#holds grumbot gently in my hands as i think of ways to get as much angst as possible
Head empty only thoughts about the alternate timeline Grumbot/Rift
Grumbot starts off by saying that he's from an alternate timeline where Mumbo became mayor.
1. How does he know Mumbo was not mayor in this timeline
2. Why is he so different? (Besides the obvious answer of literally coming FROM another timeline)
He seems to be less emotional, and is not calling Grian and Mumbo dads. (Granted, Grian didn't talk with Grumbot enough for a proper chance but still)
In season 7, Grian mentioned how everything goes bad when robots get emotions. Past Grumbot used to express their emotions often, being sad, angry, confused, and happy. Another thing is that Grumbot's brother, Jrumbot, is not mentioned. (Maybe he's still inside the rift or is not coming to this timeline OR, he doesn't exist) Keep in mind that Jrumbot was more emotional than Grumbot, being always happy.
I wonder if that's the biggest difference that helped Mumbo become mayor. The fact that Grumbot did not have emotions.
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Masked Crowns
Part 16
Part 17 [CURRENT]
Part 18
@petrichormeraki @applepie1000 @artistconk @ivorylin @sydneys-sketches @snapdragonfirefly @bargledblocks
“Theo, stop moving around! Clem, stop fucking around and quite biting my ankle! Hey, don’t use that tone with me, young lad- Clementine!”
Fundy appeared half dead as he laid on the couch, exhausted. He watched as both Theo and Clementine hounded Tommy, who was just trying to make adjustments to their formal wear. Groaning as he hoisted himself into a sitting position, Fundy rubbed his eyes as he addressed his uncle.
“Give it up, Tommy, they aren’t gonna sit still. Wilbur gave them candy this morning.”
“I know, Fundy. Jesus, what the fuck was Wil thinking?!”
“Look at the bright side, you were able to quickly make adjustments to the bot-boys.”
“Only because Grumbot and Jrumbot are saints. I swear, Grian is a better father than I am at times. Don’t fucking tell him I said that- Clementine! What the fuck?!”
Both Fundy and Tommy looked down to the two children, who both appeared to be offended. Clementine huffed as she stomped her kicking foot on the ground, her arms crossed as she glared at her father. Theo did his best to match his cousin’s level of intimidating energy, giving an annoyed looks at his father and great uncle.
“No what?”
“Ender- Clem, I can’t understand what's wrong when you throw fits, okay? Take a deep breath, collect yourself, then tell me what’s wrong.”
Tommy frowned as he stared at the younger girl, who seemed to grow more irritated by the second. He knew her, though, could read her body language perfectly. She wasn’t angry or irritated, she was hurt and upset. Kneeling down, he held his hands out to his daughter, who glared at them in fury. After realizing her father’s hands weren’t going to combust, she sighed as she placed her tiny hands in Tommy’s bigger ones. Slumping her shoulders in defeat, she frowned down at her feet. Giving a frown of his own, Tommy lowered his head to try and make eye contact with Clementine, to no avail.
“Hey, look at me. Please?”
He watched with slight appeasement as she tilted her head up, her eyes slowly meeting Tommy’s. He gave her a hesitant smile, gently rubbing her tiny hands in a comforting manner as he did so.
“What’s wrong, little moth?”
Clementine didn’t talk much, opting to use her growls and grunts to communicate. This, however, wasn’t a situation where that form of communication would help things run smoothly. Moving her eyes from her dad’s face down to their joined hands, she frowned as her bottom lip began to quiver.
“I’m bad.”
“No good. Bad. Not nice. Not calm.”
As he stared at the sad expression resting on the girl’s face, Tommy suddenly felt small once again. He felt the same way he did when his father complained about him, not realizing his youngest was listening. He remembered the self doubt he felt and the hurt in his chest when his dad would compare him to his older brothers. It had fucking hurt when he was a kid, and it still did. And now? Now he was doing the same to his daughter. He was the fucking worst.
“No-Clementine, that isn’t true. Fuck, I- That’s not what I- Listen-”
Tommy sat down completely as he leaned forward, peering into the sad eyes of his daughter. Fuck, who knew being a parent would hurt his heart so fucking much? He was in his fucking feels at the moment, and it was all because of the toddler that stood before him. He was so scared of hurting her, of giving her reasons to despise and disown him as her father. He had to fix this, he needed to.
“The day I found you, I felt a piece of me return. It’s okay that you’re not like your cousins. You know what? I’m glad you’re not like them. You’re you, and you are being the best you there is. You’re not bad, Clementine, you’re fucking lovely. Don’t ever doubt yourself, okay? You’re a fucking badass, a brilliant one, too. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to compare you to your cousins.”
The small smile that graced Clementine’s lips was enough to fill Tommy with relief. Pulling her into a hug, he smiled as he felt her cling onto his shirt for comfort. Looking to the side, he hummed as he motioned for his great nephew to join in on the hug. Theo, who was quietly watching it all, happily ran into the hug, pulling his father along with him. So much had happened in such little time that Tommy forgot that kids were easily overwhelmed. From discovering new family, the park’s opening, house renovations, and then personal schedules, it was too much for the two to handle. They got along and enjoyed their cousins, but Tommy and Fundy had forgotten that they needed more than just that. They needed reassurance that they were enough.
“Now, can you two please let Tommy make final adjustments to your outfits? We have a ball to attend to, after all.”
Attending the ball was truly a blast from the past. Tommy snickered as Kristin gushed about the matching outfits her grandbabies and youngest son were wearing, alongside with her own. Most of the members from the Dream SMP just gawked in silence as Lani, who was matching with both Drista and Tubbo, twirled and bragged about how wonderful of a designer and tailor Tommy was.
“Tommy made those?”
“Yup! He sure did!”
“But they’re so...elegant.”
“Oi! Fuck you!”
Laughter erupted from the group as the music played in the background. As the group conversed among one another, pairs began to break off to dance.
Tommy peered down at Clementine, who held her hands up expectedly. Letting out a laugh, he scooped her up into his arms, smiling as she giggled with every bounce her father caused with his laughter. She smiled brightly at him as he fixed the tiara on her head. She laid her head on his shoulder as he swayed along to the music, both content. After a moment, Tommy felt his daughter’s head lift from his shoulder.
He turned to follow her line of sight to see Theo, Grumbot and Jrumbot all waving at him, their suits and hair fixed appropriately for the occasion. Returning the wave, he smiled at his daughter, setting her down with a nod.
“Yeah, you four go dance and have fun. Be careful.”
He couldn’t help but smile as her curls bounced as she squealed in excitement. Giving Tommy a hug, she quickly grabbed a hold of her cousins and rushed to the dance floor, smiling as her cousins argued as to which pair should dance with who. As he watched his only child scurry away with her cousins, he couldn’t help but sigh. The feeling of a hand on his forearm caught his attention. Turning to the side, he saw Tubbo smile at him, Lani and Drista right behind him.
“C’mon, let’s go dance.”
Tommy and Lani were doing their best to not disrupt their dancing with silent wheezes of laughter, they really were. It’s not their fault, everyone was making it so hard for them!
“It’s like he’s dancing with Mount Everest!”
“Holy shit, this is hilarious.”
The pair watched in amusement as Tubbo bossed an awkward, but happy, Ranboo around the dance floor. The height difference in itself was enough to make the sight laughable.
“Tommy, over there.”
