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kitty4president · 2 years ago
ok fellas i think its time to ask the REAL question: which white holeface bastard suffered more
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feuer-in-soho · 1 year ago
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nek-ros · 2 years ago
The weird flaps of skin or whatever around Sanctus' holeface like the gills on an axolotl are so funny... what are they
akdhsj theyre supposed to be feathery wings like an angel but i like the idea of them being like feathery gills :3
i also really like the idea that the wings are leathery and only mimic feathers, like the membrane wings at the end of evangelion
also forgor to draw this one but im thinking he can move them to emote or make himself look bigger skjdksj
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maximumflyer · 2 years ago
they meet...beakface to holeface?
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twodeadteeth · 6 years ago
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that girl eyeing you from across the bar
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darefus · 6 years ago
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holeface be CAREFUL
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kaibtsu · 7 years ago
stealing thsi from chara,, he he
Nicknames: holeface, kaifucktsu, gabu, gompy, guby, gamby, guppy, gampny, gøby etc etc u get the point
Star sign: sag sun
Height: 171 cm
Time: 12:05
Birthday: december 18th
Favorite bands: swans, jack off jill, babes in toyland
Favorite solo artist: the dude who made the music from evangelion and silent hill i dunno his name but they r. good songs¨, dj technorch, dj sharpnel, rwc, m1dy, michael gira, neros day at didneyland
song stuck in my head: pants by sharpnel jwrgejhwjheghehhehe 
Last movie I watched: hmm,,, life of pi i think it was
Last show I watched: houseki no kuni
When did I create my blog: november 2016
What do I post: garbage
Last thing I googled: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,cockroaches,,
Do I have any other blogs: @fuwia @rpgmakeraes @rust///hospital tw gore and violence and needles 
Do I get asks: yeah but its either ppl confessing to me or telling me im strange so i try 2 ignore themjhvrwejghqwlgkuy
Why I chose my URL: teeth man
Following: like 500 ppl dude!!!!!!
Followers: wee hee hee
Average hours of sleep: i think i know what the fuck a clock is
Lucky number: any number thts repeated lots of times is a lucky number
Instruments: i lov eplaying piano,,,,,,, and a little bit of drums
What am I wearing: tshirt with like,, a painting of lucifer being kciked out of heaven or something its a MOOD 
Dream job: surgeon
Dream trip: see the winter palace in russia,,, or go snowboarding on iceland
Favorite food: paper
Nationality: norweian
Favorite song right now: im braindead
i tag @whiteverbena @slammerworm @avdpol @molybdenums @holy-juicey-cactus @cpuheart @flowrust u dont gotta do it if yuo dont wanna its just 4 funsies 
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undertalekinfessions · 7 years ago
I constantly worry about not finding green, or anyone else. I'm happy for every chara, frisk, or whoever that finds their canons, but I haven't seen any greens at all. Instead of worrying, I just shitpost and hide that worry. Fill some *holes* with em'. - Holeface mcgee (scarfy yellow)
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kin-squad-finder · 7 years ago
Scarfy yellow from undertale looking for my green! Only knew you after we both mcfuckin died! In soul limbo I was holeface mcgee! @redscarfedmae
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redscarfedmae · 7 years ago
weedhead and holeface
two nerds who fight
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ssskeletonsoffun · 8 years ago
?????I'm literally garbage???
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infobeanie · 8 years ago
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The first time I saw The Blair Witch Project was the last time I got high, almost two decades ago. I don’t enjoy getting high. It’s something I’ve returned to periodically throughout my life, always in the hopes that it’ll be different this time, that I’ll be different this time, that I’ve matured to the point where I’ll be able to handle it like a normal human being and recognize that the chemicals flowing through me are trying to get me to relax, not to permanently erode my consciousness into a formless hull. Nevertheless, every toke I’ve ever taken has turned into a vicious battle with my ego as it attempted to defend me from the psychosis it sensed was encroaching on my brain. To play helpless spectator to that would leave me depressed for months afterwards. 
So it was a great relief when the lights went down in the theater and I was able to dissociate completely from myself and from all the friends I didn’t really know or trust who were sitting around me, and focus entirely on the movie. My brain seized upon it voraciously, like a dog on a bone, because it was a good movie. It made perfect sense to me. It was a movie about nothingness. It wasn’t the idea of ghosts or witches that made it scary; it was the lack of a lens presented with which to view it. Its creators accomplished what every horror film before it failed to accomplish: they removed every hint of a directorial hand in the footage, leaving only an object with no recognizable actors or sinister synth strings to distinguish itself from its surroundings. It was a literal death of the author. 
