviously, I ended up enjoying the game a fair bit (or hence I would not have beat it), and so I find examining those thoughts interesting.
So here it is: why you think you won't enjoy dark souls (probably, I don't know your life, I'm really talking about myself here.)
Notion #1: The game is insanely difficult.
Verdict: Partially Debunked
So before I started playing Dark Souls I genuinely expected it to be the hardest game I've ever played by a wide margin. So I braced myself for an insanely hard game... and then that insanely hard game never came.
Don't get me wrong: Dark Souls is not an easy game, that much is certain. It is definitely punishing, sometimes extremely so; at times it is indeed quite difficult, and at other times surprisingly cerebral and thinky for what is ultimately a "punch bad guys" action romp. It asks, no, it demands that you do not play on auto pilot, that you pay attention, and that in itself can be genuinely hard, especially contrasted with lessons learned by other games.
However, when it comes to the actual difficulty of the challenges presented - I found the vast majority of them to be fair, and comparable to similar challenges presented in other hard games. Some particularly applicable examples that spring to mind are the original God of War trilogy (on the second-to-last difficulty: the hardest difficulty is a fair bit harder than Dark Souls) and Hollow Knight. Other difficult games, like Celeste or Furi, are perhaps harder to directly compare to DS but my experience of them is that they're still of vaguely similar difficulty.
It is worth noting that all of these games, unlike Dark Souls, punch their hardest in optional content which is actually far, far more difficult than anything offered in Dark Souls (player / community imposed challenges excluded).
Ultimately, my point is that as far as difficulty goes, the game doesn't really stand out. Yes, it's a challenging game, but it's a challenging game that honestly stands among so many other challenging games, and the internet fame and cult status it sort of ended up getting as "the hardest game ever" is entirely unwarranted. And in my opinion, it leverages this difficulty well to create a good experience, which brings me to point #2.
Notion #2: The game is difficult for the sake of being difficult OR: the game is incredibly dark and edgy for the sake of being edgy.
Verdict: Mostly Debunked
If you're anything like me, you have been at times put off by the discourse the Soulsbourne games have generated online. There's this sense of... bravado, that beating one of these games is somehow an indication of the player being somehow superior to other people.
It even sometimes feels like people talk of it as if it is an inherent moral virtue to be good at these games, or to persevere to beat these games despite the challenge.
If you're anything like me, this sort of discourse makes you:
Feel mildly irritated.
Roll your eyes so hard you forget their original orientation (metaphorically, of course, because you're just reading idiots online talking about a video game with a completely undue sense of self importance and it does not deserve the energy expenditure that reacting to it physically would be)
Want absolutely fucking nothing to do with the games.
Which I will admit is silly on my part, because first of all, the game does have a lot of players that aren't like this and are fairly reasonable, and secondly, you don't need to be a Dark Souls Fan™ to enjoy Dark Souls. And besides, people are entitled to their opinion... I guess. (this moral position really is dumb though lmao)
Anyway. So there's this Gamer™ sense that difficulty is inherently good and valuable, being gatekeep-y and allowing for massive bragging rights seemingly becoming virtues in their own right, which undeniably is the exact appeal of the game for a certain portion of the fanbase.
I will not lie - it is pretty satisfying to be able to say I beat the game, but my enjoyment and appreciation of the game goes so much beyond that.
The difficulty of the game is a crucial and inherent part of the game design, it is absolutely required to make the game work. I think the game design of Dark Souls is brilliant and well thought out, and the difficulty is a necessary cornerstone of that. Let me explain.
Let's take a hypothetical action RPG game that is, for the most part, not very difficult. (Substituting a game that fits the description in should be easy enough and is left an as exercise to the reader).
In those games, it logically follows that making a mistake is not generally punished (or punished in a way that allows you to ignore the punishment easily enough).
In that sense, these games do not teach you not to make mistakes, and do not ask of you to attempt to actively get better.
The end result of this is that these games are highly ineffective at teaching the player how to exploit their systems, get better, or generally play them well. Any "mistake" the player makes has to either be not a real mistake at all (because really the game allows it) or suddenly insanely punishing out of nowhere.
To be perfectly clear, this is not a criticism of any hypothetical game that fits this description: A game can opt for focusing on other things and still be a great game. It is, however, in defense of Dark Souls.
Why, then, is Dark Souls difficult? It is difficult because, counterintuitively, by being difficult, it allows you to learn in a way you just cannot in easier games.