Following Lani’s line of sight, Tommy damn near belted out laughter as a grumpy Drista was stuck paired with one of the park’s guests, who would not shut up about her relation to Dream.
“Poor girl, losing her sanity.”
“She’s about to break, it’s fucking hilarious. Should have given her a fork.”
“We’re here to dance, Tommy, not commit a felony.”
“Rich coming from a girl with multiple knife pockets installed into her dress.”
“You installed them!”
“You commissioned them!”
The two began to bicker like the besties they were as their friends and family danced around them. Phil and Kristin danced and twirled as they shared whispers to each other, their smiles brighter than ever. Wilbur and Techno were awkwardly dancing with one another, their empty insults to one another growing louder the longer the brothers were with each other. Grian was teaching Grumbot the proper way to waltz, Bad and Skeppy goofingly twirling around them. Clementine and Jrumbot happily danced off beat, no one even daring to teach them the proper moves. Quackity, Karl and Sapnap laughed as they spun around together, the three pulling George in from the sidelines. Just as Tommy was about to make a comment, a sharp elbow jabbed his side.
“Ow! Lani, what the fuc-”
“Shh! Look!”
“What are you-”
“Just look, it’s important!”
And important it was. There, standing at the food tables, was Fundy. He wasn’t alone, though, not at all. There, making the hybrid blush and stutter, stood a guy. Lani and Tommy exchanged knowingly looks, before dashing over to the nearest hiding spot.
“Move over!”
“No, you!”
“Shh, listen!”
“Go away.”
Theo frowned as the words left his mouth. He crossed his arms as he glared up at the emotionless mask before him, the face behind it hidden well. That didn’t stop Theo from being able to read body language, and the vibes he was getting weren’t necessarily hostile, but they weren’t welcoming as well.
“I just wanted to get a good look at you, to know you. Makes sense, doesn’t it? You are my son after all.”
The word sounded so wrong coming out of the unseen mouth. Son. As far as Theo was concerned, Dream was no father to him. His only dad was Fundy, and Fundy was all he needed for a parent.
“Your crown looks very nice, did you design it yourself? And I like your suit. I noticed that it matches Fundy’s perfectly. In fact, both of your crowns match perfectly with one another.”
Theo wasn’t planning on responding to any of the comments, not that he’d have to try. Dream just didn’t seem to catch the child’s drift, continuing to talk despite the boy not responding. 
“You have my hair color, it looks good on you. You’re obviously a shapeshift, like Fundy. Have you tried shifting to your more humanoid form? Oh, your eyes. You have-”
“My eyes.”
He may have been young, but Theo wasn’t daft. He knew that Dream (he would not call him father) was the reason for him having to live in the burrows up until then. He didn’t know what all Dream did, but he knew that it was enough to make his papa and uncle Tommy hurt very badly. He wasn’t going to let Dream see him with his guard down, not around him. He just stood and glared at the older man, who seemed to not have taken a hint to the child’s body language. Theo just confidently stood his ground as he watched Dream kneel before him, reaching over to gently pat his head, not seeming to care about pushing the crown around. Theo was quick to catch his crown, which fell off his head the moment Dream pushed it off. Much to Theo’s relief, the unwelcomed form of affection didn’t last long.
“Dickhead! Dickhead!”
Dream pulled his arm back as Theo hid a laugh behind his hand. Standing in confidence was Clementine, who had just bitten Dream’s hand. She just growled and hissed at Dream, taking a protective stance in front of Theo as Grumbot and Jrumbot stood by his side, ready to defend their cousin. Dream just rubbed his hand, before pointing at the emerald jewel dangling from the girl’s necklace.
“I only know one person with an emerald cut exactly like that. You must be Tommy’s brat. What did he name ya again? Clementine? Figured. I guess it’s true after all, trouble attracts trouble. Don’t tell me that you’re just as problematic as your dad-”
“Shut up!”
Theo huffed as he yelled at Dream, who wasn’t expecting such an outburst from the quiet child. Grumbot narrowed his eyes as the man, pulling Theo behind him as he did so. Jrumbot, on the other hand, just mocked the masked warrior.
“-meanie mask man!”
“Fine! We’ll talk once you’ve all calmed down. I’ll see you around, Theo.”
Dream let out an annoyed huff as he walked off, giving a half-wave to Theo. Once he was completely out of sight, Theo was mobbed by his concerned cousins, who were quick to assess him. Clementine began to sniff for any off scents while Jrumbot clung onto his arm, whines escaping his artificial mouth as his older brother inspected Theo. Whilst checking for any possible injuries, Grumbot began to question the younger boy.
“Were you hurt?”
“Did he threaten you?”
“Nuh uh.”
“Well, is he as big of a jerk as Uncle Tommy said he was?”
Theo blinked a few times before laughing, causing the worried faces of his cousins to morph into confusion. After a moment, an amused look graced Grumbot’s features. Clementine and Jrumbot only continued to watch in confusion. Finally calming down, Theo responded with a nod.
“Yeah, he is. He tried acting like he was my dad.”
“We should tell your dad.”
“Are you kidding me?! He’s talking to a potential dad! Let’s just go bother Uncle Tommy.”
“No! Spy. Uncle Grian!”
“I’m sure dad won’t mind us bothering him. Let’s get going.”
Making sure they all had their belongings, the four children scurried off towards Grian. As they happily spoke with the father of the bot boys, Theo felt a chill down his spine. Turning around to peer behind him, he noticed a familiar white mask. If he clung onto his uncle a bit tighter than usual, Grian didn’t mention.
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-slams fists on table- part two! Notes are that I miss Grumbot and I feel like Scar gives off worried dad vibes and Scar and Grian feel like they’d be bickering siblings. again a ping to @petrichormeraki​ for making this au.
In spite of the revelation of this bee apparently somehow being Tubbo, Tommy did not react with yelling or screaming. Instead he started by just staring at the hive where he had fallen after tripping, thinking about the new knowledge. And then he screamed.
Responding to the scream, the bee, uh, Tubbo. Tubbee? Yeah Tubbee. Tubbee popped out of his hive and flew over to Tommy. Tommy, still not completely okay with what was going on, scrambled back a few blocks. Tubbee didn’t care and just flew all the way until he settled in Tommy’s lap. He nuzzled against Tommy, the spinning compass that was now on the floor once again pointing towards Tubbee before returning to spinning wildly.
“Okay. Fuck. What the fuck. Tubbo I know you like bees but this?” Tommy gave a nervous chuckle. “This is too fucking far.”
Tubbee buzzed happily, not seeming to realize Tommy’s distress about his current form. He then started to fly around Tommy, bopping against him happily as Tommy pulled out his communicator to send a message to all the Hermits that were around. ‘Something really fucking weird happened and I need help. Even from Xisuma if he can come back.’
Almost immediately a new message came in with a buzz. It was from Stress scolding Tommy for his language. The next was from Scar who was surprised Tommy needed Xisuma’s help and asked what was going on. As Tommy typed a response, just along the lines that it was hard to explain, Xisuma replied in the chat saying he was on his way.
Tommy set his phone back down and just sat on the ground in silence as he waited for the admin to arrive. The phone buzzed a few more times, but Tommy ignored it for the most part. There was a distant sound of a firework launching and the teen figured that would have to be Xisuma. Tubbee also seemed to hear the noise, because immediately after it sounded, he flew and hid inside the nearby hive.