It was barely a movie at all, which is what made it so scary. Humans need a lens, any sort of lens, to view the world around them. To be shown the insufficient nature of these lens - to have God, Satan, the national anthem, the Wizard of Oz, the collected mythos of the centuries fail to explain what is happening to us, for it all to fall short in comparison to the raw experience currently being lived - that is the ultimate horror. You don’t need witchcraft to make three people in the wildnerness tear themselves apart. You don’t need anything at all. These are the impressions that the film left on me as I, or something inside me, attempted to hold onto my sanity.
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Four episodes in, Season 4 has produced its first masterpiece in “The Elayne/Vince Project”, an episode which sees its characters clinging onto whatever lens they can as they come face to face with the inexplicable debris of their own consciousness. The episode itself feels like a confrontation of sorts - just like the new Twin Peaks pulls ideas from throughout Lynch’s canon in service of a new story with a new emotional direction, TEVP recontextualizes imagery from different Cate Wurtz comics over a span of years, honing them into their tightest, most impactful form yet. Its basic setup is borrowed from The Body is a System, Cate’s only print comic to date, and many details from that work reappear here, most noticeably the mysterious forest-piano. But we also see a glimmer of COSM again, in the half-mad omniscient puppet who is established in this episode as the major paranormal force to be dealt with this season. Holeface’s early appearances were some of the scariest stuff Cate has ever written, and while Beloved is a bit too goofy-looking to be a real source of terror, her toxic charisma, and the curious nature of her existence, strike the same ambiguity pleasure points that Holeface did. 
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More disturbing than Beloved is the appearance of the imposter puppets, those evil spambot clones which send the minds of our faves reeling. Gaige, bless his soul, applies a rather unforgiving lens to his own life, filtering out so much bullshit that he’s at a complete loss to explain his visions of Harlyn. Ghosts and magic are way too fucking beyond for him, despite his own seemingly impossible powers. Reality extends strictly to the things he knows from experience to be true, which is why he doubts the veracity of Embry and Ambrosia’s shared psy-mind (the first to do so since Harlyn!), and why he’s so quick to believe the puppet-Joslyn when she betrays him. Clearly, whatever unfolds from here will be a struggle for him to accept into his worldview.
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But the biggest struggle here belongs to Elayne, who, when the time came, clung on to the only thing she had, even as it turned out to be a remnant of that which hunted her. Elayne, who hates the forest that reminds her of her butterfly mind, strewn as it is with alien artifacts. Elayne, who sees the flip side of the question that pervades this series - “are we safe?” - in Vince’s casual contemplation. Where does this stuff come from - ynce iche, the horse figurines, the mall, anything? Who is in control? If it’s someone else - someone like Lord Vein or Lord Marrow - what makes them different from anybody else? And if no one is in control - or it’s something we have no hope of understanding - then how can we ever be safe? Where is the thing that hunts you - is it inside or outside? 
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For Elayne, the mask serves double duty - it keeps the rest of the world out, and keeps the threat of her inner ghosts contained. Her monologue in the dead of night (to Vince? to us? to no one?) is one of the richest psychological portraits we’ve seen in Crow Cillers, delivered in the sincere language of someone struggling with ideas bigger than they know how to articulate. In a world of fully-formed faces, she is a mask. She latches onto details, becomes unpleasant in her insistence on details, because details are all she has - there is no whole she can integrate these details into. She lacks a lens to understand. 
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There is no unmasking sequence, of course, no reveal of the ugly duck as the secret beauty, no rearranging of their characteristics into a heteronormative ideal. Crow Cillers respects its characters too much for that. Instead, what gets rearranged is that mental debris, those contextless images that have haunted Elayne for so long, into a shape that, for a moment, seems to almost make sense. That piano, as we know, had been floating around for years before Elayne and Vince found it, and it was still there after they left. But they made it theirs, and no one else’s, when Vince played the first song that popped into his his head and it happened to click with Elayne. In that moment, she stopped being a pair of frightened eyes staring out from a mask, and became one of her own images, just for one day.