It is difficult because it allows the game itself to make some paths and methods of facing down obstacles to be more correct than others, or some to be strictly incorrect or impossible, without it feeling downright unfair, because listening to the game and avoiding punishment is a core tenet of the entire game design.
It is difficult because, by being difficult, it can force you to go slowly and actually observe. Observe hints of danger; observe your own mistakes; observe enemy AI patterns; observe any advantages you can turn in your favor. The game being difficult gives all of these things meaning, brings them to life.
The start of Dark Souls 1 is infamous for being a bit brutal, but paradoxically, it is the kindest section of all - it teaches you so many lessons about how to play the game, and it is mostly brutal because you simply don't know how to listen yet. I personally absolutely adore the design of the first few hours of gameplay, and I think they absolutely show the game at its best and show an excellent example of what I mean by the design philosophy I described above.
WARNING: spoilers for the first few hours of gameplay
After a brief tutorial section lasting a couple of minutes that serves to teach you the basic controls, you are thrown into a "boss fight" with a message on the floor recommending you run away. I, like most first time players, attempted to fight the boss for a bit, which goes rather poorly because the boss deals a lot of damage to you but since you still only have the tutorial weapon the damage you deal to the boss is quite pathetic.
A careful examination of the boss arena shows an open door in one of the walls which is far smaller than the boss itself, allowing you to escape. By this, the game teaches you that some challenges may be too difficult for you and you need to run away before you are prepared to deal with them: Keep that in mind for later, and also consider that this is in the first place only possible if the game is difficult enough to force you to run away at times without it feeling completely jarring or out of place with the rest of the game.
So you run away. You rummage around a bit, end up finding a better weapon, and emerge on an overhang that overlooks the boss you just ran away from, with a clear crumble in the stone where you can jump down towards the boss.
The game teaches you the controls for a plunge attack from above, and by following the game's direction you jump down onto the boss, deal massive damage, and then with the HP it has left you find that you deal far, far more damage than you have before. Huh, so sometimes approaching things from another angle can give you an advantage... Interesting.
Shortly after the boss, you reach a large hub-like area with several NPCs and a few branching paths. The path I tried first had absurdly hard enemies, and due to the game's reputation for being incredibly difficult I attempted to defeat them for a while, before realizing I should possibly try and see if there's another path I missed.
Lo and behold, the other path had far easier enemies - still somewhat punishing and requiring careful approach, but far easier to deal with, and I found myself suddenly making a fair amount of progress.
Just as the game had taught me earlier, all I needed to do was run away and find another approach, and come back stronger. (when I eventually came back to the area, I found it far easier and more manageable to deal with, just as the tutorial boss had been).
Some time after, I reached what I'd consider to be the first "real" boss of the game. This boss is fought on a sort of narrow bridge. Attempting to fight it at first reveals a couple of archers on a tower overhead shooting at you at the same time, which is quite disadvantageous and I die pretty fast. Before my next attempt, I examine the tower on which they stand carefully and find a ladder that allows me to go up and kill them. One disadvantage down!
I try fighting the boss a few more times and quickly an observation about another disadvantage arises - the arena is quite unfavorable for fighting the boss, as dodging its attacks is either very hard or impossible in the extremely narrow arena.
A bit after realizing this, I look around to try and find an advantage I can use to offset this disadvantage. And then I remember - the archer tower! looking up at it reveals the same crumbled stone at the front facing the boss arena, just as in the overhang above the tutorial boss. I run there, making it just barely up the ladder before the boss slams at me (okay, maybe the boss killed me while climbing the ladder once or twice), go to the edge, jump down and BAM, massive jump attack damage which suddenly makes the boss feel like a joke to beat with all those attempts under my belt allowing me to easily combo down its remaining HP.
This, to me, is the true brilliance of Dark Souls 1. The way the game uses difficulty to force you to look for any advantage you can get, think of alternative solutions, carefully observe and notice your environment, while gently nudging you in the right direction... If you only care to listen.
-------End of spoilers-------
My thoughts on the game being "edgy" are somewhat related, although also separate. That the game has a dark world and many visually and thematically dark areas is undeniable - hell, it is even part of the name of the whole game. The world is gritty and a bit depressing, the lack of fire and firelight being significant both lore-wise and as a symbol, the darkness oppressive both in story and in gameplay. However, it is this darkness that allows the fire to shine so much brighter, both metaphorically and literally.