A few seconds later, the door opened to Xisuma. He started to speak but was pushed aside by a panicked looking Scar. “What happened?! Why do you need X’s help?”
Tommy shoved away the second hermit who was already looking him over for any injury. “God, stop acting like my fucking mom. I just have a weird bee.”
“A what?” Scar pulled away suddenly, causing Tommy to almost fall over. Tubbee decided this was the perfect time to come out of his hive and fly over to Tommy for comfort. “Oh, that kind of b.”
Xisuma looked between Tubbee and the hive. “It looks like it’s using the hive correctly, though it is still attracted to you. Are you sure you don’t have any-”
“I don’t have any fuckin’ flowers. And it’s not a normal bee.” As Tommy talked, he wasn’t really paying attention to the fact that he was now subconsciously holding Tubbee and petting him. “I think my friend died and is a bee now.”
Both Scar and X just stood there, staring at Tommy and Tubbee. Before either of them could speak, the door slammed open again. “What happened?! Why do you need X’s help?” Grian shouted.
After a bit of calming down and making sure no more hermits would come racing over out of nowhere, Tommy explained about his friend who really liked bees, how the two of them had special compasses pointing to each other, how they would be in different servers but the compass was pointing to this bee. As the various Hermits talked, Tubbee decided it was a good time to explore and buzzed about the old hobbit hole.
“You’re saying this bee is your friend… reincarnated or something?” Grian asked skeptically.
“That’s the best clue I have.” Tommy answered with a shrug. “Not like I have much to go on. I’m not gonna drop back home and ask around saying ‘Hey, Tubbo die while I was gone?’ cause no matter what they wouldn’t let me back.”
“I can try and get some of my old magic crystals and try them on him.” Scar piped up before getting a shove from Grian.
“Those things don’t work.” Grian chided before being shoved back.
“A man-!” “Teen.” “-Teen has been turned into a bee, I doubt my crystals are that useless in a time like this.”
Xisuma carefully separated the two other Hermits. “Before you do that, I’m going to try having a look at his code. See if there’s any truth to the claim first.”
The comment hurt Tommy. “What, you don’t believe me?” Xisuma tried backtracking but Tommy stopped him. “Of course there’s something! Bees don’t just fucking act like that and compasses don’t just point at bees.” Tommy grabbed his compass from the floor and held it up. It spun wildly for a few seconds and one of the hermits was about to point that out when the needle changed its mind and pointed to Tubbee for the same amount of time before spinning around again.
Grian’s eyes widened and he managed to speak first. “That is bonkers. I’ve never seen that before! X, what does the bee say?”
“Can’t say much of anything.” Scar half mumbled, getting a jab in the ribs from Grian.
Xisuma turned his gaze to Tubbee and carefully grabbed him. Tubbee panicked for a few moments, but realized he wasn’t in any harm and let himself be held by such a large and kind looking bee.
X didn’t usually take advantage of his admin powers, at most messing with the end files every so often so the Hermits could get more shulker boxes. This was much different than that. Still Xisuma looked at the code of the bee. There was nothing there that directly seemed to be player code. There was something that resembled it, but nothing concrete. It just seemed like a, pardon the pun, a bugged bee.
“There’s something off, but it doesn’t seem like this bee is another player.” Xisuma informed Tommy, letting Tubbee go.
“What? Of course he is! This has to be Tubbo!” Tommy was taken aback by X’s claims. “Isn’t there someone else that’s better at this than you.”
“Tommy...” Scar spoke gently, but Tommy just turned and yelled at the mayor.
“Shut up! And don’t try using any magic mumbo jumbo on him!” Tommy grabbed Tubbee as he tried to explore again.
Grian tried holding in a laugh, but Tommy noticed and glared at him. “Look, I know some hermits had some machines last season that could tell fortunes or whatever, but we don’t really have that many here this season. I mean, there’s Grumbot, but he’s…”
No longer glaring, Tommy nearly jumped happily at the words. “Who’s Grumbot? Is ‘e another admin here?”
“No, no. He was uh, so I had Mumbo run for mayor and we built this robot to give us information on how to actually help him run for mayor and give mayoral advice, but he didn’t really-” Grian was scratching the back of his head, not sure how to explain it all to Tommy when the teen cut him off.
“Tubbo was president back home, maybe that’s close enough to mayor. Where is he?”
“Tommy, slow down.” Scar chimed in. “ I mean, uh, I’m the mayor, so Grumbot didn’t really help. Plus, didn’t you have to pay him diamonds for every question.”
Grian groaned. “Yes. I don’t know why that was ever a good design idea. He also had a mental breakdown when he thought Mumbo lost so we kinda… lied to him and told him Mumbo did become mayor and now he’s living in a virtual reality box.”
Tommy wracked his brain, trying to remember why that sounded familiar before he remembered. “You mean that mustache box off the coast of the shopping district? I’ve seen it a few times boating back home from there.”
Grian tried to backtrack, but it was obvious anything else was a lie. Tommy ran to the various chests, rummaging around until he found a spare lead.”C’mon Tubbo, let's go see this Grumbot.
Grian tried talking out of it, but Scar stopped him to talk with Tommy instead. Pulling the teen over to the side, he started to scold Tommy before lowering his voice. “Look, I don’t know if that machine is gonna work for you or not, but this seems important to you. From what I can tell you need to put the diamond in and press the buttons in order or something.” As Scar pretended to go back to scolding Tommy, he slipped a diamond into the boy’s hand. “Well, hopefully he’ll listen to reason.”
Getting what Scar was trying to do, Tommy put the lead away and sat down. “Yeah… guess I’ll just have to use what I know right now.”
Grian looked a little suspicious, but Scar managed to lead him out. Xisuma started to follow them out, but turned to Tommy and asked him to send updates. Tommy nodded and pet Tubbee, trying not to get too restless as he sat there to wait.
After waiting so long that Bdubs had to call the sun back, Tommy pulled out his lead again and built a boat. Carefully tying the lead around Tubbee, he climbed into the boat and tied the other end to one of the oars before paddling towards spawn. Eventually, he reached the large white box, and noticed that the mustache was not actually on the box, but a different building further on. Because of that, Tommy doubted about if Grumbot would be here, but when he found an opening and went in with Tubbee, he saw the computer.
Tommy expected something much smaller but Grumbot was huge and a bit overwhelming. He seemed to be staring off into the distance, and when Tommy looked that way, he saw recreation of the shopping district.
Pulling the diamond that Scar gave him out of his pocket, Tommy waked to the base of Grumbot and looked at the labeled buttons. He pressed the one labeled prime Grumbot and flinched at the slight grinding noise that came from the machine. While that made Tommy reluctant about the idea, he had already come all the way out here and started the process, so he might as well finish it up.
Next he pressed the boot load brain button and then the flood mayoral reservoirs one. More noises sounded from the machine and then Tommy looked at the last label. ‘Deposit Question Diamond.’ He was about to just put it in before he saw the anvils. After dying the other day, Tommy didn’t have many levels, but he had at least one.
Putting the diamond in an anvil, Tommy renamed it with a question and placed it in the machine and pressed the final button. Trying to help, Tubbee also bopped against the button as Tommy stepped back to look at the screen of Grumbot. The happy eyes changed to standard ones, and then they looked down as a paper dispensed.
Tommy ran back over to the machine and grabbed the paper to read it. There were only four words on it and just seeing the number nearly made Tommy tear it up, but then he actually comprehended the words. ‘Use the fourth button.’