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Humans are humans. For better or for worse, The Blair Witch Project was eventually given a lens to view it through, in the form of sequels, video games, and merchandise. Its actors were found alive and well, promoting their own wares. The general public recognized its merits as a horror movie, and set to work siphoning the horror out of it. But it has found perhaps its most heartfelt lens in this episode of Crow Cillers, which reforms its images not in the service of secondhand horror, but in a transformed narrative of hope and human connection. Horror, I think, comes at the expense of all other emotions - one by one, love, happiness, sadness, and anger fall at the hands of fear, as the movie works its magic. But the shots of forest and wildnerness that are spread throughout The Elayne/Vince Project seem full of emotion rather than stripped of it; they seem to cry out with imbued meaning from their silent stillness.  I don’t understand what they mean, but I understand how it makes me feel, and that’s enough.
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pgeville · 6 years ago
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This rather self-explanatory gathering of friends is called: WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT CHRISTIAN BARKER IS LEAVING TO LIVE IN NASHVILLE SO' UNLESS YOU'RE HEADED TO TENNESSEE AS WELL, COME TO THE NARN AND SAY 'GOOD LUCK LIL' BARK-BARK' it'll be a damn fine time and we can tell C-bark AKA Lil Bark-Bark AKA King Salmon AKA 'ol Bobby Ball-gazer THANKS for taking rad pictures of everything and making us all feel important and worthy of documenting. You're a king. No one could capture the gaping-mouthed half-shut-eyed enraptured Kenny, like you could. (post your favorites in the comments here [if Kenny doesn't mind*]) These are the clouds that legends float on. Lets give X-tian big hugs and kisses and play games and roast vegan dogs and sing songs ... with other surprises? (one specific one i can already think of) also ...  we'll have the freshly outlawed live music. *Bookstore !!! (feat. Plasticizer and Elllipse Elkshow) *Rat King !!! *Sausage Slam !!! and Ellipse Elkshow ! ------------------------------------------------------------- just kidding .. about the "outlawed" part ... this isn't the 1880s or 1920s or uhm 1960s or ...  uh anyone worried about Johnny Law, worry not. After finding that almost no one leaving was drunk, the one in the brown shirt with the short hair from saturday night, instructed us that they weren't there to break up our get together or stop bands from playing, but mainly that the volume level was too vastly ranging (in distance) and also there was some worry about drunk driving because of the tow-truck. Physically ... on top of a hill, garage door wide open, with full ear-blistering hardcore, after 9 bands ... well, we'll say there could be some (*hard) truth to that. Easily remedied ... it will feature live music, which we will enjoy with the garage door closed, we will only be having 3 fully amped rock bands and one electronic artist. with the rock bands starting at 8 and being done before 11. If anyone would like to drink alcohol, then they get to stay the night or we can find em a ride home. If anyone is under 21, and we don't know it, and you want to come and drink alcohol (and then drive a car, too!), think about what it looks like if you ruin things for everyone else before you do that. -------------------------------------------------------------- but yeesh. this is a celebration folks. .. let's not forget the point, here. We love you Christian, we wanna send you off with a banger. ------------------------------------------ Just like Narnia wasn't always in the same damn wardrobe, the Narn might be able to move around. We will refrain from revealing the location on HoleFace .. BookFace ...  Facebook ... this time. But hit up Christian or Todd or Nano or Murphy for the address. See ya Friday, friends.
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twodeadteeth · 7 years ago
Do you have any headcannons for Gabe and the other kaibutsus ?
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my interpretation of the individual kaibutsu was influenced by a protracted familiarity with girls in parochial uniforms, who by my observation often fell somewhere in or between several archetypes which may or may not be represented in this rendering
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darefus · 7 years ago
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stardustoverheaven · 6 years ago
Blu got up, sitting next to Stella.
A small string started to come out from the holeface guy, the string warped around the girl's feet.
She looked down, starting to feel different.
"What the..." she mumbled confused.
Plushstar was travelling through the Dream World. Since he was the dreamscape's protector including the residents that lived there, it was important for him to make sure everything was going fine and deal with any Nightmares he found.
Stella was playing uno with a shadow. It didn’t release any threatening vibes, fortunately, so It wasn’t a nightmare. A big cat was napping togheder with Blu next to them.
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