There really is no better feeling than reaching a bonfire in a desolate place, after fighting your way through a very dangerous zone and nearly depleting your resources. Seeing the glimmer of fire in the far distance is possible because it stands out in the environment so much, visually, and feeling the potent hope it represents is possible because it represents something that is so different from the rest of the game - if the game weren't so difficult, reprieve wouldn't be so meaningful.
In that sense, the game's ludonarrative is incredibly consistent and really drives the point home, because just as the bonfires represent hope and determination to you (as the player), a chance to keep going, they also literally represent the last dying hope of the denizens of the world (including your in game player character).
Beyond my musings on game design, it is also worth noting that while the game is fairly difficult, it does not generally speaking have meat shields or insanely grindy sections that make you hit enemies for ages without them dying. You die fast, true, but so do the enemies. I was a bit shocked by how much damage you deal to most bosses in the game (even ones considered quite difficult), and most normal enemies die in 1-4 hits (depending on the stage of the game and the specific enemy). Even some of the massive giant bosses really die in a few well placed combos.
Notion #3: Some elements of the game seem needlessly frustrating.
Verdict: Mostly True
This was one of my biggest preconceived gripes with the game, and possibly the one I consider in hindsight the most justified one. Personally, I particularly disliked the idea of very tough bosses combined with checkpoints (bonfires) that are decently far away, forcing you to run for minutes before starting your attempt each time, which ends up adding up to hours over a playthrough. Hours of just... Running the same segments over and over to get to bosses.
And, I'm gonna be real here - I still don't love this aspect of the game, although my opinion here does have a bit of nuance.
To explain what I think, I will start by saying that I don't think I'm particularly good at this kind of game, and believe my experience to be overall relatively indicative of the Average Dark Souls Experience™. I believe I probably did better at some bosses than the average, and worse at others.
All of this to say that really, at the end of the day, Dark Souls 1 really does not have that many difficult bosses, and bosses in which this problem is very prominent (as in, the run to the boss feels frustratingly long, and the boss is tough enough for the player to need to repeat it a lot) are surprisingly few.
Still, I am not attempting to defend this point - when it does happen, it sucks. A lot of the discourse online and in Soulsbourne fan spaces is that "it makes it all the more satisfying when you do beat the boss" - I consider that to be artificial difficulty, one that is unnecessary to boot, and this kind of adamant discussion in favor of every single difficult thing in the game is part of what turned me off the game in the first place and made me think it wasn't for me (because if the game glorifies difficulty for the sake of difficulty, I am not interested... but as explained in the previous point, I absolutely do not believe this is the case here)
There were other minor gripes I ended up having regarding the game being needlessly frustrating at points, ones that I wasn't necessarily prepared for beforehand and first encountered while playing the game myself.
Overall, my experience was that every game has imperfections that can manifest in either boredom or frustration, and in a way they just feel somewhat exaggerated and more frustrating in a game like Dark Souls which punishes you so heavily for mistakes.
The other gripes I had are much more specific to the design of certain areas or enemies, or related to random jank of the game mechanics (such as some hitboxes being really strange, the lock-on mechanic having several flaws, etc), and are therefore less interesting to discuss in my opinion - but they do exist, to be sure.
At the end of the day I enjoyed the game enough to be able to overlook all my gripes (although I certainly was frustrated at times).
It is fair to say I think Dark Souls is a good game. It uses its mostly rather fair difficulty to create a very satisfying experience. I mentioned some of the things I loved about it, and some of the things that annoyed me, but there were even more things I loved or didn't love that didn't really fit into any of my preconceived notions and thus didn't make it into this review. To mention a couple of them briefly:
The system for leaving messages for other players and seeing other players' bloodstains (how they died) makes you feel a bit less alone in the dark and lonely world, while also providing the feeling that every playthrough is a bit personal because other people who played the game did not see the exact same messages. The messages are often helpful, sometimes heartwarming, occasionally funny and sometimes provide misleading or deadly advice (which is funny in its own right... if you don't take it at the wrong time). In that way, it gives a dead world just that little extra spark of life.
The minimal UI really does serve the game well. There are no quest indicators, and yet there still are quests, even if they are more subtle than in other RPGs. The game clearly does put a lot of effort into guiding you to go where you need, even with minimal text and no map or quest log, although at times this can be flawed and you can certainly feel a bit lost. Unfortunately and as a direct consequence of this design choice, I think that if I ever stopped playing the game for like a month I would be completely lost so I sure am glad that did not happen.