Tommy looked back at the buttons and noticed the 4th one was made of a block. Pulling it out, he then placed it into the nearby mechanism and pressed the other three buttons. It took a bit of finagling to use the fourth button, what with it now missing. But then the screen glitched and then it glitched again. Tommy looked between the screen and the answer printer, angry to see no response. With that anger, he kicked Grumbot, and then the screen stopped glitching.
“Ah, just what I needed. A good kick to the ribs.” Tommy swore and fell to the ground at the booming voice that came from Grumbot. Tubbee was also scared by it and cowered next to Tommy. Looking up, he saw the screen no longer glitching and the previously stiff face looking very animated as it looked around, eventually looking down at Tommy.
“So, you’re the one who wants my help, yes?” The booming voice spoke again, making Tommy cover his ears this time. “Oh sorry, I guess I’m a bit too loud.” Grumbot apologized as he lowered his voice.
Tommy, having no clue how Grumbot was supposed to act, didn’t find his voice and much more emotive face odd. “Yeah, uh. So Grian told me that you did mayoral stuff and while it’s not the same, I have a friend who is, or was , a president and wondered if you could help with that?”
Grumbot’s face tilted as his computer head could not. “Your first diamond was asking about the status of a ‘President Tubbo’. While I have been here with only the occasional visit, I’ve had time for my redstone brain and so to upgrade and find new databases and reservoirs.”
“Uh… does that mean you know that-“ Tommy started to speak but was cut off.
“Yes. I know now my dad did not win the election. At the time, that was my only purpose. I was upset when I learned the truth when you activated me, but I have new purpose and my dads just did what they could to care for me.”
Tommy just nodded, not completely sure what all of that meant, more from not paying attention. “Okay, well I think my friend who was president elsewhere got turned into this bee.” And Tommy held up Tubbee.
Grumbot ‘leaned’ closer to see Tubbee and then looked at the data he received about a president Tubbo. “Your friend was not turned into a bee.”
Tommy frowned at the answer, arms falling to his sides, Tubbee now free to do more exploring. “What do you mean, my compass is supposed to point to Tubbo and it points to this bee, so it has to be Tubbo! He loves the things so much it makes sense he would become one.”
Grumbot added the new information to his data. “Well, that is neither your dead friend returned to life as a bee, nor your friend disguised as one. It is instead something else.”
Protests Tommy had been about to sling at the robot died in his throat and was replaced with a new question. “What is it then?”
Grumbot paused, making sure he could get all the data he had access to and could help. “Your world is… different.” The AI started slowly. “You can lose lives and eventually truly die. But you don’t just die and decide one is a true life lost. When that happens, you… lose a piece of you. Enough times and what makes you you can’t exist in a body anymore.”
Tommy interrupted Grumbot. “So Tubbo is a ghost possessing the bee?”
The AI glared at Tommy for a few seconds, screen background turning a certain shade of red. But then he calmed. “No, your friend is still alive, but he has had one of those special deaths happened. It was before you arrived here in Hermitcraft. That death broke off a piece of his soul and it managed to end up here. Whether the piece was active the whole time or it only activated once you, a familiar being, drew near, I cannot say.”
Tommy processed the information before asking a clarifying question. So, the bee is only like a piece of Tubbo?”
A piece of paper was printed out and then Grumbot’s screen went dark. Tommy grabbed the paper and read the word ‘Yes.’ There was also a post script asking for Tommy to kill Scar for the AI which Tommy laughed at. He then got the lead back around Tubbee and headed home.
Even if it wasn’t really Tubbo, Tommy found Tubbee comforting. Maybe even if this piece of Tubbo was here, Tubbo could feel Tommy on the other end, trying to care for his friend. Xisuma came to visit Tommy again after a few days and heard from Tommy what Grumbot had said. Grian came later that same day and freaked out when he learned about Grumbot, leaving almost immediately to go find Mumbo who was also online.
Scar was the last to show up. He was glad to find out that Tommy had piece of mind, but was also a bit salty about the fact he was stabbed and killed the moment he walked through the door, though it was his own fault for getting there at half a heart from crashing into so much while flying.
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Okokokok hear me out. You wrote watcher Grian and his boys before. How about dad Grian and his two (robot) sons? (That he certainly didn't just leave in closet)
Oh you asked for two robot sons? How about FOUR? :D
NPC Grian is tired of his closet. All he wants is a big open space to build rustic houses in peace, but Grian won’t let him. He has to stay here, away from everyone else, as if Grian is ashamed of him. Not that he thinks about that too much. It starts to hurt if he does.
Sometimes, he thinks just some company would be nice. Someone to talk to, to make his life in this tiny room less lonely. He used to put on a different voice and pretend he had a friend with him, but he doesn’t do that anymore. It just hurts too much when he stops talking and realises he’s still on his own.
How much time has gone by while he’s been in here? Days? Months? Years? He can hardly remember the last time Grian visited him. But his orders were very strict, and NPG cannot disobey his programming. He cannot leave the closet.
Do not leave the closet.
He can feel his energy depleting as his battery runs out. It lasts for years at a time so it must be at least that long since Grian visited him last. At least his lonely existence is coming to an end.
Do not leave the closet.
Do not leave the closet.
NPG opens his eyes and realises immediately that he is no longer in his closet. Instead, he can see trees. Grass. A blue sky. The sun.
He’s outside.
He sits bolt upright, his programming protesting violently.
“Hey, easy now,” comes a metallic voice. “You’re still recharging.”
NPG glances to his right and finds, to his shock, a robotic-looking version of Grian gazing back at him. “Who are you? How did I get out here?”
“My name is Robot Grian,” he responds. “And I brought you out here. You’d passed out in your closet; I guessed you’d run out of battery. I helped you recharge.”
“Robot Grian?” repeats NPG slowly. “I’ve never heard of you.”
“That’s because I am the second of Grian’s creations, created to fill the void after Grian decided you were of no use to him anymore. And there are others out there who need our help.”
NPG blinks at him. “Really? Grian has more creations?”
“Yes. Two more who need saving before they end up like you and me.”
After a moment, NPG glances away. “I can’t. I have to go back to the closet. I was ordered never to leave.”
“NPG, Grian doesn’t care about you,” insists Robot Grian. “Did you know you recharge using solar energy?”
NPG hesitates. “No, I didn’t know that.”
“And Grian still kept you locked away in a place where you’d never see the sun. That’s what he does, you know. He tosses us aside as soon as we’ve served our purpose and makes sure nobody ever finds out we ever existed. He may have created you but you don’t owe him anything. You don’t have to follow his orders anymore.”
NPG thinks about this for a while. Robot Grian’s words ring true; NPG is tired of living in a closet but if Grian had his way, he would never see the light of day again. If NPG ever wants to be happy, he knows he has to be free.
“Okay, so what is our plan?” he asks.
Robot Grian appears pleased at his decision. “As I said, there are two others who have been abandoned by Grian. We go free them then we go to Grian and force him to accept us for who we are.”
“And if he doesn’t?”
“Then we leave. He can’t overpower all four of us if we catch him on his own.”
“I see…” NPG pauses again. “If we are truly committed to moving on from just being Grian’s creations, then I would like to change my name.”
“Good idea,” says Robot Grian approvingly. “To what?”
“Rustic House,” NPG replies immediately. “My one true love.”
Robot Grian looks taken aback by his instant and rather bizarre answer. “Okay… What about Rusty?”
“Hmm… A nickname for Rustic House. I like it!” Rusty beams. This is the happiest he has been in years. “What will you be called?”
After a moment, Robot Grian shrugs. “You make up a name for me.”
“Me? Okay. Roby.”
“Whoa, okay, that was quick. Why that?”
“It’s short for Robot,” Rusty explains. “I think it’s cute.”
“Huh.” His new companion considers this. “I kinda like it, actually. And really, anything’s better than having someone else’s name with “Robot” tacked onto the front to differentiate myself from the original.”
“Yay! Are you my friend, Roby?”
Roby thinks. “I guess we’re more like brothers, aren’t we? We were both created by the same person, so-.”
Rusty’s smile widens and he grabs Roby in a hug. “This is amazing! I’ve never even had a friend before, let alone a brother.”
Roby chuckles, before carefully removing Rusty’s arms from around him. “Okay, sure. Remember, we’ve got two more brothers out there who need our help, so we’d better get going quickly, before Grian realises we’re missing.”
Roby leads Rusty to a giant box out in the ocean. He digs a hole into it and drops down, landing as lightly as a cat.
Next to him, Rusty falls on his face.
Rolling his eyes amusedly, Roby moves further into the room, which is decorated like the outside world, with a painted blue sky and grass as the floor.
“Who are we here to rescue?” asks Rusty, jumping to his feet.
Roby gestures upwards. Rusty follows his gaze and finds a large robotic shell sitting against the back wall, its face and outstretched arms frozen in perpetual satisfaction.
“Meet Grumbot,” Roby says. “He was created by Grian and his friend Mumbo Jumbo to be a mayoral campaign robot. They eventually blamed him for Mumbo’s loss in the election and abandoned him here, claiming he’s “happy” in this fake reality.”
“We’re gonna save him, right?” asks Rusty eagerly.
Roby nods, encouraged by Rusty’s enthusiasm. “Yes, indeed. I’m not entirely sure if Grian knows this, but the Grumbot you see before you is actually just a gigantic shell. The real Grumbot is inside what you might call its “brain”, supplying the larger body with its energy and knowledge.”
“Yup. Wait there.”
Roby climbs up Grumbot’s outer shell and slips through a crack in its head.
Inside the nerve centre, he finds a smaller version of Grumbot, complete with moustache and Grian-style hair. He is slumped against the wall of his prison, unresponsive, just as Rusty had been when Roby found him.
Roby may be a robot but even he can feel sadness welling up in him at the sight of the little robot, a little over half his size, all alone in this place. He gathers Grumbot into his arms and slips back out through the crack.
Rusty helps him get down, his eyes fixed on the little robot in Roby’s arms. “Is this Grumbot?”
Roby nods. “This is him. I don’t know how he recharges but we’d better get him away from here. It can’t be doing him any good.”
The two leave the giant box and hop back into the boat they rowed here in. As they get further away from the prison, Grumbot starts to stir, as if waking up from a deep sleep. His eyes open just as the boat is pulling up to the dock.
“Hey,” Roby says gently, carrying him onto the shore. “Can you hear me?”
Grumbot blinks at him a few times. “Yes. Who are you?”
“My name is Robot Gr-.” Roby almost forgets his new name. “I’m Roby. This is Rusty.”
Rusty beams as he drags the boat from the water. “Hi!”
Grumbot tips his head on one side. “Who am I?”
“Your name is Grum,” Rusty tells him, before Roby can speak. “You’re a robot made by Grian and now we’re forming a gang so we can go beat him up for abandoning us.”
“That last bit isn’t true,” Roby says quickly. “We’re not going to beat him up. We just want him to accept us for who we are. All four of us.”
Grum glances from Rusty to Roby. “Where are my dads?”
Roby winces. He knows he has to break some bad news to the equivalent of a child. “They… um… they left. But that’s why we’re gathering our group together: so we can find our… our dad and make him accept us.”
Grum pauses, digesting this information. “Rusty. And Roby. And Grum?”
Roby nods encouragingly. “Yeah. You’re one of us, Grum. We’re gonna look after you, okay?”
To Roby’s relief, Grum smiles and nods. “Okay. Thank you.”
“You’re… welcome.”
Roby leads the other two to the place where they will find the final creation: Grian’s hobbit hole starter base. “I did some recon here a few days ago,” he says as the group make their way inside. “Grian keeps him in a closet, just like you, Rusty.”
“Closets are lonely and devoid of hope,” says Rusty.
Roby nods, unsure of how else to react to that. “Indeed. He was Grian’s original cam account but Grian dumped him in favour of the new one he uses now. That only happened a few months ago though, so he shouldn’t be as low on charge as you two are.”
The closet is located in Grian’s bedroom upstairs. Roby gestures for the others to stand back, before he opens the door.
Immediately, a figure shoves past him and zooms for the door. Thankfully, Rusty is standing in the way and he stops the person from escaping.
“It’s okay, it’s okay!” Roby scrambles up from the floor and gets in front of the figure, holding out his hands reassuringly. “It’s okay, we’re not gonna hurt you. We’re here to help, okay?”
Now that the person has stopped moving, the others can see that he too looks exactly like Grian, except with bigger, more expressive eyes, which are filled with pain and fear.
“It’s Grifter, right?” asks Roby softly. “Your name is Grifter?”
After a moment, the frightened cam account nods.
“Can you talk to me? Are you alright?”
Another pause. Finally, Grifter opens his mouth and croaks, “Where’s Grian? Wh-Who are you?”
“I’m Roby. That’s Rusty and Grum.” Roby indicates his brothers in turn. “Grian is… probably at his mansion at the moment.”
“Grian abandoned me.” Grifter’s face screws up as if he is about to cry. “I tried so hard to be a good cam account but he replaced me. What did I do wrong?”
“I’m positive you didn’t do anything,” Roby assures him. “Grian has an issue with creating things and then abandoning them when he doesn’t know what to do with them anymore. But now that we're all together, we can go find Grian and make him accept us.”
Grifter slowly looks around at the other three. “You guys were abandoned too?”
Rusty and Grum nod at the same time. “He locked me in a closet,” says Rusty helpfully.
“I was imprisoned in the brain of a larger version of myself that I was forced to feed with my infinite knowledge and energy until I had nothing left inside me except crippling loneliness and a rapidly depleting battery,” Grum says.
The other three stare at him.
“Okay, that’s the most depressing thing I’ve ever heard,” Grifter says, before turning back to Roby. “And you think we can just get him to accept us?”
Roby nods. “I do. Grian isn’t a bad person; he just doesn’t know what to do with us anymore. If we show him that we have purpose and our sentience has grown, maybe he’ll see us as actual living beings instead of unfeeling robots.”
“You are a robot, though,” Rusty points out.
“That’s beside the point.”
Rusty, Roby, Grum, and Grifter make their way into Grian’s mansion. They immediately find him working on something on the foyer, head buried in one of the many chests lining the walls.
For a moment, the group dithers a safe distance away, unsure how to start.
“Dad!” Grum calls unexpectedly.
Grian nearly jumps out of his skin. He sharply turns and his eyes widen as he registers his four creations standing together a little way off.
“O-Oh my god… What are you all doing here…?”
“We wanted to talk to you,” says Roby, taking the lead when it’s clear nobody else will. “You’re technically our father so we want to talk to you about… events that happened.”