The second half of the game is kind of noticeably worse and lower effort than the first half, in my opinion. Still good enough to be worth playing as a whole, but a lot of areas are a bit unmemorable or have things that are kind of bullshit (cough cough Bed of Chaos), and the bosses past the midway point are both a bit less interesting and a fair bit easier (although, objectively speaking, this part of the game probably is a fair bit harder... it just feels easier because of the skills you gain from playing through the first half)
And finally, the big question. Would I recommend Dark Souls, to a non believer such as myself? That depends, but if you want a deeply satisfying experience, with a solid emphasis on its own brand of exploration and trial and error, I would definitely recommend at least giving it a try with an open mind, taking the experience as it comes. I am very glad I gave it a shot, even though I never really intended to, and in a way glad for the misunderstandings I had because it allowed the game to surprise me so much more.
One last thing I'd like to say, in the wake of having completed the game, and this may be just me, but I really enjoy seeing the way Dark Souls influenced all these other games I have played and loved over the last decade, and appreciating the way it has forever changed the landscape of games in every genre. The game is so iconic that spotting shallow references to it in a game like Dead Cells is easy enough, but really being able to consider its wider design influence and compare and contrast it to other games is something I greatly enjoy.
It really is no exaggeration that Dark Souls (2011) changed the landscape of gaming forever. And to the non believer I say - are you curious about the game that changed history? You should be, it deserves it.
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aalishaan · 2 years
How Aalishaan is Helpfull in Making Unique Home Decor
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If you are thinking of going for a home decor redesign or adding another thing to your home and making your home inside and outside beautification yet because of shy of time and cash dropping that thought isn't great for you. So to get you out of this we concocted another thing or thought which is been executed and carried out among clients to get it encountered and give the survey on it the thought we thought of is a Modern Home Decor Application Named "AALISHAAN" that is planned and created by a notable brand "APL APOLLO" who is rumored and has a colossal brand picture on the lookout and master in steel tubes fabricating like Pre- Galvanized Tubes, Structural Steel Tubes, Galvanized Tubes, MS Black Pipes and Hollow Sections which are used in building the home and home decor. 
Apl Apollo has every one of the things arranged for them be it the plan or Excursion map that how might the Aalishaan Application look and feel to be the point at which it is carried out between clients. We have a reasonable picture as a main priority where region we need to work and what things are appropriate and simple access for clients be it
Picking a Plan from the Plan Library for a Home Decor Layout
Picking the close by the fabricator to finish the work
Get the Issue settled by visiting the support
Get Completed Item weight by Weight adding machine
Material Amount adding a machine to work out the material utilized in the Home Decor layout plan
These are a few fundamental things that are given need in the Application so it will end up being an efficient and cost-saving cycle rather than Time and cost-consuming.
The Thought process behind the Aalishaan Application is to return Modern Home Decor readily available and effectively open by every one of the clients who are on saving their time and cost additionally the slogan of aalishaan is simple to every one of the clients " Home Decor layout Ho Shaan Se Poke Fabricators Aaye Aalishaan" and that implies you don't need to go out in that frame of mind to look for the fabricator haggle with him related value finish to your work. Aalishaan is a One Stop answer for every one of your necessities concerning Modern Home Decor.
Aalishaan offers you home-style plans produced using steel tubes which won't just upgrade the vibes of the house yet, in addition, give solidness and solidarity to the Home Decor layout. In earlier days Home Decor layout is planned just utilizing wood glass and so forth steel is a negligibly involved part of Home Decor layout yet in the present time steel is generally utilized among others as it looks appealing and all the more frequently a large portion of the plan that is shown in Aalishaan plan library is produced using Steel tubes as it were.
Aalishaan is to some degree not quite the same as other applications in numerous ways be it UI or highlights that another application gives as we offer a spotless connection point and numerous helpful elements that other applications need giving some of them are like more modest and restricted plan library yet then again, aalishaan gives immense around 400 to 500 plan library another application has no elements like weight number cruncher, material mini-computer, talk support and most valuable component which is looking for the close by the fabricator and other applications don't have a double point of interaction office which just aalishaan have like for client and fabricators.