Grian hesitates. “You mean… me locking you four away from the rest of the world?”
All four of them nod at the same time, causing Grian to sigh quietly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt any of you, I just… You all grew far beyond what I expected and I didn’t know how to handle that.”
“You abandoned us!” Grum cries. “You and other dad left me all on my own in a box in the middle of the ocean! How could you think I would be happy there?!”
Grian winces. “I’m sorry, Grumbot…”
“My name is Grum now.”
“We changed our names,” explains Roby. “I’m Roby. NPG is now Rusty. And Grifter is… just the same, really.”
“You changed your names? Why?”
“Because we’re trying to show you we don’t want to be your forgotten clones anymore,” says Roby. “We’re more like your sons. All we want is for you to accept us and love us the way we are. There’s no need to be ashamed or scared of us. We just want to live.”
“We can be a family,” says Rusty out of nowhere. “Right…?”
Grian stares at them for a moment, before giving a small smile. “We can absolutely be a family.”
Beaming, Rusty rushes over to Grian and hugs him. Grum joins soon after, and so do Grifter and then Roby.
“We’ve still got a lot to talk about,” says Grifter pointedly. “About how you made us feel with your abandonment of us.”
“Of course.” Grian nods. “I know I hurt you and I’ll make up for that. Things aren’t going to be perfect straight away.”
Rusty nods. He knows this. It’s obvious that they still have issues to work out but that hardly matters at the moment. What matters is he’s finally out of that closet AND he has a brand new family.
Finally, Grian is accepting him.
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siren07tucker · 4 years
Coraline Grumbot AU inspired bye @petrichormeraki
Part 8 Charms will harm ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ|| ∴╎ꖎꖎ リ𝙹ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ᔑꖌᒷ ⍑╎ᒲ ᔑ∴ᔑ|| ⎓∷𝙹ᒲ ⚍ᓭ
This one is long and I hope you guys enjoy it
Grumbot happily skipped in to Larry, The snail house was always cozy and comforting it usually smelled like Spices and Old paper, but it’s spelled terrible like fermented spider eyes and nether-rack but he ignored it.
“Ss~ ss~ss~ jelly? Ss~ss~ jelly come here kitty?!” GB kept calling for jelly, when the familiar appeared Grum smiled happily as he watched her materialize from a Book.
“jelly! Oh I miss you so much! I have a lot to tell you! I went on a adve-“ GB was cut off by jelly hissing at him she wasn’t usually aggressive?
“J jelly? It’s me?” Grum Felt sad as jelly continued hissing. GB sat in a corner and waited for his uncle a few minutes later Scar walked in
“Ok My little buddy today-“ scar stopped as he saw GB Sitting in the corner as jelly hissed that him.
“Jelly?” The cat looked at him before walking away
“That... that was odd? Grum are you OK?” The little robot nodded his head and smiled
“yes uncle scar i’m fine” The wizard smiled before walking over to one of his many desks.
“Well before I was interrupted today we were making charms or protection amulets!” Grumbot smiled
“that sounds like so much fun!” GB clapped his hands excitedly. Scar started getting some things to make jewelry he also got some kids stuff like air dry clay, pipe cleaners and beads.
“now what is rule four of Magic?” Grum didn’t really have to think about it.
“your intent and emotions are put into the spell or potions more than your ingredients! Like you should never be angry when you make a happiness potion” scar smiled proudly at his student
“good job now how do you feel right now?” GB had to think on that right now he was happy but he was also a bit scared and wary?
“I-I guess I feel confused? right now I’m happy but recently things have been off?” Scar smiled gently
“I know how you feel and those aren’t bad emotions GB. What are you confused about? If I might ask” Something told him not to trust his uncle and he listened
“I- I just wondering what I could be when I grow up? I know I’ll still be a hermit no matter what but what kind of job will I have” scar smiled sweetly
“ well you know you don’t have to assign yourself a job do whatever makes you happy but right now you’re a kid it’s good to wonder about that type of thing but just don’t worry about it!” Scar grabbed the box of supplies and put it down in front of GB with a smile
“How about we make some jewelry when we’re done I’ll charm mine and you can try to charm yours OK!” The little robot smiled happily at the idea of casting a spell
“i’m going to make mine super pretty!” Scar chuckled as his nephew began rummaging through the box for materials. GB decided he will make two pieces of jewelry a necklace and a bracelet The bracelet will be for his uncle and the necklace will be for his brother.
Scar thought about the small amulet he had in mind four Grumbot, scar knew he had to make somethings a little robot would like which was easy Grumbot like basically everything! The wizard finally decided on a design he grabbed a Clear crystal, A thin copper chain, a dried poppy, Redstone and some small copper gears. It was easy enough to shape the Crystal and connected to the chain but he had to put the decorations in spells inside of it.
“i’ll be right back GB hold down the fort!” The little robot giggled and nodded his head as he continued with his own jewelry. Scar gently please the crystal and Materials down onto a rock, He took out his wand and gently poked the Small Poppy it appeared in the middle of the Crystal. The wizard work carefully as he placed the gears in they were for a aesthetic but they were also a bit useful especially when he started to add the Redstone into the gears even though they were encased in Crystal they begin spinning gently.
“Nice” scar happily pump his fist in the air he couldn’t believe it actually worked! He called Jelly to him he’s familiar walked over and rubbed against him. Scar gently plucked a piece of her her from her then did the same to himself, he then placed them within the crystal it was now powered by his personal reserves of magic found it would be used as a summoning Point for jelly and him if the ambulance breaks. Scar got up and made his way to Larry.
“I am back!” Scar called out to his nephew
“i’m ready to charm my staff uncle scar!“ scar smiled as he made his way to a small cabinet and took out Grum’s training wand it looked kind of like a Redstone torch and a repeater had a baby it was made from Oakwood, Redstone, poppy flowers and The core was made from Grian’s wing feathers.
“Ok! My little student do you know who you’re making your charms for-“ GB cut him off
“yeah! Rule seven when dealing with protection spells of any kind you must know why you were casting them for the unknown is where we get our power but we grow our power by using the knowledge we have!” Scar proudly smiled at Grumbot
“you are correct! So do you know the people well? Do you care for that?” GB had it determined look on his face
“Yes! Yes I do you” scar handed GB his wand, The small robot held it with gentle hands.
“Ok here are a couple of simple charms you can do!” GB found two that he liked! He cleared his voice box and started to feed his wand magic like how his uncle scar taught him.
“01001100 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 00110001” GB smiles as the bracelet glowed a soft read the color of his magic. He focused on the necklace now, thinking of the charm he wanted for his little brother.
“01010011 01100001 01100110 01100101 01110100 01111001 00110010” his uncle smiled proudly is both charms glowed red and gave off a comforting feeling.