This is the outline of the most adaptable Modern Home Decor application available in the market to get your home decor done with few clicks 
Download Now Give us your feedback and share your Experience with Us 
Play Store- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mover.aplapollo
App Store- https://apps.apple.com/in/app/aalishaan/id1575548591
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pipingmaterial · 2 years
Detailed Information about Steel Fittings
 Pipe fittings involve rerouting the water supply via tees, elbows, and other pipe components. Reducing tees, reducers, and similar pipe fittings are used to modify pipe sizes. In addition to the countless variations of coupling, there are
ASME B16.9 bend
Schedule 40 ASME B16.9 bend Producer Steel Tubing Curves It is usual to have the pipe's diameter, wall thickness, and pressure contained within its program. The ASME B16.9 standard, for instance, applies to pipe and fitting diameters between 1/2 inch and 48 inches.
Steel Hollow Section
Tubular sections made from steel that have had their interiors hollowed down are called hollow steel. In addition to "structural steel tubes" and "Hollow Structural Sections," these terms can also be used interchangeably (HSS). steel hollow section suppliers are often used as beams in welded frames and columns because of their many advantages in building and mechanical applications.
Pipe Clamps
Pipe clamps, also known as pipe clips or saddle clamps, are standard, straightforward fixtures used in various do-it-yourself and professional installation scenarios. pipe clamps suppliers are channel support systems frequently used in HVAC, plumbing, and electrical installations.
Forged Fittings
Pipe fittings constructed from forged carbon steel, stainless steel, or high nickel alloys are known as "forged steel fittings." That's why Forged Fittings suppliers in uaeproductsso helpful to have a method of making sturdy fittings that forges steel.
Branch Fittings
Pipes that cross each other can be joined with branch fittings. T-fittings and 45- and 60-degree wyes are the two most common types of pipe produced by Branch Fittings suppliers. Considering the necessary sweep when choosing a branch suited for a specific sector is essential.
Heat Exchanger Tubes
One common type of tube produced by Heat exchanger tubes suppliers in UAE is the shell-and-tube type. It is the standard heat exchanger used in oil refineries and other large-scale chemical processes because it can withstand greater pressure.
Steel Angle
In most cases, hot-rolled carbon steel or high-strength low-alloy steel is used to create steel angle, also known as angle iron or Steel Angle supplier’sbar. It has an L-shaped section with two legs that can be the same length or different lengths, and the angle would be 90 degrees.
Sanitary Fittings
Cleanable tubing connections, known as Sanitary Fittings, are fitted in process piping systems to provide a germ-free environment. Sanitary Fittings suppliers in UAE like regular fittings, are used to regulate the flow of fluid by connecting different sections of piping systems.
Welding Electrode
Electrical arc welding requires electrodes and lengths of wire linked to a welding machine. A high amount of heat is generated by the arc created when current flows through this wire to melt and fuse metal for welding electrode suppliers in uae.
A mechanical tool or element, a Fasteners suppliers in UAE, firmly binds multiple items together. The pins can take apart or reassemble the parts without any problems. But they can also serve as fixed connections.
Tube fittings connect tubing segments to one another or to other tubes, pipes, hoses, or other components in various configurations, including in-line, offset, multi-port, and mounting. The straight components of a system are joined together by fittings, which are couplings and joints made from specialised materials.
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ratnasteeltech · 20 hours
Rectangular Hollow Sections
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Rectangular hollow sections (RHS) are a popular choice for mechanical, structural, and construction applications. This is due to the flat surface resulting in a structural solution that is more economical for joining and various other types of fabrication work.
Due to the rectangular shape of this type of hollow section, when joining to other flat surfaces, the sections only need to be straight cut. RHS requires minimal edge preparation for welding or joining. RHS can also be used for architectural aesthetics because it possesses clean lines alongside structural strength.
Our RHS, also known as steel box sections, cold-formed rectangular hollows, or rectangular tubes, are versatile profiles used in various structures, including agricultural, commercial, industrial, and residential. Renowned for their ability to endure high pressure, environmental elements, and extreme temperatures, Ratna Steeltech’s Rectangular Hollow Sections ensure your projects are built to last.
Select from our extensive range of rectangular hollow section sizes, and review our detailed rectangular hollow section pipe weight chart and specifications to find the perfect fit. Our team is ready to assist with tailored solutions for custom needs.
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bhushanpipes · 10 days
The Strength and Versatility of Mild Steel Hollow Sections
Mild Steel Hollow Sections are a cornerstone in modern construction and engineering, offering an unmatched blend of strength, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. These sections, available in square, rectangular, and circular shapes, are celebrated for their ease of use and versatility in a wide array of applications ranging from structural supports and frames to architectural aesthetics. Their uniform strength, ability to withstand substantial external loads, and remarkable adaptability make them ideal for both conventional and innovative construction projects. Furthermore, the inherent qualities of mild steel, such as weldability and formability, enhance the utility of these sections, allowing for custom designs and applications. Whether it’s for industrial frameworks, architectural designs, or mechanical applications, Mild Steel Hollow Sections stand as a testament to the innovation and efficiency driving the construction industry forward.
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hitechpipes0 · 17 days
The Importance of Choosing a Reliable Steel Pipes Manufacturer
In today’s industrial world, steel pipes have become an essential component in various industries. From construction and infrastructure to transportation of water, oil, and gas, steel pipes offer strength, durability, and versatility. Choosing a reliable steel pipes manufacturer is crucial to ensure the quality and longevity of your projects. Let’s explore why Hi-Tech Pipes, one of India’s leading manufacturers, is the best choice for your steel pipe needs.
Why Choose Hi-Tech Pipes?
At Hi-Tech Pipes, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality steel pipes that meet the stringent demands of modern industries. With decades of experience in the field, we have established ourselves as a trusted name in manufacturing and supplying a wide range of steel pipes.
1. Wide Range of Products
Hi-Tech Pipes offers a diverse range of steel pipes to meet your specific needs. Whether it’s for construction, plumbing, or industrial applications, our products include ERW pipes, galvanized pipes, and hollow sections designed for durability and performance.
2. Unmatched Quality
Quality is at the core of everything we do. Our pipes are manufactured using high-grade raw materials and advanced technology, ensuring they meet national and international standards. Whether your project demands corrosion resistance or high tensile strength, Hi-Tech Pipes has you covered.
3. Innovation and Sustainability
We believe in constant innovation to meet the evolving needs of our clients. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities allow us to produce steel pipes that are not only durable but also environmentally friendly. By adopting sustainable practices, we contribute to a greener planet while delivering top-notch products.
4. Custom Solutions
Every project is unique, and so are its requirements. At Hi-Tech Pipes, we offer customized solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients. Whether you need pipes of a particular size or design, we are committed to providing you with products tailored to your specifications.
5. Nationwide Reach
With an extensive distribution network, Hi-Tech Pipes serves clients across India. Whether you’re working on a small local project or a large-scale industrial development, you can count on us to deliver our products wherever they’re needed, on time.
Applications of Steel Pipes
Steel pipes from Hi-Tech Pipes find applications in a variety of industries:
Construction: Used for scaffolding, structural support, and framing.
Oil and Gas: Essential for the transportation of fluids.
Water Supply Systems: Pipes for carrying water to urban and rural areas.
Agriculture: Used for irrigation systems.
Automotive Industry: Pipes for exhaust systems and other structural uses.
Contact Hi-Tech Pipes
Are you in need of high-quality steel pipes for your next project? Reach out to Hi-Tech Pipes today to discuss your requirements. Our team of experts is ready to assist you in choosing the best products for your needs.
For more details on our products and services, visit our products page.
Choosing the right steel pipe manufacturer can make all the difference in the success of your project. With Hi-Tech Pipes, you get a combination of high-quality products, innovation, and exceptional customer service. Don’t settle for less—partner with a reliable manufacturer who understands your needs and delivers on their promise of quality.
Visit Hi-Tech Pipes to explore more about our products and services.
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forblogmostly · 22 days
JTL Industries Limited Completes Strategic Fundraising through Preferential Issue: A Milestone in Their Growth Journey
In a significant development that underscores its commitment to growth and expansion, JTL Industries Limited has successfully completed a major fundraising initiative through a preferential issue. This milestone, accomplished on March 3, 2023, marks a pivotal moment in the company’s journey as it seeks to reinforce its position as a leading player in the steel tube manufacturing industry. The successful completion of this fundraising exercise is not only a testament to the company’s robust business model but also to the confidence that investors have placed in JTL Industries’ long-term vision and strategy.