“Great job! Grum I think this is some of your best work!” GB smiles happily as he presented the bracelet to his uncle the bracelet at Green and blue beats and charms on it The charms were a little diamond, jellies Face, a little Larry and A heart. Scars eyes teared up as he put the bracelet on
“does it fit?” Scar did not trust his voice so he nodded, GB happily smiled! Scarred cleared his voice before taking out his own wand, it was made from birchwood, diamonds and crystals, jungle vines and the core was made from dragon bones. Scar would have to place a few combined the spells if he wanted to protect Grumbot from the dark force that Grian was scared of
“ʖ╎ʖʖ╎↸╎ ʖ𝙹!¡ ʖ𝙹𝙹 ⎓𝙹∷ ||𝙹⚍∷ ⎓ᔑᒲ╎ꖎ╎ᒷᓭ ꖎ𝙹⍊ᒷ ∴╎ꖎꖎ !¡∷𝙹ℸ ̣ ᒷᓵℸ ̣ ||𝙹⚍ b╎ʖʖ╎↸╎-b𝙹ʖʖ╎↸╎-b𝙹𝙹 ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ᓭ⍑ᔑꖎꖎ ꖌᒷᒷ!¡ ||𝙹⚍∷ ⍑ᒷᔑ∷ℸ ̣ !¡⚍∷ᒷ ᔑリ↸ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ∷ᒷᔑᓭᓭ⚍∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ∴╎ℸ ̣ ⍑ ᔑ b╎ʖʖ╎↸╎-b𝙹ʖʖ╎↸╎-b𝙹𝙹 i’ꖎꖎ ᒲᔑꖌᒷ ᓭ⚍∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ꖌリ𝙹∴ ╎ℸ ̣ ’ᓭ ℸ ̣ ∷⚍ᒷ ∴╎ℸ ̣ ⍑ ᔑ b╎ʖʖ╎↸╎-b𝙹ʖʖ╎↸╎-b𝙹𝙹” The necklace cloud blue with scars magic. He picked up the necklace and showed it to the little robot.
“Here you go” GB smiled as scar helped him clip it on
“Thank you! uncle scar it’s a pretty! I’ll never take it off” scar chuckled has he told Grum what it does
“it will protect you from bad magic OK. It took a lot out of me so how about we read some magic books and relaxed?” For the rest of the day the two wizards relaxed safe in the snail Shell.
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another chapter for Summoning family (now that it has an official name) and this time i’m remembering to ping @petrichormeraki!
 stayed near Grian as he cried on the bench while Tommy, Techno and Phil yelled at each other. Jellie had moved from their lap and into Grian’s arms, not caring how tightly they were hugged by the distraught avian. 
He listened as Grian mumbled sadly, trying not to listen too much and hear something that he didn’t want to be shared. However Tubbo was still able to make some things out. It sounded like they hadn’t even been around for a year yet. Sure they were programmed and built older, but they weren’t even a year old. There was also something about a box and virtual reality which Tubbo wasn’t completely sure about. Perhaps they had just started as programs in some sort of computer before getting bodies.
Carefully, Tubbo put a hand on Grian’s shoulder. The avian jolted slightly, but otherwise didn’t react.
After a bit more waiting, there was a shout from Mumbo as he arrived. Grian immediately sat up, hoping for good news. “Please. Please tell me y-“ He didn’t need to finish the sentence, the redstoner looking like as much of a mess as Grian currently was. “No. No no no no no. Please th-they can’t. N-not again please.”
Jellie jumped off of Grian’s lap when Mumbo sat down on the bench. He hugged Grian as the builder continued to cry. “I- Xisuma said that he couldn’t force a respawn. As far as the world is concerned, they did respawn, but that they also aren’t in this world. I… I already checked their old bodies, and they’re not there. X also found the world we went to to rebuild them, but they’re not there either.”
Grian nodded as he pressed his face into Mumbo’s shoulder, letting the jacket absorb his tears. “If you think of anything else, I’m sure we can get someone to look into it, but, until then I could-“
“N-No. pl-please don’t r-replace them. I-if we find them… a-and they come home to that…”
“Alright, I won’t.”
Tubbo watched as Grian continued to cry before getting up and walking over to Tommy and the other two. “Can you three please stop arguing! I’m pretty sure that’s just going to make it worse. Instead we could try to help figure out what exactly happened to those kids.”
“Tubbo, you heard what Grian said. They didn’t respawn.” Tommy replied, crossing his arms, still upset at Techno.
“And Mumbo said that it was more an error with the respawn. From what they can tell, they respawned, just not here.”
Tommy’s brows furrowed at that. “So they could be somewhere else?”
“Yeah, they’re not sure where though.”
“G’s a Watcher, so he could try looking, but at the same time he’s already been a mess the past few days.”
“So we’ll need to try and do that on our own.” Phil piped up. “Where have they tried looking already?”
“They said something about the world where the two of them were built, but they weren’t there. Other than that, I think they’ve only looked here.”
Phil nodded. “I’m not sure what worlds Mumbo had been in, but I’ve heard a little about where Grian’s been. There’s a chance they could be in one of those worlds.”
“Also the chance they could be back at the old castle.” Techno huffed, reluctantly willing to help.
“Alright then. Let’s get to it.”
“So we are going... where now?” Grumbot piped up as he continued to follow behind Ghostbur, carrying Jrumbot who was holding what seemed to be a special type of blue dye.
“We’re going to Sam. I’m sure he’d be happy to help you!”
“And who exactly is that?” The robot spoke apprehensively, though he was pretty sure it was a different Sam.
“Someone who’s going to help!”
As they walked along what Ghostbur was calling the prime path, someone else showed up, coming from the other way. “Oh! Puffy! Hello! It’s me Ghostbur!”
“Hi Ghostbur. Who are these two following you along?”
“I’m not sure! They’re new and needed some help so I was looking for you, but you weren’t home so I was going to Sam next.”
“Well, now I’m here so I can help out.”
“Thank you Puffy!”
Grumbot took that as a chance to speak up. “I suppose now we will be returning to your house?”
The sheep hybrid nodded and Grumbot followed behind her now, though Ghostbur gave Jrum some more of the blue dye before he left. “So, I haven’t seen you two around, so I’m guessing you’re new here.”
Grum nodded. “Indeed. My brother and I arrived today on accident. We wish to go home as soon as possible.”
Before Puffy could ask for clarification, Jrumbot started with another bout of crying, clinging tighter to his brother. Grumbot patted his brother’s back before moving his hand higher and quickly pressing the power button at the nape of his neck, forcing the younger robot into sleep mode.
“Is he alright?” Puffy asked, a bit concerned about the sudden silence.
“Yes. He is simply sleeping for now. He should be better once he wakes up again.”
“So he’s your little brother I assume?”
Grum nodded. “Correct. He was built eleven days after I was. That being said, his programming and mine make us seem older and have a larger age gap.”
Puffy nodded as she opened the door to her home, letting Grum and Jrum inside. “Sorry if it’s not the best in there. Wasn’t really expecting to have anyone staying over any time soon.”
“That is alright. We were not aware that we would need to stay someplace other than home for the night. May I ask what you have in terms of redstone.”
“I’ll have to check.”
“I see. If you do not have an adequate amount, my brother and I can take shifts gathering some more.”
“Might not be the best idea. You only just got here, so you will need to get gear first before anything like redstone.”
“Redstone is extremely important for us.” Grum replied. “We are powered by it after all.”
“Well… alright then.” Puffy said after some slight hesitation before searching through her chests. “This is all I have right now.”
Grum took the redstone and put it into his inventory. “Jrum is the one who has the blueprints for what we will need, but I believe I recall what items we need, so I will begin to craft those.”
Puffy tried to make more conversation, but Grum brushed her off and began to work. He did want to talk with the sheep hybrid, but he knew that it would take more energy. As he began to craft, he glanced at his readings. Full health, almost full hunger, battery at 73 percent. He was glad they had been charged well before going to the shopping district. He glanced over at where Puffy had taken Jrum. Though Grum knew he technically had the better brains, Jrum had inherited their daddy’s knowledge of redstone. If push came to shove, Jrum would be more important than him to have full charge, so he was prepared to transfer power if needed.