JTL Industries Limited, formerly known as JTL Infra Limited, is one of the fastest-growing steel tube manufacturers in India. With a strong presence across the country, the company operates state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Punjab, Maharashtra, and Chhattisgarh. The company’s cumulative production capacity for steel pipes stands at an impressive 586,000 MTPA, with an additional 300,000 MTPA capacity through backward integration. The company’s extensive product portfolio includes Black Steel Pipes, Pre-Galvanized and Galvanized Steel Pipes, large-diameter steel tubes and pipes, and hollow structures. These products cater to a wide range of industrial and infrastructural applications, available in various grades, including hot dip galvanized, pre-galvanized, and MS black (uncoated) grades.
The funds raised through this preferential issue have been earmarked for specific purposes as outlined in the offer document. The company is channeling these resources towards expanding its production capacity and ensuring that it remains on track to meet its growth objectives. With this infusion of capital, JTL Industries is now well-positioned to accelerate its capacity expansion initiatives, thereby enabling the company to scale its operations effectively to meet the increasing demand in the market.
The management of JTL Industries expressed their delight at the successful completion of the fundraising exercise, emphasizing that this achievement is a clear indication of the confidence that investors have in the company’s business model and growth strategy. They highlighted that the capital raised will be instrumental in completing the planned expenditures, as detailed in their growth strategy. With the funds in place, the company is committed to adhering to the project timelines, ensuring that it can effectively scale its operations to meet market demand. This development not only reinforces JTL Industries' dedication to driving sustainable growth but also underscores their commitment to creating long-term value for stakeholders.
The management also extended their gratitude to the investors for their continued support, which has enabled the company to pursue its ambitious goals. They expressed optimism about the future, stating that the company is well-positioned to seize the opportunities that lie ahead. The successful fundraising through the preferential issue is a critical step in JTL Industries’ journey towards achieving its growth objectives and enhancing its competitive positioning in the industry.
JTL Industries Limited, headquartered in Chandigarh, is recognized as a Star Export House, reflecting its strong presence in international markets. The company’s extensive product range includes GI Pipes, MS Black Pipes, hollow sections, and Solar Structures, which are widely used in various industrial and infrastructural applications. With a commitment to quality and innovation, JTL Industries continues to expand its footprint in the steel tube manufacturing industry, both in India and abroad.
As JTL Industries continues to move forward, the company remains focused on delivering exceptional results and driving value for its stakeholders. The successful completion of this fundraising initiative is a clear indication of the company’s strong growth trajectory and its commitment to achieving long-term success.
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American Heelers Revolutionizes Comfort and Stability with Innovative Shoe Lift Designs
Cleveland, OH - August 28, 2024 - American Heelers, a leader in custom shoe modifications for individuals with leg length discrepancies, is proud to announce two groundbreaking innovations that have redefined comfort and stability in shoe lifts: Honeycombing and Base Widening.
The Art of Honeycombing: Lightweight and Flexible
Introduced in 2011, the Honeycombing technique addresses the common issue of weight and rigidity in traditional shoe lifts. By strategically hollowing out sections of the lift, American Heelers has created a lighter and more flexible solution without compromising durability. This innovative approach has significantly improved the comfort and mobility of users, making long walks and daily activities easier and more enjoyable.
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Base Widening: Enhanced Stability for Larger Lifts
For those requiring lifts of 2 1/2 inches or more, Base Widening is a crucial advancement. This technique involves expanding the base of the shoe lift by approximately 1/2 inch, greatly enhancing stability and reducing the risk of imbalance. 
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By splitting and reapplying the original sole with added soling material, American Heelers ensures that even larger lifts feel secure and comfortable.
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Customer Feedback: A Game-Changer
The response to these innovations has been overwhelmingly positive. Customers have praised the Honeycombing technique for its ability to make lifts feel significantly lighter, and Base Widening has been lauded for its role in improving stability. These advancements have not only addressed the functional needs of users but have also enhanced their overall quality of life.
Cost and Availability
Honeycombing is available for an additional $20 per shoe, and Base Widening can be added for $50. Both options offer exceptional value by significantly improving comfort and stability.
Why Choose American Heelers?
At American Heelers, we are dedicated to improving lives through innovative shoe lift solutions. Our years of experience and commitment to quality have driven us to develop these advanced techniques, ensuring that every customer receives the best possible support and comfort.
For more information or to experience the benefits of Honeycombing and Base Widening, visit www.orthopedicshoelift.com or contact us at (216) 378-2686 or [email protected].
About American Heelers:
American Heelers specializes in helping people with leg length differences through innovative design and precision application. We modify all types of footwear with orthopedic shoe lifts and orthopedic heel lifts to compensate for leg length inequality. By splitting the sole, adding a build-up, tapering the toe, and reattaching the original bottom, we create an aesthetically appealing look while alleviating pain in the foot, leg, hip, and back.