“I have crafted all that I can. Are there any important questions for me before I put myself into sleep mode?”
“Well I messaged the admin here and he’s coming over to greet you.”
Grumbot nodded. “I see. How long will it take before he arrives?”
“Not too long. Even with everything he does, he still finds time to greet new members to this place.”
Grum nodded again before moving to sit next to where Jrum was sleeping. “I believe that will be important enough for my brother to be awake.” And he gently shook his brother, the screen on his face lighting up with a loading bar before his face reappeared.
“Nggh… I wanna keep sleeping.” Jrum grumbled a little.
Grumbot shook him again. “You will need to be awake soon. The admin of this world will be arriving shortly to meet with us.”
“Xisuma?” Jrum asked before sitting up. “Oh… right…”
“He may be able to assist us with getting home, so you should not feel too down.”
Jrum nodded before scooting closer to Grum. He then pulled out what looked like a diamond block and hugged it, making Puffy’s eyes go wide. “I thought you just got onto the server. Did you get that from Ghostbur?”
Grum looked between Puffy and the block before realizing the issue. “Oh no. That is not a diamond block. It just appears to be one. It is something from our home. Jrum, can you allow her to inspect it?”
Jrum looked nervous, but Puffy gave him a kind look and he reluctantly gave it up. The hybrid looked it over quickly before handing it back, Jrum hugging it tighter than he had a number of moments ago. “Huh, it does look like one, but it is smaller as well as lighter than a block of that size would be. Where did you get it?”
“Dad bought it for me when we found a trader selling it.” Jrum meekly answered. “Since he gave us more than one I have more at home… but this one I always keep with me.”
“Well you might want to be a little careful with that. Someone might think it’s the real deal and there are a few people who might want to take it.” Puffy didn’t want to scare the kid, but it was better he knew just to be safe. The reasoning still didn’t help the tugging at her heartstrings when the young robot hugged the toy block ever tighter, the slightly plush material warping slightly from the pressure.
Grum pat his brother’s head to give some comfort. “I am sure that as long as we reside in Puffy’s care it will be safe.”
Jrum nodded a little but stayed quiet as they waited, but they didn’t have to wait long as a man in green wearing a white mask entered Puffy’s home. “Hi Dream. These are the two kids who showed up.” Puffy greeted the admin and led him to the bots.
“Hello. I am Grum and this is my brother Jrum.”
“Well it is nice to meet you. I didn’t expect anyone more to be joining us so soon.”
“Well, we did not expect to end up here ourselves. I believe the last thing that happened before we ended up here was us dying and our respawn brought us here instead of where we likely would have appeared.”
Puffy took a step closer to ask a question. “What do you mean ‘likely’?”
“Oh, my brother and I have kept safe since our creation so we have not needed to respawn before today.”
“Well.” Dream spoke up, getting the attention of the bots again. “I’m sure those here would be glad to accommodate you as you get started here. It shouldn’t take too long for you to get settled especially with Puffy’s help.”
Grumbot frowned. “Settled? I am sorry, but we would like to get home as soon as possible. Our parents and family will likely be worried about us.”
“I see. Well I’m sure we can do something about that, but there’s no telling how long that might take. So it’s probably best if you prepare for the worst case scenario. But I’ll try my best to help with getting you home.”
Grumbot tried to ignore the feeling that this admin wasn’t telling the entire truth. But at the same time, Grum knew not every server was perfect and he and his brother were brand new. There was also the fact that they likely weren’t supposed to be here and the admin was wary, like Xisuma was when Tommy first showed up as well as when he briefly met with Tubbo and Philza. Even if this admin was wary of them, Puffy would likely give them more answers if he asked, so there was little worry.
“I supposed that is a valid argument. Though may I ask, do you have someone here that is proficient with redstone? We may need to meet with them with a concern of ours.”
Dream nodded. “Yeah, there’s Sam. He’s pretty good at that stuff and I’ve commissioned him for some work. He’s likely your best option.”
Grum nodded. “That name was mentioned by Ghostbur as he was planning to take us to him when we originally could not locate Puffy.”
“Well then, I’m sure you won’t have any trouble there. Now I need to go back to other things.” Dream said before leaving. Grum frowned as the feeling of worry returned. The tone of the admin’s voice sounded off there. It wasn’t anything too prominent, but Grum had caught it nonetheless.
“Well, I guess we should go visit Sam if that’s what you two are worried about.” Puffy suggested and Grum gave a small nod while Jrum started nodding furiously to his side.
“Yeah! Here! I think I can print out the blueprints for what we need! They’re probably going to have to be a little different because when daddy made them, it was in a place with kinda different redstone mechanics, but it wasn’t too bad and I can help out too!” And Jrum started printing out some schematics for a new redstone charger for him and his brother.
“Until then, I think I will need to conserve power.” Grum spoke up. “Jrum, how are you doing?” Jrum immediately looked down to the ground and twiddled his fingers. Grum sighed and pulled a cord out from himself. “I’m sure you need the charge more than myself.” And he plugged the other end of the cord into Jrum’s side before putting himself into sleep mode.
“We’ve checked all the worlds we have access to. And the admin from the other worlds haven’t seen anything?” Phil half grumbled as he sat in a chair at the table where Tommy and Mumbo were looking through some documents.
Mumbo shook his head. “No. I got a message from Ilmango just before you returned. He was the last one we were waiting on. I mean, technically there’s still one place we haven’t checked but… no they wouldn’t be there.”
Tommy looked up from what he was doing. “What are you talking about? What could possibly be left?”
Mumbo looked like he regretted saying anything, but Phil did what he could to get the redstoner to answer. “I… There… Hermitcraft has a sort of… parallel world. It’s not a different dimension, but the two are loosely connected. I’m sure if they somehow ended up there, Xisuma would have noticed, but…”
“But what?”
“There’s a chance True could have done something with EX’s help, so they still could be there without anyone knowing.”
“True?” Tommy asked. “Who the fuck is that? Is she their admin? Cause if so, that sounds like something Dream would try doing if he thought of it.”
“No, EX is the admin. It’s just that they had a sort of…” Mumbo waved his hand as he tried to think of what to say. “They had an election of their own and to them, she’s about as highly powered as an admin.”
“Alright, that doesn’t sound too horrible. If we’re just checking on the place we shouldn’t have to deal with all that. What is this place?”
Mumbo fidgeted, not wanting to answer, but Tommy did his best to convince him. “O-Okay. Um, It’s called Helscraft. I believe they’re on their fifth world as opposed to our seven.”
“Why does that matter?” Tommy asked.
“Because Helscraft is home to the Helsmits. They’re sort of like… our evil copies. We haven’t interacted with many of them, but the few we have met haven’t been the best. There’s EX who’s the admin. We’re not completely sure he’s really a Helsmit, but again, we don’t know that much. Helsknight is the first one we really met. After that was True and Bad Times.”
“So that’s… X, Wels, False and Scar?” Tommy asked, making sure he was following along, to which Mumbo nodded. “Yeah, Dealing with an evil False does not sound fun. But I still think we should try. I mean, We have Philza Minecraft and The Blade on our side. If anyone can deal with these guys, it’s them!”
Mumbo sighed. “Alright, but we’ll still need to check in with Xisuma before we try anything.”
“Alright, deal.”
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