Media Contact:
President: Ilya Romanov American Heelers
Website: https://orthopedicshoelift.com/
Phone: (216) 378-2686
24000 Mercantile Road Ste. 14, Beachwood, OH 44122, United States Like Us: https://www.facebook.com/shoelift Follow us: https://twitter.com/opedicshoelift
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tubetrading · 2 years
What are Electric Resistance Welding (ERW) Pipes?
Welding Utilizing Electric Resistance Pipes and tubes find widespread application in a variety of industries, such as fencing, engineering, scaffolding, line pipe installation, and much more. The agricultural and irrigation industries are two of the most common places to find ERW pipes being put to use. These pipes are typically utilised in water mains, sewage systems, plant plumbing, deep tube wells, industrial water lines, and many other similar applications. In addition, they find widespread application in the gas pipeline industry, particularly in the production of pipelines that are used to transfer natural gas, LPG, and other non-hazardous gases. 
Rolling the metal and then welding it longitudinally along its length is the process that is used to make ERW pipes. If you examine the process of making seamless pipes, you'll see that the metal is extruded to the required length before the pipes are made. This indicates that there are no joints in the cross-section of seamless pipes anywhere along their length. On the contrary, the joints of ERW pipes are welded together in the cross-section of the pipe. Tube Trading Co. is an excellent MSERW Pipe dealer in Gujarat that can fulfil all of your industrial piping and tubing needs. 
Pipes that are seamless are made by passing a solid billet across the piercing rod, giving them a round shape and a hollow interior. They find widespread application in hydrocarbon refineries & industries, oil and gas exploration, drilling and transportation, air and hydraulic cylinders, automobiles, boilers, bearings, as well as other high-pressure applications. Because of the intricate manufacturing process and a limited number of competitors in the seamless pipe industry, the unit cost of seamless pipe is more expensive per tonne. 
Strip or coil is used throughout the manufacturing process of ERW pipes. The transfer of low- or medium-pressure fluids, such as water and oil, respectively, are examples of common applications for these pipes. If you are seeking ERW pipes of good quality, then you need to choose one of the leading manufacturers of ERW stainless steel pipes. If you are looking for the most prominent as well as distinguished MSERW Pipe supplier in Gujarat, Tube Trading Co., is the best pick for you. 
Particular characteristics of ERW tubes and pipes of the highest grade 
●     High-strength corrosion resistance
●     High malleability
●     Superior strength
●     Durable and sturdy 
In order to guarantee that ERW pipes are of the highest possible quality, they are put through a series of rigorous examinations, such as a hydro-test, an ultrasonic weld inspection, a micrometre check, a straightness evaluation, as well as a ring gouge test. ERW pipes, in a nutshell, are pipes that are more economical, have tighter dimensional tolerances, and are lighter in weight. ERW pipes have been used in a variety of different sectors. In addition to the transportation of oil, water, and gas, ERW pipes are also seeing widespread use in the fields of agriculture and vehicle manufacturing. ERW pipes are frequently used in collieries for water extraction, thermal power stations, drinking water, as well as employed as hand pumps for boring wells, and as protection for cables by the telecom sector. This is due to the fact that ERW pipes have a diverse range of applications and are reliable. Get in touch with the most distinct as well as noteworthy MSERW Pipe provider in Gujarat, Tube Trading Co., for your industrial pipes and tubes requirements. The following is a list of some of the most common applications for ERW pipes: 
●     Structural as well as Engineering purposes such as line pipes, Fencing, scaffolding, etc.
●     Automobiles Sector
●     Water and gas transportation, oil country tubular
●     Agriculture Sector
●     Collieries for Water extraction as well as Thermal Powers
●     Hand pumps that are used for deep boring wells, Drinking water in houses
●     Robust cable protection by the Telecom Department
The Bottom Line:
You should choose a quality-aware manufacturer that creates high-quality pipes in India if you are the MSERW Pipe dealer in Gujarat, MSERW Pipe supplier in Gujarat or MSERW Pipe provider in Gujarat. This is true regardless of the type of pipe you are searching for. The selected manufacturer must be able to create pipes of high quality in a variety of specifications, sizes, and grades to accommodate the requirements of various industries, such as public health, agriculture, housing, oil and gas, engineering, irrigation, etc.
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